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Learn the lingo
Types Of Shots
AIR SHOT When you try to hit the ball and miss.
DRAW A shot which curves gently from right to left and finishes at the intended target when played by a right-handed player. It’s the opposite for left-handers.
FADE A shot which curves gently from left to right and finishes on the intended target, when played by a right-handed player. It’s the opposite for left-handers.
HOOK A shot which curves sharply right to left and finishes to the left of the intended target, when played by a right-handed player. It’s the opposite for left-handers.
SLICE A shot which curves sharply left to right and finishes right of the intended target when played by a right-handed player. It’s the opposite for left-handers.
Other Terms
FORE If you think your ball is about to hit someone you shout “Fore”. Shouting “Fore left” or “Fore right” is a way of saying “watch out!”
GROSS Total number of strokes, including penalty strokes, that a player takes during a round or on a hole.
An allowance of shots allocated to each player based on their ability.
The value that is calculated from scores submitted. This is how a player tracks their progress and is consistent with how all golfers will be measured around the world.
Score acceptable for Handicap purposesmust be played over a measured and rated tee set following the rules of golf in an acceptable format of play, with the score being witnessed and attested.
LOST BALL When you can’t find your ball within three minutes of starting to look for it.
MARKER/ Someone appointed to record your score.
NET SCORE Is a calculation of the gross score minus the handicap strokes of the golfer.
PROVISIONAL Another ball that is played when you think your ball might have gone out of bounds or might be lost. This needs to be played from the same spot you last played the ball from.
READY GOLF Is a commonly used term which indicates that players should play when they are ready and it is safe to do so.