“It’s a busy world out there, and sometimes people don’t think about their trash after it leaves the curb,” said Ruthanne Jones, community services specialist for York County Solid Waste Authority (YCSWA).
“We always say, the trash goes ‘away.’ We are ‘away’!”
Learning what happens to trash after it’s thrown out is part of what students take away from the YCSWA Tour Scholarship Program.
Nine school groups totaling approximately 780 students will participate in this year’s tour. Locally, students in Lesa Uffelman’s second-grade class at Wrightsville Elementary and Jodi Winter’s third-grade class at Canadochly Elementary School will visit the facility.
For more than 30 years, the Tour Scholarship Program has been offered by the authority to local schools to pay the costs of buses and drivers needed for classes to take field trips to the York County Resource Recovery Center (RRC) and Education
Center. In return for the tour scholarship, participants complete an activity or project on an aspect of solid waste management such as recycling or litter prevention.
“The primary goal of the Tour Scholarship Program is to incentivize York County schools to visit
“If we can give our youth this opportunity and educate them, hopefully they will pass on their knowledge to others.”
either our Resource Recovery Center (RRC) or Hopewell Area Recreational Complex, located in Stewartstown, Pa., to tour our facilities and see firsthand how YCSWA manages the county’s trash,” Jones shared. “We want schools in York County, regardless of finances and field trip expenses, to be able to see what happens to their trash after it
leaves their curb. There are a lot of misconceptions about trash management in York County. If we can give our youth this opportunity and educate them, hopefully they will pass on their knowledge to others.”
Jones noted that students are especially impressed by the waste-to-energy plant and are fascinated by the process of turning their garbage into energy in the RRC. Tour participants get a firsthand glimpse into this process beginning with a presentation followed by a walking tour of key areas of the facility.
After the tour, students complete projects reflecting on their experience. Projects range from handwritten notes to posters, dioramas, books and video/ electronic presentations.
“The variety is endless, and it is always fun to see what each school presents us,” said Jones, who pointed out two projects hanging in her office. One features an image of a globe with the words “Little Hands Can Do Big Things” written on it.
Jones noted that a goal of the
When St. Peter Roman Catholic Church holds its annual Lenten fish frys, there’s a whole lot more going on than just tasty food.
“The St. Peter’s fish fry is more than just a fundraiser - it’s one of our favorite traditions that brings together
great food and great company,” said Fran Redman, president of St. Peter’s Parish Council of Catholic Women. “Guests can expect a warm and welcoming atmosphere, a delicious menu of homemade crabcakes and other seafood favorites, and the opportunity to connect with friends, neighbors and fellow parishioners. Whether you’re
For people facing health hardships, it can be easy to get discouraged. Thanks to one Lancaster County nonprofit, hope and help are available.
Ten years ago, Carol Heth dreamed up the idea for Lancaster County Field of Hope, which raises funds for up to six beneficiaries each year to provide financial support for their medical care. Recipients of the funds must live in Lan
the criteria for consideration are unrestricted.
Lancaster County Field of Hope will hold its annual Night of Hope event on Saturday, April 12, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at Columbia Market House, 15 S. Third St., Columbia.
“This is the night we announce our six recipients for the year, and if they are able to come, they are there as well,” said Heth. “We have music, food and lots of fun.”
Music for the event will be pro
The Backyard Fruit Growers will hold a Grafting Workshop on Saturday, March 22, at 1 p.m. at Mount Wilson Church of the Brethren, 1261 Mount Wilson Road, Lebanon. This location is a change in venue from previous years.
Attendees should bring a small, sharp, straight-edged single bevel pocket knife or grafting knife. Organizers will have an extensive selection of antique and modern apple, pear, and Asian pear varieties to select from, or attendees may bring budwood of a favorite tree. Budwood needs to be new growth from the previous year, as thick as a No. 2 pencil, and 12 inches in length; it should be wrapped in damp newsprint, placed in a plastic bag, and stored in a cool but
not freezing place until the day of the workshop.
The fee includes the instructional presentation, hands-on guidance, two root stocks, and selection from more than 150 antique and modern apple, pear, and Asian pear varieties. Space is limited to 30 people. To make reservations, email Steve Shambeda at smshambeda@gmail.com.
The Backyard Fruit Growers is a not-for-profit grassroots organization based in Lancaster County. It is dedicated to sharing information with and supporting backyard fruit growers of every skill level so they may grow their own healthy fruit at home. For more details, email redbrickgarden@ comcast.net and note “BYFG” in the subject line.
The Susquehanna Stage, 133 W. Market St., Marietta, will offer Theatre Dance Workshops on Saturday mornings from March 15 to April 26 for kids ages 6 to 9 and 10 to 15. Students will experience ballet and jazz dance techniques. The program is designed for students at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. The workshops will provide an opportunity for students to enhance their musical theater performance or to experience dance lessons for the first time.
tour is clearing up misconceptions about both what happens to trash in York after it leaves the curb and who handles what aspects of the waste management process.
“Many think that the York County Solid Waste Authority is the company that picks up the trash,”
she said. “We do not own any trucks. There are separate trash hauling companies in York County that bring the trash to us at the York County Solid Waste Authority.”
YCSWA facilitates solid waste management through an integrated strategy that emphasizes waste reduction, education, recycling and resource recovery.
“Along with Waste-toEnergy, the York County Solid Waste Authority offers electronics recycling, household hazardous waste recycling, Christmas tree recycling, a recycling dropoff area and a free litter disposal program, all of which allow residents an outlet in York County to safely and properly dispose of waste streams to help contribute to sustainability,” Jones said.
For more information on YCSWA, visit www .ycswa.com.
The Arts Alive! Summer Show Camp will be held the week of Monday to Saturday, July 14 to 19, for kids ages 7 to 13. Throughout the week, campers will rehearse “The Jungle Book KIDS,” a student musical theater production. They will develop skills such as acting, singing, and dancing; play theatre games; and have opportunities to form new friendships. A performance for family and friends will be held on July 19.
To learn more and register, visit the aforementioned website and look under “Classes and Events.”
The Susquehanna Stage will also once again offer summer camps. The Arts Alive! Summer Arts Camp will be held the week of Monday to Friday, July 7 to 11, for kids ages 7 to 13. The camp will feature activities to help kids unleash their creativity while exploring the arts. The camp will include theater, dance, music, crafts, and a guided nature walk along the Northwest River Trail in Marietta. At the end of the week, campers will showcase all they learned in a presentation for family and friends. Scholarships are available for this camp; see www .susquehannastage.com for more details.
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sing and perform on acoustic guitar. Lori Burkholder of WGAL News 8 will serve as master of ceremonies for the evening, and a variety of food and beverages will be served.
“All of the food comes from local restaurants,” Heth said, noting that the menu details are still being finalized.
Those who attend the event will have the opportunity to win items donated by local organizations and businesses through a silent auction.
In addition to the Night of Hope, the organization holds an annual golf tournament to raise funds, as well as a benefit dinner. The golf tournament will be held on Friday, July 18, at Crossgates Golf Club in Millersville. The dinner, which is the initial fundraising event that kicked off the formation of the nonprofit, will be held on Saturday, Sept. 13, at Heth’s farm in Columbia.
When she initially took action to help people in need, Heth expected her benefit dinner to be a onetime event.
“I thought that first year
would be it, but here we still are,” she said. “This is our 10th year, and by the end of this year, we will help 50 recipients and families.
In our nine years so far, with the 44 people we’ve helped, we’ve gifted almost $530,000.”
She said the Night of Hope event typically raises between $7,000 and $8,000, and she hopes that number climbs even higher this year.
People who are interested in being a Field of Hope beneficiary may apply annually between Oct. 15 and Dec. 15. In January, the nominator gives a presentation to the board with information about each
potential recipient, and the board votes.
“We support up to six individuals each year,” Heth said, noting that choosing the recipients is often difficult. “We sometimes have had up to a dozen people apply for the six spots.”
Other than a small amount of money kept for working capital to fund future events, all proceeds raised by Lancaster County Field of Hope’s events directly benefit that year’s recipients.
Heth added that costs are kept low for the Night of Hope as the use of the facility and all food, beverages and auction items are donated.
Donations are still being sought for auction items, and volunteers are always needed for the organization’s events. To learn more, email lancofieldofhope@ gmail.com or visit www .lancofieldofhope.com.
Describing the Night of Hope, Heth said, “It’s just a fun night of helping others. The music is always good, the food’s fantastic, and the
drinks are great.”
Tickets are available for the Night of Hope at https:// tinyurl.com/2zys5f8y or by Venmo at @Lanco-FOH.
There is a discount for purchasing tickets in advance, but tickets will also be available at the door.
Pussy Willows
Dayspring Christian Academy, 120 College Ave., Mountville, will host an all-school open house on Thursday, March 13, from 6 to 8 p.m. Families will be able to tour the school and visit with teachers.
Dayspring was founded in 1987 and is one of many schools in America that teaches students using the Principle Approach. Of those, Dayspring is one of five model demonstration schools. The Principle Approach is a classical method of education that aims to help students develop a biblical worldview as well as excellence in character and academics. The Principle Approach emphasizes America’s biblical foundation.
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Dayspring offers a wide variety of extracurricular activities, including the following lower school and upper school sports: soccer, volleyball, basketball, cross-country, track and field, and golf. Through partnerships with McCaskey, Columbia, and Penn Manor high schools, students may participate in all the public schools’ sports, including football, baseball, swimming, lacrosse, field hockey, and tennis.
At Dayspring, courses and clubs include the lower school, middle school, and high school choirs; the performance choir; and art. Students in fourth grade learn to play the ukulele while fifthgrade students all learn to play the violin. Students in grades six through 12 also have opportunities to
try many new experiences through a wide array of clubs, such as STEM, music, athletics, and art.
The school’s curricula include many in-depth field study experiences, including time in Plymouth, Mass., to study the Pilgrims; Boston to study America’s founding; Gettysburg; the Creation
Museum and Ark Encounter in Kentucky; and Washington, D.C. As the culmination of their educational experience, seniors travel to Israel for a nearly twoweek field study. To register for the open house and learn more about Dayspring, visit www.day springchristian.com or call 717-285-2000.
The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PA Turnpike) and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) received the 2025 Grand Conceptor Engineering Excellence Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Pennsylvania (ACEC/PA) for its ongoing efforts to support work zone safety. The PA Turnpike and PennDOT share this recognition with RK&K, which serves as the program administrator for this project.
The Grand Conceptor Award is the ACEC/PA’s highest honor and was presented Jan. 23 during the organization’s Diamond Awards for Engineering Excellence event in Lancaster. The event recognized projects across the commonwealth that exemplified superior safety, innovation, and engineering quality.
PA Turnpike and Penn DOT were recognized for
the statewide Work Zone
Speed Safety Camera program, launched in partnership with PSP in March 2024. Previously referred to as Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement, the initial five-year pilot program became permanent when Gov. Josh Shapiro signed House Bill 1284 into law on Dec. 14, 2023.
Pennsylvania’s Work Zone Speed Safety Camera program uses vehicle-mounted, electronic speed timing devices to detect and record motorists exceeding posted work zone speed limits by 11 miles per hour or more. Camera systems are only operational in active work zones where workers are present. Registered owners receive warning letters for the first offense, a violation notice with a fine for a second offense, and a violation notice with a larger fine for third and subsequent offenses. The violations are civil penalties with no points
assessed to drivers’ licenses.
During the five-year pilot program, participating work zones saw a reduction in speeding, and work zone crashes also declined when a speed enforcement vehicle was present.
Reducing crashes within work zones and protecting highway workers from the traveling public is top priority for the PA Turnpike.
As part of this commitment, the PA Turnpike has a dedicated task force that focuses on construction zones, crash analysis, and
near-real-time adjustments to working conditions.
Stemming from this task force, the PA Turnpike and PennDOT joined forces again this fall, developing a New Driver Work Zone Safety Program. The free, 35-minute virtual training program teaches new drivers how to navigate work zones with confidence and safety. To learn more, visit https://tinyurl.com/New DriverWorkZoneSafety. For more information about the PA Turnpike, visit www.paturnpike.com.
The Columbia Memorial Day parade committee is seeking service organizations, social groups, and individuals who are interested in participating in this year’s parade. The event will take place on Sunday, May 25.
For more information, call Kevin Kraft at Kraft Funeral Home at 717-587-4266.
a longtime attendee or a first-time visitor, you’ll leave feeling full and part of something special.”
The fish fry will be served from 4 to 6:30 p.m. on Fridays from March 7 through April 11 in the church’s Parish Center, Second and Union streets, Columbia. The event is open to the public, and food will be available for dine-in or takeout.
The menu will include platters of one or two crab cakes, baked haddock, fried fillet of fish, fried shrimp, scallops, oysters, fish sticks or clam strips. Macaroni and cheese, french fries, a vegetable, coleslaw and a dinner roll are included in the price of the platters. A la carte items include a crab cake, fish fillet or oyster sandwich; french fries; macaroni and cheese; stewed tomatoes; coleslaw; and cheesy bread sticks with marinara sauce. Quarts and pints of homemade soups will be on the menu as well. Soup may also be purchased by the bowl. A variety of drinks and individually wrapped baked goods made by the women of the parish will also be available for purchase.
This is the 46th year for the fish fry, which raises funds for the parish.
“The funds raised go directly to supporting St.
Peter’s Church, helping to sustain our parish and its ministries such as the local Off the Streets Susquehanna ministry, (along with) A Woman’s Concern, international Water for Life project and supporting a home for the destitute and dying in India,” Redman shared.
It’s no surprise the fish fry has such a long legacy at St. Peter’s, she said.
“The fish fry has endured for 46 years because of the deep faith and commitment and dedication of our parishioners,” she noted, adding that the event is sponsored by the Parish Council of Catholic Women and the Parish Holy Name Society. “Year after year, volunteers dedicate their time and effort to making this event a success, ensuring that it remains a cherished tradition.”
She hopes people who have attended the meal in the past will return this year, and she also invites new people to check it out.
“The fish fry is an important fundraiser for our parish, but it’s just as valuable for the sense of community it builds,” she said.
“It’s a chance for people to come together, catch up with old friends, meet new ones and enjoy a welcoming atmosphere while supporting St. Peter’s.”
The GIANT Company has announced the return of its annual Feeding School Kids initiative, which is in its fifth year. Customers at Giant, Martin’s and Giant Heirloom Market stores are invited to round up their purchases to the nearest dollar, buy a reusable bag, or convert their choice points into a donation for their local public school districts’ food programs now through Sunday, March 31.
To launch the program, The GIANT Company will donate $100,000. Through the more than $7.6 million provided to schools through the Feeding School Kids program, public school districts
Master enamelist Nikoloz Gamkhitashvili of Lithuania will lead a five-day intensive enameling workshop at the School of Horology from Monday to Friday, May 5 to 9. Enameling is an art allied with watchmaking and clockmaking, with some of the finest cases being exquisitely decorated.
This will be the first enameling class held at the school and will be geared for beginners and experienced enamelists alike. Participants will learn how to apply wet enamel on metal using three techniques. Other topics will include the use of a kiln, hand tools, and polishing equipment, as well as safety tips. All materials and equipment will be provided by the school.
The workshop is sponsored by RGM Watch Co. of Mount Joy.
As part of the nonprofit National Association of Watch & Clock Collectors Inc. (NAWCC), the School of Horology offers hands-on workshops to stimulate interest in
have been able to support meal programs and address food insecurity from supplying backpacks with weekend food to clearing outstanding student lunch debt to building on-campus food pantries and establishing garden programs.
In 2024, for example, Eastern York School District covered negative student lunch balances and provided nutritious breakfasts to students on state-mandated testing days, impacting 2,200 students. In addition, the volunteer organization NutriPacks served 800 students each week, providing access to nutritious food on weekends and school breaks.
and preserve knowledge of horological crafts. Across the street from the school is the NAWCC’s National Watch & Clock Museum, home to more than 13,000 artifacts that showcase the history, science, and art of timekeeping.
Classes are open to NAWCC members and the public, with courses ranging from beginner to advanced levels. Upcoming courses include Introduction to the Tall Case Workshop from Friday to Sunday, March 14 to 16; Using the Micro-Lathe for the Beginner Workshop on Saturday and Sunday, March 22 and 23; and Introduction to the Anniversary or 400-Day Clock Workshop from Friday to Sunday, April 4 to 6. Additional workshops to be offered in 2025 include Watchmaker Master Class, Foundational Repair Skills 1, Introduction to Gilding on Clock Tablets, Introduction to Antique Clocks, and Using a Micro-Mill for the Beginner.
The School of Horology is located at 454 Poplar St., Columbia, and preregistration is required for all workshops. For more information, visit www .nawcc.org/education or call 717-684-8261.
The Lancaster County Art Association (LCAA), 149 Precision Ave., Strasburg, will host “Saving the Green,” a used art supply sale, from Saturday, March 8, through Sunday, March 30. The sale will be open from Thursdays through Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m.
The sale will offer a large selection of frames, paints, brushes, paper, craft items, easels, drafting tables, and more.
The sale aims to offer an opportunity to help both the planet and the LCAA. For more information, call 717687-7061 or go to www .lcaaonline.org.
If you are 58 years old or older and enjoy staying active, the Lanco Senior Softball league is looking for you.
Men and women within a 100-mile radius of Lancaster city who are interested in playing can contact league president Dave Dean at 610-334-1124 or email treasurer Dave Zerbe at dzerbe@comcast.net.
“We are looking for players,” said Zerbe, who resides in Strasburg. “Anybody interested in playing should call or email and give us your contact information so we can follow up with you. But if there are people who can’t play anymore, but would like to help coach, we’d be interested in those people.”
Each team has a coach and an assistant coach, and some serve as league officers and board members.
Lanco Senior Softball, which started in 1990, currently has about 200 players divided among 12 teams split into two divisions,
Caruso’s Pizzeria senior softball team won the National Division Playoff Championship last season. The team includes (front, from left) Ebiel Morales, Norm Summers, Kevin Weinhold, Mike Hostetler, Fredy Lopez, (middle) Joe Ives, Phil Maxey, David Garcia, Steve Murphy, Keith Ingram, (back) Bob Ricedorf, Rich Lucchese, Eric Kronawetter, Kevin Allen, Greg Henkel, Angel TorresPerez, (not pictured) Jim Weller, Tom Hollow, Edwin Rodriguez, and Jon Fodor.
American and National.
Last year’s teams were Gus’s Keystone Family Restaurant (home field at Rapho Park), LH Brubaker Appliances (Garrett Field), RH Cooper & Son (Rapho Park), Speedwell Construction (Rapho Park), Ephrata Good’s Disposal (Ephrata Middle School), Kautz Construction (Garrett Field), Strasburg (Strasburg Jaycee
The Arts at Millersville University will present Téada in concert on Thursday, March 13, at 7:30 p.m. at the Ware Center, 42 N. Prince St., Lancaster.
The traditional Irish music ensemble Téada has been a frequent headliner at major music festivals throughout the U.S.,
Canada, Mexico, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. The ensemble is celebrating 24 years.
To purchase tickets, visit www.artsmu.com, call 717-871-7600, or stop by the Ware Center or the Student Memorial Center box office on the Millersville University campus.
Park), TJ Rockwell’s (Rapho Park), Caruso’s Pizzeria (Rapho Park), GE Richards Graphic Supplies (Garrett Field), Mid Penn Bank (Ephrata Middle School), and Steel Fab Enterprises (Garrett Field).
Players do not have to play with the team based closest to their homes.
“It’s competitive,” Zerbe said. “These fellas, most of them have been playing some sort of organized ball in high school right through college and in different softball leagues as they got older and still enjoy the game.”
The median age of players in the league is 64, Zerbe said.
Teams will begin practicing in April, and there will occasionally be in-season practices. The season will start in either the last week of April or first week of May with one or two games a week. The seven-inning games will start at 6 p.m.
and will generally be over by 7:15 or 7:30, Zerbe said.
It is a modified league, which means pitchers throw as fast as they can while using a bowling-style motion, Zerbe explained. There is no sliding or base stealing. American Softball Association (ASA) rules and ASA umpires are used.
“We do have fun, but it can get very competitive,” said Zerbe. “You have different calibers of teams. You have some teams where guys are just trying to have fun and enjoy the game. If they win, they win. If they lose, they lose. Other guys like to win and win it all.”
In addition to Rapho Park in Mount Joy, Ephrata Middle School, Garrett Field in Willow Street, and Strasburg Jaycee Park, Stauffer Park in Lancaster is used for championship games and could host regular-season games this year.
There were 17 regularseason games last year, with that total depending on the number of teams in the league. The regular season is slated to finish at the end of July, followed by the double-elimination playoffs with all teams qualifying and seeded based on record. A champion is crowned from both divisions.
Zerbe is hoping to attract more players for the 2025 campaign. “It seems like we’re struggling with having fellas in their early 50s who are excited about continuing to play softball,” he said. “Some of the guys are coming back and playing, but recruiting new fellas seems to be a little harder.”
The requirements are simple. “You have to have a love of the sport, baseball or softball,” said Zerbe. “You have to love the sport to want to play. You have to have a little bit of competitive spirit and ability to play. That being said, if you want to enjoy and meet some good fellas who are unified in their ability to play and want to play, then come join us. It’s good exercise. The older we get, the more we move and the more we stay active, the longer we’re going to live. If you can come out and one night a week you run and bat and throw the ball, it keeps your blood pumping and it keeps you young. Come out and have a good time and enjoy the camaraderie. You can meet people and become friends.”
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Ballet Counterpointe will present an evening of dance beginning at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 14, at Good Shepherd Chapel at Lancaster Bible College (LBC), 901 Eden Road, Lancaster. Tickets may be purchased at www.lbc.edu/events, and the event is sponsored by the Melva S. McIlwaine Guest Artist Endowment Fund.
Additionally, LBC stu -
dents and the surrounding community will have the opportunity to participate in a two-hour masterclass with Ballet Counterpointe dancers at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 15. The event is geared toward skilled intermediate to advanced dancers age 14 and up. To learn more, visit the aforementioned website.
Ballet Counterpointe’s eclectic performance will be choreographed by Kevin Jenkins, with a program featuring contemporary ballets that highlight his signature style of intense musicality, complex movement, and athletic partnering. Company
dancers from around the world will perform works of joy, humor, and longing in a series of vignettes. Ballet Counterpointe boasts an ensemble of six dancers who are active in community outreach, open classes, and education while creating opportunities for artists and choreographers by providing mentorship and collaboration opportunities. For the LBC performance, the ensemble will be joined by dancers from Briarwood Ballet. The Lancaster-based contemporary dance company Luna will open the concert with the premiere of a new work.
COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH: welcomes you to Love God, Love Others, and Reach Out with us! Join us for worship on Sundays at 8:00, 9:30, or 11:00 a.m. We’re located at 331 Anderson Ferry Road in Marietta (off Rt 441 on Rt 772). Learn more at cbcpa.org.
FAITH BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 151 Donnerville Rd., Lancaster (one block south of Columbia Avenue). Pastor: Keith M. Long. 8:45 am Sunday School (with nursery and classes for children, youth and adults); 10:15 a.m. SundayWorship Service (with nursery and children’s church). Wed.: 6:30 p.m. AWANA Clubs (K6); Wed.: 6:30 pm Youth Group 717-285-1900. www.faithbfc.com