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The healing power of creativity

Stacy Emminger, executive director of Donegal Substance Abuse Alliance (DSAA) loves Fridays, but not for the same reason many of us do. While it signals the end of the workweek for some, it represents another step in the recovery journey for the people who come through her doors at 78 E. Main St., Mount Joy.

Now the public can see firsthand how art is helping people heal when DSAA holds its annual Recovery Art Show. The event will take place from 4 to 8 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 28, and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, March 1.

“The art is created by people in early recovery that come to our Art Heals program on Fridays,” Emminger said. “It is my favorite day. We have so much fun. We hang out, have music and snacks and make art. For them it’s a little break from their treatment setting, a place to unwind. The art teachers are in long-term recovery and share about how art has helped them.”

At the art show, a variety of mediums will be on display, including paintings, oil pastels, collage and sculptures. It’s not for sale, since DSAA does not have a retail license, but the art can be taken home for a donation.

The Recovery Art Show takes place during Fourth Friday in Mount Joy when there’s lots to see and do in town, but it also serves another purpose, Emminger said.

“The reason I love to have people come out to see the art is because I’m constantly working to break the stigma of addiction,” she shared. “And people need to understand that it can happen

to anyone. In the end, we’re all human beings. This is a way to show the humanity of our clients. And it’s also a way for people to know about us and what we do.

People still don’t know we’re here and we can help.”

Helping people in recovery has been the mission of DSAA since its inception. The organization

celebrates its 10th anniversary this year.

“Back in 2015 when we started, the opioid epidemic wasn’t a thing yet,” she remarked. “No one was talking about the addiction crisis or the kids that were dying. It was very much a ‘can’t happen to me’ climate. But over the years, we have gained support from the

The members of the Donegal baseball team are usually busy out on the diamond, but on Saturday, March 1, you can find them in the kitchen.

That’s the date of the team’s annual breakfast, which is

prepared and served by the players. Players will also greet patrons at the door, take tickets and sell Donegal baseball merchandise.

The meal will be held from 7 to 10 a.m. at Mount Joy Mennonite Church, 320 Musser Road, Mount Joy. It will feature

At Saint Luke Episcopal Church in Mount Joy, one Tuesday stands out from the rest.

The church, located at 209 S. Market St., will hold its annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tuesday, March 4, from 4 to 7 p.m. The meal will celebrate Mardi Gras and mark the beginning of the Lenten season.

The menu will include all-you-can-eat pancakes, link sausages, a fresh fruit cup and beverages. Shrimp and grits will be served as an a la carte option.

As Lynn McCleary, senior warden at the church, explained, the Southern appeal of the a la carte choice has been popular with guests in previous yearsand she should know.

“The shrimp and grits bring flavors and textures you won’t

Members of the Donegal baseball team, including (from left) Dylan Johnson, Gavin Wheaton and Josh Brown, serve breakfast at last year’s event.

soon forget, made lovingly by (me),” she said.

Along with the meal, visitors are invited to tour the historic church building.

“Saint Luke has a rich history and the sanctuary is beautiful and welcoming,” McCleary shared. “The tour can be guided or self-guided.”

The Rev. Martha Harris will also be available to offer private prayers for anyone seeking spiritual reflection.

Shrove Tuesday, commonly known as Mardi Gras, marks the final day of Ordinary Time before the Christian season of Lent begins the next day, Ash Wednesday. Observed worldwide under various names - including Fastnacht in Switzerland and parts of Germany and Sprengidagur in Iceland - the tradition

often includes feasting and emptying the larders before the solemnity of Lent, a period of fasting and reflection leading up to Easter.

The Shrove Tuesday meal at Saint Luke has been popular in the past, and McCleary expects a good crowd this year as well.

“We welcomed 100 guests last year, and it was a festive and filling experience for all involved,” she said.

Holding the meal allows the church to interact with the wider community and raise funds for on-site projects.

“We are a small congregation looking to raise money for our stained-glass window repair project,” she shared. “We strive to make a positive impact on our community, and good food has a way of bringing people together. Come hungry, bring friends and enjoy an evening of food, fellowship, fun and festivity.”

The social hall and church sanctuary are fully handicapped-accessible via an elevator, and on-street parking is available. Tickets for the supper may be reserved by calling or texting Gail Fridy at 717-5380810. Reservations are preferred, but walks-ins are welcome.

For more information, visit or search for “St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (Mt. Joy, PA)” on Facebook.

Members of Saint Luke Episcopal Church invite people to a Mardi Gras meal.

Hunt for treasures at an indoor yard sale

Walk through the doors of the fellowship hall in Ruhl’s Church on Saturday, March 1, and you never know what you might find.

The church’s annual indoor yard sale will be held that day from 7 to 11 a.m., featuring antiques, collectibles, household items, toys, books, tools and a food stand. The church is located at 4810 Elizabethtown Road, Manheim.

More than 30 stand holders will participate in the event, said Kris Gray, a church member who coordinates the yard sale.

“There is always a wide variety of items for sale at good prices and a chance to chat with friends and neighbors,” she shared. “We normally have a great turnout because folks are eager to get out and enjoy one of the first yard sales of the spring.”

all ages, offered free of charge. One of the yard-sale tables will feature items donated by church members. All proceeds from the sale of those items will directly benefit the church and its missions.

There’s also a chance to win a door prize, Gray said.

“When attendees sign up to be added to our email list to receive notifications about upcoming events, they are registered for the door prize,” she explained.


community here. … I am always amazed and grateful when I put a need out there and the people of Mount Joy step up and fill it.”

DSAA provides support and help to families that have a loved one struggling with addiction.

“So often when it’s happening, families don’t know what to do or how to help their loved one,” Emminger explained. “We provide a listening ear, advice and steps

A wide variety of food will also be for sale, including egg sandwiches, homemade chicken corn noodle soup, hot dogs, barbecue sandwiches, baked goods and assorted beverages.

Again this year, a table will be set up offering new and used Bibles and devotional books for people of

Proceeds from stand holder donations and the food stand, as well as the donation table, help to fund the missions and ministry activities of the Sunshine adult Sunday School class. This class organizes and distributes food boxes for local families in need at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter; supports the church’s participation in Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse; and hosts a special banquet for senior citizens. The class also sends cards to homebound individuals and supports four local ministries as well as an overseas missionary.

Gray noted that the yard sale, which celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, would not be

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inmates! It’s very exciting.”

Along with attending the Recovery Art Show, people can support DSAA in a variety of ways, including donating money, hygiene products of any size (even partially used packs), adult clothing and accessories, coffee or snacks for programs, arts and crafts or office supplies, magazines for collages, books for clients to borrow and notes of

The indoor yard sale at Ruhl’s Church will feature a host of treasures.

Indians battle Mounts despite loss, 56-45

On Thursday, February 6, Donegal’s Cohen Miller concentrates on the ball handled by Ephrata’s Brayden Brown during a 56-45 loss on Thursday, February 6.

In a non-league, 56-45 Indians loss on Thursday, February 6, Donegal’s DeAndre White flies in for the layup against Ephrata.
Donegal’s Andrew Pavelik muscles his way past Ephrata’s Landry Kopp on Thursday, February 6, during a 56-45 loss on the road.
Donegal’s Joey Williams hits a three-pointer
his 16 points in the Indians’ 56-45 loss over Ephrata on Thursday, February 6.
Sawyer Floyd muscles his way up the floor for the Indians against Ephrata’s Grayson Shellhammer, during a 56-45 loss in non-section play on Thursday, February 6.
Donegal’s Angel Mendez (1) and DeAndre White (11) double team Ephrata’s Marqus Hardin on Thursday, February 6 during a 56-45 loss in Ephrata.
photos by Cheri Sine

GEARS sets yoga classes

GEARS will offer three yoga classes to the community. There is a per-person cost, with a discounted rate for residents. To register or for more information, visit or call 717-367-0355.

Chair Yoga will be held on Wednesdays, March 26 to May 21, from 9 to 10 a.m. in the fitness room at Community Place on Washington, 61 E. Washington St., Elizabethtown. Using the support of a chair, participants will perform the movements in a seated or standing position. The class is for people age 14 and up, and it is designed to be accessible for everyone.

Feel Good Yoga, for people age 14 and older of all fitness levels,

will be offered from 9 to 10 a.m. on Mondays, March 24 to May 19, and Thursdays, March 27 to May 22, at Masonic Village Carpenter Chapel, 1244 Bainbridge Road, Elizabethtown. People may attend on one or both days of the week, and there is a discount for those who attend both days. Participants should bring a yoga mat and yoga block.

Vinyasa Yoga, open to people age 16 and up, will be held on Mondays, March 31 to June 9, and Thursdays, April 3 to June 5. There will be no class on Monday, May 26. All classes will take place from 6 to 7 p.m. at the Masonic Village Carpenter Chapel. The program is suitable for people with any level of yoga experience, including beginners.

Flower club sets meeting

The Elizabethtown Flower Club will meet at noon on Monday, March 3, at the Gathering Place, 6 Pine St., Mount Joy. The program will be “Invasives - Not Just Plants” by Lisa Sanchez.

Guests are welcome. There is a fee for lunch. Reservations and cancellations must be made by noon on Thursday, Feb. 27, by calling Barb Mowrer at 717-684-5331.

4-H club to meet

The Mount Joy 4-H Community Club will hold its re-organizational meeting on Monday, Feb. 24, at the Manheim Farm Show Exhibition Center, 502 E. Adele Ave., Manheim, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Youths must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

The club will offer a variety of projects and will meet at 7 p.m. at the Manheim Farm Show Exhibition Center on Mondays, March 24, April 28, and May 19. On Monday, June 23, the club will meet at the Southeast Agricultural Research and Extension Center, 1446 Auction Road, Manheim, and then hold its club Roundup on Monday, Aug. 4, at the Elizabethtown Brethren in Christ Church, 996 E. High St., Elizabethtown. A team of leaders will teach the necessary skills to complete the 4-H approved projects and prepare each member for competition in county, regional, and state events. For more information, contact Katina Musser at katmusser@

All 4-H programs are available to all youths ages 8 to 18 before Jan. 1 of the current year. To request accommodations for persons with disabilities, contact Laura Rodgers at 717-394-6851.

Administered in Pennsylvania by Penn State Extension, 4-H is a community of more than 6 million young people across America learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills. Penn State Extension 4-H youth development educators in all 67 counties throughout the commonwealth administer local 4-H programs through nonformal education and outreach. To find local programs, visit http://

For more information on joining 4-H in Lancaster County, contact Rodgers at the aforementioned number or Lancaster

Yard sale

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possible without the support of a team.

“We have an amazing team of volunteers who advertise the event; set up all the tables; help the vendors find their stands; make the soup, egg sandwiches and other food items; run the food stand; and clean up after the event,” she said.

Ruhl’s Church holds community events throughout the year, and the indoor yard sale plays an important part in the church’s mission.

“We like to reach out to the community to provide fellowship opportunities that also support the Lord’s work,” Gray said.

Free parking is available for the indoor yard sale in a large lot on the church property, and the church is handicapped-accessible. Pets are prohibited in the building as is smoking.

For more information on the event, call the church office at 717-665-3400.

Women’s group sets meeting

The Elizabethtown/Mount Joy Christian Women’s Connection invites area ladies to attend its “Spring Into Sweetness” brunch on Thursday, March 6, at 9:30 a.m. at Gus’s Keystone Family Restaurant, 1050 W. Main St., Mount Joy.

The feature will be a local chocolatier with premium chocolates and secret Pennsylvania German recipes. Nancy Williams from New Bremen, Ohio, will share a message titled “You Are Priceless.” Williams will also present special music. Reservations and payment must be received by Friday, Feb. 28. For more information or to make a reservation, call Sandy at 717-580-5421.


pancakes, eggs, sausage, hashbrown patties, an assortment of doughnuts, fruit and beverages.

Last year was the first time the team held a breakfast like this, and it was very well received, said Erin Rupp, Donegal baseball booster club president.

“The pancake breakfast last year was a huge success,” she stated. “We sold over 300 tickets and are hoping to sell 350 this year.”

Proceeds from the event will benefit various projects of the team, said head coach Adam Frey.

“This year, the majority of the funds will be going towards repairing the battings cages and bullpens at our varsity field along with two new practice shirts for both JV and varsity,” he commented.

Last year was also Frey’s first year as coach of the team, and he led the boys to multiple wins. Scott Niehaus is the varsity assistant coach.

“Last year our baseball team was great!” Frey remarked. “We had an awesome group of young men that got along really well both on and off the field, and it showed. We were the Section 3 champs for

the first time in 10 years, ending the season with a record of 16-4 overall. … Our goal this year is to first win our section and then make it to states.”

Rupp noted that the breakfast offers the perfect opportunity to meet the Section 3 champions along with the high school coaching staff and members of the Donegal community, while enjoying a delicious meal.

“It’s also a great way to show your support of the Donegal High School baseball program and team,” she said. “One can expect to have a great, large, hot breakfast prepared and served by Donegal baseball players and food donated by many local businesses in the community, such as Hershey Ag, Eggman Farm Products and Kreider Farms, among many others.”

Tickets for the breakfast will be sold at the door or may be purchased ahead of time by emailing Donegalbaseballbooster@gmail .com, contacting the club through the “Donegal Indians Baseball Boosters” Facebook page or reaching out to one of the prospective players who are selling tickets.

Fine Art Auction

Thursday, February 27th





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Women’s group to meet

Women of all ages and preschool children are invited to attend Neighbors Sharing and Caring, a women’s ministry of the Chiques Church, 4045 Sunnyside Road, Manheim, on Tuesday, Feb. 25, from 9 to 10:45 a.m.

Brieanna Heisey will present “Walking in the Faithfulness of God.” She will share lessons she has learned about the faithfulness of God through her roles as a wife, teacher, and foster mom.

years. Most recently, they have served as a foster family through COBYS.

BOSSLER MENNONITE CHURCH: Located at 2021 Bossler Rd., Elizabethtown. Phone: 717-367-5167. Web site: Sunday School at 9 am; Sunday Worship held at 10 am. Preschool: 717-537-8192.

CHIQUES METHODIST CHURCH: 1215 E. Main St., Mount Joy. Doug Paglia, Pastor. Worship Service at 9-10 am Children’s Sunday School: 9-10 am. Refreshments & Fellowship: 10-10:30 am. Adult Sunday School at 10:30-11:30 am. Nursery Provided, Handicapped Accessible. For more information, call: 717-653-5175.

CHRIST EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 75-133 East High Street, Elizabethtown 717-367-2786. Rev. Albert J. Domines, Jr., Sr. Pastor. Rev. Gerald R. Kliner, Jr., Assoc. Pastor. Liturgies of Holy Eucharist Saturday at 6pm and Sunday at 8:15am service. Sunday school for all ages at 9:45. 2nd service: 11am. Handicapped accessible. Morning Prayer Wed. at 8:30am.

MARY MOTHER OF THE CHURCH (A Roman Catholic Parish): 625 Union School Rd., Mount Joy. Pastor: Rev. Ted Keating. Mass Times: Saturday Vigil 4:30pm, Sunday 8:30 & 11 am; Monday thru Friday 8:30 am. Confessions: Sat 3:30pm. 717-653-4903, visit us online at

MAYTOWN CHURCH OF GOD: 14 West Elizabeth St., Maytown. Scott Sweigart, Pastor. All are w0elcome! Sunday Worship Service at 9:00 am. Phone: 717-426-3117.

MILTON GROVE CHURCH: 2026 Cloverleaf Road (located N. of Rt. 283 Rheems/ Elizabethtown Exit) Mount Joy. Pastor: Jamie Pietsch. Join us Sundays at 9:30 am for in-person worship and on Facebook live at

PROCLAMATION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (PCA): Meeting at Kraybill Mennonite School, 598 Kraybill Church Rd., Mount Joy, PA 17552. Sundays at 10:30am We Welcome You! Visit us online at

Brieanna and her husband, Tyler, live in Lititz and attend White Oak Church. They enjoy traveling and exploring new places. Brieanna worked as a sixth-grade teacher for 13 years. Together, she and Tyler served as youth leaders for four

During the program, child care will be provided for infants through prekindergartners. No preregistration is required. Readers may contact Bonnie at 717-361-2613 or Veronica at 717-626-7603 for more information and a copy of this year’s schedule.

Churches plan Lenten lunches

COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH: welcomes you to Love God, Love Others, and Reach Out with us! Join us for worship on Sundays at 8:00, 9:30, or 11:00 a.m. We’re located at 331 Anderson Ferry Road in Marietta (off Rt 441 on Rt 772). Learn more at


300 S Spruce St. (corner of S. Spruce & E. Bainbridge) Elizabethtown, PA 17022. You are welcome to join us for Sunday School at 9:00 am and Sunday Worship at 10:00 am - in person or livestreamed on our YouTube Channel. Ph: 717-367-7089 Visit us online at

RUHL’S CHURCH: A growing church committed to Christ. Worship on Sunday morning at 8 am for a traditional feel. Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 am., 10:30 am. Worship led by praise band. (Nursery available. Handicap accessible.) For more information, please call 717-665-3400 or visit Located at 4810 Elizabethtown Rd, Manheim.

SAINT LUKE EPISCOPAL CHURCH: 209 S. Market St. at Columbia Ave., Mount Joy. Phone: 717-653-4977. Sunday Holy Eucharist at 11 am. Wednesday Morning Prayer at 10 am in the Education Building. Taize Service 1st Sat. of the month at 5 pm. Handicap Accessible.

The Mount Joy churches will hold Lenten lunches each Wednesday from March 5 through April 9 at Florin Church of the Brethren, 815 Bruce Ave., Mount Joy.

The meal will be available at noon by donation. Afterward, attendees may participate in worship and hear a message from a different local pastor each week.

ETOWN GRACE CHURCH, 305 Anchor Rd, Elizabethtown, PA 17022. Dr. Rick A. Clark, Pastor. Sunday: SS and Adult Bible Classes 9 am, Morning Worship 10:15 am. Wed night 6:15-7:45 pm AWANA (Children’s Ministry). Website at

FLORIN CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN: Come worship with us! 10:15am Sunday mornings at 815 Bruce Avenue, Mount Joy PA 17552. To view remotely on Zoom, call the church office for access codes. Listen to recorded sermons on our website at Phone: 717-653-1202 Email:

GLOSSBRENNER CHURCH: 713 Church St. (located on the corner of Church & Angle Sts.), Mount Joy. Sunday Worship Service: 10:00 am (In-Person or Live Streamed). Nursery Provided, Handicapped Accessible. Sunday School for all ages: 11:15 am. Pastor: Heather Hammel. Church Office: 717-653-5683. "Like" us on Facebook: Glossbrenner Church.

GOSPEL OUTREACH (GO) CHURCH: 61 E Washington St, E-town. 717-475-7551. Love God, Love People, Disciple One Another. Sunday Worship: 8:30 a.m., Tuesday Bible Study 7 p.m., Saturday Outreach: 1 p.m., Gospel Outreach Training (GOT!): 11:30 a.m. on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Rev. Dr. Kara Werner, Pastor.

GRACE COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH OF MANHEIM: 1483 N. Colebrook Rd., Manheim. SUNDAYS: Adult Bible Class at 9:30am and Worship Service at 10:30am. Wednesday Evening Prayer is held from 6:30pm-7:30pm For more details, please visit or call 717-665-7222.

SAINT PAUL’S CHURCH (A united Methodist Congregation): 398 N. Locust Street (North Spruce and Oak Streets), Elizabethtown, PA 17022. Phone:717-367-1889. Sunday Worship: Traditional at 8:30am, Grace Kids (ages 0-12 yrs) at 10:15am, Contemporary Visit us online at:

ST. MARK’S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: Loving, growing, and sharing JOY through Jesus! Sunday service times: 9 and 10:30 a.m. 27 E. Main St., Mount Joy 717-6535493. Livestream at

WAYSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 600 Stony Battery Rd., Landisville (near Hempfield High School). Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Fritz, Pastor. Wayside offers two services: 9:00 am Traditional with choir, 10:00 Fellowship & 10:30 am Contemporary with band & Children’s Ministry. For more info, visit or (717) 898-1551.

WORD OF LIFE CHAPEL: 139 Wickersham Rd., Bainbridge. 717-426-1171 Sunday Service - 10:15 am (Children’s Ministry & Nursery Care Provided). Visit us online at We welcome you!

ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH/ LANDISVILLE: 85 East Brandt Blvd. 717-898-2911; In-person worship at 9am. Live-stream link can be found at under the worship tab and on the Zion Lutheran Hempfield Facebook page. Adult Sunday School in-person at 10:15am. Pastor Timothy Seitz-Brown.

Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533

Brieanna Heisey

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