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When Wilbur Horning, vice chair of the New Holland Area Historical Society (NHAHS), was returning from Florida nearly a decade ago, he made a stop in a little town in South Carolina. “They had a sign that said that evening they were having a program about how the Revolutionary War affected this small town,” recalled Horning, who was intrigued by the invitation and attended the program, along with about a dozen locals, who were attracted to the subject. The size and location of the meeting room intrigued him as well. “I thought it would be nice to have a space (on the first floor of the NHAHS building) where we could have small group meetings,” he stated.

On Sunday, March 16, NHAHS will dedicate the Steve Loewen Community Room, 207 E. Main St., New Holland. A drop-in event will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. Designated

A place for community

speakers will address the gathering at 3 p.m.

The creation of the new room came about due to several recent occurrences. Until a short time ago the area was rented out as retail space. “We couldn’t afford to give that up,” recalled Horning. Then, representatives of the New Holland Band approached the historical society with a proposal. “Mike Ressler is board chair (of NHAHS) and a New Holland Band member,” explained Horning. “(Ressler) said the band wants to consolidate their museum (located on the second floor of the ELANCO Area Library). (The band) was asking us if we would be willing to display equipment and music.” Ressler explained further that a friend of the band was willing to give funds to start an endowment, which made it easier for NHAHS to give up the retail rental income. Ressler plans to have band exhibits in the community room on a regular basis and sometimes upstairs in the NHAHS Museum.

See NHAHS pg 2

Exhibits highlight local educational history

A display designed to celebrate the history of schools located in Caernarvon Township is currently being featured at the Caernarvon Historical Society building. The display features memorabilia from the former Caernarvon Academy, paintings of local schools created by artist Jere Brady of Morgantown, photos of former students and a list of names of teachers who taught at the various schools. Open houses will be held at

See Exhibits pg 4

Snow Angels wield shovels of mercy

It has absolutely nothing to do with people lying on their backs in the snow and moving their arms and legs to create impromptu winter weather art. It’s more closely related to kindred spirits performing heavenly work here on Earth.

These are different kinds of Snow Angels.

“Before we had a formal name, the people who we were helping named us,” said Jennifer Jarvis, one of the founding members

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of the Lancaster Snow Angels. “They said to us, ‘You’re angels. We’re so thankful.’”

The Snow Angels are an independent, community-oriented group of concerned citizens who travel around the Lancaster countryside shoveling and removing snow from the sidewalks, walkways and driveways of the elderly, the disabled and veterans - neighbors who can’t remove snow on their own. It began as a grassroots movement in local neighborhoods, but the altruistic concept has gained traction and

See Snow Angels pg 3

Looking forward to the dedication of the new Steve Loewen Community Room are (from left) Mike Ressler, Steve Loewen, Ida Gall, and Wilbur Horning.
Yvonne Styer displays images and a model of the former Caernarvon Academy.


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from pg 1

The community of Blue Ball will also be represented in the room by a recently donated cupboard, which once served as the back bar of the Blue Ball Hotel. When the 17-foot piece with a 500-pound mirror was offered to the organization, MartinCFS, a Lancaster moving company owned by Garden Spot High School graduate David Martin, was contacted to help store and relocate the piece. The back

bar now resides along the inside wall of the new room, and it will be the feature of a special Blue Ball-focused event in the future.

The room also currently holds items from the Ritz on Main movie theater and items related to the Stan Deen exhibit currently displayed in the museum.

Once NHAHS members knew they

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Snow Angels

has now spread to nearly every corner of the county.

“Our veterans and elderly shouldn’t have to deal with stress,” said Jarvis. “They have doctor’s appointments, and they have direct-care nurses coming to their homes. If they don’t have families, or don’t have families who live nearby, who’s going to help them?”

That’s where Lancaster Snow Angels come in. Persons in need of snow removal reach out to the Angels through phone calls, email and social media. The response may not be immediate, but no call for help ever goes unanswered.

“It’s mostly individuals who can’t afford private snow removal,” said Jarvis, a resident of Terre Hill. “We’re a faith-based organization. We take everyone at their word. We haven’t really been taken advantage of at this point.”

From modest origins during the pandemic, the Lancaster Snow Angels have grown in number

to about 43 shovelers and snow removers - 35 adults and eight junior volunteers. The volunteers work together in teams or crews.

“Most of us are doing it around full-time jobs,” said Jarvis. “Sometimes we call off, and our bosses know what we’re doing. We’re working around obligations. We have everyone prioritized.”

“Shoveling snow is very taxing on your shoulders, arms and back,” Jarvis continued. “The first day after a storm, you’re no good to anyone. There’s a recovery period needed. We’re going two or three days beyond the storm.”

Depending upon the severity of the storm and the amount of snow that has fallen, the Lancaster Snow Angels respond to 130 to 200 requests for help. The Snow Angels’ coverage area currently encompasses the communities of Lititz, Ephrata, New Holland, Columbia, Denver, Strasburg, Paradise, Willow

the facility on Sundays, March 9 and 23 and April 6 and 27, from noon to 4 p.m. Society members, including president Yvonne Styer, will be on hand to provide guided tours.

“All the schools are featured - the old and the new,” said Styer. “We need to get people to see what we have here. I was so excited when we started putting everything out. The more (memorabilia) we put out, the

more we found we had. When people come in, they will really be surprised.”

One of the exhibits features Brady’s paintings and a miniature model of the Caernarvon Academy, formerly located next to the historical society building, which was originally built as a Presbyterian church in 1843. Before the academy was torn down, the building was part of the Caernarvon Elementary School property.

“The Jenkins family created it for a private school, and for several years, it was,” said Styer, pointing out that the academy building resembled a church. “Katherine Jenkins had it built. She was a very religious woman. Her husband was Robert Jenkins, who ran Windsor Forge, who built our building and then the school.”

Katherine lost her mother and later her father, who was the first minister of the Forks of the Brandywine Presbyterian Church. “He died when she was 11 years old, and she was handed over to all different Presbyterian minsters’ families,” said Styer, noting that Katherine attended a private school at Pequea Presbyterian Church. “Maybe that’s why the design (of the academy) is like this.”

She noted that eventually the

See Exhibits pg 6

Street, Elizabethtown and portions of the city.

“It is a big county,” said Jarvis. “That’s why it gets so hard sometimes. We’re talking about 10 to 30 addresses per town, or on one Angel’s list. We’re pretty much covering every town in the county. Wherever there’s a need, we fill it. Sometimes it takes three or four days to clear a substantial snow. But we get it done.”

“We’ve gained a lot of unofficial grandparents who have become parts of our (extended) families,” she added. “They don’t have anyone else, so we become parts of their families. Some of these people are suffering from loneliness.”

In January of 2020, Jarvis; her husband, Fernando Rosado Jr.; and co-founder Mike Schmelder identified a need for helping their neighbors with snow removal. Through social media, word of mouth and some other very organic sources, the movement has grown steadily.

“Volunteers have come to us through multiple channels, and I’m grateful for that,” said Jarvis. “They are strangers who have become family. We’ve experienced a lot of growth client-wise and volunteer-wise. There’s a great need. It brings the communities together.”

For additional information, search for “The Lancaster Snow Angels” on Facebook, call 717327-0361 or email thelancaster

We will be

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ELANCO School District acquired the property, using the academy building as its high school. It later constructed the Caernarvon Elementary School. Both the academy and the school were torn down.

A framed graduation certificate from the high school, dated 1909, is housed in the museum. “It is the only diploma we have. The family gave it to us,” Styer said, noting that there are also photographs of students and actual items removed from the elementary school before it was torn down. “We have so much stuff from the school, like the bell and the datestone that was given to us and a plaque that hung at the school. We

also have a what I call ‘the naughty bench’ that sat outside the principal’s office. Students come in here and say they remember the bench.”

Visitors to the museum will notice three quilts that were handmade by students at Caernarvon Elementary School. “Every year, the fifth-grade teacher had students make quilts of different designs. They raised money that way. They had an auction, and people would buy them,” Styer explained. “We have pictures of kids that helped make the quilts.”

The newest photos on display at the museum are Amish and Mennonite schools in the township, including

the Little Red School House. “I have pictures (of the buildings) but no pictures of the children,” Styer noted. “All of these are still (in use) right now. I went around recently and took these pictures.”

There are also several images of schools that no longer operate as educational facilities that were painted by Brady, as well as a series of notebooks that contain the names of teachers who taught at township schools.

In addition to the school-related displays, the society has archives of information about local churches and properties, including Historic Poole Forge. The museum also has a collection of yearbooks from Garden

Spot High School, photos of township veterans and a few of their uniforms.

The Caernarvon Township Historical Society is located at 2148 Main St., Narvon. For more information, visit community.

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BANGOR EPISCOPAL-FOUNDED 1722. 4 mi. W of Morgantown on Rt. 23 in Churchtown. Sunday Holy Eucharist at 10am. All are welcome. Handicap accessible. Parking lot adjacent to the church off Water Street. For additional info.,

BETHANY GRACE FELLOWSHIP: 400 Reading Road, East Earl (at the corner of Rt. 625 & Union Grove Rd.) Join us for worship, Sundays at 9 & 10:35AM. Adult, Youth, 56 Club classes at 10:35. Options for nursery-grade 4 during both time slots. Check us out at or call 717-4456644 with questions. To Thrive | To Impact | To Unify.

CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland 717-354-8428. “Building Community with Christ, to Impact a World without Christ” Pastor: Dr. Doug Bozung. Please go to for information concerning worship services, adult ministries, youth & children’s ministries.

CHURCHTOWN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 2170 Main Street, Narvon (Churchtown). Phone: 717-445-5585, Pastor Dave Kling, 5 mi East of New Holland on PA 23. Sunday worship at 9 am. Handicapped Access.

LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH (AG): Located at 1279 Main St., East Earl, invites you to join us for a time of contemporary worship and biblical preaching at our 9am service on Sunday mornings and 7pm service on Wednesday evenings. Kids ministry for birth through 5th grade and youth ministry for 6th through 12th grade is available. Lead Pastor: Stephen Ritchey. For more information on our services and programs, visit us online at

MT ZION CHURCH: 753 Mt. Zion Rd., Narvon, PA. Pastor: Ian Solodky, Worship Leader: Joe Liptock, Praise Band “3:16”. Adult Bible Study 9 am, Worship Service 10:15 am, Child Care Provided. We teach the traditional Gospel of Jesus Christ. All are welcome! Enjoy the views of our beautiful rural setting. Instagram: Mt.Zion_narvon



0.42+/- ACRE • 3 BEDROOM HOUSE • 1½ BATH 14’x20’ HORSE SHED • 12’x24’ CARPORT 2349 Little Hill Rd., Narvon, PA 17555, Lanc. Co. Eastern Lanc. Co. School District


Property Description: Frame, stone and vinyl Ranch, 3 bedroom, 1½ Bath dwelling. All vinyl insulated replacement windows. Kitchen with bar, vinyl flooring, open steps with railing to basement. Dining room with ceiling fan, large Family room with 1 brick showcase wall, large picture bay window, 3 bedrooms with closets, 1 with carpet. Full bath with walk in shower, tile floor, hardwood floors throughout. Large 13’x24’ 1 car garage with half bath. Steps to basement/laundry, full basement, brick hearth and chimney for wood stove, laundry and can storage. Central air, all electric baseboard heat and hot water heater.

Barn/Storage Shed: 14’x20’ insulated with horse stable, gable OH door, electric wired, 12’x24’ carport attached to house. 10’x20’ Concrete patio and paved drive.

Terms: $30,000 Down payment required day of auction balance due at settlement. Transfer taxes to be paid by the buyer. Real Estate Taxes to be prorated. Annual Taxes: $2605. Settlement on or before May 14, 2025. Open Houses: Sat., March 8, 1-3 PM, Sat., March 22, 1-3 PM.

Attention Realtors: Broker participation offered to Realtors w/ pre-registered buyer. See website for details.

Bridge Loan Available: Call auctioneer for details.

Auctioneer Note: This is a well-kept maintenance free rural property in the Conestoga River valley w/ a southern exposure overlooking large agriculture fields, distant farm buildings and wood lands. On Site sewer and well, Located just inside the Lanc. Co line w/ all Chester Co amenities at your fingertips and desirable Eastern Lanc, Co School Dist. low property taxes, Minutes from Morgantown and Honey Brook. This is one property you don’t want to miss if you’re looking for a good starter home.

All information provided is deemed to be accurate but not guaranteed or or

OUR LADY OF LOURDES Catholic Church: 150 Water Street, New Holland, PA 17557 Father Steven Fauser, Pastor. Visit us online at Sunday 8am & 10:30am. Saturday 5pm. Weekday Mass: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9am.

PARKESBURG WORD OF FAITH CHURCH Sunday Service 10 am & Wednesday prayer at 7:30 pm - at 501 Lenover Rd., Parkesburg, PA 19365. Call 610-593-2277

PILGRIM BIBLE CHURCH: 5367 Paes Rd., New Holland. Located 1/4 mi from Welsh Mountain Rec. Center on Paes Rd., 717-354-9444. Sunday School 9:15 am, Worship Service 10:30 am. Nursery. Pastor: Norman Griess.

ST. JOHN CENTER LUTHERAN CHURCH: 599 Reading Rd., East Earl, PA 17519 717-445-5505. Sunday Worship at 11 am Visit us online:

ST. PAUL'S UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 105 W. Main Street., Terre Hill. 717-4455512. Pastor Dave Kling, Adult Sunday School at 9:30 AM, Worship at 11:00 AM. Handicap Accessible.

ST. STEPHEN REFORMED CHURCH (Presbyterian Church In America): “A Beacon on the Hill.” The Word of God is central to our worship. Sunday worship at 8:15 and 10:30am with Kingdom’s kids and nursery provided for the 10:30 service. Sunday school for all ages at 9:30am. Choir sings the last Sunday of each month. Youth group on Sundays at 6:00 pm for grades 6th-12th. Lead Pastor: Rev. Dr. Andrew DiNardo. 249 East Main Street, New Holland. 717-354-7871.

THE COMMUNITY CHURCH AT GARDEN SPOT VILLAGE: 433 S. Kinzer Ave., New Holland. Pastor Chet Yoder. Join us Sunday Mornings at 10:00 am for our Live Stream Worship at

Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.)

For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533

Auctioneers: Noah Shirk 717-354-0192 AU# 005928 Glenn Horst 717-271-8868 AA# 019298 Sellers: Paul & Kristine Newswanger

Atty: Glick, Goodley, Deibler & Fanning 717-354-7700


would be able to turn the space into a community room, it was painted, carpeted, and remodeled, and electrical work was completed to make it more suitable for NHAHS’ needs. NHAHS treasurer Sue Leary noted that the room needed a good name. “(Choosing a name) was a no-brainer,” said NHAHS board member Ida Gall of naming the room for Loewen. Ressler agreed, noting that Loewen was not allowed to join in the discussion or vote on the subject.

Horning explained why the name was a foregone conclusion. “Steve bought and renovated the building and then told the historical society that the upstairs was ours if we could take over

(the mortgage),” stated Horning, adding that a capital campaign a few years ago completed the deal. “We wouldn’t have a museum if it wasn’t for Steve,” said Horning of Loewen, who co-founded NHAHS with Mitch Dissinger. “That’s why it’s the Steve Loewen room.” Loewen, who has been affectionately referred to as “Mr. New Holland,” credited two local people with inspiring him to get involved in the community. “Growing up in town … my grandfather was involved in many things,” he recalled, adding that through his grandfather he got to know many World War II veterans who talked about the importance of carrying


2½ Sty., 5 Bdrm. House - 32'x48' 2 Sty. Horse Barn 1.06 ACRE +/WED., APRIL 2, 2025 @ 6:00 P.M.

Location: 280 Forest Hill Rd., Leola, PA 17540 (W. Earl Twp./Lanc. Co.) Directions: Rt. 772 South of Talmage, turn right onto Forest Hill Rd. Continue to property on right. OR take Rt. 772 North of Rt. 23 toward Talmage, turn left onto Forest Hill Rd. to property on left.

1 Acre +/- country property w/5 bdrm. house and 2 sty. horse barn. 2½ sty. house w/approx. 2976 sq. ft., 5 bdrms. and 1½ baths. Main Level: Eat-in kitchen w/oak cabinets & tubular skylight, walk-in pantry, living rm., sewing/sunrm. w/built-in cabinets, parlor, laundry/mudrm., master bedrm. and full bath. 2nd floor: 4 bdrms. w/closets, half bath, and storage rm. Full attic. Lower Level: Full basement, partial daylight, partially finished, superior walls foundation, cold cellar, shower stall. Coal stove radiant heat. Exterior features: 2 porches & rear deck. Vinyl/alum. low maintenance exterior. Barn: 32'x48' 2 sty. horse barn w/(2) 14x14 box stalls, 17x18 workshop, carriage parking and full 2nd floor w/drive-in access & 9'x7' OH door. Diesel rm. Solar & Diesel/Air systems: 24 volt solar system w/2000 watt inverter/ charger, (3) 400 watt panels and (2) Millertech 24v/130 amp batteries. Dsl/Air System: Lombardini 2 cyl. dsl., air compressor, 24v alternator, underground 1000 gal. air tank, 275 gal. fuel tank. Also 1000 gal. underground LP tank. All on 1 acre +/- level lot w/fenced pasture, 10'x10' run-in shed, garden area, 2 peach & 2 apple trees & raspberries. On site well & septic. W. Earl Twp. Zoned AG. Conestoga Valley Schools. Taxes approx. $6600. Auctioneer Note: Dandy opportunity to purchase a country property w/large house. Surrounded by farmland. Minutes to Leola, Brownstown, Farmersville, etc. Property is vacant and available for immediate possession. Move-in condition. Turn-key package w/solar and air system. Prepare to buy this country gem. Terms: 10% down, settlement on or before June 2, 2025. Seth Hiller, Atty. 717-299-1100. Showings by appointment OR Open House: Saturdays, March 15 & 22; 1-3PM. Contact seller @ 717-405-0839 to schedule a private showing. Contact Dave Stoltzfus @ 717-768-7529 or Tim Weaver @ 717-354-9524 w/any questions. - Leola/Talmage/Center Square AreaREAL ESTATE

See more at

Auctioneers: Tim Weaver
Stoltzfus, Steve Schuler, Tristan Sensenig
Morgantown, Rt 23 W., turn S. onto Shirktown Rd., R. onto Little Hill Rd, Property on Right. From Honey Brook, Rt. 10 N., L onto Shirktown Rd., L onto Little Hill Rd., Property on Right.
See NHAHS pg 9

on tradition in small-town America. As a teenager, Loewen was involved in an automobile accident that left him paralyzed from the neck down with limited use of his hands. “Don Welsh told me, ‘Your brain and your mouth still work,’” recalled Loewen, who also had the use of one of the first Radio Shack Model 1 computers. “I could do database work,” Loewen stated, adding

that he began involving himself in local efforts such as replacing the New Holland pool in the early 1980s and the construction of the New Holland Rec Center. “I always wanted to be on the farm show committee,” he stated, adding that he served on the committee for 10 years - eight of those as co-chair of the parade committee. “This is a tremendous honor,” said Loewen

of the room that bears his name. “They said that the only choice I had was whether it would be Steve or Steven,” added Loewen. “I was not lobbying for this, but (I said), ‘Thank you very much.’”

Although the dedication will be held this month, NHAHS began using the room prior to the end of 2024. “We had Santa down here for Christmas on Main,” said Gall. Ressler noted that a scavenger hunt for children sent families up to the museum to search for specific items after meeting Santa. Horning added that the VIP reception for the premiere of the movie “Brave the Dark” was held there on Jan. 10.

living room; family room; main level bedroom or parlor; full bathroom w/tub shower; spacious mud room. Second level 4 bedrooms w/closets, (5th walk-thru BR). Nice covered porch; wooden deck w/ nice farmland views; oil H/W baseboard heat; new water heater (12-2024); replacement windows throughout; generator throw-switch; cistern; on-site well; new septic system. BUILDINGS: 30’x60’ building w/many possible uses, has propane heat, had calves at one time, now used for equipment; 2-car attached lean-to garage & 28’x24? addition w/6-ft. forbay & goat pen inside; 30’x 56’ equipment pole building w/steel exterior and concrete floor; large pasture area & grass field; small stream; Desirable Earl Township; E-Lanco School District; enrolled in Clean/Green; zoned AG; total taxes only $3,028. OPEN HOUSE DATES: Saturdays, March 15 & 22, from 1:003:00 PM. Call/Text Auctioneer 717-587-8906. AUCTION LISTING: Bobcat #440 skidsteer loader (narrow); 1950 Ford 8-N Tractor; 1949 Ferguson TO-20 Tractor; CASE IH 585 Tractor w/dual hydraulics, diesel, 1,967 hrs.; 1969 Case

“The room will be made available to the community,” said Horning. Readers who would like to learn more may call 717354-2049. The NHAHS Museum is open each Thursday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There is no admission fee. Information about NHAHS is also available at https:// or by searching for “New Holland Area Historical Society” on Facebook or #NHAHS on Instagram.



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WE TRANSFORM YOUR kitchen in less time, with less stress, at an amazing value. Since 1979, Kitchen Magic, a family-owned business offering cabinet refacing, new cabinetry, and luxury countertop throughout the Northeast. Call today for a free estimate. 1-844-887-5145 (PA017137).



ALWAYS BUYING Classic, Muscle & Sports Cars Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561

BUYING CLASSIC CARS, TRUCKS, SUVs **American and Foreign** Any Condition. Buying entire car collections. $$PAYING CA$H$$ Please call 717-5778206

CORVETTES WANTED 1953 thru 2019 Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561

DONATE YOUR CAR, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-877-327-0686 today!

GET A BREAK on your taxes! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous tax credit for 2025. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-320-2804 today!

I BUY COSTUME & fine JEWELRY. 50 years experience. Pay cash. Will travel. Honest. Call Jane. 484-345-0884

WANTED! MOTORCYCLES & MINI BIKES! ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph, BSA, and other foreign models. $$PAYING CA$H$$ 717-577-8206



All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis.

*NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS* When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only, not who you wish to occupy it.

For Rent

5,000 SQUARE FEET contractor shop or storage space available now for rent. Climate controlled, bathroom available. New Holland, PA. 717-669-1386

For a limited time, enjoy 50% off Miller’s traditional smorgasbord dinner or 25% off our Soup and Salad Smorgasbord. Must present printed coupon to server. Valid for up to 8 guests. One coupon per table. Not valid on any other dining options or on beverages. May not be combined with any other offers, coupons or discounts including group rates and birthday offer. Offer subject to change. Valid all day Monday to Friday and Sunday. Excludes Saturdays and special events. PLU WP25EN. EXPIRES 3/12/25.

25% OFF a Sandwich or Platter. Valid for up to 6 guests. One coupon per table. May not be combined with any other offers, coupons or discounts including group rates. Excludes groups, events, takeout,


Fire Company 11 Furnace Rd., Quarryville

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