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Remembering Hempfield heroes

InApril, the Amos Herr House Foundation commenced the Hometown Heroes Project. Through the project, the foundation began placing banners on utility poles throughout Landisville to honor residents of the Hempfield area who have served in the military. Each banner is customized with the name and picture of a local veteran, and the Amos Herr House Foundation will continue the project by accepting orders for customized banners.

Student qualifies for national FBLA competition

In April, Hempfield High School junior Ryan Malesic won seventh place at the Pennsylvania Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

state competition in Hershey. Malesic’s ranking qualified him to participate in the national competition, which will be held at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta from June 26 to July 1.

The idea for the project was conceived by Ron Cooper, a board member for the Amos Herr House Foundation. After driving through several neighboring towns, Cooper noticed that many of them displayed banners to pay tribute to local veterans. Upon realizing that Landisville had yet to implement a similar project, Cooper approached the other board members of the foundation to suggest one. The rest of the board agreed that Landisville should have its own way to pay its veterans homage, especially since it aligned with the foundation’s

mission to preserve the history of the area.

“Service to your country was important to Amos Herr,” said Jessie Long, one of the foundation’s board directors. “He was a patriot, and this is something he would approve of. The biggest aspect is honoring these people and drawing the community together in appreciation.”

After the board approved the Hometown Heroes Project, Cooper researched companies that sell banners and enlisted volunteers to assist with the installation process. Orders for banners began to come in

See Memorial banners pg 3

Teen SummerZine program will return to Lancaster libraries

The third annual Teen SummerZine program will return to Lancaster on Tuesdays, June 6 and 20, July 11 and 25 and Aug. 1 and 15. The sessions will begin at 4 p.m.; the July sessions will be held virtually over Zoom, and the June and August sessions will take place at Manheim Township Public Library, 595 Granite Run Drive, Lancaster.

Through the program, youths ages 12 to 19 will have opportunities to collaborate with multiple guest authors to write poetry and short stories, as well as work together on comics and visual art. At the end of the program, the students’ work will be published in a printed magazine that will be available at each library in Lancaster County.

The meetings in June will feature guest author Jared Reck of Hanover. See Library program pg 4

HEM Postal Patron PRSRT STD ECRWSS S.U. ostageP Paid Engle Printing Co :RETSAMTSOP PLEASE DELIVER MAY 31, 2023
Bob Wildasin holds the first banner to be installed as it is prepared to be hung on Main Street in Landisville. Ryan Malesic (left) competed with fellow Hempfield students Eddy Gibore (center) and Reece Wilfong (right) at the competition in Hershey.
1659 Lititz Pike, Lancaster Ready, Set, RUN! Ready, Set, Set, RUN! R095679 See our Ad on Pg. 3!
See Business competition pg 2

let’s get social

Business competition

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To secure a place in the state competition, students must complete two tests: the first test qualifies the student to attend the event, and the second qualifies him or her to compete. The tests assess one’s knowledge of general business practices, financial documents and income statements. When completing the entrance exam, Malesic was quizzed on his understanding of office dynamics, human resources management and different types of forms used by a manager. The exam also tested his ability to solve problems with generating revenue and balancing a company budget.

At the state competition, Malesic was assigned a prompt for a business management problem. After receiving the prompt, he had 20 minutes to read it and develop a solution, which he then presented to a panel of five judges. The judges asked f ollow-up questions and scored Malesic on the effectiveness of his solution. “In my management plan, I focused on guiding people to their own goals instead of telling them where to go,” Malesic said. “My goal as a manager is to help them stay on task and get where they need to go, but not to micromanage.”

The national competition will be similar to the state competition, and Malesic has already begun preparing for it. Although he will still need to navigate a business management problem, Malesic is f ocusing on categories in which he could have scored higher during his last presentation.

Malesic joined Hempfield High School’s FBLA club during his freshman year, although he did not start participating in competitions and conferences until this year. He credits events like pitch competitions, where students have to market an original business idea, with

improving his people skills and public speaking ability. “It’s so much fun, and you learn a lot,” Malesic added. “You get to know a lot of people as you’re all presenting ideas.”

In Malesic’s entrepreneurship class, he developed an idea for a product called AnyCase: a gadget that combines a wallet and phone case into one accessory. Malesic and his group members presented AnyCase at the last pitch competition, and he plans to turn it into an official business in the future. After graduating from high school, Malesic plans to pursue business or finance in college.

Refresh Lancaster to launch summer efforts

Refresh Lancaster will hold a summer kickoff event on Friday, June 2, at Union Community Care, 304 N. Water St., Lancaster, from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The organization will give away 32-ounce, widemouth water bottles filled with items such as sunscreen, socks, lip balm, snacks, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a McDonald’s gift card. The organization will also provide lunch, haircuts, and information about different resources available through partnerships with other programs.

To donate toward the giveaway, visit “Refresh Lancaster” on Facebook. Checks can be made out to Lancaster EMS with “Refresh” in the memo line. Refresh hopes to

raise $1,000 to give out 50 water bottles.

Refresh Lancaster is a mobile shower and medical care service unit offered by a

partnership involving Lancaster EMS, LancCo MyHome, and a local entity depending on the area of the county where the unit deploys.

2- MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - May 31, 2023 townlively.com R096325 See Website for camp descriptions & registration at www.regpack.com/reg/Millersvilletechcamps23 ✔ VARIETY of Technology Camps for students entering grades 2-12 ✔ C AMPS held in the Department of Applied Engineering, Safety & Technology at Millersville University ✔ HANDS-ON experience with fascinating technology and creative minds-on learning! Come & join us for an experience you won’t forget! Morning & Afternoon Camps run JUNE & JULY! 31 FUN EDUCATIONAL opportunities for CHILDYOURthis summer! R095683 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www.townlively.com R087423 Published By Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS The Merchandiser reserves the right to reject any advertisement. The Merchandiser assumes no financial responsibility for any typographical errors in advertisements but will reprint that portion of an ad in which error occurs. Advertisers submitting artwork and images for use in advertisements assume all liability in regards to trademark and copyright infringements. We encourage civic and fraternal groups, schools, churches, scouts, and other local organizations to submit news releases of general interest to the majority of our readership. Primary consideration is given to dated articles of an informative nature–activities and events of local interest sponsored, presented, or planned by area organizations and institutions. Related photographs of good quality are encouraged also, but complete picture identification must be included. Undated articles of general interest are used as space permits. All articles must contain a contact name and telephone number. Submit Camera Ready Ads at: engleonline.com sales@engleonline.com Display Advertising Deadline 9 A.M. Friday Display Ad Customer Service 717-492-2530 Fax 717-492-2580 News Deadline Noon Thursday News Department 1-800-800-1833 Extension 6018 Circulation / Distribution Customer Service 1-800-800-1833 Extension 6014 Mailed outside our circulation area for $36.00 a year. Send news requests to: Merchandiser Editor Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. P.O. Box 500 Mount Joy, PA 17552 or submit by email to news@engleonline.com circulation@engleonline.com HEMPFIELD Submit Classified Ads at: townlively.com 1-800-428-4211 classifieds@engleonline.com Classified Advertising Deadlines By phone 4 P.M. Thursday Online Noon Wednesday (Except Early Holiday Deadlines) facebook.com/townlively instagram.com/townlivelyepc
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Memorial banners

from the community and the first banner, memorializing Air Force veteran Donald W. Dempster, was placed in April.

“I was thrilled to be able to have my father’s banner hung,” Long said.

“Many of us have family who served. Having a banner there to remember these people is so important.” Long’s father, Harry H. Hoffman, worked as a medical doctor in Landisville for over 50 years after he served in the military. To commemorate him, a banner was placed on Main Street in Landisville at the same location where he began his medical practice. “Many people might not have realized he served in the military,” Long

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added. “Just seeing his picture as a young man who served in (WWII) is gratifying.”

For more information or to order a customized banner, visit www.herrhome stead.org and look under Homestead. Applications for a banner are also available at R.H. Cooper & Son Garage, 115 W. Main St., Salunga.

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Sportsmen’s group sets activities

Manheim Sportsmen’s Association, 552 Oak Tree Road, Manheim, has announced its upcoming activities. For details, visit www.manheimsportsmans assoc.org.

The organization will host the quarterly meeting of the Lancaster County Federation of Sportsmen and Conservationists on Thursday, June 1, at 7:30 p.m. Delegates from Lancaster County clubs associated with the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen and Conservationists (PFSC) will be represented along with several of the Pennsylvania game wardens and the fish warden.

The club will hold a membership meeting on Thursday, June 8, at 7 p.m. Membership applications will be available; they

are also available by visiting the aforementioned website and by calling the membership secretary at 717-665-7729.

The retirees’ coffee hour and a full-course breakfast will begin at 8 a.m. on Monday, June 12. The meal will be available by donation. Club retirees and friends are invited to attend, and reservations are requested. For more information, call 717665-7729, 717-587-6957 or 717-224-0747.

Trap shooting will take place each Wednesday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. as well as each Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon; Saturdays hours may be extended to 2 p.m. if necessary. Members of the public are welcome. Shooters must supply their own shells. For further information, contact Steve at 717-917-3174.

Organ concert slated downtown

Organist Larry Hershey will present a “Summer Happenings” concert during First Friday on June 2 at 8 p.m. on the vintage 1958 analog Allen organ at First Reformed Church, 40 E. Orange St., Lancaster. Doors will open at 7:30 p.m.

The 30-minute program will include “The Heavens Declare,” with text from Psalm 19, by Benedetto Marcello; “Fountain Reverie” by Percy Fletcher; and Robert Ward’s “The Glorious Sun.” Johann Sebastian Bach’s

“Sheep May Safely Graze” from Cantata No. 208 will be performed along with George Frideric Handel’s minuet finale from the suite “Music for the Royal Fireworks.”

The concert is free and open to the community. For more information, call the church office at 717-397-5149.

MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - May 31, 2023 - 3 townlively.com Lancaster County’s Running & Walking Store or Over 40 Years. Whether it be running, alking, or any other activity we have you covered with our expert sales team. L Lanca Fo F r O w walki co • Men’s & Women’s Shoes • Men’s & Women’s Apparel • Accessories • Socks • Hats & Headwear • Nutrition • Hydration • Hiking Gear • Injury Prevention • and much more! 1659 Lititz Pike, Lancaster • 717-394-6439 • insidetrackpa.com Ready, Set, RUN! Ready, Set, Ready, Set, RUN! R094320 We reserve the right to limit quantities Not responsible for typographical or printed errors. Forry’s Country Store Store 820 Ivy Drive, near West Hempfield Fire & Police, Lancaster, PA - 717-285-5050 Hours: Mon., Tues. & Fri. 8-6, Thurs. 8-7, Wed. & Sat. 7-2 R096360 CHECK OUT OUR SPECIALS at www.forryscountrystore.com R096356 2277 River Road, Washington Boro (1 mi. south of Rt. 999) • 717-872-4842 Mon.-Fri. 8-7, Sat. 8-5, Closed Sun. Funk’s Riverview Greenhouses Thank you for all your patience this season with the state road crew working on River Road. In appreciation, most plants on sale PLANT SALE! PLANT 10 to 20% OFF! 10 to 20% OFF! R095646 ODC at Stauffer Park 11:00am-3:00pm Stauffer Park 1241 Lititz Pike, Lancaster SAVE THE DATE! 15 DIFFERENT FOOD TRUCKS • MUSIC • FAMILY FUN! Purchase tickets thru Eventbrite 717.681.6858 SHELTER CONCERT SERIES at COLUMBIA ANIMAL SHELTER 265 S. 10th St., Columbia, PA Saturday, June 10 JESS ZIMMERMAN BAND “JMA Country Rock Album of the Year!” (Stu Huggens & the Honky Tonk Heroes Opens) Food & DrinkAvailablePurchasefor $20 Advanced $25 at the Door R096363

Library program

Reck teaches eighth-grade language arts and has written young adult novels such as “Donuts and Other Proclamations of Love” and “A Short History of the Girl Next Door.” In July, the meetings will be hosted by Kayla Miller, an author and illustrator based in New York. Miller wrote and illustrated the graphic novel series “Click” and co-authored its spin-off series, “Besties.” The August meetings will feature Kwame

Ivery, an English teacher and author based in New Jersey.

Ivery released his first young adult novel, titled “The Problem With the Other Side,” in 2021 and has worked on various screenplays.

During the first meeting of each month, the guest authors will give a presentation to students and offer insight on their respective careers. After the presentation, the author will provide students with a creative prompt and spend the



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remainder of the meeting helping them write, draw or make comics based on the prompt. For the second meeting of the month, the guest authors will return to host a workshop and share their creative methods as the kids develop their own material.

“The guest authors will share their own work with students and ask for feedback. It’s a cool aspect to the program because these kids are the

authors’ main audience and they want to know what they’re thinking,” said Lindsay Bandy, the program’s supervisor. “I work with the guest author for constructive feedback strategies, and they work with the students to make each other’s work better.” Bandy is also a published author who writes young adult historical fiction.

The Teen SummerZine program was introduced in 2021

as a way to creatively engage students over the summer while they are not in school. The program won the Best Practices Award from the Pennsylvania State Library Association and was held virtually for its first two years. This is the first year that the program will have in-person meetings and workshops for students. “We didn’t have any county-wide teen programs for the summer; many pro-

grams are only tailored to younger kids,” Bandy said. “We wanted to do something to reach the older kids and help them to be creative over the summer break.” In December, the program’s participants will gather at the Manheim Township Public Library to celebrate the publication with cupcakes. For more information, visit https://tinyurl.com/teen summerzine.

Summer Music Series at Long’s Park is a Lancaster institution

They say that the best things in life are free. Maybe the only thing better is people sharing resources with others.

The Long’s Park AmphitheaterFoundation’s Summer Music Series is back bigger and better than ever. But as it has evolved into a major event in Lancaster County, the Summer Music Series has become more reliant on the financial support of local businesses and philanthropic organizations.

Long’s Park Amphitheater Foundation president Tom Ellis said that the popular events couldn’t be offered free to the public without that support. This year’s 13-concert Summer Music Series, which will be conducted every Sunday at 7:30 p.m. from June 4 to Aug. 27 at Long’s Park, 1441 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster, is being backed by Citadel, Clark Associates,

Ephrata National Bank, Everence, the Hershey Company, Lancaster County Community Foundation and Woodstream.

“It’s a special event and businesses are allowing us to have this event,” said Ellis. “The series doesn’t happen without these sponsors. It’s not a nicety; it’s a necessity. They’ve really stepped up in an economy that doesn’t allow for this type of funding.”

“We curate music and art for everyone in the Lancaster community,” added Ellis. “Most of our audience is drawn from the city of Lancaster.”

If generous support has become a trademark of the Long’s Park Amphitheater Foundation’s Summer Music Series’ 61-year tradition, so has diversity. This summer’s music series, which features a wide variety of genres, from jazz to Irish, from blues to rock, from bluegrass to funk and soul, promises not to disappoint.

Traditionally, the Summer Music Series has drawn between 3,000 and 6,000 viewers for each 90-minute concert. That number usually balloons to 25,000 to 30,000 for its annual patriotic concert, which this year will be celebrated on July 2.

“It’s how summer begins,” said Ellis. “For people who grew up here, they’ll say, ‘I remember going to the Long’s Park Summer Music Series.’ I think this year’s lineup is one of the best we’ve had in years. Its diversity is curated for every audience. We want to make sure the music resonates with the citizens of Lancaster. We almost need to be fresh and new every year so people come back.”

The now-iconic Long’s Park Amphitheater was built in 1962, and the summer music simply followed. Over those years, the Summer Music

Series has introduced people to performers like Count Basie, Pat and Shirley Boone, The Smothers Brothers, Helen Reddy, The Spinners, Aretha Franklin, Arlo Guthrie, Roberta Flack and Kevin Bacon, many before they became household names.

“The musicians come to us after every event and tell us, ‘I hope you realize what you have here,’” said Ellis. “We don’t look for bands that create an on-stage performance through pyrotechnics and lighting. We want it to be pure art through music. We want to have artists who are true to their craft.”

For additional information about the Long’s Park Amphitheater Foundation’s Summer Music Series, including the schedule, go to www.longspark.org/summer -music-series-1.

4- MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - May 31, 2023 townlively.com R093208 HARDSCAPING & LANDSCAPING Fully Insured Free Estimates 717-945-2794 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL President/CEO: Robbie Stuart For All Your Outdoor Needs NOW HIRING! Mount Joy Rd. Between 283 & Mount Joy Fax & Phone orders gladly accepted on Deli Orders & Large Bulk Orders. Phone 717-653-2652 • Fax 717-653-8911 Not responsible for typographical errors. HOURS: Mon.-Tues.-Wed. 8:30am-5pm, Thurs. 8:30am-6pm, Fri. 8:30am-7pm, Sat. 8:30am-1pm MJRdB8&MJ CHECK WEEKLY SPECIALS at www.reallancastercounty.com & www.thecountrystoremtjoy.com IT’S BETTER FROM THE COUNTRY SPECIALS FOR MAY 31ST - JUNE 6TH APPLEWOOD SMOKED HAM $4.79 Lb. BACON & LOW SALT BACON $3.99 1 Lb. CANADIAN BACON $5.89 Lb. PROVOLONE CHEESE $3.59 Lb. REDUCED SODIUM, LACEY SWISS CHEESE $4.89 Lb. ROTISSERIE CHICKEN BREAST $5.99 Lb. SELTZER’S SWEET OR LEBANON BOLOGNA $6.99 Lb. VIRGINIA STYLE HAM $4.69 Lb. MILK CHOCOLATE DOUBLE DIPPED PEANUTS $3.79 Lb. RASPBERRY NUT SUPREME SNACK MIX $7.79 Lb. ANIMAL CRACKERS ............................. $1.99 Lb. BANANAS 59¢ Lb. IDAHO POTATOES ......................................5 Lbs.$3.49 Ea. STUFFED PEPPERS .................Reg. $4.99 Lb.
frompg 1
Lindsay Bandy Jared Reck Kayla Miller Kwame Ivery Copies of past programs from the Long’s Park Amphitheater Summer Music Series.

Church to host rehearsals for choir festival

St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 10 Delp Road, Lancaster, will host regional rehearsals for the Ocean Grove Choir Festival. A chorus including hundreds of singers will gather in the Great Auditorium in Ocean Grove, N.J., on Sunday, July 9, for the 69th annual Ocean Grove Choir Festival. This service of praise to God features a variety of choral anthems conducted by guest conductors in an auditorium that seats 6,000 and features a Hope-Jones pipe organ. Congregational hymn singing, music from brass and organ, and choral masterworks are included in the festival. The large chorus is made up of singers from all over the East Coast, as well as those who come from across the country to participate. Anyone is welcome to sing, regardless of church affiliation.

Rehearsals for the festival

will be led by Tom and Deborah Berdos, music director and organist at St. Peter’s. Singers from Lancaster County are invited to gather in the St. Peter’s sanctuary for rehearsals from 7 to 8 p.m. on Wednesdays, June 7, 14, 21, and 28, and Monday, July 3. All singers need to attend the dress rehearsal in Ocean Grove, which will occur from 2

to 5 p.m. on July 9, just before the choir festival that evening. For more information about singing and where to purchase the music, contact Tom Berdos at tom.berdos@st peterslutheran.org. For more information about service times and other events at St. Peter’s, visit www.stpeterslutheran.org or call 717-569-9211.

Homeschoolers plan benefit event


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Ancient Paths homeschool co-op will present a Young Entrepreneur Market on Saturday, June 10, from 9 to 11 a.m. at Living Hope Community Church, 2823 Columbia Ave., Lancaster. All proceeds will go to Hope International. The event will feature handmade items and food for sale, including hot dogs and baked goods. In addition to the kid-run businesses, local

businesses have donated various items to be sold. Cash only will be accepted for purchases at the fair. Face painting, a balloon artist, and free kids’ activities will also be available. Attendees are invited to bring aluminum cans to the event, and Sahd Metal Recycling will donate to Hope International as a result.

Throughout the year, children from Ancient Paths’

seven families learned about Hope International and the various places and people it serves. To learn about the Great Commission and make the world a better place, students learned about and from local entrepreneurs. The students then created their own small businesses in order to raise money for and awareness of Hope International.

Crime Stoppers marks 35 years

Lancaster County Crime Stoppers is marking 35 years of providing rewards to citizens who come forward with

information to help local police departments solve crimes.

The tip line for Crime

Stoppers is 800-322-1913. Tipsters may remain anonymous unless they choose otherwise.

MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - May 31, 2023 - 5 townlively.com 1050 W. Main St., Mount Joy 717.653.2140 3687 Rothsville Rd., Ephrata 717.738.7381 BREAKFAST, LUNCH, & DINNER OPEN 6AM • 7 DAYS A WEEK www.guskeystone.com BREAKFAST 15% OFF Total Breakfast Bill Valid Mon.-Thurs. 6-11 a.m. Not valid w/any other offer. With this coupon. Not valid on holidays. Exp. 6/6/23. Gus’s KEYSTONE FAMILY RESTAURANT DINNER Buy 1 Main Entree at Reg. Price, Get 2nd Main Entree of Equal or Lesser Value for 25% OFF Valid Mon.-Thurs.11-8 p.m. Only. Not valid w/any other offer. With this coupon. Not valid on holidays. Exp. 6/6/23. Please present coupon when ordering. Gus’s KEYSTONE FAMILY RESTAURANT FRESH STEAKS, PORK CHOPS & SEAFOOD R095965 Healthy Homes Program What is the Healthy Homes Program? How do I know if I qualify for the program? How can I learn more about or apply to the program? HomeownerLive in Lancaster Co. (NOT within Lancaster City) Household income falls at or below 80% AMI Home Built Post-1978 Call us: 717-544-5323 Email us: info@leadfreefamilies.org The goal of the Healthy Homes program is to curb the impact of health issues caused or worsened by hazards in the home by providing: education, support and up to $7,000 in free funds to address health and safety hazards in and around the home to qualifying households. Support Provided By: Funding Provided By: OR certified lead-safe pre-1978 home R096182
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Hundreds of singers will participate in the Ocean Grove Choir Festival.
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Students are looking forward to supporting Hope International through the Young Entrepreneur Market.

Knights dominate CV in District lacrosse opener

The Hempfield boys’ lacrosse team poured it on in the second quarter of Tuesday’s District Three Class 3A playoff match. The Black Knights, who played host to Conestoga Valley, matched their firstperiod production of five goals, taking a 10-3 advantage into halftime.

Julian Morales, who scored five goals in the game, Seamus Mack, and the game’s leading goal scorer Jason Hilton (6 goals) each contributed to the second-period offense. Also, Zack Antesberger picked up a hat trick in the 17-4 victory over the familiar LancasterLebanon League opponent. Antesberger also dished out three assists.

Drew Bennett and Carsten Rankin each netted one goal.

With plenty of offense and a defense that limited CV to less than 10 shots on goal, Gabe Colon-Munoz picked up five saves in front of the Hempfield net.

The victory gave Hempfield a spot in the district quarterfinals. The top four teams from District Three 3A qualify for the PIAA 3A state playoffs.


Hempfield entered the District Three Class 6A softball playoffs as the number nine seed.

The Wilson Bulldogs entered the district tournament as the number eight seed, bringing their 14-5 record. The Black Knights (14-6) had to start the playoffs on the road, Monday, May 22.

“We were up to the challenge,” said Chris Landis, the Hempfield head coach.

The Black Knights put together a three-run rally, highlighted by Kali Peifer’s home run, to beat the Bulldogs 5-3.

“We were up 2-0 after one inning,” Landis explained. “They scored a run in the second, third and fourth innings. Kali hit a two-run homer and Chloe Diener had an RBI single to give us three runs in the fifth inning.”

Holding back the Bulldogs with her repertoire of fastballs and breaking pitches, Hempfield ace Carley Ernst struck out nine in the complete game victory.

“I believe we have one of the best pitchers in the district,” Landis said. “There aren’t a lot of pitchers whose curve ball moves eight or nine inches.”

The perplexing parties aren’t only the opposing team’s batters; umpires also have to grow accustomed to the movement on her pitches.

“Sometimes they can’t see her pitches too well because they’re not used to her unique spin,” Landis said.

Senior Mikayla Hughes has taken over the catching duties for the Black Knights after an injury to Avery Landis has the starting catcher and the team’s leading hitter sidelined for the remainder of the 2023 campaign.

“Avery is out for the rest of the year,” Landis said. “She was helping by calling the pitches on Monday. Mikayla just had to catch them.”

With the slugging of Avery Landis missing from the lineup, the head coach said the team has a different approach to its offense and batting order.

“We have reset the lineup more analytically,” he said. “There are players who can drop a bunt to move runners over; there are those who can hit the fly ball to drive them home.”


The Black Knights were able to take advantage of Red Lion’s mistakes in the first two sets of the District Three 3A boys’ volleyball match on Tuesday, May 23.

Thus, on their home court, the Knights took a 2-0 lead by posting consecutive 25-22 victories.

Somehow, the sleeping lion was awakened, resulting in the next two close sets going in favor of the visitors.

Red Lion, in fact, won the next three sets - 25-20, 27-25 and 15-9thus ending Hempfield’s season at 8-5. Red Lion moved on to the district quarterfinals.

“They really just stopped making mistakes,” Hempfield head coach Kenny Eiser explained. “There were some missed serves and serve receive errors they had at key times in the first two sets.”

The mistakes helped Hempfield register wins in the first two sets, especially with key points in the close battles.

“The rest of the way they limited those and were able to come out on top,” Eiser said.

“They did a great job fronting our middles and we were not able to fully capitalize on the one-on-one looks we had.”

Aiden Beiler led the team with 19 kills while Finley Hunt put down another 14. Brady Rigard came through with 28 digs while Cole Jackson’s contribution to the highscoring sets included the team-leading 44 assists.

Also on the night, Conor Eby served up three aces and Ethan Earhart registered three blocks.

The Black Knights will look to 2024, reloading and keeping their winning tradition intact.

“Overall, the boys had a great season,” Eiser remarked. “We were extremely reliant on our seniors this season with many of them stepping into new roles. We will have a lot of shoes to fill next year.”


The Cedar Cliff Colts galloped home seven early runs and went on to defeat the Knights 9-5 on Monday, May 22, at Hempfield in the opening round of the District Three 6A baseball playoffs.

Despite trailing 7-0 after two innings, the Knights started their comeback attempt in the home half of the third inning. Hempfield got on the board when Josh Toole’s sacrifice fly drove in Brayden Hostetter, who had tripled. Drew Benchich singled to drive in Peter Fiore, making it 7-2.

The Colts made it 8-2, but the Black Knights did not go down quietly.

Stephen Katch’s single and a double by Benchich again created a threat. Logan Harelson’s sac fly made it 8-3.

The Knights came on strong in the sixth inning, loading the bases with nobody out. Toole singled in one run and a bases-loaded walk made it 9-5. Cedar Cliff stopped the bleeding as relief pitcher Cayden Bender worked out of a jam.

The Knights ended the season with an excellent 17-6 record.


The District Three Class 3A Track & Field Championships took place at Shippensburg University on Friday and Saturday, May 19-20.

As expected, the two distance runners for Hempfield did very well. Aidan Hodge grabbed the gold medal in the 1,600-meter race, posting a time of 4:10.77. He finished fourth (1:56.72) in the 800.

Ella Wolfe ran the 3,200 at a 10:51.15 clip, which earned her fourth place. She took sixth (5:06.02) in the 1600 race.

Andy Garcia had a tremendous LL League Championships and carried the momentum into the districts triple jump. The Hempfield senior had a 43-foot-6.75 jump to take seventh in the event.

Brody Weachter came through for an eighth-place 13-9 pole vault.

Also competing in the boys’ distance event was Joseph Fahrney. He concluded a remarkable senior campaign with a 16th-place finish in the 3,200.

Mya Thompson’s sophomore season saw her finish in 12th-place in the 100-m

6- MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - May 31, 2023 townlively.com
dash. Photo by Cheri Sine Zach Antesberger advances the ball for the Black Knights in their 17-4, District Three, 3A opening-round victory over visiting Conestoga Valley last Tuesday. Photo by Cheri Sine Hempfield’s Jason Hilton shoots and scores one of his match-high six goals in the Black Knights’ 17-4, District Three first-round win over Conestoga Valley last Tuesday in Landisville. Photo by Cheri Sine Cole Gibbons maneuvers past Conestoga Valley defender Seth Frankford during the Black Knights’ 17-4 victory in a District Three, Class 3A opener at Hempfield on May 23.

Flag football just for fun

Teresa Wiedemer, who coordinates the Challenger Football and Cheerleading program for United Disability Services (UDS), can sum up the goal of the program in one sentence.

“It’s a great way for kids with disabilities to meet other kids (with disabilities),” she said. Wiedemer, who took over the program in 2022, recalled the story of a young man who joined the flag football league last year. “In the beginning, the boy didn’t realize how active it was,” said Wiedemer. “He would play a few minutes and then sit down, but by the end of the season, he was playing the whole game.”

UDS Challenger Football and Cheerleading will hold games in the gym at Calvary Church, 1051 Landis Valley Road, Lancaster, on Saturdays from Aug. 5 through Oct. 14 from 9:30 a.m. to noon each session. No game will be held on Sept. 2, just prior to Labor Day.

Non-contact flag football is open to boys and girls ages 8 to 21. “We have volunteer coaches and buddies so each kid who needs one has a helper,” said Wiedemer. “Each kid gets to score, and each gets to kick, and we don’t keep track of the score.”

Cheerleading is open to boys and girls of any age. Coach Sophon Bowman works with the team members on cheers, and they cheer for the flag football teams and then perform during a break between games and at the end of the game. Wiedemer has connected with the World Cup Jupiter special needs cheering team, which practices at Spooky Nook, for a visit with the Challenger team.

“The (World Cup Jupiter cheerleaders) will come and do their routine,” said Wiedemer, who is also working to bring the Philadelphia Eagles Cheerleaders to a game to do a clinic with the cheer team. “I try to have guests each week,” said Wiedemer, who is also in touch with an internationally known magician from Philadelphia about a guest appearance.

Wiedemer first got involved in the program about seven years ago, noting that she and her husband had often talked about doing this type of volunteer work. She said that 10

volunteers per game are needed for a successful program. Individuals who wish to volunteer may email teresaw@uds f oundation.org or call 717715-8775.

There is no cost for individuals with disabilities to take part in Challenger football or cheerleading. Registration is now open at www.udservices .org/Challenger. Those who register by Friday, June 9, will

receive a free T-shirt. A parent or guardian must remain at Calvary with the participant throughout the program. Wiedemer said in 2022, about 45 participants joined the program. This year, she would like to have 60 participants to have plenty of players for each team. Wiedemer noted that the program is open to participants from within and outside Lancaster County.

MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - May 31, 2023 - 7 townlively.com R095712 717- 664-0812 • warihay.com 580 North Colebrook Rd., Manheim, PA 17545 All Mulch Grades Made from O ur Own Forest Products S creened and Unscreened Topsoil CONTRACTOR PRICING AVAILABLE 5 Mile Free Delivery Zone $10* OFF PER ORDER (min 5 yds.) $10* OFF PER ORDER (min 5 yds.) *excludes mushroom soil/mulch 32 Years Years Experience! Experience! Accurate Estimates EXTERIORS ROOFING • ROOF REPLACEMENTS • ROOF REPAIRS • FREE ROOF INSPECTIONS • STORM DAMAGE • INSURANCE CLAIMS R095275 PA#025543 CELL: 717-278-0661 OFFICE: 717-871-1294 CELL: John R. Mays John R. , LLC 717-925-7272 brightsidechimney.com We do Installation of Stainless Steel Chimneys, Chimney Liners & Custom Chimney Caps • Chimney Crown Repair • Timberwolf Fireplace Inserts R095130 Call Now to Schedule Your Chimney Sweeping Call Now to Schedule Your Sweeping R096371 A division of Stuart & Sons 717-803-5363 or 717-945-2794 • Stump Grinding • Lot Clearing 24-HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE Estimates NOW HIRING! Experience Preferred • Certified Arborist • Licensed & Insured • TREE TRIMMING • TREE REMOVAL • TREE & SHRUB CARE R096324 QUALITY Driveway Seal Coating • For Homes, Churches and Businesses • Material Hand-Applied (owner on every job) • Line Striping/ Hot Rubber Crack Filling Protect the Value of Your Driveway Property! DAVID E. BRENEMAN & SON Call (717) 872-8569 epcclassifieds.com All ads appear online at no additional cost. PLANNING A GARAGE SALE? Reach just your neighborhood or choose a wider geography. or call 1-800-428-4211 Monday thru Friday 8:30 to 4:00 for more information. Place your ad a WEEK before your garage sale date. improvement homespring
UDS Challenger Football and Cheerleading program for individuals with disabilities meets from August through October.

Manheim Community Blood Drive

Tuesday, June 6th

• 11am - 7pm

Funding will benefit Girls on the Run

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With aims to combat health disparities and advance fitness and friendships among adolescent girls, Rite Aid Healthy Futures has renewed its partnership with Girls on the Run (GOTR) through a $1 million grant supporting the organization’s continued inclusion, diversity, equity and access (IDEA) work. The announcement comes as local GOTR councils prepare for their end-of-season 5Ks.

Arts Crafts Fair Arts Fair &

GOTR’s experience-based curriculum integrates running to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident. The organization currently operates 171 local councils across the United States and Canada, serving nearly 200,000 girls annually.

The recent funding marks the third year of partnership between GOTR and Rite Aid Healthy Futures, the public charity affiliated with Rite Aid. The grant supports the two organizations’ shared commitment to strengthening and empowering local communities.

The $1 million grant will benefit the GOTR headquarters as well as the 50 local councils in Healthy Futures’ f ootprint, with funding f ocused on the continued development of GOTR’s IDEA program. In particular, GOTR is focused on reaching girls from underserved communities, promoting a culture of inclusion across the organization, building a culturally competent curriculum and increasing local resources in key communities.

Local councils will use the funds to diversify their coaching staff, increase program access for girls of color and further enhance programming that acknowledges the needs and realities of their communities. Funds will also


8- MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - May 31, 2023 townlively.com R095668 Senior Living at Mount Joy 607 Hearthstone Lane, Mount Joy, PA 17552 717.492.9692 junipercommunities.com Award Winning Personal Care Services Beautifully Remodeled Award Winning 55+ Open Mic at Bube’s on 4th Mondays at 6pm Join us for a tour of personal care Every Wednesday from 10am-6pm through June 21st Other days by appointment. Call for details about personal care apartments today!
Church Services
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R096220 BASKET RAFFLE RAFFLE & 50/50 Location: HOFFER PARK 325 Mill Street, Middletown R096185
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FREE ADMISSION 150+ VENDORS F eaturing... Hosted by and benefits the Middletown Area Historical Society • Artists • Crafters • Kids Crafting Corner • Food Court - featuring Farm Show Milkshakes ★ ★ ★ BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND ★ ★ ★ Craft Beer & Wine Café inside Main Pavilion (must be 21 or older. Photo ID required.)* • 10:30-11:30 a.m. Lower Paxton Variety Band • 12:30-1:30 p.m. Middletown School Dist. Steel Pan Band • 2:30-3:00 p.m. Jim Rhoads, One Man Band Sat., June 10 ~ 9am to 4pm (Registration begins at 9am) CRUISE-IN CAR SHOW 10am - 3pm Rain or Shine FREE Shuttle between park & additional parking at Fink School on Race St. www.middletownareahistoricalsociety.org MIDDLETOWN R096292 R096214 Read online antiquesandauctionnews.net
See GOTR pg 12





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1:00pm: Advertiser

Thursday 3:00pm: Columbia/Wrightsville Merchandiser, Hershey/Middletown Community Courier

Thursday 4:00pm: Merchandiser


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We are currently seeking an individual to manage production in our commercial dry fertilizer blending & packaging facility. Applicants should have some experience within the agricultural industry or a production facility as well as experience managing staff. Applicants will be required to operate equipment and machinery as needed. This is a FT day shift position with full benefits.

Contact: KIRBY AGRI at 717-299-2541 500 Running Pump Rd. Lancaster, PA17601


Selling Real Estate, Guns, Ammo, Trophy Mounts, Hunting Items, Antiques, JD Riding Mowers, Snowmobile, Tools, Antique Furniture & Much More!

Located at 1252 Mount Joy Rd, Manheim, Rapho Township, Lanc. Co., PA. 17545 (In the village of Sporting Hill)




Guns, Ammo, Trophy Mounts, Hunting Items


Antiques, Tools, Mowers, Snowmobile

This beautiful property features a brick, ranch-style home w/3-bedrooms, full closets & ceiling fans, full bath & a half bath, a built-in cedar closet, laundry room w/plenty of storage & an outside entrance, a living room, a kitchen/dining room with an island, a built-in hutch, & over-sized kitchen, storage & cabinetry. Off the kitchen is an office or sitting room, easily accessed from the outside. Home has an attached 2-car garage, a 3-season sun room w/adjacent deck, an attic that runs the length of the house for storage, a finished basement that includes a kitchen, storage rooms, a brick fire place w/built-in wood box, & an outside entrance. The home has oil hot/water heating & water softening system. The property has a well and in-ground septic system, & a new 1,000 gallon above-ground heating oil tank & is very well maintained. This home sits on 1¼ acres & overlooks miles of scenic Lanc. Co. farmland & includes an air-conditioned utility shed (20’x12’), & a metal pole barn (40’x80’) w/electric, an oil changing pit, plus, large doors at either end. A spacious backyard w/mature shade trees is perfect for entertaining & family gatherings. The property, located in Rapho Twp, is zoned Crossroads Community and is in the Manheim Central School Dist. Don’t miss your opportunity to own this outstanding property located in close proximity to Manheim & Mount Joy & Rt. 283 & 72! This property offers many, many possibilities. Contact Rapho Twp. directly with any zoning questions. Call 717-723-6855 to view this property.

FRIDAY: 26 long guns plus, 14+ hard and soft gun cases, Bushnell & Weaver scopes, Bushnell Space Master 2 long distance binoculars & other binoculars. (see website for listing). Reloading equipment & Ammo, including: 10, 12, 16, and 20 GA shotguns shells & slugs. .22, .17, .218 shells, 220 Swift, 32 Winchester Special, 35 Remington, 300 Ultra Mag, 7.62 Remington, 7mm Weatherby Mag, 30-06, 45-70 Lubaloy, & other misc. shells, brass and ammo. Hunting clothing, hunting books, clay pigeons, gun tripods, fishing items, including: tackle boxes, fishing rods including fly rod and deep sea, lead sinkers, fishing reels, fishing items, gun safe, & an 8-gun wooden gun cabinet. Trophy Mounts, including: white tail deer, mule deer, elk, black bear, antelope, turkey, weasel, various mounted antlers & more.

SATURDAY: Tools & Equipment: JD #20 pedal tractor, wooden work bench, Massy bench vise #36, Dunlap small table vise, shelving & storage bins, wooden boxes, wooden barrels, misc. lumber, nuts, bolts, washers, nails (all sizes), lots of drill bits, large anvil, 20’ alum. ladder, 12’ step ladder, other ladders, lots of gas cans, chains, straps, tie downs, belts (all sizes & styles), quoit set, trailer hitches (all sizes), air hoses, extension cords, jumper cables, oil drain pans, scales, lawn seeder, 4 gal. lawn sprayer, tree sprayer, Scott’s spreaders, rope, animal trough, 1998 Rotax 500 Touring SLE Skidoo w/electric start snowmobile, 1989 Ravens V-front 8’ x 20’ snowmobile trailer, snowmobile parts, snowmobile helmets & clothing, snowmobile cart, air tank, Craftsman gas edger, B&D hedge trimmer, milk cans, all kinds of jacks, hand tools, wrenches, plyers, all sizes, screw drivers, socket sets, sets of tools, c-clamps, other clamps, oil cans, lots of tool boxes including Craftsman tool chests, Husqvarna & Homelite chain saws, various animal traps, welding & cutting torch, hand saws, wooden plane, LP heaters & stoves, portapower, coolers, runner sleds, small Ready Heater, door locks, knobs, & latches, chimney cleaner, PVC piping, masonry tools, lathe turning tools, files, approx. 50 old license plates, gas motor, Sod Master sod cutter, elec. Grinder, SKIL 6850 hammer drill, Craftsman bench grinder, B&D 10’ 2 HP power miter saw, Craftsman 4” belt sander, B&D 2 1/8 HP circular saw, saber saw, B&D 3/8” drill, B&D palm sander, Dormeyer ½ industrial drill, B&D 3/8” heavy duty drill, Rockwell 9” table saw, Craftsman 1 ½ HP router and table, Craftsman multi speed floor drill press, Dewalt band saw, scroll saw, Craftsman 165 PSI 6.8 SCFM, 330 gal., 1.7 HP air compressor & tank on wheels, gardener’s cart, small yard aerator for lawn tractor, shovels, rakes, metal tubs, Craftsman gas leaf vac/blower, Cold Series Yard Machine 5 HP 24” snow blower, JD 425 48” cut, lawn tractor, JD 212 lawn tractor, tractor books, yard trailer, cast tractor seat, Lawn Chief 20” push mower, 5,000 watt generator, 10 amp. battery charger, Schauer tripower battery charger (30 amp, 200 amp, 2 amp), misc. metal, box lots & much more!

SATURDAY: Antiques: Mary Gregory style glass pitcher & tumblers, Fenton glassware, German, France, Austria bowls & plates, Austria sugar & creamer, cordial set, metal music box, red & blue candy dishes & glassware, hand-blown glassware, tin & metal items, swirl glass, glass-handled baskets, chicken on the nest, carnival glass, Elizabethan English cups & saucers, Polish Pottery, jelly bear jars, a 1887-1909, 13-year wooden calendar (very unusual), Singer small oil can, hand carved wooden ducks, pocket watches, Stanley thermoses, signed & dated saffron boxes, early framed shadow box, arrowhead collection, grain flail, 2 pronged fork, 3 pronged wooden forks, ice hooks, balance scale with weights, Girl Scout pocket knife, blue agate coffee pot, My Indian Library books, marbles, crock, croquet set, Earhart Ice Cream boxes, Acme egg scales, cast horse-drawn steamer engine, cast John Deere tractor, wooden tap, nut cracker, antique wooden wall phones, table lamps, dough tray w/stand, lots of furniture, queen sized bed, queen bed w/bookcase headboard, sofas, loveseats, chairs, recliners, etc., cedar chest, kitchen chairs, wooden rocking chair, oak wash stand w/towel rack, British style armoire, double drop-leaf table, vintage antique fainting couch, antique slant front desk, school desk, one-of-a kind tree trunk stool, round kitchen table, 8’x4’ farm table, 11’ 8” x 9’ 4” braided rug, 12’ x 9’ floral hook rug, hand-made quilts & coverlets, GE Upright refrig/freezer, chest freezer, Amana frig/freezer, G.E. extra-large capacity dryer, Maytag washer, Charbroil gas grill, metal porch furniture, yard ornaments & bird baths, & much more!

Auction by: Shenk Auction Company



Lic# RY000237L


6:00 P.M. 3236 Elmae Drive, Lancaster, PA 17601


The first floor has kitchen, family room, 2 bedrooms, and full bathroom. The second floor has 2 bedrooms and full bathroom. The property also includes storage shed, carport, central air, public water/sewer, hardwood floors, double hung vinyl windows, and partially finished basement. This property is in a great location and is part of “Golden Acres”. See www.johncarlauctions.com for more details.

There is a 3% Buyer’s Premium for Real Estate payed by the buyer. If using a Realtor, you must fill out a “Broker Registration Form” by 6:00 A.M. the day of the public auction. 10% down day of sale and balance due on or before 45 days. John Carl Auction Company AY002149

Auctioneer: John M. Carl Jr. AU005263 Contact Info: 717-286-8282 johncarljr7@gmail.com www.johncarlauctions.com


www.kirbyagri.com is currently hiring Administrative Assistant Kirby Agri Inc. is seeking a friendly, outgoing individual for a customer service position. This position will also include light accounting duties. Candidates should be proficient with computer skills, answering and directing telephone calls, and assisting and directing customers at our agricultural production facility. This is a full-time day shift (7:30am-4:00pm) position with full benefits. Submit Resume by Email to: tom@kirbyagri.com, or Apply in person (7:30am-4:00pm): 500 Running Pump Rd. Lancaster, PA17601


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SATURDAY, JUNE 10 • 8:00 A.M. 2218 Beaver Valley Pike, New Providence PA VEHICLES – TRACTORS – EQUIPMENT – FOUR-WHEELERS – TOOLS SHOP EQUIPMENT – MOWERS – GUNS – TRAILERS – LAWN & GARDEN HOUSEHOLD ITEMS - MORE Glenn Henry Garage & Vehicles Liquidation Plus Household Items

2002 Hummer H1 6.5 Turbo Dsl w/11,403 Mi; 1974 Chevy Corvette Stingray w/TTop w/1972 350 Engine w/80,000 Mi; 1971 Pontiac Lemans 350 Engine- Runs But Needs Restored; 1969 Cadillac Sedan Deville Conv; 2010 Kubota RTV1100 Tractor; Four-Wheelers; 1974 Honda 754b Chopper Motorcycle; Ferguson 20 Tractor; Massey-Ferguson 1552 Tractor; Takeuchi TB135 Track Hoe; Bobcat 763 Dsl Skid Loader; Load Max Gooseneck OR 5th Wheel 22K GVW Trailer; Clark Forklift; 1952 Minneapolis-Moline Tractor For Farm Use or Pulling (Recently Rebuilt); Pocket Rocket Cycle; Car Lifts; Lawn Tractors; Wood Hauling Trailers; Fuel Tanks; Guns (See Listing on Website or Call); Chain Saws; Signs; Many Hand & Power Tools; Lots of Shop Equipment; Tires; Shop Lifts; Tools; Lawn & Garden; Hot Tub; Soft Ice Cream machine; Coca-Cola Memorabilia; Coin Operated Kids Ride; & MUCH More. Complete Listing & Pictures On Website. Food Available. Nice Clean Auction – Glenn Took Very Good Care Of His Items! Sale For: Glenn & Nancy Henry

& HART AUCTIONS - AY2206 717-989-5110 717-669-1483



FEATURING STICKLEY, THOS. MOSER and other top brands

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Preview: SUNDAY, JUNE 4th 3 PM - 5 PM

Food Stand by: Iron

Auction for:

William “Bill” Hummer Deborah Webster, POA Tony Cicero, POA Young & Young Attorney, 717-665-2207


MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - May 31, 2023- 9 townlively.com
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Christian School Pictures & info at: www.shenkauctions.com Visit www.auctionzip.com or find us on Facebook
Errors & Corrections: Check your ad the first time it appears to make sure that it is correct! Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. will be responsible only for the first incorrect insertion and to no greater extent than the cost of the space occupied by the error. The publisher assumes no financial responsibility for errors or the omission of copy. If you find an error, please call 1-800-428-4211 immediately for a correction. All ads must be prepaid. Minimum one week charge on all ads placed. PLACE AN AD Business Opp Cards of Thanks Child Care Church Listing Elder Care Free Items Garage Sales Items Wanted Legal Notices Lost & Found Seasonal Services Rendered Special Notice Your Attention FOR SALE: Antiques Appliances Bicycles Boats Building Materials Clothing Collectibles Computers Electronics Furniture Household Goods Lawn & Garden Livestock Machinery Musical Instruments Pets Photographic Produce and Edibles Sporting Goods Tools Miscellaneous HELP WANTED: Employment Agencies General Management Mechanical Trades Medical Office/Secretarial Professional Sales REAL ESTATE: For Rent For Sale Manufactured Housing Wanted AUTOMOTIVE: Auto Parts & Supplies Autos Cycles Recreational Vehicles S.U.V.s Trucks CLASSIFICATIONS DEADLINES (for the following Wednesday issue - call for holiday deadlines) Wednesday Noon: Web ads (All papers) Wednesday Noon: Chester Co. Community Courier Thursday 10:00am: Pennysaver Thursday
1.800.428.4211 or 717.653.9848






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Bldg. Materials

BUILD JACK STANDARD SCAFFOLDING, 60” W & 30” W. Call: 717-684-5903; or cell: 717-893-0408

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PA’s Largest Buyer of Toys & Collectibles 27 E Lancaster Street, Red Lion, PA Hours: 10:00am-4:00pm, Mon.-Thurs. 717-329-8167 • rhoward1771@gmail.com

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Lawn & Garden

EARTHWISE LANDSCAPE & TREE CARE Spring clean-ups. Edging, seeding, fertilization, mulching, shrub & tree pruning. 717-626-2541 (PA 088021)

FREE REMOVAL of Riding Mowers. Call/text Jim 717-940-9029


HORSE BOARDING. Self care or we can care for, bright/sunny barn, Penryn area, call 717-665-3753.


ADORABLE MINI GOLDEN Doodle Pups! Vet cert., socialized. $675. 717-598-3766

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GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, Shots, dewormed, ready now. $200. Call 717-529-5655


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METAL ROOFING & Siding For Houses, Barns, Sheds, etc. 36” Coverage, Painted $2.35 LF, Bare $1.45 to $1.70 LF, Rainbow $1.35, Sold As Seconds Made in Ephrata, PA. 717-445-5222.


LEAGUE 2340 IRONVILLE PK, Sat. 6/10 7am-? Reserve you spot at 717-715-3354



ARE YOU A pet owner? Do you want to get up to 100% back on vet bills? Physicians Mutual Insurance Company has pet coverage that can help! Call 1-844-774-0206 to get a free quote or visit insurebarkmeow.com/ads.

ATTENTION OXYGEN THERAPY USERS! Inogen One G4 is capable of full 24/7 oxygen delivery. Only 2.8 pounds. FREE info kit. Call 1-877-929-9587.

BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as ONEDAY! Affordable prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & Military Discounts available. Call: 1-855-761-1725.

BECOME A PUBLISHED author. We want to read your book! Dorrance Publishing trusted since 1920. Consultation, production, promotion & distribution. Call for free author’s guide 1-877-729-4998 or visit dorranceinfo.com/ads.

DENTAL INSURANCE -Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Covers 350 procedures. Real insurance, not a discount plan. Get your free dental info kit! 1-855-526-1060 www.dental50plus.com/ads #6258.

DIAGNOSED WITH LUNG cancer? You may qualify for a substantial cash award - even with smoking history. No obligation! We’ve recovered millions. Let us help!!! Call 24/7, 1-877-648-2503.

DIRECTV STREAM - Carries the most local MLB Games! Choice Package $89.99/ mo. for 12 mos. Stream on 20 devices at once. HBO Max included for 3 mos (w/Choice Package or higher.) No contract or hidden fees! Some restrictions apply. Call IVS 1-866-859-0405.

DISH TV $64.99 For 190 channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free installation, Smart HD DVR included, Free voice remote. Some restrictions apply. Promo Expires 1/31/24. 1-866-479-1516.


Rohrer’s needs drivers to deliver ready-mix concrete to our customers at various job sites, mainly in Lancaster and Southern Lebanon Counties. We dispatch trucks from our Lititz and Jonestown locations. Candidates must have a safe driving record; stable employment history; be able to lift 75 lbs., work outside in all kinds of weather; in dusty & muddy conditions; routinely climb truck ladders, and be available for regular overtime. You need to have or be able to obtain a CDL class B license – we’re willing to train!

We offer competitive pay and benefits including health, dental, vision, disability, life insurance, Paid Time Off (PTO), 401(k) with match, and long-term care. Company sponsored continuing education & training as well as tuition reimbursement is available. Candidates should complete an application or submit a resume to the attention of Human Resources by email, fax, mail, or in person. Please include salary requirements. Visit our website at www.rohrers.com

Rohrer’s Incorporated

HR Fax: 717-626-9425

Box 365, 70 Lititz Rd. Email: kelli.ohara@rohrers.com Lititz, PA 17543

GOLDENDOODLE PUPPIES F1B, well socialize, shots/dewormed, vet checked, 1 yr health guar, $395. 717-354-3042

IRISH SETTER PUPPIES, beautiful dark red, vet checked, shots, dewormed, very friendly, $495. 717-529-3146.

MINI LABRADOODLE PUPPIES, 10 wks. old. Vet-checked, all healthy. 2 females & 3 males. 717-341-2668

NINE FOX RED LAB PUPPIES for sale. Friendly, loving, & well-tempered. Ready 6/5/23. $1,000 ea. Text or call: 717-454-8050

Sporting Goods

14’ Mad River Canoe - $275.00 Barbel & Weider Bench Set - $90.00 Call: 717-682-5787


1 gun or collection - Will travel Kinsey’s Outdoors, 717-653-5524


DENTAL INSURANCE fromPhysicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - NOTjust

www.dental50plus.com/macnet #6258

HAVE SOMETHING TO GIVE AWAY? Place a FREE Ad! Call 1-800-428-4211 15 word, private party ad for 1 week (some restrictions apply)

SEARCH OUR CLASSIFIEDS online at townlively.com


NOTICE: It is recommended that you begin your garage or yard sale ad with the town, then street address, dates & times.


Sat., June 3th, 8am-?

100-200+ Families in 5 Developments

Rt.23 (Marietta Ave) 2mi W of Silver Springs

R on Prospect, L on Laurel or Buttonwood, or R on Penny Ln., or L or R on Hilltop or Farmdale, R on Jasmine in Bridge Valley.

Sponsored by Jeanne Walk, Rltr., 717-615-3344 Coldwell Banker (Google Map: Farmdale Elementary, 695 Prospect Rd., Mount Joy)


6/2: 4-7pm & 6/3: 8am-? 7+ Families. R/S Kids, adults, household, antiques, early childhood education, food and more.


Sat., 6/3, 8am-2pm. Mixed Variety!


Sat. June 3rd, 7am-12pm. Multiple households.

Lots of great items. Rain or Shine.

708 Brentwood Dr., Lititz, PA 17543

ELIMINATE GUTTER CLEANING Forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debrisblocking gutter protection. Schedule free LeafFilter estimate today. 20% Off Enitre Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-833-610-1936.

FREE HIGH SPEED internet if qualified. Govt. pgm. for recipients of select programs incl. Medicaid, SNAP, Housing Assistance, WIC, Veterans Pension, Survivor Benefits, Lifeline, Tribal. 15 GB internet. Android tablet free w/one-time $20 copay. Free shipping. Call Maxsip Telecom! 1-833-758-3892.

10- MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - May 31, 2023 townlively.com
R095909 R096055
BROOKSHIRE DEV. 50+ Homes Participating! Sat., June 3rd: 7:00 am-Noon Rain or Shine - Enter off Penryn Rd. on either Cambridge Dr. or Brookshire Ave. MULTI-FAMILY - COLUMBIA LANC. CO. MARINE CORPS
a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details!


DONATE YOUR CAR to Veterans Today!

Help and Support our Veterans. FastFREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1-800-245-0398.

HUGHESNET - FINALLY, SUPER-FAST Internet no matter where you live. 25 Mbps just $59.99/mo.! Unlimited Data is Here. Stream Video. Bundle TV & Internet. Free Installation. Call 1-866-499-0141.

INFLATION IS AT 40 year highs. Interest rates are way up. Credit Cards. Medical Bills. Car Loans. Do you have $10k or more in debt? Call National Debt Relief to find out how to pay off your debt for significantly less than what you owe! Free quote: 1-877-592-3616.

MOBILEHELP, AMERICA’S PREMIER mobile medical alert system. Whether you’re home or away. For safety & peace of mind. No long term contracts! Free brochure!


PREPARE FOR POWER outages today with a GENERAC home standby generator. $0 Down + Low Monthly Pmt. Request a free quote. Call before the next power outage: 1-855-948-6176.

SAFE STEP. North America’s #1 Walk-in tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our free shower package & $1,600 off - limited time! Financing available. 1-855-417-1306.

SWITCH AND SAVE up to $250/ yr. on talk, text & data. No contract or hidden fees. Unlimited talk & text with flexible data plans. Premium nationwide coverage. 100% U.S. based customer service. Limited time get $50 off any new account. Use code GIFT50. 1-855-903-3048.

WESLEY FINANCIAL GROUP, LLC Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt & fees cancelled in 2019. Get free info package & learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. 1-833-308-1971.



COAL/WOOD/PELLET STOVES & Inserts, New & Refurbished. Over 300 models in stock. $100-$800 & up. Buy/Sell/Trade. Call 717-577-6640


FOUND AN ITEM? Place a FREE 15 word ad in your local issue to locate the owner of your found item. 1-800-428-4211





This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement.



1 ROOF SLATEMISSING? Gutter(s) Clogged? Roof Repair or Replacement. D. Weber 717-872-6759

A LOCAL HANDYMAN Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical Licensed & Insured 610-547-7789


Roof & siding repair, painting, kitchen & bath remodeling, decks, no job too odd or too small, references, insured. PA031727. Call Mike Spinello, 717-464-5466

A&LTRIMMING , Interior Trimming, Cabinet Installations, Install New Flooring, Install Replacement Windows. 717-405-9545 Leave Message


AFFORDABLE HARDSCAPING 717-604-1306 - FREE ESTIMATES, 24 yrs. exp. Patios, walks, walls & repairing. Ask for Jeff!

AFFORDABLE LANDSCAPING 717-604-1306 - FREE ESTIMATES, 24 yrs. exp. • Senior Discount. Also patios, walls, drains, Ask for Jeff!

By Steve, 717-892-7411

ALLEGIANT TREE CARE Free estimates, fully insured, honest pricing! 20 years exp. Call for tree/shrub pruning/removal. 717-598-9857



now accepting new customers for SPRING SERVICE CHECKon Central Air Conditioning Systems. Call now to get on our list. 30 years experience, liscensed and insured. Call Kevin at (717)413-5011.


Will move households (will go out of state). Fair prices for Clean Outs of Attics, Basements. 717-442-3301


Interior Remodeling, Hanging, Finishing, Framing, Painting, Basements, Additions, Insured. PA 022669. 717-587-4102


Houses • basements • garages • yards Junk removal, 717-696-9453 No job too big or too small!

BRADY'S PAINTING WALLPAPERING SPECIALISTS.Res/Com. Painting, wood finishing, wallpaper, pressure washing, custom deck, complete remodeling. Free est. Insured. Tim, 717-653-8586

BROKEN STAIRS, Chimney Repair. Big Building, Bricks/House Need Pointing? I can help!!! Fix Your Bricks,LLC

Danny, 717-342-9039 | Lic. & Insured

BUSHES PROFESSIONALLY TRIMMED & pruned. Hedges, shrubbery, ornamental plants aesthetically maintained. No job too small. Spring clean-up, mulching, light landscaping. 717-405-8733





COMMERCIAL MOWING, STUMP grinding, brush mowing, lot clearing by Harper Tree Service. 717-305-4799

DO GENERAL HAULING - Construction Clean up, Also Buildings, Basements, Yards, Odd Jobs. Call 717-392-7855


(717) 538-8762

DRYWALL WORK. 30 Years Experience. Full Service Drywall Contractor. No Job Too Small. Text or Call: 717-989-2069 Kent Sauder LLC


Master Electrician. Panel/Service upgrades 100/200 amp. Repairs, lights, receptacles, fans, electrical heat, mini split heatpumps. Ins. Free est. PA030435, 717-371-1392


Additions, Siding, Replacement Windows & Doors. 15 Yrs Exp. PA153114 Sylvan Miller 717-468-2693


Clean, Repair, Gutter Guards. Property Maint. by Steve. 717-892-7411

HANDYMAN - Painting, Power Washing, Landscaping/Hardscaping, Gutters, Decks, Odd Jobs. 717-826-3680. PA#047811

HANDYMAN | 425-770-3686

Local • Insured • All Types of Projects “Making your day better” - Robert

HAULING, JUNK REMOVAL. Bsmts, sheds, garages cleaned out. Tree brush. Odd jobs. We also move people. Free est. Visa/MC/ Disc/AmEx. 717-456-6051; 410-688-7569 CRASS HAULING

HEADSTONE / MONUMENT CLEANINGSERVICE Quality work at reasonable rates. Call for an estimate: 814-617-0008



Call 717-274-5457 | Text 717-507-0090 www.hitzfencesupplies.com


Removal of black stains off roof & exterior cleaning. 717-424-8504


Do you want to have your roof inspected? WE FIX ALL ROOFS: Shingles, rubber, cedar shake, metal. WE DO FULL REPLACEMENTS ALSO Affordable and good workmanship. INTEGRITYROOFING REPAIR, LLC

Fully insured. PA158434

“Quality roof repairs you can trust.” Give us a call! 717-490-2665


Interior • Exterior - Reasonable Rates. Residential/Commercial, 717-314-9779


Basements, garages, attics, appliances. Five Star Property Service 717-278-1030


Shingles • Metal • Rubber Free Estimates | 717-690-5224


Property Maintenance by Steve, 717-892-7411

PAINTING By Triple P Int/Ext, Res/Com, 30 yrs exp. Free estimates, Fully insured Eric, 717-615-6442 PA 116089

PAINTING DONE RIGHT Interiors. Exteriors. Detailed clean custom painting services. Res/Com. Refs. PA126393. 717-286-5464

SAFE STEP. NORTH America’s #1 Walk-In

Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1,600 off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step: 1-833-356-1954.



STROKE AND CARDIOVASCULAR disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-518-8391.


Free estimates. Insured. Call or text Mitzel’s Stump Grinding 717-858-9347

THE BATHROOM OF your dreams for as little as $149/month! BCIBath & Shower. Many options are available. Quality materials & professional installation. Senior & Military Discounts Available. Limited Time Offer - FREE virtual inhome consultation now and SAVE 15%! Call Today! 1-877-540-2780.


We use modern pruning techniques for the health & safety of your trees & shrubs. Certified arborist on staff. Also removals, storm damage, & yard cleanup. 717-626-2541 (PA 088021)

V V AN’S TREES AN’S TREES: Shrub, Tree trimming. Mulching, Gardening. Senior Rates. Insured. 717-393-7729

WE TRANSFORM YOUR kitchen in less time, with less stress, at an amazing value. Since 1979, Kitchen Magic, a family-owned business offering cabinet refacing, new cabinetry, and luxury countertop throughout the Northeast. Call today for a free estimate. 1-844887-5145 (PA017137).



REFRESH-AIR 717-841-2174



ALWAYS BUYING Classic, Muscle & Sports Cars

Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561

BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime.

BUYING CLASSIC CARS,TRUCKS, SUVs **American and Foreign** Any Condition.

Buying entire car collections. $$PAYING CA$H$$

Please call 717-577-8206 KRMiller1965@yahoo.com

BUYING UNWANTED HEATING OIL 50¢/gallon - will pick up. 717-587-7315


Any, especially 1956-1967 Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561

PINBALL MACHINES WANTED. Any condition, working or not. Call Matt: 717-538-9485, Thanks.


ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph, BSA, and other foreign models. $$PAYING CASH$$ 717-577-8206 KRMiller1965@yahoo.com



All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis.


When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only, not who you wish to occupy it.

For Rent

ELIZABETHTOWN 2BR TOWNHOUSE + Computer room, 1 1/2 Bath. Incl. all appliances(+W/D). W/S/T incl. No pets, no smoking. $1,100/mo. Call 717-367-6342

OLD CARS AND PARTS, $1,000$5,000 or less, too sick for hobby, Central PA. Call: 570-538-3464.

DONATE YOUR CAR, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-877-327-0686 today!


$0-$1,000 Always paying cash for junk cars. Prompt, Honest Service. 717-877-5957 PA0002

$100-$5,000 PAID FOR UNWANTED OR JUNK AUTOS Free same day removal. All paperwork taken care of legally. PA licensed & insured. Call anytime 717-989-6980

$300-$1,000 CASH PAID ON ALLVEHICLES Serving York/Lancaster. 717-515-2607 HIGH QUALITY ADDITIVES Do high fuel cost cutting into your profits use this additives to help your vehicles run cleaner yet better fuel mileage, call 717-723-6576

WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE! Cash paid for unwanted cars, trucks. Any condition. Call Tim 717-318-0372


BRITISH MOTORCYCLES WANTED Triumph, Norton, BSA, etc., running or not. I pay more. 484-252-1708, anytime.

CASH PAID: ATVs, ATCs, Golf Carts, Motorcycles, 2/3/4 Wheelers, Any Yr, Running Or Not. Call/Txt 610-656-3158

MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - May 31, 2023- 11 townlively.com R095958 Eastwood Village Homes LLC Open House Model Homes with Garages Available to Inspect! Friday., June 2nd 1 PM - 4 PM Villages at Greenf ield 445, 449, 451, 453 Eastwood Lane Lancaster, PA 17601 (717) 397-3138 DIRECTIONS: Take Route 30 East to Greenfield Road. Turn right onto Greenfield Road. Continue past the entrance of Villages at Greenfield. Turn right onto Ben Franklin Blvd. Go over bridge and follow signs to model homes. Provided as a community service by this civic minded publication in conjunction with the Association of Community Publishers and Community Papers of Michigan To learn more about Paws With A Cause how you help, just download this app and watch the story come to life! GET ZAPPAR ZAP THE CODE TO DONATE R094837 For Rent STORAGE - MOUNT JOY 2-story barn, 1,280 sf. w/3-car garage, electric avail. $600/mo. Mike Suter, rltr. 717-575-1136 Wanted RETIRED LANDLORDS! I’m interested in buying your 4+ unit apartment building. CONTACT ME NOW! 717-208-2265 WANTED TO RENT/BUY Looking for Apt. to rent/or trailer home to buy, 717-669-0008 AUTOMOTIVE AUTOS FOR SALE 53


GOTR frompg 8

go to strengthening the organization’s core programming and training while supporting sustainability across local councils, many of which are still recovering from the impacts of COVID-19.

The partnership between Healthy Futures and GOTR was established in 2020, with an initial grant of $1 million supporting programming during the pandemic. The 2020 grant contributed to GOTR’s swiftly adapting services and

programming to serve girls meaningfully and safely during the pandemic.

Together with donors, Rite Aid associates, community partners and neighbors, Rite Aid Healthy Futures, formerly known as the Rite Aid Foundaion, has donated more than $15 million a year to causes, initiatives and organizations that make a difference in people’s lives. Visit www.RiteAidHealthy Futures.org to learn more.

Charger Challenge golf event set

Lancaster Bible College (LBC) | Capital Seminary & Graduate School will hold the 2023 Charger Challenge Golf Tournament on Monday, June 12, at Bent Creek Country Club, 620 Bent Creek Drive, Lititz. Proceeds will benefit LBC’s Community Scholarship Fund and Charger Athletics.

The event will begin with


registration at 10:30 a.m., followed by lunch at 11 a.m. The scramble-format tournament will have a shotgun start at noon. The event will include meals and snacks throughout the day, as well as both tournament and door prizes.

To register by Friday, June 2, or for sponsorship details, visit www.lbc.edu/golf.

ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN CHURCH: Homestead Village, 1800 Village Circle, Lancaster, PA 17603. 9:30 AM Sunday Service. Father James Johnson. For more info: 717-381-9573. allsaintsanglicanlancaster.org


Ron & Mary Buch; Sundays at 10am. Contemporary worship & messages of freedom, healing, deliverance and discipleship. Children’s ministry includes nursery through Sr. High. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7-8pm; Check our web site for scheduled home bible studies.; JA Jesus based recovery meeting Saturday 7-8:30p. Men and Women groups meet monthly. Family Fun Night bi-monthly 6:30-9:00, Jr. and Sr. High youth group meets alternating months. Local and International outreaches. Web site: www.breakoutministries.org or Call for details. 2400 Anita Court, Leola, PA 17540. Ph.: (717)656-8366


1215 E. Main St., Mount Joy. Pastor Mike Byrd. Traditional Service at 9-10 am Communion: held 1st Sun. of the month. 5th Sunday of the month: One service only at 9:45 am. Children’s Sunday School 9 am. Adult Sunday School 10:15 am. Kids’ Church 10:30 am Contemporary Service 10:30 am. Nursery provided at all services. Handicapped accessible. Church office: 717653-5175.


GREENHOUSE 717-653-1861

CHURCH OF THE APOSTLES : “Sharing Christ’s Love with All People.” 1850 Marietta Ave., Lancaster, 17603. Rev. Kathryn L. Kuhn, Sr. Pastor . Jonathan Paredes, Designated Associate Pastor. Sunday Worship: In-person at 9am & 11am, By phone (888-440-0106), or online at: www.apostlesucc.org


Located at 510 Walnut St, Columbia. In-person Community Worship at 10 am Sunday mornings (no masks required).

Pastor: Rev. Tom Grubbs. Sunday Worship is also live streamed at 10 am thru our YouTube page. Kid’s Own Worship 10 am Sundays (kids ages 4 yrs. to 5th grade) Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal - Fall & Spring 6 pm. Phone: 717-684-2356. www.columbiaunitedmethodist.org

COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH: Welcomes you to Love God, Love Others, & Reach Out with us! 331 Anderson Ferry Rd (off Rt. 441 on Rt. 772), Marietta, PA 17547, 717-426-1345, cbcpa.org. Service times are Sundays at 9:00 & 10:45am. The Livestream service is at 10:45am at cbcpa.org.

FAITH BIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 151 Donnerville Rd., Lancaster (one block south of Columbia Avenue). Pastor: Keith M. Long. 8:45 am Sunday School (with nursery and classes for children, youth and adults); 10:15 a.m. SundayWorship Service (with nursery and children’s church). Wed.: 6:30 p.m. AWANA Clubs (K-6); Wed.: 6:30 pm Youth Group 717-285-1900. www.faithbfc.com

HABECKER MENNONITE CHURCH: Come join our Christian community as we strive to follow the way of Jesus together! We are an intercultural congregation in Lancaster, PA, that gathers to worship One God in two languages, English and Karen. Everyone is welcome! Sunday Worship: 10 am. Weekly youth group. Location: 451 Habecker Church Road, Lancaster, PA 17603. Website: http://habeckerchurch.com.

ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH: A Reconciling in Christ (Open & Affirming Congregation). Located at 700 Pleasure Rd.Lancaster. Robin Fero, Pastor. In-person worship: Sat. 5 pm & Sun. 10 am. Online Worship at www.stmatthewelc.com For more info, call (717) 394-9607, or visit our web site.

TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST: 2340 State St., East Petersburg. Rev. Dr. Christopher Rankin, Pastor. Phone: (717) 569-1632. Sunday Schedule: 7:45 am Worship with Holy Communion; 9:00 am Sunday School for all ages; 10:00 am Koinonia (Fellowship Time); 10:30 am Worship (Holy Communion twice a month) Online service is available by visiting www.trinityeastpete.org “Catch the Vision, Share the Joy!”

WAYSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 600 Stony Battery Rd., Landisville (near Hempfield High School). Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Fritz, Pastor. Wayside offers a single Sunday service at 10 am with Nursery, Children’s & Youth Ministries provided. For more info, visit www.waysidepc.org or (717) 898-1551.

ZION EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH/ LANDISVILLE: 85 East Brandt Blvd. 717-898-2911; adminzelc@comcast.net

In-person worship at 9am. Live-stream link can be found at zionhempfield.net under the worship tab and on the Zion Lutheran Hempfield Facebook page. Adult Sunday School in-person at 10:15am. Pastor Timothy Seitz-Brown.

Please Note:Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only.

(Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.)

For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533

12- MERCHANDISER - Hempfield Edition - May 31, 2023 townlively.com Hardware Columbia Shopping Center 1786-F Columbia Ave. • (717) 684-8515 Mon.-Fri. 8-7, Sat. 8-5, Closed Sunday We have WEBER Gas Grills & TRAEGER Pellet Grills! R094550 ST. FRANCIS ANIMAL HOSPITAL High Quality • Economical Full-Service • Relaxed Setting Dr. Joseph A. Robuccio DVM, MS 308 Primrose Lane Mountville, PA 17554 717-684-3870 facebook.com/sfanimalhospital R094617 Including DENTALS! R096373 Installing Quality Fence Since 2016 • Residential & Agricultural Wood, Vinyl & Aluminum Fencing & Railings • Quality Fence Increases Property Value PA # 126513 717-669-9599 Call for your favorite local restaurants, shops, salons, artists, doctors, home specialists and more in this year’s survey! Vote Vote Best of Lancaster County READERS' SURVEY For more info and to cast your votes, visit LANCASTERCOUNTYMAG.COM/VOTE23 WIN PRIZES! Gift cards from survey winners will be awarded to select survey participants. Completed surveys must be submitted by 06/16/2023. You may also choose to print the survey and submit your votes by mail. R096350 1 2 2 5 W M a i n S t , M o u n t J o y HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:00 -6:00; Sat 8:00 -5:00 W W W . J B H O S T E T T E R . C O M Ultra Thin LED HD and UHD Smart TV’s WE SELL & SERVICE NAME BRAND APPLIANCES FROM: WE HAVE NAME BRAND TELEVISIONS, 24 INCHES AND UP FROM: MAKE YOUR YARD WORK EASIER WITH NAME BRAND LAWN EQUIPMENT FROM: R095067 717-653-1841 RENTAL

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