Manheim Central

Ask a high school student what her favorite sport is, and she might say soccer, basketball, softball or any of the other mainstream activities available to teenagers.
Talk to Kendall Achen, a sophomore at Manheim Central High School, however, and you’ll get a different answer. Kendall, the daughter of Stacy and Mike Achen of Manheim, loves the sport of luge.
What does she love about it?
“Everything - the speed, the training, my teammates,” Kendall said.
And she has high hopes for her participation in the sport, setting her sights on competing in the Olympics.
“I am hoping to go to the 2030 Olympics, but I’m even more excited about the 2034 Olympics being in Salt Lake City, where I’ve
trained multiple times already,” she shared.
Kendall was introduced to luge through her cousin, Erin Hamlin, a four-time Olympian who won a bronze medal in the sport in Sochi in 2014.
“Give it a shot, because you’ll never know how much it could mean to you until you put time and effort into it.”
“She was the first American singles slider, male or female, to win an Olympic medal in the sport of luge,” Kendall said.
Kendall started on her Olympic path after competing in 2019 in a “slider search,” where Team USA looks for potential lugers.
From there, she was selected to
attend a screening camp in Lake Placid, N.Y., in January of 2020 before learning in May of that year that she’d been selected to Team USA’s Development Team, the starting rung on the ladder of teams to progress to the Olympic Team.
Currently, Kendall is a member of the Candidate Team.
“The Candidate Team is the team an athlete is promoted to based on their performance on the Development Team, and it’s the level between the Development Team and the Junior National Team,” Kendall explained. “Athletes are promoted to the Candidate Team at the age of 14, or earlier if the coaches decide they are ready to move up because of their ability. I was promoted to the Candidate Team when I was 13.”
Kendall trains mainly in Lake Placid, but she’s also been traveling to Park City, Utah, to practice.
The Chiques Creek Watershed Alliance (CCWA) turns 25 this year, and the organization hopes to expand its public offerings to continue its mission of environmental stewardship. The group’s first event of 2025 will be a Walk in the Park at Mummau and Logan parks. The
walk will be held on Saturday, Jan. 25, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. and will begin at Mummau Park, 446-498 Chestnut St., Manheim.
“This is a great way to vanquish the winter blues or take a break from busy schedules,” shared Paul Duncan, CCWA president. “Get out there in these lovely parks with friendly folks and appreciate the ‘wild’
Lancaster County has a longstanding and deep connection to visual art and creatives in the community. Lancaster city’s historic downtown area is rife with art galleries and painters’ exhibitions, the Pennsylvania College of Art & Design and distinguished museums such as Lancaster Museum of Art and the Demuth Museum. Lancaster-born artists such as Charles Demuth, whose life and work are immortalized in the Demuth Museum, have become nationally renowned for their artistic
careers. In modern times, new generations of budding artists such as JJ Roach continue Lancaster’s artistic legacy by achieving recognition across Pennsylvania and beyond.
The Lancaster County Art Association (LCAA), a nonprofit organization headquartered in Strasburg, is a countywide network of paintbrushes and sketchbooks. LCAA’s members hail from every part of the county, as well as areas as far as Chester County, Philadelphia and Maryland. The nonprofit’s mission is to celebrate and promote visual arts in the local
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in our backyards and learn something new. And by visiting the area when it is not thick with green vegetation, we’ll be able to see and approach the Rife Run more easily.”
Participants will walk on mowed grass, but, where possible, they will also step into the riparian buffer to see the condition of the banks and floodplain.
“We’ll also have some design plans and old photos to compare with our observations,” Duncan said.
The Walk in the Park is a newer event for CCWA, he noted. It provides a different way to promote community environmental fellowship.
“It’s a very pleasant way to spend an hour or two walking through these parks, learning something new and sharing stories,” Duncan said.
The walk on Jan. 25 will be unique, he noted.
“Soon after incorporating in 2000, CCWA organized and led a restoration project in Mummau Park, with construction completed in 2003,” he explained.
tion focused on stewardship of the watershed through education, monitoring, maintenance and improvements in its waters and riparian environments.
The Chiques Creek Watershed includes the land areas that drain into tributaries and streams that ultimately merge into the Chiques Creek and meet the Susquehanna River near Marietta.
We encourage civic and fraternal groups, schools, churches, Scouting groups, and other local organizations to submit news releases of general interest to the majority of our readership. Primary consideration is given to dated articles of an informative nature–activities and events of local interest sponsored, presented, or planned by area organizations and institutions. Related photographs of good quality are encouraged also, but complete picture identification must be included. Undated articles of general interest are used as space permits. All articles must contain a contact name and telephone number.
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EMAIL: Mailed outside our circulation area for $36/year.
“It gives us a chance to appreciate the riparian areas that are publicly accessible and spend a little time with some very nice people,” Duncan commented. “We talk about why these areas are important and unique, identify where they might need help and share some local stories. We hope to go back to some of these sites in different seasons since the look and feel changes so much with seasons.”
Last year, CCWA held walks that highlighted Little Chiques Park in Mount Joy, Iron Furnace Park in Marietta and Governor Dick Environmental Center in Lebanon County.
“And after a change in leadership after about 2010, CCWA organized and led a restoration project in Logan Park. By looking closely at these areas now, we can remind ourselves what they were trying to fix in these restorations, ask how well the repairs have held up and ask whether we’d do anything differently in similar restoration projects now.”
Joining participants on the walk will be David Bowne of Elizabethtown College as well as Reid Garner of Spring Hill Partners, who is also the vice president of CCWA. Bowne will highlight the science of the environments, and Garner will discuss how restorations are designed.
“We’ll also talk about how these local projects fit in to the larger conversation about resilience to future intense weather events,” Duncan said.
CCWA is a nonprofit organiza -
“This includes Donegal Creek, Little Chiques Creek and Chiques Creek, and many tributaries,” Duncan explained. “We partner with local municipalities and other organizations to hold events and meetings. And we are trying to move events and meetings around the watershed so we have a chance to better appreciate the full territory.”
The organization’s board of eight is made up of people with extensive volunteer, organization and/or related professional experience, and the group’s membership includes people from both within and outside the watershed who are from the public, private and academic sectors.
The public is invited to participate in activities throughout the year, and the group is always looking for volunteers, Duncan said.
“One other change we’re trying this year is to separate
our organizational business meetings from what we’re calling informational meetings on watershed-related topics of public interest,” he stated. “We hope that the separate informational meetings will serve as a sort of public seminar and promote good discussion and better understanding of some complex topics. The first of these is coming up on Feb. 5, addressing multiple separate sewer systems (MS4), which has driven a lot of restoration/construction activity and regulation in our municipalities.” In everything it does, CCWA hopes to underscore how we all can be better stewards of the environment.
“CCWA really wants people to appreciate the environmental connections in their urban, agricultural and wild landscapes - connections that impact our resilience to weather events as well as figure into the value we place on clean water, clean recreational spaces and doing right for those that live downstream,” Duncan said. “Each Walk in the Park, each conversation, gives us a chance to better understand these connections.” For more information on the Walk in the Park as well as upcoming CCWA events, visit www.chi
Words like honor, balance and truth are words that Joe Stauffer takes very seriously. They are words that he lives by, brings to life and reinforces every day.
“You have to balance the law with what benefits the community,” said Stauffer. “By being a community member, I know what hurts the community and what doesn’t. I’m a softie for kids, and I’m a softie for older people. I’m a
big proponent of second chances because I was given some second chances growing up. You have to weigh out what’s good for everyone. You have to treat everyone fairly.”
Stauffer is nearly a year into his initial six-year term as a magisterial district judge. The former Manheim Borough police chief presides over cases, renders decisions, resolves disputes and rules on minor local law violations at his office at 690 Furnace Hills Pike, Lititz.
Stauffer’s magisterial district encompasses Lititz Borough, Warwick Township, Elizabeth Township and Penn Township.
“I want to make sure this office runs with integrity,” said Stauffer, a 53-year-old resident of Warwick Township. “This office isn’t a warehouse. It’s a place where everyone is treated fairly. Fairness is the biggest thing for me, and equal fairness. You have to leave here feeling you’ve been treated fairly.”
Pennsylvania state policemen, local and regional law enforcement officers, lawyers and citizens bring more than 2,200 cases, civil suits
Women of all ages and preschool children are invited to attend Neighbors Sharing and Caring, a women’s ministry of the Chiques Church, 4045 Sunnyside Road, Manheim, on Tuesday, Jan. 28, from 9 to 10:45 a.m.
Brenda Kocher will speak on “Trauma Into Triumph.” Kocher will share how the Lord has worked in people’s lives and how rich their relationship with Him can be when they learn to trust Him.
Kocher is a former sign lan -
guage interpreter and owner of a needlework design business and an antiques business. She is married and has two sons, two daughters-in-law, and six grandchildren. During the program, child care will be provided for infants through prekindergartners. No preregistration is required. Readers may contact Bonnie at 717-361-2613 or Veronica at 717626-7603 for more information and a copy of this year’s schedule.
community, a goal that has remained unchanged since LCAA was founded in 1936.
“We’re still committed to our original idea of promoting the arts in the area,” said Patricia Keller of Landisville, who handles LCAA’s publicity and advertising. “We’re always trying to get everyone involved and to give people opportunities to appreciate, understand and see good artwork. Visual arts are important to everybody.”
LCAA strives to support the art community in various ways. The organization’s main location in Strasburg houses the Steinmetz Gallery and the Kauffman Gallery, which frequently feature the artworks of LCAA members and distinguished guest artists. Membership shows take place every winter, fall and spring, in addition to themed exhibits such as “Cool Colors” in February, which will exclusively feature artworks of green, blue and violet hues. Until Thursday, Feb. 13, the 2025 Winter Membership Show may be viewed in the Kauffman Gallery, and a showcase of Dan Graziano’s work titled “Observations” will remain in the Steinmetz Gallery.
Although LCAA’s galleries steadily host new exhibitions, the nonprofit also offers a variety of workshops, classes and programs to teach specific techniques and explore different mediums. LCAA organizes fundraisers such as plant sales and art supply sales throughout the year to help cover its expenses, compensate professional jurors for exhibits and lower class enrollment fees.
As an active member of LCAA for more than 35 years, Keller said that one of her favorite aspects of the organization is its comradery. “Whether you’re down there working or part of a critique group, you’re around people who have a common interest,” added Keller. “You meet artists who work with different mediums than you do. It’s interesting to see how things work.”
Despite including many expert artists, LCAA accepts members of any artistic ability. “It’s nonthreatening. That’s what I love about it,” Keller said. It’s an opportunity for anyone to have a creative outlet and a place to show your work.”
LCAA is seeking volunteers to fill various roles within the organization, including leadership positions on the board of directors and gallery sitters to oversee exhibits when staff members are unavailable. To learn more, interested parties may attend a board meeting on the third Friday of every month at 10 a.m. LCAA asks that anyone planning to attend a meeting confirm by calling the office at 717-687-7061.
For more information, visit
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“I have training camps that are typically two to three weeks long nearly every month during the winter season,” she said. “Training camps include conditioning, starts practices and weight training, in addition to sliding on the track.”
In the summer months, she trains on wheeled sleds on pavement at the Lake Placid facility.
Kendall acknowledges that the specifics of a sport like luge are not common knowledge for many Americans.
“You’re not just lying on the sled,” she stated. “You use the kufens (runners) at the end of the sled, your shoulders, and your head to steer. It requires very precise movements in order to be successful and make it safely down to the bottom of the track.”
Kendall’s mom noted that Kendall tried the sport after watching her brothers participate in slider searches and screening camp, although they did not progress as far as she has.
“It’s so much fun to watch Kendall do her thing when she’s on the track,” Stacy said. “It is very nerve-wracking, but more so when I’m watching her race versus when she’s just practicing.
She has had a couple of crashes, one a bit more significant, and I’m thankful that I wasn’t there to witness it in person, and of course, I’m thankful that she’s been OK and that she is so resilient and can’t wait to get back up to the top of the track and do it again.”
Because their family has been involved with luge for longer than many people, they are acutely aware of the potential dangers of the sport, she said, and they’ve witnessed some terrible crashes through the years.
“There is always that little bit of breath holding when any of the athletes crash, waiting to make sure they are OK,” Stacy
remarked. “I’m thankful every time Kendall reaches the finish unscathed, and no matter what has happened during practice runs, it’s always exciting to watch her pull it all together and stay laser focused in a race.”
As she stays on target to her Olympic goal, Kendall hopes other kids will consider the sport of luge.
“Give it a shot, because you’ll never know how much it could mean to you until you put time and effort into it,” she said. “I don’t know that five years ago, when I went to my screening camp, that I ever thought I’d be where I am, but I’m so glad I gave it a shot.”
1215 E. Main St., Mount Joy. Doug Paglia, Pastor. Worship Service at 9-10 am Children’s Sunday School: 9-10 am. Refreshments & Fellowship: 10-10:30 am. Adult Sunday School at 10:30-11:30 am. Nursery Provided, Handicapped Accessible. For more information, call: 717-653-5175.
COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH: welcomes you to Love God, Love Others, and Reach Out with us! Join us for worship on Sundays at 8:00, 9:30, or 11:00 a.m. We’re located at 331 Anderson Ferry Road in Marietta (off Rt 441 on Rt 772). Learn more at
GRACE COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH OF MANHEIM: 1483 N. Colebrook Rd., Manheim. SUNDAYS: Adult Bible Class at 9:30am and Worship Service at 10:30am. Wednesday Evening Prayer is held from 6:30pm-7:30pm For more details, please visit or call 717-665-7222.
HOSANNA! A FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIANS 29 Green Acre Rd., Lititz (717) 626-2560 Worship with us in person @ 9:30am, online or livestream @ Children & Youth Ministries
MARY MOTHER OF THE CHURCH (A Roman Catholic Parish): 625 Union School Rd., Mount Joy. Pastor: Rev. Ted Keating. Mass Times: Saturday Vigil 4:30pm, Sunday 8:30 & 11 am; Monday thru Friday 8:30 am. Confessions: Sat 3:30pm. 717-653-4903, visit us online at
NEWPORT CHURCH: 656 W. Newport Road, Elm,
We are a vibrant family- oriented contemporary church that meets for Sunday “celebration” service at 9:30 a.m. and throughout the week in home groups, including junior-high and senior-high groups. Children love our Kids Town ministry every Sunday morning! Our mission is to share God’s Love generously and lead people to new life in Jesus. For info. or directions, see our Website or call 717-664-2635. Lead Pastor: Merle Shenk.
RUHL’S CHURCH: A growing church committed to Christ. Worship on Sunday morning at 8 am for a traditional feel. Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 am., 10:30 am. Worship led by praise band. (Nursery available. Handicap accessible.) For more information, please call 717-665-3400 or visit Located at 4810 Elizabethtown Rd, Manheim.
ST. JAMES CATHOLIC CHURCH: 505 Woodcrest Ave., Lititz Ph:717-626-5580
Rev. Stephen D. Weitzel
Confessions: Sat. 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm and anytime on request
Daily Masses: Tues.-Fri. 9 am Saturday Vigil Mass: 4 pm Sunday Masses: 8:30 am & 10:30 am for livestream Masses
Attend Church this Sunday
The Military Oral History Club of Lancaster County will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 28, at 7 p.m. at Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2435, 401 Manor St., Columbia. The speaker will be Frank Stellar.
Stellar was drafted into the Army Air Corps in April 1943. After basic training in Greensboro, N.C., he was assigned to the 36th Division,
which was sent to Europe to support the Allied air campaign. He spent the last two years of his service in England and France. Frank recently celebrated his 100th birthday.
The Military Oral History Club meets on the last Tuesday of each month. The meetings are open to the public. For more information, call 717-368-7726.
TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH: 596 West Newport Rd., Lititz. Are you looking for a Church that preaches from the King James Bible? Helps your family grow spiritually? Enjoys the old-time hymns? Look no further! Sunday School 10am, Sunday Morning Worship 11am, and Sunday Evening Worship 6pm. Wednesday Evening Prayer & Bible Study 6:30 pm. Pastor Wiliam Hamm, Jr. (717) 575-0292.
48 Market Sq., Manheim Sunday School 9:15am/Worship 10:25am Livestream 717-665-3633
TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST: 2340 State St., East Petersburg. Rev. Dr. Christopher Rankin, Pastor. Phone: (717) 569-1632. Sunday Schedule: 7:45 am Worship with Holy Communion; 9:00 am Sunday School for all ages; 10:00 am Koinonia (Fellowship Time); 10:30 am Worship (Holy Communion twice a month) Online service is available by visiting “Catch the Vision, Share the Joy!””
Stony Battery Rd., Landisville (near Hempfield High School). Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Fritz, Pastor. Wayside offers two services: 9:00 am Traditional with choir, 10:00 Fellowship & 10:30 am Contemporary with band & Children’s Ministry. For more info, visit or (717) 898-1551.
WHITE OAK CHURCH : 1211 N. Penryn Rd, Manheim, PA. You are invited to our Sunday services: Sunday School for all ages at 8:45am; Worship at 9:45am; scheduled evening services at 7:15pm and Wednesday evening Bible Study at 7:15pm. (1st Wednesday of month).
Susquehanna National Heritage Area (SNHA) will offer a “Love Is Electric” gift card promotion in celebration of Valentine’s Day. The gift card offers the opportunity for the recipient to take a ride aboard the Chief Uncas, a historic electric wood boat built in 1912 and now offering enchanting River Discovery Boat Tours. Guests will have access to panoramic views of the river and expert narration revealing the region’s rich heritage.
The gift cards come with a special valentine, adorned with the message “Our Love Is Electric” and an image of the Chief Uncas. The gift card is valid for the 2025 cruising season.
Gift cards may be purchased at -is-electric/ or in person at the Zimmerman Center for Heritage, 1706 Long Level Road, Wrightsville. Valentines and gift cards may be picked up at the Zimmerman Center beginning Saturday, Feb. 1. The Zimmerman Center is open on Tuesdays through
Sundays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; it is closed on Mondays. For more information, visit the aforementioned website or use the hashtag #LoveIsElectric on Facebook and Instagram to join the celebration.
People are also invited to celebrate Valentine’s Day weekend with “Love on the Susquehanna” tours of the Zimmerman Center from Friday, Feb. 14, to Sunday, Feb. 16. Tours will start at 11 a.m., 1 p.m., and 3 p.m. each day. People will learn the history of Valentine’s Day and hear reallife love stories that have shaped Pennsylvania’s past. They may also view a display of romantic letters written by historical couples from York and Lancaster counties; the exhibit is provided by the York County History Center and LancasterHistory. People will have opportunities to snap a photo with loved ones while surrounded by Valentine’s Day decorations. To make reservations for tours, visit events. Auction For: Sarah L. & William D. Hamm Jr. Jason D. Hamm, POA
Competitive Rates. Auction by: Witman Auctioneers, Inc. Luke R. & Clarke N. Witman
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and violations before Stauffer each year. Traffic citations are by far the most common, but Stauffer also rules on criminal cases involving drugs, domestic violence, retail theft, search warrants and landlord and tenant disagreements. He presides over more than 30 marriage ceremonies each year.
“I think (the case load) is proportionate to the size of the area and the population density,” said Stauffer. “We have a large population, and a lot of (the cases are) related to traffic. There are a lot of moving parts.”
In the complex and layered United States judicial system, magisterial district judges represent the most basic level of local justice. Stauffer is one of 19 district justices in Lancaster County, and the size of his case load in Lititz Borough, Warwick Township, Elizabeth Township and Penn Township ranks 10th among those districts.
“Every one is different,” said Stauffer. “You can go before me and have a completely different experience than the others. You leave with a different experience, and that’s how the system works. What I try to do is treat people with respect, and I hope people leave with that impression.”
A 1990 graduate of Warwick High School, Stauffer was elected to his magisterial district judge position in November of 2023 after serving as the chief of Manheim Borough’s 18-member police force for 12 years. Stauffer, who earned a degree in criminal justice administration from Alvernia University, possesses an extensive 28-year background in law enforcement.
“When I was nearing retirement as a police chief, I wondered, ‘What am I going to do now?’” said Stauffer. “I didn’t know what else I was going to do, and the opportunity presented itself. I thought, ‘I’m going to go for it.’ It felt like a natural transition for me. It’s really in my wheelhouse. I’ve remained in my passion to help people. For me personally, I’m living my best life. I’m helping the community I live in. Now my decisions affect more people more often.”