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Manheim Central

Bible2School receives donation

The mission of Bible2School, a Manheim-based organization, is to introduce children to the Word of God and guide them in building a relationship with Jesus. It just became a little easier for the nonprofit to do just that. Matthews Children’s Foundation recently presented Bible2School with a check for $1,000.

Matthews Children’s Foundation of Pittsburgh is a nonprofit organization associated with Matthews Aurora Funeral Solutions, manufacturers and distributors of caskets, urns and other funeral-related products. The foundation exclusively supports children’s charities across

the U.S. by awarding grants three times a year. Since its inception in 1992, the foundation has granted nearly $5 million to community-based, nonprofit children’s organizations nationwide. All

“My hope is that the children will hear a message of how much they are loved by God.”

recipients must be recommended by a Matthews Aurora funeral home partner. William P. Spence Funeral & Cremation Services Inc. of Manheim sponsored and recommended Bible2School to

Matthews Children’s Foundation.

“I’m delighted with the board’s choice of Bible2School to receive our most recent donation,” said Derek Miller, business development director for Matthews Aurora Funeral Solutions. “It was very rewarding to hear ... firsthand that our funds will help them upgrade necessary technology needed for their local program in Manheim Central.”

Bible2School, a public school ministry, equips communities to provide free Bible classes to elementary school children during their public school daytypically over lunch and recess. Children walk or are bused to a nearby church where volunteers engage them in lively worship, interactive Bible lessons,

Lanco Senior Softball league seeks players

If you are 58 years old or older and enjoy staying active, the Lanco Senior Softball league is looking for you.

Men and women within a

100-mile radius of Lancaster city who are interested in playing can contact league president Dave Dean at 610-334-1124 or email treasurer Dave Zerbe at

“We are looking for players,”

Pizzeria senior softball team won the National Division Playoff Championship last season. The team includes (front, from left) Ebiel Morales, Norm Summers, Kevin Weinhold, Mike Hostetler, Fredy Lopez, (middle)Joe Ives, Phil Maxey, David Garcia, Steve Murphy, Keith Ingram, (back) Bob Ricedorf, Rich Lucchese, Eric Kronawetter, Kevin Allen, Greg Henkel, Angel Torres-Perez, (not pictured) Jim Weller, Tom Hollow, Edwin Rodriguez, and Jon Fodor.

The seeds for the annual Lancaster County Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) event were planted in 2013 when pediatrician Dr. Lora Mangus Wenger and her family visited Haiti with members of Willow Street Mennonite Church as part of a Mission of Hope mission trip.

“At that time, (Mission of Hope) was feeding 50,000

children a day by distributing meals to their school, other schools, and orphanages,” Mangus Wenger said. “A warehouse (of food provided by FMSC) was stacked from floor to ceiling with boxes.”

Mangus Wenger had never heard of FMSC before that and decided to do some research after returning home. She discovered there were no MobilePack events taking place in Pennsylvania, so

William Spence (right), funeral director with Manheim-based William P. Spence Funeral & Cremation Services, presents a check to Megan Risser of Bible2School.

Manheim Central

Sportsmen plan activities

The Manheim Sportsmen’s Association, 552 Oak Tree Road, Manheim, has announced its upcoming activities. For details, visit https://manheim


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The association’s monthly meetings are scheduled for Thursdays, March 13 and April 10, at 7 p.m. Anyone who would like to join the organization may attend.

Trap shooting will be held at noon on Sunday, March 9. It will continue at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays from March 12 to April 30

and at 10 a.m. on Saturdays, March 15 to April 26. All trap shoots are open to the public. “BIG 50” ATA registered shoots will also be offered during the program on Sundays. For more details, call Matt at 215-208-3731.

The Manheim Clay Sports youth trap shooting team will hold registration on Wednesday, March 5, at 5 p.m. and Saturday, March 8, at noon; anyone unable to attend may visit www to contact the organization. The group will practice at

the Manheim Sportsmen’s Association at 4 p.m. every Tuesday from April 22 to July 8. Youths of any skill level, including beginners, are welcome. Guns are available to use. There is a fee.

Retirees’ coffee hours will be held on Mondays, March 10 and April 14, at 8 a.m. Food will be available. Participation is by donation. Questions may be directed to Curt at 717-665-7729 or Mike at 717-224-0747.

The Manheim Central High School rifle team will use the indoor range

each weekday from 3:15 to 6 p.m. with a few exceptions. The range is closed each day the team is practicing or hosting a match. The team will finish its season in early March. Any changes will be posted on the calendar at the aforementioned website.

Bingo will be held on Friday, March 7, at 5:30 p.m. at Lancaster County Farm and Home Center, 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster. To purchase tickets or for more information, call Joyce at 717-468-1334.

Organization exceeds charitable goal

Humane Pennsylvania has exceeded its goal of providing one million meals to pets in need throughout Berks and Lancaster counties and beyond in 2024, thanks to the generosity of the community. In 2024, Humane Penn -

sylvania’s Healthy Pets Initiative collected 365,908 pounds of pet food - equivalent to nearly 1.5 million meals. This program helps families to keep their pets happy and healthy at home. By July 2024, Spike’s Pet Food Pantry had

Initiative to support

The GIANT Company has announced the return of its annual Feeding School Kids initiative, which is in its fifth year. Customers at Giant, Martin’s and Giant Heirloom Market stores are invited to round up their purchases to the nearest dollar, buy a reusable bag, or convert their choice points into a donation for their local public school districts’ food programs now through Sunday, March 31.

already collected more than 177,000 pounds of food. The No Pet Hungry: Million Meal Challenge in December, along with the annual Howliday Donation Drive and partner-hosted events, added 6,300 pounds of food to

food program

To launch the program, The GIANT Company will donate $100,000. Through the more than $7.6 million provided to schools through the Feeding School Kids program, public school districts have been able to support meal programs and address food insecurity from supplying backpacks with weekend food to clearing outstanding student lunch debt to building on-campus food pantries and establishing

garden programs. In 2024, for example, Eastern York School District covered negative student lunch balances and provided nutritious breakfasts to students on state-mandated testing days, impacting 2,200 students. In addition, the volunteer organization NutriPacks served 800 students each week, providing access to nutritious food on weekends and school breaks.

the total. Humane Pennsylvania also distributed 104,396 pounds of supplies, including cat litter and other essentials. To support Humane Pennsylvania’s work, visit donate/general-donations/ or contact the donor relations manager, Chelsea, at CBreitenstein@Humane or 610-750-6100, ext. 299.


Wayne K. Callahan, 71, of Manheim, passed away at home surrounded by his loving family on Saturday, February 22, 2025. He was born in Lewistown, PA to the late Kenneth and Margaret (Goodwin) Callahan. Wayne was the loving husband of Jenese (Watson) Callahan, with whom he shared 48 years of marriage.

Wayne was a 1971 graduate of Kishacoquillas High School. He was a mechanic for UPS who retired after 40 years of service. He was a hard worker, and a jack of all trades. Most of his free time was spent in his garage fixing cars for friends and family. He enjoyed watching NASCAR races, having karaoke parties, working on outside projects, and spending time with his family.

Surviving in addition to his wife, Jenese, are two daughters, Karen, wife of Matthew Deller, of Manheim, Janelle, wife of Jedediah Mearig, of Lititz, five grandchildren; Gabe and Layna Deller, Jordan, Jackson, and Jace Mearig. He was preceded in death by a son, Brian Callahan, and two brothers, Gordon and Jesse Callahan.

To send the family online condolences, please visit:

said Zerbe, who resides in Strasburg. “Anybody interested in playing should call or email and give us your contact information so we can follow up with you. But if there are people who can’t play anymore, but would like to help coach, we’d be interested in those people.”

Each team has a coach and an assistant coach, and some serve as league officers and board members.

Lanco Senior Softball, which started in 1990, currently has about 200 players divided among 12 teams split into two divisions, American and National.

Last year’s teams were Gus’s Keystone Family Restaurant (home field at Rapho Park), LH Brubaker Appliances (Garrett Field), RH Cooper & Son (Rapho Park), Speedwell Construction (Rapho Park), Ephrata Good’s Disposal (Ephrata Middle School), Kautz Construction (Garrett Field), Strasburg (Strasburg Jaycee Park), TJ Rockwell’s (Rapho Park), Caruso’s Pizzeria (Rapho Park), GE Richards Graphic Supplies (Garrett Field), Mid Penn Bank (Ephrata Middle School), and Steel Fab Enterprises (Garrett Field).

Players do not have to play with the team based closest to their homes.

“It’s competitive,” Zerbe said. “These fellas, most of them have been playing some sort of organized ball in high school right through college and in different softball leagues as they got older and still enjoy the game.”

The median age of players

in the league is 64, Zerbe said.

Teams will begin practicing in April, and there will occasionally be in-season practices. The season will start in either the last week of April or first week of May with one or two games a week. The seven-inning games will start at 6 p.m. and will generally be over by 7:15 or 7:30, Zerbe said.

It is a modified league, which means pitchers throw as fast as they can while using a bowling-style motion, Zerbe explained. There is no sliding or base stealing. American Softball Association (ASA) rules and ASA umpires are used.

“We do have fun, but it can get very competitive,” said Zerbe. “You have different calibers of teams. You have some teams where guys are just trying to have fun and enjoy the game. If they win, they win. If they lose, they lose. Other guys like to win and win it all.”

In addition to Rapho Park in Mount Joy, Ephrata Middle School, Garrett Field in Willow Street, and Strasburg Jaycee Park, Stauffer Park in Lancaster is used for championship games and could host regular-season games this year.

There were 17 regular-season games last year, with that total depending on the number of teams in the league. The regular season is slated to finish at the end of July, followed by the double-elimination playoffs with all teams qualifying and seeded based on record. A champion is crowned

Irish music group to perform

The Arts at Millersville University will present Téada in concert on Thursday, March 13, at 7:30 p.m. at the Ware Center, 42 N. Prince St., Lancaster.

from both divisions.

Zerbe is hoping to attract more players for the 2025 campaign. “It seems like we’re struggling with having fellas in their early 50s who are excited about continuing to play softball,” he said. “Some of the guys are coming back and playing, but recruiting new fellas seems to be a little harder.”

The requirements are simple. “You have to have a love of the sport, baseball or softball,” said Zerbe. “You have to love the sport to want to play. You have to have a little bit of competitive spirit and ability to play. That being said, if you want to enjoy and meet some good fellas who are unified in their ability to play and want to play, then come join us. It’s good exercise. The older we get, the more we move and the more we stay active, the longer we’re going to live. If you can come out and one night a week you run and bat and throw the ball, it keeps your blood pumping and it keeps you young. Come out and have a good time and enjoy the camaraderie. You can meet people and become friends.”

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Open for the Season Saturday, March 1st

The traditional Irish music ensemble Téada has been a frequent headliner at major music festivals throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. The ensemble is celebrating 24 years.

To purchase tickets, visit, call 717871-7600, or stop by the Ware Center or the Student Memorial Center box office on the Millersville University campus.

Daugherty, Keiffer secure ticket to Hershey

On Friday, February 21, at Spring Grove, the Barons’ Brodie Daugherty pins Gettysburg’s Mason Rebert in 1:49 during the PIAA 3A Regionals. Daugherty punched his ticket to states in Hershey by taking first place in the 215-pound bracket
Manheim Central’s Barrett Keiffer works to turn Cocalico’s Blake Shenk during the PIAA 3A Regionals at Spring Grove on Friday, February 21. Keiffer secured fourth place in the 139-pound weight class.
Baron’s Noah Templin takes a shot at Mechanicsburg’s Willie Marshall-Travis during the PIAA 3A Regionals on Friday, February 21, at Spring Grove. Templin claimed sixth place.
Manheim Central celebrates after winning a 36-34 thriller over Northern York on Thursday, February 20, to advance to the PIAA District III Class 5A semifinals against Middletown.
On Thursday, February 20, during the PIAA District III Class 5A quarterfinals, Central’s Kaylee Brubaker dribbles to the paint against Northern’s Delaney Moyer. Manheim Central prevailed 36-34 over Northern York.
The Baron’s Madelyn Gehman pops a three-pointer over Northern York’s Liz Montgomery in a 36-34 thriller during the PIAA District III Class 5A Quarterfinals York on Thursday, February 20.
Manheim Central’s Katelynn Myer dishes a pass on Thursday, February 20 against Northern York in a 36-34 triumph during the PIAA District III Class 5A Quarterfinal.
wrestling photos by Cheri Sine
basketball photos by Bob Diller

she and her husband, Todd, and daughters, Anna and Naomi, participated in a MobilePack in New Jersey.

Sit-down jobs are available if needed.

“I thought, ‘We can probably do this ourselves,’” she recalled. Willow Street Mennonite Church got involved and hosted the first Lancaster County MobilePack in 2014. That event attracted 50 volunteers and put together 100,000 meals.

This year will mark a milestone. Because two years were canceled because of COVID, the 10th Lancaster County FMSC MobilePack will take place Friday to Sunday, March 28 to 30, at Willow Street Mennonite Church, 399 E. Penn Grant Road, Willow Street.

To date, meals have gone to Somalia, Haiti, Belize, the Dominican Republic, Malawi, Uganda, Jamaica, Poland, Guyana, and Moldova. Over the prior nine events, more than 10,000 volunteers from the community have come together to send more than 2.3 million meals to those most in need around the world, Mangus Wenger said.

This year, the plan is to have 2,000 volunteers work two-hour shifts to pack 400,000 meals in three days. There are no age limitations. For safety and efficiency, studentto-adult ratios are put in place, Mangus Wenger said.

Individuals who sign up for a packing shift are encouraged but not required to make a personal goal of contributing a minimum of $63. At the price of 29 cents a meal, this donation covers the cost of one box of packed meals (216 meals), which is the average amount a single volunteer packs in a two-hour period.

“This food is literally going to those most in need around the world.

Some of the people receiving this food only have one good meal a day,” said Mangus Wenger, who is the Lancaster County FMSC MobilePack chairperson.

Donations may be submitted at

Registration is underway and can be completed on the website.

Packing times are March 28 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. and 4 to 6 p.m.; Saturday, March 29, from 9 to 11 a.m., noon to 2 p.m., 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., and 5 to 7 p.m.; and March 30 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Some shift times are more popular than others and fill quickly.

FMSC is also committed to helping people closer to home by collecting food for the Lancaster County Food Hub. Volunteers are invited to bring a nonperishable food item that will be donated to the food hub in Lancaster city. Anyone from Lancaster County may receive food from this location.

Items requested include 1-lb. containers of peanut butter; canned meats such as chicken or tuna; 1-lb. bags of white or brown rice; canned fruit in juice or light syrup; pasta, preferably whole wheat; meal helpers; low-sugar breakfast cereal; and low-sodium soup.

Anyone who has never participated in an FMSC event will need to visit, set up a username and password to register as an individual or for a group, go to the upper right-hand corner, and click “Log in.” People can then create an account to set up a username and password.

After setting up an account, participants may type “ login” into a browser and click on “Volunteer.” People may then reserve the number of spots they will need for their group. Groups may help during multiple shifts, but they should not reserve more spaces than they know they will fill.

“I’m very thankful that so many people are willing to get involved,” Mangus Wenger said. “It particularly makes me happy to see children involved, because I think it’s very important we help them understand the importance of having adequate food on a regular basis, and how in the United States, we’re very, very blessed. Unfortunately, a lot of children in the world don’t have adequate nutrition.

We are able to help them. I am happy to see our community be so supportive.”

To celebrate the 10th event in Lancaster County, Daryl Fulp of Hope for Home Ministries in Guatemala will talk briefly before each packing session about the impact of the volunteers’ work.

Dr. Lora Mangus Wenger is the Lancaster County Feed My Starving Children MobilePack chairperson.

Youth program to accept applications

The Keystone State ChalleNGe Academy (KSCA) is accepting applications for its next class of cadets, which will begin the program in July 2025. There is no tuition cost to attend. Meals, housing, uniforms, and school supplies are provided at no charge.

The KSCA is designed to give academically challenged teens a second chance at obtaining their basic education, as well as opportunities to learn leadership, self-discipline, and responsibility, to build a better life. The opening of the academy at Fort Indiantown Gap (FTIG) in Lebanon County in July 2022 formally estab -

lished the National Guard Bureau’s Youth ChalleNGe Program in Pennsylvania. The program is open to 16- to 18-year-old Pennsylvania residents who are failing to progress in high school or may not be on a clear path to graduating, or who are unemployed or under employed. Applicants must be willing to be drug free. They must be free of felony convictions and voluntarily commit to the program. The first 22 weeks of the program consist of residential training at FTIG followed by 24 months of mentorship back in participants’ home communities.

The KSCA conducts two classes a year, one

starting in mid-July and the other in mid-January. Applications are accepted throughout the year.

The KSCA is a joint effort between the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) and the National Guard Bureau in consultation with the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE).

Cadets are introduced to the military structure and focus on eight core components: academic excellence; physical fitness; leadership/followership; responsible citizenship; job skills; service to the community; health and hygiene; and life coping skills. Graduates often

receive high school credits, credentials, or a GED.

The award-winning National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program was launched in 1993, and it currently operates 38 sites in 29 states and territories. The program is both federally and state funded.

More details, including the online application, can be found at www keystone-state-challenge -academy.html. New applicants also have the option of having an application mailed to them by emailing the academy at RA-MVPACHAL or by calling 717-861-7767 or 717-861-8831.

Mennonite Life plans book auction, Pennsylvania Dutch series

Mennonite Life, 2215 Millstream Road, Lancaster, will host a rare and used book auction as well as a series on speaking Pennsylvania Dutch conversationally. The book auction will take place in the community room at Mennonite Life, 2215 Millstream Road, Lancaster, on Friday, March 14, at 6:30 p.m.

Among the 400 lots in the auction are a complete 1749 Ephrata Cloister “Martyrs Mirror,” a very rare 1685 Dutch “Martyrs Mirror,” and an 1859 German New Testament with fraktur art by Barbara Ebersol. Also listed are a 1761 “Interpretation of the Two Letters of St. Paul to the Corinthians” by Siegmund Jacob Baumgarten in German; Philip Dietrich’s 1811 ”Enchiridion oder Handbüchlein”; Johann

Friedrich Stark’s Daily Prayer Hand-Book,” printed around 1700 in German; “Annals of the Conestoga” by Simpson and Mast; John Ruth’s “The Earth Is the Lord’s”; and a signed copy of “The Amish Year” by Rice and Steinmetz.

The auction will also include rare family Bibles, including a 1776 Bible printed by Christoph Saur formerly belonging to John Oberholzer. Various periodical sets will be available as well, including a complete set of “The Mennonite Community” ranging from 1947 to 1953, and a nearly complete set of “Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage” volumes 1 to 37.

Bids may be submitted at events and by mail until Thursday, March 13. The auction books are on display in the Mennonite Life community room. To view the full catalog, visit the

aforementioned website.

The series on conversationally speaking Pennsylvania Dutch, also known as Pennsylvania German, will take place in the Mennonite Life Community Room at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, March 18, April 15, May 20, June 17, July 15, and Aug. 19. People with all levels of experience are welcome, from beginners to fluent speakers.

The informal lessons will be based on the book “Speaking Amish: A Beginner’s Introduction to Pennsylvania German” by Lillian Stoltzfus. Copies of the book are available in the Mennonite Life store and at www

Participants should plan to attend all six sessions. Each session has a suggested donation. To register, call 717-393-9745 or email Ruth Martin at customercare@mennonite

Rare and used books will be available at an auction at Mennonite Life.

PA Turnpike and PennDOT win award

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PA Turnpike) and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) received the 2025 Grand Conceptor Engineering Excellence Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Pennsylvania (ACEC/PA) for its ongoing efforts to support work zone safety. The PA Turnpike and PennDOT share this recognition with


1215 E. Main St., Mount Joy. Doug Paglia, Pastor. Worship Service at 9-10 am Children’s Sunday School: 9-10 am. Refreshments & Fellowship: 10-10:30 am. Adult Sunday School at 10:30-11:30 am. Nursery Provided, Handicapped Accessible. For more information, call: 717-653-5175.

COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH: welcomes you to Love God, Love Others, and Reach Out with us! Join us for worship on Sundays at 8:00, 9:30, or 11:00 a.m. We’re located at 331 Anderson Ferry Road in Marietta (off Rt 441 on Rt 772). Learn more at

GRACE COMMUNITY FELLOWSHIP CHURCH OF MANHEIM: 1483 N. Colebrook Rd., Manheim. SUNDAYS: Adult Bible Class at 9:30am and Worship Service at 10:30am. Wednesday Evening Prayer is held from 6:30pm-7:30pm For more details, please visit or call 717-665-7222.

HOSANNA! A FELLOWSHIP OF CHRISTIANS 29 Green Acre Rd., Lititz (717) 626-2560 Worship with us in person @ 9:30am, online or livestream @ Children & Youth Ministries

MARY MOTHER OF THE CHURCH (A Roman Catholic Parish): 625 Union School Rd., Mount Joy. Pastor: Rev. Ted Keating. Mass Times: Saturday Vigil 4:30pm, Sunday 8:30 & 11 am; Monday thru Friday 8:30 am. Confessions: Sat 3:30pm. 717-653-4903, visit us online at

NEWPORT CHURCH: 656 W. Newport Road, Elm,

We are a vibrant family- oriented contemporary church that meets for Sunday “celebration” service at 9:30 a.m. and throughout the week in home groups, including junior-high and senior-high groups. Children love our Kids Town ministry every Sunday morning! Our mission is to share God’s Love generously and lead people to new life in Jesus. For info. or directions, see our Website or call 717-664-2635. Lead Pastor: Merle Shenk.

RUHL’S CHURCH: A growing church committed to Christ. Worship on Sunday morning at 8 am for a traditional feel. Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 am., 10:30 am. Worship led by praise band. (Nursery available. Handicap accessible.) For more information, please call 717-665-3400 or visit Located at 4810 Elizabethtown Rd, Manheim.

ST. JAMES CATHOLIC CHURCH: 505 Woodcrest Ave., Lititz Ph:717-626-5580

Rev. Stephen D. Weitzel Confessions: Sat. 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm and anytime on request Daily Masses: Tues.-Fri. 9 am Saturday Vigil Mass: 4 pm Sunday Masses: 8:30 am & 10:30 am for livestream Masses

TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH: 596 West Newport Rd., Lititz. Are you looking for a Church that preaches from the King James Bible? Helps your family grow spiritually? Enjoys the old-time hymns? Look no further! Sunday School 10am, Sunday Morning Worship 11am, and Sunday Evening Worship 6pm. Wednesday Evening Prayer & Bible Study 6:30 pm. Pastor Joshua Freeland (717) 575-0292.


48 Market Sq., Manheim Sunday School 9:15am/Worship 10:25am Livestream 717-665-3633

TRINITY UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST: 2340 State St., East Petersburg. Rev. Dr. Christopher Rankin, Pastor. Phone: (717) 569-1632. Sunday Schedule: 7:45 am Worship with Holy Communion; 9:00 am Sunday School for all ages; 10:00 am Koinonia (Fellowship Time); 10:30 am Worship (Holy Communion twice a month) Online service is available by visiting “Catch the Vision, Share the Joy!””

WAYSIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 600 Stony Battery Rd., Landisville (near Hempfield High School). Rev. Dr. Stephen P. Fritz, Pastor. Wayside offers two services: 9:00 am Traditional with choir, 10:00 Fellowship & 10:30 am Contemporary with band & Children’s Ministry. For more info, visit or (717) 898-1551.

WHITE OAK CHURCH : 1211 N. Penryn Rd, Manheim, PA. You are invited to our Sunday services: Sunday School for all ages at 8:45am; Worship at 9:45am; scheduled evening services at 7:15pm and Wednesday evening Bible Study at 7:15pm. (1st Wednesday of month).

Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only.

(Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.)

For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533

RK&K, which serves as the program administrator for this project.

The Grand Conceptor Award is the ACEC/PA’s highest honor and was presented Jan. 23 during the organization’s Diamond Awards for Engineering Excellence event in Lancaster. The event recognized projects across the commonwealth that exemplified superior safety, innovation, and engineering quality.

Celtic Classic Dog Show posted

The Celtic Classic Dog Show will take place from Wednesday to Sunday, March 12 to 16, at the York Expo Center, 334 Carlisle Ave., York. About 8,000 entries are expected over the course of the event. Dog show tours will be available daily, and guests may sign up at the club table inside the arena.

The York Kennel Club, Delaware County Kennel Club, and Lancaster Kennel Club sponsor the show. This is the 18th year

that York has played host. Vendors and concessions will be available. Only dogs registered in the show will be allowed on-site. For the safety of spectators and dogs, baby strollers are not allowed past the lobby and into the event area.

Admission and parking are free. For more information, visit www classicdogshows.

Any updates to safety guidelines will be posted at

PA Turnpike and PennDOT were recognized for the statewide Work Zone Speed Safety Camera program, launched in partnership with PSP in March 2024. Previously referred to as Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement, the initial five-year pilot program became permanent when Gov. Josh Shapiro signed House Bill 1284 into law on Dec. 14, 2023.

Pennsylvania’s Work Zone Speed Safety Camera program uses vehicle-mounted, electronic speed timing devices to detect and record motorists exceeding posted work zone speed limits by 11 miles per hour or more. Camera systems are only operational in active work zones where workers are present. Registered owners receive warning letters for the first offense, a violation notice with a fine for a second offense, and a violation notice with a larger fine for third and subsequent offenses. The violations are civil penalties with no points assessed to drivers’ licenses.

During the five-year pilot program, participating work zones saw a reduction in speeding, and work zone crashes also declined when a speed enforcement vehicle was present. Reducing crashes within work zones and protecting highway workers from the traveling public is top priority for the PA Turnpike. As part of this commitment, the PA Turnpike has a dedicated task force that focuses on construction zones, crash analysis, and near-real-time adjustments to working conditions.

Stemming from this task force, the PA Turnpike and PennDOT joined forces again this fall, developing a New Driver Work Zone Safety Program. The free, 35-minute virtual training program teaches new drivers how to navigate work zones with confidence and safety. To learn more, visit https:// WorkZoneSafety.

For more information about the PA Turnpike, visit

Program to examine tinnitus

A presentation about tinnitus - ringing or buzzing in the ear - will be held at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, March 11, at Landis Homes, 1001 E. Oregon Road, Lititz. The presentation will take place in the High Auditorium, just inside the door of the Calvin G. & Janet C. High Learning & Wellness

Center. Penn State audiologist Rachel Purinton will discuss the causes and treatments of tinnitus, and there will be a question-and-answer time. The program is free of charge. It is sponsored by the Lancaster County Chapter of the Hearing Loss Association of America.

Lecture to explore 1820s fashion

Historic Rock Ford will host a lecture, “From Regency to Romantic: The Essentials of 1820s Fashion,” on Sunday, March 9, at 1 p.m. The program will be held in the Langmuir Education Room located on the first floor of the Rockford Barn at Historic Rock Ford, 881 Rock Ford Road, Lancaster.

The 1820s was a transformational time in the history of fashion. Caught between the Regency and Victorian periods, the decade reflects changes in textile technology and changing artistic aesthetics. This lecture will unravel the style of this exciting decade.

The presenter, Margaret O’Neil, is a textile conservator currently working in Philadelphia. She graduated from the Winterthur/Uni-

versity of Delaware Program in Art Conservation in 2023 with a major in textiles and a minor in preventive conservation. She is interested in historical dress from the 17th through 20th centuries and shares her work on social media under the name Costume and Conservation.

To purchase tickets, visit special-events.

Event to feature storytelling and art

The Ware Center, 42 N. Prince St., Lancaster, will hold First Friday activities on March 7 from 6 to 8 p.m.

The Rev. Dr. Chynaah Maryoung-Cooke will present a performance of Ubuntu African storytelling at 6:30 p.m. in Steinman Hall. Through African narratives and drum beats, Maryoung-Cooke will explore identity and seek to break through emotional barriers and build a safe, welcoming space. This event is free and open to the public. No tickets are required.

The exhibit “Ain’t I a Woman?” will be on display in the Regitz Gallery from 6 to 8 p.m. The collaborative exhibit by Wanawake, a collective of local woman artists led by spoken word poet Thunda Khatt, is a tribute to the resilience, strength, and creativity of women, drawing inspiration from their shared history and individual journeys. The diverse mediums and techniques used reflect the varied perspectives and experiences of the artists involved. The exhibit will be on display until Friday, March 28.

Women’s group sets gathering

Women of all ages and preschool children are invited to attend Neighbors Sharing and Caring, a women’s ministry of the Chiques Church, 4045 Sunnyside Road, Manheim, on Tuesday, March 11, from 9 to 10:45 a.m.

Bonni Greiner will speak on “Trusting the Lord Daily,” focusing on examples from both the Old and New testaments that illustrate what it looks like to trust God when life is challenging.

Greiner is married to Nevin and is the mother of eight adult children and Bubba to 15 grandchildren. She is passionate about mentoring and speaking to women in all stages of life.

During the program, child care will be provided for infants through pre -

kindergartners. No preregistration is required. Readers may contact Bonnie at 717-361-2613 or Veronica at 717-6267603 for more information and a copy of this year’s schedule.

A bangle bracelet craft will be offered on Tuesday, March 18. Preregistration is required by March 11, and there is a fee.

and a few other little outbuildings. There is also a 12’ x 45’ stave silo w/unloader. This property is zoned agriculture and is presently enrolled in clean and green with yearly taxes of $3,993.00. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Come check out this rare opportunity to purchase a farm close to Hershey with so much potential, making it an excellent choice for a great investment. INSPECTION: By calling auctioneer for appointment. TERMS: 10% down day of auction, balance due in 60 days at final settlement.

ATTORNEY: Colleen Gallo, Barley Snyder Law Firm

electric heat pump with central AC; on-site well and pressure system; on-site septic system. 21’ x 21’ ATTACHED 2 CAR GARAGE, 14’ x 32’ DETACHED VINYL SIDED GARAGE/SHED, 10’ x 12’ WOODEN GARDEN SHED, 10’ X 16’ VINYL SIDED GARDEN SHED, LOT SIZE – 1.58 ACRES (M/L) – 300’ x 327’ x 114’ x

garages along with two other sheds provide a lot of storage space on this outstanding rural-residential property containing 1½ acres, just outside Manheim Borough! OPEN HOUSES - Saturdays, March 22 & 29 from 1 P.M.-3 P.M. *TERMS OF SALE - $25,000 down payment on the day of sale; balance at settlement on or before 6/2/2025. Purchaser pays both realty transfer taxes. Gibbel, Kraybill & Hess, Atty.

Left Lititz Rd. Pass Root’s Country Market & Auction. Left Graystone Rd. Right Landisville Rd. Property on left.
Bonni Greiner
Margaret O’Neil





PUBLIC AUCTION ABANDONED VEHICLES ALLIANCE TOWING will auction the following abandoned vehicles. The online auction will be one week long 3/6/2025 thru 3/13/2025. All bids must be submitted via email and reserves must be met on each vehicle. Pictures, starting bids, and reserves for each vehicle will be posted to our Facebook page in the photo "Auction March 2025" album. Bids can be sent to with vehicle item # and bid amount.



1986 DODGE RAM VIN#1B7FD04H4GS038814


DRIVER NEEDED to drive 2 Amish employees to and from our company located here in Strasburg. Co. vehicle provided. Approx. 25 hrs./wk. $14.00/hr. Call Merv 717-875-4521

One of Lancaster County’s premier auction companies is accepting applications for the following position: FT/PT SET UP/HAULING TEAM MEMBERS

Opportunity to work with a fun and experienced team to select, set up and/or remove treasures from clients' homes, deliver to our auction facility, and help w/any other tasks that keep an organized work environment. The ideal candidate should have strong customer service skills as they will deal with the clients in their homes, the ability to lift heavy items while working in varying climates, attention to detail and flexibility. Valid PA DL necessary & exp. pulling small trailers is a plus. Ultimately, a successful Hess team member should have a desire to work with others, crave a fast-paced work environment, & help to grow relationships with clients. Please apply via mail, or email to: HESS AUCTION GROUP 768 Graystone Rd, Manheim, PA 17545







ASSISTANCE FOR ELDERLY, caregivers provide hygiene assistance, meals, light housework in your home. Insured, Bonded, RN owned & operated. Call Visiting Angels, 717-393-3450.

Bldg. Materials



2007 HONDA CIVIC VIN#2HGFG12617H520048

1993 HONDA CIVIC VIN#2HGEJ2145PH511159


2004 HONDA CIVIC VIN#2HGES26884H551353








1997 FORD E350



VIN#3GNDA23P46S576153 2006 CHRYSLER 300 VIN#2C3AA53G05H685390 2010 NISSAN ALTIMA VIN#1N4AL2AP7AN404667 2005 AUDI A6 VIN#WAUDG74F45N089857


VIN#1G2ZH528054164434 2007 AUDI A4

VIN#WAUDF78E17A068480 Will be sold AS-IS ALLIANCE TOWING & RECOVERY 2060 Lincoln Hwy. E., Lancaster, PA 17602



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BUYING TOYS & COLLECTIBLES PA’s Largest Buyer of Toys & Collectibles 27 E Lancaster Street, Red Lion, PA Hours: M-W 8am-4pm, Th.-F by appt. 717-329-8167 •

Toys Vintage or Modern, New or Used, Hess Trucks, Barbies, Diecast, Hot Wheels & Matchbox, Action Figures, Models, Trains, Sports Cards/Memorabilia, Movie/Music Memorabilia, Video Games & much more!

Lawn & Garden



FREE REMOVAL of Riding Mowers. Call/text Jim 717-940-9029

RAILROAD TIES FOR SALE #1. Delivery Available GAP REPAIR, 717-442-4781 ext. 2


BICH-POO PUPPIES (3 males, 1 female) available March 7th! Vet-checked, vaccinated, non-shedding, hypoallergenic. $800. Call 717-693-9732

GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES, cute playful, shots, dewormed, vet checked. Ready 2/26, $300. #34014. 717-786-3969


5F, 3M. 1 blue, 7 blacks. UTD Vet checked. Call for price. 717-327-5386


Black & white, friendly, ready for a new home, $650. 717-354-5771

Sporting Goods


1 gun or collection - will travel Kinsey’s Outdoors, 717-653-5524

POOL TABLE BRUNSWICK HAWTHORN. Exc. cond., all accessories, Green felt. $1,900. 717-626-2339.


DENTAL INSURANCE FROM Physicians Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage for 350 plus procedures. Real dental insurance - NOT just a discount plan. Do not wait! Call now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the details!


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METAL ROOFING - A Real Roof for your House, Garage, Barn, also for Siding & Interior Liner. Seconds at Discount Prices. Made in Ephrata, PA. Email: sales@7174455222, 717-445-5222

PREPARE FOR POWER outages today with a GENERAC Home Standby Generator. Act now to receive a FREE 5-year warranty with qualifying purchase. Call 1-855-465-7624 today to schedule a free quote. It’s not just a generator. It’s a power move.

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Any questions can be answered by contacting the Township Office between 8 AM and 4 PM, Monday through Friday, or by email at


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SEASONED FIREWOOD: HARDWOOD Cut, split, stockpiled, $80/half cord skid, $150/Cord. Delivery available. 1161 Clay Rd Lititz 717-341-8715 call/text


FOUND AN ITEM? Place a FREE 15 word ad in your local issue to locate the owner of your found item. 1-800-428-4211

READ YOUR AD THE FIRST WEEK IT APPEARS This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement.


AFFORDABLE LANDSCAPING SPRING CLEANUP MULCHING Trimming/Planting Small Tree and Shrub Removal Neglected Overgrowth Cleanup Fast, reliable service. Lic/Insd. Sr. Disc.! Free Estimates! 717-208-2265

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AFFORDABLE PAINTING Drywall Instl./Repairs, Lite Carpentry. Wallpaper Removal. Cabinets. PA032157. We take the pain out of painting for you! Call Damien 717-940-5912

ALLEGIANT TREE CARE Honest pricing w/25 yrs. exp.! Fully ins. Tree pruning/removal • Stump grinding. FREE ESTIMATES! Call: 717-598-9857




Interior Remodeling, Hanging, Finishing, Framing, Painting, Basements, Additions, Insured. PA 022669. 717-587-4102

BRADY'S PAINTING WALLPAPERING specialists. Res/Com. Painting, wood finishing, wallpaper, pressure washing, custom deck, complete remodeling. Free est. Insured. Tim, 717-653-8586


Affordable Rates. Reliable Service 20yrs. exp. 717-715-9347 lv. msg.

CLOCK REPAIR - TRAGER 717-786-7053

CONCRETE FLOOR COATINGS in DURALAST, EPOXY, METALLICS. We also offer Vinyl plank floor install. TRUFLOORS | 717-687-1300

DO YOU KNOW what’s in your water? Leaf Home Water Solutions offers FREE water testing and whole home water treatment systems that can be installed in as little as one day. 15% off your entire purchase. Plus 10% senior & military discounts. Restrictions apply. Schedule your FREE test today. Call 1-866-996-1526

ELIMINATE GUTTER CLEANING forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. Plus 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-791-1626


Additions, Siding, Replacement Windows & Doors, Decks. 15 Yrs Exp. Sylvan Miller - 717-468-2693

Grandfather, Wall, & Mantel Clocks Cleaned, Oiled, Repaired. We Make House Calls! Free Pick-up & Delivery 717-454-7925

HANDYMAN: Painting. Winter Clean Ups. Land/Hardscaping. Gutters/ Guards, Decks, Roofing. Mailboxes 717-826-3680. PA047811

HAUL YOUR JUNK AWAY Home, yard waste, appliances; Whatever! Also Shed Removal. 717-669-7854

JACUZZI BATH REMODEL can install a new, custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, waiving ALL installation costs! Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer. (Offer ends 3/30/25.) Call 1-844-826-2535


Basements, garages, attics, appliances. Five Star Property Service, 717-278-1030

SAFE STEP. NORTH America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1,600 off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step: 1-833-356-1954.


STROKE AND CARDIOVASCULAR disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-5188391.


Free estimates. Insured. Call or text Mitzel’s Stump Grinding 717-858-9347

STUMP GRINDING SERVICES 717-989-7938, leave message.

WE TRANSFORM YOUR kitchen in less time, with less stress, at an amazing value. Since 1979, Kitchen Magic, a family-owned business offering cabinet refacing, new cabinetry, and luxury countertop throughout the Northeast. Call today for a free estimate. 1-844-887-5145 (PA017137).

Call: 717-598-9857

BUYING Classic, Muscle & Sports Cars Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561

BUYING CLASSIC CARS, TRUCKS, SUVs **American and Foreign** Any Condition. Buying entire car collections. $$PAYING CA$H$$ Please call 717-5778206

CORVETTES WANTED 1953 thru 2019 Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561

DONATE YOUR CAR, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-877-327-0686 today!

GET A BREAK on your taxes! Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous tax credit for 2025. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-320-2804 today!

WANTED! MOTORCYCLES & MINI BIKES! ANTIQUE AND CLASSIC. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, Yamaha, Triumph, BSA, and other foreign models. $$PAYING CA$H$$ 717-577-8206



All real estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act and the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act which makes it illegal to advertise a preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, sex, national origin, handicap (physical or mental) or familial status (people with children) or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. This publication will not knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which is in violation of the law Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis.

*NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS* When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only, not who you wish to occupy it.

For Rent


Students to present musical

Lancaster Academy for the Performing Arts’ middle and high school students will present their spring production, “Jane Eyre: The Musical,” on Thursday, March 13, at 7 p.m.; Friday, March 14, at 7 p.m.; and Saturday, March 15, at 2 and 7 p.m. Performances will take place in the Gardner Theatre at Lancaster Country Day School, 725 Hamilton Road, Lancaster. Lancaster Academy for the Performing Arts consists primarily of local students

enrolled in homeschooling or cyber school programs.

In “Jane Eyre: The Musical,” Jane Eyre learns the Gospel from a friend during a dark time in her life. The story tells how Jane finds light in the darkness, and it is a story of forgiveness.

To purchase tickets, visit https://lancasteracademy .org/ and scroll down to the ticket link.

Lancaster Academy for the Performing Arts is located at 1025 Columbia Ave., Lancaster.


hands-on activities and spiritual connection.

In Manheim, Bible2School classes are offered for students who attend Doe Run and Baron elementary schools. Programs are held for Doe Run second-graders on Mondays, Doe Run third-graders and Baron second-graders on Tuesdays, Doe Run fourth-graders and Baron third-graders on Wednesdays and Baron fourth-graders on Thursdays. Classes meet at Manheim Brethren in Christ Church, 54 N. Penryn Road.

from pg 1

grasp how valuable they are,” said Marie Good, area coordinator. “And that they will come to have a relationship with a God who gives them peace, hope and joy.” Bible2School began in 1979 in Manheim and has expanded to more than 30 schools throughout the county and the state. All programming is offered free of charge to students.

The program relies on volunteers, who feel called to share their faith with the students.

“My hope is that the children will hear a message of how much they are loved by God, that they walk away with their heads high, because they know they are seen, heard, important and

To learn more about Bible2School, to volunteer or to register for classes, visit www.bible2school .com. Registration forms are also available in the office of both of the Manheim Central elementary schools.

Herb Guild sets program

The Conestoga Herb Guild will offer a program, “Designing Your Outdoor Home,” on Wednesday, March 12, at 6:30 p.m. at the Millersville VFW, 219 Walnut Hill Road, Millersville.

Landscape architect Joel Young will speak about how to make a landscape, herb garden, or patio more enjoyable and transform it into a new extension of a home. He will present landscape design and planting design tips.

Young is a registered landscape architect in Pennsylvania and New York and is a partner with RETTEW Associates, a regional land planning, engineering, and environmental services firm.

He has worked on landscape design and planning projects for residences, medical centers, and college campuses throughout the Mid-Atlantic region for more than 30 years. Young received his bachelor’s degree in landscape architecture from Penn State University and a master’s degree in landscape architecture and regional planning form Harvard University Graduate School of Design. He lives in Willow Street with his wife and their three sons.

Guests are welcome with advance reservations and a fee. To register, contact Susan Atkins at 717-7257451 or

Used art supply sale posted

The sale will offer a large selection of frames, paints, brushes, paper, craft items, easels, drafting tables, and more.

The Lancaster County Art Association (LCAA), 149 Precision Ave., Strasburg, will host “Saving the Green,” a used art supply sale, from Saturday, March 8, through Sunday, March 30. The sale will be open from Thursdays through Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m.

The sale aims to offer an opportunity to help both the planet and the LCAA. For more information, call 717-687-7061 or go to

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