MCC Stitches promotes fellowship and fiber arts
Several years ago, the Stitches craft group at Moving Communities to Christ (MCC) Church switched the location of its monthly meetings to the Village Library of Morgantown. The goal was to encourage more people from the community to join the church members in working on various sewing projects.
Now known as MCC Stitches, the group continues to meet at the library on the fourth Saturday of the month from 9 a.m. to noon. The next scheduled meeting is set for Jan. 25.
“We called it Stitches in the church building. When we starting meeting at the library, we started
calling it MCC Stitches, so people knew where we came from,” said Kara Campbell, who is a group leader along with Brenda Pearsall.
The group is free and open to people of all ages who knit or
“I want people to come and learn, and they can take the craft with them.”
crochet or who want to learn. All supplies are included, or sewers may bring their own projects.
“Knitting and crocheting is the primary craft that we cover, but some women come in and bring
in embroidery, cross-stitching and looming,” Campbell said.
“The group is open for people to fellowship with us. If coloring is your thing, bring your crayons and sit with us. It’s all about the fellowship.”
Campbell said attendance has grown to include more members from outside the church. “The community has joined in, which is why I (have been) reaching out on the public Facebook groups to bring more people in,” she noted.
“We have had up to 25 (in attendance), and sometimes we have three. It depends on the time of year. There is no commitment; you don’t have to be there every month.”
Light snacks are provided, and
Year-end report reflects food pantry’s service to the community
The Honey Brook Food Pantry continues to serve people in need through its food distributions, programs and services, while being supported by the community through its many donations.
In a year-end report, Ken Ross, pantry director, noted that while the need for food and services increased in 2024, so did the
number and quality of donations.
“The need was unprecedented and so was the generosity. The generosity met the need,” Ross stated. “The demand was off the charts - the amount of people (we served) and the amount of stuff we gave out - but the donations were terrific.”
This year, the pantry gave out complete holiday meals for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. “We (previously) did one combined
See Food pantry pg 4

Cancer Support Group offers hope, compassion
When the community cancer support group at Conestoga Mennonite Church in Morgantown disbanded, those seeking help with their cancer journey did not have far to go. This past fall, the group merged with the cancer support group at Weaverland Anabaptist Faith Community in East Earl. Meetings, which are held on the third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m., are led by Rodney Horst, the church’s pastor of care
ministries. The next scheduled meeting will be on Jan. 15.
The cancer support group in Morgantown was led by Cheryl Heineman, along with her husband, Paul, who both moved out of the area. “(Cheryl) and her husband were moving to Bloomsburg, and she was looking at finding a group where her members could plug into,” said Horst. “I went to observe their group meeting. I did some introductions and gave a synopsis of what our group was like.”
To make the transition even
See Support group pg 2 See

MCC Stitches pg 5
MCC Stitches, comprising people of all ages, meets in the community room at the Village Library of Morgantown.
Ken Ross (fourth from left) receives a food donation from the Diwali Food Drive in November of 2024.
Morgantown/Honey Brook

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Support group from pg 1
smoother for participants, the support groups met for a picnic last summer. “We (had) a picnic at Poole Forge park for both groups in August as a way of introducing the groups to each other with the understanding that we would start up again in September, and we have been meeting monthly,” said Horst.
Horst started the cancer support group at Weaverland in January of 2017. “I saw the need. … It seems like almost every family has been affected by cancer or knows someone who has,” he stated. “Our vision statement was, ‘To show love and compassion for persons and their caregivers facing cancer and offering hope through Jesus Christ.’”
again in October of 2023 with Patricia Wright, executive director of Upward Call Counseling Services, providing resourcing for our group,” Horst explained. “I help to coordinate and facilitate the group, but Patricia is the primary resource speaker. We are open to having guest speakers from time to time as well.”
the group. We close out by enjoying a time of refreshments and fellowship with group members.”
Students invited to enter contest
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At that time, Horst led the group activities. “We often had a guest speaker - someone who had experienced a journey with cancer or perhaps someone who had lost a loved one to cancer,” he said. “It was a time of sharing stories, updates and encouragement for one another. This included (learning) tips, advice and resources for navigating a cancer journey from other experiences.”
The group stopped meeting in January of 2020 and then did not meet again for several years because of the pandemic. “We started up

Wright has a Bachelor of Arts in biblical and theological studies and a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Regent University. She received her master’s degree in social work from Millersville University and is a licensed clinical social worker. Wright also has her doctorate in social work (ABD) and is currently working on her Doctor of Ministry with a specialization in leadership at Lancaster Bible College.
“The format for our evenings now is a welcome and short meditation or ice-breaking activity, followed by a time of input by Patricia,” noted Horst. “We usually provide an optional time of sharing updates and prayer requests with
He noted that the group is free and open to people of all ages, including cancer patients, survivors and caretakers. Educational information is provided at the meetings. “We have flyers and handouts with valuable information, tips and advice for people on a cancer journey, not only for them but for caregivers,” he added.
Weaverland Anabaptist Faith Community is located at 210 Weaverland Valley Road, East Earl. Guests should use the main entrance facing south, off Route 897. Horst is on hand to greet visitors and show them to the room where the meetings take place.
For more information about the cancer support group, contact rodneyhorst@weaverland .org. More information about the church and its activities is available at www.weaverland.org and www.facebook.com/weaver landmennonitechurch.
Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful has announced the Litter Hawk Youth Award Program, a recognition program for students in kindergarten through sixth grade. Kids will complete a project specific to their grade level. They may participate individually or as part of a lesson initiated by schools, homeschooling programs, scout troops, 4-H clubs, environmental clubs, or other groups.
The Litter Hawk Youth Award Program is a way for kids to share their hope, optimism, and concerns about litter and inspire others to care for their communities. This year’s theme is “Join the Greatest American Cleanup! Show us how you can keep your community litter free for America’s 250th birthday,” in support of the Greatest American Cleanup, Keep America Beautiful’s national See Contest pg 5

by Jan. 17 to Jennifer at 888-786-7331 or waltersj@quarryville.com
Birdsboro church welcomes new pastor
“I saw this church’s profile and saw their passion for work in the community and thought to myself, ‘This is exactly what I have been looking for,’” said the Rev. Deb Parker-Hill, who is the new pastor at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ (UCC) in Birdsboro. “I was not necessarily looking for a church. I also work in the Reading Hospital lab, and I was doing some supply preaching, but I was missing leading a church.”
Parker-Hill explained that the Birdsboro church was in need of a pastor and posted its profile through the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference UCC. “Instead of a resume, the church does a profile. They do some selfexamination to figure out who they are, so they know what they are looking for, and the pastor does the same thing,” she explained. “I asked to have my profile sent to this church.”
After several interviews, a trial sermon and a unanimous congregational vote, Parker-Hill began work at the church last August and was officially installed as pastor on Nov. 17, 2024.
“There were several interim (pastors). The last pastor left in 2020 and was called to another church,” she noted. “I am half time and working half time at the hospital.”
She said that because the church has been without a regular pastor, congregation members have taken over some of the responsibilities of the church.
“They at least once a month either lead worship or get someone to come in to lead worship,” she noted. “For example, we just had the UCC PA Southeast Conference disaster response coordinator who came here to talk about (the organization’s) work. They have also taken responsibility for making sure that our home-bound members are

visited on a regular basis.”
Parker-Hill says she hopes to build on the church’s already successful Mission Trip Birdsboro & Beyond, an annual effort where volunteers from local churches help people in need with home improvement projects. “I saw Mission Trip Birdsboro on Facebook and followed it,” she noted. “I thought, ‘This is what the church should be doing.’”
One of her first efforts as new pastor is working to establish a Mutual Aid
See Church pg 6

Men’s Breakfast SPEAKER: Jon Crans
Topic: “Indigenous missions here” Hebrews 13:7,8
Jon Crans is a 1995 graduate of Pennsylvania School of Art & Design, who felt God calling on his life to not only be an artist, but to pursue full-time service. His background in skateboarding and surfing led him into Action Sports ministry. He served as director at Watermen for Christ and then started ThreeSixteen Ministry, a non-profit outreach to the skateboarding culture. Artist, skateboarder, surfer, graphic designer.
Hosted by: Twin Brook Ministries
Contact: Merv Beiler 717-715-4659
Email: ministries@twinbrookretreat.com
When: Saturday, January 25th, 7:30-9:00am (breakfast will be served at 7:30am) Seating is limited RSVP: January 23rd
Where: Twin Brook Retreat, 5697 Strasburg Rd., Gap, PA
Admission: by donation Registered 501(c)3


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The Rev. Deb Parker-Hill

pantry from pg 1
event between Thanksgiving and Christmas because we could not handle (distributing) that many turkeys in three weeks,” Ross noted. “So we gave out hams for Thanksgiving and turkey for Christmas. This is the first time we have done both.”
In addition, winter coats and accessories like hats and gloves were offered during each of the November and December distributions. In December, clients received toys for the children along with the holiday turkey dinner. “We gave away 600 coats (plus) 1,800 toys,” Ross said.
According to the report, the pantry supports more than 350 families each month, totaling nearly 1,200 individuals, including about 400 children and 200 senior citizens. “We have registered 145 new families (in 2024),” Ross noted.
Other pantry initiatives include its Backpack Program, which provides weekend food to between 100 and 130 children.
This past summer, nearly 200 backpacks filled with school supplies were distributed. The pantry also offers formula and other essential items as
part of its Infant Through Age 4 Program, as well as free clothing provided by the Anchored Ministries Clothing Closet.
The pantry’s distributions are typically held on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. To be eligible to receive food distributions and other benefits, clients must be residents of the Twin Valley School District and meet income requirements.
In addition to nonperishable food, clients receive fresh meat, dairy and produce products, as well as personal hygiene items. On-site resources, designed to help pantry clients achieve independence, include employment assistance, legal aid, medical and dental services and utility support. New offerings include transportation information, flu shots, vision testing, haircuts and assistance with Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), as well as the Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC).
Ross said that distributions go on despite winter cold or inclement weather conditions. “Volunteers

who supply information to the clients are inside, but the actual distributions are outside,” he said, noting that tents and portable propane heaters provide some relief from the elements. “We had some nasty rainy days in October and November, but we have a tough crew.”
Those who would like to help out the pantry may consider holding a food drive or making a financial donation. “Food collections are always helpful. We have a list of what is preferable,” Ross said. “But there are things we can only get with cash - dairy, produce, meat, specialty food for kids and infants and (those with diabetes). Food drives are great, especially if they follow our list, but what is better is financial donations because we use it for those things.”
The end-of-year report concludes with some of the pantry’s success stories.
“Despite emergencies and difficult living conditions, we’ve seen notable successes,” Ross stated. “The two largest families we’ve seen for years, (with) eight and nine members, have achieved financial stability and no longer want or require our assistance. A long-term participant earned a bachelor’s degree through VA benefits. Two single mothers who registered last Christmas are now employed and receiving college tuition support from their employers, with one making the dean’s list.”
For more information about the pantry, located at 5064 Horseshoe Pike, Honey Brook, visit www .facebook.com/honey brookfoodpantry or www .honeybrookfoodpantry .org. The Facebook page also offers a video review of 2024 in a post dated Jan. 1. Those with questions may leave a message at 610-273-6102.
Webinar to focus on invasive plants and insects

Penn State Extension will hold a live webinar, “Invasive Plants Drive Insect Invasion,” on Wednesday, Jan. 22, from 8 to 9:15 a.m. Andrew Liebhold will delve into the complex relationship between invasive plants and insects and discuss the critical role of reducing plant invasions to preserve forest health. Attendees
will gain insights into how managing plant invasions can help protect forests and the diverse life they support.
There is a fee. Continuing education credits are available. Registration is required by visiting https://extension.psu.edu/ and searching for “Invasive Plants Drive Insect Invasion.”
The Honey Brook Food Pantry gave out 600 winter coats along with accessories during its November and December distributions.
MCC Stitches
each gathering begins with a Christian devotional reading that relates to a craft.
The stitchers have made various items for local nonprofit organizations, including Anchored Ministries of Elverson. “In the winter, we donate hats and scarves, and in summertime, light blankets and prayer shawls,” Campbell noted. “At Sunny Crest Home, we did projects with (the residents) and donated lap blankets while there and handed them out.”
Among the group’s other projects are making hats for the men at Hope Rescue Mission in Reading; making blankets, scarves, washcloths and other items for residents of Mary’s Shelter in Reading; making blan -
kets for hospitalized and homebound individuals; and making lap blankets that were donated to the Wrapped In Hugs Program, which provides a wrap to the families of donors who have participated in the Gift of Life Donor Program. Campbell said that the craft group attracts people of all ages, noting that sometimes mothers and grandmothers bring their children or grandchildren to learn knitting and crocheting. “We have taught children as young as 8,” she reported.
Campbell encourages people to attend the January meeting to give knitting or crocheting a try. “After Christmas is done and people want something to do, (they can) get out of the house
and learn a new craft,” she added. “It’s a good time of year to gather people. A small group is nice because it’s intimate, but I want people to come and learn, and they can take the craft with them.”
The Village Library is located at 207 N. Walnut St., Morgantown. For more information about the craft group, email kara .campbell48@gmail.com or join the “MCC Stitches” Facebook group.
scan this code for more local news townlively.com
Contest from pg 2
three-year campaign to motivate, educate, and celebrate communities to clean up and green up ahead of the country’s 250th anniversary on July 4, 2026.
Students in kindergarten through fourth grade will make a poster, those in fifth grade will write an essay, and those in sixth grade will make a video. The deadline for participating is Friday, Jan. 31, 2025.
The first- and second-place winners in each grade level will be awarded certificates. All participants will receive recognition of participation with a Litter Hawk sticker.
Winners will be announced in April 2025 in coordination with an awards cere -
mony at the Pennsylvania State Capitol, where all winning entries will be on display as part of the 2025 Litter Hawk Youth Award exhibit. All winners and their families, guardians, and teachers are welcome to attend. Special guests will include representatives from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and America250PA.
The Litter Hawk Youth Award Program was created with funding provided by the Pennsylvania DEP. For more information, visit www .keeppabeautiful.org/ grants-awards/awards/ litter-hawk/. Additional questions can be answered by contacting Stephanie Larson at slarson@keep pabeautiful.org or 724836-4121, ext. 104.

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Community Calendar
Jan. 17. Soup Sale Fundraiser
Presented by the Caernarvon Fire Company Ladies Auxiliary
Caernarvon Fire Company
2145 Main St., Narvon, 11 a.m. until sold out. Offered for sale will be fresh ham and bean soup and chicken corn noodle soup by the quart. Frozen cheeseburger soup will also be available by the quart.
Jan. 21. Neighbors
Conestoga Mennonite Church
2779 Main St., Morgantown, 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Attendees will knot comforters for the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). All local women are invited. Child care will be provided. For more information, email tina.m.essick@gmail.com or join the “Neighbors” Facebook group.
Jan. 21. Lego Club
Boone Area Library
129 N. Mill St., Birdsboro, 5 to 6 p.m. The challenge will be “Float a Boat.” Youths will build a boat out of Legos and try to make it float. The program is recommend for youths ages 6 to 11. www.berkslibraries.org/branch/boone
Jan. 23. Cliffhanger Book Club
Boone Area Library, Birdsboro, 6 to 7 p.m. The topic will be “The Blue Hour” by Paula Hawkins. To reserve a spot, email Amber at youthlibrarian@ boonelibrary.org. The group discussion is recommended for people age 19 and over.
Jan. 27 and 29. Story Time
Boone Area LIbrary, Birdsboro, 10:15 to 11:15 a.m. The theme on Jan. 27 will be “Snow Stories.” The theme on Jan. 29 will be “Winter Tales.” Story Time is recommended for children up to age 5, but youngsters of all ages are welcome.
Jan. 31. Community Dinner
St. Peter United Church of Christ 1920 Ridge Road (Route 23), Pottstown, 5:30 to 7 p.m. A free will offering will be received. Call 610-469-9690 for additional details.
The Community Calendar is a weekly feature of the Community Courier. Submit a meeting or event for consideration in writing at least two weeks prior to the event. Email submissions to ffulton@engle online.com.

Network. “(Congregation members were trying to figure out) what more can they do to meet the needs of the community. They determined that the best way to meet those needs was to form this committee. They put it on hold (until after the installation service), so one of the very first things I did was to get this started,” Parker-Hill shared. “I did some research on Mutual Aid Networks, and we actually met on Zoom with an organizer of a network in Anchorage, Alaska. She gave us some nuts and bolts of the program.”
“Besides worship, which is the other main thing that I am concentrating on, I am also trying to get to know people in the community, as well as people in the congregation,” she added.
Parker-Hill is bi-vocational, meaning that she works part time at the church and is a part-time worker in the community. “I am excited about bi-vocational ministry, which is doing two jobs,” she said. “I think that is part
of the church’s future. It was intentional on my part because that keeps me grounded in the world that everyone else is living in - the secular world. I can hear what people are concerned about.”
The Sunday service, which features traditional music and a message, is held at 9:30 a.m. “I want people to know that God loves them and inspire them to reach out into the world with God’s love,” she stated. “I base my sermon on the Scripture assigned for the week and make it relevant to today and to things that are going on people’s lives, the community and the world. God loves us all and how can we go out into the world and be that love?”
St. Paul’s UCC is located at 300 W. First St., Birdsboro. For more information, visit www.stpaulsbirdsboro .org or www.facebook.com/ stpaulsuccbirdsboro. Those with questions may call the church at 610-582-8461 or email office@stpaulsbirds boro.org.
Student-athlete honored for academic performance
David Seel of Morgantown was named to the Centennial Conference academic honor roll for the fall 2024 season.
The award honors student-athletes who are in their sophomore year or
later and carry at least a 3.40 cumulative gradepoint average.
Seel is a sophomore member of the men’s cross-country team and a graduate of Twin Valley High School.

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WINTER SPECIAL! FIREWOOD, Mixed seasoned hardwood. $210/cord delivered within 10 mi. of Parkesburg. TREE/SNOW REMOVAL | 610-857-2169
FOUND AN ITEM? Place a FREE 15 word ad in your local issue to locate the owner of your found item. 1-800-428-4211 READ YOUR AD THE FIRST WEEK IT APPEARS This publication will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement.
A LOCAL HANDYMAN Plumbing • Electrical • Carpentry Licensed & Insured, 610-547-7789
A&L TRIMMING, Interior Trimming, Cabinet Installations, Install New Flooring, Install Replacement Windows. 717-405-9545 Leave Message
ABSOLUTE JUNK REMOVAL Free Estimates | 610-547-7789
AFFORDABLE ELECTRICAL SERVICES • New/Older House Wiring • Sec. Cameras

Grandfather, Wall, & Mantel Clocks Cleaned, Oiled, Repaired. We Make House Calls! Free Pick-up & Delivery 717-454-7925
INTERIOR HOME REMODELING Floor Plan Changes • Framing • Drywall Trimming • Painting • Flooring Trubuild Construction | 717-869-3204
JACUZZI BATH REMODEL can install a new, custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, waiving ALL installation costs! Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer. (Offer ends 3/30/25.) Call 1-844826-2535
Detailed custom painting. 33yrs. exp/Refs. All related services, etc. 717-286-5464
PRO PAINTING INT./EXT. Comm’l/Res. No job too big or small! All Handyman jobs avail. 717-826-3680
ROOFING ~ Amish Quality 10 yr. workmanship warranty. Lic. & Ins. EDGE VIEW ROOFING, 717-940-0501
SAFE STEP. NORTH America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1,600 off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step: 1-833-356-1954.
STROKE AND CARDIOVASCULAR disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-866-518-8391.
WE TRANSFORM YOUR kitchen in less time, with less stress, at an amazing value. Since 1979, Kitchen Magic, a family-owned business offering cabinet refacing, new cabinetry, and luxury countertop throughout the Northeast. Call today for a free estimate. 1-844887-5145 (PA017137).
Stump Grinding • Brush Mowing/Clearing • Sm. Tree Pruning/Removal • Landscaping/Hardscaping • Old Fence/Shed Removal • Stone Pads • Light Grading/ Excavating + Firewood. 610-857-2169
A BUYER SEEKS Old Books, Postcards, Photos, COSTUME JEWELRY, Pottery, Antiques, Complete Estates. Call Cara at 610-918-2528 or 484-356-3123

ment for real estate which is in violation of the law Our readers are hearby informed that all dwellings advertised in this publication are required to be available on an equal opportunity basis. *NOTE TO OUR CUSTOMERS* When placing your real estate ad please describe the property only, not who you wish to

BANGOR EPISCOPAL-FOUNDED 1722. 4 mi. W of Morgantown on Rt. 23 in Churchtown. Sunday Holy Eucharist at 10am. All are welcome. Handicap accessible. Parking lot adjacent to the church off Water Street. For additional info., www.bangorepiscopal.org
BETHANY GRACE FELLOWSHIP: 400 Reading Road, East Earl (at the corner of Rt. 625 & Union Grove Rd.) Join us for worship, Sundays at 9 & 10:35AM. Adult, Youth, 56 Club classes at 10:35. Options for nursery-grade 4 during both time slots. Check us out at www.bethanygf.org or call 717-4456644 with questions. To Thrive | To Impact | To Unify.
BRICK LANE COMMUNITY CHURCH:52 S. Brick Lane in Elverson, welcomes visitors to worship with us Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. Wheelchair accessible. Childcare through age 2 and children’s worship during the sermon for PreK-Grade 3 available. Learn more at www.brick52.org or call the church office 610-286-6790. For those unable to attend in-person, see our livestream on www.youtube.com/bricklanecommunitychurch
CHURCHTOWN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 2170 Main Street, Narvon (Churchtown). Phone: 717-445-5585, umcchurchtown@gmail.com. Pastor Dave Kling, dklingclm@gmail.com 5 mi East of New Holland on PA 23. Sunday worship at 9 am. Handicapped Access.
FAIRVIEW EVANGELICAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH- 800 Fairview Road, Glenmoore, PA (intersection of Fairview & Little Conestoga Rds.) Rev. Tim Latham. Sunday School for all ages at 9:15am; Worship Service at 10:30am Nursery provided. Christian Education, Men’s & Women’s Bible Studies, Music Ministry, Women’s Ministry, Small groups... and much more! As growing disciples, we continue to Worship, Connect, Know and Serve God. For more info, find us online at www.FairviewEPC.org or call the office at 610-942-2640
LIVING GOD LUTHERAN CHURCH: 3200 Horseshoe Pike, 3 miles east of Honey Brook. Handicap accessible. Please join us for worship each Sunday at 9:30 am and Children’s Sunday School at 9:30 am. Nursery care is provided. If you are unable to attend in-person, join us via livestream on YouTube.
ZION UMC: 753 Mt. Zion Rd., Narvon, PA. Pastor: Ian Solodky, Worship Leader: Joe Liptock, Praise Band “3:16”. Adult Bible Study 9 am, Worship Service 10:15 am, Child Care Provided. We teach the traditional Gospel of Jesus Christ. All are welcome! Enjoy the views of our beautiful rural setting. Facebook.com/mtzionroad/ Instagram: Mt.Zion_narvon PARKESBURG WORD OF FAITH CHURCH Sunday Service 10 am & Wednesday prayer at 7:30 pm - at 501 Lenover Rd., Parkesburg, PA 19365. Call 610-593-2277 www.parkesburgwordoffaith.org Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be