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VITA offers free tax preparation services
As tax filing season approaches, Chester County residents are reminded that their taxes can be prepared free of charge through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program, which is offered locally by Life Transforming Ministries (LTM).
“VITA is an amazing program offered by the IRS to partners, such as LTM. (It gives LTM) the opportunity to offer free federal and state tax preparation for low- to moderate-income households in our communities,” said Donna Laird, LTM VITA administration support. “By low, we mean those making around $70,000 or less, yet our goal is to offer service to anyone who needs help. Tax returns are electronically prepared and filed at no cost to the taxpayer. Every site is run by volunteers who are trained and certified by the IRS.”
LTM’s VITA program began in 2004 in Coatesville. “We did 15 paper returns that year,” Laird said. “Last year, we were able to put $5.4 million back into the community by submitting over 2,600 tax returns.”
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