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County commissioners award grants

The Chester County commissioners recently approved the awarding of $2.5 million in open space preservation and park improvement grants at the commissioners’ public meeting. The grants are made available through Chester County’s Preservation Partnership Program, which offers funding to municipalities and nonprofit land preservation organizations.

The commitment of county funds will help leverage an additional $15 million of non-county funds. A total of 15 grants will be awarded this year.

Local grant recipients included East Coventry Township, which will receive $50,000 for the acquisition of 1.7 acres to add to its 160-acre publicly accessible Nature Preserve. North Coventry Township will receive $41,312 for the Riverside Park river access improvements, including the installation of an adaptive kayak launch on the Schuylkill River, providing river access to those with physical disabilities and those using mobility devices, and the replacement of the existing, deteriorated concrete boat launch.

See Chester County pg 4

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