2 minute read

Parade Entry Form � � � � � � � � � � � � � Children's Parade and

2021 Manheim Farm Show Premium Book - 95


Organization Name/Company Name:��������������������������������������������������������������������� Contact Person: ���������������������������������������������� Title: ������������������������������������ Address: ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� City: ��������������������������������������������������������� State: ����� Postal Code: ���������������� Day Time Phone #: ��������������������������� Evening #: �������������������� Fax: ����������������������� E-mail Address: ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� • Description of the entry or entries: (include the total length of entry) ����������������������������������������

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ • How are you getting your group and equipment to the parade, please specify the number and types of transport vehicles(s), if applicable? �������������������������������������������������������������������������������

������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ • Total number of people in your group: ����������������������� • Will the entry have music? ������� YES ������� NO • (Floats) I would like my float to be judged? ������� YES ������� NO • (Baton Groups) Would you like to be with a Band? ������� YES ������� NO • Are you handing out any candy or other items during the parade? ������� YES ������� NO

(If YES, include a description of items or a copy of any printed material being distributed in the parade with your entry form). • Parade Category: Non-Profit ADULT Non-Profit YOUTH Non-Profit ADULT FLOAT Non-Profit YOUTH FLOAT Commercial FLOAT ($50) Commercial CLASS 1 ($225) Commercial CLASS 2 ($175) Commercial CLASS 3 ($125) Adult Band HORSE Baton Group • Please write a short paragraph about your entry in 30 words or less, to be used by the announcers along the parade route and for the TV announcers. Ideas of things to say in the narrative are, description of the unit, individuals to be recognized, or other comments to be mentioned which as awards. Although, we will make every effort to announce everything you would like said about your entry, we do reserve the right to edit your comments as to length. In addition, there is no guarantee that the comments can be read in its entirety at all locations. PLEASE PRINT!

REGULATIONS: - Throwing of objects from any vehicles is prohibited, however objects can be handed to the crowd, and all food, or candy must be in original wrappers. - The Parade Committee and/or the Manheim Community Farm Show Board may refuse any entry. Decision of the Parade Committee is final. - Liability - Each exhibitor will be solely responsible for any loss, injury, damage done, or arising from any animal, vehicle, or participant. - A responsible adult must accompany a group of participants under the age of 18. - Cleanliness - you are responsible for any trash or manure. - No alcoholic beverage may be consumed before or during you participation in parade activities. - All participants driving in the parade must have a valid driver's license and insurance. - All tractor safety rules must be followed while participating in the Manheim Community Farm show Parade. This includes no rider's policy. • My organization has read, understands, and agrees to follow the Manheim Farm Show Parade regulations. Signature: ������������������������������������������������������������ Date: �������������������������� • Enclosed is the following amount $ �������������������������� . Make checks payable to Manheim Community Farm Show. • Send Entry Form and entry fee to: Ryan & Tracy Zimmerman, 2512 Shumaker Road, Manheim, PA 17545 • You will receive a confirmation either by e-mail, fax, mail, or phone that we received your entry form.

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