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Farm Show Queen Rules � � � � � � � �
The purpose of the Manheim Community Farm Show Queen Program is to enhance and enrich the lives of young girls and women in our area by the promotion of agriculture and the representation of our community at a local and state level. By doing so, we want to instill valuable life lessons to the girls such as self-esteem, leadership, teamwork, public speaking, responsibility and above all a sense of pride in our rural community and its heritage. CROWNING DATE: Monday, October 4, 2021 TIME: 6:45 P.M. PLACE: Farm Show Stage
QUEEN COORDINATOR - Jennifer & Emily Witmer 717-203-9145
JUNIOR QUEEN COORDINATOR - Denise Hess, 717-665-7295 PRINCESS COORDINATOR - Doreen Shearer 717-653-5244 COMMITTEE –– Ashley Gemmill, Denise Hess, Diane Kensinger, Ann Moyer, Doreen Shearer, Linda White, Dani Zurin ELIGIBILITY RULES FOR LOCAL AND STATE QUEEN CONTEST:
1.Be a female who is a U.S citizen and a resident of PA, specifically attending Manheim Central High School or residing in the district. 2.Be at least age 16, but no older than 20 years of age as of June 1 of the year entering the local contest. 3.Be the certified representative from the local fair where she was crowned. 4.Have not been a former local Fair Queen winner, not a former State Fair Queen. 5.Not hold any other title for any other commodity group or pageant. 6.Must have her parent(s)/guardian(s) consent to enter the local and state contest. 7.Be single, have never been married, have not been pregnant nor given birth. 8.Be of good moral character (at the discretion of the Queen Committee).
9.Be able to meet all the time commitments, Queen obligations and dress code as set by the PA State Fair Queen program, which can be found at: www.pafairs.org/pdfs/convention/2021/queenapplicationpacket.pdf
10.Must exhibit something in the Manheim Community Farm Show (in any department). 11.All contestants MUST have an escort for the evening of the ceremonies. 12.All contestants will be given a personal interview, a 3-5 minutes speech to a panel of judges and select members of the Farm Show
Queen Committee. Interviews will be held Tuesday, September 17. Exact time and and location to be announced. 13.Entrants must submit a photo no larger then a 5x7 with the application. Photo does not have to be professional but should be of good quality. 14.Applications must be submitted to: Jennifer Witmer, 517 Hossler Rd., Manheim, PA 17545
Must be postmarked by Friday, September 10.
No late entries or phone entries will be accepted. 15. Misconduct of any contestant will not be tolerated (i.e. cyberbullying, etc.) Consequence will be immediate dismissal form contest and contestant will be banned from participating in any future royalty contest.
Judging will consist of:
1.Personal interview utilizing your biographical information and other questions. 2.Knowledge of the Manheim Community Farm Show. 3.Memorized presentation of speech on “Why You Should Come To The Manheim Community Farm Show”. 4.Written essay of 300 words or less on “What The Farm Show Means To My Community”. 5.Poise, appearance, neatness, and ability to communicate. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ PRIZES:★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ *QUEEN: $1,000 cash. *1st Runner-up: $250.00 *2nd Runner-up: $100.00 cash *3rd Runner-up: $75.00 *4th Runner-up: $50.00 cash *All other contestants will receive $25.00 cash ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ DUTIES OF THE QUEEN:★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 1.The Queen must agree to promote the Manheim Community Farm Show for one year and participate in events as requested. 2.The Queen will reign over the 2021 Manheim Community Farm Show, presenting ribbons and trophies with the help of her court at all animal shows, family fun night, sale, and participate in events as requested. 3.When she has any free time she must be in the Children's Barnyard helping to teach them about the importance of Agriculture. 4.The Queen and her Court must ride in the Farm Show Parade on Wednesday evening, October 6, 2021. Rain date October 7. 5.The Queen must be present at the Livestock Sale Friday night to hand out trophies and banners to the winners and buyers. 6.The Queen and her family are asked to come to the Farm Show Banquet which is held in November, and she will be asked to give a short speech. 7.The Queen may be required, pending budget approval, to attend at least 8 work sessions preparing her for the state Queen Contest in
Hershey, PA. 8.The Queen and her parents may receive, pending budget approval an all-expense-paid trip to the State Fair Queen contest in January 2022. 9.She must conduct at least one Ag in the classroom session, and teach some aspect of agriculture or submit a request to the committee for an alternate service project. 10.The Queen will be expected to be present at the next year's swine show (2:30 p.m.) to hand out awards. 11.The Queen will participate in the ceremonies to crown the 2022 Farm Show Queen and will be expected to recount her past year as Queen. 12.Most importantly the Queen is expected to present herself in a pleasant, professional manner at all times.