Manheim Township

It’s a great way to shake off the winter doldrums. It’s a great way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with the family. It’s a great way to unofficially kick off the local running season.
Officials of the Junior League of Lancaster want to use Run4Luck as a way to spread the word about the organization’s volunteer training, action and collaboration programs.
“It’s kind of like everyone coming out of hibernation,” said Junior League of Lancaster president Laura McGarry. “It kind of kicks off the vibrant spring.
We get outside, and we’re doing something different. When you get outside, there are so many people there, and it kind of lifts up that spirit. It’s a joyful, family, fun event.”
This year’s edition of the annual Run4Luck 4-mile run and 2-mile walk will be held at Baker Field, at the intersection of Wilson Drive and Clayton Road in School Lane Hills, Lancaster Township, on Saturday, March 8, beginning at 8 a.m. The event will serve as both a fundraiser and a “fun raiser” for the work of the Junior League of Lancaster, an all-volunteer organization located at 1130 Marietta Ave., Lancaster.
To register for Run4Luck, go to PA/Lancaster/Run4Luck2024. Participants can also register in person until 8:15 a.m. on the day of the race.
“It’s like a big party,” said McGarry. “It’s just a big community event. Everyone is cheering everyone else. The excitement warms everyone up and keeps them moving.”
The day’s festivities will begin with kids’ fun runs at 8 a.m., followed by the start of the 4-mile run at 8:30 a.m. and the 2-mile walk at 8:40 a.m. The event will conclude with an awards ceremony at 9:30 a.m. Awards
Mental Health America of Lancaster County (MHALC) is partnering with Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health (PMLGH) and the Lancaster County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) to promote, advocate for and increase awareness of gun safety. The partnership seeks to accomplish its goals through
Providing care for incapacitated wives and husbands is a huge commitment and an even bigger undertaking. The act can be physically, mentally and emotionally taxing.
But who cares for the caregiver? Oftentimes, that responsibility falls to the caregivers themselves.
Well Spouse Association is a support group that recognizes that caregiving husbands and wives are more effective when
they are healthy.
“This is our therapy,” said Barry Applebaum, the founder of the Lancaster chapter of Well Spouse Association. “This is our respite. This is a way to talk to people who know what we’re going through. Sometimes it’s for the friendships that we make.”
“When you become a spousal caregiver, it’s uniquely different,” continued Applebaum. “It has unique challenges. That person was someone you communicated with. ... But it’s not
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For just over two years, community organization Advoz worked with middle and high school students in the Elizabethtown Area School District to reduce conflicts and promote restorative practices.
Although the Lancaster-based organization’s participation in the district ended after grant funding ran out, Advoz saw positive results from collaborating with the students, and it’s now looking to expand Advoz partnerships with other districts in the county.
tor in the school to oversee student mediators who have been trained by Advoz.
“Students are really seeing the value of this program,” Rittenhouse said. “It’s mitigating violence in the hallways, streets and after school, even on social media. Students are learning that if they handle conflict in the supportive environment of mediation, that spills out into how they handle conflict when they aren’t being supervised.”
Advoz also works with Sacred Heart School in Lancaster, providing services one day a week for the small private school.
From Elizabethtown, Advoz staff members worked with ninth-grade students in the School District of Lancaster to highlight mitigation of classroom conflict and improve communication skills.
The goal of Advoz’s collaboration with school districts is to reduce the need for low-level offenders to be referred out to authorities such as district judges.
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“We focused on an introduction of conflict skills, ‘I’ messages, and the various conflict styles of different people,” shared Krista Rittenhouse, interim executive director and director of restorative practices for the organization. “We worked on community building. We believe if we don’t trust each other and we don’t care about each other, we’re not going to engage well with each other.”
Advoz also supports the peer mediation program in the School District of Lancaster, providing a facilita-
We cultivate faith-filled,
“They can report to our embedded school resource officers, and they still have consequences for their actions, but we are focused on repairing and maintaining relationships,” Rittenhouse explained. “Our students are going to absorb their education, and engagement is best when they feel supportive, they feel safe, and their brain is not in an activated state.”
In other words, she noted, restorative practices help students stay in their “learning brain,” not in their “survival brain.”
“We are all about turning conflict into conversation,” she said. “All of the programs we have are intended to create structures to remove barriers to having hard conversations, to empower collaboration and inclusive conversation so everyone has a voice in determining a solution that works for everyone.”
Formed in 2017, Advoz was created from a merger of Lancaster Mediation Center and the Center for Community Peacemaking. Those organizations have roots that go back 40 years, so the depth of knowledge
and resources is strong, Rittenhouse said.
Advoz concentrates on restorative practices, an umbrella term for the values and guiding principles that include collaborating, inclusive learning, community building and response to harm. Restorative justice comes into play when harm has been caused.
“Now we’re in a subset of restorative practices that requires accountability, making things right,” she said.
According to statistics provided by Advoz, schools that employ restorative practices see positive results. Graduation rates increase, truancy decreases and suspensions also decline. Teachers report that restorative justice practices help them build caring relationships with their students and make a positive impact on school climate, ultimately leading to an increase in safety.
“Change comes when students have a sense of feeling connected and invested in their community,” she said, adding that it’s not a quick fix. “Restorative practices often get misrepresented because it takes three to five years of intentionality to see a culture shift and to see skills change.”
Schools that choose to
work with Advoz should be prepared to put in work up front to see big results.
“It takes more time on the front end to get a program going,” she said. “You have to give up instruction time in the beginning, but you gain it back when students are engaged, inclusive and collaborative. When students are actively being invited to engage in their learning, they are less likely to be disruptive in the classroom.”
If a school is interested in working with Advoz, Rittenhouse suggests reaching out for an initial consultation.
“We offer multiple ways to support schools,” she said. “We have training for individual staff, for teams, for direct facilitation.”
The organization also works with businesses on conflict resolution and team building.
“We want our organization to be connected to the community and community owned,” Rittenhouse said. “We believe if people are using these strategies in their own lives, in their work and their homes, that has a trickle effect into the community.”
For more information, including upcoming training programs, visit https://
will be presented to the top finishers in various categories.
Participants and competitors are encouraged to dress up in their favorite St. Patty’s/Irish garb, and the event will be enlivened by a mobile food pantry, which will be accepting monetary donations, and the presence of blow-up characters.
“The primary purpose of the event is to raise awareness and raise support for the work of the Junior League of Lancaster,” said McGarry. “We also wanted it to be something for families to be involved with.”
More than 500 individuals, mainly Lancaster County residents and Junior League of Lancaster volunteers and friends, are expected to participate. The Run4Luck course, which takes competitors through the scenic School Lane Hills neighborhoods and doesn’t cross any main streets, begins and ends at Baker Field.
“(The participants and competitors) are people who have heard about the work of the Junior League,” said McGarry. “They know if there’s a problem in the community that the Junior League can be called to help. I think people know it’s going to be a fun time for a good reason.”
The Run4Luck was first staged in 2005 as a family-friendly way to raise
funds for the nonprofit.
“All the proceeds will go toward the community focus area, to increase access to healthy and nutritious food and help improve the knowledge and dietary habits across all populations in Lancaster County,” said McGarry. “The Junior League has always had a couple of cornerstone fundraisers.”
The Junior League of Lancaster, which includes 90 active members and 280 sustaining members, was established in 1923, just a few short years after Junior League International was founded in New York City. Among the Junior League of Lancaster’s goals are to advance women’s leadership through volunteerism, training and collaboration.
The Junior League of Lancaster is funded through dues, corporate sponsorships, individual donors and the local efforts of ExtraGive. The Junior League is also currently developing a grant-writing program.
“We want to develop skills,” said McGarry. “When a Junior Leaguer shows up to volunteer, they’re going to know what they’re doing. They’re going to be able to hit the ground running. Our trained volunteers are going to be useful contributors to the community in a really meaningful way.”
The Ewha Womans University College of Music will hold a “Giving Thanks” concert at First United Methodist Church (UMC), 29 E. Walnut St., Lancaster, on Saturday, March 1, at 5 p.m. as part of the College of Music’s 100th anniversary celebrations. The concert will feature more than 70 musicians, a women’s choir, and a mix of Western classical and traditional Korean music.
The performance will honor the historical ties between Lancaster and Ewha. Henry Appenzeller, a missionary sent by First UMC, played a pivotal role
in fostering education and cultural exchange between Korea and the U.S. His daughter Alice Appenzeller significantly contributed to Ewha’s development through her fundraising efforts, teaching, and leadership as the school’s president from 1922 to 1939. Today, Ewha remains one of the largest female schools and one of the most prestigious universities in South Korea.
Parking is available in a lot behind the First UMC building. For more information, visit www or call 717-394-7231.
The Upper Leacock Township War Memorial Association (ULTWMA) will host an indoor flea market on Saturday, March 1. The flea market will be held in the Veterans’ Hall of the War Memorial Building, 54 W. Main St., Leola, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
More than 37 vendors will offer items such as crafts, toys, health care products, Hot Wheels items, glass items, puzzles, train items, collectibles, books, antiques, seasonal arrangements, tools, team sports items, and traditional flea market and garage sale bargains.
Refreshments will also be available for purchase.
There is no admission charge. The hall is located next to Upper Leacock
Fire Company. Parking is available at the rear of the building. Proceeds will support the maintenance of the War Memorial Building. For more information and to rent a table at the flea market, contact ULTWMA at 717-656-6154 or
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the same person. You learn to love and care in a different way.”
The Lancaster branch of Well Spouse Association meets at 7 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month. The support group for spouses who are taking care of significant others meets via Zoom on the second Wednesday and at Wegmans, 2000 Crossings Blvd., Lancaster, on the fourth Wednesday.
There is a yearly membership fee associated with joining the group.
“Every person’s situation is different,” said Applebaum, a 66-year-old resident of East Lampeter Township. “Our spouses are sick and can’t get out, so the Zoom meeting is convenient. Some people don’t want their spouses to know they’re doing this. It can be threatening. For most of us, the reality is our spouses are (present in this world), but they’re very different. We have to transport them, and some can’t talk well.”
Since its inception about nine years ago, the Lancaster branch of Well
Spouse Association has had a membership fluctuating between three and eight spousal caregivers. The members are caring for spouses who have had strokes, cancer, traumatic brain injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and muscular dystrophy.
“The numbers of people who are spousal caregivers is staggering,” said Applebaum. “We’re this well-kept secret. Some contend that the average senior citizen is a spousal caregiver.”
“You reach a point that we call anticipatory grief where we grieve a loved one who is still here,” he added. “For many of us, when a spouse does pass, we grieve extensively. But others come to terms with it quickly because they’ve already grieved. People reach a point where they can’t (give care) anymore.”
In 2011, Applebaum’s wife, Susanne, an otherwise healthy 50-year-old dental hygienist, experienced a massive stroke. After attending Well Spouse Association meetings near
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King of Prussia; Cherry Hill, N.J.; and Baltimore, Applebaum decided to start a chapter closer to home.
“Our lives have never been the same since (the stroke),” said Applebaum. “We were going to travel and live our lives. But it was all taken away from us. When you have no choice, you do what you have to do. I went for counseling, but at the end of the day, being around people who get it was more therapeutic. We are dealing with our (spouse’s) own specific disabilities, but we understand and support each other. We understand what we go through day to day.”
Headquartered in Free -
hold, N.J., Well Spouse Association was founded in 1988, and the organization assists more than 25 support groups.
“There was a point with my wife where I was doing everything and I burned out, and I ended up with my own health issues,” said Applebaum. “I want to maintain a sense of who I am. (Well Spouse) keeps me in a world where I talk to people, and it keeps me relevant. We all go through these cycles. We have good weeks, and we have bad weeks. When I’m feeling down, I realize some people have it worse.”
For additional information, call 717-413-6452.
LancasterHistory will hold a History Happy Hour event on Monday, March 10, at Decades, 438 N. Queen St., Lancaster. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m., and the main program will begin at 6 p.m.
Attendees will learn about the history of the building now occupied by a vintage arcade, bowling alley, and restaurant. Three speakers will discuss the building’s role in Lancaster’s military, sports, and media history.
The building opened in 1916 and was named the Stahr Armory in 1956 after Lancaster’s Dr. Charles P. Stahr, a brigadier general in the Medical Corps of the Pennsylvania National Guard. Over a 100-year period, the armory served as home to the Pennsylvania National Guard and the Lancaster Red Roses of the Continental Basketball Association and as a community space for food bazaars and performances. It was eventually transformed into Decades.
Tickets include admission to the event, one drink, light appetizers, and complimentary tokens for arcade games. Additional drinks may be purchased separately. The event is suggested for people age 18 or older, and individuals must be 21 years or older to consume alcoholic beverages.
To purchase tickets, visit www.lancasterhistory .org or call 717-392-4633. Advance registration is recommended, as walk-ins will only be accepted if tickets remain.
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, 308 Petersburg Road, Neffsville, will host Dr. George Ghanem, a Christian who volunteers for Holy Land Christian Solidarity Cooperative, on Sunday, March 2. Ghanem will speak briefly after the 9 a.m. worship service.
Ghanem will share about Christians in Israel and the Gaza Strip. For decades, Christians in the Holy Land have experi -
enced many hardships, such as reduced sources of income, including tourism; the wall built around Bethlehem; the COVID pandemic; and the current war.
Ghanem will offer olive wood religious pieces that Christian artisans have created. They will be available for sale after the worship service. To view samples, visit www.holy
Faith United Methodist Church, 1290 Fruitville Pike, Lititz, will begin another GriefShare support group in March. The ministry seeks to offer comfort and support to people who have lost a loved one. It is open to all community members.
Meetings will take place from 5 to 6:30 p.m. on Mondays, March 3 to June 9, with the exception of April 21 and Memorial
Day, May 26. If meetings are canceled due to weather or other scheduling conflicts, the changes will be announced at www
There is a fee for the workbook; scholarships are available if needed. For more information and to register, visit www.grief To learn more about Faith UMC, visit www
gun locks and informational meetings.
“We’re all looking at it as a culture shift,” said Megan Beyerle, an education coordinator with MHALC. “It’s about safety and saving lives. If folks are in crisis, there are supports. We’re not trying to take anyone’s guns. Firearms are very powerful machines.”
Funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s Preventative Health and Health Services’ two-year block grant, the Safe Firearm Storage Initiative is currently giving away free gun locks. The free gun locks are being made available at MHALC’s location at 245 Butler Ave., Lancaster; through its website, www; at the Manheim Township Police Department, 1825 Municipal Drive, Lancaster; and at local events like the free Safe Firearm Storage Training Programs.
“It’s a multi-pronged partnership and approach,” said Beyerle. “It’s very much in line with our mission of education and support. There aren’t many people who couldn’t afford to lock up their firearms. We’re always looking at research and articles, and if we could impact one person, it would all be worth it. Sometimes, it’s just a matter of having people thinking differently.”
Sponsored by MHALC, PMLGH and LCSO, the Safe Firearm Storage Training Program classes will be conducted on Monday, March 10, at 6:30 p.m.; Monday, May 5, at 6:30 p.m.; and Monday, Oct. 13, at 6:30 p.m. at Lancaster County Safety Training Center, 101 Champ Blvd., Manheim, and on Monday, Sept. 15, at 6 p.m. at Bright Side Opportunities Center, 515 Hershey Ave., Lancaster. The hourlong classes will include training and information from LCSO’s certified firearms instructors in the areas of firearm safety rules, safe storage methods, safety for families and guidelines for safe carry.
Participants who complete the course will receive free biometric gun safes. Interested individuals can register for the classes by calling the LCSO at 717-299-8200.
“The certified firearms instructors go over the ins and outs of gun safety,” said Beyerle. “They speak, and
then Mental Health America of Lancaster County speaks. The sheriff’s officer refers questions on mental health to us. It’s just getting those conversations going and creating awareness and advocacy.”
In 2023, 49 residents of Lancaster County died of gunshot wounds and 37 of those were classified as suicides. According to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Center for Violence Prevention, 30 million children in the United States live in homes with guns, guns are the leading cause of deaths in children between the ages 1 and 17 and just 46% of all gun owners in this country practice safe firearm ownership.
According to the Giffords Law Center, more than 380,000 guns are stolen or lost in the United States each year.
“It’s not a political statement,” said Beyerle. “It’s about safety and the potential to save lives. Someone who is having suicidal ideations could be undergoing stress in their lives. Having access to a firearm involves an impulse decision. A twoand-a-half-year-old has enough strength to pull a trigger on a gun.”
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The eighth annual Spring Roses Vendor Show will be held on Saturday, March 1, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Manheim Community Farm Show Exhibition Building, 502 E. Adele Ave., Manheim. This event consists of many local crafters, makers, small businesses and direct sales businesses.
Among the event’s goals is raising funds for local nonprofit organizations. All proceeds from a flower bar and giveaway drawings for baskets will help to support Teen Central and Home on Ferdinand in Manheim. The flower bar will offer opportunities for attendees to make their own bouquet by purchasing single flower stems or by buying pre-made arrangements priced. The giveaway drawing baskets will include a collection of items donated by the vendors. The winners will be chosen at the end of the vendor show.
Community members may also get involved by bringing donations of items to the show. These items will be given directly to Teen Central or Home on Ferdinand. The needed items include laundry
detergent, grocery gift cards, diapers, craft supplies, cleaning supplies, paper towels, toiletries, and coffee or tea.
The items available from the vendors will include coffee; handmade cards; baked goods, including gluten-free items; handmade wooden items; home décor; plants; local jams and jellies; honey; and lavender products. The show will also include several artists and artisans as well as local authors of books for children and adults. Food will be available from the food trucks Good Eats & Catering and Creative Crepes.
For children, the event will offer a coloring station and vendors who offer face painting and tinsel fairy hair. Shelleen Weaver, author of the Fruit Fables series, will give a book reading at 10:15 a.m.
There is a handicapped-accessible entrance, and handicapped-accessible parking is available at the end of the building and at the large green barns. Parking is also available along the street, in the Aaron’s Acres parking lot, or at the school.
Aaron’s Books is partnering once again with Linden Hall for the Lititz Kid-Lit Festival on Saturday, March 8. Created in 2009, the festival features presentations from local, regional and national authors and illustrators; workshops; book signings; and more. Activities will include options for children age 6 and up, as well as parents, teachers and librarians.
The previous 11 festivals have featured such authors and illustrators as Gordon Korman, David Wiesner, Jennifer Holm, Nick Bruel, Chris Grabenstein, David Levithan, Tom Angleberger, Cece Bell, Mitali Perkins, Jonathan Stutzman, Heather Fox and Beth Kephart.
The 2025 keynote speaker will be Newbery Honor-winning author Adam Gidwitz.
Gidwitz was a teacher for eight years. He told countless stories to his students, who then demanded he write his first book, “A Tale Dark & Grimm.” Gidwitz has since written two companion novels, “In a Glass Grimmly” and “The Grimm Conclusion.” He is also the author of “The Inquisitor’s Tale,” which won the Newbery Honor, and “The Unicorn Rescue Society” series.
Gidwitz still tells fairy tales live to kids on his podcast, “Grimm, Grimmer, Grimmest,” and at schools around the world.
Another featured author is Jen Calonita, The New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of more than 30 books for teens and middle-grade students. Her books have sold more than a million copies and have been translated into 15 languages. Calonita has written several series, including the best-selling “Fairy Tale Reform School” and books in Disney’s New York Times best-selling “A Twisted Tale” series.
Also at the festival will be Donna Gephart, who has written award-winning middle-grade novels, including “Abby, Tried and True,” “Lily and Dunkin,” “Death by Toilet Paper” and “How to Survive Middle School.” Her new early chapter book “Welcome to the Woofmore” is the first in a book series about a posh hotel run by dogs, for dogs. “Go Be Wonderful” is her first picture book. Also on hand for the festival will be Lancaster’s Ali Biko Sulaiman Kamanda, an award-winning filmmaker and social entrepreneur from Sierra Leone, West Africa.
He runs BIKO Studios, a cross-cultural film production company, and is the president of Salone Rising, a not-for-profit organization that provides micro-financing and mentoring resources to small business owners in rural Sierra Leone. “Black Girl, Black Girl” is his second picture book.
Amy (A.S.) King, a young adult author with more than 70 starred reviews and the only two-time winner of the American Library Association’s Michael L. Printz Award for teen literature, will be at the festival. Her novels include “Dig,” “Still Life with Tornado,” “I Crawl Through It,” “The Dust of 100 Dogs” and “Please Ignore Vera Dietz.” She also writes books for middle-grade readers under her full name Amy Sarig King, including “Me and Marvin Gardens,” “The Year We Fell from Space” and “Attack of the Black Rectangles.”
A fee will be charged for festival tickets. There will be separate prices for adults, children and college students. A four-pack of tickets is available for any age. Tickets and books can be purchased at www or in person at the bookstore at 35 E. Main St., Lititz.
A “Fresh Takes on Jazz” concert series will take place at Mickey’s Black Box, 101 Rock Lititz Blvd., Lititz. All three concerts will start at 3 p.m. Presented by Mickey’s and Music For Everyone, the concerts will showcase musicians ages 20 to 35 whose bands are new to southcentral Pennsylvania.
The Clara Campbell Quintet will perform on Sunday, March 2. Campbell will present a tribute to the legendary jazz singer Sarah Vaughan, whom the Utah native and Snow College
graduate cites as an early musical influence. Campbell is the featured vocalist with the U.S. Air Force big band, the Airmen of Note.
The Mervin Toussaint Sextet will be featured on Sunday, April 27. Toussaint, a Haitian American alto saxophonist and composer, writes songs that blend jazz and his Haitian church roots. In demand both as a band leader and featured sideman, Toussaint is a University of the Arts graduate.
Chris Oatts and the
Pretty Big Band will perform on Sunday, May 18.
Oatts, an alto saxophonist and composer, has assembled a 10-piece ensemble to perform his swinging originals and arrangements. The Temple University graduate also is in demand as a band leader and sideman in the Philadelphia area.
Students of any age, from kindergarten through graduate school, will be admitted for free. There is an admission fee for all others; to purchase tickets, visit www
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BREAKOUT MINISTRIES: Senior Pastors Ron & Mary Buch; Sundays at 10am. Contemporary worship & messages of freedom, healing, deliverance and discipleship. Children’s ministry includes nursery through Sr. High. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7-8pm; Check our web site for scheduled home bible studies.; JA Jesus based recovery meeting Saturday 7-8:30p. Men and Women groups meet monthly. Family Fun Night bi-monthly 6:30-9:00, Jr. and Sr. High youth group meets alternating months. Local and International outreaches. Web site: or Call for details. 2400 Anita Court, Leola, PA 17540. Ph.: (717)656-8366 HABECKER MENNONITE CHURCH: A growing intercultural church that loves God, its neighbors and the world. Join us for Sunday Worship at 10 am. Located at 451 Habecker Church Rd., Lancaster, PA. Active youth group. All are Welcome! Website:
7:30 a.m. (In-person), 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.(Inperson & Livestream) Rev. Daniel F.X. Powell.
ST. JAMES CATHOLIC CHURCH: 505 Woodcrest Ave., Lititz Ph:717-626-5580 Rev. Stephen D. Weitzel Confessions: Sat. 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm and anytime on request Daily Masses: Tues.-Fri. 9 am Saturday Vigil Mass: 4 pm Sunday Masses: 8:30 am & 10:30 am