On community pack walks, canines are on their best behavior
Dogs are America’s most popular pets. Developing healthy behavior in canines can deepen the bonds that exist between dogs and their humans and enhance the overall pet experience.
Healthy dog behavior seems to revolve around several factors, not the least of which are genetics, owner input, external stimuli and training.
Of all the ways to make the world a better place, communication is among the most important. The deaf and hard of hearing live in a world where it can be difficult to communicate with many people.
Keystone Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (KDHHS) of Lancaster teaches sign language, an important tool in bridging that communication gap. Although learning sign language
can be involved and complex, it seems even the least amount of knowledge can be beneficial to the deaf and hard of hearing.
“It would be great if everyone knew sign language,” said Kandy Reyes, who’s been KDHHS’ executive director for 24 years. “That way the deaf and hard of hearing would have the same opportunities as everyone else. It would be a great world. Deaf people can’t walk into a bank without a sign language interpreter.”
Some might think that Kyla Hockley is uniquely qualified for her new position. But Lancaster Catholic High School (LCHS) graduates are qualified to do a great many things.
Hockley, a 1996 graduate of LCHS, is her alma mater’s newest school president. Hockley replaces Tim Hamer, who retired at the end of the 2023-24 school year after serving as the Crusaders’ president for nine years.
“Sometimes you can feel you’re the only person in the world who has a dog that acts that way,” continued Ducey. “It helps create a sense of community. Your dog may be acting a certain way, but it’s totally natural.”
“I think it’s a good resource. I think there’s so much strength in community.”
Ducey created Lancaster PA Dogs in 2021 as a networking tool for dog owners in Lancaster County and as a way to answer questions, address needs and generally supply support for local canine enthusiasts. But from the group has sprung the free service community pack walks, sort of a therapeutic, educational and growing experience for owners with dogs of all breeds, demeanors and developmental traits.
“I think (the relationship between humans and dogs) is about the companionship,” said Ducey. “Dogs don’t
“I think the biggest goal is to teach dogs how to be calm around distractions and some of their triggers,” said Courtney Ducey, the administrator of the Facebook page Lancaster PA Dogs, who has been training dogs for 10 years. “It’s about teaching dogs how to interact with owners. It can be difficult for a dog that’s fearful or has anxiety, just teaching them how to engage with their owners. (The Facebook page) also shows owners that they aren’t alone.”
“I bleed purple and gold,” said Hockley. “One of the fabulous things about Lancaster Catholic is that it’s an educational experience that builds relationships that will last for the rest of your life. I know from my experiences that the people affecting students will be there for them the rest of their lives.”
After starting her position on July 1 of last year, Hockley is more than nine months into her new job. That may be a small
Members of
group Lancaster PA Dogs prepare for a community pack walk.
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going well for her so far.
“It’s been going great,” said Hockley. “I have a ton of fun. There is no moment in any given day when I’m bored.”
“In speaking with Kyla, I am impressed with her dedication to the ministry of Catholic education and her love for her alma mater, Lancaster Catholic High School,” said Timothy Senior, Bishop of the Diocese of Harrisburg. “I am confident that Kyla will be a servant leader in the Lancaster Catholic
community, serving with effectiveness and fidelity to our Catholic identity. As an alumna of Lancaster Catholic, Kyla has a great appreciation for the rich, 95-year tradition of the school and an understanding of what is needed now to keep the school strong.”
Following her graduation from LCHS, Hockley earned higher education degrees from Saint Vincent College, Duquesne University and Marymount University. Before becoming president at LCHS,
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Hockley was the principal at Saint John Neumann Catholic School in Lancaster for four years, and prior to that she was a theology teacher and the admissions director at LCHS.
“One of the things I’m passionate about is developing the leadership abilities of students,” said Hockley. “I think it’s really important that we continue to build the future, to partner with students to develop the gifts God has given them. It’s so important to have a strong network surrounding them. It’s not just an academic journey. It’s also a faith-based journey.”
Overseen by the Lancaster Catholic High School Board of Directors and the superintendent of Catholic schools for the Diocese of Harrisburg, Hockley performs duties that include overseeing institutional advancement, financial operations and obligations, alumni relations and the operation of LCHS’ facilities.
Lancaster Catholic is one of three high schools in the diocese that operates under a president-principal leadership model.
Hockley will complement the work of new LCHS principal Sean Van Eman, who was recently hired to replace outgoing principal Terry Klugh.
“The president is outward facing and the vision person for the
school,” said Hockley. “The principal does more of the inward-facing, day-to-day duties. Collaboration is the name of the game. Both of us have different gifts and different lenses to look at things in different ways. It’s really a partnership. Our unique visions on things will work together.”
Accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools and the Pennsylvania Department of Education, LCHS has a current enrollment that consists of 506 students in grades nine through 12. Last year the school provided over $1.2 million in tuition scholarships to its high school students. LCHS boasts a graduation rate of 99%, and more than 94% of its graduates go on to college, the military or trade schools.
“We want to expand our vision,” said Hockley. “For us, it’s about finding students who believe in our mission. If we can, we want them to be part of our mission.”
“Many of our students stay in touch after graduation,” continued Hockley. “It’s a testament to who we are. There are many who are here locally doing amazing things. There are many who are scattered to the wind. But they’re doing great things no matter where they are.”
For additional information, go to www.lchsyes.org.
Church to present silent film with live music
Highland Presbyterian Church, 500 E. Roseville Road, Lancaster, will present its next concert in
the Dorothy Rose Smith series on Wednesday, March 12. The program will begin at 7 p.m. Don Kinnier will accompany the 1921 silent film “The Kid” on the organ. “The Kid” stars Charlie Chaplin as a tramp who finds love and acceptance with an orphan and his mother.
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Located at 2270 Old Philadelphia Pike, Lancaster, KDHHS of Lancaster offers two sign language classes in the spring and one in the fall. The sign language classes are taught once a week for eight weeks, they are designed for entry-level learners and beginners and the class size is limited to 15 participants.
“Sign language is the way deaf individuals communicate,” said Reyes. “It’s the way they hear. It’s their language. If you’re a visual learner, you may be able to pick up sign language easier. American Sign Language is just like any other language.”
“Our classes are designed for fun,” Reyes continued. “They aren’t designed for people who want to be fluent in sign language. If you want to become a certified sign language interpreter, you could start with our program, but you would have to go into more intense programs like the ones taught in college.”
Shown to be more accurate than lip reading, sign language is based on certain hand gestures or motions. Each sign corresponds to a number,
letter or word, and when those signs are put together, sentences and communication are formed.
“The first thing you’re going to do in that course is learn about deaf culture,” said Reyes. “The instructor is going to go into words, numbers and teaching you the alphabet. In Level One, you’re going to learn words, but it’s not going to qualify you to speak a whole sentence to a deaf person. So, when they’re signing back to you, are you going to understand them? Probably not.”
“Signing could be done on one hand or two,” continued Reyes. “The alphabet you can do all on
one hand, and numbers you can do all on one hand. With American Sign Language, you don’t use all the words. ... You’re getting to the point. In English, you’d say, ‘The tree is over there.’ In sign language, you’d say, ‘Tree there.’”
According to numbers from a recent census, nearly 80,000 Lancaster County residents have some sort of hearing loss.
“Sign language is the key to access,” said Reyes. “But you have to know what you know. If you don’t, you’re creating even bigger barriers. That’s the problem. We support anyone and encourage
everyone who wants to learn sign language. A little bit is better than nothing in certain situations.”
“Deaf and hard-of-hearing people have a language,” added Reyes. “People shouldn’t minimize that, and they should respect the deaf and hard-of-hearing people and ask them how they want to communicate. The majority are going to say, ‘I need an American Sign Language interpreter.’”
For additional information about Keystone Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Lancaster and its sign language classes, go to https://kdhhs.net.
KDHHS executive director
Kandy Reyes signs the word “communication.”
Group to present Purimspiel
The Shaarai Shpielers will perform the 26th annual Purimspiel, “The Music [Ha]-Man,” on Sunday, March 16, at 1:30 p.m., at Congregation Shaarai Shomayim, 75 E. James St., Lancaster. Attendees should enter the building through the James Street doors.
In this year’s production, the famous 1957 Meredith Willson Broadway musical, “The Music Man,” meets the Book of Esther. There is an opening for a new queen, and Hadassah, who is an attractive and fearless Jewish 17-year-old, wants to apply, even though she knows that a Jewish woman has never been chosen and probably never will be. She changes her name to Esther, keeps her religion a secret, and wins the contest held to choose the queen. Meanwhile, Haman, the mean, anti-Semitic prime minister, convinces the king to issue a decree to kill all the Jews. Esther and her older cousin, Mordechai, who raised her, must save their people from death.
Many of the major songs from “The Music Man” - such as “Till There Was You,” “Seventy-Six Trombones,” “Marian the Librarian,” “Ya Got Trou-
ble,” “Shipoopi,” “Good Night, My Someone,”“The Wells Fargo Wagon,” “Iowa Stubborn,” “Gary, Indiana,” “Pick-a-Little, Talk-a-Little,” and three barbershop numbers - will be presented as parodies.
The lead roles are played by Lisa Miller as Hadassah/Esther; Stu Blumenthal, King Ahasuerus; Harvey Scolnick, Haman; David Stameshkin, Mordechai; and Kevin Babione, Elin Ketels, Jason Meyer, and Alan Levine as the four barbershop quartet members. Also performing are Missy DePietro, Noah Goldman, Ilene Kochel, Rachel Levine, C. Tyler Mandel, Schuyler Nissly, Rabbi Jack Paskoff, Abigail Rackliffe, Elizabeth Rackliffe, Janine Riben, Elaine Rostolsky, Colleen Stameshkin, Benjamin Weaver, Jeff Woodman, Sally Woodman, and Alice Yerman.
Levine is the musical director, and Nissly and Babione are the technical directors. Aaron Zinner, Tama Etra, and Jacqueline Ketels coordinate special props, and Bethany Kristich is assistant director. The show is produced, directed, and written by David Stameshkin.
The performance is free and open to the public.
Lenten sermon series posted
The Veritas Community will offer a sermon series titled “Tables” during Lent. The series will explore stories from the book of Luke that center around Jesus going to, being at, or coming from a gathering around a table. The series will focus on what believers can learn about following Jesus from these stories.
Dates and Scriptures will include
Sunday, March 9, Luke 5:27-32; Sunday, March 16, Luke 7:36-50; Sunday, March 23, Luke 9:10-17; Sunday, March 30, Luke 14:7-11; Sunday, April 6, Luke 14:15-24; and Sunday, April 13, Luke 22:7-23 and John 13:1-17. The April 13 service will also feature the Table Worship Gathering.
See Veritas pg 8
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College choir to perform at church
The Gordon College choir will perform in concert at Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2151 Oregon Pike, Lancaster, on Saturday, March 8, at 4 p.m. Under the direction of Minji Kim, this auditioned chamber choir of 30 students will perform a variety of choral masterpieces and
sacred anthems as part of its spring tour.
The event is open to the public. A freewill offering will be received. To learn more, call 717-569-2151. Information about Westminster Presbyterian Church is available at www.westpca.com/music.
Initiative to support food program
The GIANT Company has announced the return of its annual Feeding School Kids initiative, which is in its fifth year. Customers at Giant, Martin’s and Giant Heirloom Market stores are invited to round up their purchases to the nearest dollar, buy a reusable bag, or convert their choice points into a donation for their local public school districts’ food programs now through Sunday, March 31.
To launch the program, The GIANT Company will donate $100,000. Through the more than $7.6 million provided to schools through the Feeding School Kids program, public school districts
have been able to support meal programs and address food insecurity from supplying backpacks with weekend food to clearing outstanding student lunch debt to building on-campus food pantries and establishing garden programs.
In 2024, for example, Eastern York School District covered negative student lunch balances and provided nutritious breakfasts to students on state-mandated testing days, impacting 2,200 students. In addition, the volunteer organization NutriPacks served 800 students each week, providing access to nutritious food on weekends and school breaks.
Concert to celebrate World Day of Prayer
First Reformed Church, 40 E. Orange St., Lancaster, will host a concert in commemoration of the World Day of Prayer on First Friday, March 7, at 8 p.m. Doors will open at 7:30 p.m. The 30-minute program will feature organist Larry Hershey.
The program, “Invocation for the Soul,” will include Denis Bedard’s
“Dialogue on Te Deum” along with “The Good Shepherd” by Dom Paul Benoit, “Prayer” from “Suite Gothique” by Léon Boëllmann, and “Adagio in E Major” by Frank Bridge.
The concert is free and open to the public. For more information, call the church office at 717-397-5149.
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The Gordon College choir
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Lancaster PA Dogs
judge you. You can be yourself around your dog. You can mess up, and your dog loves you unconditionally. People get dogs for so many reasons, but I think the thing they’re attracted to is unconditional love.”
“Dogs are very resilient, and they live in the moment,” she added. “You can always change your relationship with your dog.”
The community pack walks are designed for dogs and their owners. Ducey organizes and leads them and offers basic training tips during the exercise.
Initially introduced in April of 2024, the community pack walks
from pg 1
are staged once a month, weather permitting.
“It’s a mix of people who have dogs and who want to work with dogs in a place that’s safe,” said Ducey, a resident of Manheim Township. “When they come, we build a good rapport, and I love that. People get dogs to spend time with their dogs. People build relationships with each other when they’re on these walks.”
Typically, about eight to 11 owners and their dogs navigate the hourlong community pack walks. The group walks on paths and trails in several locations in the county.
“We go all over (Lancaster
County),” said Ducey. “All of it is good because we’re getting out in nature and seeing different parts of the county. You’re also bonding with your dog. For people who have dogs with behavioral issues, it’s important to make sure they’re getting exercise. Getting your dog properly fulfilled is hard. When your dog is reacting to everything outside, it’s hard to walk your dog.”
With 4,500 members from all parts of the county, Lancaster PA Dogs has become the local go-to source for everything and anything about dogs. Among the group’s most popular topics are grooming, dog sitting, service dogs, walking, photography and drawing, missing pets, volunteering, nutrition and training.
BREAKOUT MINISTRIES: Senior Pastors Ron & Mary Buch; Sundays at 10am. Contemporary worship & messages of freedom, healing, deliverance and discipleship. Children’s ministry includes nursery through Sr. High. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting 7-8pm; Check our web site for scheduled home bible studies.; JA Jesus based recovery meeting Saturday 7-8:30p. Men and Women groups meet monthly. Family Fun Night bi-monthly 6:30-9:00, Jr. and Sr. High youth group meets alternating months. Local and International outreaches. Web site: www.breakoutministries.org or Call for details. 2400 Anita Court, Leola, PA 17540. Ph.: (717)656-8366
HABECKER MENNONITE CHURCH: A growing intercultural church that loves God, its neighbors and the world. Join us for Sunday Worship at 10 am. Located at 451 Habecker Church Rd., Lancaster, PA. Active youth group. All are Welcome! Website: habeckerchurch.com
“I really wanted to create something for the community,” said Ducey. “It’s kind of like a catchall group. Sometimes there’s a lot of traction in that group; sometimes there’s not. But I think it’s a good resource. I think there’s so much strength in community.”
For additional information, search for “Lancaster PA Dogs” on Facebook.
Veritas from pg 4
On Good Friday, April 18, a service will be held at 7 p.m.; the Scripture will be Luke 22:39-23:46. The service on Easter Sunday, April 20, will focus on Luke 24:13-35.
The Veritas Community gathers every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on the second floor of HUB 450, 450 N. Prince St., Lancaster. The first 15 minutes of the event are dedicated to fellowship time. For more information about the Veritas Community, visit www .veritas.community, email Ryan Braught at ryan@veritaschurchpa. org, or call or text 717-572-5914.
LANDIS VALLEY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: 2420 Kissel Hill Road, Lancaster. 717589-6051. SUN. WORSHIP SERVICE 9:30am, Sunday School for all ages 10:45am.Children's Church & Nursery. Handicap Accessible.
NEUMANN CATHOLIC CHURCH: 601 East Delp Rd., Lancaster, PA 17601 (Off the Oregon Pike - 3
ST. JAMES CATHOLIC CHURCH: 505 Woodcrest Ave., Lititz Ph:717-626-5580 Rev. Stephen D. Weitzel Confessions: Sat. 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm and anytime on request Daily Masses: Tues.-Fri. 9 am Saturday Vigil Mass: 4 pm Sunday Masses: 8:30 am & 10:30 am www.stjameslititz.org for livestream Masses