Freedom Life opens new church campus
After breaking ground more than a year ago, Freedom Life Church recently celebrated the grand opening of the Freedom Life Atglen Campus, located at 789 Gap Newport Pike (Route 41), Atglen.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on Jan. 10, led by pastors Sam and Michele Masteller. “What a great day,” said Sam. “It has been awesome to see what God has done.”
Sam welcomed those in attendance, including congregation members and church officials; neighbors from the community; and representatives from Weaver Construction, which was in charge of the building project.
“Thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to honor this moment,” he stated. “I pray that whether you attend here (or another church), you experience
“It has been awesome to see what God has done.”
the grace and mercy of God. None of this is for the ego of man; it is for the glory of God.”
Among those who offered remarks at the event was Ken Weaver, president of Weaver Construction. “I am grateful for all of our partners that were part of the process,” he stated. “There was a network of
subcontractors, engineers and architects who worked with us. It was a team approach, and we partnered with Freedom Life. It was a great joy to build this building with that team.”
Other speakers included Eric Gerber, associate pastor, who opened the ribbon-cutting ceremony; Rick Shawley, a member of the Freedom Life executive team, who offered a prayer; and Tom Rees, a representative from the PennDel Ministry Network.
Prior to the ribbon cutting, church members unveiled a Wall of Honor. “Earlier in the morning, we hosted a service to honor the individuals whose names we engraved on a Wall of Honor positioned outside the rear entrance,” noted Angie Dearolf, Freedom Life
Chester County art contest winners named
The Chester County Sheriff’s Office recently announced the winners of its first art contest, themed “Law Enforcement in the Community.” Anna Zerbe, a third-grader at the Honey Brook Elementary Center, earned first place; Sid Ghatta, a fifth-grader from the Great Valley 5/6 Center, won second place; and Arianny Aguilar, a sixth-grader from Avon Grove
See Art contest pg 3

Library offers activities for patrons of all ages
After a short hiatus for the holidays and a bathroom renovation, the Parkesburg Free Library has restarted its ongoing programs.
New library director Faith Dopirak leads Monday Music with Miss Faith, which meets on Mondays at 10:30 a.m. and is open to preschoolers ages 1 to 4. The program began on Jan. 13 and will run for a six-week session. “We sing songs and dance,” Dopirak
said, noting that parents and caregivers accompany their children to the activity.
Story Hour is offered on Wednesdays at 10 a.m., and a Kids’ Craft and Story Time is held on Thursdays at noon for children ages 1 to 5. In addition to a story, both groups offer an age-appropriate craft activity. “The craft is based on the theme of the story time,” Dopirak noted. “We have a Valentine’s-themed craft coming up.” Supplies are provided. Chess Club, open to patrons
See Parkesburg Library pg 5

Pastors Michele and Sam Masteller (center, with scissors) led the ribbon-cutting ceremony with family members.
Arianny Aguilar (back, center) is congratulated by Chester County Sheriff Kevin D. Dykes (back, right). Arianny was accompanied to the sheriff’s office by her mother, Milly Aguilar (back, left), and her brother, Jayden Aguilar (front).
at 2 P.M.

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Community Calendar
Jan. 22. Kacie’s Cause Support Group
Parkesburg Baptist Church 103 West St., Parkesburg, 7 to 8 p.m. www.facebook.com/KaciesCauseParkesburg
Jan. 23. GriefShare
Gateway Church
160 Cowan Road, Parkesburg, 6:30 p.m. The topic will be “Loneliness and Sadness.” GriefShare, which is facilitated by Paul and Twila Ranck, is a free support group for those who have experienced the death of a family member or friend. www.griefshare.org/groups/254802
Jan. 23. Narcotics Anonymous IMPACT Church
101 E. First Ave., Parkesburg, 5 p.m.
Jan. 23. Free Community Meal
Leacock Presbyterian Church
3181 Lincoln Highway East, Paradise, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. The menu will consist of pork, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots, dinner rolls, applesauce and desserts. For additional information, call the church at 717-687-6619.
Jan. 26. Church Services
Safe Harbor Baptist Church
478 Daleville Road, Cochranville. Sunday school is held at 10 a.m. followed by the Sunday service at 11 a.m. The service features the King James version of the Bible and traditional hymns. A Wednesday night prayer and Bible study is offered at 7 p.m. The church is located one block from the intersection of Routes 41 and 10. www.safeharborcochranville.org
Jan. 21. Hot Chocolate and PJ Story Time
Atglen Public Library
Feb. 8. Tingo (Tea and Mini Bingo)
Presented by the Parkesburg Lions Club
Parkesburg Baptist Church
103 West St., Parkesburg, 11 a.m. The cost includes tea, a light lunch and 10 games of bingo. Attendees are encouraged to dress in “tea” attire. For tickets, message the “Parkesburg Lions Club - New and Improved” Facebook page or contact Lions Club member Karen Fronefield at 484-678-4231.
Feb. 21 through 22. Octorara Wiffle Ball Tournament
Octorara Junior-Senior High School
228 Highland Road, Atglen. Visit www.octorarabaseball .com for details.
The Community Calendar is a weekly feature of the Community Courier. Submit your meeting or event for consideration in writing at least two weeks prior to the event. Email submissions to ffulton@engleonline.com. For more information, call 800-800-1833, ext. 6018.
Tax preparation assistance available

Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. | PO Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552 TOWNLIVELY.COM

Men’s Breakfast
121 Main St., Atglen, 4:30 p.m. Ms. Maureen will present stories and serve hot chocolate. Attendees may wear their pajamas. Story time is open to youngsters up to grade three and their families. Space is limited. Both adults and children are asked to register at www.atglen publiclibrary.org.
SPEAKER: Jon Crans
Jon Crans is a 1995 graduate of Pennsylvania School of Art & Design, who felt God calling on his life to not only be an artist, but to pursue full-time service. His background in skateboarding and surfing led him into Action Sports ministry. He served as director at Watermen for Christ and then started ThreeSixteen Ministry, a non-profit outreach to the skateboarding culture. Artist, skateboarder, surfer, graphic designer.
Hosted by: Twin Brook Ministries
Contact: Merv Beiler 717-715-4659
Email: ministries@twinbrookretreat.com
When: Saturday, January 25th, 7:30-9:00am (breakfast will be served at 7:30am)
Seating is limited RSVP: January 23rd
Where: Twin Brook Retreat, 5697 Strasburg

The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program will be available at various locations beginning at the end of January. Sites will open on Monday, Jan. 27, and remain open through the filing season deadline of Tuesday, April 15, subject to volunteer availability. Available services may be restricted by tax form and income, and there is no guarantee of a turnaround time.
Community members
may have their taxes prepared for free by IRS-certified volunteers. Services are available to individuals and families that meet certain eligibility criteria, including those with low to moderate incomes, seniors, and taxpayers with limited English proficiency.
Services are available on flexible schedules, including evenings and weekends.
Information about
See VITA pg 3

Art contest
Charter School, won third place.
Anna’s winning photo, which she completed with markers, depicts a police car traveling along a road along with a written message that reads, “Dear police officers. Thank you for keeping us safe!”
Sid’s photo depicts two police officers with the words “Thank you” in the center. Other images in the painting include a police badge; the scales of justice; and descriptive words, including “law and order.” Arianny’s colored pencil drawing depicts a police officer providing comfort.
For winning the first-time competition held this past summer, the students each received a certificate of recognition, a photo with Chester County Sheriff Kevin D. Dykes and a tour of his office, as well as a gift basket filled with art supplies.
Anna was accompanied to the sheriff’s office by her parents, Jennifer and Jonathan Zerbe, and her sister, Elizabeth Zerbe. Sid was accompanied by his parents, Sri and Dee Ghatta, and Arianny was accompanied by her
the individual locations is available by calling 610380-9099 and the appropriate extension.
Tax preparation will be available at the Transformation Center, 645 E. Lincoln Highway, Coatesville, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. as well as on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information, call ext. 104.
Services will be available at Chester County Intermediate Unit, 455 Boot Road, Downingtown, from 6 to 8 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays. This location will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17. To learn more, call ext. 200.
The Chester County United Way, 150 John Robert Thomas Drive, Exton, will host VITA from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesdays and Fridays. For more information, call ext. 210.
VITA services will be available at Kennett Library, 320 E. State St., Kennett Square, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 5 to 8 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. For more details, call ext. 108.
mother, Milly Aguilar, and her brother, Jayden Aguilar.
Noah Stribrny, command staff liaison of the sheriff’s office, developed the idea to hold the art contest as a community outreach. He said that each of the youngsters enjoyed their tours.
“During her tour, Anna loved seeing the patrol vehicles and motorcycles,” he stated. “Sid loved seeing the courts and the holding areas during his tour. Arianny enjoyed seeing the courts and learning more about what the sheriff’s office actually does each day. According to her mother, Arianny and her brother would not stop talking about the tour all the way on the car ride home.”
Jennifer said she read about the contest in a July edition of the Community Courier. “I told (Anna) about it, and she wanted to do it,” she said. “She loves to draw, and I think she was motivated by the chance to tour the sheriff’s office.”
“Sid loves art and tries to participate in as many art competitions as possible,” Stribrny added. “When he saw ours, he was very excited to show off his skills and
showcase law enforcement in a positive light in the community.”
Since the summer’s art competition was such a success, Stribrny has announced that the sheriff’s office will hold a spring art competition with the theme “My Favorite Things in Chester County!” Students may use pencils, ink, markers, colored pencils or paint to create their work.
The contest is open to students in kindergarten through grade 12. Once again, the prizes will include a tour of the sheriff’s office, a certificate from the sheriff and a photo with the sheriff. The winning artwork will be displayed in the lobby of the Chester County Sheriff’s Office in West Chester.
For complete rules and submission details, visit www.chesco.org/5569/ Student-Art-Competition or scan the QR code at www .facebook.com/ccsopa. The Facebook page also contains photos of all of the winners and their art submissions. Those with questions can email Stribrny at nstribrny@ chesco.org. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, May 7.

Open Hearth, 701 S. Main St., Phoenixville, will offer VITA on Mondays from 6 to 8 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. A parking lot is located in back of the building, and free on-street parking is also available. To learn more, call ext. 220.
People may access VITA services at Family Services, 1976 E. High St., Pottstown, from 6 to 8 p.m. on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information, call ext. 230.
In Royersford, VITA will be offered at the office of Sen. Katie Muth, 338 Main St., on Thursdays from 5 to 7 p.m. Access at this location is by appointment only; to sign up, call ext. 240.
VITA will be available at the Melton Center, 501 E. Miner St., West Chester, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Thursdays and Saturdays. To learn more, call ext. 109. Members of the public may also receive assistance at Providence Church at Westside Community Center, 430 Hannum Ave., West Chester, on Mondays from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and
6 to 8 p.m. To learn more, call ext. 250.
People seeking services at a VITA location should bring a photo ID for the primary and secondary taxpayer; all W2 and 1099 forms or other income forms; originals or copies of the Social Security cards of everyone on the return; 1098 education forms; 1095-A Health Insurance Marketplace forms; information for all deductions and credits, including child care costs with the provider’s tax ID number; and a copy of last year’s return if available. When dropping off a return, three forms must be completed. A volunteer will check the paperwork and scan the documents. Returns will be filed electronically.
To get a head start on the forms, visit www.chester countyfreetaxes.org, look under “For Tax Filers” and click on “Intake Forms.” Refunds will be available by direct deposit. People may also file for free at the aforementioned website. For more information, call 610-380-9099.

from pg 2

Freedom Life from pg 1
communications director. “The wall contains the names of individuals, couples and families who have demonstrated dedication to God’s house through their years of commitment, service and generosity. Our plan is to add names to the wall each year.”

Preview services at the new church began on Dec. 15, 2024. There were also other special events, including an anointing service on Jan. 8 and grand opening services on Jan. 12.
According to a written history of the church, Freedom Life began as Victory Chapel, which evolved from campground revival meetings

held in 1971. Within a short period of time, attendance multiplied, and the congregation purchased land on Noble Road to construct a church. Throughout the years, the church was known for offering programs for the community in its building, gymnasium and adjacent woodlands.
Sam and Michele were named youth pastors in 1999 and served in that role for four years. In 2000, the name of the church was changed from Victory Chapel to Freedom Life Christian Center.
The church purchased the 32-acre parcel of land for the new church building in West Sadsbury Township

in 2018. The 39,700-square-foot facility includes six classrooms, a café, meeting spaces and a covered portico. There are also 210 parking spaces available to visitors and a worship area that can seat more than 600 people.
“We look forward to continuing our mission on a greater scale with new capabilities that include indoor and outdoor playgrounds, a large cafe, gathering space, gymnasium, walking trails and more,” said Sam of the new facility.
In addition to the main campus in Atglen, Freedom Life has a location in Centre County and a congregation that meets in Quarryville. Freedom
Life also offers a number of ministries, including FL Kids, TwentyFourSeven Youth, FL Young Adults, Freedom Academy and TPUSA Faith. Its annual community programs include an Easter Eggstravaganza, vacation Bible school, a Fall Festival, a Trunk or Treat, the Freedom 5K, Worldview Weekends and Serve Day.
Sunday services are held at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. For more information, visit www.facebook.com/ freedomlife.tv or www.freedom .life or contact the church at 610593-5959 or info@freedom.life. Details about the new church in Atglen are available at www .freedom.life/buildinganark.
GriefShare program offers healing and hope

Receiving support, expert guidance and encouragement are some of the benefits of GriefShare, a free in-person support group designed to help people cope with the loss of a loved one.
Locally, the program is offered on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Gateway Church, 160 Cowan Road, Parkesburg. Meetings, which are facilitated by Paul and Twila Ranck, began on Jan. 9 and will run through April 3.
At each of the GriefShare sessions, attendees watch a 30-minute video on a grief-related topic that includes experts who speak on grief and recovery topics. Also featured are real-life stories from people who have experienced loss. Upcoming
topics include “Loneliness and Sadness” on Jan 23, “Self-Care” on Jan. 30 and “Fearful and Overwhelmed” on Feb. 6.
“After the video, we talk about what we have seen and what we learned,” Paul said, noting that all participants are provided with a free workbook, which corresponds to the video. “The workbook has an outline of the video where people can write notes.” The workbook also includes a daily devotional.
Paul noted that some people who have gone through the GriefShare program return, since the information can be applied to people at different stages of grief. “Each session is self-contained, and you can
See GriefShare pg 6

The new church is located along Route 41 in Atglen.
Hams, hoagies, cheesesteaks and radios

When Ralph Hess, president of the Red Rose Repeater Association (RRR), talks about the Winter Field Day the organization participates in yearly, he describes a comfortable atmosphere where the food is as important as the radio chatter. “The crowd favorite last year was that we deep-fried two turkeys,” recalled Hess. “Food is always high on the list of priorities at Red Rose events.”
The 2025 event, presented by RRR as a participant with the Winter Field Day Association, will be held at the Welsh Mountain
Sandmine Road, New Holland. The group of amateur radio enthusiasts, known as hams, will begin to set up antennas at 8 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 25, and activities will officially begin at 11 a.m. Winter Field Day will end at 4:59 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 26. The event is held for more than 24 hours to include radio operators from all time zones. Newly licensed and inexperienced operators as well as those with an interest in the hobby are encouraged to attend. There is no cost to participate, food is provided, and visitors are welcome to drop in anytime and bring sleeping bags or
cots if they plan to stay overnight in the center.
“There are hundreds of clubs and thousands of participants,” shared Hess, who added that there are more than 50 licensed ham radio operators in the New Holland ZIP code and more than 1,500 in the county. Dating back to the 1930s, Winter Field Day is an annual event that brings together amateur radio afficionados to converse during the final full weekend in January. Winter Field Day gives hams a chance to hold field operations in remote locations and to contact others all over the world.
See RRR pg 6

ENCOUNTER CHURCH: 300 Hideaway Drive, Quarryville, PA 17566 Sunday Service & Kid's Church held at 8:30 am and 10:45 am. Church e-mail: office@encounterchurchpa.org www.encounterchuchpa.org Church phone: 717-786-2756
FAITH BIBLE CHAPEL: “Ordinary People Serving An Extraordinary God.” Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (Children’s Service during Pastor’s Message). Wednesday Prayer Meeting at 6:30 p.m. We are located at 140 Bernard Ave., Cochranville. Pastor Scott Althouse 610-593-6333 fbchapel@zoominternet.net
GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH: Dedicated to the serious preaching & teaching of God’s Word. Traditional hymns & praise songs accompanied by guitar. Sunday Service 10:40am. 53 Hurley Rd, Parkesburg, PA 19365. 610-593-7123. www. gracecommunitychurch-parkesburg.com for messages, ministries and directions
HIGHLAND RD., PARKESBURG PA 19365 610-857-1670 www.highland-bc.org
Sunday Services: Sunday School for all ages 9:30 am, Morning Service 10:45 am (nursery is available), Prayer Service 4 pm Wednesday Youth programs 6:30-8:00 pm. Thursday Ladies Bible Study 10:00 am
IMPACT CHURCH: IMPACTING lives with the Hope of Jesus Christ. Sunday Gatherings at 9 am & 10:30 am. 101 East 1st Ave., Parkesburg. Pastor Mike Bailey. 610-857-3887. Visit us online at WWW.IMPACTPA.CHURCH
255 Little Britain Church Rd., Peach Bottom (between 222 and 272). Sunday School Classes all ages 9:15 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Youth Groups for Elementary, Jr. High and Sr. High, Choir, Bell Choir, Small Groups. Rev. Thomas Milligan, 717-548-2266. Web site: www.littlebritainchurch.org E-mail: lbpc1732@gmail.com
“Come find spiritual life in Christ for your family.” Cochranville: Rte. 926, halfway between Rte. 41 & Rte. 10. Rev. Daniel Henderson, Pastor. Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 am. Fellowship & Refreshments from 10:15-10:35 am. Worship with classes for infantsPre-K at 10:45 am Kidsworship for K5th is held during the sermon time. Youth Group for 6th-12th grades twice a month at 6:30 pm 610-869-2402. www.manorpresbyterian.com
MAPLE GROVE MENNONITE CHURCH: 549 Swan Rd., Atglen. 610-593-6658, Lead Pastor: Mike Clemmer, Music Minister: Matt Chambers. Sunday School 9am, Sunday Worship 10am, Children’s Church, Nursery. Youth Group Wed., 7pm. Christian Preschool. Visit us online at: www.maplegrovemc.com
MIDDLE OCTORARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 1199 Valley Road Quarryville. Sunday Services: Sunday School 9 AM; Blended Worship 10:30 AM. 717-786-3402 Visit us online at www.middleoctorara.org
MT. VERNON CHRISTIAN CHURCH: Growing Deeper, Reaching Farther. 1 Lighthouse Dr, Kirkwood. Pastor Tony Murrin. Sunday School- all ages 9am, Worship 10:00am. Handicap Access. Phone: 717-529-4102. Visit us online at mtvernonchristianchurch.com
Parkesburg Library from pg 1
of all experience levels, is held every Tuesday at 12:30 and at 4:15 p.m., and a Scrabble Club for adults is offered on Fridays at 2 p.m. The club is open to players of all skill levels.
Registration is encouraged for the Monday Music with Miss Faith and the story time programs by visiting www .parkesburglibrary.org. There is no registration required for the Scrabble Club or the Chess Club.
The library is also planning to host a special story time and meet-andgreet event with representatives from the Avon Grove Charter School (AGCS) on Saturday, Jan. 25, from 10 to 11 a.m. There will be a book reading, and families can learn more about AGCS.
during the Early Learning Center (ELC) open enrollment period for students in kindergarten through grade three. Guests will include ELC principal Kelly Hendrickson and Kristopher Stevenson, ELC assistant principal. The Parkesburg Free Library is located at 105 West St., Parkesburg. Hours and days of operation are Mondays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Tuesdays and
Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Fridays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information about library activities, visit the previously mentioned website or search for “Parkesburg Free Library” on Facebook. Those with questions may email fdopirak@ccls.org, call 610-857-5165 or send a Facebook message.

Deli Department
Sunday Service 10 am & Wednesday prayer at 7:30 pm - at 501 Lenover Rd., Parkesburg, PA 19365. Call 610-593-2277 www.parkesburgwordoffaith.org
ROCK CHURCH: A Spirit-filled, Full Gospel Church Family. 32 E. State St in Quarryville. Sunday service at 10am. More info at RockChurchLC.org Phone: 717-847-6872
Where everyone can find a place to belong! 116 Lancaster Pike, Oxford (Rt. 472 at the Rt. 1 bypass ramps). Sunday inperson Holy Communion Service at 10:00 AM, also live-streamed. When people warmly welcome you, you will know you have found a church home where you can come just as you are. The Episcopal Church is Catholic in the way we worship and Protestant in the way we think. You’ll find beautiful music, good preaching, and an inclusive community in which to worship God. YOU BELONG HERE! Check out St. Christopher’s website, YouTube, or Facebook for updates and links. Rev. Dr. Mary Ann Mertz rector@stchrisoxford.org 610-932-8134 www.stchrisoxford.org
UPPER OCTORARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (EPC): 1121 Octorara Trail (on Rt. 10 a mile south of Rt. 30), Parkesburg. Christ-centered, Handicapped accessible. Sunday School all ages 9:30 am (Sept-May). Sunday Worship (Blended style) 10:30 am. Youth Group & a variety of adult groups. Dana J. Smith, Pastor. (610)857-5787 www.uopc-epc.org Find us on Facebook. Christian Preschool: (610)857-0236

Community Center and Park, 564
Red Rose Repeater members Jason Bachman (left photo) and Mark Shenk (right photo) try to make contact with other ham radio operators at the 2024 Winter Field Day.
Octorara Covenanter Presbyterian Foundation
slates Burns Night Celebration
The Octorara Covenanter Presbyterian Foundation will host its annual Burns Night Celebration on Saturday, Feb. 1, at Beale Manor, 200 S. Church St., Parkesburg. The event will take place from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m., and the price of admission will include live entertainment, food and drinks that are unique to Scottish culture.
When guests arrive at Beale Manor, they will hear the distinct sound of a bagpipe ringing through the halls of the historic home.
Bagpiper Tyler Destremps will continue to perform until all guests have arrived, and the celebration will kick
off with a social time and a second musical performance by fiddler Tom Knapp. After Destremps and Knapp set the tone for the evening with traditional Scottish compositions, Charlie Zahm will lead a haggis ceremony. The time-honored ritual will include a tasting of haggis, a savory dish that is made using the heart, lungs and liver of a sheep. The meat is minced with chopped onion, oatmeal, suet and a medley of spices and broth, and ingredients are customarily cooked inside the sheep’s stomach. In addition to offering a tasting of haggis, Zahm will discuss the cultural significance of the Scottish delicacy. The ceremony will conclude with

a tasting of Scottish whiskey. Although haggis has been enjoyed in the United Kingdom since the 15th century, the meal was made popular by “Address to a Haggis,” a poem that Burns published in 1786. In Burns’ poem, he describes the ingredients of haggis and marvels at its image and flavor. Shortly after “Address to a Haggis” was published, the dish became officially designated as the national dish of Scotland, and the poem is typically recited during a haggis ceremony.
A supper buffet will be served after the haggis ceremony. Food options will include haggis, Angus beef, red lentil soup, salad and trifle, as well as neeps

and tatties, a dish made from mashed turnips and potatoes.
After supper, attendees will be invited to commemorate Burns’ life with toasts,
speeches and readings of the poet’s works. Charlie Zahm will present “A Tribute to Robert Burns,” a show that will incorporate Burns’ writing and traditional
Scottish music. As the evening concludes, Zahm will invite guests to encircle a piano and sing Burns’ songs together.
The Winter Field Day Association advocates for ham radio operators to practice portable emergency communications during winter weather because the low temperatures, snow, and ice pose unique challenges to operations.
An Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) presentation will be offered at 9 a.m. on Jan. 25 as part of the event. Hess noted that the organization practices emergency drills for the closed Three Mile Island and the functioning Peach Bottom nuclear power plants because ham radios continue to operate when cellphones cannot and in areas where cell services may be limited. In addition, several
antennae building stations for different bands will be set up at the Winter Field Day.
According to Hess, GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) has become a path to ham radio participation. “You don’t have to take a license test to get a (GMRS) license,” said Hess, who described GMRS as “a rapidly growing aspect of radio (communications).” “While it’s not ham radio, a lot of GMRS users are making the jump to ham radio,” he said, adding that GMRS licenses from the Federal Communications Commission are easily obtained via an online application. “Anyone in your house can legally use your license,” Hess explained.
This year, the club plans to serve hoagies and cheesesteaks at the Winter Field Day. Hess described the family-oriented atmosphere at club events by telling a story of his now-10-year-old daughter. “Everybody in ham radio in Lancaster County knows my daughter, Avery, by her nickname, which is Mudball,” he stated. Hess shared that Avery came by her nickname when she was only about 6 years old. “We were at a ham radio event, and she was playing in a mud puddle,” recalled Hess. “It was all over her hands and her knee-high boots.” A fellow club member said to Avery, “You look like a mudball.” The name stuck.
“From that day forward, everyone has called her Mudball,” said Hess, noting that his daughter will probably stop in at Winter Field Day to see her RRR friends.
Hess believes the chance to converse internationally attracts many to the hobby. “We will be operating under our club call sign, so ... anybody can come up and operate,” he said. “I can almost guarantee we will find someone outside the U.S. to talk to.” Hess noted that many visitors react positively to hearing a voice from another country over the radio.
Readers who would like more information may visit http://www .w3rrr.org or email W3COB@arrl.net.

repeat the ones you want or repeat all of them,” he said.

In addition, group members sometimes form friendships and may get together outside the scheduled meetings. “In the group there are clusters of people who choose to meet outside the group as well. They meet as often as they want,” Paul said. “In the one group we had, a few of (the participants) met even a year or two after the (GriefShare) sessions.”
While the sessions are designed for people age 15 and older, people of all ages may attend GriefShare meetings, whether they have lost a spouse, parent, child, friend, sibling, other relative or co-worker. “(In)
the last group we had some people in their 20s. Often we have some younger people that are part of the group,” said Paul.
The Rancks have been facilitating GriefShare sessions since 2002. At one time, the meetings were held in their home. “We are on the third reproduction of the videos,” Paul noted. “We started with the original video series, and they updated them a couple of times. It is the same content with small adjustments, different people, different speakers and some different examples. There are speakers that talk on the videos, and there are also people who are going through grief and loss who share.”
Even with the passage of time, Paul said the goal of the group has remained the same - to support individuals who are dealing with loss. “We have enjoyed doing it, and we learned a lot. Every group provides (positive) feedback,” he stated. “(When) we have participants come through all 13 weeks, it becomes almost like a family and as close as a family.”
“What is really encouraging and interesting is we will be out, and people will come up to us and say, ‘Thank you,’” he added. “When they come up to us, it means a lot.”
For more information about the GriefShare session at Gateway Church or to reg-

ister, visit www.griefshare .org/groups/254802. Walkins will also be welcome. GriefShare attendees should enter through the church’s main door and follow the signs to the meeting room. No child care is offered. More information about the GriefShare program and other meeting locations is available at www .griefshare.org.
Donald Henderson leads the haggis ceremony during a previous Burns Night Celebration at Beale Manor.
Octorara Covenanter Presbyterian Foundation board members and entertainers (from left) Thompson McConnell, Donald Henderson, Tishena Moss, Charlie Zahm, Tom Knapp, Donna McCool, Barry Girvin and John Girvin
Paul and Twila Ranck
See Burns Night pg 8
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Burns Night
“I think people with Scottish heritage enjoy celebrating it, but that’s not to say (Burns Night) is not open to everybody,” said Donna McCool, who co-chairs the annual event alongside John Girvin. “You don’t need to have Scottish ancestors to participate, and Beale Manor is a fabulous venue. Anyone who wants to learn more about others’ culture is welcome.”
In 2018, the Octorara Covenanter Presbyterian Foundation held its inaugural Burns Night Celebration at Octorara Covenanter Presbyterian Church in Quarryville. The event quickly became popular in the local community; after the first year, the foundation changed the location to Beale Manor to accommodate the large number of guests who wished to attend. Proceeds of ticket sales will benefit various ongoing restoration projects and maintenance at Octorara Covenanter Presbyterian Church. Last year, the money raised by Burns Night helped to repair damage caused by a bat infestation in the old church.
To purchase a ticket, visit https://tinyurl.com/ burnsnight2025.
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