All 4 Paws Rescue, a Chester County-based nonprofit organization that rescues animals in need, is currently in need of fosters willing to take in cats and dogs that are waiting for their forever homes as well as adopters looking to provide a loving home to a pet.
“The most important thing for all rescue organizations are fosters and adopters,” said Kristen Geddes, founder and director of All 4 Paws. “The more fosters we have, the more lives we can save. Without adopters, we can’t keep taking in dogs.”
Geddes founded the rescue in May of 2009. “I had a corporate job 15 or 20 years ago and started volunteering at a local rescue and became passionate about it and started All 4 Paws,” she explained, noting that since its inception, All 4 Paws Rescue has saved more than 16,000 animals. “We have been busy.”
For those who crave Girl Scout Cookies, the wait is over. Cookie sales began on Jan. 24 and will run through mid-March.
Locally, people can find Girl Scouts selling cookies on weekends at area businesses. Booth locations include Tractor Supply, 985 Octorara Trail, Parkesburg; Walmart Supercenter, 100 Commons Drive, Parkesburg; RDV Convenience Store, 214 W. First Ave., Parkesburg; Hershey’s Farm Market, 959 Octorara Trail, Parkesburg; Rocco & Anna’s Ristorante, 302 Main St., Parkesburg; Dickens Automotive, 1086 Gap Newport Pike, Cochranville; and Parkesburg Grocery Outlet, 110 W. First Ave., Parkesburg.
During opening weekend, Morrigan McElwee, a member of Cadette Girl Scout Troop 415, which meets at Parkesburg Church of the Ascension, was
See Girl Scout Cookies pg 4
As tax filing season approaches, Chester County residents are reminded that their taxes can be prepared free of charge through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program, which is offered locally by Life Transforming Ministries (LTM) in Coatesville. This year, tax preparation sites are located in Coatesville, Downingtown, Exton, Kennett Square, Phoenixville, Pottstown, Royersford and West Chester. The sites opened on Jan. 27 and will
remain open through Tuesday, April 15.
VITA is a program offered by the IRS to partner organizations, like LTM. “VITA offers free federal and state tax preparation for hard-working families or people who do not earn high wages,” said Lyneesha Johnson, who is in charge of marketing and communication for LTM. Those who choose to make use of the program are first asked to visit www.ChesterCountyFree Taxes.org and choose “For Tax Filer,” then select “Items You See Taxes pg 8
Since the program is foster-based, it is especially in need of people willing to give a temporary home to a cat or dog until a permanent home can be found.
“We have a business office for adoption appointments and events, but all of our dogs are placed in foster homes. We do not have a kennel,” Geddes noted.
She said that while giving a pet to a permanent adopter can be difficult for a foster, it allows the rescue to continue its work. “I typically take in seniors and special needs dogs, and it’s really hard giving them up,” Geddes shared. “The only way we can save lives is for fosters to open their hearts and save
another (animal). If we keep them all, we can’t afford to keep them coming in.”
Those who would like to adopt a pet are asked to compete an application and provide veterinary references and personal references. “All of our adoptions take place at our office in Malvern. As long as the adopter is open to coming to our office, we have no (geographic) limit,” said Geddes. “We (even) adopted to many states away.”
To help find homes for adoptable dogs, the rescue holds meet-and-greet events at various locations. The next scheduled meet-and-greet event will be held on Saturday, Feb. 1, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Brandywine Ace
Pet & Farm, 1150 Pocopson Road, West Chester. Another meet-and-greet event will be held on Saturday, Feb. 8, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Pickering Valley Feed & Farm Store, 305 Gordon Drive, Exton.
Meet-and-greets provide an opportunity for people to meet adoptable pets. The events are also open to those who love dogs and want to pet them as well as to those who want to learn about fostering and volunteering opportunities.
“We tend to have (meetand-greet events) every weekend because we don’t have a facility people can visit,” said Geddes. “Whatever foster families are available will bring that dog to the event to meet people. We reach out to approved adopters as well as try to attract new people. People can also learn about what we do.”
Among the pets currently available for adoption are Josey, a 12-year-old pug and beagle mix who was surrendered to All 4 Paws by a breeding kennel;
Archie, an 11-month-old male retriever hound mix; and Andy, a 6-year-old male domestic shorthair cat. Andy’s adoption fee has been fully sponsored.
All pets available for adoption by All 4 Paws Rescue are microchipped, spayed or neutered and up to date on vaccinations and preventatives.
For more information and to complete an adoption or foster application, visit www.all4pawsrescue.com. More information about the meet-and-greet events is available at www.facebook .com/all4pawsrescue. Those with questions may email info@all4pawsrescue.com.
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Jan. 29. Kacie’s Cause Support Group
Parkesburg Baptist Church
103 West St., Parkesburg, 7 to 8 p.m. www.facebook.com/KaciesCauseParkesburg
Jan. 30. GriefShare
Gateway Church
160 Cowan Road, Parkesburg, 6:30 p.m. The topic will be “Self-Care.” GriefShare, which is facilitated by Paul and Twila Ranck, is a free support group for those who have experienced the death of a family member or friend.
Jan. 30. Narcotics Anonymous
101 E. First Ave., Parkesburg, 5 p.m.
Feb. 2. Church Services
Safe Harbor Baptist Church
478 Daleville Road, Cochranville. Sunday school is held at 10 a.m. followed by the Sunday service at 11 a.m. The service features the King James version of the Bible and traditional hymns. A Wednesday night prayer and Bible study is offered at 7 p.m. Daleville Road is located one block from the intersection of Routes 41 and 10. After leaving Route 10, the church is on the right on Daleville Road.
Feb. 2 through Feb. 5. Missions Conference
Safe Harbor Baptist Church, Cochranville. Services will be held on Feb. 2 at 10 a.m. and at 7 p.m. and on Feb. 3, 4 and 5 at 7 p.m. Those with questions may call the church at 610-998-0005. www.safeharborcochranville.org
Feb. 3. Monday Music With Miss Faith Parkesburg Free Library
105 West St., Parkesburg, 10:30 a.m. The program, which features singing and dancing, is open to preschoolers ages 1 to 4. To register, visit www.parkesburglibrary.org. Those with questions may email fdopirak@ccls.org or call 610-857-5165
Feb. 8. Tingo (Tea and Mini Bingo)
Presented by the Parkesburg Lions Club
Parkesburg Baptist Church
103 West St., Parkesburg, 11 a.m. The cost includes tea, a light lunch and 10 games of bingo. Attendees are encouraged to dress in “tea” attire. For tickets, message the “Parkesburg Lions Club - New and Improved” Facebook page or contact Lions Club member Karen Fronefield at 484-678-4231.
The Community Calendar is a weekly feature of the Community Courier. Submit your meeting or event for consideration in writing at least two weeks prior to the event. Email submissions to ffulton@engleonline.com. For more information, call 800-800-1833, ext. 6018.
The Chester County Sheriff’s Office recently announced the winners of its first art contest, themed “Law Enforcement in the Community.” Anna Zerbe, a third-grader at the Honey
Brook Elementary Center, earned first place; Sid Ghatta, a fifth-grader from the Great Valley 5/6 Center, won second place; and Arianny Aguilar, a sixth-grader from Avon Grove Charter School, won third place.
Anna’s winning photo,
which she completed with markers, depicts a police car traveling along a road along with a written message that reads, “Dear police officers. Thank you for keeping us safe!”
Sid’s photo depicts two
See Winners pg 4
• Tours of apartments and cottages.
stationed at the Parkesburg Grocery Outlet. Morrigan, who attends Avon Grove Charter School, was accompanied by her mother, Sara McElwee, who is also the troop leader.
Sara noted that this is the last year that Scouts will sell Toast-Yay! cookies. The cookies, which were introduced in 2021, are shaped like French toast and dipped in icing and bear the Girl Scout trefoil symbol. “They are bringing out a new national cookie for next year,” Sara noted.
Other cookie varieties include Adventurefuls, which are brownie-like cookies with a caramel-flavored cream; Trefoils, which are shortbread cookies; Lemonades, which are short-
bread cookies with a lemon-flavored icing; and Caramel deLites, which are crispy cookies coated with caramel and coconut and drizzled with chocolate stripes. Peanut butter varieties are Peanut Butter Patties dipped in chocolate and the Peanut Butter Sandwich, which is an oatmeal cookie with a peanut butter filling. Sara noted that the cookies can be frozen and eaten later.
Morrigan reported that sales were brisk. “Thin Mints are the most popular,” said Morrigan, who noted that cookie is her favorite as well.
Those who visit the local booths also have an opportunity to donate cookies to Hometown Heroes, a
program adopted in 2019 by the Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania (GSEP). “These are cookies that are donated locally to police, fire (companies), the food cupboard and Parkesburg POINT,” said Sara, noting that all troops in the Octorara Area Service Unit participate in the effort and deliver the cookies in person.
The goal of the cookie sales, according to GSEP, is to teach Girl Scouts five essential skills - goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills and business ethics. “They learn how to talk to people, how to deal with people who say no and learning to adapt to the situation,” said Sara.
The Scouts are also able to keep a portion of the money for troop activities. “We are going camping and rock climbing,” Sara added. “Even though they are 13 years old, they want to go to Dutch Wonderland.”
According to www.girlscouts .org, Girls Scouts of the USA sells about 200 million boxes of cookies in a normal year. The organization calls the Girl Scout cookie program “the largest entrepreneurial program in the world.”
For more information about the cookies and to search for other cookie booth locations, visit www.gsep.org.
police officers with the words “Thank you” in the center. Other images in the painting include a police badge; the scales of justice; and descriptive words, including “law and order.”
Arianny’s colored pencil drawing depicts a police officer providing comfort.
For winning the first-time competition held this past summer, the students each received a certificate of recognition, a photo with Chester County Sheriff Kevin D. Dykes and a tour of his office, as well as a gift basket filled with art supplies.
Anna was accompanied to the sheriff’s office by her parents, Jennifer and Jonathan Zerbe, and her sister, Elizabeth Zerbe. Sid was accompanied by his parents, Sri and Dee Ghatta, and Arianny was accompanied by her mother, Milly Aguilar, and her brother, Jayden Aguilar.
Noah Stribrny, command staff liaison of the sheriff’s office, developed the idea to hold the art contest as a community outreach. He said that each of the youngsters enjoyed their tours.
“During her tour, Anna loved seeing the patrol vehicles and motorcycles,” he stated. “Sid loved seeing the courts and the holding areas during his tour. Arianny enjoyed seeing the courts and learning more about what the sheriff’s office actually does each day.
According to her mother, Arianny and her brother would not stop talking about the tour all the way on the car ride home.”
Jennifer said she read
about the contest in a July edition of the Community Courier. “I told (Anna) about it, and she wanted to do it,” she said. “She loves to draw, and I think she was motivated by the chance to tour the sheriff’s office.”
“Sid loves art and tries to participate in as many art competitions as possible,” Stribrny added. “When he saw ours, he was very excited to show off his skills and showcase law enforcement in a positive light in the community.”
Since the summer’s art competition was such a success, Stribrny has announced that the sheriff’s office will hold a spring art competition with the theme “My Favorite Things in Chester County!” Students may use pencils, ink, markers, colored pencils or paint to create their work. The contest is open to students in kindergarten through grade 12. Once again, the prizes will include a tour of the sheriff’s office, a certificate from the sheriff and a photo with the sheriff. The winning artwork will be displayed in the lobby of the Chester County Sheriff’s Office in West Chester.
For complete rules and submission details, visit www.chesco.org/5569/ Student-Art-Competition or scan the QR code at www .facebook.com/ccsopa. The Facebook page also contains photos of all of the winners and their art submissions.
Those with questions can email Stribrny at nstribrny@chesco.org. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, May 7.
After breaking ground more than a year ago, Freedom Life Church recently celebrated the grand opening of the Freedom Life Atglen Campus, located at 789 Gap Newport Pike (Route 41), Atglen.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on Jan. 10, led by pastors Sam and Michele Masteller. “What a great day,” said Sam. “It has been awesome to see what God has done.”
Sam welcomed those in attendance, including congregation members and church officials; neighbors from the community; and representatives from Weaver Construction, which was in charge of the building project.
“Thank you for taking the time out of your schedule to honor this moment,” he stated. “I pray that whether you attend here (or another church), you experience the grace and mercy of God. None of this is for the ego of man; it is for the glory of God.”
Among those who offered remarks at the event was Ken Weaver, president of Weaver Construction. “I am grateful for all of our partners that were part of the process,” he stated. “There was a network of subcontractors, engineers and architects who worked with us. It was a team approach, and we partnered with Freedom Life. It was a great joy to build this building with that team.”
Other speakers included Eric Gerber, associate pastor, who opened the ribbon-cutting ceremony; Rick Shawley, a member of the Freedom Life executive team, who offered a prayer; and Tom Rees, a representative from the PennDel Ministry Network.
Prior to the ribbon cutting, church members unveiled a Wall of Honor. “Earlier in the morning, we hosted a service to honor the individuals whose names we engraved on a Wall of Honor positioned outside the rear entrance,” noted Angie Dearolf, Freedom Life communications director. “The wall contains the names of
individuals, couples and families who have demonstrated dedication to God’s house through their years of commitment, service and generosity. Our plan is to add names to the wall each year.”
Preview services at the new church began on Dec. 15, 2024. There were also other special events, including an anointing service on Jan. 8 and grand opening services on Jan. 12.
According to a written history of the church, Freedom Life began as Victory Chapel, which evolved from campground revival meetings held in 1971. Within a short period of time, attendance multiplied, and the congregation purchased land on Noble Road to construct a church. Throughout the years, the church was known for offering programs for the community in its building, gymnasium and adjacent woodlands.
Sam and Michele were named youth pastors in 1999 and served in that role for four years. In 2000, the name of the church was changed from Victory Chapel
to Freedom Life Christian Center.
The church purchased the 32-acre parcel of land for the new church building in West Sadsbury Township in 2018.
The 39,700-square-foot facility includes six classrooms, a cafe, meeting spaces and a covered portico. There are also 210 parking spaces available to visitors and a worship area that can seat more than 600 people.
“We look forward to continuing our mission on a greater scale with new capabilities that include indoor and outdoor playgrounds, a large cafe, gathering space, gymnasium, walking trails and more,” said Sam of the new facility.
In addition to the main campus in Atglen, Freedom Life has a location in Centre County and a congregation that meets in Quarryville. Freedom Life also offers a number of ministries, including FL Kids, TwentyFourSeven Youth, FL Young Adults, Freedom Academy and TPUSA Faith. Its annual community programs include an Easter Eggstravaganza, vacation Bible school, a Fall Festival, a Trunk or Treat, the Freedom 5K, Worldview Weekends and Serve Day.
Sunday services are held at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. For more information, visit www.facebook.com/ freedomlife.tv or www.freedom .life or contact the church at 610593-5959 or info@freedom.life.
Details about the new church in Atglen are available at www .freedom.life/buildinganark.
Tim Crans is presently the Sr. Pastor of Wagontown Chapel, in Wagontown, PA, where he has served for the past 20½ years. He has a heart for preaching the Word of God and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. He has been married to his wife Corinne for 24 yrs. and they have four sons. Clay (22), who is working full time. Hunter (19), a sophomore at Lancaster Bible College studying for the Pastorate. Wyatt (16), who is in 10th grade and likes playing basketball and flying. Blaine (14), who is in 8th grade and enjoys basketball. Tim and his family reside in Coatesville, PA, where he was raised in a Christian, Bible believing home. He is a graduate of Word of Life Bible Institute and Lancaster Bible College. Tim loves spending time with his family and enjoys hunting with a bow.
ENCOUNTER CHURCH: 300 Hideaway Drive, Quarryville, PA 17566
Sunday Service & Kid's Church held at 8:30 am and 10:45 am. Church e-mail: office@encounterchurchpa.org www.encounterchuchpa.org
Church phone: 717-786-2756
FAITH BIBLE CHAPEL: “Ordinary People
Serving An Extraordinary God.” Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (Children’s Service during Pastor’s Message). Wednesday Prayer Meeting at 6:30 p.m. We are located at 140 Bernard Ave., Cochranville. Pastor Scott Althouse 610-593-6333 fbchapel@zoominternet.net
GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH: Dedicated to the serious preaching & teaching of God’s Word. Traditional hymns & praise songs accompanied by guitar. Sunday Service 10:40am. 53 Hurley Rd, Parkesburg, PA 19365. 610-593-7123. www. gracecommunitychurch-parkesburg.com for messages, ministries and directions
610-857-1670 www.highland-bc.org
Sunday Services: Sunday School for all ages 9:30 am, Morning Service 10:45 am (nursery is available), Prayer Service 4 pm Wednesday Youth programs 6:30-8:00 pm. Thursday Ladies Bible Study 10:00 am
IMPACT CHURCH: IMPACTING lives with the Hope of Jesus Christ. Sunday Gatherings at 9 am & 10:30 am. 101 East 1st Ave., Parkesburg. Pastor Mike Bailey. 610-857-3887. Visit us online at WWW.IMPACTPA.CHURCH
255 Little Britain Church Rd., Peach Bottom (between 222 and 272). Sunday School Classes all ages 9:15 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Youth Groups for Elementary, Jr. High and Sr. High, Choir, Bell Choir, Small Groups. Rev. Thomas Milligan, 717-548-2266. Web site: www.littlebritainchurch.org E-mail: lbpc1732@gmail.com
“Come find spiritual life in Christ for your family.” Cochranville: Rte. 926, halfway between Rte. 41 & Rte. 10. Rev. Daniel Henderson, Pastor. Sunday School for all ages at 9:30 am. Fellowship & Refreshments from 10:15-10:35 am. Worship with classes for infantsPre-K at 10:45 am Kidsworship for K5th is held during the sermon time. Youth Group for 6th-12th grades twice a month at 6:30 pm 610-869-2402. www.manorpresbyterian.com
MAPLE GROVE MENNONITE CHURCH: 549 Swan Rd., Atglen. 610-593-6658,
Lead Pastor: Mike Clemmer, Music Minister: Matt Chambers. Sunday School 9am, Sunday Worship 10am, Children’s Church, Nursery. Youth Group Wed., 7pm. Christian Preschool. Visit us online at: www.maplegrovemc.com
MIDDLE OCTORARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 1199 Valley Road Quarryville. Sunday Services: Sunday School 9 AM; Blended Worship 10:30 AM. 717-786-3402 Visit us online at www.middleoctorara.org
MT. VERNON CHRISTIAN CHURCH: Growing Deeper, Reaching Farther. 1 Lighthouse Dr, Kirkwood. Pastor Tony Murrin. Sunday School- all ages 9am, Worship 10:00am. Handicap Access. Phone: 717-529-4102. Visit us online at mtvernonchristianchurch.com
Sunday Service 10 am & Wednesday prayer at 7:30 pm - at 501 Lenover Rd., Parkesburg, PA 19365. Call 610-593-2277 www.parkesburgwordoffaith.org
ROCK CHURCH: A Spirit-filled, Full Gospel Church Family. 32 E. State St in Quarryville. Sunday service at 10am. More info at RockChurchLC.org Phone: 717-847-6872
Where everyone can find a place to belong! 116 Lancaster Pike, Oxford (Rt. 472 at the Rt. 1 bypass ramps). Sunday inperson Holy Communion Service at 10:00 AM, also live-streamed. When people warmly welcome you, you will know you have found a church home where you can come just as you are. The Episcopal Church is Catholic in the way we worship and Protestant in the way we think. You’ll find beautiful music, good preaching, and an inclusive community in which to worship God. YOU BELONG HERE! Check out St. Christopher’s website, YouTube, or Facebook for updates and links. Rev. Dr. Mary Ann Mertz rector@stchrisoxford.org 610-932-8134 www.stchrisoxford.org
UPPER OCTORARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (EPC): 1121 Octorara Trail (on Rt. 10 a mile south of Rt. 30), Parkesburg. Christ-centered, Handicapped accessible. Sunday School all ages 9:30 am (Sept-May). Sunday Worship (Blended style) 10:30 am. Youth Group & a variety of adult groups. Dana J. Smith, Pastor. (610)857-5787 www.uopc-epc.org Find us on Facebook. Christian Preschool: (610)857-0236
Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533
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Hidden Valley Self Storage 105 Shamrock Lane, Parkesburg, PA 19365 hiddenvalleystorage@verizon.net • 610-857-1778
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Need to Bring.” There, visitors can download intake forms that can be completed ahead of time.
“We have a link on our site for tax filers. Under there, there is a link, and it gives you all the steps you take, and there are intake forms to download and print out,” said Johnson. “We have them on-site as well.”
“You fill them out it out and bring them along with supporting documentation needed for your personal finances and drop them off,” Johnson added.
All documents are scanned, and the taxpayer leaves with the originals. “They come back in and sign the final return before it is transmitted,” Johnson noted.
Every site is run by volunteers who are trained and certified by the IRS. “Some have a background in finance, but some don’t. (Volunteers) are looking for ways to give back,” Johnson noted. “All volunteers go through certification, and we have site coordinators who are more advanced and are there to support the volunteers who need help.”
No appointments are necessary, and donations are accepted for VITA’s local sponsor, Life Transforming Ministries.
LTM’s VITA program began in 2004 in Coatesville. According to Donna Laird, VIA director, 15 paper returns were completed that first year. “We completed 2,508 returns last year resulting in an economic impact of over $3.7 million back into the community,” Johnson reported.
She recalled one client in particular who received a large refund. “Our director, Donna, shared a story about one family who wound up getting $20,000. They have a big family and lots of children. That is extreme, but it happened,” she said. “People have no idea that they qualified for credits, including the Earned Income Tax Credit. VITA exist because the IRS wants people to know they are eligible and take advantage of that. Lots of families need money to catch up on rent and medical (bills), and the refund (can be) enough to help them get back on their feet.”
She noted that while the training period for tax preparation is over for the year, volunteers are still needed at the various sites to work as greeters and to walk people through the intake.
For complete details, including a list of VITA office locations, visit the previously mentioned website or search for “LTM VITA” on Facebook. Individuals with questions and those who would like to volunteer may contact Laird at dlaird@Quiet Revolution.org or 610-380-9099.