believe we’re created in God’s image, and God is a creator, and we’re meant to be creators as well,” said Levi King, chief operating officer with Quarry View Building Group. “Things like (Kids’ Woodworking Day) can bring that out.”
Levi and his brother, Ben, who is president of Quarry View, began holding Kids’ Woodworking Day in 2018, when the organization partnered with Way of Jesus Academy through a board member of the academy whom they knew. The event invites area children to work with Quarry View employees and volunteers to create a woodworking project they can take home. This year, Quarry View partnered with The Factory Ministries to invite area children to participate at Quarry View’s headquarters on a former farm at 2603 Lincoln Highway East, Ronks, that the company remodeled
Although he was born in France, the Marquis de Lafayette was an important figure during the American Revolution and was later invited by President James Monroe for an all-expenses-paid return to the United States between 1824 and 1825. Lafayette’s trip included stops in both Lancaster County and western Chester County.
To commemorate the 200th anniversary visit, a series of special activities has been planned
throughout 2025. “For the past three years, we have been planning events that follow in the exact footsteps of Lafayette when he visited 200 years ago during his Farewell Tour of America,” explained Kathleen Hood, coordinator of the Lafayette200 Bicentennial in Western Chester County and Lancaster County. “He was going to stay three months but stayed 13 months traveling to 24 states, which is what America had at the time. He traveled over 6,000 miles during that journey.”
and opened a year ago.
Adam Nagle, executive director with The Factory Ministries, said that Quarry View representatives reached out about a partnership for this year’s event. “I stopped in, got a tour, and Levi cast their vision for
“You never know if this one opportunity to create something they feel proud of might spark something in them.”
the day,” recalled Nagle, who added that the idea was interesting to him because it “dove tailed well with our heart (at The Factory).” “We loved the opportunity that (Kids’ Woodworking Day) gave for young people to gain exposure to tools and a trade they would not normally have,” Nagle said.
The Factory promoted the day to participants, and nearly 30 signed up to visit when the day was held on Dec. 23 from noon to 4 p.m. The timing right before Christmas has traditionally worked well because children are generally not in school.
Employee Paul Beiler, whom Ben referred to as a master craftsman, devised a game box for the children to create. “It’s 2 inches thick and 10 by 10 inches (wide),” explained Beiler, who brought together all the necessary pieces for the children to assemble while working with an adult. The box holds checkers-like pieces the children cut from doweling using a handsaw. Wafers of sapele wood and white pine were available for the children to glue to the top of the box to create a checkerboard pattern. “On the bottom side, they can draw with a woodburning tool or write their names,” said Beiler, who also made sure craft paint was available for participants who wished to paint on the back or the edges.
Christian schools in Lancaster County have never really been competitors. Now they’re working together to align their missions and streamline their efforts.
The upcoming Christian Education Fair is an event that’s designed to draw strength from numbers, explore and promote the increasing popularity of Christian education and provide
families with learning opportunities that are aligned with their beliefs and their children’s needs.
“It’s not that we were against each other; it’s we weren’t working together,” said Jill Armstrong, Lancaster County Christian School’s events and communication coordinator and one of the organizers of the event. “I just think there wasn’t an intentional collaboration. We can learn from each other. We
Levi explained that he and Ben organize Woodworking Day to give area students a chance to build in the way they did as children. “From a young age, we had opportunities to create things in the shop,” he said. “You never know if this one opportunity to create something they feel proud of might spark something in them.”
Ben explained that there is a need for skilled tradespeople in the building field. “It’s something we care about as a core value,” he stated. “We desire to have a pipeline of young people who care about this type of construction and are educated in this kind of construction.” He noted that the program attracts elementary school students and that the hope is that by introducing the children at a young age, they may find a lifelong passion for the craft. “If they have a gift for (woodworking) or an interest in it, then that can be developed early,” he said.
In addition to introducing youngsters to woodworking, the brothers sought to share their love of country during the holiday season. “We are retiring a flag as part of (the event),” explained Ben, who noted that the holidays can be hard on people who have lost a loved one. One of Quarry View’s employees lost a nephew a few years back, and the organization chose to honor that nephewDanny Delbianco - by retiring the 10-by-15-foot flag flying in front of the business and dedicating it to him. A special triangular box with the Navy veteran’s name was constructed by Quarry View employees to hold the retired flag. “We have a love of country we like to instill into people we have influence with,” said Ben.
Members of the gathering
lowered the flag to be retired and brought it into the shop area to fold it. As the flag was folded, Ben explained that each of the 13 folds has meaning. “The first fold is symbolic of life,” he stated, noting that other folds symbolize eternal life, the sacrifice of veterans, a tribute to our country and the armed forces, and more. When the flag was folded, it was placed into the box to be given to the Quarry View employee. Ben concluded the ceremony by recognizing veterans who were present. “We appreciate our
veterans. Thank you to all veterans,” he said. Ben then offered a short prayer asking for blessings for each person there, noting the eternal gift of the Christmas season, and asking that the time working on projects be safe and focused. More information about The Factory and its programs may be found at https://thefactory ministries.com.
Readers who wish to learn more about Quarry View may visit https://quarryviewbuilding group.com.
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can grow in different ways as we collaborate. We’re trying to find ways to work as one.”
The inaugural Christian Education Fair will be staged from 2 to 4 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 12, at Lancaster Bible College’s Good Shepherd Chapel, 901 Eden Road, Lancaster. Representatives of a dozen Christian schools in Lancaster County - Anchor Christian Academy, Dayspring Christian Academy, Hinkletown Mennonite School, Kraybill Mennonite School, Lancaster County Christian School, Lancaster Mennonite School, Linville Hill Christian School, Lititz Area Mennonite School, Lititz Christian School, Mainstay Christian Academy, Mount Calvary Christian School and Veritas Academy - will be on hand to provide information and answer questions.
Many of the Christian schools that will be represented are nondenominational private institutions designed for students in prekindergarten through grade 12. The Christian Education Fair will inform visitors about the schools’ curriculum, athletics, arts, extracurricular activities, transportation, tuition, financial aid and enrollment processes.
“I hope that it’s unifying and energizing,” said Armstrong of the education fair’s atmosphere. “I hope that it’s upbeat and there’s
lively conversation. I hope the schools encourage people to ask questions. I hope there’s kind of like a family feel.”
The event is free to attend, everyone is welcome and no registration is required.
“There are a lot of options out there, and it can be overwhelming,” said Armstrong. “I think there are families asking themselves, 'Do I do Christian schools? Do I do public schools? Do I do homeschooling?’ I think you’ll see families with new kindergarten-age children. I think you’ll see parents of students who are experiencing natural transitions, from elementary school to middle school, from middle school to high school. There’s no pressure, no commitment; just come and learn.”
Organizers of the Christian Education Fair sent out event invitations to 18 Christian schools in Lancaster County to participate.
“Enrollment in Christian schools is growing rapidly,” said Armstrong. “I think we offer something different that families are attracted to. Most Christian schools are places of community.
We want to showcase our uniqueness. But what might be right for one family might not be right for another. We’re kind of on a mission together. I think all of the Christian schools would say similar things.”
Christian schools offer just one type of private education available to Lancaster County students. The origins of local Christian schools date back to the early 1900s, and their growth seems to be associated with periods of time when some became nondenominational.
“I think we are really privileged to live in a part of the world that has so many Christian schools,” said Armstrong. “I think the county has a lot of history of prioritizing Christian education, just by the number of Christian schools that there are. Over the years, I’ve watched schools better articulate their missions. Christian education emphasizes a biblical worldview and studying the Word of God.”
For additional information about the Christian Education Fair, go to https://christianedfair.com.
Lancaster County Art Association (LCAA), 149 Precision Ave., Strasburg, has posted two upcoming shows, which will run from Sunday, Jan. 12, through Thursday, Feb. 13. The exhibits will be open on Thursdays through Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m. Admission is free. The Winter Membership Show will open with a reception on Jan. 12 from 1 to 4 p.m. Awards will be presented at 2 p.m.
Featured will be works by LCAA members. In the Steinmetz Gallery, the works of Dan Graziano will be showcased. Graziano is a nationally known, award-winning artist who has held several workshops at LCAA over the past few years. His next workshop will be on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 21 and 22. His workshops tend to sell out quickly. For more information or to register, visit www.lcaaonline.org or call 717-687-7061.
CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH: 758 Spruce Rd., New Holland 717-354-8428. “Building Community with Christ, to Impact a World without Christ” Pastor: Dr. Doug Bozung. Please go to cfcnewholland.org/visit for information concerning worship services, adult ministries, youth & children’s ministries.
LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH (AG): Located at 105 Earland Dr., New Holland, invites you to join us for a time of contemporary worship and biblical preaching at our 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 services on Sunday morning and 7:00 service on Wednesday evening. Childcare for birth through 5th grade available during 2nd and 3rd Sunday morning services and Wednesday evening service. Lead Pastor: Stephen Ritchey. For more information on our services and programs, visit Lighthouseag.com
MIDDLE OCTORARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 1199 Valley Road Quarryville. Sunday Services: Sunday School 9 AM; Blended Worship 10:30 AM. 717-786-3402 Visit us online at www.middleoctorara.org
CHURCH: 1241 May Post Office Rd., Quarryville, (5 mi. South of Strasburg, 3 mi. North of 372). Rev. Margaret Rohnacher, Pastor. Sunday worship service 9:30 am. Limited handicap accessibility. 717-786-7565 mtedenlutheranchurch@gmail.com
OUR LADY OF LOURDES Catholic Church: 150 Water Street, New Holland, PA 17557 Father Steven Fauser, Pastor. Visit us online at www.ourladyoflourdesnh.com Sunday 8am & 10:30am. Saturday 5pm. Weekday Mass: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9am.
PARKESBURG WORD OF FAITH CHURCH Sunday Service 10 am & Wednesday prayer at 7:30 pm - at 501 Lenover Rd., Parkesburg, PA 19365. Call 610-593-2277 www.parkesburgwordoffaith.org
ROCK CHURCH: A Spirit-filled, Full Gospel Church Family. 32 E. State St in Quarryville. Sunday service at 10am. More info at RockChurchLC.org Phone: 717-847-6872
SALEM EVANGELICAL REFORMED CHURCH, HELLERS (founded 1725), 2555 Horseshoe Rd. Lancaster. 717656-9249. Sunday Worship held 9:25 am Holy Communion 1st Sun. of month. Adult Sunday School at 10:45 am. Handicap Accessible. Pastor: Bruce Tully. E-mail: info@salemhellers.com; Website: www.salemhellers.com
ST. STEPHEN REFORMED CHURCH (Presbyterian Church In America): “A Beacon on the Hill.” The Word of God is central to our worship. Sunday worship at 8:15 and 10:30am with Kingdom’s kids and nursery provided for the 10:30 service. Sunday school for all ages at 9:30am. Choir sings the last Sunday of each month. Youth group on Sundays at 6:00 pm for grades 6th-12th. Lead Pastor: Rev. Dr. Andrew DiNardo. 249 East Main Street, New Holland. 717-354-7871. http://ststephenpca.org
Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533
Mondays from pg 1
“We have researched what he did, where he went and with whom he met, and we are re-creating his journey as historically accurate as possible,” she added.
Events will begin with Lafayette200 Marquis Mondays, a free virtual program that will highlight various authors of books related to Lafayette.
The first Marquis Monday program was held on Jan. 6. The next program will be on Jan. 20 and will feature author Diane Shaw, who will present a program about her book “A True Friend of the Cause: Lafayette and the Antislavery Movement.”
“The speakers will be live in a Zoom webinar format,” Hood explained. “They will focus on the books they have written, and there will be a time for questions and answers at the end of each presentation.”
The author programs will run on selected Mondays through June 30. “We have 13 authors,” Hood noted. “I researched their contact information … and asked them if they would be willing to be part of the series. The response was beautiful. There were so many
who wanted to join in.”
Information about where to obtain copies of the speakers’ books will be provided at each session.
The Lafayette commemoration was initiated by the American Friends of Lafayette, which established a Bicentennial Committee.
The committee consists of more than 500 individuals representing the 24 states that Lafayette visited. Hood is the coordinator of the local committee, which has been researching Lafayette’s activities.
“Lafayette was driven by carriage to a Colonial tavern in East Fallowfield Township. A delegation from Lancaster County met there and after breakfast took him through Parkesburg and into Lancaster County,” noted Hood. “They stopped at historic White Chimneys. Then they went west after a quick stop in Paradise.”
To commemorate these events, “Breakfast with Lafayette” will be held at the Stottsville Inn in East Fallowfield in July. Other July events will include a bicentennial parade in Parkesburg and a tea at White Chimneys in Gap.
The goal of the committee is to educate Americans about the life
of Lafayette. “He was a Revolutionary War hero who came from France as a 19-year-old man who wanted to join the uprising,” Hood explained. “Because he was a wealthy aristocrat and had money, he bought his own ship and made his way to Philadelphia, where he presented himself and asked permission to be an officer in the war effort. He had no combat or extensive military experience, and he turned out to be a pivotal general in the Revolutionary War.”
For more information about the commemorative events and to register for the Lafayette200 Marquis Monday virtual speaker programs, visit https://lafayette200pa.org. Those with questions may email Hood at kadaholo@verizon.net.
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Related: Prince; 7 yr. old Gelding, born and raised on the farm, 100% broke to all farm machinery, best horse on the farm! Charlie; 8 yr. old Gelding, born and raised on the farm, 100% broke to all farm machinery, Half brother to Prince. Cindy; 5 yr. old Mare, In Foal!, born and raised on the farm, Broke to all farm machinery, Good in the lines and on the jockey Jerry; 16 yr. old Gelding, Broke to all farm machinery, Good in the lines, Top jockey horse, no day is to long! Pearl; 18 yr. old Mare Broke to all farm machinery, Dam of Prince and Charlie! Cookie; 19 yr. old Mare, Broke to all farm machinery, Dam of Cindy! Good in the lines and jockey. Horse Related; 7 sets of work horse harnesses (5 brichment). Lines, jockey sticks, collars, mini pony harnes (leather), horse hitch trees, single horse cart and gang mower, round bale hay feeder, antique log cart. 3 horse wagon tongue (like new). Garden cultivator.
Farm Machinery: New Holland 411 Discbine (good condition). New Holland 455 7’ sycle bar mower w/ 25 horse Lombardini Diesel (Great Condition). JMiller Ag Bale Wrapper Model 4511 w/Honda engine (Like New). Cedar Hill Forecart w/torsion axle. 2-Beilers forecarts. John Deere 660 Hay Rake, New Holland 273 Hay Baler w/wisconsin Engine (Rebuilt 2 years ago). 8’ ELS Manure Pump 2018 Model (1,000 RPM). New Holland Gear Bale Wagon (Holds 6 round bales). 1300 Gal. Connestoga Pit Manure spreader (Top unload) w/ Honda engine. 800 Gal. ELS Ground Drive Manure Spreader. 900 Gal. Tandem axle Els Manure Spreader (needs work). 206 New Idea Ground Drive Manure spreader. John Deere 3960 Harvester w/crop processer (Excellent Condition). 718 New Holland Hay Chopper w/6’ bed. New Idea 1 row Corn Picker. Mccormick corn Binder w/aluminum loader. 120 HP. Iveco 2 wheeled power unit w/ Tayloria 1,000/540 gear reduction clutch. John Deere power unit w/65 HP. diesel on 4 wheeled torsion axle. 200 Gal. Iva Manufacturing field sprayer w/33’ boom and foam markers (Good Condition). 8’ Disk w/Hitch. 2 Horse 8’ wooden cultipacker. 10’ Harrow. 10’ spike tooth Harrow. 16’ Flatbed wagon w/ Jacob Zook gear. 16’ flatbed wagon w/ New Holland gear. 2-402 Hay crimpers. 520 Rissler TMR Mixer w/Honda Engine. White Horse Machie 2 Bottom Plow.
Misc: Mighty Ox Wood Splitter w/Honda Engine (Excellent Condition). MillerMatic 300 3 Phase Welder, Georgetown Hydraulics Portable Cowstable Fan w/Honda Engine, 5 calf Hutches w/buckets and pen wire, corn crib wire, 4 steel wheel set for Compact Tractor, Quikut Bale Splitter, Bale End plugs, 500 Gal. Fertilizer Tank, Lots of oak mixture firewood, bundles of slabwood, misc. tractor weights, and more!
Forages: 100 +/- 3x3x7 large bales of corn fodder, 200 +/small bales of straw, approx. 35 ton of ear corn. Milkhouse Supplies: 1,000 Gal. Mueller Milk Tank serial # 62227, Leeson Milk Agitator, Tank washer, 6 Westfalia Stimopuls MA w/automatic takeoff w/ IQ Claws, 2-65 lb. buckets, 3-55 lb. buckets, 18” Bender Milker washer, Stainless steel washtub, Stainless steel claw washer tub, Mason Porter vaccum pump 1617 M5 and Tank.
Selling for Others: Hyster 50 Forklift w/quick attachments, CAT 3208 V8 Power Unit on 2 wheels. Springside 4 wheeled power cart w/3.9 Cummins Diesel 135 Hp. (540/1000 PTO) used 3 seasons (Excellent Condition), Springside 2 wheeled power cart 23 Hp. Perkins Diesel 8 GPM Hydraulic Pump used 2 seasons (Excellent Condition), 8’ ELS Manure Pump (High Pressure), Complete Dumping Station (vacuum) w/ glass receiving jar and 80’ of 7/8” Hose, 8 Westfalia Milkers 4 w/ Delaval Pulsators, 6-65 lb. buckets, 1-90lb. bucket, 1-80 lb. bucket, 4-75 lb. buckets, 300 lb. sputnik, Coal/Wood Stove (Heavy Duty).
Household: Metal Shelves, 4-book shelves, Post Bed, Bureau, Blanket chest, farm magazines, farming plaques, cooking magazines, books, stoneware crocks (1-5 Gal.), sm. dry sink, meat grinder, Holliday propane stove, Tupperware, bread pans, and more!
Auctioneers Note: Join us on, January 11, at the Stoltzfus Farm Auction! Auction begins at 9:00 AM with household and wagon loads of farm miscellaneous items. Horses sell at 12:00 sharp followed by all Milk house supplies. Large farm equipment sells at approximately 1:00 followed by smaller row items. This is a large
plan to attend. Possibly selling with 2 auctioneers. Benefit
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CORVETTES WANTED 1953 thru 2019 Jeff Gast, 717-575-4561
JACUZZI BATH REMODEL can install a new, custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, waiving ALL installation costs! Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer. (Offer ends 3/30/25.) Call 1-844826-2535
JUNK REMOVAL Basements, garages, attics, appliances. Five Star Property Service 717-278-1030