
The Octorara Covenanter Presbyterian Foundation will host its annual Burns Night Celebration on Saturday, Feb. 1, at Beale Manor, 200 S. Church St., Parkesburg. The event will take place from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m., and the price of admission will include live entertainment, food and drinks that are unique to Scottish culture.
When guests arrive at Beale Manor, they will hear the distinct sound of a bagpipe ringing through the halls of the historic home. Bagpiper Tyler Destremps will
continue to perform until all guests have arrived, and the celebration will kick off with a social time and a second musical performance by fiddler Tom Knapp. After Destremps and Knapp set the tone for the evening with traditional Scottish compositions, Charlie Zahm will lead a haggis ceremony. The time-honored ritual will include a tasting of haggis, a savory dish that is made using the heart, lungs and liver of a sheep. The meat is minced with chopped onion, oatmeal, suet
“Anyone who wants to learn more about others’ culture is welcome.”
and a medley of spices and broth, and ingredients are customarily cooked inside the sheep’s stomach. In addition to offering a tasting of haggis, Zahm will discuss the cultural significance of the Scottish delicacy. The ceremony will conclude with a tasting of Scottish whiskey.
Although haggis has been enjoyed in the United Kingdom since the 15th century, the meal was made popular by “Address to a Haggis,” a poem that Burns published in 1786.
In Burns’ poem, he describes the ingredients of haggis and marvels at its image and flavor.
Shortly after “Address to a Haggis” was published, the dish became officially designated as the national dish of Scotland, and the poem is typically recited during a haggis ceremony.
A supper buffet will be served after the haggis ceremony. Food options will include haggis, Angus beef, red lentil soup, salad and trifle, as well as neeps and tatties, a dish made from mashed turnips and potatoes.
After supper, attendees will be invited to commemorate Burns’ life with toasts, speeches
See Burns Night pg 5
Of the many holidays and centuries-old traditions observed by modern-day Americans, few are as peculiar and whimsical as Groundhog Day. The annual celebration became enshrined in popular culture in 1993, following the release of the comedy film “Groundhog Day,” but the holiday and its many eccentric festivities originated several hundred years ago. Although many people associate Groundhog Day exclusively with Punxsutawney Phil, many communities across the United States have their own preferred prognosticator, including Quarryville.
For the past 116 years, the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge of Quarryville has hosted a community event on Feb. 2 to celebrate Groundhog Day and to determine the prediction of its hibernating governor, Charles N. Hart. During the annual celebration, Hart will make his forecast for the remaining length of winter after consulting Octoraro Orphie, the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge’s mascot. Octoraro Orphie is a taxidermied groundhog, but the stuffed rodent’s less-thanlively nature doesn’t keep members of the lodge from honoring Orphie’s annual prognostication.
The prognostication serves as the centerpiece of the annual
Groundhog Day
event in Quarryville. The Slumbering Groundhog Lodge typically dispatches multiple observation squads of its members
to report on whether or not Orphie has seen his shadow, and the reports are delivered to the hibernating governor. Once
all reports are in, the governor announces his forecast atop “The Pinnacle of Prognostication,” a manure spreader that the lodge reserves specifically for the annual ceremony. The announcement is customarily followed by an address from the lodge’s defender of the faith.
In addition to the elaborate prognostication ritual, the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge’s annual celebration features various festivities related to Groundhog Day. In recent years, the event has involved demonstrations of the traditional dance known as “the groundhog jig,” as
well as a performance by the Groundhog Marching Band.
Every year, Quarryville’s Groundhog Day ceremony includes the initiation of the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge’s new members. The initiates, referred to as “baby groundhogs,” convene on each Sunday in January to prepare for “Baptism by Fire and Water,” a ritual that involves taking an arctic plunge in the Octoraro Creek. After emerging from the ice-cold water, the baby groundhogs squat beneath an antique cannon, which will be fired above their hindquarters
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Day from pg 2
to ratify their membership in the lodge. This year, eight baby groundhogs will complete the initiation ritual.
Bill Forrey, otherwise known to his fellow Slumbering Groundhog Lodge members as Orphie’s Lip, recalled the day a close friend convinced him to join the group 34 years ago. “He said, ‘You should think about becoming a groundhog. You know a lot of people down there. You just have to wash dishes a couple Sundays in January,’” Forrey said with a laugh. “It turned out to be a lot more than that.”
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As a Lancaster County tradition that is more than a century old, the Slumbering Groundhog Lodge’s annual celebration is an amalgamation of many elaborate rites and decades of local history. The group’s headquarters is located 8 miles south of Quarryville, and the majority of its membership comprises residents of the Solanco area. However, many of Octoraro Orphie’s faithful followers hail from various parts of Lancaster and Chester counties. The members are given different assignments based on their area of origin, including which reporting squad they will join on Groundhog Day. Men such as Forrey, who grew up in Millersville and now resides in Manheim Township, and those who have been members for less than six years, are known as congeneric members. Until the congeneric initiates prove their loyalty, the other members keep a close eye on them.
For more information, search for “The Slumbering Groundhog Lodge of Quarryville” on Facebook.
Join us for
January 21
11am-12pm Cooking Demonstration Commons Great Room 12pm-1pm Tours of apartments and cottages
RSVP by Jan. 17 to Jennifer at 888-786-7331 or
625 Robert Fulton Highway Quarryville, PA 17566
The Lancaster County Art Association (LCAA), 149 Precision Ave., Strasburg, has posted two upcoming shows, which will run from Sunday, Jan. 12, through Thursday, Feb. 13. The exhibits will be open on Thursdays through Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m. Admission is free.
The Winter Membership Show will open with a reception on Jan. 12 from 1 to 4 p.m. Awards will be presented at 2 p.m.
Featured will be works by LCAA members.
In the Steinmetz Gallery, the works of Dan Graziano will be showcased. Graziano is a nationally known, award-winning artist who has held several workshops at LCAA over the past few years. His next workshop will be on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 21 and 22. His workshops tend to sell out quickly. For more information or to register, visit www or call 717-687-7061.
Thursday, January 16th • 11:00am - 7:00pm
333 W. 4th Street, Quarryville 17566
Register & donate in the bloodmobile
Everyone will receive:
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3 ways to schedule your donation appointment:
• go to
• call 1-800-771-0059
• scan the QR Code
The Strasburg Area Senior Citizens will gather on Wednesday, Jan. 15, at 1 p.m. at the Strasburg Fire Hall, 203 W. Franklin St., Strasburg. The event will include comedy by Christopher Saam starting at 2 p.m. Saam has been a contestant on a game show hosted by Jay Leno and acted in “Forensic Files.” Refreshments will be available. Guests are welcome. There is a registration fee at the door to cover the fire hall rental.
Strasburg Seniors is a nonprofit organization chartered in 1966 for the recreation and benefit of area residents age 50 and older. Meetings are generally held on the third Wednesday of every month, and the club also holds a summer picnic and yearly Christmas party as well as outings and trips.
For more information, call Jill at 717-239-1530.
Early Registration: $400 per table of 8 if submitted by January 10, 2025
Registration: $450 per table of 8 if submitted after January 10, 2025
Individual & Couples Tickets
Early Registration: $55 per ticket, $105 per couple if submitted by January 10, 2025
Registration: $65 per ticket, $125 per couple if submitted after January 10, 2025
Scan to Register
and readings of the poet’s works. Charlie Zahm will present “A Tribute to Robert Burns,” a show that will incorporate Burns’ writing and traditional Scottish music. As the evening concludes, Zahm will invite guests to encircle a piano and sing Burns’ songs together.
“I think people with Scottish heritage enjoy celebrating it, but that’s not to say (Burns Night) is not open to everybody,” said Donna McCool, who co-chairs the annual event alongside John Girvin. “You don’t need to have Scottish ancestors to participate, and Beale Manor is a fabulous venue. Anyone who wants to learn more about others’ culture is welcome.”
In 2018, the Octorara
Covenanter Presbyterian Foundation held its inaugural Burns Night Celebration at Octorara Covenanter Presbyterian Church in Quarryville. The event quickly became popular in the local community; after the first year, the foundation changed the location to Beale Manor to accommodate the large number of guests who wished to attend. Proceeds of ticket sales will benefit various ongoing restoration projects and maintenance at Octorara Covenanter Presbyterian Church. Last year, the money raised by Burns Night helped to repair damage caused by a bat infestation in the old church.
To purchase a ticket, visit burnsnight2025.
ASCENSION LUTHERAN CHURCH: 600 E. Penn Grant Rd., (Mailing: P.O. Box 635, Willow Street, 17584) 717-464-5683 Pastor: The Rev. Maureen L. Seifried Worship w/Holy Communion: Saturday Eve. 6 pm & Sunday 9:30 am. Livestreaming Visit:
BETHEL CHURCH: 3716 Main Street, Conestoga. Sunday worship at 10:15 AM. Pastoral Team: Kevin Kumher and Jake Farnham. For more information, call 717872-6755.
CHESTNUT LEVEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1068 Chestnut Level Rd., Quarryville, PA 17566 Ph: 717-548-2763. Visit us online at Rev. John Hartman - Senior/Lead Pastor. Join us for worship at either our 8:00 AM or 10:30 AM services held in the church sanctuary. Adult/Youth Sunday School is held at 9:15 AM. K.I.D.S.Own Worship is held in the Family Life Center during the 10:30 AM worship service. The 10:30 AM service is also live streamed via Zoom, CLPC Facebook and YouTube. Links can be found on the church’s website.
COLEMANVILLE UM CHURCH: 210 Colemanville Church Rd., Conestoga. Sunday Worship 8:40 AM, Sunday School 10:15AM 717-872-7951 Pastor Manuel Cruz
ENCOUNTER CHURCH: 300 Hideaway Drive, Quarryville, PA 17566 Sunday Service & Kid's Church held at 8:30 am and 10:45 am. Church e-mail: Church phone: 717-786-2756
GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH OF MILLERSVILLE 121 Walnut Hill Rd., Millersville. Sunday Worship at 8:15 am & 10:45 am. Phone: 717-872-4581
LA COSECHA UN MINISTERIO DE WESLEY CHURCH: 1104 Kirkwood Pike., Quarryville, PA. Pastor Richie Nazario. Servicio de Adoracion 11:15 am. Escuela Dominical para ninos a las 11:15 am. 717-786-8322 x308. Facebook@LaCosechaQville
255 Little Britain Church Rd., Peach Bottom (between 222 and 272). Sunday School Classes all ages 9:15 a.m. Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Youth Groups for Elementary, Jr. High and Sr. High, Choir, Bell Choir, Small Groups. Rev. Thomas Milligan, 717-548-2266. Web site: E-mail:
MECHANIC GROVE CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN: 1392 Robert Fulton Hwy., (Rt. 222) Quarryville. Senior Pastor: Kevin Richardson. Sunday Schedule: 8:15 am Traditional Worship, 9:30 am Sunday School for all ages and 10:30 am Contemporary Worship. Handicap access, hearing assistance device, infant & toddler nursery. 717-7862723. Wee Friends Preschool 717-8062161. CLASP Before & After School Program 717-806-2159. Christian Child Care 717-806-2160.
MEMORIAL CHURCH- 101 S. Hess St., Quarryville. 717-7862941. Sunday Morning Worship Schedule: 8:30 Traditional, 10:30 Contemporary, Fellowship time from 9:40-10:20 am Livestream: Here you are accepted as you are and challenged to become more like Jesus.
MIDDLE OCTORARA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 1199 Valley Road Quarryville. Sunday Services: Sunday School 9 AM; Blended Worship 10:30 AM. 717-786-3402 Visit us online at
CHURCH: 1241 May Post Office Rd., Quarryville, (5 mi. South of Strasburg, 3 mi. North of 372). Rev. Margaret Rohnacher, Pastor. Sunday worship service 9:30 am. Limited handicap accessibility. 717-786-7565
MT. NEBO UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: 673 Martic Heights Dr., Pequea. Pastor Chandler Evans. Office 717-284-4331. E-mail: Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m., Sunday School 9 a.m. Mt. Nebo Preschool - 717-284-4331.
MT. VERNON CHRISTIAN CHURCH: Growing Deeper, Reaching Farther. 1 Lighthouse Dr, Kirkwood. Pastor Tony Murrin. Sunday School- all ages 9am, Worship 10:00am. Handicap Access. Phone: 717-529-4102. Visit us online at
Sunday Service 10 am & Wednesday prayer at 7:30 pm - at 501 Lenover Rd., Parkesburg, PA 19365. Call 610-593-2277
PROVIDENCE CHURCH: 269 Cinder Road, New Providence. 717-786-5580. Family Worship Services at 9:00 & 10:45 AM led by Pastor Dwight Lefever. Handicapped Access. Visit us online at for more information and church updates. Livestreamed services during both worship hours.
REFTON BIC CHURCH: 110 Church St., Refton, Scott MacFeat, Jr. Lead, Pastor. Sunday Worship 10-11:15 am. We offer LIVESTREAM services via YouTube, search “Refton Church”. Clothing Room: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 6:307:30pm. Rental Space available. Visit for more info. 717806-5812.
ROCK CHURCH: A Spirit-filled, Full Gospel Church Family. 32 E. State St in Quarryville. Sunday service at 10am. More info at Phone: 717-847-6872
SMITHVILLE CHURCH OF GOD: 595 Pennsy Rd., New Providence. 717-786-1879. A Family Friendly Church. Sunday Worship Service 10 a.m.
ST. CHRISTOPHER’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Where everyone can find a place to belong! 116 Lancaster Pike, Oxford (Rt. 472 at the Rt. 1 bypass ramps). Sunday inperson Holy Communion Service at 10:00 AM, also live-streamed. When people warmly welcome you, you will know you have found a church home where you can come just as you are. The Episcopal Church is Catholic in the way we worship and Protestant in the way we think. You’ll find beautiful music, good preaching, and an inclusive community in which to worship God. YOU BELONG HERE! Check out St. Christopher’s website, YouTube, or Facebook for updates and links. Rev. Dr. Mary Ann Mertz 610-932-8134
THE WAKEFIELD VINEYARD: 2292 Robert Fulton Hwy., Peach Bottom. Senior Pastors Mark & Pam Couch Join us on Sundays @ 10:15 AM For more info, call 717-955-0173.
UNION PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH: 5637 Street Rd., Kirkwood, PA, off Rt. 472 between Quarryville & Oxford. (717) 529-2000. Blended Worship at 10 am.; Sunday School 9 am.; Fellowship 9:45 am. Nursery provided. Email:,, handicap access.
WILLOW STREET UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST: 2723 Willow Street Pk., Willow Street. Pastor: Rev. Dr. Zachary C. Wooten. For more information: 717464-3462 or
Please Note: Updates can be made to your church’s listing for 1st issue date of each month only. (Changes must be submitted by the previous Wednesday.) For More Information On Church Listings And Rates, Call Justin at 717-492-2533
Joseph’s Table at Ascension Lutheran Church, 600 E. Penn Grant Road, Willow Street, will offer a takeout meal to members of the community on Thursday, Jan. 16. Meals will be available from 5:30 to 6 p.m. There is no charge. Those who
would like a meal should enter the parking lot from Shiprock Road. In the case of inclement weather, the church will follow Lampeter-Strasburg School District’s decision; if the schools close or dismiss early, there will be no community meal.
Penn State Extension will hold a live webinar, “Invasive Plants Drive Insect Invasion,” on Wednesday, Jan. 22, from 8 to 9:15 a.m. Andrew Liebhold will delve into the complex relationship between invasive plants and insects and discuss the critical role of reducing plant invasions to preserve forest health. Attendees will
gain insights into how managing plant invasions can help protect forests and the diverse life they support.
There is a fee. Continuing education credits are available. Registration is required by visiting and searching for “Invasive Plants Drive Insect Invasion.”
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Swift Middle School has posted its highest
To earn highest honors, a student must have a 4.0 GPA.
The eighth-graders who attained this achievement are Reed Anderson, Margaret Bayler, Clara Belmont, Ellie Clark, Reinhold Frey, Eliana Gorgo, Jordan Hambleton, Travis Henry, Kendall Housekeeper, Todd Maynard, Aoife McAndrews, Ella McGrath, Jacksen McGrath, Bryson Miller, Verity Musser, Caleb Oberholtzer, Mayrin Ortiz-Sanchez, Brandon Sagers, Olivia Stutzman, Cayden Wolfe, and Weston Young.
Butler, Benjamin Charles, Emily Cloud, Audrey Cook, Riley Cornell, Brette Dawley, Keylin Dominguez-Ramirez, Maximus Foley, Giuliana Grasso, Bryan Halteman, Brenna Hughes, Hannah Kreider, Kennedy Marker, Ruby Pipes, Christina Rose, Kenneth Sheets, Sophia Tran, Ava Weaver, and Aydan Weaver.
The school also recognized seventh-graders Trevor Boros, Emma Brabson, Coleson Brown, Evelyn
The honor roll included sixth-graders Juliette Beideman, Jack Doumont, Vincent Fidanza, Owen Filliaux, Carter Getshall, Cassidy Grumbling, Drew Housekeeper, Paisley Housekeeper, Wyatt Kleinz, Kennedy Kreider, Emma Moyer, Mason Myers, Russell Oberholtzer, Colin Phelan, Dylan Phipps, Lilya Sams, Chase Townsend, Emerson Young, and Brenna Zello.