Tei 09122013 merged

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Local News Gentle Worship Service offered at area church BUTLER TWP. — Bridge Builder’s Abilities Ministry offers Gentle Worship Service, an abbreviated, 45 minute service that includes soft worship music, and a brief 10 minute message. This service is designed for people of all ages and abilities who struggle with excessive noise, long services, and anything else that may prevent them from attending regular service. This is good for families with young children, people with Alzheimer’s, autism, ADD, just to list a few. Non one will be shushed. The next service is set for Sunday, September 22 from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Christian Life Center, West Auditorium, 3489 Little York Rd., Dayton.

College Hill Garden Club to meet Oct. 1 ENGLEWOOD — The College Hill Garden Club’s Open Meeting program on Tuesday, October 1 at 6:30 p.m. is, “Ladies of the 1913 Flood.” The speaker will be Dawn Dewey, from the archives division of the Wright State University Dunbar Library. The program is being held at Concord United Methodist Church in the Fellowship Hall, 1123 South Main Street (St. Rt. 48) in Englewood. Refreshments will be served and door prizes will be awarded. Please RSVP to jupeckhome@aol.com

F.I.S.H. needs nonperishable items ENGLEWOOD — Northmont F.I.S.H. (Friends In Service for Humanity) is in need of several non-perishable items to help stock its pantry. The goal is to always be able to help those in need so no man, woman, or child in the Northmont community will ever go hungry. F.I.S.H. is in need of the following items: Canned meat items (ham, turkey, Spam, beef, chicken), instant potatoes, pancake mix and syrup, dry breakfast cereal, oatmeal, evaporated or powdered milk, canned vegetables, canned or bottled juice, sugar (granulated), peanut butter and jellies, muffin mix (cornbread), Sloppy Joe or Manwich Mix, graham crackers, saltine crackers, fruit (canned), macaroni and cheese, Hamburger Helper, Chicken Helper, Tuna Helper, etc., bathroom tissue, bars of soap, deodorant, toothpaste and tooth brushes, shampoo. Northmont F.I.S.H. address is P.O. Box 102, Englewood, OH 45322, Englewood. Call 836-4807.

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Vol. 39, Issue 17 — $1.00

Union approves three annexations totaling more than 172 acres By RON NUNNARI Independent Editor Rnunnari@civitasmedia.com UNION — City Council unanimously approved three annexations Monday that would expand the city of Union’s land area by 172.182 acres. All three parcels are being annexed into the city at the request of the property owner, Don Thies. The first parcel encompassing 12.213 acres is located in Union Township in Miami County and is the location of the well-known Waterwheel Farm Mill located along the east side of State Route 48 just north of Montgomery County Line Road. City water and sewer runs along the border of the property, which the city installed years ago as part of a separate annexation. Council unanimously adopted the ordinance under emergency status. A second ordinance, also acted upon under emergency status, involved the annexation of 79.638 acres also owned by Thies located in Butler Township on the north side of Old Springfield Road and just east of Dog Leg Road. If the land’s use is incompatible with applicable

Butler Township zoning regulations in effect for adjacent township land, then Union Council will require that the owner of the annexed territory provide a buffer separating the use of the annexed territory and the adjacent land remaining within Butler Township. The landscape “buffer” may include open space, landscaping, fences, walls and other structural elements, streets and rights-ofway, or bicycle and pedestrian paths and sidewalks. Since the annexation creates a segmentation of road owned by Butler Township and the City of Union, the city has agreed to assume maintenance of those portions of Dog Leg Road within the township affected by the annexation. Another ordinance, also enacted under emergency status, involved the annexation of 80.331 acres of land from Butler Township located along the west side of Dog Leg Road and south of Old Springfield Road. This land also belongs to Don Thies and is being annexed at his request. The same buffer requirements would be See Union on Page 2

Photo submitted Left to right: Mike, Ron and Steve Henne of Boord-Henne Insurance.

Family owned insurance agency celebrates 50 years ENGLEWOOD — Local Insurance Independent Agency, Boord-Henne Insurance, will celebrate its 50th anniversary this summer. The agency was started when Ron Henne joined partner Larry Boord in 1963. Boord specialized in Life

Insurance and Henne brought property and casualty insurance to the new partnership. 50 years later, Boord-Henne Insurance continues to offer both. Larry Boord retired and Ron Henne made it a family business by bringing in his

sons, Mike Henne and Steve Henne. Today, the brothers own and operate the agency located at 915 S. Main St. in Englewood. They will celebrate this milestone with staff members Adrianne Kleismit, Roger Emery, Candy Brown, and Jenny Henne.

Clayton to purchase leaf removal machine By Andrew Wilson Contributing Writer CLAYTON — Looking to ensure the city is prepared for leaf collections this season, Clayton City Council members Thursday unanimously approved a resolution to purchase new equipment. The resolution authorizes interim City Manager Richard Rose to accept the bid submitted and enter into a contract with Partners Manufacturing Group for the purchase of a frame leaf machine at a cost not to exceed $33,410. According to Economic Development Director Gwen Eberly, the city intends to use the new and old machines for

leaf collections this fall. Using two machines will allow multiple crews to work in the City and the leaf collection process to take place at a faster rate. “The new machine is going to replace the old machine,” said Eberly. “That machine will still be kept in service and we can sort of use it for backup and also to have a couple different crews running around which will hopefully get things picked up a lot easier and faster.” Unlike the old machine, which required workers to manually maneuver a large intake hose in order to pick up the leaves from the street, the new machine will be joystick

operated, which will help reduce workplace injuries. Additionally, the new machine won’t require as many operators and will be less sensitive to other objects. “The old machine was sort of vulnerable to twigs and large walnuts and those sorts of things,” Eberly said. “This one is a little bit more accommodating for some of those things.” In other business, city council members approved a resolution to authorize the donation of a LifePak 12 monitor to the Miami Valley Career Technology Center. The LifePak 12 monitor, which was purchased by the Clayton Fire Department in

1998, is no longer serviceable and cannot be used in emergency situations. According to Assistant Fire Chief Brian Garver, the MVCTC recently started a paramedic program and was in need of a LifePak monitor for training as well as check offs for the national registration in order to become a paramedic. “So we thought it may be a good avenue to donate the equipment that we can no longer use,” said Garver. “There’s no really economical impact for us, we did check with the manufacturer to see what kind of trade in can we get on a piece of equipment like that. It was minimal and

only if we actually upgraded to a piece of equipment that we didn’t need. So there was no benefit for us to do that.” During his report, Rose stated that an Electronics Recycling Day will take place at the Englewood Government Center on Saturday, Sept. 28 from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. The event will be held in conjunction with the cities of Englewood, Union and Brookville. Items such as computers, monitors, keyboards, speakers and software will be accepted. Televisions up to 24 inches will be accepted as well. Clayton City Council will meet again on Thursday, Sept. 19. at 7:30 p.m.

Marching Band places second at Kings Invitational By Kathy Tyler Contributing Writer KINGS MILL — The Northmont Marching Band opened its competition season with a second place finish in Class AAAA at the Kings Invitational Saturday at Kings High School. “Saturday night at Kings was our best performance to date,” said Andrew Brough, Northmont band director. “We had a productive rehearsal Saturday morning thanks to our athletic department allowing us the use of the stadium. It really helped our students to prepare for a performance in a large stadium.” Northmont performed a shortened version of its 2013 show “Lunar Phases,” which is not uncommon under a new director this early in the season. The Pride of Northmont also earned best percussion in Class AAAA. “It is quite common when getting a new director to be behind schedule,” said Brough, who is in his first season at Northmont. “We got a lot of great comments from the judges saying they understand where the show is going. Once we have as much material on the field as the

other groups, we will be begin to be rewarded.” Other area marching bands competing in the Kings Invitational were Carroll,

Lebanon, Fairmont and Centerville, who was awarded overall reserve champion behind Grand Champion William Mason.

Northmont was coming off an exhibition event – the 47th Annual Northmont Band Premiere, where the Thunderbolts were able to get

some preseason jitters out under a weather-delayed show at Good Samaritan Stadium Labor Day weekend. See Marching Band Page 2

Photo by Kathy Tyler The Northmont Marching Band performed it its first competition of the season at the Kings Invitational. Northmont placed second in Class AAAA and earned best percussion in the class at the conclusion of the event 13-band event.

2A - Thursday, September 12, 2013

Englewood Independent


Forniers win City Beautiful Award

Photo submitted Melinda’s Heart quilt by Mattie Hostetter of New York.

Amish Quilt Exhibit runs through Oct. 12 at Aullwood

Manuszak addresses Northmont Rotary

Missing 16-year-old located By RON NUNNARI Independent Editor Rnunnari@civitasmedia.com CLAYTON — David Farmer, a 16-year-old who left his home on his bike early Tuesday, has been located and is now home safe and sound. Police say that Farmer made it all the way to Peebles, OH in Adams County. According to Detective Paul Nabel, Farmer got tired and wanted to be


prior annexation, it’s a short run to extend water and sewer both ways if someone is interested in that ground for industrial development,” said City Manager John Applegate. Council also unanimously approved the ordinance under emergency status. In the case of all three annexations, the city will provide all of the territory annexed with fire and emergency medical, police, street

Marching Band... “It was great to perform at Band Premiere,” Brough said. “As director at my previous school, we always were able to perform before

Cottage Open House Free Seminar

at Grace Brethren Village

scent, and the fact that Farmer was on a bike made even less likely a track could have been established in the first place. “We’re just very happy this case turned out the way that it did,” Rose said. “I’m glad he is home safe and sound and hopefully there won’t be any re-occurrences.” Rose said details were sketchy at best as to why Farmer left home in the first place. He said he just hoped it wouldn’t happen again.

maintenance, ice and snow removal, storm water utility maintenance and zoning. These services will be provided when the city’s ordinance or resolution accepting the annexations becomes final and the annexation becomes effective as provided by law. Water and sewer service will be available immediately upon annexation. However, it will be the property owner’s responsibility and expense to

extend and connect to the city’s water main and/or sanitary sewer main when the owner desires the service. Connection is not mandatory. Services will be provided by the city under the same terms and conditions and subject to the rates, rules and regulations established by city ordinances which are identical to those services provided to properties already located within the city boundaries.

the event was canceled by weather. My goal was to keep that stretch going and with a little luck, we did. It was def initely frustrating that in the past couple weeks the only rain we had was on Premiere night, but we got the show in, and that was important to our boosters, the fans and especially our seniors. “The first performance is always exciting when you

Continued from Page 1 are in the stadium, under the lights and in uniforms. Band Premiere is great for us because it’s in our home stadium with a large crowd of mostly Northmont fans. That is comforting for our students, but most importantly, it’s great exposure for the organization to be at home, hosting a large event at the beginning of the season.” Brough and his staff will


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computers to communicate with friends via Facebook. Farmer’s family had hired a K9 tracking team out of Kentucky to try to locate their son. The K9 unit had tracked a scent north through Phillipsburg and eventually to State Route 127. Clayton Police Chief Richard Rose said he questioned the accuracy of this track, especially since Farmer was on a bike. Rose said he volume of traffic on these roadways would literally wipe out any trace of

Continued from Page 1

]required for this parcel of land is the property’s use conflicts, or is incompatible with applicable Butler Township zoning regulations in effect for adjacent township land. This parcel is adjacent to the city’s current Union Logistics Airpark being developed by ProLogis for, an as yet, undisclosed client. “Water and sewer is already currently installed along the property, and along with the Photo by Mike Barrow Angela J. Manuszak, Special Projects Coordinator for the Miami Conservancy District, recently spoke with the Northmont Rotary about the role of the District and its creation after the Dayton flood nearly a century ago. Standing with Manuszak (left) is Rotarian Dr. Robert Rankin, the sponsor of the speaker for the day.

picked up. Nabel said Farmer contacted members of his church via Facebook and let them know where he was and that he wanted to come home. Nabel contacted Chief Music of the Adams County Sheriff ’s Office who picked Farmer up at 4:45 p.m. Thursday. Nabel had been tracking Farmer’s through computer IP addresses and said it was only a matter of time before he would have been located. Farmer had been using public library



BUTLER TWP. — The 24th annual Amish Quilt Exhibit at the Marie S. Aull Education Center, 1000 Aullwood Road, features more than 100 quilts and wall hangings that reflect the finest examples of Amish workmanship. The quilt patterns are selected by Aullwood’s director Charity Krueger a year in advance of the auction. Two Amish families spend a year creating these amazing quilts. The glorious patterns and intricate stitching create one-ofa-kind pieces of functional art. Also included in the exhibit are hand-woven rugs, placemats, baskets, wooden toys and a variety of hardwood furniture or recycled plastic/wood furniture. The Garden Bouquet Quit is an off-white quilt with 660 yards of quilting. There are lots of quilts with stars – Bountiful Star Quilt, Feathered Star Quilt, Log Cabin Star Quilt, Star of Bethlehem Quilt, Starburst Quilt, Stars on the Prairie Quilt and Stars in Stars Quilt. The names of some of the quilts transport our imaginations to exotic places – Rose de Provence Quilt, South Seas Skies Quilt, Texas Log Cabin Quilt, and Galaxy Quilt. The exhibit may be viewed Mondays to Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays 1 – 5 p.m. You won’t want to miss this exciting display. Visit Aullwood’s website at http://aullwood.center.audubon.org

Photo submitted The September Englewood City Beautiful Award winners are Butch & Kathy Fornier (center) of 441 Nies Avenue, where they have lived for the past five years. All together though, they have lived in the area for 50 years. They truly enjoy entertaining family and friends, so the work they have done on the outside of their home, front & back yards, as well as on the inside, is a labor of love. They received their award from Festival and Arts Commission members Jerri Amos (right) and Donna Alexander (left).

begin adding seven more pages of drill to this season’s show as Northmont prepared for its next competition at the Bellbrook Invitational Saturday. Some electronics and a lot more effects have been written into the first two movements that have already been performed. Also the ballad will be added. “I think our audience on the judging community will appreciate our show more once we have our ballad on the field. Learning the ballad section of our show will greatly affect our performance quality. “No matter how prepared or knowledgeable of an organization you might be, there are bound to be some bumps in the road,” said Brough about his first season. “So are the students have been very accepting of the new leadership and the slight changes that have been made. It helped that I have been a marching band assistant for the previous four years at Northmont. I was fortunate to know most of the students before summer camp started and I knew of the group’s routines and achievements before taking over the program. Like I said earlier, we are little behind, but we have a fantastic staff that knows how to manage the program and we will continue to stay focused on the end goal and work our students to achieve throughout the season.”

Englewood Independent

UNION — The city of Union is having its annual fall citywide garage sale Thursday, September 12 through Saturday, September 14. No permit is required to hold a garage sale during this three day period. Union City Hall, 118 N. Main Street, will have a list of the street addresses of the garage sales and maps available. All garage sales may start at 8 a.m. and end at 8 p.m. All Union residents are invited to participate and no permit is necessary for this weekend.

Union church to hold rummage sale UNION — The Union United Methodist Church will participate in the Union Community Wide Garage Sale with a Rummage Sale on Thursday, September 12 and Friday, September 13 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, September 14 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The sale includes many estate items, lawn equipment, electronics, clothes, house and kitchen items, baked goods and many other categories. Kids clothes and toys are available as well. Union UMC is located at the corner of Phillipsburg-Union and Shaw roads off of SR 48. For more information call the church at 836-2071.

Dinner offered at American Legion Post 707 ENGLEWOOD — The SAL (Sons of American Legion) will be serving a Pork Chop Dinner on Friday, September 13 from 5:30 - 7 p.m. at the American Legion Post, 200 W. National Road, Englewood. Dinner includes Large Grilled Pork Chop, Baked Potato, Salad & Desserts for only $8. Great dinner for a great price. Dinner is open to the public. Support your local Veterans.

Singles Dance offered in Greenville GREENVILLE — Darke County Singles will be hosting its monthly dance featuring the music of “Probable Cause� on Saturday, September 14. Dancing takes place from 8:30 p.m. until midnight at the VFW Hall located at 219 North Ohio Street, Greenville. The dance is open to all singles 21 years of age and older. Admission is $5. For more information call (937) 968-5007 or (937) 901-3969. Or checkout Darke County Singles on Facebook.

Fall Fair slated at Shiloh Church DAYTON — Shiloh Church will be holding a Fall Community Fair at 5300 Philadelphia Dr. at North Main Street on Friday, September 13 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and on Saturday, September 14 from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. The Fair will feature a huge Flea Market under the tent in the parking lot. Indoors will be nearly New Clothing booth and the Book Nook with a large selection of new and used hardback and paperback books. There will also be a CafÊ servings soups, sandwiches and other good things to eat. Saturday, the second day of the event, will be in conjunction with the Shiloh’s Farmer’s Market. For more information contact the church office at 277-8953 or log onto the church’s web site at www.shiloh.org

St. Paul accpeting donated items for needy ENGLEWOOD — The St. Vincent de Paul truck will be parked in St. Paul Catholic Church’s parking lot Saturday, September 14 and Sunday, September 15. Donations of clothing, household items, small appliances and furniture will be accepted. Volunteers will be at the truck from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday and before and after 7:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Masses Sunday. Donations are tax deductible, and receipts are available at the truck.

Union UMC to host gospel group UNION — On Sunday, September 15 at 10 a.m. the Union United Methodist Church will host the Darke County gospel group ‘The Thien Snipps.’ The group sings a variety of southern and country gospel including classics from the 1950s. The group has been singing at fairs and community settings for many years. All of the proceeds they raise are donated to local food banks. Come our for some good music and great fellowship. The Union UMC is located at the corner of PhillipsburgUnion and Shaw roads off of SR 48. For more information call the church at 836-2071.

Diabetes Support Group to meet ENGLEWOOD — The Englewood Diabetes Support Group will meet at noon on Wednesday, September 18 at Perkins Restaurant, 1235 S. Main Street, Englewood. A general discussion on diabetes will be held with literature being handed out to those attending. New members are always welcome. Call Tom Bowers 836-3592 for more information.

Men’s Bible Study group to meet UNION — Men’s Englewood and Union area Bible Study meets on Wednesday, September 18 at 10 a.m. in the Mill Ridge Village Community Center located off of Rinehart Road in Union. The group meets every first and third Wednesday to study “Through the New Testament.� All men in the area are welcome to join in.

Third annual Tee Off for Education slated CLAYTON — The Citizen’s for Northmont City School’s will hold their annual golf event on Thursday, Sept. 19 at Meadowbrook Country Club. The 9-hole best ball scramble begins at 5 p.m. Craft beer, wine tasting and dinner begin at 6:30 p.m. for non-golfers, and golfers will enjoy the food and tastings after the golf event. This year’s tastings are being done by Valley Vineyards, from Morrow, Ohio. Tickets are $60 for golfing and food, and $40 for the dining - tastings only. Tickets are available at Englewood Florist.

Northmont Board of Education to meet ENGLEWOOD — The second September regular meeting of the Northmont Board of Education will be held on Monday, September 23 at 7 p.m. at Englewood Elementary, 702 Albert Street, Englewood. The public is welcome to attend.

Vendors can register for fall bazaar DAYTON — Vendor registrations for “Friendship Fall Bazaar� are now being accepted. Friendship Village will be holding their annual “Friendship Fall Bazaar� on Saturday, October 12. Interested vendors may call Kathy at 937-837-5581 ext 1205 before September 25 for more information about renting booth space for this well known annual event that features home made apple dumplings, crafts, and homemade candies. There are limited spaces available.

AREA NEWS Englewood Government Center events Thursday, September 12 Preschool Story Time 10 - 11 a.m. Babies & Books 11:30 a.m. Adult Book Club 2 - 3 p.m. Teen Anime Club 3:30 - 6 p.m. Dayton Project 6 - 8:30 p.m.

Meeting Room Meeting Room Meeting Room Meeting Room Council Chambers

Friday, September 13

Diabetes Support Group cancels meetings ENGLEWOOD — Due to a vote of the membership, the Englewood Diabetes Support Group will not be holding meetings this summer. The group will start having meetings again this fall. For more information call Tom Bowers, 836-3592.

Northmont Class of ‘93 plans reunion

Basics of Selling on eBay 5-8 p.m. Council Chambers Moss Creek Homeowners 6:30 p.m. Meeting Room

DAYTON — Northmont Class of 1993 will hold its 20 Year Reunion Saturday, August 3 at Sharkey’s at the Dayton Marriott from 7-11 p.m. Cost is $25 per person. Registration and payment must be received by July 19 to reserve your spot. Rooms are also available for out of town guests. See the reunion page on facebook, Northmont’s website under alumni, or email Heidi Bell at hbell04@columbus.rr.com for registration form or more details.

Tuesday, September 17

United Christian Church to hold fall bazaar

No meetings scheduled

Saturday, September 14 Fine Arts Commission 7 - 9 p.m.

Meeting Room

Monday, September 16

Child Immunizations 4- 7 p.m. Family Story Time 4:30 - 5 p.m.

Council Chambers Meeting Room

Wednesday, September 18 Preschool Story Time 10 - 11 a.m. Babies & Books 11:30 a.m. Learn to Crochet 3 - 4:30 p.m.

Meeting Room Meeting Room Meeting Room

Thursday, September 19 Preschool Story Time 10 - 11 a.m. Babies & Books 11:30 a.m. Teen Book Club 3:30 - 6 p.m. Data Bases for Families 6:30 p.m.

Meeting Room Meeting Room Meeting Room Meeting Room

Friday, September 20

CLAYTON — United Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 8611 Hoke Road, Clayton, will hold its fall bazaar Saturday, October 5. A warm welcome is being extended to any hand crafts, artistry, product line vendors to participate in the Church Women’s Fall Bazaar. Two different sized tables are available for a fee of $25 and $30 each. The church women will be providing homemade baked items for sale and a light lunch will be available for purchase after 11 a.m. For more information and/or an application form contract, interested vendors please contact the church office at 937-832-3516. August 31 is the cut-off date for applications.

Sewing Sisters to meet at United Christian

Log Cabin Quilters 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Meeting Room

Northmont ROTC Cadets holding fund-raiser CLAYTON — Northmont High School Navy Junior ROTC cadets will be having a fund-raiser for JROTC expenses beginning on Friday, September 6 through Monday, September 16. Cadets will be selling cookie dough door-to-door. The products will be delivered around October 7. Other products such as holiday wrapping paper, summer sausage, cheese, candy and cookbooks are available through Century Resources at www.helpyourgroup.com. Click on Participant and then Group number 14684 to see the available products and place your order. For further information, contact Mary Brown at maryjbrownphd@gmail.com or call 937-475-8370.

Family concert offered at Marian Manor DAYTON — Half Way to St. Patrick’s Day concert featuring DULAHAN, sponsored by Marian Manor Knights of Columbus 3754, Saturday, September 21. Outdoor concert (indoors if inclement weather), so bring your lawn chairs and blankets. Doors open at 6 p.m. and concert is 7 to 10:30 p.m. Cost is $6/adult, $4 for kids 12 and under, or $20/family. Food and adult drinks are available for purchase. Proceeds benefit K of C activities & charities. Address is 6050 Dog Leg Road, Dayton. This is a family friendly event, so please bring the whole family.

Southern gospel quartet to perform WEST MILTON — “Soul Purpose Southern Gospel Quartet� will perform in Concert Sunday, September 22 at 10:30 a.m. at West Milton Church of the Nazarene, 151 W. Baker Road, West Milton on “Fill the Pew� Sunday. S.S. Picnic to follow service (meat and drink - provided). Games - cake walk - fun times. For more information contact the church at 937-698-5782.

Line dancing lessons offered in Union UNION — September 27 starting at 7 p.m. at Mill Ridge Village Retirement Community will be hosting a country-western line dance. There is a charge, check with teacher/instructor Kevin Gleckert at 236-8481 for more information. This dance is usually the third Friday of each month, with the exception of September, with the dance on the last Friday in the month instead.

Thunder Classic Golf Tourney slated Sept. 28 CLAYTON — On Saturday, Sept. 28, the Northmont Golf Parents Association (NGPA) is sponsoring the 17th annual Northmont Thunder Classic Charity Golf Tournament. This golf scramble provides the funds for the operational expenses and scholarships for deserving senior golfers as they pursue higher education and perhaps continue their golf careers at the collegiate level. The NGPA asks for your support by sponsorship, participating in the tournament, and/or money or door prize donations. With the support of the local community and golf enthusiasts, the golf teams can represent Northmont with pride and determination to be the best. To support these young golfers please fill out the sponsor form at www.ihigh.com/boltsboysgolf and mail to: Northmont Golf Parents Association, Scott Krizner – Outing Chairman, 500 Rubythroat Lane , Clayton, OH 45315.

CLAYTON — Sewing Sisters will be meeting monthly at United Christian Church, 8611 Hoke Rd., Clayton from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. on first Thursday of each month. No membership or dues. Bring a project to sew and a tip to share. Invite a friend to come along.

City Beautiful Award nominations sought ENGLEWOOD — The city of Englewood would like to recognize and applaud the efforts of city residents who have enhanced the beauty of the neighborhoods and the community improvements made to their property or home. Examples would be additions or remodeling, doors/windows/siding/painting or exterior landscaping with beautiful plants, trees, walkways or decks/porches. Please participate by nominating your neighbor or friends for their efforts in the monthly “City Beautiful� Award. Nomination forms are available at the Earl Heck Community Center, 333 W. National Rd. or call 836-5929 for additional information.

Yoga for Seniors offered in Union UNION — Yoga for Seniors continues on Monday mornings from 9:30-11:45 a.m. at Mill Ridge Village Retirement Community, 1000 Mill Ridge Circle, Union. There is a charge, public is welcome and you can participate as many times as you would like. Connie Kriegbaum is our certified Yoga instructor. This yoga class is a beginning class that features slow, deliberate, gentle movements designed to build strength, flexibility and range of motion that helps with balance.

New Alzheimer’s Support Group available DAYTON — A new Alzheimer’s support group has started at Friendship Village meeting the second and fourth Thursday of each month from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Gem City Home Care will provide respite care at no charge for loved one with dementia or Alzheimer’s next to the support group meeting. Participants can enter door 18 at the Coffee House and proceed to the conference room. For more information, call Pam Hall at 837-5581 ext 1269. Friendship Village is located at 5790 Denlinger Road, Dayton.

Business referral group meets Wednesday CLAYTON — BNI’s Success By Referral is a business networking group that meets every Wednesday at Better Homes & Gardens/Big Hill Real Estate Offices on North Main Street in Clayton from 7:30 to 9 a.m. The purpose of the meetings is to pass along referrals, not leads, to the other members. Last year alone, members had over $144, 305 in business! This year the group has already passed over 52 referrals that has led to $115,971 in closed business. This is a fun and energetic group comprised of many different businesses. The group has a variety of openings for local businesses to fill. For example the group is looking for an accountant, a plumber, and a florist just to name a few. If you are interested in growing your business this year, be sure to visit the meeting next Wednesday. Any questions please call Rene’ at 604-6215. Truck and Tractor Pulling’s Season Finale!



Englewood to flush fire hydrants ENGLEWOOD — Maintenance crews will be flushing all Englewood fire hydrants Tuesdays through Fridays, October 1 through October 11 between the hours of 9 p.m. and 2 a.m. This routine part of the water distribution maintenance program may produce some fluctuation of water pressure and rust discoloration. For further information contact the Englewood Water Department at 836-5106.

Saturday, September 14 @ 6 p.m. Champaign County Fairgrounds Urbana, Ohio

BEWBODFE UJDLFUT available at: Urbana: Farmers Equipment & Ponderosa Steakhouse .FDIBOJDTCVSH Dave Kehl Chevrolet #FMMFGPOUBJOF /FX$BSMJTMF 1JRVB 4JEOFZ 4QSJOHÜFME Lee’s Famous Recipe Chicken


Northmont Class of ‘88 seeking classmates CLAYTON — Northmont High School Class of 1988 is planning its 25th class reunion the weekend of October 11-13 and is currently searching for members of the class of 1988. Reunion organizers are in need of current mailing addresses and email addresses. If you know of anyone who graduated in 1988 please contact Michelle Bailey 937-248-4049 or Jeanene Popp 937-545-8244. email: northmontclass88@gmail.com. For reunion details go to http://northmontclassof88.weebly.com. Members from other classes 1985-1990 are welcome to attend the Saturday Night Event. Any Businesses in purchasing advertising on the class website and at the Main Event please contact the reunion organizers at the above listed numbers or emails.



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4A - Thursday, September 12, 2013

Englewood Independent


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. - The First Amendment to the United States Constitution

A conversation The “Gas Pump Guy” takes with a sparrow on gas pump skimmer scams DAYTON — Having my name printed on stickers affixed to every gas pump in the county doesn’t exactly do much for my popularity. Whenever there is a big jump in gas prices, the thought of my neighbors staring at my name on the pump when it takes fifty bucks to fill their tanks leaves me hoping that they don’t blame me. When I decided to pursue a career in public service, I never imagined that I would one day be known as the “gas pump guy.” But, my role as the county sealer of weights and measures took on a whole new meaning when devices designed to steal debit or credit card information were found hiding inside four gas pumps in Montgomery County. It was a routine inspection by weights and measures officials that led to the recent discovery of illegal credit card skimmers at two locations. Three skimmers were found at a gas station in Moraine and one was discovered at a station in Englewood. These high-tech

Karl Keith County Auditor

devices were wired to the credit card readers and keypads inside the pumps so that anyone using plastic to pay for their fill up was at risk of having their information stolen and their bank accounts hacked. Law enforcement agencies were immediately notified and the devices removed. The Auditor’s Office sent notices to every gas station manager in the county, informing them of this discovery and recommending that they regularly check their pumps. Additionally, we alerted other county auditors and weights and measures officials throughout Ohio to lookout for these devices. So far, no additional skimmers

have been uncovered. And, fortunately, no victims of theft have been confirmed as a result of the devices we found. Still, it is alarming to know that a thief with a gadget that fits in the palm of his hand can wire it up inside a gas pump in less than a minute and turn an otherwise common, routine transaction into a nightmare for unsuspecting consumers. This is apparently the first illegal skimmers found inside gas pumps in Ohio, but other areas of the country have been plagued by these rip-offs for some time. Our inspectors were aware of incidents in other states and are trained to look for anything out of place whenever they check out a gas pump. But, periodic inspections by county weights and measures officials provide only a minimal amount of protection against skimmer scams. What more can be done? Gas station managers and attendants need to be vigilant in monitoring activity at their stations. Examining the inside of their dispensers

I was filling my backyard bird bath the other day when a Bob sparrow landed on the other should be a regular routine. side of the fence in my neighBatz But, the most effective way bor’s yard. to stop these scams is to preI didn’t pay any attention to vent unauthorized access to the bird and continued to Senior the internal components of shoot water into the bird bath. Moments the pumps. Better, more As I sprayed, the sparrow secure locks are available stared. and need to be used on every Then - much to my surprise dispenser at every station. If the bird hopped through the necessary, legislation requirfence and came to stand two bird. ing the use of more secure During my 55 years as a feet from me and continued to locks should be pursued. newspaper reporter/feature watch me water. Consumers need to be Seconds became minutes writer I’ve asked plenty of vigilant as well. Anything and he or she was still sitting questions. that seems out of place or But not once did I ever do it there staring at me. indicates that a pump has I suddenly felt like I’d while interviewing a sparrow been tampered with should become the main attraction at in my back yard on a balmy be reported. To protect their some kind of backyard summer afternoon. PIN numbers from being To make a long story shortdrama. stolen, customers should So, having nothing better to er, I continued to ask the sparnever use their debit cards at do, I struck up a one-sided row questions and the sparthe pump. And, monthly conversation with my newly- row continued to listen to me. bank and credit card stateThe bird bath was overdiscovered feathered friend. ments should be reviewed Having no idea what spar- flowing with water but I confor any fraudulent charges. rows like to talk about, I tried tinued my one-sided converOf course, the best sation and the sparrow contina little bit of everything. defense against credit card “How about those ued to listen. theft is to use cash whenever Then I had an idea. Cincinnati Reds?” I said. On a hunch I turned the possible. Two years ago, a As I talked, the bird turned county sheriff in Florida its head to the left and then to hose away from the bird bath, referred to illegal credit card the right like maybe she or he used my thumb to create a light spray from the hose nozwas taking it all in. skimming at gas pumps as At the risk that someone zle and directed it at my new “the crime of the future.” All would hear me talking to a feathered friend. of us need to take heed and I fully expected the bird to sparrow and call the police or exercise caution whenever whoever you are supposed to immediately take off to wherwe use plastic to fill it up. call when you see an old man ever sparrows take off to talking to a sparrow in his whenever sparrows go when back yard on a sunny Tuesday they are gently hosed down. But I was wrong again. afternoon I fired a few more Instead of fleeing the sparquestions my feathered row hopped a few steps closer friend’s way. “How’s your day going?” I to me and stood there enjoyasked and the sparrow just ing the impromptu shower. Then, two or three minutes blinked at me. “Do you live around here?” later, he (or she) flashed me I asked and once again there one of those “Thanks, dude” glances and flew off over the was no reply. For the next few minutes fence. ual freedom and opportunity questions flowed from me and Contact Bob at and to community obligation, eye-blinks flowed from the bbatz@woh.rr.com and they don’t see them as mutually contradictory. More than anything else, especially Send your letters to the editor these days, they want to see moderation and cooperation Contact Englewood from their political leaders. Independent Editor There may be dysfunction Ron Nunnari at: in Washington, but the sysrnunnari@civitasmedia.com or tem can still work. When polcall 836-2619 ext. 204 icy makers gather (I’ve seen this countless times) ideology fades, pragmatism rises, and the question becomes, What can we do to fix the situation? The Englewood Independent encourages readers to That’s where most Americans write letters to the editor: Letters should be typed, signed and include current address and daytime phone find themselves. They do not number of author. Readers can also send their letters via see government as evil, e-mail. We will publish only the name of the author and though they are often disapcity or organization; full addresses will not be pubpointed in its practice and its lished. practitioners. They are wary Letters to the editor must be 350 words or less. of excessive government, but Deadline is noon on Monday prior to publication date again and again they turn to to be considered for that week’s edition. government at some level to All letters will be verified by the newspaper via telehelp solve the problems they phone call to the author. complain about, and they The newspaper reserves the right to edit for length, want it to work effectively style and grammar and to limit the number of letters on and efficiently. a specific topic. In the end, Congress usualIf content is libelous or misleading, letters will not be ly ends up about where most printed. Americans are and want it to Letter writers have a limit of one published letter be. So I’m not surprised to every 60 days. find how, when dire problems Form letters will not be accepted. Anonymous letters confront them, both conserand thank you letters will not be published. For letters that include claims that are not a matter of vatives and progressives in public record, the burden of proof of the claim(s) falls Washington find their inner upon the letter writer. pragmatist. Election letters will be published prior to the election, Lee Hamilton is Director but not the week before the election; that issue is of the Center on Congress reserved for the newspaper’s endorsements. at Indiana University. He Opinions of letter writers or columnists are those of was a member of the U.S. the author only. They do not represent the opinion of the House of Representatives staff and management of the Englewood Independent or for 34 years.

In Washington, ideology need not reign supreme As I speak to people about the Congress, one question arises more than any other: Why is Congress gridlocked? People are perplexed and disappointed with its performance, and are searching hard for an answer. The roots of Congress’s dysfunction are complex. But the fundamental reason is that real differences in ideology and principles about both government and governance exist among the voters. At heart, the reason it’s become so hard for Washington to act is that the two parties are being driven by fundamentally incompatible views. Conservatives place a heavy emphasis on liberty, individual freedom, and selfreliance. They have little confidence in government’s ability to play a role in improving society or the economy, and many of them look upon government as destructive, a force that undermines our basic freedom. They are fearful of centralized power, opposed to redistribution of any kind, and opposed to new government programs — or even to improving existing government programs they’d rather see cut. They reject entirely the notion of raising taxes or imposing new regulations on the private sector. Moreover, a belief has taken hold among some conservatives in recent years that

Lee Hamilton The Center on Congress at Indiana University

compromise and accommodation are betrayals of their cause. This has put great pressure on GOP leaders not to budge in their negotiations with the White House and Senate Democrats. Meanwhile, on the “progressive” side — a label that has come to supplant “liberal,” in part because Republicans in the 1980s and 1990s were so effective at demonizing liberals — there is much greater emphasis on using government to narrow economic disparities and help those at the bottom of the income scale. They emphasize its role in providing equality of opportunity for all and individuals’ responsibility to the community around them. Because they have more confidence in government as a constructive force, they have no trouble with the notion of expanding government’s scope to improve Americans’ lives. In fact, unlike conservatives, they think government can expand freedom when it’s

properly applied, by reining in the power of monied interests. While they do not favor a radical centralization of power in the federal government, as some conservatives charge, they are more willing to accept government action — and the legislative compromises that make it possible. Because they have less confidence in the market to solve all problems, they support both the taxes they believe necessary to run programs they like, and regulations to limit the private sector’s more predatory impacts on the environment or society. The gap between these views appears unbridgeable. It is not, nor are the differences between the two sides as wide as they appear. That is because most Americans find themselves somewhere between the extremes, able to see merit in both conservative and progressive ideas. When I was in office, I often found myself thinking that many of my constituents were conservative, moderate, and liberal all at the same time. That hasn’t changed. As a whole, Americans do not want excessive government or heavy-handed bureaucracy, but they do want programs that help them, like Social Security and Medicare. They are dedicated to both individ-

Letters to the Editor Policy

Letters to the editor Political leaders are responsible to God to judge civil evil To the Editor: Daniel 5:25, 32 makes it clear that God, by His sovereign providence, puts political leaders in their office. Romans 13 make the claim that political leaders are responsible to God to judge civil evil. The Apostle John tells us in Revelation 20:15 that the great, political leaders, will stand in judgment before almighty God. The U. S. Constitution no way contradicts this. ‘Separation of church and state’ is defined by the 1st Amendment and expanded under the 14thAmendment. Extremist on the far left have

defined ‘separation of church and state’ according to their biases and then applied their definition to the 1stAmendment. Every school boy knows that is circular reasoning. Destiny awaits the judgment described in Revelation 20. Civil government is not responsible for religionor to judge sin, even though sin accurately defines civil evil. Murder, thief, and perjuryare civil evils and are also sin. They are to judge acts as civil righteousness or civil evil. Who defines civil evil? Seeing God is going to judge political leaders He has left them with clearinstructions. [You cannot

hold anyone responsible to obey a non specific law.] Political leaders will find the Bible to be a reliable guide to their judgment of civil acts. The Bible is a guide forall three institutions ordained by God. That is the church, the family, and civil government. Political leaders overstep their authority if they try to interfere with the free exercise of religion. They are not prohibited from publically recognizing God (they should) who has established civil government, Genesis 9. The Apostle Paul said in Acts 20:27 that he declared all the counsel of God. Christianity has no authority

over marriage but should preach what God expects out of husband and wife. Christianity has no authority over civil government but should preach the privileges and responsibility of political leaders. Americans in the legislative, judicial, and the executive branches will stand before God and given an account of their treatment of gay marriage, abortion and religious liberty. The ACLU is not sitting on the throne. Yours praying for civil righteousness Charles J. Arnett Union

its owner, Ohio Community Media. Send letters to Englewood Independent, 69 N. Dixie Drive, Suite E, Vandalia, OH 45377, or e-mail: Rnunnari@civitasmedia.com Ron Nunnari can be reached at 836-2619, ext. 204.

Englewood Independent


Thursday, September 12, 2013 - 5A

Witzleb promoted to captain by U.S. Navy WASHINGTON, D.C. — For service members the Constitution of the United States of America is not just a piece of paper the forefathers drafted as the backbone for the country, it is an idea, a feeling, a purpose for their service, for their sacrifice. It reminds them that no matter the distance from their families, the task at hand, or the absence of sleep, their time and effort is not in vain. For three Sailors in particular, having the opportunity to be promoted and take their oaths in the presence of the founding fathers, in front of the U.S. Constitution at the National Archives in Washington D.C., was one of the greatest honors they could have had bestowed upon them in their naval careers. During the early summer of 2012, Cmdr. Robert Witzleb, Lt. Cmdr. Ken Wallace, and Senior Chief Todd Morabito were the leadership triad at the Naval Oceanography Special Warfare Center in Coronado, Calif., and all received word they were selected for promotion. “It was a real honor last year to learn that I had been selected for captain, especially considering the other officers, a lot of quality officers that were in consideration,” said Witzleb. Witzleb was excited by his promotion; however, within months after his selection, he was thrilled to discover both his executive officer and command senior chief were also

Photo submitted Captain Robert Witzleb, a native of Phillipsburg. selected for promotion. “It would have been disappointing for one of us to promote and the others to learn that we hadn’t,” said Witzleb. With all three men preparing for their promotion ceremonies, the idea came to Witzleb and Wallace to have the ceremony at the archives, a fitting backdrop for what would be one of the proudest days of their lives. Once the idea was in place, it was just a matter of making the arrangements with the archives staff and saving the

date. On Sept. 3, surrounded by their loved ones, Capt. Witzleb, Cmdr. Wallace and Master Chief Morabito pinned on their new ranks. “Having friends and family there, and to be in front of the document … was definitely very memorable, and it brings it home to what you’re doing, day in, day out, and what you’re committed to in the service and your responsibilities and the significance of the oath of office,” said Wallace.

“I couldn’t have thought of a more special place to do my last re-enlistment - in front of the Constitution of the United States of America - with my family there. It’s truly an honor,” said Morabito. Senior Chief Michael Garza from Fleet Weather Center San Diego was one of many proud Sailors who served under the leadership triad of Witzleb, Wallace and Morabito. “What I liked about this triad was no problem was too small or too big,” said Garza. “All problems were treated equal in the sense that they gave their full attention and effort to commit to the issue and how we can all share our experiences to help them come up with a solution.” When Witzleb took command of Naval Oceanography Special Warfare Center in Coronado the promotion rate was extremely low. Together with Wallace and Morabito, they worked to increase it from essentially zero to 50 percent among petty officers by the time Witzleb transferred. “That’s true Navy leadership right there,” said Garza. “I was really proud to serve with those guys.” This type of leadership may very well embody all that the forefathers had in mind for the future of the country leaders who put their people before themselves. CDR Witzleb is an Eagle Scout from Phillipsburg, Ohio. Enlisting in 1984, he

completed Electronics Technician and Nuclear Power Schools prior to receiving a Secretary of the Navy appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy where he graduated in 1992 with a B.S. in Oceanography. After graduation, he was assigned to the staff of the Oceanographer of the Navy while awaiting flight training. Witzleb was designated a Naval Aviator in 1995. After tours with VF-101 and VF-2 in USS Constellation flying the F-14D Tomcat, Witzleb was approved for transfer to the Meteorology and Oceanography community. After a qualifying tour at the Naval Atlantic Meteorology and Oceanography Command in Norfolk, Witzleb reported to the Naval Postgraduate School where he graduated in 2001 with an M.S. in Meteorology and Physical Oceanography. Witzleb then reported to the Naval Oceanographic Office’s Fleet Survey Team. During this tour he received an M.S. in Hydrographic Science from the University of Southern Mississippi in 2003 as well as designation as a Naval Hydrographer. His deployments included Iraq and Kuwait for hydrographic surveys in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and he participated in the Nauticos Corporation’s deep ocean search for Amelia Earhart’s Lockheed Electra aircraft near Howland Island in the Pacific.

In 2004, Witzleb reported as the Oceanographer to Commander, Carrier Strike Group TWO where he qualified as a Staff Tactical Action Officer, Battle Watch Captain, and Tomahawk Strike Officer. In 2005 he reported to the Naval Oceanography Operations Command as the Deputy Directorfor Mine Warfare where he developed initiatives for the Navy’s role in Maritime Homeland Defense including the Naval Oceanography Mine Warfare Center with Unmanned Undersea Vehicle Platoon. In 2007 Witzleb joined the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command in Resources, Requirements and Assessments. In 2008 Witzleb was assigned to the U.S. Sixth Fleet in Naples, Italy as the Staff Oceanographer, Deputy Operations Officer and the Tomahawk Time Sensitive Targeting Officer. He was most recently the Commanding Officer of the Naval Oceanography Special Warfare Center in Coronado, CA. He is married to the former Mary Pearl of Odessa, Delaware and they have two sons, Robert Maximilian (Max) and Alexander (Lex). His awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal and various unit and campaign awards.

DeGrazia nominated for Ohio Teacher of the Year By Andrew Wilson Contributing Writer CLAYTON — Northmont High School mathematics teacher Kolleen DeGrazia was nominated for the Ohio School Board Association’s Ohio Teacher of the Year Award for the year 2014. DeGrazia, who was nominated by Superintendent Dr. Sarah Zatik, will be recognized for her nomination at the Southwest Region Fall Conference on Thursday, Oct. 10 at Sinclair Community College. “We have many outstanding teachers in our district,” said Zatik. “And one that

stood out in many of our minds was Kolleen. She’s a very hands on, engaging teacher, students love her, she has success with her students, and she just is a great example of the best that Northmont has to offer.” DeGrazia has been known for using modern programs such as the iPad Pilot Program to keep students engrossed in learning math. Although she wasn’t selected Ohio Teacher of the Year, DeGrazia stated that the nomination was an honor. “Pretty awesome,” said DeGrazia. “It’s a wonderful honor, if you think about all the teachers in Northmont

City Schools and that I got nominated for that.” The conference on Oct. 10 will begin at 5:20 p.m. In other business, board member Jane Woodie announced that the Northmont City School district was ranked 37th out of the 558 entities ranked by the state for gifted education. Additionally, the district is in the top 93 percent in the state in the category. Northmont also ranked 186th out of 823 entities in the value added, a significant rise in the rankings from the previous year. School districts were also ranked for the performance

Union Baptist Church to hold revival Sept. 15-18 ENGLEWOOD — When we think about revivals, we recall those days of Jonathan Edwards preaching “Sinners in the hands of an angry God” and finding that many people “got right” with our God. We think about Billy Sunday and Billy Graham. The old days found tents filled with sawdust and the

Holy Spirit. Where did those days go? Do we still need revival? Union Baptist Church, 528 N. Main St., Englewood, is pleased to announce that it will be having a revival September 15 through September 18. Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m., and then Monday through Friday

index rating and Northmont ranked 275 of out 872 county districts. Taylor Johnson discussed everything happening at area schools. O.R. Edgington Elementary - The school is partnering with Aullwood and will be having two field trips per grade level to support science and social studies curriculum. O.R. Edgington’s PTO has ordered t-shirts for the school to wear since it’s the building’s last year. Englewood Hills Elementary - The school recently purchased new playground equipment and

students are enjoying it. Sixth grade students visited Northmont High School to learn about various instruments they could play. Englewood Elementary The school welcomed 130 new kindergarten students this year. Their PTO is sponsoring their first mother/son dance on Sept. 27. All are invited. Union Elementary - Mr. Grone discussed the topic “What if…” at the opening day ceremony. Northwood Elementary Parent orientations will take place throughout the month of September. Northmoor Elementary -

The school’s aspirations team has met as well and is going to be working on rewriting Northmoor’s mission statement. Northmont Middle School - Very few problems have been reported with the new bus and car drop-off procedures. The first Washington D.C. parent meeting will take place on Sept. 17. Northmont High School Students are getting used to the new parking procedures due to the construction. Chapter officers have been elected and everyone is getting prepared for the Fall Leadership District Conference on Oct. 3.

Men’s Aglow meeting at Mill Ridge Village open to all men in area UNION — A new group, Men’s Aglow, will meet at Mill Ridge Village the third Saturday of each month. The group will begin with a free breakfast at 8 a.m. The normal meeting will include fellowship, prayer and a speaker or Bible study. Men of all ages are encouraged to attend. Any questions contact John Willinger at 832-2786.

at 7 p.m. The speaker will be David Morris, a renowned evangelist from North Carolina. There is no cost to attend. Please come for this spiritual time of renewal. For further information you can contact Pastor Bruce Winner at 8360862 or at pastorbrucew@sbcglobal.net

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6A - Thursday, September 12, 2013


Englewood Independent

Police reports from Northmont area law enforcement agencies

Union Police Chief Mike Blackwell

Englewood Police Chief Mark Brownfield

Clayton Police Chief Rick Rose

Clay Twp. Police Chief John Simmons

room window to have sex. The male was warned not to return to the property unless approved by the adult homeowners. The 17-year-old daughter was charged with being unruly. Charges were forwarded to juvenile court. Thursday, Aug. 29 Union Fraudulent activity on a credit card was reported by a resident of Darby Court. Thursday, Aug. 29 Clay Township A large black boxer mix dog dragging a 10-foot long thick chain around its neck was found by a police officer at the corner of BaltimorePhilipsburg and Dodson roads. After several failed attempts to get the dog into his cruiser the officer was able to grab the chain, at which time the dog walked with the officer to the cruiser and got into the back seat. A nearby resident was able to tell the officer where the dog lived. The officer took the dog to its home but no one answered the door. There were no signs of food or water for the dog. The officer located a bowl and filled it with water and the dog drank all the water. The officer filled the bowl again and chained the dog to the front porch. The officer left a business card at the home advising the resident to contact him regarding the dog. Sunday, Sept. 1 Clay Township Cody James Spencer, 19, of Butler Township, was charged with driving under the influence, driving under suspension and marked lanes of travel. He registered at .141 percent on a breath intoxilyzer test. Spencer was issued a court summons and released to a sober driver. Monday, Sept. 2 Clay Township Eric M. Shaftsbury, 50, of Lewisburg, was arrested on an active Clay Township warrant by Lewisburg Police. When a Clay Township officer arrived to take Shaftsbury into custody he was informed that Lewisburg Police had found meth on Shaftsbury and would be booking him on a felony. Clay Township’s warrant would still be active upon his release from jail. Clayton Jerry D. Cook, 57, of

Clayton, was charged with having an open fire left unattended. The fire, which measured 10 to 15 feet in diameter, contained numerous illegal items such as mattresses, roof shingles and paint cans and was within 50 feet of the residence. Cook left the residence to have his vehicle worked on. A Clayton fire engine responded to extinguish the fire. Charges were forwarded to Vandalia Municipal Court which will issue Cook a summons to appear. Englewood Justin Scott Brewer, 22, of Farmersville, was charged with theft without consent at Wal-Mart. He was taken into custody and transported to the county jail. Tuesday, Sept. 3 Clayton Menacing was reported on Woolery Lane. An adult male was outside smoking when a 13-year-old male approached him and asked for a cigarette. The adult told the juvenile he was too young at which time the juvenile lifted his shirt and showed a weapon and stated, “I’ll shoot you.” The juvenile then walked away. Police located the juvenile and learned he was in possession of a pellet gun. The adult signed a refusal to prosecute form. No charges were filed. Englewood Shelbie L. McGuire, 21, of Dayton 45416, was charged with theft without consent at Wal-Mart. She was issued a court summons and released. A 2003 Ford Econoline van was stolen from the lot of King Kold Meats between 6 p.m. and 2 a.m. The van was later found in the 8200 block of N. Dixie Drive by Butler Township Police where a second van was stolen by the unknown subjects. Rickie L. Hess, 39, of Greenville, was charged with theft without consent at WalMart. He was issued a court summons and released. Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s harassment was reported in the 300 block of W. National Road. The attempted theft of merchandise was reported at WalMart. A heavy set white female with a small child sitting in the grocery cart attempted to leave the store with merchandise and steaks

totaling $220. When confronted, the female grabbed her child, exited the store and got into a waiting red pickup truck, which immediately fled the parking lot. Union Unknown subjects driving a dark colored car, possibly a Dodge Stratus, stole a manhole cover near the dead end of Tall Timbers Road. The vehicle fled in an unknown direction on Concord Farm Road. Wednesday, Sept. 4 Clayton Jesse A. Black, 31, of Dayton 45405, was charged with possession of drugs, driving under 12-point suspension, and driving left of center. His vehicle was towed and Black was issued a court summons. Charles Joseph Calvert, 42, of Clayton, was charged with driving under the influence over the legal limit, operating a vehicle intoxicated, driving under financial responsibility act suspension and failure to yield after being involved in a hit and run crash on Heathcliff Road near State Route 48. He registered at .340 percent on a breath intoxilyzer test. Calvert was taken into custody and transported to the county jail. Englewood Unknown subjects removed a computer router from a closet at the Pain Management Center at Samaritan North Health Center. An employee advised that they have been having problems with other companies that rent the same office space. Rude notes have been left and filing cabinets turned upside down. It is believed an employee of one of these companies stole the router. Theft of $100 cash was reported at an apartment in the 1100 block of Taywood Road. Jeffrey A. Ferguson, 40, of Troy, was charged with theft without consent at Meijer. A warrant was issued for his arrest. According to Meijer Loss Prevention, Ferguson had allegedly been involved in thefts at several Meijer locations. He is currently incarcerated in the county jail. Thursday, Sept. 5 Clay Township A barking dog complaint was filed in the 11000 block of Pansing Road.

Eric M. Shaftsbury, 50, of Lewisburg, was arrested on an active Clay Township warrant by Lewisburg Police. Shaftsbury was released to a Clay Township officer and transported to the county jail. Clayton Criminal mischief was reported in the 5400 block of Westbrook Road. Englewood Melissa M. Slusser, 43, of Union, was charged with theft at Kroger. She was issued a court summons and released. Beverly J. Rasor, 62, of Englewood, was charged with theft at Kroger. She was issued a court summons and released. She was also trespassed from all Kroger locations. Police responded to the Chateau Apartments on the report of a fight in progress. Upon arrival police found a group of approximately 15 people gathered together. The crowd dispersed when they saw the police cruiser pull into the lot. Three teenage girls were identified and ordered to stop yelling and sit on the curb to which they complied. An adult female was located with a bloody nose, a scraped and bloody elbow and blood all over her hands. She was incoherent and screaming out of control. A medic was called to deal with her injuries. A second adult female was identified as being involved in the fight. Three hours earlier police had been at the apartment complex when a 7-year-old female child of one of the adults involved in the fight had come outside with two large kitchen knives because two other youths kept calling her fat. The two other youths were sons of the second adult involved in the fight. The mother of the 7-year-old walked over to the apartment where the boys lived that had been bullying her daughter by calling her fat and confronted the other mother. A witness recorded the fight on his cell phone video camera and showed it to police. The video shows the two women verbally arguing for a short period. At one point one of the females lunged forward with both arms extended and shoved the other female. The


The following information has been provided by Northmont area police departments. The information listed in this column is considered public record and is available to anyone seeking information concerning what is provided below. For purposes of this column, the term “arrested” or “charged” does not necessarily mean the person was taken into physical custody. It could also indicate that a summons was issued to the subject in lieu of physical custody. All the people listed as “arrested” or “charged” are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Saturday, Aug. 10 Clay Township A motorist driving south on Arlington Road reported that two girls threw eggs and struck his vehicle. He stopped to talk to the girls about the incident. Afterward the motorist came to Clay Twp. Police Department and asked an officer to speak to the parents about the incident. No charges were filed, but the motorist felt the girls should write an apology letter to him and deliver it to police. Wednesday, Aug. 21 Union Criminal damaging was reported at Union Mini Mart where an unknown white male used a blue magic marker to write on a No Parking sign. The business owner observed the male on surveillance camera and went out the back door to confront him. The business owner attempted to grab the male, who yelled, “Get off me!” The male then fled westbound down the alley on his bicycle. Sunday, Aug. 25 Union Unknown subjects entered an unlocked vehicle on Lynnfield Circle and removed the radio/DVD system from the dash. The vehicle was unlocked because the door locks were not functioning properly. Tuesday, Aug. 27 Union A 2003 Infiniti FX45 was stolen from the driveway of a residence in the 100 block of Sweet Potato Ridge Road. The owner said that when she got out of bed she noticed the vehicle’s key fob was missing and then discovered the vehicle had been stolen. The vehicle will not start without the key fob. A Union officer located the vehicle parked in the driveway of a vacant house on Laurel Grove. The vehicle was released back to the owner. Wednesday, Aug. 28 Union A 19-year-old male was trespassed from a property on Carol Lane when the residents discovered he was sneaking into their home through their daughter’s bed-


physical fight then began with everyone jumping in. The video shows punches being thrown, kicks, hits and stomps taking place. Both adult females, Beth Ann Fox, 33, and Margaret L. Crowder, 30, both of Englewood, were charged with disorderly conduct/fighting. A long form complaint was forwarded to Vandalia Municipal Court which will issue a summons to Fox and Crowder to appear on the charges. Union Ashley R. Marlow, 30, of Union, was arrested on four active warrants at her residence, taken into custody and transported to the county jail. A deputy at the jail called to advise that heroin was found on Marlow during processing her into the jail. She was additionally charged with possession of heroin. Friday, Sept. 6 Englewood Benjamin Foster, Jr., 46, of Union, was arrested on an active warrant issued by Moraine Police for contempt of court on an original charge of no operator’s license. Foster was also charged with license forfeiture and six counts of fee required. Foster was taken into custody and transported to the county jail. A 17-year-old female was charged with being unruly at the Chateau Apartments. Charges were forwarded to juvenile court. Saturday, Sept. 7 Clay Township Michella Adams, 39, of Brookville, was charged with expired license, fictitious registration, possession of marijuana and was arrested on an active warrant. Adams was taken into custody and transported to the county jail. Englewood The theft of a wallet was reported at Meijer. The victim stated she accidentally left the wallet in a shopping cart after placing her groceries in her vehicle. When she returned the wallet was gone. It contained two debit cards, two credit cards, a driver’s license and approximately $70 cash. Gregory L. Sibert, 56, of Dayton 45428, was charged with driving under the influence, refusal of a breath test with a prior DUI conviction in the last 20 years (Florida in 2005), and speeding. Sibert was issued a court summons and released to a relative. Sunday, Sept. 8 Union Unknown subjects keyed a vehicle parked in the lot of the Toll House Tavern. Monday, Sept. 9 Union Burglary was reported in the 400 block of Applegate Drive. There was no evidence of forced entry to the home; however several jewelry boxes and a credit card were stolen from the residence.

Englewood Independent

Thursday, September 12, 2013 - 7A

8A - Thursday, September 12, 2013

Englewood Independent

Englewood Independent

Thursday, September 12, 2013 - 9A

Sports www.EnglewoodIndependent.com

Sports Digest Bolts jump all over Westerville South Register in person for Northmont Future Bolts Basketball CLAYTON — Any 1st through 6th grade Northmont area girls and boys can stop by on September 14 and September 21 to register in person for the Northmont Future Bolts basketball program between 9 a.m. and noon at the Clayton Government Center at the Corner of Old Salem and Taywood Roads. Stop by, meet the board members, and ask any questions you may have about the upcoming season. On September 28, you can register in person during the first Extreme CrossOver Preseason basketball camp, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. at Northmont High School. In addition, you can always register online at our website. Girls and boys in the 3rd through 6th grades can sign up for either our weekend recreation league or to tryout for our select travel teams by going to Northmontfutureboltsbasketb all.com Boys and Girls in 1st and 2nd grade can register for the Saturday instructional program. Sign up before October 1 to avoid late fees. In addition, Future Bolts are looking for sponsors for the upcoming season, as it strives to maintain the lowest registration fees in the Dayton area. Visit the website for more info please.For additional details, visit www.Northmontfutureboltsb asketball.com or you can call 937-867-BOLT.

Third annual Tee Off for Education slated CLAYTON — The Citizen’s for Northmont City School’s will hold their annual golf event on Thursday, September 19 at Meadowbrook Country Club. The 9-hole best ball scramble begins at 5 p.m. Craft beer, wine tasting and dinner begin at 6:30 p.m. for non-golfers, and golfers will enjoy the food and tastings after the golf event. This year’s tastings are being done by Valley Vineyards, from Morrow, Ohio. Tickets are $60 for golfing and food, and $40 for the dining - tastings only. Tickets are available at Englewood Florist.

By RON NUNNARI Independent Editor Rnunnari@civitasmedia.com CLAYTON — After a dismal defensive effort in week one against Thurgood Marshall, the Northmont football team’s defense turned in a stellar performance Friday to help lead the Thunderbolts to a 24-14 win over Westerville South. Northmont limited the Wildcats to 212 total yards including 127 rushing yards after allowing Thurgood Marshall to gain 393 yards on the ground last week. “Tonight the defense played exceptional. We are better built to play against a team like this. Our staff did a great job preparing the kids and the kids did what they were supposed to do,” said Northmont coach Lance Schneider. Quarterback Graham Oberer had a big night completing 14 of 19 pass attempts for 224 yards and three touchdowns. The first touchdown of the night came on a 25-yard completion to Ryan Smith with 7:02 remaining in the first quarter Chris Okos tacked on the point after to put the Bolts up, 7-0. The drive started at Westerville’s 39 yard line after South was forced to punt from its 11 yard line. Jonny Lowery returned Joey Freeman’s punt 12 yards. Less than five minutes later Oberer connected with Cameron Taylor for a 76-yard touchdown. Okos added the extra-point to put Northmont up 14-0 with 2:05 remaining in the first quarter. That drive started when South was forced to punt after driving to

Photo by Kathy Tyler Northmont’s Zach Weatherford flies over the back of Westerville’s Abu Damary in an attempt to block Joey Freeman’s punt. the Northmont 40. Lowery made a fair catch at the 11. On first down Oberer completed a 9-yard pass to Taylor. On

second down and one Ryan Smith gained four yards fir a first down at the 24. On the next play Oberer connected

Northmont Baseball to host annual pasta dinner CLAYTON — Northmont Dugout Club is hosting its annual pasta dinner on Friday, September 20 from 4 to 7 p.m. in the Northmont High School cafeteria. The Dugout Club will again be serving pasta with meat sauce, salad, bread, dessert, and drink. Parking this year will be in the front of the high school and entrance will be through Door No. 1. The ticket prices for adults are $6, students and senior citizens are $5. Children 6 and under are free. Tickets are available through any NHS baseball player or will be available at the door the night of the dinner.

Photo by Kathy Tyler Graham Oberer fires a pass to Cameron Taylor during Friday night action at Good Samaritan Stadium.

with Taylor for a 76-yard touchdown pass. On Westerville’s next possession the Northmont defense forced a fumble with Isaiah Williams scooping up the loose ball at the 50 and returned it to the Wildcats 41. Four plays later Ryan Smith caught his second touchdown pass of the night on a 29-yard completion from Oberer with four seconds left in the opening quarter. Okos tacked on the point after as Northmont had the Wildcats reeling to the tune of a 21-0 deficit. “I’m proud of how the kids played tonight,” Schneider commented. “We got out of the gates fast and handled Westerville from there. When you are up 21-0 early against a team that traveled an hour and half to get here, that can be detrimental.” Indeed. Westerville, which defeated Northmont 48-21 last season, was no doubt stunned as it found itself down by three touchdowns after only one quarter. The Wildcats eventually scored with 7:42 remaining in the first half when senior running back Darien Miller scored on a two-yard run. Phil

Wenzinger extra-point was good to make the score 21-7 at the half. Bolts defensive back Zach Weatherford picked off a Timmy Bates pass at the Northmont 30 yard line and returned it to South’s 44 with 5:26 remaining in the first half. Late in the first half Westerville nearly closed the gap to seven points. Faced with fourth down at the Wildcats 44 Northmont punted and Abu Damary took the kick at the 14 and returned it 84 yards before getting caught from behind by Ryan Smith at the Northmont two yard line. The Thunderbolts defense kept the Wildcats out of the end zone to preserve the Bolts lead 21-7 at the half. “That was a big play when Ryan Smith caught up with that kid inside the 10 and our defense was able to hold them on fourth down,” Schneider commented. “That was big for our defense after coming off last week’s game where they played horrible.” Miller scored again late in the third quarter to pull the Wildcats within a touchdown, See Bolts on Page 10

Thunder Classic Golf Tourney set for Sept. 28 CLAYTON — On Saturday, September 28, the Northmont Golf Parents Association (NGPA) is sponsoring the 17th annual Northmont Thunder Classic Charity Golf Tournament. This golf scramble provides the funds for the operational expenses and scholarships for deserving senior golfers as they pursue higher education and perhaps continue their golf careers at the collegiate level. The NGPA asks for your support by sponsorship, participating in the tournament, and/or money or door prize donations. With the support of the local community and golf enthusiasts, the golf teams can represent Northmont with pride and determination to be the best. To support these young golfers please fill out the sponsor form at www.ihigh.com/boltsboysgol f and mail to: Northmont Golf Parents Association, Scott Krizner – Outing Chairman, 500 Rubythroat Lane , Clayton, OH 45315.

Photo by Kathy Tyler Ryan Smith finds a hole in the Westerville South defense. Smith had 53 yards rushing and caught three passes for 55 yards and two touchdowns.

10A - Thursday, September 12, 2013

Englewood Independent

2013 Northmont Football Hall of Fame inductees

Photo by Kathy Tyler Northmont’s Hall of Fame 2013 inductees were recognized prior to Friday night’s game vs. Westerville South. Pictured left to right: Zebrie Sanders, represented by his family Zeriel Sanders, Ulanda Sanders, Zloa Sanders and Vincent Sanders; Raymond Drake; Mark Harper; the late Jerry Shaffner represented by his siblings Jill Shaffner, Tom Shaffner and Connie Shaffner-Henninger; and Justin Watkins, represented by his family Gene Sizemore, Beth Barker and Betty Sizemore.

To place a Classified Ad in the Independent call 937- 372-9609 or toll free 1-866-212-7355.

Boys golf team falls to Centerville at home

Meadowbrook Country Club

By RON NUNNARI Independent Editor Rnunnari@civitasmedia.com CLAYTON — Northont shot a team score of 351 at the Fairmont Firebird Invitational at the NCR Country Club on Sept. 3. It was the first time this year the Thunderbolts had four players shoot in the 80s in a tournament in three years. Shawn Richards, a sophomore, led the team with an 85. Greg Peffley shot 88 whie Luke Knapke, Ben Safe and Dylan Greer came in with scores of 89 while Kyle Leither had a 95. Northmont finished 16th

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out of 17 teams. Beavercreek won the event with a score of 299. Junior Ryan Flick, junior Adam Gill and senior Bryan Janson led the Beavers with identical rounds of 74. Senior Tripp French of Oakwood was medalist with a low round of 69 followed by James Leisinger of Lakota East with a 71. Oakwood placed second at 300, Lakota East took third (300), followed by Springboro (309), Alter (310), West (325), Lakota Miamisburg (329), Chaminade (330), Xenia (333), Lebanon (333), Tecumseh (333), Centerville

(337), Troy (340), Fairmont (343), Wayne (350), Northmont (351) and Middletown (362). “Having four players shoot in the 80s for 18 holes was a positive step forward,” said Northont coach Nathan Hannahan. “The competition was tough. A score of 351 was about average for us.” Last Thursday the Bolts played Centerville at home on the back nine at Moss Creek. “We were hoping to get our first league win of the season, but unfortunately we were not able to accomplish that goal as Centerville was too tough,” Hannahan stated.

The Elks finished with a 159 to Northmont’s 184. Shawn Richards led the team with a 44, Ben Sage shot 45, Luke Knapke 47, Greg Peffley 48, Dylan Greer 50 and Kyle Leiter had a 55. “I was hoping for a little bit better performance because we were on our home course,” Hannahan added. “With that being said, we are having great weeks of practice but we are not carrying those great practices over onto the course during competition. I’m hoping our great practices will continue and that it will translate into better scores on the course in the coming weeks.”

Girls golf team falls to Centerville and Alter


By RON NUNNARI Independent Editor Rnunnari@civitasmedia.com


CENTERVILLE — The Lady Bolts played Centerville at Yankee Trace on Sept. 4 and shot a 198 while the Lady Elks finished at 162. Katlyn Butler led * Northmont with a 45 with Sarah Avdakov coming in with a 46, her best round of the seasonm with a birdie on hole No. 9. Last Thursday the Lady Bolts played Alter at home at Meadowbrook Country Club. Coach Vivian Bibler felt good about the match because the team had played at hjome quite a bit. Unfortunately it was not a good day for the Lady Bolts as the lost by 19 strokes, 24 to 223. Butler again led the team with a low score of 50. Monday afternoon the Lady Bolts scored a 207 to 226 victory over VandaliaButler at Cassell Hills. Wednesday the Lady Bolts will host Fairmont at Meadowbrook, play Troy Thursday at te Troy Country Club.

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Photo by Ron Nunnari Shelby Hunter follows her tee shot at Meadowbrook Country Club during the Lady Bolts match against Alter.

“We are looking forward to our annual Northont thunder Classic Golf Outing on Saturday, Sept. 28 at

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scholarship money to our deserving senior golfers on both the girls and boys teams.”

but the play was ruled out of bounds. Nick Winchester came in and kicked a 22-yard field goal with 2:38 remaining to give the Bolts some breathing room, 24-14. “Jonny Lowery’s intercep-

tion in the fourth quarter was huge and the field goal by Nick Winchester put us up by 10 which sealed the deal for us,” Schneider added.

Continued from Page 9

21-14. The score capped a 13play, 87 yard drive by the Wildcats with 3:45 remaining in the third quarter. Northmont’s defense kept Westerville South in check the remainder of the game. Jonny

Lowery came up with his second interception of the night to help preserve the win. Lowery picked off a Tim Bates pass and returned it to the Wildcats’ 43. Northmont nearly scored on another touchdown pass,

WES 00 07 07 00 – 14 NMT 21 00 00 03 - 24

Sports Digest

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Moss Creek,” said Northnmont coach Vivian Bibler. “This is our big fund-raiser that provides

Dayton Sharks to hold tryouts

MVCTC Education Foundation 5K set for Sept. 28

FRANKLIN — The Dayton Sharks professional indoor football team will be holding tryouts on Saturday, September 28 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Kingdom Sports Center, 440 Watkins Glen Drive, Franklin. This is an open tryout for anyone interested in playing professional arena football. Cost to tryout is $55 in advance or $75 the day of tryout. To pre-register contact Corwyn Thomas at (513) 386-9077 or email corwyn@daytonsharks.com or General Manager LaVar Glover at lavar@daytonsharks.com Players must be 18 years of age or older to tryout. This is a professional team and trying out would negate a player’s college eligibility.

ENGLEWOOD — The Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) Education Foundation 6th Annual MVCTC “Pi Miler” - 5K and 10K Run/Walk is schedule for Saturday, September 28, at 10 a.m. on the MVCTC Hoke Road campus. All proceeds from the race go to the MVCTC Education Foundation, which helps MVCTC students pay their school fees in times of emergency (house fires, medical emergencies) and with college scholarships. Additional information about the Pi Miler can be found at www.mvctc.com/pimiller.php, this includes registration to run/walk or information about being a sponsor of this year’s event.

Englewood Independent

Thursday, September 12, 2013 - 11A

Photo by Kathy Tyler Northmont’s first undefeated football team celebrated its 50th anniversary. The core group came together as eighth graders and stayed in the same positions through out their eighth grade, freshman, reserve an varsity careers. The team averaged 38 points a game while holding he opposition to an average of six points a game. In 1963, Northmont finished second only to Cincinnati Moeller in the Ohio football polls. Coach Ned Booher (wearing Northmont hat) attended the ceremony.

Northmont’s first undefeated football team honored CLAYTON — The undefeated Northmont 1963 football team was recognized and celebrated at halftime of the Northmont’s September 6 football game against Westerville South. Members of the Classes of 1964, 1965 and 1966, who were on the varsity roster, took the field 50 years after they led Northmont to its first undefeated football season. Their second year Head Coach, Ned Booher, was present for the ceremony and led the team onto the field. That team averaged 38 points a game while giving up only six points a game. No other Northmont team has come close to the record of outscoring the opposition by 319 points over the season. The team amassed massive statistics for running yardage (330 yards per game) utilizing a stable of six running backs who rotated in and out of the game. The team is said to have f inished second only to Cincinnati Moeller in the Ohio football polls. Here is a recap of the season (adapted from the Northmont 1964 School Yearbook): Northmont 57, Germantown 8 Halfbacks Pete Moore and Boyd Huddleson romp easily over the out-manned Cardinals… Moore goes 32, 53, and 80 yards for a trio of tallies… Huddleson carries only twice but covers 4 and 63 yards for TDs.

Northmont 38, Vandalia-Butler 6 Two straight for Northmont over the Aviators. Front liners McDermott, Roth, McAtee, Bonn, and Kelley “cream ‘em.” Kinser shines at linebacker. Northmont 60, Eaton 6 Northmont now truly a title contender… Huddleson scores three TDs and Darvin Marshall gets a pair including a school record with a 98-yarder. Northmont 22, West Carrollton 0 Northmont alone at top as other co-leaders fall. Darvin Marshall gets a 48-yarder and “runs out of gas” on the 7 after 90 yards of zig-zagging as game ends… McDermott, an iron man, plays every play for offense, defense and special teams. Northmont 26, Trotwood-Madison 8 Bolts pull away in second half to top Rams… Swope sparks go-ahead scoring drive before halftime. “Johnson scoots 45 yards to set up a score…Huddleson returns punt and intercepts pass to set up two others. Northmont 28, West Milton 8 Revenge! Perfect first helf and a 20-0 lead. Swope goes 60 yards to set up first TD. Ted Marshall booms out four good punts. Musgrave subs well for regular McAtee. Milton gains only 64 yards on the ground.

Northmont 46, Brookville O Darvin Marshall cracks game open with 80 yard punt return… Kistler, Price, Kelley, and Moore stand out with good blocking… Look out Oakwood, here we come! Northmont 30, Oakwood 8 ‘Bolts blast Jacks with strong offense and immovable defense… Spriestersbach, Blacketer, Kistler, Price, Kelley, and others bury Stillwagon … Ted Marshall thrills crowd with important 45 yard scamper early in the game… Roth, Johnson, and Darvin Marshall, Allen grab key fumbles and interceptions. Northmont 40, Tipp City 14 No let-down! Oburn goes 62 yards for TD. Ted Marshall returns second half kick-off 77 yards for TD. Darvin Marshall throws two strikes with a football. Northmont 36, Northridge 6 Undefeated S.W.B.L. Champions… Swope and Ted Marshall go for dazzling TDs… Moore goes 47 yards for last TD of great season. Seniors Dave Hoke and Rick Daniel play well. Kistler, Price, McAtee, Moore, Huddleson, Kelley, McDermott, and Ted Marshall make All-League. Kelley and McDermott are Dayton Area All-Stars. A tribute to Coaches Booher, Cole, Storch, and Reichart. Seniors leave 11 consecutive league victories to underclassmen.

Special guest coach Josh Orrill leads Lady Bolts to victory CLAYTON — The Northmont girls soccer team beat Greenville 10-0 with the help pf special guest coach, Josh Orrill. Coach Orrill gave the pregame speech, set the lineup, and chose the honorary captain for the game, Tiffany Hardin. “Josh has a remarkable pride for the Northmont Nation and we were blessed as a program to have him our sidelines for motivation and support,” said Northmont head coach Ted Mergler.

Northmont got off to a slow start, not scoring until about 20 minutes into the game. Once the Lady bolts discovered the back of the net, it was all over. Captain Mariah Crosby got things started by netting the first goal off a corner kick by Kaitlyn Thomison. Stephanie Max scored off an assist by by Crosby; Jenson O’Shea scored off another Crosby assist, Max scored again and Brittany Huff had a nice volley goal to end the first half 5-0 in Northmont’s favor. The Lady Bolts picked up

the second half right where they left off. Just two-and-ahalf minutes in Kyleigh Denson scored off an assist by Brittany Weatherford. Shortly after Weatherford scored with an assist by Ashley Trottier. Hannah Cloud scored a penalty kick, Tiffany Hardin scored and finally Kaitlyn Thomison scored to make the final tally, 10-0. “The real story of the night was Coach Josh Orrill and what he brings to the Northmont Community,” Mergler surmised. “He is a loyal supporter, full of posi-

tive encouragement and is an all around great person to be around. The team thanks him and we are proud of him.” The Lady Bolts presented Coach Orrill with the game ball, which was autographed by the entire team. Saturday the Lady Bolts scored a major victory by defeating the No. 2 ranked team in the area, Springboro. Northmont worked hard for a 2-1 win. Captain Mariah Crosby was fouled about 25 yards out and Northmont was awarded with a direct kick. “I turned to my coaches and asked if anyone had a gut feeling about who should take the shot and Coach McGraw said, ‘Mariah.’ I went with it and she bent the ball around around the wall into the upper ninety. It was a great goal and really gave us an edge for the remainder of the half,” Mergler said. Springboro tied the game five minutes into the second half. “I was so proud of my team digging deep to keep fighting,” Mergler said. “When you are playing a good team and they get an equalizer that early, it is easy to give up.”

Photo submitted Special Guest Coach Josh Orrill (holding ball) surrounded by the Northmont girls soccer team after the Lady Bolts 10-0 victory over Greenville.

ENGLEWOOD — The Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) Education Foundation 6th Annual MVCTC “Pi Miler” - 5K and 10K Run/Walk is schedule for Saturday, September 28, at 10 a.m. on the MVCTC Hoke Road campus. All proceeds from the race go to the MVCTC Education Foundation, which helps MVCTC students pay their school fees in times of emergency (house fires, medical emergencies) and with college scholarships. Additional information about the Pi Miler can be found at www.mvctc.com/pimiller.php, this includes registration to run/walk or information about being a sponsor of this year’s event.



Northmont responded when Captain Brittany Huff kicked a laser beam into the upper ninety. The Springboro goalie made a dive for the shot, got a hand on it, but was overpowered by Huff ’s shot. Northmont went on to finish another goal, but it was called back by a controversial offsides call. “I felt it was a pretty evenly matched game with both teams getting the same opportunities,” Mergler added. “The difference was, we were able to capitalize on ours. The girls

showed character tonight, fighting for what they believe in and for gaining respect in the area.” Entering the game Northmont was ranked No. 8 and Springboro No. 2 out of the 18 teams comprising the Greater Western Ohio Conference. Northmont’s record now stands at 3-1-1 overall. Wednesday the Lady Bolts play at Central Division rival Beavercreek (5-1-1), plays at Troy on Saturday and on Monday host Miamisburg.



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Englewood Independent


12A - Thursday, September 12, 2013

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