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Thursday, October 3, 2013
Vol. 39, Issue 20 — $1.00
Local News Electronics Recycling event has big turnout Business Expo to take place Tuesday, Oct. 8 CLAYTON — The annual Northmont Area Chamber of Commerce Community Business Expo will take place Tuesday, October 8 from 4:30 to 7 p.m. at the Salem Church of God, 6500 Southway Road. This year’s Grand Sponsor is AAA. Attend the Expo to learn about the products and services offered by local businesses in the Northmont area. Participating businesses will have booths set up where residents can obtain coupons, information and even some free items. Mark your calendars so you don’t forget to attend this popular annual event.
Northmont announces Homecoming Week activities CLAYTON & ENGLEWOOD — Please join Northmont City Schools in celebrating Homecoming Week, 2013. The festivities begin on Wednesday, October 9 with the traditional Powder Puff Football game at 7 p.m. at Good Samaritan Stadium. Thursday, October 10 will see the Homecoming Parade roll down Union Boulevard and finish at Centennial Park with a bonfire and pep rally. All Northmont, Phillipsburg and Randolph Alumni are invited to walk in the parade. The fun will continue on Friday, October 11, beginning with an Alumni Tailgate party in the Northmont Middle School Cafeteria followed by the football game against Centerville. Saturday, October 12, all Alumni are invited to participate in tours of the high school. Tours will begin at 10:30 a.m. at Door No. 1. Students will enjoy the Homecoming Dance on the evening of October 12. For more information on all of the events of the weekend, please visit m/Alumni or The Northmont Alumni Association on Facebook.
Northmont Board of Education to meet ENGLEWOOD — The October regular meetings of the Northmont Board of Education will be held on Monday, October 14 and Monday, October 28. Both meetings will be held at 7 p.m. at Englewood Hills Elementary, 508 Durst Dr., Englewood. The public is welcome to attend.
By RON NUNNARI Independent Editor ENGLEWOOD — More than 35,000 pounds of unwanted computers, TVs, printers, and other electrical devices were turned in Saturday at an Electronics Recycling Day event held in the parking lot of the Englewood Government Center. A total of 325 vehicles from area communities came to drop off unwanted electronic items. Participating communities included Brookville, Clayton, Englewood, and Union. Clayton council members Tim Gorman, Greg Merkle and Bob Peters, along with volunteers from Goodwill Easter Seals of the Miami Valley, helped unload cars and trucks and placed the unwanted items in a semitrailer, which was completely filled to capacity by the end of the five hour event. According to Clayton Code Enforcement Officer Sherri Turner, who coordinated the event along with help from Englewood Assistant to the City Manager Teri Davis, the trailer was completely filled by the end of the event which was held from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Davis made the flyers to promote the event along with portable signs and communicated with the cities of Brookville and Union to help Turner coordinate the event among the jurisdictions. During the event Englewood City Manager Eric Smith stopped by to see how things were going and to thank volunteers for their efforts.
Photo by Ron Nunnari Clayton Councilman Greg Merkle (right) helps a volunteer of Goodwill Easter Seals carry an unwanted TV to the semi-trailer during the Electronics Recycling Day event held Saturday at the Englewood Government Center. “Teri Davis is a big help to me in assisting with this event,” Turner said. “I think it’s fantastic that the communities work together to help our residents come together to get rid of unwanted electronics. It helps bring the communities together for a good purpose. These types of events benefit the entire county by
keeping electronics out of landfills. Councilmen Tim Gorman, Bob Peters and Greg Merkle always help out at these events and typically Mayor Joyce Deitering.” Clayton holds several similar events to help residents dispose of unwanted items during the year. An average of about eight events are typical-
Sight impaired can sign up to receive free RRS radio to listen in By Andrew Wilson Contributing Writer DAYTON — The Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley organization held its second annual gathering for the Radio Reading Service at the Vandalia Art Van Atta Park on Sunday, Sept. 22. The event serves as a gathering of those who read for the service and listeners who are recipients of
the service. The Radio Reading Service, which was started approximately 25 years ago, broadcasts readings of major, regional and local newspapers as well as magazines and books for visually impaired or physical/developmental handicapped persons who are unable to read printed material. RRS broadcasts out of the GESMV office 24 hours a
day, seven days a week. Live broadcasts take place from 7 a.m. until 6 p.m. on weekdays and 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. on weekends. Recorded material is used for the remainder of the day. “I think for the listeners, it is an opportunity to put a face to or shake the hand of the person who is reading to them each and every week,” said RRS Program Manager Angie
Coach Schneider addresses Rotary
Donald Knutson See Obituaries Page 2
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7 4 8 2 5
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them, place yard debris in chippers, break down unwanted items and place them in trash receptacle suppled by Allied Waste. Clayton will also hold a Tire Recycling event on Saturday, October 26 also at Fire Station 83. For more information call the City of Clayton at 836-3500.
Radio Reading Service picnic unites readers, listeners
Visit — to submit a news release, announcement via our website or see the latest Englewood area news. Contact us Editorial — 937-890-6030 ext. 204 Circulation — 937-294-7000 Classified — 937-372-4444 Press 2 Retail advertising — 937-671-6134
ly held each year. Clayton will hold a “Sweep Clayton Clean” event on Saturday, October 12 at Fire Station 83 in Woolery Lane off State Route 48. At the time Clayton residents can dispose of yard waste, furniture and any other unwanted items except tires and paint. City staff will unload residents’ vehicles for
Photo by Mike Barrow Lance Schneider, head football coach for Northmont High School, recently spoke with the Northmont Rotary about the Northmont football program and some of the new initiatives that have been undertaken this year. This had included some fresh team building efforts to make sure that everyone is pulling together and emphasizing teamwork. Standing with Coach Schneider (left) is Rotary President Dr. Ross Shira.
Hoschouer. “They know the reader’s personality through their voice. As for the readers, I think that they like the opportunity to meet the listeners to know that they are truly making a difference and that someone is out there listening to them. When volunteers are reading, they are in a studio reading into a microphone. After meeting the listener at the picnic, they have the image in their head of the person who is listening and they can see them as if they are reading to them directly. It is always a wonderful opportunity for volunteers to see the fruits of their labor and that includes sharing a meal with a listener at a community picnic.” One of those listeners is Wanda Lorton, who has been listening to the RRS almost everyday for seven years. Lorton has been able to identify each of her readers by their voice. “I think it’s very helpful (for) people to keep up with things,” said Lorton. “Because that was my favorite part of the day was reading the paper. I would get up, get the paper, fix my breakfast, sit down and read the paper. And that’s how I found out I couldn’t see, I got up in the morning, got the paper, opened it up and I couldn’t read.” Readers will read the news and sports sections of large newspapers including USA Today and Wall Street Journal along with the hard news, sports, opinion, editorial, life, entertainment and obituaries in the Dayton Daily News and Springfield News Sun. With local papers such as the
Vandalia Drummer News, Englewood Independent and the Huber Heights Courier, readers will read headline news, sports and community and current events. “We read the entire paper and we break it down into those sections so that everybody can get the full daily newspaper,” Hoschouer said. Those wishing to listen to the service on a free radio must call the GESMV office at 937-528-6525 and complete a free application over the phone or have someone assist them with the completion of an application at Once the application has been received, a RRS radio with a subcarrier frequency module will be delivered at no cost. A family member or friend can also pickup the radio at the GESMV studio in Dayton. Along with the radio, listeners will get a full schedule of programs that will be broadcasted over the next several months. If listeners wish to have a program schedule spoken to them, they can have a CD with the full program lineup sent to them. GESMV covers the cost of all radios and listeners are permitted to keep the radios for as long as they want. Approximately 100 volunteer readers read the papers, magazines and novels throughout the week. GESMV recruits volunteers and has their volunteers recruit others using word of mouth, volunteer fairs and ads in newspapers. Volunteer manager Marty O’ Dell also assists See Radio on Page 5
2A - Thursday, October 3, 2013
Historic Photo of the Month
DONALD L. KNUTSON LAS VEGAS — Donald L. Knutson passed away peacefully on September 17 in Las Vegas, NV at the age of 83. Donald married Dolores Johnson in 1951, and they celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary on April 7. Having lived nearly 30 years in Englewood, Dolores and Don stayed active in the community as strong Northmont High School supporters. In 2008, Don and Dolores moved to Las Vegas, where Don spent his time watching sports on TV and Donald Knutson enjoying family and friends. Donald is preceded in death by his wife Dolores, daughter, Dyan, brothers James and Elwood (Bud), and his mother and father, Sylvia and Ernest Knutson. He will be missed by his sister, Helene Przyczkowski of Milwaukee; his children Dale, Dawn and Mark Newburg, Donna and Tamara Powell, Doug and John Kerr, as well as his grandchildren, Jessica and Joel Ginsburg, Matthew and Shanna Newburg, and Jason and Tso Newburg. Katie, Lily, Maddox, Braylon, and Beckham all loved their great-grandpa, and will carry his spirit in their hearts, as will his many relatives and friends. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Don’s name to Opportunity Village at:
Vandalia Toastmasters sets meetings VANDALIA — Vandalia Toastmasters club meets the first and third Tuesday in the Dayton Airport Hotel at 6:45 p.m. It is a dinner meeting and prices are reasonable. For further information visit or call (937) 409-3997.
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Englewood Independent
Ov e ex r 1 pe 0 0 rie y nc rs. e
From the archives of the Randolph Township Historical Society Grange Building. This photo, taken in 2001, shows the concrete block building erected in 1946 by Clayton’s “Just-AMere” Grange. It is the first building east of the Janice Ward Center, which is at 235 E. Salem Street. The Grange building now is owned by a church group. The National Grange of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry is a fraternal organization founded in 1867 to assist farmers whose livelihoods were devastated after the Civil War. It is organized into local, county, state, and national divisions. Today’s Grange still works toward the betterment of rural communities through educational and legislative programs. The Clayton Grange was chartered in the late 1930s or early 1940s. At first, members met in the old I. O. O. F. Hall above Vane Wagner’s I. G. A. Store on Talmadge Avenue in the old village. Membership increased steadily and in 1946 the group erected this building. For decades, the Clayton Grange set up a display at the Montgomery County Fair. The historical society has three signs once used in the fair displays. When a fair-goer asked one of the grange members how the name was selected he said, “Well, it’s funny. When the grange first started, not many people were enthused about it. They kept saying, ‘It’s just a mere grange.’ Well it stuck and that’s what it’s been called ever since.” The “Just-A-Mere” Grange, No. 2658, disbanded about 1977, after the area it served lost its rural nature and became more urbanized. The Society is always interested in obtaining local historic photos. If you have similar items to share, please call 832-1858.
UPCOMING AREA EVENTS Men's Bible Study group to meet UNION — Men's Englewood and Union area Bible Study will be held on October 16 at 10 a.m. at the Mill Ridge Village Community Center off of Rinehart Road in Union. The group meets every first and third Wednesday to study "Through the New Testament." All men in the area are welcome to join in.
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MAC Club meets twice monthly ENGLEWOOD — The MAC Club (Mature American Citizens) of Englewood meet the first and third Wednesday of each month at American Legion Post 707 at 200 W. National Road, Englewood just west of the Post Office. Attendees may wish to bring a brown bag lunch as lunch is not currently available, however dessert and coffee is served. After any scheduled entertainment bingo will be played followed by euchre. All seniors 55 of age and older are always welcome.
Serving: Clayton, Clay Twp., Englewood, Phillipsburg & Union
FALL HARVEST Sat. Oct. 5th, First 25 Customers free lg. pumpkin
Straw Bales $4.99 Corn Stalks $3.49 Large Pumpkins $3.49 or 2 for $6.00 Gourds and Mini Pumpkins 2 for $1.00 Large Mums - $7.99 each BUY 3 GET 1 FREE
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Community Business Expo Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 4:30 - 7:00 pm at Salem Church of God 6500 Southway Rd., Clayton Thanks to Our Sponsors: Grand Sponsor
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Englewood Independent
American Legion Post 707 offers meals
AREA NEWS Thursday, October 3
Friday dinner offered at Marian Manor
Friday, October 4
United Christian Church to hold fall bazaar CLAYTON — United Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), 8611 Hoke Road, Clayton, will hold its fall bazaar Saturday, October 5 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The church women will be providing homemade baked items for sale and a light lunch will be available for purchase after 11 a.m. For more information please contact the church office at 937-832-3516.
Alzheimer’s Support Group to meet ENGLEWOOD — The Englewood Alzheimer’s Support Group invites anyone who is caring for a loved one with dementia to attend the Tuesday, October 8 meeting at 6:30 p.m. The group meets at Samaritan North Hospital. ( the room number is posted on the directory board.) Participants share ideas and offer confidential support. For further information, call the Miami Valley chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, 800-2723900.
Historical Society to meet October 9 ENGLEWOOD — Randolph Township Historical Society (RTHS) will hold its regularly scheduled monthly meeting at 7 p.m. on October 9 at the RTHS History Center, 114 Valleyview Drive in Englewood. This is primarily a business meeting. The slate of candidates for 2013 elections will be presented. Refreshments and socializing will follow the meeting. Parking is available in front of the history center and in lots across the street. Call 832-1858 for more information.
Sweep Clayton Clean set for Oct. 12 CLAYTON — On Saturday, October 12 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Clayton residents are welcome to dispose of furniture, wood, yard waste, swing sets, clothing and debris at Fire Station 83 located at 200 Woolery Lane off of North Main Street in Clayton. Refrigerators may be dropped off; however the Freon must be drained. Sorry; tires, motor oil, paint and chemicals will not be accepted. You must show proof of residency. For more information call Sherri Turner at the City of Clayton Zoning Department 836-3500 ext. 114.
Englewood to flush fire hydrants ENGLEWOOD — Maintenance crews will be flushing all Englewood fire hydrants Tuesdays through Fridays, October 1 through October 11 between the hours of 9 p.m. and 2 a.m. This routine part of the water distribution maintenance program may produce some fluctuation of water pressure and rust discoloration. For further information contact the Englewood Water Department at 836-5106.
Northmont Class of ‘88 seeking classmates CLAYTON — Northmont High School Class of 1988 is planning its 25th class reunion the weekend of October 11-13 and is currently searching for members of the class of 1988. Reunion organizers are in need of current mailing addresses and email addresses. If you know of anyone who graduated in 1988 please contact Michelle Bailey 937-248-4049 or Jeanene Popp 937-545-8244. email: For reunion details go to Members from other classes 1985-1990 are welcome to attend the Saturday Night Event. Any Businesses in purchasing advertising on the class website and at the Main Event please contact the reunion organizers at the above listed numbers or emails.
Community Table to host Mum Sale ENGLEWOOD — Community Table will be hosting a Mum Sale on Saturday, October 12 from 9 a.m. until noon at the Kleptz YMCA parking lot. There will be 9-inch pots for $6 and 14-inch pots for $17. Community Table is an organization of 12 Northmont community churches, along with the Kleptz YMCA and Northmont City Schools. The main focus of this group is assisting local families in need. Community Table supports an annual Back to School Fair to provide children with school supplies and also a Christmas Store to ensure that families’ needs are met during the holiday season. The organization also aids families all year long through the Front Porch ministry. All proceeds of the mum sale will go toward this worthwhile cause.
Union United Methodist to host Chicken BBQ UNION — The Union UMC will be offering a chicken barbecue on Saturday, October 12 from 5-7 p.m. The menu consists of 1/2 Grilled BBQ chicken, baked beans or green beans, cole slaw, homemade pies and cakes and drink included. The tickets are $8. Carry Out is available. They can be obtained by calling the church at 836-2071. The Union UMC is located at the corner of Shaw and Phillipsburg-Union roads off of Route 48 in Union. For more information please feel free to call the church.
Family Bonfire planned at Salem Church CLAYTON — Salem Church of God will host a Family Bonfire at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 13 - another event in its Salem Family Experience series. The community is invited for a time of autumn fellowship. There will be roasted marshmallows, hot dogs and fun activities for all ages. There is no admission fee. Salem Church of God is at 6500 Southway Road in Clayton. For more information about the Family Bonfire or Salem Church, please call 836-6500 or visit
Prayer gathering set for October 13 BROOKVILLE — The Miami Valley Prayer Gathering (follow up of National Day of Prayer), is scheduled for Sunday eve., October 13 at 6 p.m. at New Hope Open Bible Church, 8909 N. Diamond Mill Rd., Brookville. The evening consists of times of worship, as participants will be praying for the United States and Israel. There will be prayers for the government, military, churches, families, businesses, educational systems, media and arts/entertainment. Please take time to join us in prayer as we continue to intercede on behalf of our nation at this critical time. For more information contact Rose Bellante, Coordinator at 836-6052.
Southern Slavic Folk Dancing class offered
Englewood Government Center events
ENGLEWOOD — American Legion Post 707 at 200 W. National Road, Englewood is now serving meals on Wednesday evenings from 5:30-7 p.m. Meals will be varied and will cost $6 to $7 each week. On Thursdays fresh made pizza will be served from 5:30-8 p.m. Prices will be varied depending on size and toppings. On Sundays we will be serving complete breakfasts from 9 - 11 a.m. for only $5. All meals are open to the public. Support your local veterans.
DAYTON — Marian Manor Knights of Columbus 3754 will be serving dinner Friday, October 4 from 5:3o to 7 p.m., with Rosary beginning at 5 p.m. The menu will be: Sausage, Sauerkraut & Mashed Potatoes or Fried Fish and French Fries, along with Salad, Cole Slaw & Applesauce. Desserts are 50 cents while they last. Cost is $7 per adult, $4 for kids 12 and under, or $20 per family. Marian Manor is located at 6050 Dog Leg Rd., Dayton just east of State Route 48. As always, the Knights of Columbus appreciate your support and attendance.
Thursday, October 3, 2013 - 3A
Preschool Story Time 10 - 11 a.m. Babies & Books 11:30 a.m. School Group noon - 3 p.m. Teen Gaming 3:30 - 6 p.m. Planning Commission 5 - 6 p.m. Family Book Club 6 - 8:30 p.m. Log Cabin Quilters 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Meeting Room Meeting Room Meeting Room Meeting Room Council Chambers Lower Level
DAYTON — The South Slavic Club of Dayton announces a new season of folkdance classes every Wednesday evening from 7 - 9 p.m. at the Czech Club, 922 Valley St., Dayton. Learn dances from Balkan nations such as Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Slovenia, and others. Cost is $10 for 12 consecutive sessions ending December 4th. Beginners and advanced dancers are welcome. No partner is needed. For more information call John at 937-291-3343 or visit
Meeting Room
Fitness bootcamp offered in Englewood
Monday, October 7
ENGLEWOOD — The Shamrock Barbell Club offers BootCamp: On Ramp every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6:30 p.m. at Englewood Reserve 5 (where National Road intersects State Route 48). This program is not like your average bootcamp. It is designed to get you stronger, faster or just plain in shape. To signup contact Nick Halter, a Level 1 Certified CrossFit Trainer at, Shamrock Bar Bell Club Facebook or by calling 937-570-7554.
Sheriff’s Dept. 8 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Council Chambers Fidelity Health Care 9 - 10:30 a.m. Meeting Room American Red Cross 1 - 1:30 p.m. Council Chambers Sheriff ’s Dept. 2:30 - 5 p.m. Council Chambers Girl Scouts 32223 6:30 - 8 p.m. Meeting Room
Tuesday, October 8 State Tax Dept. 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Homeschool Hour 12:30 - 3 p.m. Family Story Time 4:30 - 5 p.m. Coast Guard Auxiliary 6:30 - 9 p.m. Englewood City Council 7:30 p.m.
Meeting Room Lower Level Meeting Room Meeting Room Council Chambers
Yoga for Seniors offered in Union UNION — Yoga for Seniors continues on Monday mornings from 9:30-11:45 a.m. at Mill Ridge Village Retirement Community, 1000 Mill Ridge Circle, Union. There is a charge, public is welcome and you can participate as many times as you would like. Connie Kriegbaum is our certified Yoga instructor. This yoga class is a beginning class that features slow, deliberate, gentle movements designed to build strength, flexibility and range of motion that helps with balance.
Wednesday, October 9 Preschool Story Time 10 - 11 a.m. Babies & Books 11:30 a.m. Relay for Life 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Traffic Violations Bureau 7 - 8 p.m.
Meeting Room Meeting Room Meeting Room Council Chambers
Thursday, October 10 COE Training 8 a.m. - noon Preschool Story Time 10 - 11 a.m. Babies & Books 11:30 a.m. Adult Book Club 2 - 3 p.m. Teen Anime Club 3:30 - 6 p.m. Learn to Knit 6:30 - 8 p.m.
New Alzheimer’s Support Group available
Council Chambers Meeting Room Meeting Room Meeting Room Meeting Room Meeting Room
DAYTON — A new Alzheimer’s support group has started at Friendship Village meeting the second and fourth Thursday of each month from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Gem City Home Care will provide respite care at no charge for loved one with dementia or Alzheimer’s next to the support group meeting. Participants can enter door 18 at the Coffee House and proceed to the conference room. For more information, call Pam Hall at 837-5581 ext 1269. Friendship Village is located at 5790 Denlinger Road, Dayton.
Chicken pot pie/ham supper offered PHILLIPSBURG — The Phillipsburg United Methodist Church is having a Chicken Pot Pie and Ham Supper Saturday October 12 from 4:30 until 7 p.m. at the Phillipsburg United Methodist Church 43 S. State St. (State Route 49). The public is invited.
Northmont Board of Education to meet ENGLEWOOD — The October regular meetings of the Northmont Board of Education will be held on Monday, October 14 and Monday, October 28. Both meetings will be held at 7 p.m. at Englewood Hills Elementary, 508 Durst Dr., Englewood. The public is welcome to attend.
Englewood to begin leaf pickup Oct. 15 ENGLEWOOD — The Englewood Service Department will begin its annual leaf pickup program on October 15 and continue through November 27. Pickup days will vary from week to week; however, it is the City’s goal to pick up leaves throughout the whole city at least once a week. The following is a guide to leaf pickup: * Rake your leaves into the street, approximately 6 inches away from gutter to allow rain water to go into the catch basins. * Leaf pickup creates a fine dust in the air, so plan to wash your car or hang your laundry out after your pickup. * Leaves WILL NOT be picked up from under, between or around parked cars. * DO NOT put grass clippings, tree branches or brush with your leaves. They clog the vacuum units and WILL NOT be picked up. * Do not try to rake as trucks are going by. * Bagged leaves will be collected during normal trash pickup.
Business referral group meets Wednesday CLAYTON — BNI’s Success By Referral is a business networking group that meets every Wednesday at Better Homes & Gardens/Big Hill Real Estate Offices on North Main Street in Clayton from 7:30 to 9 a.m. The purpose of the meetings is to pass along referrals, not leads, to the other members. Last year alone, members had over $144, 305 in business! This year the group has already passed over 52 referrals that has led to $115,971 in closed business. This is a fun and energetic group comprised of many different businesses. The group has a variety of openings for local businesses to fill. For example the group is looking for an accountant, a plumber, and a florist just to name a few. If you are interested in growing your business this year, be sure to visit the meeting next Wednesday. Any questions please call Rene’ at 604-6215.
Men’s Aglow to meet at Mill Ridge UNION — A new group, Men’s Aglow, will meet at Mill Ridge Village the third Saturday of each month. The group will begin with a free breakfast at 8 a.m. The normal meeting will include fellowship, prayer and a speaker or Bible study. Men of all ages are encouraged to attend. Any questions contact John Willinger at 832-2786.
Crochet Guild seeks new members DAYTON — Greater Dayton Crochet Guild. All skill levels welcome, including beginners. Monthly meetings. Check website at or call 937-572-8141 for current location and schedule.
American Legion to host Sock Hop ENGLEWOOD — The Ladies Auxiliary of the American Legion Post 707 at 200 W. National Road, Englewood will be hosting a Sock Hop with the American Kings Band on Saturday, October 19 from 8-11 p.m. There will be Games, Dancing and a Costume Contest! Tickets are $5 in advance and $8 at the door. Prior to the dance, the Ladies Auxiliary “Diner” will offer food for sale - Hamburger/Cheeseburgers, Hot Dogs, Chili Cheese Dogs, Fresh Cut Fries and Root beer and Coke Floats. Food will be offered from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Function is open to the public. Support your local veterans.
Pumpkins for sale at Shiloh Church DAYTON — Shiloh is once again having a pumpkin patch selling pumpkins of all sizes for your fall events and baking needs. The patch is located at Shiloh Church-United Church of Christ, 5300 Philadelphia Drive at North Main Street, Dayton. The hours of operation starting September 30 are Monday through Thursday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday 11:30 to 6 p.m. The pumpkins are grown by a Native American Tribe in Farmington New Mexico. Seventy five percent of the proceeds are returned to the tribe to cover items needed such as food, clothing and improved shelter. Everyone is invited to this annual fall event. Bring the kids! If you have any questions please call the church office at 937-277-8953 or check the web site at
Breakfast is served at American Legion ENGLEWOOD — American Legion Post 707, located at 200 W. National Road, Englewood, will now be serving breakfast every Sunday morning from 9 to 11 a.m. Breakfast is only $5 and includes: Eggs, bacon, sausage, home fries, toast, biscuits and gravy, juice and coffee. Great breakfast value! Breakfast is open to the public. Support your local veterans.
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Canadian Bacon ......................................................................$5.99 lb. Jumbo Franks...........................................................................$2.89 lb. Fruit Salad ................................................................................$3.29 lb. Swiss Cheese...........................................................................$3.99 lb.
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Hours: Wed.-Thurs.-Fri. 9-6 Saturday 9-3
Now Accepting Ohio Direction Card Thursdays Golden Buckeye 5% Discount
4A - Thursday, October 3, 2013
Englewood Independent
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. - The First Amendment to the United States Constitution
Saving our downtowns, one megamall at a time Last week I covered a story for the local newspaper about a business that has been in downtown Xenia, Ohio for more than 70 years. To celebrate, the chamber of commerce held a ribbon cutting attended by the usual fare of friends, associates and dignitaries, all wanting either to sincerely congratulate the proprietors or mug their way into the photo op. Whatever their reasons for attending, it was refreshing to see people taking an interest in a small town’s revitalization. Every day local governments offer tax breaks and other perks designed to attract new businesses to settle in their region, the obvious benefits to which are jobs and tax revenue. A good idea, of course, but while they’re building new strip malls on one end of town, the downtown sits empty and abandoned leaving the same government officials to puzzle over what to do with empty, decaying buildings. So why not provide more incentive for businesses to locate in existing downtown areas before adding more sprawl? For those already there, encourage them to stay rather than making it easier for them to move into the latest strip mall. Some communities sprang up from joined housing
Gery L. Deer Deer in Headlines
developments but for those like Xenia, Bellbrook, Jamestown and Fairborn, there is history, culture and charm still to be reclaimed. It’s truly puzzling why there is not more incentive to do what Xenia’s business owners are doing very well – revitalize and rejuvenate the downtown. Most confusing of all is the approval by local governments of sprawling megamalls like The Greene, in Kettering, or is it Beavercreek? I’m not sure even they know where they are located. The brick walkways and old-fashioned street lights illuminating an array of sidewalk cafes and specialty shops were designed to look just like old downtown shopping squares that have long since been abandoned. While they might add something to the local job market, these monster malls with their fake skylines, congested parking lots and
Segway-riding rent-a-cops, do little to enhance the community. The sad thing is, eventually, the buildings go out of style and repulse new customers after a dozen years or so. When Beavercreek’s Mall at Fairfield Commons first opened, it was all the rage; no more driving all the way out to Centerville or northwest Dayton to shop at an indoor mall. Today, there are huge unoccupied spaces in all of the indoor retail behemoths as businesses either shut down or move into newlydesigned malls. Believe it or not, “If you build it, they will come,” applies far more to retail sales than it ever did to a cornfield baseball diamond, so build it downtown. No matter where you put the temples of American gluttony and materialism people will find them and go to worship the almighty Abercrombie. City governments should do more to help property owners attract major tenants to the old downtown areas, particularly big mall-style anchor stores. It would only take a couple of them to generate more interest from others and grow revenue for the property owners and the municipality. Over the next month or so,
small town politicians will be scrambling to win over your vote. Ask them the same questions posed here. If we really want to save our downtown areas, we have to start at the government level. Instead of spending time and money worrying about ridiculous issues like whether a store’s sign is wood or plastic, how about making it easier and more attractive for businesses to locate in the downtown areas? It really is that easy. A civic ambassador with a high-level business background in national retail sales could help to develop a plan of action and take it to companies like Macy’s and Abercrombie. Show them that it’s possible to create the genuine version of the fake atmosphere so popular at the outdoor malls. If it’s done properly, it would bring people downtown again to shop, eat and socialize. Small business cannot support such efforts without a few major players in the ballgame. If there are to be more 70-year old businesses downtown, there needs to be a downtown for them to be in. Gery L. Deer is an independent columnist and business writer based in Jamestown, Ohio. More at
What Congress needs to do about the NSA Washington is beginning to debate the proper extent of government eavesdropping powers in the wake of Edward Snowden’s revelations about the NSA. It’s hardly as robust a discussion as it should be, but it’s a desperately needed start. The colossal effort to monitor Americans’ communications has been going on for at least seven years, under two presidents. It constitutes an expansion of government power without precedent in the modern era. Yet while some members of Congress were informed about it — and all had the opportunity to learn — none saw an urgent need for public discussion. This is astounding. It took the actions of a leaker to spur any real airing of the matter on Capitol Hill. Even now, it seems unlikely that Congress will make significant policy changes. That’s because all the nation’s key actors and institutions appear to approve of the surveillance programs. By its silence, Congress clearly supported them. Presidents Bush and Obama backed them. The intelligence community, a powerful voice on national security issues, has resolutely defended them. The courts that are supposed to keep them in line with the Constitution have been deferential to national security
Lee Hamilton The Center on Congress at Indiana University
authorities, raising a few questions from time to time, but in the end approving all but a handful of tens of thousands of data-gathering requests. And the American people, by their lack of widespread outrage, have signaled that in this one case, at least, they believe the government can be trusted to keep us safe. In short, Congress — the forum where issues of such national importance should be hashed out — missed its chance to lead a reasoned national debate over how extensive we want surveillance over Americans’ communications to be. It’s unlikely that genie can ever again be forced back into its bottle. Yet even the director of national intelligence, James Clapper — who once denied point-blank to Congress that the government collects data on millions of Americans — now sees the need for some sort of change. “We can do with more oversight and give
people more confidence in what we do,” he said in a midSeptember speech. Yes, indeed. Here’s the problem: once given power, the government rarely yields it. So you have to think not only about its present use, but how it will be used a decade or even more from now. Even if you concede that the current administration and its intelligence leadership have been responsible stewards of the powers they’ve been given — and I don’t — that is no guarantee that the people who follow them, or the people who come after that, will be equally trustworthy. This means that Congress has some challenging work ahead. It needs to restore the proper balance between effective intelligence-gathering and intrusion into Americans’ privacy. It needs to demand more thoroughgoing accountability from the intelligence community. It needs to exercise greater oversight and insist on more transparency, more information, and more constraint on surveillance programs — defining what is truly relevant to an investigation, creating more stringent definitions of which communications are fair game, and finding ways to assure Americans that protecting their privacy and civil liberties need not mean the wholesale vacuum-
ing-up of every domestic phone and email record in existence. There is no place for the timidity Congress has shown so far on these issues. Our system depends on a vigorous Congress. The administration argues that it can provide rigorous intelligence-gathering oversight, but it has yet to prove it can do so — and in our system of checks and balances, it’s not enough to have one branch of government overseeing itself. Congress, the courts, and the appointed presidentially Privacy and Civil Liberties Board all have to step up to their responsibilities. Americans should demand action to strike a better balance between privacy and security. In the past, the congressional overseers of the intelligence community have been captivated, if not captured, by the people they’re supposed to be supervising. Same with the courts. And the administration has hardly been forthcoming. That means it’s up to the American people to insist that our leaders do their jobs. It’s no less true today than it was at our founding: the price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Lee Hamilton is Director of the Center on Congress at Indiana University. He was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for 34 years.
Colorado’s Fracking Disaster In flood-struck areas, a tsunami of floodwater swamped fracking infrastructure As the people of Colorado are presently learning, it’s horrendous enough to suffer the ravages of a natural disaster, but it’s doubly horrific to then be faced with a more devastating unnatural disaster. First came the epic floods that recently ripped through the front range, tearing up towns, roads, waterways, mountain homes and businesses, farms, and lives. Just awful. But now comes the added horror of unknown levels of poisonous contaminants pouring out of many of the thousands of fracking sites that pock this area. Big Oil frackers were
Jim Hightower Other Words
already notorious in Boulder and Weld Counties for the environmental, health, and economic damage being done by this ravaging method of forcing gas out of the rock deep under Earth’s surface. Now, though, the corporate wells, tanks, ponds, and other fracking infrastructure have been swamped by a tsunami of
floodwater and destructive debris. Even in the chaos of people scrambling to get out of the flood’s way and to secure their property, many residents were so alarmed by seeing this mess of flooded wells, overturned tanks of highly toxic chemicals and wastewater, and ruptured lines that they paused to take pictures and videos. They then posted these on websites and Facebook pages to document this unexpected threat of widespread, longterm damage from fracking contaminants and to alert neighbors to the dangers. After all, the frackers themselves weren’t telling
the public about this unfolding disaster, the big media outlets were curiously incurious about it, and regulators were also silent. So, like the pamphleteers of old, the people formed their own network of communication — and they’ve now turned it into a citizens’ action network. To see some of their photos, videos, and actions, go to lderCountyUnited. OtherWords columnist Jim Hightower is a radio commentator, writer, and public speaker. He’s also editor of the populist newsletter, The Hightower Lowdown.
No TV for this pooch I have a problem. My 7-pound poodle Tillie won’t watch television. I think it would be nice if she sat down with me in my favorite easy chair and watched the TV especially on rainy or snowy days when we can’t spend much time outdoors. The way I see it TV needs some programs that would appeal to Schnauzers, Cocker Spaniels, Collies and even plain old Heinz 57 variety pooches. One option is to tweak some past hit TV shows in a way that would appeal to dogs. For openers, the titles of those old shows could be easily changed to give them more dog-appeal. I mean, what dog wouldn’t want to tune in re-runs of the TV series titled “Waggin’ Train?” The same would be true with a program named “The Late Show with David Labrador.” I’m thinking all sorts of canines would even get a kick out of some of the more popular TV commercials like those promoting the Greyhound Bus Co. or the ones hyping Oscar
Batz Senior Moments
Mayer hotdogs. Lots of humans dislike TV re-runs but some dogs would love them, especially if the show was titled “All-time Great Boxers.” Quite frankly, the possibilities of dog-appealing TV shows are endless. They include: * Reruns of the musical “Fiddler on the Woof ” or a live TV concert starring the talented Joe Cocker. * Reruns of the longtime hit show “Kukla, Fran and Collie.” * Dogs could also relate to movies starring Nicholas Cage or Ellen Barkin. While we are on the subject, one show to avoid letting your dog view would be any concert featuring the music of Cat Stevens. Contact Bob at
Rep. Henne to host District Office Hours COLUMBUS — State Rep. Mike Henne (R-Clayton) has announced that he will be hosting open district office hours in an effort to meet with the residents of the 40th Ohio House District. “I need to hear from you in order for me to effectively represent you in Columbus, which is why it’s important that I hold monthly meetings to maintain an open dialogue with my constituents,” Henne said. Henne will be hosting office hours at Vandalia Library Meeting Room (500 South Dixie Drive, Vandalia) from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. on the fourth Saturday of every month. No appointment is necessary to attend these office hours and all are encouraged to participate to express their concerns and opinions.
Send your letters to the editor Contact Englewood Independent Editor Ron Nunnari at: or call 836-2619 ext. 204
Letters to the Editor Policy The Englewood Independent encourages readers to write letters to the editor: Letters should be typed, signed and include current address and daytime phone number of author. Readers can also send their letters via e-mail. We will publish only the name of the author and city or organization; full addresses will not be published. Letters to the editor must be 350 words or less. Deadline is noon on Monday prior to publication date to be considered for that week’s edition. All letters will be verified by the newspaper via telephone call to the author. The newspaper reserves the right to edit for length, style and grammar and to limit the number of letters on a specific topic. If content is libelous or misleading, letters will not be printed. Letter writers have a limit of one published letter every 60 days. Form letters will not be accepted. Anonymous letters and thank you letters will not be published. For letters that include claims that are not a matter of public record, the burden of proof of the claim(s) falls upon the letter writer. Election letters will be published prior to the election, but not the week before the election; that issue is reserved for the newspaper’s endorsements. Opinions of letter writers or columnists are those of the author only. They do not represent the opinion of the staff and management of the Englewood Independent or its owner, Ohio Community Media. Send letters to Englewood Independent, 69 N. Dixie Drive, Suite E, Vandalia, OH 45377, or e-mail: Ron Nunnari can be reached at 836-2619, ext. 204.
Englewood Independent
Thursday, October 3, 2013 - 5A
Young’s Ice Cream Charity Bike Ride held A record $102,000 raised for local charities in one and two day bike ride events YELLOW SPRINGS — Through the work of local volunteers and bike riding enthusiasts, $102,000 was raised to benefit four local charities in 2013. The four charities are The Alzheimer’s Association, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, United Rehabilitation Services, and South Community Behavioral Healthcare. The Young’s Ice Cream Charity Bike Ride is organized by a group of local volunteers. The ride starts and ends at Young’s, with 28 mile, 56 mile, 83 mile, and 100 mile options. Two-day participants stay overnight in great accommodations at Ohio Northern University. Riders of all ages and abilities raise money for charity and have a good time riding the well-marked routes.
Food and ice cream is provided to all volunteers and riders. Each charity provides volunteers to staff the rest stops along the route. Planning for the Twelfth Annual Young’s Ice Cream Charity Bike Ride on July 19 & 20, 2014 is already under way. Local sponsors include — K&G Bike Center, James Capital Alliance, James Investment Research, Walt
Activities offered at the Earl Heck Center ENGLEWOOD — The Earl Heck Community Center locatPhoto submitted ed at 201 N. Main Street, Englewood, offers a variety of activiPresenting checks to the charities - from left – Carol Smerz (South ties for senior citizens as well as classes for people of all ages. Community), Vivian O’Connell (URS), Brian Davis (WDTN), Dan Young (Young’s The following is a list of current activities. Jersey Dairy), Becky Gaible (JDRF), Eric VanVlymen (Alzheimer’s Association). Senior Stretch and Tone begins on Tuesday, October 8, 8:30 a.m. with Stephanie, from Brookhaven Care Center, instructing. There is a nominal fee. Please call 833-5957 to register with Stephanie. Karate is being offered at the Earl Heck Center for ages 6 and up. Call the instructor, Jeff Webb, at 937-974-7115, to register or for more information. Zumba Sentao and Zumba Toning are ongoing classes at the Earl Heck Community Center. Lots of fun as well as a great fitness workout. Call Nikki at 937-623-5006 for information or which they have set their feet that he comes face to face the publisher at to register. quickly turns dangerous. with his own mortality. Caretakers Support Group is a new group open to anyone Amid rumors and allegations Glory is determined to help okstore, or by visiting barne- who is in a caretaker position. For more information, please call that threaten to separate them the man she loves overcome or ama- Shelly at 580-9188. There is no charge. before they have hardly the phobias and fears in his Gentle Yoga Classes on Monday mornings at 10:15 a.m. begun, they nevertheless private life while supporting Hughes is a former high These classes are free for Silver Sneakers members and there is forge ahead on the strength him in his successes as a school English teacher and a fee for non-members. Please call the instructor, Velvet, for of a deep and abiding love highly regarded coach. And basketball coach. He was a information or to register, at 307-9353. for each other. after Runner suffers life- recipient of two Coach of the Jewelry Classes are on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. at the Earl Heck Though a successful coach threatening injuries in a hor- Year awards during his 20- Community Center. Learn to make beautiful jewelry for yourself and teacher, Adam battles the rific motorcycle accident and year coaching career. “Miles or for gifts. For more information or to register, call Bryna at demons of fear, a loss of con- lies unconscious and near to Go Before I Sleep: Road 890-8913. fidence in himself as a hus- death, Glory attempts an to Glory 2” is the conclusion Senior Citizens - The Englewood Senior Citizens, Inc. meet band and father, and a lack of experiment that, if success- of his first novel “When a the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month at the Earl Heck faith that eventually drives ful, will not only help him to Man Loves a Woman: Road Community Center. Everyone age 55 and older are invited to him to a reliance on supersti- awaken, but also to rid him to Glory 1,” also published come and enjoy fun, food and fellowship. The 2nd Friday is a tion. Delusion convinces him once and for all of his com- by Tate Publishing. carry-in-lunch – everyone brings a dish to share and fried chickthat riding a motorcycle pulsions. For more information, en is provided. Everyone pays $1 at the door. The 4th Friday is a along back country roads is Published by Tate please contact Michelle pizza party provided by Brookhaven Care Center and everyone the only way to protect his Publishing and Enterprises, Whitman, publicist, at (877) brings desserts to share. Both meetings begin at 12 noon but you family, and it’s on one of the book is available through 727-0697 or send an email to are welcome to come in earlier. Friendship Village provides these “charm” excursions bookstores nationwide, from desserts every other month along with bingo, door prizes or entertainment. Brookhaven Care Center brings door prizes on the 4th Friday and bingo is played after lunch. Don’t miss out – don’t stay home and be lonely – where can you get so much for Graceland in Memphis. Doane Perry, along with cert. so little? Bring your friends and neighbors. Call 836-5929 for Also appearing is Yellow Guy Davis. Another perTickets for Bless the Beasts information. Springs blues guitarist, former on the roster is Mr. are available at the Victoria Euchre for all those 55 and older is available at the Earl Heck Nerak Roth Patterson, who STONEking, bringing his Theatre box office and on- Community Center on Monday and Thursday at 1 p.m. Lots of tours with BB King and Guy theatric rock music videos line at fun and fellowship along with the game – don’t miss out. Call Davis. to life on-stage, and hosting Outreach for Animals’ 836-5929 for more information. Patterson’s “Brown the event is observational work was highlighted in their Aerobics is on Monday and Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. The Angel” CD won Pollstar and comedienne, Patsy B. 2011 award-winning docu- instructor is Robyn and she can be reached at 832-1409 for Soundguardian’s Best Blues More information on mentary film¸ The Elephant information or to register. category in 2008 and 2010, Bless the Beasts can be In The Living Room. Learn Ballroom Dancing is on Tuesdays beginning at 6 p.m. Please and features Jethro Tull found at face- more at call the instructor, Annette, at 608-1914, to register or for more members Ian Anderson and information. Bingo, Canasta & Pinochle - Calling All Seniors to enjoy Bingo, Canasta and Pinochle at the Earl Heck Community Center. Bingo is played on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 1 p.m. Pinochle is lots of fun on Fridays at 12:30 p.m. Canasta is played are selling pink ribbon cards grams to women who meet Care, 31 S. Stanfield Avenue, on Tuesday’s at 12:30. Bring your friends and neighbors. If you to customers and employees the program guidelines. All Suite 304. need further information, call 836-5929. for $1 each and hanging up money raised stays right here Vandalia: Women’s Health Health Screenings - Blood pressure checks and hearing the cards during October to in our community to help Specialists & Midwives of raise awareness of breast local women. Dayton, 900 S. Dixie Drive, screenings are now offered here at the Earl Heck Center on the first Wednesday of the month between noon and 1 p.m. This health. Northern Miami Valley Suite 40. All proceeds from this businesses and retailers in About Premier service is provided by Cypress Pointe and Premier Hearing and there is no charge. fundraiser go towards participating in the campaign Community Health The Earl Heck Community Center offers classes for all ages Premier Community Health’s include: Premier Community mammography program, Clayton and Englewood: Health, on behalf of Premier and daily activities for Senior Citizens. Please call 836-5929 for which provides free mammo- Englewood After Hours, 9000 Health, works to create more information.
Greenville author releases family life and romance novel sequel GREENVILLE — The nationwide release of “Miles to Go Before I Sleep: Road to Glory 2” by author David Hughes is the sequel to his previously released romance novel, “When a Man Loves a Woman: Road to Glory 1.” ‘In “Miles to Go Before I Sleep,” readers are reintroduced to Adam Runner, a young basketball coach at a small Ohio high school, and Glory Meredith, a college student in Illinois who are finally reunited after three months of misunderstanding, confusion and separation. They are set to embark on their life journey up a road that looks both safe and wide, but the path upon
‘Elvis’ and local musicians join benefit concert line-up DAYTON — Bless the Beasts, a fund-raising live concert event to benef it Outreach for Animals, takes to the stage at the Victoria Theatre in Dayton on October 19 at 7:30 p.m. Headlining the performance at Bless the Beasts is Ryan Roth: The Comeback Special, the only ‘Elvis’ permitted to perform at
Ribbons Over Miami Valley helps local women get mammograms DAYTON — During October, you can help save the lives of women throughout Southwest Ohio. Help women who do not have health insurance get their yearly mammogram by supporting Ribbons Over Miami Valley, a fundraiser for Premier Community Health. Local retailers and businesses
Continued from Page 1
with recruiting of volunteers, all of which are from a 12 county area in Dayton. Prospective volunteers will be put through an audition process that involves the reading of several articles as well as an interview and a background check. After making it through the interview process, readers will read the same paper/magazine or novel for an hour each week. Many volunteers have been reading on air for five or more years. “I always feel like, the old saying, there for the grace of God go I,” said Sharon Ray, a reader for over 20 years, about the most rewarding aspect of being a reader. “And
I feel like, you know if I was in that predicament, I would want somebody to read to me to tell me what’s going on, what’s happening in the world and my community. So, I think it’s a very worthwhile part of giving.” GESMV, a non-profit organization that is not owned by a media company, is one of six organizations in the country that is a combined Goodwill and Easter Seals, two nationally recognized non-profit organizations. For more information on the RRS program or to become a reader or sponsor of the program, contact Hoschouer at 937-528-6564 or
North Main Street, Suite G35. Family Physicians of Englewood, 9000 North Main Street, Suite 300. Gem City Surgical Breast Cancer Center, 9000 North Main Street, Suite 233. Girlfriends Beauty Salon, 8140 N. Main Street Greenville: Brethren Retirement Community, 750 Chestnut Street. Troy: Stanfield Family
healthier communities through prevention, early detection and disease selfmanagement focusing on heart and lung health, cancer and diabetes.
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6A - Thursday, October 3, 2013
Englewood Independent
Police reports from Northmont area law enforcement agencies The following information has been provided by Northmont area police departments. The information listed in this column is considered public record and is available to anyone seeking information concerning what is provided below. For purposes of this column, the term “arrested” or “charged” does not necessarily mean the person was taken into physical custody. It could also indicate that a summons was issued to the subject in lieu of physical custody. All the people listed as “arrested” or “charged” are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Friday, September 20 Clay Township subjects Unknown removed seven truck batteries from vehicles parked the Williams Auto Sales lot. Each battery was valued at $130. Clayton An unknown subject entered the locker room at Northmont Stadium and removed an Apple iPhone from an unlocked locker. Saturday, September 21 Clayton David H. Shindeldecker, 39, of West Alexandria, was arrested on multiple warrants and was also charged with driving under suspension. He was taken into custody and transported to the Montgomery County Jail. Monday, September 23 Clay Township A 17-year-old female driving west on North County Line Road attempted to yield the right-of-way while attempting to turn south on Arlington Road and was struck on the passenger side by an eastbound vehicle. The 17-year-old was transported to Miami Valley
Union Police Chief Mike Blackwell
Englewood Police Chief Mark Brownfield
Clayton Police Chief Rick Rose
Clay Twp. Police Chief John Simmons
Hospital for treatment by a medic unit from the Brookville Fire Department. Clayton The theft of a Galaxy S 7inch tablet was reported at a residence in the 7200 block of Mintwood. Unknown subjects threw a rock and broke the passenger side window on a vehicle parked in the 7600 block of N. Main Street. The rock was found on the passenger floorboard of the vehicle. Englewood While on patrol in the 700 block of S. Main Street an officer spotted a white male subject walking north that appeared to be intoxicated. The male was staggering from left to right, stumbled forward a few times, backward and side to side. He also stepped off the curb and into the roadway twice, dropped his cell phone two times and appeared to be fighting gravity leaning backward as he walked up the hill. Upon speaking to the male an odor of alcohol was detected. He also had slurred and very incoherent speech, according to the officer. Joseph S. Milton, 25, of Englewood, was charged with disorderly conduct by public intoxication. He was issued a court summons and released to a relative.
A 16-year-old female student at the Miami Valley Career Technology Center was arrested on an active warrant for failure to appear on an original charge of unruly truancy. She was taken into custody and transported to the Miami Valley Juvenile Detention Center. Cindy L. Curtis, 43, of Trotwood, was charged with theft at Meijer. She was taken into custody and transported to the Montgomery County Jail. The theft of checks and cash from a safe was reported at Fairview Brethren in Christ Church. There were no signs of forced entry into the church. Mark T. Cupp, 40, of Lewisburg, was charged with theft at Meijer. He was issued a court summons and released. Violation of a protection order was reported in the 1000 block of Sunset Drive. A complaint was forwarded to Vandalia Municipal Court for review. Tuesday, September 24 Clay Township subjects Unknown entered an unlocked vehicle on Viewmont Drive and removed $10 in loose change and lottery ticket worth $20. subjects Unknown entered an unlocked vehicle parked on Lavon Court and removed approximately $30 in loose change. Unknown subjects entered an unlocked vehicle parked on Viewmont Drive and removed $50 cash and approximately $20 in loose change. Unknown subjects entered an unlocked vehicle parked in the 6200 block of
Rangeview Drive and removed $10 cash and two ATM cards. Unknown subjects entered an unlocked vehicle parked in the 6300 block of Rangeview Drive and removed less than one dollar’s worth of loose change and a leather pouch with an owl on it. Unknown subjects entered an unlocked vehicle parked in the 3700 block of Willowcreek Drive and removed approximately $10 worth of loose change. Two other vehicles at the residence were entered and one had $2 to $3 of change removed. Englewood Krista D. Rosener, 25, of Dayton 45405, was charged with theft at Meijer. She was issued a court summons and released. Jerry L. Goffinet, 47, of Dayton 45424, was charged with theft without consent at Wal-Mart. Goffinet fled the scene prior to police arrival. Charges were forwarded to Vandalia Municipal Court, which will issue Goffinet a summons to appear. Wednesday, September 25 Clay Township Dennis W. McDaniel, 47, of Brookville, was arrested on active warrants out of Montgomery County and Clay Township. He was taken into custody and transported to the Montgomery County Jail. Clayton Failure to pay for more than $28 worth of gas was reported at United Dairy Farmers. Burglary was reported at Wolf Creek Apartments on
Westbrook Road. Unknown subjects entered an apartment and removed a flatscreen TV and a new PlayStation III unit. Thursday, September 26 Englewood Police responded to Bolts Sports Café on the report of a subject inside a vehicle with the engine running. As the officer approached the vehicle a male subject was found inside a running vehicle with its lights on. A strong odor of alcohol was detected. Officers tried for several minutes to awaken the driver by poking him, shaking him, rubbing his chest, shining a light in his eyes and honking the horn of his vehicle. The subject eventually opened his eyes, was handcuffed and removed from the vehicle. During a pat-down search a pipe was found in the subject’s right front pants pocket that smelled strongly of marijuana. Police also found an Ohio Identification Card that belonged to a female and a PNC Bank Card belonging to another male in the subject’s wallet. Brock Alexander Hughes, 28, of Englewood, was charged with disorderly conduct while intoxicated and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was taken into custody and transported to the Montgomery County Jail. While being transported to jail, Hughes allegedly asked if he was going to appear before a judge in Vandalia Municipal Court. When he was informed that he would, Hughes allegedly stated, “Oh yeah, I’ll get off no problem. That place is like a Toys R Us.” Police responded to a
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Hope in Recovery meeting offered GREENVILLE — The Hope in Recovery is model is similar to the traditional “Twelve Step” programs and encourages its participants to confront their issues in light of their Christian Faith. Hope in Recovery offers the extra care, understanding and encouragement necessary to grow beyond the bondage of destructive habits and behaviors, and the isolation caused by shame. Meetings are filled with the faith, hope, and love that only God can provide, in a safe, confidential, non-judgmental environment.’ Hope in Recovery meets every Friday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, 114 E. 4th Street, Greenville. If you’re in need of support, just show up. For more information, please call 548-9006.
Blue Star Mothers in need of donated items
All offers require 24-month commitment and credit qualification. **Savings applies to AT120, AT120+, AT200, and AT250 with HD programming, 2 year agreement and credit qualification. Discount applied to first year of service in form of online and promotional credits plus free HD for Life which is a $10/mo credit.
traffic accident at State Route 49 and Old Salem Road. The driver of one of the vehicles involved in the accident, Ronald S. Luebke, 46, of Englewood, was charged with driving under the influence and failing to yield the right-of-way while turning left. He registered at .141 percent on a breath intoxilyzer test. Luebke was taken into custody and transported to the Montgomery County Jail. Sunday, September 27 Clay Township While on patrol an officer observed a motorcycle traveling at a high rate of speed. A traffic stop was initiated and upon approaching the motorcyclist an odor of alcohol was detected. Douglas R. Hammond, 45, of Lewisburg, was charged with operating a vehicle intoxicated. He was issued a court summons and released to his wife. Saturday, September 28 Englewood Unknown subjects threw three rocks ranging between eight to 10-inches in diameter at a vehicle parked in the 300 block of S. Main Street. The driver’s side door and the top left side of the trunk were damaged. James E. Bush, 62, of Dayton 45406, was charged with theft without consent at Wal-Mart. He was issued a court summons and released. Sunday, September 29 Clay Township Albert L. McMullen, 26, at large, was charged with possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia. He was issued a court summons and released. Englewood The theft of an 18-speed mountain bike was reported in the 1000 block of Terracewood Drive. Tuesday, October 1 Clayton Burglary was reported in the 100 block of Woolery Lane. A female victim said she invited boyfriend over but threw him out when they began to argue. The boyfriend returned and kicked in her apartment door. She told him to sit on the couch so she could make him a cocktail to calm him down. After handing him the drink he threw the glass at the TV and put a large hole in the screen. He then went into the kitchen, got a large kitchen knife and slashed the love seat twice creating two large cuts in the fabric. He then left on his motorcycle in an unknown direction.
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ENGLEWOOD — The Blue Star Mothers Miami Valley Chapter 3 is collecting items, cards and donations for soldiers serving in Iraq and other areas overseas. Support is needed, especially for those soldiers not getting any support from home. Donations are being accepted at the office of Dr. Beverly Fanz, DDS located at 625 W. National Road in Englewood.
Englewood Independent
Thursday, October 3, 2013 - 7A
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Legal Notices / Notices To Creditors
Legal Notices / Notices To Creditors
Legal Notices / Notices To Creditors
Yard Sale
Home Improvements
Vandalia CITY OF VANDALIA, OHIO September 19, 2013 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Board of Zoning Appeals will meet at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 9, 2013, in the Conference Room in the Engineering Department, 333 James E. Bohanan Memorial Drive to consider an appeal from Section 1280.08, offstreet parking standards, as stipulated by the Codified Ordinances of the City of Vandalia, Ohio. The appeal has been submitted by Mr. Michael Neff and Dr. Kathy Joseph, pertaining to their property at 9100 Dog Leg Rd. in the City of Vandalia, OH. Anyone interested is invited to attend. Rob Anderson City Manager PUB: September 26, 2013 October 3, 2013 40497708 Vandalia CITY OF VANDALIA, OHIO September 17, 2013 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The City of Vandalia Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on Tuesday, October 8, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Development & Engineering Services Conference Room, 333 James E. Bohanan Memorial Drive, Van-
dalia, Ohio for the purpose of receiving approval of a Conditional Use to allow a Type A Daycare in the Residential Single Family 3 (RSF-3) district as stipulated by Section 1244.04 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Vandalia. The application has been submitted by Tiffney McGuire pertaining to the property at 402 Ashbury Farms Dr. in the City of Vandalia, OH. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. Rob Anderson City Manager PUB: September 26, 2013 October 3, 2013 40497714 VANDALIA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City of Vandalia City Council will hold a public hearing at the Vandalia Municipal Building, 333 James E. Bohanan Dr., Vandalia, Ohio on November 4, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be reached. This hearing is to allow for public comment and recommendations on a proposed amendment to the current Butler Township City of Vandalia Joint Economic Development District Contract to be considered for approval by the City Council. A copy of the text of the Contract, the District de-
scription including a map, and the economic development plan are on file, for public examination, in the office of the City Manager. BY ORDER OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VANDALIA. Robert L. Anderson Clerk of Council PUB: October 3, 2013 40502209
ENGLEWOOD 1208 Sunset Dr. Fri, Oct. 4, 9am-4pm. Don't miss this one! Everything must go!!
Bright Ideas
JOHNSON ELECTRIC Johnson Electric, located in Vandalia, OH, is an industry leader in motion subsystems including motors, solenoids, switches, flex circuits and microelectronics. Current openings include:
Assembler- 2nd Shift Toolmaker- 1st Shift CNC Machinist- 2nd Shift Maintenance Technician- 2nd Shift
Notices PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
Auctions Yard Sale
Johnson Electric offers Day 1 Medical Coverage, Paid Time Off, Competitive Wages, 401K Match, Climate Controlled Facility. For detailed information on positions and how to apply visit The Job Center at or 1111 S. Edwin C. Moses Blvd. Dayton, OH 45422 For additional questions call 937-225-4534 Johnson Electric is an EEO employer. EOE/AA/M/F/D/V 40501130
SAT., NOV. 2, 2013 • 11:00 A.M. 7579 Shiloh Road Englewood, Ohio Directions: From Phillipsburg, OH take S.R. 49 (NORTH) approx: ½ mile to N. County Line Rd. Turn RIGHT or EAST on N. County Line Rd. Go 1 ½ miles to Shiloh Rd. Turn LEFT or NORTH on Shiloh Rd. Then approx: ½ mile to the Farm. (WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS) From Greenville, OH take S.R. 49 SOUTH 13 miles to Castine-Gordon Rd. Then LEFT or EAST 2 ½ miles to Shiloh Rd. Then RIGHT or SOUTH on Shiloh Rd. ½ mile. (WATCH FOR AUCTION SIGNS)
32-Acre Miami Co. Farm This Outstanding Farm Features 32.32 Acres of Land with 30.26 Acres Tillable. A Very Well Kept 2-Story Frame Home Featuring (3) Bedrooms up, 4th Bedroom or Dining Room down, Eat in Kitchen, Living Room, (1) Bath, Enclosed Front & Back Porches, Full Unfinished Basement w/ Laundry Area, Bard Efficient Fuel Oil Forced Air Furnace, Newer Roof & Windows, Black Top Drive, Very Nice Red Metal Sided Barn and Much More! Excellent Starter Farm or a Great Addition To Your Present Farming Operation. Super Investment Potential. Attend Open Houses - Inspect This Property Make Financial Arrangements Be Prepared to Buy This Farm at Auction
Open Houses:
SUN. OCT. 6, 1:00 – 2:30 PM SUN. OCT. 13, 1:00 – 2:30 PM And by appointment: Call: Everett Hocker, (937) 417-0748 Kirby Lyons, (937) 459-7686 Leis Realty Co., (937) 548-5750 Terms: $10,000 Down on Day of Auction w/ Complete Balance Due Within (30) Days of Auction. Possession of Tillable Acreage AFTER the Fall 2013 harvest of crops. Possession on House & Buildings (30) days after Closing. Taxes will be figured short term pro-ration to Closing. Visa & MasterCard accepted w/ 3% clerking fee added.
For photos and additional information on this offering please visit us at Enter User I.D. # 8673. Remember, Never, Ever a Buyers (Penalty) Premium at our Auctions *WHAT YOU BID IS WHAT YOU PAY* “We work for our sellers, appreciate our buyers, and love our profession� 40498119
Clayton, 1975 Swallowtail Court, 45315, Oct. 3-5, 9am5pm. Quality Items. Furniture, accessories, artwork, kitchen items, treadmill, rowing machine, clothing, shoes, handbags, and much more! Dayton 6469 Brantford Road October 3-4-5 Then October 10-11-12, 9-5pm. Moving Out! Decorative items, tools, rugs, mirrors, pictures, household, clocks, and larger items. (Power washer, furniture, ect!) Vandalia, Butler Township 7817 PETERS PIKE October 4, 9-5pm October 5, 9-3-? Two Family Sale Moving Sale Tools, Pictures, Some Cloths, Misc Items Something For Everyone!
Englewood, 119 Loadstone Drive, October 3-4, 9-4pm. Very Nice Clean Garage Sale! Cheap Prices! Englewood, 2105 Northcreek Dr., 1 Day Only! Saturday, October 5, 9am-4pm. Fall wreathes and swags, sweatshirts, handbags, bags, bikes, odds-n-ends. Englewood, 4155 GORMAN AVE at Taywood. Friday, October 4, 9am-6pm. Saturday, October 5, 9am-2pm. Antique highback chair, chipper/shredder, jewelry, collectibles, Holiday decor, gates, and lots of misc. Englewood, 4889 Old Salem Rd. October 3-4-5, 8am-5pm. Four Family Sale Tools, clothing, electronics, TV's and monitors, lots of misc house hold items! Huber Heights, 6977 OLD TROY PIKE, Fri & Sat, Oct. 4 & 5, 9am-4pm. 3 Family Garage Sale, Some baby items, pack-n-play, sit and stand stroller, rocking horse, boys clothing 9months-toddler, toddler Halloween costumes, Christmas Decorations, household items. Vandalia 836 FITCHLAND DRIVE October 5-6, 9-4pm. Household items and Furniture! Vandalia, 1327 Chelsea Ave., Thurs, Oct. 3, 9am-5pm and Friday, Oct. 4, 9am-4:30pm. Large variety of boys and girls clothing, NB-size14, Printers, Evenflo stroller, booster car seat, Fisher Price basketball hoop, toys, and more! VANDALIA, HUGE GARAGE SALE! 164 Blucher Court (off Bristol) October 3-4-5, Thurs-Fri-Sat, 10am-5pm. Something For Everyone! Flea Market Dayton, 2605 Valley St., Valley St. Pentecost Church Big Rummage Sale! Food and Baked goods included. 1 block from Harshman. 10/1010/11, 9am-5pm.
Legal Notices / Notices To Creditors Huber Heights
LEGAL NOTICE In accordance with the provisions of State law, there being due and unpaid charges for which the undersigned is entitled to satisfy an owner and/or manager's lien of the goods hereinafter described and stored at Uncle Bob's Self Storage located at: 1830 Needmore Rd., Dayton, OH 45414, 937-274-3322 and, due notice having been given, to the owner of said property and all parties known to claim an interest therein, and the time specified in such notice for payment of such having expired, the goods will be sold at public auction at the above stated address to the highest bidder or otherwise disposed of on Wednesday, October 23, 2013 at 1:00 PM: Lakesha James, 971 Taylorsview Dr., Vandalia, OH 45377 – Furniture. Shannon Wyman, 1500 Elmer St., Greensboro, NC 27405 – Other: clothes. Judy Edwards, 2412 W. 2nd St., Dayton, OH 45417 – Furniture, boxes, appliances, account records. Robin Oglesby, 2856 Sage Ave., Dayton, OH 45417 – HouseKROG JRRGV IXUQLWXUH ER[HV WRROV DSSOLDQFHV 79ҋV RU VWHUHR equip., bike. Lashae Johnson, 2810 Earlham Dr., Dayton, OH 45406 – FurQLWXUH DSSOLDQFHV 79ҋV RU VWHUHR HTXLS Harry Davenport, 2620 Connie Dr., #10, Sacto, CA 95815 – +RXVHKROG JRRGV ER[HV IXUQLWXUH WRROV DSSOLDQFHV 79ҋV RU stereo equip. Marcia Ward, 3055 Mission Ridge Court, Atlanta, GA 30339 – Furniture, boxes, appliances, landscaping equip. Lakesha James, 12 Waller Ave., #4, Vandalia, OH 45377 – +RXVHKROG JRRGV ER[HV IXUQLWXUH DSSOLDQFHV 79ҋV RU VWHUHR equip. Theresa A. Jones, 4513 Foxton Ct Bld 4, Dayton, OH 45414 – )XUQLWXUH ER[HV 79ҋV RU VWHUHR HTXLS Juan Leonard, 5620 Main St., Apt #303, Dayton, OH 45415 – Boxes. Iesha Barrett, 7116 Troy Crest Ct., Huber Heights, OH 45424 – )XUQLWXUH ER[HV DSSOLDQFHV 79ҋV RU VWHUHR HTXLS PUB: October 3/10, 2013 40498101 Legal Notices / Notices To Creditors Clayton City of Clayton PO Box 280 Clayton, OH 45315 Contact: Lt. Matt Hamlin Phone: 937-836-3500 CITY OF CLAYTON – UNCLAIMED PROPERTY Pursuant to Section 2981.11 and 2981.12 of the Ohio Revised Code, the Clayton Police Department is disposing of unclaimed property in our possession. The Clayton Police Department has made reasonable efforts to locate the persons entitled to the property in our custody. The following items are still in our possession: Red Next Bicycle 95000085 Blk Hyper Bike Co. Mike Spinner Bicycle DL10H0296975 Blue/Silver Next PowerClimber Bicycle 59629579 Blk/Yel Magna Imposter Bicycle 54173878 Blue/Silver Next PowerClimber Bicycle Unreadable Grey Schwinn Sidewinder Bicycle partial # 08D41649 Orange Mongoose Bicycle SNXDS04J70279 Red Murray 10 Speed Intra City Bicycle MOK8932633 Blk Huffy Bicycle K0707-9166812H7507 Whi Cannondale RST (Clayton PD) Bicycle Obstructed Blk/Sil Upland Vengence Bicycle S607180675 Maroon Motiv Tahoe Bicycle CA07101306 Whi/Bro Mongoose Bicycle SNACB08J17202 Green Next Chaos Bicycle GB050825260 Red/Sil Magna Excitor Bicycle 78614688 Blu/Sil Mongoose Outerlimit Bicycle SNFSD07GC6568 Sil/Blu Mongoose DXRAL SNFSD05GJ6244 Blu Huffy Bicycle K04C000321 Blu Huffy Blackwater Bicycle 0B04G14434 Blu Kent Bicycle ZY90307497 Anyone who believes that these items belong to them are asked to call Lt. Matt Hamlin, Clayton Police Department 937-836-3500, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Chief of Police PUB: September 26, 2013 October 3/10, 2013 40496634
Bath Remodeling 1 Day Tub/Shower Conversions Kitchen Cabinets & Refinishing 3-5 Day Installation
Lots Price Reduced! 10 Beautiful lots on O-Hara Court Cul-De-Sac in Vandalia, OH. Please call Chanhl Eteinne (937)409-0934 or Email: for more information. HER Realtors
Affordable Financing Available 937-458-0322 Music / Dance / Drama
Sign Up for Fall Classes! Piano/Voice Lessons Students accepted 7 years and older Joan Cyester Experienced Instructor Degree (937)836-1773 Administrative / Professional
ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT The City of Englewood is accepting applications for Administrative Assistant. Applicants must be a high school graduate or equivalent and be proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, and data entry. Must have excellent telephone and customer service skills. At least 2 years experience in public sector and construction/ building preferred. Application packets are available at Englew ood Gov er nm ent Center, 333 W. National Rd., or online at Applications must be received in the Personnel Office by Wednesday, October 16, 2013 at 4:30 p.m. Equal Opportunity Employer. PART TIME INCOME TAX CLERK VANDALIA FINANCE DEPARTMENT The City of Vandalia is seeking applicants for the part time position of Income Tax Clerk in its Finance Department. Work schedule is normally 25 hours per week with flexible morning/early afternoon hours at the Vandalia Municipal Building. The successful candidate will hold a high school diploma or GED and possess previous relevant clerical experience. The selected candidate will perform miscellaneous clerical and data entry work related to the process of income tax collection. Pay rate is $9.50 per hour. Interested individuals may obtain an application at the receptionist's desk at the Vandalia Municipal Building, 333 J.E. Bohanan Memorial 'ULYH RU RQ WKH &LW\Ň‹V ZHEVLWH Completed applications should be returned in person or via regular mail. Electronic applications will NOT be accepted. Application deadline is Wednesday, October 16, 5 p.m. Vandalia is an Equal Opportunity Employer and ADA compliant. Child/Elderly Care KinderCare needs a full time Head Start Pre-K Lead Teacher with a Bachelors in Early Childhood Education. Benefits. EOE Email resume to Englewood-836-7250. Apply at 4000 Old Salem Rd., Englewood. Food Services
COOK (PT) Dietary Aide (PT) Housekeeper/ Laundry (PT) Grace Brethren Village in Englewood is looking for a hard working individual to become a part of our 5-Star team. If interested, apply in person at: Grace Brethren Village 1010 Taywood Road Englewood, OH 45322 Help Wanted General Wanted: Cleaning Person for an Apartment Complex in Vandalia. Starting pay $12.00/hour, 20-30 hours per week. Call (937)898-2154.
Apartments /Townhouses Vandalia 133 Imperial Court Free heat and water, spacious updated 2 bedrooms, Vandalia City Schools, Great Value at $525.00 per month + Deposit. No Pets! 937-361-9361 937-902-7733 937-477-5159 Vandalia 2-Bedroom 860 Alkaline Springs Rd. $455 rent + deposit NO PETS 937-890-0400 Houses For Rent Clayton Country Cottage 2 story 1 Bedroom, Spiral stair case, Completely furnished. Utilities paid, Beautiful grounds, Save and Secure, Close to Cat erpillar and I-70. Immediate Occupancy. $650.00/mo., Call 937-305-1561 Englewood, Nice 3 bedroom brick ranch, features fenced yard, 1 car attached garage, dining area off kitchen, newer carpet, freshly painted. $750/month, $750 deposit. No pets permitted. Call Rick Morgan with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate, Big Hill @ (937)266-9142.
Union, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car, brick ranch, $950/month, Rodney, (937)623-0134. Storage Inside RV and Boat Storage, Reasonable Winter Rates, (937)308-9901.
STORAGE Safe Lighted Guarded Storage Available Inside/Outside Boats, Cars, RVs & Motorcycles Gerdes Turf Farms Inc. (937)426-4489 Want To Buy BUYING JUNK CARS AND TRUCKS Will pay Top Dollar
Call 937-260-0257 Autos For Sale 1991 Ford Mustang GT 5.0, Two tone gray, Automatic, Hard Top. Runs Great! Garage Kept $6,000.00 OBO 937-776-8213 1995 Lincoln Towncar, Navy Blue with Cream interior, Camel top, loaded, 112,000 Miles, $4200, Mint condition, references, my mechanic, (937)477-1071. 1994 GRAND AM SE, runs and drives good, very dependable. New tires & brakes. Clean inside and out. Asking $1200 may negotiate. Call 937-318-8579 or 937-3673310. 2010 NISSAN SENTRA SL Leather Seats, Sunroof, Bluetooth, Satellite Radio, 27k miles, $12,900.00. 937-436-0754 Call After 5pm. Miscellaneous For Sale: Murray Lawn Mower $90.00 Weedeater $15.00 Garden, Leaf Rake, Shovel $5.00 Each. 937-719-3330 Motorcycles 2000 Harley Davidson, Road King, Classic seat, removable tour pack, Vance and Hines Pipes, Vorager Trike kit, 42,300 miles, Senior owned, Dealer Maintained, $10,500, (937)675-6376. RVs / Campers 2003 Challenger/Damon Motorhome, 33.5 FT, workhorse Chasis, ABS brakes, 801 Vortec, generator, leveling jacks, 2 slides, 27K MILES, loaded, asking $39,500 OBO, (937)546-6279. Building Materials Steel Buildings Big or Small Save up to 50% For best deal with contract construction to complete Source # 18X 740-205-6987 Firewood Ash Firewood cured and cut to fireplace size $160.00 937-845-8275
8A - Thursday, October 3, 2013
Englewood Independent
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Englewood Independent
Thursday, October 3, 2013 - 9A
MVCTC SkillsUSA Sections II and III hold first meeting ENGLEWOOD — The Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) SkillsUSA Sections II and III held their first meeting of the school year on Wednesday, September 25. During the meeting, section II president, Sydney Vanhorn, spoke to the students about what SkillsUSA is, how it affects the students in all of the programs, and how students have a great time competing in different contests. During the meeting, several students volunteered for a drawing competition. They were tasked to draw while being blindfolded and handcuffed with a partner. This challenge made the student express their skills, while working with limitations. The Skills II and III meeting guest speaker was Mr. John Simmons, Clayton Township Police Officer. Mr. Simmons presentation, “Making the Right Choices in Life”, was about motivation, and awareness. Master Sergeant Frank Definbaugh, Air Force Junior ROTC Instructor and SkillsUSA Section III Section Advisor said of the meeting, “The topic of our meeting was to broaden the student’s knowledge, and challenge them to get involved and support their programs at MVCTC.” MVCTC SkillsUSA Section II Chapter includes MVCTC programs Auto Technology, Aviation Maintenance Technician, Graphic Commercial Art, Graphic Commercial Photography, and Digital Design. The 2013-2014 SkillsUSA Section II Officers are: President – Sydney (Graphic Vanhorn Commercial Photography from Valley View) Vice President – Catherine Gerami (Graphic Commercial
Photo submitted MVCTC 2013-2014 SkillsUSA Section II and III Chapter Officers – left to right – Front Row - Chynna Marshall (Arcanum), Tessa Houston (Eaton), Kierstin Armstrong (Tri County North), Sydney Vanhorn (Valley View), Brittany Quillen (West Carrollton). Back Row – Richard Coggeshall (Eaton), Austin Stevens (Carlisle), Destiny Lane (Tri-County North), Shelby Martin (Vandalia), Catherine Gerami (Northmont), Samantha Dilsaver (Versailles), and Jared Lynch (Carlisle). Art from Northmont) Secretary - Lauren Landes (Graphic Commercial Art from Franklin Monroe) Reporter – Brittany Quillen (Graphic Commercial Photography from West Carrollton) Treasurer – Brayden Jarrell (Graphic Commercial Art from Tippecanoe) Parliamentarian – Jarred Lynch (Digital Design from Carlisle) Historian – Chynna Marshall (Aviation
Maintenance from Arcanum) MVCTC SkillsUSA Section III Chapter includes the MVCTC programs Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, Architectural Technology, Auto Collision, Auto Services, Criminal Justice, Precision Machining, Robotics and Automation, and Welding. The 2013-2014 SkillsUSA Section III Officers are: President – Shelby Martin (Criminal Justice from Vandalia Butler)
Vice President – Richard Coggeshall (Air Force Junior ROTC from Eaton) Secretary – Destiny Lane (Air Force Junior ROTC from Tri County North) Reporter – Tessa Houston (Air Force Junior ROTC from Eaton) Treasurer – Kierstin Armstrong (Criminal Justice from Tri County North) Parliamentarian – Samantha Dilsaver (Criminal Justice from Versailles) Ambassador – Austin
Stevens (Air Force Junior ROTC from Carlisle) The students have a busy year planned with their Fall Conference in November, Regional Competition in March, State Competition in April, and the National Skills USA Competition in June of 2014. According to w w w. S k i l l s U S A . o r g , “SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers, and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled
workforce. SkillsUSA helps each student excel. SkillsUSA is a national nonprofit organization serving teachers and high school and college students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical and skilled service occupations, including health occupations. It was formerly known as VICA (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America).” For more information about please visit MVCTC,
Students qualify as BPA Regional Officer Candidates GREENVILLE — Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC) Business Professionals of America (BPA) students completed Regional Officer Screening on Tuesday, September 17 at Greenville High School. MVCTC had 17 students participate in the officer screening. Over 50 area students interviewed for the chance to run for regional office. MVCTC students, Tearza Callahan (Preble Shawnee); Samantha Denlinger (Miami East); Carly Fink (Tri-County North); and Hannah Westfall (Dixie), placed in the top 12 and earned a position on the Region 3 Slate for the Fall Conference at Wright State University’s Nutter Center on Tuesday, October 1. The students gave a speech, went through an interview, and took a knowledge test. The MVCTC students participating in the Regional Officer Screening are: · Shelbie Ballard (Legal Assistant student from Brookville) · Elizabeth Bishop (Medical Office Management from Franklin Monroe) · Tearza Callahan (Legal Assistant student from Preble Shawnee) · Samantha Denlinger (Legal Assistant student from Miami East) · Travis Engle (GIS and Technical Intelligence student from Wayne) · Carly Fink (Business Academy student from TriCounty North) · Aaron Hammer (Computer Network
Photo submitted Back row left to right – Amy Sugden (MVCTC Instructor); Kristin Pitt (Wayne); Danielle Onyia (Northmont); Eric Wathen (Miamisburg); Roberta Phillips (MVCTC Instructor); Walter Krakora (Tecumseh); Elizabeth Bishop (Franklin Monroe); Travis Engle (Wayne). Front row left to right – Hannah Westfall (Dixie), Carly Fink (Tri-County North), Erica Reed (Northmont), Samantha Denlinger (Miami East), Tearza Callahan (Preble Shawnee), Shelbie Ballard (Brookville), Taylor Johnson (Wayne), Kenneth Howe (Dixie), and Joshua Peterson (Wayne). Engineering student from Mississinawa Valley) · Kenneth Howe (Computer Network Engineering student from Dixie) · Taylor Johnson (Game Programming and Web Application student from Wayne) · Walter Krakora (Computer Repair and Technical Support student from Tecumseh)
· Danielle Onyia (Marketing and Media student from Northmont) · Joshua Peterson (GIS and Technical Intelligence student from Wayne) · Kristin Pitt (Game Programming and Web Application student from Wayne) · Erica Reed (Sports Marketing student from Northmont) · Eric Wathen (Sports
Marketing student from Miamisburg) · Hannah Westfall (Marketing & Media student from Dixie) · Daniel Wiseman (Business Academy student from Franklin Monroe) At the Fall Conference, the top 12 officer candidates will preside over the Fall Regional Conference attended by all Ohio Region 3 BPA members (800 plus stu-
dents). The top six candidates selected by their peers make up the new officer team. BPA is a national student organization that serves Business and Information Technology students. Members participate in activities that promote leadership, citizenship, academic, and technological skills. MVCTC students in the career technical programs of
Business Academy, Business Ownership, Clerical Services, Computer Technology Academy, Computer Networking Engineering, Media and Video Production, Legal Assistant, Medical Office Management, Marketing & Media and Sports Marketing participate in BPA. For more information about MVCTC, please visit
Darion Capers graduates from Heidelberg University TIFFIN — Darion Capers of Clayton, Ohio, graduated May 12 from Heidelberg University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Sport Management. President Robert H.
Huntington presented diplomas to 222 seniors, representing 13 states and three countries. Additionally, 56 graduate students received master’s degrees in counseling, education, business administration and music
education. Lt. Col. Harold Brown, a member of the famed Tuskegee Airmen, delivered the undergraduate keynote address. Heidelberg presented Brown with an honorary Doctor of Humane
Letters degree. Graduating senior Mackenzie “Mac” Wallace was selected to represent the Class of 2013 as its speaker. Founded in 1850, Heidelberg offers 32 majors, 29 minors and nine
pre-professional programs, awarding the bachelor of arts, bachelor of science, bachelor of music degrees , as well as master’s degrees in education, counseling, business administration and music. Affiliated with the
United Church of Christ, Heidelberg has been ranked for 25 consecutive years as one of the top colleges in the Midwest by U.S. News and World Report. For more information visit the web site at
10A - Thursday, October 3, 2013
Englewood Independent
After slow start Thunderbolts crush Dunbar By RON NUNNARI Independent Editor DAYTON — Maybe it was aura of the idyllic autumn evening Friday at Welcome Stadium or maybe Northmont didn’t take Dunbar seriously, but whatever the case the Thunderbolts got off to a sluggish start before eventually trouncing the Wolverines 478. “We definitely started off slow tonight and I knew we would,” said Northmont coach Lance Schneider. “You could sense that there was something about this week, the way we practiced, the way we played tonight. The attitude we had like, ‘Oh, it’s just Dunbar. We don’t need to work so hard.’ We were not the team I am used to seeing out there. If we had played any
Sports Digest Future Bolts Basketball Registration CLAYTON — Any 1st through 6th grade Northmont area girls and boys can still register for the Northmont Future Bolts upcoming season. Go to the Future Bolts website www.Northmontfuturebolts Online registration is quick and easy, but will end on October 15. No late registrations will be accepted. Interested players can also register in person during the Extreme Cross Over preseason clinics being held at Northmont High School on October 5, 12 and 19. Details are on the website listed above, or you can call 937-867-BOLT.
Northmont Future Bolts holding preseason camp CLAYTON — The Northmont Future Bolts Basketball program, in conjunction with the new high school boys and girls coaching staffs at Northmont High School, are holding an annual preseason Extreme Cross Over basketball camps on Saturdays October 5,12, and 19. This is a great opportunity to sharpen your skills for the upcoming season. Coaches will be teaching the fundamentals of basketball, including proper shooting techniques, dribbling, passing, defense, and rebounding. 3rd and 4th Grade boys and girls registration begins at 9 a.m. for the 9:30 to 11 a.m. session while 5th and 6th grade girls and boys can register at 11 a.m. for the 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. session. Please enter door No. 1 at the high school (front of building facing Route 40). Extreme Crossover is free for anyone who has already registered for the Future Bolts upcoming season. If you have not yet registered, you can do so in person at the high school during the Extreme Crossover clinics.
other team tonight, we would have lost. The attitude will have to change or it will be a long conference season.” It took the Thunderbolts awhile to get rolling. On their second possession of the game the TBolts took over at Dunbar’s 47 and took 10 plays to drive to the Wolverines’ five where Chris Okos got Northmont on the scoreboard with a 22 yard field goal. Zach Weatherford got the ball back for Northmont with an interception. Weatherford picked off Dunbar quarterback Chris Jackson’s pass at the 35 and returned it to the 15. Three plays later Okos kicked a 23 yard field goal to put Northmont up 6-0. Northmont would eventually generate 292 yards in total offense, but once again it was due in large part to senior quarterback Graham Oberer. By night’s end Oberer would complete 15 of 21 pass attempts for 231 yards with two touchdowns and one interception. He also rushed seven times for 31 yards. On Northmont’s first pos-
session of the second quarter Oberer tossed a 19 yard touchdown to Ryan Smith to put the T-Bolts up 12-0. Dunbar appeared headed for its first score of the evening on its next possession when quarterback Terrance Landers completed a 32 yard pass to Darnell Jewett to give the Wolverines a first down at the Northmont 36. Two plays later Northmont senior defensive back Isaiah Williams intercepted Landers next pass at the 21 and returned it 49 yards to give the T-Bolts excellent field position at the Dunbar 30. On first down Oberer completed a 21 yard pass to Jonny Lowery for a first and goal at the nine. From there Ryan Smith took a handoff and scored his second TD of the evening. Northmont went for a two-point conversion with Oberer hitting Isaiah Williams in the end zone with a pass to put the Thunderbolts up, 20-0. Dunbar put together a decent 54 yard drive but was faced with a fourth down and seven at the Northmont 11.
Photo by Kathy Tyler Northmont quarterback Graham Oberer fires a pass over the Dunbar defensive line. Apparently not confident in own 42. It took Northmont down on first down. its kicking game, Dunbar only five plays to cover 58 Mourouzis tacked on the point went for it on fourth down. yards with Dante Bland scor- after to make the final tally, Landers dropped back to pass ing on a one yard run. 47-8. and was sacked by Tevin Mourouzis point after enabled “Our defense played but, I Neilsen at the 26 where the Northmont to take a 40-0 don’t really want to say it, but Thunderbolts took over on lead. they really didn’t have a lot to downs. Keyshawn Jones returned defend. Our offense was just On first down Oberer Northmont’s kickoff 88 yards not there tonight, despite the tossed a 74 yard touchdown to for the Wolverines lone touch- final score,” Schneider added. Cameron Taylor with 48 sec- down of the evening. Dunbar With the victory onds remaining in the first scored a two point conversion Northmont improves to 4-1 half. Jonathan Mourouzis on a run by Jacquel Freeman overall while Dunbar falls to kicked the extra-point to give to make it 40-8. 2-3. the Thunderbolts a 27-0 halfEarly in the fourth quarter This week the Thunderbolts time lead. Terrell Cochran forced a travel to Beavercreek (3-2) to Dunbar’s hopes of turning Dunbar fumble which Joe face the Battling Beavers. things around in the second Sexton scooped up at the Game time is 7 p.m. half were quickly quashed. On Wolverines’ 15 and returned it the Wolverines first posses- to the 10. From there Oberer NMT 06 21 13 07 – 47 sion Terrance Landers ran the ball in for a touchDUN 00 00 08 00 – 08 dropped back to pass and took NMT DUN aim for receiver Darnell Jewett. Senior defensive back Score 47 8 Zach Weatherford picked off First Downs 12 9 the pass and raced 35 yards Rushes/Yards 23/48 44/46 for the touchdown to increase Passing Yards 231 70 the T-Bolts’ lead to 33-0. Pass Att/Comp/Int 22/15/1 12/4/3 Weatherford now leads the Total Offensive Plays/Yards 45/292 46/155 Greater Western Ohio Fumble Returns/Yards 2/8 0/0 Conference with five interPunt Returns/Yards 4/61 2/10 ceptions in as many games. 2/46 8/184 Kickoff Returns/Yards Both teams exchanged Interception Returns/Yards 3/104 1/3 fumbles with Isaiah Williams Punts/Average 3/41.7 3/33.8 Photo by Kathy Tyler recovering Dunbar’s fumble, Fumbles/Lost 2/1 4/4 returning it three yards to give Zach Weatherford works his way down field after Penalties/Yards 10/106 7/40 the T-Bolts the ball at their making an interception. Time of Possession 17:42 30:18
Lady Bolts place seventh at GWOC By Andrew Wilson Contributing Writer
CENTERVILLE — The Northmont girl’s tennis team finished in seventh place at the GWOC Gold Tournament on Saturday, Sept. 28. The tournament, which features the top eight teams in the conference, took place at Centerville High School. The Lady Thunderbolts were led by Akilah Parker, who despite being a fifth seed, made her presence felt by finishing in third place in the first singles round. Parker opened the tournament with a con-
vincing 8-1 victory over Greenville’s Sophia Navas-Davis before falling to eventual champion Carley Sickinger by a score of 8-6. Parker rebounded by defeating Springboro’s Rachael Rose 8-3 to secure a third place finish. “I was so proud of her and she showed that she is on the top 3 (if not the best singles player in the entire GWOC),” said Northmont coach Christine Hall. “I was disappointed with her being voted the fifth seed, but she came out and proved she should’ve been the two seed (playing the
Photo by Andrew Wilson Kennedy Harden prepares to return a shot at the GWOC Tournament.
Basketball training with Brooks Hall offered TROY — No Limit Sports is offering small group training sessions with Brooks Hall. Learn the basketball fundamentals including shooting technique, ball handling, individual moves, offensive and defensive footwork catered to each individual’s needs. For more information, visit (click the AAU tab) or call Brooks Hall (937) 6209790.
Photo by Andrew Wilson Akilah Parker placed third in singles play at the GWOC Tournament.
Champion the best of anyone, it just happened to be in the semis). “Akilah had the No. 1 seed (Sickinger) on the ropes early in their match. A few key points ended in Sickinger’s favor and turned the momentum. Akilah was playing very today, all parts of her game were ON!” In the second singles match, Marissa Anderson fell to Greenville’s Michelle Borgerding in the opening match, but later defeated Troy’s Maggie Hennessy 8-2 to finish in seventh place. Kennedy Harden had similar results in the third singles round, falling to
Miamisburg’s Jada Strickland in the opening match, but later defeating Butler’s Elaine Miller by a score of 8-2 to place seventh. The first doubles team of Michelle Hibbard and Hailey Weaver opened the match with an 8-1 loss to top seeded Maddy Talbot and Blair Schumacher of Springboro. Soon after, Hibbard and Weaver fell to Analise Cox and Chelsea Hohenbrink by a score of 8-0 to f inish in sixth place. Similarly, the second doubles team featuring Amari McCain and Ellie Barone, the number eight seed, fell to Centerville’s
Abby Roesch and Brooke Flory by a score of 8-0 and then lost to Troy’s Akari Nagata / Zoey Scancarello 8-2. “We were excited to be invited to the GOLD flight this year,” said Hall. “We knew the competition would be tough, but we were up for the challenge. I was pleased with our showing at all spots. We finished higher than our seed at all positions, and this resulted in us beating out Troy and f inishing seventh.” The Lady Thunderbolts will compete at the sectional tournament at Troy High School on Wednesday, Oct. 2.
Englewood Independent
Thursday, October 3, 2013 - 11A
Boys golf team beats Tipp, falls to Troy By RON NUNNARI Independent Editor CLAYTON – During a trimatch Monday on the front nine at Moss Creek Golf Course the Northmont boys golf team shot a respectable team score of 174 to defeat Tipp City, but that score wasn’t good enough to beat Troy. The Trojans shot a stellar 159 led by Dalton Cascaden with a 37, Troy Moore had a 38 and Connor Super came in with a 40. Northmont was led by sophomore Shawn Richards with a 41, senior Clayton Swafford had a 44, sophomore Ben Sage also shot 44 and sophomore Luke Knapke finished with a 45. Tippecanoe finished at 180 led by Brad Cohoun with a 39 while Wyatt Wilson shot 45. Coach Nathan Hannahan’s season long goal is to break 170 in a 9-hole tournament. “We fell just a few strokes short in the final weeks of the season, but I’m very optimistic that we will pursue
Photo by Ron Nunnari Senior Clayton Swafford hits a tee shot on hole No. 5 at Moss Creek vs. Troy and Tippecanoe.
Photo by Ron Nunnari Sophomre Shawn Richard watches his tee shot.
Photo by Ron Nunnari Greg Peffley begins his downstroke as Troy’s Kaleb Tittle looks on. scores in the 160s next season and break 170 many times in 2014,” Hannahan said. “We are only five to seven shots away from being very competitive. If can buckle down
With a team featuring six sophomores the prospect of improved scores next season seems likely after the experience those players gained during the 2013 campaign. Shawn Richards is the top sophomore player who Hannahan sees as the foundation of next season’s program. On September 16 the Thunderbolts scored a major victory over Miamisburg, a top team in the Greater Western Ohio Conference South Division. Miamisburg is the No. 2 team in the South Division behind Springboro. The Thunderbolts beat the Viking 180 to 188 on the front nine at Moss Creek. Junior Greg Peffley led Northmont with round of 41 followed by Bryce Timmons with a 45, Ben Sage shot 46 and Luke Knapke shot 48. “Regardless of Miamisburg shooting a higher than an average score for their team on nine holes we still had to post a solid score in order to beat them,” Hannahan stated. “It was a nice win over a powerhouse team from the GWOC South.” September 20 against Wayne at Moss Creek the TBolts shot their best round of the season with 172 but Wayne still came out on top with a score of 166. The Warriors were led by Seth Strong with a two-under par 34 on the front nine while Dave Mohr shot a season best 41. Luke Knapke led Northmont with a 41, Shawn Richards shot 43, Greg Peffley 44 and Bryce Timmons also shot 44. Last Thursday Northmont competed in the GWOC Postseason Tournament and recorded a team score of 354, three stokes better than the Thunderbolts GWOC Preseason Tournament score of 357. Northmont was led by three sophomores, each of which shot rounds in the 80s. Luke Knapke had an 86, Shawn Richards had an 88 and Ben Sage had an 89. Senior Clayton Swafford in his final GWOC match shot a 91. Looking forward to next season coach Hannahan said
Photo by Ron Nunnari Sophomore Luke Knapke shot a 45 Monday during Northmont’s tri-match with Troy and Tippecanoe.
Photo by Ron Nunnari Sophomore Ben Sage shot a 44 against Troy and Tippecanoe on Monday at Moss Creek. over the off season and get little bigger, stronger and better with our young players we are going to be a team to be reckoned with.”
he is very impressed by the play of his young sophomores and feels Northmont will be a team to watch out for in the GWOC Central Division.
Greater Western Ohio Conference Central Division Boys Golf Standings Conference Overall W-L
Beavercreek 5 - 0 1.000 10 - 01.000
Photo by Ron Nunnari Senior Bryce Timmons shot a 44 against Wayne on September 20 at Moss Creek.
4 - 1 .800
7 - 3 .700
3 - 2 .600
7 - 5 .583
2 - 3 .400
5 - 6 .455
1 - 4 .200
1 - 14.067
0 - 5 .000
5 - 14.263
12A - Thursday, October 3, 2013
Englewood Independent
Thunderbolts go scoreless against Fairfield By RON NUNNARI Independent Editor
CLAYTON — After an outstanding effort that gave the Northmont boys soccer team a 2-1 victory September 24 over No. 2 ranked Centerville, the Thunderbolts could not find the net Saturday during a 40 loss to Fairfield. With the win Fairfield improved to 5-7-1 while Northmont dropped to 7-33. Brian Feller scored Fairfield’s only goal of the first half with 19:45 remaining. In the second half Neil Braam scored at 34:09, Francisco Gonzalez at 27:22 and Drew Burch with 19:37 remaining. “It’s a mystery team out here. We have a lot of skill and ability but we don’t always have the ability to actually perform,” said Northmont coach John Boucuvalas. “It’s hard to predict how we are going to
Photo by Ron Nunnari Eli Figuero prepares to make a pass during Northmont’s 4-0 loss to Fairfield.
do. We have talent, but some guys just aren’t performers so we’re not always sure when we are actually going to get the job done.” Boucuvalas went on to state that he would like to develop some consistency in the soccer program. In his first year as head coach he and his coaching staff have been doing everything they can to try and get some results. “I’d like to develop a culture of consistency and confidence and not just doing well when things are going well and not falling apart when things aren’t going well,” he added. “Today is a little reality check for us. We’re not there yet, but if we can stay humble I think we will be better off in the long run. A little humility hopefully will help us in the long run for the season.” Saturday the Bolts play at Tecumseh at 3 p.m. and on Tuesday, October 8 close regular season play at home vs. Wayne.
Tippecanoe dedicates season to the late Billy Moore This season, all of the Tipp football helmets have two stickers on them: both are black circles with red initials. One is for Alkie Richards, the Red Devils head football coach from 1951-1964. Over his career, Richards taught and coached in Tipp City and Troy for a collective 30 years. He passed away in Februrary of this year. The other sticker circle is for Billy. At the first home game against Greenville on Sept. 6, the Tippecanoe football players walked out with a special banner that read “In Memory of Coach Moore.” The banner is a collage of pictures throughout Billy’s coaching
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“That was our thing,” Denise said, admitting they let her mom Vicki come - but only once. This November, Denise, her boyfriend Ryan, who is a coach at Oakwood, and Vicki will be making the trek again to Notre Dame in honor of Billy. Another more permanent way to honor his memory is a fund Denise set up through the Tipp City Area Community Foundations. They developed the “Coach Billy Moore Athletic Fund.” It is not a scholarship fund. Rather, the money is earmarked for grants for football, wrestling and baseball coaches: all the sports her dad coached. The coaches can request new equipment, new helmets, new jerseys, etc. “This way the money comes back to the kids at the school,” Denise said, adding that it fits in with her dad’s theme “Fundamentals are the key to success.” To donate to the fund, send a check to with the memo line “Coach Billy Moore Fund” to Tipp City Foundations, P.O. Box 626, Tipp City OH 45371. For more information, call Foundations president Dr. Jim Ranft at (937) 667-1720 or visit
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Moore,” Burgbacher said. “He touched a lot of lives.” Billy’s net of lives touched extended to Troy as well, where he served for 12 years as football defensive coordinator and linebacker coach. One of the players he coached was Kris Dielman, who went on to become an offensive lineman with the San Diego Chargers. Billy was never committed to one particular NFL team - until Dielman became a Charger. For her dad’s birthday one year, Denise scored tickets to a Chargers/Colts game in Indianapolis. A Family Thing Denise grew up with her dad coaching - she was always with him out at football practice, and weekends were spent at the games. Come Saturdays, though, that was all about Notre Dame. Denise grew up in a Fighting Irish household. “Mom is a football fanatic, too,” she said. One of Denise’s best memories was being able to take her dad to a Notre Dame game. Once she graduated from college and was hired in Tipp City (Denise is a French teacher at the high school), Denise and Billy began a tradition to go to Notre Dame for a game once a year.
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days. The banner now hangs at the press box in the stadium. Before being hung, it was presented to four of Billy’s ex-athletes: Alex Baker, Greg Wasson, Jimmy Hall and Mike Moore. Baker was a member of the class of 2012 for Tippecanoe High School. Wasson was a wrestler on Billy’s team when he coached at Vandalia-Butler, and now Wasson’s son Jarett plays for the Tipp football team. Jarett was one of the players who carried the banner out onto the field. Hall and Moore also worked under Billy when they were football players at Vandalia-Butler. Hall has two sons who now play at Tippecanoe: Jacob, a senior, and Alex, who is a junior. Billy actually started out working in Vandalia-Butler High School. He graduated from there in 1969 and went back to teach in the district in 1974. He taught physical science and life science at Morton Middle, and served as the OWE coordinator at the high school. He also coached for 13 years at Vandalia-Butler in football, wrestling and baseball. “I come into contact with a lot of people - I can’t even count the number - who live in Vandalia and know Billy
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TIPP CITY — The Tippecanoe High football team has dedicated their season to a special person this year - the late Billy Moore. Moore passed away April 20 at the age of 62 from stage 4 melanoma cancer. He had been fighting it since early 2012, and even coached part of a season before chemotherapy forced him to quit. But even though he had to give up coaching, Moore never gave up completely. “He was always asking ‘okay, what’s the next step,’” his daughter Denise Moore recalled. “There was never
any giving up - that was not in his vocabulary.” Moore passed on that tenacity to his players - he came out of retirement to coach the Tippecanoe linebackers under Charlie Burgbacher. Before that, he had coached at both Vandalia-Butler and Troy High School. “The kids really responded to Bill’s coaching,” Burgbacher said in a previous interview. “He had a great rapport with the kids.” According to Denise, Billy brought a laidback style to his coaching. Burgbacher added, “He brought a calming effect to our coaching staff.”
Joyell Nevins Community News Staff