Comprehension Guide: History Is All You Left Me

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Adam Silvera

“… love shouldn’t only count when there’s a victory.” - Griffin p.281

H i s t o r y Is A l l Y o u Le f t M e

This work was created for educational purposes only as a comprehension companion guide For the novel: History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera

This EnglishCaddy™ Document was created by Gregg Robert Salters and is available for free through ENGLISHCADDY PUBLICATIONS Strasbourg, France 2018

Comprehension Questions for History Is All You Left Me by Adam Silvera by Gregg R. Salters is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. . To view a copy of this license, visit To obtain copies of this document visit

The 2017 Simon & Schuster UK Ltd. imprint of Soho Press, Inc. of History is All You Left Me (ISBN: 978-1-4711-4618-3) was used as reference in the creation of this comprehension companion and can be purchased at or at most major booksellers.

Let it in. L et it out. A nd G ro w . History Is All You Left Me explores profound grief at a time in our lives where we are just learning to deal with our emotions. For many this early period of life is already incredibly difficult without having to deal with the loss of a loved one. It is also a time that, no matter how old we are, we will always remember. The anxiety, the insecurity, the uncertainty of ourselves, how others see us and what we will become. Here we follow Griffin in his narrative of alternating between past and present, and his world unravels. His history becomes ours as we filter our own experiences from our youths and mingle them with Griffin’s. The pain is real. As the reader and observer of this story, we constantly ask ourselves how we would, how we could cope if we were in Griffin’s place and what personal losses we have also experienced. W hy St u dy His tory Is All Yo u Left M e ? History Is All You Left Me is uniquely presented in the first-person narrative alternating events between past and present. While reading, obviously we learn English vocabulary, grammar, expressions and syntax all while increasing comprehension, we also learn a lot about ourselves. The alternance between the profoundly happy times and the profoundly sad times, effortlessly brings out an array of emotions in the reader. If you find yourself laughing, if you find yourself crying, don’t worry, let yourself experience these emotions. You may be applying Griffin’s experiences to things buried deep within your own History. By allowing yourself to laugh, and by allowing yourself to cry, you relive, re-feel and deal with the things in your History, that may at this point be unexplored or underexplored. As Griffin pieces together his puzzle, you will find yourself your own puzzle together as well. Let it in, let it out and grow. Ho w to pr oce e d: Read each chapter in the book for as thorough an understanding as possible (paying special attention to vocabulary, expressions, slang and grammar along the way.) Then once you’ve completed the chapter answer the corresponding questions in the booklet. Answering the questions should be easy, but if you find questions that are difficult, simply go back to the page to which the question refers and reread wherever necessary so that you can easily complete the question. All answers are in the book and the page numbers at the end of each question. You may write your responses in this booklet, or you may want to copy them into your own notebook. There are many blank writing journals available for sale ranging from simple to fancy. If you would like to study the vocabulary presented in this guide, you’ll find two distinct activities on For the specific vocabulary go to: For the expressions used in the novel go to Both of these links will bring to you multiple multimedia activities designed to help you augment your current English vocabulary in fun ways. Th e m ost im port ant! The most important thing is to enjoy what you read. If the story fascinates you and piques your imagination, then learning becomes innate.

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Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera

Table of Contents Date “Chapter”

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28.

Page : Novel Today: Monday, November 20th, 2016 1 th History: Sunday, June 8 , 2014 3 Today: Monday, November 20th, 2016 17 History: Monday, June 9th, 2014 21 Today: Monday, November 20th, 2016 25 History: Thursday, June 12th, 2014 29 Today: Monday, November 20th, 2016 35 History: Sunday, June 15th, 2014 45 Today: Tuesday, November 21st, 2016 59 th History: Thursday, July 17 , 2014 61 Today: Thursday, November 24th, 2016 69 History: Friday, November 26th, 2014 79 Today: Thursday, November 24th, 2016 81 History: Friday, October 31st, 2014 95 Today: Friday, November 25th, 2016 101 History: December 25th, 2014 121 Today: Sunday, November 27th, 2016 129 th History: Wednesday, March 25 , 2015 143 Today: Thursday, December 1st, 2016 149 History: Wednesday, August 26th, 2015 145 Today: Thursday, December 8th, 2016 169 History: Friday, September 18th, 2015 197 Today: Monday, December 12th, 2016 205 History: Wednesday, February 10th, 2016 235 Today: Saturday, December 17th, 2016 255 History: Sunday, November 13th, 2016 289 Today: Sunday, January 7th, 2017 291 Bonus Questions

Page : Booklet 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 12 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 25 27 31 31 32


List of Main Characters Theo McIntyre Griffin Jennings Wade Church Jackson Wright Gregor Jennings (Griffin’s Father) Mrs. Jennings (Griffin’s Mother) Russell McIntyre (Theo’s Father) Ellen McIntyre (Theo’s Mother) Denise McIntyre (Theo’s Sister) Ms. Lane (Jackson’s Mother)

Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera

Vocabulary: Open casket (p. 1)

Pissed (p. 1) Hold back (p. 2) “’Fine. I’ll never die...’”

1. In the first paragraph, to whom is the narrator speaking? (p.1) . 2. What is the irony of the promise made, here at the very beginning of the story? (p. 2)

Vocabulary: Lair (p. 3) Flea market (p. 3) Overpriced (p. 3) Even (p. 3) Odd To be down to do s.t. (p. 3)

Know-it-all (p. 4) Stroll (p. 6) Mugginess (p. 8) Unleash (p. 9) O.C.D. (p. 11) Freak out (p. 12 & 14) Quirk (p. 12)

Tic (p. 12) Scoot (p. 12) What-ifs (p. 13) Comforter (p. 14)

“Alternate Universe: I’m dating Griffin Jennings and that’s that.” 1. Where were Theo and Griffin going? (p. 3)

2. What made Griffin’s view on the subway train “awesome”? (p. 4)

3. Where specifically do Theo and Griffin live? (p. 4)

4. What word is near-synonymous to “cursive”? (p. 5)


Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera 5. Who prefers Harry Potter and who prefers Star Wars? (p. 5)

6. Describe what Griffin buys Theo at the flea market. (pp. 7-8)

7. What did Griffin and Theo reveal to each after exchanging gifts? (pp. 11-12)

8. List 3 things that led Griffin to believe he has OCD. (p. 11-12)

9. Who is Wade? (p. 15)

10. Give an example from the chapter that shows that Griffin had had feelings for Theo for a while.

Vocabulary: Hoard (v.) (p. 19)

Glare (n.) (p. 19) To be drained (p.19)

Toddler (p. 19) Burial (p. 19)

“I drop my right hand to the empty space beside me, imagining your hand on mine.” 1. How does Griffin choose to dress for Theo’s funeral? (p. 18)

What is important about what he chooses? (p. 18)

2. How do you think Griffin feels about going to the funeral?

What gives a little bit of comfort? (p. 20) 3

Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera

Vocabulary: Bitch out (p. 21) Bother (p. 21)

[My] treat (p. 22) Glare (v.) (p. 22)

High-pitched (p. 23) Wrap (p. 24)

“It’s not game over for us. Think of it as a new game…” 1. What was Wade worried about when he discovered that Theo and Griffin were dating? (pp. 23-24)

2. What promise did Theo make Wade about the squad? (p. 24)

Vocabulary: Mourners (p. 25) Numb (p. 25)

Slam (p. 26) Pummel (p. 26)M Cutout (pp. 26-27)

Burst out (p. 28) Rib cage (p. 28) Bulk (p. 28)

“I just want to know when it will be possible to laugh again.” 1. In relation to Griffin and Theo’s relationship, describe the inspiration Griffin drew from his parents. (pp. 25-26)

2. Describe Griffin and Wade’s relationship in the months prior to Theo’s funeral. (p. 27)

3. Why does Griffin not want to talk to Jackson as Wade suggested? (p. 28)

What does this imply as to what happened with Theo and Griffin? 4

Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera

Vocabulary: Haul ass (p. 29) Chatter (p. 29)

Whistle (v.) (p. 30) Headbutt (p. 31) Tiebreaker (pp. 31 & 32)

Twirl (p. 33) Brandish. (p. 33)

“Theo turns to me and my heart is trying to headbutt itself out of my chest.” 1. In your opinion, why did Griffin say that 16 was a good table number? (p. 30)

2. What did Theo and Griffin do for a first date?

What did they win? (p. 32)

3. What did Theo say that they should do more often? (p. 33)

Vocabulary: Lanky (p. 35) Eulogy (p. 37) Envy (p. 38) NYU (p. 38)

Show off (p. 39) Carpeted (p. 40) Grip (p. 41) Choke (p. 42) Hog (p. 43)

Fidgety (p. 43) Awkward (p. 43) Shiver (p. 44)

“The outsider is inside the nexus of your life, and I hate it.” 1. What’s remarkable about Griffin and Jackson? (p. 35)

2. Who is Jackson and how did he come to be a part of everyone’s lives? (pp. 35-36)

3. What does Theo’s dad (Russell) ask Griffin to do? (p. 37)


Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera 4. Where is Jackson staying and for how long his anticipating staying in New York? (pp. 38-39)

5. Where does Griffin sit after seeing Theo in the casket? (p. 40)

6. “My legs are going to give out.” What does this mean and what is happening to Griffin? (p. 42)

7. How would you feel about speaking about someone you loved in front of people at a funeral like Griffin did about Theo?

What would be the hardest thing to overcome?

8. How did Theo and Jackson meet? (p. 43)

Vocabulary: Dodge a bullet (p. 45) Sneeze (p .45) Have the balls (p. 46) Whirlpool (p. 47) Mess up (p. 47)

A two-off (p. 47) Get one’s act together (p. 48) Wiped out (p. 48) Untangle (p. 49)

Beat around the bush (p. 51) Fearless (p. 52) Pier (p. 55) Pull s.t. off (p. 55) Throw off (p. 55)

“There are bigger problems than getting to kiss Theo again.” 1. What was the “Bloodcurdling Crawler”? (p. 46)


Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera

2. What was making Griffin feel uncomfortable? (p. 46)

3. According to Theo, what are the inherent properties of your boyfriend’s sweater? (p. 46)

4. Who do you think is more nervous about their first time, Theo or Griffin? What in the text supports your decision? (pp. 47-50)

5. What do they mean by “good weird”? (p. 51)

6. In your opinion, what could be said about their first time? (p. 52)

7. According to Griffin, to what does Wade often refer? (p. 54)

8. In one word, summarize how Theo’s and Griffin’s parents reacted to their coming out? (pp. 56-57)

Vocabulary: Tucked in (p. 59)

Drizzle (p. 59) Have it in for (p. 60) “This is the moment of the end.”

1. Why did Griffin bring white calla lilies to the cemetery? (p. 59) 7

Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera

2. What rationalization does Griffin use to try to comfort himself? (pp. 59-60)

3. How does Griffin ultimately react? (p. 60)

Vocabulary: Family planning (p. 62) Third wheel (p. 62) Mumble (p. 64)

Groundbreaking (p. 65) Birds and the bees (p. 65) Do a solid (p. 65) Nod (p. 66)

Crush (n) (p. 66) Fleeting (p. 66) Swoop in (p. 67)

“I like birds and bees.” 1. Where would Griffin be walking around naked twenty-four/seven? (p. 61)

2. How do Theo and Griffin make Wade feel uncomfortable? (p. 62)

3. How does Griffin feel about buying condoms? (pp. 62-63)

4. What superpowers does Griffin wish for, and why does he wish for them? (p. 64)

5. What does Griffin’s dad discover about Griffin and Theo and how do you think he feels about it? (pp. 64-65)


Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera

6. “I like birds and bees.” What is Theo actually saying? (p. 66)

7. Griffin believed that Theo’s crushes were cover for what? (pp. 66-67)

8. How do we see that Griffin might be insecure about his relationship with Theo? (pp. 67-68)

9. Why do you think that Theo never wants to use the condoms they just got at the drugstore? (p. 68)

Vocabulary: Bummed (p. 69) Headspace (p. 69) Endgame (p. 69)

Set things right (p. 70) Kickoff (p. 72) Middleman (p. 74) Crack jokes (p. 74)

Guidance counselor (p. 77) Peacoat (p. 77) Home free (p. 78)

“Everything I did for him I did for me, too, because it made me happy to see him happy.” 1. Where did Theo and Griffin spend their respective 2015 Thanksgivings, and where is Griffin this year? (p. 69)

2. Who has dementia? (p. 71)

3. Why doesn’t Griffin tell his grandmother about Theo’s death? (p. 71)

4. To what does Griffin listen 38 times and where is he listening to it? (p. 72) 9

Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera 5. Who is Remy and what does he do to Griffin? (pp. 74-75)

6. And what does Griffin do to Remy? (p. 75)

7. Why does Theo’s mother call Griffin? (p. 77)

8. On what do Griffin and Jackson agree that Theo would have liked? (p. 76-77)

Vocabulary: Locker (p.79)

Shrug it off (p. 79) College (p. 80)

Beaming (p. 80)

“I smile for him. But it’s a lie.” 1. What is “early admission” and what does it mean for Theo? (pp. 79-80)

Vocabulary: Trump (p. 81) Stingy (p. 81) Stoop (n) (p. 82) Passersby (p. 83)

Hoard (p. 84) Info-dumping (p. 85) Hang (out) (p. 88) Call it a night (p. 88) Tough it out (p. 88)

Tip toe (p. 88) Sly (p. 91) Win over (p. 91) Gun for (p. 91) Do over (p. 92)

“Some of my wishes would also require a resurrection to come true.” 1. Describe the atmosphere of the McIntyre’s Thanksgiving. (p. 83)


Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera 2. Why does Griffin “flip off” the fountain at Lincoln Center and say “It’s bullshit.”? (p. 83)

3. What were 3 of the many things that Griffin wished for? (p. 87)

4. Why does Griffin bring Jackson back to his apartment after the fountain? (pp. 88-89)

Would you do the same? Why or why not?

5. Why did Jackson have trouble believing that Theo loved him? Elaborate. (pp. 91-92)

6. When Theo would call Griffin when he fought with Jackson, what would Griffin secretly wish to hear from Theo? (p. 92)

7. What time did Griffin and Jackson go to bed? (p. 93)

8. How are Griffin and Jackson similar?


Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera

Vocabulary: Bowtie (p. 96) Getup (n.) (p. 96)

Screw up (p. 96) Slack (p. 97) Settle (p. 97)

Tickle (p. 98)

“There is definitely a greater voyage ahead.” 1. What’s preventing the trio from going to the Halloween party? (pp. 95-96)

2. What worries Theo the most about going to college? (p. 97)

3. How is Theo “walking” Theo through his brain? (pp. 98-99)

4. In plain words explain the allegory: “We’re two zombies that aren’t leaving the ship…”? (p. 99)

Vocabulary: Hover (p. 101) Drawn (p. 102) Flushed (p. 103) Another shot (p. 105) Take it out on (p. 106)

Reach out (p. 108) Mess with s.o.’s head (p. 108) Clock out (p. 109) Glitch (p. 111) Harsh (p. 113) Growl (p. 114)

Duck out (p. 115) Playdate (p. 116) Draft (v.) (p. 117) Ward off (p. 118) Covers (p. 120)

“The wound never closes, and the pain remains, always piercing, always burning, always suffocating, always bleeding.” 1. How have Griffin’s feelings toward Jackson changed by morning? (p. 101)


Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera 2. How are Griffin and Jackson each handling their semesters at their respective schools? (p. 102)

3. How do each of Griffin’s parents react to Jackson being in their home? (pp. 103-104)

4. Why do you think Griffin scratches his palm? (pp. 103 & 107)

5. Who are Anika and Veronika? (p. 107)

6. Which was Theo’s favorite game store, GameStop or Game Express? (p. 108)

7. How does Jackson react to Griffin’s “tic” about even/odd numbers? (pp. 109-110)

8. “Time heals all wounds” is a common expression to use when comforting a loss. How does Griffin feel about this axiom and people using it? (p. 113)

9. Does Griffin really hate Jackson as Denise implies? (p. 115)

10. Where do we find out Jackson has been sleeping while at the McIntyre’s? (pp. 116-117)

11. How was Theo finally “able to speak back” to Griffin and how does Griffin react? (pp. 117118) 13

Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera 12. With what does Griffin reproach his parents in relation to Jackson? (p. 119)

13. Why do you think Griffin is arguing/attacking his parents? (p. 119)

14. What does Griffin want of his parents and what does he want after the leave his room? Which does he get, and which doesn’t he get? (p. 120)

Vocabulary: Blush (p. 121) Kick back (p. 121) Step up one’s game (p. 122)

Wardrobe (p. 122) Control freak (p. 122) Bully (p. 126) Blown away (p. 126)

Snuggle (p. 126) Drop the ball (p. 127)

“It’s New Year’s, and I get to hold someone, and I get to be held. I get to kiss someone, and I get to be kissed.” 1. What is a ‘Secret Santa’? (p. 121)

2. What did each of the boys buy each other? (pp. 122-124) Bought Received




Theo Griffin Wade 3. What is a collective noun? List some examples from the internet. (p. 124)


Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera

4. What does Theo thank Griffin for after they kiss on New Year’s Eve? (p. 126)

Vocabulary: Casualty (p. 129) Must-haves (p. 130) Skip rocks (p. 131) Wrap one’s head around s.t. (p. 131) Ditch (v.) (p. 132) Shake it off (p. 132)

Clear the air (p. 132) Sewer (p. 133) Midst (p. 133) Rigged (p. 134) Fold (p. 134) Blow s.o. off (p. 134) Shake away (p. 134) Forthcoming (p. 135) Shaky (p. 136)

Power nap (p. 137) Fair game (p. 138) Daze (p. 139) Lecture (p. 140) Kick it with (p. 121) Fidget (p. 142) Roll around (p. 142)

“You’re dead, and I’m the worst kind of alive.” 1. What could a “phone casualty” mean in this case? (p. 129)

2. In the passage, “If I remember right … considering your mom’s imagination.” to whom is Griffin speaking? (p. 131)

3. In what way does Griffin feel he’s disappointing Theo? (pp. 131-132) (4)

4. Jackson said that he wasn’t supposed to go to New York in February, why did he end up going? (pp. 133-134)

5. Why does Griffin want Jackson to stay in New York? (p. 136)

Why does Jackson agree to Griffin’s request? (pp. 139-137) 15

Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera 6. What, in Griffin’s view is the worst kind of alive? (p. 139)

7. What preparations does Griffin take before Jackson’s stay in his room? (p. 139)

8. Why hasn’t Griffin watched tv in the last two weeks? (p. 141)

9. Why was Jackson distant from Griffin before Griffin took a nap? (pp. 141-142)

Vocabulary: Quirk (p. 143) Quirky (p. 143)

Make a big deal out of something (p. 143) Pop up (v.) (p. 144) Count down (v.) (p. 144)

Wobbly (p. 147) Be tight with someone (p. 148)

“I throw myself at him, and damn it, I’m not letting go.” 1. What two biggest quirks does Griffin talk about at the beginning of this chapter? (p. 143)

2. What is SMC and what did Theo receive from them? (p. 144)

3. What arrangements had Theo and Griffin made for their relationship while Theo is at college? (pp. 146-147)


Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera

4. Why did Griffin organize a surprise party for Theo? (pp. 146-147)

5. Describe each of the three gifts in this chapter and their impact on Theo or Griffin?

Vocabulary: Snow day (p. 149) Bouldering (p. 149) Crouch (p. 151) Cling (p. 151) Back-up plan (p. 152)

Back out (p. 153) Dorms (p. 155) Downtown (p. 155) Baggy (p. 155) Ambush (p. 156) Stunning (p. 156) Kidding (p. 157)

Muzzle (p. 157) Room together (v.) (p. 158) Binge (p. 160) Bingeing on (p. 160) Hail a cab (p. 162) Barely (p. 163) Snarl (p. 163)

“You’re gone, and so are Griff and Jack, dead with you.” 1. List the 6 firsts for Griffin on this day. (pp. 149-150)

2. How does Jackson react to Griffin saying happy birthday from Theo? (p. 153)

3. What do Griffin and Jackson build together? (pp. 154-155)

4. How would you describe Anika’s and Veronika’s personalities? (pp. 156-158) 17

Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera 5. Describe the relationship Theo had with Anika and Veronika. (p. 159)

6. What does Veronika reproach Jackson about, and how does this leave Jackson? (p. 161)

7. What truth is Griffin afraid of knowing and who can give it to him? (p. 162)

8. What happened to the relationship between Theo and Wade while Theo was in California? (p. 139)

9. What do we discover about how Griffin and Jackson have been treating their friends and lives? (pp. 163-164)

Vocabulary: Grappling (p. 165)

Screech (p. 166) Back off (p. 166) Reckless (p. 166)

Endgame (p. 167) Break up (p. 167) Snap out of (p. 167)

“I promise you: I’ll never die.” 1. What rationale does Griffin have for breaking up with Theo? (p. 167)

2. Has Griffin fallen out of love with Theo? Cite evidence for your answer.


Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera

Vocabulary: Free period (p. 169) Peek (p. 169) Write up s.o. (p. 170) Detention (p. 171) Keep it down (p. 171) Dean (p. 172) Slush (p. 172) Resume (v.) (p. 175)

Push one’s luck (p. 176) Outgrown (p. 178) Limbs (p. 179) Splurge (p. 179) Stand s.t. (p. 180) Snitch on (p. 181) Make-up work (p. 182) Grip (p. 183) Swerve (p. 183) Keep it together (p. 183)

Cross a line (p. 185) Undo (p. 186) Dread (p. 186) Upset (p. 186) Reach a boiling point (p. 189) Bounty (p. 190) Huddle (p. 190) Spot (v.) (p. 194) Sit shotgun (p. 195) Carry a tune (p. 196)

“If I can fly here for you, where will I go for me?” 1. What causes Griffin’s meltdown in the library? (p. 170)

2. Why was Griffin so insistent on having the sophomore’s seat? (p. 170)

3. What made Griffin run away from Wade? (p. 171)

4. What are some of the solutions Griffin’s parents offer in result of his break down in the library? (pp. 173-174) (3)

5. Research and list the seven stages of grief. (p. 175) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 19

Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera 6. For what day does Jackson want to be back home in California? (p. 175)

Friday, December 9th, 2016 7. What reasons do Griffin’s parents give for forbidding him from going to California with Jackson? (pp. 177-178)

What would you do if you were them?

8. Griffin says “Oh well” after his conversation with his parents. What does this imply about his intentions about California? (p. 179)

Saturday, December 10th, 2016 9. Griffin references that something “taboo” happened in June. What do you think this could be about? (p. 180)

Sunday, December 11th, 2016 10. At Griffin’s and Wade’s second encounter, what causes Wade to run away this time? (p. 181)

Monday, December 12th, 2016 11. What line does Griffin finally cross with Jackson while on the plane? (p. 185)

12. What feelings do you think Griffin’s mom experiences when Griffin informs here that he’s gone to California? (p. 187)


Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera 13. How does Ms. Lane feel about Griffin staying with her and Jackson, and what does she suggest might calm Griffin’s mother? (p. 190)

14. Where does Jackson suggest that Griffin sleep, and what is Griffin’s biggest obstacle concerning his suggestion? (pp. 192-193)

15. Theo hated silence, but how does Griffin explain its purpose? (p. 194)

16. What does Jackson do in the car that Griffin finds enjoyable? (p. 196)

Vocabulary: Gig (p. 197) Care package (p. 197) Downfall (p. 198)

Bound (p. 198) Lovesick (p. 198) Move on (p. 198) Whiplash (p. 199)

Read between the lines (p. 201) Dodge (p. 203) Withstand (p. 203) Bounce up (p. 204)

“I trust he loves me enough to never intentionally destroy me.” 1. What does Griffin mean by “Neither of us is trying to move on.”? (p. 198)

Thursday, October 29th, 2015 2. Why do you think Griffin chose Han Solo for his Halloween costume and Skype call with Theo? (p. 198)


Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera Saturday, October 31st, 2015 3. What bothers Griffin about his Halloween Skype call with Theo? (p. 200)

Saturday, November 7th, 2015 4. What do we discover as the reason Theo was late for his and Griffin’s Skype call on October 29th? (p. 201)

5. Why doesn’t Griffin want to Skype call with Theo anymore? (p. 202)

What will he do instead?

Thursday, December 31st, 2015 6. What does Griffin mean about ‘bouncing up whenever lightning strikes’? What is his plan? (p. 204)

Vocabulary: Pull into (p. 205) Tailgate (p. 206) Respawn (p. 206) Call someone out (p. 206) Snippet (p. 207) Lump (p. 208) Flicking (p. 209) Wince (p. 210)

Backseat driver (p. 210) Burrow (v.) (p. 210) Flashlight (p. 211) Scrunch up (p. 213) Draining (p. 214) Talk shit about (p. 217) Drenched (p. 220) Cross-legged (p. 222) Crank up s.t. (p. 223) Wrench (v.) (p. 224) “It’s one month since you died. It’s one month since you lived.” 22

Tenfold (p. 227) Rough around the edges (p. 227) Dick over someone (p. 228) Dwell (p. 231) Comforter (p. 231) Snatch (p. 231) To fill someone in (p. 233)

Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera 1. Why did Jackson bring Griffin to church? (pp. 205-206)

2. Where do the boys go after the church and who drives them there? (p. 207)

3. How would Griffin had known which was Theo’s dorm room (West 10) without Jackson there? (p. 108)

4. Why does Griffin want to keep the pirate? (p. 209)

5. What is the final reason Jackson keeps the spy pen on the rearview mirror in his car? (p. 211)

What do you think is the real reason?

6. What do the spot on the side of the highway (where Jackson stops the car with Griffin) and the L-train have in common? (p. 212)

7. According to Griffin, when will it be okay to move on to someone new? (pp. 213-214)

8. Which side of Jackson’s bed did Theo usually sleep on? (p. 216)

Tuesday, December 13th, 2016 9. What is Griffin curious about on this day? (p. 218) 23

Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera 10. In this case, what does it mean to feel ‘untouchable’, and why did Theo and Jackson feel that way? (p. 219)

11. What does Griffin wonder about the water molecules at this beach? (p. 220)

12. Why had Theo gone into the ocean alone on the day he drowned? (p. 221)

13. Later in bed why does Griffin not want Jackson to turn off the lights? (p. 225)

14. What change do you notice in Griffin’s attitude after making love with Jackson? (pp. 225226)

Wednesday, December 14th, 2016 15. How does Griffin explain his and Jackson different motivations for having sex? (p. 227)

16. What confession does Jackson give Griffin? (pp. 228-229)

How does Griffin react? (p. 229)

17. What does Jackson accuse Griffin of in relation to Theo’s drowning? (p. 229)

18. Why does Griffin decide not to hug Jackson when he leaves to go back to New York City? (p. 230)


Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera Friday, December 16th, 2016 19. Where is Griffin’s father taking him? (p. 231)

20. How does Griffin feel about telling Dr. Anderson everything? (p. 232)

Friday, December 16th, 2016 21. What is Griffin blaming himself for? (p. 234)

Vocabulary: Kickoff (v.) (p. 235) Dick around (p. 235) Swear (p. 236) Intact (p. 237) Shades (p. 237) Left over (p. 237)

Stab (p. 238) Airy (p. 239) Set s.o. off (p. 239) Slight (p. 239) Play dumb (p. 240) Adrift (p. 242) Killing time (p. 243) Spilling (p. 243)

Dizzy (p. 245) Take the lead (p. 245) Afterward (p. 246) Holding out (p. 246) Bow (p. 248) Slithering (p. 248) Screen calls (p. 249) Narrowed (p. 250)

“If Theo and I are meant to get back together, then it’ll happen in its own way.” 1. Where does Griffin not want to go? Why? (pp. 235-236)

2. What do you think Griffin is feeling after he talks to Theo on the phone? (pp. 236-237)

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016 3. Why would Theo not be a very good best friend during the zombie apocalypse? (p. 238)

Thursday, June 30th, 2016 4. According to the Theo, what would happen if Griffin were to go to school in California? (pp. 241-243) 25

Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera 5. What has happened that has become “taboo” between Theo and Griffin? (p. 242)

Thursday, August 11th, 2016 6. Why does Wade say that Theo is an asshole? (p. 243)

7. What did Wade say was Theo’s reason for getting a single dorm room? (p. 244)

8. What changes have occurred in the relationship between Wade and Griffin? (pp. 245-246)

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016 9. According to Griffin why did he and Wade continue having sex? (p. 246)

10. What two things did Wade want of Griffin? (p. 247)

11. Describe Griffin’s and Wade’s current relationship.

Thursday, September 8th, 2016 12. What shared reason do Griffin and Wade have for not answering Theo’s phone call? (p. 249)

Saturday, September 24th, 2016 13. What does ‘to keep it real’ mean? (p. 250) 26

Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera

14. What did Jackson want of Theo? (pp. 249-250)

Why do you think he wants this?

15. What did Griffin promise Wade? (p. 251)

Sunday, November 13th, 2016 16. What is team Griffin? (p. 252)

17. What do you think Griffin called Theo to tell him? (pp. 252-253)

Vocabulary: Blindsided (p. 255) Shelve (p. 255) Chills (p. 256) Lockdown (p. 257) Down (v.) (p. 258) Robbed (p. 258) ‘Shit hit the fan’ (p. 259) Second guess (v.) (p. 261) Have a shot at (p. 261) Make a move on (p. 262) Bopping (p. 265) Handstands (p. 265)

Shove (p. 266) Healing ritual (p. 266) Showdown (p. 267) Eggnog (p. 268) Snowball (v.) (p. 269) Bladder (p. 269) Swap (p. 270) Smirk (p. 270) Downer (p. 271) Lame (p. 271) Blasted (p. 271) Bust out laughing (p. 271) Film score (p. 271)

‘Kill 2 birds with 1 stone’ (p. 272) Straight up (p. 275) Dagger (p. 276) Peephole (p. 278) Lean on s.o. (p. 279) Turn down (p. 279) Windowsill (p. 280) Roadblock (p. 280) Head (v.) (p. 283) Tag along (p. 284) ‘Back at you’ (p. 285) Rocky (fig.) (p. 286) Scrub clean (p. 286) Nudge (p. 286)

“I’m the worst thing that’s ever happened to myself.” 1. “It’s you all over again.” Concerning Wade, what does Griffin mean when he says this to Theo? (p. 254) 27

Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera 2. What changed in Wade’s room and why has it changed? (pp. 258-259)

3. What do Wade and Griffin decide their relationship should be and how do they decide to support each other? (pp. 260-261)

Monday, December 19th, 2016 4. Where are Wade and Griffin, and what is “Denise Duty”? (p. 263)

5. What didn’t Ellen have fuel for after Theo’s death? (p. 263)

6. Why does Wade feel that puzzles and sandcastles are a waste of time? (p. 264)

7. How does the trio’s dancing help out? (p. 265)

8. How does Wade feel about Griffin’s visit to Theo’s bedroom? (p. 267)

Sunday, December 25th, 2016 9. What were some of the nice things that Griffin enjoyed this Christmas? (pp. 266-268)


Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera 10. What does Wade want to test out with Griffin? (pp. 268-269)

11. At Griffin’s request, what was the funny story that Wade told him? (p. 269)

12. What were the three things that Wade did to help Griffin in relation to his compulsions? (pp. 269-273)

13. What does Griffin feel he owes Wade in exchange for this help with his compulsions? (p. 273)

14. Which of Griffin’s confessions is Wade more shocked with? (p. 274)

15. How does Wade react to this confession? (pp. 274-275)

Wednesday, December 28th, 2016 16. What reason does Griffin give Jackson for why he had sex with him? (p. 276)

17. Why does Griffin choose not to tell Jackson about his taboo kiss with Theo? (pp. 277-278)


Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera Thursday, December 29th, 2016 & Friday, December 30th, 2016 18. What is Wade doing to Griffin on these 2 days? (p. 278)

Sunday, December 31st, 2016 19. What does it mean to become someone’s ‘rock’? (p. 279 & dictionary)

20. What is “the ball” in New York City? (p. 279 & internet)

21. To what do Wade and Griffin agree to give a shot in the new year? (p. 281)

Wednesday, January 4th, 2017 22. How does Wade threaten Jackson? (p. 282)

23. What forgiveness do the boys receive from Theo’s parents? (p. 283)

24. What do Theo’s parents blame themselves for? (pp. 283-284)

25. What explanation does Ellen give the boys for why they feel guilty, and what does she tell them the should do instead of feeling guilty? (p. 284)


Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera

26. Where does Jackson go after his visit with Theo’s parents? (p. 285)

Saturday, January 6th, 2017 27. In what ways is Wade helping Griffin? (pp. 285-286)

28. What does Griffin do that shows that he’s making progress? (p. 287)


Dresser (p. 289)

Bullet (v.) (p. 289)

“Knock me out Universe, I don’t care.” 1. Instead of receiving Theo’s return phone call, what does he receive instead? (p. 289)

2. How does Griffin avoid living in a universe where he can no longer talk to Theo McIntyre?


Put oneself first (p. 292) “I didn’t get our history wrong, did I.”

1. What are the reasons Griffin gives for saying his final goodbyes to Theo? (p. 291) In relation to his psychiatrist:

In relation to Wade 31

Comprehens ion Questions for HISTORY IS ALL YOU LEFT ME

By Adam Silvera

2. What gift does Griffin return to Theo and how is this significant? (p. 292)

3. As our story has now ended, what would you say to Theo as a final goodbye and what gift would you give him?

Dates were very important for Griffin in telling his story and the author took great care to title each chapter with a day and date. So, how well did you get to know the characters and the major events that happened to them? If you answer the following questions you’ll get a prize. 1. When is Theo’s birthday? 2. When is Griffin’s birthday? 3. When is Wade’s birthday? 4. When do Theo and Griffin kiss for the first time? 5. When is Theo’s and Griffin’s anniversary? 6. On what day did Theo die? 7. On what day did Theo and Griffin break up? 8. On what day did Theo move to California? 9. On what day did Theo and Jackson meet? 10. On what day did Wade and Griffin become a couple? 11. When was Theo’s funeral? 12. Big bonus. Why would Griffin have a difficult time reading this book?


GOOD JOB! You have successfully completed all of the questions. In this book we watched grief take its course and sharing that grief with Griffin, Wade and Jackson was unfortunately too easy, because we as readers, fell in love with Theo also. In their love of Theo - Griffin, Wade and Jackson painted an all too perfect picture of Theo - as we often do with someone we’ve lost. Theo was thoughtful, loving, a grade A student and so much more in the eyes of his friends and family. What qualities and characteristics of Theo’s do you admire, which do you possess, and which would you love to adapt for yourself?

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