A year with an eTwinning project
digital book created by Monika Chodnicka, Primary School in Zab贸r, Poland
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Everything started in September... In the middle of September we - students from Zab贸r, Poland met for the first time to discuss our work plan for the new school year. There were 13 of us in our eTwinning team:
Mirella, Wiktoria R., Hania, Szymon, Malwina, Czarek, Klaudia, Dawid, Wiktoria K., Julia, Natalia, Aneta and Milena G. In the second semester, Milena B. joined us. So there were 14 of us.
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In October... ... our English teacher, Miss Monika, told us we'll create a project with students from Spain and Turkey. "We were very excited, because we haven't met people from these countries yet. We were also a little afraid, because we weren't sure if our English is good enough to communicate with our new friends. Our teacher told us we shouldn't worry, because we are students and we still learn how to use foreign language properly. She explained that everyone makes mistakes and there is nothing wrong with it - even English and American people make language mistakes while speaking English. She taught us that the most important thing is to never give up and to do your best." students from class 6
We wanted to learn as much as possible about our new friends, but first we had to introduce ourselves. It wasn't difficult, because we had done it before, but this time we decided to do something special... so we made a video! You can find it here, under the quiz made by students from Spain: http://newtwinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=19058866 We also uploaded some photos of our school: http://newtwinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=19058866& p_p_id=31&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=maximized&p_p_mode =view&_31_struts_action=%2Fimage_gallery%2Fview&_31_fol derId=19807356
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Everyone of us wrote a short description of himself or herself, we also added our photos and uploaded everything here: http://newtwinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=19058866& p_p_id=20&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=maximized&p_p_mode =view&p_p_col_id=column1&p_p_col_pos=4&p_p_col_count=5&_20_struts_action=%2Fd ocument_library%2Fview&_20_folderId=19613583 As you can see, our friends from Turkey and Spain uploaded their introductions, too. We had great fun while reading about them. After that, we completed Spanish quiz - the results presented by their teacher, M. Carme, show that most of our answers were correct :) At the end of October we described our traditions connected with celebrating Halloween. We told our friends that in our school we usually organise All Saints' party, because we have a catholic patron (John Paul II) and we don't want to celebrate pagan festivals. We loved the video uploaded by Spanish students - we learnt that they don't celebrate Halloween in a traditional way, too. Here you can find everything we made about celebrating 31st October: http://newtwinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=20163287
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In November... we made another video. It was about our school. Most of the students involved in the project appeared in the video: we described our classrooms and other important rooms of our school. "Making this video was very funny. We were laughing and sometimes our teacher had to video one scene for three or four times!" girls from class 6b We watched videos made by our friends from Turkey and Spain and discussed the differences and similarities between our schools. After completing this part of the project, we decided to create our own website in English. We wanted to have a place where we can share our successes with our friends all over Europe. This is our English website: http://spzaboretwinning.wordpress.com/ "We like the idea of posting and sharing everything connected with us, our interests and hobbies. Our website can help our foreign friends meet us better.We also like writing and answering the comments - that improves our ability of communicating." Hania, Mirella, Wiktoria, Malwina from class 5 At the end of November we created a poll about favourite school subject (can be found here: http://newtwinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=20742933) and described holidays popular in Poland (here: http://newtwinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=20833020)
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December - Christmas time!
We started with making a lot of Christmas cards - we sent them to Spain and Turkey and then we got beautiful cards from them! Now, the cards are in the frames that hung on the wall of the school's corridor.
We made these cards with younger students from class 3.
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We also uploaded some photos of winter in Zab贸r. You can see them here: http://newtwinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=21408358& p_p_id=31&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=maximized&p_p_mode =view&_31_struts_action=%2Fimage_gallery%2Fview&_31_fol derId=21894333 And here are our presentations about Polish Christmas: http://newtwinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=21408358& p_p_id=20&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=maximized&p_p_mode =view&p_p_col_id=column1&p_p_col_pos=1&p_p_col_count=3&_20_struts_action=%2Fd ocument_library%2Fview&_20_folderId=21408493 We loved Christmas carols uploaded by our partners!
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January came... and we decided to do a collaborative task with our partners. We used Google Docs. It was a new tool for us, because we hadn't used it before. "Comparing Christmas traditions and winter activities in three different countries was interesting, because we could write everything in one place and it was visible to everyone, no matter if he or she was in Spain, Turkey or Poland. Awesome!" boys from class 6a You can find the task and its results here: http://newtwinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=22430364
...and in February... we used Smilebox (another new tool) to create tour guides. Wiktoria R., Szymon, Dawid, Julia and Milena created a tour guide on Poland and its most interesting cities. Aneta, Natalia and Mirella created a tour guide on Zab贸r and its neighbourhood. Both tour guides can be found here: http://newtwinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=23435632 We used Smilebox to make one more presentation: about how we celebrated Saint Valentine's Day. You can see it here: http://newtwinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=23084621
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March... ... was very busy. We did many things together. Firstly, we used the TwinSpace chat to meet and get closer. You can see photos from it here: http://newtwinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=23571467& p_p_id=31&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=maximized&p_p_mode =view&p_p_col_id=column1&p_p_col_count=1&_31_struts_action=%2Fimage_gallery%2 Fview&_31_folderId=23571498 Secondly, we created a collaborative activity based on Google Docs. Its name was "Easter in our countries". The activity and its results (in SlideShare presentation) can be found here, under the wonderful Spanish presentation about Easter: http://newtwinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=23574265 Finally, we created SlideShare presentations about Polish traditional costumes and unique Polish traditions. You can see it here, under the folder with gorgeous Turkish presentation: http://newtwinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=24181075 We also read how our Turkish partners celebrate the Women Day.
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In April... ... we created another collaborative task (collaborative activities with students from Spain and Turkey gave us so much pleasure we wanted more and more!). We created a survey about hobbies using a tool called PollDaddy. Its results are available here: http://newtwinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=24707388& p_p_id=20&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=maximized&p_p_mode =view&p_p_col_id=column1&p_p_col_count=4&_20_struts_action=%2Fdocument_librar y%2Fview&_20_folderId=25190133 We also read how our foreign friends celebrate 23rd April. In both Turkey and Spain it is a very important festival. You can read about it here: http://newtwinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=24651927
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And in May and June... ... to finish the project, we used ooVoo (a tool similar to SKYPE, but with more useful options) to organise a videoconference. Unfortunately, it was impossible to meet with both foreign schools, but we enjoyed time we spent with students from Spain a lot. We were singing, dancing, describing things we are interested in... and at the end we ate cupcakes that were made especially for our meeting. We discovered Spanish students are very talented, especially when it's about music. We loved the song about our project they created it by themselves! Their end-of-project cake looked really delicious. "I was very proud when I could be the leader of the Polish team during the videoconference with Spain. I was also a bit nervous, because their English is really good, but I think I managed. I liked Julia the most - she is very nice and clever and I think we could be great best friends. I hope I will have an opportunity to talk with her often in the future!" Hania, class 5 You can read more about closing parties here: http://newtwinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=25671499
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The evaluation of the project To finish the project, the teacher from Spain created an evaluation questionnaire. We answered all the questions. The results of the questionnaire can be found here: http://newtwinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=25735877 And here you can read our final thoughts: http://newtwinspace.etwinning.net/c/portal/layout?p_l_id=25808662
Our summary of the project Dear diary project was definitely the most interesting project we have taken part in. We learnt how to use many interesting tools: SlideShare, Google Docs, Google Drive, Smilebox, ooVoo, PollDaddy, TwinSpace chat, Microsoft Office - Word and PowerPoint. Evaluation questionnaire results show that all the students are glad they could take part in this project. Students are aware of the fact that project activities improved their communication abilities. Most of the students enjoyed collaborative activities most. We are very happy we could meet such wonderful friends and we hope to meet once again in September or October to create another project together!
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And here are some photos of us during project activities:
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Thank you for reading our digital book!
Miss M. and students from Zab贸r :)
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