GP, Eh?

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GP Eh? 2011

UTSC GREEN PATH august 18, 2011



To Learn, To Grow Up


The Hidden Depth


My life in Greenpath


15 Differences Between


China and Canada Persuasive Essay Show:


Who To Blame? Persuasive Essay Show:


Everyone Needs A University Degree

LIFE Eat, Pray, Love


Memories of Trips


First Impression Of Canada


First Impression of UTSC


University Life




Hold My Hand


If I Were A Boy




“Sonnet 116” Explication


Movie Review: HP 7 PART 2


Gamers In GP


Shopping In CA




GP Photography Competition




Don't Forget OUR RC Staffs!


A letter to all GPers


Editors Zhang Yuanyuan,Rhine Zhang Lingjie,Chris Lu Heng,Henry Li Yu,Fisher Xie Lulu ,Lulu Wang Heyi, Wanda Li Man,Ayn Wu Siyi,Veronica Wang Yashan, Alison Zhang Chengyu,Nero Shen Dongyuan,Viola Wang Sijia,Peter Zhao Xiaoyue,Julie Lin Youyou,Peter


To learn, to grow up

Jiayi ( Sunny) Xu

"I know my target clearly and I am well prepared for university life! What about you, my dear mates?" Hello everyone, I am Sunny. First

our new life, we need to be

of all, let’s say congratulations to


ourselves for we have graduated


earn about your major? Have

from GP and are prepared to

Maybe I am the few GPers

you made a detailed plan about

start a brand new journey. We

that choose majors other than

your study? I keep asking myself:

experienced and learned so

management. I wantto study

“Are you ready?”

much during our GP life. We

psychology in the next four

made friends who may be your

years. I have much passion on

Since I came to Canada, I have

dorm mates for the following four

this subject. Since I was a child in

tried to keep the habit to sleep

years. We travelled many places

primary school, I have admired

and get up early and also finish

and viewed quite a lot of scenes.

those people who can help

homework on time because I

What we gained from these three

others by chatting with them

know it is easy to break those

months is not only knowledge but

and solve those problems that

rules we made and get into bad

also cherished friendship and life

can not be told to others even to

habits. When I realize that I want

experience. For me, it is the first

families and friends. Then I know

to be apsychologist, no one can

time to stay abroad for nearly

those people are psychologists.

stop me. Even my parents don’t

3 months and I start to realize

I want to be an excellent doctor

support me because they think

that I have to be an adult and

and help more people who suffer

the job can’t be guaranteed.

take care of myself instead of

from psychological problems

Suffering a lot of pressure makes

depending on my parents. GP

especially Chinese people. Now,

me stronger. Life is ours and we

is near the end but the life of

I have the chance to make my

have to be responsible for it. I

university has just begun. Facing

dream come true. However, just

still remember how excited I am

a new situation, we are always

thinking is not enough. Before I

when I first listen to psychology

worried and anxious. However,

become a real university student

speech. I know what I want. I

challenges sometimes bring a lot

and start learning psychology, I

know my target clearly and I

of surprise. I am glad to receive

tell myself to be prepared. Have

am well prepared for university

challenges since life is always full

you had a healthy lifestyle? Have

life! What about you, my dear

of unpredictable things. To begin

you really known what you will l



The Hidden Depth Xiaoyue (Julie) Zhao

Most of us had no idea what would the university life in U of T be like when we decided to spend the next four years of our time here. It is obvious that we need to make some adjustments in order to succeed in our academic life here in an entirely new culture. The shift of changing to a new way of studying or even thinking might not be easy, but it is necessary and requires our own efforts. The GP life makes it a lot easier to adopt the rules here. When September begins, there might not be someone who correct all of your grammar mistakes with patience and explain the differences between the cultures here from ours. What is literally required to be a good student is sitting there quietly and getting everything asked by the teacher finished. It is rear to hear my teachers in China talking about hand gestures or eye contacts. Contrarily, having a good idea is not enough to obtain a good grade since getting your idea

of my habits. My first reaction of reading an essay is

spread is at least even necessary. We need to pay

trying to say those sentences in a different structure

attention to market ourselves which was not that

and replace some words with synonyms. This is

essential in our previous education experience, as

something we did not even need to consider about

a good mark seemed to represent too much. Here

when we were in high schools back in China, but it

in U of T, being active to participate and getting

can still become a habit of us in just two months.

ourselves involved in various activities instead of only

We can learn even faster than we thought

focusing on text books is one of the things which

sometimes and we have the ability to manage

might help us to achieve our academic goals.

the transition which might challenge us when

I still remember the first time when our Ryan teacher

September begins. Here is a picture called Hidden

asked us what is paraphrase, the answer of most of

Depth, which is posted in the blackboard by my

us is ‘paragraph’. They were similar enough to have

ARW teacher Mr.Mercer. I would like to share it with

the same meaning in our wild guesses. It was hard

you and hope every one of us can explore the

for me to imagine by then that after approximately

potential of ourselves even though they may not be

two months of GP life, paraphrase has become one

noticed at a first glance.



My life in Greenpath Manshu (Sunsan) Wang


It has been a while since we

Without doubt, instructors help

When I think of the essays we

came here and studied in

us to make improvement. In my

have written in ARW class, I feel

Greenpath program. What my

class, whenever I am standing

really proud of myself. How can

feeling now is how fast time

in the front of the whole class

I write so much paper in such

flies. I can still remember the first

and feel nervous, our instructor

a short time. Before I came to

day in the meeting place,

Toronto, I couldn’t believe

we stood and listened to

that I can write English articles

Jack, at that time, most of

like writing Chinese ones.

us were looking forward

Practice makes perfect. We

to the new life here and

practice everyday and our

the class in GP. But now,

efforts paid off. Have you

we are about to graduate

found that your writing ability

from GP. What we have

improved? One people

experienced in these three

that we should express

months is precious memory

our appreciation are the

and deserves to be put into

instructors. Every time we

hearts forever. Moreover,

finish our essay, they give

we should say thanks to

us feedback. Actually, they

all GP staffs, instructors

need to edit many essays

and our classmates who

and spend much more time

companied us and give us

than we do, so they are more

lots supports in this period.

tired than we are. Out ARW

We have amiable

instructor is a nice woman

instructors that teach us

who gives us refreshments

a lot of new things both

before every test. She is so

about our study and life.

nice and patient that we all

Moreover, no matter how silly

Carol Anne’s smile encourages

love her.

our question is, they answer

me and gives me confidence.

Very soon that we are going to

with great patience. The most

Every feedback is detailed and

say goodbye to all the staffs,

frequent thing we do in CS

useful; she pays a lot of attention

instructors and classmates.

classes is presentation, seminars

to us in order to help us, so do

However, these happy times we

and MMA. All of these raise

Scott, Matthew and many other

will remember forever.

our ability of spoken English.



15 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CHINA and CANADA ——Not everything i s di f f e r e n t, b u t everything is new

important assignment was not usually finished by oneself. (I don’t know if it’s true in university life.) 7.

Teachers really like us to talk more on

classes. 8.

There are so many telecom companies and

the signals are really…I miss CMCC! 9.

The frequency of texting significantly

dropped after I came here. I prefer to call people

- Yanqi (Cici) Wang When we suddenly got into a new environment,

now, and also I really don’t like voice mail. 10.

We receive a receipt written by hand when

taking a taxi.

something different will certainly catch our


attention. Here I list some differences we met with

the popcorn is salty, not sweet.

when we came to Canada and tried to be used to


all the new stuff. Put your hands up if you were as

people should be the minority here.

confused to these as me at first!


There is no seat number on film tickets and… Walking on the street, I found that white I missed the stop twice before I realized I

should press the button or pull the string on the bus. 1.

We need to pay for the trolley at the airport.



In the airport, the instructions and signals

coming to the bus, but those people usually walk as

frustrated me at first, because I usually understood

usual as if the bus is not ready to go. Hey how can

the words in the first line and fail to recognize the

they be so sure!

words in the second line. Then I knew they were


French. No wonder!

us. Well, at least we have Youtube now…


The driver will wait for the people who are

Some videos are not available on Youku for

The first time I bought something in Wal-Mart

and looked at the receipt, I didn’t think I bought a

Maybe one day we can integrate into the

product called “HST”…and now I know what was

environment and forget the feelings of confusion

going on.

and excitement when facing these differences. Or


People really like to put “XX.99” on the price

maybe one day when we return to our country,

tags, which was not common in China. We seldom

things are new to us again! I hope everyone can

use 1 fen in our life now.

adapt themselves to the new environment as soon


We cannot have our papers after tests.

as possible when all the things are not so fresh and


Team work is really important. The most



Persuasive Essay Show: Who To Blame?


Lihui (Karen) Ren’s creativity is reflected in her writing. She produced many well written and imaginative pieces during the course of the program. The following is her engaging account of who should be blamed for a senseless murder in a forest!

Maryam McCubbin

thinking. They will soon find that they have skipped someone, the murderer! He is the guy who deserves jailing! But why do they ignore the murderer all the time? Actually, it is because the murderer in the forest is the fact presented in the story, it is an objective fact and no one takes it as an issue. That is the thinking model human beings’ locked in. When facing similar situation like the Marrie and Raoul, humans tend to follow the way the writer set for them. Most of the time, they forget to question what the writer told them and in fact the real

Have you ever went through or witness a situation

problems are exactly in the “facts” the author told.

like this? You went through a very crowded square

The same mode of thinking is always applied in real

and after you step into your own car, you found

life in addition to the thinking of stories. When wrong

your cell phone missing. What are you going to

things or words are repeated for thousands of times,

think? Who are you going to blame, the thief, or

people tend to believe them.At least, they stop

you own carelessness? The answer is so obvious. The

questioning them but choose to accept them. Then

very first thing appears in your mind without question

the result is that they will feel hard to find the real

is “How can I be so careless!” instead of “How can

solution. What they think about is not the primary

the thief do that to me!” Actually, is that really your

points but the distracting elements. Once I tried to

fault? No! Stealing is not the thief’s job and you did

find the solution to a Calculus question in my high

nothing wrong by putting your cell phone in your

school, I slipped over each page of my Calculus

pocket. But how can you blame yourself? That is the

book but found nothing. The next day, I asked my

problem, the problem for all human beings. When

teacher about that and he told me the question is

wrong things appear repeatedly, we start to accept

not from the book but extra materials! How could

them as common ones and blame the innocent

I spend so much time on searching a wrong book!


The reason is simple: potentially I thought the

The “classic mistake” is made when people read the story about Marie and Raoul. Considering


Lihui (Karen) Ren

question is in the book and I made myself accept that thought as a fact.

whose responsibility is for Marie’s death, almost all

When you are on the wrong track, it is hard for

the readers argue among Raoul (Marie’s husband),

you to find it wrong. Only if you stop to think about it

Pierre (Marrie’s lover), the Ferryman and Marrie

and ask yourself whether you are in the wrong way,

herself. However, to think about that, are husbands

you have the chance to correct it. However, the

who leave his wife at home criminal? Do lovers

situation is that few people stop to think because

who don’t help their lovers deserve jailing? Should

they never realize it as necessary. This is a very

people who insist the rules of their job be blamed?

serious but ignorant problem of all human beings. If

Do wives who perform infidelity deserve death? Of

don’t like to live the life others tell you what to do,

course not! Then, who to blame? After answering

you have to jump out the circle and ask yourself

the series of questions, readers start their real

what is correct.

Persuasive Essay Show:

Everyone Needs A University Degree

Chengyu (Nero) Zhang

The following is a persuasive e s s ay b y st u d e nt a u t h o r Chengyu (Nero) Zhang. Asked to present his views on whether a university degree is necessary to achieve success in life, he argues definitively that there is value in higher education. Let his words serve as a reminder of your goals as a university student.

two eras, Microsoft and Facebook, both came from

Forty years ago in China, studying in a university

on his or her resume when almost every company

was a luxury or even an impossible dream for most

puts their requirements of a university degree on

of the students. In the time of famine and unstable

their “Join Us” web pages. A university degree may

politics, the only ability and knowledge that a

not distinguish a person from other applicants for

person needed was to grow enough food from

a job, but at least it helps not to lose from the very

the soil for the survival of himself or herself and his

beginning. The university diploma has become an

or her family. Things have changed dramatically

identity, as most people on this planet believe that

as the tremendous development in economy

a university graduate is somehow well educated

and education occurred in that eastern country

and more competitive.

Instructor: Maryam McCubbin

and shocked everyone in the world. At the same

Harvard university (Bill Gates dropped his student life when he was a sophomore). Barack Obama, the current president of the United States, graduated from the Columbia University and Harvard Law School. Most of the CEOs of the major companies in this world studied in a famous university in the world or in their country. Beside the shinning persons that stand in the spotlight every day, a nobody also needs a diploma from a university to be hired. It’s a shame if one can’t put a university experience

Also, to some extends one person’s societal

time, though everyone has to take part in the College Entering Test (also known as Gao Kao) to go through the procedure and start a new fouryear journey, fortunately, the country can provide ones who want to learn and experience more an opportunity to enter a university and to receive a university degree. However, when the surplus of diplomas replaced the shortage, many people have started to query the value of the degrees that the universities give to their graduates. I believe that it’s still necessary to receive a university degree to earn more money, live a happier life, or in general, achieve success in life. Some people may think that when almost everyone has a diploma, whether a university degree may improve a person’s competitiveness when hunting a well-paid job. Mark Zarkburg and Bill Gates, the founders of the two technology giants of


status is related to where he or she comes from.


A university is a place that educates people with

will lead to a huge change on a person’s outlook

latest knowledge and newest ideas. The better

on life and his or her behaviours when he or she

university a person graduates from, the better that a

steps into the real world from the tower of ivory.

person is trained for the job market and the society.

The absence of the university life might cause a

Students have an “Ivy League dream” because

narrower and shallower view of the world around.

they know that once they are admitted by any top

The university degree not only guarantees that a

schools in the Ivy League, their life tracks are going

person has enough knowledge, but also proves that

to change. But if a person gives up the chance to

a person is prepared and confident for the various

join any university, he or she may be considered

obstacles and challenges in the future.

unprepared and useless for the jobs and life in the

The University of California has 10 campuses;


University of Toronto has more than 70000 students

Many also raise questions that if knowledge and

and the number is still increasing; over 3000

skill is what people need to earn more money and

universities have been founded in the United States.

have a higher social position, why people don’t

More and More people are trying to find a place in

just study at home and pass an exam to prove

universities as they clearly realize what universities

that they have learnt so much. It’s undeniable

can bring them, and how significantly universities

that a successful life requires a job with high

can change them. More and more universities

salary; however, the job is not the only factor of a

have been established to meet the demand of the

successful life. University provides students access

society and the pressure of the future. Studying in

to improving their social skills, enhancing critical

a university is a mandatory lesson that everyone

thinking skills, and experiencing the feeling of living

needs to be involved in, as it teaches you how to

on one’s own. These improvements and experiences

be a useful and successful person.



Eat, Pray, Love

orever and always, people believe that life is like a trip, a long long trip for us to experience, to

Ming (Agnes) Yang

smile and to cry; a long long trip for us to meet and leave each other. As a little station of my long long trip, Quebec is indeed a shining point for me to keep looking back and enjoy the aftertaste it leaves me. It is a trip all about eat, pray and love.


he first day is filled with sitting in the bus, sleeping and looking outside the window. After 9 hours’ driving, we finally arrived at Quebec. The clean, quiet blocks are totally different from Toronto, from China. For me, Quebec is more like a heaven for vocation. People driving nice sports cars are all around, with their casual clothes and sun glasses. We first went to Old Quebec where streets and constructions are built in European style, people are walking slowly and music played by buskers is


floating in the air. Wandering around the ancient

s the French-speaking capital of the province of Quebec, the city of Quebec is full of French style

city, Lucy and I accidentally entered a splendid

restaurant with a common characteristic of enjoying

church. Time seemed to be still there. Everything

your dishes slowly. I will always remember the two meals

was peaceful and harmonious. The church was

we experienced in Quebec. Each lasts for over 2 hours,

not so big but it was well-decorated. The church

served with soft lighting, nice waiters and romantic

seemed to have magic that even people do not

songs. It ought to be a must for couples to enjoy a

believe in god couldn’t help standing there and

romantic date. Not to mention the excellent food

feeling the sacred atmosphere. Similarly, Basilique

served in the restaurants, the atmosphere intoxicates

Notre-Dame, as the oldest church in North America

people already.

built in 1647, has irresistible sacred atmosphere. There is a legend that once a lame person pray in

ove, which is an immortal topic for human beings, definitely ran through the whole trip. Friends wandered

from of the statue of Saint Andrew devoutly, he or

aimlessly in big streets and small lanes. Couples enjoyed

she would recover soon. People who recovered just

the melodious songs drifting in the air. People went

went back to the church and hang their crutches

back to hotel to play The Killers of Three Kingdoms until

on the wall to show their gratefulness.

midnight. Everything was filled with joy and satisfaction.


Three days are never enough for us to explore the

Entering the church, people could not help

gorgeous, ancient city. With photos filled our cameras,

praying and enjoying the gorgeous decoration in

with the memorable sunset on our way back, the trip

the church. Inner peace could really be achieved

ended with only beautiful memories left, but eat, pray

only by slowly walking around the church.

and love are always endless.



Memories of Trips

Wanda Wang

Lulu Xie 09

Lulu Xie


Wanda Wang

Wanda Wang

Lulu Xie

Wanda Wang

Wanda Wang 10


Viola Shen

Wanda Wang

Lillian Li 11


Johnson Zhang

Sarah Chu

Ivy LI



First Impression of Canada Dear GP-ers! Do you guys and girls still remember the first time we get off the plane with exhaustion and thrill? Do you still remember the first glance of the marshmallow clouds flowing around upon Canada’s crystal sky? Do you still remember the very first breath of rising sun with sea gulls flying above? Do the breathtaking views of our future campus make your heart beat hard? Or do those cute little creatures wandering off the campus make you want to discover more? Write two or three sentences to describe your very first feeling of the new life, and share it on the GP, Eh? Magazine to recall our fantastic feelings about Canada!

Starting a new life in Canada is interesting and exciting. Being independent and doing everything by myself is a new challenge for me and it is a brand new and also fascinating journey. The first meal I cooked; the first Green Path class I took, the first party I party I participated to. Those beautiful memories will be remembered forever for me. (Sunny Xu)

The toughest task for me is to be independent I used to think I was independent enough to solve most of problems I encounter in daily life, but now I realize I can do even better. The Green Path program gives me an overall view of what I will face on September and What I am supposed to do to cater to the requirements. It also makes me know any brilliant thing could appear in my future as long as I seize every chance to learn more and experience more. Anything is possible as long as I try and make attempts. (Lynn Wu)


LIVE I still remember the first 5 days when we arrived in Toronto, which are all rainy days. I couldn’t fall asleep in the night and was sleepy during the day. In order to keep awake, my friend and I took a 2-hour walk to Morningside Park, which was tiring but pretty exciting. (Tracy Zhang)

The sky was dark as my feeling because I was upset to leave home so far without relatives and family. The sky was doom as my feeling because I was unsure that my future would be bright. (Anonymous)

It took me quite a long time to make myself realize that I was in Canada, joining in the Green path Program. After the fourteen-hour flight, we gathered together living and studying though some of us might never meet before. This is really amazing. As time goes by, the three-month GP Program is to be over and it has become our memorable experience for a life time absolutely. (Henry Lu) I was nervous, but more excited and curious of the place where I would study for the next 4 years. It seemed that everything was new. Cute Canadian goose, nice staff in Residence Center, really beautiful and crystal sky…… all of those things leave me very good and fantastic first impression and I was looking forward to discovering more here. (Lillian Li) The airport seems old and on the way to the University, the city seemed quiet. After that, I know the reason why it seemed so quiet because we are on the highway. Actually I felt a little disappointed to Toronto. But I can figure out why. (Jackie He) 14


First Impression of UTSC Shiyu (Renee) Fu


When the magzine asked me to write something about the environment in the University of Toronto Scarborough campus, the first things that came to my mind were those animals. All those squirrels and raccoons, those insects like ants and flies those birds which can sing different songs. PHOTO COURTESY| YUAN CHEN

My first impression of our residence in the campus was that there are black squirrels!! I spent many days observing this kind of rarely seen animal in China, and finally have no passion with them anymore even though they run over my feet all the time. I first met those raccoons in one dark humid night. I was coming back from the residence centre after preparing for the exhausting seminar, and then I saw a pair of twinkling eyes through the thick fog. I was frightened by that pair of green eyes and began to think of those rumors of the dangerous animals such as wolves or bears that appear in the campus. When I walked near to the eyes, I found a little but fat raccoon standing beside the rubbish bin and having its delicious dinner. Well, insects are always annoying in the campus, especially before the house inspection. There are so many ants living in my dormitory maybe just because we have so many delicious foods! They are wandering beside of our sink and on the table of our kitchen or around the rubbish bin! Although we wanted to kill all of them in the first few weeks, we can now stay harmoniously with each other because we know that even we have kicked them off for so many times, they can still find their way home. I think living in the residence in UTSC give us an opportunity to stay closely with the natural environment, and it’s really an enjoyable experience.




Life in University Li (Andriy) Wang

I am shocked when someone tells me that it has been nearly three months after we arrived in Toronto. I feel bad every time I find that the place is so far from home that a thirteen- hour-flight is not enough to get back. Things are getting better. At the beginning of each month, I am in the process of comfortlessness which you must know what I’m talking about. Ha-ha. In the past three months, we transform ourselves successfully from guests to hosts. There are many hard-working students made in HW. And don’t forget we always held a meeting to solve the problems of Seminar or RPF by the end of the deadline in RC. These interesting memories comprise our colorful GP life. I’ve heard of lots of complaints about our dormitory, inspection, the environment and the location of our campus. Actually, we’ve lived quite amusedly accompanying complaints. In my view, I find that the layout of buildings may affect us positively. I am looking forward to the feeling of running out of a classroom to another one. This is so-called “life of University” which we are looking for. At last, I hope every GPer can adapt quickly to the life in UT after the graduation of GP, showing our strong strengths all over the campus.



IS THIS IT Shiqian (Julian) Gu

After 1990s, the digital era came. Until now, the thing that people usually do is downloading music that they like for free. However, the end of the album era almost equals the end of the resplendence of many types of music----blues rock, hard rock, indie, grunge, heavy metal and progressive rock. Electronic music and pop music take the lead, are these kinds of music better? From my own perspective, the answer is “of course not.” The reason why I give this answer is that we can never find albums like The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars by David Bowie in 1972 and The Wall by Pink Floyd in 1979. Both albums are concept album, the former one told a story of an imaginary rock star, Ziggy Stardust while the latter one talked about the bondage in our mental world and expressed the wish of stopping the Vietnam War. Here is a question, after 2000, are there any great albums? You may notice the word “almost” in the first paragraph. Yes, there are still some good albums and unique band to support today’s weak market. Is this it is the album that I’d like to share. Released in 2002, it was the first album by American indie rock band, The Strokes. The music in this album is quite simple and straightforward, for you can simply pick out the drumbeat in the background. The lyrics are humorous and relaxing, for the songs mainly tell the life and relationship of urban youth. The lead vocal of this band is Julian Casablancas. I’d like to say that this guy is born to sing. His voice is impressive------lazy, electric, charming and flexible. The unique rhythm always reminds people of the style in 1980s or 1990s, a little bit rough but fit the singer’s voice well. If you like Brit-pop, grunge or indie rock, you don’t want to miss this album. Every time when I listen to this album, there always an image comes to my mind----we are driving home in the sunset.



If I Were A Boy

Hold My Hand Yi (Anna) Zhengi

Yashan (Alison) Wang

On December 14th, 2010, late Michael Jackson released a new album called Michael, soon thrilled the world again. The album contains 10 songs which were recorded several years before his passing. On November 15th, 2010, just before the album was put on sale, the first single “Hold My Hand” was released. “Hold My Hand”, which was recorded in 2008, is performed by Michael Jackson and Akon, who is the other famous black singer. The song’s theme is about friendship and trust with lyrics which are full of hope and faith. They sing, “Nothing can come between us if you just hold my hand”, “when it gets dark and when it gets

If I Were a Boy is absolutely my favorite song! It is no doubt that Beyonce Knowles is one of the best pop singer in North America. If I were a Boy was recorded in her third studio album--I Am … Sasha Fierce in 2008, which created 7 million sales around the world. If a were a boy, the hit song of the album, was once in the top on of European Hot 100 and the ninth in pop songs list (recorded by BillBoard). It is also called the song her best yet. In the lyrics, Beyonce expresses her desire to be a man. It seems that being a man can be much easier than woman because man does not have to be emotional and sensitive. If she could be a man, she could probably do whatever she wants.

cold we hold each other till we see the sunlight”. As Michael Jackson’s consistent style, “hold my hand” is full of joy, hope, and love. His voice in this song is so soft that it might be curable to people’s tired heart and soul by his pureness. In the MV, people can see sunlight, children, smile, holding hands, happy faces, as well as Michael’s passion and professionalism for his career. Filled with love, comfort and joy, the song and the MV are more than another masterpiece of Michael Jackson; they are the best gift for all people who love him. This brilliant video represents what Michael believed all his life— love and the strength of love. It is the best memorial of Michael Jackson’s life. He is not only the “king of pop”, but also a normal person with pure mind. LOVE could be the greatest gift to him, always.

She could hang out with guys and drink all night; she could chase after girls and then dump them; she probably does not understand what do girls want and why they get hurt. Yet she is a girl, she will try to figure out why boys are indifferent and cold. How come everytime the person who get hurt is girl, not boy? She might experience that, and write her feelings down. I personally really like this song, because I can somehow feel exactly the same as her! By the way, my feeling is not about love; I just want to be a boy because that will be exciting…




I’ve been waiting for July 15th for so long that when this day actually comes, I feel so sad like everything is going to an end. Yes, it should all end at that day, just like the poster of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II says. Things have changed so much since the September of 2000 when the first HP book was published in China. I was 7 but now all of us have grown up. Harry Potter, however incredible or epic, ends at the day when I watched its last movie. Harry has been with us for 11 years. I remember when I first read the book “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”, I was so excited about the fascinating adventure through platform 9 and three quarters, Kings Cross Station to Hogwarts. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has been my dream place for years. It was torn down in the last movie, however, it is always the place where Harry, Ron and Hermione wandered at night, where the mischievous twins Fred and George made fun of Malfoy, Crab and Goyle, where Professor Dumbledore and McGonagall made speeches to welcome first years, where Hagrid and Fang lived with each other, and where Sirius, Remus, James, Lily and Severus spent together 20 years ago. This was the place Harry called home, so did Tom Riddle. So many unforgettable moments happened in this magic place. Some are adorable when Gryffindor won the Quidditch and the House Cup. Some are really depressed and sad such as the death of Albus Dumbledore. Every corner of this school had stories. Those stories will last forever. There are also memories on Number Four, Privet Drive where Harry lived with his uncle Vernon and Cousin Dudley during the summer time. Memories on the Burrow were wonderful, too. The Weasleys had given Harry the closest feeling about being with families. Ginny’s smell, Ms. Weasley’s cook, Mr. Weasley’s joke, they were all wonderful. In addition, No.13 Grimmauld Place had always been the house where Harry wanted to spend with his godfather forever and taste the feeling of living with someone really close to him. All these moments make up the story of Harry Potter. I remember in the last movie, when Harry decided to meet Voldemort, he opened the golden snitch that Dumbledore left him. Inside it was the Resurrection Stone, and it brought back all the ones that died



for Harry, the ones that loved Harry all the time. They gave Harry the power to keep going. They were inside him, always. Tens of thousands of fans have witnessed Harry growing form an 11 year old boy who knew nothing about being a wizard to an adult who took the responsibility to save the magic world and ready to sacrifice himself to the Dark Lord. Finally, he defeated Voldemort. There is great loss but everything is going to have a new start. And after the first movie of the series, everyone remembered the cute face of that brave boy, the boy who lived. His glasses never changed for all these years. Even we all become older and more mature than 10 years ago; there is something, something that never fade away. The courage, the friendship, the loyalty and the love are still there, and they are growing stronger and stronger each year. Pure-blood or muggles, house-elves or giants, they share this one world. Nothing can tear the world apart. Now begins a new era, we will follow Harry Potter’s footstep and live a different life outside the magic world.

However, I already begin to

miss it, miss the time when we were so young. May we all have the magical power and the courage to defeat all the difficulties. Now and forever with Harry Potter.



“Sonnet 116” Explication Yujia (Kelsi) Cao

SONNET 116 William Shakespeare Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments. Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove: O no! it is an ever-fixed mark That looks on tempests and is never shaken; It is the star to every wandering bark, Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken. Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks Within his bending sickle's compass come: Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom. If this be error and upon me proved, I never writ, nor no man ever loved.

Sonnets are a kind of poem with a length of fourteen lines and meter of iambic pentameter. They can be thematically divided into two sections. The first presents the theme and raises an issue or doubt. The second part is the rhyming couplet. It answers the question or resolves the problem posed before, or drives home the poem’s point. The famous “Sonnet 116” by William Shakespeare has a theme of loveliness between men and women. The sonnet conveys the author’s belief that true love is eternal. It never fades as time passes. In the first stanza, Shakespeare begins the sonnet by telling what love is not. True love between two lovers doesn’t let “impediments” get on the way of marriage. The word “impediments” here literally means something that get in people’s way, but the symbolic meaning of it is anything that causes misunderstanding. Love is not love when the loved one “alters” and “remove[s]” the emotion. In the second stanza, the turn of emotion came. Shakespeare makes the point that true love is constant. He achieves the theme of the sonnet by using metaphors. Love “looks on tempests” and never shakes. The word “tempest” in this line is a metaphor. It indicates the storms or fights two lovers might undergo in their life, or misunderstanding between them. Love is the lodestar to “every wondering bark,” and its worth can never be measured. The metaphor “wandering bark” indicates people who are feeling lost, like a ship on dark nights, and are exploring their life. Love can give them power and lead them out of the dark times. In the third stanza, Shakespeare states how true love behaves as time passes. His point is that “Love’s not Time’s fool.” Love doesn’t change even though life is really short. Even if one day the two lovers come to “the



edge of doom,” their true love will not end, it goes beyond death. Shakespeare uses “sickle” as a metaphor to indicate time. Even if “rosy lips and cheeks” in youthful age fade away, even if the beauty of youth is replaced by senility, and even if the "sickle" of time cuts young life short, love stays constant. It is love that can stand the test of time. The couplet at the end of the sonnet states that if what he said about love is proven wrong, then he has never written the poem, and "no man [has] ever loved." Shakespeare brings the theme of the sonnet to a conclusion. The couplet shows Shakespeare's certainty about his point of view of true love. The two lines affirm all the points he makes that love is constant and it goes beyond time. In "Sonnet 116," Shakespeare states how true love should be like and what shouldn't it be like. The two key points he is making are that love is constant and it goes beyond time. True love can undergo storms in life, can light up the dark in the lover's empty heart. And without a second of shaking or altering, eternal love goes beyond time, it even oversteps death. "Love's not Time's fool," beauty and vigor of youth can be withered by age, but love never loses its way when facing time's "bending sickle." This is the essence of true love being described in "Sonnet 116."


Love is a seed, waiting to germinate, Love is an ocean, whose waves are never at rest. Love is the sunrise, symbolizing a new day to go on an adventure, Love is the universe, tolerating everything that exists. Love is something you should appreciate, Though it cannot be something perfect. It is like the rainbow with the colors you like and dislike, You cannot accordingly reject the beauty of the whole. Love is something worth trusting, Something doesn’t bear cheating or suspicions. The faith of love is constant no matter life is tough or smooth, Two people together can conquer all the fears and obstacles. The start of love is the start of responsibility, Since love means treasuring and caring for each other. If love is handled well, There must have been something sacrificed or paid. Love is a feeling hard to explain, It is a sense of security, meanwhile a fear of losing it. Love can both be smiles and tears,

Love Poem 23


Movie Review "Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part.2" Director: David Yates 15 July 2011 (Canada) Stars:Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint

By Fang (Angel) He After ten years of waiting, the last episode of Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Deadly Hollows Part II, has finally released. Unfortunately, I have to say that it is quite disappointing. We have to admit that as the time goes by, the performing skills of the characters have improved greatly; and the way of filming has improved in the past ten years. With the 3D effects, the movie made the scene more attractive by fulfilled these scenes with mysterious atmospheres. As one of the biggest fans of Harry Potter, I have read every single episode of this famous series of novels from the beginning to the end so I can easily catch up with the pace of the movie and the events that was happening during the movie. However, for those who haven’t read the novel beforehand and only watched the previous 7 episodes of the movie might not understand this movie well for its fast pace and events which is not very logical. Even though I have watched the last episode of the movie, it took me some time to recall the scene in the Harry Potter and the Deadly Hollows Part I because the movie was shown almost a year ago. Some important scenes in the novel have been skipped. As a result, the events are not connected logically. It increases the difficulty for audience to understand what is happening on the screen. The unexpected kisses between characters make the movie not very spontaneous and more awkward. The way they demonstrate and perform scenes that suppose to be moving is fairly satisfactory because of the fast pace. Overall, I prefer spending hours reading the novels to sitting in the cinema watching the film because it didn’t satisfy my imaginations. The movie of one of the greatest series of novels shouldn’t end up like this. It supposes to be like an epic but it doesn’t. No matter how the story ends, we still have to carry on our adventure with the sorrow for the loss of the film.



Gamers In GP “Defense of the Ancients (commonly known as DotA) is a custom scenario for the real-time strategy video game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, based on the "Aeon of Strife" map for StarCraft. The objective of the scenario is for each team to destroy the opponents' Ancients, heavily guarded structures at opposing corners of the map. Players use powerful units known as heroes, and are assisted by allied heroes and AI-controlled fighters called "creeps". As in role-playing games, players level up their heroes and use gold to buy equipment during the mission.” (


between the two things is both of them are sort of

Most of the GP students had a long holiday in

Kengren. In China, we usually play on VS client, on

the first half of 2011. Some boys spent days and nights playing DotA, which is currently the most popular game in China. After saying goodbye to our old friends in China, how can we cope with our loneliness here in Canada? According to a golden method in China, “Lonely women wear stockings while lonely men play DotA”, DotA is always there

draft mode (-rd) is popular. However here in Canada, all pick mode(-ap) is used in most games, since Garena, also known as GG, is an international client and people all over the world play on it. Zhengda Li(Lee), also called the Big Brother, organizes black market every

when you need it. So, let’s “war a pain fast”!

afternoon. He is a fanatic DotAer and a famous


time. He always uses Priestess of Moon and Invoker,

We call the event that several people play together

playing experiences (others just choose a random

in a pub game a “black market”. The similarity


which random

otaku(geek?), and plays DotA in most of his free both of which require pro skills and abundant hero which will save them 250 gold). The common


members of black market are Lifeng Tian(Tofe),

group suddenly becomes silent.

Han Cheng(Archy), Tianchen Da(Damian), Shihao Miao(Harry) and Xinyu Fan(James). For most of the


times we can easily win because it is common to meet beginners of DotA on GG. Sometimes we also

Clan war(CW) is the official form for DotA

have beginners in our team and it is hard to lead

competitions. It is also regarded as black market

your teammates to win. I still remember a long and

VS black market. Every team has a leader, and the

exhausting game which lasted for 80 minutes. I used

leader has to ban heroes that the team doesn’t

Centaur Warchief while Lee used the Navy Captain

want to face, and pick heroes for every member in

and Damian used Earthshaker. The Bounty Hunter on

the team. The duties of the members are divided

the other side made Divine Rapier which increased

into carrier, ganker and supporter. Carriers have

his attack point by 250. Dramatically, Bounty Hunter

the ability to lead the whole team to victory. They

died and lost the Divine Rapier, and then Harry’s

are strong when they have advanced items and

Goblin Techies picked it and it was useless for a hero

high levels, but they are weak before they grow up.

as known as “Suicide Bomber”. Finally we lost as

Gankers are those heroes with amazing skills that

our base was pushed despite the final score was

can easily restrict and kill other heroes. They need

66:65. Another important event is demolishing the

to kill other team’s carry and make him hard to

black market. This is very difficult, but Tofe tried and

grow up. Supporters need to buy wards which will

succeeded several times. He hides his ID and joined

provide extra sight on the map and protect the

the opposite side of our black market. Every time he

carriers, preventing them from being killed. Every

succeeded , he would show his identity which made

part in the team is essential. It is not common to play

all of us feel “eggache”.

clan war on GG because there is no specific room for clan war. However, we met several Chinese and


after chatting and negotiation, we played clan war against them. In the first game, Tofe unpredictedly

Solo is a form that requires personal skills. Only two

picked Banehallow and quickly won the game.

players participate in solo and join two sides. To win

Then our opponent banned Banehallow but Tofe

a solo, a player needs to kill the opponent three

changed the strategy and beated them easily

times or push to the second tower in mid lane. Archy

another time. Although Tofe’s excellent personal

is a very professional solo player. He can even use

ability is an important factor to our victory, what’s

Pudge, a weak hero in solo and easily win rest of

more important is the effort from the whole team.

us. However, there is still another obstacle in front of him. That is Tofe, a legend in 2011 GP program.

*Advertisement: if you want to join UTSC DotA QQ

Tofe is famous because I think he is the best DotAer

group of 2011 GP, please search the group number

ever in GP. Others just call him Brother DotA or

124596882. Remember our slogan: War a Pain Fast!

DotA. However, we call him “Saobi” because he is extremely coquettish when he plays DotA. He seldom makes mistakes in DotA, and always farms fast and makes unimaginable items. Every time Tofe asks if there is anyone wants to solo with him, the QQ



The First Sanguosha Competition in University of Toronto Bin Liu Executive Member, UTSO

During a very long period of time, Chinese people usually play foreign board games like poker, Monopoly, etc. Chinese have few popular domestic board games until in 2008 the invention of The Killers of Three Kingdoms (KTK) or Sanguosha, whose rules are based on Bang!, but the background is based on the history of Three Kingdoms era. At that time, Huang Kai (Kayak), who is the main inventor and designer, had just graduated from Communication University of China. Even he himself did not realize how popular KTK had become among Chinese, especially youngsters and white collars. Just one year after, in 2009, many overseas Chinese students started to know this board game and were keen it on. In 2010, as it is in China, the most popular board game is also KTK among Chinese students overseas. Many competitions about KTK had been held and the attendance is incredibly crowded. In Toronto, a huge amount of Chinese undergraduate students play KTK so that many student clubs about KTK have been established. In May, 2011, University of Toronto Sanguosha Organization (UTSO) was founded. A few weeks later, on June 12, 2011, UTSO and other Chinese student clubs including University of Toronto Chinese Students and Scholars Association (UTCSSA) and Green Path Association (GPA) held The


First Sanguosha Competition in University of Toronto. More than 40 students, especially new Green Path students registered and took part in this competition. From June 12 to July 31, six eight-person role mode competitions and two 3V3 mode competitions were held. In eight-person role mode, there are 4 roles which are the lord, the minister, the outlaw and the spy, each of whom has to complete a particular task in the game. Because outlaw’s task is to eliminate the lord only, so this easiest task made most successes belong to outlaws. Fu Jingxi won the most competitions as an outlaw and she won the second reward at last. Spy is the most difficult role to win the game because it must leave itself the only role alive. Cheng Han was the only player who won the game as a spy and this made him the first place in the competition of this mode. The goal for lord and minister is to kill all outlaws and spies. Zhao Yanshu


won the most games as a lord and won the third prize. Fang Shuai won the most competitions as a minister and his final rank is 7 amongst all the competitors. If we say eight-person role mode is based on teamwork, then 3V3 mode is highly influenced by coordination of a team. So 3V3 mode competition is only open to 3-person teams to register. In 3V3 mode group match, 6 teams attended the competition. 4 teams won their competitors and have the opportunity to attend the semi-final and final competition. Character choosing is very important for 3V3 mode game, as some characters are able to work together well. In the final match, the team of “Leaving Proudly” (Captain: Gong Hang, Member: Zhong Lehang, Li Yongxi) chose Da Qiao as the Captain, and Liu Bei, Huang Zhong are team members, which shows the coordination. However, their competitor, the team of “F4” (Captain: Tian Lifeng, Member: Xu Zhao, Cai Deqiang) chose Cao Ren as their Captain, and Zhuge Liang, Wei Yan as their team members. These characters cannot work together effectively and Cao Ren is the most useless character because of one round of break. Undoubtedly, the team of “Leaving Proudly” won the final competition without any failures in all

matches. The First Sanguosha Competition in University of Toronto is the first activity held by UTSO, but the influence and success among Chinese students, especially new Green Path students is huge. Lots of students obtained joys from the game and got to know more friends who have the same hobby that is KTK. UTSO will hold this competition once a year in future. Besides, UTSO will also hold board game meetings to let more students be happy together. Hope to see you in UTSO!



Shooping In CA


or most newly arrived international students, cheap and fashioned goods in Canada seem irresistible. The following are some nice spots for shopping in Toronto. • Eaton Center

students. For people who are not quite wealthy, it is a good and reasonable idea to just go there for sightseeing. Route: Take bus No. 95 at UTSC and get off at York Mills(final destination)→Take subway line YUS to Dundas Website: • Bloor-Yorkville

Recommendation: ★★★★☆ For whom: Students with middle-class family income Eaton Centre is located at the center of Toronto. With the perfect location and plenty of fashion brands, Eaton Centre is one of the most popular shopping centers in Toronto. Though products are often on discounts, in such this international shopping center, they maybe still a little expensive for international


Recommendation: ★★★ For whom:Students who are wealthy enough to buy luxury goods Bloor Street is commonly considered as one of the most luxury shopping areas in throughout Toronto. At Bloor Street, people can find many international luxury brands like


LV and Burberry. Bloor Street has all the elements of luxury with well decorated shops, and astonishingly expensive products. As a result, few people go there for shopping. It is much more unaffordable than Eaten Center, but wealthy students still can make a change here.

At Chinatown , students will find bargains on clothing, household items and many other things that are common in China but can hardly be found here in Toronto. Plus, students can enjoy the delicious homestyle food (which is surly much tastier than that in the Asian Gourmet) for resonable price.

Route: Take bus No. 116E at Militiary Trail and get off at Kennedy Route: Station→take the subway to Take bus No.116 at Military Bay Station. Trail and get off at Kennedy Station→take the subway to Website: Spadia Station→take light rail No. 510 to Sullivan. • Chinatown

Recommendation: ★★★★★ For whom: All the students Since the second largest Chinatown in North America is located in Toronto, it is the perfect spot for students, especially Chinese students.




Maple is Canadian national tree. It represents the whole Canadian nation. Maple leaves stand for the brave and industrious Canadians. Chinese knot is regarded as a mascot which can bring good luck to the people. For thousands of years, Chinese knot has been used for emblematizing fortune. However, in modern Chinese people’s view, Chinese knot has another meaning that symbolizes solidarity. What’s more, there is one similarity between maple and Chinese knot is the red color which is thought of as a symbol of passionate and energetic green path students. In the logo we designed, the maple leaf and the Chinese knot link to each other tightly meaning Canadians and Chinese communicate frequently to joint their hands to gain a further development, and to obtain a better understanding of each other’s culture. Hence, it provides Chinese students with the opportunity to explore

Lillian's class

Canadian culture and get a better education in Canada.

By Debby, Cecillia, Tracy and Nero



Alicja's class

Edward's class

Matthew's class

Scott's class

Jon's class

Liza's class Carol Anne's class




Photography Competition

Ivy Li

Rhine Zhang

veronica Wu 33


Lulu Xie

Chris Zhang

Chris Zhang

Lulu Xie 34




Jon Gabriel



03 35












08 36



Carol Anne 09

Matthew 37








Edward 14




16 38






18 19





Jon Mendelsohn: Wishing all the GP students of 2011 a wonderful experience over their next four years at U of T. With your discipline and motivation I'm sure you can succeed. May you learn as much inside the classroom as out. Also, have fun! Life can get pretty serious and this is one of the great times in your life. I hope you can enjoy every minute.

Naglaa Salem: This has been a great summer for me . I appreciated every moment I spent in the classroom not only teaching my students, but learning from them, as well. Congratualtions on your graduation! Now get ready for more goals to accomplish!

Carol Anna Armstrong: I have had a wonderful summer at Green Path, teaching a fine group of young men and women, so willing to participate in the class with great enthusiasm. It has been both a privilege and a pleasure to welcome this group of students to Canada and see them get off to such a great start on their new adventure. I wish them well! And remember, breathe!

Xiaoqing Mao: Live with an open mind, work hard and be optimistic.



Ryan Mercer: It has been a pleasure and an honour to be an ARW teacher for Green Path. The students in my particular class exceeded my expectations in a number of ways, and were a true joy to teach. I have no doubt that they, and indeed all of you, have gained experiences and skills that will help as you make your way through your undergraduate years at the University of Toronto. Thank you very much for working so hard, for being flexible enough to adapt to the fast pace of the program, a nd f or r e a l ly m a k ing t he e n v ir on m e n t s o wonderful for everyone involved with Green Path. Best of luck to all of you as you begin your undergraduate journeys!

Gillian Beresford: It ha s been a privilege working with all my students this summer. I've been especially impressed by your friendliness, hardworking manner, and intelligence. I expect you will do very well in your upcoming studies and will not be surprised to hear that you have made great contributions to your career fields in the future. Wishing you the best...I will miss teaching you.

Edward Ikeda: May the lessons you have learned this summer lead you to success in the coming years at UTSC. Good luck.



Maryam McCubbin: Be sure to make an effort to get to know others. There are students in your classes and on campus from all over Canada and the world with different languages, religions, political and social beliefs. This diversity is an amazing opportunity, and one that may not come your way again.

Annabella Patino: Working with GP students has given me immense pleasure. They are very dedicated, goodhearted, caring students, and above all passionate about what they want to achieve in life. We can learn a lot from them. This is all I needed to say. :)

Tina Villela: To all GP Students: Congratulations on all of your hard work this summer. Enjoy the next four years; they will be some of the best of your life! Scott Jamieson: Thank you for all of your efforts in the Green Path Programme. I have very much appreciated learning with you, and I hope you have every success in your future studies at the Universit y of Toronto. As John De we y muses, "Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself."



Liza Robertson: I would like to wish each and every one of you success in your future studies at the University of Toronto at Scarborough and beyond. I'd also like to share the following quote with all of you: "The ability to concentrate and use your time well is everything if you want to succeed in business - or almost anywhere else for that matter."- Lee Iacocca (American businessman, President and CEO of Ford Motor Company and Chrysler Corporation). All the Best!

g a br ie l B a e : Yo u a l l h av e t he p ot e n t i a l f or greatness, so use it!

Alicja Wigglesworth: I want to wish the class of 2011 every success in the future. You are very bright and successful students and I am sure that you will continue to shine in all of your future endeavours. I really hope that all of you take what you have learned during Green Path and apply it to your studies in September. I look forward to hearing great success stories from this year's graduates. I would like to leave you with a final quotation by Dr. David M. Burns: "Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life." Congratulations!



Who is missing......




Sc ot t



Don't Forget OUR RC Staffs!

They are: Diana Watson Lynn Li Chessy Jian Sam Cooper Michele Cheh Tracy Torres Jenna Kean Lauren Forrest Chris Fitzpatrick Mattieu Ramsawale 46








A letter to all GPers Dear Greenpath 2011 graduates, Congratulations on completing the Greenpath program. You must feel very excited about starting the next phase of your life as undergraduates at UTSC. It is very important for you to continue the momentum in developing your academic English and communication skills. Doing so will allow you to achieve your full academic and leadership potential during the next four years. The UTSC English Language Development Centre offers students a variety of programs to support you throughout your studies. I strongly recommend that you participate in the Communication Café series, an informal, hands-on workshop series designed to help you improve your oral communication skills for academic and professional purposes. Vocabulary Cafés are also gamesbased sessions designed to build your academic vocabulary. You can improve your academic writing skills through the personalized academic reading/writing (RWE) program. In order to get into this program, you will need to attend the Fast-Track Your Academic Writing Skills Development seminar offered in the first and second week of the semester. Other ELD seminars include workshops focused on APA citation style, reading academic texts and making notes and expanding your academic vocabulary. The ELD seminars and Cafes are available for sign-up on the Intranet now. So, I strongly encourage you to do so early in order to get the sessions of your choice. For those of you interested in challenging yourself and developing your leadership and communication skills further, you can apply for the Facilitator Training Certificate program after attending a minimum of 7 Communication Cafés. I also encourage you to explore the new credit course offered by the ELD Centre: CTLA19 Writing Practicum for Non-Native Speakers of English. You need to register for this course through ROSI. We look forward to your active participation! Dr. Elaine Khoo Coordinator English Language Development Centre




This Is Not The End.. It Is Just The Beginning.

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