WoW April 2014

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world of words

“The English Language Program’s student magazine – a compilation of the Winter session’s highlights, student opinions and other features.”

April 2014, issue 85

ELP Goes Winter Camping

Summer in the City, Please Saying Goodbye to Winter

ELP Success Story Munef Agag

world of words

e u s s i s i inside th Cover: ELP students celebrate after an afternoon of cross-country skiing. Photograph by Dan Pinese.

Feature Articles

Student Opinion

ELP Success Story 4

The Business of Babel’s Tower 27

Summer in the City, Please 6

Living Abroad 28

ELP Takes on Winter 8

The Quiet Colorful Angel 28

First Time on Skates 13

The World of a Compulsive Reader 29

Volunteer Experience Program 21

The World of Books 30

University Application Program 22

The Future of Education in Saudi Arabia 31

Tips for New U of T Undergraduates 23

Mental Health 32

ELP on Instagram 24

A Tireless Teacher 32

English Outside the Classroom 40

The Stories of Turkish Coffee 33 Travels in Canada 34 Doping and its Harmful Effects 35

Student Life

Impressions of Canada 36

Snowball Fight! 15

Happy Times in Toronto 37

The Haunting of Camp Wanakita 16

A Study in Slang 38

ELP Student Conference 2013 18

Head Scratching Facts 39

Student Projects, Winter 2014 19 Students Teaching Students 26 Capturing the Moment 42 Hitting the Books 44 Tastes of ELP 46 Darren’s Music Corner 48 Ask Rosa 49

Disclaimer: Due to our diverse student population, we receive many opinionbased articles relating to global and current affairs. The views expressed in this magazine are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the English Language Program. The English Language Program does not endorse, represent or warrant the quality of products or companies mentioned within.


issue 85, April 2014

ELP Director’s Message April 2014 Hello all, I think I speak for everyone here at the English Language Program when I say that this winter has been memorable. Who could forget the ice storm that hit Toronto, not to mention that this winter has been the coldest one in the last twenty years? These, I am sure, were firsts for the majority of our students (and many Torontonians as well). Luckily, there have been many other additional memories and milestones made at the ELP in the past twelve weeks. In January, we launched English PLUS, a new four-week course focussing on general communication. Also, due to the great work of our students and staff, the ELP was nominated for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation’s “Outstanding Volunteer Award.” And last but not least, for the first time, the ELP sent two buses of students to YMCA Camp Wanakita to enjoy all that winter had in store. Many of our contributors to this issue of World of Words (available in print and online) document new and first experiences. For example, the instructors of Advanced Academic English celebrate their students and their contributions to the First ELP Student Conference. Daniah Saimaldahar of Saudi Arabia straps on skates for the first time and—with the help of others and a shovel—conquers the ice of Koshlong Lake. Chinese student Reina Tan details her experience as a newcomer to Toronto and how she found a bit of home as well as so much more during her time in the city. This is all inside, in addition to the feature on YMCA Camp Wanakita, where our students, many for the first time, experience the great Canadian outdoors. Join me and embrace this issue of firsts. As we all know, taking the first step can be the most difficult (especially in winter); but, it can lead to great things and successes. Indeed the most interesting part is the journey after that courageous first step is taken. So, let’s turn the first page of this great new issue, start reading and see where WoW takes us this time. All the best, Sherry Yuan Hunter Director, English Language Program University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies

Dan Pinese Sana Ali, Mark Augustine, Marion Burt, Chris Chipman, Andrea Cuellar, Erik Dean, Michael Hale, Rosa Leo, Bill Mboutsiadis, Jack McGrath, Jane Merivale, Lily Meshadiyeva, Monique Montgomery, Vitalie Nyembwe, Darren Rigo, Danielle Rychlo, Mustafa Sarier, Becky Smith, Karen Thomson, Evelyn Pedersen

Editor and Layout Design Staff Contributors


world of words

ELP Success Story The following is an interview that was done with current Advanced Academic Skills student Munef Agag, who has experienced much success after completing Academic English at the English Language Program.

Question (Q) and Answer (A) with

Munef Agag Q: What courses have you taken at the English Language Program? A: I registered for two classes at the English Language Program. I have already completed Academic English level 60, and I am currently taking Advanced Academic Skills. Q: Why did you choose to take these courses? What was your motivation for studying at ELP? A: I really wanted to get into an undergraduate program at the University of Toronto, so I thought the best way to prepare myself for the journey is to take English courses at the institution itself! It is very helpful to be in an English-only environment, and I would have to get used to such an environment for the next four years. Q: What experiences from the English Language Program stand out to you the most? A: Academically, my writing improved greatly and my presentation skills have sky-rocketed. The 4

Advanced Academic Skills course has helped me practice public speaking as well as improve my research skills immensely. I am going to need these skills if I am going to be a successful university student. Generally, my favourite experience has been meeting new people from different cultures. I would have never gotten the chance to meet so many people from Brazil and Japan if I hadn’t been a part of the ELP. Q: Did you participate in social activities? A: I did play badminton and soccer as part of being a member of the ELP Sports Club. It was my first time playing badminton too, so I really enjoyed it! I hope to play again soon. Q: Did you participate in the University Application Program (UAP)? Did it help you? A: Of course! UAP helped me apply to every university I chose for myself. The University of Waterloo application was really confusing and it would have taken weeks for me to complete it. Instead, it only took a couple of days thanks to UAP. Not only that, UAP helped me with the OUAC application, and navigating through the U of T portal and its Engineering application form. UAP gave great advice on submitting the documents for McGill University, as well. Overall, I submitted

issue 85, April 2014

“Academically, my writing improved greatly and my

presentation skills have sky-rocketed. The Advanced Academic Skills course has helped me practice public speaking as well as improve my research skills immensely. I am going to need these skills if I am going to be a successful university student.” all of my applications with confidence because of UAP, and that’s all that matters. Q: What university program did you apply to and do you have prior education in the field? A: I applied for the Electrical and Computer Engineering programs at five universities. They are University of Waterloo, McGill University, University of British Columbia, Carleton University, and the University of Toronto. I only found out about this specific engineering branch from general knowledge and from high school. It seems to be the hardest of all engineering branches and I always love a good challenge. I want to challenge myself by studying in this program and on top of it all, I love technology. Q: Have you had a response from schools you’ve already applied to? Were you accepted? A: I have already been accepted to the University of Waterloo, McGill University, and the University of British Columbia. Carleton University has offered me a full scholarship, if I decide to go there. Most of all, I got accepted to U of T’s program located at the St. George campus. Q: Do you intend on staying in Canada after you finish your degree? Or do you intend to return home? A: I will stay in Canada if I decide to pursue a master’s degree, as well as a Ph.D. It’s too early to tell what I am going to do, however I will probably go back home afterwards. Q: What are you going to be doing until the beginning of September? A: I will continue to take Advanced Academic Skills. I might even take other Continuing Education courses like Essential Writing. Q: What are your future plans? A: I will fully realize the answer to this question towards the end of my undergraduate education, but I will probably continue on to do a graduate degree and a Ph.D. Maybe even become a professor in the Engineering Department.

“I have already been accepted to the University of Waterloo, McGill University, and the University of British Columbia. Carleton University has offered me a full scholarship, if I decide to go there. Most of all, I got accepted to U of T’s program located at the St. George campus.”

Q: That sounds excellent! Thank you for your time! Good luck with everything! A: Thank you! 5

world of words

Summer in the City, Please By Andrea Cuellar, ELP Program Assistant

Graduate of Sociology, University of Toronto


hile sitting at my desk, wearing my fuzziest socks and sipping extra-hot tea, I realized that around this time of year, about two or three years ago, I was out with friends wearing jeans and a light jacket, enjoying the sunshine and a warm spring breeze. This year however, my recent outings have consisted of three layers of clothing plus a down filled winter coat, a hat, a scarf, mittens, and boots that go up to my knees. After this most recent snow storm in the month of March, I let out a cry in unison with the rest of my fellow frustrated Torontonians… “WHY IS THIS STILL HAPPENING?” Dear Mother Nature: we have simply had enough. Toronto is at its best during the spring and summer months. My intention is not to hate on the season that takes up what feels like the majority of our year, because I will admit that the wonderland of ice and snow can be quite magical. Winter does hold a dear spot in our Canadian hearts… for the first couple of months. We begin the season in a cheerful way, welcoming winter with open hearts and with the best intentions to enjoy it as well as the favourite pastimes that come with it. Winter is attached to the holiday season, hot chocolate and extra marshmallows, trips up north to enjoy the Canadian landscapes after a snowfall and engage in winter sports, sitting by a fireplace… Until the beautiful white blanket that covers Toronto turns into a slushy brown swamp, leaving home turns into a treacherous mission due to wind chills and sneaky patches of ice, and we get tired of putting on and taking off 10 layers of clothing at least 5 times a day for only a few minutes outside. How can you enjoy a city in the middle of a polar vortex? I have yet to find the answer. What gives us the hope that helps us survive? Spring, the very season that’s right around the corner, whose April showers bring us the May flowers that lead us straight into summer. How can one not be restless while waiting for the nice weather to arrive, for life to return and for happiness to fill every corner of Toronto once more? Even the simplest of events feel like wondrous experiences: T-shirt weather and patio season—both coveted and severely missed, the sunshine on your face, a warm breeze blowing, and even going for a walk just for the pleasure of it instead of dreading the chilling pain of it. You can go explore new neighbourhoods or rediscover your own, spend a day enjoying new shops, galleries or cafes, weekend breakfasts on the patio, outdoor markets, or fun times with friends at the park. Toronto is filled with everything and anything to enjoy, if only winter would take a hint and move on. We know that nice weather is coming, but it’s taking too long! What else is in store? We have outdoor summer festivals, too many to count! Ranging from quaint to


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massive scale, Toronto hosts a plethora of food, music, and cultural celebrations throughout the spring and summer months at various locations around the city. How about the old ball game? Good weather also brings back the love of outdoor sports in Toronto. Enjoy a classic Toronto summertime favourite—a professional Major League Baseball game at the Rogers Centre (Go Blue Jays!) with the open dome on a beautiful day. If you want to get back into some sports yourself after a long winter of hibernation, you will now have access to public parks, courts and fields where you can play pick up soccer, American football, basketball, tennis, baseball, and anything else your athletic heart desires. We are no longer limited to the select frozen winter sports—skating, skiing, snowboarding, and marathon TV-watching with blankets on the couch. It is definitely time to put those aside until next year. Alternately, a fun pastime is using the maps of the city’s parks and trails and spend a day enjoying a long bike ride through some awesome natural landscapes or down along the lakeshore from one end to the other, taking in the view of the lake and the endless boats out for a sail. Once the cold weather melts away, so many hidden wonders can be found around Toronto. Winter scenery is indeed beautiful, but a trip to High Park and especially Toronto Island will prove that lush green and deep blue can be just as lovely. Not much compares to spending a day on the island with friends and having the CN Tower and the rest of the Toronto skyline across the lake as your backdrop—a big barbeque lunch in the park under the trees, an afternoon at the beach enjoying the sun, and closing your day by watching the summer sun set over Toronto and Lake Ontario from the shore of the Island or on the boat heading back to the city. Having highlighted simply a few of the endless features that make Toronto a wonder in the Summer, it is evident that this season has dragged on for much too long, winter has got to go. Canada may be a nation accustomed to long and arduous winters, and certainly one that is well equipped to handle them, but I can attest to the fact that we do not love it till the bitter end—at least not the Toronto dwellers. Why won’t winter move along and make way for the happier, warmer and more vibrant seasons that follow it? We just don’t know. Perhaps we can blame global warming, or maybe Mother Nature has a sense of humour that we will never understand. Either way, with so many things to look forward to, I make the plea on behalf of most… Can we please have summer in the city already?


ELP students cross-country skiing

world of words

ELP Takes On Winter

Winter Camping at YMCA Camp Wanakita By Dan Pinese, ELP Program Administrator


issue 85, April 2014


here is nothing more Canadian than experiencing the great outdoors. It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, we Canadians have everything nature has to offer at our finger tips: virtually untouched lakes, mountains, rivers, and forests. However, there is one other thing that defines us—and indeed unites us. Whether we like it or not, from coast to coast, we cannot escape it. Every year we prepare for it and talk about it. We are excited for its arrival and face it head-on. We embrace it. Winter. To some, winter is feared, resented, and too long. But, in my opinion, winter offers the opportunity to bring together the two things that truly define Canada: nature and the cold. Imagine being in the woods and all around you the land is covered in well over a metre of snow. That’s Canada! Unlike winter in the city, which can be frustrating with sidewalks covered in ice and the wind that cuts through you to the bone—outside the city, winter changes you, invigorates you. It forces you to work together, to try things you would never have attempted in the city. So, to those naysayers who love to forget the season and say “goodbye” and “good riddance” to winter every year spring rolls around, I say—and I think I speak for a lot of the English Language Program (ELP) students who came—this year’s version of ELP’s Annual Winter Camping Trip was an experience I will never forget.


Snowshoeing on the forest trails

world of words


issue 85, April 2014

Climbing on the high ropes

On February 23rd, 2014, over 50 students from the ELP boarded two buses and headed 3.5 hours north of Toronto to YMCA Camp Wanakita in Haliburton, Ontario. There our students partook (some for the first time) in winter activities such as cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, tobogganing, ice skating, climbing the high ropes course and playing broom ball, ice hockey, and snow soccer. There was so much to do and, so it goes when you are having fun, so little time. It is with great pleasure, I present to this indepth feature on our weekend stay at YMCA Camp Wanakita. The photographs and stories chosen here truly reflect the adventurist spirit that embodies Canadian winter. Throughout, there are photographs of our students trying and mastering new activities; exploring the wilderness and most importantly; having fun in snow. Daniah Saimaldahar documents overcoming her fears and ice skating for the first time on a frozen lake, something that was memorable and even very few Canadians can attest to. ELP Cultural Assistant, Mustafa Sarier explains and defines what exactly is meant when winter enthusiasts say the words, “snowball fight,” and “tobogganing.” And finally, ELP Cultural Assistant, Jack McGrath unearths rare documents about what actually lurks in the woods at Wanakita. Indeed, what we saw and experienced in the woods of Northern Ontario was the stuff of myth and legend.


Suitied up and ready for broomball! Photograph by Jack McGrath

world of words


First Time on Skates

By Daniah Saimaldahar of Saudi Arabia, Academic English Level 60


kating was something that I had never experienced till that day. This new experience brought with it new sensations and quite memorable moments. The day started with a fresh fall of snow coating Koshlong Lake with its glossy, fluffy flakes. Astonishment and shock is what I felt when I first laid eyes on the lake. As I was approaching the rink, anxiety and anticipation kept piling up inside me. Watching little children skate so effortlessly and painlessly added embarrassment and frustration to the equation. My new friends started to tie their skates while I sat on the corner of the bench gazing at the beauty of the lake; perhaps I was merely stalling, hoping for time to pass by fast so that I wouldn’t have to skate. Seeing my friends skating without sustaining any injuries while having a blast led me to rethink my hesitation. Only then did I decide to give it one more shot, I was motivated by Jack one of the wonderful cultural assistants, whose yellow bright pants are his trademark, who promised not to snap a picture if I fell and I was encouraged by the reassuring words of our two inspirational leaders, Erik and Dan, to whom I am forever grateful. It was time to overcome my fears and face it head on so I stood up, but as soon as I started moving, both of my feet started slipping through the ice. Maybe this was a bad idea, I said to myself but I decided not to give up and to try harder. To my surprise, after a couple of cautious rounds I was able to balance myself and actually skate; of course with Erik and Dan by my side. After spending a few rounds latched to them, I finally succeeded in completing a solo round even though i was assisted by a shovel. I was so grateful for our leaders and the ELP for giving us such an incredible winter camping weekend. Now, I can say there is nothing more magnificent than sliding across the ice with a shovel in your hand over a CANADIAN LAKE.

A midnight game of snow-soccer. Photograph by Mustafa Sarier.

world of words


issue 85, April 2014

Snowball Fight! By Mustafa Sarier, Cultural Assistant

Master’s of Applied Science Candidate, Civil Engineering, University of Toronto


am Mustafa Ersin Sarier, Cultural Assistant at ELP and a second year MASc.(Master of Applied Science) student at University of Toronto Department of Civil Engineering. I am from Turkey. I was an ELP student at the University of Toronto. I had been studying at ELP for eight months. I studied two sessions of Academic English (Level 50 and Level 60), one session of Comprehensive English, and one session of Speaking English, and I started my MASc. program as a member of Transportation research group in September 2012. I was so lucky to have chances to be in ELP Winter Camping two times. Honestly, it is one of my favorite events at ELP. In this article, I will write about two fun activities of the ELP Winter Camping, snowball fight and tobogganing. If you came to camping, you might remember me especially with my snowballs. First of all, I want to write according to snowball fight which is really enjoyable winter activity. According to information from Wikipedia, a snowball fight is a physical game in which the main purpose is to hit someone by throwing balls of snow. It is usually less organized, and the game is similar to dodge ball in its major aspects. This activity can be primarily played during months when there is sufficient snowfall. Modern snowball fights tend to have very loose official regulation or constant properties, and so can only loosely be referred to as games. However, a common snowball fight played for fun will often have these characteristics: • There is crude formation of “teams,” usually two groups of opponents throwing at each other. • Those in a fight often do not behave malevolently; a target is usually not viciously assaulted by snowballs. • There is minimal physical contact, aside from perhaps wrestling. • In contrast to other forms of fighting, there is

usually no intention of bodily harm. • Construction and use of snow forts is usually permitted. Basically, the winter camping I attended was in January 2012. At that winter camping, we had a chance to split into teams and built snow forts for each team. Also each team had a flag on their snow forts. Then we started our snowball fight. It was really fun and unforgettable event for me, all cultural assistants and my friends. Moreover, I want to mention about tobogganing which is also really popular and entertaining winter activity. Also there so many nice places and hills for tobogganing and being social with your friends. For tobogganing, a simple sled which is a traditional form of transport used by the Innu and Cree of northern Canada is all you need. In modern times, a toboggan is used on snow to carry one or more people (often children) down a hill or other slope for recreation [2]. Besides, you can meet so many new people during tobogganing in Toronto. Toronto has so many nice tobogganing hills in winter such as Christie Pits and Bickford Park, Withrow Park, Riverdale Park, Crestview Park, Lithuania Park, High Park, Trinity Bellwoods Park, Winston Churchill Park [3]. Tobogganing was one of the main activities of ELP Winter Camping. They have a really good tobogganing hill in camping place. If you have a chance to join ELP Winter Camping at Camp Wanakita, I really suggest you to try that. To summarize, these are really fun two winter activities which you can easily try and have fun in Toronto. I wish you all the best. Toronto is a great city with great people to live and study. You are all so lucky by studying at really good place, University of Toronto English Language Program. References: [1] [2] [3] the_best_tobogganing_hills_in_toronto/


world of words

By Jack McGrath, Cultural Assistant

Studying English and History, University of Toronto

The following is a work of fiction.


LP went on its yearly trip to Camp Wanakita this past February. Of course, the trip was great fun, and I can only hope that everyone had as much fun there as I did. What I am most thankful for, though, is that we had the good fortune of never seeing a single snowman. The Cultural Assistants along with the camp staff worked together to ensure that no snowmen were built, and we were on constant watch for anything suspicious. After some deliberation, I have decided that it would be best to bring the full story to light—the story of the haunting of Wanakita. Attached here is written verbatim a document recovered very early in Wanakita’s history as a camp. Who found it has itself become the stuff the legend. Wanakita, hundreds of years ago, was the site of a prospector’s camp. The document recovered is a translated written journal by one of these prospectors. A final note: this is a little unsettling. If you would prefer to not worry about what happened at Camp Wanakita, just skip this story and be none the wiser. Journal of Martin Champlain, January 26, 1892 They told us there would be gold. It was a halfyear ago that we began to lose hope of that. Still we searched for iron, tin, nickel, anything. The


description from the natives meant it could be anywhere from here to a half-day’s ride, and we’ve so much left to search. This cursed winter, however, is like none in France. The search is slowed. If we wanted to leave, I am not certain that we could. I am thankful that Maurice is such a fine hunter! Our supply of food has kept against time as we had planned on the season. Between the occasional deer from Maurice and some small trade with the natives, we can at least be sure we will not starve. That, at least, is something to be thankful for. Aside from that, there is little else. Jean-Claude worries at his ears. He insists that he can no longer feel them, even against the heat of our hearth. I have tried to jest with him that, upon our return to France in wealth, he will need them to be cut off. It was not humourous. The three of us suspect that only one of those things is true. How it is that we lack humour! This journey has long ago lost any mirth it once had in those fine spring months of hope and faith! Now, we have only wine to entertain us. I hope that my writing is not terribly ajar or misconducted for my inebriation. A small native boy told us of the joy in making snow people as companions. Perhaps I will rouse

issue 85, April 2014

the lads to make one on the morrow.

destroy him has been halted.

Journal of Martin Champlain, January 27, 1892

Journal of Martin Champlain, February 14, 1892

Again, nothing. This day, was not quite so awful as the last. The sun had shone down brilliantly, and the snow became most desirable to shape and alter at my whim. I insisted to Maurice and JeanClaude that we stop and create a snow friend. We spent the better part of our afternoon at the work. He has a delightful smile, a coal nose and eyes, even a scarf and hat from the spares we brought along. We have named him Louis. For the first time in a week, we all had a jolly laugh at our work.

I fear the rest of my time spent here in this waste shall be spent in the stupor of wine. Maurice and I had awoken to no sign of Jean-Claude. We had thought he had gone to relieve himself in our chosen place and went about making some breakfast. After an hour passed, still no JeanClaude. Maurice and I took wine with our deer and bits of saltfish. We must search for him.

Journal of Martin Champlain, February 4, 1892 The cold has been bitter this past week. Even within our cabin with the hearth ablaze, we could not fully escape it. Indeed, so cold was it that I have neglected my journal for fear of my fingers becoming alike Jean-Claude’s ears. We are uncertain, but the air felt it was beginning to warm as we retired today. I pray to God that it was. Journal of Martin Champlain, February 8, 1892 Frustration has become a desperate problem for us. Just yesterday, Jean-Claude snapped angrily at Maurice for his failure to find any deer for the past week. I worry that, if we begin to turn our anger on each other, we are dooming ourselves to a deeper layer of this frozen hell. Louis seems to mock us now, with his brilliant, cold smile. Whenever I feel the need to release some anger, I invent some terrible thing to throw at him. It makes me feel like I am venting my frustration upon winter itself. Maurice and Jean-Claude will hopefully take to this habit. Journal of Martin Champlain, February 12, 1892 There was a melt last night. Not a great measure, but some all the same. I fear that myself and the lads have had too much wine. In our revelry, we sang songs to Louis of how awful and stupid he was, how soon he would melt into nothing and we would dig apart this frozen land out of nothing but spite. When we made for inside, I could swear I saw that Louis smile had shifted. It must have been the melt, the alteration it can affect, but Louis seemed to be frowning. Journal of Martin Champlain, February 13, 1892 I am most lost to drink. The cold has returned with almighty vengeance, and it has snowed down upon us once again. In my rage, I took upon one of our picks and sought Louis to deal him a blow. Perhaps it is the change in the frozen landscape from the snow, but I swear he was not where he once was. There was a tree that he was not an arm’s reach away from. Now, he looked to be as many as three strides apart from it. It was unsettling. I shall drink some more and not dwell on it. My quest to

The writing, as the story goes, becomes very difficult to read from this point forward. The common belief is that it is due to Champlain’s endless intoxication after February 14th. Records show that, upon his return to France, he soon lost a battle to extreme alcoholism. Regardless, this is the best estimation of the words that he wrote. Journal of Martin Champlain, February 16, 1892 Nothing. He’s gone. The natives came yesterday and whispered fearfully some name I did not know. Wendigo. Wendigo. Wendigo. They left immediately. I do not think we will see them again. Louis, too, has disappeared. Journal of Martin Champlain, February 17, 1892 He has come again. Or we have found him. His eyes are bigger now. His frown deeper. Louis. Louis has returned. He has a new hat now, a new scarf. He has a coat that hides his arms, some new thick things with long, pointed fingers. Jean-Claude’s clothing. Louis knows where Jean-Claude has gone. Maurice and I are leaving. The consistency of the journals halts here. One journal about a week later places the two in Quebec, and after that nothing. As mentioned before, Champlain does resurface in France in medical records and a few scattered journals. Maurice (we do not know his last name), however, disappears. The only indication of what became of him is written in one of Champlain’s last journals before he dies, in France where he had become a pauper and lived on the church’s charity. Journal of Martin Champlain, June 22, 1892 It has been four years since my return, but it is still all that possesses me. Louis. Louis. Louis. I see his brilliant, cold smile in my dreams. He never moves, he never shifts, but I know that he is chasing me. The only escape is the stupor of wine and the word of God, but neither can save me in my dreams. Louis sometimes wears Jean-Claude’s clothing, sometimes Maurice’s. I fear the day that I will see him wearing mine. I think I will try to drift away forever before winter comes. I have no desire to see the snow again.


world of words

First ELP Student Conference 2013 O

n Thursday, December 19, the ELP played host to 42 student research projects at our First ELP Student Conference 2013. The Advanced Academic Skills students showcased their semester’s work with presentations that covered various topics in the engineering, arts and science fields. The abstracts are posted at www. The fourth floor was busy with interested students, teachers and staff who came out to see the hard work that was accomplished this term. The winners for best presentation, as voted by the audience, were; The Role of Green Roofs in Sustainable Construction By Danielle Lombardi de Mattos Major: Civil Engineering Water Resource Management as a Solution to Water Scarcity in Brazil By Allan Pretti Ogura Major: Water Resource Management The Potential for Optimizing the Efficiency of North American Emergency Departments through Lean Manufacturing Principles By Rodrigo S. T. Moriguchi Major: Mechanical Engineering Copper Mining and Some Environmental Issues By Mariana Maia Chams Eddine Major: Mining & Environmental Engineering The Advanced Academic Skills instructors congratulate all the conference presenters on the work that you have accomplished last semester in completing this stage of your learning experience at the University of Toronto English Language Program. We wish you continued success in your learning and discovery at the University of Toronto and in your future endeavours. Regards, Bill Mboutsiadis Monique Montgomery Michael Hale Mark Augustine


issue 85, April 2014

Advanced Academic Skills

Photograph by David Wu

Student Projects Winter 2014


he Advanced Academic Skills Class is a course that prepares students for success by developing and enhancing their research and communication skills for academic studies at University of Toronto and/or at any other university. The learner centred course builds on existing English–language ability by using content that is focused on a student’s chosen academic field and research interests. The course attempts to simulate a change that is happening on university campuses in North America. A recent article in the University of Toronto’s Varsity newspaper by Gritzan (2014), describes a student research presentation fair at Hart House on the St. George campus that highlights a growing trend in North American Institutions of higher education. This is a trend that gives undergraduate students an option of gaining experience, early in their academic careers, by participating in original research. The credit course, the Research Opportunity Program (ROP299) is completely voluntary and serves to enhance the basic connection between instruction and research at U of T. According to the course description, students can learn research

methods and share in the joy and discovery of acquiring new knowledge while earning a course credit towards their undergraduate degree. “Students can also develop continuing relationships with faculty members who can act as mentors during their undergraduate years and assist them in applications to graduate schools or professional faculties. Professors benefit from the help and enthusiasm of specifically selected students.” Retrieved from Research Opportunity Program: http:// Gritzan, E. (2014, March 10) Undergraduates testify to the value of research at Hart House highlighted a growing trend in institutions of higher learning in North America. The Varsity Today, pp. 20. Below are the current ELP Advanced Academic Skill student introductions of their current research projects: Richard Martinez, MD - Bogota, Colombia Having practiced Medicine for several years, I found it necessary to incorporate research knowledge into my practice because there is an enormous advantage 19

world of words

between being a good clinician and an objective evidence-based practitioner. It’s like bringing pure science into my medical counselling. Currently, I seek the chance to publish a medical case report comparing my clinical results with the outcomes of different clinical trials published around the world. I am sure that this research proposal exercise would develop in me, the fundamental skills that I need in my next career step: Becoming a clinical researcher ophthalmologist. Richard has recently completed a two month observation at Toronto’s Western Hospital under a leading ophthalmologist surgeon specializing in cornea diseases. His next step will possibly take him for a clinical practice and research fellowships to India, Greece and Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. Çaglar Erdogan – Future Graduate Student: Istanbul, Turkey Research question: My research project is on what are the consequences and environmental benefits of using biodiesel blends in various ratios in marine diesel engines in terms of reducing pollutant emissions? Climate change which is attributed to global warming caused by fossil fuels is, perhaps, one of the most important concerns in the world. Owing to the tremendous increase in polluting gaseous which are sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) and greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide (CO2), people, in the world, are facing catastrophic events, such as floods and draught. Additionally, apart from the harmful effects of emitted gaseous, increasing costs of oil diverted my attention in conducting research on the use of biodiesel in marine diesel engines. I would like to pursue my dream of attending a graduate masters program in Canada and continue doing my research thoroughly. Gunes Alkan – Graduate Student: Izmir, Turkey The focus area of my research is mathematical modelling in biology and medicine, and I am specifically working on mathematical modelling of cancer cell invasion and dispersal of tissue. The question that I am investigating is: What is the role of mathematical modelling in (at the cell-level) cancer research? Cancer is a common name for approximately 200 different diseases, and in today’s world, there are millions of people suffering these diseases. That’s why understanding previous studies and building new mathematical models for cancer cell invasion are very important. The idea of helping the treatment process was the most important aspect of the topic that caught my attention. Nowadays, I am applying for Master of Science in Statistics, and planning to specialize in Biostatistics. Nora Alghamdi – Future Graduate Student: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia My research paper focuses on the barriers and challenges that women face in their entrepreneurial business growth, particularly in Saudi Arabia. Since there are few published research papers specifically about this issue in Saudi Arabia, the purpose of this research is to provide Saudi women entrepreneurs a background understanding of the current reality in their society in order to be better informed in their decision-making. Analyzing this reality and identifying the barriers and challenges that Saudi women face in 20

their entrepreneurship could lead to some solutions in supporting women’s business development. My research questions are: • What are the initial barriers that exist for Saudi women in starting business venture in Saudi Arabia? • What are the challenges that exist for Saudi women in their business growth in Saudi Arabia? • What current and future opportunities exist for new business ventures for Saudi women in Saudi Arabia? • What recommendation can be implemented to support entrepreneurs in Saudi Arabia? I plan do my MBA with a focus in entrepreneurship; therefore, I’m interested in doing this research paper. Omar Ba Mashmos - Future Undergraduate Student: Sana’a, Yemen I came to Canada to study my undergraduate program in mining engineering. Currently, I am taking Advanced Academic skills course at the University of TorontoSchool of Continuing Studies. I am passionate about mining in my country and designs that can effectively exploit mineral resources. In my research for this course, I am trying to figure out how governmental corruption and socio-culture realities of a society affect the process of exploiting the mineral resources of Yemen. Munef Agag – Future Undergraduate Student: Hadhramout, Yemen My purpose of coming to Canada is to study my undergraduate level in Electrical Engineering at one of the world-class universities. At present, I am taking the Advanced Academic Skills course at the School of Continuing Studies at the University of Toronto as a further preparation before university. My research paper is tackling the problem of the shortage of smartphone’s battery life, and that by attempting to improve the battery life via “offloading” techniques. Kathy Lin - University of Toronto Current Undergraduate Student: Guangzhou, China My name is Kathy Lin; my research topic has to do with the relationship between employment rates and graduate’s majors in universities. The research will focus on the criteria that lead to the different employment rates among various university majors. This research will provide guidance for students who are going to university and those who have not yet chosen their majors. This research could also be of help to university counsellors who give suggestions for student’s future career paths. The reason why I am interested in this research is that it is related to my own experience. I am a third year student of University of Toronto and since I am graduating in two years, it would be advantageous for me to have a better understanding of the current and changing job market situation. Through this research, I will identify the industries which are booming and those that are experiencing a recession. Knowing the cause of employment rate variations among different majors, will give me insights into current and future career path trends. In the upcoming year, I will continue to finish my degree in Economics and Statistics, and then hopefully pursue a graduate degree in Economics.


The Volunteer Experience Program T

he Volunteer Experience Program (VEP) is designed to allow students to gain valuable volunteer experience at charitable organizations in Toronto. • Gain valuable work experience. • Practice speaking English. • Join exciting events happening around Toronto for free. • Meet new people.

The Volunteer Experience Program is proud to work with the following organizations: • • • • • • •

Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation The MLSE Foundation – Team Up for Kids Friends of the Rouge Watershed ALS Canada University of Toronto Food and Clothing Bank Sporting Life 10k Harbourfront Centre

Students are awarded a certificate and reference letter upon completion of 20 hours of volunteer work which they can use when applying to academic programs in universities, or when seeking jobs in Canada and elsewhere.

Joining the VEP is easy! Attend the weekly meetings every Wednesday at 5:15pm in Room 4-160. Sign up for upcoming events, check the number of hours you have volunteered, or request a reference letter or certificate. 21

VEP members at the Central Eglinton Community Centre

issue 85, April 2014

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The University Application Program

By Lily Meshadiyeva, UAP Advisor

Studying Employment Relations and Human Resources, University of Toronto

Our University Application Program offers: One-on-one personal consultations – Exploring schools and programs that would be suitable for you – Providing advice according to your situation – Understanding admission requirements for all undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate programs, as well as college diplomas and degrees – Brainstorming ideas as well as providing feedback on the content in personal statements and CVs Workshops on the application process for undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs – Applying to University – Undergraduate Edition – Applying to University – Graduate Edition – Applying to University – OUAC Edition – Question & Answer Session – Education in Canada and Finding the Right Fit – Freshman 101 Events such as university fairs and student panels – Information sessions from various Canadian universities and colleges Representatives from different universities all over Canada introduce their universities and programs at our university fairs 22

– Student panels allow former English Language Program students to present to their experiences to current students, and offer question and answer sessions Advice on volunteer placements and internships – One-on-one personal consultations – Lists of appropriate volunteering organizations – Help with interviews and more! How to choose the best program for you! Always remember to find a balance between what you love to study and what you are skilled in! – Focus on a specific area of discipline and research institutions that offer or specialize in these programs – Research school websites for further details on the programs – Visit the campus to get a feel for the atmosphere, meet professors, see the facilities, and talk to current students – Research tuition fees and evaluate financial assistance options – Attend schools fairs, orientation meets, open houses, or program information sessions, where you can ask program representatives any questions you may have

issue 85, April 2014

10 Things New U of T Undergraduate Students Need To Do Before Classes Start By Lily Meshadiyeva, UAP Advisor

1) Plan a budget for the upcoming year

6) Your T-Card

• Make sure to have enough money for tuition, as well as books, food, entertainment, transportation, clothing, housing, medical expenses not covered by insurance, and school and household supplies. If you are eligible, apply for OSAP or try to arrange for other financial assistance.

• Your T-Card is your identification for academic purposes, as well as for some other perks. It is a library card, facility access pass, and can be used to carry cash value for printing, photocopying, laundry and food on campus.

2) Arrange your accommodations • If you’re planning on living on campus, make sure to have residence information, which should be sent to you by email. If you’re planning on living outside off campus, the Student Housing Service can help you find an apartment or roommates.

7) Activate your UTORid and your U of T email account • Activate your UTORid and your U of T email account as soon as you arrive on campus, if you have not done so already. Your UTORid provides access to many online services at U of T. Once you have your U of T email account, enter it into your “Personal Information” on ROSI.

3) Read through you faculty’s calendar or first-year handbook

8) Join a student club!

• Make sure to have researched and made some course selections before registration opens so you will be all ready to enroll. Note all important dates and deadlines.

• Think about which ones you might want to join — remember: participating in extra-curricular activities like this enhances the learning experience at the university!

4) Sign-on to ROSI

9) Sign-up for orientations and open houses

• Sign-on to ROSI (also known as Student Web Services) so you can see your start time, enroll in classes, see your timetable, and view your fees invoice. You will also be able to see your transcript (final marks) and your school tax information on there!

5) Pay the first instalment of your fees or request a fee deferral • If you do not pay your tuition or defer your fees on time, you will be removed from all of your courses. Note all important deadlines!

• This will give you a chance to make friends and learn more about what the university has to offer.

10) If in doubt, ask your Registrar • If you are confused, or need assistance in any matter, your Registrar is the one to ask! They will always be able to help you with academic or any other concerns that you may have. Once you know what college you belong to, you will be assigned a Registrar in accordance to that. Good luck! 23

world of words

ELP on Instagram

#uoftelp #elpwowmagazine #elpactivities

ferresende10: Go Canada!

bruno_sdg: HOCKEY GAME!!! #feelinglikeacanadian

pereziro: Resumo das minha madrugadas

cahwessling: Agora que já acabou minha aula?! #snowday #UTMclosed #uoftelp

bruno_sdg: And we played HOCKEY…

bensonshee: #NiagaraFalls #elpwowmazine 24

bensonshee: We are Winter

issue 85, April 2014

diegovilani29: Amazing ice hockey game! We won!

gnsalkan: Late night photo! ;)

juliaomartins: St. Patrick’s Day. #UofTelp

arianymv: This has been such an amazing weekend


julianomarttins: UofT buildings and CN Tower. Preparing for the speaking test that is coming‌

bensonshee: #nba #volunteer #Toronto #ChineseNewYear #elpwowmagazine #win

tocofomemai: Thanks guys for the best weekend ever!

joo_chris: #awesome #Canada #Japanese #Toronto #uoft #uoftelp

bensonshee: New friends at Winter Camp

qummy1210: A OISE soooo cool ;) #uoftelp 25

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Students Teaching Students By

Gabriela & Tatiane 26

Caroline & Ayaka

ll of the Academic English Focus 50 students in the English Language Program at U of T get the opportunity to teach each other through documentary presentations. After watching documentaries of their choice, each pair summarizes the main ideas in their own words, presents the findings to their fellow classmates, and gives their opinions on these current hot topics. The students enjoyed being able to practice their presentation skills. Shown here are some students from Danielle Rychlo’s Focus 50 class: Hayati and Carolina taught about the privacy issues surrounding Google. Be careful what you type! You’re being watched! Caroline and Ayaka highlighted some sex trafficking issues in Asia. Gabriela and Tatiane talked about the struggles of our current generation in finding work. Diogo and Yousef shed light on the consequences of greedy capitalism, accompanied by some thought-provoking videos and cartoons. Well done everybody!

Diogo & Yousef


Carolina & Hayati

Danielle Rychlo, ELP Instructor

issue 85, April 2014

Student Opinion

Due to our diverse student population, we receive many opinionbased articles relating to global and current affairs. The views expressed in this magazine are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the English Language Program.

The Business of Babel’s Tower By Fabio Zoppa of Brazil, Academic English Level 60


s business interactions become worldwide, successfully crossing several boundaries, one thing is still an obstacle: language. To break down this barrier, many companies are trying to overcome the Babel’s legacy and establish a unique way to communicate, using English as their official language. Although many experts face this trend with concern, claiming the loss of linguistic identity, for instance, one irrefutable argument stands out: to democratically communicate in business world, one language must be chosen, and English is the best choice to accomplish that. The first reason to support this idea is that most leading countries already use English as a business language, and its presence in the corporate world is more predominant than other languages such as Mandarin, for instance. Despite the fact that it is the most spoken language in the world, Mandarin is extremely difficult to learn and be fluent, and also it is not so easy to use in computer or similar devices. Additionally, as a result of its dominance in business world, English is also a prerequisite for companies to become multinationals, reaching global markets and expanding its business. When it comes to internal market, on the other hand, it is extremely advantageous for a company to establish English as an official language, since the doors for intellectual capital exchanges would be widely opened. Finally, considering that the company is already a multinational and had recruited several global leading professionals, English is a democratic way for the daily communication in business environment. All these arguments reinforce the fact that English is already a common language of business worldwide, and when it comes to a unique way to communicate in

it, English stands as the better choice to achieve that. The main concern about the English supremacy is the loss of linguistic identity, since the native language of the company’s country would not be spoken. To respond this idea, one state must be noted: English would be used as an official language for business; therefore, it will only be used in business environment. The native language of the country should continuously be spoken outside the office and even in informal conversation. Linguistic identity is not at risk, it is just facing a new scenario. Another concern is related to the demotivation of employees, especially the ones who do not speak English fluently. The best way for companies to deal with this situation is to make the transition to English as a process. Higher level of the companies must be engaged with this transition, encouraging conversation groups and offering opportunities for the employees to improve their fluency. Native English speakers and the proficient ones must act like a team and support those who need more time to learn the language. There is no challenge that cannot be achieved when a company decides to make English as its official language. As the history of Babel tells us, when humanity had their speech confounded and were unable to understand each other, language can be an obstacle which divides people and compromise their communication. Companies are doing the path back, trying to have one common language that can unite the business world. Instead of building a tower to reach the sky, companies are actually breaking walls to make our communication easier. 27

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LivingAbroad By

Cristine Oliveira of Brazil, Academic English Level 50

Courage. Courage to face bumps on the road. Courage to know new cultures. Courage to learn new languages. Courage to make new friends. Courage to live in new countries. Courage to leave home, family and friends. Courage to live new experiences. Courage to grow personally. Courage to live one day at a time. Courage to be happy. Do not let fears stop you enjoying the wonderful things of life. If you had no fear, what would you do?

The Quiet Colorful Angel By

Fernando Arthur M Gomes of Brazil, Academic English Level 60

Quiet colorful angel Flying above the sky. The sky of everyone’s heart, In which lies the truth, Where dwells the rhymes. Lets sing all together Releasing cages and chains. Lets sing all together, Going beyond the remains. Time to find out. Time to find a way to breathe. Time to find out, Just to meet with relief. The reason of life is hidden, Hidden among the stars. But another point is given, ‘Cause we are dust of the stars.


issue 85, April 2014

The World of a Compulsive Reader By Janássia Gondim Monteiro of Brazil, Academic English Level 50

University of Toronto Mississauga


he beautiful moment when I discover a perfect phrase, for a second I close my eyes and I pull inside the story. The way that my mind flies and I can imagine all things: the smell, the color, and the situations. For one moment, it is so real. I imagine the wind in Wuthering Heights. I can imagine Mr. Darcy and Miss Elizabeth together in Pride and Prejudice. How you can see the Brontë sisters and Jane Austen are in my list of the prefered writers. My list of favorite authors is huge, for example, Charles Dickens, Jules Verne, Jose de Alencar (Brazilian writer), Shakespeare, Bram Stoker, Umberto Eco, Gabriel García Márquez, and why not, Meg Cabot, J. K. Rowling, Nicholas Sparks and Agatha Christie. I also read The Twilight Saga, Fifty Shades of Gray, and The Hunger Games. These books are trendy. I read them all. Sometimes these trendy books do not deserve the paper on which they were impressed, but I admit that many of these books can be very good. It is clear now that I am “bookish.” In these books, I could be a brilliant scientist, a beautiful heroine, whatever the book inspires and talks about. It is like a song that stay in my mind I know I am a compulsive reader because of three reasons: first, I do not fall sleep with a great book. It never happens. Secondly, I just want to read more and more. Sometimes I am tired, but I cannot stop. For example, I try to stop. Additionally, I say to myself “just this chapter,” and 3 hours later there I am saying the same thing. Finally, if a third World War broke out, I would not even notice it. A “compulsive reader” is almost a style of life.

If I have a stressful day, I just can imagine staying in home, opening my new book, and forgetting everything. Can you imagine what it is like to go to a bookstore or library with me? I am like a child in a toy store. I have no control. In fact, I just need to see everything, so I spend all day there. There are people who read a bestseller just to talk about this with others. It is like a status. However, it is extremely exciting to talk about books. A good reader likes the sensation of reading a good book more than anything else.


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The World of Books By

Priscila Romanin of Brazil, Academic English Level 50 University of Toronto Mississauga


ince the dawn of civilization, people have been fascinated by writing and reading. According to the famous philosopher Voltaire, “reading nurtures the soul”. Currently, the industry of books mobilizes millions of money around the world, and it creates several genres to attend to different beliefs of society. Granted, books have been divided into a myriad of types; however, there are two fascinating and pleasureful worlds in form of books because they contain a unique function in people’s lives. First of all, reading about real lives can be stunning. How amazing it is to immerse yourself in a beautiful story that shows passion, love, romance and happiness. Just as living an adventure that takes your breath away, you are so committed to the story that you cannot wait to finish. Biography, which tells a real story of a person, is one example. It is amazing to discover how people have the ability to face the challenges of life. It is also impressive to see examples of perseverance, justice, faith, and so forth. The characters in these stories show passion for life, and it makes people feel that nothing is impossible for the ones with determination. Secondly, people can really enjoy and have fun with the world of imagination. This particular world motivates people to discover the world of unimaginable where everything can exist. Fiction and fantasy take place in the real world, allowing people to experience the magic themselves. Generally, imaginative stories have implicit ethical


values that are lost in society, as well as the ability to inspire people to pursue their dreams. Furthermore, these stories often show people how to believe in themselves in tough situations by developing self-confidence. Clearly, all these “worlds” can change people`s lives and help them to face the challenges of life. Besides knowledge, examples of life and pleasure, I assure you that you will acquire experience, motivation and fun with them. Thinking in all these aspects, what is your fascinating world? How have stories influenced your life?. Definitely, these fascinating worlds have such an influence on our decisions more than we possibly can notice.

issue 85, April 2014

The Future of Education in Saudi Arabia By Bakr Milibary of Saudi Arabia, Academic English Level 60


n 1973, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s government united most regions of the Arabian Peninsula. At that time, there was a lack in infrastructures in all fields, especially in education. Beginning in 1972, the oil prices increased around the world, which caused a financial boom in the Saudi economy. This leap in the economy led the government to establish the infrastructures for all elements of the country including for education, and in fact the Ministry of Education was the first ministry in the Saudi government. The established education plan focused on building a large number of schools and universities around the kingdom and on decreasing the illiteracy rate throughout, however, taking into account the quality of education. This plan successfully achieved a decrease in the illiteracy rate, which was less than 10 percent in 2003. Therefore, the Saudi government has achieved the quantity, but not the quality of education, which leads to three problems: graduated students are unfit for the Saudi labor market, they cannot create new industries, and they cannot think systematically to solve any issues that face the Saudi society. First, one of the oldest methods of education, used by previous generations, is indoctrination and repetition of information to preserve knowledge and transfer the sciences to the next generations, but today, technologies have become the solution for passing on knowledge. In fact, Saudi public education has used this old method for thirty years, which results in graduates not harmonizing with the Saudi labour market. Consequently, the Saudi government attracts workers from outside the country, and the rate of expatriate labor has increased to thirty percent, which has led to a rise in the rate of unemployment. In addition, most private companies spend a great deal of money to train the fresh graduates, who take one year to be prepared for their job responsibilities. Second, the current public education system also contributes to the weakness in operating businesses, which does not enhance the economy and does not change it from the oil-based economy to the multi-industry economy, which is putting the economy of Saudi Arabia at high risk because it depends almost entirely on oil.

Third, systematic thinking is very important to resolving Saudi Arabia’s national challenges. In fact, the government suffers from the difficulty of developing Saudi commerce because of its traditional education, which graduates many students who do not have systematic thinking, especially engineers. Therefore, professionals create solutions for the short term, which cannot work for the long period. In order to develop the education of Saudi Arabia, there are three possible measures that should be taken by the Saudi government. First of all, education should include active learning in which students can share ideas and attitudes with teachers. Active learning is one of the best ways to develop critical thinking that engages students to carry out an action and think about what they have done; as a Chinese philosopher and reformer said, “I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” Another solution is that the university must combine the environments of the labor market and their academic environments. For example, students who study in medical laboratories should learn in an environment that is similar to the laboratories in the hospitals. This simulation prepares students for their future work without spending a long time in training after graduation. Finally, the government should establish a plan to improve the skills of teachers. For example, Singapore has a good system for improving teachers. When teachers graduate from university and start work, they must teach the children for one year with another teacher who has more than three years’ experience. Then, they must do a test that examines their performance and skills. Depending on their scores, the teachers may choose from three categories: teaching, advising, or developing courses, and each category requires different skills and training courses; therefore, the capability of teachers has been exploited appropriately. These are feasible solutions to settle the flaws in the Saudi education system, and it is essential to deal with the education problem as soon as possible. The Saudi government has come a long way and made great efforts to improve our education, which is the true development of any country. 31

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Mental Health By

Camila Andrea Almendra ClaĂŤys of Chile, Academic English Level 50


re you feeling tired? Have you had headaches or stomachaches recently? Do you think that it is related to studying English in a foreign country? Perhaps you are starting to feel the signs of stress: if so, here is some advice: Mental health greatly influences physical health. First, when we have a relaxed lifestyle, we do not feel anxious or worried, so we usually do not have pains such as headaches or backaches brought on by tension. In addition, we tend to eat healthier food; for example, our diet often includes more fruit and vegetables, and less fat and sugar. As a result, our organs work better and we become ill less frequently. Second, certain diseases can be cured only with a change of mind and positive thinking; in other words, by being able to connect body and mind, and believing with certainty and faith that the illness will disappear. In fact, there are known examples of people who have actually cured themselves following this

mental or spiritual method. Another point is that chronic or serious diseases today can be treated with both conventional and complementary methods (based on mental and spiritual work), because the results are better than using only the conventional medical approach. Finally, a number of immunological studies have demonstrated that animals and humans under stressful conditions present a decrease in white cells, or lymphocytes. These cells are responsible for the production of antibodies in defense against antigens: that is, foreign substances, such as toxins, viruses or bacteria. As a consequence, when we feel stressed, we contract illnesses more frequently because we suffer a reduction of our body defenses. Therefore, if we want to be physically healthy, first we must be concerned about our mental condition: we should enjoy life in order to have good health.

A Tireless Teacher By

Elham Pourkhalili of Iran, Academic English Level 50


n the walk of our lives, we sometimes encounter individuals who make a big positive change in our way and make it more meaningful. These people can be a stranger, a friend or a teacher. In my case, it was with my English teacher, whose name was Judith, my first English teacher in the High School Of Montreal, a crowded public school where many students from different backgrounds participated. She was so attentive and dedicated that she sacrificed her time to her students to make their life better in a new country. She was a thoughtful and diligent teacher who attempted to teach us not only how to live a healthy lifestyle but


also English in a creative way. Her motivation in teaching English inspired us to continue our study in English. Being familiar with different cultures and customs, she could boost her students’ selfconfidence, in their English and background by introducing the positive points of their culture to other students. It is difficult to describe in words this woman who was full of humanity and dignity. She was an ocean of knowledge, a mountain of tolerance and a shiny star in darkness. Through this way I would like to say that I had the great fortune to meet you, and I am thankful for everything you have done for me Judith.

issue 85, April 2014

The Stories of Turkish Coffee By Ugur Karakoc of Turkey, Academic English Level 60


n Canada, the weather is getting colder and colder eh? What is the best solution to keep yourself warm? Drinking Turkish coffee? :) Let’s take a look what Turkish coffee is. Turkish coffee handed down from Ottoman Empire is a wellknown beverage within the borders of Turkey and in the other certain neighbouring countries. According to Turkish people, Turkish coffee is not only a drink but it is also a part of culture that Turkish people have a strong tendency to keep it sustainable and to hand down to the future generations. Initially, Turkish coffee is cooked in the special coffee pots, and the most important point that the coffee should be cooked slowly on the low fire. For a long time, Turkish coffee is a symbol of the traditional Turkish wedding custom. Before young people got married, they had come together to have a dinner with their all parents to decide getting married. According to Turkish culture, after dinner, the girl who is going to get married should cook Turkish coffee for her boyfriend and guests. I pointed out her boyfriend owing to fact that her boyfriend’s coffee has different taste among guests’ coffee. Generally, girls cook Turkish coffee spicy and salty for their boyfriend, and they want boyfriend to drink all coffee without excuse and nonstop. If her boyfriend drink all coffee, it means, whatever girls cook, their boyfriend is going to eat during marriage, even if the food is not delicious. It is really funny and enjoyable side of Turkish culture when they come together to decide getting married and to promise each other to live happy and peaceful all together during their marriage. On the other hand, occasionally, when you go to certain restaurants that are famous for Turkish coffee in Istanbul, which is a city that has a cultural and a historical mosaic structure, people

drink coffee with a cup of water. There are vast number of stories about this culture. One of the most interesting is that people, who had lived in Ottoman Empire`s time, were so kind and had a thoughtful ideas. For example, when the people had a guest, they had served a cup of Turkish coffee to their guests with a cup of water. If the guests are hungry, they had drunk water, it means they would like to eat something before Turkish coffee, and the host had prepared some foods for their guests as soon as they can cook. The people were consider their friends or guests who visit them periodically or who keep in touch with them. The noticeable story is in regards to Padishahs, who had governed the Ottoman Empire, they had workers liable to check foods by the time Padishahs started to eat. The purpose was preventing to dangers such as poisoning. In fact, Turkish coffee was being cooked for a one person in the special cups. Padishahs had no choice to drink coffee before the workers who were in charge of tasting foods, and Padishahs had wanted to a Turkish coffee with a cup of water, and they had put one drop of coffee to the water. If the coffee take different forms in the water, it means the coffee has poison. There are many remarkable different stories that show people’s interactions and their life styles explicitly as well. Overall, from Ottoman Empire’s citizens to the Turkish people, Turkish coffee had managed to exist and remain a favorite drink among the others until today with interesting stories in Turkey. When you visit this fascinating country, don’t forget drinking a Turkish coffee and listening to the other interesting stories from the local people. Thank you University of Toronto English Language Program! 33

world of words

Travels in Canada By

Kétuli Guimaraes of Brazil, Academic English Level 50

















i, ladies and gentlemen. Firstly, I’d like to introduce myself and then I’d like to talk about my experience in Canada. My name is Kétuli, I’m Brazilian and I’ve been living in Canada since September 2013. My first days were so much fun. I came here with a friend and together we went to Niagara Falls, Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City. Expressions such as “breathtaking” and “jaw-dropping” can define what I felt when I saw Niagara Falls. The seat of Canada’s federal government, Parliament Hill, is also awesome. Montreal and Quebec City are inspiring cities. Their architectures are fantastic and captivating. However, I need to tell you that I really fell in love with Toronto. Not only because of touristic attractions of the city, but Toronto is also a welcoming city. Of course going up the CN Tower is a really amazing experience, walking in High Park is invigorating, Distillery District is a excellent place to listen good music and so forth. But what caught my attention was the hospitality in Toronto. I feel very good living here! People are very helpful. They start a conversation with you on the subway, on the bus, on the elevator. They really seem interested about where you come from, how is the culture of your country, and some of them even risk a few words in Portuguese. So, I’d like to take this space to thank all Canadian citizens. Thank you for making me feel like home. I have had a great time in Toronto and you are making my trip more enjoyable.

issue 85, April 2014

Doping and its Harmful Effects By Thuanye Peixoto Silva Souza of Brazil, Academic English Level 50


port is a habit practiced since antiquity, and it has physical and mental benefits. However, sportsmen who use prohibited substances usually observe that harmful effects outweigh benefits. The use of substances that increase athletic performance during competition is considered doping, and this practice is prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency. Athletes who use this type of substance can suffer serious consequences in their professional life, in addition to the harmful side effects in their physical and mental health. The use of prohibited substances to athletes may cause serious consequences for the athlete’s professional life. The World Anti-Doping Agency prohibits the use of substances that artificially improve the performance of an athlete during competition. Doping is considered an unsportsmanlike practice that creates unequal competition. If any prohibited substance is identified in the doping test, the athlete can be banned from competition for a certain time. In some cases, the entire team can be penalized and disqualified from a competition. Athletes also have a significant social responsibility because they are role models for their many fans. The unsportsmanlike practice of doping can be seen as a blatant disregard for the real spirit of competition and may cause a decrease in the

number of people following the sport. In addition to a professional life, doping causes serious consequences to an athlete’s mental and physical health because of the negative side effects of these substances. For example, some steroids cause kidney problems and an increased heart rate that can lead to heart attacks. Other substances cause emotional disorders such as depression, anxiety and mood swings. Another consequence to the ingestion of prohibited substances is the dependence that the human body develops over time. These substances can improve an athlete’s performance during competition, but the negative effects of their use will always outweigh the positive effects. In conclusion, administering prohibited substances can cause significant problems to athlete’s health, as well as the relationship between the athlete and the followers of their. The harmful effects of doping cannot previously be measured; however, they may be irreversible. The potential of an athlete is shown not only by his performance, but also for his ethics and professional attitude. Therefore, beyond the responsibility to produce a great performance, athletes carry with themselves the accountability to set good moral examples for their fans and enforce the real spirit of competition.


world of words

OurByImpressions of Canada Jane Merivale’s English PLUS class, Beginner (February-March 2014)

Restaurants are different. Volume of dish in restaurant is more than volume of dish in restaurant in Japan. But tax of Canada is higher than tax of Japan, and in Japan tip is nothing. Kosuke Tanno In general in Canada, there is a big preoccupation for the quality of life of the people. However, all my attention, the people living in the street or at least it looks on the street asking for money. This is point contradictory with the Canadian society. Jose Velasco There are many kinds of junk foods in Canada. And, there was the food which I had not seen and eaten in Japan. I think very important that I learn in the difference country. So, it took time very much before I was used. The difference in meal was ok but the most severe is the difference in climate. Yoshiaki Date I went the basket ball game of NBA. In Japan there is no NBA, so my first game….when I clapped, the couple in front of me kissed each other. I looked twice. In Japan people don’t kiss in public, so I was surprised to see them. But in Canada many people kiss in public. Emiri Furuya I couldn’t use knife and fork very well when I ate dinner. I usually use chopstick in Japan. I sometimes feel uncomfortable. However, I now can use knife and fork. My host said to me. “You are very good at using knife and fork”. Ayaka Akazawa I impressed about subway. Subway’s door always close quickly. I think it is about three minutes. They don’t wait for me. Naoki Hanamoto Niagara Falls trip is good experience. It’s very beautiful natural scenery. I think Niagara Falls is best place in Canada. I have got valuable experience. Kenji Miyamoto My first impression of Canada is the pet dogs are larger than Japanese pet dogs. Kota Mogi


My first impression of Canada is so huge, such as a big city. In fact, it’s very big and there are many tall buildings, big facility like CN Tower. I have imagined Canada is safe comparatively, especially Toronto and it’s true. People is very kind unexpectedly. Ken Watanabe Food in Canada is diverse and beautiful and restaurant is clean. A.Graf When I arrive in Canada, I thought here is international country because there are many people from another countries and also many place that based on foreign countries like Little Italy, Korea town and Greek town. However, I couldn’t find the Canadian restaurant in Toronto, so I think Canadian culture getting weak in Canada. Also, many people can’t explain Canadian culture. Hasumi Fujiwara Canadian people tell what they feel, but Japanese tell people as indirectly as they can. That made me excited. I thought I wanted to communicate with people directly. Yuto Matsubara Canada is very cold and snowy. I feel dangerous when I walk the road. I usually slip. Naoko Oho I felt Canadian people wore few clothes and Toronto is very cold and dry so I felt Canadian people is bigger than Japanese and surprised. Takashi Isogai I was surprised at Canadian communication style, they usually talk with looking at eyes and using hands. Norito Esaki I felt Canadian people are kind when I come here with various nationalities. Rempei Kikuchi Canada have multicultures, because Canada love the guests therefore people coming Canada. Furkan Satici

issue 85, April 2014

Happy Times in Toronto By Reina Tan of China, English PLUS, High-Intermediate


o you favour living in a cultural mosaic city? If you enjoy it, you are not alone. As we known, Toronto is one of the most famous cultural mosaic cities in the world. “Over 140 languages and dialects are spoken here, and just over 30 per cent of Toronto residents speak a language other than English or French at home.” According to the Toronto’s Racial Diversity reports. As a newcomer, living in Toronto is a fantastic and exciting experience for me. If you are a foody as me, you can tour the world food here without long tired journey. For instance, sometimes in the evening, my friend and me visited the Europe cake store or bought Kimchi in Galleria Supermarket, a main Korean supermarket in Toronto, Sometimes we spent a wonderful weekend afternoon on reading and having coffee in a Italy style restaurant. Moreover, I heard of there are so many delicious food festivals or events are held in summer. It’s my dream to attend them this summer. Toronto not only is famous for a diverse choice for food , but also is a major performance arts center, with over 90 theatres. Sony Center, formerly is Hummingbird Centre, is a notable venue to watch performing arts in Toronto. “We are always on the lookout for the most exciting spectacles from our own backyard, and around the world, in order to represent the more than 200 cultures that co-exist in Toronto.” Dan Brambilla, CEO of the Sony Centre says. If you chatted with the elder people, most of them heard of Hummingbird Centre but Sony Center. In the past long white winter, I saw an unbelievable beautiful ShenYun show in Sony Centre, which is the best classical Chinese dance and music performance art in the world. Although I am a Chinese, I have never seen such an amazing show in China before. Coming from New York, ShenYun performing art presents 5,000 years traditional Chinese culture. Many interesting history stories and legends were performed on the stage in live. For example, Journey to the West, Mulan and so on. The artists expressed the inner meaning of these stories and myths through the movements and songs. Star Wars actor Anthony Daniels commented on this, “This show demonstrates the deep, deep, deep artistic soul of China.” The hand-made costumes and animated backdrop are also unique features. During the show, the two older lady sited beside me gasped with admiration, they said many times “wonderful! ” and“colorful!” when they watched the show. Overall, it’s worth to try to live here. Hope you enjoy the different cuisine culture and performance culture as well in Toronto! I hope my experience will be your experience. Hope you enjoy living here! 37

world of words

A StudyByin Slang

Yu Kanazawa of Japan, Academic English Level 50

“Kills me!” This expression made me very confused when I heard it for the first time because I had never heard the word “KILL” in someone’s conversation. I thought this was such a violent, scary word, which is only used when a criminal was shot by a police officer in a suspense drama. However, the woman smiled sweetly when she said, “Kills me.” Afterwards, I went home, told my host mother, who is around 60, about this incident, and I asked about the meaning. However, the expression didn’t make sense to her either. “I don’t know exactly what it means because I have never used that phrase in such a situation.” She told me. After a while, I realized that the expression was slang, which is very informal language that is mainly used by young people. For example, “This actor is so cool, he kills me!” The expression “kills me” can be used when the people says something more extreme than you truly feel. As people use more social media as form of communication such as Facebook and Twitter, instant and catchy expression has become very popular. I think slang like “kills me” reflect that change in society. When I think about Japanese slang that reflects Japanese society, “KY” comes to mind. “KY” stands for “Kuuki Yomenai” Kuuki means “air” Yomenai means “can’t read.” KY literally means ‘cannot read air’ which means ‘cannot read situation’. For example, when talking about one topic, someone starts to talk about a completely different topic, and someone might say, “Hey come on! Are you KY?” as a joke. In different situations, somebody suggests a going for a drink after a long day. If most of the work colleagues agree with the suggestion and only one person does not feel like joining, probably this person would be considered as a “KY” in Japan. As you can see KY had negative connotation. 38

This slang “KY” was all the rage among young people a few years ago. In fact, this word was awarded the grand prize in the annual buzzwords-of-the-year contest in 2007. Why was this slang so popular among people in Japan? I think that in Japanese culture, people are overly concerned about what others are thinking and how others are behaving. In our culture, people are encouraged to intuitively adjust their behavior depending on what situation requires. Being able to do so is considered a virtue. When the big earthquake and tsunami occurred three years ago in Japan, most people helped each other, and waited in line for hours in cold for their rations without disturbance. We sense the circumstances instinctively and collectively act humbly. This Japanese behavior is regarded highly around the world. In addition, reading the situation or thinking about how to put fit in are one of the most important social skills which we should learn. We learn not to cause trouble and we establish having a good relationship with people. However, I think most Japanese people are too sensitive not to be “KY”. We tend to be reluctant to have an opinion which is different from the majority or to express their opinion in front of other people. This is one of the reasons that Japanese people are known for being shy. Using this slang “KY” restricts not to behave more openly and honestly. I had recognized “KY” as a negative word before I came to Canada, but now I think “KY” is not such a bad word or idea, and it’s important for Japanese people to express our opinions without hesitation more often. These behaviors should be accepted more in Japanese society. I hope this word will be recognized as a more positive word with a positive meaning in Japan as well.

issue 85, April 2014

HeadBy Scratching Facts Amal Alayoubi of Saudi Arabia, Academic English Level 50

• Nothing travels faster than the speed of light • The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. • The light of the sun is eight minutes old when it arrives to earth. • Time is a dynamic dimension affected by certain factors like gravity and speed of movement. • The faster you move the slower the passing of time is. • Time moves faster at the top of a tower than at the bottom of the same tower. • When Einstein started to do his very unique equations about gravity, he was only an ordinary clerk in his early twenties of age (Doing a very boring job!) • The birth of Einstein’s Quantum Theory was 200 years after Newton’s laws of gravity. • Einstein came up with the concept of time as a 4th dimension of the universe, where space and time create warps and curves that are called a gravity matrix. In other words, gravity is not a pulling force between two masses, it warps and curves space-time caused by the existence of matter. • Time is related to where you are and how fast you are moving. • Time and space are still not very well understood by the physicists. • Physicists are convinced that a new set of laws must emerge other than space-time laws in order for time travel to be possible. Reference: Through The Wormhole Series, Is Time Travel Possible? 3rd episode, Hosted by Morgan Freeman


world of words



Photograph by Fabio Zoppa

issue 85, April 2014



world of words

Capturing the Moment By Vitalie Nyembwe, Cultural Assistant

Studying Psychology and Criminology, University of Toronto

al profession expert on etimes m an s so n at ea m to admit th you am by no e av h I t u hy b . Have photograp st...happen em? Here tographs ju th ke ta to great pho s at it takes h ram photo w ag ed st er In d r won its very make you as to h s P p L ti E w s. are a fe nds’ feed e n your frie p) which w standout o t (@uoftel n There u ! co to ac ram tribute own Instag u to follow and con and ts yo LP studen encourage taken by E d s an re tu es ti ic p tivi d you will fin tants of the many ac ssis . ar Cultural A ye e ughout th events thro


First thing you need is a subject. My idea of a great subject is a group of friends having a great time and laughing; that is exactly what I try to convey in the pictures I take. For example, ELP music night is a great setting to enjoy great music played by some very talented ELP students with some new friends. In this photograph, I tried to capture a moment in which these students were performing a song while letting the music take control. I think that candid photos can turn out amazing and can really showcase your talents as an amateur (or expert) photographer.


1 Subject

issue 85, April 2014

Second, you will want to set the picture up by framing it in an interesting way. It never hurts to change your angle as the photographer or getting your friends to do silly poses. For example, you don’t have to take a picture while facing your friends. Why not stand behind them as they link arms together while their picture is being taken by someone else! .

2 Fr aming Third, is adjusting the lighting. This is something that I find rather challenging in most cases and is dependent on the setting. You may find that your smartphone has cool features that allows to adjust the lighting before (or after) you take your photograph so take advantage of them.


g n i t h Lig When I am taking pictures for the ELP instagram account, I personally like to get the followers excited about the many activities available to the students. Interested in going to an NBA game? What about a day trip to Niagara Falls? Or the Toronto Zoo? Check out ELP’s instagram to see what your fellow students have been up to! [picture of 3 students at the Konzelmann Winery] Remember, these are only suggestions. If you see something cool, beautiful, weird, or interesting, take a picture and upload it for the world to see‌you never know what could happen.

#UofTelp 43

world of words

Hitting the Books

A list of tried and true study spaces on campus By: Erik Dean ELP Cultural Assistant & VEP Organizer

Studying Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto


s a University of Toronto student, I spend a lot of my time (reluctantly) studying. In my first year here, when I lived in residence, I found that studying in my dorm room wasn’t a great choice. Firstly and most simply, it was a cramped and inefficient space. However, what truly made me consider other options, were the insufferable smells that came from a neighbour whose room was just beneath mine. Since then, I have found that my best studying usually happens in libraries, and so, I encourage you to try out some of my favourites. Gerstein Science Information Centre Most people refer to this library simply as “Gerstein” (though some affectionately call it “Gernie’s”, and I would say that this is a favourite amongst many UofT students. Gerstein is expansive and offers several kinds of study environments (see right three pictures). There are large open spaces with lots of natural light, private and quiet spaces in the bookstacks, and also areas in-between. Gerstein also offers great group study rooms equipped with chalkboards, which you can reserve online. (Location: East King’s College Circle) Knox College - Caven Library Caven Library is in the north wing of the Knox College building, and is a recent addition to my library circuit. It’s a smaller library, and not as popular, so it’s unlikely you won’t be able to get a seat. The architecture is nice, and the stained glass windows provide warm lighting. (Location: West King’s College Circle)

Knox College - Caven Library Gerstein Science Information Centre


issue 85, April 2014

University College - Laidlaw Library

Earth Sciences Centre - Noranda Library

University College - Laidlaw Library Laidlaw Library is overall a pretty simple place with several downsides, but some nice perks as well. There are many large windows that provide lots of natural light during the day, but at night, the library’s florescent lighting is rather dingy looking. Furthermore, the Library is quite quiet, but only one wall of the Library provides outlets for electronics. However, being a University College member myself, I know that there are some nice things in the vicinity of Laidlaw. Firstly, one of the ways you could exit the Library will take you to the University College Quad. This is a fantastic place to take a break; in fact, it’s so great that I’m not even sure if I want to share this with you all... (Location: West Hart House Circle) One more thing worth checking out around Laidlaw is Diabolos’ Cafe, which is accessible from the University College quad. Diabolos’ cafe is a great place to get a reasonably priced, reasonably tasty cappuccino on campus, and if you’re not into that, you can get bagels, tea, drip coffee, or vegan wraps instead. Earth Sciences Centre - Noranda Library This was my favourite library last year, and probably will be my favourite again once spring is well underway. Noranda is a decently quiet, spacious, and comfortable space. It’s location in the Earth Sciences Centre (which is by itself a beautiful little area) places it close to several other valuable spaces. A thirty-second walk to the west of the library will take you past BikeChain; UofT’s do-it-yourself bike shop, the Graduate Students’ Union Pub, the Multi-Faith Centre (which has prayer, meditation and ablution rooms), and Veda; an Indian-inspired takeout restaurant. The reason why I mention that it will likely become a favourite again in spring, is because the library has some windows facing a greenspace, which is full of blossoms in mid-to-late April (see bottom right picture). (Location: 5 Bancroft Avenue, east of Spadina Crescent)


world of words

Tastes of ELP By Sana Ali, Activities Assistant

Graduate of International Relations and Political Science, University of Toronto

We are back with another exciting edition! Which culinary delights will you try next? Ready to travel to another part of the world, without leaving your house? Then head to your kitchen, because we have here a collection of recipes from our own ELP chefs! Indulge in a truly novel experience and try out a recipe today.

This cake is unlike any other. The texture is a cross between a fluffy cake and a chewy rice pancake. Variations of this cake are made during Lunar New Year celebrations all over Taiwan and China. The amount of baking powder in this recipe may come as a surprise, but don’t fret as glutinous rice flour cakes need a lot more leavening power than cakes made with wheat flour do.

Pirasa from Turkey submitted by Çaglar Erdogan Advance Academic Skills

Ingredients: 1/4 cup Oil 1/4 cup sugar 2 eggs 1 1/4 cup milk 1/2 cup baking powder, glutinous rice flour 250g bag* sweet red bean 260g*

Ingredients: 4 leeks, washed well and chopped in 1/3 inch rounds 1 big onion, finely chopped 2 carrots, chopped in half moons 1/4 cup rice 1/3 cup olive oil Juice of half lemon 2/3 - 1 cup hot water 1 tsp sugar Salt Directions: -Heat olive oil in a pot and add onions, stir for 4 minutes -Add carrots and stir for 4 more minutes -Add leeks and stir for a couple of minutes -Add water, sugar, and salt (black pepper and crushed pepper) -when the water boils add rice and lemon juice -Cover and cook on low heat until rice is cooked Pırasa should be served cold with a little squeeze of fresh lemon juice.

Red Bean Rice Cake from Taiwan Submitted by Benson Shih Academic English, Level 50 46

Directions: Whisk the wet ingredients in a large bowl. Stir together the rice flour and baking powder in a separate bowl before adding to the wet mixture. Mix till just combined. Add red beans and stir once more. Pour batter into a square baking tray and bake in 375 degree preheated oven for 3045 minutes till a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean. *can be purchased from most Asian supermarkets: Check out PAT supermarket in Koreatown or any Chinese market in Chinatown!

Arepas from Venezuala Submitted by David Rubio Gomes Former Academic English Student These super easy arepas are stuffed with cheese but you can stuff them with anything your heart desires! Ingredients: 1 cup cornflour (masarepas) 1 1/4 cups water

issue 85, April 2014

a pinch of salt your choice of filling (eg. cheese) Directions: Combine ingredients and form into a dough with your hands. Shape into cakes and cook in a greased pan. Use a knife to cut along the middle then fill with stuffing of choice. Enjoy hot, topped with a bit of butter!

Imam Bayıldı from Turkey Submitted by Çaglar Erdogan Advanced Academic Skills This dish’s name, which in English is translated to “the priest fainted”, has a great story behind it. Legend has it that an imam (an Islamic priest) was to marry a lovely young girl who had the reputation for being a wonderful cook. As a dowry, he received several large vessels of the finest quality olive oil. The girl, wanting to impress her new husband with her cooking, left several eggplants to soak in the oil. When the imam returned home, he swooned in surprise when he discovered the eggplants had soaked up so much oil that the dowry was all but gone. Another version of the story says he swooned because the eggplant dish she prepared was so delicious! Ingredients: 8 medium Japanese eggplants 5 yellow onions 5 ripe tomatoes, diced 6 garlic cloves, sliced 2 tsp. sugar 3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil 2 tsp.salt ½ tsp. black pepper 8 long, thin strips of green pepper (hot or sweet) Olive oil or light vegetable oil for frying Directions: First wash your eggplants, then cut off both ends. Using a vegetable peeler peel away strips of skin from end to end to make a striped pattern on each eggplant. Using the tip of your knife, cut a slit lengthwise starting and ending about ½ inch or 1 cm from each end. Be careful not to cut the slit too long. To remove some of the bitterness, soak the eggplants in salted water for about 10 minutes.

Heat the ¾ cup olive oil in a large saucepan. Add the onions and garlic slices and fry them until they are softened and translucent. Add the diced tomato, salt, pepper and sugar. Stir together and let it simmer for a few minutes over medium heat. While the onion and tomato mixture simmers, pour about ½ inch of olive oil in a large frying pan. Fry the whole eggplants on each side until they begin to soften. Drain the extra oil on paper towels and leave them cool. Arrange the eggplants side by side leaving some space between them in a large baking pan. Open each eggplant where you made the slit and stuff it generously with the onion mixture. Place a strip of pepper on top of each eggplant. Bake them in a 200°C /390° F oven for 20 to 30 minutes, or until the liquid is reduced. Remove them from the oven, then let them cool down to room temperature. Drizzle a small amount of olive oil over the top, cover and refrigerate them. Serve them cold garnished with a little chopped parsley, if desired.

King Trumpet/ King Oyster Mushroom from Taiwan submitted by Benson Shih Academic English, Level 50 Ingredients: 1 king trumpet mushroom 2-3 tablespoons oyster sauce a pinch of ginger powder 1 tablespoon oil Directions: Wipe mushrooms clean with a damp cloth. Chop up into bite sized pieces. In a heated pan, add the oil and stir fry the rest of the ingredients together for a few minutes. Serve as a delicious simple side dish with a hot bowl of rice.

While the eggplants are soaking, peel and cut your onions in quarters then slice them. Separate the layers. Also wash and clean the insides of your peppers to remove the seeds. Cut each one in half then cut each half lengthwise so you have 8 pieces. 47

world of words

Darren’s Music Corner Changing Guitar Strings By Darren Rigo, Activities Assistant

Graduate of the Ontario College of Art and Design 1. Remove the top E string by unwinding the tuning peg at the top, unraveling the string and use you fingers or pliers to gently remove the pin (acoustic only) in the bridge of the guitar.


uitar strings can be made from metals like steel, nickel and bronze, from nylon or, traditionally, from gut (animal intestine). Electric and acoustic guitars usually use metal strings whereas nylon and gut are reserved for classical guitars and other instruments. Strings will wear out over time due to wear from playing, oils from your fingers and reaction to moisture in the air. Steel strings usually last three to six months depending on how often you play, nylon and gut can last much longer. If you notice the tone of your guitar is not as bright as it used to be, sliding your fingers up the frets make loud noise and your strings look dull and brown it is time to replace them. Also, since new strings have a brighter tone than old tarnished ones, if you break a string you should replace all six of them. A pack of six strings can be purchased from any guitar store for around $7 to $35. Since, most stores stock over one hundred different kinds of strings, ask a staff member to recommend some for your guitar. To change strings you will need a pair of pliers, wire cutters and, since you should use this time to also clean your guitar, a damp cloth.


2. Using a damp cloth, wipe the area of the fretboard under that string to remove grime and dust. 3. Take your new E string and place the metal ring on the end into the bridge and push the peg in firmly behind it with the channel facing toward the neck. 4. Insert the other end of the sting into the tuning peg, keep enough slack on the string to wrap around the peg a few times. You want to go around about 3 times for a low E string progressing to about 7 times for the high e string. 5. Turn the tuning key so the string wraps around the inside of the peg. Try to keep tension on the string as you wind, wind the first loop over the hole and remaining loops below. Make sure your string sits right in notches in the bridge and nut. 6. Use your tuner to calibrate the string into tune and use your wire cutters to cut off the excess string. 7. Repeat for the remaining 5 strings. 8. When all strings are replaced, play your guitar loudly for a bit, this will loosen the strings and help them settle into place. Retune and repeat until the strings hold their pitch well.

issue 85, April 2014

Ask Rosa

Kind advice for student life

By Rosa Leo, ELP Program Administrator

Dear Rosa “I met an impressive boy during a school event. In your opinion, is it ever acceptable to ask a boy out?” —Completely Smitten Dear Completely Smitten, Absolutely! Nowadays, there are no rules governing who asks who first, especially if the young man you fancy is the shy type. While some women still prefer to be asked, others are comfortable taking the lead. In the case where the fella you have taken an interest in is introverted, you may find that you will have to take the initiative if a coffee date is ever going to take place. Once you’ve expressed an interest and/or established a friendly rapport, he’ll be comfortable and confident to subsequently ask you out after your initial date (if he’s interested, that is). If he’s not interested in pursuing a romantic relationship, that’s perfectly alright. Keep in mind, not everyone is for everyone. Don’t get discouraged. In life and in love, nothing risked is nothing gained.

“Blind dates: yay or nay?” —On the Fence Dear On the Fence, Yay all the way! Many singles will tell you that

their dating dilemma is not a matter of quantity, but more so a lack of quality. The number one dating complaint I hear most often relates to lack of available quality partners (ie. emotional intelligence, substance, principles, integrity). The reason I give blind dates a thumbs up is because he or she has already been pre-screened for you by a caring friend, colleague, or family member. Right off the bat, you already know that your prospective date is sane, safe and gainfully employed. Hopefully, he or she possesses a host of other positive attributes your matchmaker will have filled you in on provided the matchmaker has done their homework. A go-between who knows you well enough may just happen to know someone in their own social circle who could very well be the right fit for you. Seize the opportunity. You may be pleasantly surprised. Worst case scenario: you find that you’ve made a friend-one who enjoys cycling, skiing, or volunteering as much as you do.

Rosa Leo has been serving the students of the English Language Program for over 8 years. Visit Rosa in the office for student services or registration information.


world of words June 2013, issue 82

“The English Language Program’s student magazine – a compilation of the Spring session’s highlights, student opinions and other features.”


The World in One City

Sporting Life 10K

ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROGRAM 252 Bloor St. West, Suite 4-106 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1V6 t: 416.978.5104 f: 416.971.2839 e: w: SCHOOL OF CONTINUING STUDIES 158 St. George St. Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2V8 t: 416.978.2400 f: 416.978.6666 e: w:

Going the Distance for Camp Oochigeas

ELP Success Story

Aktang Abdykerim

Contribute to World of Words Magazine! 1) Email your submission to 2) Attach your text submission to the email in a word document. Attach any photographs or artwork separately. 3) Include your full name, home country, and the course you’re enrolled in.

issue 85, April 2014


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ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROGRAM 252 Bloor St. West, Suite 4-106 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1V6 t: 416.978.5104 f: 416.971.2839 e: w: SCHOOL OF CONTINUING STUDIES 158 St. George St. Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2V8 t: 416.978.2400 f: 416.978.6666 e: w:

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