Eng07 - Poetry Freedom - Portfolio - Christine Dziedzic

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By: Christine Dziedzic


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Dedication What is a poem? A secret Thoughts on a secret 1st Amendment Thoughts on 1st Amendment Her Heart on Display Thoughts on Her Heart on Display Gossip Thoughts on Gossip


12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Looking for Freedom Thoughts on Looking for Freedom Disguised Thoughts on Disguised A promise Thoughts on a Promise


I would personally like to start out by thanking my mother. My mother had nurtured my natural curiosity and love for literature since a young age.

Poetry is a from of expressing yourself through writing. What separates poetry from other pro writing is the use of poetic devices. One writes differently and reads a poem differently then one would address a pro. Poetry can communicate freedom. Poetry can communicate freedom because poetry is a great outlet. Poets can write about anything they want, including freedom. Freedom is a very broad topic that is easily disguised as a metaphor.

Take a key and twist Pop it lock it never mind it Throw it and forget

This is a haiku about locking something away. By locking something a way you are taking away its freedom. Having your freedom locked away is an awful feeling. I created a pattern by using the word “it� through out the poem.

Congress shall make no law Regarding establishment of religion They shall not Forbidden are they to Abridge the right of speech Press Peaceably assemble They shall not


This treated poem is based off of the first amendment form the Constitution of the United States of America. The first amendment addresses all the freedom and rights the citizens of the United States are allowed. I am as an American very pound of our constitution. I think the constitution shows what we stand for as a country.

She walks home with her head bowed low Her shoulders hunched Her face weathered Her hat pulled low What story does she hold? She has no where to go She has no where to turn She has no one to care She is lost in the air One day so long ago she trusted Loved and laughed Her heart on display What a mistake Her heart so near a greedy grasp

This poem has to do with freedom indirectly. The girl in this poem has lost her freedom to be happy. In the declaration of the independence it promises, “the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.� In this poem has lost her will to pursue happiness.

Crumble under the weight Crushed by stares A whisper a rumor A long the grape vine What do they know about her what do they care Cold words Strewn around with out a thought or regard Do you know they mean something? Pain in every syllable Agony in every key stroke CRUSHED

This poem has to do with freedom indirectly. I think that everyone should be free from bullying. In this poem is about a girl being bullied, online and off. I do not think one can be truly free if they are being bullied because they mean comments will dominant your thoughts. One would be trapped by the bullying, unfree. I wrote it because I have been thinking a lot about bullying and its effect on people.

Where oh where does my freedom lie? Where the green grass grows And the high tides flow? One may never truly know

I imagine, that people in countries where people are denied freedom wonder when and where they will be granted freedom. This poem is about wondering when you will be granted freedom.

Twirl your hair Put on a smile But when it melts Be ware Here comes the darkness hidden Behind a thin mask Insecurity come out to play What will she think? What will she do? What will I do? It’s better to be fake Then to be honest and true

One can not be absolutely free innless they are truly them selves. If you are worrying about what you others think you can not be content with yourself. To be mentally free you can not have worries and you must be happy with your self. The girl in this poem is not happy with her self and feels the need to pretend to be something she is not. The girl in this poem is not mentally free.

A promise ring A story of young love So long ago Dancing Roses Stories that will be thought of But not spoken Remembered and treasured

A Promise has to do with freedom in an indirect manner. People have the freedom to love. In some places people have arranged marriages. In other places girls are not encouraged to date around, they have a husband and that is it. In the United States people have many chances at love. This poem is about the multiple chances for love and the freedom to choose.

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Girl Writing In Notebook In Classroom. Photography.Encyclopædia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 5 Apr 2013. http://quest.eb.com/images/154_2887801 Key. Photography. Encyclopædia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 5 Apr 2013.http://quest.eb.com/images/132_1255389 US Constitution. Photograph. Encyclopædia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 5 Apr 2013.http://quest.eb.com/images/139_1896497 Sad Teenager. Photography. Encyclopædia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 6 Apr 2013.http://quest.eb.com/images/132_1270800 Children. Photography. Encyclopædia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 6 Apr 2013.http://quest.eb.com/images/158_2446958 MEAN GIRLS (2004) - LOHAN, LINDSAY; CHABERT, LACEY; SEYFRIED, AMANDA; MCADAMS, RACHEL.Photography. Encyclopædia Britannica Image Quest. Web. 6 Apr 2013.http://quest.eb.com/images/144_1533998

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