A Graphic Design Journey

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A Graphic Design Journey

A book by Eng Zyan Keh level 4

introductory studies


INTRODUCTION My name is Eng Zyan Keh, a graphic design student at AUB and this is a book of my creative journey through Graphic Design. Here I explore different areas of design and I document my learning processes and outcomes during the first unit of my course. I have also recorded the processes of me learning new skills with software such as Illustrator and InDesign and how I have applied those skills of my work. In this unit, we have focused on three main projects which is under the theme of Mapping Home, Life and Death, and Through the Letter Box.


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Contents Mapping Home Project Life and Death Through The Letter Box

level 4

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M H a O p p i n g 4

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E P M R O J E C T Our task is to create our own visual representation of a map showing the route from Home to University. level 4

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Initial Sketches of Ideas

In start of my mapping home project, we were instructed to refrain from using Google therefore all ideas were generated through my environment.


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Starting on the left side of the page are my drawings of the shape of legs where I would form out of typography.

I drew big line drawings in the middle which was the route from home to university when looking at a map. This helped me to visualise an image or object coming from the lines.

The arrows on the right was an idea of counting the number of times I turned left and right and then compiled them into a poster like a dance dance game revolution.

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otogr journ aphs of my ey ho me y

e k e h t f e o h t e n m o So e e s I s g n . . . thi e m o h ay Road S w ig

Front P ns, Plants, G raffiti, orches House , Build Buildin s, ings, S gs and ale Sig Crosso ns, vers.


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A draft of my idea of recording my thoughts and sounds on the way to university. I complied them in Illustrator to form the shape of a pair of walking legs.


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Pin-Up Crit Notes -Look up on how the way we walk. -Research Boustrophedon reading and make experiments in that style.

My recorded notes for this piece of work.

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The collage is read in Boustrophedon order. Experiment of looking at ground textures from home to university.


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Developing Sketches of Ideas




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. On the top right section is an idea of showing the different levels of the ground, terrain and objects I come across on the way to university. The way the images will aslo be read in the boustrophedon style.


. Another idea I jotted down was on the bottom centre where I would record the street names I come across and then arrange it in a Boustrophedon style.


. Similar to the previous idea, the idea led me to coming up with an idea of a crossword puzzle as the Boustrophedon reminded me of the way you read and search for words in a crossword.

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Richard Long Here he has taken a note of everything he see’s, hears and feels each minute and then compiles them into a shape of a clock where each word represents the time and position he’s at when he comes across something.

His methdology is very controlled and almost scientific-like which makes his work seem accurate and believable.

His use of typography, although simple and plain, it tells a big story and it is reflective of all the various things he comes across his walks.


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Key Notes from Andy’s Lecture’s Think about: Time Frames Methodology Ways of Researching Representations Riskiness in Project

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Trip to London Disobedient Objects Exhibition Science Museum Natural History Museum


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V&A - Disobedient Objects Exhibition

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V&A - Disobedient Objects Exhibition


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V&A - Disobedient Objects Exhibition

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Science Museum


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Science Museum

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Natural History Museum


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Natural History Museum

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A stamp I printed in my note book from the Disobedient Objects Exhibition in the V&A of a visual scale showing the growth of income in the UK.

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Draft of Final Piece

I went along with the crossword puzzle idea and recorded down the street names I saw along my journey to university. I created lines of texts in Illustrator and placed the street names within those lines. I’ve also made the letters of the street names bolder so that they could be read.

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illustrator workshop 1 the


To create the fish bones I traced one first and then duplicated them and altered their size and shape slightly to match the original image.


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These images are the vector images we traced with the pen tool in Illustrator. With images like this one, tracing it was easy as it didnt have neat outlines except for the burger but otherwise I didn’t have to be delicate with the tracing.


These are experiments done in Illustrator to learn how to trace objects and shapes with smooth and accurate finishing. I traced the main image of the logo and then duplicated it to form two of them and then I used the spherical tool with a blank fill colour but with a white stroke colour and then increased the weight of the stroke. Then I added the text at the bottom with the words “MOTO LAND” in itallic’s using the character tool.


With images like these, I held down the left click button to create rounded and smooth edges to from the silhoutte of the head.

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Tutorial Notes Decrease the border size so that the text is lined up right next to the edge so that the image looks more impactful. Change the font with a more centralised style font so that it prevents the eye from reading the text from top to bottom.

Experiment in different colour schemes such as, white text on black or make the text of street names pure white and the rest a slightly darker shade.


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Development of poster

Before 36

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After level 4

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20% Opacity 38

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80% Opacity level 4

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50% Opacity 40

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20% Opacity level 4

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50% Opacity 42

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Chosen Final Piece I went with the poster with 50% opacity of text because the background text was not too overpowering, neither was it too faint and it slightly recquires your eye to look closer to figure out what the words are suggesting.

Silent Crit Notes & Comments The journey home is like a puzzle which is like a metaphor as it’s always a challenge when getting used to a new route to and from work. The centre of the O’s could be filled in so that it looks like a dot. Change the allignment of the word Winton so that it is being read from bottom to top.

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I like the challange of not using Google for this project and allowing myself to set out to record and collect my own visual research and generate my own ideas with just the data I have. It allowed me to really think about my concept and how I was going to communicate my idea visually and graphically.


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Life e f i L

De De

We are required to use Adobe Illustrator to create our final visual. 46

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In this project we need to design two visuals to be placed on the back of a truck where the left represents life and the right representing death.

eath eath level 4

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notes on the brief You can manipulate the image of the lorry. You can ad different things on the lorry e.g. windows. Look at various images and shapes to generate my ideas.

notes from Andy Question yourself What, How, Who, When, Why regarding your project. Think about the meaning and message of your image, e.g. Margrite’s Pipe. Resources to make use of or try out is BoB and Genius of Design on the AUB Library Website.


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Kirsten’s Lecture Notes

non-verbal communication -body language -gender, age, religion, nationality -ability to read people -form of vehichle of communication -the way we speak and body movement

visual culture -Iconeography e.g. Elvis -Codes and Preferences from other cultures -Changes of Language -It’s a shared understanding, experiences and codes -dynamic history movement in visual arts and drama -Uniting people -Pop culture -Construction and communicating meaning (understanding and misunderstanding information) -Experience of consumers -mass & aesthetic pleasure e.g. concerts and exhibitions -Literate: people able to read the visuals they were given -Totemism: relations between objects are made to represent the relations between people or groups of people

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Kirsten’s Lecture Activity


task 50

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Research the date it was produced, an explanation of the piece, which country and an interesting fact. Date: 1967 Designer: Peter Blake Explanation: Sgt. Pepper performing in a park surrounded by their heroes Country: UK Interesting Fact: There are more than 70 cut outs of famous people in the image from cardboard.

Visual Perception (Lecture Notes) -Physical to Physiological to Psychological -Illusions, Perspective -Semiotics, Metaphors, Signifiers -Semiology -Colour in Type

I went to the library to search for a book on Peter Blake in order to find out information of the album cover.

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illustrator workshop 2

We learned how to create a long shadow using the blend tool in Illustrator as this may be useful when working with branding, identity or logo’s.

We experimented on using the Extrude and Bevel tool to turn text or shapes into 3D object.


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55mm X 85mm

Learning the measurements and layout of a business card with my brand identity logo on it.

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InDesign Workshop

I learned how to use the frame box to place images and I learned the different tools for paragraphs to arrange text in different allignments, collumns, the positioning and the leading.


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I have also learned how to make use of grids, guides and collumns to structure my layouts more efficiently and orderly. In the image above, I have made the first two letters of each paragraph abnormally big by editing the drop caps in the paragraph tool section.

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Visual Research - Library Books


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I like this idea of placing two images together which have a similar colour scheme and texture and how they use a human model to be compared to an object. This gave me an idea to compare subjects of similar textures and colours but with different meanings and I would apply this concept to my images on the truck.

I like the play on words Hiro as opposed to Hero and how we instantly know what the message means. This image gave me the imagery of the Japanese Kamikaze flag and I could find a way to creatively place the image of the flag next to another image which would have a complete opposite meaning.

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Sketches of Ideas


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My favourite ideas from the sketches are the ones highlighted with a star next to it. Those ideas were: 1. A muffin shaped like a coffin next to each other. 2. The sun next to the Kamikaze Flag. 3. A zebra next to a mummy wrapped in bandages. 4. A laptop next to a closed down media entertainment store e.g. HMV. or an iPod next to a Record Vinyl.

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Traced out Truck Template from Illustrator


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I went with the idea of putting a baby and a mummy wrapped in bandages together and I used bold lines with blocks of colour to make it look cartoony. Criticisms for this piece was that the scale of the baby image could be smaller so that the sense of scale is more realistic. level 4

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Development of chosen Idea

I chose to use the visuals of the sun and the Japanes Kamikaze flag because their


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connotations are almost totally opposite for e.g. the sun represents life, nature, warmth

whereas the Kamikaze reminds us of death, tragedy, blood and war.

This is my development of my truck where I made the sun rays on the left more rigid with sharp and clean

edges and I have also added a black stroke for an outline to make it look retro looking. Lastly I added a worn level 4

out wall texture to create the mood and imagery of war and rubble.

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Overall this project was enjoyable as I had lots of ideas and I came up with some interesting and a variety of visuals. What helped me a lot was finding inspiration and brain stroming ideas by looking at work books in the library and it helped me focus on a concept and style I wanted.


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What could have gone better was the research for this project and I could have dived into the topic of life and death a bit more and perhaps look at life and death from other prospectives, culture-wise or possibly

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For this project, we select an article that has been given to us and we have to produce a visual message that expresses my opinion from the article to a target audience. The final piece needs to be able to be posted and it has to fit through a letter box measuring 250mm x 50mm. level 4

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-Industrial revoloution (sets up a company) -Inequality (people who dont treat workers well) -Greed -Philanthropy -Bournville/Cadbury’s company -Globalisation -Fairtrade

Companies treating their workers well? -Apple factories, KFC, Sweat shops, cheap labour, long hours, harsh environments, primark, fair wage, underage workers, workload, labour costs around the world


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Tutorial Notes -Blood Diamond Trade -Black Market -African Government and money spending on gardens and houses -Poor countries -Rate of inequality growing

How do the rich get rich? -Inherritance, education, working hard, tax evasion, religion, moving to another country, catholic church, inventions.

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This is the book I created during our perfect book binding workshop. I learned how to identify the grain of the paper by looking at the way the paper bends or by tearing it where the paper will tear in a straighter line which will be in the direcition of the grain. I have also learned to identify certain parts of the book such as the back board, the fore edge, spine, joint and tail. The book block should also be at least 8mm+ and preferably a soft cover.


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BINDING WORKSHOP The advantages of using this binding method is that its quick, cheap and you can bind single leaves or folios together. However it will not lie perfectly flat . It is also essential to know that it should be at least 5mm + on where the spine ends and that I should include at least two extra leaves of paper to each side of the book block

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introductory studies



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Pawel Kuczynski

I came across this artists work on Tumblr and I took a closer look at his work as I found that the meaning and messages behind his 76

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surrealistic paintings signify a lot of controversial topics such as money funding wars and the ignorance of rich people. Therefore I felt that

his work was similar to mine. The imagery and messages in his work may help me spark some ideas and could help me construct the way I communicate my messages

for my work. This has also helped me to narrow down my range of topics which I could get into for my project.

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Lecture Notes -Information Research -Ideas & Concepts -Design Application/Refinement -Production Use my own words for summary. Pick out names, dates, stats, key words or quotes. Gather many images to create mood boards. Have loads of crazy ideas and pick out key words that trigger other words.


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Summary of Article The world’s population is getting wealthier, owning more than 48% of global wealth. Credit Suisse reports a person needs £3650, including value of equity, to be among the wealthiest half of world citizens. $77000 is required to be a global wealth holder. In contrast, 1% of wealth is owned by bottom half of global population whereas the richest hold 87%. Our Global wealth has grown to $263tn, almost twice the amount beforehand. The richest 85 people of the world share a combined £1tn, the same amount of the poorest 3.5 billion of the world. This affects children getting to school and the sick getting medicine in poorer countries.

Credit Suisse states that Thomas Piketty found long term trends towards inequality and that inequality only rose in the UK. It rose during 2000-2014. They also state that it may lead to recession. It seems that increase in wealth is common in MEDC’s as the wealth income ratio is now at 6.5. Having said that, China has overtaken France, Germany, Italy and the UK in the global wealth rankings.

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Suicide Nets for Apple factories in China

It has been reported that 18 employees from an Apple factory in Shenzhen, China, had killed themselves due to overworking and stress. Therefore Apple had put up these suicide nets to prevent other employees from repeating the suicide leaps. It was also reported that some workers were doing 24 hours of work at a time while others were forced to stand during their shifts.

Apple also admits that they have used child labour in its factories where at least eleven 15 year olds were discovered in three factories. However Apple have said that they no longer use child labour or are no longer under age, Apple said in in annual report.

What does INE


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The Wealth of the Catholic Church

It is almost impossible to calculate the amount of wealth the Catholic Church and how to monitor what investments or fundings they deal with. The Catholic Archiocese makes $43 million profit a year and controls $1.238 billion in funds, most of it tax free. They have also been spending $1.5m fighting $100000 of abuse claim. A rought estimate of $500 mill of funds are hidden and non-visible

this all mean? QUALITY

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Lecture Notes Semiotics -decoding culture -Roland Barthes 1977 “the rhetoric of the image -anchorage of meaning -production of meaning = sign making -theorema = theory -patterns and structures of signs in media texts condition the meanings which can be communicated and read -each medium has its features and codes -signifier = denotes and signified = connotes -Syntagram is a relations to signs -Paradigm are relationships of signs that can replace each other -3 signs (Icon, Index, Symbol) Icon = something that looks like someting Index = direct link between the signs and what it represents e.g. New York = Big Apple Symbol = stands for something e.g. road sign, red means danger


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Ideology of Stuart Hall: Production - Circulation - Use - Reproduction Laura Mulvey and The Male Gaze: -the pleasure of looking at other people’s body (Scopophilia) -Visual Pleasure -Females seen as an erotic for the characters within the narrative as well as the audience to view -Female objectification -It is very common in James Bond films

Key Words: Herritage, Nostalgia, Tradition -commercial propaganda, false needs, creativity, commercial culture, public perceptions, infomercials -online: pop ups, flash, banner, advergaming, Adbusters (stopping buying) -Media Watch UK - Sources: shots, Facebook Ads, Adwreck.com, AdAge, Campaigns, Decoding Advertisements (Judith Williamson)

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Lecture Notes -Embedded Advertising (product placement) -Social Grades -Conspicuous Consumption (habits of leisure classes Eric Clark: -Intice -Key Cultural Activity -Emotional Appeals (feelings) -Use of fear -Stereotype - myths Codes: Lighting, colour, objects, sound, facial expressions ASA- Advertising Standards Authority Visual Persuasion: 80% of the time visuals are looked with our eyes Use of Mass Psychology Market place Contril Rosser Reeves - USP (Unique Selling Point)


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Target Audience?

Tutorial Notes -Think about the viewpoint of the rich as well as the poor and how they see each other -Look at Paperfolding Techniques -What are people’s incentives when they see an Ad on TV or from a piece of graphic? -What is the role of a DESIGNER? -Design Activism

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Tutorial Mind Map of working with the project


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Tutorial Mind Map of working with the project

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What’s the problem or opportunity? Who’s my target audience? Ethnography/Interviews?

What do my facts say?

J.K Rowling Charities? War Fundings?

Blood Diamonds?

RICH & POOR What do I think about this? Angry Inequality

Rich Old Men

Pensioners heating fuel allowance Social Mobility Foundation

Politics Women CEO’s

Pensioners heating fuel allowance 88

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Equal Pay Help women stand up for themselves

“Glass Ceilings”


Gender Inequality Oversexualisation Blurred Lines Song

Lack of girls in the stem subjects in school’s or college’s e.g. science subjects

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Topics in Feminism Slut Shaming

To mock a woman who enjoys having sex or has sex a lot.

First Wave Feminism

The fight for the right to vote. Demands for electoral, educational, and employment rights.

Second Wave Feminism

To discard anything that men might use to objectify them. To stop using make-up or fashion to appeal to men.

Third Wave Feminism Issues of race, sexuality, class and ability.

White Feminism

The ideals of white, heterosexual, middle-class women over all others. However not every white woman is a “white feminist” and not every “white feminist” identifies as white.

Rape Culture

Where sexual violence is considered the norm

Music Video’s

The use of certain words in lyrics of songs and the objectifcation of women in videos where women may wear less clothes than the men.


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Getting my ideas: I will interview my friend from the AUB Feminist Society and other individuals who follow feminism and I will take down notes on what they would like to inform people about feminism and what their views, opinions are on the subject.

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Interview notes with my friend from AUB’s Feminist Society

Slut Shaming: Men should not take advantage or develope negative opinions of girls who are drunk and who wear provocative clothing. Girls dress for themselves, not for men. It’s also dehumanising for a man who can’t control his urges. If a man tells another man that he has sex a lot, it is seen in a more positive light and will be classified with names such as “a player”. However if a girl is found out by a man that she participates in a lot of sexual activity, she is deemed as a “slut” and this term is misunderstood and is used badly when there is no difference.

My friend who I interviewed wore this badge on her jacket.


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Rape Culture: It’s the idea that women can be taken advantage of and that there is a sexual objectification seen in women. In porn, the main focus is always on the girl, eventhough they are starting to create a focus on both the man and the woman, those videos focussed on the girl may be seen by young males curious about their sexuality and this may condition their thoughts and ideas about sex and this may develope their personality traits and attitudes to treating women and many other things. It is always deemed that it is the girls fault for dressing in a certain way. Girls aren’t taught to say no therefore asking for consent is very important for men to learn and that they should always ask for permission and they shouldn’t be afraid to. However if a girl says no, it doesn’t mean it should act as a challange for the man to try and win her over. Men should be comfortable accepting if a girl says no.

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These are graphic products I found on Behance and Tumblr where designers have created products that inform about inequality and feminism.These are images that helped me to generate a sense of how my final product could look like and also possibly give me new ideas.

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Sketches and Experiments These are graphic products I found on Behance and Tumblr where designers have created products that inform about inequality and feminism.These are images that helped me to generate a sense of how my final product could look like and also possibly give me new ideas.

These are graphic products I found on Behance and Tumblr where designers have created products that inform about inequality and feminism.These are images that helped me to generate a sense of how my final product could look like and also possibly give me new ideas.

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Development of Final Piece

My idea was to create an A3 poster that could be folded out to an A6 size and in each section would have a few symbols representing inequality and some quotes from real people on their views and hopes for feminism.

At this stage, I have narrowed down a colour scheme and stuck to one style of font and amount of leading. I have even highlighted some of the quotes in with the light blue and fainted red to emphasize the message. Some of the current quotes are temporary and I will replace them with quotes and messages from my interview. 98

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Here I’ve moved from having a grey background to a black one as I felt it made the colours stand out more, however I could still change back to grey at any point if I decide to later.

This image is going to be printed on the back of the poster which could act as a poster on its own. I splitted up the word feminism and placed them in between the rectangle shapes within the unequal symbol.

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Logo & Symbol Development

I decided to go with a fainted red and light blue colour for my colour scheme of the logo as they both work well on black as well as on white backgrounds and I quite liked the neon look it has. Plus the colours are not too striking but yet it grabs your attention.

I have also tried playing around with the positioning of the text ‘feminism’ (next page) by inverting the bottom half so that the M turns into a W and that way I can colour code the two letters. However it looks stereotypical using those colours with those letters and it may be contradicting the message I want to give to the audience


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NISM level 4

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FEMI NISM I tried to develope my logo

stereotypical colours such

even further by trying out

as blue for Men, it works well

new symbols for the logo so I

however some viewers may

decided to place two letter

still get the wrong idea and

M’s on top of each other

will think gender should not

to symbolise the equality

be colour coded. Therefore

and purity of both genders

I have stuck with using just

of male and female. The

white for both letters instead.





nice and by inverting the


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Information gathered from my interview: Girls aren’t taught to say no therefore asking for consent is very important for men to learn and that they should always ask for permission and they shouldn’t be afraid to. I summarised the main points from my interview notes and composed them into quotes for the poster.

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Further Development into Final Piece


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ere I have finalised my logo by choosing the symbol with the two M’s stacked on top of each other and I have split up the word ‘feminism’ and ‘equality’ in two and placed each half on the left and right hand-side of the symbol. I went with the logo without the extra word equality in it.


have also changed my final piece from a page of quotes to a flow chart-like poster with quotes and messages summarised from my interview about feminism as I felt my first poster didn’t flow well when reading it so I thought a flow chart would help draw the viewers eye more easily and to communicate the messages more effectively.

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Final Piece


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Portrait I did another version of my final piece and I decided to turn it into portrait instead as I thought the back part of the poster would look more neater if I sectioned the graphic and information within the fold as there will be creases once I fold it.

I even added an extra vector image of a controller since I had more blank space.

Front I placed the logo on the top half of the page so that once it’s folded in half you just see the logo. And then when you flip it the other way round it will be text in a box showing the website address and some text explaining the idea and purpose of this leaflet.


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AUB Wallisdown Poole Dorset BH12 5HH United Kingdom


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I first started out with the grey background colour scheme and then I tried using white space while having the logo in colour that made it look more striking and I added a black strip behind the logo so that the colours stood out more. I didn’t quite having colour so I decided to just use black and this time I’ve also changed the logo to the one with the W and M stacked on top of each other. I thought it looked more sleek and clean and the logo still had a proffessional look about it. It also gave the envelope a minimalistic style to it.

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Final Piece The black colour wasn’t as intense as I’d like it to be as it has a slight grey tint to it but otherwise I was happy with the final print.


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Next time I would use a folding machine to fold the poster so that I would get better and cleaner folding lines and maybe a softer paper so that it’s easier to fold.

It folds nicely and the folding creases doesn’t ruin the image much and you can still read the text clearly. The colours also stood out the way I want it to be. If were to do this again I would maybe try printing it at a shop and have it on glossy paper.

If I were to do this project again, I would focus more on the research and keep to a simpler product idea as the research may speak for itself more and ideas would flow better if I had focussed on a more specific topic for example looking at a specific area in Feminism and not just feminisim as a whole. Otherwise I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working on this project as I have learned a lot of layout skills on Indesign and a lot on the subject matter I have researched.

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Bibliography http://people.howstuffworks.com/about-makeup7.htm http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/Documents/gaze/gaze09.html http://www.citelighter.com/political-science/womens-studies/knowledgecards/1stwave-feminism http://www.thirdwavefoundation.org/about-us/history/ http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Slut%20Shaming http://www.answers.com/Q/What_is_white_feminism http://www.buzzfeed.com/ryanhatesthis/what-is-rape-culture http://www.huffingtonpost.com/stefanie-williams/nude-photo-leaks-are-the-newslut-shaming_b_5745934.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2103798/Revealed-Inside-Apples-Chinesesweatshop-factory-workers-paid-just-1-12-hour.html http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/apple/7330986/Apple-admits-using-childlabour.html http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/royal-commission-into-child-sex-abusetold-of-incredible-wealth-of-sydneys-catholic-church-but-no-cash-for-allegedvictims-of-sex-abuse/story-fni0cx4q-1226864204991?nk=7b70d1d7b34ce07b6ae31c5 73883aa86 http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a5/Apple_gray_logo.png https://www.behance.net/gallery/15454287/Ms-Foundation-Annual-Report https://www.behance.net/gallery/1292295/Inequality http://doingitadifferentway.tumblr.com/#/post/102089124348 http://2t4u21l1g1dmvlj83x5yim1ct6.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/files/2013/12/ Natural-History-Museum-Logo.gif http://www.creativereview.co.uk/images/uploads/2010/06/sm_logo_0.jpg http://exhibit.brandlicensing.eu/ble2010/Data/EC/Event/Exhibitors/81/coLogo1.jpg http://wotwownow.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/richard-long-one-hour.jpg http://www.citelighter.com/political-science/womens-studies/knowledgecards/1stwave-feminism http://www.pacificu.edu/about-us/news-events/three-waves-feminism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second-wave_feminism http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/70sfeminism/ http://www.thirdwavefoundation.org/about-us/history/ http://everydayfeminism.com/2014/01/feminism-now/ http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/10/fourth-wave-feminism-rebelwomen http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/slut-shaming/


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