Jefferson Davis portrait
Library of Congress
efferson Davis, by some measures, should have made the greater president. Davis was a West Point graduate and hero of the Mexican-American War, having led men who turned back a cavalry charge at the Battle of Buena Vista. Abraham Lincoln could only poke fun at his own lack of military experience; he joked the only blood he shed for his country came while battling mosquitoes during the Black Hawk War. Davis was wired to power. His first wife was
the daughter of President Zachary Taylor. He also served in the House of Representatives, as Lincoln did, then went to the U.S. Senate and was Secretary of War under President Franklin Pierce. “He is emphatically one of those ‘born to command,’” Harper’s Weekly said of Davis in 1861. But being born to command is different than being born to lead, and the latter is what Davis was chosen for when he was elected president of the Confederacy in 1861. Davis faced a number of insurmountable challenges in office, according to historians, not the least of which was a Southern emphasis on “states rights” that created “the kind of government Southerners wanted (but) … not the kind that could fight and win an extended war,” writes historian Bruce Catton. The president of the Confederacy held together the contentious collection of states
against a foe with greater resources and men for four years. Davis also was a slave owner. Though he never mentioned the words “slave” or “slavery” in his inaugural address, the Mississippi Declaration of Secession, which Davis helped draft, focused entirely upon it: “Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery.“ Davis was “a gentle, patriarchal master,” who viewed slavery as a benign, even beneficial institution under which AfricanAmericans prospered, according to historian Geoffrey Ward. “In moral and social condition they had been elevated from brutal savages into docile, intelligent, and civilized agricultural laborers, and supplied not only with bodily comforts but with careful religious instruction,” Davis said in 1861. Davis was captured a month after Lee’s
Scene of Jefferson Davis’ inauguration Feb. 18, 1861, in Montgomery, Ala. Library of Congress
surrender at Appomattox. Although many in the North wanted him hanged, he was held only two years before being released without trial. He died in 1889. “Every lost cause, you know, must have a scapegoat, and Mr. Davis has been chosen as such,” said the Confederate cavalry leader John Singleton Mosby. “... I do not know any man in the Confederate States that could have conducted the war with the same success that he did.” It was a sentiment shared by Robert E. Lee.