Enigma 1/01/17

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From the Publisher’s Notebook All you sore losers - shut the hell of Camden (Joe Floyd) at that up. time— “it would have been higher if Walmart called the police for He is going to be our president - a every minor criminal activity.” great president. He has already done more to get the economy This trend seems to be true across excited and moving in the right the entire US. According to the direction. You had one state Tampa Bay Times, Police were recount and Trump gained votes. called to Walmarts in the Tampa Now the cry is Russia elected him. Bay area 16,800 times in 2014. Next it will be he had help from That’s right - 16,800 times (over 40 aliens -BS. The most hated woman times a day). In Louisville, KY, stain America lost; she lost ; she lost. Have I said that enough times? The stock market was supposed to dump, instead it’s almost at an all time high. I swore to myself that I wouldn’t get into politics in my Notes but enough is enough - shut the hell up and enjoy America being great again under President Donald Trump.

tion WDRB reports over 9.200 police calls to local Walmarts since 2012. This many calls would have an effect of pulling officers away from more serious incidents. It seems that a large number of these calls concern shoplifting.

All I can say is shop at your own risk.

Seems like we have made it 22 years. Happy Birthday to Enigma Magazine and David Weinthal, who Walmart has taken steps to curb birthed it and kept it alive in this this lawlessness by hiring over environment. 9,000 extra employees to help curb Well, I’ll close for now as I’m sure this crime spree. I’ve made enough of you crybabies What bothers me is this wave of mad. Get over it. I survived crime could lead to more serious Obama, you’ll make it past Trump. crimes. Numbers haven’t been released where I can find them that Paul Burke Sr. relate to car theft, purse snatching, Publisher even murder concerning Walmart stores or parking lots. PS: If somehow they keep Trump from being President, you need to Does this mean we need to be go to Carter’s Shooting Supply and armed when we shop there? It’s get a gun. bad enough to see how some of their customers dress, now we

Sorry to see a great coach leave UTC. Isn’t it strange they don’t offer him more money to stay until he gets a great offer from a smaller school? Why wasn’t he paid properly to begin with? This is a great way to fill the stadium during football seasons. Are they really going to build an apartments and lofts complex on the site of the old Standard Coosa Thatcher factory location? Well, welcome to the ghetto. Are they nuts? They must be drinking that special craft (crap) beer (swamp scum gator pee) at $7.00 per draft. I am predicting the grand collapse is coming to all this BS. More on that soon. There is a Walmart Supercenter in Camden, SC, that in the first six months was the cause of 14 percent of the city’s law enforcement reports. Quoting the police chief ENIGMA

need to fear crime.



course with stuff like YouTube and other social mediums out there she might get lucky and have the right person see her. And Lord knows you don’t have to be a talented singer to get noticed – isn’t that right Rebecca Black? If she is successful, ride her coattails like everyone else does to the likes of Britney Spears, Justin Bieber and so on and so forth.

Dear Rocco, I’m so sick of seeing what everyone got for Christmas and all the food they’ve eaten over the holidays. Good for them. Some of us can’t afford o spoil our kids like many or even provide fancy meals. I wish they would all go away and just bite me. LD Dear JD, Quit being so jealous and grow up. Sounds like envy to me. Hears an idea – go get a job that will afford you and your family a better life. By what little I know by what you sent me it sounds like you’re living off the government dime and probably haven’t held or attempted to hold a real job in years. Despite all this you seem to have the ability to cruise social media. Here’s an idea: use that wi-fi network or internet connection (or both) you obviously have to find a job or find a way to better support yourself and your family. You can also look up recipes for stuff that is not expensive to prepare. If you spent more time doing instead of whining then maybe I wouldn’t of had to hear from you in the first place. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Get off your ass deadbeat. Dear Rocco, I can’t believe you write an article that’s still in a printed publication. How funny and behind the times. I bet you are banging it out on a typewriter of something. Get with the times brother this is the 21st

I mean gay. Congratulations, you helped him come out of the closet which in the long run will help him deal with his emotions, keeps you from getting your feelings hurt any further and most of all keeps you from making what would have been the biggest mistake of your life. Don’t forget the risks of dat ing a bisexual man. Unless you know for sure he’s using protec tion, which I doubt both are you are susceptible to AIDs and even though you don’t hear much talk about it, it is still a danger that is rampant in the gay community. There are plenty of good men out there but just like buying a car make sure you find one that you are comfortable being in and quit beating yourself up over everything.

Dear Rocco, My fiancé has just told me that he is bisexual. He said that he has never told anyone else and has hidden it from me until now. I cried all night. I have many selfesteem problems. He also said century. that if he were in my shoes, he MB would end the relationship. However, he is glad that I haven’t. Dear MB, He promises me he will be true. Dear millennial bitch, I guess you What should I do? Rocco is a common sense, tell-ithaven’t noticed my columns are in SW like-it-is, no-nonsense kind of guy print online and in e-magazines. offering real advice on any subject No, I haven’t used a typewriter Dear SW, put before him. Why pay thousince college where I studied Dump him. Ironically he preyed sands of dollars on a high-priced something besides philosophy and upon your self-esteem issues therapist when he’ll straighten you third world propaganda like you. because he was using you to out for free. If you’d like advice Print may be a dying art form, but encourage himself and/or reassure from Rocco e-mail him at it is still an art form where there is himself that he is gay. And by gay goaskrocco@yahoo.com. still investment in the actual product, not like free blogs sites and social media. Besides there’s nothing quite like having a newspaper or magazine in you hand when using the restroom. Speaking of which, I think I’m headed that way with a printed copy of your question. I think I can put it to good use there. Dear Rocco, My best friend wants to be a singer and she is really good. I ‘m afraid that when we grow up, she might become famous and not remember me. What do I do? JP Dear JP, No offense, but there are a ton of “really good” singers out there. Just because your gal pal can knock “Love Shack” out of the park doesn’t mean she’ll be topping Billboard charts anytime soon. There’s more than meets the eye to being a singer or entertainer that get glossed over by reality talent shows and crap like that. Of ENIGMA



ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Take time to catch up on gossip and make plans to do a little adventure travel. Don’t let your lover put demands on you. You will have to make some changes regarding your direction if you wish to keep on top of your career expectations. Problems on the home front might be a little disconcerting. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Tuesday. TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) You may want to put everyone to work on a project that will keep them all too busy to complain. So smile! Catch up on your correspondence and reading. Involve yourself

in group endeavors.

signing important contracts this Your luckiest events this month will month. Travel will be in your best occur on a Monday. Your luckiest events this month will interest. Problems with relatives occur on a Tuesday. and friends could surface. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) GEMINI Your luckiest events this month will There might be one who is quite (May 22-June 21) occur on a Friday. willing to take the credit for your If they don’t want to get involved, work. Don’t make those you live work by yourself. You can stabilize LEO with feel unloved or unworthy. Take your personal relationship if you’re (July 23-Aug 22) care of any paperwork concerning willing to communicate honestly. You can look around for the right institutional or governmental agenTrips should be your choice. Don’t place and enlist some of your cies. You can enhance your reputalet others take advantage of your friends to help you move. Loved tion by making contributions to good nature. ones may be annoyed if they feel worthwhile causes. restricted. Your emotions have been Your luckiest events this month will pulled out of shape and you need to Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Monday. do a little backtracking. Your diplo- occur on a Saturday. macy will be of utmost importance CANCER this month. CAPRICORN (June 22-July 22) (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Control your temper by getting Your luckiest events this month will You should get into some of those immersed in your work. Be careful occur on a Sunday. creative hobbies that you always said you wanted to do. Deception VIRGO and confusion regarding your status (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) in society is likely. Try to be a bit Do things you enjoy instead of being more understanding or you may end a chameleon. Your added discipline up spending the evening alone. will enable you to complete some of Proceed with caution if operating those unfinished projects. The equipment or vehicles. locks, stove, gas, or electric wires may not be secure. Don’t make any Your luckiest events this month will rash decisions that may affect occur on a Friday. friendships. AQUARIUS Your luckiest events this month will (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) occur on a Tuesday. Travel, although enticing, will cost more than you expect. Avoid any LIBRA petty ego confrontations; they could (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) lead to estrangement if you aren’t Younger relatives may seek your careful. It might be best not to advice. Moneymaking opportunities spend your money on luxuries this will surface. Your talents are likely month. Opportunities for romance to be discovered. You will be able to are present. work in fine detail and present the best possible proposal. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Sunday. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Saturday. PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) SCORPIO Avoid any hassles. Be sure not to (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) reveal private information to the Deception and confusion regarding wrong individuals. New romantic your status in society is likely. You partners will evolve through group may find that getting together with endeavors; however, the association colleagues after hours will be may not be likely to last. Try to be worthwhile. You will probably have considerate in your personal obligato defend your mate. Try not to be tions. so demonstrative. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Monday. ENIGMA



Are Men Constantly On the Prowl for Women to Bed Down With? Feminists always chastise those who attempt to categorize all women into a single mold. Although I rarely can handle the feminist rhetoric or its inherent hypocrisy - I guess, I do agree that forcing all women into a single mold or statement is bound to get you into trouble. Generalizing okay, or for the sake of mathematical probability fine, but just because someone is a woman, doesn’t mean there are like this or like that. Let’s talk.

statement was absolute and all inclusive. Remember what I said about hypocrisy of the feminists above.

being highly-competitive, overachiever type, perhaps like me, only you are a woman? Are we certain that all men are always like this. I have a friend who tells me that there are ‘Males’ and there are ‘men’ and that there is a difference. In her version of this, ‘males’ are those who are merely driven by their testosterone, and the men are those who have that, but also have the other side of the component, and the second type are the only ones that females should even take a second look at.

My response went something like this; Oh, I don’t know. Always is a strong word. Humans are sometimes thinking, reflecting, projecting, relaxing, or just soaking up a little sun. Of course, what makes male’s minds include those things? We could go back and look at history we certainly see this is the basis for a large percentage of the ‘real men’ not the emasculated version in our society. But that Even though many men may be other version has always exist- predatory in nature, most of ed too, and their genes have them do not act upon it unless propagated as well.

Last year, I met a feminist who told me; “Men are always searching, seeking, and chasing,” meaning men are always on the sexual prowl. What were my thoughts after hearing that? I mean it wasn’t a generalization, such as ‘a majority of men Are you sure you are not, putare... ‘ or ‘most men are’ on the ting your own mirror too much prowl for willing female - her into this concept of yours? You


45 Johnson Ferry Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30328 P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401

info@enigmaonline.com (423) 933-5170

Paul E. Burke Sr. Publisher D.A. Weinthal. Editor-In-Chief Chris Eason Photo Editor

Contributing Editors: Mark Haskins, Jim Sells, Mark Bedford. Chris McKay, David N. Marks, William Alexander, Dave Fernandez Founder: D.A. Weinthal Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter @EnigmaMag www.enigmaonline.com ENIGMA



certain criteria are met; urge and opportunity! Social gatherings are a breeding ground for Sexual Assaults, and profiling predators is quite easy in this type of environment! Maybe we need to tell feminists that we are tired of their labels, as they label us men in hypocrisy. Since when do two wrongs make a right? Since when is it okay to trash males and then spit in their face if they don’t agree. Dear Feminist, you are hereby put on notice.

- Lance Winslow

Trump Rex The State Department Well, that one came as a bit of a surprise. Even though Rex Tillerson emerged as a late front-runner for Secretary of State, he wasn’t really mentioned in the early discussions on filling the vacancy. And in an administration full of unconventional cabinet appointments, this one stands out. Tillerson is CEO of ExxonMobil, the world’s largest company (by revenue). He has traveled all over the world, meeting with world leaders and cutting deals to benefit his company’s oil interests... ...During his travels, Tillerson visited Russia numerous times... and became friends with Russian president Vladimir Putin. The Exxon CEO was even given the “Award of Friendship” by Putin. There are understandable con-

cerns that Tillerson might be a bit too cozy with Putin and the Russians. There are additional concerns that Tillerson has

their capabilities might be. Like most Trump appointees, Tillerson will have to ramp up quickly. The State Department is always in the international spotlight...

...In a larger sense, the Tillerson appointment is part of a proRussia pattern that marks a radical reversal in traditional U.S. foreign policy. Trump has expressed his admiration for Putin. The Central Intelligence Agency thinks Russian hackers might have influenced the recent presidential election. And then you throw Mr. “Award of Friendship” into the mix. It all adds up to a Putin lovefest and a absolutely no experience doing lot of uncertainty when it comes diplomatic work. I doubt he even to U.S.-Russian relations... knows how many components exist in the department and what ...There are also concerns that Tillerson will prioritize the inter-




ests of ExxonMobil and other oil companies over the interests of the country. This hearkens back to the administration of George W. Bush, which was essentially a subsidiary of the nation’s oil interests. Even Condoleeza Rice was a former Chevron employee. (They even named a supertanker after her.) Rice and James Baker, the ultimate GOP lackey, both recommended Tillerson for Secretary of State... ...So here we sit... poised on the brink of global uncertainty. Will Trump, Tillerson and their cronies “Make America Great Again” on the global stage? Or will they trip over themselves in their ineptitude? I know which way I’d bet...

— Mark Bedford

Apparently the ol’ “I’m a porn producer, why don’t you take your clothes off for some naked pictures?” line still works in Washington. Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson has filed a consumer complaint against a man who allegedly carried out a scheme in which he posed as a woman and claimed to run a Seattle talent agency that could connect women to high-paying jobs in the adult entertainment industry. Hickey posed as a woman named Deja Stwalley, contacting

women via social media sites and claiming to run a talent recruiting company. Instead, Hickey allegedly convinced his victims to pose for nude photos and have sex with him as part of a phony “audition” process. The complaint asks the court to order Hickey to stop his deceptive practices, provide restitution to victims, and impose civil penalties of up to $2,000 per violation. An Indiana woman has been charged with two felonies, after she allegedly beat her two sons for opening their Christmas gifts early. According to court documents, 36-


year-old Sascha Collins, of Greenfield, admitted she lost it when her 7- and 9-year-old sons found Christmas presents hidden in her closet and opened them. Collins has been charged with two counts of battery for allegedly slamming the boys into walls and whipping them with a belt. She allegedly admitted “there is no excuse for it.” Her teenage daughter turned her in after coming home to find her brothers crying, and noticing marks on their bodies. Prosecutors said the daughter claimed Collins had been drinking and snorted a hydrocodone pill the night before the incident.



When God made man in his own image, he loved him above all else in creation. So why should it be a surprise that when man (or woman, in this case), created something in her own image, she fell in love with it? A French woman has finally solved all of the problems with relationships by taking the human factor out of it. In fact, she has revealed that she is in love with a robot and she plans to marry it. Lilly’s “partner” is a robot called InMoovator, which she created herself with the help of a 3D-print-

er and she has been living with for a year. On her Twitter page, where she calls herself “a proud robosexual.” Now, Lilly is reportedly engaged to the robot and says they will marry when human-robot marriage is legalized in France. Lilly said she realized she was sexually attracted to robots at the age of 19 because she dislikes physical contact with people. She insisted the idea is not ‘ridiculous’ or ‘bad’ but simply an alternative lifestyle. The best part about a robot husband, other than the fact that he never leaves the toilet seat up, are all of the attachments you can equip him with.

who did not want to be named, then started throwing sex toys at the robber. The man fled the store empty-handed. “I think he was a coward,” the second employee said. “Coming in and trying to get over on two females and not realizing that were pretty feisty.” The Police broke into a parked car to store congratulated the two workrescue an “extremely realistic” ers. “Do you recognize this man? mannequin they believed to be an elderly woman. A “very upset” citizen called Hudson police to report an elderly woman who appeared to have “frozen to death” inside of a parked car. Officers arrived to find the woman unresponsive and wearing a oxygen mask in the passenger seat of the snow-covered car and broke into the vehicle through the passenger side window after assessing the car had been parked there overnight. Upon entering the vehicle officers discovered the woman was actually a life-sized CPR training mannequin complete with detailed blemishes as well as clothes, glasses, teeth and shoes. The “incredulous” owner eventually arrived at the scene saying he occasionally transports the mannequin in a manner resembling a passenger and was upset that officers broke into his vehicle. “Just to clear the record, all citizens of Hudson should be put on notice that if you park your locked vehicle on the street on a sub-zero night with a life-size realistic mannequin seated in it...we will break your window,” Police Chief L. Edward Moore said. “I commend everyone who responded with the intentions to help an elderly woman.” the $2,700 figurine from Payrow Plaza. Police say she left a note with the porcelain baby that read, in part, “Child has broken right foot which is been (sic) neglected. Parents Joseph and Mary Christ got a warning.”

A Florida woman said she is paying her way through college by selling her positive pregnancy tests and urine on Craigslist. The ad on the Jacksonville-area Craigslist page offers “positive pregnancy tests or urine” in an “absolutely no questions asked type of deal.” The woman, who is three months pregnant, is selling the positive tests or urine for $30 each, but the Craigslist post says customers traveling more than 60 miles can get two positive tests for $35. The post reads: “Very self explanatory I am 3 months and I am providing a product in which the consumer is able to purchase positive pregnancy tests or urine for your own use. Whether you are using it for your own amusement such as a prank, or to blackmail the ceo of where ever who you are having an affair with I DONT CARE AT ALL this is an absolutely no questions asked type of deal tell me what you need I provide it for monetary exchange.” The woman said she using the An armed robber at an adult store money to fund her college educa- in California fled empty-handed when the shop’s two female tion. employees pelted him with sex Police say a woman stole baby toys. The incident, which was Jesus from a Nativity scene in recorded by security cameras, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and began when a man with his face dropped the figurine off at a hospi- covered walked into Lotions & Lace tal with a note explaining that the in San Bernardino and brandished baby had been “neglected” by his a gun. “With the gun, he walked in. parents, “Joseph and Mary Christ.” I just thought he was trying to be Police say 49-year-old Jacqueline funny, to scare us,” a store employRoss told them it was a joke, but ee identified only as Amy told local they aren’t laughing. She was iden- news. “But then I saw the gun and tified from surveillance video and it was like, really? I don’t have time is jailed on charges of theft and for this.” Amy said she believed the institutional vandalism. Police say gun to be fake so she started she went to the hospital early on yelling at the man, who eventually Dec. 4 just minutes after stealing grabbed her. The second employee, ENIGMA



Attempted robbery at the San Bernardino Lotions & Lace on Wednesday night. We are happy our ladies are safe... but they sure are tough!” San Bernardino police said they are working to identify the suspect, whose uncovered face was photographed by an outside security camera.

Chattanooga’s Most Fun Night Out



“Go See Live Music”
















This calendar covers events January and beyond. We would be happy to publish your free listing in future Billboards, space permitting. Simply mail us the information so that we have it 7 days before the publication date. A photograph may be sent with the announcement. Send information to: calendar@enigmaonline.com. All dates subject to change without notice.

SUNDAY January 1 SKYZOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) David Scott, The Swinger EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Jared & Amber

MONDAY January 2 TREMONT TAVERN (Chattanooga) Trivia Night THE OFFICE (Chattanooga) SpeakEasy FOX & HOUND (Chattanooga) DJ Exphacter EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) David Ryan Harris

TUESDAY January 3 TREMONT TAVERN (Chattanooga) Open Mic w/ Mike McDade THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Rocky Dale Davis GEORGIA THEATRE (Athens,, GA) Gregg Allman CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Butch Trucks

WEDNESDAY January 4 RAW (Chattanooga) Open Jam THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Improv Chattanooga GEORGIA THEATRE (Athens, GA) Gregg Allman

THURSDAY January 5 SKYZOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) David C Wingfield THE FOUNDRY (Athens, GA) Butch Trucks, Damon Fowler

FRIDAY January 6 SKYZOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av RAW (Chattanooga) DJ Barnaby THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) David C Wingfield REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Marcus King Band AISLE 5 (Atlanta) The Nth Power, Dynamo


SATURDAY January 7 SKYZOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) David C Wingfield TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Jamey Johnson. Chris Hennessee REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) DJ Ayomi, DJ MCPRO, DJ D-Whit WAR MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Willie Nelson MERCY LOUNGE (Nashville) Middle Ground

UPCOMING EVENTS THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) David C Wingfield January 8 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Matisyahu January 8 FRANKLIN THEATRE (Franklin, TN) Jason Isbell January 9 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Lukas Graham January 10 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Gregg Allman January 10 3RD & LINDSLEY (Nashville) Jeannie Seely January 10 40 WATT CLUB (Athens, GA) Alejandro Escovedo, The Minus Five January 10 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Gregg Allman January 11 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Chris Redd January 12 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Alejandro Escovedo, The Minus Five January 12 MUSIC ROOM AT SMITH’S OLDE BAR (Atlanta) Ashley Rivera January 12 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Robbie Fulks January 12 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Chris Redd January 13 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Fly By Radio January 13 THE INTERNATIONAL (Knoxville) Wednesday 13, Bourbon Crow, La Basura Del Diablo January 13 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Umphrey’s McGee January 13 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Chris Redd January 13 TIVOLI THEATRE (Chattanooga) Gregg Allman January 14 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Steep Canyon Rangers, Slim Pickins January 14 JAMES K. POLK THEATRE (Nashville) “Cheers Live On Stage” January 14 CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville)



Alejandro Escovedo, The Minus 5 January 14 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Umphrey’s McGee January 14 BUCKHEAD THEATRE (Atlanta) Tom Chaplin January 14 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Chris Redd January 15 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) The Subdudes January 15 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Umphrey’s McGee January 15 SATURN (Birmingham) Alejandro Escovedo, The Minus 5 January 15 THE WAREHOUSE (Clarksville, TN) Machinae Supremacy January 16 TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Mike Doughty, Wheatus January 17 THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Machinae Supremacy January 17 BIJOU THEATRE (Knoxville) Dweezil Zappa January 17 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Mike Gardner January 18 HEAVEN AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Orgy, Powerman 5000, Death Valley High, Knee High Fox January 18 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Mike Gardner January 19 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Aaron Lewis January 19 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Mike Gardner January 20 TIVOLI THEATRE (Chattanooga) Ronnie Milsap January 20 BUCKHEAD THEATRE (Atlanta) Aaron Lewis January 20 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Circa Survive, Mewithoutyou, Turnover January 20 TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Lera Lynn January 20 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Mike Gardner January 21 THE CAMP HOUSE (Chattanooga) Lera Lynn January 21 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Tyson Leamon Band, One Shot Down January 21 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Dierks Bentley, Cole Swindell, Jon Pardi January 21 MARATHON MUSIC WORKS (Nashville) Dweezil Zappa January 21 WORKPLAY THEATRE (Birmingham) Pop Evil, Red Sun Rising, Badflower January 21 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Run The Jewels, The Gaslamp Killer, Spark Master Tape, CUZ January 21 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Alter Bridge January 22 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Don Henley January 22 WAR MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Falling in Reverse, Issues, Motionless in

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As we

White, Dangerkids, Dead Girls Academy January 22 CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) Midge Ure January 23 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Breaking Benjamin January 23 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) The Beach Boys January 24 WOODRUFF ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) “The Last Waltz 40 Tour” Warren Haynes, Michael McDonald, Jamey Johnson, John Medeski, Don Was, Terrence Higgins January 24 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Falling in Reverse, Issues, Motionless in White, Dangerkids, Dead Girls Academy January 24 COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) The Beach Boys January 25 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) “The Last Waltz 40 Tour” Warren Haynes, Michael McDonald, Jamey Johnson, John Medeski, Don Was, Terrence Higgins January 25 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Jay Chris Newberg January 26 TENNESSEE THEATRE (Knoxville) Tedeschi Trucks Band, Jack Pearson January 26 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Drive-By Truckers January 26 BAMA THEATRE (Tuscaloosa, AL) Travis Tritt January 26 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Jay Chris Newberg January 27 WORKPLAY THEATRE (Birmingham) Cowboy Mouth January 27 DRUID CITY MUSIC HALL (Tuscaloosa, AL) Corey Smith January 27 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Jay Chris Newberg January 28 TIVOLI THEATRE (Chattanooga) Tedeschi Trucks Band, Jack Pearson January 28 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Delbert McClinton January 28 INFINITE ENERGY CENTER (Duluth, GA) Alan Jackson, Lee Ann Womack January 28 40 WATT CLUB (Athens, GA) Kurt Vile, Luke Roberts January 28 GEORGIA THEATRE (Athens, GA) Moe. January 28 ALABAMA THEATRE (Birmingham) Miranda Sings January 28 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Jay Chris Newberg January 29 CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) Sara Watkins January 29 WORKPLAY THEATRE (Birmingham) Sara Watkins January 30 THE INTERNATIONAL (Knoxville) From Ashes To New, Palisades, Stitched Up Heart, Letters From the Fire January 30 THE MILL & MINE (Knoxville) Grouplove, SWMRS January 30


CANNERY BALLROOM (Nashville) DNCE January 31 BIJOU THEATRE (Knoxville) Moe. January 31 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Yarn February 1 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Big Something, Opposite Box February 2 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Papadosio, Backup Planet February 3 HIGH WATT (Nashville) Margaret Glaspy February 3 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Katt Williams February 3 KNOXVILLE AUDITORIUM (Knoxville) Mary Wilson February 4 JENNNIE ANDERSON THEATRE (Marietta, GA) Jimmy Osmond February 4 THE EARL (Atlanta) Margaret Glaspy February 4 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Neal Morse February 4 GEORGIA DOME (Atlanta) “Winter Jam” Crowder, Britt Nicole, Tenth Avenue North, Andy Mineo, Colton Dixon, Thousand Foot Krutch, NewSong, OBB, Sarah Reeves, Steven Malcolm February 4 ANDREW JACKSON HALL (Nashville) Nelly February 4 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Blackberry Smoke February 4 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Francine Reed February 5 HEAVEN AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) August Burns Red, Protest The Hero, Hearts Wake, ‘68 February 7 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Adam DeVine February 8 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Uli Jon Roth February 8 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Alabama, Kenny Rogers, Rodney Atkins, Chris Janson, Jamey Johnson, Gentry, Michael Ray, Ricky Skaggs, Michael W. Smith, Tanya Tucker, Josh Turner February 8 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Lauryn Hill February 9 CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) Uli Jon Roth February 9 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Al Di Meola February 9 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Jess Goggans Band, Rick Rushing & The Blues Strangers February 10 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Bon Jovi February 10 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Michael Tolcher February 10 WILDHORSE SALOON (Nashville) Rick Springfield February 10 TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Yacht Rock Revue February 11

realize forgiving is the easy part… Forgetting is hard.

veness is the intentional and volunrocess by which a victim undergoes nge in feelings and attitude regardn offense…

In closing to readers whom I’ve had the pleasure of captivating over the many years in my column – thank you.

y times in my life I have had to fornot for others, but myself. Life is hort.

The song, “Forgiveness” by Matthew West…

e get older it’s funny how people

Learn to forgive… So you can live life by forgiving yourself. ENIGMA

RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Judah & the Lion, Martina McBride, Lauren Alaina February 11 WILDHORSE SALOON (Nashville) Rick Springfield February 11 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Yonder Mountain String Band, G. Love & Special Sauce February 11 CENTER STAGE (Atlanta) Beth Hart February 11 BUCKHEAD THEATRE (Atlanta) AFI, Nothing, The Souvenirs February 11 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Grouplove, SWMRS February 11 3RD & LINDSLEY (Nashville) G. Love & Special Sauce February 12 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Ariana Grande February 14 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Tesla, The Raskins February 14 INFINITE ENERGY CENTER (Duluth, GA) Andrea Bocelli, Heather Headley February 14 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Lauryn Hill February 14 SYMPHONY HALL (Atlanta) Yes February 14 THE MILL & MINE (Knoxville) Switchfoot, Relient K February 14 THE ROXY REGIONAL THEATRE (Clarksville, TN) “Gallagher’s Jokes On You Comedy Tour” Gallagher, Artie Fletcher, Nelson February 14 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Reba February 15 THE ROXY REGIONAL THEATRE (Clarksville, TN) “Gallagher’s Jokes On You Comedy Tour” Gallagher, Artie Fletcher, Nelson February 15 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) St. Paul And The Broken Bones February 16 3RD & LINDSLEY (Nashville) Valerie June February 16 THE ROXY REGIONAL THEATRE (Clarksville, TN) “Gallagher’s Jokes On You Comedy Tour” Gallagher, Artie Fletcher, Nelson February 16 INFINITE ENERGY ARENA (Duluth, GA) Eric Church February 16 SYMPHONY HALL (Atlanta) Yanni February 16 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Gabe Dixon February 16 LEGACY ARENA (Birmingham) Bon Jovi February 16 TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Kathleen Madigan February 17 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Drivin’ n Cryin’, Traveling Kine February 17 LEGACY ARENA (Birmingham) Eric Church February 17 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Corey Smith February 17 MARATHON MUSIC WORKS (Nashville) Moe. February 17 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) St. Paul And The Broken Bones February 17 THE INTERNATIONAL (Knoxville) Excision, Cookie Monsta, Barely Alive, Dion Timmer February 17 40 WATT CLUB (Athens, GA) Drive-By Truckers February 17 COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) Jay Leno February 18 40 WATT CLUB (Athens, GA) Drive-By Truckers February 18



IRON CITY (Birmingham) Moe. February 18 BJCC CONCERT HALL (Birmingham) Katt Williams February 18 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Shovels & Rope February 18 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Bon Jovi February 18 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Shovels & Rope February 19 3RD & LINDSLEY (Nashville) Hamilton Leithauser February 19 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Charlie Wilson, Johnny Gill, Fantasia February 19 TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Devendra Banhart February 20 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Dan + Shay February 21 VINYL (Atlanta) Eisley February 21 SYMPHONY HALL (Atlanta) Tony Bennett February 21 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) ZZ Top February 22 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Elizabeth Cook February 22 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Candlebox February 24 BJCC CONCERT HALL (Birmingham) Twenty One Pilots February 24 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) “Comedy Get Down” George Lopez, Charlie Murphy, Eddie Griffin, D.L. Hughley, Cedric The Entertainer February 24 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Little Big Town, Brent Cobb February 24 HEAVEN AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Less Than Jake, Pepper February 24 COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) Martina McBride, Lauren Alaina February 24 TENNESSEE THEATRE (Knoxville) Dan + Shay February 24 SAMFORD UNIVERSITY (Birmingham) Bernadette Peters February 25 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Dita Von Teese February 25 SMITH’S OLDE BAR (Atlanta) Parker Smith February 25 BUCKHEAD THEATRE (Atlanta) Dan + Shay February 25 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Little Big Town, Ashley Monroe February 25 BIJOU THEATRE (Knoxville) Ben Folds February 26 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Lake Street Dive, Joey Dosik February 27 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Sting, Joe Sumner, The Last Bandoleros February 27 ALABAMA THEATRE (Birmingham) Amos Lee February 27 HIGH WATT (Nashville) AJR February 27 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Livingston Taylor February 28 THE EARL (Atlanta) Agent Orange, Guttermouth, The Queers February 28 NASHVILLE MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Sting, Joe Sumner, The Last Bandoleros February 28 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Los Lonely Boys March 1




RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Norah Jones March 1 MCKENZIE ARENA (Chattanooga) TobyMac, Matt Maher, Mandisa, Mac Powell, Capital Kings, Stevenson, Hollyn March 2 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Tedeschi Trucks Band, Leon Russell March 2 EXIT/IN (Nashville) Agent Orange, Guttermouth, The Queers, Atom Age March 2 BUCKHEAD THEATRE (Atlanta) George Clinton And Parliament Funkadelic March 2 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Tedeschi Trucks March 3 COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) Alan Cumming March 3 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Dawes March 3 BJCC CONCERT HALL (Birmingham) Norah Jones March 3 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Margo Price March 4 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Tedeschi Trucks March 4 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Dropkick Murphys, Blood Or Whiskey, The Interrupters March 4 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Dawes March 4 CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) Los Lonely Boys March 6 TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Jimmy Eat World March 7 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Cold War Kids , Middle Kids March 7 INFINITE ENERGY ARENA Duluth, GA) The Lumineers, Kaleo, Susto March 8 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Young The Giant March 8 GEORGIA THEATRE (Athens, GA) Amos Lee March 8 INFINITE ENERGY ARENA Duluth, GA) TobyMac, Matt Maher, Mandisa, Mac Powell, Capital Kings, Stevenson, Hollyn March 9 SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) The Chieftains March 9 WORKPLAY THEATRE (Birmingham) Son Volt March 9 INFINITE ENERGY CENTER (Duluth, GA) Green Day, Against Me! March 10 COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CEN TER (Atlanta) “MJ Live” Michael Jackson Tribute March 10 TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Son Volt March 10 SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) The Chieftains March 10 MERCY LOUNGE (Nashville) Mike Doughty, Wheatus March 10 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Beth Hart March 10 TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Get the Led Out March 11 SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) The Chieftains March 11 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Norah Jones March 11 COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) Jim Jefferies March 11

EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Livingston Taylor March 11 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Maluma March 12 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Madeleine Peyroux, Rickie Lee Jones March 12 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Gordon Lightfoot March 12 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Carol Burnett March 14 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Bryan Ferry March 14 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Carol Burnett March 15 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Son Volt March 16 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Regina Spektor March 16 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Carol Burnett March 17 3RD & LINDSLEY (Nashville) Son Volt March 17 MERCY LOUNGE (Nashville) Reverend Horton Heat, Unknown Hinson, The Goddamn Gallows March 18 GRAND OLE OPRY HOUSE (Nashville) Steve Martin, Martin Short, Steep Canyon Rangers March 19 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Regina Spektor March 20 THE INTERNATIONAL (Knoxville) Reverend Horton Heat, Unknown Hinson, Birdcloud, The Goddamn Gallows March 21 BIG EARS FESTIVAL (Knoxville) Colin Stetson, Six Organs Of Admittance, Glenn Kotche, On Fillmore, Wilco March 23 CANNERY BALLROOM (Nashville) Dinosaur Jr. March 23 BARKING LEGS THEATER (Chattanooga) Pierre Bensusan March 24 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Bring Me the Horizon, Underoath, Beartooth March 24 BIG EARS FESTIVAL (Knoxville) Colin Stetson, Six Organs Of Admittance, Glenn Kotche, On Fillmore, Wilco March 24 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Steve Miller Band March 24 BIG EARS FESTIVAL (Knoxville) Yasmine Hamdan, Colin Stetson, Six Organs Of Admittance, Kotche, On Fillmore, Aoife O’Donovan, Wilco March 25 LEGACY ARENA (Birmingham) Keith Sweat March 25 THE FIVE SPOT (Nashville) James McCartney March 25 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Bring Me the Horizon March 25 SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) Peter Frampton March 26 BIG EARS FESTIVAL (Knoxville) Colin Stetson, Six Organs Of Admittance, Glenn Kotche, On Fillmore, Aoife O’Donovan, Wilco March 26 WAR MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM (Nashville) The Flaming Lips March 29 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) The Rides, Los Lobos, March 29 NASHVILLE MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Nashville) “Legends Of Southern Hip Hop” Scarface, 8Ball & MJG, Mystikal, Bun B, Trick Daddy, Juvenile, Project Pat

March 31 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) The Flaming Lips April 2 KNOXVILLE COLISEUM (Knoxville) “I Love The 90s” Salt-N-Pepa, All-4-One, Color Me Badd, Coolio, Tone Loc, Rob Base, Young M.C. April 6 LEGACY ARENA (Birmingham) Panic! At the Disco, Misterwives, Saint Motel April 7 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Keller Williams, Leo Kottke April 7 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Jerry Seinfeld April 7 CANNERY BALLROOM (Nashville) JoJo April 7 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) The Zombies feat. Colin Blunstone & Rod Argent April 8 JAMES K. POLK THEATRE (Nashville) The Zombies feat. Colin Blunstone & Rod Argent April 9 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Ariana Grande April 12 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Anthrax, Killswitch Engage April 12 INFINITE ENERGY ARENA Duluth, GA) Panic! At the Disco, Misterwives, Saint Motel April 12 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Red Hot Chili Peppers April 14 NASHVILLE MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Katt Williams April 14 CENTER STAGE (Atlanta) Testament, Sepultura, Prong April 15 TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Foxygen April 18 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Neil Diamond April 19 LEGACY ARENA (Birmingham) Tim McGraw, Faith Hill April 21 ASCEND AMPHITHEATRE (Nashville) Thomas Rhett, Kelsea Ballerini, Russell Dickerson, Ryan Hurd April 21 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Tim McGraw, Faith Hill April 22 SYMPHONY HALL (Atlanta) Ben Folds April 24 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, Joe Walsh April 25 BIJOU THEATRE (Knoxville) Dawes April 26 TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Paula Poundstone April 28 NASHVILLE MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Keith Sweat April 28 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Dawes April 28 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy April 29 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Dawes April 29 HARRAH’S CHEROKEE CASINO (Cherokee) Alice Cooper April 29 THOMPSON-BOLING ARENA (Knoxville) Florida Georgia Line, Dustin Lynch, Chris Lane April 29 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Dawes April 30 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Neil Diamond April 30


EXIT/IN (Nashville) Clap Your Hands Say Yeah April 30 KNOXVILLE SYMPHONY (Knoxville) Blood Sweat & Tears May 6 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Ben Harper & The Innocent Criminals May 6 TIVOLI THEATRE (Chattanooga) Brian Wilson May 7 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Steve Winwood May 10 BJCC CONCERT HALL (Birmingham) Brian Wilson May 9 HEAVEN AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) The Damned May 11 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Julianne Hough, Derek Hough May 11 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) The Weeknd May 13 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) New Kids on the Block, Paula Abdul, Boyz II Men May 17 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Little Big Town May 19 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Lionel Richie, Mariah Carey May 20 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Little Big Town May 20 HELL AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Okilly Dokilly, Beatallica May 23 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Sigur Rós May 23 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Lionel Richie, Mariah Carey May 24 HARRAH’S CHEROKEE CASINO (Cherokee) Chris Rock May 25 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Chris Rock May



26 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Eric Church May 26 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Chris Rock May 27 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Eric Church May 27 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Chris Rock May 28 GRAND OLE OPRY HOUSE (Nashville) Julianne Hough, Derek Hough May 31 ALYS ROBINSON STEPHENS PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Birmingham) Jonny Lang June 10 ANDREW JACKSON HALL (Nashville) Sigur Rós June 12 LAKEWOOD AMPHITHEATRE (Atlanta) Dead & Company June 13 SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) Johnny Mathis June 23 INFINITE ENERGY ARENA Duluth, GA) New Kids on the Block, Paula Abdul, Boyz II Men July 14 INFINITE ENERGY ARENA Duluth, GA) Roger Waters July 16 INFINITE ENERGY ARENA Duluth, GA) Shawn Mendes July 29 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Shawn Mendes July 31 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Tim McGraw, Faith Hill August 5 THOMPSON-BOLING ARENA (Knoxville) Tim McGraw, Faith Hill September 14 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Little Big Town September 19/20




Good Versus Evil and the Serial Killer - Psychological Discussion What makes people become serial killers? Are people predispositioned to be evil people? Does a hard childhood help create the breeding ground for someone later to become a cold stone killer? Do serial killers feel remorse? Are killers redeemable? Wow, those are some hardcore questions aren’t they? Well, our think tank decided to take up the subject and try to find a solution. No, we didn’t find the solution, but we found that there are others who’ve spent their lives studying these things and are making some pretty decent headway on the subject. Let’s talk. The questions above are real questions that we pondered. Yes, serial killers are fascinating, and then in some ways not. I’ve enjoyed reading up on those who hunt serial killers, and find it interesting too. Yes, Good VS. Evil is an interesting topic, one thing I find interesting as a non-religious person is how easy it is for someone to justify their actions because they are a ‘good person’ according to their faith, or that they’ve been forgiven for their deeds by their god.

That to me is somewhat problematic, worse those folks who have to pray 5-times a day to remind themselves to be good, ouch, and I don’t mean to say anything which might be construed as Islamaphobic, because I know that is a no-no, but, I find it all pretty unfortunate. Sharia Law for instance;

stoning, honor killing, and what have you. Of course, I don’t for a minute forget the Salem With Trials, as my own ancestry was involved on both sides of that - witches and punishers. Indeed, I wonder if cults, religion and such cause more damage to an otherwise healthy mind than they actually help aligning and organizing society in a positive way. And my ancestors at the Salem Witch


Trials is one such example of the challenges of self-righteousness in the mind; “I am right, they are wrong, they are evil, I am good,” motif. No, not all serial killers ended up that way due to religion, but many mass killings had those components clouding judgment, dare to compare?

In studying such things I enjoyed watching all the YouTube Videos of detectives from the FBI chasing down serial killers and John Douglas book “Mind Hunter” as it was quite intriguing. I guess many people like detective novels. Perhaps everyone has some interest in this venue. Good guys, bad guys, justice, justifi-



cation, rationalization and revenge - humans? Gotta love em’. Not long ago, in researching this topic I ran across Professor Gwen Adshead if Gresham College in England, in one of her podcasts “The Criminal Mind: The Relationship Between Criminology and Psychology” she explains who often killers have compartmentalized what they’ve done and avoid thinking of themselves as the killer, thus they avoid remorse all together. The scariest of all of this is that someone whom you know has the capacity to be a serial killer, someone you went to school with, works at the same company as you or lives in your neighborhood. What’s the funny line we always here when reporters ask about a neighbor that turned out to be a serial killer? “He seemed like such a nice guy.” Think on this.

- Lance Winslow

David Carroll, One Volunteer Bama Dawg & Proud of It Very few people in the media live up to their perception the viewers and readers have. David Carroll is that rare breed. The veteran news anchor and media personality is every bit the same off the air as on. In the high stakes and cutthroat world of media, he is a true class act. I’ve been fortunate enough not only to be able to listen to him on the radio and see him on TV most of my life, I’ve also gotten the opportunity to meet David as a member of the media and won’t lie am still a little star struck around him because of how genuine and not fake like media personalities in general can be. I even remember when I was in school he came into a little store I worked and I asked him about TV since I was a communications major and he took the time to answer my questions. Already a fan at that time I was a bigger afterward and remain so decades after meeting him in person and becoming part of the media myself. In recent years he’s broadened his horizons and has become pretty much the historian for local media publishing two books with his most recent one being “Volunteer Bama Dawg” that is filled more with personal stories about being in media.

I hope there’s no difference. I’ve done a few book signings on this and it’s been really kind of encouraging how many people come up and say, “You don’t know me but I know you” or “You’ve been in my house for thirty years” or whatever the case may be and, hopefully, this book is an extension of that in that, when you are on the news, you are pretty much scripted. This book and the stories in it give me a chance to show who I am, my sense of humor. Stories about people I met and how much I love this part of the country. When you started in media originally, on radio and TV, Chattanooga at that point was con sidered a transient town for personalities. Nobody stayed here. You were one of the pioneers as far as personalities that made Chattanooga your home. Tell me about what made you decide you wanted to stay in Chattanooga and not go elsewhere.

Whenever people ask me about that, I sort of half-jokingly say, “Nobody else wanted me.” So it hasn’t been like the network’s been knocking down my door or anything like that. I’ve never been particularly ambitious about trying Folks like you in the media all their to get out of Chattanooga because life, is it hard to balanced being Channel 3’s been good to me. The David Carroll and being David stations that I worked at before Carroll the media personality? were good to me. My wife loves it


here. My kids grew up here. You know, you’re a couple of hours away from everything. I haven’t had, I guess, the motivation to try and move out, and it seems like we’re finding a little more stability in the business than we used to. You’re right. In the past, it was a revolving door. But if you look at most of the stations now, you know, my team at Channel 3 – Paul and Cindy – has been there longer than have, for thirty years. The folks at Channel 9, many of them have been in place for ten, fifteen years or more. Channel 12, which had a lot of problems in decades past, they’ve had a pretty good record of keeping their main anchors in recent years. So, maybe that says something about the area.

borders meet. I said, “I grew up fifteen miles from there and never really thought about the spot.” So, I went over there, found the marker, took a selfie, wrote a story about it, and put it online. Then a bunch of people went over there and took their kids, where they had three kids in three states and stuff like that. As I was standing there taking the picture, I thought, “This is my life. I grew up in Alabama, drive through Georgia every day, work and live in Tennessee – I’m a Volunteer Bama Dawg.” There’s something I love about all three states. And, yeah, there are football rivalries, you know, but as far as the region, the area, we’re all in this together. I really don’t look at state lines. I just thought that would be a clever name for the Your new book, “Volunteer Bama book. It represents who I am – Dawg,” the name itself is kind of someone who has grown up in the interesting in the fact that there tri-state area and loves it. are a lot of divided loyalties in our area, especially when it comes to Do you think you take on different sports. personalities from the different states in what you do? Especially. Not that I notice, really. Growing What do you think of the personal - up in northeast Alabama, I grew up ity of the whole thing? We live in a reading the Chattanooga papers, very unique area, wouldn’t you say, listening to Chattanooga radio, and with us being right in between mul - watching Chattanooga television. tiple states. So I always felt like a Chattanoogan. Then, moving here Well, it’s funny because when I’m in 1989 and becoming officially a showing the book to somebody, Chattanooga resident and a they think it’s a sports book and I Tennessee resident, my family’s say, “There’s a couple of sports sto- still in Alabama. I still have a lot of ries in there” but the title actually friends in Georgia. I think we’re all comes from exactly what you’re very similar and we have similar talking about. A few months ago, a beliefs and similar tastes. friend of mine sent me an e-mail Especially now, with us kind of a and said, “You really need to go to Face book nation, we’re all kind of exit 161 off I-24 west headed toward united anyway. Everybody’s linked Nashville. Turn about three miles, in one form or fashion. So I think go to the State Line Cemetery, and we’re more of a region. Sure, now take about a fifty-yard hike into I’m a Tennessean but I still have all the woods. You can stand in this three of those states in my heart. spot where there’s a little monument that marks where the You’ve become kind of a historian Tennessee, Alabama, and Georgia of the media in the region. What






are some things that you uncov ered that was kind of like a wow factor for you when doing research for this book and the previous book about the history of TV and radio in Chattanooga [“Chattanooga Radio and Television”]? Well, even though the two books are very different – the first one was like a pictorial history; this one is more a series of short stories, though there’s about sixty pictures in this book … it’s kind of a continuation. In the first book, I was able to put about twenty pictures of Luther in there and have little captions, little anecdotes. In the first book, I had three, four pictures of Miss Marcia, of Bob Brandy, Harry Thornton, and Mary Ellen Locher. In this book, I’ve got pictures but also I elaborated and was able to tell their stories about their lives. As recently as last weekend, I was at a book signing and somebody was reading the chapter about Mort Lloyd and Marilyn Lloyd. When you think about forty years ago, Mort was this iconic figure who suddenly passed away in a plane crash on

the eve of being elected to Congress and then his wife runs in his place and wins ten elections without a loss. I mean, to 25, 30year-old people, they have no idea. So it’s fun to be able to tell their

are still with us. So many others have passed on just in recent years. It’s great to tell Tommy Jett’s story. Tommy’s still with us. I think we’re blessed to have some local broadcasters and journalists that

ey in my youth on WGOW, WDXB, he was out of sight for thirty years. Nobody knew where he was. Now he’s Bob Todd on Facebook and he shares his stories and jokes on there. He’s back in my life now. It’s offered some of these folks a chance to stay in touch with the public whether they are still on the airwaves or not. There’s a Chickamauga Charlie story in there too, by the way.

What do you see going on with radio right now? I realize there’s a lot of internet radio now but do you see maybe a grassroots effort to bring back local radio? It seems like people have complained about radio ever since the change in FCC regulations from when a group could only own a certain percentage in the market to now where they can own a majority of stations Carroll flanked by legendary Chattanooga media personalities in the market. There seems to have Luther Massingill and Marcia Kling after the release of his first book. been a backlash. Do you see local radio making a comeback as far as story now with the perspective of are household names. bringing back radio personalities? recent history. I guess, in the course of doing the research, I feel Not necessarily talking about you that Chattanooga’s been very here but just the media in general It’s gradual but I think it’s happenblessed to have some iconic fig- … when I was a kid, whenever I ing. If you look at iHeartMedia, ures. Some like Marcia thankfully would see a media personality, it you’ll see that, around the country, was almost like being kind of star they have gradually cut back on struck. Do you think social media local personalities but here, for has taken away from that? Or has it example, US101 has been one of the added to the actual appeal of few stations that they really media personalities? haven’t bothered that much. They still have a good, solid local mornI think it’s adding. I was a little bit ing show and a good, solid local concerned about it in the begin- afternoon show because someone ning. I’ve been on Facebook for in the upper echelon of iHeart has almost eight years now and I am figured out it ain’t broke, we don’t blessed to have a lot people read want to fix that. If you look at the what I write on Facebook. I do a Bahakel group with Sunny 92, website – chattanoogaradiotv.com. Hits96, the Legend, and some of It’s been an outgrowth of that. It’s those stations, they have more helped me establish a personality local voices on the air live than beyond sitting there reading the anybody else. If you look at news. As you know from listening Cumulus Talk Radio, they’ve still to me on the radio a long time ago, got the same lineup in place that I like to have a little fun, tell sto- they had 10, 20 years ago in the key ries, and make people laugh from afternoon and morning drive slots. time to time. The same thing goes At Brewer, I think they are also recwith some of my other friends who ognizing that more. I’m doing a are on social media. Bob Johnson, weekend show on a station that I who had to retire due to illness call Back to Back Music. They are from the anchor desk about ten allowing me to tell the stories years ago … well now, he’s on behind the hits on weekend mornFacebook and it’s a joy to see him ings now. That’s something that we express his opinions and write lit- didn’t have a few months ago. So I tle stories. Darryl Patterson, it’s think – gradually – ownership, the same way. He’s just as active in whether they be local or national, sports as when he was on TV. He are starting to figure out that if just does it on social media. people want non-stop music, it’s Chickamauga Charlie, who was this there on your iPod, on satellite but legendary, controversial disc jock- to differentiate yourself from that, ENIGMA



you‘ve got to have something spe- the stations themselves, for radio cial and, here, that’s local. I hope in this country. it’s coming back. I think it is. Chattanooga had some key people Let’s step back a minute. Were you in the early days that really played a music program director back in a big role nationally. WDOD was the seventies? What was your role? the first radio station, and it was I know your claim to fame, or the only radio station for eleven infamy, is the Starland Vocal Band, years. It was dominant for fifteen being the first radio station to play or sixteen years. They were affiliatthe song and such … ed with CBS and, back in those days, the CBS network was always I was music director on WFLI back looking for programming. They had in the mid-seventies and this was a lot of regular evening programbefore FM really got its foothold on ming, the big names that you read the mass audience, so yeah, I was about from that era of radio – Jack the guy who played “Afternoon Benny and George Burns, The Delight” before anybody else in the Amateur Hour, Arthur Godfrey, and nation. So you can thank me or all that – but they had a lot of dayblame me, depending on your time slots to fill. WDOD had a daypoint of view. From there, I did a time show called Noon Day Frolic little stint on WGOW in the morn- which broadcast from a local theings. Then, when the new owner- ater downtown and oftentimes ship came in and bought WYNQ and they would have up-and-coming WGOW from Ted Turner in 1977-78, talent like George Gobel, Archie they switched the FM – WYNQ – Campbell, Ernie Ford, and people overnight to KZ106. I got to be the like that and CBS would ask them first morning DJ, first voice on that to do a national hook-up. They station and that’s something I’ll would connect the phone lines so always be proud of. I kid the guys that these Chattanooga-originated that are over there now that they shows would be on the CBS radio are basically playing the same network. So, yeah, we were a pretrecords I did. It’s still the ty big deal back then. Then Luther, Journey/Styx/REO/Skynyrd playlist for goodness sakes, I mean, when but that station is still a power- he came on the scene in 1940, he house, still very well operated. I’m became a local and national legreally proud to have been the first end, staying on the air for 74 years. foot in the door there. I tell the story in this book, people would sometimes come into town Starland Vocal Band couldn’t have and say, “If Luther’s such a big deal, been that bad. They did have a then why is he only in summer replacement series on CBS, Chattanooga?” I asked him that one I think. (laughs) time and he told me about all the offers he got from across the Yeah, John Denver backed them nation but he never wanted to and discovered them. From what leave. I think had he wanted to, I’ve read since then, there are all Luther could have been a celebrity kinds of, kind of like ABBA, all on the national level like Art these romances like Fleetwood Linkletter or someone like that. Mac where one side was in love with the other who was actually I guess he would be the pioneer of married to somebody else. When I wanting to stay in one market hear that song and the other ones instead of traveling around from the era like “Moonlight Feels because in radio and then TV Right” and stuff like that, I mean, it broadcasting, it soon becomes was just a special time. There’s just where people are always on the something about pop music that I’ll move. always love. In Luther’s case, he was an excepOne of the things, when I first tion. I remember I helped organize heard about Chattanooga being the an effort to get him into the first station ever to play that song, National Radio Hall of Fame. It was I thought it was a very “Holy cow!” very difficult and very lengthy big deal, but then when I read your because the people in Chicago who first book, it’s like Chattanooga run the National Hall of Fame had was a very instrumental market, or that same mindset about him” “So ENIGMA

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what? He’s in Chattanooga.” And I had to convince them over a period of years that he was special. It took a little effort but they eventually figured it out. When he got onstage to accept his award back in 2012, it was one of their brighter moments because he was 91, 92 years old but he was on that night. Those are some of the fun stories in here. The book is a combination of some of the funnier things that I’ve written online that people have responded to well. There’s some historical value in the book. I kid about how new reporters come to town and always ask me why we call it the Old Johnny Bridge and I have to explain Mayor Rudy Olgiati

came up with on his own? I think he’s always been interested in news. My wife and I don’t always see eye-to-eye politically so we’ve had some healthy debates in our home from time to time and both our sons, I think, enjoy the backand-forth and talking about what was in the news. Chris started out working for the Times-Free Press for a while and he’s now working as the communications director for Congressman Jim Cooper but he’s still very tuned in to the news. I remember I took him on a trip to New York City when he was about sixteen and we went to all the tourist sites – the Empire State

Carroll with longtime media personaltiy and one of “Those Guys in the Mornng” Garry Mac.

and how all that came about. There are some stories about my work covering schools and some of the funnier things I have observed in our local schools. You have to focus on the funny stuff because it’s been a pretty sad year for our local schools. And a few things about my life, my family … growing up in a country store and some funny stories about the people I met and about our southernisms. That’s probably been the most responded-to part of the book, those great southern phrases we all grew up with that I don’t want to see go away. Your son, Chris, is in the media as well. How much influence did you have on him wanting to follow in your footsteps or is it something he

Building, Times Square, a Broadway show – but, for him, the highlight of the trip was a surprise visit to the New York Times. He read the New York Times every day as a teenager. That gives you an idea of how into the news he was and still is. How do you see the state of jour nalism now locally and even nationally with the way we receive and broadcast our news? I’ve been really concerned about it recently. I wrote a story about it. I think the title was something about “Has Facebook Become Hatebook?” because during the recent presidential campaign, there were just so many false stories being spread and anger online and so much of it ENIGMA



was inspired by fake news sites and people who were far left or far right. I guess the thing that concerns is that when I was growing up, the sixties and seventies, generally if something was associated with the AP or CBS or NBC, you could rest assured it was down the middle pretty much. If there was opinion or commentary, it was labeled as such. During the recent presidential campaign, there were stories on the nbcnews.com front page that I thought were very slanted and they were not labeled as opinion, commentary, or analysis and that concerns me. We catch a lot of criticism these days and I like to think that, on a local level, we stay pretty much down the middle but it did concern me that national news organizations who should know better were taking positions … in the case of one candidate, for example, this candidate might be making a speech about something and a national news network might say “making ridiculous promises” or “making unsubstantiated claims” and again I would just like to see that labeled as commentary if

that’s what it is. So I’m a little concerned about it right now. I think there’s a large segment of the population who are unable to tell the difference between real news and fake news. Unfortunately, some of the real news organizations have played into that by not being as unbiased as they should be. You’ve been in media your whole life, since when you were a teenag er basically. What do you think you have taken away from your time being in the media? It’s been really rewarding. I recommend it. Every time I talk to a high school or college class, I ask if any of them are interested in becoming journalists or reporters. There’s always a handful, a smattering of hands that go up. I like to tell people that, in my case, I feel like that I have been very blessed in that I do something different every day, in my case, covering schools primarily. I get to see the best of the best and the worst of the worst. I see the needs. I see the inequities. I’ve seen a lot of positives that don’t


get covered as much as they should. But it’s a real blessing. This occupation gives me a chance to touch some lives in a way that I otherwise wouldn’t I feel like by having the microphone, the camera, the transmitter, that I can reach people and hopefully solve a few problems or shed some light on some needs. It’s a gift and I don’t take it lightly. The cool thing is it’s what I wanted to do when I was a kid and not many people can say that they’ve been able to do that their whole career. You’ve got two books out now. Are you looking to write more or are you looking at other writers, somebody to bring different kinds of stories to the table? When I finished the first book, I didn’t think there would be another one. About 2013, I started writing blogs and columns on my website and since then, eight area newspapers have picked them up – Marion County, Walker, Catoosa, and several other weekly papers. I got to thinking a few months ago that,



with the negative news that has been so dominant recently, I thought it would be fun – especially this year with the election and some of the other tragic things that are going on – to compile some of those stories into a book that might make people smile and might make people laugh. I never thought a second book would exist. Right now I don’t think there’s a third book in me but I’m still so young, Dave … anything could happen (laughs). I do love to write, though. That’s been something that has sort of awakened in me in the last few years. The internet and having a website has enabled me to do that and for people to see it. It’s a great outlet. Sometimes, there’s just something on my mind, for example the night of the Woodmore bus crash, there were so many things that, as I was arriving back from being on the news that night from the scene, I just had to say. Earlier this year when we had all the problems with the Ooltewah situation and Hamilton County schools, there were so many things I wanted to say and a lot of it is inappro-

people think and enlighten or maybe be more descriptive than I can be on TV. I wouldn’t rule it out. I really enjoy the challenge of putting a book together. Both books are in print. If someone wanted to pick one up, where could they be able to find one or order one? What I like to tell people is my website is my favorite place to sell them because I get to personally autograph them and that is chattanoogaradiotv.com. They are also on Amazon and at bookstores. Those are probably the best ways to get them. For the new one, I even did a book on tape, which I’ve never done before. It’s all recorded on five CDs and for folks whose eyesight may be failing or who just like to listen to a book on a car trip or on their iPod or whatever. That’s been a real fun thing, too. I enjoyed doing that. It turned out pretty well.

priate for a TV newscast because it have that outlet. Down the road, I really does venture into the realm hope I can grow as a writer and of opinion. It’s nice to be able to write some more pieces that make




Tell us where we can listen to your radio show. It is on Big 95.3, Saturday and Sunday mornings from ten ‘til noon. It’s called the Vinyl Express, the idea behind it is to tell the stories behind the songs we all grew up with, and each week there’s a different theme just to kind of make it fun. One week it might be songs about magic or with “magic” in the title or with colors or girls’ names or songs about being on the road. The best songs of a certain year … it’s just always tied into some theme that’s fun. My favorite one so far has been songs with cowbell, all the hits with cowbell in them. More cowbell. And people are constantly giving me ideas for themes like bodies of water, days of the week. I’ve found that it is pretty easy, thanks to the internet to find anywhere between 15 and 30 songs that can be tied together.

- Dave Weinthal

Here We Go Again As famous sports philosopher Yogi Berra once said, it’s déjà vu all over again. Around the middle of December UT Chattanooga head football coach Russ Huesman announced he was leaving the school to assume the head coaching duties at Richmond, where he had been defensive coordinator before taking the top spot with the Mocs. It is with great sadness I write this, but for some reason I saw it coming and reminded me of what I witnesses as a little kid growing up.

fateful day in the late ‘50s, but gram. Morrison raised the play other than that not much to write and competition of the team. They home about. soon joined the Southern Conference and dominated it from Enter Joe Morrison, a recently day one. retired running back for the New York Giants. Morrison had a rela- The UTC Mocs regularly walked tively unspectacular career playing over conference teams like

By taking the job at Richmond Huesman returns to where he won the FCS national championship as a coach and from what I’ve heard thinks he has a better chance of winning the championship there than in Chattanooga. Coach Huesman was one of those stories old Hollywood writes about. The coach played his college ball at UTC under Joe Morrison. He leaves under similar circumstances as well. For the uneducated Joe Morrison was hired by UTC to take over a football program that was mediocre at best – if that. While the university named a practice field and various other sports themed stuff after longtime coach Scrappy Moore, Moore was barely a .500 coach winning only 56 percent of his games as coach of then UC for decades. Occasionally they had a big season and even defeated the Tennessee Volunteers one

in the NFL, but played many seasons. The NFL of the ‘60s was a lot more different than today. Somehow UTC decided to take a chance on a coach with NFL playing experience (something not common back in the day). While the team struggled the first couple of years they did play SEC (they had money games even back them) tough, losing by a one score margin. Then all of a sudden things started to gel for the Mocs. They started to win – and win big. The football program when Morrison arrived was pretty much a Division II pro-

Marshall and Appalachian State taking no prisoners. There was a new pride in the city of Chattanooga as they had a football team not only to be proud of but feared by other colleges. Morrison’s team peaked one year at 9-1-1. The following season they still won the Southern Conference but slipped to 7-3-1. That season was marked by controversy as a number of black players on the Mocs team accused the team of racism. Little can be found about it and Morrison himself died in 1989, but things finally were worked out. Morrison finished his coaching career after posting a 9-2 record winning the Southern Conference outright instead of sharing the title the two previous seasons. Mocs football enthusiasm was at its highest point and then the unexpected happened. Joe Morrison left UTC following the 1979 season to take the head coaching position at New Mexico and then on to greater things at South Carolina.




I never understood why he left a program like UTC’s that he had built into a regional powerhouse that garnered respect from local SEC big boys for their close games. Morrison’s teams twice came close to upsetting Vanderbilt and Auburn. What was there in New Mexico and why would he go there I thought to myself. This was still in the era where coaching changes were rare unless the coach died or came from a small program to take over a marquee program like Bear Bryant when he left Kentucky for Alabama. But New Mexico? Heck, I didn’t know they had a football team and before cable TV; there was no real way to track a team like that. But alas Joe left to go out west. More than likely it had to do with finances. Despite UTC being located in an area with a lot of money; Lookout Mountain at one time was ranked as having the most millionaires per capita than anywhere in the country, the school was quite frugal. There are stories when Ron Shumate was building a dynasty in the basketball program that won the Division II championship, he would end up having to wash socks in the bathrooms were he stayed because he was given no budget for recruiting trips. So I’m guessing money was a factor – or sports not important to the university. UTC hired Auburn assistant Bill Oliver to take over in 1980. And while he maintained the program for a couple of years it was obvious that it was starting to slip. Prior to Huesman the last Southern Conference the team won was in 1984 and the team finished only 65. And it was nothing but downhill from there. Buddy Nix was a disaster as the team slipped with each passing season. After Nix Tommy Green took over but left after one season. Then came another Buddy – Buddy Green who helped open Max Finley Stadium in 1997 and coached Terrell Owens during his

tenure. That was followed by the Donnie Kirkpatrick era. Kirkpatrick brought one of the most prolific offenses to the school but unfortunately no defense.

and Atlanta to catch a show. Notorious for waiting until the day of the show to by tickets there was one story of Rod Stewart literally turning around the plane in mid-air when they were alerted that the After three years at the helm morning of his concert in Rodney Allison replaced Chattanooga that only 80 percent Kirkpatrick. Allison was a top- of the seats had been sold. notch recruiter and constantly Chattanooga’s signing classes were always ranked in the top five and even one year the number one class. The caveat to this was once Allison got the talent, he did not know what to do with them. The team grew progressively worse until they finally hit double-digit losses in the 2008 season. Allison was a product of one bad hire after another and a feeling of settling instead of looking forward. Things got so bad at Chattanooga during the Allison era that school official brought up the motion to disband the football program referring to it as an albatross and a noose around the neck of the school’s fiancés. At times the coaching hires for Chattanooga seemed as if officials were grasping at straws and hoping for the best. Add to that the embarrassment of the FCS national championship game played in December of 2007. While the game featured future Super Bowl MVP Joe Flacco in losing effort, the only thing ESPN and other sports outlets could talk about was the condition of the field. Turfgate was a national embarrassment for Chattanooga as pictures from the game showed large chunks of turf all over the field came loose during the game making footing for the players difficult. It was also during a time Chattanooga was trying to remain home of for the FCS nationals championship game. The turf issue put Chattanooga in a bad light as well as attendance. Chattanooga is notorious for its lack of attendance for big events until recently. Larger concerts avoid Chattanooga like the plague and locals in order to see big names that still draw road trip to Knoxville, Nashville, Birmingham

Football for the Chattanooga Mocs and Finley Stadium were no different. The Mocs moved from their longtime home on campus at Chamberlain Field to their current location beginning with the 1997 season. The school rarely filled the old stadium that seated 8,000 but were talked into a partnership to move off campus and taxpayers were sold on the new stadium that seated 21,000. Originally it was rumored the new stadium was going to seat 50,000 in hopes of securing major events, none of which game to fruition to date. And while the college team filled the stands for its inaugural game at the stadium, it has never lived up to its potential. And as the football team got worse and worse attendance looked even worse. Despite winning the hosting rights for the FCS national championship game very few people showed up. I was common for the stadium to be more than two-thirds to threequarters empty during the ESPN-3 broadcasts. Part of the lack of attendance was most of the time the two teams in the championship were not close to Chattanooga and their teams did not travel well – that and the fact they were FCS teams and not large college programs. A big push one year during ENIGMA


renegotiations got the stadium half full and after the 2008 nationals championship the city lost out of keeping the game. Huesman was the defensive coordinator of Richmond that final championship game played in Chattanooga and was named head coach of his alma mater shortly afterward.

was launched. “Restore the Glory” was the campaign that saw the city get involved to promote attendance to the games relying heavily of Huesman being a former player under Joe Morrison, the last time the program was truly a force to be reckoned. Things seemed to start falling into place for Huesman. B.J. Coleman who was a Tennessee Vols quarterback decided to transfer back home where he went to McCallie after being unable to win the starting position in Knoxville. That game the Mocs perhaps the best quarterback in the Southern Conference and the team was automatically better. The team was automatically more competitive and stands for the first time were in the people in the stands. While there were no sellouts the stadium was over half full and beyond. And just like Joe Morrison he started to build a dynasty.

With the football program on the line Huesman took over the program in 2009 with its fate resting firmly on his shoulders. For the first time in decades am ad campaign to promote the football team

Under Huesman the Mocs went from also-rans to conference champs and not only a Top 25 ranking but a Top 5 this past season. Hopes were deservedly high for the

Mocs and Huesman – a far cry from State. when the school was debating whether to scrap the program. However a strange feeling became to cove over me this season.

and money when it came to its only a mediocre coach. Where coaches. Frugal. Many people in they were perennial conference champs or co-champs and landing bids to either the NCAA or NIT tournaments they saw neither. He was also the first men’s basketball coach to finish with a losing record (72-73) sine the late ‘50s (Ben Boulware 9-49).

I began to wonder if Chattanooga would be able to keep him as a coach. The school was notoriously thrifty when it came to its sports teams. They lost Morrison, basketball coach Murray Arnold who put the program on that national map with future NBA players Willie White (Denver Nuggets), Gerald Wilkins (New York Knicks) and Russ Schoene (Philadelphia 76ers), and basketball coach Mack McCarthy who led the school to the Sweet 16 round of the playoffs. The latter rumored because he wanted to be Athletic Director at the school when the position came open and they offered it to Buddy Green instead. Mot recently the school lost women’s basketball coach Wes Moore who created a dynasty at the school in his 15 seasons at the helm winning the conference championship 12 times and is the winningest coach in school and conference play. In his case it However more times than not the this town and at the university look was a step up as he is now the school has mirrored the attitude of to get the most bang for their buck women’s basketball coach at NC many when it comes to business with the hopes of not breaking the bank or with the feeling they got off easy. It has backfired more than one time. There was a story about a local concert promoter that tried to lowball an offer to a nationally known Billboard artist. The artist turned down the offer and was insulted by the low offer. The promoter couldn’t find another act of that caliber to fill the slot and called back last minute offering almost double of the original offer. The act was already booked elsewhere. The promoter scrambled and found a lesser-known act that was available. The show was a flop.

That followed the hiring of hot coaching prospect Jeff Lebo who turned around the program his first season. He left after his second season and instead of looking for another hot prospect or name coach they settled for assistant John Shulman who managed to hang around for close to ten seasons and floundered all while the lady’s program came to national prominence. And much like the downward spiral that the football program was in for 30 years following Morrison’s departure, I fear the same now that Huesman has packed his bags.

For as long as I’ve lived in Chattanooga the university cried poverty when it comes to its athletic programs. Most schools see their athletic teams as moneymakers for their school instead of a burden. Usually sports are the one rallying point for alumni, which has never seemed to be the case with Chattanooga and I wonder why. Why is there such a disconnect between the school, its sports team and alumni. Even the last couple of seasons when the team was nationally ranked Finley Stadium was half full at best for the homecoming game. The only times I saw people in the stands for Lady Mocs basketball was when the Lady Vols came to town, when they hosted an NCAA tournament game and back in the day when McKenzie Arena hosted the women’s SEC basAt times, especially with the men’s ketball tournament. basketball program that has had decades of success dating back to This has got to stunt recruiting for when the school was a small pri- guys like Huesman, Jim Foster (the vate school prior becoming a state current Lady Mocs basketball university in 1970. After McCarthy coach) and Matt McCall (the curleft following a Sweet 16 appear- rent Men’s basketball coach). ance more than likely prompted by During the ‘70s and early ‘80s the being overlooked for the open AD athletic programs grew at a subslot, the school hired his assistant stantial weight with the football and top recruiter. The problem and basketball team dominating was he was a great recruiter but the Southern Conference, which




fastest Internet in the world has $100,000 less than his suitors. dubbed it Silicon Valley East. I hope the university doesn’t have So why has the university’s sports false pride in believing that programs been financial losers and Huesman had minimal influence of why doesn’t anyone seem to care resurrecting a football program most of the time? There is plenty that was on the brink of extinction. of blame to go around and excuses The hasty hiring of Tom Arth who to be made. Chattanooga will was a Division III football coach never have a program on the level instead of looking for a more of Knoxville or Athens, or at least established coach only makes me that is the path the powers that be think they are hoping or have blind have chosen. Marketing has a lot faith that the program is too strong to do with it. Very little is done to to falter – at least right away. And promote the programs and likewise if Arth is a quality coach will the programs don’t seem to Chattanooga become a transient embrace any media outside of the city for coaches instead of a destidaily paper and the local TV net- nation. Makes you wonder when Huesman leaves is alma mater not work affiliates. to move up but laterally at best. And while our culture seems to be turning away from live sporting Huesman brought pride and vigor events except for hardcore fans, and a little swagger to the football dedicated alumni and boosters see- program that had been missing for ing that everyone has the world at decades. And while many may not their fingertips on their phones think much of his departure hopeand tablets, maybe Huesman saw fully administration will more the writing on the wall as far as proactive to the athletic departChattanooga is concerned. That ment needs than its history has and the fact Richmond offered him shown. triple of what he was being paid this season and as a counter, - David N. Marks Chattanooga’s offer was still

they had joined in 1976. Only a few years after both Morrison and Arnold left both program’s dominance in league played started to dwindle. Now the university seems to be getting lapped by smaller schools that have gone on to bigger

conferences and better play. Teams Chattanooga used to be regularly in sports like Marshall, Appalachian State and Davidson are no longer Southern Conference members. Chattanooga who was famous for snagging recruits and transfers like Gerald Wilkins lost out of Stephen Curry to Davidson. Other schools joined the Southern Conference after Chattanooga and are now FBS programs like Georgia Southern. Why? The city of Chattanooga is a much more appealing city to live than most of the schools mentioned. The cost of living and quality of life and the easy access to larger metropolitan cities makes it an ideal location. Granted, back in the ‘80s there was a stigma about Chattanooga being a dirty city with not much to offer but that all changed with the redevelopment that stated in the early ‘90s and continues today. Add to that the fact Chattanooga has one of the ENIGMA



Falcons Spread Christmas Cheer By Winning Division

The Atlanta Falcons delivered their fans an early Christmas gift on Christmas Eve and a few hours later the New Orleans Saints delivered one to the Falcons. For the third week in a row the Falcons more than doubled up on an opponent winning 33-16 over Cam Newton and the Carolina Panthers to secure a playoff spot. Four hours later the Saints did a rare good deed for Atlanta and defeated the Tampa Bay Buccaneers to hand the Falcons their first division

championship since 2012. To add a little intrigue to what was a magical Christmas Eve, the Arizona Cardinals defeated the Seattle Seahawks late putting Atlanta in the number two seed in the NFC playoffs – all dependant of the outcome of the season finale. The Falcons control their own destiny as far as that’s concerned. If they win their season finale on New Years Day they will be the number two seed and earn a bye week. If they lose, Seattle can recapture the number two seed if they win their last ENIGMA

game. But things are looking things are looking up. good for the Dirty Birds. The offense was humming on It’s been a struggle not want- all cylinders at Carolina as ing to jump back on the Falcon Matt Ryan got off to a hot start bandwagon. Don’t be mistak- completing his first ten passes en, I’ve always been a fan but as Atlanta led from start to finafter the collapse last season ish. Ryan led the team on the after beginning 6-0, I have opening drive moving the been waiting for the other Falcons 75 yards on eight plays shoe to drop, so to speak. So finishing things off by hitting far so good. Except for a sea- Joshua Perkins from 25 yards son opening loss to Tampa out. Bay, Atlanta has either been in first place or tied for first After a disastrous 2015 season place. And with the convinc- where pundits and some fans ing win Saturday over last wanted Ryan to be let go the year’s Super Bowl participants, team has jelled this year



offensive in OC Kyle Shanihan’s second year at the helm. Ryan and Shanihan have worked well this season as Atlanta has put up historic numbers on offense and Ryan marches toward the league MVP award as he’s second in the league in touchdown passes, third in yards and number one in yards per attempt and quarterback rating. With his 27-of-33 performance Saturday he extends his NFL record of consecutive games passing for at least 200 yards. The running game didn’t take a backseat Saturday to the passing offense as Tevin Coleman gain 135 yards on offense – 90 on the ground including a 55 yard touchdown run that put the game on ice. The suspect Falcon defense that has been a train wreck for a number of seasons and started slow this season has shown over the past weeks the ability to shut down defenders and force turnovers. Last year’s league MVP Cam Newton completed less than 50 percent of his passes and was intercepted twice as the Falcons led by Vic Beasley Jr. kept him off balance. To give you an idea of how the Falcons have improved on their defensive line, Beasley has 14.5 sacks going into the season finale against New Orleans. He leads the league in sacks and when you take into consideration that last year’s team only had 19 sacks total, it’s pretty impressive.

games while only giving up 43. In other words they’ve outscored their opponents on average by 25 points.

this week with stories circulating around Flowery Branch that he had been walking to and from practice because he

did not have a car at his dis“It wasn’t a very good day for posal. us, especially offensively. They got off to a good start; we got off to a poor start. We were never really able to find our groove. We didn’t give ourselves much of a chance,” said Carolina tight end Greg Olsen who was the one bright spot for the Panthers. Olsen caught six passes for 59 yards surpassing the 1,000 yard mark receiving and making the NFL record books for being the only tight end to accomplish that feat for three seasons.

Not to be outdone, Ryan set and NFL record by throwing touchdown passes during the course of the season to 13 different receivers, with the most recent added to the list being D.J. Tialavea who caught his first career pass for a touchEver since the loss to KC last down, capping a whirlwind month the Falcons have week for the receiver who was scored 113 points the last three signed from the practice squad ENIGMA



The Falcons finish out the regular season Sunday as they host the New Orleans Saints. If the Falcons win they will secure the second seed in the NFC playoffs with Dallas securing the number one seed a week or so back. If they win they will have a bye week before hosting what will be most likely the last home game in the Georgia Dome for the Falcons. Thanks right, Sunday will be the last regular season home game at the Georgia Dome for Atlanta who has called the stadium home since 1992. Next season they begin play down the street at the Mercedes Benz Stadium. Kickoff is scheduled for 4:25pm and the game will be aired on Fox.

- Dave Weinthal

©Dave Weinthal




©Dave Weinthal




Great Swan Songs: Five Bands Whose Last Album Was Their Best The term Swan Song, a metaphor for a final gesture or effort, often gets used when the year comes to a close. It was actually quite a few months before the New Year back in October, when veteran Boston designated hitter David Ortiz enjoyed his swan song by playing out his final season with the Red Sox against the Cleveland Indians in the American League Division Series.

bands whose last album was the are no duds on either side of this best in their catalogue. vinyl.

A more appropriate use of swan song occurs when it regards musicians, to whom it applies in a literal sense. For instance, David Bowie recorded his swan song this year, an album called Black Star, released just a few days before his death in January.

David Gates and his hit-making group had broken up in 1972, but thank goodness they reunited six years later. The title track became a huge hit, and Change of Heart might just be the best song about a guy in a love triangle.

The Hoople by Mott the Hoople

Dandy in the Underworld by T. Rex

Guitarist and co-founder Mick Ralphs had left before this record, so vocalist Ian Hunter took sole control of the glitter rock quintet. Tunes like Alice, Marionette, and Roll Away the Stone made this last album the best in their impressive catalogue.

The title track became an instant classic when, shortly after the record was released, front man Marc Bolan was killed in a car crash. Lost Without Your Love by Bread

Good Times by the Monkees The record was well-received by critics as well as fans, and the track Dollar Days is one of the sweetest songs in his discography. Black Star, however, pales when compared to Bowie’s very best albums. The disc Scary Monsters and Super Creeps from 35 years ago remains the best, along with Hunky Dory from 1972. Rarely is the swan song of a band or artist the best album of their career, but several groups have actually made last albums that excelled all of their previous releases. Here are five of those

Mickey Dolenz, who had an excellent voice at the band’s sixties heyday, some how sounds even better now. The dozen songs here, written by an All-Star cast including the guys themselves, make this collection of new stuff better than any of the band’s previous albums. Those oldies like Headquarters were certainly goodies but, unlike this disc, Look? Hear? by 10cc they were all a bit flawed. Even Davy Jones appears posthumously Their biggest hits, like I’m Not In to sing lead on Love Takes Love, a Love, Dreadlock Holiday and The previously unreleased song from a Things We Do For Love, preceded session in the sixties. this album. Nevertheless, all ten songs here could be pop hits as, - Doug Poe unlike their other records, there

1. Mike Doughty 2. Kings of Leon 3. Shovels & Ropes 4. Alex Da Kid 5. Pixies 6. Conor Oberst 7. Matt Pond PA 8. Kaiser Chiefs 9. Joseph 10. Mudbone 11. Lettuce 12. Dr. Dog 13. Ryan Oyer Band 14. Rag ‘n’ Bone Man 15. Head and the Heart 16. Norah Jones 17. Chuck Prophet 18. Green Day 19. Jim Donovan and the Sun King Warriors 20. Gillian Welch

ADVENTURE PICKS 1. Son Volt 2. Band of Heathens 3. Old 97’s




THIS MONTH IN ROCK HISTORY 1936 Billboard magazine issued its first record sales chart, with “Stop! Look! Listen!” by Jazz artist Joe Venuti listed as the number one record.

1962 The Beatles attend a New Year’s Day audition for Decca Records where they record 15 songs. After reviewing their material, the company decided to sign Brian Poole And The Tremeloes instead. A record company executive tells Brian Epstein, “These boys won’t make it. Guitar groups are out. Go back to Liverpool, Mr. Epstein. You have a good business there.”

1950 26-year-old Sam Phillips opens his Memphis Recording Service at the corner of Union and Marshall in Memphis, Tennessee. The new venture’s slogan is “We Record Anything Anywhere - Anytime.” Elvis 1963 Presley will spend $3.98 to make his first recording there in July, Keith Richards, Mick Jagger, 1953. Brian Jones, Bill Wyman, Charlie Watts and Ian Stewart perform 1953 together for the first time at 29-year-old Hank Williams died London’s Marquee Jazz Club. of heart failure while on his way to a show in Canton Ohio. The Beach Boys record “Surfin’ Ironically, he had the number 1 USA”, which will climb to numsong that week on the Country ber three in the US by mid-April. chart called, “I’ll Never Get Out Although it was credited as of This World Alive”. being composed by Brian Wilson, the tune was a note-for1956 note cover of Chuck Berry’s Rock ‘n’ Roll fans in Cleveland, “Sweet Little Sixteen”. Following Ohio who were under 18 were a lawsuit, Berry was granted banned from dancing in public writing credit and royalties unless accompanied by an adult from the record. after Ohio Police started enforc1965 ing a law dating back to 1931. The Beatles had three L.P.s in 1961 the Top 10 of the US albums Bob Newhart’s comedy LP “The chart, with “Beatles ‘65” (numButton Down Mind Strikes ber 1), “A Hard Day’s Night” Back!” topped the Billboard (number 6) and “Beatles’ Story” album chart, just as “The (peaking at number 7). Button-Down Mind of Bob 1969 Newhart” did the previous year. ENIGMA

Frustrated at Paul McCartney’s dominance during the filming of Let It Be, George Harrison nonchalantly tells the rest of the band that he is quitting immediately and sarcastically says as he walked out, “See you around the clubs.” George would later say that while he had a growing backlog of new material, he constantly had to work on Lennon and McCartney’s songs before the group would work on his.

The song reached #2 in the UK. 1971 As a follow-up to their US number 3 hit “Candida”, Tony Orlando and Dawn topped the charts with “Knock Three Times”. It was the trio’s second straight million seller, but it would take two more years and a series of minor chart makers before they would return to the top with “Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree”.

1973 Carly Simon’s “You’re So Vain” leads the US hit parade, stirring speculation about exactly who she was singing about. In 2015 Simon told People magazine that the subject in question is actually a composite of three different men, including actor 1970 Warren Beatty, but did not The Jackson 5 score the first of include her ex-husband, James four straight Billboard number Taylor. She later complicated one hits with “I Want You Back”. the debate by claiming that she Pete Best, the drummer that The Beatles kicked out of the group in favor of Ringo Starr, wins a defamation suit against John, Paul and George. He had sought 8 million dollars, but won a considerably less, though undisclosed amount.



was singing about openly gay stage in Milwaukee and charged record producer David Geffen. with simulating sex with a sledgehammer and resisting Mick Jagger is refused a arrest. A Milwaukee jury would Japanese visa because of a 1969 find Williams not guilty of drug bust, putting an end to the assaulting a police officer and Rolling Stones’ plans to tour the the other charges were Orient. Asked by a reporter dropped. Williams later filed a about his personal drug use, multimillion dollar civil suit Jagger replied, “I don’t take against the Milwaukee Police, drugs. I don’t approve of drugs charging they sexually assaulted and I don’t approve of people and beat her during the arrest, taking drugs...unless they’re but a jury rejected her claims. very careful.” Blondie tops the Cashbox Best 1974 Sellers list and The Billboard Dino Martin, of Dino, Desi and Hot 100 with “The Tide Is High”, Billy and son of crooner Dean a song written and recorded in Martin, is arrested for posses- 1967 by John Holt and his sion of eight machine-guns and Kingston, Jamaica band, The a 14-foot antitank gun. He is Paragons. arraigned and released the next 1985 day on $5,000 bail. Cyndi Lauper became the first 1976 female recording artist since Barry Manilow had the number Bobbie Gentry in 1967 to be one record in the US with “I nominated for five Grammy Write The Songs”. Although he Awards: Album of the Year, Best wrote many of his hits, he didn’t New Artist, Best Pop Vocal write this one, Bruce Johnston Performance (Female), Record of The Beach Boys did and of the Year and Song of the Manilow has always been quick Year. She would win Best New to point out that fact. Artist at the February 26th show. 1978 Chicago’s guitarist, 32-year-old Terry Kath, accidentally shot and killed himself while playing with a gun at a party, telling others around him that the gun was unloaded. His spot in the band would be filled by Donny Dacus, who previously played guitar with Stephen Stills.

1990 American radio station WKRL in Florida played Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway To Heaven” for 24 hours straight, as a prelude to an all Zeppelin format.

1994 Donny Osmond fights The Partridge Family’s Danny Bonaduce in a charity boxing 1979 match in Chicago (Bonaduce Former Gong Show winner wins a split decision). Cheryl Lynn enters the Billboard 1996 Hot 100 with a Disco tune called “Got To Be Real”, which will O.J. Simpson phones an L.A. peak at #12 and top the R&B radio station to request a dedichart. cation for his murdered wife Nicole. He wanted to hear “One 1981 Sweet Day” by Mariah Carey and Wendy O’Williams of The Boyz II Men. Plasmatics was arrested on ENIGMA

1997 David Bowie released part of his holdings in intellectual property for sale on the stock market, becoming the first Rock star to offer Wall Street stock options on his career. 1998 Sonny Bono suffered fatal head and neck injuries while skiing at the Heavenly Ski Resort in Nevada. The 62-year-old Bono was apparently skiing alone, late in the day when he crashed into a tree. After leaving show business, Sonny was elected Mayor of Palm Springs, California in 1988 and in 1994 was elected to the US congress and re-elected in 1996. 2005 The copyright on songs recorded in 1954 and earlier expired in most of Europe, including Bill Haley’s “Rock Around the Clock” and “Only You” by The Platters.

“Golden Years”, “Let’s Dance”, “China Girl”, “Blue Jean” and “Dancing In The Street”. He had released his album “Blackstar” only two days before his death. David Bowie’s final album, “Blackstar”, debuted at the top of the Billboard 200 chart, giving the late music legend his first ever #1 album. Bowie died of cancer on January 10th, two days after “Blackstar” was released. Dale Griffin, drummer and founding member of the British Glam-Rock band Mott The Hoople, passed away at the age of 67. The group reached #37 on the Hot 100 in 1972 with the David Bowie written “All The Young Dudes”.

Mic Gillette, a horn player who helped found Tower Of Power, died following a heart attack at the age of 64. The band placed three songs on the Billboard Top 2016 40 chart, including the #17 hit, According to industry figures, “So Very Hard To Go” in 1974. AC/DC sold 2.31 million tickets during 2015, more than any 67-year-old Glenn Frey, coother touring act. The band took founder of The Eagles, died of in about $180 million. rheumatoid arthritis, acute ulcerative colitis and pneumoEnglish Rocker David Bowie nia while recovering from intespassed away after an 18 month tinal surgery. Along with helping battle with cancer at the age of the band place eighteen songs 69. A leader of the Glam Rock on the Billboard Top 40 movement in the 1970s, Bowie between 1972 and 1995, Frey also placed thirteen songs on reached the chart seven times as Billboard’s Top 40 chart, includ- a solo artist. ing “Space Oddity”, “Fame”,



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