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Photo: Chris Eason

ANGST IN MY PANTS Sparks - yes, Sparks is on tour. Brothers Ron and Russell Mael have been making enertaining music since the early ‘70s and have gone with the times and continue to entertain to this day. With albums like “Angst in My Pants” and “Whomp that Sucker” the brothers have built a cult following that has even included their muswic being on the soundtack of such films like “Valley Girl”. Sparks will perform Wednesday, October 23 at Variety Playhouse in Atlanta.

MAHOMIES Watch out Selena Gomez, it’s Austin Mahone. Mahone became a YouTube sensation ala justin Bieber. Many critics call him the next Bieber. Let’s jsut hope he’s a little better behaved. With a couple of charting singles the teen sensation is on tour and will be in Atlanta Sunday, He’ll be performing at the Tabernacle along with Midnight Red and W3 The Future.

AEROPLANE OVER THE SEA Acclaimed ‘90s indie rockers Neutral Milk Hotel has reformed and is on


Emeli Sande is an English-born Scottish recording artist and songtour. The southern-bred rock band known for their unique sound and writer.[2][3][4] She first became known to the public eye after she feainteresting lyrics are playing all over the place. They will be performing tured on the track "Diamond Rings" by the rapper Chipmunk. She has received critical acclaim for her album “Our Version of Events”. Sande Saturday night at Track 29 in Chattanooga along with Elf Power. will be at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Wednesday, October 23. ENIGMA

OCTOBER 17 2013


TURN THE PAGE The bye week could not of come at a better time for the Atlanta Falcons. Decimated by injuries and quite frankly bad luck the Falcons are fighting an uphill battle not only within the division but the conference as they sit at 1-4. There are a lot of finger pointing and blame going around between fans, media and onlookers. Some are stupid, (many actually), others warranted and still some points completely missed. Atlanta came within ten yards of going to the Super Bowl last year. Coming into the off-season many considered them one of three picks to make the big game this year. Atlanta did some good things in the off-season coming into 2013, but missed out big as well. Gone are the big contracts and faltering play of John Abraham and Michael Turner. Atlanta totally missed out in the draft, however. The Falcons had a good secondary actually but decided to let Brent Grimes and Dunta Robinson go and draft two new cornerbacks with their first two picks. The picks were good and will be good a few years down the road, but help was needed on the defensive

line and the linebacker corps.

again this was a bad use of money and only a short-term fix. The It wasn’t the secondary that let the offense other than Gonzalez (37) Falcons down in the playoffs last and Roddy White (31) are under 30 year it was the line and lineback- with plenty of upside. ers. Both Seattle and San Francisco exploited this in the sec- And while we’re dissecting the ond half of each game with quick offense let us not forget the offenintermediate passes over the mid- sive line that went into thrift dle where there was plenty of mode by letting Tyson Clabo sign room to run. There were few deep with the Dolphins and has a passes completed. Atlanta would makeshift line protecting a $100 have been better off drafting a million dollar investment (Matt lineman or linebacker. Ryan). Instead of resigning Tony Gonzalez they should have dragged Tyler Eifert out of Notre Dame. Eifert is a tight end made in the mould of Gonzalez and would have saved a lot of cap money and let Gonzalez go out in a blaze of glory. Instead of signing free agent Steven Jackson, who is 30 to a two-year contract I have two words for you – Eddie Lacy. The Falcons needed a punishing runner to take the place of Turner who had run out of steam. They could have gotten Lacy with a second round pick and paid him a lot less than Jackson who hasn’t played in two complete games and has gained less than 100 yards in the five quarters he played. Once


Needless to say there were a few missteps taken coming into this season. The issue that has overshadowed everything has been injury. Prior to 2013 the Falcons under Mike Smith had been relatively injury free minus a few games Ryan missed in 2009 with an aggravated ankle injury and Turner missing a few games. The defense and everyone else was intact. This year who isn’t injured? So far only Ryan and Gonzalez. And if the line play doesn’t improve that will change. Julio Jones in done for the season, White has been at half-speed a majority of the season and tweaked his hamstring in the loss to the Jets. Sean Weatherspoon and Jaclosn have been gone since early week two and Kroy

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Biermann has been lost for the season. Sam Baker has missed a couple of starts on the offensive line. Assante Samuel has missed time at cornerback leaving the two rookies to guard the receivers. Add to that the turnover battle. Atlanta has won that every year. Not this year. Atlanta’s defense has not been as opportunistic as in the past. Despite all that, things are looking up for the Falcons. Both Jackson and Weatherspoon are a week or two away from coming back. A soft part of the schedule can work in Atlanta’s favor as they face the winless Buccaneers Sunday and then face the Cardinals and Panthers in the weeks to follow. By midseason they could be at .500. The Saints lost Sunday and are off this week so the Falcons can gain an entire game on the Saints going into the game in Arizona. The Saints’ schedule gets a little tougher besides facing Atlanta gain they face the likes of Dallas and San Francisco and Seattle. There is a lot of blame to go around for the sudden faltering of the Falcons but most of the voices need to keep quiet. It’s not Matt

Ryan’s contract’s fault or Coach Smith’s fault. People around Atlanta has short-term memory loss. Before Ryan and Smith arrived the Atlanta Falcons had never had back-to-back winning seasons. Under the current leadership they have five consecutive winning seasons. Under Smith the Falcons are the second most winning team in the league the last five years – only one game better is New England. People also like to talk about the days of Michael Vick. Under Vick the Falcons had only two seasons over .500. The Falcons finished one half game over .500 with Vick as quarterback (40-39-1) and won the conference once. Under Smith and Ryan the Falcons have been in the playoffs four times in five years and two divisional crowns and two top

seed placements in the playoffs. If the Falcons have a (now) rare off-season, so be it. It is only one season. People forget the Dolphins during their glory days had two losing seasons with Don Shula and the Giants missed the playoffs after winning their first under Bill Parcells. Adjustments were made, evaluations were done and both franchises have excelled since (and fallen at times as well). People forget there were people critical of Don Shula before the 1972 perfect season. He had been to a couple of Super Bowls and lost. He was given the same “can’t win the big one” criticism that he eventually overcame. The same can be true for Smith.

play. While I don’t see any miracle in the works, things can only get better. An inexperienced offensive line will start to gel, Harry Douglas will surprise and bodies will start to heal and make

The Falcons still have 11 games to ENIGMA

OCTOBER 17 2013


a push to at least finish with a winning record. Who knows what else may happen? Stranger things have.

- Dave Weinthal


WHEN COMMERCIAL MORTGAGES GO WRONG When buying any type of property, whether it is commercial or private, it is often a much safer bet to secure a mortgage loan compared to a standard loan as the physical property secures the value of the loan. Buying commercial property often comes at a higher price and, as a result, at a higher risk; commercial mortgages are therefore designed to consider all other factors for the business owner when purchasing property. Buying business property in the current market can be a huge risk for a business with interest rates fluctuating and negative equity being major factors when investing. Commercial mortgages are more flexible in comparison to residential mortgages as

the value of the property tends to be higher, however it can come at a huge cost for the business. Mortgage derives from the French term meaning "Death Contract" reinforcing that the loan will exist until you pay it off or are deceased; businesses are consequently at high risk or mortgages going wrong if they go into liquidation or become bankrupt as they are still required to pay back the loan regardless. Coinciding with the higher value of property, and the larger loans, is the higher interest rates for payments which inflate with the economy if the mortgage is not fixed. Increasing interest rates directly affect struggling businesses as the economy forces a more hostile


business environment and debt to escalate. Failing businesses are at considerable risk if they owe a large commercial mortgage on their building and this is often why so many offices and large commercial buildings are left to let as struggling owners try to make money from renting the space they own. Commercial mortgage companies recognise the greater risk in the current climate, especially for smaller companies, and attempt to advise and offer the best in terms of security and deposit payment advice for all businesses looking to purchase commercial property. Flexibility is another great factor of using a commercial mortgage provider as they are more sympathetic when the prop-

OCTOBER 17 2013


erty owner wants to move the business. Remortgaging commercial property is made easy by mortgage companies, which is a great advantage to a business struggling with payments. As with any aspect of running a business the risks are so high due to the investment required initially; investing large amounts of money should mean a larger turn around, however it can also mean larger debts and bigger disaster if the business fails. As a business owner it is highly advisable to research when looking to take out a Commercial Mortgage for the best company to suit your needs.

- Emily A B Isaac

ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Take time to catch up on gossip and make plans to do a little adventure travel. Your personal life will be under the gun and you may want to avoid the questions your lover is going to want to ask you. Uncertainties regarding relatives will make situations uncomfortable if you attend a family function. Opportunities to go out with clients or colleagues will be in your best interest. Your lucky day this week will be Saturday. TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) Don’t let your partner put you down. You can complete any projects efficiently, especially if you put the effort in yourself. Take matters in hand when it comes to dealing with clients or colleagues. You can continue to make gains if you call a few people who can help you close an important deal. Your lucky day this week will be Friday. GEMINI (May 22-June 21) You will enjoy socializing and unusual forms of entertainment. You may find that children are not as accepting as you have been. Only bite off what you can chew. One-sided relationships are likely.

Others may want to steal your thunder when they realize your ideas are pretty solid. The locks, stove, gas, or electric wires may not be secure. Do not get upset Your lucky day this week will be about situations you cannot change. Don’t overlook that fact Monday. that someone you care about may be hiding something. LEO (July 23-Aug 22) New projects may lead you into a Your lucky day this week will be dead end. Get involved in groups Tuesday. that are creative in nature. You must follow your desires and SAGITTARIUS dreams. Your partner could make (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) you angry if they steal your thun- Take that long overdue vacation if der or embarrass you in front of you can. Get friends to help you with the preparations. Do your others. best, but don’t make too many Your lucky day this week will be promises or you may exhaust yourself. Your mate may be distressed if Saturday. you refuse to make a commitment. VIRGO Your lucky day this week will be (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Try not to allow your partner to Wednesday. lead you astray or upset your routine. Your social activity should be CAPRICORN conducive to finding love. You (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) should focus on moneymaking mat- Your ideas may be good, but they ters and stay away from emotional aren’t necessarily right for everydisputes. You’re in the mood to one. Look into some personal changes. Arguments will flare up if party. you get backed into an emotional Your lucky day this week will be corner. Think of starting a new business or emotional partnership. Tuesday. and your stress level has gone into over drive. You can discuss your findings behind closed doors with your boss.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) You may find yourself in an emotional fix if you interfere in other people’s problems. Changes regarding your career direction will payYour lucky day this week will be off handsomely. Try to curb your Wednesday. bad habits, and compromise if your partner gives you an ultimatum. CANCER You will gain knowledge through (June 22-July 22) your adventure. Be careful when using machinery or electrical equipment. Your per- Your lucky day this week will be sonal life will be under the gun and Thursday. you may want to avoid the questions your lover is going to want to SCORPIO ask you. You are ready to blow up (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) ENIGMA

OCTOBER 17 2013


Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Offer consolation, but don’t give them any direction. You should get out and meet new people this week. Keep the promises you’ve made or you can expect to be in the doghouse. You don’t want to give anyone fuel for the fire. Your lucky day this week will be Sunday. PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) You need time to put your house in order and sort out what you are going to do about your personal direction. Unique forms of entertainment could capture your attention and bring about a romantic interest. You can get into weight loss programs or go out and change your image with a new look in clothing, hairstyle, and attitude. Curl up with a good book or go for a drive in the country. Your lucky day this week will be Monday.

The Shutdown By now the government shutdown might be over. Or we could still be mired in a hopeless stalemate between disgruntled Republican lawmakers and a president who doesn’t want to cave in to their demands. That is the nature of editorial deadlines, weekly publications and the bipartisan fiasco that our government has become… …Regardless of if and how the shutdown ends, Congress has done itself a lot of damage. A recent national survey conducted by Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research indicates that the voting public is putting the lion’s share of the shutdown blame on the shoulders of Congressional Republicans. By a 16-point margin, 43 to 27 percent, voters blame the Republicans in Congress (rather than President Obama and the Democrats) for the government shutdown. The GOP now has a 2:1 unfavorable to favorable rating, 26 percent favorable vs. 52 percent unfavorable (for a net -26 rating). Among independents their rating is -35. Democrats

have a net -5 rating (39 percent favorable vs. 44 percent unfavorable). Perhaps most important, on the “generic ballot,”, Democrats now lead by double digits, 46 to 36 percent… …What does all of this matter? It depends on who you ask. Some pundits are predicting that the Republicans could lose the house in 2014 if they don’t do some serious rebranding. The “Tea Party” folks have hijacked the GOP agenda, leaving Speaker John Boehner only nominally in charge. Republican TP Senator Ted Cruz used his “faux-libuster” to attract attention and leverage House Republicans into supporting a shutdown. Unfortunately for Boehner and the House Pachyderms, no one seemed to have put much thought into an end game. After refusing to negotiate on a continuing resolution to avoid a shutdown, they seemed to expect President Obama to roll over once things ground to a halt. Thus far, that hasn’t happened…

…On the surface, the shutdown is all about “Obamacare”… otherwise known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The health reforms were passed by Congress and signed into law back in March 2010. When they regained control of the House in November 2010, Republicans set their sights on Obamacare. After 41 failed attempts to repeal the PPACA, the GOP house leadership tied a oneyear delay on its implementation to a temporary spending bill required to fund the government. The House’s vote to delay Obamacare passed, 228-210, on September 30… the last day of the Federal fiscal year. The partial shutdown went into effect on October Fool’s Day… …Healthcare reform was one of Obama’s top priorities when he was elected to his first term. He’s not going to give up on it. Blocking Obamacare is the top priority of the Tea Party faction and many of the other House Republicans. No

one wants to be the first to blink in this staredown and the resulting governmental gridlock is an embarrassment to all involved. There are some who theorize that the TPers will split off from the Republican party completely now that they have neutered the GOP leadership. My fondest hope is that this shutdown will finally show American voters the truth about their government. Congresspersons and Senators are woefully out of touch with “ordinary Americans.” Much of this shutdown rhetoric is just pre-campaign posturing… …Our representative government needs a complete overhaul. If this government shutdown is enough to wake people up to this fact, then it will have been worth it. Unfortunately, the people in charge of government reform are the men and women who need reforming…

- Mark Bedford P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401 (423) 267-6072 (423) 991-1657 info@enigmaonline.com twitter.com/EnigmaMag


www.enigmaonline.com ENIGMA

OCTOBER 17 2013


iinn ttoo tthhee pp aatt tteerrnn oo ff dd rruuggss,, aallccoo -hhoo ll aann dd SS TTDD ’’ss tthh aatt uuss uuaallllyy aacc ccoo m mpp aannyy.. TThh ee m moonn eeyy iiss gg rreeaatt bbuutt ssoo aarree tthh ee rriisskkss.. TThh eerree aarree ssoo m mee rreeaallllyy ggoo oodd ,, ssttrroonn gg w wiilllleedd ppeeoopp llee w whhoo w woorrkk iinn bbaarrss bbuu tt ssoo m mee ooff tthh eeiirr ccoo --w woo rrkkeerrss hhaavvee sseerriioo uuss iissssuueess..

Dear Rocco, How come all i seem to attract are geeky guys? I’ve been told by many I am very attractive. I’m college educated, aware of the world around me, and will even drink a beer and watch a sports game or two. But the only guys that seem to be attracted to me are brainy, often shy and somewhat scrawny guys. I don’t like the fact I can probably beat up my date if we ever were to get into

Dear Rocco, I am a 23-year-old man interested in a woman at work. We are almost the same age and have an excellent work relationship. Due to sexual harassment laws and other workplace laws, it is difficult to ask someone out at work. How can I do this without risking my job? JR

a fight. The guys that I’m attracted to show interest for a little while and then go away. I’m not sure what ‘s wrong with me. Should I just accept my place in life? DDeeaarr JJ RR LB YYoo uu cc aann ’’tt .. Woo rrkk-- ppllaacc ee W r r o o m m a a n n c c e e s s a a r r e e d d a a n n ggeerroo uuss aann dd DDeeaarr LLBB Avvoo iidd tthh eem m.. NNaa,, nn eevveerr sseett ttllee bbuutt m meeeettiinn gg uussuuaallllyy eenn dd bb aaddllyy.. A tthhee rriigghhtt ppeerrssoo nn iiss ddaam mnn hhaarrdd .. KKeeeepp aann oo ppeenn m miinn dd bb eeccaauussee Dear Rocco, oonn ee oo ff tt hhoossee ggeeeekkss m maayy ssuurr-- I am involved with a guy I used pprriissee yyoo uu aanndd ttuurrnn oo uutt tt oo bbee to date in high school. He is newly divorced and has three tthhee rriigg hhtt gg uuyy.. children and I have two kids. He loves to talk about his kids. Dear Rocco, I work in a bar. I am one of the few that are actually working my way through college to get a better job. The place I work is total chaos. I watch all sorts of violations like over pouring, hooking people up, bosses that drink while on duty and inventory appearing and disappearing all the time. Are all places this crappy or am I just overreacting? EJ

DDeeaarr EEJJ TThhaatt ’’ss tthh ee bbaarr eenn vviirroonn m meenntt .. Moo sstt ppllaacceess aarree lliikkee tthhaatt hhoo w M w-eevveerr tthheerree aarree eexxcceepptt iioonn ss.. TThhee moosstt dd iiffff iicc uulltt tt hhiinn gg aabb oouu tt m woorrkkiinn gg iinn bbaarrss iiss nn oott ff aalllliinn gg w ENIGMA

OCTOBER 17 2013


He says he always has loved me and that I was his first love. He says he never loved his exwife. He is a good man and cares for the kids while I am at work. He treats me like a queen. Do you really could still love me after all these years? PW

DDeeaarr PP W W YYeeaahh ,, w whh yy nn oott ?? SS oom meettiim meess w wee aass hh uum maannss ff uucckk uupp aanndd eenndd uupp w iitthh tthhee w w wrroo nngg pp eerrssoo nn ffoo rr ssoo m mee ttiim mee tthh eenn w wee dd iissccoovveerr w wee hh aadd w whh aatt w wee rreeaallllyy w waanntt eedd,, ssoo m meett iim meess,, yyeeaarrss eeaarrlliieerr.. IIff iitt’’ ss rriigg hhtt,, iitt ’’ss rriigghhtt .. BB eett tteerr llaattee tthhaann nn eevveerr.. Rocco is a common sense, tellit-like-it-is, no-nonsense kind of guy offering real advice on any subject put before him. Why pay thousands of dollars on a high-priced therapist when he’ll straighten you out for free. If you’d like advice from Rocco e-mail him at or goaskrocco@yahoo.com drop him a line at Ask Rocco c/o Enigma P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401.

HARTFORD, Conn. - A Connecticut weatherman has attained international fame by mistaking cat vomit for Grape Nuts and eating it during a live news broadcast. Scot Haney, the weatherman for WFSB-TV, Hartford, picked up what he and his fellow anchors believed to be Grape Nuts on the floor of the studio during the morning news Wednesday

and attempted to eat them, Syracuse.com reported Thursday. “They’re a little soggy. They taste like shoes,” Haney said during the broadcast. “I think that might be dog doody.” Haney eventually realized the substance was actually cat vomit. “Ladies and gentlemen, those were not Grape Nuts that I ate. I kept finding more and more of it on the floor, and I thought it was Grape Nuts because it looked


just like it,” Haney said. “My cat threw up, and I must have stepped in it and that’s what I ate. I ate cat vomit, right here on television. It’s disgusting... I’m going to throw up!” The clip has gone viral, being picked up by websites including Buzzfeed and Britain’s Daily Mail.

to-do list by canceling classes due to beautiful weather. Len McWilliams, headmaster of the Calvary Christian School in Columbus, said he wanted to find a positive reason to cancel school before he retires at the end of the year, so he decided to call off classes COLUMBUS, Ga. - A Georgia Friday for pleasant weather, principal said he is crossing off The Ledger-Enquirer an item on his preretirement (Columbus) reported Friday.

OCTOBER 17 2013


“In the late 1980s, I was calling school off one winter day because of the terrible weather,” McWilliams said. “The thought occurred to me that it would be great to call school off some day because it was too beautiful a day to go to school.” VERO BEACH, FL. - A Florida woman is accused of stabbing her boyfriend in the eye after he refused to have sex with her and another woman. Police say a drunken Crystal KingWoolfork, who had been at Shake Your Booty Club, came home with the woman and had sex with her as her boyfriend slept. She then asked her boyfriend to have three-way sex with them, and when he refused, police say she became enraged. The boyfriend says after the woman left, KingWoolfork grabbed a knife and stabbed him and a struggle ensued. He was able to wrestle away the knife, then called for a ride to a hospital. The woman, who faces a charge of attempted murder, told police she recalls grabbing the knife but doesn’t recall using it. CLINTON TOWNSHIP, Mich. - A Michigan woman who passed

off two cans of spaghetti sauce as an explosive device during a bank robbery pleaded guilty to the crime. Ophelia Neal, 53, pleaded guilty in Oakland County Circuit Court to bank robbery and explosive charges following the April 6 crime in Macomb County, The Detroit News reported Tuesday. Neal pleaded guilty in Oakland County because she had been wanted there for violating her parole. Police said Neal went into the Fifth Third Bank in Clinton Township April 6 and told a clerk she was carrying a bomb in her cloth bag. Neal fled with an undisclosed amount of cash in a car driven by a man. She was later arrested and police discovered her cloth bag contained two cans of spaghetti sauce. Neal, who has previous convictions for fraud, marijuana possession and assault, is scheduled to be sentenced Nov. 9 before Macomb County Circuit Court Judge Jennifer Faunce.

school’s Saybrook College laundry room reported their clothes were soiled with urine, food waste and feces in a series of September incidents and Saybrook Master Paul Hudak said Yale Police have opened an official investigation, the Yale Daily News reported Monday. “We have asked our students not to leave their laundry unattended, the affected machines have been thoroughly disinfected, and we are actively seeking information about who the perpetrator might be,” Hudak said. “That’s about all we can do.” The culprit or culprits were dubbed “the poopetrator” by students after Lucy Fleming’s clothes were soiled by what appeared to be human excrement while in the laundry room’s dryer Sept. 7. Incidents involving urine and food waste were reported the previous day. A further incident was reported Sept. 26. “The fact that this could happen at Yale is shocking to me,” NEW HAVEN, Conn. - Yale Fleming said. “Think about University police are investi- what this means for our comgating a series of laundry-tam- munity.” pering incidents carried out by a suspect dubbed “the poope- EDINBURG, TX. - In a case that trator” at the Connecticut would not have been a mystery school. Students using the to anyone who has seen the


OCTOBER 17 2013


movie “Old School” a man in Texas apparently wanted to party with his friends so bad he staged his own kidnapping so his wife wouldn’t give him a hard time about leaving the house. According to police, Rogelio Andaverde, 34, of Edinburg, in the Texas-Mexico border region, was with his wife at home when two masked men barged into their house carrying guns. They forced him from his home and his hysterical wife called police in a panic. Dozens of law enforcement officers fanned out to search for Andaverde. A police helicopter was even sent out to look for him. But the investigation was going nowhere, and police officers started to become suspicious. Andaverde thought he had outsmarted everyone, police said. He casually returned home and said the kidnappers showed mercy and had set him free. But he later confessed to investigators, police said, that it was all a ruse so he could go out for a night on the town with his drinking buddies. Andaverde was charged with making a false report to police. He was released on $5,000 bail.

TTAA LLLLAA D DEEG GAA SSU U PPEE RRSS PPEE EE D DW WA AYY (Talladega) Pat Green WO W ORRK K PPLLAA YY TTH HEE AATTRREE (Birmingham) Patty Griffin, Kristy Kruger BBRR IID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARREE N NA A (Nashville) Luke Bryan, Dierks Bentley CCEE N NTTEEN NN NIIAA LL PPAARRK K (Nashville) Graham Colton, Granville Automatic D && LLIIN 33RRD ND DSSLL EEYY (Nashville) Vanessa Carlton, Patrick Sweary

SSU UN ND DA AYY O Occtt oobbee rr 22 00

This week’s calendar covers events from Thursday, October 17, through Wednesday, October 23. We would be happy to publish your free listing in future Billboards, space permitting. Simply mail us the information so that we have it 7 days before the publication date. A photograph may be sent with the announcement. Send information to: Calendar Editor, Enigma, P.O. Box 825, Chattanooga, TN 37401 or e-mail to calendar@enigmaonline.com. All dates subject to change without notice.

TTH HU URRSSD DA AYY O Occtt oobbeerr 1177 CCO OM MEE D DYY CCA A TTCCH H Landry BBU UD D’’ SS DJ Hammer TTRREE M MO ON NTT TTA AVVEE RRN N Songwriters Showcase SSIIN NG G IITT O ORR W WII N NG G IITT Karaoke VVA AU UD DEEVVII LLLL EE CCA AFF EE “Mystery at the TV Talk Show” BBA ARR TT’’SS LLA AK KEE SSH HO ORREE Open Mic CCA AM MPP H HO OU U SSEE Open Mic SSK K YYZZO OO O Karaoke ARRII ’’SS H A HA ARR BBO ORR LL IIG GH HTTSS Keyz Brown LLO OSS RREE YYEESS (( Ringgold) Thirsty Thursdays w/ DJ Scubasteve BBA ARR K KIIN NG G LL EE G GSS TTH HEE A ATTEE RR Junior Brown SSU UG GA ARR’’ SS Jonathan Wimpee HO H ON NEE SSTT PPIIN NTT Shannon Labrie, Dan Tedesco, Dark Horse Ten RRH HYYTTH HM M && BBRREE W WSS Drake White & the Big Fire, Nathan Farrow FFO OXX TTH HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) Hunter Hayes, Ashley Monroe SSM MIITTH H’’ SS O OLLD DEE BBA ARR (Atlanta) Cherry Poppin’ Daddies TTU USS CCA ALL O OO OSS A AA AM MPPH HIITTH HEE A ATTRR EE (Tuscaloosa) The Beach Boys LLO OSSEE RR’’ SS BBA A RR A AN ND DG GRR IILLLL (Nashville) Joe Diffie EEXX IITT//IIN N (Nashville) Fozzy



Redneck-Italian Wedding” TTH HEE PP AALLM MSS DJ TTH HEE TTAA VVEE RRN N (Soddy-Daisy) Karaoke w/ Choo Choo Entertainment BBEEEE FF O O’’ BBRRAAD DYY’’ SS (Ooltewah) Karaoke w/ RCB Entertainment SSU UG GAA RR’’ SS SRO Band SSCCH HEERR M MEERR H HO ORR N N SSYYM MPP H HO ON NYY CCEEN NTTEE RR (Nashville) Chris Botti RRYYM MAAN N AA U UD DIITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Hunter Hayes, Ashley Monroe ATTLLAA N A NTT AA M MO OTTO ORR SSPPEE EE D DW WAA YY (Hampton) The Beach Boys CCO OBB BB EE N NEERR G GYY PPEE RRFF O ORRM MIIN NG G AA RRTTSS CCEE N N-TTEE RR (Atlanta) India.Arie TTH HEE TTAA BBEE RRN NAACCLL EE (Atlanta) Ben Rector, Tyrone Wells TTEERRM MII N NAA LL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) The Whigs, Turf War VVEERR IIZZ O ON NW WII RREE LLEE SSSS AAM MPPH HII TTH HEEAA TTRREE AATT EEN NCCO ORREE PPAA RRK K (Atlanta) Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Marshall Tucker Band, Molly Hatchet

SSA ATTU U RRD DA AYY O Occttoobbeerr 1199 CCO OM MEE D DYY CCAATTCCH H Landry RRH HYYTTH HM M && BB RREE W WSS Power Players Show Band SSIIN NG G II TT O ORR W WIIN NG G IITT Karaoke BBA ARRTT’’ SS LLAA K KEE SSH HO ORREE DJ E VVA AU UD DEE VVII LLLLEE CCAA FFEE “Mystery at the Redneck-Italian Wedding” TTRRA ACCK K 2299 Neutral Milk Hotel, Elf Power JJ..JJ ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA Peelander-Z SSU UG GAA RR’’ SS Queen B & the Well Strung Band PPLLA A YYEERR ZZ SSPPO ORRTTSS BBAA RR (Dalton) Scenic City Soul Revue PPH HIILLII PPSS AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Rod Stewart, Steve Winwood CCO OBB BB EE N NEERR G GYY PPEE RRFF O ORRM MIIN NG G AA RRTTSS CCEE N N-TTEE RR (Atlanta) Lewis Black VVEERR IIZZ O ON NW WII RREE LLEE SSSS AAM MPPH HII TTH HEEAA TTRREE AATT EEN NCCO ORREE PPAA RRK K (Atlanta) Darius Rucker, Randy Houser, Justin Moore IIRRO ON N CCIITTYY LLIIVV EE (Birmingham) Hinder, Candlebox, Devour The Day

OCTOBER 17 2013


CCO OM MEE D DYY CCAATTCCH H Landry SS IIN NG G IITT O ORR W W IIN NG G II TT Karaoke VVA AU UD DEE VVIILL LLEE CCAAFF EE Live Band Karaoke DO D OU U BBLLEE H HII LLLL BBIILL LLIIAA RRD DSS Open Mic BBEE EE FF O O’’BB RRAAD DYY’’ SS Karaoke w/ RCB Entertainment A RRII’’ SS H A HAARRBBO ORR LLII G GH HTTSS Keyz Brown TTEE RRM MIIN NAA LL W W EE SSTT (Atlanta) Vanessa Carlton, Patrick Sweeny TTH HEE TTAA BBEERR N NAACCLLEE (Atlanta) Austin Mahone, Midnight Red, W3 The Future CCEE N NTTEERR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Switchfoot HO H ON NEESS TT PP IIN NTT Okinawa SS U UG GAA RR’’SS Bluegrass Pharoahs JJ ..JJ..’’ SS BBO OH HEEM MII AA Marc Scibilia W IILL D W DH HO ORRSS EE SSAA LLO OO ON N (Nashville) Air Supply II RRO ON N CCIITTYY LLIIVVEE (Birmingham) Neutral Milk Hotel, Elf Power CCEE N NTTEERR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Switchfoot TTH HEE TTAA BBEERR N NAACCLLEE (Atlanta) Austin Mahone, Midnight Red, W3 The Future SS YYM MPPH HO ON NYY H HAALLLL (Atlanta) Kris Kristofferson

MO M ON ND DA AYY O Occttoobbeerr 22 11 SS IIN NG G IITT O ORR W W IIN NG G II TT Karaoke RRA AW W DJ Spicolli TTRR EEM MO ON NTT TTAA VVEERR N N Trivia Night TTH HEE O OFF FFII CCEE SpeakEasy FF O OXX && H HO OU UN ND D DJ Exphacter ON O NEE --EE LLEE VVEE N N (Lafayette) CSA Writers Night RR YYM MAA N N AAU UD DIITTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) Patty Griffin, Scott Miller

TT U UEESSD DA A YY O Occtt oobbeerr 2222 TTH HEE BBII G G CCH HIILLLL Karaoke w/ Chris of Alternative Images RRA AW W DJ Spicolli JJ EEFF FF EERR SSO ON N’’SS Kamakazi Karaoke SS IIN NG G IITT O ORR W W IIN NG G II TT Karaoke TTRR EEM MO ON NTT TTAA VVEERR N N Open Mic w/ Mike McDade NO N ORRTTH HSS H HO ORR EE G GRRIILLLL EE Jonathan Wimpee SS U UG GAA RR’’SS Tim Starnes & Friends BBRR IID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARREE N NA A (Nashville) Nine Inch Nails, Godspeed You Black Emperor GRRAA N G ND DO OLLEE O OPPRR YY H HO OU USS EE (Nashville) LeAnn Rimes

WEED W DN NEESSD DA AYY O Occttoobbeerr 22 33 RRAAW W Open Jam w/ Jonathan Wimpee and friends SSII N NG G IITT O ORR W W IIN NG G IITT Karaoke FF A AN NA ATTIICCSS Karaoke w/ DJ Hammer PPLL A AYYO OFF FFSS SSPP O ORRTTSS BBAARR Karaoke w/ Captain Karaoke DO D OU UBB LLEE H HIILL LL BB IILLLL IIAARR D DSS Karaoke LLA A SS M MAA RRG GAARR IITTAA’’ SS Priscilla & Little Rickee BBA A RRTT’’ SS LL AAK K EESS H HO ORR EE Karaoke w/ Choo Choo Entertainment SSM MO OK K EEYY BBO ON NEESS Wild’n Out Wednesdays W/ DJ ScubaSteve FF O OXX && H HO OU UN ND D Karaoke w/ Choo Choo Entertainment ARR II’’ SS H A HAA RRBBO ORR LLIIG GH HTTSS Keyz Brown TTH HEE TTAAVVEE RRN N (Soddy-Daisy) Roberts & Sims HO H ON NEESS TT PPII N NTT Spoken Nerd with kiDEAD and Kids From Across The Street RRH HYYTTH HM M && BBRREE W W SS Friends of Lola, Amber Fults SSU UG GA ARR’’ SS Dan Sheffield BBRRII D DG GEE SS TTO ON NEE AA RREE N NAA (Nashville) Michael Buble CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBAA LLLL RRO OO OM M (Nashville) Neko Case RRYYM MAAN N AAU UD DIITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Emeli Sande CCEE N NTT EERR SSTTAA G GEE (Atlanta) Dave Barnes VVA ARR IIEE TTYY PPLL AAYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Sparks BBO OTTTTLLEE TTRREE EE (Birmingham) J. Roddy Walston & the Business

UPPCCO U OM MIIN NG G EEVVEEN NTTSS HO H ON NEESS TT PPII N NTT Fresh Kils, Durazzo, Mad Dukez, DJ UncleFester, Hudson, Annachrome October 24 SSU UG GA ARR’’ SS The Loop October 24 PPH HIILL IIPPSS AA RREE N NA A (Atlanta) Nine Inch Nails, Godspeed You Black Emperor October 24 TTRRA A CCK K 22 99 Steve Earle October 24 BBU U CCK KH HEE AAD D TTH HEE AATTRR EE (Atlanta) Neko Case October 24 VVA ARR IIEE TTYY PPLL AAYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Built to Spill October 24 TTEE RRM MIIN NAALL W W EESS TT (Atlanta) J Roddy Walston & the Business October 24 NVV N N NIIG GH HTTCCLLU U BB (Knoxville) Misfits October 24 TTU U SSCCAA LLO OO OSSAA A AM MPPH HII TTH HEEAA TTRREE (Tuscaloosa) Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard October 24 SSU UG GA ARR’’ SS Soul Survivor October 25 ZZ IIG GG GYY’’SS Lithia, Synaptic Flow , X-138, Era Step, Tryezz OCTOBER 25 BBRRII D DG GEE SS TTO ON NEE AA RREE N NAA (Nashville) Selena Gomez & the Scene October 25 RRYYM MAAN N AAU UD DIITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Leon Redbone October 25 VVEE RRIIZZ O ON NW W IIRREE LLEE SS SS AA M MPPH HIITTH HEE AATTRR EE A ATT EE N NCCO ORR EE PPAARR K K (Atlanta) John Fogerty October 25

TTH HEE TTA ABBEE RRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Pretty Lights October 25 TTH HEE M MA ASSQ QU U EE RRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Gary Numan October 25 RREE D D CCLLA A YY TTH HEE A ATTRREE (Duluth, GA) Paula Cole October 25 SSU UG GA ARR’’ SS Skin Deep October 26 DA D ALLTTO ON ND DEE PPO OTT (Dalton) Georgia Pine October 26 LLIIBB EERR TTYY TTRREE EE FF EESS TTIIVVA A LL (Dalton) Georgia Pine October 26 PPH HIILL IIPPSS A ARR EEN NA A (Atlanta) Selena Gomez & the Scene October 26 TTH HEE TTA ABBEE RRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Neutral Milk Hotel, Half Japanese October 26 CCO OBBBB EE N NEE RRG GYY PP EERRFF O ORRM MIIN NG G AARRTTSS CCEE N N-TTEERR (Atlanta) Sergio Mendes October 26 CCEEN NTTEE RR SSTTA AG GEE (Atlanta) Sister Hazel October 26 BBO OU U TTW WEE LLLL A AU UD DIITTO ORRII U UM M (Birmingham) Bassnectar, Ill-Esha October 26 H && PP O 1122TTH ORRTTEERR (Nashville) Steve Aoki, Waka Flocka, Borgore, Garmiani, & more October 26 HO H ON NEE SSTT PPIIN NTT Molly Maguires October 27 RRO OCCK KEE TTO OW WN N (Nashville) Sleeping With Sirens, Memphis May Fire, Breathe Carolina, Issues, Last Night October 27 VVA ARRII EETTYY PPLL A AYYH HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) The Waterboys October 27 ARREE N A NA A@ @G GW W IIN NN NEE TTTT CCEE N NTTEERR (Atlanta) Michael Buble October 27 MA M ASSQ QU U EE RRA AD DEE M MU U SSII CC PPA A RRK K (Atlanta) Sleeping With Sirens, Memphis May Fire, Breathe Carolina, Issues, Our Last Night October 28 TTH HEE TTA ABBEE RRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Bullet For My Valentine, Black Veil Brides, Throw the Fight October 28 TTRRA ACCK K 2299 Clutch, The Sword October 29 TTH HEE M MA ASSQ QU U EE RRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Big D & the Kid’s Table, Red City Radio October 29 TTRRA ACCK K 2299 J.J. Grey & Mofro, The Revivalists October 30 RRH HYYTTH HM M && BBRREE W WSS Band of Heathens October 30 LLO OVVEE LLEE SSSS CCA AFF ÉÉ (Nashville) Leftover Salmon October 30 HEEA H A VVEE N N@ @ TTH HEE M MA A SSQ QU U EE RRA AD DEE (Atlanta) GWAR, Whitechapel, Iron Reagan October 30 RRH HYYTTH HM M && BBRREE W WSS Opposite Box, Deep Fried 5, Demonwaffle October 31 HO H ON NEE SSTT PPIIN NTT The Bohannons, Behold The Brave, Mime Games, The Nim Nims October 31 TTH HEE LLO OFFTT (Atlanta) Reverend Horton Heat October 31 CCEEN NTTEE RR SSTTA AG GEE (Atlanta) The Orb October 31 MA M ASSQ QU U EE RRA AD DEE M MU U SSII CC PPA A RRK K (Atlanta) Big Gigantic October 31 SSCCH HEE RRM MEE RRH HO ORRN N SS YYM MPP H HO ON NYY CCEEN NTTEE RR (Nashville) Michael McDonald October 31 WO W ORR K KPPLL A AYY SSO OU UN ND DSS TTA AG GEE (Birmingham) Todd Snider, Elizabeth Cook, Hayes Carll, bobby Bare Jr. October 31


TTIIVVO OLLII TTH HEEAA TTRREE Barenaked Ladies November 1 BBJJCCCC CCO ON NCCEE RRTT H HAA LLLL (Birmingham) Hunter Hayes, Ashley Monroe November 1 FFEE RRSSTT CCEE N NTTEE RR (Atlanta) Big Bad Voodoo Daddy November 1 TTH HEE M MAA SSQ QU U EERR AAD DEE (Atlanta) Story of the Year, Like Moths to Flames, Hawthorne Heights, Set It Off, I Am King November 1 CCEE N NTTEE RR SS TTAAG GEE (Atlanta) Chiddy Bang, Timeflies November 1 TTH HEE LL O OFFTT (Atlanta) Cults, Moodrings November 1 FFO OXX TTH HEEAA TTRREE (Atlanta) John Legend, Tamar Braxton November 1 WIILL D W DH HO ORR SSEE SS AALLO OO ON N (Nashville) Blue Oyster Cult November 1 SSCCH HEE RRM MEERR H HO ORR N N SSYYM MPP H HO ON NYY CCEE N NTTEE RR (Nashville) Michael McDonald November 1 MAA RRAATTH M HO ON NM MU U SSII CC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Reverend Horton Heat, Unknown Hinson, Hillbilly Casino November 1 TTEEN NN NEE SSSSEE EE TTH HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Earth Wind & Fire November 1 CCH HAA RRLLEE SS && M MYYRRTTLLEE ’’ SS CCO OFF FF EEEE H HO OU U SSEE Harpeth Rising November 2 RRYYM MAAN N AA U UD DIITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Alabama November 2 LLA AU U RRAA TTU U RRN NEE RR CCO ON NCCEE RRTT H HAA LLLL (Nashville) Michael McDonald November 2 TTH HEE M MAA SSQ QU U EERR AAD DEE (Atlanta) Los Straightjackets, The Fleshtones, Southern Culture on the Skids November 2 VVA ARRII EETTYY PPLLAA YYH HO OU U SS EE (Atlanta) Michael Nesmith November 2 RRYYM MAAN N AA U UD DIITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Alabama November 3 RRIIVVEE RRFF RRO ON NTT PPAA RRK K (Nashville) Dierks Bentley, Jake Owen, Easton Corbin November 3 TTH HEE M MAA SSQ QU U EERR AAD DEE (Atlanta) Minus the Bear, Invsn, Slow Bird November 3 BBU UCCK KH HEEAA D D TTH HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Hugh Lauarie November 3 WO W ORRK K PPLLAA YY SS O OU UN ND DSSTTAA G GEE (Birmingham) Relient K, Motion City Soundtrack, Driver Friendly November 3 TTEEN NN NEE SSSSEE EE TTH HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Barenaked Ladies November 3 RRYYM MAAN N AA U UD DIITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Alabama November 4 HEE AAVV EEN H N@ @ TTH HEE M MAA SSQ QU U EERR AAD DEE (Atlanta) Anberlin, The Maine November 4 TTEERRM MII N NAA LL W WEE SSTT (Atlanta) KMFDM, Chant November 5 BBU UCCK KH HEEAA D D TTH HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Alkaline Trio, New Found Glory, H2O November 5 AN A ND DRR EEW W JJ AACCK K SSO ON NH HAA LLLL (Nashville) Cyndi Lauper November 5 CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBAALL LLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) 3OH!3, The Summer Set, Wallpaper, New Beat Fund November 5 TTEEN NN NEE SSSSEE EE TTH HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Cyndi

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OCT 31- NOV 3



NOV 29 - DEC 1





Lauper November 6 H && PPO 1122 TTH ORRTTEE RR (Nashville) Smile Empty Soul, Acidic November 6 PPH HIILL IIPPSS AA RREE N NA A (Atlanta) Drake, Miguel November 7 MAARRAA TTH M HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK K SS (Nashville) Fitz & the Tantrums November 7 VVA ARR IIEE TTYY PPLL AAYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Colin Meloy November 8 TTH HEE TTAABB EERR N NAA CCLLEE (Atlanta) Michael Franti, Serena Ryder November 8 BBIIJJ O OU U TTH HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) The Delta Saints November 8 BBRRII D DG GEE SS TTO ON NEE AA RREE N NAA (Nashville) Jennifer Nettles, Trace Adkins, Luke Bryan, Sheryl Crow, Jake Owen, Kellie Pickler, Rascal Flatts, Darius Rucker, Michael W. Smith November 8 H && PPO 1122 TTH ORRTTEE RR (Nashville) Jimmy Hall, Blackfoot Gypsies November 8 MEE M M MO ORR IIAALL AAU UD DIITTO ORRII U UM M Michael English November 9 RRH HYYTTH HM M && BBRREE W W SS Ben Bridwell November 9 EE D DD DII EE’’ SS AATTTTIICC (Atlanta) The Greencards November 9 JJ A AM MEESS K K .. PPO OLL K K TTH HEEAA TTRREE (Nashville) Englebert Humperdinck November 10 EE D DD DII EE’’ SS AATTTTIICC (Atlanta) Lisa Marie Presley November 10 BBU U CCK KH HEE AAD D TTH HEE AATTRR EE (Atlanta) 3OH!3, The Summer Set, Wallpaper, New Beat Fund November 10 RRYYM MAAN N AAU UD DIITTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Iron & Wine, Jessica Harp November 10 BBIIJJ O OU U TTH HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Steve Vai November 10 BBU U CCK KH HEE AAD D TTH HEE AATTRR EE (Atlanta) Two Door Cinema Club, Bad Veins November 11 TTH HEE TTAABB EERR N NAA CCLLEE (Atlanta) Iron & Wine November 11

MEERR CCYY LL O M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Polica November 11 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) Lynyrd Skynyrd November 11 MA M ARRA A TTH HO ON NM MU USSII CC W WO ORRK K SS (Nashville) Laura Marling, Willy Mason November 11 TTRRA ACC K K 22 99 Steve Vai November 12 JJ..JJ ..’’SS BB O OH HEEM MII A A Kurt Vile, Beach Fossils November 12 MA M ARRA A TTH HO ON NM MU USSII CC W WO ORRK K SS (Nashville) Two Door Cinema Club, Bad Veins November 12 SSM MIITT H H’’SS O OLLD DEE BB A ARR (Atlanta) Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers, The Saint Johns November 12 TTEERRM MIIN NA ALL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) Polica November 12 BBU UCCK KH HEEA AD D TTH HEEA A TTRREE (Atlanta) The Head & the Heart, Thao & the Get Down Stay Down, Quiet Life November 12 EED DD DII EE’’SS A ATTTTII CC (Atlanta) Ed Kowlczyk November 12 WO W ORR K KPP LLA AYY TTH HEEA ATTRREE (Birmingham) Steve Vai November 13 EEX X IITT//IIN N (Nashville) Stephen Kellogg & the Sixers, The Saint Johns November 13 LLO OVVEELLEESS SS CC A AFF ÉÉ (Nashville) The Greencards November 13 BBU UCCK KH HEEA AD D TTH HEEA A TTRREE (Atlanta) Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue November 13 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) Amos Lee, Hurray For the Riff Raff November 14 FFRR A AN NK K LLIIN N TTH HEEA A TTRREE (Franklin, TN) Ed Kowalczyk November 14 BBRRII D DG GEESS TTO ON NEE A ARREEN NA A (Nashville) Justin Timberlake November 15 BBLLII N ND DW WIILLLL IIEE’’SS (Atlanta) The Nighthawks November 15


TTH HEE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) The Chariot, Glass Cloud, To The Wind November 16 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) WAR November 16 PPH HIILL IIPPSS A ARR EEN NA A (Atlanta) Elton John November 16 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Janelle Monae November 17 TTEERR M MIIN NA ALL W WEESS TT (Nashville) Of Montreal, La Luz November 17 SSCCH HEERRM MEERRH HO ORRN N SSYYM MPPH HO ON NYY CCEEN NTTEERR (Nashville) Restless heart, Amy Grant, , Peter Noone, Tracy Lawrence, David Phelps, Randy Houser, Charlie McCoy, Buddy Greene, Melinda Doolittle, Big Daddy Wave, Nashville Symphony November 17 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Rickie Lee Jones November 17 BBJJCCCC A ARREEN NA A (Birmingham) The Eagles November 18 JJEEM MIISS O ON N CCO ON NCCEERR TT H HA A LLLL (Birmingham) Natalie Merchant November 18 MEERRCCYY LLO M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Mike Doughty November 19 D && LLII N 33RRD ND DSS LLEEYY (Nashville) Julie Roberts November 19 TTEERR M MIIN NA ALL W WEESS TT (Atlanta) Mike Doughty November 20 FFO OXX TTH HEEA ATTRREE (Atlanta) Rick Ross, 1500 Or Nothing Band November 20 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) ZZ Top November 21 BBRRIID DG GEESSTTO ON NEE A A RREEN NA A (Nashville) The Charlie Daniels Band, Kenny Rogers, Montgomery Gentry, Dierks Bentley, Tanya Tucker, Josh Turner, Garth Brooks, Kid Rock, Same Moore, Shelby Lynne, the Oak Ridge Boys, Randy Travis, Alan Jackson, T. Graham Brown,

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Mark Chesnutt, Joe Diffie, Jamey Johnson, Tracy Lawrence, Patty Loveless, Kathy Mattea, Lorrie Morgan, Pam Tillis, Gene Watson, Clay Walker, Aaron Tippin, Collin Ray, Crystal Gayle, Brenda Lee, TG Sheppard, Bobby Bare, Don Mclean, Billy Ray Cyrus November 22 MA M A RRA ATTH HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK K SS (Nashville) Johnny Marr November 22 A RREEN A NA A@ @G GW WIIN NN NEETTTT CCEEN NTTEERR (Atlanta) Macklamore & Ryan Lewis, Talib Kwell, Big K.R.I.T. November 22 SS YYM MPPH HO ON NYY H HA A LLLL (Atlanta) Michael W. Smith November 22 TTH HEE TTA A BBEERRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Third Eye Blind November 22 WO W ORRK K PPLL A AYY TTH HEEA A TTRREE (Birmingham) Matt Wertz November 23 CCEEN NTTEERR SS TTA AG GEE (Atlanta) Johnny Marr November 23 FF O OXX TTH HEEA A TTRREE (Atlanta) Joe Bonamassa November 23 CCEEN NTTEERR SS TTA AG GEE (Atlanta) Jonny Lang November 24 TTH HEE TTA A BBEERRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) MGMT November 24 BBRR IID DG GEESSTTO ON NEE A A RREEN NAA (Nashville) Korn, Rob Zombie November 24 EEXXII TT//IIN N (Nashville) The Misfits November 24 BBRR IID DG GEESSTTO ON NEE A A RREEN NAA (Nashville) Paramore, Metric, Hellogoodbye November 26 A RREEN A NA AA A TT G GW WIIN NN NEETTTT CCEEN NTTEERR (Atlanta) Paramore, Metric, Hellogoodbye November 27 CCO OBBBB EEN NEERRG GYY PP EERR FFO ORR M MIIN NG GA A RRTTSS CCEEN N-TTEERR (Atlanta) Amos Lee, Mutlu November 29 VVA A RRIIEETTYY PPLLA A YYH HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Shawn Mullins November 30 PP H HIILLII PPSS A ARR EEN NA A (Atlanta) Casting Crowns, Steven Curtis Chapman November 30 TTEEN NN NEESSSSEEEE TTH HEEA A TTRREE (Knoxville) Amos Lee November 30 MA M A RRA ATTH HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK K SS (Nashville) Will Hoge, Red Wanting Blue November 30 EEXXII TT//IIN N (Nashville) Chvrches December 1 PP H HIILLII PPSS A ARR EEN NA A (Atlanta) Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar December 1 JJ ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH HEEM MIIA A Screaming Females December 2 BBJJ CCCC A A RREEN NA A (Birmingham) Pink December 3 A RREEN A NA A@ @G GW WIIN NN NEETTTT CCEEN NTTEERR (Atlanta) Michael English December 5 TTH HEE M MA A SSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Monster Magnet December 6 VVA A RRIIEETTYY PPLLA A YYH HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Carolina Chocolate Drops December 6 DA D A LLTTO ON ND DEEPPO OTT (Dalton) Tom Brown and Paul Byrum December 7 RR YYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Brian Setzer Orchestra December 8 MA M A RRA ATTH HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK K SS (Nashville)

Animal Collective December 8 WAARR M W MEEM MO ORR IIAA LL AA U UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Thirty Seconds to Mars December 10 VVA A RRIIEETTYY PP LLA A YYH HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) John Waters December 12 BBII JJO OU U TTH HEEA ATTRR EE (Knoxville) Carolina Chocolate Drops December 12/13 BBJJ CCCC A A RREEN NA A (Birmingham) Pink December 13 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Emmylou Harris, Rodney Crowell December 14 PPH HII LLIIPP SS A ARREEN NAA (Atlanta) Andrea Bocelli December 15 EED DD DII EE’’SS A ATT TTIICC Ed Roland December 15 FF O OXX TTH HEEA A TTRREE (Atlanta) Vince Gill December 16 TTH HEE M MA ASS Q QU UEERR AAD DEE (Atlanta) Misfits December 16 EED DD DII EE’’SS A ATT TTIICC Ed Roland December 16 PPH HII LLIIPP SS A ARREEN NAA (Atlanta) Justin Timberlake December 17 CCO OBBBB EEN NEERR G GYY PPEERRFF O ORRM MII N NG G AARR TTSS CCEEN N -TTEERR (Atlanta) Brian Setzer Orchestra December 17 WAARR M W MEEM MO ORR IIAA LL AA U UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) John Tesh December 18 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Brendan Benson December 18 LLA AU UG GH HII N NG G SSK KU ULLLL LLO OU UN NG GEE (Atlanta) Bobcat Goldthwait December 19-22 PPH HII LLIIPP SS A ARREEN NAA (Atlanta) Jay Z December 27 BBJJ CCCC A A RREEN NA A (Birmingham) Jay Z December 28 SSYY M MPP H HO ON NYY H HAALL LL (Atlanta) Widespread Panic December 30 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Old Crow Medicine Show December 30 PPH HII LLIIPP SS A ARREEN NAA (Atlanta) Widespread

Panic December 31 FFO OXX TTH HEEA ATTRR EE (Atlanta) Cedric the Entertainer December 31 WII LLD W D BB IILLLL ’’SS (Duluth) Florida Georgia Line December 31 ““BBA ASS H HO ON N BB RRO OA AD DW WA AYY”” (Nashville) Hank Williams Jr. December 31 BBRRII D DG GEESS TTO ON NEE A ARREEN NA A (Nashville) Bassnectar, Zoion 1, Ill-Esha December 31 IIRRO ON N CCIITTYY LL IIVVEE (Birmingham) Clutch January 6 CCO OBBBB EEN NEERRG GYY PPEERRFF O ORRM MIIN NG GA ARRTTSS CCEEN N-TTEERR (Atlanta) Travis Tritt January 10 VVA ARR IIEETTYY PP LLA AYYH HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Leon Russell, Hot Tuna January 15 TTRRA ACC K K 22 99 Blackberry Smoke January 17 VVA ARR IIEETTYY PP LLA AYYH HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) The Grapes January 18 SSCCH HEERRM MEERRH HO ORR N N SSYYM MPP H HO ON NYY CCEEN NTT EERR (Nashville) Kathleen Madigan January 24 VVA ARR IIEETTYY PP LLA AYYH HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Amy Ray January 26 CCO OBBBB EEN NEERRG GYY PPEERRFF O ORRM MIIN NG GA ARRTTSS CCEEN N-TTEERR (Atlanta) Aaron Neville, Dirty Dozen Brass Band January 30 BBRRII D DG GEESS TTO ON NEE A ARREEN NA A (Nashville) Keith Urban, Litle Big Town, Dustin Lynch February 1 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITTO ORRII U UM M (Nashville) The Pixies, Cults February 2 TTH HEE TTA ABB EERR N NA ACCLLEE (Atlanta) The Pixies, Cults February 4 BBJJ CCCC A ARR EEN NA A (Birmingham) Lady Antebellum, Kip Moore, Kacey Musgraves February 15 FFO OXX TTH HEEA ATTRR EE (Atlanta) Robin Thicke, Jessie J, DJ Cassidy February 21 PPH HIILL IIPPSS A A RREEN NA A (Atlanta) Demi Lovato, Fifth Harmony, Little Mix February 21


BBRRIID DG GEESSTTO ON NEE A A RREEN NA A (Nashville) Imagine Dragons, The Naked and Famous February 24 PPH HIILL IIPPSS A ARR EEN NA A (Atlanta) Imagine Dragons, The Naked and Famous February 26 CCEEN NTTEERR SSTTA AG GEE (Atlanta) George Thorogood & the Destroyers March 11 WII LLD W DH HO ORRSS EE SSA A LLO OO ON N (Nashville) George Thorogood & the Destroyers March 13 KN K NO OXXVVII LLLL EE CCO OLLIISS EEIIU UM M (Knoxville) Indigo Girls March 15 EED DD DIIEE’’SS A ATTTTIICC (Atlanta) Al Stewart March 20 BBRRIID DG GEESSTTO ON NEE A A RREEN NA A (Nashville) George Strait March 21 PPH HIILL IIPPSS A ARR EEN NA A (Atlanta) George Strait March 22 BBRRIID DG GEESSTTO ON NEE A A RREEN NA A (Nashville) Demi Lovato, Fifth Harmony, Cher Lloyd March 29 BBRRIID DG GEESSTTO ON NEE A A RREEN NA A (Nashville) Cher March 31 PPH HIILL IIPPSS A ARR EEN NA A (Atlanta) Lady Antebellum, Kip Moore, Kacey Musgraves April 1 SSYYM MPPH HO ON NYY H HA A LLLL (Atlanta) Yo Yo Ma April 2 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Joe Bonamassa April 26 SSYYM MPPH HO ON NYY H HA A LLLL (Atlanta) Boz Scaggs April 27 TTH HO OM MPP SSO ON N-- BBO OLLII N NG GA ARREEN NA A (Knoxville) Lady Antebellum, Kip Moore, Kacey Musgraves April 27 TTH HEE TTA ABBEERRN NA A CCLLEE (Atlanta) The Wanted May 7 PPH HIILL IIPPSS A ARR EEN NA A (Atlanta) Cher May 12 SSYYM MPPH HO ON NYY H HA A LLLL (Atlanta) Ben Folds

OCTOBER 17 2013


May 23

CCO ON NTTIIN NU UII N NG G FF IIRR SSTT CCEEN NTTEEN NA ARR YY U UN NIITTEED DM MEETTH HO OD DIISS TT CCH HU URRCCH H (Room 135) Singles One Mondays @ 6 PM GRR EEA G A TTEERR CCH HA A TTTTA AN NO OO OG GA AA ASS PPIIEESS Third Tuesday of each month, 6-8 pm http://www.meetup.com/G-C-As BBII G G CCH HIILL LL Karaoke Tuesdays DEEVVEELLO D OPP M MEEN NTT RREESSO OU URRCCEE BB U UII LLD DIIN NG G (1250 Market Street) Chattanooga Alliance for Animals First Wednesday of the month MII LLLLEERR M M MO OTTLLEE TT EECCH HN NIICC A ALL CCO OLLLL EEG GEE CHEO Complimentary Health Education Organization Chapter Meeting Third Sunday 2-4 PM TTH HEE CCH HA A TTTTA AN NO OO OG GA AN N Breakfast Education & Networking Workshop Second Wednesday of the month BBRR A AD DFF O ORRD DH HEEA ALL TTH H CCEEN NTTEERR (6160 Shallowford Rd.) Free Parent Support Meeting Thursdays 5-6pm TTH HEE EELL K KSS LLO OD DG GEE (Cleveland) Joe Collins Tuesdays LL A ASS M MA ARR G GA ARRII TTA A’’SS (Cleveland) Collins Brothers Band Thursdays LL A ASS M MA ARR G GA ARRII TTA A’’SS Priscilla & Little Rickee Wednesdays TTH HEE O OFF FF IICCEE SpeakEasy Mondays SS O OU UTTH HSS IID DEE TTA A VVEERRN N Troy Underwood Tuesdays PP O OK K EEYY’’SS 2nFro Wednesdays CCA AM MPP H HO OU USSEE Open Mic Thursdays TTH HEE TTA A VVEERRN N (Soddy-Daisy) Roberts & Sims Wednesdays


the credo he lived by, support the artist at whatever the cost. CBGB ultiCarrie R mately became the birthplace of Carrie White is a shy outcast at high underground rock ‘n roll and punk. school and has been sheltered by her deeply religious mother. When Carrie is pushed too far at her senior prom, Escape Plan R she unleashes telekinetic terror on the Ray Breslin, the world’s foremost entire town. authority on structural security, agrees to take on one last job: breaking out of CBGB R an ultra-secret, high-tech facility In 1973, Hilly Kristal, a fan of Country, called “The Tomb.” But when he is Bluegrass and Blues (CBGB) dreamed of wrongly imprisoned, he must recruit having a club in the lower Eastside of fellow inmate Emil Rottmayer to help New York that catered to that kind of devise a daring, nearly impossible plan music, but when he had difficulty to escape from the most protected and booking those bands he turned to fortified prison ever built. other kinds of rock music. Hilly had NO N OW W SS H HO OW WIIN NG G one demand of the acts he booked, they could only play their own original music. No top 40’s, no covers. It was Baggage Claim PG-13


Taylor Hawkins and Johnny Galecki in XLrator Media’s “CBGB”. Determined to get engaged before her battle hungry tacodiles, shrimpanzees, youngest sister’s wedding, flight atten- hippotatomuses, cheespiders and dant Montana Moore finds herself with other food creatures to save the world only 30 days to find Mr. Right. Using again! her airline connections to “accidentally” meet up with eligible ex-boyfriends Don Jon R and scour for potential candidates, she A New Jersey guy dedicated to his racks up more than 30,000 miles and family, friends, and church, develops countless comedic encounters, all the unrealistic expectations from watchwhile searching for the perfect guy. ing porn and works to find happiness and intimacy with his potential true Captain Phillips PG-13 love. The film focuses on the relationship between the Alabama’s commanding The Family R officer, Captain Richard Phillips and The Manzoni family, a notorious mafia his Somali counterpart, Muse. Set on clan, is relocated to Normandy, France an incontrovertible collision course under the witness protection program, off the coast of Somalia, both men will where fitting in soon becomes chalfind themselves paying the human toll lenging as their old habits die hard. for economic forces outside of their control. Grace Unplugged PG Having just turned 18, Grace Trey Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2 G aspires to more than just singing at her Inventor Flint Lockwood’s genius is church, where the worship leader is finally being recognized as he’s invited her father-a former pop star. So, with by his idol Chester V to join The Live the help of Mossy, her dad’s former Corp Company, where the best and manager, Grace records a cover verbrightest inventors in the world create sion of her dad’s old Top-10 hit, runs technologies for the betterment of off to Los Angeles and begins to taste mankind. Chester’s right-hand-gal - the kind of stardom she’s always and one of his greatest inventions – is dreamed about. Yet with each rung of Barb, a highly evolved orangutan with the ladder she climbs, Grace feels a human brain. It’s always been Flint’s more and more pressure to comprodream to be recognized as a great mise her values, further straining her inventor, but everything changes when relationship with her parents. Will he discovers that his most infamous everything she experiences lead her to machine (which turns water into food) reject her faith or rediscover it? is still operating and is now creating food-animal hybrids – “foodimals!” Gravity PG-13 With the fate of humanity in his hands, Dr. Ryan Stone is a brilliant engineer Chester sends Flint and his friends on on her first shuttle mission with vetera dangerously delicious mission – to an astronaut Matt Kowalski. But on a

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seemingly routine spacewalk, disaster strikes. The shuttle is destroyed, leaving Stone and Kowalski completely alone—tethered to nothing but each other and spiraling out into the blackness. The deafening silence tells them they have lost any link to Earth…and any chance for rescue. As fear turns to panic, every gulp of air eats away at what little oxygen is left. But the only way home may be to go further out into the terrifying expanse of space. Insidious: Chapter 2 PG-13 The haunted Lambert family seeks to uncover the mysterious childhood secret that has left them dangerously connected to the spirit world.

tor who helps Dusty qualify to take on the defending champ of the race circuit. Dusty’s courage is put to the ultimate test as he aims to reach heights he never dreamed possible, giving a spellbound world the inspiration to soar. Prisoners R Keller Dover is facing every parent’s worst nightmare. His six-year-old daughter Anna and her young friend Joy are missing, and as minutes turn to hours, panic sets in. The only lead is a dilapidated RV that had earlier been parked on their street. Heading the investigation, Detective Loki arrests its driver, Alex Jones, but a lack of evidence forces his release. As the police pursue multiple leads and pressure mounts, the frantic Dover decides he has no choice but to take matters into his own hands. But just how far will this desperate father go to protect his family?

Machete Kills R Ex-Federale agent Machete is recruited by the President of the United States for a mission which would be impossible for any mortal man - he must take down a madman revolutionary and an eccentric billionaire arms dealer who has hatched a plan to spread war and Riddick R anarchy across the planet. The infamous Riddick has been left for dead on a sun-scorched planet that Metallica Through the Never R appears to be lifeless. Soon, however, Trip, a young roadie sent on an urgent he finds himself fighting for survival mission during Metallica’s roaring live against alien predators more lethal set in front of a sold-out arena. As the than any human he’s encountered. The band performs its most iconic songs only way off is for Riddick to activate for thousands of their fans in a never- an emergency beacon and alert mercebefore-seen performance created naries who rapidly descend to the exclusively for the film, Trip is dis- planet in search of their bounty. The patched outside the arena to meet a first ship to arrive carries a new breed disabled delivery truck and recover a of merc, more lethal and violent, while mysterious item being transported to the second is captained by a man the show. But the seemingly simple whose pursuit of Riddick is more perassignment turns into a surreal adven- sonal. With time running out and a ture when his car is hit by an out-of- storm on the horizon that no one control driver. Trip, dazed and could survive, his hunters won’t leave bruised, climbs out of his van only to the planet without Riddick’s head as find himself pitched in the middle of a their trophy. tense standoff between angry protesters and charging riot police. In the Runner Runner R ensuing mayhem, a vicious masked Princeton grad student Richie, believhorseman sets his murderous eye on ing he’s been swindled, travels to Trip while delivering indiscriminate Costa Rica to confront online gambling deathblows to rioters and cops alike. tycoon Ivan Block. Richie is seduced Fleeing through the desolate, post- by Block’s promise of immense wealth, apocalyptic urban streetscape, Trip until he learns the disturbing truth has only his wits to protect him as he about his benefactor. When the FBI attempts to deliver the band’s precious tries to coerce Richie to help bring cargo and avoid becoming the horse- down Block, Richie faces his biggest man’s next victim. gamble ever: attempting to outmaneuver the two forces closing in on him. Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters Percy Jackson has had an unnervingly We’re the Millers R quiet school year. But then he discov- David Burke is a small-time pot dealer ers that the magical borders protecting whose clientele includes chefs and Half Blood Hill are failing. Unless soccer moms, but no kids—after all, he something is done, the camp will be has his scruples. So what could go attacked by demons and monsters. The wrong? Plenty. Preferring to keep a only way to restore power to the low profile for obvious reasons, he camp’s borders and to save their home learns the hard way that no good deed is to find the mythical Golden Fleece. goes unpunished when he tries to help And the only who can undertake this out some local teens and winds up getdangerous quest are Percy and his ting jumped by a trio of gutter punks. friends. Stealing his stash and his cash, they leave him in major debt to his suppliPlanes PG er, Brad. In order to wipe the slate Dusty is a plane with dreams of com- clean - and maintain a clean bill of peting as a high-flying air racer. But health - David must now become a bigDusty’s not exactly built for racing — time drug smuggler by bringing Brad’s and he happens to be afraid of heights. latest shipment in from Mexico. So he turns to a seasoned naval avia- Twisting the arms of his neighbors, ENIGMA

cynical stripper Rose and wannabe customer Kenny, and the tatted-andpierced streetwise teen Casey, he devises a foolproof plan. One fake wife, two pretend kids and a huge, shiny RV later, the “Millers” are headed south of the border for a Fourth of July weekend that is sure to end with a bang. COM ING SOON The Counselor R A lawyer seems to have it all, with fast cars, a gorgeous house, a beautiful fiancé and a lifestyle most people would envy. His hubris leads him to enter into what he assumes will be a one-time drug deal, but he’s not going to get off that easy.

companion - his 8-year-old grandson Billy. Along the way, Irving will introduce the young and impressionable Billy to people, places and situations that give new meaning to the term child-rearing. The duo will encounter male strippers, disgruntled child beauty pageant contestants (and their equally disgruntled mothers), funeral home mourners, biker bar patrons and a whole lot of unsuspecting citizens. Real people in unreal situations, making for one really messed up comedy.

Killing Season R Set in the Smoky Mountains, an American military veteran has retreated to a remote cabin in the woods. When a rare visitor, a European tourist, appears on the scene, the two Jackass Presents: Bad Grampa R men strike up an unlikely friendship. Irving Zisman, 86, is on a journey But, in fact, the visitor is a former across America with the most unlikely Serbian soldier bent on revenge.

Across 2. Worn to protect the clothing 6. Fermented grape juices 11. Lady's-finger 13. State resident 15. English princess 17. Fixes 18. Ogles 19. Underground part of a plant 20. Deuces 21. Thin glutinous mud 22. Authentic 23. Finish first 25. Biddies 26. Person whose religion is Judaism 30. Devote 32. Modify 36. Complete change 37. Shooting sport 38. Sealing compound 40. Purchase

OCTOBER 17 2013

12. Flightless bird 14. Small dam 16. Part of speech 24. Rich and fashionable travellers 26. Trash 27. Spouse 28. Group of tents 29. Genus of vermin 30. Step in ballet 31. Short letter 33. Paint unskillfully 34. Be sorry for 35. Plaything 39. Highest 42. Public exhibition Down 43. Judges 1. Florida city 2. Inert elemental gas 44. Metal fastener 45. Mathematics 3. Move past 46. Raised platform 4. Lubricates 47. Evade work 5. Yuletide 6. Of moderate tem- 48. Unwieldy ship 51. Career golfers perature 52. Unpleasant smell 7. Insert 53. Salver 8. Planet 54. Stylish 9. Breathe noisily 10. Hates intensely 41. Places to sleep 47. Shaft horsepower 49. Executive Officer 50. Away 54. Pal 55. Imitator 56. Tester 57. Hawaiian port 58. Draw near 59. Book of the Bible 60. Annoys 61. Native of Switzerland 62. Type of packsack


band to have a baby. 11 9966 77 Folk singer Joan Baez was arrested, along with 123 others, for blocking the entrance to an Armed Forces Induction Center in Oakland, California. The Beatles’ “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” was the #2 album in the UK. Holding down the top spot was the soundtrack to The Sound Of Music.

1199 5511 18-year-old Richard Penniman, who is already using the stage name Little Richard, makes his first recordings for RCA Camden at the studios of Atlanta radio station WGST. His early attempts imitated the Gospel style of late-1940s Jump Blues artist Billy Wright who was a friend that set him up with the opportunity to record. 11 995544 Two weeks after his appearance at Nashville’s Grand Ole Opry, Elvis Presley performs on the Country music radio program, Louisiana Hayride, broadcast live on KWKH in Shreveport. After an enthusiastic reception from the audience, Presley is booked to appear every week for a year at $18 per show. His sidemen, Bill Black and Scotty Moore are paid $12 each.

when The Beatles play back-up at a recording session for Rory Storm And The Hurricanes’ guitarist, Wally Eymond, in the small Akustik studio in Hamburg, Germany. Nine copies of a song called “Summertime” were pressed onto 78 RPM acetate discs, though none are known to have survived. It would be nearly two years before Ringo would join John, Paul and George on a permanent basis. Ben E. King led The Drifters to the top of the US Pop chart with “Save The Last Dance For Me”. The record will reach #2 in the UK in December.

11 9966 44 A British group known collectively as Manfred Mann had the number one single on the Billboard Pop chart with “Do Wah Diddy Diddy”. The song was sung by vocalist Paul Pond, who used the stage name Paul Jones. 11 995577 Keyboard player Michael Lubowitz Although it was banned by some US would retain the band’s name and radio stations for its suggestive continued to turn out chart hits until lyrics, The Everly Brothers’ “Wake the mid 1980s. Up Little Susie” reached the top of the Billboard singles chart. In the The Zombies’ “She’s Not There” is UK, it reached #2. The Everly’s were released in the US, where it would accompanied by guitar legend, Chet become the band’s highest charting Atkins. single, reaching #2. In the UK, it went to #12. The Elvis Presley classic, “Jailhouse Rock” is released. It would become 119966 55 his ninth US number one single and The Who record “My Generation”, a stay on the Billboard chart for nine- song that expresses the anger and teen weeks. The film clip from the frustration of teenagers of the day. movie where he sang the song is Roger Daltrey would later say that considered by many historians to be he stuttered the lyrics to try to fit the first Rock video. them to the music. The BBC initially refused to play the song because it Sam Cooke’s “You Send Me” is did not want to offend people who released by Keen Records. The single stammer, but later reversed its deciwill be his biggest hit, selling two- sion. The tune would rise to number and-a-half million copies. 2 in the UK, but stalled at number 74 in the US. Playing lead guitar, Paul McCartney makes his first appearance with The With a signing bonus of one dollar, Quarry Men at the New Clubmoor Jimi Hendrix inked his first recordHall Conservative Club, in Norris ing contract. He agreed on a 1% royGreen, Liverpool. The band’s line-up alty on all of his recordings. was John Lennon, Paul McCartney, 11 996666 Eric Griffiths, Colin Hanton and Len Garry. Grace Slick quits the local San Francisco band The Great Society to join Jefferson Airplane. She replaces 11 996600 Ringo Starr fills in for Pete Best Signe Toly Anderson, who left the ENIGMA

1199 6699 The Kinks are finally able to launch their first US tour in over four years. The band had troubles getting permits from the American Federation of Musicians because the group appeared on Hullabaloo in 1966 without filing the proper paperwork.

Creedence Clearwater Revival split up following the failure of their most recent album, “Mardi Gras”. After limited success as a solo act and some legal hassles with Fantasy Records, John Fogarty would have two big hits in 1980, “Center Field” and “Rock and Roll Girl”. John’s brother Tom Fogarty died in September, 1990 and the surviving members went on to tour as Creedence Clearwater Revisited. 119977 33 The US Supreme Court decides by a 7-2 vote to refuse to review a 1971 Federal Communications directive that broadcasters, in effect, censor songs with drug-oriented lyrics. The two dissenting votes are cast by Justices William J. Brennan and William O. Douglas, who say, “The government cannot, consistent with the First Amendment, require a broadcaster to censor its music.”

The Temptations continued their long string of hit singles when “I 11 9977 44 Can’t Get Next To You” reached number one on the Billboard Hot 100. It Following an argument, Al Green’s made #13 in the UK. girlfriend, Mary Woodson, burst in while the singer was taking a bath The Jackson 5 make their US net- and poured boiling grits over him, work TV debut on Hollywood Palace. inflicting second-degree burns on The group includes Jackie (18), Tito his back, stomach and arm. After (15), Jermaine (14), Marlon (12) and assaulting Green, Woodson killed Michael (10). herself with his gun. 11 997700 With lead vocals shared by Michael and Jermaine Jackson, The Jackson 5 scored their fourth straight US number one Pop single with “I’ll Be There”. Motown reported that the group had sold more than ten million records worldwide. 11 9977 11 It was a blessing in disguise when Rick Nelson played the seventh annual Rock ‘n’ Roll Revival Show in New York. He thought he was being booed for not playing his old hits and came away with the inspiration to write what would be his last Top Ten hit, “Garden Party”, which would climb to number six in 1972. It was later revealed that the crowd was booing some troublemakers who had started a fight and were being escorted out of the building. Isaac Hayes’ “Theme From Shaft” is released. When Hayes sings “That John Shaft is a bad mother...” the voice you hear telling Hayes to “shut your mouth” is that of Thelma Hopkins of Tony Orlando And Dawn. 1199 7722 Michael Jackson’s song “Ben”, from the movie of the same name, reaches number one on Billboard’s Pop chart and #7 in the UK. It’s the third hit in a year for the 13-year-old singer.

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Billy Preston went to the top of the US singles chart with “Nothing From Nothing”, the singer’s second and final number one.

11 997755 Dickie Goodman had the best selling single in the US with the novelty tune, “Mr. Jaws”, which mixed his rapid-fire mock interviews with answers that were snipped from contemporary hit singles. Goodman first entered the US charts in 1956 when he and his partner Bill Buchanan used a similar format on a record called “The Flying Saucer”. 1199 7766 Rick Dees And His Cast of Idiots are awarded a Gold record for the novelty tune, “Disco Duck”, which sat at the top of the US record charts this week. It made #6 in the UK. In December, the record would become only the fourth single ever to be certified Platinum. Stevie Wonder’s “Song in the Key of Life” is released. It will immediately hit the Billboard Hot 200 album chart and stay there into 1978. It’s Wonder’s first release since his $13 million signing with Motown. The three record set would go Platinum, yielding the hits “Sir Duke”, “Isn’t She Lovely” and “I Wish”. 11 9977 77 Debbie Boone’s first single, “You Light Up My Life”, reaches #1 on the Billboard Pop chart, where it will stay for 10 weeks. It would go on to win a Grammy Award for Best Song and 21-year-old Debbie is named Best New Artist. The record only made it to #48 in the UK. In the 1980s she focused on Country music, resulting in the #1 hit, “Are You on the Road to Lovin’ Me Again”. She later recorded Christian music, which garnered her four Top 10 Contemporary Christian albums as well as two more Grammys.

1970 and “I’d Like To Teach The has contacted U.S. federal authoriWorld To Sing” in 1971, as well as ties to help track down the offendplacing twelve songs in the UK Top ers. 11 998811 Christopher Cross started a three 40. week run at #1 on the US singles Elton John described today’s songchart with “Arthur’s Theme”, (Best Two security guards were fired after writers as “pretty awful”, Pop music That You Can Do). It was his second refusing to allow Bob Dylan into his as “uninspiring” and talent shows US chart topper and also a #7 hit in own concert. Dylan, who had like American Idol as “boring” in an the UK. demanded that security on his Love interview with Britain’s Radio Times and Theft tour should be tighter than magazine. 119988 22 ever, didn’t have a pass when he 2200 11 11 Marvin Gaye’s “Sexual Healing” arrived backstage. enters the Billboard R&B singles The internet site 22 00 0055 chart on its way to number one. The www.TheSmokingGun.com posted song would also make the Top 10 in Visiting his New Orleans home for Janet Jackson’s performance conthe UK and later win a Grammy as the first time since he was rescued tract which stated that if she’s Best R&B Male Vocal Performance of by boat from rising floodwaters, 77- appearing on a bill with a comedian, year-old Fats Domino found his the comic will be barred from makthe Year. piano overturned among mud and ing any reference to the singer or RCA Records releases Daryl Hall and debris and his house in ruins. members of the Jackson family. John Oates’ LP, “H2O”, which will reach the Top Five on the Billboard A UK company called Prudential Brian Wilson announced that album chart and yield two hits: announced the results of a survey despite an upcoming reunion with “Maneater” and “One on One”. which claimed that the average per- The Beach Boys, he was still working son will spend about £21,000 on another solo album. 119988 55 ($42,000) on music during their lifeA group called a-ha became the first time. The amount included money 73-year-old Etta James announced Norwegian band to top the Billboard spent on recordings, playback her decision to retire following the Hot 100 when “Take on Me” went to equipment and concerts. Music release of her latest album. As well number one. The song would reach enthusiasts were likely to spend as her 1961 R&B smash “At Last”, James also placed nine songs on the number two in the UK in November. more than double the average. Billboard Top 40 Pop chart between 1960 and 1968. 119988 77 22 0000 88 In a clear example of just how far In a video message on his website, music had sunk, an American Rock Ringo Starr announced that he no 22 00 1122 critic calls Public Enemy’s aptly longer has time to sign autographs B.B. Cunningham Jr., who had been a titled Rap effort “Bring The Noise” as and asked fans not to send him any member of Jerry Lee Lewis’ band “merely the greatest piece of Rock mail at all. “No more fan mail and no since 1997, was found shot to death and Roll released in 1987.” The single objects to be signed. Nothing.” After at the Cherry Crest apartment comis made up of melodyless rapping finishing a tour of the US and plex in Memphis, Tennessee. He had over sampled tracks by James Canada, he was dividing his time also been a member of Ronnie And Brown, Funkadelic, Marva Whitney, between Los Angeles, the South of The Daytonas in the 1960s. The Beastie Boys and others. For a France and his UK home in Surrey. record given such high praise, it failed to crack the US Top 40 and 22 0000 99 only reached #56 on the Billboard Al Martino, a Pop crooner who Hot R&B / Hip-Hop chart. placed eleven songs on the Billboard Top 40, including “I Love You 11 998888 Because”, “Spanish Eyes” and “I Love UB40 was enjoying the top tune in You More And More Every Day”, died America with a reggae version of at the age of 82. He is also rememNeil Diamond’s “Red, Red Wine”. bered for playing the Frank SinatraDiamond’s 1968 rendition only made type role of Johnny Fontane in The it to #62. Godfather.


1199 7788 All four solo albums by the members of KISS break through Billboard’s Top 100. Gene Simmons effort will prove to be the highest charting at #22, followed by Ace Freshly at #26, 119999 22 then Paul Stanley at #40 and Peter Crises at #43. Irish singer Sinead O’Connor is booed off the stage at a show honor1199 7799 ing Bob Dylan at Madison Square “Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough” Garden. The crowd was reacting to became Michael Jackson’s second O’Connor’s tearing up a picture of Billboard #1 single. It was the first the Pope on Saturday Night Live two time he cracked the Top Ten since weeks earlier. 1972. In the UK, it reached #3. 119999 77 Fleetwood Mac’s two record set Glen Buxton, the original lead gui“Tusk”, an experimental set of songs tarist for Alice Cooper, died of natuthat cost the band a then record $1 ral causes at the age of 49. million to record, is released by Warner Brothers Records. “Tusk” 22 00 0011 peaked at #4 in the US and achieved Peter Doyle, guitarist and vocalist sales in excess of two million copies, for The New Seekers, died of cancer spawning two Top Ten singles, at the age of 52. The group scored “Sara” and the title track. It reached two US Top 20 hits, “Look What #1 in the UK and achieved Platinum They’ve Done To My Song, Ma” in ENIGMA

A clump of hair trimmed from Elvis Presley’s head when he joined the US Army in March, 1958, sold for $15,000 at the Leslie Hindman auction house in Chicago. Also among the 200 Elvis-related items up for bid was one of Presley’s shirts which went for $52,000. 22 0011 00 Gene Simmons threatened to “sue the pants off” a group of hackers who infiltrated SimmonsRecords.com and GeneSimmons.com. The attack was thought to have been a protest against Simmons’ recent comments in support of prosecuting illegal filesharers, but the KISS rocker was not impressed with the stunt and says he

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given a “cheap shot” by BBii eebbeerr after he refused the request.

60,000 baht ($1,900).

RRU UM MOOUURR HHAASS IITT… … …Thai authorities have arrested a bar owner in connection with a lewd sex show mentioned in racy tweets by pop star RRiihhaa nnnnaa during her recent trip to Thailand, officials said Monday, two weeks after an Instagram photo of RRii hhaannnnaa with a protected primate led to the arrest of other two men. Officials on the island of Phuket, 420 miles south of Bangkok, said Monday the bar owner faced charges of obscenity and operating an entertainment venue without a permit. Local disWee eerr aa K Keerr ddssii rrii m moonnggkk oonn trict chief W said the man was arrested Saturday as part of a crackdown on shows featuring naked dancers. “Authorities found out about this bar the morning after RRii hhaannnnaa tweeted about it, but we were not able to catch them violating the Weeee rraa law until Saturday night,” W said. “We had been waiting for them and finally caught them redWee eerr aa said the bar handed.” W owner could face up to one month imprisonment and a fine of up to

…Three decades after their unforgettable team up on K eennnnyy “Islands in the Stream,” K RRooggeerr ss and DDooll llyy PPaa rrttoonn have a new duet out on RRooggeerr ss’’ latest album. The title song from You Can’t Make Old Friends shows once again the special chemistry he and PPaarr ttoonn have. But Rogers says it stops there. “Working with Dolly is a great rush for me because we are good friends and we have been forever,” RRooggeerr ss said. “People always thought we were having an affair and we didn’t want to ruin it because if we’d had an affair, we’d lose that spark. We just flirted a lot.” D eeaa ddm maa uu55 has dubbed …D JJuuss ttiinn BBii eebbeerr a “spoiled bitch” following a row over the pop star’s reported demands that hip-hop be played instead of dance music in a nightclub. British DJ and producer Miicchhaa eell W M Wooooddss complained via Twitter on Saturday night (October 12) that his set in Singapore, South Korea was interrupted by BBii eebbeerr , who wanted to hear more rap Wooooddss then music during his set. W claimed that his tour manager was

D ee aatthh CCaabb ffoorr CCuuttiiee …D have begun working on their eighth studio album, the follow-up to 2011’s Codes and Keys. The group is currently holed up in a Seattle studio with producer/bandmember CChhrr iiss Waa llll aa, and they recently posted a W photo to Instagram showing a few guitars and basses along with the caption, “Paintbrushes. #inthestudio #deathcab.” …One of the little people Mii llee yy CCyyrr uuss hired for her provocaM tive MTV Video Music Awards performance in August has blasted the singer for turning her into a figure of fun. H Hooll llii ss JJaannee was among the dancers who dressed up in bear costumes for the pop star’s We Can’t Stop set, and she has now taken to her blog to lash out at her one-time boss. She writes, “I will be the first one to tell you that standing on that stage, in that costume was one of the most degrading things I felt like I could ever do.” …D D rr aakkee has allegedly booted rapper FFuuttuurree from his upcoming “Would You Like a Tour?” trek after FFuuttuurr ee offered a lukewarm review of Drake’s new album in a conversation with Billboard. According to the New Drr iizz zzyy was so incensed York Post, D by FF uuttuurree ’’ss comments about Nothing Was the Same that he demanded the rapper be removed from the tour. Then, when negotiating FF uuttuurr ee’’ss possible return to outing, D D rraa kkee asked the rapper to take a pay cut. FFuuttuurree declined and is now said to be planning a

D rraa kk ee for lost lawsuit against D wages, which come to $40,000 per show or a little over $1.5 million total. Waa rrppaa ii nntt will con…W tribute a cover of ‘The Chauffeur’ D uurraa nn DD uurraa nn to a forthcoming D covers album released in aid of charity next year. Due for release in February 2014, ‘Making Patterns Rhyme: A Tribute To Duran Duran’ will feature contributions from LLii ttttllee DD rr aaggoonn, M Moobbyy, JJuull iiee ttttee LLeew w iiss aa nndd LLii aarr ss. The full track list is due to be revealed at a later date. Organizers Manimal Vinyl say they “intentionally chose album cuts and B-sides rather than the worldD uurr aann D D uurraa nn wide smash hits that D are known for”. Proceeds from the album will be donated to Amnesty International. frontman …BBaa uuhhaauuss PPee tteerr M Muurr pphhyy has been sentenced to three years probation for a hit and run incident in Glendale, California. The frontman of the British goth rock group is currently touring around California as BBaa uuhhaauuss for the band’s 35th anniversary. He was arrested in March for suspicion of causing injuries while driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, hitand-run driving and possessing methamphetamine (commonly known as crystal meth). If you know any truths, half-truths or outright lies about the music and club scene send them to Sissy Vance c/o rumoursmill@enigmaonline.com.

- Sissy Vance ENIGMA

OCTOBER 17 2013


Movie Sequels Hollywood Forgot Some movies seem to have been made with sequels in mind. Franchises like "Star Wars" and "Harry Potter" inevitably had sequels since the story line was left hanging at the end of the original film. In some instances, such as the "Batman" and the "Friday the 13th" series, strong characters and episode-like feature films almost beg for sequels. From a marketing perspective, sequels are no-brainers; they are easily recognizable and can bring audiences back for more without breaking the bank in marketing dollars. However, there are some movies where audiences clearly wanted to see more, but Hollywood didn't agree.

planned for a sequel in a completely different film he planned on writing and producing, dashing the hopes of a sequel to "Unbreakable" anytime in the near future.

It almost seems as though Pixar Animation Studios is in the business of making sequels, but the one that audiences are yearning for has yet to be considered for one. "The Incredibles" was released in 2004 to eager audiences, and it became an instant hit. Written and directed by Brad Bird and with voices supplied by a list of stars that included Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, and Samuel L. Jackson, "The Incredibles" went on to win two Oscars, forty-one additional Released in 2000, "Unbreakable" awards, and a full thirty-seven kept audiences on the edges of other nominations. their seats. This thriller told the story of a man who suffered a dev- Even with all that success, audiastating accident, who then learns ences might be waiting a long time he may possess super powers. A to see what battles the Parr family suspenseful storyline and a star- will fight next. A lack of funding or studded cast, including Samuel L. success isn't holding this sequel Jackson and Bruce Willis, con- back. Brad Bird has made it clear tributed to the film's success. It he won't consider a sequel for "The earned more than $30 million in its Incredibles" until he comes up with opening weekend alone, and even- an idea he truly loves. He doesn't tually it grossed close to $250 mil- want to make a movie just for the lion globally. sake of financial reward; his intent is to make statements with his M. Night Shyamalan wrote and films. directed the movie, which, at that time, was rumored to be the first Would you love to see what Ferris film in a trilogy. Shyamalan denied Bueller is up to now he's in his midthat but did consider, on and off forties? Unfortunately, you'll have for several years, making a sequel. to leave it up to your imagination. Despite some eagerness on the part " Ferris Bueller's Day Off " preof Jackson and Willis, Shyamalan miered in 1986, securing Matthew announced in 2010 he would be Broderick's place in contemporary using the villain he had originally American film culture. This slap-

stick movie netted more than $70 million at the box office, which was a huge success during the 1980s, especially considering that the production budget was a mere $6 million. Along with his partners in crime, Sloane Peterson and Cameron Frye, Bueller would probably consider calling out of work, ditching the family, and heading off with his friends to take a trip down memory lane to remember what it was like to be young again. Another 1980s film, "The Goonies," was ripe for the sequel that was never to be. Originally written by Steven Spielberg and directed by Richard Donner, this 1985 film followed a group of youngsters as they decoded a pirate's map, hoping to find buried treasure at the end. "The Goonies" may not have swept the award circuit, but it was successful at the box office, grossing $9 million in its opening weekend and more than $60 million at the end of its run, making it one of the highest-grossing films of the year. Although a sequel was discussed between the studio and Spielberg on and off for years, it never came to pass. The original actors are now too old to reprise their roles, but it would be amazing to see the children of stars Sean Astin, Corey Feldman, and Josh Brolin play the roles their parents once portrayed. A lot of components have to come together to make a sequel that is truly successful. The writers, actors, and studio all have to reach an agreement and work together to make a film that does justice to the original, without overshadowing it. That means a lot of moving parts, which leaves the door open for things to go wrong. While movie sequels have gained in popularity over the years, some of the most desired ones may never come to pass.

- Zach Mandel


OCTOBER 17 2013


1. Arctic Monkeys 2. Deer Tick 3. Kings Of Leon 4. Nine Inch Nails 5. Elvis Costello and The Roots 6. The Avett Brothers 7. Civil Wars 8. Paul McCartney 9. Arcade Fire 10. Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit 11. Ed Roland and the Sweet Tea Project 12. Franz Ferdinand 13. Moby 14. Haim 15. Michael Franti & Spearhead 16. Daft Punk 17. Jack Johnson 18. Sebadoh 19. Wild Child 20. Vampire Weekend

ADVENTURE PICKS 1. Lucius 2. Best Coast 3. Devlan James

The Government Shuts Down Businesses and Organizations and Seizes Bank Accounts All the Time Apparently, the government can dish it out, but they can't take it. What do I mean by that? Well, often "the authorities" will seize bank accounts, close businesses, and put out yellow tape. Often we see the FBI, DHS, Regulatory Agencies, and local police walking out with boxes of records for later prosecution. Often this happens before the burden of proof, actually it happens a lot. The Federal Reserve also closes banks, seizes assets and so, I ask why can't we close the government when they break their promises to the American people. We are told we cannot do this because there is a huge ripple effect in our economy, credit rating, and all the vendors of the government, all the employees of the government, etc. Yes, that's true, but it is the same thing for any business the government decides to seize assets or bank

accounts. What about their credit rating, vendors, employees, customers, brand name. And what about all the ripple affect there. Why should every citizens, organization and business or corporation in this entire country be subject to such shut-downs but not the government - especially when the government reneges on its promises or uses underhanded methods as it foregoes its responsibilities? Why the Double Standard? Yes, I dare to ask the question, because I've witnessed what regulatory agencies, authorities, and our government has done in the past. I've seen quite a bit of this behavior. It's interesting that the government can dish it out arbitrarily in many cases, but they can't take it, even when they are in the wrong, or when the system

has been hijacked or prostituted And why may I ask can't the by self-proclaimed important Federal Workers, Legislators, men with agendas? Administration, Media, SocialistDemocrat Voters, or the US Take ObamaCare for instance, it Senate understand that business was voted on before anyone read as usual in our Federal it. Now that we know what's in it, Government is not acceptable in we see future taxes and higher the present period? And in readcosts. During the last election the ing the Constitution last night, it people re-elected an doesn't appear to have been Administration which didn't tell appropriate in past periods the truth in the debates, or on TV either - so, why allow this nonand had coaxed agencies to put sense to continue into future out misleading economic data, periods. misdirected diplomatic information, and non-truths about war It's time to come to terms with all efforts to the American People. If this a business had done that - yes, you'd see indictments and FBI We need to reopen the Federal and SEC walking out of their Government, raise the debt ceilbuildings on TV carrying boxes of ing, and fix the problems we records. have. Entitlements must be cut, ObamaCare needs to be reWe are told by the government worked completely, and we need that they will lose their un- to prepare our military for the earned credit rating if they unfortunate truth of future condefault and/or the government flicts. Without trust in our govcontinues its shut down, but we ernment our social contract is know they don't deserve their unsustainable. Without better fiscredit rating because they've cal management the government maxed out their credit card (our is unsustainable. Without freecredit card) and want that limit dom and liberty our country and raised again. No business that our ideals cannot be sustained. continually issues debt, never returns on investment could do It's time for America to look in that and keep its credit rating. No the mirror, and our government business could lie like that to its to stop pointing fingers - we've shareholders and not be shut found the enemy - it is us. Please down. consider all this and think on it. Why the Double Standard?

Lance Winslow

- Lance Winslow ENIGMA

OCTOBER 17 2013


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