From the Publisher’s Notebook A dear friend of mine (friends for over 60 years) says my Notes From the Publisher are too negative. Maybe they are, maybe they aren’t. I prefer to think of them as expressing what a lot of people are thinking but are too afraid to express themselves in public. Well, there are no sacred cows in my meadow. At 77 years old, I believe in expressing what you think. A lot of people must believe as I do or they are interested in what I say, as the distribution of our magazine is almost 98 percent plus each month.
the area (on the idea of Bonnaroo). worked and paid for mine. They should also. Something you pay for Since when do TV talking heads means more to you than something think they are that smart? The given to you. major TV networks must have hired all the smart people to express In 1944 young men stormed the their opinions day and night. beaches at Normandy to help keep Believe me, they aren’t that smart. the world free. Nowadays young The truth is, most of them don’t men storm the streets to block trafknow diddly. fic because they didn’t get their way (most of them didn’t even Since when do we owe young peo- vote). I was not happy with ple a free college education? BS. I Obama, but he was my President
So having said that, here some are for the month… What is the deal with the craft beer movement? What bull. The beer (for most part) should be called crap beer. I’ve tried them and they mostly suck. And the prices they charge—crazy. But if you are into it more power to you. I’ll take a Miller Lite any day to a Mad Dog Pig Swill Ale (boy, I’m sure there are bars where I’m no longer welcome). Have you seen all the housing being built around town? Am I crazy or do most of them look like stick houses? The materials (2 x 4s) look awfully flimsy. How will these hold up during the next windstorm? Where are all the people supposed to come from to support all the new beer and burger joints opening up around town? I guess they will be the people who are going to buy the stick houses being built. I bet there are a lot of trust fund babies who are tapping into what mom and dad left them. There must be a lot of money around here somewhere as the Porsche dealer recently sold a car for over one million dollars (for a car). Rumor is that there is talk around about another music festival for ENIGMA
and I accepted it. Young people nowadays need to get a set of balls at least a backbone. Quit your crying a-holes and get a job. I’ll close for now before I say what I really think. \ - Paul E. Burke Sr. Publisher
greatest punk rock bands punk is a lifestyle. Just because you dress “punk” doesn’t make you a punk. Sounds like you have a little rebel lious streak and that’s fine. Rebellion is good – be yourself, express your opinion but remem ber everyone else in this country is entitled to their opinion and more than likely they’re not the same as yours. Fashion is like most things. They tend to change over time and it is nothing your parents should be worried about. Look at all of our moms that once had that poodle cool in all their ‘80s pictures. Dress as you like as long as you’re being yourself and not tryig to just fi tin and from what you tell me, Dear Rocco, My best friend and I like to dress you’re not. and act punk. My parents don’t like it because they say that it is not Rocco is a common sense, tell-itgood for me spiritually and some of like-it-is, no-nonsense kind of guy the ideas go against our family offering real advice on any subject faith. I like dressing in black and put before him. Why pay thoupromise them I won’t go too far. sands of dollars on a high-priced But they tell me that I cannot wear therapist when he’ll straighten you all black and stud belts and neck- out for free. If you’d like advice laces. How can I deal with this? I from Rocco e-mail him at goaskrocdon’t want to follow their rules. or drop him a line RS at Ask Rocco c/o Enigma P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401. Dear RS, Your dilemma makes me laugh. To almost quote Marky Ramone of the Dear SH, Buyer’s remorse. They say the grass is always greener on the other side until you get there. He thought he was either upgrading or saw something in these other women until reality sunk in. Despite you getting hurt you are now in the driver’s seat. You are now in control of whatever kind of relationship you have with your ex. I would stay away unless the two of you can actually be friends – and not with benefits and if you give into temptation you’re proving to him that he is in control of your emotions and actions.
Dear Rocco, My wife and I have been married for four years and we are deeply in love. The only problem we have is financially. She has been unemployed the last three years and thigns are tough on us as we are barely able to squeak by. She claims she’s looked for work but checking the mileage on he car I’ve noticed she’s put less than 10 miles on the car the past two weeks. When I ask her about it she starts crying and makes me feel guilty for asking. She’s my best friend and makes me happy, however what money I had put away when we first got married is almost used up and unless our financial situation changes we’re going to have to move home with one of our parents. What should I do? HC
Dear Rocco, I am a new member of a small, local organization. We have an email group. Occasionally a member will post information that has nothing directly to do with the organization, usually political in nature. These political emails and petitions offend me. They in no way reflect my beliefs and politics. What should I do? PW
Dear PW, Put on your big boy pants and act like a grownup. The real world doesn’t care about your feelings or insecurities. It’s a big, big worlkd out there and not everyone has the same opinions or thoughts. Part of joining an organization is being able to exchange different opin ions and lines of reasoning. If you are that offended by a political Dear HC, Love doesn’t pay the bills. Sorry. post grab your safety pin, find you Sounds like she’s expecting you to safe space and stick your head into foot all the bills. While this was the sand. great for her parents and her par ent’s parents in the modern world Dear Rocco, the one income family is pretty My boyfriend of 10 years and I split much a thing of the pass. What has last autumn. He had cheated on she been doing in her abundant me and lied about it. We had no spare time? Buying lottery tickets? contact for many months. Recently And what about you? Is there any he has stopped in to visit to “see advancement in the career path how I was doing.” He is still with you’re on or are you wasting your the other woman but does not time? It might be time for you two speak well of her. I know that I to go back to school if neither of should not let him in but I do you have a degree. Perhaps you because I am still not over him. I need training in a field that is am still attracted to him. We only always hiring like healthcare and talk when he visits, no sex. He IT. Grants, scholarships and loans stares at me continuously when he are available so there isn’t immedi - is here and always kisses me when ate out of pocket expenses. he leaves. Why is he visiting me Otherwise you will be joining your now? other millennial friends and living SH in you mom’s basement. ENIGMA
ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Before you proceed be sure to talk your plans over with those they will affect. Your fight for those less fortunate is not likely to end in sweet victory. Try not to at tempt to do something unless you are fully intent on following through with the plans. Do you really want to start something with someone you can’t reason with? Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Friday. TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) Do not force your opinions on others the connections will be short lived. Try to visit a country that excites you. You can’t win and they
won’t listen. Romantic opportuni- ters. You don’t want to give anyone fuel for the fire. You can pick up ties may not be as they appear. additional responsibility that will Your luckiest events this month will lead to higher wages and a better position. Be extra careful with your occur on a Friday. valuables; loss and theft are evident this month. GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Things aren’t as they appear. Ask Your luckiest events this month will others to help, or you may feel that occur on a Tuesday. a burden is weighing you down. You need more space for the whole fam- LEO ily. Someone you like may be recep- (July 23-Aug 22) tive and actively seeking your com- Attend trade shows that will allow you to look at new products. Your pany. self esteem will come back if you Your luckiest events this month will take part in organizational functions that allow you to be in the occur on a Saturday. lime light. Don’t let someone talk you into parting with your cash CANCER unless you can truly see the bene(June 22-July 22) Do not get upset over trivial mat- fits of doing so. Such over indulgence due to emotional upset will be your downfall.
There will be hidden matters that you may find disturbing. Your talents might just be discovered. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Saturday. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Don’t let relatives make demands of you. Work hard on improving your living quarters. You can make rewarding connections through the organized groups you associate with. Do things because you want to, not because someone else thinks you should. Your luckiest events this month will occur on a Wednesday.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Take care of matters involving institutions or government agencies. Your luckiest events this month will Evasion is likely if you aren’t direct about your feelings. You can change occur on a Wednesday. your living arrangements. First find out if they’re married. VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Your desire for excitement and Your luckiest events this month will adventure may be expensive. You occur on a Sunday. must refrain from overspending on entertainment. You can enjoy doing AQUARIUS things that include children. Be sure (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) not to reveal private information to Sign up for courses that will help you understand yourself better. the wrong individuals. You’ll have great insight. You should Your luckiest events this month will want to feel good about yourself and your goals. Make sure that you occur on a Saturday. make reservations early. LIBRA Your luckiest events this month will (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Use discrimination and play hard to occur on a Thursday. get. Be sure to pay attention to your financial status. You will do well if PISCES you mingle with the brass this (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) month. You can make successful Take care of matters involving institutions or government agencies. moves. Matters pertaining to your home Your luckiest events this month will environment will be favorable if you are direct. Be prepared to deal occur on a Thursday. with groups and organizations of greater magnitude. Changes in your SCORPIO home environment are likely. (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Your pursuits may end up being fruit less. A residential move may Your luckiest events this month will be necessary to get a better job. occur on a Sunday.
Election 2016: When Hell Froze Over And Christmas Gifts from the President and President-Elect Well despite the predictions of many politicians, celebrities and comedian Steven Colbert Donald J. Trump managed to win the 2016 election. This was a huge surprise to many liberals and set off a great “wailing and gnashing of teeth” maybe even hair pulling out by many people. If you don’t get that reference check your Wikipedia I guess. This hysterical reaction to an election was unprecedented in my experience. Many people were openly weeping and seemed to be a loss as to their future. What the heck? Some acted as if it was a huge disaster. Many when interviewed said they were afraid. Afraid of what? Apparently the Lame Stream Media had so brainwashed many of these people that they think Donald Trump is the closest thing to the Devil.
to the streets “protesting” the election of Donald Trump. Notice I put protesting in parentheses. If you are blocking traffic which keeps people from moving freely, putting people in fear and destroying property then I don’t consider that protesting. It is criminal. What if you or a loved one is in an ambulance or even private vehicle trying to get to the hospital and due to these hooligans cannot? What if someone dies due to this. Do these “protesters” care? Most of the time these events are simply excuses for semi-sanctioned rioting. What happened in Ferguson and Baltimore when this rioting was sanctioned?
colleges and schools would be life. overflowing. Not to mention that there might be a shortage of thera- There are police officers being shot and killed far too often, servpy dogs to comfort the grieving. ice members being killed and If you don’t know what I am refer- maimed people suffering from canring to many colleges and some cer, Alzheimer’s and other diseases grade schools (what the heck?) and many people homeless. Yet provided basically grief counseling these “whinerals” are out in the in the wake of the disastrous streets often infringing on others’ Trump win of the U.S. Presidential rights because their candidate didelection. “Safe spaces” whatever n’t get elected? Right now here in they are were provided. Therapy Chattanooga five families are reeldogs were brought in to help col- ing from the loss of their children lege students deal with this due to a school bus crash. Several “tragedy”. I’m sorry but if your more children are in the hospital candidate not winning an election some with serious injuries. Those causes that level of grief or mental are causes for which people may trauma then you are in for some need help to deal with the grief rude surprises on the road through and loss.
Perhaps authorities are worried if they don’t let the rioters/protesters display their displeasure that In the following days many of their candidate didn’t win that the these misguided individuals took “crying rooms” and safe spaces” at
45 Johnson Ferry Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30328 P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401 (423) 933-5170
Paul E. Burke Sr. Publisher D.A. Weinthal. Editor-In-Chief Chris Eason Photo Editor
Contributing Editors: Mark Haskins, Jim Sells, Mark Bedford. Chris McKay, David N. Marks, William Alexander, Dave Fernandez Founder: D.A. Weinthal Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter @EnigmaMag ENIGMA
Now I am not in any way saying people do not have the right to peacefully, non-disruptively, nondestructively protest or express their opinion. That is their right guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution. I’ve just got to say hey Miley Cyrus (who posted a tear filled web cast bemoaning Hillary’s loss) ‘get a life.’ Several “stars”, celebrities or spoiled Hollyweird personalities claimed they were going to move out of the country if Trump won. Please do. Of course most are back-stroking now claiming that they were just kidding .I challenge them to find a better country than the United States. They aren’t moving so I guess that proves my point. As a judge here in Chattanooga was leaving the courthouse shortly after the election they observed it was still “smoky”. It has been smoky due to recent wildfires on mountains around Chattanooga. They then wryly added “I thought
the smoke would be gone now that on it’s face. There is a legal proceHell’s froze over”. dure that would have to be followed for Clinton to be prosecutOn a related note President-elect ed. However, if the Chief Executive Trump apparently has a Christmas is not supportive of prosecution gift for Hillary Clinton. Trump it’s unlikely the case will be purannounced he does not want to sued. Rinse and repeat Obama, FBI seek prosecution of Hillary Clinton Director Comey, Attorney General for any possible crimes relating to Loretta Lynch regarding Hillarys’ her having a private server/s to use/misuse of personal servers and send and receive classified infor- official e-mails. mation. This set off reactions from supporters and detractors on both Meanwhile lame duck Obama has sides. Several conservatives been giving out Christmas presents expressed concern that Trump himself. Obama has been granting wasn’t going through with what presidential pardons at historical they considered a campaign prom- levels. Recently Obama commuted ise to pursue the investigation on the prison sentences of 79 convictClinton. Others correctly stated ed felons. Many of these felons that prosecution is not up to the were in possession of firearms President. Some Clinton support- while committing their crimes. Yet ers quickly argued there was no the White House claimed these reason to prosecute Hillary (I wish were non-violent felons! Let me the evidence would be presented tell you from thirty plus years of to a Grand Jury and we would find Police work drug dealers who are out). Several HRC supporters carrying guns are not “non-vioclaimed Trump did not have the lent”. Many of those pardoned authority to prosecute Hillary. I felons were in possession of a would agree with that statement firearm while committing their crime. So they were already con-
victed felons then got caught in the commission of a felony while carrying a firearm. Yet Obama pushes gun control. How about controlling the people who are misusing guns? This recent batch of commuted sentences brings the total release of convicted felons to ONE THOUSAND AND TWENTY THREE. This total is more felons released by Obama than the last ten presidents combined! Is anyone tracking the activities of these released felons? It’s scary to me. What crimes will they commit now that they’re out? Merry Christmas Society. This is our December thus Christmas edition. Tell your loved ones you love them. Give them the most precious gift of all by spending time with them if possible. Pet or hug your pets. Commit a random act of kindness. Thank a veteran. Regardless of your political beliefs agree to disagree. MERRY CHRISTMAS
- Mark Haskins
A hair dresser was jailed after pleading guilty to practicing medicine without a license and causing a man to lose his manhood. 49-year-old Nery Carvajal Gonzalez, who worked as a hairdresser in Miami, Florida, was sentenced to 40 months in prison, in a plea deal with prosecutors in which she agreed to testify against Mark Schreiber, who also worked as an unlicensed doctor. Gonzalez offered her customers body enhancement proce-
dures. One man took her up on the offer, as her prices were low. The man told police that Gonzalez gave him butt injections and he was very happy with the results. He later returned to her for a penis enlargement. However, she botched the procedure. She then recommended that the victim should go to Schreiber, 61, who police said lost his license 10 years ago over botched plastic surgeries. Schreiber told the man that he will be removing the filler that was injected. However, he made
things much worse after he mutilated the man’s private parts, leaving it just 1 inch long. The vic- in Davis and I have this huge tim is no longer able to have sex turkey surrounding my car, cirdue to the botched procedure. cling me and I don’t know what to do,” one caller said. “I don’t A California city has voted to want to run it over but I can’t remove and re-locate an increas- stay in my car all morning, is ing number of aggressive turkeys. there any advice you can give One particularly aggressive me?” The Davis City Council voted Turkey, known as “Downtown 4-1 in favor of a more than Tom,” prompted several residents $20,000 trap-and-release proof Davis, Calif., to call local gram in response to the presence police for help. “Yes, this is of up to 40 aggressive wild almost embarrassing. I am trying turkeys. The ordinance allows for to get into my office on G Street lethal removal of the turkeys,
including Downtown Tom, who managed to escape capture by wildlife officials. The city also placed signs in the downtown area giving residents tips for dealing with the aggressive fowl. “Be the dominant species, essentially,” City Wildlife Resource Specialist John McNerney said, summarizing the advice. “Don’t let it intimidate you, which can be difficult for some folks.”
people dress as characters to collects tips from tourists in exchange for photos. 24-year-old Christopher Ramos told police that he dressed as Cookie Monster in order to collect tips from tourists. At some point, a fight broke out between a 30year-old man who was dressed as a fighter pilot and a man who was dressed as an American Indian. Ramos stepped in to try to stop the fight, but the 30-year-old man A man stole a police car after and pulled out a knife and stabbed live streamed as he drove the car Cookie Monster in the back. So with lights and siren. The far, no arrests have been made. Oklahoma man was able to take the car when the female police A British Airways pilot has been officer left her keys in her suspended after photos on unlocked cruiser during a coffee Facebook, show him with his break. 25-year-old John Pinney pants down and performing sex got into the police vehicle and acts while flying. Captain Colin drove off. He led police on a 30- Glover, 51, of Dublin, Ireland, has minute chase. During the pursuit, been suspended despite denying Pinney recorded four separate the allegations. Glover said that Live Facebook videos. At one the person in the photos is not point, he said that he was driving him. One photo shows the pilot with his knees so that he can naked from the waist down. His record the videos for his legs were resting on the airFacebook friends. He also plane’s controls and he appeared stopped the police car, and got to be pleasuring himself. Because out to record the surroundings where else are you going to put before speeding off again. Police your feet? The pilot was also said that the Pinney reached a wearing women’s stockings. speed of 120 miles per hour dur- Another photo shows the pilot ing the pursuit. He eventually looking at photos of naked decided to stop at his parent’s women while performing sex acts house, where he was arrested. on himself. The photos of the Pinney, who has a long criminal naked women obstructed the history, was charged with auto view of the dashboard. Two diftheft, possession of a firearm, ferent serial numbers are visible and eluding police. After the in the photos, suggesting that the arrest, the police sergeant said images were taken on two sepathat he would encourage every rate flights. A spokesperson for criminal out there to livestream British Airways said that the alletheir crime so that they can be gations against Glover are caught and so that the video can extremely serious and therefore, be shown at their trial for a bet- he was suspended pending the ter chance of conviction. outcome of the investigation. Only one question remains; Police are looking to arrest a where was the copilot during all man on a charge of assault after this? allegedly stabbing Cookie Monster, who was trying to stop a 57-year-old Glenda Blackwell of fight, according to police in New North Carolina bought a $10 York. The New York Police Carolina Millions scratch-off tickDepartment said that the incident et after her husband asked her to unfolded in Times Square, where buy two Powerball tickets. ENIGMA
Blackwell said she got the Carolina Millions to teach him a lesson about wasting money on the lottery. “I was going to be ugly and buy a scratch-off to show him they didn’t hit,” Blackwell said. “Sometimes I get aggravated with him, so I tell him, ‘You’re just wasting your money.’” Instead of losing $10, Blackwell hit the jackpot, winning $1,000,000. “I had to eat my words, but they were worth eating,” she said. “So I was very happy.” After taxes, she received a lump sum of $415,503. A woman was found with an unclasped bra and open shirt after crashing into a police car. Police in Texas, said that a college student was arrested after crashing into a police car while trying to get dressed after sending topless photos to her boyfriend. 19-year-old Miranda Kay Rader was driving in Bryan around 8:30 p.m., when she rearended a police car that was parked outside a home, where officers were investigating a disturbance. Police officer John Sartell said that he heard the crash and ran to his car, where he found that Rader’s SUV hit his patrol vehicle. The officer said that he found the Texas A&M university student with an unclasped bra and trying to put her top on. Sartell asked the teenager why she was topless, and she replied that she was sending Snapchat pictures to her boyfriend while she was waiting at a red light, according to the police report. During a further search of the car, Sartell found an open bottle of wine in the center console. Rader admitted to police that she had been drinking with her friend before driving. She was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated with an open container. She also received a ticket for being a minor in possession of alcohol.
Chattanooga’s Most Fun Night Out
“Go See Live Music”
This calendar covers musical events for the month of December and beyond. We would be happy to publish your free listing in future Billboards, space permitting. Simply mail us the information so that we have it 7 days before the publication date. A photograph may be sent with the announcement. Send information to: Calendar Editor, Enigma, P.O. Box 825, Chattanooga, TN 37401 or e-mail to All dates subject to change without notice.
THURSDAY December 1
DECEMBER 15 & 16
SKYZOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Master Hypnotist Gary Conrad J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Continental VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Howard Jones PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Cirque Musica 37 MAIN (Buford, GA) Saving Abel RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill ROCKETOWN (Nashville) Assuming We Survive, Avion Roe, Reckless Serenade, Mirror
FRIDAY December 2 DECEMBER 16 & 17
SKYZOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av RAW (Chattanooga) DJ Barnaby THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Master Hypnotist Gary Conrad J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Cereus Bright, Caney Creek Company, Heatherly REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Big Smo, Tyson Leamon THE WAREHOUSE (Clarksville, TN) Escape the Fate, Nonpoint, Get Scared, Failure Anthem, Through Fire CANNERY BALLROOM (Nashville) Mike Gordon WORKPLAY THEATRE (Birmingham) Chris Knight ATLANTA COLISEUM (Duluth, GA) Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats, Kongos, The Struts (UK), The Unlikely Candidates RED LIGHT CAFÉ (Atlanta) “International Pop Overthrow” Pelicans and Their Allies, Steve Baskin, Brown (of Uncle Green) and Friends, The Shut-Ups, Melancon & the New Insecurities, The Soog, The Stoplight Roses THE INTERNATIONAL (Knoxville) 1964
SATURDAY December 3 SKYZOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Master Hypnotist Gary Conrad THE CAMP HOUSE (Chattanooga) David Ramirez J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Lacing, Prayer
Circle, Furnace Creek, Jade Poppyfield REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Strung Like A Horse, The Morgan Wade Band COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) Brian Setzer Orchestra THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Andra Day, Chloe X Halle VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Mike Gordon RED LIGHT CAFÉ (Atlanta) “International Pop Overthrow” Tony Low, Chris McKay, Brent Daniel, The Good Graces, Netherglades, Kenny Howes & The Wow, Ray Dafrico & His Band EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Robin Meade TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Karl Denson’s Tiny Universe, Jimmy Herring MUSIC ROOM @ SMITH’S OLDE BAR (Atlanta) White Animals, Backyard Birds, Walrus ALABAMA THEATRE (Birmingham) Sara Evans GRAND OLE OPRY HOUSE (Nashville) Eric Paslay
SUNDAY December 4 SKYZOO (Chattanooga) DJ Av EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Diane Durrett SYMPHONY HALL (Atlanta) Dream Theater RED LIGHT CAFÉ (Atlanta) “International Pop Overthrow” Lord High Admirals, After California, Orange Hat, Golden Eels, What The…?, The Joe & Joe Show INFINITE ENERGY CENTER (Duluth, GA) Train, X Ambassadors, James Bay, Charlie Puth RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Brian Setzer Orchestra
MONDAY December 5 TREMONT TAVERN (Chattanooga) Trivia Night THE OFFICE (Chattanooga) SpeakEasy FOX & HOUND (Chattanooga) DJ Exphacter RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Kenny G SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) David Crosby
TUESDAY December 6 TREMONT TAVERN (Chattanooga) Open Mic w/ Mike McDade J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Coma Vigil, Easy, Big Time REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Dopapod, Pigeons Playing Ping Pong SATURN (Birmingham) Cracker, The Whiskey Gentry GRAND OLE OPRY HOUSE (Nashville) Craig
Morgan SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) Dave Barnes CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) John Oates
WEDNESDAY December 7 RAW (Chattanooga) Open Jam J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Free Kittenz Comedy Showcase REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Muddy Magnolias, Heatherly THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Thievery Corporation TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Animals As Leaders, Intervals, Plini EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Tyler Hilton, Kate Voegele RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill MERCY LOUNGE (Nashville) The Jezabels SCHERMERHORM SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) Michael W. Smith, Jordan Smith ZYDECO (Birmingham) Samantha Fish
UPCOMING EVENTS THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Frank Del Pizzo December 8 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Cycles December 8 TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Granger Smith December 8 FRANKLIN THEATRE (Franklin, TN) Exile December 8 SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) Jennifer Nettles December 8 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Amy Grant, Vince Gill December 8 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Tyler Hilton, Kate Voegele December 8 THE LYRIC THEATRE (Birmingham) The Blind Boys Of Alabama December 8 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Frank Del Pizzo December 9 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) WAXFANG, Elkmilk December 9 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Will Hoge December 9 COUNTRY TONITE THEATRE (Pigeon Forge, TN) Loretta Lynn December 9 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Atlanta Rhythm Section December 9 GRAND OLE OPRY HOUSE (Nashville) Terri Clark December 9 THE NICK (Birmingham) The Dexateens, Oil Boom, Vulture Whale December 9 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Frank Del Pizzo December 10 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) JJ’s 10x10 w/ Side Affect, Waterfall Wash, Kerchief, Laurdry, Lon Eldridge, Superbody, Caney Village December 10 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Zoso December 10 COUNTRY TONITE THEATRE (Pigeon Forge, TN) Loretta Lynn December 10 THE INTERNATIONAL (Knoxville) White Chapel, Lorna Shore, Realm, The Guild, The Anniversary, Hatestomp December 10 INFINITE ENERGY CENTER (Duluth, GA) Five Finger Death Punch, Shinedown, Sixx:A.M., As Lions December 10 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Flosstradamus, Gent & Jawns, Slushii December 10
THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Frank Del Pizzo December 11 COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) Will Downing, Najee December 11 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Comedy Buffet with Dave Wait December 13 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) “Here Comes The Funny Tour” Adam Sandler, Rob Schneider, David Spade, Nick Swardson December 13 HEAVEN AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Children Of Bodom, Abbath, Exmortus, December 13 TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) St. Paul and the Broken Bones December 14 INFINITE ENERGY CENTER (Duluth, GA) Trans-Siberian Orchestra December 14 HEAVEN AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) The Jesus And Mary Chain December 14 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Steve Mingola December 15 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Jeff the Brotherhood, mom and dad December 15 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Futurebirds, Okinawa December 15 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Shawn Colvin, Lauren Shera December 15 TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Turkuaz, The New Mastersounds December 15 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) James Gregory, Steve Mingola December 16 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Krampus w/ Subterranean Cirquis December 16 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) New Moon December 16 INFINITE ENERGY CENTER (Duluth, GA) Michael W. Smith, Amy Grant, Jordan Smith December 16 CENTER STAGE (Atlanta) Reverend Horton Heat, Unknown Hinson, Nashville Pussy, Lucky Tubb December 16 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Ariana Grande, Meghan Trainor, The Chainsmokers, Harmony, DNCE, Alessia Cara, Daya, Lukas Graham December 16 ATLANTA ROOM @ SMITH’S OLDE BAR (Atlanta) Memory Dean December 16 TENNESSEE THEATRE (Knoxville) Kacey Musgraves December 16 FRANKLIN THEATRE (Franklin, TN) George Winston December 16 EXIT/IN (Nashville) Turkuaz, The New Mastersounds December 16 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) James Gregory December 17 TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Phantogram December 17 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Rumours December 17 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) Steve Mingola December 18 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Behold the Brave, The Gills, Mighty December 18 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Jim James December 18 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Ed Roland December 19-21 SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) Brian McKnight December 21 TENNESSEE THEATRE (Knoxville) Mannheim Steamroller December 21 ZANIE’S (Nashville) Ralphie May December 22 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Paul McDonald December 22 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) David Shaw December 22
REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Diamond Dogs December 23 ZANIE’S (Nashville) Ralphie May December 23 MUSIC ROOM @ SMITH’S OLDE BAR (Atlanta) B.o.B. December 24 ZANIE’S (Nashville) Ralphie May December 25 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) R. Kelly December 27 THE LYRIC THEATRE (Birmingham) Gillian Welch December 28 ALABAMA THEATRE (Birmingham) St. Paul and the Broken Bones December 28 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) David Scott, The Swinger December 29 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Bath Salt Zombies December 29 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Widespread Panic December 29 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Disco Biscuits December 29 ALABAMA THEATRE (Birmingham) St. Paul and the Broken Bones December 29 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) David Scott, The Swinger December 30 TIVOLI THEATRE (Chattanooga) Gillian Welch December 30 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Gringo Star December 30 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) CBDB, Caney Village December 30 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Widespread Panic December 30 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Disco Biscuits December 30 BUCKHEAD THEATRE (Atlanta) J.J. Grey & Mofro December 30 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) David Scott, The Swinger December 31 J.J.’S BOHEMIA (Chattanooga) Baby Baby, SoCro December 31 TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Juicy J, Dougie F December 31 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) The Velcro Pygmies December 31 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Old Crow Medicine Show December 31 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Widespread Panic December 31 GRAND OLE OPRY HOUSE (Nashville) John Prine, Jason Isbell, Kacey Musgraves, Old Crow Medicine Show, Dom Plemons December 31 BICENTENNIAL CAPITOL MALL STATE PARK (Nashville) “Jack Daniels Music City Midnight: New Years Eve” Keith Urban, Styx, A Thousand Horses, Moon Taxi, Charlie Worsham, Fisk Jubilee Singers December 31 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) The Motet December 31 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Disco Biscuits December 31 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Indigo Girls December 31 LEGACY ARENA (Birmingham) Bassnectar, Gramatik, Joker, The Librarian December 31 BIJOU THEATRE (Knoxville) Gran Torino December 31 THE COMEDY CATCH (Chattanooga) David Scott, The Swinger January 1 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Butch Trucks January 3 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Marcus King Band January 6
CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Matisyahu January 8 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Lukas Graham January 10 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Gregg Allman January 10/11 THE INTERNATIONAL (Knoxville) Wednesday 13, Bourbon Crow, La Basura Del Diablo January 13 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Umphrey’s McGee January 13 TIVOLI THEATRE (Chattanooga) Gregg Allman January 14 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Steep Canyon Rangers, Slim Pickins January 14 JAMES K. POLK THEATRE (Nashville) “Cheers Live On Stage” January 14 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Umphrey’s McGee January 14 BUCKHEAD THEATRE (Atlanta) Tom Chaplin January 14 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) The Subdudes January 15 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Umphrey’s McGee January 15 THE WAREHOUSE (Clarksville, TN) Machinae Supremacy January 16 TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Mike Doughty, Wheatus January 17 THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Machinae Supremacy January 17 BIJOU THEATRE (Knoxville) Dweezil Zappa January 17 HEAVEN AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Orgy, Powerman 5000, Death Valley High, Knee High Fox January 18 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Aaron Lewis January 19 TIVOLI THEATRE (Chattanooga) Ronnie
Milsap January 20 BUCKHEAD THEATRE (Atlanta) Aaron Lewis January 20 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Circa Survive, Mewithoutyou, Turnover January 20 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Dierks Bentley, Cole Swindell, Jon Pardi January 21 MARATHON MUSIC WORKS (Nashville) Dweezil Zappa January 21 WORKPLAY THEATRE (Birmingham) Pop Evil, Red Sun Rising, Badflower January 21 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Run The Jewels, The Gaslamp Killer, Spark Master Tape, CUZ January 21 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Alter Bridge January 22 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Don Henley January 22 CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) Midge Ure January 23 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) The Beach Boys January 24 WOODRUFF ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) “The Last Waltz 40 Tour” Warren Haynes, Michael McDonald, Jamey Johnson, John Medeski, Don Was, Terrence Higgins January 24 COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) The Beach Boys January 25 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) “The Last Waltz 40 Tour” Warren Haynes, Michael McDonald, Jamey Johnson, John Medeski, Don Was, Terrence Higgins January 25 TENNESSEE THEATRE (Knoxville) Tedeschi Trucks Band, Jack Pearson January 26 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Drive-By Truckers January 26 BAMA THEATRE (Tuscaloosa, AL) Travis Tritt January 26
WORKPLAY THEATRE (Birmingham) Cowboy Mouth January 27 DRUID CITY MUSIC HALL (Tuscaloosa, AL) Corey Smith January 27 TIVOLI THEATRE (Chattanooga) Tedeschi Trucks Band, Jack Pearson January 28 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Delbert McClinton January 28 ALABAMA THEATRE (Birmingham) Miranda Sings January 28 CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) Sara Watkins January 29 WORKPLAY THEATRE (Birmingham) Sara Watkins January 30 THE INTERNATIONAL (Knoxville) From Ashes To New, Palisades, Stitched Up Heart, Letters From the Fire January 30 THE MILL & MINE (Knoxville) Grouplove, SWMRS January 30 CANNERY BALLROOM (Nashville) DNCE January 31 BIJOU THEATRE (Knoxville) Moe. January 31 HIGH WATT (Nashville) Margaret Glaspy February 3 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Katt Williams February 3 KNOXVILLE AUDITORIUM (Knoxville) Mary Wilson February 4 JENNNIE ANDERSON THEATRE (Marietta, GA) Jimmy Osmond February 4 THE EARL (Atlanta) Margaret Glaspy February 4 ANDREW JACKSON HALL (Nashville) Nelly February 4 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Blackberry Smoke February 4 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Francine Reed February 5 HEAVEN AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) August Burns Red, Protest The Hero, Hearts Wake, ‘68 February 7 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Adam DeVine February 8 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Lauryn Hill February 9 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Bon Jovi February 10 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Michael Tolcher February 10 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Judah & the Lion February 11 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Yonder Mountain String Band, G. Love & Special Sauce February 11 CENTER STAGE (Atlanta) Beth Hart February 11 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Grouplove, SWMRS February 11 3RD & LINDSLEY (Nashville) G. Love & Special Sauce February 12 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Ariana Grande February 14 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Tesla, The Raskins February 14 INFINITE ENERGY CENTER (Duluth, GA) Andrea Bocelli, Heather Headley February 14 THE MILL & MINE (Knoxville) Switchfoot, Relient K February 14 THE ROXY REGIONAL THEATRE (Clarksville, TN) “Gallagher’s Jokes On You Comedy Tour” Gallagher, Artie Fletcher, Nelson February 14-16 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) St. Paul And The Broken Bones February 16
INFINITE ENERGY ARENA (Duluth, GA) Eric Church February 16 SYMPHONY HALL (Atlanta) Yanni February 16 LEGACY ARENA (Birmingham) Bon Jovi February 16 TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Kathleen Madigan February 17 LEGACY ARENA (Birmingham) Eric Church February 17 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Corey Smith February 17 MARATHON MUSIC WORKS (Nashville) Moe. February 17 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) St. Paul And The Broken Bones February 17 THE INTERNATIONAL (Knoxville) Excision, Cookie Monsta, Barely Alive, Dion Timmer February 17 COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) Jay Leno February 18 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Moe. February 18 BJCC CONCERT HALL (Birmingham) Katt Williams February 18 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Bon Jovi February 18 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Shovels & Rope February 19 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Dan + Shay February 21 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) ZZ Top February 22 BJCC CONCERT HALL (Birmingham) Twenty One Pilots February 24 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) “Comedy Get Down” George Lopez, Charlie Murphy, Eddie Griffin, D.L. Hughley, Cedric The Entertainer February 24 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Little Big Town, Brent Cobb February 24 HEAVEN AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) Less Than Jake, Pepper February 24 TENNESSEE THEATRE (Knoxville) Dan + Shay February 24 SAMFORD UNIVERSITY (Birmingham) Bernadette Peters February 25 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Dita Von Teese February 25 SMITH’S OLDE BAR (Atlanta) Parker Smith February 25 BUCKHEAD THEATRE (Atlanta) Dan + Shay February 25 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Little Big Town, Ashley Monroe February 25 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Lake Street Dive, Joey Dosik February 27 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Sting, Joe Sumner, The Last Bandoleros February 27 ALABAMA THEATRE (Birmingham) Amos Lee February 27 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Livingston Taylor February 28 THE EARL (Atlanta) Agent Orange, Guttermouth, The Queers February 28 NASHVILLE MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Sting, Joe Sumner, The Last Bandoleros February 28 CITY WINERY ATLANTA (Atlanta) Los Lonely Boys March 1 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Norah Jones March 1 MCKENZIE ARENA (Chattanooga) TobyMac, Matt Maher, Mandisa, Mac Powell, Capital Kings, Stevenson, Hollyn March 2 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Tedeschi Trucks Band, Leon Russell March 2
EXIT/IN (Nashville) Agent Orange, Guttermouth, The Queers, Atom Age March 2 BUCKHEAD THEATRE (Atlanta) George Clinton And Parliament Funkadelic March 2 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Tedeschi Trucks March 3 COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) Alan Cumming March 3 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Dawes March 3 BJCC CONCERT HALL (Birmingham) Norah Jones March 3 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Tedeschi Trucks March 4 IRON CITY (Birmingham) Dropkick Murphys, Blood Or Whiskey, The Interrupters March 4 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Dawes March 4 CITY WINERY NASHVILLE (Nashville) Los Lonely Boys March 6 INFINITE ENERGY ARENA Duluth, GA) The Lumineers, Kaleo, Susto March 8 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Young The Giant March 8 INFINITE ENERGY ARENA Duluth, GA) TobyMac, Matt Maher, Mandisa, Mac Powell, Capital Kings, Stevenson, Hollyn March 9 SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) The Chieftains March 9 INFINITE ENERGY CENTER (Duluth, GA) Green Day, Against Me! March 10 COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) “MJ Live” Michael Jackson Tribute March 10 SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) The Chieftains March 10 MERCY LOUNGE (Nashville) Mike Doughty, Wheatus March 10 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Beth Hart March 10 TRACK 29 (Chattanooga) Get the Led Out March 11 SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) The Chieftains March 11 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Norah Jones March 11 COBB ENERGY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Atlanta) Jim Jefferies March 11 EDDIE’S ATTIC (Atlanta) Livingston Taylor March 11 FOX THEATRE (Atlanta) Maluma March 12 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Carol Burnett March 14 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Carol Burnett March 15 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Regina Spektor March 16 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Carol Burnett March 17 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Regina Spektor March 20 THE INTERNATIONAL (Knoxville) Reverend Horton Heat, Unknown Hinson, Birdcloud, The Goddamn Gallows March 21 BIG EARS FESTIVAL (Knoxville) Colin Stetson, Six Organs Of Admittance, Glenn Kotche, On Fillmore, Wilco March 23 BARKING LEGS THEATER (Chattanooga) Pierre Bensusan March 24 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) Bring Me the Horizon, Underoath, Beartooth March 24 BIG EARS FESTIVAL (Knoxville) Colin Stetson, Six Organs Of Admittance, Glenn Kotche, On Fillmore, Wilco March 24
BIG EARS FESTIVAL (Knoxville) Yasmine Hamdan, Colin Stetson, Six Organs Of Admittance, Kotche, On Fillmore, Aoife O’Donovan, Wilco March 25 LEGACY ARENA (Birmingham) Keith Sweat March 25 SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) Peter Frampton March 26 BIG EARS FESTIVAL (Knoxville) Colin Stetson, Six Organs Of Admittance, Glenn Kotche, On Fillmore, Aoife O’Donovan, Wilco March 26 WAR MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM (Nashville) The Flaming Lips March 29 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) The Rides, Los Lobos, March 29 THE TABERNACLE (Atlanta) The Flaming Lips April 2 LEGACY ARENA (Birmingham) Panic! At the Disco, Misterwives, Saint Motel April 7 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) Keller Williams, Leo Kottke April 7 VARIETY PLAYHOUSE (Atlanta) The Zombies feat. Colin Blunstone & Rod Argent April 8 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Ariana Grande April 12 INFINITE ENERGY ARENA Duluth, GA) Panic! At the Disco, Misterwives, Saint Motel April 12 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Red Hot Chili Peppers April 14 NASHVILLE MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Katt Williams April 14 TERMINAL WEST (Atlanta) Foxygen April 18 LEGACY ARENA (Birmingham) Tim McGraw, Faith Hill April 21 ASCEND AMPHITHEATRE (Nashville) Thomas Rhett, Kelsea Ballerini, Russell Dickerson, Ryan Hurd April 21 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) Tim McGraw, Faith Hill April 22 BIJOU THEATRE (Knoxville) Dawes April 26 NASHVILLE MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Keith Sweat April 28 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Dawes April 28 RYMAN AUDITORIUM (Nashville) Dawes April 29 REVELRY ROOM (Chattanooga) Dawes April 30 KNOXVILLE SYMPHONY (Knoxville) Blood Sweat & Tears May 6 TIVOLI THEATRE (Chattanooga) Brian Wilson May 7 BJCC CONCERT HALL (Birmingham) Brian Wilson May 9 HEAVEN AT THE MASQUERADE (Atlanta) The Damned May 11 PHILIPS ARENA (Atlanta) The Weeknd May 13 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) New Kids on the Block, Paula Abdul, Boyz II Men May 17 BRIDGESTONE ARENA (Nashville) Eric Church May 26/27 ALYS ROBINSON STEPHENS PERFORMING ARTS CENTER (Birmingham) Jonny Lang June 10 SCHERMERHORN SYMPHONY CENTER (Nashville) Johnny Mathis June 23 INFINITE ENERGY ARENA Duluth, GA) New Kids on the Block, Paula Abdul, Boyz II Men July 14 INFINITE ENERGY ARENA Duluth, GA) Roger Waters July 16
It’s About Time The following article about time If you are 50 years old and mar- you have been married 10,950 is in the approximate. The num- ried when you were 20 and still days. Is that a long time? Only ber of days have been rounded married to the same spouse, you can answer that. either up or down—it’s the idea that is important, not the final accuracy. How long have you been here? What amount of days have you used or have left? A year has 356 days. 10 years is 3,650 days. To see how many days you have been on Earth, multiply 365 by the number of years.
Is it Christmas time already? Seems like Christmas was last week—was it really a year? Every day you waste counts on your total days you’re going to have Make every day count. Live it up. Do the things you’ve been holding off. How many days until the Super Bowl? How many days until your birthday—how many, how many, how many? See what I mean? Do the math and enjoy what’s ahead, don’t forget what’s behind. Think about it.
I’m 77 years 4 months so I’ve been here (77 x 365)+(4x30), or 252,525 days. Sounds like a lot doesn’t it—but is it really? One chart I saw had the average life expectancy for women in the US at 81.6 years and men at 76.9. Do the math—how many have you lived and how many you have left. How many days until your house is paid off? How about that new car? If you are young, how many days until you get out of college?
Here is a short poem I wrote to go with this article: I’ll Always Love you The passing time has marked you in so many subtle ways Your skin is getting thin now and your hair is turning gray Your step is not as lively as your step once used to be
How many days have you spent But you’ll always be my dream with your lover this time? girl from now to eternity Notice how time flies? Well this - Paul E. Burke Sr. - 77 and is the jet age and it really flies. counting
With Their Win Will the Cubs Lose Their Cult of Personality?
I was one of those weary sports fans that stayed up all night to see what was once believed to be the impossible. The Cubs win the World Series. This game seven and the series in general featured every kind of drama you could throw at the Cubs, their hardcore fanbase and the casual Cubs fanbase that I’m a member of.
Cleveland Indians charged back keeping the game close and then tying it twice. The second time was the Indians score three times off of Cub’s ace closer Aroldis Chapman who despite blowing the lead ended up being named the winner. It was as if the spirit of Steve Bartman was alive and well or Chapman had summoned the legs of Bill Buckner from the Red Sox former ghost yard.
To begin with the series found the now winners down three games to one being shut out twice. Things looked bad for longtime fans as another snake bit club looked to end a curse of their own. Then somehow (actually because their bats came to life) we saw a game seven.
And then extra innings. What else could add to the drama for the Cubs? Rain delay. Yes, you read it here – probably not first. The game went through a short rain delay before extra innings could begin. Oh, the agony. As a part-time Cubs fan I found the irony in all this and started to feel sorry for the hardcore fan as I Early the Cubs started to show was expecting to read stories for dominance. And then as if karma weeks to come on how the Cubs was biting them on the rear the were still snake-bit and “why, oh ENIGMA
why”? The something happened. The skies cleared and the Cubs scored twice. Miguel Montero’ single to left center drove in what was the deciding run. But it wasn’t over yet. These are the Cubs. Entering the bottom of the ninth the Cubs sent Carl Edwards Jr. to the mound. The righty got the first two out and then the curse began to show its ugly head again. A walk and then a long single to center scored Brandon Guyer. Oh no, were the Cubs going to blow it again? The Indians have their own curse. They haven’t won a World Series in almost 70 years themselves (not as futile as the Cubs’ 108 years of futility), and they blew a lead in games six and seven of the 1997 World Series against the Marlins (I’m not sure
who to blame for their jinx).
For some magical reason a nation embraced the Cubs as their redMike Montgomery came in and headed stepchild. Usually it is got the final out for the Cubs to our team or bust, but with the end maybe pro sports’ most infa- Cubs if they weren’t your team of mous runs of bad – or no luck. choice you cheered for them as your secondary team. They were And no, the sky did not open up and swallow the earth whole. The Cubs now face losing the nickname the lovable losers and that kind of concerns me. The team has one of the biggest fanbase in all of sports – both hardcore and casual. They have been lovable losers for almost everyone’s (literally) entire life. To give you some perspective, the last time the Cubs won the World Series in 1908, motion pictures were still a novelty, the average wage was 22¢ an hour. That Hershey’s bar you bought at Walmart for 78¢ cost only 2¢ in 1908. A gallon of gas cost 11¢, there was no NFL or NHL for you sports nuts.
like that stray kitten or puppy we’ve all run across and wanted to take home but knew we couldn’t because we already had a pet at home and couldn’t take care of it properly. The only time we didn’t cheer for them was when they
played our team. Even then, if the Cubs won, we didn’t take it personally if they beat us. After all they were the lovable losers.
base – guys like Bill Murray, John Cusak, Eddie Vedder, Bob Newhart and Jim Belushi to once again name a very few.
Anyone who has ever been to a And thanks to cable TV that revoCubs game knows how self-effac- lutionized our TV habits in the ‘80s both the Cubs as did the Atlanta Braves added to their mystique because all of their games were broadcast on WSB (cable channel 2 while growing up – and TBS for the Braves until about a decade ago on channel 7). We got to witness what we read about and were told to us by family members and general folklore. I got to witness firsthand (on TV) Murray commandeer the mic and lead “Take Me Out to the Ballgame”, do play-by-play as ing their fans have been. It has only Murray could do and that been as if they were conditioned added to the growing reasons to for the worst. Unlike over- love the Cubs if not as your team, intense hardcore fans of other at least your second team of sports teams they were fun to be choice. And let us not forget around and often invited outsider Harry Carey. guests into their fold. Nothing comforts losing more than beer, Harry Carey – sorry Vin Scully, is probably the greatest baseball cheer and being good-natured. announcer. Carey was a fan first Chicago being one of the largest and that showed in his diatribes cities in the United States have on radio and then TV. He was fun gone longer than any city of its loving and it was as if we were all size. New York or Los Angeles invited to his personal cocktail would never tolerate it. They party. Carey was like us because take their titles too seriously. it was obvious during a number of Part of the charm of the Cubs is broadcasts he was imbibing. He’s that the organization still treated slur his speech slightly but never baseball as a sport and not the lost any of his enthusiasm or multi-billion dollar and business vigor for the game. And he knew it has become (as have all profes- a lot about baseball, he wasn’t a sional sports). Yes, they’ve want- talking head with facts only – he ed a title more than anyone but had personality. they understood tradition and the fond childhood memories that Carey’s over-the-top personality made baseball so near and dear was parodied by everyone from SNL on down. And it was all done to our hearts. in loving tribute. Carey and the And it’s not like the Cubs have Cubs represented what was great been talent barren. The list is too about the sport of baseball. Sure long the name all the Hall of we want to win, but we should Famers that have donned a Cub never forget it is a game and uniform. Of course Ernie Banks something that should be enjoyed comes to mind, Ryne Sandberg, and shared. Ron Santo, Andre Dawson, Mark Grace and the list could go on. And that is what concerns me Add to that a rabid celebrity fan- now that the “curse” has been lift-
ed. Is the mystique gone for the Cubs? How will the championship affect the casual fan who cheered because for the most part they were seen a pretty harmless? Are the Cubs going to become more of a business than a sports team? And is it time to move on from
attention to next in baseball should I lose that loving feeling for the Cubs? Is it the Indians who haven’t won it all since 1948, or the Rangers who have never won since they joined the league 56 years ago?
them like the country did after I don’t know, I’m just going to the Red Sox broke the Bambino’s enjoy the moment with my jinx back in 2004? favorite redheaded stepchildren – the Cubs. To quote the late I do like to think that the win great Harry Carey, “Holy Cow! Wednesday night wasn’t a fluke Hello again, everybody. It’s a beebut I’m not sure I can tolerate a yooo-tiful day for baseball.” cocky Chicago Cubs team or fanbase. Who should I turn my - Dave Weinthal
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423-877-2525 ENIGMA
What About the Vols? So... this has been a puzzling year for Tennessee football. Wins against Georgia, Florida, and Missouri showed how good the Vols can be. The loss to Alabama was... well... kind
about right. UT always brings a crowd, especially for trips to sunny places. Given the SEC’s dominance nationally and the Vols’ recent bowl history, it doesn’t really matter who their
of expected. UT had a lot of injuries to key players going into that game. Bama took full advantage of those weaknesses. Nick Saban and Tide offensive coordinator Lane Kiffin made the Big Orange defense look like a high school team. The narrow loss to South Carolina on the road... that was the killer...
opponent is.,,
...Coach Butch Jones is 1-0 in post-season games after winning the 2014 TaxSlayer Bowl. (Cincinnati, Jones’ prior head coaching job, did not participate in the bowl selection process.) Jones hates to lose and his seniors, most notably quarterback Josh Dobbs, will be eager to go out on a high ...The Vols find themselves in a note... familiar position. Shut out of the SEC Championship Game ...As for next year... who and hoping for a good bowl knows? This season was the bid. ESPN’s prognosticators see first one which featured senTennessee in either the Orange iors who Jones recruited from or Citrus bowls. That seems high school. He’s got a handle ENIGMA
on this recruiting thing. What’s keeping the Vols from being an elite program is depth. Tennessee fans have suffered through the short reign of Kiffin and the too-long span of Derek Dooley. Their patience will be rewarded if they don’t start sending moving vans to Jones’ house... ...Projecting the Tennessee lineup for next season is tricky. Soph Quinten Dormady is behind Dobba on the QB depth chart, but has very few reps against top-tier opponents. Beyond Dobbs, however, most of the Vols will return. Tailback John Kelly will be a senior next year, as will the wideout Joshes... Malone and Smith. Super soph Jauan Jennings who had the big game-winner vs. Georgia, will
also be back for his junior season. There were no seniors on the starting offensive line in 2016, so all of the big holemakers and pass blockers should return as well... ...On the defensive side of the ball, Tennessee loses only senior end Corey Vereen and senior corner Malik Foreman. Former Baylor School star and Vols walk-on Colton Jumper will be back for his senior season and most of the other positions will be up for grabs. Aaron Medley returns for his senior year at placekicker and the electrifying Evan Berry is back to return kicks... ...So Tennessee football seems to be heading in the right direction. Is it heading there fast enough to please the big
money donors who control the program? Time will tell. First off, there’s a bowl game to worry about. Regardless of the destination — Orlando or
Miami — the Vols will get some fun in the sun and a nice payday...
— Mark Northern
Razing Arizona There were many things to be a brotherhood this is,” he said. Billed as a potential shootout thankful for this year if you’re an “We’ve come together, man. I love between two high-flying offenses it Atlanta Falcons fan. Most notably the Falcons remain in first place with a little over a month to go in the season thanks to a convincing performance over the Arizona Cardinals Sunday at the Georgia Dome winning going away 38-19.
the opening kickoff the Cardinals rapidly moved down the field going 75 yards using 5:21.
As the old adage goes sometimes the best things come in small packages. The Falcons are thankful for Taylor Gabriel being cut by the Cleveland Browns at the end of preseason. The 5’8” receiver scored twice once from 35 yards and the other from 25, both on screen passes that saw him burn the Cardinals offense. Gabriel accounted for 102 yards of total offense on the day 75 through he air and 27 on the ground. “It’s been crazy, man, just to be a part of a winning team and see how much of
Atlanta reciprocated driving 75 yards as well as Matt Ryan was equally as effective completing 6of-7 passes. Devonta Freeman scored on a one-yard plunge to even the score.
it. I love being here, and I love the opportunity that they gave me to show my talents. So, I’m glad to be here, man.”
looked to live up to that promise early. The over/under on the game was 50.5 points and the two teams managed to top that with Atlanta almost doing it by themself. Taking
Palmer went 5-of-5 in the drive with four of the passes going for between 13 and 19 yards. The drive ended with a one-yard toss to Jermaine Gresham.
Arizona began to march right down the field again as running back David Johnson broke off a few big runs. The Cardinals drove down to the Falcons four-yard line when things started to go south for them. In shotgun formation Palmer mis-
handled the snap and recovered his own fumble for a 13-yard loss. Arizona was forced to settle for a field goal that would give them their last lead of the game at 10-7. From that point the Falcons started to flex their offensive muscle – more specific Gabriel started to flex his offensive muscle.
weeks. … He’s another weapon on the offense. The speed and the ability to make a cut and try to accelerate and try to break an angle down (facing) a safety or a linebacker. Man, was he ready to get back. He worked hard during the rehab process to get ready, and I was pleased with his performance today.” After the running game was shutdown in Philadelphia the Falcons managed to gain over 100 yards again on the ground.
The surprise beginning of the season pickup has scored in each of the last two games before facing Arizona. On Atlanta’s first play from scrimmage he took an end around from Ryan and rumbled past midfield into Cardinal territory. The drive eventually stalled as the Falcons settled for a Matt Bryant field goal to tie the score. After the teams exchanged punts the Falcons found themselves in great field position at the Arizona 45. Ryan hit Julio Jones for ten yards and then a screen pass to Gabriel went 35 yards and a touchdown as he was able to outrun defenders diving into the end zone
to make the score 17-10. With time running out on the half Atlanta looked to be driving once again. Near midfield Ryan threw across the middle to Jones who
bobbled the throw that ended up being intercepted with five seconds to go. Palmer completed a quick pass to Larry Fitzgerald who called timeout with 1 tick left on the clock. Candler Catanzaro connected from 54 yards to make the score 17-13.
After his worst outing of the season Ryan came back strong as he spread the ball to eight different receivers. He finished the game with a 106.1 quarterback rating completing 26-of-34 passes for 269 yards. With 8:38 remaining in the game he threw his second touchdown pass as he hit Gabriel again on another screen pass outrunning pursuers and literally dived over the goal line making the score 31-13. “Just everybody being here, man, we have playmakers of all aspects. Running backs lining up at receiver and things like that,” Gabriel said. “Kyle Shanahan, him just doing the game plan — without him, without our whole offensive staff, we wouldn’t be doing what we’re doing.”
The third quarter was a little rough for both quarterbacks. Neither offense seemed to be getting anything going that included a series where Ryan was sacked on three The Dome erupted, as did the consecutive plays. It would have Atlanta sideline. But the Cardinals been four but another sack was weren’t through just yet. nullified by a penalty. Carson Palmer drove the Cardinals Then the Falcons got their act 75 yards finishing the drive off with together. The team that was aver- a 3-yard pass to David Johnson, the aging the most points in the NFL team’s star running back. Johnson, started to make their move against the team’s leading rusher had trouthe league’s top defense. The ble with Atlanta’s defense all day Falcons drove 78 yards on 13 plays as he managed only 58 yards on the that saw Ryan complete his only ground – a vast improvement for two passes to his tight ends – the Atlanta run defense that surAustin Hooper and Levine Toilolo. rendered 208 yards to the Eagles They complimented runs by their last time out. A missed extra Freeman, Tevin Campbell and even point and a failed onside kick gave Ryan who converted a third and the Falcons a nice opportunity to long with an 11-yard run. Coleman really put the game away. A couple ended the drive going over the of nice passes to Mohammed Sanu middle from two yards out. Having including a nice midair collision as returned after missing two weeks well as a personal foul put the ball he was a welcome addition to the deep Arizona territory. Freeman lineup. “It’s an important part for finished off the scoring from five us,” head coach Dan Quinn said yards out with 2:07 to play to make about the RB duo. “We certainly the score 38-19. missed (Coleman) the last few ENIGMA
Palmer was intercepted near midfield by De’Vondre Campbell to cap things off for the defense that came in with bad news that star cornerback Desmond Trufant was going miss the rest of the season with a shoulder injury. The secondary did a nice job all day after the first series as Palmer only completed 55 percent of his passes. “I feel like we performed good,” Robert Alford said about Atlanta’s CBs. “I feel like we went out there and we executed the way we practiced this week. That’s the main emphasis: You practice how you
No Bosher, No Problem. Punter Matt Bosher is out with an injury so the Falcons picked up free agent Matt Wile just before Thanksgiving. The Michigan Wolverine free agent hit punts of 57 and 59 yards as well as every kickoff was a touchback. “We were really pleased with Matt,” Quinn said. “He did a nice job on his first time.”
play. And that shows on the field.”
The Cards are 4-6-1 but remain three games behind division leader Seattle who fell falt against Tampa Bay 14-5 Sunday. Many pundits had Arizona as favorites to make the Super Bowl this year. Kind of ironic seeing the Falcons were in the same position after making the NFC Championship game in 2012 that saw them favorites to make a Super Bowl run the next season also not only missing the playoffs but a winning record.
With the win the Falcons improved to 7-4 and continue to hold a onegame lead over second place Tampa Bay and three games over last year’s NFC Super Bowl representative Carolina who lost to the Raiders 35-32.
Razing Arizona. With the Falcons 38-19 thrashing of the Cardinals they all but eliminated a return to the playoffs for last year’s NFC Championship game participant.
Defense Rises Up. For only the second time all season the Falcons defense held a team to under 20 points. The 19 points allowed is the lowest points given up since they Next Up. Five games remain this held the Broncos to 16 back in season with three at home. Sunday October. the Falcons remain home as they welcome the Kansas City Chiefs Offense As Well. The 380 yards of who are coming off an overtime offense by the Falcons was the win literally on the last play largest amount surrendered by the against the Broncos to claim sole Cardinals this season. For the sixth possession of second place in the time this season the Falcons have AFC West at 8-3. Kickoff is schedscored over 30 points. Matt Ryan uled for 1pm and the game will air also kept his NFL record streak of on CBS. consecutive games with 200-plus yards passing as he threw for 269. - Dave Weinthal ENIGMA
©Dave Weinthal
©Dave Weinthal
The Media: Does The Media Use Repetition To Control People? In the past, one would have watched TV, listened to the radio or read a paper if they wanted to find out what was taking place in the world. Nowadays, this is no longer necessary, and this is because they can simply go online.
In addition to the news sources that one will have heard of before, there are going to be others that they haven’t heard of. Or if they have, they may have only hard of them since they started going online to find out what is going on in the world.
If one was to talk about what these sites cover or to share their stories on social media, they may find that their ‘friends’ offer their support. This can be due to the fact that a lot of people go along with what the mainstream media sell.
One could then come to the conclusion that these sites represent the alternative media, but this could be an illusion. These sites could be nothing more than another arm of the mainstream media; with what they report being the same as what one would read Even so, this doesn’t mean that about in a paper or see on TV, for one will have to consume what the instance. mainstream media is selling, as they can look towards the alterna- Acceptance tive media. And while there can be times when the information they provide will match up with the mainstream media, there will be times when it doesn’t.
It is often seen as the truth, and this is partly down to how long it has been around for. For so long, this was the only news source around and this meant that people didn’t have anything else to compare it with.
But if one is out of touch with what is going on in the world, it could show that they are caught up in something else. Perhaps they are more concerned with what certain celebrities are doing. A Number of Options
And, providing they have a Smartphone, they can do this no matter where they are or what they are doing. Therefore, it is far easier for one to stay up to date with what is taking place in the world. No Excuses
When one does go online, they will be able to find information from all the mainstream media news sources. They will each have their own website and they are also bound to have videos available.
There is than no reason for one to dedicate their life to what is taking place in order to stay up to date; they can just have a look from time to time. If they were then to come across someone who started to talk about what is going on in the world, there will be a strong chance that they will know The New Mainstream what they are talking about.
Alternative Media Thus, as so many people have come to accept what they offer as the truth, it can be normal for one
to be labelled in some way if they have different views. One could be described as ‘crazy’, or they might be seen as a conspiracy theorist, amongst other things. These people can then believe that they are level-headed and that one has something wrong with them. As far as they are concerned, one might need to get their head tested. The Only Function Now, this is not to say that everyone one will read about via the alternative media will be truth; it is not going to be this black and white. However, there are going to be plenty of people who believe everything they present is false. These people can experience a sense of comfort in going along with what the mainstream media provide; they can give them a sense of certainty in an uncertain world. And although this will fulfil their reptile brains need for security, it won’t allow their intellect to be engaged.
The Ideal Scenario
that they start to get fed up with what they talk about; it will be as if a song is on repeat. At the same time, the fact that they hear about the same thing over and over again could cause them to accept it.
They can then be blissfully unaware of what is actually taking place in the world, and they will attack the people who are willing to take a deeper look. These people can then do what they can to keep their fellow human beings Repetition inline. What was at one point in time just The people behind the scenes, so something they heard about from to speak, will then have less work another source can then end up to do, and this is going to make it being seen as the truth. It can be a lot easier for them. What this the same as one putting food in emphasises is that it is not just the their mouth and swallowing it. people at the top who do what they can to control people; this is They won’t take the time to see something that people can try to how it tastes or to chew it; it will do to the people around them. go straight into their body. And when one hears something over The Same Stories and over again and comes to see it as the truth, they won’t have If one was to pay attention to the thought about it or taken a closer mainstream, they may find that look. they focus on a few stories at a time. Not only will these stories The Mind will be the point of focus, they can go over the same information What this comes down to is that if again and again. something is repeated often enough and with the right convicAs a result of this, one could find tion (although this is not always
necessary) the mind will internalise it. This information will then define how they see the world and how they interpret what they hear about in the future. And if someone was to question them and to ask them how they came to this conclusion, they could end up getting defensive. Ultimately, what they believe will be the result of what they have been told to believe, as opposed to what they have worked out for themselves. Conclusion There are going to be some people who are more suggestible than others, but this doesn’t mean that some people can’t be controlled by the mainstream media. When one doesn’t go along with what they sell they will use more energy, yet this will give them greater control of their own mind.
- Oliver JR Cooper
Five Regrettable Cover Versions of Bob Dylan Songs One testament to the substantial influence of Bob Dylan, who recently was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, are the numbers of artists who have covered his songs. More than three hundred documented singers have made their own versions of Dylan tunes, people ranging from Cher to
versions of Dylan would have been better off had they never been released, some of which have become almost comical over the years since their release. Here are the worst five cover versions of Dylan songs.
somber subject of death. Besides, a band with a name like that can hardly be taken seriously when they sing a line like “Mama put my guns in the ground, I can’t shoot them any more.”
Like A Rolling Stone by the Rolling Don’t Think Twice It’s Alright by Stones It seems like a cute idea for the band of Mick Jagger and Keith Richard to put their own take on a song with this title, but theirs proved just too raucous with key lyrical omissions. Instead of being released, this version might have been better off just left alone to gather moss. Mr. Tambourine Man by William Shatner
Metallica to Johnny Cash.
Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons
The most well-known of these cover versions are hits like Jimi Hendrix’s “All Along the Watchtower” and “Quinn the Eskimo” by Manfred Mann, both of which scored bigger than Dylan’s originals. Some of the less recognized but more treasured are “All I Really Want To Do” by World Party, featuring Karl Wallinger of the Waterboys, “Love Is a Four Letter Word” by Joan Baez, and “When the Ship Comes In” by Arlo Guthrie.
The inspiration for The Jersey Boys, who managed to accumulate many more Top Ten singles than Dylan himself, recorded this song under the name of the Wonder Who. The vocals are so high pitched and the pace so accelerated that it sounds almost like it is playing at the wrong speed.
The actor who will forever be known as Captain Kirk of the Starship Enterprise once recorded popular songs, some of which he enhanced. This one, however, Scotty should have never beamed up. Blowin’ In the Wind by Eddie Albert
Green Acres was the place to be when he was portraying Oliver Wendell Douglas, a big city lawyer trying to adjust to a farming life in rural Hooterville. He sang the theme song with Eva Gabor, so we knew he had a knack for singing. Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door by His style really did not work as Guns N’ Roses well on this acoustic folk classic, which on this recording was While the effort was a noble one in unwisely backed with an orchestra. that it introduced Dylan to a new Unfortunately, some of the cover generation and a hard rock audi- - Doug Poe ence, Axl’s vocals come across as too sarcastic for a song about the
1. Kings of Leon 2. Pixies 3. Jim Donovan and the Sun King Warriors 4. Mike Doughty 5. Shovels & Ropes 6. Pink Floyd 7. Conor Oberst 8. Ryan Oyer Band 9. Green Day 10. Alex Da Kid 11. Band of Horses 12. Phish 13. Kaiser Chiefs 14. Wilco 15. Margaret Glaspy 16. Norah Jones 17. Drive By Truckers 18. Matt Pond PA 19. The Avett Brothers 20. Lettuce
ADVENTURE PICKS 1. Mudbone 2. The XX 3. Rag ‘n’ Bone Man
THIS MONTH IN ROCK HISTORY 1957 55-year-old German accordionist Will Glahe outsold many established Rock And Roll artists when his “Liechtensteiner Polka” reaches #19 on the Billboard Pop chart. Glahe’s first success in America came in June, 1939 when his rendition of “Beer Barrel Polka” hit the top of the US Hit Parade, selling over a million copies. For their first Christmas as a married couple, Jerry Lee Lewis gives his thirteen-year-old wife Myra a red Cadillac convertible with a white leather interior. Although she routinely drove it around Coro Lake, Tennessee, she wouldn’t be of age to get her driver’s licence for another three years.
resisting arrest. Sonny And Cher are barred from Pasadena, California’s Tournament of Roses Parade for speaking out in support of the 2,000 demonstrators who protested a year-long campaign by sheriffs and police to clear the Strip of ‘loitering’ teenagers. Known as “the Sunset Strip rioters”, the group mainly consisted of 15-yearolds with long hair and acne who were confronted by several hundred riot-helmeted sheriff’s deputies.
1968 Graham Nash left The Hollies to team up with ex-Byrds guitarist, David 1961 Crosby and ex-Buffalo Springfield The Beach Boys first recording, member, Stephen Stills. The trio “Surfin’”, is released on Candis would release their debut album in Records, a small L.A. based company. the summer of ‘69. The song was written by Brian Wilson and his cousin Mike Love and 1969 recorded with Brian’s brothers, Carl The Bee Gees’ Barry Gibb announces and Dennis and their friend Alan that he is “fed up, miserable and Jardine. Carl played acoustic guitar, completely disillusioned” and is quitAl played double bass and Brian kept ting the group. His brother Robin had time on a garbage can. made the same decision earlier in the year and all three brothers ended 1966 up releasing solo material before Jimi Hendrix released his first single, they would reform in late 1970. Robin “Hey Joe”. The record made it to was later quoted as saying, “If we number 6 in the UK, but failed to hadn’t been related, we would probchart at all in America. He followed ably never have gotten back togethwith “Purple Haze”, “The Wind Cries er.” Mary”, “All Along the Watchtower” and “Voodoo Chile”, all of which made the British Top 10, but in America, only “All Along the Watchtower” reached the Top 40, peaking at number 20.
1958 The Phil Spector written “To Know Him Is To Love Him” was the number one song in the US for The Teddy Bears. The trio consisted of Spector The Monkees topped the Billboard along with two friends, Marshall Leib Hot 100 with the Neil Diamond composition, “I’m A Believer”. Because of and Annette Kleinbard. over a million advance orders, the Neil Sedaka signs with RCA Records, single went Gold two days after its where he would enjoy 13 Billboard release and has now sold over ten Top 40 hits over the next five years. million copies worldwide. Its reign at #1 lasted for seven weeks. “The Chipmunk Song” by David 1967 Seville And The Chipmunks entered the Billboard Top 40 chart on its way Singer Jimmie Rodgers, who enjoyed to a four week stint at #1, selling 4.5 a string of US Top Ten hits in the million copies in seven weeks. The 1950s, suffered a fractured skull and record would go on to win three a broken wrist, allegedly at the Grammy Awards: Best Comedy hands of three Los Angeles police Performance, Best Children’s officers. He would recover, but Recording and Best Engineered couldn’t return to performing until a little over a year later. In 1973, after Record (non-classical). suits and counter-suits had been 1959 filed, Rodgers would accept a Chuck Berry is arrested for trans- $200,000 settlement from the City Of porting a minor across a state line Los Angeles. for an immoral purpose. Berry claims he was only giving a young lady a Jim Morrison is arrested onstage in ride to her job as a hat-check girl at New Haven, Connecticut. Before the his St. Louis nightclub. Unbeknown gig, Morrison got into an argument to Berry, 14 year old Janice Norine with a policeman, who responded by was working as a prostitute. macing the singer. During the conAlthough he will be convicted and cert, while singing “Back Door Man”, given a five year sentence, the Morrison told the audience about the charges are eventually dropped after incident, which prompted police to the judge allegedly made racist turn on the house lights and arrest Morrison for breach of peace and remarks. ENIGMA
1970 With Melody Maker magazine reporting that The Beatles are looking for a new bass player, Paul McCartney files suit to dissolve the Beatles’ corporation. It would take until 1974 for the split to become final. 1972 Carly Simon’s “You’re So Vain” is released in the US where it will reach #1. The tune causes much speculation about who Carly was singing about, with popular guesses that included Mick Jagger (who sang unaccredited backing vocals on the song), Cat Stevens, Warren Beatty, Kris Kristofferson (with whom she had had brief relationships), her unfaithful fiance William Donaldson, and her ex-husband, James Taylor. At one point, Carly said she was singing about a composite of many men she had known, but later claimed that the song was about openly gay record producer David Geffen. Helen Reddy became Australia’s first female artist to have a number one record on the US chart when “I Am Woman” reached the top of the Billboard hit parade. Surprisingly, the song didn’t chart at all in the UK. Reddy would achieve two more US number one singles over the next couple of years with, “Delta Dawn” and “Angie Baby”.
Dick Clark’s first Rockin’ New Years Eve airs on ABC-TV, starring Three Dog Night, Al Green and Blood, Sweat & Tears. The MC5 play their farewell show at a New Years Eve bash at the Grande Ballroom in Detroit. Their take for the night was $200. 1973 “Top Of The World” becomes The Carpenters’ second number one hit on the Billboard Pop Chart. It made #5 in the UK. An earlier version by Lynn Anderson had already topped the US Country chart. Elton John’s “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” tops the Cashbox Best Sellers chart. The record’s flip side was a song originally called “Screw You”, though the US release re-titled it “Young Man’s Blues” so as not to offend record buyers. 1974 Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham are invited to join Fleetwood Mac, marking the band’s tenth line-up change since 1967. 1975 The Bay City Rollers earn a Gold record for their first US single, “Saturday Night”. They will go on to have five more Billboard Top 40 hits. 1976 The Sex Pistols, who have just released their first single, “Anarchy in the UK”, appear on British TV’s Today Show as a last-minute replacement for Queen. After interviewer Bill Grundy asks them about their “nasty reputation”, bass player Glenn Matlock utters a four letter word on the air. In the resulting uproar, The Sex Pistols are banned from appearing in all but five cities that were booked for their first UK tour. By next month, no club or concert hall in Great Britain will book the group. 1977 Cat Stevens announces that he has converted to Islam and now wants to be known as Yuself Islam. 1978 John Belushi and Dan Ackroyd release their version of Sam And Dave’s “Soul Man” under the name The Blues Brothers. Belushi and Ackroyd would reach #14 in the US, while the original had topped out at #2. 1980 Just two months after his 40th birthday, John Lennon was murdered by Mark David Chapman, outside his home at the Dakota Apartment. After approaching the former Beatle and calling his name, Chapman dropped
might have played a role in the crash that killed Rick, his band, and his fiancee Helen Blair (the pilot and copilot survived). In fact, the National Transportation Safety Board’s 1987 report determined that the fire Pat Benatar receives a Platinum began in a malfunctioning gas record for her very first album, “In heater. the Heat of the Night”. The former 1988 waitress and bank teller was discovered at the Catch a Rising Star club in According to a poll released in the New York. The album made it to the US, the music of Neil Diamond was Top Ten and the follow up, “Crimes favored as the best background music during sex. Beethoven was the of Passion” went to #2. second choice and Luther Vandross 1982 was voted third. After nearly eight months in produc1992 tion, Michael Jackson’s milestone album “Thriller” is released. Seven of Saying that he had “seen it all and the album’s nine songs were issued done it all”, bassist Bill Wyman quits as singles and all reached the Top 10 The Rolling Stones after over 30 on the Billboard Hot 100. The LP won years with the group. a record-breaking eight awards at 1995 the 1984 Grammys and would become the largest selling album of all time, Even though they had disbanded 25 years earlier, The Beatles had the worldwide. number one album in the US when 1984 “Anthology” hit the top for the first The former manager of The Coasters, of three weeks. It would go on to sell Patrick Cavanaugh, is convicted and over 4 million copies and included sentenced to death after he is found rare Beatle recordings in the form of guilty of murdering the group’s bass demos, alternate takes, live versions singer, Nathaniel Wilson. Wilson’s and previously unreleased material. dismembered body was discovered Dean Martin, who recorded such in Modesto, California, in 1980. standards as “Memories Are Made of Motley Crue’s Vince Neil is involved This” (#1 in 1955), “Return To Me” (#4 in a car accident that killed his pas- in 1958) and “Everybody Loves senger, Hanoi Rocks’ drummer Nick Somebody” (#1 in 1964), died of acute “Razzle” Dingley and seriously respiratory failure on Christmas injures two people in another vehi- morning at the age of 78. He had cle. He is arrested and charged with been diagnosed with lung cancer two vehicular manslaughter and driving years earlier. During his career, Dean under the influence of alcohol. In recorded over 100 albums and placed July 1986 he would be sentenced to a 17 songs on the Billboard Top 40 30 day jail term, 5 years probation between 1955 and 1967. He also and $2.6 million in restitution to the starred in a popular TV variety show victims of the crash, as well as 200 that ran from 1965 to 1974 for 264 hours of community service. Vince episodes. was released from jail after 20 days. 1997 Michael Jackson announces that at Pop singer Nicolette Larson, best the end of the current Jackson’s tour, known for her hit version of Neil he will launch a solo career and no Young’s “Lotta Love” in 1978, passed away at the age of 45. She had been longer perform with his brothers. admitted to St. Joseph’s Hospital in On New Years Eve, Def Leppard’s Burbank with massive liver failure drummer Rick Allen lost his left arm and was then transferred to UCLA after crashing his Corvette while rac- Medical Center, where she died from ing another driver on a UK highway. The arm was re-attached, but had to be removed three days later. His right arm was also damaged, but he eventually re-joined the band using a specially adapted drum kit. into a combat stance and shot John in his chest, back and left arm. Although doctors did everything they could to save him, John Lennon was pronounced dead at 11:07 PM.
1985 Rock and Roll legend Rick Nelson was killed while en route to a New Year’s Eve show in Dallas, Texas. His private DC-3 (which was previously owned by Jerry Lee Lewis) crashed in a field near DeKalb, Texas. Early press reports erroneously suggested that drug use, namely freebasing, ENIGMA
an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the brain. 2006 James Brown, known by all as The Godfather of Soul, died of pneumonia on Christmas morning at the age of 73. He recorded more than 50 albums and had well over 100 songs that hit the US charts, including “Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag” (#8) in 1965), “I Got You” (#3 in 1965), “Cold Sweat” (#7 in 1967), “Say It Loud” (#10 in 1968) and “Living In America” (#4 in 1986). His final words were reported to have been, “I’m going away tonight.” 2007 56-year-old singer / songwriter Dan Fogelberg died after a three year battle with prostate cancer. His hits “Longer” (#2), “Same Old Lang Syne” (#9), “Hard To Say” (#7) and “Leader of the Band” (#9) helped define the Soft Rock era of the ‘70s and ‘80s. The Police were the highest earning touring group for the past year, bringing in nearly $132 million (66.5m Pounds) The band’s 54 gig North American trek generated almost double the total of the second-placed act, Country star Kenny Chesney. 2015 reported that John Lippman, the owner of the legendary mail-order company Columbia House, was interested in reviving the service with vinyl records. According to the Recording Industry Association of America, vinyl sales were up over 50 percent in the first half of 2015. Natalie Cole, a nine-time Grammywinning singer and daughter of legendary crooner Nat King Cole, passed away at the age of 65. She placed twelve songs on the Billboard Top 40 between 1975 and 1991, including the Top Ten hits, “This Will Be”, “I’ve Got Love On My Mind”, “Pink Cadillac” and “Miss You Like Crazy”.