The reunited and touring Outkast will be playing in the area Sunday. They take the stage that day at the CounterPoint Music and Arts Festival on Kingston Downs in Rome, Georgia. Be sure to check out all the EDM artists and deejays taking the stage beginning Thursday.
The legendary crooner,Tom Jones comes to Atlanta Monday evening The one and only Rob Zombie, the alternative metal giant and horror film where he’ll be performing songs from his newest endeavor as well as a director wil hold court Monday night at the Tabernacle in downtown myriad of classics. He will perform at Symphony Hall at Woodruff Arts Atlanta. Be sure to check it out if you know what’s good for you. Center. ENIGMA
Some try to force their breakthrough; others simply do their thing. Chris Bushnell can safely say he did it his way. Known to many as “BINGO” in his native city of Orlando, this young Producer/DJ’s ascent can be attributed to a genuine desire to
innovate - an attitude that seems to be shared by all in the city he calls home. In the last three years, he has produced a handful of incredibly talented upand-coming producers including DallasK, Henry Fong, KillaGraham and NYMZ. Coming
up alongside these guys, Chris knows first-hand what it takes to get to the next level. His original production work combined with his distinctive high-energy, feelgood sets have gotten the attention of artists and industry tastemakers throughout the
APRIL 24 2014
Southeast, and now, following his debut festival appearance in Spring 2014, Chris’ support is expanding on a much larger scale.
DDoo yyoo uu hhaavvee aa m meennttoo rr oorr aa m muussii-cc iiaann tthhaatt yy oouu lloo ookk uupp ttoo??
Yes, I do and it’s my peers. We have produced some pretty strong names including KillaGraham, NYMZ, Milo & Otis, for example. I actually used to manage them a few years ago and in exchange for my management role I was like teach me everything. I wanted to learn about producing.
do a mixture of both.
AAtt BBiinnggoo bbaallllss.. ccoom m yy oouu gg uuyyss m meenn-ttoorr aanndd pprroodduucc ee aa lloott eelleeccttrroonniicc aarrttiissttss.. W Whhaatt aarree ssoom m ee ooff tthhee ccoom mm moonn m miisssstteepp ss yyoo uu sseeee ssoom mee ooff tthhee aarrttiissttss m m aakkiinngg ?? D Doo yy oouu ffiinndd yy oouurrsseellff m meennttoo rriinngg ssoom mee ooff tthheessee aarrttiissttss??
Yes, I actually do. I could spend Whhaatt bbrroouugghh tt yyoouu ttoo eelleeccttrroonniicc my whole day with the submisW sions I get in my in-box, but my muussiicc?? m whole thing is quality over quanIt was different. When I started tity obviously. Everybody’s just really getting into it I was more trying to swan dive into the into indie electronic music, real- scene and become the next ly. And this was like ’07, ’08 and Avicii or something for some this whole blog work didn’t exist reason. But it doesn’t seem like and there just wasn’t a lot of it’s necessarily for the love of information out about it. Avicii the music or they care about and Girl Talk were blowing up at learning how to properly read a that point. Those guys are minor scale. It’s just very simple mashup deejays, they’re scratch stuff. I always tell everybody if guys. It was such a Wild Wild you really want to get into it West that no one really knew learn it first. You’ve got to earn about. It was so cool and differ- your respect a little bit. A lot of ent to me. I grew up listening to times the kids are like “this is a lot of rock, prog rock and a lot awesome”. I can certainly hear of northeastern stuff, a little bit it now, before I couldn’t as much of rap here and there, but I was when I didn’t know as much. It’s more towards the indie stuff – just rushed. Kids are taking just melodic and when I deejay I things that are good that are not
technically sound… in my opin- these songs or playing it live – ion. It’s so rushed. those are the guys that are going to stay till the end. TThheerree aarree ssoo m mee ccrriittiicc ss tthhaatt ccoonn -ssiidd eerr EE DDM M ((eelleeccttrroo nniicc ddaann ccee N Noo tt oo nnllyy aarree yy oouu aa dd eeeejjaayy ,, muussiicc )) m m m oorree oo ff aa ppaassssiinn gg ffaadd.. IIss yy oouu’’rree aa pprroo dduucceerr.. YYoo uu’’rree w woorrkk-tthhaatt aa m m iissccoo nncceeppttiioonn iinn yy oouurr iinngg w wiitthh dd iiffffeerreenntt aarrttiissttss.. D Doo ooppiinn iioonn ?? yy oouu ffiinndd yyoouu’’rree ttoo oo ccrriittiicc aall oo ff yy oouurrsseellff w whheenn yyoo uu’’rree w woo rrkkiinngg I definitely think it’s a fad for a oonn yyoouurr m muussiicc?? lot of the kids that are doing it for the wrong reason. They’re Every single day – every single the rave babies that are wearing day to a fault. That’s a major neon that are selling out these stumbling point. Everybody says festivals – which is a lot of the if you work on something so bands – which is cool. But I long it’s probably not good. You mean when the hangover hits should probably throw it out. and the drugs wear off – what- But I also think it’s part of the ever. I don’t care what anybody process in learning a sound and says, a lot of these kids are feeling comfortable. I just don’t doing it for the drugs, if they’re want to jump into this scene like partying – or whatever. That I did when I first figured out how will fade I think. But it’s emerg- to make a mashup. It like just ing on the radio. When Pitbull is hold on and learn everything. making tracks that are technical- And also know what you want to ly house music it’s becoming do from there. So I am pretty widely accepted. It’s just a trend critical, but by trying to get and it will change for sure. EDM ideas out and move on to the – I’m not a big fan of saying next thing. “EDM” because I think it has a m dd ooiinngg stigma behind it. I think it’s just YYoo uu’’vv ee eevv oollvv eedd ffrroom m aasshhuuppss tt oo ccrreeaattiinn gg oorriigg iinnaall progression. It’s just a new m m uussiicc.. EExx ppllaaiinn tthhee eevv oolluu ttiioo nn ttoo thing. And whoever is the best m miinngg aann oorriiggiinnaall aarrttiisstt ?? at getting these creative ideas bbeeccoo m out of their heads and onto a software program and producing I do it because this is what I
Retro Cafe
The Best of New Wave, Post Modern Classics and Other Odd Stuff
Wednesdays at 5pm est. on wawl.org ENIGMA
APRIL 24 2014
wanted to do and this is what I want to do. I didn’t see a future in making mashups or just deejaying. In this world today you have to be playing your own music – or at least adding something musical to tracks. That was my whole thing. When I got into doing mashups it’s just a very simple way to get familiar with the software you need to make electronic music these days. It was just a cool process. Me and all my friends were just pushing each other to get the tracks out – the original stuff or remixes: do something different from copying and pasting samples of tracks. I liked trying something out. I’ve acquired the knowledge to do that better. That’s just the general process I’ve always expected to take. It was never really calculated.
IIss ccoom mpp oossiinngg eelleecctt rroo nniicc m muussiicc ddiiffff eerreenn tt ffrroo m m ttrraadd iitt iioonn aall oorr ccoonn vveennttiioonnaall ppoopp oorr rroocc kk m muussiicc tthhaatt iiss hheeaarrdd oo nn tthhee rraaddiioo?? It’s actually pretty similar these days. In my opinion it’s hard to nail down. It’s like if you try changing what’s the progressive
And I say that coming from it as a deejay first. I know very well that you’re not going to get away with playing a bar. You can have a cool track but to have no vocals is tough for people who don’t really know music that well to enjoy it. I think vocals make it easier and more widely accepted. But it’s also being used as a tool in so many different ways. Guys like Diorio and TJR totally sync to that vocal sample. It’s in all little aspects. W ee’’rree ggeettttiinngg tt oo ffeesstt iivv aall sseeaassoonn W nn oow w.. W W hhaatt ddoo yy oouu lloooo kk ffoo rrw waarrdd tt oo iinn ddoo iinn gg ffeessttiivv aallss lliikkee CCoouunn tteerrPP ooiinn tt??
Whhaatt’’ss hhaadd tthhee bb iigg ggeesstt iinnff lluueenncc ee W oonn yy oouurr m muussiicc?? I love old moods. Whenever I’m getting so confused I’ll pull up an old track – some old classic rock – something different: something from the past. I was raised like that. My dad’s a big jazz guy. The oldies and Motown - soul music – that’s the stuff that really gets me going. It’s more like the soul music and Motown from the ‘50s and ‘60s and a little bit of the ‘70s too.
that. A lot of kids are producing what is the EDM music right now are also working full time producing a lot of the tracks for Kesha and for Kelly Clarkson. Doctor Luke is a perfect example. He’s the guy behind everything. That’s more of just like a business idea. People acquire
house that was like the EDM what we’re referring to now two years go now, because it’s the pop stuff on the radio. It’s kind of just a lot of major chord, a lot of happier stuff – pretty, pretty simple – obviously. I don’t know. It’s hard to put a label on
I like being involved with that whole scene. I’ve been a deejay for a very long time. That’s like where I started and that’s why I feel at home. CounterPoint and festivals and any of the shows I’ve every played is not work or anything like that. It’s almost like the reward at the end of the road. I’ve done it so many times it’s just so much fun for me. I just like being there playing and business mindsets and do what being involved with the whole they love when they get into the thing – every aspect. studio. - Dave Weinthal IIss llyy rriiccaall ccoonn tteenntt iim mppoo rrtt aann tt iinn Chris Bushnell will be at eelleeccttrroonniicc m m uussiicc?? CounterPoint Music and Arts I think it’s vital in certain ways. Festival Sunday, April 27
APRIL 24 2014
ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Your energy will be high. Pleasure trips or friendly get-togethers will be satisfying and intellectually stimulating. Problems with in-laws or relatives may be more damaging than you realize. TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) Try not to overspend on luxury items. You will find that you can work progressively at improving yourself today. Travel if it’s needed to start the ball rolling. GEMINI (May 22-June 21) Don’t make large purchases or investments. Travel should open doors that lead to exciting new adventures. You need to take some time out to decide what you want
to do.
Get friends to help you with the preparations. Passion will be your CANCER only answer. Don’t let others try to (June 22-July 22) create unwarranted guilt if you A long, quiet walk alone may help can’t meet their demands. you sort out your thoughts. Opportunities to get together with LIBRA people in powerful positions could (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) help you get ahead. You will be You should teach children some of overly generous with children your unique creative talents. today. Travel should be on your mind. Do your work at home, if you can. LEO Someone may be trying to make (July 23-Aug 22) you look bad. You may overspend if you travel today; however, the trip will be SCORPIO one to remember. Get busy on (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) projects that improve your own Relationships will become image; you’ll have the discipline to stronger. Take time to explain your succeed. Think about your priori- intentions to loved ones. Organize ties. your day to avoid any setbacks that might ignite temper flare-ups. VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Don’t spend too much on products that promise amazing cosmetic results. Investments that deal with property will pay off but could cause conflict with some family members. You could have a change
APRIL 24 2014
of heart if an old flame waltzes back into your life. CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Try to keep any mood swings under control; they may result in alienation. Don’t push your luck with your boss. Financial affairs do not look too favorable today. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Be prepared to step into the limelight if you wish to promote your ambitions. Be sure to cover all the necessary groundwork before signing binding contracts. Be sure to take advantage of the opportunities that exist. PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) You can make it up to them later. Your sensitivity toward those you love will capture their hearts. You can increase the value of your dwelling. Look into residential moves that will give you more space.
Hold The Union The United Auto Workers union withdrew its objection claiming undue outside political interference in the February vote it lost among workers at the VW plant in Chattanooga. Workers voted 712-626 to prevent the establishment of a full-fledged UAW presence at the plant. The rules dictate that the UAW has to wait a year before launching another effort. Now it’s time to see what Volkswagen’s leadership will do with some breathing room…
maker is said to be on favor or a “works council” with blue and white-collar employee representatives. But most legal and labor experts say that U.S. labor law requires an American union would have to represent workers on issues of wages and benefits. VW managers are expected to try to incor-
…The UAW-VW anti-union vote and the German manufacturer’s prestige in the international auto market have put Chattanooga back on the national business map. Auto industry publications frequently have datelined articles from our city (regardless of whether or not or the writers have ever broached our city limits. The eyes of the business media will sometimes focus on Chattanooga…
Southern states’ resistance to unions is a flashback to the Civil War. Former Confederates had no positive association with the word “union.” Regardless, organized labor groups have traditionally been weak south of the Mason-Dixon line… … I t will
b e
porate some of the union’s collective bargaining elements into their practices. There is an opportunity to craft a groundbreaking worker relations model at the …They’ll be watching the evolu- plant… tion in management style at VW-Chattanooga. The auto …I sometimes wonder if the
interesting to see if Governor Bill Haslam and Senator Bob Corker continue to attract attention for their seemingly sketchy effort to sway last February’s union election. Haslam tied state financial
APRIL 24 2014
incentives to the union vote and Corker claimed VW officials told him they would locate their new SUV production facility in Chattanooga if the UAW was kept out. Time will tell as to whether or not the pair will be fully investigated… …It will also be interesting to see if VW does build a SUV plant on its Chattanooga campus. It’s quite possible that Corker was telling the truth getting assurances from senior VW officials that the new production facility would come here if the union vote failed. With the UAW’s one-year moratorium on active membership efforts, VW managers and employees can more easily focus on building great Chattanooga-made automobiles. Volkswagen’s decision to come here has been a massive boost to Chattanooga’s image and visibility. The addition of a SUV plant would be the cherry on top…
- Mark Bedford
Dear Rocco, My friends tell me I ‘m crazy for buying an old convertible sports car. I got a good deal and it’s worth at least twice what I spent for it. They’re not giving me a hard time about that, it’s the fact I can’t drive a stick. They laughed at me as I grinded gears in the parking lot. I admit to being a little intimidated and actually have kept the car garaged for weeks. They say I’ll do harm to the car if I try to learn to drive a stick with it.
I’ve had a few friends tell me they’d teach me, but I don’t know what to do. Should I try to drive it – it is pretty, or sell it and get something more practical with an automatic transmission? DS
DDeeaarr DDSS IIff yyoo uu lliikkee iitt,, lleeaarrnn ttoo ddrriivv ee iitt .. DDrriivv iinngg aa ssttiicckk jjuusstt tt aakkeess aa lliitttt llee pprraaccttiiccee.. IIff yy oouu’’rree ccaarreeff uull tthhee ccaarr sshhoouulldd bbee ookkaayy .. Dear Rocco, I’ve had a really good friend of the opposite sex move back to town. We’ve always been friends and our relationship platonic. They are now acting like they want to set up the relationship. I’m sort of involved with someone else, though not exclusively yet. I don’t want to put a burden on my one relationship but am worrying about running off my close friend who I’ve missed dearly. People are already starting to gossip. Any suggestions? HD
sshh iipp tthheenn sseeee iiff tthheerree cc oouulldd bbee aa the plague. No one every gives me a logical explanation for ffuuttuurree w wiitt hh yyoo uurr ggoooo dd ffrriieenn dd.. this. Any thoughts on this? Dear Rocco, SM I’m about fed up with one of my Deeaarr SSM M friends who is too oversensi- D tive. The least bit of criticism PP eeoopp llee iinn CC hhaatttt aannoo oogg aa aarree and she cries or pitches a fit or w weeiirrdd.. TThhiiss iiss aa ssm maallll ttoow wnn aanndd maallll ttoow wnn starts posting on her Facebook ppeeoo ppllee tthhiinnkk lliikkee ssm f f o o l l k k s s . . I I m m e e a a n n t t h h e e y y t t e e n n d d t t o o ggoo page about what a jerk I am. Is there any way to shake some oo nnllyy ttoo ppllaacceess tthheeyy ffrreeqquueenntt sense into her without choking bb eeccaauu ssee iitt’’ss cc oo m mff oorrtt aabbllee ttoo her to death? tthh eem m aann dd tthheeyy ddoo nn’’tt w waanntt ttoo eexx ppeerriieenncc ee aann yytt hhiinngg nn eew w.. YYoo uu DW cc aann ggoo ttoo bbaarrss ff oorr aa ppeerriioo dd ooff DDeeaarr DDW W ttiim m ee tthheenn nn oott sshhoow w uupp ffoorr yyeeaarrss PPrroobbaabbllyy nn oott bbuutt yy oouu ccoouu lldd ttrryy aanndd w whheenn yyoo uu gg oo bb aacc kk yy oouu w wiillll ttoo eexx ppllaaiinn yyoouu rr ccrriittiicciissm mss ttoo hheerr sseeee m moo sstt ooff tthhee ssaam mee ccrroo w wdd iinn ddeettaaiill ssoo sshhee w woo nntt m m iissuunn ddeerr-- ddoo iinn gg tthhee ssaam mee tthhiinnggss aanndd ffiinndd sstt aann dd tthheem m.. G Goooo dd lluu cckk w wiitthh oo uutt yyoo uu hhaavveenn ’’tt m miisssseedd aa tthhiinngg .. tthhaatt,, iiff sshh ee iiss pp oossttiinngg bbllooggss oo nn tthhee iinntteerrnn eett sshhee ssoouunn ddss ttoo oo Rocco is a common sense, tellcchhiilldd iisshh oo rr iim mm m aattuurree ttoo rreeaassoo nn it-like-it-is, no-nonsense kind wiitthh.. w of guy offering real advice on any subject put before him. Dear Rocco, Why pay thousands of dollars Having lived elsewhere than on a high-priced therapist when Chattanooga, I have noticed a he’ll straighten you out for free. few things. People here tend to If you’d like advice from Rocco be territorial. I can’t get my e-mail him at friends downtown to party any- goaskrocco@yahoo.com or drop where else but downtown. My him a line at Ask Rocco c/o friends in Brainerd say they Enigma P.O. Box 825 avoid other parts of town like Chattanooga, TN 37401.
DDeeaarr HHDD TThhiiss iiss aa ttoouugg hh oonn ee.. II tthhiinnkk yy oouu sshhoouulldd ggiivv ee iitt aa sshhoott .. IIff yy oouu’’rree nnoott eexx cclluussiivv ee iinn yyoo uurr rreellaatt iioo nn-ENIGMA
APRIL 24 2014
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (UPI) - A Florida judge was a little surprised when a bailiff announced the name of a man who was appearing in his courtroom on drug possession charges. Edward Cocaine. “What?” Judge John “Jay” Hurley responded. “You know, I’d thought I’d seen it all.” Mr. Cocaine explained. “My last name is Cocaine,” he said. “My greatgrandparents came over here from Greece and they changed it. That was like in the 1920s.” “How many times have the police told you to
step out of the car during your life?” Hurley asked. “Just about every time I get pulled over,” Cocaine replied. The 34-year-old, who was accused of possessing Xanax, was released on his own recognizance. LONDON (UPI) - A High Court judge in England told an “insensitive” father that he must stop emailing his children in all capital letters because it looks like he is yelling at them. The Israeli father is in a custody dispute involving his 13year-old son and 9-year-old daughter. During the dispute, the children have been moving back
and forth between England and Israel. The judge ordered that the father’s old style of emails, which were “equivalent to him shouting,” needed to be improved upon with the help of a family assistance officer. “He needs help to make his messages appropriate and child friendly,” the judge said. “There’s nothing worse than an email suggestive that the sender is shouting at you.” Due to the communications problems, the relationship between the children and their father will be restored “at a distance.” The parents of the children also need to work on their communications skills. “It is all
APRIL 24 2014
about respect and a willingness to start again in the process of trying to interact as parents in a way which will enhance rather than harm their children,” the judge said. “I wish them every success in that endeavor.” PORTLAND, Ore. - Portland officials are preparing to flush millions of gallons of treated water because someone urinated at a city reservoir. Water Bureau Administrator David Shaff said 38 million gallons will be discarded after a 19-year-old was videotaped
in the act. The open reservoirs hold water that’s already been treated and goes directly into mains for distribution to customers. The water will be drained into the sewage system that eventually dumps into the Columbia River. In the meantime, Shaff said the city has plenty of water to meet demand. “It’s easy to replace those 38 million gallons of water,” Shaff said. “We’re not in droughtstricken parts of Texas or Oklahoma.” The incident occurred shortly after 1 a.m., when Water Bureau security personnel noticed three men on camera at Mount Tabor Reservoir No. 5. One was seen on video urinating through an iron fence, officials said. Minutes later, two other young men attempted to scale the fence. The three men, whose names have not been released, were cited for trespassing and excluded from Mount Tabor Park. A 19-year-old was cited for public urination. If you’re thinking that it seems to be pretty easy to piss into a reservoir that is ready to be distributed to customers, you’d be right. This isn’t even the first time something like this has happened. Three years ago, the city drained a 7.5 million-gallon reservoir at the same Mount Tabor location. In fact, animals routinely deposit waste without creating a public health crisis, but Shaff said he doesn’t want to serve water that was deliberately tainted. “There is at least a perceived difference from my perspective,” Shaff said. “I could be wrong on that, but the reality is our customers don’t anticipate drinking water that’s been contaminated by some yahoo
who decided to pee into a reser- case or something like that,” Griner said. “The whole thing was voir.” just really, really funny.” BRIDGETON, N.J. (UPI) - Talk about barking up the wrong tree... A New KEY WEST, Fla. (UPI) - A Texas Jersey man checked his mail last mother of two was arrested in Key week and found a jury summons — West, Fla., on suspicion of felony that was addressed to his dog. The child neglect after allegedly kicknotice from the Cumberland ing her children out of her car on County Clerk of Courts was numerous occasions during a addressed to Barrett Griner’s 5- boozy cruise around town. year-old German shepherd, IV. “I According to police, Suzanne got the mail and I look at it, and Simon first kicked her 12-year-old I’m like IV Griner, this is my dog’s son out of her car because he was name,” Griner told NBC reading the GPS incorrectly and Philadelphia. “I’m wondering like, then booted her 8-year-old daughWhat is this? Something from the ter out of the vehicle so she could county office about her vaccina- “find beer.” “Suzanne wanted tions or something? Like, why is more beer and cigarettes and my dog getting mail?” Griner kicked both [children] out of the explained his dog’s unusual name: car, driving away, leaving them,” “She’s a female, so I named her ‘IV’ Officer Bradley Lariz wrote in his without the ‘Y’ as sort of a play on report. “Suzanne continued to words. Somebody had to physical- drive around yelling at her and ly type in that name and they did- slapping her on the forehead. n’t pay any bit of attention to it.” Suzanne kicked her out of the car But the jury duty computer may in two more times to find beer and fact be looking for Barrett Griner she picked a beer up off the sideIV the human, not IV Griner the walk to give Suzanne.” The kids German shepherd. Cumberland are now in the custody of the County’s jury duty notices are state’s Department of Children and computer-generated, so errors Families. “She never mistreated like this are actually somewhat the kids. Never,” Simon’s friend common. “This happens many Mary Lou told KHOU 11. “I can’t times. As an example, if you had believe Suzanne would do someJohn Henry IV, sometimes the thing like that. That’s not notice might just say Henry IV,” Suzanne.” The 38-year-old was said county judiciary coordinator taken to the Monroe County Dennis Moffa. “I think that the Detention Center on Stock Island. computer probably randomly picks some things that are proba- ENFIELD, NH - It seems a Enfield, bly not as on point as they should New Hampshire police officer who be.” Although the mix-up won’t pulled a driver over for a defecend up giving the county another tive taillight took a chance and jury member, it did give Griner a began investigating him for drug reason to chuckle. “She [the dog] possession. The brilliant detective might be good for a cat burglar work that led to this escalation?
APRIL 24 2014
Officer Roy Holland said that the driver had a green tongue. Now, a lot of things can cause a green tongue; green Lifesavers, a green apple Slurpee, a popsicle, zombification, but marijuana is a stretch. That didn’t stop Officer Holland from grilling 18-year-old Hillman Blesdell-Moore about whether or not he had any drugs in his vehicle. After repeated denials and refusals to search his pickup truck, Officer Holland finally threatened to detain Blesdell-Moore until he could have a drug-sniffing dog brought to the scene. BlesdellMoore then confessed he had a couple of ounces of marijuana and mushrooms in the truck. Now there is a victory for justice. The only with the scenario as described is the Fourth Amendment. After a conviction in a lower court, the trial went all the way to the New Hampshire Supreme Court who ruled, “Although the brief inspection of the defendant’s tongue did not prolong the stop, we conclude that the search altered the fundamental nature of the stop by transforming it from a routine traffic stop into an investigation of potential drug activity.” The court said a traffic stop amounts to a seizure and that officers must limit its purpose to the reason for the stop and not expand it to a search for evidence of criminal activity unless they have “a reasonable and articulable suspicion” that such activity exists. A green tongue is not a reasonable suspicion. The Supreme Court ruled that all evidence of drug possession with intent to sell should be suppressed.
MO M ON ND DA AYY A Apprriill 22 88
This week’s calendar covers events from Thursday, April 24, through Wednesday, April 30. We would be happy to publish your free listing in future Billboards, space permitting. Simply mail us the information so that we have it 7 days before the publication date. A photograph may be sent with the announcement. Send information to: Calendar Editor, Enigma, P.O. Box 825, Chattanooga, TN 37401 or e-mail to calendar@enigmaonline.com. All dates subject to change without notice.
TTH HU URRSSD DA AYY A Apprr iill 2244 TTH H EE CC O OM MEED D YY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Janet Williams BBU UD D’’SS (Chattanooga) DJ Hammer TTRREEM MO ON NTT TTAAVV EERRN N (Chattanooga) Songwriters Showcase CCA AM MPP H HO OU USSEE (Chattanooga) Open Mic ARRII’’ SS H A HAARRBB O ORR LLIIG GH H TTSS (Chattanooga) Keyz Brown RRH HYYTT H HM M && BB RREEW WSS (Chattanooga) The Pimps of Joytime, Opposite Box CCA AM MPP H HO OU USSEE (Chattanooga) Open Mic ALLAABB AAM A MAA TT H HEEAATT RREE (Birmingham) Travis Tritt TTH H EE N NIICC K K (Birmingham) The London Souls SSA AM MM MYY TT’’ SS (Huntsville) Aaron Lewis HEEAAVV EEN H N@ @TT H HEE M M AASSQ QU UEERRAAD DEE (Atlanta) Chiodos, Emarosa, Our Last Night KIIN K NG GSSTT O ON ND DO OW WN NSS (Rome, GA) “CounterPoint Music & Arts Festival” Star Slinger, Exmag, Modern Measure, The Mad Violinist And The Symphony Crack Orchestra RRO OCCK KEE TTO OW WN N (Nashville) We Came As Romans
FFRRIID DA AYY A Apprriill 22 55 TTH H EE CC O OM MEED D YY CC AATTCC H H (Chattanooga) Janet Williams RRH HYYTT H HM M && BB RREEW WSS (Chattanooga) The Breakfast Club RRA AW W (Chattanooga) DJ Reggie Reg TTIIVV O OLLII TT H HEE AATT RREE (Chattanooga) Lalah Hathaway, Ruben Studdard JJ..JJ..’’SS BB O OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) The Coathangers, Audacity TTRREEM MO ON NTT TTAAVV EERRN N (Chattanooga) Darren Self LLA ASS M MAARRG GAARRIITTAA’’SS (Cleveland, TN) Convertibull CCEE N NTTEE RR SS TTAAG GEE (Atlanta) The Mavericks KIIN K NG GSSTT O ON ND DO OW WN NSS (Rome, GA) “CounterPoint Music & Arts Festival” Pretty Lights, Griz, Schoolboy Q, Vince Staples, Isaiah Rashad, Big Gigantic, Matt and Kim, Moon Taxi, Schoolboy Q TTH H EE TT AABB EERRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Nickel Creek DRRU D UN NK KEEN NU UN NIICC O ORRN N (Atlanta) The Pimps of Joytime MEERRCCYY LLO M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Katie Herzig RRYYM MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Foster the People, St. Lucia D && LLIIN 33RRD ND DSSLLEEYY (Nashville) The Zombies
Will Hoge ““VV O OLLA APPA ALLO OO OZZA A”” (Knoxville) Fitz & the Tantrums, The Dirty Guvnahs, The Delta Saints
SSA ATT U URRD DA AYY A Apprr iill 2266 TTH HEE CCO OM MEED DYY CC A ATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Janet Williams RRH H YYTT H HM M && BB RREEW WSS (Chattanooga) The Communicators BBA ARRTT’’ SS LLA AK KEESSH HO O RREE (Chattanooga) DJ E RRA AW W (Chattanooga) DJ Reggie Reg TT--BB O ON NEE ’’SS Front Porch Junk AM A M EERRIICCA AN N LLEE G GIIO ON N 476-4451 (Cleveland, TN) Convertibull KIIN K NG GSSTT O ON ND DO OW WN NSS (Rome, GA) “CounterPoint Music & Arts Festival” “Counterpoint Music and Arts Festival” Foster the People, STS9, J. Cole, Above & Beyond, Janelle Monae AA A ARRO ON N ’’SS A AM MPPH HIITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band CCH HA ASSTT A AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Santana VVIILLLLA A RRIICC A A CC IIVV IICC CC EEN NTT EERR (Villa Rica) Merle Haggard GEEO G ORRG G IIA A TTH HEE A ATTRREE (Athens, GA) The Dirty Guv’nahs RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Joe Bonamassa MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Black Label Society WA W ARR M MEE M MO ORRIIA ALL A AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Kevin Costner & Modern West FFRRA AN NK KLLIIN N TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Franklin, TN) Georgia Satellites TTH HEE SSH HEED D (Maryville) Elizabeth Cook, Tim Carroll TTEEN NN NEESSSSEEEE TTH H EEA ATTRREE (Knoxville) Kansas MEERRRRII M M MA ACCK KH HA ALLLL (Huntsville) Roger McGuinn
SSU UN ND DA AYY A Apprriill 22 77 TTH HEE CCO OM MEED DYY CC A ATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Janet Williams SSK KYY ZZO OO O (Chattanooga) DJ Exphacter TTRRA ACCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Volbeat, Digital Summer SSYYM MPPH HO ON NYY H HA ALLLL (Atlanta) Boz Scaggs KIIN K NG GSSTT O ON ND DO OW WN NSS (Rome, GA) “CounterPoint Music & Arts Festival” Outkast, Major Lazer, Chance the Rapper, Thievery Corporation, Sleigh Bells VVEERRIIZZO ON NW WIIRREELLEESS SS A AM MPPH HIITTH H EEA ATT RREE A ATT EEN NCC O ORREE PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Alabama PPA ARRK K TT A AVV EERRN N (Atlanta) Waka Waka Flame TTH HEE LLO OFFTT (Atlanta) Riff Raff, Grand Theft TTH HO OM MPPSSO ON N-- BBO O LLIIN NG GA ARREEN NA A (Knoxville) Lady Antebellum, Kip Moore, Kacey Musgraves MEERRCCYY LLO M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Haim RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD DII TTO ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Tom Jones
APRIL 24 2014
RRA AW W (Chattanooga) DJ Spicolli TT RREEM MO ON N TT TT A AVVEE RRN N (Chattanooga) Trivia Night TT H HEE O O FFFFIICC EE (Chattanooga) SpeakEasy FFO O XX && H HO OU UN ND D (Chattanooga) DJ Exphacter ON O NEE--EE LLEEVVEE N N (Lafayette) CSA Writers Night WA W ARR M MEEM MO ORRIIA ALL A AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Bastille EE X XIITT //IIN N (Nashville) Saliva, Three Years Holler SSLLO O SSSS FFU URRN NA ACC EESS (Birmingham) Vampire Weekend TT H HEE TTA ABB EERRN NA ACCLLEE (Atlanta) Rob Zombie SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY H HA ALLLL (Atlanta) Tom Jones TT H HEE LLO O FFTT (Atlanta) Laura Mvula VV IIN NYY LL (Atlanta) Hellogoodbye, Vacationer TT H HEE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Kying, Kill Devil Hill, Crobot
TTU U EESSD DA AYY A Apprriill 22 99 RRA AW W (Chattanooga) DJ Spicolli TT RREEM MO ON N TT TT A AVVEE RRN N (Chattanooga) Open Mic w/ Mike McDade SSO OU UTTH H SSIID DEE TT A AVVEE RRN N (Chattanooga) Troy Underwood TT RRA ACC K K 2299 (Chattanooga) Adventure Club CC H HA ARRLLEESS && M MYY RRTTLLEE ’’SS CC O OFFFFEE EEH HO OU USSEE (Chattanooga) Bridgett DeMeyer CC A AN NN NEERRYY BB A ALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Christina Perri TT H HEE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Seether, Skindred, Black Stone Cherry, Capture the Crown, Dance Gavin Dance, Palisades IIRRO ON NH HO ORRSSEE CCA AFFÉÉ (Birmingham) Adelita’s Way
WEED W DN NEESSD DA AYY A Apprriill 3300 RRA AW W (Chattanooga) Open Jam w/ Jonathan Wimpee and friends LLA ASS M MA ARRG GA ARRIITT A A’’ SS (Chattanooga) Priscilla & Little Rickee ARRII’’SS H A HA ARRBBO O RR LLIIG GH HTT SS (Chattanooga) Keyz Brown TT H HEE TT A AVVEE RRN N (Soddy-Daisy) Roberts & Sims TT IIVVO O LLII TTH H EEA ATTRREE (Chattanooga) Gillian Welch BB U UCC K KH HEEA AD D TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Atlanta) Christina Perri VV A ARRII EETTYY PPLLA AYYH HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Better Than Ezra H EELLLL @ H @ TTH H EE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Framing Hanley, Devour the Day, Three Years RRYY M MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Local Natives IIRRO ON N CCIITT YY LLII VVEE (Birmingham) Seether, Skindred, Black Stone Cherry
UPPCC O U OM M IIN NG G EEVVEEN NTTSS BB RRIID DG GEE SSTTO ON NEE A ARREEN NA A (Nashville) Arcade Fire May 1 TT H HEE BB A ASSEEM M EEN NTT (Atlanta) Emerson Hart May 1 IIRRO ON NH HO ORRSSEE CCA AFFÉÉ (Birmingham) Rob Zombie May 1 TT H HEE TTA ABB EERRN NA ACCLLEE (Atlanta) Lana Del Ray May 1 H EELLLL @ H @ TTH H EE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Powerman 5000, 9 Electric May 1 CC EEN NTT EERR SSTT A AG G EE (Atlanta) Zucchero May 1 4400 W WA ATTTT CC LLU UBB (Athens, GA) Sad Pads, Monsoon, Woodfangs May 1 TT RRA ACC K K 2299 Seether, Skindred, Black Stone Cherry May 2 MIILLLLEE RR PPLLA M AZZA A (Chattanooga) Forro In the Dark, Pack of Wolves May 2
AN A ND DRR EEW W JJAACC K KSSO ON NH HAALLLL (Nashville) Bend Folds May 2 MEERR CC YY LLO M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Jessica Lee Mayfield May 2 RR YYM MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Lana Del Ray May 2 AA A ARRO ON N’’SS AAM MPP H HIITT H HEEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Arcade Fire May 2 CCEE N NTTEE RR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Mogwai May 2 TT H HEE TT AABB EERR N NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Haim May 2 CCH HA ASSTTAAIIN N PP AARRK K (Atlanta) Willie Nelson, Alison Krauss & Union Station featuring Jerry Douglas, The Devil Makes Three May 2 GEEO G O RRG G IIAA TTH HEE AATT RR EE (Athens, GA) The String Cheese Incident May 2 HA H ARR RR AAH H ’’SS CC H HEERR O OK KEEEE CCAASSIIN NO O (Cherokee)Alice In Chains May 2 IIRR O ON N CC IITTYY LLIIVVEE (Birmingham) Black Label Society May 2 OA O AK KM MO OU UN NTTAAIIN N AAM MPP H HIITT H HEEAATT RR EE (Pelham, AL) Eric Clapton, ZZ Ward May 2 EEX XIITT// IIN N (Nashville) Mogwai May 3 RR YYM MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Ben Folds May 3 TT H HO OM MPP SSO ON N-- BBO O LLIIN NG G AARR EEN NAA (Knoxville) Willie Nelson, Alison Krauss & Union Station featuring Jerry Douglas, The Devil Makes Three May 3 TT A ALLLLAAD DEE G GAA SSU UPP EERR SSPPEE EED DW WAAYY (Talladega) Randy Houser May 3 CCH HA ASSTTAAIIN N PP AARRK K (Atlanta) Eric Clapton May 3 HEE A H AVV EEN N@ @ TT H HEE M MAASSQ QU UEERR AAD D EE (Atlanta) Hellyeah, Adrenaline Mob, Six Shot Revival May 3 BB A ARR K KIIN NG G LLEEG GSS TT H HEEAATT EERR April Verch Band May 4 FFO OXX TT H HEEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Vampire Weekend May 5 TT H HEE EEAARR LL (Atlanta) Dick Dale May 5 MEERR CC YY LLO M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) The Dandy Warhols May 5 PP H HIILLIIPP SS AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Lady Gaga May 6 CCEE N NTTEE RR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Primal Scream May 6 IIRR O ON N CC IITTYY LLIIVVEE (Birmingham) M. Ward, Mount Moriah May 6 KN K NO OXXVV IILLLLEE CCO O LLIISSEEIIU UM M (Knoxville) Avenged Sevenfold, Hellyeah, Adrenaline Mob May 6 TT H HEE CC O OM MEED DYY CCAATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Chris Tucker May 7 TT H HEE TT AABB EERR N NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) The Wanted May 7 PP U URR G GAATTO ORR YY AATT TT H HEE M MAASSQ QU UEERR AAD D EE (Atlanta) Margot & the Nuclear So and Sos, Empires May 7 CCEE N NTTEE RR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Iggy Azalea May 7 HEE A H AVV EEN N@ @ TT H HEE M MAASSQ QU UEERR AAD D EE (Atlanta) Dillinger Escape Plan, Tera Melos, Vattnet Viskar May 7 EEX XIITT// IIN N (Nashville) Blue October May 7 TT H HEE CC O OM MEED DYY CCAATT CCH H (Chattanooga) Chris Tucker May 8 TTRR A ACCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) 311 May 8 D && LLIIN 33 RRD ND DSSLLEEYY (Nashville) Iris DeMent May 8 MEERR CC YY LLO M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Deer Tick May 8 CCEE N NTTEE RR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) James Blunt May 8 BB U UCCK KH HEE AAD D TTH H EEA ATTRR EE (Atlanta) Beats Antique May 8 VV O ON N BB RRAAU UN N CCEEN N TTEERR (Huntsville) Doobie Brothers May 8 MIILLLLEERR PP LLAAZZAA (Chattanooga) Packway Handle M Band, Dismembered Tennesseans May 9 ATTLLA A AN NTT IICC SSTT AATTIIO ON N PP AARR K K “Shaky Knees Music Festival” The National. Cage the Elephant, Spoon, The Gaslight Anthem, The Whigs, Dropkick Murphys, The Airborne Toxic Event, Band of Skulls, Graveyard, Charles Bradley, Man Man, White Denim, Wild Belle, The Bright Lights Social Hour, Sleeper Agent, American Aquarium, Mutual Benefit, Blood Red Skies May 9
CCO O BBBB EEN NEE RRG G YY PP EERR FFO ORR M MIIN NG G AARRTT SS CCEE N NTTEE RR (Atlanta) George Benson May 9 TTH H EE M MAASSQ QU UEERR AAD DEE (Atlanta) Deer Tick, Clear Plastic Masks May 9 CCH HAASSTT AAIIN N PP AARR K K (Atlanta) Ledisi, Robert Glasper Experience May 9 CCEEN N TTEERR SSTT AAG G EE (Atlanta) Ghost B.C., King Dude May 9 MEERR CCYY LLO M OU UN NG G EE (Nashville) Tokyo Police Club May 9 EEX XIITT// IIN N (Nashville) Margot & the Nuclear So and Sos, Empires May 9 OAAK O KM MO OU UN N TTAAIIN N AAM MPP H HIITT H HEEAATT RREE (Pelham, AL) Jason Aldean, Florida Georgia Line, Tyler Farr May 9 ALLAABB AAM A MAA TTH H EEAATTRR EE (Birmingham) Jason Isbell, Langhorne Slim May 9 TTRR A ACCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Ghost B.C., King Dude May 10 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Garrison Keillor May 10 ATTLLAAN A NTT IICC SSTT AATTIIO ON N PPAARR K K “Shaky Knees Music Festival” Modest Mouse, The Replacements, Portugal, The Man, Conor Oberst, Dawes, Jenny Lewis, Packway Handle Band, Tokyo Police Club, Gregory Alan Isakov, Cold War Kids, Lord Huron, The Lone Below, Hayes Carll, Houndmouth, The Apache Relay, Wake Owl, Fly Golden Eagle, Phox, The Districts May 10 FFO OXX TT H HEEAATTRR EE (Atlanta) Mike Epps May 10 TTH H EE TTAABB EERR N NAACCLLEE (Atlanta) Corey Smith May 10 TTH HEE EEAARRLL (Atlanta) The Whigs May 10 HEEAAVV EEN H N@ @ TT H HEE M MAASSQ QU UEE RRAAD DEE (Atlanta) The Faint May 10 ATTLLAAN A NTT IICC SSTT AATTIIO ON N PPAARR K K “Shaky Knees Music Festival” Alabama Shakes, Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeroes, Violent Femmes, Local Natives, Iron & Wine, Jason Isbell, Deer Tick, The Hold Steady, Blitzen Trapper, Mason Jennings, Trampled By Turtles, Langhorn Slim, San Fermin, Kopecky Family Band, The Weeks, Paper Bird, Crass Mammoth May 11 PPH H IILLIIPPSS AARR EEN NAA (Atlanta) Cher May 12 VVA ARR IIEETT YY PP LLAAYYH HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Chromeo, Oliver May 12 EEX XIITT// IIN N (Nashville) Reignwolf May 12 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Neon Trees, Smallpools, Nightmare and the Cat May 12 TTEE N NN NEESSSSEEEE TTH HEE AATTRR EE (Knoxville) Iron & Wine May 12 TTRR A ACCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Tegan & Sara, Lucius, The Courtneys May 13 TTEERR M MIIN N AALL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) Bombay Bicycle Club, Royal Canoe May 13 EEX XIITT// IIN N (Nashville) Toadies, Supersuckers, BattleMe May 13 EEX XIITT// IIN N (Nashville) Bombay Bicycle Club, Royal Canoe May 14 ZZA AN NIIEE’’ SS (Nashville) Dick Gregory May 14 HEEAAVV EEN H N AATT TTH HEE M MAASSQ QU UEERR AAD DEE (Atlanta) Toadies, Supersuckers, BattleMe May 14 EEX XIITT// IIN N (Nashville) The 1975 May 15 ZZA AN NIIEE’’ SS (Nashville) Billy Gardell May 15 BBU U CCK KH HEEAAD D TT H HEEAATT RR EE (Atlanta) Tegan & Sara, Lucius, The Courtneys May 15 CCA AM MPP H HO OU U SSEE (Chattanooga) Penny & Sparrow, Grace & Tony May 16 MIILLLLEERR PP LLAAZZAA (Chattanooga) Roadkill Ghost M Choir, Paul Hatfield and the McCoys May 16 CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BB AALLLLRR O OO OM M (Nashville) Portugal the Man May 16 TTH H EE W WO OO OD DSS AATT FFO ON N TTAAN NEELL (Whites Creek) Willie Nelson, Alison Krauss & Union Station featuring Jerry Douglas, The Devil Makes Three May 16 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY LLIIVVEE (Birmingham) Primus May 16 ZZYYD D EECCO O (Birmingham) All The Locals May 16 VVA ARR IIEETT YY PP LLAAYYH HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Wolfmother
May 16 CCEEN NTT EERR SSTTAAG GEE (Atlanta) Will Downing May 16 TTRR A ACCK K 2299 Conor Oberst, Dawes May 17 AAARR O A ON N’’ SS AAM MPP H HIITTH H EEAATTRR EE (Atlanta) Jason Aldean, Florida Georgia Line, Tyler Farr May 17 552299 (Atlanta) Ex-Cult May 17 TTEERR M MIIN NAALL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) Katie Herzig May 17 FFRREE D DRR IICCK K BB RRO OW WN N JJRR .. AAM M PPH H IITTH HEE AATT RR EE (Atlanta) Gladys Knight May 17 CCEEN NTT EEN NN N IIAALL O O LLYYM MPP IICC PPAARR K K (Atlanta) Girl Talk May 17 VVA ARR IIEETTYY PP LLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Valarie June May 17 TTEEN NN N EESSSSEEEE TT H HEEAATT RR EE (Knoxville) Kenny Rogers May 17 BBIIJJO OU U TTH H EEAATTRR EE (Knoxville) Portugal, The Man May 17 BBJJCC CC A ARR EEN NAA (Birmingham) Willie Nelson, Alison Krauss & Union Station featuring Jerry Douglas, The Devil Makes Three May 17 IIRRO ON N CCIITT YY LLIIVV EE (Birmingham) George Clnton & Parliament/Funkadelic May 18 CCEEN NTT EERR SSTTAAG GEE (Atlanta) Ingrid Michaelson, Storyman, Sugar & the Hi Lows May 20 TTEEN NN N EESSSSEEEE TT H HEEAATT RR EE (Knoxville) Primus May 20 IIRRO ON N CCIITT YY LLIIVV EE (Birmingham) Killswwitch Engage, Nothing More May 20 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Ingrid Michaelson, Storyman, Sugar & the Hi Lows May 21 IIRRO ON N CCIITT YY LLIIVV EE (Birmingham) Pop Evil, Escape the Fate, Avatar, Glamour of the Kill May 21 BBIIJJO OU U TTH H EEAATTRR EE (Knoxville) The Infamous Stringdusters May 21 SSA AM MM MYY TT ’’SS (Huntsville) Theory of a Deadman, Adelita’s Way, Red Light King May 21 BBU UCC K KH HEEAAD D TT H HEEAATT RREE (Atlanta) The 1975 May 22 TTRR A ACCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Theory of A Deadman May 23 MIILLLLEERR PPLLAAZZAA (Chattanooga) Pokey LaFarge, M The 9th Street Stompers May 23
SSYY M MPP H HO ON N YY H HAALLLL (Atlanta) Ben Folds May 23 TTH HEE TTAABB EERR N NAACCLLEE (Atlanta) Neon Trees, Smallpools, Nightmare and the Cat May 23 FFO OXX TTH H EEAATTRR EE (Atlanta) Eddie Izzard May 23 OAAK O KM MO OU UN NTT AAIIN N AAM MPP H HIITTH H EEAATTRR EE (Pelham) Dave Matthews Band May 23 AAARR O A ON N’’ SS AAM MPP H HIITTH H EEAATTRR EE (Atlanta) Dave Matthews Band May 24 VVEERR IIZZO ON NW WIIRREE LLEESSSS AAM MPP H HIITTH H EEAATTRR EE AATT EEN NCCO O RREE PPAARR K K (Atlanta) Foreigner, Styx, Don Felder May 24 TTH HEE SSH H EED D (Maryville) The Kentucky Headhunters May 24 TTH HEE BBO OW WEERR YY (Knoxville) Nashville Pussy, Supersuckers May 24 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Eddie Izzard May 24 HAARRRR AAH H H’’ SS CCH HEE RRO OK KEEEE CC AASSII N NO O (Cherokee) Dolly Parton May 25 VVA ARR IIEETTYY PP LLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Tommy Emmanuel May 26 OAAK O KM MO OU UN NTT AAIIN N AAM MPP H HIITTH H EEAATTRR EE (Pelham, AL) Journey, Steve Miller Band, Tower of Power May 27 CCH HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARR K K (Atlanta) Jimmy Buffett May 27 TTEERR M MIIN NAALL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) Old 97’s, Lydia Loveless May 27 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Morrissey, Kristeenyong May 28 VVA ARR IIEETTYY PP LLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Lucinda Williams May 28 TTU USSCC AALLO OO OSSAA AAM MPP H HIITTH H EEAATTRR EE (Tuscaloosa) Foreigner, Styx, Don Felder May 29 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS AATTTT IICC (Atlanta) Leon Redbone May 29 ARR EEN A NAA AATT G GW WIIN NN NEE TTTT CCEEN N TTEERR (Atlanta)
APRIL 24 2014
APRIL 24-27
MAY 2 & 3
Romeo Santos May 29 MIILLLLEERR PP LLAAZZAA (Chattanooga) Ester Rada, theM creativeunderground May 30 AA A ARRO ON N’’SS AAM MPP H HIITT H HEEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Journey, Steve Miller Band, Tower of Power May 30 TT H HEE TT AABB EERR N NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Manchester Orchestra, Balance and Composure, Kevin Devine May 30 LLIIBB RRA ARR YY TT H HEEAATT RR EE (Birmingham) Camera Obscura May 30 DA D ALLTTO ON ND DEEPP O OTT (Dalton) Ramble in the Attic May 31 TT H HEE TT AABB EERR N NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) needtobreathe, Fay Vance May 31 CCRR O O SSSS--CCO OU UN NTTRR YY LLIIN NEESS FFEE SSTTIIVV AALL (Franklin, TN) Patty Griffin, John Hiatt, Ashley Monroe, Brandy Clark, Parker Milsap, Joe Pug, Luther Dickinson May 31 ARR EEN A NAA AATT G GW WIIN NN NEETT TT CC EEN NTT EERR (Atlanta) Third Day May 31 IIRR O ON N CC IITTYY LLIIVVEE (Birmingham) O’2L June 1 PP A ARRK K TT AAVVEERR N N (Atlanta) Granville Automatic June 1 EED DD D IIEE’’SS AATT TTIICC (Atlanta) Edwin McCain June 1 WIILLD W DH HO O RRSSEE SSAALLO OO ON N (Nashville) Darius Rucker June 2 VV EERR IIZZO ON NW WIIRR EELLEESSSS AAM MPP H HIITT H HEEAATT RR EE AATT EEN NCC O ORR EE PP AARRK K (Atlanta) Jack Johnson, Amos Lee June 3 GRR A G AN ND DO O LLEE O OPP RR YY H HO OU USSEE (Nashville) Carrie Underwood June 3 RR YYM MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Florida Georgia Line, Craig Wiseman June 3 CCO O BBBB EEN N EERR G GYY PP EERR FFO O RRM M IIN NG G AARR TTSS CC EEN NTT EERR (Atlanta) Morrissey June 4 RR YYM MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeroes June 5 D && LLIIN 33 RRD ND DSSLLEEYY (Nashville) World Party June 5 EEX XIITT// IIN N (Nashville) Foxy Shazam June 5 SSM MIITT H H’’SS O O LLD DEE BB A ARR (Atlanta) Hot Club of Cowtown June 5 TT H HEE TT AABB EERR N NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Tracy Morgan June 5 MIILLLLEERR PP LLAAZZAA (Chattanooga) Houndmouth, M Eight Knives June 6 RR YYM MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Conor Oberst, Dawes June 6
LLPP FF IIEELLD D (Nashville) Blake Shelton, Jason Aldean, Eric Church, Miranda Lambert, The Band Perry June 6 VVA ARR IIEETT YY PP LLAAYYH HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) World Party June 6 TTEERR M MIIN N AALL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) Peter Murphy June 6 OAAK O KM MO OU UN N TTAAIIN N AAM MPP H HTT H HEEAATT RREE (Pelham, AL) Zac Brown Band June 6 RRIIVV EERR BB EEN ND D FF EESSTTIIVV AALL Widespread Panic June 7 SSO OU UTT H HEERR N NG GRR O OU UN ND D AAM MPP H HIITT H HEEAATTRR EE (Fayetteville) Gary Puckett & the Union Gap June 7 SSM MIITTH H ’’SS O OLLD D EE BB AARR (Atlanta) Stroke 9 June 7 AAARR O A ON N ’’SS AAM MPP H HIITT H HEEAATTRR EE (Atlanta) Zac Brown Band June 7 BBO OU UTTW WEELLLL AAU UD DIITT O ORR IIU UM M (Birmingham) Daryle Singletary June 7 LLIIN NN N PP AARRK K (Birmingham) Jessy J June 7 SSH HO ORR TT M MO OU UN NTT AAIIN ND DIISSTT IILLLLEERR YY (Woodbury, TN) Brian Johanesen, Tristin, Mercy Bell, Caitlin Rose, Smooth Hound Smith, Robert Ellis, Marc Scibilla, Reyl & Baxter, Escondido June 7 ALLYYSS RR O A OBB IIN NSSO ON N SSTTEEPP H HEE N NSS CCEE N NTTEE RR (Birmingham) Steve Martin, Steep Canyon Rangers, Edie Brickell June 8 TTRR A ACCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Tamar Braxton June 9 VVA ARR IIEETT YY PP LLAAYYH HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Cut Copy June 10 BBJJ CCCC A ARR EEN N AA (Birmingham) Bruno Mars, Aloe Blacc June 11 D && LLIIN 33 RRD ND DSSLLEEYY ((N Naass hhvviillllee)) Jackie Greene, Chris Robinson June 11 VVIIN NYY LL (Atlanta) Rich Robinson June 12 EED DD DIIEE ’’SS AATTTT IICC (Atlanta) Larkin Poe June 12 MIILLLLEERR PP LLAAZZAA (Chattanooga) Lydia Loveless, M Tiffany Taylor June 13 BBJJ CCCC CCO ON N CCEERR TT H HAALLLL (Birmingham) Mike Epps June 13 TTU USSCC AALLO OO OSSAA AAM MPP H HIITT H HEEAATTRR EE (Tuscaloosa) Fantasia, Joe June 13 TTH H EE M MEELLTT IIN NG G PP O OIIN NTT (Athens, GA) The English Beat June 13 VVEE RRIIZZO ON NW WIIRR EELLEESSSS TT H HEEAATT RREE AATT EEN N CCO ORR EE PP AARR K K (Atlanta) Boston, .38 Special June 14 TTEERR M MIIN N AALL W WEESSTT (Atlanta) Foxy Shazam June
14 IIRRO ON N CCIITT YY LLIIVV EE (Birmingham) Tamar Braxton June 14 PPU UBB LLIICC SSQ QU UAARREE PP AARR K K (Nashville) Lisa Loeb June 14 VVO ON N BBRR AAU UN N CC EEN NTT EERR (Huntsville) Martina McBride June 14 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons June 15 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Counting Crows, Toad the Wet Sprocket June 17 TTH HEE LLO O FFTT (Atlanta) Andy Grammer June 18 CCO OBB BB EEN NEERR G GYY PP EERR FFO ORR M MIIN NG G AARR TT SS CCEEN N TTEERR (Atlanta) Elvis Costello June 19 RRIIVV EERR FFRR O ON NTT PPAARR K K (Nashville) Xavier Rudd June 19 MIILLLLEERR PPLLAAZZAA (Chattanooga) Alanna Royale, M Debi D. & River City Jazz June 20 TTEEN NN N EESSSSEEEE TT H HEEAATT RR EE (Knoxville) Elvis Costello June 20 HEERR IITTAAG H GEE PPAARR K K (Cullman, AL) Charlie Daniels Band, Little Big Town, Deejay Silver June 20 FFRREE D DRR IICCK K BB RRO OW WN N JJRR .. AAM M PPH H IITTH HEE AATT RR EE (Atlanta) Bruce Hornsby June 21 PPH H IILLIIPP SS AARR EEN NAA (Atlanta) Paul McCartney June 21 4400 W WAATTTT CC LLU U BB (Athens, GA) Futurebirds June 21 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Elvis Costello June 21 TTH HEE SSH H EED D (Maryville) Drivin’ N’ Cryin’, The Eskimo Brothers June 21 HEERR IITTAAG H GEE PPAARR K K (Cullman, AL) Lynyrd Skynryd, Colt Ford, Deejay Silver June 21 AAARR O A ON N’’ SS AAM MPP H HIITTH H EEAATTRR EE (Atlanta) Randy Houser, Leah Turner, Charlie Worsham June 22 CCH HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARR K K (Atlanta) Counting Crows, Toad the Wet Sprocket June 22 MAARR AATTH M HO ON NM MU U SSIICC W WO ORR K KSS (Atlanta) Sevendust June 23 BBRR IID DG GEE SSTTO ON N EE AARREE N NAA (Nashville) Paul McCartney June 25 MEERR CCYY LLO M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Old 97’s June 26 WIILLD W DH HO ORR SSEE SSAALLO OO ON N (Nashville) Everclear, Soul Asylum, Eve 6, Spacehog June 26 TTH HEE 55 SSPPO O TT (Nashville) The Paul Collins Beat, Sherbert June 26
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MIILLLLEE RR PP LLA M AZZAA (Chattanooga) Seth Walker, Remembering Jeremy June 27 BB RR IID DG GEESSTT O ON NEE AARR EEN N AA (Nashville) Katy Perry, Capital Cities June 27 VV O ON N BB RR AAU UN N CCEE N NTTEE RR (Huntsville) Tommy Womack, Marshall Chapman, Will Kimbrough June 27 H II--LLO H O LLO OU UN NG GEE (Athens, GA) The Paul Collins Beat June 27 PP H HIILLIIPP SS AARR EEN NAA (Atlanta) Katy Perry, Capital Cities June 28 CC H HAASSTTAAIIN N PP AARR K K (Atlanta) Rick Springfield, Pat Benatar & Neild Giraldo June 28 SSO OU UTTH HEE RRN NG GRR O OU UN ND D AAM MPP H H IITTH HEE A ATT RR EE (Fayetteville) Jefferson Starship June 28 TT H HEE SSH HEE D D (Maryville) Billy Joe Shaver June 28 CC O OBB BB EE N NEERR G GYY PPEE RRFF O ORR M MIIN NG GA ARR TTSS CC EEN NTT EERR (Atlanta) “The Voice Tour” June 29 TT RRA ACC K K 2299 (Chattanooga) Lindsey Stirling June 30 EEX XIITT //IIN N (Nashville) Swans June 30 CC H HAASSTTAAIIN N PP AARR K K (Atlanta) New Edition July 3 MIILLLLEE RR PP LLAAZZAA (Chattanooga) Slide Brothers, M The Power Players July 4 CC O OU UN NTT RR YY TT O ON NIIG GH H TT TT H HEEA ATT RREE (Pigeon Forge) Mark Chesnutt July 4 CC H HAASSTTAAIIN N PP AARR K K (Atlanta) Lionel Richie, DeeLo Green July 7 MIILLLLEE RR PP LLAAZZAA (Chattanooga) Bronze Radio M Return, The Iscariots July 11 CC H HAASSTTAAIIN N PP AARR K K (Atlanta) Goo Goo Dolls, Daughtry, Plain White T’s July 11 FFRR EED D RRIICC K K BBRR O OW WN N JJRR .. AAM MPP H HIITT H HEEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) The Beach Boys July 12 TT H HEE W WO OO OD DSS AATT FF O ON NTT AAN N EELL (Whites Creek) Fall Out Boy, New Politics July 13 AAARR O A ON N’’ SS AAM M PPH H IITTH HEE AATT RR EE (Atlanta) Tim McGraw, Cassadee Pope July 13 EEX XIITT //IIN N (Nashville) Man or Astroman? July 15 BB RR IID DG GEESSTT O ON NEE AARR EEN N AA (Nashville) KISS, Def Leppard July 16 MIILLLLEE RR PP LLAAZZAA (Chattanooga) Lucius, Danimal M Planet July 18 TT U USSCCAALLO OO O SSAA AAM M PPH H IITTH HEE A ATT RR EE (Tuscaloosa) Peter Frampton, The Doobie Brothers July 18 VV EERR IIZZO ON NW WIIRR EELLEE SSSS TTH HEE A ATTRR EE A ATT EEN NCC O ORR EE PP A ARR K K (Atlanta) Ray LaMontagne, The Belle Brigade, Jenny Lewis July 18 AAARR O A ON N’’ SS AAM M PPH H IITTH HEE AATT RR EE (Atlanta) KISS, Def Leppard July 18 CC H HAASSTTAAIIN N PP AARR K K (Atlanta) The Fray, Barcelona, Oh Honey July 18 BB JJCC CC CC O ON NCC EERR TT H HAALLLL (Birmingham) Ray LaMontagne, The Belle Brigade, Jenny Lewis July 19 TT H HEE W WO OO OD DSS AATT FF O ON NTT EEN NEELL (Whites Creek) The Fray, Barcelona, Oh Honey July 19 FFRR EED D RRIICC K K BBRR O OW WN N JJRR .. AAM MPP H HIITT H HEEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Michael Bolton July 20 SSYY M MPP H HO ON NYY H HAALLLL (Atlanta) Procol Harum July 20 SSCC H HEERR M MEERR H HO O RRN N SSYYM MPP H HO ON NYY CC EEN NTT EERR (Nashville) Maxwell July 23 O AAK O KM MO OU UN NTT AAIIN N AAM MPPH H IITTH HEE A ATTRR EE (Pelham, AL) Luke Bryan, Lee Brice, Cole Swindell July 23 AAARR O A ON N’’ SS AAM M PPH H IITTH HEE AATT RR EE (Atlanta) Van’s Warped Tour July 24 TT H HEE TT AABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) 311 July 24 VV EERR IIZZO ON NW WIIRR EELLEE SSSS TTH HEE A ATTRR EE A ATT EEN NCC O ORR EE PP A ARR K K (Atlanta) “American Idol Live” July 24 RR IIVV EERRFF RRO ON NTT PP AARR K K (Nashville) Lettuce, Sir Mix-A-Lot July 24 MIILLLLEE RR PP LLAAZZAA (Chattanooga) Function, Roger M Alan Wade & Sparkle Motion July 25 FFRR IISSTT CCEEN N TTEERR (Nashville) Marty Stuart July 25 TT H HEE W WO OO OD DSS AATT FF O ON NTT AAN N EELL (Whites Creek) Ray LaMontagne, The Belle Brigade, Jenny Lewis July 25 TT H HEE TT AABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) 311 July 25 VV EERR IIZZO ON NW WIIRR EELLEE SSSS TTH HEE A ATTRR EE A ATT EEN NCC O ORR EE PP A ARR K K
(Atlanta) The Avett Brothers, Emmylou Harris July 25 VV A ARR IIEETT YY PP LLAAYYH HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Paula Poundstone July 25 FFO OXX TT H HEEAATT RREE (Atlanta) DMX, EPMD, Naughty By Nature, Big Daddy Kane, Black Sheep, Slick Rick, Doug E. Fresh, Biz Markie July 26 CCH HA ASSTTAAIIN N PP AARRK K (Atlanta) O.A.R., Phillip Phillips July 26 VV EERR IIZZO ON NW WIIRR EELLEESSSS TT H HEEAATT RR EE AATT EE N NCCO O RREE PPAARR K K (Atlanta) The Avett Brothers, Gov’t Mule July 26 BB JJCCCC CCO ON NCCEE RRTT H HAALLLL (Birmingham) “Americal Idol Live” July 26 TT H HEE PP U UN NCC H HLLIIN NEE (Atlanta) Christopher Titus July 27 BB JJCCCC CCO ON NCCEE RRTT H HAALLLL (Birmingham) Steely Dan July 27 RR YYM MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Yes July 28 TT EEN NN NEESSSSEE EE SSTT AATT EE FFAAIIRR G GRR O OU UN ND D SS (Nashville) Van’s Warped Tour July 29 RR YYM MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Sarah McLachlin July 29 TT EEN NN NEESSSSEE EE TTH H EEA ATTRR EE (Knoxville) Ray LaMontagne, The Belle Brigade July 29 AA A ARRO ON N’’SS AAM MPP H HIITT H HEEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Fall Out Boy, Paramore, New Politics July 30 CCH HA ASSTTAAIIN N PP AARRK K (Atlanta) Sarah McLachlin July 30 SSYYM M PPH HO ON NYY H HAALLLL (Atlanta) Yes July 30 MIILLLLEERR PP LLAAZZAA (Chattanooga) The London M Souls, Jordan Hallquist & the Outfit August 8 TT EEN NN NEESSSSEE EE PP EERR FFO ORR M MIIN NG G AARR TT SS CCEE N NTTEERR (Nashville) The Turtles feat. Flo & Eddie, Chuck Negron, Mark Farner, Mitch Ryder & the Detroit Wheels, Gary Lewis & the Playboys August 1 RR YYM MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Steely Dan August 1 MA M ASSQ QU UEE RRAAD DEE M MU USSIICC PP AARR K K (Atlanta) Michael Franti, SOJA, Brett Dennen, Trevor Hall August 1 VV EERR IIZZO ON NW WIIRR EELLEESSSS TT H HEEAATT RR EE AATT EE N NCCO O RREE PPAARR K K (Atlanta) Sugar Ray, Blues Traveler, Smash Mouth, Uncle Kracker August 2 RR YYM MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Steely Dan August 2 HA H ARR RR AAH H ’’SS CC H HEERR O OK KEEEE CCAASSIIN NO O (Cherokee)
Jennifer Nettles, Brandy Clark August 2 VVEE RRIIZZO ON NW WIIRR EELLEESSSS AAM MPP H HIITT H HEEAATT RREE AATT EEN NCC O ORR EE PP AARR K K (Atlanta) Phish August 3 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO ORR K KSS (Nashville) Passenger August 3 VVEE RRIIZZO ON NW WIIRR EELLEESSSS AAM MPP H HIITT H HEEAATT RREE AATT EEN NCC O ORR EE PP AARR K K (Atlanta) James Taylor August 5 AAARR O A ON N ’’SS AAM MPP H HIITT H HEEAATTRR EE (Atlanta) Nine Inch Nails, Soundgarden, Death Corps August 8 TTH H EE TTAABB EERR N NAACCLLEE (Atlanta) Slightly Stoopid, Stephen Marley August 14 VVA ARR IIEETT YY PP LLAAYYH HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Dark Star Orchestra August 14 MIILLLLEERR PP LLAAZZAA (Chattanooga) Clap Your Hands M Ssay Yeah, SoCo August 15 OAAK O KM MO OU UN N TTAAIIN N AAM MPP H HIITT H HEEAATT RREE (Pelham, AL) Motley Crue, Alice Cooper August 15 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY LLIIVVEE (Birmingham) The Lacs August 15 CCH HAASSTT AAIIN N PP AARR K K (Atlanta) Gipsey Kings August 15 VVEE RRIIZZO ON NW WIIRR EELLEESSSS AAM MPP H HIITT H HEEAATT RREE AATT EEN NCC O ORR EE PP AARR K K (Atlanta) Motley Crue, Alice Cooper August 16 CCH HAASSTT AAIIN N PP AARR K K (Atlanta) Dave Koz, Mindi Abair, Gerald Albright, Richard Elliot August 16 TTH H EE W WO OO OD DSS AATT FFO ON N TTAAN NEELL (Whites Creek) Boston August 16 CCH HAASSTT AAIIN N PP AARR K K (Atlanta) Panic! At the Disco, Walk the Moon, Youngblood Hawke August 17 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O ORR IIU UM M (Nashville) Tori Amos August 18 LLPP FF IIEELLD D (Nashville) One Direction August 19 CCH HAASSTT AAIIN N PP AARR K K (Atlanta) OneRepublic August 19 CCO O BBBB EEN NEE RRG G YY PP EERR FFO ORR M MIIN NG G AARRTT SS CCEE N NTTEE RR (Atlanta) Tori Amos August 19 MIILLLLEERR PP LLAAZZAA (Chattanooga) Johnnyswim, M Decibella August 22 FFO OXX TT H HEEAATTRR EE (Atlanta) Michael McDonald, Toto August 22 CCH HAASSTT AAIIN N PP AARR K K (Atlanta) Boyz II Men, En Vogue August 22 BBJJ CCCC CCO ON N CCEERR TT H HAALLLL (Birmingham) Crosby, Stills and Nash August 22 OAAK O KM MO OU UN N TTAAIIN N AAM MPP H HIITT H HEEAATT RREE (Pelham) Keith Urban, Jerrod Niemann, Brett Eldridge
August 23 H AAVV EEN 1122TT H NU UEE N NO ORR TTH H (Nashville) Big Gigantic, Diplo, Griz, Zed’s Dead August 23 FFO OU URR PP O OIIN NTT SS SSH HEERR AATTO ON N (Brentwood, TN) Kellie Pickler August 23 CCH HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARR K K ((Atlanta) Chicago, REO Speedwagon August 24 VVEERR IIZZO ON NW WIIRREE LLEESSSS AAM MPP H HIITTH H EEAATTRR EE AATT EEN NCCO O RREE PPAARR K K (Atlanta) Keith Urban, Jerrod Niemann, Brett Eldridge August 24 PPH H IILLIIPP SS AARR EEN NAA (Atlanta) Aerosmith, Slash August 28 MIILLLLEERR PPLLAAZZAA (Chattanooga) Gabe Dixon, M Stereo Dig August 29 ATT LLAAN A NTTAA BB O OTT AAN NIICCAALL G GAARR D DEEN N (Atlanta) Lyle Lovett August 29 BBO OU U TTW WEELLLL AAU UD DIITT O ORR IIU UM M (Birmingham) Austin Mahone, Fifth Harmony, Shawn Mendes, Alex Angelo September 2 FFRREE D DRR IICCK K BB RRO OW WN N JJRR .. AAM M PPH H IITTH HEE AATT RR EE (Atlanta) Bret Michaels September 6 VVEERR IIZZO ON NW WIIRREE LLEESSSS AAM MPP H HIITTH H EEAATTRR EE AATT EEN NCCO O RREE PPAARR K K (Atlanta) ZZ Top, Jeff Beck September 6 TTH HEE W WO OO OD DSS AATT FFO ON NTT EEN NEE LL (Whites Creek) Austin Mahone, Fifth Harmony, Shawn Mendes September 6 AAARR O A ON N’’ SS AAM MPP H HIITTH H EEAATTRR EE (Atlanta) Kings of Leon September 9 TTH HEE TTAABB EERR N NAACCLLEE (Atlanta) 3 Doors Down, Acousitc – Songs From the Attic September 10 OAAK O KM MO OU UN NTT AAIIN N AAM MPP H HIITTH H EEAATTRR EE (Pelham, AL) Kings of Leon September 10 AAARR O A ON N’’ SS AAM MPP H HIITTH H EEAATTRR EE (Atlanta) Rascal Flatts, Sheryl Crow, Glorianna September 11 CCH HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARR K K (Atlanta) Tedeschi Trucks, John Hiatt September 12 ARR EEN A NAA @ @G GW WIIN NN NEETTTT CC EEN NTT EERR (Atlanta) Ed Sheeran September 12 CCH HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARR K K (Atlanta) Charlie Wilson September 13 BBRR IID DG GEE SSTTO ON N EE AARREE N NAA (Nashville) Ed Sheeran September 13 CCO OU UN N TTRR YY TT O ON NIITT EE TT H HEEAATT RREE (Pigeon Forge) Bobby Bare, John Anderson, Daryl Worley
APRIL 24 2014
September 19
D && LLIIN 33 RR D ND DSSLLEEYY (Nashville) Terry Bozio September 24 ATT LLAAN A N TTAA M MO OTT O ORR SSPP EEEED DW WA AYY (Hampton) A Flock of Seagulls September 26 TT H HEE EEAARR LL (Atlanta) The Dream Syndicate September 27 G EEO G ORR G GIIAA D DO OM MEE (Atlanta) One Direction October 1 RR YYM M AAN N AAU UD DIITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Ian Anderson October 1 VV A ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Miranda Sings October 12 BB RR IID DG GEESSTT O ON NEE AARR EEN N AA (Nashville) Motley Crue, Alice Cooper October 15 WH W HO O TTEELL-- M MIID DTTO OW WN N (Atlanta) Sandra Bernhardt October 18 RR YYM M AAN N AAU UD DIITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Jason Isbell, Amanda Shires October 24 RR YYM M AAN N AAU UD DIITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Jason Isbell, St. Paul & the Broken Bones October 25 RR YYM M AAN N AAU UD DIITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Jason Isbell, Sturgill Simpson October 26 TT H HO OM MPP SSO ON N --BB O OLLIIN NG G AARR EEN NA A (Knoxville) Eric Church, Dwight Yoakum, Halestorm October 30 MEE M M MO ORR IIAALL AAU UD DIITTO O RRIIU UM M (Chattanooga) Joe Bonamassa December 9 ARR EEN A NAA @ @G GW WIIN NN NEE TTTT CCEE N NTTEE RR (Atlanta) Eric Church, Dwight Yaokum, Halestorm December 11 BB JJCC CC A ARR EEN NAA (Birmingham) Eric Church, Dwight Yaokum, Halestorm December 13 PP H HIILLIIPP SS AARR EEN NAA (Atlanta) Fleetwood Mac December 17 BB RR IID DG GEESSTT O ON NEE AARR EEN N AA (Nashville) Justin Timberlake December 19 ARR EEN A NAA @ @G GW WIIN NN NEE TTTT CCEE N NTTEE RR (Atlanta) Justin Timberlake December 20 BB RR IID DG GEESSTT O ON NEE AARR EEN N AA (Nashville) Bassnectar December 31 SSCC H HEERR M MEERR H HO O RRN N SSYYM MPP H HO ON NYY CC EEN NTT EERR (Nashville) Kenny Rogers January 15-17
The Quiet Ones PG-13 Tucked away in an estate outside of London, Professor Coupland along Brick Mansions PG-13 An undercover cop tries to take with a team of university students down a ruthless crime lord with conduct an “experiment” on Jane access to a neutron bomb by infil- Harper, a young girl who harbors unspeakable secrets. What dark trating his gang. forces they uncover are more terrifying than any of them expected. The Other Woman R After discovering her boyfriend is married, a woman tries to get her NO N OW W SSH HO OW W IIN NG G ruined life back on track. But when she accidentally meets the wife he’s 50 to 1 PG-13 been cheating on, she realizes they A misfit group of New Mexico cowhave much in common, and her boys are on the journey of a lifesworn enemy becomes her greatest time when their crooked-footed friend. When yet another affair is racehorse qualifies for the discovered, all three women team Kentucky Derby. The cowboys face up to plot mutual revenge on their a series of mishaps on their way to cheating, lying, three-timing SOB. Churchill Downs, become the ultiO PE NI NG T HI S W EEK
Leslie Mann, Cameron Diaz and Kate Upton in 20th Century Fox’s “The Other Woman”.
mate underdogs in a final show- nitely know best and their cubs’ down with the world’s racing elite survival hinges on family togetherness. A Haunted House 2 R Malcolm, after exorcising the Captain America: The Winter demons of his ex, is starting fresh Soldier PG-13 with his new girlfriend and her two Steve Rogers struggles to embrace children. After moving into their his role in the modern world and dream home, Malcolm is once again teams up with Natasha Romanoff, plagued by bizarre paranormal aka Black Widow, to battle a powerful yet shadowy enemy in presentevents. day Washington, D.C. Bears G Disneynature’s new True Life Divergent PG-13 Adventure “Bears” showcases a year In a world where people are dividin the life of two mother bears as ed into distinct factions based on they impart life lessons to their human virtues. Tris Prior is warned impressionable young cubs. Set she is Divergent and will never fit against a majestic Alaskan backdrop into any one group. When she disteeming with life, their journey covers a conspiracy by a faction begins as winter comes to an end leader to destroy all Divergents, and the bears emerge from hiberna- Tris must learn to trust in the mystion to face the bitter cold. The terious Four and together they must world outside is exciting—but find out what makes being risky—as the cubs’ playful descent Divergent so dangerous before it’s down the mountain carries with it a too late. looming threat of avalanches. As the season changes from spring to Draft Day PG-13 summer, the brown bear families On the day of the NFL Draft, genermust work together to find food— al manager Sonny Weaver has the ultimately feasting at a plentiful opportunity to save football in salmon run—while staying safe from Cleveland when he trades for the predators, including an ever-pres- number one pick. He must quickly ent wolf pack. “Bears” captures the decide what he’s willing to sacrifice fast-moving action and suspense of in pursuit of perfection as the lines life in one of the planet’s last great between his personal and profeswildernesses—where mothers defi- sional life become blurred on a life-
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changing day for a few hundred the mysterious entity now back in young men with dreams of playing their hands, Tim and Kaylie soon find their hold on reality shattered in the NFL. by terrifying hallucinations, and realize, too late, that their childGod’s Not Dead PG College freshman and devout hood nightmare is beginning Christian Josh Wheaton finds his again… faith challenged on his first day of Philosophy class by the dogmatic The Raid 2 Professor Radisson. Radisson begins He thought it was over. After fightclass by informing students that ing his way out of a building filled they will need to disavow, in writ- with gangsters and madmen - a fight ing, the existence of God on that that left the bodies of police and first day, or face a failing grade. As gangsters alike piled in the halls other students in the class begin rookie Jakarta cop Rama thought it scribbling the words “God Is Dead” was done and he could resume a on pieces of paper, Josh find him- normal life. He couldn’t have been self at a crossroads, having to more wrong. choose between his faith and his future. Josh offers a nervous Rio 2 G refusal, provoking an irate reaction Jewel, Blu and their three kids leave from his smug professor. Radisson their domesticated life in that magassigns him a daunting task: to ical city of Rio for a journey to the prove God’s existence by presenting Amazon. Along the way, they well-researched, intellectual argu- encounter a menagerie of characments and evidence over the course ters who are born to be wild. of the semester, and engage Radisson in a head-to-head debate Transcendence PG-13 Dr. Will Caster is the foremost in front of the class. researcher in the field of Artificial Intelligence, working to create a The Grand Budapest Hotel R Recounts the adventures of Gustave sentient machine that combines the H, a legendary concierge at a collective intelligence of everything famous European hotel between the ever known with the full range of human emotions. His highly controwars. versial experiments have made him famous, but they have also made Heaven Is For Real PG Todd Burpo and Sonja Burpo are him the prime target of anti-techthe real-life couple whose son nology extremists who will do whatColton claims to have visited ever it takes to stop him. However, Heaven during a near death experi- in their attempt to destroy Will, ence. Colton recounts the details of they inadvertently become the catahis amazing journey with childlike lyst for him to succeed — to be a innocence and speaks matter-of- participant in his own transcenfactly about things that happened dence. For his wife Evelyn and best before his birth ... things he could- friend Max Waters, both fellow n’t possibly know. Todd and his researchers, the question is not if family are then challenged to exam- they can but if they should. Their ine the meaning from this remark- worst fears are realized as Will’s thirst for knowledge evolves into a able event. seemingly omnipresent quest for power, to what end is unknown. Oculus R Ten years ago, tragedy struck the The only thing that is becoming terRussell family, leaving the lives of rifyingly clear is there may be no teenage siblings Tim and Kaylie for- way to stop him. ever changed when Tim was convicted of the brutal murder of their CO C OM M II N NG G SSO OO ON N parents. Now in his 20s, Tim is newly released from protective cus- The Amazing Spider-Man 2 PG-13 tody and only wants to move on It’s great to be Spider-Man. For with his life; but Kaylie, still haunt- Peter Parker, there’s no feeling ed by that fateful night, is con- quite like swinging between skyvinced her parents’ deaths were scrapers, embracing being the hero, caused by something else altogeth- and spending time with Gwen. But er: a malevolent supernatural force¬¬ being Spider-Man comes at a price: unleashed through the Lasser Glass, only Spider-Man can protect his felan antique mirror in their child- low New Yorkers from the formidahood home. Determined to prove ble villains that threaten the city. Tim’s innocence, Kaylie tracks With the emergence of Electro, down the mirror, only to learn sim- Peter must confront a foe far more ilar deaths have befallen previous powerful than he. And as his old owners over the past century. With friend, Harry Osborn, returns, Peter ENIGMA
comes to realize that all of his ene- Million Dollar Arm PG mies have one thing in common: Follows an American sports agent who discovered Indian teenagers OsCorp. Rinku Singh and Dinesh Patel, winners of a reality TV series called Godzilla The world’s most famous monster is “The Million Dollar Arm,” aimed at pitted against malevolent creatures finding a person who could throw a baseball the fastest. He brought that threaten mankind. them back to the US, moved in with Legends of Oz: Dorothy’s Return PG them, taught them English, and, of Dorothy wakes to post-tornado course, the game of baseball with Kansas, only to be whisked back to the hopes of getting them major Oz to try to save her old friends the league contracts. Scarecrow, the Lion, the Tin Man and Glinda from a devious new vil- Neighbors R lain, the Jester. Wiser the owl, A couple with a newborn baby face Marshal Mallow, China Princess and unexpected difficulties after they Tugg the tugboat join Dorothy on are forced to live next to a fraterniher latest magical journey through ty house. the colorful landscape of Oz to restore order and happiness to Emerald City.
Across 2. Worn to protect the clothing 6. Fermented grape juices 11. Lady's-finger 13. State resident 15. English princess 17. Fixes 18. Ogles 19. Underground part of a plant 20. Deuces 21. Thin glutinous mud 22. Authentic 23. Finish first 25. Biddies 26. Person whose religion is Judaism 30. Devote 32. Modify 36. Complete change 37. Shooting sport 38. Sealing compound 40. Purchase
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12. Flightless bird 14. Small dam 16. Part of speech 24. Rich and fashionable travellers 26. Trash 27. Spouse 28. Group of tents 29. Genus of vermin 30. Step in ballet 31. Short letter 33. Paint unskillfully 34. Be sorry for 35. Plaything 39. Highest 42. Public exhibition Down 43. Judges 1. Florida city 2. Inert elemental gas 44. Metal fastener 45. Mathematics 3. Move past 46. Raised platform 4. Lubricates 47. Evade work 5. Yuletide 6. Of moderate tem- 48. Unwieldy ship 51. Career golfers perature 52. Unpleasant smell 7. Insert 53. Salver 8. Planet 54. Stylish 9. Breathe noisily 10. Hates intensely 41. Places to sleep 47. Shaft horsepower 49. Executive Officer 50. Away 54. Pal 55. Imitator 56. Tester 57. Hawaiian port 58. Draw near 59. Book of the Bible 60. Annoys 61. Native of Switzerland 62. Type of packsack
16-year-old Janis Ian sings “Society Child” on the CBS-TV show, Inside Pop The Rock Revolution. A year before, the song was banned by many radio stations because of its interracial love affair theme. Following her television appearance, the record shot into the US Top Twenty. 11996688 The Rolling Stones record “Jumpin’ Jack Flash”, which will reach #1 in the UK and #3 in the US by next July. 11996699 The Carpenters sign with A&M Records, where they will have twenty Billboard Top 40 hits. 11995544 Billboard magazine featured a headline that read: “Teenagers Demand Music with a Beat - Spur Rhythm and Blues.” It was a sign of things to come. Within a year, R&B music by both Black and White artists caught the public’s fancy.
11995555 John Walker, the British delegate on the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs announces that there is a “definite connection between increased marijuana smoking and that form of entertainment known as bebop and rebop.” 11 995566 Elvis Presley, accompanied by Bill Black and Scotty Moore, made his Las Vegas debut at the New Frontier Hotel when he opened for the Freddie Martin Orchestra and comedian Shecky Greene. Despite having “Heartbreak Hotel” at the top of the charts, Elvis was not wellreceived by the middle-aged audience. Management of the Frontier was so unimpressed, they gave Elvis his walking papers after one week of a two-week engagement. Presley wouldn’t play Las Vegas again for almost 13 years. 1957 Elvis Presley’s “All Shook Up” starts an eight week stay at the top of the US record charts. Songwriter Otis Blackwell would later say that he wrote the tune at the suggestion of an associate who was shaking a bottle of Pepsi. The song went on to be the biggest single of 1957, selling over 2 million copies.
financial interest in 27 percent of the records he played on the show over a two year period, but is cleared of all charges. John Lennon and Paul McCartney appeared as The Nerk Twins at The Fox And Hounds pub in Caversham, Berkshire. 11996611 Del Shannon’s “Runaway” hit #1 on the Billboard Hot 100, enabling him to finally quit his job as a carpet salesman. The song also reached the top of the chart in the UK and has since been ranked at #466 on Rolling Stone’s list of The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time. 11996622 A song called “My Bonnie” by Tony Sheridan and The Beatles was issued in America on the Decca label. It was the first commercial release anywhere in the world to carry The Beatles name. John Lennon would later say “It’s just Tony Sheridan singing with us banging in the background. They’re flogging it, but I wish they’d just shut up! It’s terrible! It could be anybody.” The mono 45 failed to chart on Billboard or Cashbox. 1199 6633 Jan And Dean record “Surf City” with The Beach Boys providing background vocals. The Brian Wilson penned tune became the first surf song to reach number one on the Billboard Hot 100 and even crossed over to the R&B chart where it reached #3.
16-year-old Ricky Nelson releases his first record, “Teenager’s Romance”, with his cover of Fats Domino’s “I’m Walkin’” on the flip side. The disc sold nearly 60,000 copies within three days and eventually went over a million.
11996644 In the UK, the President of the National Federation Of Hairdressers offered a free haircut to the next group to reach the top of the Pop chart. He was quoted as saying ‘The Rolling Stones are the worst, one of them looks as if he’s got a feather duster on his head.’
11 995599 Goldband Records releases “Puppy Love” by Dolly Parton, a song that was recorded two years earlier when she was just eleven years old. The record will flop and Dolly would have to wait until 1968 to make her first Billboard chart appearance with a Porter Wagoner duet called “The Last Thing On My Mind”.
Peter And Gordon reach #1 on the UK Pop chart with “A World without Love”, a song given to them by Paul McCartney because he didn’t think it was good enough for The Beatles to record. The song would also top the Cashbox Best Sellers list and the Billboard Hot 100 in June.
11996600 Dick Clark testifies before a Congressional committee investigating the payola scandal. He admits he had a
119966 77 Just days after completing “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band”, The Beatles laid down tracks for “Magical Mystery Tour” at Abbey Road studios in London.
April 22 The Who give their first complete live performance of the Rock opera Tommy at a show in Dolton, England. The fortunes of Canada’s Guess Who were about to change as their latest single “These Eyes” entered the Billboard Top 40. It would climb to #6 and was followed by twelve more hits over the next five years. Lead singer Burton Cummings would later recall; “We fought RCA tooth and nail not to release that as a single because we wanted to be a Rock band.” 11997700 Elton John makes his solo concert debut, opening for T. Rex in London, England. Norman Greenbaum’s “Spirit in the Sky” is awarded a Gold record. The single sold two million copies in 1969 and 1970 and reached number three in the US and number one in the UK. Grace Slick of Jefferson Airplane is inadvertently invited to Tricia Nixon’s White House party. Guards stop her escort, Chicago Seven defendant Abbie Hoffman, and both leave without incident. After playing a concert in Raleigh, North Carolina, where men in the crowd taunted the interracial band Pacific Gas and Electric, the group is shot at as their van leaves the club. Four bullets hit the vehicle but no one is hurt. The Jackson Five achieve their second straight US #1 single with “ABC”. It was also a Top Ten hit in the UK, topping out at #8. 11997711 Fleetwood Mac announce that guitarist Bob Welsh will be the replacement for the departed Jeremy Spencer. John Lennon, Ringo Starr and George Harrison officially end their plans to appeal Paul McCartney’s efforts to legally dissolve The Beatles. 11 997733 Alice Cooper had the #1 album in the US with “Billion Dollar Babies”. The LP also topped the chart in the UK. Tony Orlando And Dawn topped both the US and the UK singles chart with
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“Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree”. It became the biggest hit of the year, selling over 6 million copies. L. Russel Brown would later say that he and his songwriting partner Irwin Levine wrote the song in about 15 minutes, updating the lyrics from a story about a soldier coming home from Andersonville Prison during the Civil War. 11997744 The theme song from the TV show Soul Train called TSOP (The Sound Of Philadelphia) topped the Billboard Hot 100. It made #22 in the UK. Mama Cass Elliot collapses before an appearance on The Tonight Show where she had been scheduled to host the program. She was later taken to hospital on a stretcher. 11997755 27-year-old Peter Ham, singer / guitarist for Badfinger, committed suicide by hanging himself in the garage of his home. He was reported to be deeply depressed by financial problems the group was having and left a note blaming the group’s manager for his troubles. B.J. Thomas not only reached the top spot on both the Cash Box Best Sellers list and the Billboard Hot 100, he also set a record for the number one song with the longest title with “Hey Won’t You Play Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song”. The tune was not a hit in the UK. 11997766 Former Raspberries lead singer Eric
Carmen enters the US Pop chart with his first and biggest solo hit, “All by Myself”. The record would reach #2 on Billboard’s Hot 100, #1 on the Cash Box Top 100 and #12 in the UK. Johnnie Taylor’s “Disco Lady” becomes the first song to be certified Platinum by the RIAA (for two million copies sold). Saturday Night Live producer Lorne Michaels makes an on-air offer to pay the Beatles $3,000 to reunite on the show. Lennon and McCartney were apparently watching the show together in New York and briefly considered walking down to the studio to accept the check. Wings’ “At The Speed Of Sound” went to #1 on the US album chart. It was Paul McCartney’s fifth #1 after he left The Beatles. 11997777 18 weeks after entering the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart, Thelma Houston’s “Don’t Leave Me This Way” made it all the way to the top spot. The song peaked at #13 in the UK. 11997788 Bob Marley And The Wailers perform at the One Love Peace Concert in Jamaica. It was Marley’s first public appearance in Jamaica since being wounded in an assassination attempt a year and a half earlier.
Former Stealers Wheel vocalist Gerry Rafferty releases his biggest solo hit, “Baker Street”. It will reach #2 on the Hot 100 and #3 in the UK and was written about one of London’s most famous streets, home to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes. Queen’s single “We Are the Champions” was certified Platinum after reaching number two on the UK Singles Chart and number four on the Billboard Hot 100. Ringo Starr’s TV special, Ringo, a musical version of The Prince and the Pauper airs on American television. Ringo played both characters and George Harrison provided the narration, but the effort still finishes 53rd out of 65 shows. 11997799 Amii Stewart went to #1 on the US singles chart with a remake of Eddie Floyd’s 1966 hit, “Knock On Wood”. It made #6 in the UK the same year and #7 when reissued in 1985. 11998811 Paul McCartney, who is reluctant to tour because of death threats he was receiving in the wake of John Lennon’s murder, decides to disband Wings. 11998833 Dexys Midnight Runners went to the top of the Billboard singles chart with “Come On Eileen”, the group’s only US #1. The song also topped the UK chart. The band took their name from the amphetamine Dexedrine, commonly known as Dexys, and therefore the
group’s name is improperly spelled when an apostrophe is used between the y and the s. 11998844 Phil Collins started a three week stay at #1 on the US singles chart with “Against All Odds”. It was a #2 hit in the UK.
The soundtrack LP from the movie Footloose begins a ten week run at the top of the Billboard album chart on the strength of the title track by Kenny Loggins and “Let’s Hear It For The Boy” by Deniece Williams. 11998877 A record store in Callaway, Florida is shut down and a part-time clerk is arrested for selling a copy of “2 Live Is What We Are” by 2 Live Crew to a 14year-old boy. Officials have deemed the recording “obscene” because of its pornographic lyrics. 11998888 Whitney Houston breaks the record held by The Beatles and The Bee Gees of scoring seven consecutive US number one hits when “Where Do Broken Hearts Go” tops the Billboard Pop chart.
A jury in White Plains, New York ruled that Mick Jagger did not pirate an unknown Reggae musician’s song and turn it into his 1985 hit, “Just Another Night”. Patrick Alley of New York City had accused Jagger of copyright infringement. 11999900 The Fender Stratocaster that Jimi Hendrix used to perform the “Star Spangled Banner” at Woodstock is auctioned off in London for $295,000. 11999911 44-year-old Steve Marriott, who found success in The Small Faces and Humble Pie, died when a fire thought to have been caused by a cigarette swept through his 16th-century home in Arkesden, Essex. He and Peter Frampton were in the process of re-forming and had written and recorded several new songs at the time of his death. Rod Stewart had been his replacement in the Small Faces. Johnny Thunders, the guitarist who rose to fame with The New York Dolls, died at the age of 38. The cause of death appeared to be drug-related, but it has also been speculated that foul play may have been involved. 11999922 Brian McLeod, guitarist and backing vocalist for Chilliwack, died of brain cancer at the age of 39. The Vancouver, Canada band is most often remembered for their 1981 hit, “My Girl (Gone, Gone Gone)”. 1199 9933 About 40,000 people attend Farm Aid 6 in Ames, Iowa, that features Willie Nelson, John Cougar Mellencamp and Neil Young. 11999944 Grace Slick pleads guilty to pointing a
shotgun at police in her Tiburon, California home on March 5, 1994. She says that she was under stress because her Mill Valley home had burned down the previous fall and she lost most of her possessions. On June 7th, she will be sentenced to 200 hours of community service and four Alcoholics Anonymous meetings a week for three months. 11999955 The Sunday Times of London reported that a Liverpool man, Peter Hodgson, had found a tape in his attic containing 16 of The Beatles’ earliest recordings made in 1959. The session included “Hello Little Girl”, a Lennon-McCartney composition that The Beatles never recorded commercially and Ray Charles’ “Hallelujah, I Love Her So”. The tape had been made on a reel-to-reel recorder that Hodgson’s father had lent to Paul McCartney. 11999977 ABC’s telecast of U2: A Year in POP becomes the lowest-rated prime-time program in the history of major network television. 22 000033 Brother Records launched a lawsuit against former Beach Boy Al Jardine for using the band’s name when he tours, contrary to a January 28th court ruling. Jardine appeared under variations of the Beach Boy name, including Beach Boys Family and Friends and Al Jardine of the Beach Boys. Jardine would win the lawsuit the following November. Only days after Madonna tried to strike back at illegal sharing of songs from her “American Life” album by flooding the Internet with fake MP3s, her website was hacked and real digital files of the songs were leaked. 22 000077 Bobby “Boris” Pickett, whose Boris Karloff impression propelled the Halloween anthem “The Monster Mash” to the top of the Billboard Pop chart in 1962, died of leukemia at the age of 69. 220000 88 Paul Davis, who placed eight songs on the Billboard Top 40 Pop chart, including “I Go Crazy” (#7 in 1977), and “65 Love Affair” (#6 in 1982), suffered a fatal heart attack at the age of 60. After his Pop career was over, Davis topped the Country chart with “You’re Still New to Me”, a duet with Marie Osmond in 1986 and “I Won’t Take Less Than Your Love” with Paul Overstreet and Tanya Tucker in 1987. 22001100 All four original members of The Young Rascals reunited onstage for the first time since their 1997 Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame induction when they appeared at the Kristen Ann Carr Fund gala in New York after an invite by The E Street Band’s Steven Van Zandt. Hopes of a more permanent reunion were quickly dashed by guitarist Gene Cornish, who said “I speak on behalf of the band when I say all the money offers in the world could not entice The Rascals to reunite.” They would get back together
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however, for a series of concerts beginning in 2012. 22 001111 Dionne Warwick and the surviving members of The Shirelles launched a lawsuit against the producers of a new Broadway musical called Baby It’s You, accusing them of cashing in on the plaintiffs’ stories and successes while using plaintiffs’ names, likenesses and biographical information without their consent. Phoebe Snow, the velvet voiced singer / songwriter who reached #5 in the US in 1975 with “Poetry Man”, died of complications from a stroke at the age of 60. 220011 22 Rocker Ted Nugent was axed from a concert at U.S. military base Fort Knox following the controversy over his rant against President Barack Obama when he insisted Americans had to rise up against Obama and the Democrats when America goes to the polls in November. 2200 1133 Richie Havens, who rose to fame as the opening act at the Woodstock Festival in 1969, died following a heart attack at the age of 72. During his lengthy career he scored just one Billboard Top 40 hit, a cover of George Harrison’s “Here Comes The Sun”, which reached #16 in 1971. Two founding members of The O’Jays, Eddie Levert and Walter Williams, filed a 1 million dollar lawsuit against the makers of Crown Royal Whiskey. The suit claimed that the company ripped off their tune “For Love of Money” for a commercial without asking for permission.
RRU UM MOO UURR HH AASS IITT … … mee nn …EEcchhoo && TT hhee BBuunnnnyym returns to the U.S. in August. Touring in support of a new album that’s only weeks away from release, the Liverpool band will launch the adventure in Los Angeles in early August.
Keevvii nn SShhaarr pp, a country …K music singer who recorded multiple chart-topping songs and survived a well-publicized battle with cancer, has died. He was 43. His sister M Maarr yy H Huu ssttoonn said SShh aarrpp died at his mother’s Fair Oaks, Calif., home, at 10:49 p.m. Saturday of complications from past stomach surgeries and digestive issues. …G Gaa ll llaa gghheerr ’’ss quest to collect his fee for a March 29 concert in Uniontown, Pa., has been fulfilled since the promoter came through with the comic’s $10,000 payment. CEE Presents CC hh aass ee EEbbaauugghh reportedly sent the check Gaa llll aa gghh eerr ’’ss manager, CC rraa iigg to G Maarrqquu aarr ddoo , for the stand-up comeM dy show at the 1,400-capacity State Theatre, putting an end to the disMaarr qquuaarr ddoo pute that began April 7. M confirmed to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review that it was received and cleared but criticized EEbbaauugghh for paying what he owed only after the negative press and the threat of a lawsuit.
will perform May 10 at “An Evening With Women” to benefit the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center. LLii nnddaa PPee rrrr yy, the band’s former lead singer and hit songwriter, has produced the event for years. PPeerr rryy said she tried to get other singers to perform, as she has done in the past, but “this year everybody’s off the market, everybody’s busy.” That’s when she decided to call her former band mates. …Previously unreleased recordings of country music legend HHaa nnkk W W iill llii aam mss performing songs on a 1950 radio show will be released next month for download and on vinyl. “The Garden Spot Programs, 1950” features 24 songs and jingles from a taped show that aired on early country radio stations, sponsored by a Texas plant nursery. Most of the tapes were lost, but only the copies from one station, KSIB-AM in Creston, Iowa, survived. The recordings were transferred, restored and mastered for release May 20 by Omnivore Records. …Police have confiscated a collection of lost JJaayy ZZ master recordings from a producer, according to a report. TMZ claims that producer PPrroodduuccee rr CC hhaa nncceeyy Maa hhaa nn, who worked with JJaayy ZZ M from 2008 to 2009, was allegedly found in possession of Roc-A-Fella Records master recordings from 1998 to 2002. According to the report, JJaayy ZZ’’ss Roc-A-Fella Records recorded a series of master record-
N oonn …What’s up with 44 N BBlloonnddeess? How about a one-nightonly reunion? The ‘90s rock band
ings between 1998 to 2002. However, in 2002 the masters went missing and the rapper and his team believed they had been lost. Maahh aann allegedly contactOn Friday M ed promoter Live Nation – which is a partner in JJaayy ZZ’’ss Roc Nation record label – to say he had a number of the tapes in a storage facility in California and that he would either auction them or give them the tapes for a $100,000 “storage fee”. He is believed to eventually agreed on $75,000. The producer then reportedly went to the storage facility to agree the deal, but found police waiting for him, where they detained him for questioning. The report claims he let LAPD take possession of the tapes until a judge determines ownership. …JJaacckk W Whh ii ttee made history by producing the world’s fastest released record during a day of festivities to mark Record Store Day at his Third Man studio in Nashville, Tennessee. At 10am on Saturday (April 19), the singer took to the stage in the Blue Room of his studio to record a limited edition direct-to-acetate single. The room is the only live venue in the world where artists can record live shows straight to vinyl. The masters were then rushed over to United Record Pressing plant in Nashville, which began pressing the 45s before they were delivered back to hundreds of fans queuing outside Third Man, some of whom had queued all night to be there.
Wuu--TT aanngg CC ll aann have …W denied any affiliation with the rapper who recently cut off his own penis. A Annddrr ee JJoohh nnssoonn , otherwise known as CC hhrr iiss tt BBeeaarr eerr , is a member of the hip hop group N N oorr tthhss ttaarr. In the early hours of Friday morning he cut off his penis and then jumped from a second floor balcony in North Hollywood, Los Angeles, California. He was found in a critical state on the pavement and was rushed to the Cedars-Sinai ENIGMA
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Medical Center hospital. The rapper was said to be affiliated with W uu --TT aanngg CCll aann as his group was disW covered by RRZZA A in 1998 and in 2004 released Bobby Digital Presents Northstar, which was produced by RRZZAA under an alias. However, Gawker reports that a post on Wutangclan.com, which has since been deleted, apparently read: “Parental Advisory : Don’t Believe The HYPE. This Mother Fucker Ain’t WU UTT A AN NG G Got Shit to do with The W Brand.” …The 6th annual Southern Blooms Festival at Rock City Gardens is returning next weekend with daily speakers, garden tours, music and more, Saturday and Sunday May 3-4. This event runs from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and honors Rock City’s original gardener, Frieda Utermoehlen Carter. This year’s Southern Blooms hosts three speakers every day, including returning southern chef, writer and TV personality, VViirr ggii nnii aa W W ii llll ii ss; A nnddyy O Offffuu tttt southern storyteller, A IIrr w wii nn; and southern gardener, FFee llddeerr RRuuss hhii nngg. …Join everyone on Friday evening, May 2, 5pm-10pm at Graffiti, 505 Cherokee Boulevard, for the opening reception of “Cock Miicchh aaeell and Bull: The Paintings of M HH oollss oom mbbaacckk and K Keenn PPaaggee.” Both artists are well-known professors of art at Chattanooga State Community College. Guest curator is EErr iicc K Keell lleerr , a former student of the featured artists, who is now a teacher of art at Chattanooga School for the Arts and Sciences. If you know any truths, half-truths or outright lies about the music and club scene send it to Sissy Vance c/o rumoursmill@enigmaonline.com.
- Sissy Vance
The Grand Budapest Hotel Do you like slapstick films? How about an old world film that's filled with crazy antics... or a nostalgic glance back at the way hotels operated in grand fashion? Or what about a farce: earnestly evoking quasi-tears in your eyes, sometimes? Well, Wes Anderson's new film, "The Grand Budapest Hotel" could be one you should see.
boy and confesses to his immense success in attracting rich widows to lodge at the Hotel and fall in love with him, hook, line and certainly sinker. The lobby boy takes it all in and becomes not only Gustave's apprentice but eventually heir apparent. The story takes off when one of his aged dames is found dead-having just willed him a priceless
I mostly savored it but then I'm a sucker for humorous nonsensical movies that happen to be well directed and written with chaste abandonment. The story itself has a touching momentum. Jude Law-- who plays a wandering writer-hears about some mysterious owner of a current third-rate hotel (but once Grand Budapest) masterpiece and --not to spoil it and seeks an interview. for you- a heck of a lot more as well. But "when money's involved, Thus begins the tale of what went love flies out the window"; and on in the grand days of The the son of this dead women turns Thirties-- before war crushed life the guilt-light on M. Gustave as a out of civility that flourished in suspect in what turns out to be hotels with multi-staffed servants, murder. concierges and lobby boys. The owner himself, he relates, once Next follows the sort of run from was such a lobby boy and learned "justice" that takes us from under that eminent concierge, M. prison, to outlandish jail breakGustave, who is played by Ralph like one you have never witnessed Fiennes. The lobby boy-- Tony before-- to wilderness gallopingRevolori, in his lobby boy days-- is on to a sleigh ride that is over the suitably played in late years, by a top in thrills. The sheer quickness sad, world-weary F. Murray of every move that these two felAbraham. lows make (the lobby boy clinging to Gustave through each advenThe tale he tells starts with his ture) is a tour de force in old fashfirst work day at the hotel... and ioned film making. how M. Gustave trains this lobby ENIGMA
Saoirse Ronan plays an artistic, quaint pastry chef and young love to the lobby boy. She lends a feint-hand, assisting the two menwhen they need to escape-- and guarding their masterpiece, too. Finally, when the true villains have been found out and life returns to normalcy, Fate intervenes; and the death of M. Gustave has the lobby boy becoming the owner of the Hotel-where he had started out. But even with his newfound wealth he's hardly the eager beaver that he once was. All of this, he tells the writer; and thus ends the tale of the (once) Grand Budapest Hotel. They say if all you get out of a film is all you get in the film, that film's a loser. I did get more: a nostalgic sadness-- reflecting on how folks once showed a flair for travellinghow guests once stayed long at places like this Hotel that catered to their every whim- with no other sanction. They lived because they could. As far as the film, itself, I felt it didn't quite rate an eight-so it's SEVEN: Because I thought in the end it didn't quite live up to what The Grand Budapest Hotel stood for or had once meant.
- Hunbler Acts
APRIL 24 2014
1. Nickel Creek 2. Lake Street Dive 3. Conor Oberst 4. Nina Persson 5. The Black Keys 6. Beck 7. Coldplay 8. Pixies 9. Tori Amos 10. The Old 97’s 11. Chrissie Hynde 12. Sarah McLachlan 13. Young the Giant 14. Afghan Whigs 15. Eels 16. Foster The People 17. The String Cheese Incident 18. First Aid Kit 19. Ziggy Marley 20. Kaiser Chiefs
ADVENTURE PICKS 1. Secret Sisters 2. Kongos 3. 7Horse\
© Photo by Chris Eason
KAP SLAP Jared Lucas - From Mashup to An Original Kap Slap - Jared Lucas is a 24year-old DJ/Producer based outside of New York City. Initially recognized for his signature EDM/top 40 bootlegs that tailor to the college scene, Kap Slap now begins a new chapter of his career. Now that he has graduated from Lehigh University, Jared has the time and resources needed to pursue his dream and create his own original productions. His substantial fan bases gained through mashups anxiously await his debut single, which is sure to exceed expectations.
weenn tt ttoo LLeehhiigghh U w Unniivv eerrssiittyy aanndd eeaarrnn eedd aann iim m pprreessssiivv ee ddeeggrreeee.. DDiidd yy oouu eevv eerr tthhiinnkk yy oouu w woouulldd bbee dd ooiinngg w whhaatt yyoouu ’’rree ddooiinn gg nnoow w aatt tthhiiss ppooiinntt iinn yyoouu rr lliiffee??
Monday. That’s when I realized I could keep doing this – at least for a little bit. Now it’s become more clear.
the basis for what I’m modeling my own stuff around – stuff that is musical and has uplifting corporations but will still give you the everyone will like it YYoouu’’vv ee ggrraadduuaatteedd ffrroom m ddooiinn gg thing. That’s kind of where I’m I’d say probably before 2010 if m maasshhuupp ss tt oo ddoo iinn gg yy oouurr oo w wnn starting with my original stuff. muussiicc.. you told me in four years, five m I’m trying to get stuff that’s years you’re going to be a tourgoing to be accepted by most ing deejay I would have laughed Yeah, exactly. I’m working real people. at you. I never expected any of hard to get that stuff done. HHoo w w dd oo yy oouu sseeee yy oouurrsseellff aass aa d d e e e e jjaayy?? AA lloott oo ff ppeeooppllee hhaavv ee “To actually be a deejay or a prom iisscc oonncc eeppttiioonnss II tthhiinnkk oo ff w m ducer it takes a lot of different aa dd eeeejjaayy iiss.. TThheeyy lloo ookk aatt aawgghhuuaayytt details. You have to have the ssttaanndd iinn gg bbeehhiinn dd aa ssoo uunnddbb ooaarrdd musical knowledge of someone jjuusstt ttwwiissttiinngg kknn oobbss.. IItt’’ ss mm oorree that has played an instrument to ssoopp hhiisstt iicc aatt eedd tthhaann tthh aatt,, iissnn’’tt iitt??
YYoouu rr ddeeeejjaayy nnaam m ee iiss KKaapp SSllaapp.. appreciate IIss KKaapp SSllaapp aann aalltt eerr eeggoo oorr aa ddiiff -ffeerreenntt ppeerrssoonn aa?? W Whhaatt’’ss tthhee ddiiff -- this to happen. I’m very musical ffeerreennccee bbeettw weeeenn JJaarreedd aanndd K Kaapp as a person, so it was my outlet when I was in college. I would SSllaapp?? play houses just for fun. I never The name just came from a thought this would be a career buddy of mine. He came up that I would actually pursue, with this drink that was called but the fact I can actually do the “Kap Slap”. It was like a this for myself and work on funneled beer and a shot of 151. stuff I really love and make a That’s technically what it is. living I feel very fortunate. I (laughs) I used it for my artist look at that every day and say, name and I googled it. There “Wow, keep pushing yourself”. were hardly any results at all, Even though it’s great now so I figured this was a good you’ve still got to work for it place to start for an artist name. and work towards what you I really try not to separate like. I never thought I’d be deemyself too much. I’m not trying jaying a while ago. It became to be a hotshot or be a jerk. clear when I was still doing Kap Slap is a normal guy. Try class work, Thursday, Friday to stay down to earth as an and Saturday I would be travelartist or just a regular person. ing to different schools and doing shows and come back YYoouu’’ rree aa pprreett ttyy yyoo uunngg gguuyy .. YYoouu Sunday and take a test on ENIGMA
the music.”
DDiidd tthh ee m maasshhuupp ss hhaavv ee aannyy iinn fflluu-eenn ccee oonn tthh ee w waayy yy oouu’’rree ddooiinn gg yyoouurr oow wnn m muussiicc?? W W hheerree ddooeess tthhee iinnfflluueenn ccee ffoo rr yy oouurr m m uussiicc ccoom m ee ff rroo m m?? It all depends. Back in high school I was listening to progressive rock bands like Dream Theater or experimental jazz groups like Medeski, Martin and Wood, stuff that wasn’t exactly mainstream. That was the kind of stuff that got my brain moving. I was in a jazz class in high school. I had those as foundations from high school. The more I get into the scene now I’m seeing things like stuff from Swedish House Mafia that have started the EDM craze in America. That kind of stuff was 2014
Oh yeah. The term deejay is such a broad term. There are some deejays that will just play whatever. It doesn’t really matter how they put the tracks together. To actually be a deejay or a producer it takes a lot of different details. You have to have the musical knowledge of someone that has played an instrument to appreciate the music. At the same time you have to have the technical skill to use this program and move this into that. You have to understand how to use these things especially when you’re producing your own stuff. You have to know what frequencies to cut, where the kick drum’s to hit. It’s a very, very diverse set of skills you have to have. When you’re up there playing all of that had to go into it before-
hand as well. And you have to have the time to put that into it. When you’re deejaying that’s just the way to express the time you put into it. Some people might think it’s pretty easy. You don’t see all the time and effort that’s put into making those tracks – ideally timing out what songs go into it. At least for me – I don’t always know what I’m going to play, but I know generally the direction I want to take it a lot of times. There’s also looking at how the crowd’s reacting to certain things. Some people might like the old stuff while a lot like the new stuff and you have to be able to keep a crowd no matter what it’s looking like and kind of bring them to the right place.
YYoouu ’’rree aacc ttuuaallllyy lliikkee aa oonn ee--m maann bbaanndd.. Yeah, basically.
YYoouu ’’rree pprrooffiicciieenntt iinn gguuiittaarr,, bbaassss aanndd ddrruum m ss.. HHaass tthhaatt bb eeeenn aann aallllyy ttoo yyoo uu iinn cc rreeaattiinngg yyoouu rr muussiicc?? m Yeah. Just having musical knowledge is extremely useful coming in; only I wish I was proficient at is piano. When you’re writing melody and harmony it would help just a lot more if you were proficient in piano. As it is, it takes a little longer and you can paste together themes that you know are going to sound great. It’s definitely helped playing guitar and being familiar with the scales and how things should sound. I would argue that if you don’t have any those it’s very challenging to be a successful creator of music.
basic chord progression that I want to start with. For example I’ll start with the bass notes. Okay, this is the progression I want to use and from there I will build chords out of those bass notes. From there write a
melody over those chords that I really like. I take that and try to break it out. That’s one kind of strategy. Other times you start with a really cool sense and make a crazy drop into a track like that. It’s just hard getting the vocals and the release from the labels.
YYoo uu’’llll bbee ppeerr ffoorrm m iinn gg aatt CCoouunn tteerrPP ooiinntt M M uussiicc aanndd AA rrttss FFeessttiivv aall aann dd ppllaayyiinn gg m m oorree ffeessttii-vvaall iinn ggeenn eerraall.. HHoo w w iiss tthhaatt ccoom m -ppaarreedd tt oo w whheenn yyoo uu’’rree ddooiinngg aa cclluubb ggiigg??
A great thing about festivals is everyone is there to go crazy. (laughs) Everybody is there to look at you see everything you do. We all appreciate all that opposed to club gigs where you’re in the back of the club behind a lot of bottles and you have to play a lot more stuff that is more consistent. There is definitely a difference. I love the festivals because you can Whh aatt pprroocc eessss ddoo yyoo uu gg oo tthh rroo uugghh bring up and drop things a lot W more often. People really react whheenn w w wrriittiinngg m m uussiicc?? a lot more positively. A lot of times I will start with a ENIGMA
AArree yyoouu m moorree sseellff --ccoonn sscciioouuss aatt tthhee ffeessttiivv aall w whheerree yyoo uu aarree cceenn -tteerr ssttaaggee w whheerreeaass aa cc lluubb ggiigg yyoo uu maayy bb ee hhiidd ddeenn iinn aa bbooootthh oorr m bbaacc kk ooff tthh ee cc lluubb??
HHaavv ee tthh ee ssoonn ggss yy oouu’’ vvee ccrreeaatt eedd bbeeeenn ““tteesstteedd”” ttoo aann aauuddiieenncc ee oorr aarree tthheessee tthhiinn ggss yy oouu’’rree cc rreeaattiinngg iinntt oo tthhee sstt uuddiioo aann dd tthheenn ppllaayyiinngg tthh eem m ttoo tt hhee cc rroow wdd??
You’re a whole lot I’ve been testing it out live and they’re absolutely loving it. Right now I have one that’s pretty much completely done that we’re waiting on vocals for and then I have a few others that I’ve been writing the progressions but I haven’t been spending too much time fine tuning it for the live thing because I want to ensure that all that time and effort is put into the first one that I’m putting out because that’s going to be the thing that people will judge you for. And then I can more behind the scenes at a apply that knowledge and all club. It’s a lot more nerve the stuff I’ve learned – the techwracking in a festival situation, niques and all that to it. It’s but at the same time it’s a lot been getting great reviews, too. more rewarding when you I’m really excited for this drops something and the crowd release. It’s just a matter of getis giving it right back to you. It’s ting the vocalist on board and definitely great. getting it to the label. Whheenn yyoouu ’’rree ccrreeaatt iinn gg yy oouurr oo w W wnn OObb vviioouussllyy yy oouu’’rree lloo ookkiinngg ffoo rr-maatteerriiaall iiss iitt ccaalllleedd aa m m miixxtt aapp ee oorr w waarrdd ttoo tthhee ffeesstt iivv aallss tthhaatt aarree iiss iitt aa tt rraaddiittiioonn aall ttyy ppee ooff aallbbuum m ?? cc oom miinngg uupp.. W Whhaatt eellssee aarree yyoo uu lloooo kkiinn gg ff oorrw waarrdd ttoo oonn tthhee hh oorrii-I’m just getting into the actual zzoonn ?? world of the labels. I’m just learning about this now. Before I think just to get out and relax I was all about giving the stuff a little bit sometimes. Usually away for free. When you the summer months are a little release the original stuff you slower than April. I’m kind of have to try to get more into the looking forward to a little vacacraft of production. In order to tion where it’s warm. Other do that you have to be charting than that I’m looking forward to on Beatport. It’s a slow process getting this record out and to learn about that stuff. Right make sure everyone hears it. now I’m just starting with sin- And just go from there. It’s gles. Then I’ll put together an looking like a very bright future EP and then an album. It’s a for me now. I’m very excited. slow progression. You can’t just do an album and try to release - Dave Weinthal it or else no one will know who you are. You have to hype your- Kap Slap will be at self up a little more through the CounterPoint Music and Arts Festival Saturday, April 26. outlets. 2014
THE FLOOZIES The Floozies are brothers producer/guitarist Matt Hill and drummer Mark Hill. These two brothers from Lawrence, KS bring a fresh approach to electronic music and live performance to venues and festivals all over the country. The duo’s combination of cutting edge electronic production and party rocking funk energizes crowds and turns venues into epic dance parties. We spoke with them about being funky as all get out.
ously guitar and with drums and stuff. And then our lives changed. Yeah, I guess that’s pretty much it. We’ve always tried to make the funkiest music we could and just gradually gotten better at that and incorporated new things that we discover along the way.
what we’re doing or we’re like a country band or something. When we first started touring it was like people didn’t trust us because we were from Kansas. Now they don’t. It’s not where you’re from any more. It’s irrelevant just because you can reach people so quickly.
Lettuce, Dream Theater and prog rock and different stuff through friends. Funk came from my mom. We were fortunate enough to have people around us introducing us to new music.
YY oouu gguuyyss hhaavvee ppllaa yyeedd ffee ssttiivv aallss ii nn aa llll ccoorrnnee rrss ooff tthhee ccoouunnttrryy aanndd Whhaatt w waass ii tt llii kkee ggrr oow wiinngg uupp iinn yyoouu’’rree ccoom Whhaatt pprr oocceess ss ddoo yy oouu ggoo tthhoouugghh W W mii nngg ttoo tthhee A Attll aannttaa aarr eeaa Kaannssaa ss?? K ss hhoorr ttllyy ffoorr CC oouunnttee rrPPooii nntt M Muuss iicc aanndd whh eenn yyoouu’’rr ee w w wrr iittii nngg aa ss oonngg?? AArr ttss FF eess ttii vvaa ll.. W W hh aa tt hh aavv ee yyoouu nnoottiiccee dd aa bboouutt tthhee ddiiffffeerr eenntt ccrroow wddss yyoouu’’vvee eennccoouunntteerree dd ii nn yyoouurr ttrraa vv-YY oouu gguu yyss ppllaayy aa ll oott ooff ffee ssttii vvaall ss.. ee llss?? H oow H w ddoo ttw woo gguuyyss ggeett ssoo m maa nnyy ppee oo-We really haven’t had a lot of bad ppllee ttoo m moovvee ?? experiences at festivals. One of the things that I’ve noticed is like I don’t even know, man. People the first time we played “Walk A like funk music – especially live. I Minute” at most festivals people don’t really stop working on a song are very positive and happy and until I can’t stop dancing to it. So I nice to each other and stuff. This guess that probably helps. is the scene we’ve toured in, so I can’t necessarily say that other fesBBeeffoorree TThhee FFll oooozz iiee ss yyoouu aanndd yyoouurr tivals, maybe like a rock festival or bbrr ootthheerr ppll aa yyeedd ootthhee rr kk iinnddss ooff something like that isn’t like that, muuss iicc.. W m W hh aatt llee dd yyoouu iinn tthh ee ddii rree cc-but it’s really cool to me because I ttiioonn ooff ee llee ccttrr oonniicc m muuss iicc?? feel like people take care of each other and stuff. And they’re raging I don’t think it’s electronic music as and dancing and stuff and having a genre any more. What was exciting to me about it was all these It’s kind of different every time. I had a great time. I enjoyed my fun, but they’re not picking fights new instruments and new tools There will be some songs where I’ll childhood and I like it here. I still or – I don’t know, getting violent and stuff. All the software and be working on it for months and live here. So I don’t have anything or breaking things. It seems to be hardware and stuff, it was just I’ve there are others that I’ve finished to compare it to. I’ve lived here my like a happy, energetic, raucous been playing guitar since I was 11 – in a couple of hours. “Italian whole life, so I can’t say what it’s crowd without all the negative and I still like it obviously. If I’m Chandelier” on our latest album like growing in New York or some- things that can sometimes be assoplaying live it’s still probably my was one of the last songs I finished thing. There’s a lot of grass and ciated with that – if that makes sense. People can get wild and favorite. Not as much has changed on that one. It’s like maybe my trees, which is great. stuff and still take care of each – not as much excitement around it favorite song on that album right Whh aatt ddoo yyoouu tthhii nnkk hh aass ii nnffll uu eenncceedd other. I think maybe we’ve been and then I hear the Glitch Mob or now and I finished it in a couple of W muu ssii cc?? spoiled because we’ve played for one of the very first people I heard hours. Sometimes you get an idea yyoouu rr ttaa ssttee ii nn m crowds who aren’t like that. was Five Squad. I just heard all and you run with it and other times these wobbling, warbly funk noises you’ll start a song, hit a wall and My mom for one. She was really D oo yy oouu gguu yyss pprr eeffeerr tthhee ffee ssttii vvaall and bass sounds I had never heard come back to it and you’re like into funk while in college so we D mooss pphh eerr ee ccoom mppaa rree dd ttoo aa cclluu bb before in music. And that was a lot gradually shipping away at it. I grew up listening to that stuff. I aa ttm more exciting than standard power don’t know. There’s not really one was lucky – actually we were both ggii gg?? chord guitar riffs and stuff like way to put a song together because kind of lucky to find people that that. So that’s what kind of pushed it has to go with whatever gets you were like hungry for new music We like both, man, for different us into it. It was the excitement of inspired or where you’re getting and stuff when we were growing reasons. The intimate nature of all these new sounds and new tools good results. Some days will just up. Me and Mark played in various some of the club dates are cool but to make music with. suck, so you can’t really record bands and we both got to discover stuff with the festivals are also all kinds of new stuff both though great. I don’t think I’d like to give that kind of stuff. each other and our friends that up either one of them. We like HH oow w hh aavvee yyoouu ss eeee nn w whh aatt yyoouu gguu yyss ddooiinngg eevvoollvv ee?? Whh aatt aarr ee ss oom W mee ooff tthh ee bbiiggggee sstt cchhaa ll -- were also trying to find new stuff. them both for different reasons. llee nnggeess yyoouu ffeeee ll yyoouu’’vvee ffaaccee dd ssii nnccee If you don’t have that you cans till find good music, but it’s just a lot - Dave Weinthal We’ve gotten a lot better at it for ggooiinngg oonn ttoouurr ?? easier when you have like-minded one. We started off as a live duo not using computers, just a looping Being from Kansas, I guess. friends and fans making stuff and The Floozies perform Saturday, pedal, some keyboards and obvi- Everybody assumes we don’t know getting after it. Like SouLive and April 26 at CounterPoint Music and Arts Festival ENIGMA