2010 Ford Focus
2008 Chevrolet Aveo
2009 Scion XB
2009 Kia Spectra
2006 Buick LaCrosse
2009 Pontiac G5
P15590 P15591
2004 Dodge Neon
2006 Lincoln LS
2007 Hyundai Tuscon
WHAT’S UP? PARKLIFE Voted one of the best indie rock festivals around Parklife will take place this fall in Piedmont Park in Atlanta, GA Jason Isbell was recently announced as one of this year’s headliners for the much praised music festival. Parklife will take place October 18
POP PSYCHOLOGY Mormon rockers Neon Trees with alt-rocks favorites such as “Animal” and “Sleeping with a Friend” have embarked on an “intimate tour” and will perform Monday night at the Center Stage Theatre in Atlanta with special guest Alex Winston where we’re sure you’ll hear their recently released single “I Can’t Listen To”.
ROAD WARRIORS The Ryan Oyer Band, winner of this year’s “Road to Nightfall” competitionwill headline this week’s edition of the concert series that takes place every spring and summer in MIller Plaza on Fridays. Oyer and company will be performing new material from a forthcoming album to be released at the end of August. ENIGMA
JULY 9 2015
With A Rebel Yell because of that more culturally and educationally advanced. There was more money going into more hands compared to the south with their traditional plantation life. The north Granted, this is the new south would infuse money into the that is far removed from not only the 1860s but the 1960s as well. I would like to ask all my black friends (and yes I have some) and all my other liberal friends to get off their soapbox about the Confederate battle flag.
If anyone had any grasp on history or even studied it instead of trying to revise it they might understand where man has come from, made mistakes and improved along the way. First off, the flag everyone is complaining about isn’t even the flag of the Confederacy. They are two totally different flags and historically significant in their own right, yet sep- resources of the south t produce the industrial goods that arate. sustained the country – everyI hate to tell the black popula- thing from tobacco, cotton, tion this, but the American crude oil – you name it. Not Civil War was not fought over all of North America was part their freedom. It had to do of this country as we now with state’s rights – a battle know it. At the beginning of still going on today. There was the Civil War there were 34 a major difference between states with two being added the north and south during the during the course of the war. 19th century. The north was Therefore during the war there more industrialized and were at least 12 states out of the continental United States
that were still unincorporated And as far as the race war that – or had no real dog in this seems to be fanned by memwar. bers of both sides I really don’t have a dog in either fight I have lived in the south most myself. My ancestors did not of my life and to be quite hon- come to the states until the est I have no feelings at all late 1880s from Europe so we had actually no involvement in the “war between the states”. Most of my family is in New York state and city minus a handful such as myself. I would like my black friends at this time to put their race card back into their wallet or put it through a shredder. I’ve got some news for you. Discrimination in the south goes beyond color of your skin.
good or bad towards the flag. I was born over 100 years after the war and the Civil War has no meaning for me. It is a part of history. It does not define my feelings or me. I find humor and often irritation from both sides that try to either rally around the battle flag or scream racism over it. Everyone needs to get over himself or herself and move on. I find southern traditions to be dated and often boring.
JULY 9 2015
When I was a kid my father uprooted my happy family from New York to Lookout Mountain, adjacent to Chattanooga, TN. My father was transferred from his textile company to Dalton, GA where he was made vice president of one of the larger carpet mills. We lived in the Fairyland community literally a block from Rock City. I grew up around all CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
Dear Rocco, I am not a morning person. When I walk in to work from the parking lot in the morning (which takes 5-10 minutes), I’m still waking up. I’m grumpy and tired and I don’t feel social yet. I want to have a last minute of quiet time to clear my head before I start the day. So what do I do when a co-worker sees me walking in at the same time and wants to chat? Once someone says “Hi” to me, I don’t know how to get rid of them. JH
DDee aarr JJHH IItt ss oouunnddss ll iikk ee yyoouu’’rree aa nn aa ssss hhooll ee.. GG eett oovv eerr ii tt.. M Maa yybbee tthhee yy aa rree nn’’tt aa moorrnnii nngg ppee rrss oonn eeii tthhee rr aa nndd jjuu ss tt m ss aayyiinngg ““ hhii ”” ttoo yyoouurr ggrruum mppyy aa ssss ttoo bbee nnii ccee .. IIff yyoouu w w aanntt aa nn eexx ttrraa miinnuu ttee ooff aall oonnee ttiim m mee ssttaa yy ii nn yyoouu rr ccaarr uunnttii ll yyoouu aarr ee rr ee aaddyy ttoo bbyy cchhaannccee ttaall kk ttoo ss oom mee oonnee.. Dear Rocco, A while ago, I spent a few years dating a guy who was really bad for me. In the course of the relationship, I lost confidence in my judgement, my self-worth. The thing is, I didn’t realize until after we broke up how bad it had been for me. It wasn’t until six months later, when I noticed how much better I felt about myself and my life and, really, the whole world, that it occurred to me to question whether I should have been dating him. I’ve put a lot of thought into why I made the choices I did, and I don’t really think I would pick the same kind of guy again, but I still feel like the only way to be sure I don’t get hurt is to keep the men I date at arm’s length. This leaves me feeling vaguely unsatisfied, as well
as being a disservice to guys who are probably actually quite nice. Do you have any advice on how to regain my faith in men, and in my own judgment about men? JJ
DDee aarr JJJJ YY eeaa hh,, ffii nndd ss oom mee oonnee ccoom mppllee tteell yy ooppppoossii ttee ooff tthhee aassss hhooll ee yyoouu ddaatteedd tthhee nn ggiivvee hhiim m aa ss hh oott.. TT hhii ss ii ssnn’’tt aa ss hhaa rrdd aass yy oouu m miigghh tt tthh ii nnkk .. II ff aa gguuyy ii ss aann aass sshhoollee aanndd m maakkee ss yyoouu ffee eell ll iikk ee sshhiitt ddoonn’’tt ss ppee nndd ttiim mee w w iitthh hh iim m oorr ddaattee hhiim m.. H Hee pprroobbaa bbllyy w woonn’’tt cchhaa nnggee ..
Dear Rocco, I just ended a relationship with an extrememly intelligent man. He is literally a scientist. I, on the other hand am like a trophy girlfriend. I work as a bartender and we met when I moved across the hall from each other. WE are kind of an odd couple because he’s not that attractive, but he treated me so well. He actually respected me and finally won me over. His friends wondered aloud how he landed someone that looks as nice as me. Odd couple we might have been, but we had a good thing going. We recently ended our relationship when we discovered our relationship was in different places. He was ready for a commitment and I, having been burned and treated badly by other men have been very cautious. I decided to end it so I wouldn’t lead him on and potentially hurt him, although I do care for him. I have now started to see other men, but am having trouble relating to them because they are so dumb (book-wise) compared to my most recent ex. I learned so much from my ex – literally, that every guy I’ve gone on dates with comes across as stupid. I’m at a loss. Am I missing out on something great or do I just need to
Dear Rocco, Recently I’ve started going to more sci-fi conventions. At some of them, particularly out-of-town, I don’t know very many people. I’d like to get to know new people and make friends at these conventions, but I’m painfully shy and I don’t know where to start. It seems incredibly rude to simply intrude on someone’s conversation in the con suite, and attempting this usually gets me a cold shoulder, so I’m even more reluctant. There’s nothing more lonely than being all alone in a crowd, but it keeps happening to me, and it’s detracting from the convention experience. What do I do? JO
DDee aarr JJOO Wee llll SSppoocckk ,, w W whheenn yy oouu ppuutt oonn yyoouurr eeaarr ss ppuutt oonn aa ppaaii rr ooff bbaall llss aanndd jjuusstt ssttaa rrtt ii nnttrroodduuccii nngg yyoouurrss eell ff ttoo tthhee ootthhee rr ffrree aakk ss.. YY oouu w w eeiirr dd bbaa ssttaarr ddss sshhoouull dd hhaavvee aa lloott ii nn ccoom mm moonn aa nndd ggeett aa lloonngg ggrr eeaatt.. JJuuss tt ggii vvee ii tt aa ttrryy aanndd II tthhiinnkk yyoouu’’ll ll bbee hhaavvii nngg aa ggrraa nndd--oolldd ggeeee kk ttiim mee.. ENIGMA
JULY 9 2015
move on. PB
DD eeaarr PPBB IIff yyoouu ccaarr ee ffoorr tthhee gguuyy aa nndd hhee ttrree aatt-ee dd yy oouu nniiccee yyoouu aa rree aa m moorr oonn ffoorr bbrree aakk iinngg uupp w wii tthh hh iim m.. YY oouu ssaa iidd hhee ii ss ss m maa rrtt,, ttaall kk ttoo hh iim m.. TT eellll hhii m m yyoouurr ffee aarrss aanndd tthhee rree aass oonnss yyoouu dduum mppeedd hhiim m.. H H ee w wiill ll uunnddeerr ssttaa nndd yyoouurr ffeeaa rrss ee vveenn tthhoouugghh hhee iiss nn’’tt tthhaatt ttyy ppee ooff gguuyy.. YY oouu nneeee dd ttoo w woom maann uupp aanndd ttaakk ee aa cchhaannccee w w iitthh hh iim m… … IIff yyoouu w aanntt ttoo bbee hh aappppyy oorr eellss ee yyoouu w w wii llll ee nndd uupp w w iitthh tthhee ss aam mee m moorr oonnss yyoouu meeee tt aatt tthh ee bbaa rr yy oouu w m w oorr kk aatt.. YYoouu ss aaii dd hhee w woonn yy oouu oovvee rr nnoow w yyoouu hhaavvee ttoo w wiinn hh ii m m oovvee rr.. II tthh ii nnkk yyoouu hhaa vvee aa gg rree aatt cchhaa nnccee aa tt bbee ii nngg hhaappppyy.. TT hhii ss ii ssnn’’tt aa bbii gg rr iiss kk .. HHee ss oouunnddss ll iikk ee ssoom meeoonnee yyoouu ttrr uu sstt aanndd ccaa nn ttrr uusstt ttoo ddoo tthhee rrii gghhtt tthhiinngg ii nn rr eeggaarr ddss ttoo yyoouu.. Rocco is a common sense, tell-itlike-it-is, no-nonsense kind of guy offering real advice on any subject put before him. Why pay thousands of dollars on a high-priced therapist when he’ll straighten you out for free. If you’d like advice from Rocco e-mail him at goaskrocco@yahoo.com or drop him a line at Ask Rocco c/o Enigma P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401.
ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Too many opportunities and too many changes going on. You have a tendency to think that no one else will do things properly. Be prepared to take care of the issues at hand. Don't let your emotions take over. Your lucky day this week will be Thursday. TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) Your involvement with groups will raise your self esteem. You may interest some of them in a service you have to offer. Those you care about may oppose your ideas. Disputes on the home front may be hard to avoid.
Your lucky day this week will be you're finished. Emotional deception will cause friction on the home Sunday. front. Don't ignore any emotional issues that could be causing probGEMINI lems. (May 22-June 21) You can make money through your creative efforts. Don't avoid your Your lucky day this week will be true feelings. Be careful that you Wednesday. don't spend too much time with a person belonging to someone else. LEO Avoid any petty ego confrontations; (July 23-Aug 22) they could lead to estrangement if Jealous colleagues may try to undermine you. Offer love and affection you aren't careful. instead of conflict and rejection. Your lucky day this week will be Don't make promises. You must steer clear of overindulgent individSunday. uals. CANCER Your lucky day this week will be (June 22-July 22) A day at the beach may satisfy the Monday. whole family. Relax I and enjoy what you've accomplished when VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Investments may not be as lucrative as you thought. You should be making plans to spend some time with the ones you love. Your emotions are fluctuating, so be careful not to say things you'll regret. Get back into a routine that promises a better looking, more aware individual.
Your lucky day this week will be Saturday. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Entertainment could cost you more than you expect. You may find that depression is causing you to feel lonely and insecure. Verbal abuse may lead to walkouts; don't make any rash statements you may regret later. Changes in your residence may be financially favorable. Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday. CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) If you've taken on a lot of work, be sure to leave some time for yourself and family. You may find that relationships are not going as well as you'd like. You can beautify your surroundings by renovating or redecorating. Home improvement projects will run smoothly. Your lucky day this week will be Friday.
Your lucky day this week will be AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Sunday. You are ready to blow up and your stress level has gone into over drive. LIBRA Hassles with your boss are sure to (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) You will have additional discipline erupt if you speak your mind. Try that will aid you in your objectives. not to get into disputes that will Your passionate nature may make lead to estrangement's. Use your you jealous if your mate has been ingenuity to manipulate things to too busy to take care of your needs. get what you want. Someone you If they're too demanding, reconsider live with will, be impossible. this union. You can make progress Your lucky day this week will be professionally. Monday. Your lucky day this week will be PISCES Monday. (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) Romance can develop; however, it SCORPIO will most probably be short-lived. (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Travel may be confusing. Your boss Use your charm, but don't be phony. may not be in the best of moods this Focus on forming business partnerweek. Your need to obtain addition- ships. You may find that someone at al details will lead you into strange work hasn't been trustworthy. topics of conversation. New love connections can be made through Your lucky day this week will be Saturday. group associations. ENIGMA
JULY 9 2015
the “mountain money” as a kid and young adult. We also lived less than two blocks from Fairyland Club. The club had one of the highest diving boards I had ever seen and a ton of beautiful tennis courts. We were the only ones in our neighborhood that were not members, however. When I asked my mother and father why were weren’t members like my friends Eric and Robbie they kind of dismissed my inquiry. They told me I could always go as Eric and Robbie’s guest if I really wanted to go – and was invited. I didn’t know if it was a financial matter or what and over the years I went a handful of times by invitation of friends like Robbie, Eric, Ansley and Skipper. As a young adult and when I first started my own business it was always in the back of my mind that I should join the Fairyland Club to show off my stature and rub shoulders with the other successful member. I even remember looking up
membership and recognized some of my old school friends being on the membership board there and thinking to myself I would have no problem getting approved for membership. I never went through with it and since I no longer lived on the mountain it no longer seemed relevant to me. It was out of mind until earlier this year. As some of you know my mother died in February. I talked to my sister for the first time in years and apparently opened some old wounds I was unaware. My sister is almost ten years older and had a much different impression of our time living on Lookout Mountain and in the Chattanooga area than I did. During the course of our conversation she told me we were denied membership to Fairyland Club. That was news to me. I never thought we had applied and after my parents split I knew my mother could-
n’t afford to be a member so I never gave it another thought. My sister told me our family was denied membership to Fairyland Club because my father was told they “don’t allow Jews”. First, I didn’t know we were Jewish. I consider my last name German or German/Jewish at best. Second, it was 1968. The world and the south has changed a whole lot since the 1960s. As a kid I do recall vaguely being picked n because of my last name and even to this day most people can’t pronounce it or spell it correctly – especially in Chattanooga. As I got into my teens I became a research fanatic. That’s why I enjoy history so much. I spent a lot of time at the public library reading about history, movies, TV – you name it. I
45 Johnson Ferry Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30328 P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401 Follow us on Twitter @EnigmaMag www.enigmaonline.com
info@enigmaonline.com (423) 991-1657
Paul E. Burke Sr. Publisher D.A. Weinthal. Editor-In-Chief David Huff Managing Editor Chris Eason Photo Editor
Contributing Editors: Mark Haskins, Jim Sells, Mark Bedford. Chris McKay, David N. Marks, William Alexander, Dave Fernandez Founder: D.A. Weinthal Like us on Facebook ENIGMA
JULY 9 2015
also spent a great deal of time on the second floor of the library reading up on the regional history. In my research I found an archive of an old Lookout Mountain magazine that read more or less like a society register. In it were documented marriages many between cousins on the mountain. I found that kind of weird and asked someone about it and they told me they thought the reasoning behind that was so the families that controlled the money would be able to keep it amongst themselves. And like I said, I grew up around every “money” name on Lookout Mountain. I often noticed even as a kid when I would look through my schools annual at how all these people with the same last names looked remarkably like each other. Even at age 10 I
thought this was weird but thought nothing of it because it was LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN and I seemingly got along with everyone without issue – at least on the surface. As I got into high school I become increasingly aware of the difference between myself and the other residents of THE mountain. I remember taking part in a school fundraiser like most kids do. I was selling these Frisbees that had a bag of un-popped popcorn kernels (before the days of microwave popcorn for the uneducated). If we sold enough of then we got some prize (and the school got the money of course). Seeing that my mother and myself were regular customers of the only grocery store on the Tennessee side of the mountain (mom didn’t drive and I was too young to drive us to Red Food store down in
the valley), I was granted per- showed them my driver’s mission to set up my little license with my Lookout Mountain address as they stand in front of the store. shook their head in disbelief. As I was standing there with my little display this one older As late as 1990 I have dealt lady wearing a fur coat came with issues over my “heritage”. out of the adjacent post office When I first got into the newsand walked over to me. She paper business I was a guest looked at the display and then host for an overnight alternaturned her nose up to me. She tive rock radio show. The host asked me about my family his- interviewed me and I helped tory. I told her we relocated pick out songs that were here from New York in 1968. played during the show. It was To that she replied, “Oh, you’re a lot of fun. Then the phone just from the mountain, not of rang around two in the mornthe mountain.” Under my ing. The caller asked to speak breath I said, “Yes my family with me. When I answered the tree actually has branches” in caller said (in a southern voice) reference to my readings about that he didn’t take kindly to the families of Lookout this “Jew” being on the radio Mountain at the public library. and he was going to come down and hang me from a tree. I still remember when I was in The host heard this and college getting into a disagree- grabbed the phone out of my ment with someone as they hand and yelled at the guy told me there was no way I lived on Lookout Mountain. I
JULY 9 2015
threatening him back. I laughed at the guy and told him to bring it on. He knew where the station was located and I would welcome him to try. Of course he didn’t show up. The morale of my story is everyone needs to get over themselves. People will find any reason to hate you, especially if they feel inferior. The black population does not have monopoly of being victims of prejudice. Much like the good ole boys flying the Confederate battle flag they need to get over their preconceived notions of race relations. I have no dog in this fight. I’m from the north we kicked the south’s ass and could probably kick yours if push came to shove.
- Dave Weinthal (pronounced WINE-thall)
PALM BEACH, Fla. (UPI) Cameras mounted on a Florida drawbridge captured the moment a distracted driver jumped the gap as the bridge was rising. The Palm Beach Police Department said James Montano, 29, became an unwitting daredevil when he blew through a lowering arm on the Flagler Memorial Bridge and drove up the rising bridge to jump the gap and stop on the
other side. “Basically it was a distracted driver incident,” Officer Philip Salm told WPTV. “The driver stated that he was looking at his GPS unit while driving across the bridge and did not see the stop arm in the down position until he crashed through it,” Capt. Curtis Krauel told The Palm Beach Post. “He did not show any visible indicators of impairment.” Salm said lucky timing allowed Montano to make it over the gap and survive the accidental stunt. “The implications of what could have
happened, had he hit at a different time or he hit the ramp and went over the side, you’re talking about a potentially fatal accident,” Salm said. Montano was cited for reckless driving. He and a passenger were treated for minor injuries, police said. The bridge was closed for about five hours while crews worked to repair damage. SWATON, England (UPI) Organizers of an egg tossing event in Britain said an attempt to launch an egg into space
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reached an altitude of nearly 22 miles. The Swaton Vintage Day and World Egg Throwing Championships featured the “Eggsplorer 1” weather balloon launch, which took took an egg to an altitude of 21.7 miles before returning to Earth east of Hull. A video of the launch was shared on YouTube, but organizers said the onboard camera failed to send any pictures back to mission control during the flight. A helium egg balloon was
also launched at the event and was later found less than 13 miles from the Danish border. Festival organizers said they are making plans to launch Eggsplorer 2 at next year’s celebration. VERMONT - 31-year-old Veronica Lewis of Vermont, is accused of shooting her firearms instructor in the face during their second lesson, police said. Lewis allegedly fired three shots at 48year-old Darryl Montague earlier this week, hitting him twice in the jaw and once in the abdomen. The attack occurred at the Montague’s place of business. Montague runs a licensed firearms company called Vermont Target Sports. Lewis is said to have mental issues and she lives at a mental health facility. She previously lived in New York City, where she had a lengthy criminal record. How a woman with such extensive mental health issues made it as far as 2 classes in firearms training was not made clear. After the shooting, police said they found a .22 caliber pistol and a hammer in her backpack. The attack is considered premeditated because of the presence of the hammer. Lewis was charged with first degree attempted murder. Of course, the victim of the shooting lived, while the guy
who performed the stunt with the explosive died, so maybe fireworks are more dangerous than firearms after all. Maybe in the future Mr. Montague will do a more detailed background check before he lets just anybody into his classes. DETROIT (UPI) - Authorities in Detroit struggled to remove a pig estimated to weigh between 400 and 500 pounds from the basement of a recently deceased man, according to reports. Police arrived at the home Friday morning after receiving an anonymous tip that a pig inside the dwelling was being fed human remains. Officers discovered a pig was trapped in the basement of the house, which was accessible only by ladder. “No pun intended but it looks like a pigsty,” Assistant Police Chief Steve Dolunt told WXYZ. “There’s two feet of feces down there.” Animal rescue workers built a ramp for the animal and, with some difficulty, were eventually able to get the pig out of the basement. Police say cadaver dogs were unable to find evidence of human remains. Neighbors say the homeowner was Gary Roquemore, who owned multiple houses on the block and was found dead in a nearby residence earlier in the
week. Police did not identify Roquemore but said the pig’s owner died of natural causes on Tuesday. “There is a stench emanating from all three homes,” Dolunt said. “It looks like at this time, preliminarily, this is a hoarder, so we can’t tell what we have in all three homes.” The pig was originally slated to go to a farm in Canton, Michigan but was deemed to large. Animal rescue group Devoted Barn reportedly adopted the animal. LONDON (UPI) - On Saturday, CNN ran an entire segment on the possible sighting of an Islamic State flag at a pride parade in London. “Just in: ISIS flag spotted at gay pride parade,” read a banner stretching across the bottom of the news channel’s TV feed as cameras repeatedly panned and zoomed in on what turned out to be a flag featuring crude drawings of sex toys. The flag was apparently spotted by CNN International reporter Lucy Pawle, who joined the segment via phone to talk about her startling discovery. “This man dressed in black and white was waving what appears to be a very bad mimicry, but a clear attempt to mimic, the ISIS flag,” Pawle said. “The black and white flag with the distinctive lettering.” Though Pawle
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seemed to grasp the inauthenticity of the flag, she failed to realize the humor in it and even reported it to nearby police. “If you look at the flag closely, it’s clearly not Arabic. In fact, it looks like it could be gobbledygook.” CNN’s mistake quickly went viral, earning derision from a variety of online news sources. CNN has since removed the video from their website. Mediaite, however, posted a clip of the incident for posterity’s sake. WALLED LAKE, MI - In some kind of YouTube stunt gone wrong, 47-year-old Scott Jeffers of Walled Lake, died last week when he held a firecracker to his face and it exploded. Police in Michigan say his family watched while Jeffers attempted the prank. Paramedics who arrived at the scene found him unresponsive and suffering from serious head trauma. Jeffers was pronounced dead at the scene and alcohol was a factor. According to the police investigation, Jeffers tried to perform a stunt for YouTube, and he thought that the firecracker was unlit. Police said that the firecracker was bought in the state legally. Family members told investigators that Jeffers was preparing to host a party.
JULY 3& 5
JULY 9-11
JULY 16-19
JULY 23-26
This week’s calendar covers events from Thursday, July 9, through Wednesday, July 15. We would be happy to publish your free listing in future Billboards, space permitting. Simply mail us the information so that we have it 7 days before the publication date. A photograph may be sent with the announcement. Send information to:
Calendar Editor, Enigma, P.O. Box 825, Chattanooga, TN 37401 or e-mail to calendar@enigmaonline.com. All dates subject to change without notice.
TT H HU U RRSSD DA AYY JJ uullyy 99 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Killer Beaz BBU UD D’’ SS (Chattanooga) DJ Hammer TTRREE M MO ON NTT TT A AVVEE RRN N (Chattanooga) Songwriters Showcase CCA AM M PP H HO OU USSEE (Chattanooga) Open Mic RRH HYY TT H HM M && BBRREE W WSS (Chattanooga) Jess Goggins Band JJJJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Stepsisters, Gad Gods, Kip Brandley RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Hot Rize, The Gibson Brothers CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Victor Wooten
Bryan, Florida Georgia Line, Thomas Rhett, Randy Houser, Dustin Lynch CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY N NAASSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) The Bacon Brothers FFRREED D RRIICCK K BBRRO OW WN N JJRR.. AAM MPPH H IITT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) KC & the Sunshine Band WO W OLLFF CCRREE EEK K AA M MPPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Fantasia, Musiq Soulchild, Dru Hill CCEE N NTT EERR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Floetry FFO OXX TT H H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Anthony Bourdain OPPEEN O N CC H HO O RRD D BBRREEW WH HO OU USSEE && SSTT AAG GEE (Knoxville) Natti Love Joys
SSU UN ND DA AYY JJuu llyy 1122 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) “Girl on Girl Comedy Revue” SSK KYYZZ O OO O (Chattanooga) DJ Exphacter JJJJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM MII AA (Chattanooga) Universal Sigh, Charlie the Head, Shabti BBRRIID DG GEE SSTT O ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Fall Out Boy, Wiz Kalifa, Hoodie Allen VVEE RRIIZZO ON NW WIIRREE LLEESSSS AAM MPPH H IITT H HEEAATT RREE AATT EEN NCC O ORREE PPAARRK K (Alpharetta, GA) Barenaked Ladies, Violent Femmes, Colin Hay
MO M ON ND DA AYY JJuu llyy 1133
FFRRIID DA AYY JJuu llyy 1100 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Killer Beaz RRA AW W (Chattanooga) DJ Barnaby RRH HYY TT H HM M && BBRREE W WSS (Chattanooga) Fly By Radio MIILLLLEE RR PPLLA M AZZA A (Chattanooga) “Nightfall Concert Series” Ryan Oyer JJJJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Bohannons, Dirty Lungs, Thelma and the Sleeze CCH HA ASSTT A AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Daryl Hall & John Oates VVEERRIIZZO ON NW W IIRREELLEE SSSS A AM M PPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE AATT EEN N CCO O RREE PPA ARRK K (Alpharetta, GA) R5, Jacob Whitesides, Ryland BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Train, The Fray, Matt Nathanson CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) The Bacon Brothers, Ruston Kelly BBJJCC CC CC O ON NCC EERRTT H HA ALL LL (Birmingham) Fantasia MO M O EE’’ SS O ORRII G GIIN NA ALL BBA ARR--BB--Q QU UEE (Birmingham) The Whiskey Dix
SSA ATTU U RRD DA AYY JJ uullyy 1111 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Killer Beaz RRH HYY TT H HM M && BBRREE W WSS (Chattanooga) Fly By Radio JJJJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) BenDependence Day with SOCRO DA D ALLTT O ON ND DEE PPO OTT (Dalton, GA) Georgia Pine VVA AN ND DEE RRBBIILLTT SSTT A AD DIIU UM M (Nashville) Luke
TTRREE M MO ON N TT TTAAVVEE RRN N (Chattanooga) Trivia Night TTH H EE O O FFFFIICC EE (Chattanooga) SpeakEasy FFO OXX && H HO OU UN ND D (Chattanooga) DJ Exphacter TTH H EE W WO OO OD D SS AATT FFO ON NTT AAN NEE LL (Whites Creek, TN) Barenaked Ladies, Violent Femmes, Colin Hay CCA AN NN NEERRYY BBAALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Three Days Grace, Finger Eleven, Devour The Day EEXXIITT //IIN N (Nashville) Peewee Moore, Samantha Harlow CCEE N NTT EERR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Neon Trees, Coin, Fictionist TTH H EE IIN N TT EERRN NAATT IIO ON NAALL (Knoxville) Theory Of A Deadman
TT U UEESSD DA AYY JJuu llyy 1144 TTRREE M MO ON N TT TTAAVVEE RRN N (Chattanooga) Open Mic w/ Mike McDade RRH H YY TTH HM M && BBRREE W WSS (Chattanooga) Uptown Big Band JJJJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM MII AA (Chattanooga) Comedy with Ryan Singer PPH H IILLIIPPSS AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Imagine Dragons, Metric, Halsey HEEAAVVEE N H N AATT TT H HEE M MAASSQ QU UEE RRAAD DEE (Atlanta) Death Grips CCA AN NN NEERRYY BBAALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) Neon Trees, Coin, Fictionist
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RRAAW W (Chattanooga) Open Jam RRH H YYTT H HM M && BBRREEW W SS (Chattanooga) The Southern Belles JJ JJ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Riverside Voodoo, Cihilhowee Royal, Starbenders LLA ASS M MAARRG G AARRII TTAA’’ SS (Chattanooga) Priscilla & Little Rickee TT H HEE TT AAVVEE RRN N (Soddy-Daisy) Roberts & Sims VVEERRIIZZ O ON NW WIIRREE LLEESSSS AAM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE A ATT EE N NCC O ORREE PPAARRK K (Alpharetta, GA) Rod Stewart, Richard Marx TT H HEE CC O ON N CCO OU URRSSEE (Knoxville) Saliva, Kellen Heller
UPPCC O U OM M IIN NG G EEVVEEN NTTSS JJ JJ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Scarlet Love Conspiracy, Kate and Corey July 16 TT U USSCC AALLO OO OSSAA AAM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Tuscaloosa, AL) Rod Stewart July 16 WO W O RRK KPPLLAAYY TT H HEEAATT RREE (Birmingham) The Freddy Jones Band July 16 TT H HEE FFO OU UN ND DRRYY (Athens, GA) Lee DeWyze July 16 TT H HEE CC O ON N CCO OU URRSSEE (Knoxville) Saliva July 16 D && LLIIN 33RRD ND D SSLLEE YY (Nashville) Civil Twilight July 16 M IILLLLEERR PPLL AAZZAA (Chattanooga) “Nightfall M Concert Series” Selwyn Birchwood July 17 AAARRO A ON N’’ SS AAM MPPH H IIH HEE AATT RREE (Atlanta) Fall Out Boy, Wiz Kalifa, Hoodie Allen July 17 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Kate Pierson July 17 VVEERRIIZZ O ON NW WIIRREE LLEESSSS AAM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE A ATT EE N NCC O ORREE PPAARRK K (Alpharetta, GA) Tedeschi Trucks Band, Sharon Jones & The DapKings, Doyle Bramhall II July 17 RREE D D CC LLAAYY M MU U SSIICC FFO OU UN ND D RRYY (Duluth, GA) The Freddy Jones Band July 17 M IILLLL TT O M OW WN NM MU USSIICC H HAALL LL (Bremen, GA) Exile, Juice Newton July 17 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) “American Idol Live” July 17 CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Stephen Stills July 17 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Robert Earl Keen July 17 JJ JJ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Molly McGuires, Subterranean Cirquis, Shakim CD Release Show July 18 AAARRO A ON N’’ SS AAM MPPH H IITT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Lady Antebellum, Hunter Hayes, Sam Hunt July 18 WO W O LLFF CCRREE EEK K AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE A ATT RREE (Atlanta) Cameo, Midnight Star, Atlantic Starr, Brick, Double D July 18 BBU UCC K KH H EEAAD D TTH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Stephen Stills July 18 G EEO G O RRG GIIAA TT H H EEAATT RREE (Athens, GA) Kate Pierson July 18 FF EESSTT IIVVA ALL CC EEN NTT EE RR (Duluth, GA) Vertical Horizon July 18 SSLL O OSSSS FF U URRN NAACC EE SS (Birmingham) “Sloss Music & Arts Festival” Modest Mouse, First Aid Kit July 18 O AAK O KM MO OU UN N TTAAII N N AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE A ATT RREE (Pelham, AL) Dierks Bentley July 18 TT H HEE IIN N TTEE RRN NAATT IIO ON N AALL (Knoxville) Styles & Complete July 18 JJ JJ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Mudsex, Tricounty Terror July 19
AAARRO A ON N ’’SS AAM MPPH H IIH HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Kid Rock, Foreigner July 19 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Kate Pierson, Mike & Ruthy July 19 TT H HIIRRD DM MAAN N RREECC O ORRD D SS (Nashville) Death From Above 1979 July 19 SSLLO O SSSS FF U URRN NAACC EESS (Birmingham) “Sloss Music & Arts Festival” Primus, Grifters, First Aid Kit July 19 TT H HEE IIN NTT EERRN N AATTII O ON N AALL (Knoxville) Psychonauts, Saint Thomas LeDoux July 19 CC O OBBBB EE N NEERRG G YY PPEERRFFO O RRM MIIN NG G AARRTT SS CC EEN N TT EERR (Atlanta) Fifth Harmony, Natalie La Rose, Bea Miller, Debby Ryan & The Neverending July 20 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Vertical Horizon July 20 JJJJ ..’’ SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Folk Killer, GT July 21 CC H HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Rob Thomas July 21 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Fifth Harmony, Natalie La Rose, Bea Miller, Debby Ryan & The Neverending July 21 MEE RRCCYY LLO M OU UN NG GEE (Nashville) Veruca Salt July 21 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Rob Thomas July 22 EEXXIITT // IIN N (Nashville) Toadies July 22 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Toad the Wet Sprocket, Derik Hultquist July 22 JJJJ ..’’ SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Broke Down Hound, Horti, Emily Robinson July 23 ATT LLAAN A NTT AA BBO O TTAAN N IICC AALL G GAARRD D EEN N (Atlanta) Smash Mouth, Toad The Wet Sprocket, Tonic July 23 IIM M PPRRO O VV CCO OM MEE D DYY CC LLU UBB (Atlanta) Tim Meadows July 23 MIILL LLEERR PPLLAAZZ AA (Chattanooga) “Nightfall M Concert Series” Band of Heathens July 24 JJJJ ..’’ SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Eternal Summers, Saint PE, Mad Libre July 24 CC H HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Idina Menzel July 24 WO W O LLFF CC RREEEE K K AAM MPPH H IITT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Kem July 24 ATT LLAAN A NTT AA BBO O TTAAN N IICC AALL G GAARRD D EEN N (Atlanta) The Beach Boys July 24 IIM M PPRRO O VV CCO OM MEE D DYY CC LLU UBB (Atlanta) Tim Meadows July 24 CC EEN NTT EE RR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) The Vamps July 24 EED DD DIIEE ’’SS AATTTT IICC (Atlanta) Lera Lynn July 24 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Delbert McClinton July 24 GRRAAN G ND DO O LLEE O OPPRRYY H HO OU USSEE (Nashville) Carrie Underwood July 24 RRIIVVEERRFFRRO ON NTT N N IIG GH H TTSS (Chattanooga) Shanytown, Ragdoll July 25 SSO OU UTT H HEE RRN NG G RRO OU UN ND D AAM M PPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE (Fayetteville, GA) Blood Sweat & Tears July 25 CC H HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Keith Sweat, After 7 Feat. Kevon Edmonds, Troop, Shai July 25 AAARRO A ON N ’’SS AAM MPPH H IIH HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Smashing Pumpkins, Marilyn Manson July 25 PPH HII LLIIPPSS AARREEN N AA (Atlanta) Slipknot, Lamb Of God, Bullet For My Valentine, Motionless In White July 26 IIM M PPRRO O VV CCO OM MEE D DYY CC LLU UBB (Atlanta) Tim Meadows July 25 BBJJCC CC CCO ON NCC EERRTT H H AALLLL (Birmingham) Fifth Harmony, Natalie La Rose, Bea Miller, Debby Ryan & The Neverending July 25 TT H HEE BBO OW WEE RRYY (Knoxville) Magic Mike Male Revue July 25 CC EEN NTT EE RR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Every Time I Die,
Real Friends, Counterparts, Gnarwolves, Brigades July 26 AA A ARRO ON N SS A AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Atlanta) Slipknot, Lamb Of God, Bullet For My Valentine, Motionless In White July 26 TTEE N NN N EESSSSEE EE TT H H EEA ATT RREE (Knoxville) Diana Krall July 27 JJJJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Lazyeyes, The Teen Age July 28 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) 311 July 28 TTH HO OM M PPSSO ON N BBO OLL IIN NG GA ARREEN NA A (Knoxville) James Taylor July 28 TTH H EE LL O OFFTT (Atlanta) Jake Miller July 28 TTH H EE CCO ON NCC O OU U RRSS EE (Knoxville) Whitechapel July 28 CCH HA ASSTT A AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga July 29 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) KMFDM, Chant July 29 AA A ARRO ON N ’’SS A AM MPPH HII H HEEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) “Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival” Slayer, King Diamond, Devil Wears Prada, Hellyeah, Whitechapel, Code Orange, Feed Her To The Sharks, Jungle Rot, Kissing Candice, Shattered Sun, Sister Sin, Sworn In, Thy Art Is Murder July 29 SSCC H HEERRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY CC EEN N TTEE RR (Nashville) Shirley MacLaine July 30 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Nashville) Eric Church, J Roddy Walston & the Business July 30 TTH H EE W WO OO OD DSS A ATT FF O ON N TTA AN N EELL (Whites Creek, TN) R5, Jacob Whitesides, Ryland July 30 MA M ASSQ QU UEE RRA AD D EE M MU USSIICC PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Faith No More July 30 AA A ARRO ON N ’’SS A AM MPPH HII H HEEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Toby Keith, Colt Ford July 30 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) The Molly Ringwalds July 30 JJJJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Iscariots, Downtown beat Abbey July 31 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Shania Twain, Gavin DeGraw July 31 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Dolly Parton July 31 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Pat McGee July 31 AA A ARRO ON N ’’SS A AM MPPH HII H HEEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Phish July 31 TTH H EE TTA ABBEERRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Shinedown, Nothing More July 31 OA O AK KM MO OU UN NTT A AIIN NA AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE (Pelham, AL) Toby Keith July 31 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) The Molly Ringwalds July 31 RRIIVVEERRFFRRO ON NTT N NIIG GH HTT SS (Chattanooga) London Souls, Jordan Hallquist & he Outfit August 1 RRIIVVEERR SSTT RREEEE TT TTA AVVEERRN N (Ellijay, GA) Ramble in the Attic August 1 PPH HIILLII PPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Shania Twain, Gavin DeGraw August 1 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Pat McGee August 1 AA A ARRO ON N ’’SS A AM MPPH HII H HEEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Phish August 1 WO W OLL FF CC RREEEEK KA AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Joe, Ruben Studdard, Mystikal, Donell Jones, Adina Howard, Griff August 1 VVEERRIIZZO ON NW W IIRREELLEE SSSS A AM M PPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE AATT EEN N CCO O RREE PPA ARRK K (Alpharetta, GA) Hillsong United, Crowder, Kari Jobe, Bethel Music, Lauren Daigle, Trip Lee, DJ Promote, Shaun Groves, Nick Hall August 1 RRIIVVEERRFFRRO ON NTT PPA ARRK K (Nashville) Chicago, Earth, Wind & Fire August 1 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Dolly Parton August 1 BBJJCC CC CC O ON NCC EERRTT H HA ALL LL (Birmingham) Jill Scott
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August 1 TT RRA ACCK K 22 99 (Chattanooga) Coal Chamber, Fear Factory, Devil You Know, Saint Ridley, Madlife August 2 AAARRO A ON N ’’SS AAM MPPH H IITTH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Nicki Minaj, Meek Mill, Rae Sremmurd, Tinashe, Dej Loaf August 2 CC H HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Jill Scott August 2 TT H HEE M MAASSQ QU UEE RRAAD D EE (Atlanta) The English Beat August 2 TT U USSCC AALLO OO OSSAA AAM M PPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE (Tuscaloosa) Phish August 2 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Andy Grammer, American Authors August 2 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Deep Purple August 2 CC H HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Counting Crows, Hollis Brown, Citizen Cope August 3 RRIIVVEERRFFRRO ON NTT PPAARRK K (Nashville) Phish August 4 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Kasey Chambers August 4 ZZYY D DEE CCO O (Birmingham) Whitechapel August 4 TT H HEE M MAASSQ QU UEE RRAAD D EE (Atlanta) Upon A Burning Body, Dance Gavin Dance, A Skylit Drive, Iwrestledabearonce, Within The Ruins, Oceano, Dayshell, Come The Dawn, Chasing Safety, Conquer Divide August 4 AAARRO A ON N ’’SS AAM MPPH H IITTH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) 5 Seconds of Summer August 5 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Kasey Chambers August 5 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Col. Bruce Hampton & The Aquarium Rescue Unit August 5 ASSCC EEN A ND D AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT EERR (Nashville) Jill Scott August 5
CCA AN NN NEE RRYY BBA ALLLL RRO OO OM M (Nashville) The Aquarium Rescue Unit August 6 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Dark Star Orchestra August 6 NA N ASSH H VVIILLLLEE M MU UN N IICC IIPPA ALL A AU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) “Ink-N-Iron Festival” Merle Haggard, Three Times Bad August 7 BBIICCEE N NTT EEN NN NIIA ALL CCA APPIITT O O LL M MA ALL LL SSTT AATT EE PPAARRK K (Nashville) Reverend Horton Heat August 7 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Alice in Chains August 7 WA W ARR M MEE M MO O RRIIA ALL A AU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) “Happy Together Tour” The Turtles feat. Flo & Eddie, The Association, Mark Lindsay, The Grass Roots, The Buckinghams, The Cowsills August 7 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Nashville) Counting Crows, Citizen Cope, Hollis Brown August 7 TTEE N NN N EESSSSEE EE TT H H EEA ATT RREE (Knoxville) “Weird Al” Yankovic August 7 TTH H EE IIN NTT EERRN NA ATTIIO ON NA ALL (Knoxville) 10 Years, Nonpoint, The Family Ruin, Awaken The Empire August 7 FFO O XX TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) My Morning Jacket, Mini Mansions August 7 BBU UCC K KH HEE A AD D TT H HEE A ATT RREE (Atlanta) Col. Bruce Hampton & The Aquarium Rescue Unit August 7 TTH H EE EE A ARRLL (Atlanta) Nashville Pussy August 7 RRIIVVEERRFFRRO ON NTT N NIIG GH HTT SS (Chattanooga) The Whiskey Gentry, The Mules August 8 JJJJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Dead Soldiers August 8 CCH HA ASSTT A AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) ThePianoGuys August 8 FFO O XX TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) My Morning Jacket,
Mini Mansions August 8 TTH H EE M M AASSQ QU U EERRAAD DEE (Atlanta) “The Wrecking Ball” August 8 TTO OW WN N CC EEN N TT EERR PPAARRK K (Suwanee, GA) Soul Asylum August 8 NAASSH N H VVIILL LLEE M MU UN NII CCIIPPAALL AAU UD DII TTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) “Ink-N-Iron Festival” Three Times Bad August 8 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Alice in Chains August 8 ASSCCEE N A ND D AAM MPPH H IITTH H EEAATT EERR (Nashville) Steely Dan, Elvis Costello August 8 GRRAAN G ND DO OLL EE O O PPRRYY H HO OU U SSEE (Nashville) Alison Krauss, The Cox Family, Larry Sparks & The Lonesome Ramblers August 8 SSA ATTU U RRN N (Birmingham) Good Old War August 8 CCH H AASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Steely Dan, Elvis Costello August 9 NAASSH N H VVIILL LLEE M MU UN NII CCIIPPAALL AAU UD DII TTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) “Ink-N-Iron Festival” Three Times Bad August 9 ASSCCEE N A ND D AAM MPPH H IITTH H EEAATT EERR (Nashville) The Smashing Pumpkins, Marilyn Manson August 9 IIRRO ON N CCIITT YY (Birmingham) Christina Perri August 9 TTH H EE N N IICCK K (Birmingham) Nashville Pussy August 9 BBJJ CCCC CC O ON N CCEE RRTT H HAALLLL (Birmingham) My Morning Jacket, Mini Mansions August 10 EEXXIITT //IIN N (Nashville) KMFDM, Chant, Inertia August 11 TTH H EE BBO OW WEERRYY (Knoxville) Nashville Pussy August 11 BBLLU U EEBBIIRRD D CCAAFF ÉÉ (Nashville) Will Kimbrough, Brigitte DeMeyer August 11
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BBRRIID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) The Charlie Daniels Band, Travis Tritt, Montgomery Gentry, Billy Ray Cyrus, Kentucky Headhunters, The Outlaws, Lee Roy Parnell August 12 FF O OXX TT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Culture Club August 12 EE D DD DII EE’’ SS AATT TTIICC (Atlanta) Howie Day August 12 AAARRO A ON N’’ SS AAM MPPH H IIH HEE AATT RREE (Atlanta) Incubus, Deftones, Death From Above 1979, The Bots August 12 H EELLLL AATT TTH H H EE M MAASSQ QU UEERRA AD D EE (Atlanta) The Dickies August 13 WO W O RRK KPPLLAAYY SSO OU UN ND D SSTT AAG GEE (Birmingham) Macy Gray August 13 TT --BBO ON NEE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Georgia Pine August 14 CC H HAASS TTAAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Gipsy Kings August 14 CC LLA ASSSSIICC CC EEN N TTEE RR (Athens, GA) Robert Randolph & The Family Band, The Georgia Flood August 14 ASSCC EE N A ND D AAM MPPH HIITT H H EEAATT EERR (Nashville) Needtobreathe, Switchfoot, Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors, Colony House August 14 CC IITT YY W WIIN NEE RRYY N N AASSH H VVIILL LLEE (Nashville) Howie Day August 14 RRIIVVEERRFF RRO ON N TT N N IIG GH H TT SS (Chattanooga) Hank & the Cupcakes, Glowing Bordis August 15 AAARRO A ON N’’ SS AAM MPPH H IIH HEE AATT RREE (Atlanta) J. Cole, Big Sean, YG, Jeremih, Bas, Cozz August 15 FF RREED DRRIICC K K BBRRO OW WN N JJ RR.. A AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Peter Frampton, Cheap Trick August 15 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Meghan Trainor, Charlie Puth, Life Of Dillon August
15 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Between The Buried And Me, Animals As Leaders, The Contortionist August 15 ASSCC EEN A ND D AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT EERR (Nashville) Idina Menzel August 15 WO W O RRK KPPLLAAYY TTH H EEAATT RREE (Birmingham) Howie Day August 15 TT H HEE IIN NTT EERRN N AATTII O ON N AALL (Knoxville) “The Summer Slaughter Tour” Arch Enemy, Of Osiris, Veil Of Maya, The Acacia Strain, Obscura, After The Burial, Cattle Decapitation, Beyond Creation August 11 MEE M M MO O RRIIAALL AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Chattanooga) “A Prairie Home Companion” Garrison Keillor August 16 CC H HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Jim Gaffigan August 16 TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Meghan Trainor, Charlie Puth, Life Of Dillon August 16 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Howard Jones August 16 ASSCC EEN A ND D AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT EERR (Nashville) Peter Frampton, Cheap Trick August 16 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Rickie Lee Jones August 16 TT H HEE W WO OO OD DSS AATT FFO ON N TT AAN NEELL (Whites Creek, TN) Damien Rice August 16 TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Brandon Flowers August 17 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON NEE AARREE N NAA (Nashville) Def Leppard, Styx, Tesla August 18 ASSCC EEN A ND D AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT EERR (Nashville) Sublime with Rome, Rebelution, Pepper, Mickey Avalon August 18 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Firefall August 20 DU D UM MPPYY ’’SS (Ocoee, TN) Georgia Pine, Ramble in the Attic August 21 CC H HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Lyle Lovette August 21 EED DD DIIEE ’’SS AATTTT IICC (Atlanta) Marty Stuart August 21 VVEERRIIZZ O ON NW WIIRREELLEE SSSS AAM M PPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE AATT EEN N CCO O RREE PPAARRK K (Alpharetta, GA) Alabama Shakes August 21 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Kevin Nealon August 21 PPH HII LLIIPPSS AARREEN N AA (Atlanta) Luke Bryan, Randy Houser, Dustin Lynch August 22 CC H HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Air Supply August 22 ATT LLAAN A NTT AA BBO O TTAAN N IICC AALL G GAARRD D EEN N (Atlanta) Melissa Etheridge August 22 VVEERRIIZZ O ON NW WIIRREELLEE SSSS AAM M PPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE AATT EEN N CCO O RREE PPAARRK K (Alpharetta, GA) Yes, Toto August 22 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) John Hiatt, Taj Mahal August 23 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Gin Blossoms August 23 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Hard Working Americans August 23 GRRAAN G N FFAALLLLO OO ON N (Chattanooga) Lost Element August 24 VVEERRIIZZ O ON NW WIIRREELLEE SSSS AAM M PPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE AATT EEN N CCO O RREE PPAARRK K (Alpharetta, GA) O.A.R., Brynn Elliott, Allen Stone August 25 TT H HEE CCO ON NCC O OU URRSSEE (Knoxville) Reel Big Fish August 25 CC H HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Sugar Ray, Better Than Ezra, Eve 6, Uncle Kracker August 26 TT RRA ACCK K 22 99 (Chattanooga) Gent & Jawns, Meaux Green August 27 MIILL LLEERR PPLLAAZZ AA (Chattanooga) “Nightfall M Concert Series” Escondido August 28
CCH HA ASSTT A AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Boyz II Men, Bell, Biv DeVoe August 28 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) “Gallagher’s Jokes On You Comedy Tour” Gallagher, Artie Fletcher, Bob Nelson August 28 GEE O G ORRG G IIA A TT H HEEA ATT RREE (Athens, GA) Corey Smith August 28 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Nashville) Old Crow Medicine Show August 28 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) The Dirty Guvnahs August 28 RRIIVVEERRFFRRO ON NTT N NIIG GH HTT SS (Chattanooga) Samantha Fish, Austin Nickels August 29 DA D ALLTT O ON ND DEE PPO OTT (Dalton, GA) Ramble in the Attic August 29 AA A ARRO ON N ’’SS A AM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Nickelback, Lifehouse August 29 CCH HA ASSTT A AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Rick Springfield, Loverboy, The Romantics August 29 SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY H HA ALLLL (Atlanta) Keb’ Mo’ August 29 GEE O G ORRG G IIA A TT H HEEA ATT RREE (Athens, GA) Dirty Guv’nahs August 29 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Social Distortion, Nikki Lane, Drag the River August 29 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Nashville) Sugar Ray, Better Than Ezra, Eve 6, Uncle Kracker August 29 PPH HIILLII PPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Motley Crue, Alice Cooper August 30 HEE A H AVVEE N NA ATT TT H H EE M MA ASSQ QU U EERRA AD DEE (Atlanta) Earl Sweatshirt, Remy Banks August 30 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Nashville) ZZ Top, Blackberry Smoke September 1 OA O AK KM MO OU UN NTT A AIIN NA AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE (Pelham, AL) Chris Brown, Kid Ink, Omarion, Fetty Wap, Teyana Taylor September 1 PPH HIILLII PPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Madonna September 2 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Jonny Lang September 3 TT-- BBO ON NEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Ramble in the Attic September 4 MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) ZZ Ward September 4 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) GWAR, Butcher Babies, Battlecross September 4 RRIIVVEERRFFRRO ON NTT N NIIG GH HTT SS (Chattanooga) Stokeswood, Remembering January September 5 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Kelly Clarkson, Pentatonix, Eric Hutchinson September 5 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Nashville) Widespread Panic September 5 AA A ARRO ON N ’’SS A AM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Chris Brown, Kid Ink, Omarion, Fetty Wap, Teyana Taylor September 5 WO W OLL FF CC RREEEEK KA AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Morris Day & the Time, Con Funk Shun, Lakeside, Zapp Band September 6 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) X September 6 CCEE N NTT EERR SS TTA AG G EE (Atlanta) ZZ Ward September 7 MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Purity Ring September 8 TTRRA ACC K K 2299 (Chattanooga) GWAR, Butcher Babies, Battlecross September 10 AA A ARRO ON N ’’SS A AM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Kelly Clarkson, Pentatonix, Eric Hutchinson September 10 AVVO A ON ND DA ALLEE BBRREE W WIIN NG G CC O OM M PPA AN NYY (Birmingham) Umphrey’s McGee September 10
CCO O TTTT O ON N--EE YYEE D D JJ O OEE ’’SS (Knoxville) Shooter Jennings With Waymore’s Outlaws September 10 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTT O ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Lady Antebellum, Hunter Hayes, Sam Hunt September 11 TTH H EE M M AASSQ QU U EERRAAD DEE (Atlanta) Reverend Horton Heat, The Adicts September 11 SSYYM M PPH HO ON NYY H HAALL LL (Atlanta) Dwight Yoakam September 11 IIRRO ON N CCIITT YY (Birmingham) Earl Sweatshirt, Remy Banks September 11 CCO O BBBB EEN NEE RRG GYY PPEE RRFF O ORRM M IIN NG G AARRTT SS CC EEN NTT EERR (Atlanta) Josh Groban September 12 PPH H IILLIIPPSS AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Ed Sheeran, Christina Perri September 12 AAARRO A ON N’’ SS AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT RREE (Atlanta) “One Music Fest” The Roots, Ms. Lauryn Hill, Wale, Big K.R.I.T., A$AP Rocky, Janelle Monáe, Ghostface Killah, Raekwon, Scarface, 8Ball & MJG, Jidenna, Sza, St. Beauty, Raury, Deep Cotton, Roman GianArthur, The Internet September 12 4400 W WAATT TT CC LLU U BB (Athens, GA) Best Coast September 12 PPU U BBLLIICC SSQ QU U AARREE PPAARRK K (Nashville) Ben Folds, All Them Witches, Anderson East, Elle King, Kaleo, Lennon & Maisy, The Districts September 12 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTT O ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Ed Sheeran, Christina Perri September 13 ASSCCEE N A ND D AAM MPPH H IITTH H EEAATT EERR (Nashville) Daryl Hall & John Oates September 14 EEXXIITT //IIN N (Nashville) Swervedriver September 14 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) Snarky Puppy September 14
JULY 9 2015
VVAARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Blues Traveler September 15 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Nashville) Steve Earle, The Mastersons September 15 M AARRAATTH M HO ON NM MU U SSIICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Earl Sweatshirt, Remy Banks September 15 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Blues Traveler September 16 G EEO G O RRG GIIAA TT H H EEAATT RREE (Athens, GA) Diarrhea Planet September 16 4400 W WAATTTT CC LLU UBB (Athens, GA) Swervedriver, Gateway Drugs September 16 O AAK O KM MTT N N .. AAM MPPH HII TTH H EEAATT RREE (Pelham, AL) Van Halen, Kenny Wayne Shepherd September 17 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Billy Idol September 18 EE XXIITT// IIN N (Nashville) Kap Slap September 18 CC O OBBBB EE N NEE RRG GYY PPEERRFF O ORRM MIIN NG GA ARRTTSS CCEE N NTT EERR (Atlanta) Kristin Chenoweth September 18 SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY H HAALLLL (Atlanta) Seth MacFarlane September 18 CC A AM MPP FF EESSTT (Camp Blue Ridge, GA) Cold War Kids, Hey Rosetta!, Langhorne Slim, The Whigs, Margo & the Pricetags, Alanna Royale September 18-20 HO H OM M EERR H H AAM MIILLTT O ON N AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Knoxville) Warrant September 18 LLEE G GAACC YY AARREEN N AA AATT TTH H EE BBJJ CCCC (Birmingham) Ariana Grande, Prince Royce September 20 BBRRIID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Ariana Grande, Prince Royce September 22 TT H HEE LLIIBBRRAARRYY TT H HEEAATT RREE (Hoover, AL) The Blind Boys of Alabama September 24 4400 W WAATTTT CC LLU UBB (Athens, GA) Helmet September 24 H IIG H GH HW WAATT TT (Nashville) Steve’n’Seagulls
Political Gumbo Temps have been quite moderate for early July, so I thought I’d whip up a spicy batch of political gumbo. Another random assortment of political observations and comments. So here goes…
took offense to The Donald’s re-tweet of an offensive remark about Mexicans. Jeb, whose wife is Mexican-born, is counting heavily on Hispanic support. Trump, on the other hand, isn’t likely to get many votes from the Latino commu…Everyone is talking about nity. Obviously. Donald Trump how everyone is talking about pinatas are selling briskly in Donald Trump. The other Mexico… Republican presidential hopefuls are constantly being asked …Trump might want to contact to respond to Trump’s anti- the piñata manufacturers about Hispanic rants. The Third Bush getting some royalties. NBC
Universal severed its ties with him not long after his controversial campaign launch speech. The Professional Golfers Association moved its events away from Trumpowned courses. Macy’s stopped selling his gloriously tacky neckties. Basically, every company that had a professional association with Trump has dropped him like a bad habit…
John Kasich will make when he becomes the 16th GOP presidential candidate later this month. He’s a popular governor in a swing state who cruised to re-election in 2014. He’s refreshingly candid and even a bit pugnacious with the press. He’s also in the low single digits in the polls. But Kasich has one big thing going for him. He’s a lot less crazy than most of the other Republican presi…I’m curious to see what dential candidates. Trump? impact (if any) Ohio Governor Crazy. Mike Huckabee? Crazy.
JULY 9 2015
Rick Santorum. Crazy. Ted Cruz. Way crazy. Chris Christie. Delusional. If Kasich can crack the top 10 list and qualify for the first round of debates, his sanity might stand out… …On the Democratic side of the primary games, Bernie Sanders is throwing a bit of a scare into Hillary Clinton. With 30 weeks to go until the Iowa caucuses, the Vermont senator is gaining ground on the presumptive nominee. The Quinnipac University poll shows Sanders has doubled his Iowa support since May. He now polls at 33 percent to Clinton’s 52 percent, after being at 15 percent just two months ago. But Sanders still trails big in the fundraising race, having raised $15 million from 250,000 people – a good grassroots effort, but paltry compared to Clinton’s $45 mil- backing her… Webb entered the Democratic lion in donations and another primary race last Thursday, in $23 million from the Super PACs …Former Virginia Senator Jim
JULY 9 2015
case you didn’t hear. Webb, a former Secretary of the Navy, seems doomed to single-digit obscurity. But he allegedly almost beat a ponytailed biker to death while he was at the Naval Academy. (This according to a former aide who claims Webb shared the colorful anecdote with him.) So there’s that… …In short, the Democratic nomination is still Hillary’s to lose. Sanders’ recent poll bumps notwithstanding. The GOP side is pure chaos, with Bush holding a slight lead over The Comb-over Candidate. I’ve got “20” on the over/under pool for the total number of Republican primary hopefuls. I like my chances…
- Mark Bedford
TAX MISTAKES EVERY BUSINESS OWNER MAKES Every person in the world feels that they do not have to do right by the tax man. So why would you think someone running a business would be any different? Every day business decisions are made that revolve around cash flow and who always gets the short end of the stick - the owner's salary and the IRS. The problem is the IRS will eventually show up to collect. Here are the top four tax mistakes that I have seen countless business owners make and how they can hurt you and your business. Not making estimated tax payments. When you work at a job as an
employee, income taxes are withheld from your check like clockwork. The company you work for then sends the money on a regularly scheduled date to the IRS and the state for which taxes were withheld. So from your perspective you are good. You are covered. Your only concern is did they withhold enough. As a business owner you need to be making these payments yourself. Even if you are on payroll for your own company, you should still be making estimated tax payments four times a year. Because your paycheck withholding's, if you are taking a paycheck, will more than likely not be enough. These estimated tax payments are based on the income your business earned during that particular quarter. And your business entity type doesn't matter -
you still need to pay them. The Not filing the tax returns. type of entity will only determine whose bank account the check is Now I mentioned the big, large drawn on. ginormous penalties and interest for not paying taxes, but there are Minimally you are required to also penalties and interest for not make estimated payments that are filing the forms. And those fines equal to the amount you paid in accrue by the minute. Or at least it total in the prior year. If you don't seems they do. They definitely pay that you will be charged penal- accrue daily. If for some reason ty and interest. And if your income you are unable to pay your payroll is considerably higher or lower or income taxes on time, you still than the prior year, your tax pro- need to submit the tax forms. Do fessional can make the necessary not withhold the forms because adjustments to ensure that you you could not pay because you don't have any surprises come were told it would raise a red flag. April 15th. That is if they provide Um no, it will raise a bigger flag if proper tax planning as a service. you do not submit anything. Not paying payroll taxes.
Not hiring a professional tax preparer.
If your company has employees, you are required to withhold and remit payroll taxes. You cannot pass go and keep the $200. You have to pay the banker; or in this case the feds. Many business owners pay the employees and due to poor cash flow management, they end up keeping the taxes withheld from employee checks and using it for other business operating expenses. This is a HUGE mistake. In case you do not know, there are penalties and interest for not paying those taxes. BIG ONES! Ridiculously LARGE ONES! I mean GINORMOUS ONES! You get my point?
We are in a world of D-I-Y, Do-ItYourself. And many times business owners try to save a few pennies and attempt to do their accounting and taxes themselves. Can you say O-M-G! Don't do it unless that is the business service you provide. Just because you are capable of doing it does not mean you should. Stay in your wheelhouse. Stay in your lane. Because the tax law does in fact change every second, you are more than likely going to have several mistakes. So please seek a professional tax preparer to file your taxes. Not only will they prepare your return accurately, they will also more than likely advocate on your behalf if you do in fact receive a tax notice. In addition, they can provide the tax planning I mentioned above to help you avoid receiving any tax surprises. That is the one surprise no one likes.
While I don't advise that you get in trouble for not paying any type of taxes, you most definitely do not want to mess with payroll taxes. They are the worse kind of taxes to be in trouble with. See you are not messing with your money; you are messing with your employees What tax mistakes have you made money. It is your fiduciary respon- in your business? sibility to pay those taxes and to pay them on time. And failure to - Sherrell T. Martin pay can put you at risk for criminal prosecution. ENIGMA
JULY 9 2015
latest single “No One is Innocent”…the record features a vocal by Ronnie Biggs who is wanted by British police for his part in the Great Train Robbery of 1963…Biggs lives in Brazil where he can’t be extradited… 1199 7799 :: Chuck Berry is sentenced to four months in prison and 1,000 hours of community service after pleading guilty to tax evasion...he will perform benefit concerts as part of his sentence… 11 995599 :: Sam Phillips of Sun Records signs a young Memphis truck driver to a recording contract, planning to use him to cut demos…Elvis Presley quits his day job that very day…coincidentally, another Elvis—Elvis Costello—will quit his clerical day job at Elizabeth Arden Cosmetics exactly 23 years later so he can pursue a music career… 11 9966 55:: The Rolling Stones begin a four-week run at the top of the charts with “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction”...Keith Richards came up with the signature guitar riff one sleepless night...an acoustic version of the song had been recorded in May but it was rejected until Richards plugged in his new Gibson Maestro fuzzbox and the riff became a sax-like clarion call to revel in the pounding, snarling, protest against youthful frustration… 11 9966 77:: In one of the strangest concert pairings ever, the Jimi Hendrix Experience joins The Monkees’ North American tour in Jacksonville, Florida...the teenybopper crowds don’t know what to make of Hendrix’s wild, psychedelic guitar pyrotechnics, resulting in the Experience leaving the tour after only a few dates… 11 99 6688 :: British blues-rockers The Yardbirds break up and guitarist Jimmy Page enlists John Paul Jones, John Bonham and Robert Plant to fulfill a few contractual gigs in Scandinavia as the Yardbirds…leaving the past behind, the group is then rechristened as Led Zeppelin...this same week, Steppenwolf releases the evergreen biker anthem, “Born To Be Wild”…
record won’t become a hit in the UK until it’s re-released later that year…and it won’t make an impression on U.S. charts until 1973…also this week, a heavily sequined (and just plain heavy) Elvis plays to a packed house at the International Hotel in Vegas…while his client sweats up a storm onstage, manager Colonel Parker works out a multi-year multi-million-dollar contract covering return engagements…the terms are jotted down on a tablecloth in the hotel’s coffee shop…
11 9988 77 :: Reps from 50 of America’s biggest record dealers (remember them?) gather at Michael Jackson’s Encino, California home to get a sneak preview of the King of Pop’s latest LP, Bad…the album will move more than 30 million copies 1199 8844:: Bruce Springsteen’s monster worldwide… LP Born in the USA goes to No. 1 on the Billboard album chart…one of 11 9988 99 :: CDs surpass vinyl LPs in sales the all-time biggest selling albums, for the first time… it’ll continue to appear on the chart for 139 weeks while also 11 9999 00:: Soul great Curtis Mayfield is spawning seven Top 10 singles… seriously injured when a powerful gust of wind causes a lighting rig to 1199 8855:: More than 50 acts perform to fall on him during a Brooklyn raise money for African famine vic- show…he will remain paralyzed tims in two simultaneous Live Aid until his death nine years later…no concerts broadcast from longer able to play guitar, Mayfield Philadelphia and London ... the
1199 7711 :: All America mourns the death of jazz trumpeter Louis Armstrong…loved for his outsized personality and musical brilliance, “Satchmo” helped spread the sounds of blues and jazz around the world… also this week, The Bruce Springsteen Band opens for UK rockers Humble Pie at New Jersey’s Sunshine Inn…Humble Pie guitarist Peter Frampton is impressed and proposes Springsteen open for the British band on their continuing U.S. tour…he also says he can help get Bruce an audition with their label, A&M…inexplicably Springsteen’s manager Tinker West blows off both offers on the spot… 1199 7722:: Paul McCartney and Wings play their first gig in the small French town of Chateauvallon…it’s McCartney’s first show since The Beatles gave up the road in 1966…the new band is touring in a London double-decker bus outfitted with a psychedelic interior…
1199 7744:: Bruce Springsteen and The E Street Band open a three-night stand at New York’s trendy Bottom Line club…the six shows draw rave reviews and give Bruce’s burgeon11 99 6699 :: David Bowie’s LP Space ing career a big boost… Oddity is released to coincide with the Apollo moon landing…the 1199 7788 :: The BBC bans The Sex Pistols’ ENIGMA
lineup includes Paul McCartney, Mick Jagger, Ozzy Osbourne, Elton John, David Bowie, The Who, Queen, Joan Baez, Tina Turner, Patti LaBelle, The Pretenders, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Black Sabbath, and many more…
JULY 9 2015
will continue to write, produce, mistakes the bodyguard for an record and sing—often while lying unruly fan and attempts to remove on his back… him from the stage...at this point Durst allegedly kicks one of the 11 9999 33 :: The vibrant Seattle music guards in the head leading to community is deeply shaken when charges… Gits frontwoman Mia Zapata is brutally beaten and strangled to death 22000000:: Erected in the memory of after leaving a downtown John Lennon, a sculpture depicting bar…cops are stymied…bands a revolver with a twisted barrel is including Nirvana, Pearl Jam and unveiled in London’s Trafalgar Soundgarden help raise $70,000 to Square… fund a private investigation…long after the funds have dried up, a 22000022:: DJ Fatboy Slim causes chaos suspect is finally convicted thanks in the English seaside resort town to DNA evidence in 2003… of Brighton with a free beach concert…expected to draw a crowd of 11 9999 55:: Jerry Garcia plays his final 60,000, an estimated 250,000 show show with The Grateful Dead...the up to party causing 10-mile-long guitarist, vocalist and founder of traffic jams…the DJ chips in the band will die of a heart attack £100,000 of his own funds to put a month later while in a California on the show when a sponsor pulls rehab center… out… 11 9999 88:: A Los Angeles judge issues a bench warrant for Scott Weiland when the Stone Temple Pilots singer fails to appear in court for a second time on drug possession charges...in what’s becoming a historically bad week for Weiland, he will be sentenced to three years probation and a stint in rehab this same week in 2004 for a DUI arrest the previous October…
22000033 :: Jack White breaks his finger in a car wreck in his hometown of Detroit...as a result of the injury, The White Stripes must cancel two European performances and reschedule their North American tour...White spends his recuperation time producing an album for country star Loretta Lynn, and posts a video clip of his finger surgery on the band’s website to prove the injury isn’t a publicity 11 9999 99:: Limp Bizkit leader Fred Durst stunt… is arrested in St. Paul, Minnesota on aggravated assault charges fol- 22000044::In an MTV.com interview, lowing the band’s show at the Roy Slipknot singer-songwriter Corey Wilkins Auditorium...during the Taylor explains his penchant for performance, Durst’s bodyguard using big words in his lyrics...”I’m attempts to remove a fan who has sorry, but there aren’t a lot of jumped onstage...venue security smart people out there...I try to
Retro Cafe
The Best of New Wave, Post Modern Classics and Other Odd Stuff
ing Michael Jackson’s death is held at The Staples Center in L.A.…Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richie and Mariah Carey pay tribute before the Jackson family joins a sombre finale onstage…Motown boss Berry Gordy, who signed the Jackson Five, ends his tribute with the words: “Michael, thank you for the joy, thank you for the love. You will live in my heart forever.”… 22001100:: Carlos Santana pops the question to his drummer/girlfriend just as Cindy Blackman winds up her solo during a Santana concert in Illinois…they’ll make it legal in December…
22000055:: The current lineup of The Hollies asks a British court to jail founding bassist Eric Haydock for continuing to use his former band’s name after a judge ordered him to stop trading on The Hollies’ 22001111 :: A pub in Dundee, Scotland name… called Lennon’s Bar is obliged to change its name and ditch all its 22000066:: After protracted rent hassles, Beatles-themed decor under threat punk club CBGB announces it will of a copyright infringement suit by shut down its New York venue for- Yoko Ono… ever on September 30...plans are afoot for the club to be reborn in 220011 22:: Anarcho-punk band Las Vegas...founder Hilly Kristal Chumbawamba calls it quits after a promises that, “We’re going to take 30-year run…a statement on their the bars. the stage, the toilets, the website reads, “We do, of course, urinals, even the original doors. reserve the right to re-emerge as We want to re-create the realism Chumbawamba doing something and the essence of CBGB.”…sadly it else entirely…Thirty years of being all comes to nothing…also this snotty, eclectic, funny, contrary week, punk band Sleater-Kinney and just plain weird. What a priviannounces that after an 11-year run lege, and what a good time we’ve they’ll go on “indefinite had.”…this same week the former hiatus”…singer-guitarist Carrie assistant to U2’s Adam Clayton is Brownstein goes on to garner big- put away for seven years after time success with TV’s embezzling more than $3 million Portlandia…the trio will reform in from the bassman… 2014 recording the critically acclaimed LP, No Cities to Love, 22001133 :: Former Fugees frontwoman and touring to rave reviews… Lauryn Hill begins a three-month jail sentence after being convicted 22000077 :: Live Earth concerts to raise of failing to pay tax on $1.8 milconsciousness about the environ- lion… ment and global warming are simultaneously held in Washington D.C., Rio de Janeiro, Johannesburg, London, Hamburg, Tokyo, Shanghai, and Sydney… 22000088 :: The bass drum head from the cover of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band brings in $1.1 million at an auction in London...other items sold at Christie’s include the guitar on which Pete Townshend composed “Behind Blue Eyes,” which fetches $27,000…some multicolored pants worn by Jimi Hendrix go for $40,000, and John Lennon’s tinted prescription sunglasses pull in $78,000…
Wednesdays at 5pm est. on wawl.org ENIGMA
throw in as many polysyllabic words as possible...it’s very cool to be able to do that and pass down the knowledge”...Slipknot fans run to the nearest dictionary to look up “polysyllabic”…this same week in Britain, notorious music pirate Mark Purseglove gets a 42-month prison sentence after netting millions selling bootlegged concert CDs of some of the world’s biggest acts including The Beatles, Bowie, and Pink Floyd…
2009: A memorial service mourn-
JULY 9 2015
RRU UM M OOUURR HHAASS IITT… … …PARKLIFE is proud to announce the lineup for its second annual event this fall with The Atlanta BeltLine. JJaassoonn IIssbbee llll , SSttrraanndd ooff OOaa kkss and NNaattaa llii ee PPrraassss will be joined by other TBA artists on Sunday, October 18, 2015 in Piedmont Park in Midtown Atlanta, GA. Additional artists and amenities to be announced. Tickets to the oneday event go on sale at 10:00 am ET on Friday, July 10th at parklifefest.com, ticketmaster.com, and all Ticketmaster outlets. General Admission tickets are $45. VIP
upgrade options are also available for $125 and include access to a special viewing area, exclusive VIP bar options, and private restrooms. Named “Atlanta’s Hottest New Indie Festival” by Atlanta Music Guide, PARKLIFE Fest is proud to welcome headliner JJaa ssoonn IIssbbee ll ll to Atlanta. Alabama native JJaassoonn IIssbbeell ll is both a product of his Northern Alabama roots and an example of how musical influences can help an artist evolve and mature. IIssbb eell ll will release “Something More Than Free” on July 17th. Rolling Stone gives the album a 4star review and says, “It’s a master class in songwriting from an artist who’s never sounded more confident.” This year, PARKLIFE
moves to a new home in beautiful Piedmont Park and will feature craft food and beverages from local vendors. The festival prides itself on being a local event for music lovers in a setting that celebrates Atlanta and has previously featured acts including JJaa kkee BBuugggg , TThhee LLoonn ee BBeell lloow w , TThhee W Wiill dd FFee aatt hheerrss , LLPP, TThh ee W Wee ee kkss and more.
superhero role came in 2003’s Daredevil, a film he recently admitted “didn’t work at all”, in which he played Marvel Comics Maa tttt M Muurr ddoocckk. Asked to favorite M explain how DC’s world differs from that created by Marvel, Affleck told Entertainment Weekly: “It is more mythic, it is more grand in that way, and it is a little more realistic. Just by their nature, these films can’t be as funny or as quick or as glib as Marvel movies.”
A ffffllee cckk has shared …BBee nn A his thoughts on the difference between Marvel movies and films based on comic books by its rival, Affffllee cckk will star as one of DC DC. A Comics’ most popular characters, Dee aa dd W Wee aa tthhee rr …TThhee D BBrruuccee W Waa yynnee aka BBaa ttm maann , in next have announced details of their year’s Batman v Superman: Dawn long-awaited new album. The Of Justice. His only previous
JULY 9 2015
Kiill ll ss’’ band, which consists of TThhee K AAll ii ssoonn M Moo sssshh aarrtt , JJaa cckk W Whhii ttee , DDeeaa nn FFee rrttii ttaa and JJaa cckk LLaaw w rree nnccee , released their second album Sea of Cowards in 2010, which itself followed 2009 debut Horehound. Having issued a series of seveninch singles over the past couple of years, the group will now release third full-length Dodge & Whhiittee ’’ss Burn in September via W own Third Man Records
Spokesperson PPaa uull ii SStt ååhhll bbee rr gg says: “Anyone seeking a ruling like this is always spurred by a subjective opinion, but that’s not enough to get a refund. What is significant is a generally agreed view that the concert was a failure, as it was in tthhee CChhuucckk BBee rrrr yy case.” SS ttååhhll bbee rr gg also claims that the “issue of quality” is less relating to whether a performance is “good or bad by some objective measure” but “whether or not the …A new law in Finland performance meets the conreportedly entitles music fans to sumer’s expectations”. seek a refund if they’re disap…A new study has invespointed by a live performance. National Finnish broadcaster Yle tigated the physical exertion has reported that the country’s involved in attending music festiConsumer Disputes Board ruled vals. Although widely perceived on Friday that ticketholders can as a setting of overindulgence, get a refund if a performance is tech company Withings have “well below reasonably expected found that music fans can actualstandards”. The decision comes ly work off as much as 9,000 following an incident in Helsinki calories over a three-day music during 2013 when an attendee at a event, walking over 15 miles in CChhuucckk BBee rrrryy concert demanded the process. The study also his money back after the leg- found that the average festivalendary musician “seemed goers spends eight hours dancing fatigued” during his performance. per day at a music event, burning
off an average of 400-700 calories during each performance. Glastonbury was found to be the most exerting music festival, with attendees burning around 3,400 calories per day. The average person also walked 5.1 miles every day at Worthy Farm. The likes of V Festival, T In The Park, plus Reading and Leeds festivals also ranked high. …PPaa uull M M ccCCaa rrttnnee yy has admitted he felt “frustrated” by the change in public perception of late BBeeaa ttllee ss bandmate JJoohhnn LLee nnnnoonn following his death. Lennon passed away in December 1980 after being shot outside his New York apartment. TThhee BBeeaa ttll eess had been split since 1970. Speaking in a new interview with Esquire, M MccCCaa rrttnnee yy said of his former band: “We knew we were different. We knew we were something other groups weren’t: Lennon’s skill, intelligence, acerMccCCaa rr ttnnee yy ’’ss melody, bic wit, M Haa rr rr ii ssoo nn’’ss whatever he’s got, H spirituality, RRiinnggoo’’ss spirit of fun, great drumming. We all played, which is pretty hard.” He continued: “Post-BBee aattll ee ss G Gee oorrggee did his record, JJoohhnn did his, I did mine, RRiinnggoo did his. We were equal. When JJoohhnn got shot, aside from the pure horror of it, the lingering thing was, OK, well now JJoohhnn’’ss a martyr. A JJFFKK .” “So what happened was, I started to get frustrated because people started to say, ‘Well, he was TThhee BBee aatt llee ss’’ . And me, G Geeoorr ggee and RRii nnggoo would go, ‘Er, hang on. It’s only a year ago we were all equal-ish’”. “Yeah, JJoohhnn was the witty one, sure. JJoohhnn did a lot of great work, yeah. And post-BBeeaa ttllee ss he did more great work, but he also did a lot of not-great work. Now the fact that he’s now martyred has mee ss D Dee aann , elevated him to a JJaa m and beyond.” “So whilst I didn’t mind that - I agreed with it - I understood that now there was going to be revisionism. It was going to be: JJoohhnn was the one.” m oorr ee ’’ss H Haayy ll ee yy …PPaa rr aam Wiill llii aam W mss has joined a host of musicians in criticising the deci-
JULY 9 2015
1. Jason Isbell 2. Dawes 3. They Might Be Giants 4. Florence and The Machine 5. My Morning Jacket 6. Modest Mouse 7. Nick Lutsko 8. Good Old War 9. Albert Hammond Jr 10. Beck 11. Grace Potter 12. Langhorne Slim And The Law 13. Ben Folds 14. Michael Franti & Spearhead 15. Alabama Shakes 16. X Ambassadors 17. Metric 18. Courtney Barnett 19. Mumford & Sons 20. Leon Bridges
ADVENTURE PICKS 1. Buddy Guy 2. Ezra Furman 3. Joy Williams
sion to allow FFrr oonntt PPoorr cchh SSttee pp’’ss MccEE ll ffrree sshh to confrontman JJaakkee M tinue on the Vans Warped Tour. MccEE llffrr eesshh was recently accused M of allegations of sexual misconduct and harassment by a number of underage girls. A petition has been set up on Change.org calling for the singer to be removed from the line-up. It has so far gained over 13,000 followers. In a lengthy statement on FFrr oonntt PPoo rrcc hh SSttee pp’’ ss Facebook page, MccEE llffrr eesshh denied the allegations. M He wrote: “To be associated with words like child molester, pedophile, and rapist - are disgusting and deplorable and I am neither and NEVER will be. To be lumped in to that category is just gross. I have never had any romantic and/or sexual physical interaction with an underage person nor do I have the desire.”
‘‘AAdd--RRoocckk’’ HHoorroovv iittzz , filed a trademark application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office for the BBeeaa ssttiiee BBooyy ss name in conjunction with “live performances by a musical group”. This led some fans to speculate Miikkee D D aa nndd A Add--RRoocckk could be that M planning a live comeback. However, when reached for comment by Pitchfork, a representative for the group said: “There will never be BBeeaa ssttii ee BBooyyss live performances without A Addaa m m YYaauucchh.” HHoorroovv iittzz previously confirmed that there would be no new BBee aassttiiee BBooyyss music since YYaauucchh’’ ss passing. However, the new statement is the first to effectively end any hopes of seeing the group in some form in the future.
If you know any truths, halftruths or outright lies about the …BBee aa ssttii ee BBooyy ss have music and club scene send it to Vance c/o confirmed that they will not play Sissy live again following the death of rumoursmill@enigmaonline.com. Addaa m A m ‘‘M MCCAA’’ YYaa uucchh in 2012. The news came as the group’s other - Sissy Vance Mii kkee D D and A Addaam m two members,, M
JULY 9 2015
I Know It’s Only Rock and Roll (But I Like It) way that went out to the middle of the floor area. He was constantly in movement. It was hard to look away as he went spastic during every chorus of “Out Of Control” before reining it in to blast tasty “It’s Only Rock And Roll” and “Let’s blues harmonica before each verse. Spend The Night Together” followed close behind and didn’t let Even more impressive was the fact up for an instant. Pianist Chuck that his voice seemed stronger Leavell’s cascading runs were a lux- than it has on past tours. It wasn’t ury as the band tore through a cat- just Mick, though! The entire band alog of classics that felt revived was crisp and locked in tight. In fact, 2015’s Zip Code Tour may be and refreshed. the best that The Rolling Stones Jagger’s stamina was something to have ever sounded as live players. behold. The 71-year old singer, who is truly the template for all rock A menacing and sprawling version and roll front men, ran from one of “Midnight Rambler” stretched wing of the massive stage to the for over 12 minutes on this night as other, and he dominated the walk- they explored and wrung out every the show was pure energy for 2 hours in a muggy, North Carolina summer heat that would’ve slowed down almost anyone except for The Rolling Stones.
©Chris McKay
T HE RO LLIN G ST ON ES July 1, 2015 Carter-Finley Stadium Raleigh, North Carolina “What a drag it is getting old.”
Judging by The Rolling Stones’ triumphant concert at Raleigh, North Carolina’s Carter-Finley Stadium on July 1, it’s anything but a drag to be an old Stone!
Obviously, Mick Jagger wasn’t singing about himself when he originally sang that lyric 50 years ago, and he certainly isn’t singing it now.
From the first blasts of Keith Richards’ guitar at the opening of “Jumping Jack Flash” to the final firework that exploded at the end of “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction”,
©Chris McKay
JULY 9 2015
While Mick was all over the place at all times all night, Keith Richards oozed personal warmth while still somehow being the coolest guy in a venue of 40,000 or so people. Keith bowed and slashed at the air playing his role of musical alchemist to the hilt.
rare version of Exile On Main Street’s gospel rave up “Shine A Light” was truly glorious.
Richards was full of laughter and that positivity was contagious among the band and the crowd. Everyone on stage were clearly enjoying each other.
Of course, even better was witnessing Ronnie and Keith’s “ancient art of weaving” in action. It really does register as a kind of telepathy. Whether the two guitarists were hundreds of feet away on the massive stage or nose to nose, everything they did just felt right, and since The Stones is all about feel, nothing else mattered.
Wood made goofy faces, jumped up and down in place, and had enough brightly colored mod wardrobe changes to make Katy Perry blush.
In the past, there’s been a distance between Jagger and Richards that was palpable, even onstage. On this night, there was none of that. The Glimmer Twins were brothers with a lot of love between them and it The audience was totally was apparent. enthralled in that feeling as the staging brought the show to everyEven notoriously aloof drummer one through video screens where Charlie Watts kept breaking into one could choose to watch every
©Chris McKay
note, coaxed the song to sleep, then jarred it awake again.
©Chris McKay
beaming smiles, sometimes at completely random times. Of course, he did it all while keeping the pulse of a band that could not possibly swing like they do without him. Ronnie Wood’s playing was especially potent on this night. He’s always been one of the most underrated guitarists in rock, but hearing him cut loose on a very ENIGMA
JULY 9 2015
facial tic and expression or zoom out to the massive overall experience. Everything felt like it was working as part of the show, including nature. During the moody and beautiful “Moonlight Mile”, the overcast over the stadium briefly gave way to a full moon shining through the clouds.
Yes, at this show, the greatest light- going through the motions on an ing tech in the world even shined a obligatory song that they felt comlight! pelled to do. Not tonight. That 50year old song had the energy of a And the set list was about as potent sugar-overloaded child. as one could get.
The Stones on this night kept Ladies and gentlemen, The Rolling cheering until security personnel Stones! began herding them out. Roll ing Stone s Set Lis t R No doubt, the buzz of The Stones’ July 1, 2015 Raleigh, North Carolina
Whether it was an extended “Miss You” where bassist Daryl Jones took a funky solo (as Richards’ cheered him on) or a truly hairraising version of “Gimme Shelter” featuring vocalist Lisa Fischer, the band wasn’t shy about taking chances and on this night, those chances paid off every time.
Jumping Jack Flash It’s Only Rock And Roll Let’s Spend The Night Together Tumbling Dice Out Of Control Bitch Moonlight Mile Shine A Light Honky Tonk Women Before They Make Me Run Happy Midnight Rambler Miss You Gimme Shelter Start Me Up Sympathy For The Devil Brown Sugar
After that, The Stones slammed the audience with a 3-song run that included “Start Me Up”, a fiery “Sympathy For The Devil”, and the audience participatory “Brown Sugar”, which ended the main set. For the encore, the Duke University Vesper Choir preceded the band ©Chris McKay onto the stage and led into a performance of “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” that had every As the band took their final bows, voice singing along. fireworks exploded over the stage, the crowd roared, and the world’s The night ended with The Stones greatest rock and roll band put one somehow summoning even more more notch in their collective belt. energy for “(I Can’t Get No) Veterans of past shows and new Satisfaction”. On other tours, the generations of fans who were havband has appeared as if they were ing their virgin experience with
experience kept right on running through the veins of those attendees long after the band had moved on to another city.
Encore E You Can’t Always Get What You Want (With The Duke University Vesper Choice) (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction
After all, this wasn’t just another - Chris McKay show. This was now. And now, it’s history.
JULY 9 2015
©Chris McKay
JULY 9 2015
©Chris McKay
JULY 9 2015
©Chris McKay
Have You Seen This Issue of Enigma? Why not? Find back issues and a new issue every Thursday at issuu.com/ enigmamagazine
They’re perfect for your phone, tablet or computer with new content every week. ENIGMA
©Chris McKay
JULY 9 2015
RYAN OYER Known for his insightful lyrics and hypnotic melodies, Ryan Oyer has finally started to separate himself from a pack of writers and performers
ences but has since grown up adding a full band and a little more variety to his mix or driving rock and pop melodies. Whheenn yyoouu sstt aarrttee dd aa ff eew W w yyee aarrss aaggoo yyoouu pp llaayyeedd ssoolloo.. TThh ee ppaass tt yyee aarr oorr ssoo yyoouu hh aavvee ppllaayyeedd w w iitthh aa ff uullll bbaa nndd .. H Hoow w hhaass tthh aatt aaff ffeecctteedd yyoouu rr w wrriitt -iinngg??
Queens & Silver Screens”, I wrote about 10 more songs. I’ve brought some of those to the band to learn together.
HHoow w ddoo yyoouu ffeeeell iitt hh aass aaffff eecctt -eedd tt hhee m muu ssiicc??
It’s definitely changed the sound and arrangements when we play live. I enjoy playing music with these people. I think the personalities So far it hasn’t changed the in this band all work together actual writing much. I still sit to make a really cool dynamdown with just an acoustic ic. guitar when I write. Right that came out of the same after we finished doing most LL iissttee nniinngg ttoo yyoouurr nneew wm maa tteerrii -scene a few years ago in of the recording for “Pin Up aall yyoouurr ss oouu nndd sseeee m mss m moorree Chattanooga. Oyer started off aaggggrreessssiivvee tthh aatt iinn tthh ee ppaasstt .. as a solo performer who thinly veiled his musical influ-
(423) 756-3222 ENIGMA
JULY 9 2015
DD oo yyoouu ffeeee ll tt hhaatt iiss aann aaccccuu -rraatt ee sstt aatteem meenntt ??
anymore but they’ll always be there.
It depends on the song and the nature of the song. I wouldn’t consider “Maybe Katie” aggressive, but on something like “Rock N Roll” it’s definitely more aggressive.
Whh aatt dd oo yyoouu ff eeeell yyoouu rr bb iiggggeesstt W oobbss ttaaccllee hhaass bb eeeenn ssoo ff aarr aass aa muu ssiicciiaann?? m I can be an over thinker. So what probably is one of the reasons I’m good at what I do, is also what holds me back sometimes.
OOnn pprree vviioouu ss rreeccoorrddiinnggss yyoouu pp rroouu ddllyy w woorree yyoouurr iinnfflluuee nncceess oonn yyoouurr ssllee eevvee.. TThhee yy aarr ee nnoott ssoo eevviiddeenntt oonn tthh ee nneew w EEPP.. IIss tthh aatt aa ssiiggnn ooff m maattuu rriittyy oorr aa cchhaannggee iinn ddiirreeccttiioonn??
Whh eerree ddoo yyoouu ggoo ffrroom W m hh eerree?? The “Pin Up Queens & Silver Screens” release show August 29th at the Camp House.
I’d like to think it’s a sign of maturity and that I’m progressing as a songwriter. I’ve heard Butch Ross say that he had to make my record sound more Beatlesque instead of less. I definitely don’t lean as much onto those influences
- Dave Weinthal Ryan Oyer is this week’s headliner at the Nightfall Concert Series at Miller Plaza in Chattanooga, TN.
JULY 9 2015
©Roy McKee
Third Eye Blind Dashboard Confessional Gen-Xers and emo kids jumped for joy as late-‘90s rockers Third Eye Blind and early millennial rockers Dashboard Confessional joined forces to tour this summer. What late ‘90s mix tape was complete without “Semi-Charmed Life” or “How’s It Gonna Be” by TEB or early 2K mix tape without “Hands Down” or “Vindicated” by Dashboard? Both bands have pretty much been one-man shows with a revolving door of members almost since inception, but despite that fact keep a loyal fan base of those wanting to relive that first summer love or perhaps first concert. ENIGMA
JULY 9 2015
©Roy McKee
JULY 9 2015
©Roy McKee
©Roy McKee
JULY 9 2015