Enigma 7/23/15

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America: An Exceptional Country Several years ago, I had the opportunity to visit Australia and spend several weeks in the outback.

understand why anyone would ever want to leave the United States, we had everything a person could ask for. Beautiful scenery, varied climates, freeWhile visiting Alice Springs, dom, there was something in the occasion arose to visit Ayres Rock or Uluru, a sacred aboriginal monolith located near the center of the country, about a five-hour drive from Alice.

refreshing to find someone anyone else does. If we do that had something good to mess up, sooner or later we say about our country. will make it right and correct our errors. Since then I have had several opportunities to find people We are an exceptional country and an exceptional people, not because we are better or more evolved than anyone else, but we are exceptional because our country provides opportunities and advantages for people found nowhere else in the world.

Riding on a bus with other tourists from various countries around the world, I found myself seated next to a young lady from Switzerland. As is always the case, the conversation always begins by asking each other where they America for everyone, regard- that feel the same way. Not are from. less of their wants or desires. everyone one hates Americans like the left wing politicians When she discovered I was She was engaged to an Air and mainstream media would from the states, she asked me Force Cadet and couldn't wait like you to believe. In fact, what I was doing in Australia. to come to the United states to most people know and respect She said it in such a way it visit him in Colorado and who we are and how over the almost sounded rude, we had eventually move here. years America has done much only just met, so I asked her for the rest of the world. why she would ask me such a Obviously, this got me to question. thinking, I had never thought As a country, we don't always of my country like that before. do the right thing, we aren't She replied that she didn't With all the anti-American perfect. No one is, but we do rhetoric out there, it was things right more often than


JULY 23 2015


Our Constitution and Bill of Rights provide for that. All we need do is follow the directions laid out before us by our founding fathers. I have traversed the globe in search of truth, my truth, during which time I have had an opportunity to study with Aborigine elders, native American Indians, and some of the world's finest intuitives. All of this has lead me to better understand our world and all things therein contained.

- Gary Wonning

Dear Rocco, I just turned 18. I have had one boyfriend for 3 years (we broke up a month ago). The strange thing is that I didn’t really care when he broke up with me. Ever since I was little, I have had crushes on boys. It has always been that way… Well, about three months ago, I watched a lesbian porn movie with my boyfriend. Since then, I have not been able to get it out of my head. Just thinking about lesbian porn turns me on! Is it possible that I have been a lesbian all along? How do I know if I’m a lesbian? The strange thing is that I don’t feel particularly attracted to any woman I have met in real life. However, the movies drive me crazy… What is going on? MR

DDeeaarr M MRR YYoouu cc oouulldd bbee bbiisseexxuuaall oorr m maayybb ee yy oouu jjuusstt lliikkee tthhee iiddeeaa ooff eexx ppeerrii-meenn ttiinn gg w m wiitthh ssoom meetthhiinn gg dd iiffff eerr -eenntt sseexx uuaallllyy .. DDoonn’’ tt w woorrrryy aabboouutt iitt yyoouu ’’rree yy oouunngg eexx ppeerriim meenn tt yyoouu waanntt oorr ffiinndd aannootthh eerr gguuyy .. YYoouu w maayy jjuusstt bbee ttiirreedd ooff tthhee ssaam m m ee gguuyy yy oouu’’vv ee bb eeeenn w wiitthh ff oorr tthhrreeee yy eeaarrss.. KKeeeepp w waatt cchhiinngg tthhee lleess -bbiiaann m moo vviieess aann dd ffeeeell ff rreeee ttoo maassttuurrbbaattee ttoo tthheem m m iiff yyoo uu lliikkee.. II tthhiinnkk iitt’’ ss nnaattuurraall ffoorr ggiirrllss yyoo uurr aaggee ttoo eexxpp eerriim meenntt ..

Dear Rocco, I have a situation with my husband, and I’m not sure how to handle it without making him embarrassed. The thing is; he gets up earlier than I do in the morning, and I have often caught him relieving himself against the fence in our backyard. By relieving himself, I of course mean urinating (there is nothing sexual going on as far as I can tell). Our toilet is not broken so why would he do that? SB

weerr tthheeyy jjuusstt ccaann’’ tt sseeeem m ttoo What do you get a person who aannssw ffiinndd iitt oorr w waann tt ssoom meeoonn ee tt oo vvaallii-reads things into every gift? ddaattee tt hheeiirr cc hhooiiccee.. II m m eeaann iiff aa JC gg iirrll w wrriitteess iinn w woonndd eerriinngg iiff II DDeeaarr JJCC tthh iinn kk sshhee sshhoo uulldd dduum m pp ssoom m ee TTaakkee hheerr oo nn aa rroom m aann ttiicc tt rriipp.. FF oorr lloow wlliiff ee sshhee’’ss bbeeeenn dd aatt iinn gg ffoo rr aa iinn sstt aann ccee ttaakkee hheerr ttoo ssoom meeppllaaccee w whhiillee bbeeccaauussee hhee cc hheeaatt ss oonn hheerr whheerree yy oouu ttw w woo cc aann bbee aalloonn ee.. tthh ee aannssw weerr sseeeem mss pprreettttyy oobbvv ii-TTeellll hheerr yy oouu jjuusstt w waanntt ttoo sspp eenn dd oo uuss ttoo m m ee,, yy eess,, bb uutt ttoo hheerr ttiim m ee w wiitthh hheerr aanndd nn oo oonnee eellssee.. bb eeccaauussee sshh ee iiss eem m oottiioo nnaallllyy iinnvv oollvveedd iitt m maayy sseeeem m lliikkee aa dd iiff -ffiiccuulltt pprroobb lleem m.. Dear Rocco, Do you ever get fed up with peo- Rocco is a common sense, tellple asking stupid questions? You it-like-it-is, no-nonsense kind of must have the patience of an guy offering real advice on any angel, or do you use drugs and subject put before him. Why alcohol? Another stupid ques- pay thousands of dollars on a tion by another stupid person… high-priced therapist when he’ll straighten you out for free. If DW you’d like advice from Rocco eDDeeaarr DDW W mail him at NNoo,, II ddoonn ’’tt gg eett ffeedd uupp aanndd tthhee goaskrocco@yahoo.com or drop oonnllyy ssttuuppiidd qquueessttiioonnss aarree tthhoossee him a line at Ask Rocco c/o tthhaatt ggoo uunnaasskkeedd.. SSoo m meettiim meess aa Enigma P.O. Box 825 ppeerrssoonn w wiillll hhaavv ee aann eeaass iillyy Chattanooga, TN 37401. aann ssw weerreedd qquueessttiioo nn bbuutt bbeeccaauussee tthheeyy aarree tthhee oonneess sseeeekkiinngg tthhee

DDeeaarr SSBB II ddoo nn’’tt kknnoo w wm maayy bbee hhee jjuusstt lliikkeess ppiissssiinngg oouuttssiiddee.. Dear Rocco, I want to get my wife a great present. Unfortunately she is hard to buy for. She is very sensitive and everything I think of runs the risk of upsetting her. If I bought her a hat she’d likely think I don’t like her haircut. Buy her a George Foreman grille and she’d assume I don’t like her cooking. Sexy underwear would make her wonder if I’m still attracted to her. A treadmill would result in her thinking she’s too fat. Jewelry is a no-no because she’d worry about the cost. Buying any sort of clothes would also be a big mistake! ENIGMA

JULY 23 2015


ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20) Your lack of interest in your partner is a problem. Make sure that you take time to remember those you love. You can get a promotion if you put in a little extra detail. Try to be reasonable. Your lucky day this week will be Thursday. TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21) You can make extra money. Rewards will be yours if you put in the overtime required. You could meet an interesting individual you'll want to get to know better. You may have some difficulties with someone you live with. You may find that your anger stems from lending or borrow-

ing money.

You can meet potential new mates if you socialize with friends. Try to Your lucky day this week will be channel your energy into professionSaturday. al endeavors. Curb your mood swings; they could result in loneliGEMINI ness. Try to spend some time on your (May 22-June 21) own. Self-improvement could bring amazing results. Make plans to mix busi- Your lucky day this week will be ness with pleasure. Dinner with Thursday. clients or business associates should be successful. All your energy should LEO be directed into moneymaking (July 23-Aug 22) opportunities. You will feel tired and Disappointments are likely if your rundown if you have allowed your- mate embarrasses you in front of self to get into a financial mess. friends. Drastic financial losses may be likely if you lend money. Your lucky day this week will be Romance could develop through Tuesday. social activities or short trips. Before you proceed be sure to talk your CANCER plans over with those they will (June 22-July 22) affect. Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday. VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23) Changes in your residence will be favorable in the long haul. You can find out interesting information if you get a chance to talk to people you respect. Opportunities for new partnerships will develop through the organizations you encounter. Obstacles may stand in your way where career and success are concerned.

or unexpected bills could set you back. Do not let lovers cost you money or take advantage of you. Don't let your work and your personal life interfere with each other. Your lucky day this week will be Monday. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21) Refrain from using the highway as a racetrack. So smile! You may get upset with peers or relatives. Your greatest enjoyment will come through social activities and pleasure trips. Your lucky day this week will be Friday. CAPRICORN (Dec 22.- Jan. 20) Property investments, insurance, taxes, or inheritance should bring you financial gains. You'll meet new friends if you try new activities. Don't let someone try to bully you into doing things their way. Problems with your mate will develop if you don't let them have their way. Your lucky day this week will be Sunday.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19) Deceit around you is evident. Express your interest if you want the relaYour lucky day this week will be tionship to progress. Your energy Tuesday. will be high. This may not be the time to lend or borrow. LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23) Your lucky day this week will be It will be important that you have Tuesday. your priorities straight. You can complete any projects efficiently, espe- PISCES cially if you put the effort in your- (Feb. 20-Mar. 20) self. Property investments should Make sure any presentation you have payoff. Catch up on your correspon- is ready. You may want to look into dence and reading. warm vacation spots. A little rest will do wonders. You may want to try Your lucky day this week will be your hand at a little creative writing. Friday. Don't let your boss get the better of you. SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22) Your lucky day this week will be Don't make promises. Over spending Wednesday. ENIGMA

JULY 23 2015


Unfathomable Darkness Our city has been swallowed up in a previously unfathomable cloud of darkness. It’s hard to imagine if and when things will ever feel “normal” again in Chattanoooga… …Lone shooter Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez went on a 30-minute rampage last Thursday, killing four U.S. Marines and mortally wounding a Navy non-commissioned officer who would die two days later. The shooter was shot and killed in a parking lot near the Navy Operational Support Center where the four Marines were killed. The Marine fatalities

viewing virtually anyone who had contact with him in the months and years prior to his brutal attacks on unarmed military personnel. The attacks in Chattanooga were the first of their kind in this country and investigators want to know what prompted them…

whelming support Chattanooga has shown for the families of the victims. The attack sites at the Armed Forces Careet Center on Lee Highway and the Naval operational Support Center on Amnicola Highway are covered in flags, flowers and messages of grief…

…The national media spotlight has shone brightly on our community, capturing …A veritable army of Federal our shock and sadness, but Bureau of Investigation also revealing the overagents has swarmed on Chattanooga. They are poring over the social media, email and other online activity of the shooter. They are inter-

…This past Tuesday, the flags at the White House and at the Capitol were lowered to halfmast. This gesture followed a firestorm of criticism toward

were Sgt. Carson A. Holmquist, 25; Gunnery Sgt. Thomas Sullivan, 40; Lance Cpl. Squire K. Wells, 21; and Staff Sgt. David A. Wyatt, 35. The Navy casualty was 26year-old Petty Officer Randall Smith. Wyatt and Smith will be buried in Chattanooga National Cemetery. The other victims will be interred at cemeteries in or near their hometowns…


45 Johnson Ferry Rd. NW Atlanta, GA 30328 P.O. Box 825 Chattanooga, TN 37401 Follow us on Twitter @EnigmaMag www.enigmaonline.com

info@enigmaonline.com (423) 991-1657

Paul E. Burke Sr. Publisher D.A. Weinthal. Editor-In-Chief David Huff Managing Editor Chris Eason Photo Editor

Contributing Editors: Mark Haskins, Jim Sells, Mark Bedford. Chris McKay, David N. Marks, William Alexander, Dave Fernandez Founder: D.A. Weinthal Like us on Facebook ENIGMA

JULY 23 2015


military personnel are killed in active duty. The fact that the Chattanooga victims were unarmed and serving in a typically safe environment undoubtedly affected Obama’s decision. That and the huge public outcry for action on the matter…

1015… …I remember attending a conference in Washington, D.C. the months after the 9/11 attacks. Security was tight. I thought about canceling my trip but a) I figured the airports were safer than ever; and b) I didn’t want to let the terrorists “win” by taking me out of my normal routines. We here in Chattanooga have to take a similar approach. Things may not feel “normal” for a while. Maybe a long while. If ever. But we have to try to do our normal things the best we can through this painful time. Sunlight will pierce the darkness someday…

…The story of the shootings in Chattanooga isn’t going away any time soon. Nor is the cloud of unfathomable darkness that has descended on our city. Bright sunlight and temps in the 90s hasn’t done anything to stop the chills I feel when I drive past the Lee Highway and Amnicola sites. Our idyllic mid-sized city on the banks of the Tennessee River will be forever linked with the — Mark Bedford President Obama, who made flags to be lowered. The tragic rampage on July 16, an exception to typical pro- White House flags are not tocol when he ordered the usually lowered when U.S.


JULY 23 2015


CAMPBELL RIVER, British Columbia (UPI) - Residents of a British Columbia town said they are afraid to let their cats wander the neighborhood because someone keeps shaving them. Jo-Jo Yarjau of Campbell River said her 12-year-old cat, Tabby, came home with a square-shaped patch shaved into her belly in January and the feline has since come back with patches of hair missing four more times. “The first time it was the base of her tail as well,

and under her belly,” Yarjau told CTV News. “It looks like a razor did it because it looks like her nipples were cut, and that’s a pretty defining factor of what’s going on.” Neighbor Vance Assu told the Campbell River Mirror he started noticing patches of fur missing from his 4-year-old cat, Twilight, “in February or March” and the incidents became a regular occurrence. Assu said his family has tried keeping Twilight in the house, but the feline refuses to cooperate. “He doesn’t want anything to do with being in here,


other than to eat and have a nap,” he said, “but even that is very rare. We’ve tried keeping the litter box inside, but he simply won’t use it.” Yarjau said Tabby is too old to change her behavior to become a strictly indoor cat. “She’ll go crazy. She’s 12. You can’t just do that all of a sudden,” she said. Yarjau said her family only lets Tabby out at night to avoid the shaving, which thus far has only occurred during the day. She said she fears for the feline’s life. “We only let her out at night now,” she said, “because

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it’s never happened at night. She’s not allowed to wander during the day anymore, because one day she just might not come back.” ADOR, Spain (UPI) - A Spanish mayor has become the first in the country to issue a proclamation creating an official afternoon nap time for the entire city. Mayor Joan Faus Vitoria of Ador in Valencia declared 2 to 5 p.m. as the official time for the city’s res-

idents to take their afternoon siestas. The edict asks residents to keep quiet during the siesta hours and the mayor recommended children be kept inside to prevent noise from traveling into open windows. The mayor said the nap time was chosen due to the high afternoon heat making 2 to 5 p.m. the ideal time to take a break from working in fields. Vitoria said there will be no penalties for violations, and the edict should be treated as “merely a suggestion” rather than an “obligation.” A study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism in February espoused the health benefits of an afternoon siesta. “Our data suggests a 30-minute nap can reverse the hormonal impact of a night of poor sleep,” said study author Brice Faraut of the Universite Paris DescartesSorbonne Paris Cite in France. “This is the first study that found napping could restore biomarkers of neuroendocrine and immune health to normal levels.” MEXICO - Sure, you can go to Mexico for cheap drugs, cheap dentistry, even cheap surgeries. There was that famous story of the woman who went to Mexico to have her breasts enlarged to 36 double-Hs (or something ridiculous) because no licensed surgeon in the U.S. would do it.

But you might want to draw the line at baby deliveries after you read this story. A baby in Mexico, was rushed to a pediatric specialist after medical students cut off his private parts, thinking they were cutting his umbilical cord, according to a complaint filed by the parents. The father of the boy, Diego Rangel Izaguirre, said that doctors tried to cover up the injury by keeping him away from the newborn for hours. Because apparently that is accepted medical practice in Mexico. The mother of the boy said that he should have been left in the care of professionals and not medical students. But never fear; the little tyke had his wee winky sewn back on and hospital officials insist that the baby is healthy and that the operation was minor...even if he ends up with a crooked pecker later in life. The couple filed an official complaint with the hospital, which has launched an internal investigation.

who snapped photos of the incident and posted them to Facebook, said he saw the man being pursued by two women. “A man held a sword and appeared to be playing keep-away with two women. When one of the females shouted for security I realized the moment was serious,” Chapman wrote on his blog, TumbleweedTourist.com. “Before onlookers could intervene, one woman ripped the stolen sword from the man and another woman (dressed as a wench) tackled him to the ground, quickly applying a headlock. I photographed the incident from the time of the take-down to when the suspect was led away by authorities.” The woman who tackled the man was soon relieved by a knight in shining armor — the woman’s husband. The suspect, identified as Connor Ward, 22, was charged with attempted assault on a police officer, resisting arrest and theft. Police said Ward was drunk and is a friend of the performers who LARKSPUR, Colo. (UPI) - A man tackled and held him. who allegedly tried to swipe a jouster’s sword at the Colorado DELAND, Fla. (UPI) - A DeLand, Renaissance Festival was tackled Fla., woman said she thought she by two women and held for had been hit by an errant firepolice by a knight in shining cracker while dining with her armor. Witnesses said the man friends on July 4th, but days later jumped into the jousting pen dur- she visited a doctor who found a ing a demonstration Saturday at bullet embedded in her leg. the event in Larkspur and ran off Heather Charlebois was just sitwith a sword. Steven Chapman, ting down at a cafe late Saturday


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night when she felt a sting on her leg. She and her boyfriend cleaned up her wound in the restaurant’s bathroom, but not seeing any blood, they figured she must have been burnt by a firecracker. “My first thought was somebody hit me, slapped me open handed really hard on my leg and pinched me, but it did not make any sense because I didn’t see anyone,” Charlebois told The Daytona Beach News-Journal. Four days later, when the pain still hadn’t gone away, she visited a doctor, who ordered an X-ray and found a .38-caliber bullet embedded about 4 centimeters into her thigh, she told WESH-TV in Orlando, Fla. DeLand police are now trying to figure out who shot the bullet. “Well, it’s safe to say that at the moment we don’t know where it came from,” said DeLand police Sgt. Chris Estes. “There is no indication a gun was fired in close proximity to where she was sitting at this point so, another theory is that it was fired into the air from a distance.” In the meantime, doctors say the bullet is too close to a major artery in Charlebois’ leg, so they’re leaving it where it is. “I feel very fortunate,” Charlebois said. “I have four kids and we have been through a lot.”

Whitechapel, Code Orange, Feed Her To The Sharks, Jungle Rot, Kissing Candice, Shattered Sun, Sister Sin, Sworn In, Thy Art Is Murder

JULY 23-26







JULY 31 & AUG 1









AUGUST 13-16





This week’s calendar covers events from Thursday, July 23, through Wednesday, July 29. We would be happy to publish your free listing in future Billboards, space permitting. Simply mail us the information so that we have it 7 days before the publication date. A photograph may be sent with the announcement. Send information to: Calendar Editor, Enigma, P.O. Box 825, Chattanooga, TN 37401 or e-mail to calendar@enigmaonline.com. All dates subject to change without notice.

TT H HU URRSSD DA AYY JJ uullyy 2233 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Jeff Dye BBU UD D’’ SS (Chattanooga) DJ Hammer TTRREE M MO ON NTT TT A AVVEE RRN N (Chattanooga) Songwriters Showcase CCA AM M PP H HO OU USSEE (Chattanooga) Open Mic RRH HYY TT H HM M && BBRREE W WSS (Chattanooga) Groove Orient, Kaleigh Baker, Shabti JJJJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Broke Down Hound, Horti, Emily Robinson ATTLL A A AN NTT A A BBO OTT A AN NII CCA ALL G GA ARRD DEE N N (Atlanta) Smash Mouth, Toad The Wet Sprocket, Tonic IIM MPPRRO O VV CCO OM MEE D DYY CCLL U UBB (Atlanta) Tim Meadows

FFRRIID DA AYY JJ uu llyy 2244 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Jeff Dye RRA AW W (Chattanooga) DJ Barnaby RRH HYY TT H HM M && BBRREE W WSS (Chattanooga) Backup Planet , Soul Mechanic MIILLLLEE RR PPLLA M AZZA A (Chattanooga) “Nightfall Concert Series” Band of Heathens July 24 JJJJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM M IIA A (Chattanooga) Eternal Summers, Saint PE, Mad Libre PPLLA AYY EERRZZ SS PPO ORRTT SS BBA ARR && G G RRIILLLL (Dalton, GA) Shanytown CCH HA ASSTT A AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Idina Menzel WO W OLL FF CC RREEEEK KA AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Kem ATTLL A A AN NTT A A BBO OTT A AN NII CCA ALL G GA ARRD DEE N N (Atlanta) The Beach Boys IIM MPPRRO O VV CCO OM MEE D DYY CCLL U UBB (Atlanta) Tim Meadows CCEE N NTT EERR SS TTA AG G EE (Atlanta) The Vamps EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Lera Lynn CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Delbert McClinton GRRA G AN ND DO O LLEE O O PPRRYY H HO OU USSEE (Nashville) Carrie Underwood TTH H EE CCO ON NCC O OU U RRSS EE (Knoxville) Armin Van Buuren

SSA ATT U URRD DA AYY JJuu llyy 22 55 TTH H EE CCO OM MEED D YY CCA ATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Jeff Dye RRH HYY TT H HM M && BBRREE W WSS (Chattanooga) Erick Baker, Gracie and Joey RRIIVVEERRFFRRO ON NTT N NIIG GH HTT SS (Chattanooga) Shanytown, Ragdoll VVFF W W (Cleveland, TN) Fro & Friends


SSO OU UTT H H EERRN NG GRRO OU UN ND D AAM MPPH H IITT H HEE AATTRREE (Fayetteville, GA) Blood Sweat & Tears CCH H AASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Keith Sweat, After 7 Feat. Kevon Edmonds, Troop, Shai AAARRO A ON N’’ SS AAM M PPH HIIH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Smashing Pumpkins, Marilyn Manson IIM MPPRRO OVV CC O OM M EED D YY CCLLU U BB (Atlanta) Tim Meadows BBJJ CCCC CC O ON N CCEE RRTT H HAALLLL (Birmingham) Fifth Harmony, Natalie La Rose, Bea Miller, Debby Ryan & The Neverending TTH H EE BBO OW WEERRYY (Knoxville) Magic Mike Male Revue

SSU UN ND DA AYY JJuu llyy 22 66 TTH H EE CC O OM M EED D YY CCAATT CC H H (Chattanooga) Jeff Dye SSK KYYZZ O OO O (Chattanooga) DJ Exphacter PPH H IILLIIPPSS AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Slipknot, Lamb Of God, Bullet For My Valentine, Motionless In White CCEE N NTT EERR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Every Time I Die, Real Friends, Counterparts, Gnarwolves, Brigades AAARRO A ON NSS AAM MPPH H IITTH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Slipknot, Lamb Of God, Bullet For My Valentine, Motionless In White

MO M ON ND DA AYY JJ uullyy 22 77 TTRREE M MO ON N TT TTAAVVEE RRN N (Chattanooga) Trivia Night TTH H EE O O FFFFIICC EE (Chattanooga) SpeakEasy FFO OXX && H HO OU UN ND D (Chattanooga) DJ Exphacter TTEE N NN NEE SSSSEE EE TT H HEE AATTRREE (Knoxville) Diana Krall

TT U UEESSD DA AYY JJuu llyy 22 88 TTRREE M MO ON N TT TTAAVVEE RRN N (Chattanooga) Open Mic w/ Mike McDade JJJJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM MII AA (Chattanooga) Lazyeyes, The Teen Age IIRRO ON N CCIITT YY (Birmingham) 311 TTH HO OM M PPSSO ON N BBO OLLIIN NG G AARREE N NAA (Knoxville) James Taylor TTH H EE LLO O FFTT (Atlanta) Jake Miller TTH H EE CC O ON N CC O OU URRSSEE (Knoxville) Whitechapel

W EED W DN NEESSD DA AYY JJuu llyy 2299 RRAAW W (Chattanooga) Open Jam RRH H YY TTH HM M && BBRREE W WSS (Chattanooga) Chris Janson, Roberts and Sims CCH H AASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) KMFDM, Chant AAARRO A ON N’’ SS AAM M PPH HIIH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) “Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival” Slayer, King Diamond, Devil Wears Prada, Hellyeah,

JULY 23 2015


SSCC H H EERRM MEE RRH HO O RRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY CCEE N NTT EERR (Nashville) Shirley MacLaine July 30 ASSCC EE N A ND D AAM MPPH HIITT H H EEAATT EERR (Nashville) Eric Church, J Roddy Walston & the Business July 30 TT H HEE W WO OO OD D SS AATT FFO ON NTT A AN NEE LL (Whites Creek, TN) R5, Jacob Whitesides, Ryland July 30 M AASSQ M QU U EERRAAD DEE M MU U SSIICC PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Faith No More July 30 AAARRO A ON N’’ SS AAM MPPH H IIH HEE AATT RREE (Atlanta) Toby Keith, Colt Ford July 30 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) The Molly Ringwalds July 30 JJ JJ..’’SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Iscariots, Downtown beat Abbey July 31 VVFFW W (Cleveland, TN) Convertibull July 31 BBRRIID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Shania Twain, Gavin DeGraw July 31 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Dolly Parton July 31 EE D DD DII EE’’ SS AATT TTIICC (Atlanta) Pat McGee July 31 AAARRO A ON N’’ SS AAM MPPH H IIH HEE AATT RREE (Atlanta) Phish July 31 TT H HEE TT AABBEERRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Shinedown, Nothing More July 31 CC EEN N TTEE RR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) Floetry July 31 O AAK O KM MO OU UN N TTAAII N N AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE A ATT RREE (Pelham, AL) Toby Keith July 31 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) The Molly Ringwalds July 31 RRIIVVEERRFF RRO ON N TT N N IIG GH H TT SS (Chattanooga) London Souls, Jordan Hallquist & he Outfit August 1 RRIIVVEERR SSTTRREE EETT TT A AVVEERRN N (Ellijay, GA) Ramble in the Attic August 1 PPH H IILLIIPPSS AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Shania Twain, Gavin DeGraw August 1 EE D DD DII EE’’ SS AATT TTIICC (Atlanta) Pat McGee August 1 AAARRO A ON N’’ SS AAM MPPH H IIH HEE AATT RREE (Atlanta) Phish August 1 WO W O LLFF CCRREE EEK K AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE A ATT RREE (Atlanta) Joe, Ruben Studdard, Mystikal, Donell Jones, Adina Howard, Griff August 1 VVEERRIIZZ O ON NW WIIRREE LLEESSSS AAM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE A ATT EE N NCC O ORREE PPAARRK K (Alpharetta, GA) Hillsong United, Crowder, Kari Jobe, Bethel Music, Lauren Daigle, Trip Lee, DJ Promote, Shaun Groves, Nick Hall August 1 VVIIN NYY LL (Atlanta) Rocky Votolato, Dave Hause, Chris Farren August 1 RRIIVVEERRFF RRO ON NTT PPAARRK K (Nashville) Chicago, Earth, Wind & Fire August 1 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Dolly Parton August 1 BBJJCC CC CC O ON N CCEE RRTT H H AALLLL (Birmingham) Jill Scott August 1 TT RRA ACCK K 2299 (Chattanooga) Coal Chamber, Fear Factory, Devil You Know, Saint Ridley, Madlife August 2 AAARRO A ON N’’ SS AAM MPPH H IITT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Nicki Minaj, Meek Mill, Rae Sremmurd, Tinashe, Dej Loaf August 2 CC H HAASS TTAAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Jill Scott August 2 TT H HEE M MAASS Q QU UEE RRAAD DEE (Atlanta) The English Beat August 2 BBU UCC K KH H EEAAD D TTH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) August 2 TT U USSCC AALLO OO OSSAA AAM MPPH HII TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Tuscaloosa) Phish August 2 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Andy Grammer,

American Authors August 2 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Deep Purple August 2 CC H HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Counting Crows, Hollis Brown, Citizen Cope August 3 RRIIVVEERRFFRRO ON NTT PPAARRK K (Nashville) Phish August 4 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Kasey Chambers August 4 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON NEE AARREE N NAA (Nashville) Casting Crowns August 4 ZZYY D DEE CCO O (Birmingham) Whitechapel August 4 AAARRO A ON N ’’SS AAM MPPH H IITTH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Chicago, Earth, Wind & Fire August 4 TT H HEE M MAASSQ QU UEE RRAAD D EE (Atlanta) Upon A Burning Body, Dance Gavin Dance, A Skylit Drive, Iwrestledabearonce, Within The Ruins, Oceano, Dayshell, Come The Dawn, Chasing Safety, Conquer Divide August 4 AAARRO A ON N ’’SS AAM MPPH H IITTH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) 5 Seconds of Summer August 5 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Kasey Chambers August 5 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Col. Bruce Hampton & The Aquarium Rescue Unit August 5 ASSCC EEN A ND D AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT EERR (Nashville) Jill Scott August 5 CC A AN NN N EERRYY BBAALLLLRRO OO OM M (Nashville) The Aquarium Rescue Unit August 6 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Dark Star Orchestra August 6 Dave WO W O RRLLD DO O FF BBEEEE RR (Chattanooga) Matthews Tribute Band August 7 NAASS H N HVVIILLLLEE M MU UN NIICC IIPPAALL AAU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) “Ink-N-Iron Festival” Merle Haggard, Three Times Bad August 7 BBIICC EEN N TTEE N NN NII AALL CC AAPPIITTO O LL M M AALLLL SSTT AATT EE PPA ARRK K (Nashville) Reverend Horton Heat August 7 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Alice in Chains August 7 WAARR M W M EEM MO O RRIIAALL AAU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) “Happy Together Tour” The Turtles feat. Flo & Eddie, The Association, Mark Lindsay, The Grass Roots, The Buckinghams, The Cowsills August 7 ASSCC EEN A ND D AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT EERR (Nashville) Counting Crows, Citizen Cope, Hollis Brown August 7 TT EEN NN NEESS SSEEEE TTH H EEAATT RREE (Knoxville) “Weird Al” Yankovic August 7 TT H HEE IIN NTT EERRN N AATTII O ON N AALL (Knoxville) 10 Years, Nonpoint, The Family Ruin, Awaken The Empire August 7 FFO O XX TT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) My Morning Jacket, Mini Mansions August 7 BBU UCC K KH HEE AAD D TT H H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Col. Bruce Hampton & The Aquarium Rescue Unit August 7 TT H HEE EEAARRLL (Atlanta) Nashville Pussy August 7 FFRREE D DRRIICC K K BBRRO OW WN N JJRR.. AAM M PPH HIITT H H EEAATT RREE (Peachtree City, GA) Colin Mochrie & Brad Sherwood August 7 RRIIVVEERRFFRRO ON NTT N N IIG GH H TTSS (Chattanooga) The Whiskey Gentry, The Mules August 8 JJJJ ..’’ SS BBO OH HEE M MIIAA (Chattanooga) Dead Soldiers August 8 CC H HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) ThePianoGuys August 8 FFO O XX TT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) My Morning Jacket, Mini Mansions August 8 TT H HEE M MAASSQ QU UEE RRAAD D EE (Atlanta) “The Wrecking Ball” August 8 TT O OW WN N CC EEN NTT EE RR PPAARRK K (Suwanee, GA) Soul Asylum August 8 NAASS H N HVVIILLLLEE M MU UN NIICC IIPPAALL AAU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M

(Nashville) “Ink-N-Iron Festival” Three Times Bad August 8 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Alice in Chains August 8 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Nashville) Steely Dan, Elvis Costello August 8 GRRA G AN ND DO O LLEE O O PPRRYY H HO OU USSEE (Nashville) Alison Krauss, The Cox Family, Larry Sparks & The Lonesome Ramblers August 8 SSA ATT U URRN N (Birmingham) Good Old War August 8 CCH HA ASSTT A AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Steely Dan, Elvis Costello August 9 TTH H EE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD D EE (Atlanta) “The Wrecking Ball” Coheed And Cambria, Desaparecidos, Thrice, Glassjaw, American Nightmare, Basement, Cave In, The Appleseed Cast, Knapsack, Modern Life Is War, Yuck, Foundation, Make Do And Mend, Girlpool, Frankie Cosmos, You Blew It!, Mutoid Man, Superheaven, Beach Slang, Microwave, Somos, Big Jesus, Free Throw, The Weaks, Slingshot Dakota, Northbound, Whirr, Better Off, Lvl Up August 9 NA N ASSH H VVIILLLLEE M MU UN N IICC IIPPA ALL A AU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) “Ink-N-Iron Festival” Three Times Bad August 9 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Nashville) The Smashing Pumpkins, Marilyn Manson August 9 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Christina Perri August 9 TTH H EE N N IICC K K (Birmingham) Nashville Pussy August 9 BBJJCC CC CC O ON NCC EERRTT H HA ALL LL (Birmingham) My Morning Jacket, Mini Mansions August 10 EEXXIITT //II N N (Nashville) KMFDM, Chant, Inertia August 11 TTH H EE BBO OW WEERRYY (Knoxville) Nashville Pussy August 11 BBLLU UEEBBIIRRD D CC A AFFÉÉ (Nashville) Will Kimbrough, Brigitte DeMeyer August 11 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) The Charlie Daniels Band, Travis Tritt, Montgomery Gentry, Billy Ray Cyrus, Kentucky Headhunters, The Outlaws, Lee Roy Parnell August 12 FFO O XX TTH H EEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Culture Club August 12 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Howie Day August 12 AA A ARRO ON N ’’SS A AM MPPH HII H HEEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) Incubus, Deftones, Death From Above 1979, The Bots August 12 TTRRA ACC K K 2299 (Chattanooga) The Lacs August 13 HEE LLLL A H ATT TT H HEE M MA ASS Q QU UEE RRA AD DEE (Atlanta) The Dickies August 13 WO W ORRK KPPLLA A YY SS O OU UN ND DSSTT A AG G EE (Birmingham) Macy Gray August 13 TT-- BBO ON NEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Georgia Pine August 14 CCH HA ASSTT A AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Gipsy Kings August 14 CCLL A ASSSSIICC CCEE N NTT EERR (Athens, GA) Robert Randolph & The Family Band, The Georgia Flood August 14 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Nashville) Needtobreathe, Switchfoot, Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors, Colony House August 14 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Howie Day August 14 RRIIVVEERRFFRRO ON NTT N NIIG GH HTT SS (Chattanooga) Hank & the Cupcakes, Glowing Bordis August 15 AA A ARRO ON N ’’SS A AM MPPH HII H HEEA ATT RREE (Atlanta) J. Cole, Big Sean, YG, Jeremih, Bas, Cozz August 15 FFRREED D RRIICC K K BBRRO OW WN N JJRR.. A AM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT RREE


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(Atlanta) Peter Frampton, Cheap Trick August 15 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD DIITT O O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Meghan Trainor, Charlie Puth, Life Of Dillon August 15 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Between The Buried And Me, Animals As Leaders, The Contortionist August 15 ASSCC EEN A ND D AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT EERR (Nashville) Idina Menzel August 15 WO W O RRK KPPLLAAYY TTH H EEAATT RREE (Birmingham) Howie Day August 15 TT H HEE IIN NTT EERRN N AATTII O ON N AALL (Knoxville) “The Summer Slaughter Tour” Arch Enemy, Of Osiris, Veil Of Maya, The Acacia Strain, Obscura, After The Burial, Cattle Decapitation, Beyond Creation August 11 MEE M M MO O RRIIAALL AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Chattanooga) “A Prairie Home Companion” Garrison Keillor August 16 CC H HAASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Jim Gaffigan August 16 TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Meghan Trainor, Charlie Puth, Life Of Dillon August 16 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Howard Jones August 16 SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY H H AALLLL (Atlanta) Engelbert Humperdinck August 16 ASSCC EEN A ND D AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT EERR (Nashville) Peter Frampton, Cheap Trick August 16 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Rickie Lee Jones August 16 TT H HEE W WO OO OD DSS AATT FFO ON N TT AAN NEELL (Whites Creek, TN) Damien Rice August 16 TT H HEE TTAABBEE RRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) Brandon Flowers August 17 BBA ARRK KIIN NG G LLEE G GSS TT H H EEAATT EERR (Chattanooga)

Danny Kroha August 18 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Def Leppard, Styx, Tesla August 18 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Nashville) Sublime with Rome, Rebelution, Pepper, Mickey Avalon August 18 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Firefall August 20 PPU UBBLLIICC SSQ QU UA ARREE PPA ARRK K (Nashville) “Live On the Green, Lord Huron, Shakey Graves, Elliot Root August 20 DU D UM M PPYY’’ SS (Ocoee, TN) Georgia Pine, Ramble in the Attic August 21 CCH HA ASSTT A AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Lyle Lovette August 21 EED DD DIIEE’’ SS A ATT TT IICC (Atlanta) Marty Stuart August 21 VVEERRIIZZO ON NW W IIRREELLEE SSSS A AM M PPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE AATT EEN N CCO O RREE PPA ARRK K (Alpharetta, GA) Alabama Shakes August 21 CCII TTYY W WIIN N EERRYY N NA ASS H HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Kevin Nealon August 21 HA H ARRRRA AH H ’’SS CCH H EERRO OK KEEEE CCA ASS IIN NO O (Cherokee) Joan Jett & the Blackhearts August 21 RRIIVVEERRFFRRO ON NTT PPA ARRK K (Chattanooga) “Southern Brewers Festival” Hard Working Americans, The Motet August 22 PPH HIILLII PPSS A ARREEN NA A (Atlanta) Luke Bryan, Randy Houser, Dustin Lynch August 22 CCH HA ASSTT A AIIN N PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) Air Supply August 22 ATTLL A A AN NTT A A BBO OTT A AN NII CCA ALL G GA ARRD DEE N N (Atlanta) Melissa Etheridge August 22 VVEERRIIZZO ON NW W IIRREELLEE SSSS A AM M PPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE AATT EEN N CCO O RREE PPA ARRK K (Alpharetta, GA) Yes, Toto August 22 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) John Hiatt,


Taj Mahal August 23 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY N NAASSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Gin Blossoms August 23 IIRRO ON N CCIITT YY (Birmingham) Hard Working Americans August 23 GRRAAN G NFF AALLLLO OO ON N (Chattanooga) Lost Element August 24 TTRRA ACC K K 2299 (Chattanooga) Blues Traveler September 25 VVEE RRIIZZO ON NW WIIRREE LLEESSSS AAM MPPH H IITT H HEEAATT RREE AATT EEN NCC O ORREE PPAARRK K (Alpharetta, GA) O.A.R., Brynn Elliott, Allen Stone August 25 TTH H EE CC O ON N CC O OU URRSSEE (Knoxville) Reel Big Fish August 25 FFRRA AN NK KLLII N N TT H HEE AATTRREE (Franklin, TN) “Gallagher’s Jokes On You Comedy Tour” Gallagher, Artie Fletcher, Bob Nelson August 25 CCH H AASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Sugar Ray, Better Than Ezra, Eve 6, Uncle Kracker August 26 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY N NAASSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Steep Canyon Rangers August 26 TTRRA ACC K K 2299 (Chattanooga) Gent & Jawns, Meaux Green August 27 JJ..JJ..’’SS BBO OH H EEM MIIAA (Chattanooga) Diarrhea Planet August 27 MIILLLLEE RR PPLLAAZZAA (Chattanooga) “Nightfall M Concert Series” Escondido August 28 CCH H AASSTT AAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Boyz II Men, Bell, Biv DeVoe August 28 VVA ARRIIEE TTYY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USS EE (Atlanta) “Gallagher’s Jokes On You Comedy Tour” Gallagher, Artie Fletcher, Bob Nelson August 28 ATTLLAAN A N TT AA BBO OTT AAN NIICC AALL G G AARRD DEE N N (Atlanta) The Mavericks, Los Lobos August 28 GEEO G O RRG GIIAA TTH H EEAATT RREE (Athens, GA) Corey Smith August 28

JULY 23 2015


AASSCC EE N ND D AAM MPPH HIITT H H EEAATT EERR (Nashville) Old Crow Medicine Show August 28 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) The Dirty Guvnahs August 28 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Rob Thomas August 28 RRIIVVEERRFF RRO ON N TT N N IIG GH H TT SS (Chattanooga) Samantha Fish, Austin Nickels August 29 D AALLTTO D ON ND DEEPPO O TT (Dalton, GA) Ramble in the Attic August 29 AAARRO A ON N’’ SS AAM MPPH H IITT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Nickelback, Lifehouse August 29 CC H HAASS TTAAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Rick Springfield, Loverboy, The Romantics August 29 SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY H HAALLLL (Atlanta) Keb’ Mo’ August 29 G EEO G O RRG GIIAA TT H H EEAATT RREE (Athens, GA) Dirty Guv’nahs August 29 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Social Distortion, Nikki Lane, Drag the River August 29 ASSCC EE N A ND D AAM MPPH HIITT H H EEAATT EERR (Nashville) Sugar Ray, Better Than Ezra, Eve 6, Uncle Kracker August 29 PPH H IILLIIPPSS AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Motley Crue, Alice Cooper August 30 H EEAAVVEEN H N AATT TT H HEE M MAASSQ QU UEERRA AD D EE (Atlanta) Earl Sweatshirt, Remy Banks August 30 CC H HAASS TTAAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Rob Thomas August 30 ASSCC EE N A ND D AAM MPPH HIITT H H EEAATT EERR (Nashville) ZZ Top, Blackberry Smoke September 1 O AAK O KM MO OU UN N TTAAII N N AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE A ATT RREE (Pelham, AL) Chris Brown, Kid Ink, Omarion, Fetty Wap, Teyana Taylor September 1 PPH H IILLIIPPSS AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Madonna September 2

TT H HEE CCO OU UN N TTRRYY M MU USSIICC H H AALLLL O O FF FFAAM M EE A AN ND D MU M U SSEEU UM M (Nashville) Roseanne Cash September 2 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Jonny Lang September 3 TT --BBO ON N EE’’ SS (Chattanooga) Ramble in the Attic September 4 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) ZZ Ward September 4 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) GWAR, Butcher Babies, Battlecross September 4 RRIIVVEERRFFRRO ON NTT N N IIG GH H TTSS (Chattanooga) Stokeswood, Remembering January September 5 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON NEE AARREE N NAA (Nashville) Kelly Clarkson, Pentatonix, Eric Hutchinson September 5 ASSCC EEN A ND D AAM M PPH HIITT H HEE AATT EERR (Nashville) Widespread Panic September 5 AAARRO A ON N ’’SS AAM MPPH H IITTH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Chris Brown, Kid Ink, Omarion, Fetty Wap, Teyana Taylor September 5 SSA ATT U URRN N (Nashville) X September 5 WO W O LLFF CC RREEEE K K AAM MPPH H IITT H HEE AATTRREE (Atlanta) Morris Day & the Time, Con Funk Shun, Lakeside, Zapp Band September 6 CC IITT YY W WII N NEERRYY N N AASSH HVVIILLLLEE (Nashville) X September 6 CC EEN NTT EE RR SSTT AAG GEE (Atlanta) ZZ Ward September 7 TT H HEE N NIICC K K (Birmingham) Sleepy Kitty, Brier September 7 MAARRAATT H M HO ON NM MU USS IICC W WO ORRK KSS (Nashville) Purity Ring September 8 GEE O G ORRG G IIAA TT H HEE AATTRREE (Athens, GA) X September 8 EEXXIITT // IIN N (Nashville) Andrew W.K. September 9 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Nashville) Purity Ring September 9 TT RRA ACCK K 22 99 (Chattanooga) GWAR, Butcher Babies, Battlecross September 10 AAARRO A ON N ’’SS AAM MPPH H IITTH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) Kelly Clarkson, Pentatonix, Eric Hutchinson September 10 AVVO A ON ND DAALLEE BBRREEW WIIN NG G CC O OM MPPAAN NYY (Birmingham) Umphrey’s McGee September 10 CC O OTT TT O ON N --EEYY EED D JJO O EE’’ SS (Knoxville) Shooter Jennings With Waymore’s Outlaws September 10 PPU UBBLLIICC SSQ QU UAARREE PPAARRK K (Nashville) “Live on The Green” Rodrigo y Gabriela, Delta Rae, JD McPherson, Kopecky, Humming House, Civil Twilight September 10 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON NEE AARREE N NAA (Nashville) Lady Antebellum, Hunter Hayes, Sam Hunt September 11 TT H HEE M MAASSQ QU UEE RRAAD D EE (Atlanta) Reverend Horton Heat, The Adicts September 11 SSYY M MPPH HO ON N YY H H AALLLL (Atlanta) Dwight Yoakam September 11 IIRRO ON N CC IITT YY (Birmingham) Earl Sweatshirt, Remy Banks September 11 TT H HEE CCO ON NCC O OU URRSSEE (Knoxville) J.J. Grey & Mofro September 11 CC O OBBBB EE N NEERRG G YY PPEERRFFO O RRM MIIN NG G AARRTT SS CC EEN N TT EERR (Atlanta) Josh Groban September 12 PPH HII LLIIPPSS AARREEN N AA (Atlanta) Ed Sheeran, Christina Perri September 12 AAARRO A ON N ’’SS AAM MPPH H IITTH H EEAATT RREE (Atlanta) “One Music Fest” The Roots, Ms. Lauryn Hill, Wale, Big K.R.I.T., A$AP Rocky, Janelle Monáe, Ghostface Killah, Raekwon, Scarface, 8Ball & MJG, Jidenna, Sza, St. Beauty, Raury, Deep Cotton, Roman

GianArthur, The Internet September 12 4400 W WA ATT TT CCLLU U BB (Athens, GA) Best Coast September 12 PPU UBBLLIICC SSQ QU UA ARREE PPA ARRK K (Nashville) Ben Folds, All Them Witches, Anderson East, Elle King, Kaleo, Lennon & Maisy, The Districts September 12 BBRRIID DG G EESSTT O ON N EE A ARREE N NA A (Nashville) Ed Sheeran, Christina Perri September 13 TTH H EE M MA ASSQ QU UEERRA AD D EE (Atlanta) “HardDrive Live Tour” Tremonti, Trivium September 13 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTEE RR (Nashville) Daryl Hall & John Oates September 14 EEXXIITT //II N N (Nashville) Swervedriver September 14 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Snarky Puppy September 14 TTH H EE CCO ON NCC O OU U RRSS EE (Knoxville) Three Days Grace September 14 VVA ARRII EETT YY PPLL A AYYH HO OU U SSEE (Atlanta) Blues Traveler September 15 TTH H EE TTA ABBEERRN NA ACCLL EE (Atlanta) Three Days Grace September 15 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Nashville) Steve Earle, The Mastersons September 15 MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Earl Sweatshirt, Remy Banks September 15 IIRRO ON N CCII TTYY (Birmingham) Blues Traveler September 16 GEE O G ORRG G IIA A TT H HEEA ATT RREE (Athens, GA) Diarrhea Planet September 16 4400 W WA ATT TT CCLLU U BB (Athens, GA) Swervedriver, Gateway Drugs September 16 OA O AK KM MTT N N.. A AM M PPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Pelham, AL) Van Halen, Kenny Wayne Shepherd September 17 RRYYM MA AN NA AU UD DIITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Billy Idol September 18 EEXXIITT //II N N (Nashville) Kap Slap September 18 SSCC H HEERRM M EERRH HO ORRN N SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY CC EEN N TTEE RR (Nashville) George Benson September 18 CCO O BBBB EEN N EERRG G YY PPEE RRFFO O RRM M IIN NG GA ARRTT SS CC EEN N TTEE RR (Atlanta) Kristin Chenoweth September 18 SSYY M MPPH HO ON NYY H HA ALLLL (Atlanta) Seth MacFarlane September 18 PPIIEED DM MO ON N TT PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) “Music Midtown” Elton John, Drake, Alice In Chains, Hozier, Kodaline, Jenny Lewis, Tove Lo, Catfish And The Bottlemen, August Alsina, Metric, Elliot Moss, Jamie N Commons September 18 CCA AM M PP FFEE SSTT (Camp Blue Ridge, GA) Cold War Kids, Hey Rosetta!, Langhorne Slim, The Whigs, Margo & the Pricetags, Alanna Royale September 18 HO H OM MEE RR H HA AM M IILLTT O ON NA AM MPPH H IITTH H EEA ATT RREE (Knoxville) Warrant September 18 MA M ARRA ATT H HO ON NM MU USSIICC W WO O RRK KSS (Nashville) Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Xylouris White September 19 CCA AM M PP FFEE SSTT (Camp Blue Ridge, GA) Cold War Kids, Hey Rosetta!, Langhorne Slim, The Whigs, Margo & the Pricetags, Alanna Royale September 19 PPIIEED DM MO ON N TT PPA ARRK K (Atlanta) “Music Midtown” Van Halen, Lenny Kravitz, Daryl Hall & John Oates, Billy Idol, Sam Smith, Run The Jewels, Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness, Colony House, Icona Pop, The Airborne Toxic Event, X Ambassadors, Panic! At The Disco, Elle King, New Politics, Alessia Cara, Vance Joy, Vinyl Theatre, Rozzi Crane September 19 ASSCC EEN A ND DA AM MPPH H IITT H HEE A ATTRREE (Nashville) Loretta Lynn, Steve Earle, Gillian Welch, Tift Merritt,Eric Haywood, Nikki Lane September 19


LLEEG G AACCYY AARREEN N AA AATT TT H HEE BBJJCC CC (Birmingham) Ariana Grande, Prince Royce September 20 CCA AM M PP FFEESSTT (Camp Blue Ridge, GA) Cold War Kids, Hey Rosetta!, Langhorne Slim, The Whigs, Margo & the Pricetags, Alanna Royale September 20 CCIITT YY W WIIN N EERRYY N NAASSH H VVIILLLLEE (Nashville) Samantha Fish September 21 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTT O ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Ariana Grande, Prince Royce September 22 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Indigo Girls September 22 FFRRA AN NK KLLII N N TT H HEE AATTRREE (Franklin, TN) Restless Heart, Charlie McCoy, Michael Lington September 22 ASSCCEE N A ND D AAM MPPH H IITTH H EEAATT RREE (Nashville) Daryl Hall & John Oates September 23 RRYY M MAA N N AAU UD D IITT O ORRIIU UM M (Nashville) Kacey Musgraves September 23 4400 W WAATT TT CC LLU U BB (Athens, GA) Helmet September 24 GEEO G O RRG GIIAA TTH H EEAATT RREE (Athens, GA) Beats Antique September 24 TT--BBO ON NEE ’’SS (Chattanooga) Georgia Pine September 25 BBRRIID DG GEE SSTT O ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Taylor Swift, Vance Joy September 25 TTH H EE LLII BBRRAARRYY TT H HEE AATTRREE (Hoover, AL) The Blind Boys of Alabama September 25 TTU U SSCCAALL O OO O SSAA AAM MPPH H IITT H HEEAATT RREE (Tuscaloosa) The Spinners September 25 TTH H EE TT AABBEERRN N AACCLLEE (Atlanta) Nick Jonas, Bebe Rexha September 25 JJJJ..’’ SS BBO OH H EEM MII AA (Chattanooga) WAXFANG September 26 TTRRA ACC K K 2299 (Chattanooga) Beats Antique September 26

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BBRRIID DG GEESS TTO ON NEE AARREEN N AA (Nashville) Taylor Swift, Vance Joy September 26 PPA ARRK K AATT H H AARRLLIIN NSS D DAALLEE FFA ARRM M (Franklin, TN) “Pilgrimage Music & Cultural Festival” Wilco, Weezer, Sheryl Crow, Cage The Elephant, Neko Case, Iron & Wine, Dr. John, Punch Brothers, Trampled By Turtles, Saint Motel, Madisen Ward And The Mama Bear, Joe Pug, Holly Williams, Will Hoge, Elel, Guthrie Brown, Kingfish September 26 TT H HEE TT AABBEERRN NAACC LLEE (Atlanta) J Balvin, Becky G September 26 CC H HAASS TTAAIIN N PPAARRK K (Atlanta) Janet Jackson September 26 PPA ARRK K AATT H H AARRLLIIN NSS D DAALLEE FFA ARRM M (Franklin, TN) “Pilgrimage Music & Cultural Festival” Willie Nelson, The Decemberists, Band Of Horses, Jimmy Cliff, Dawes, St. Paul And The Broken Bones, Chris Stapleton, The Lone Bellow, Lucius, Preservation Hall Jazz Band, Charles Bradley, Nikki Lane, Big Sam’s Funky Nation, John & Jacob September 27 PPH H IILLIIPPSS AARREE N NAA (Atlanta) Marc Anthony, Carlos Vives September 27 VVA ARRIIEETT YY PPLLAAYY H HO OU USSEE (Atlanta) Yo La Tengo September 27 RRYY M MAAN N AAU UD D IITTO O RRIIU UM M (Nashville) Kraftwerk September 27 ASSCC EE N A ND D AAM MPPH HIITT H H EEAATT EERR (Nashville) Janet Jackson September 27 PPA ARRK K AATT H H AARRLLIIN NSS D DAALLEE FFA ARRM M (Franklin, TN) Willie Nelson, Charles Bradley, The Decemberists, Wilco, Trampled By Turtles, Dawes September 27 TT H HEE EEAARRLL (Atlanta) Albert Hammond Jr. September 29

Empathy Counts, Character Counts, But Both Seem in Short Supply in America Have no doubt: Parenting matters, and if you aim to raise decent, empathetic kids who put doing and saying the right thing above expediency, start with the Book of Matthew's Golden Rule that reads, "So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them... " Even the non-religious among us should be able to wrap their minds around that, and yet...

learned that he hadn't been invited to one of his "best" friend's birthday parties. About that, the birthday boy's mother told his dad, "Well, maybe next year he'll make the list."

Then there's the dad who, after his kid's team struck out, told him within earshot of several team members and their parents, "You're the best, but you can't be expected to carry the team all the time!" That same A little boy cried his heart out boy invited only the best playwell into the night after he'd ers on his team over to cele-


brate their having made the And try they will. Indeed, currently eight large, mostly urban playoffs. Apples and trees... school districts are participatSo much for empathy, that ing in an initiative spanning a k n o w - i t - w h e n - y o u - s e e - i t number of years whereby study their capacity to figure out how researchers someone else is feeling and schools' social-emotional then acting accordingly. Ditto, learning programs. These, it seems, for kindness and explains Education Week's Evie character. No wonder, then, Blad, "blend evidence-based that along with all the curricu- classroom curriculum with lum changes and other school climate improvements demands already in place, and efforts to infuse social and schools now have to step in emotional concepts into the and teach social-emotional teaching of traditional subjects skills. like history."

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Along such lines, one big change in Cleveland's schools nowadays, for instance, is that in-school suspension rooms are now called "planning centers," a place where kids who act up talk with teachers to help them work through their problematic or disruptive behavior. A definite change in disciplinary policy.

On top of all this, since 2004, every January--yes, I'm a bit late on that score-No NameCalling Week is recognized. Defined as "an annual week of educational and creative activities aimed at ending namecalling, bullying and harassment," it's designed to celebrate kindness in our schools, complete with online lesson plans. This, of course, simply At the same time, an Education underscores the need for Week Research Center poll instilling the Golden Rule right found that 60.5% of responding from the get-go. administrators said their schools' students have those Apparently, we adults could desired social-emotional skills; use some social-emotional however, just 46.5% of the training, too, starting with our responding teachers agreed, current crop of politicians and representing a bit of a discon- media folks. Remember when nect. Meanwhile, 49.9% said Vice President Joe Biden their schools pay "about the likened Tea Party Republicans right amount of attention" to to terrorists? How about when those skills. Does that mean New York Times op-ed columschools should be doing a bet- nist Joe Nocera wrote, "... ter job instilling these attrib- These last few months, much of utes? How about parents? the country has watched in


horror as the Tea Party Republicans have waged jihad on the American people." Similarly, writing for the same newspaper, Thomas Friedman described those same Tea Partiers as "the GOP's Hezbollah faction." Such rhetoric seems to have no end nowadays. Take, for example, that after the shooting of Representative Gabrielle Gifford and her constituents, David Fitzsimmons, a cartoonist for the (Tucson) Arizona Daily Star, blamed the right in Arizona for "stoking the fire of heated anger and rage" and "making the attack inevitable."

carpet one evening, a reporter asked what designer she was wearing, a question asked of most divas. Her response for all to hear: "How could you ask such a stupid question?" For another Hollywood example, take the renowned Charlie Sheen who, in a Tweet, compared Rihanna to "84 interminable seconds of drinking Drano."

About such goings-on, author Daniel H. Pink reminds us that, "Empathy is about standing in someone else's shoes, feeling with his or her heart, seeing with his or her eyes. Not only is empathy hard to outsource and Then there's our "role model" automate, but it makes the Hollywood folk emulated by so world a better place." many, kids and adults, alike. Talk about mean. Take, for Yes, and it begins at home.. instance, beloved Sandra Bullock. While walking the red - Carol Josel

JULY 23 2015



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phone number. You can forward a virtual number to any A business credit report can cell or landline phone num- be started much the same as a consumer report commonly is, ber. with small credit cards. The Credit providers will research business can be approved for your company on the internet. small credit cards to help It is best if they learned every- them build an initial credit thing directly from your com- profile. These types of initial pany website. Not having a cards in the business world company website will severely are commonly referred to as hurt their chances of obtain- "vendor credit". ing business credit. There are many places online that offer A vendor line of credit is affordable business websites when a company (vendor) so you can have an internet extends a line of credit to presence that displays an your business on "Net 15, 30, overview of your company's 60 or 90" day terms. This services and contact informa- means that you can purchase their products or services up tion. to a maximum dollar amount It is important to get a compa- and you have 15, 30, 60 or 90 ny email address for your days to pay the bill in full. So business. It's not only profes- if you're set-up on Net 30 sional, but greatly helps your terms and were to purchase chances of getting the thumbs $300 worth of goods today, up from a credit provider. then that $300 is due within Setting up a business email the next 30 days. address is just too easy and Always apply first without inexpensive to neglect. using your SSN. Some vendors One of the most common mis- will request it and some will takes when building credit for even tell you on the phone your company is non-match- they need to have it, but subing business addresses on mit first without it. When your your business licenses. Even first Net 30 account reports worse is not having the your "tradeline" to Dun & "required" licenses for your Bradstreet, the DUNS system type of business to operate will automatically activate legally. You will need to con- your file if it isn't already. tact the State, County, and City This is also true for Experian Government offices to see if and Equifax. there are any required licenses and permits to operate - Manmohan Mehta your type of business.

JULY 23 2015


ness in England…

199 5588 : Esso Oil puts out a report warn1 ing that tuning into rock ‘n’ roll on the car radio can cost you money…their researchers claim listening to that syncopated beat turns drivers into leadfoots…gas is selling for about 25 cents a gallons and the kids don’t care…

footage for his “Imagine”…scenes include the couple taking a mistwreathed walk on their estate’s grounds and Lennon playing the song accompanying himself on a white piano in an all-white room…

199 6688:: The Byrds begin a tour of South 1 Africa minus Gram Parsons who quit the band in protest of its playing in a country that promotes state-sponsored segregation…

199 7777:: Judas Priest begins its first U.S. 1 tour in Oakland, CA as the opening act for Led Zeppelin…that same week Led Zep drummer John Bonham along with manager Peter Grant and a bodyguard are charged with assault on a security employee at the Oakland Coliseum…the trio pleads guilty to a misdemeanor and the civil suit that follows is settled out of court to the tune of $2 million…the ill-fated tour ends soon after when Robert Plant’s son dies of a viral ill-

199 7722 :: Drummer Bobby Ramirez of the 1 Edgar Winter backing band, White 19 63 : The Beatles make their U.S. Trash, dies in a Chicago bar fight album debut with Introducing The that’s triggered by jeers over his long Beatles distributed by Vee-Jay, a hair… small Midwest label known for its blues, R&B, gospel and doo-wop sin- 1199 7733 : The Buxton Festival in gles…Capitol Records will soon start Derbyshire, England draws a big releasing the Liverpudlian releases… crowd including hundreds of Hell’s Angels…the bikers shake down the 199 6644:: Laying the groundwork for gen- crowd for beer money and one Angel 1 erations of punks to follow, Keith gets up onstage where he receives a Richards aims a kick at a yahoo in tutorial on how to do the duck-walk the crowd who’s spitting at the by Chuck Berry who’s about 20 minStones during a Blackpool show…two utes into his set…demonstrating the policemen and 30 fans are injured in technique, Berry performs the move across the entire stage and into the the ensuing riot… wings, then keeps going all the way 199 6655 :: Some of the crowd at the to his car, in which he high-tails it off 1 Newport Folk Festival turns surly the festival grounds at speed… when Bob Dylan, backed by The Paul Butterfield Blues Band, delivers an 1199 7744:: Graffiti artists are hired to tag abbreviated electrified set...the per- sites all over London advertising the formance is met with a mixture of Stones’ new single, “It’s Only Rock ‘n’ applause and booing...Dylan is Roll”… coaxed back to perform a couple of acoustic tunes ... the audience’s hos- 1199 7766:: Tina Turner files for divorce tility is the subject of dispute...some against her husband and violent say folks purists in the crowd were svengali, Ike Turner, after 16 punishput off by Dylan’s conversion to rock ing years of marriage…her account while others maintain that a crappy, of life with Ike will produce the besthighly distorted PA was to selling memoir I, Tina and the hit blame...Pete Seeger recalled how he biopic What’s Love Got to do With went to the sound booth and told the It…this same week John Lennon technicians, “Get that distortion out receives his green card from U.S. of his voice ... It’s terrible. If I had an immigration authorities more than axe, I’d chop the microphone cable three years after he was ordered to right now”... leave the country…

199 6699 : Neil Young joins Crosby, Stills, 1 and Nash onstage at the Fillmore East in New York leading to an an on-andoff partnership over the next four decades… 19 71 : John and Yoko work on video


gles chart…the song’s eye-popping video is an equally big hit and 197 8: The film version of Sgt Pepper’s remains the all-time most-aired Lonely Hearts Club Band featuring video on MTV… the Bee Gees and Peter Frampton opens to unanimously hostile 11 998877 :: Guns N’ Roses debut album, reviews…the celluloid stinker ends Appetite For Destruction, is up losing a pile… released…while it’s considered a landmark album now, it won’t start 19977 99:: Little Richard, who for the time- selling well or receiving much airplay 1 being has given up the stage for a until MTV puts the video for “Sweet ministerial career, tells his congrega- Child o’ Mine” into heavy rotation tion,”If God can save an old homo- nearly a year later… after the ballad sexual like me, he can save any- shoots to the top of the charts, the body”… original lead single from the album “Welcome to the Jungle” is re19988 00:: Back In Black, the new album released and hits the top ten…the 1 from AC/DC is released...it’s the single “Paradise City” soon follows, band’s first album with new singer as do sold-out arena tours, rock star Brian Johnson...Johnson joined the excess and large helpings of intraband after the untimely, alcohol- band conflict… driven death of singer Bon Scott, and the album is a Scott tribute of 11 998899 :: Ringo Starr embarks on his first sorts...released just five months after post Beatle-breakup tour…ace backScott’s death, the disc races up the up includes Billy Preston on keys, charts...by 1997 it had sold 16 million guitarist Joe Walsh, and the copies in the U.S. alone… Springsteen band’s Clarence Clemons on sax… 199 8866 :: 1 Peter Gabriel’s “Sledgehammer” is No 1 on the sin- 11 999900 :: Grateful Dead keyboard player

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cancel the remainder of its U.S. tour because vocalist Blaze Bayley is suffering from shredded vocal chords and has been advised by a doctor to keep his mouth shut for the next month...Aerosmith cancels the first 13 dates of its U.S. tour after drummer Joey Kramer suffers second-degree burns in a freak gas-station fire...this is the second crimp in the band’s tour plans...in April dates had to be 1199 9922 :: Bruce Springsteen opens his scrapped on account of Steven first U.S. tour since 1988 in New Tyler’s knee injury… Jersey (natch) at The Meadowlands...he and the E-Street 1199 9999 :: All hell breaks loose at boys will play 11 sold-out shows with Woodstock 99, the ill-fated revival of some going until one in the morn- the ‘60s rock festival…during a set ing...it’s good to be the Boss… by the Red Hot Chili Peppers bonfires fueled by paper plates and pizza 11 999933 :: A bullet grazes singer Eric boxes incinerate a remote sound Tallman’s head as he performs with tower…ironically, many of the fires his band Erotic Exotic at New York are touched off by candles distribby a peace-advocacy night club Danceteria...no motive or uted suspect is ever found…this same group…sexual assaults, looting, week British reggae band UB40 water shortages and overflowing enjoys the start of a seven-week run portable toilets contribute to a rock at the top of the pop chart with their ‘n’ roll weekend in hell… single “Can’t Help Falling in Love”…the much-covered tune was a 22 0000 00 :: The Aiken County, South hit for Elvis in 1960… Carolina sheriff’s office finally catches up with James Brown who’s been 1199 9944:: The late Frank Zappa has an touring overseas...utility worker asteroid that orbits between Mars Russell Eubanks had filed a complaint that Brown threatened him and Jupiter named after him… while brandishing a steak knife when 11 9999 55:: The Ramones release their Eubanks came to Brown’s home to fourteenth and final studio album, respond to a power outage report...after two hours of questionAdios Amigos… ing, the sheriff’s office reports that Scots singer-songwriter Brown was “very cooperative” and 11 9999 66:: Donovan is forced to scrap his U.S. was not arrested...police records comeback tour when a 30-year-old reveal Brown thought Eubanks was pot conviction comes back to bite an intruder and that racial slurs were him…the bust prevents him from get- exchanged… ting a work permit and visa… 2200 0022 :: Former members of R&B group 1199 9988:: This is a week for troubled rock Destiny’s Child, LeToya Luckett and tours: Iron Maiden announces it will LaTavia Roberson who left in 2000, settle their libel case against the Brent Mydland dies of an overdose at age 38…the keyboard slot for the Dead is proving to be as deadly an occupation as that of drummers in Spinal Tap…Mydland had replaced Keith Godchaux who died in an auto wreck in 1979, who had replaced original Dead keyboardist Ron “Pigpen” McKernan in 1973 when he died of alcoholism…

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group out of court…the suit revolves around an agreement that prohibits “any public comment of a disparaging nature concerning one another”…the legal beef is based on the song “Survivor” that includes the lyrics, “You thought that I’d be stressed without you, but I’m chillin/You thought I wouldn’t sell without you, sold nine million”… 2200 0033 :: In typically flamboyant and strange fashion, Godfather of Soul James Brown announces his separation from his fourth wife by taking out an ad in Variety that features the soul singer, his estranged wife, and two-year-old son posing with Goofy in a photo taken at Disneyland… this same week Coldplay frontman Chris Martin is charged with malicious damage in Australia after he smashes the windshield and deflates the tires of of a journalist who’s been shadowing him…

seems to be paying off with fans snapping up the CD in order to get the single…this same week Rock draws a $1,000 fine and one year’s probation for getting into a fight with a waffle restaurant patron in 2007… this same week, 50 Cent sues Taco Bell for $4 million after the fastfood chain uses his name in an ad offering him $10,000 to change his name to 79, 89, or 99 Cent…

22 0000 99:: Brad Paisley, Alison Krauss and Charley Pride pay a call on the Obama White House for a country concert…recalling the visit Paisley says, “I just wandered around looking at the paintings. Then I went into the bathroom and swiped the paper towels with the White House insignias”…that same week Bob Dylan goes for a pre-show stroll in Lakewood, New Jersey and is collared by a policewoman after callers say he’s acting suspiciously…because he has no ID on him and the cop has2200 0055 :: After being scratched in 2004, n’t a clue who he is, hotel employees a reborn Lollapalooza reincarnated end up having to identify America’s as a two-day festival with corporate most important singer-songwriter… sponsorship, pulls in 66,000 fans at Grant Park in Chicago...this same 22 0011 00:: Kings of Leon are forced to end week, In a settlement over payola a concert in St. Louis after playing charges brought by crusading New just three songs when a pigeon York State Attorney General Eliot poops in bassist Jared Followill’s Spitzer, Sony BMG Music mouth… Entertainment coughs up $10 million...Spitzer’s investigation reveals 22 0011 11:: Neo-soul diva Amy Winehouse the label had plied major stations dies of alcohol poisoning…the talwith cash and gifts in return for air- ented but troubled singer was just play…evidence includes emails in 27... which the record company solicited airplay in return for cash...one par- 22 0011 33:: Like a trouper, Beyonce keeps ticularly damning message from an the show rolling in Montreal after Epic record plugger to a Clear her long tresses become entangled in Channel programmer reads, “What a fan at the side of the stage…she do I have to do to get Audioslave on keeps singing while staff work to get WKSS this week?!!?. Whatever you her freed… can dream up, I can make it hap22 0011 44:: Weird Al Yankovic sells 104,000 pen!!!”... copies of his new album Mandatory 22 0000 66:: Johnny Cash’s album American Fun to score the first No. 1 comedy LP V: A Hundred Highways places at No Billboard Top 200 hit since Allan 1 on the U.S. album chart…the Sherman’s 1963 record My Son, The record was released posthumously Nut managed the same feat… on July 4…

22 0000 77:: A video clip of Beyonce tripping head-first down a flight of stairs during an Orlando, Florida show goes viral on YouTube within hours of the concert… 22 0000 88:: Kid Rock’s album Rock N Roll Jesus is riding high at #4 on the pop chart, but it took a while to get there...the record was released the previous October but didn’t catch fire until the following summer with its radio-friendly single “All Summer Long,” a sort of mashup of Warren Zevon’s “Werewolves of London” and Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Sweet Home Alabama”...one of the few holdouts who has refused to sell his music as digital downloads, Rock’s strategy

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Neeii ll SSttee ii nnbbeerrgg, president of the N Rhode Island Foundation, calls the jazz festival a “legendary RR U UM MO OU URR H HAASS IITT… … music event” and says it’s helping to attract a new generation of …Newport Jazz Festival fans. has received a grant that’s helping to pay for a third day of …R&B singer U Usshhee rr says music focused on emerging he wants to lower the high artists. The Newport Festivals school dropout rate through his Foundation, which runs the jazz New Look Foundation. U Usshheerr and folk festivals, said on spoke strongly about being comThursday that it received a mitted to developing young $40,000 grant from the Rhode scholars through education at his Island Foundation for the second foundation’s 16th anniversary consecutive year. Festival pro- luncheon on Thursday in downducer G Gee oorrggee W Wee ii nn says the town Atlanta. The Grammy winmoney helps bring new and ner told about 400 attendees that exciting acts to Rhode Island, and he hopes to gain more of their keeps people in the area longer. support and along with corpo-


rate leaders to “create a spark” for young students. Rapper LLuuddaaccrriiss and Lt. Gov. CCaa ssee yy CCaagg llee were honored at the event. Usshheerr says his foundation has U made a valuable impact with 100 percent of participating youth graduates from high school to receive higher education or job placement. …BBoonnoo, who has had problems with his own vision, is partnering with a company to provide better eye care to the underprivileged. The “Buy Vision, Give Sight” campaign with eyewear brand Revo is designed to raise $10 million for screening, eyeglasses and other assistance

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to the impoverished. Revo will donate $10 for each pair of eyeglasses it sells, and the U U22 frontman will introduce his own line of Revo sunglasses, which he has been wearing on U U22’’ss sold-out tour, in the fall. BBoonnoo, who was diagnosed with glaucoma two decades ago, says his eyesight is OK now. But in a Thursday statement, he said “tens of millions of people around the world with sight problems don’t have access to glasses, or even a basic eye test.” …TT aayy ll oorr

SSw w ii fftt


changed her concert photo waiver following recent reports calling her hypocritical for taking Apple to task over music distribution terms while maintaining onerous terms for concert photographers who shoot her shows. Though many newspapers refused to send photographers to cover her “1989” tour over the terms of her contract, others, like the New York Times and Washington Post, were allowed to amend the agreement with Swift. The unbalanced credentialing process apparently didn’t sit well with many in the photography world and members of the National Press Photographers Associations were recently discussing what course of action to take when representatives for SSw w iifftt approached them. NPPA Mii cckkee yy M legal counsel Osstteerrrreeii cchhee rr helped to draft “a O credential agreement that addressed photographers’ and publishers’ concerns while at the

same time being suitable to the concerns of SSw w ii fftt’’ss representatives,” the group announced July 21. The draft scored support from media groups including the Associated Press, the Associated Press Managing Editors, the Society for Professional Journalists, and American Society of Media Professionals, the Radio Television Digital News Association and others.

Maaddoonn nnaa’’ss world tour …M in support of her latest album, Rebel Heart, begins Sept. 9 in Montreal. So far, the only Southeast Asian date being publicized is Feb. 24 at the SM Mall of Asia Arena in Manila. It will be her first concert in the Philippines. Though local fans are delighted, they’re also a bit taken aback by the prices, which start at 3,150 pesos ($70) for general admission and up to 57,750 pesos ($1,283) for VIP. According to GMA News, the prices for


Maa ddoonnnn aa tickets in the U.S., M Canada, Australia and Europe are “much cheaper” than the prices for the Philippines shows when they checked Ticketmaster and Live Nation. The Las Vegas shows at the MGM Grand Garden Arena are less than half the price, and the Madison Square Garden concerts less than one-third of what they are in Manila. In fact, GMA says that if a Philippine fan can get a really cheap discount air ticket, it makes more sense to Maa ddoonnnnaa in Amsterdam or see M London, where tickets prices are one-fourth of what they are in their home country. w ee, guitarist …JJ uussttii nn LLoow Affttee rr TThhee BBuurrii aa ll, was found for A dead near St. Croix River in the vicinity of the band’s hometown of Twin Cities, Minn., July 21. Lowe left the band last month after posting a lengthy screed on Facebook that began with, “I’ve been set up, guys. By something more powerful than law enforcement, and it’s bad.” He proceeded to spend more than 2,200 words to describe a situation that involved a recording studio, stolen data, a band appearing in the studio in the middle of the night and a conspiracy that involved A A ffttee rr tthhee BBuurrii aall , the band’s manager, and accusations of pedophilia. The band eventually responded with its own statement that said, “Our dear friend, our brother onstage and off, has fallen into a very broken state of mind. A state that, despite our continued efforts, we have been powerless to get him out of.” LLoow w ee went missing July 18; his car was located that day near the river. “The ground around the area his car was found has been searched completely,” his sister posted on social media two days later. “[We] went and walked the trails and along the shore of the St. Croix today, but did not find any sign of him. All search efforts tomorrow will be in the river.”

JULY 23 2015


1. My Morning Jacket 2. Dawes 3. Jason Isbell 4. Beck 5. Albert Hammond Jr 6. Modest Mouse 7. Grace Potter 8. Good Old War 9. They Might Be Giants 10. Nick Lutsko 11. Michael Franti & Spearhead 12. Langhorne Slim And The Law 13. Ben Folds 14. Courtney Barnett 15. Alabama Shakes 16. X Ambassadors 17. Florence and The Machine 18. Matt & Kim 19. Brandi Carlile 20. Mumford & Sons

ADVENTURE PICKS 1. Frank Turner 2. The California Honeydrops 3. The Arcs

Lowe’s body was found by a hiker beneath the Arcola High Bridge connecting Minnesota and the town of Somerset, according to New Richmond News. Authorities said the cause of death was consistent with a fall.

scene, including contributions from JJ aacckk W Whhiittee and BB oobb DDyyllaann , are seeking financial support in order to secure rights to the music they are celebrating. Born In Chicago, directed by JJoohhnn AAnn ddeerrssoo nn (2005 BBrriiaa nn W Wii ll ssoonn documentary SMiLE), documents the progression of the genre as it evolved in the city during the ‘50s and ‘60s. The team behind the film have launched a PledgeMusic campaign in order to raise money to secure the rights for the music and archived footage used in the documentary. The campaign runs until September 16 and offers merchandise such as copies of the film, clothing and a box set collection (in multiple formats, including LP) for anyone who donates to the cause.

…Grammy-winning Waa yynn ee CCaa rrssoo nn, who songwriter W Wiilllliiee NNeellssoonn wrote hits like the W classic “Always On My Mind,” and TThhee BBooxx TTooppss’’ “The Letter,” has died. He was 72. CCaa rrssoonn died on Monday in Nashville, Tennessee, in hospice care after a lengthy illness, according to family Huuttcchhii nnss. He got friend SShhiirrll eeyy H his first No. 1 hit in 1966 on “Somebody Like Me,” performed Arrnnooll dd, and his songs by EEddddyy A have been covered by artists across genres, from EE ll vvii ss PP rree ssllee yy A ll G Grree eenn . “Always On My to A Nooeell GGaa llllaa gg hheerr has Mind,” co-written with JJoohhnnnnyy …N CChhrriissttoopp hheerr and M Maa rrkk JJaa m mee ss , urged record labels to sign more won two Grammy Awards in 1982. working class bands. The former OOaassiiss man complains that since Arrccttii cc M Moonnkkeeyy ss emerged 10 years …The makers of a music A documentary on Chicago’s music ago, there haven’t been any great


rock bands and the internet has had a negative impact. He’s now calling on labels to provide more support to new bands. Speaking during an appearance on BBC Four’s ‘What Ever Happened To Rock ‘N’ Roll?’, he says: ‘’In theory the internet and YouTube should be helping new bands get off the ground but it hasn’t - it’s got worse. The record labels just aren’t interested in workingclass bands any more. ‘’[Rock’n’roll is not dead] as long as I’m still going, it’s fucking not. It’s there but it’s certainly lacking the re-generation process. Arrcc ttii cc M Moo nnkkee yy ss, ‘’Since the A KKaa ssaa bbiiaann , RR aa zzoo rrlliigg hhtt and TThhee LLiibbeerrttiinneess there has been nothing. You name me one band since them. So that’s 10 years ago. So the evidence is that it is kind of in hibernation.’’ …Well that didn’t take long. Magoo’s in East Ridge has finally bitten the dust. I guess when you try to pass off Manwich sauce as the special

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sauce in the town’s legendary “sauce burger’ what did you really expect? …That’s one way to eliminate your parking problem - go buy your neighbor’s property. That’s exactly what the Boathouse did along the banks of the Tennessee River. From time to time the restaurant had run afoul of the neighboring VFW hall next door when both establishments had a busy event. No longer. The Boathouse now owns that valuable land and the VFW with their new abundance of cash are looking for a new place to occupy or build. If you know any truths, halftruths or outright lies about the music or club scene send it to Sissy Vance c/o rumoursmill@enigmaonline.com.

- Sissy Vance

R5 Means It’s Family Night Disney kids unite! R5 performed to a full house (amphitheatre actually). Fronted by Disney star Ross Lynch of the Disney Channel’s “Austin & Allie” he is one of the five “R”s that make up the band. Judging by the crowd it was bring your daughter day at Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre as the place was flooded with tweeners and their parents to listen to the pop rock samplings of the band.

released on the day of the show, “Sometime Last Night” the band promoted it heavily with already a trio of songs being released to radio before the actual release.

Touring to promote a new album that was actually

- Dave Fernandez

The kiddies in attendance sang along and danced to each song as their proud parents sat by watching admiring their offspring as thoughts of them being Disney kids themselves danced in their heads.

©Dave Fernandez


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©Dave Fernandez


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©Dave Fernandez


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©Dave Fernandez


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©Dave Fernandez ENIGMA

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©Dave Fernandez


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that will save the world.

Ant-Man PG-13 Armed with a super-suit with the astonishing ability to shrink in scale but increase in strength, conman Scott Lang must embrace his inner hero and help his mentor, Dr. Hank Pym, plan and pull off a heist

Inside Out PG After a girl moves to a new home, her emotions are plunged into chaos as they compete for control of her mind. Jurassic World PG-13

Jake Gyllenhall in The Weinstein Company’s “Southpaw”.


feeds of classic arcade games as a declaration of war, they attack the Paper Towns PG-13 Earth in the form of the video A young man and his friends games. embark upon the road trip of their lives to find the missing girl next Southpaw R door. A boxer fights his way to the top, only to find his life falling apart Pixels PG-13 around him. When aliens misinterpret video

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JULY 23 2015


Twenty-two years after the events of Jurassic Park (1993), Isla Nublar now features a fully functioning dinosaur theme park, Jurassic World, as originally envisioned by John Hammond. After 10 years of operation and visitor rates declining, in order to fulfill a corporate mandate, a new attraction is created to re-spark visitor’s interest, which backfires horribly. Magic Mike XXL R Three years after Mike bowed out of the stripper life at the top of his game, he and the remaining Kings of Tampa hit the road to Myrtle Beach to put on one last blow-out performance. Minions PG Minions Stuart, Kevin and Bob are recruited by Scarlet Overkill, a super-villain who, alongside her inventor husband Herb, hatches a plot to take over the world. Mr. Holmes PG Ian McKellen reunites with his “Gods and Monsters” director, Bill Condon, for this drama about the final years in the life of the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes, still trying to crack the one case

in a misguided attempt to honor the anniversary of the tragedy-but ultimately find out that some things Self/less PG-13 An extremely wealthy man, dying are better left alone. from cancer, undergoes a radical medical procedure that transfers Trainwreck R his consciousness into the body of Having thought that monogamy was a healthy young man. But all is not never possible, a commitment-phoas it seems when he starts to bic career woman may have to face uncover the mystery of the body’s her fears when she meets a good origin and the organization that guy. will kill to protect its cause. that slipped away from him.

Ted 2 R Newlywed couple Ted and TamiLynn want to have a baby, but in order to qualify to be a parent, Ted will have to prove he’s a person in a court of law. Terminator Genysis PG-13 After finding himself in a new timeline, Kyle Reese teams up with John Connor’s mother Sarah and an aging terminator to try and stop the one thing that the future fears, “Judgement Day”. The Gallows R Twenty years after an accident caused the death of the lead actor during a high school play, students at the same small town school resurrect the failed stage production


the Syndicate - an International rogue organization as highly skilled as they are, committed to destroying the IMF. Ricki and the Flash PG-13 A musician who gave up everything for her dream of rock-and-roll stardom returns home, looking to make things right with her family.

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. PG-13 In the early 1960s, CIA agent CO MIN G SO ON Napoleon Solo and KGB operative Illya Kuryakin participate in a joint Fantastic Four PG-13 mission against a mysterious crimiFour young outsiders teleport to an nal organization, which is working alternate and dangerous universe to proliferate nuclear weapons. which alters their physical form in shocking ways. The four must learn Unexpected R to harness their new abilities and An inner-city high school teacher work together to save Earth from a discovers she is pregnant at the former friend turned enemy. same time as one of her most promising students and the two Masterminds PG-13 develop an unlikely friendship A night guard at an armored car while struggling to navigate their company in the Southern U.S. unexpected pregnancies. organizes one of the biggest bank heists in American history. Vacation R Rusty Griswold takes his own famiMission Impossible: Rogue Nation ly on a road trip to “Walley World” PG-13 in order to spice things up with his Ethan and team take on their most wife and reconnect with his sons. impossible mission yet, eradicating

JULY 23 2015


The Walking Dead And Its Impact On Geek Culture The walking dead really has shifted the modern view of zombies to one of a mainstream culture. I love to contrast different zombie media including World War Z, The Zombie Survival Guide, Resident Evil, Night of the Living Dead, and more. I own The Walking Dead Video Games and love them. I love to talk about them with my friends and analyze each scene for fun. I love zombies so much that I even have eaten many times at Zombie Burger in Des Mines Iowa! It's a completely zombie themed restaurant with Walking Dead themed murals, Zombie named burgers and food, and life size zombie figures. The Walking Dead stars with Rick Grimes, (played by Andrew Lincoln) a Georgia Sheriff Waking up in a hospital after he is shot in a standoff on duty as a Sheriff. He returns home and finds out that his son and wife are missing. He son realizes that he is in an apocalyptic world where zombies or the walking dead are lurching around and feeding on human brains and flesh. He goes to Atlanta to search for them. He is almost killed by a hoard of Zombies and hides in an abandoned military tank. He is then rescued by Glenn, a survivor who takes Rick to a camp just on the outskirts of town. There he finds his wife and son, along with his best friend and partner Shane. This sets Ricks first meeting with the group that Rick will eventually lead through the graphic novel and show. He must fend off zombie hordes, deal with internal politics, human diseases, and also the politics from external bands of survivors including a group led by the governor, a place called exodus, and

Alexandria, a place where every- rescued Rick early on in the thing seems so calm or is it? show in Atlanta. Trivia/Fact The characters struggle to surIn an interview on National vive and fend off zombie in a Public Radio, Steven Yeun prison for many episodes in the (Glenn) said that his parents show. The Governor attacks the (who emigrated from Korea as prison and kills Hershel. He is adults) watch the show faithfully eventually killed by the Rick's but don't always understand the group. nuances of the English used in it, so they get a bootlegged version Early on Murle Darrell's brother with Korean subtitles. Yuen also lost his hand on a roof top due said that his father once asked to being cuffed there by Rick. him to thank Melissa McBride for Rick tried to go back and save saving his life. Even with Yeun him but he lost his hand due to a remarking his father that it was walking dead horde approachall staged, he insisted his son to ing. Murle is eventually killed thank her, which he then did. after taking out a horde of zombies in a suicidal attempt. Show Silly Mistakes/Out takes: The group heads onto The zombies' organs still work, Washington D.C after Eugene a as shown when Rick and Daryl non-violent nerd type promises cut open the walker looking for of a cure for the walking dead Sophia. Blood would need to be outbreak. He leads the group pumping through the veins in towards D.C. Later on he admits order for this to happen. Blood that he doesn't know the cure pumping would not allow the and is punched out by Abraham, zombies to decay a reddish haired fighter type

who saved Eugene early on. The group heads to a place called Exodus where they are captured and almost killed by cannibals. They manage to escape and later on revenge their captors. In the AMC TV show, they next go to Alexandria where they get comfortable, almost too comfortable. There is a senator who promises of good times and makes Rick a Police Guard. The characters personalities have changed over time as they are willing to do anything to survive. The comic was written by Robert Kirkman and published by image comics. It's the best zombie comic that I've ever read because of its realistic and intrinsic character interactions.

- Joe Fanning

Have You Seen This Issue of Enigma?

The Walking Dead has a complex array of characters. The show also differs from the graphic novel. This often a great topic of discussion amongst fans.

Why not? The character conflict with Rick and Shane is a huge theme as Rick deals with Shane who took care of his wife while Rick was lost. Shane questions Rick's leadership and eventually draws on Rick who is forced to kill him. Darrell, plays the loyal bowman who is a natural survivalist who gets along with Carol who is also a realist who even trains the kids to use weapons. Hershel is a loving farm owner and Veterinarian who saves Rick's sons life after a shooting accident. His daughter falls in love with Glenn who was ENIGMA

JULY 23 2015

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