The new A/W 2014-2015 ENIHORN collection’s main and one of the strongest point is to be comfortable and wearable. The inspiration of the collection were the weekdays of the designer, Enikő Horn. She is mainly working with twenty-years-olds and these people reminds her of how were the days when she was in her twenties.
Not the colours or cuts were the main idea but the small talks, lifestyle and everyday happenings. Again, it was an important aspect that the clothes are versatile, wearable and cozy. On every piece it was easy to see the great attention on detail and the delicate textiles.
ENIHORN offers countless choices for every occasion what a woman could need. The items were first of all created for those women and tireless mothers who wants to dress easily in the morning and want to look effortlesly beautiful and special. It should not be a problem to get dressed when they are taking the children to school or in the evening when they want to have a pleasant night out with their