Italy, a rainbow of flavors

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ITALY: A RAINBOW OF FLAVORS Italian food and wine by Region 1. Valle d'Aosta

2. Piedmont

3. Liguria

4. Lombardy

5. Trentino Alto Adige

6. Veneto

7. Friuli-Venezia Giulia

8. Emilia Romagna

9. Tuscany

10. Umbria

11. Marches

12. Lazio

13. Abruzzo

14. Molise

15. Campania

16. Apulia

17. Basilicata

18. Calabria

19. Sicily

20. Sardinia

"Food is a gift from God, but cooks are surely the work of the devil", as Oscar Wilde put it with his customary sharp wit. He could well have been thinking about Italian food and wine. It is certainly true that Italy - with its varied landscape of alternating plains, hills, coasts and mountains, rivers, woods, countryside and rich seas, and its mild yet sometimes harsh climate - boasts a wealth of invaluable natural treasures. But it is equally true that what gives life to a culinary tradition, and what creates the history of food and wine, is the work, passion and imagination of man. If Italy is home to such an extraordinary variety of flavors, tastes and aromas, it is because Italians have known how to make the best of nature's gifts and to transform them by taking inspiration from nature itself. This is as it should be, for the art of gastronomy is mimetic, and imitates nature. The process relies on a shifting between different systems, and cookery is its ideal medium. We could produce an endless list of products which might seem unimportant, but which are actually vital elements of Italian cuisine. All over Italy, from the Alps to the Mediterranean, we find the products of a thousand years of tradition, and specialties which exist only here. The desire to taste the country's cooking would in fact be an excellent reason for people to come and visit. An extraordinary adventure - die discovery of die flavors of Italy - would await them, in die great restaurants of die cities of art or major cities, but also in the thousands of small trattorias, to be found in every village and along every road, in die mountain logis, "agriturismo" (farmhouses offering food and accommodation), and wine bars. There are two sides to Italian cuisine: tradition and innovation, and in recent years cookery has increasingly meant, on one hand, performing a cultural activity, by creating new versions of traditional dishes and rediscovering the use of local agricultural products, and on the other, caring for our health, by cooking tasty yet at the same time simple food. The natural backdrop to all this is a landscape on which man has left clear signs of his presence. It is no coincidence that in the last two years 75 new "Food and wine trails" have been inaugurated in Italy, along with 5 "Olive oil trails". Over 500 wine bars have also been opened, most of them promoting locally produced wines. Moreover, in the same period, a number of associations have been set up, bringing together "Flavor towns", "Slow food towns", "Chestnut towns", "Seafood towns", and "Bread towns", alongside the existing "Wine towns", "Olive oil towns" and "Truffle towns", involving a total of over 600 Italian council districts. Throughout the Italian peninsula a capillary network of tourist facilities is being developed which revolves around the "food system" whilst promoting awareness and protection of the environment. In Italy more (1 of 22)5/13/2008 6:34:04 AM

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