Enjoy Beauty International

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enjoy beauty i n t e r n at i o n a l Ideas for living a beautiful lifestyle

iSSue 3

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22 LA Inspiration Progressive new beauty and fashion innovators share their stories

Valerie Perez


Designer of Wrap Up by VP

Developer Firm Me U

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conTe nTs


76 Laxer

Finding your Inner Warrior Excerpts from the book: Dragons – Tigers & Lipstick: The warrior lessons all women should know for success, power and beauty

r of Up Beauty – Up Cellulite Cream

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44 The Valley of the Sun A Sonoran Desert Oasis known for its healing and restorative powers

82 The Beauty of Thailand Bangkok and the Asian secret to beautiful skin

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13 Beatrice Hochegger Beatrice Hochegger, Assignment Editor and Production Manager shares lifestyle and news from Austria

CUISINE Tom Yum Soup A Thai Healthy Lifestyle Recipe

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i’ve been thinking about the word inspiration in great depth this month. For me, the definition came up as; it is the flow of energy that moves through us when we are in tune with our best and higher self. inspiration becomes a state of mind where we can create without effort. our ideas and projects flow and come together when we surrender to the inspiration that we are experiencing, and let things happen. the inspiration to produce enjoy beauty international magazine came about as i was sitting at a beautiful remote beach in bali. i was in a state of mind where everything seemed possible, everything was clear, and i felt at one with the universe. in this issue, read about the inspiration that came to Valerie Perez with Wrap uP after she had let go of her fashion empire she had ran for over a decade. after leaving it all, she traveled to the beaches in thailand to sit and contemplate. it was here that a new inspiration came of the new fashion empire she would grow taking the simplicity of style from thailand and bringing those designs into a new line of spa robes. For leslie laxer, the founder of Firm Me up anti-Cellulite Crème, inspiration

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leTTeR fRoM

I n s P I R


a T I o n

came from consciously focusing on the possibilities that surrounded her as she attended a conference with her husband, a compounding pharmacist. it was there that she learned about new ingredients and technologies that were proven to be effective for cellulite. Her ethereal dream became concrete that day to produce a cellulite cream that would and could really work. For Kevin and nien in bangkok, thailand, it was the inspiration from Kevin’s grandmother who made a tincture out of herbs found in thailand to bring back hair growth – and, even turn grey hair dark again. this inspiration led to the development of lamone, a lactobacillus foundation taken from yoghurt to produce the finest cleanser and Dna serum, which keeps thai women’s skin beautiful. What is your own inspiration and idea? Put your heart into the idea that presents itself. be an instrument for your own creation of beauty, and let your work be expressed through you. We at enjoy beauty international love to share stories from amazing people worldwide. We look forward to hearing from you and your story of inspiration. Maria Camille

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enjoy b

interna our teaM

FounDer anD PubliSHer Maria Camille art DireCtion Anugito ten Voorde branD PartnerSHiPS Angie Odette CorreSPonDent Mia A. Mackman-Ahnn ProDuCtion – eDiting ManagerS Casie Orion and Beatrice Hochegger SoCial MeDia Mark-the-Spa-Man - Mark McKenney PubliC relationS - MarKeting Hannelore Leavy

8 e njoy b eau t y i n tern a t ion a l .c o m


at i o n a l SoCial MeDia





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Teva Skin Science has combined modern peptide research wi honored Ayurvedic anti-aging botanicals. And, it’s 100% org


10 e njoy b eau t y i n ter n a tio n al .c o m

th time ganic!

Teva Skin Science, LLC

42 Senator Reynolds Rd, # 205

Asheville, NC 28804• 828-545-0842

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12 enj oy be auty i nt ern at ion a l .c om

Meet the Enjoy Beauty Team welcoMIng beaTRIce HocHeggeR

THe woRld Is fUll of cool, cReaTIve PeoPle. lUckIly, we’Re blessed To Have soMe of THe besT coMIng oUR way To HelP bRIng enjoy beaUTy InTeRnaTIonal’s vIsIon To lIfe. we wanT yoU To MeeT oUR faMIly, so, we THoUgHT IT woUld be fUn To InTRodUce soMeone fRoM oUR TeaM In eacH IssUe. To sTaRT off, we’Re welcoMIng beaTRIce HocHeggeR, assIgnMenT edIToR and PRojecTs ManageR wHo RecenTly sTaRTed a new joURney wITH a Move fRoM HeR HoMe In

aUsTRIa To lIve and Head UP a cReaTIve locaTIon In MIaMI.

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What a Cultural change! From graz to Miami. Wow – what a wonderful new journey. We’d love to hear about your hometown and growing up in graz, austria.

Even though Austria is such a small country, you will be amazed by its vast offering. My homeland consists of stunning mountains, crys14 enj oy be au ty i nt ern a t ion al .c om





tal clear lakes, picturesque vineyards, lush meadows and deep green forests. Austrians respect nature, the seasons and the land – that is why our lakes have drinking water quality and our forests and Alps are housing lots of wild animals. I grew up in a small town in Styria close to the capital city of Graz. Thinking about it, nothing





better could happen to a child. I was able to play outside and to get to know how beautiful and complex nature can be. My mum and dad have always grown their own garden, so we could eat fresh organic salads and vegetables all year round. It was just peaceful and cozy – I would say almost perfect! Graz is a lovely little town counting about





300,000 people. As my entire country is one historical place, you can get a feeling for it while strolling around the old city center discovering ancient palaces and courtyards, all of which are very well preserved. I love the fact that you can always eat and cook regionally and organically because we have so many thoughtful farmers in Austria. e njoyb e auty int er national .com


Even if you are living in the city you can buy freshly harvested fruits and vegetables at our famous farmer’s markets. I have always been curious and wanted to see as much of the world as I could. That’s why I made most of my internships in the hospitality and wellness industry within different famous regions of Austria. I gained a lot of experience in a 5* hotel at the Arlberg in the Alps as well as while working at a health & wellness company in the city of Salzburg. Living close to our natural minerals spring spas, and having a huge amount of natural remedies right on the doorstep, I was soon impressed by the entire spa and health industry. No wonder I did my Bachelor’s degree in health management and tourism in our lovely South Styrian spa and wine region. Later on, I decided to continue my studies on an international level. I earned my Master’s degree on tourism and leisure management at the IMC Krems in the Wachau region in Lower Austria directly at the Danube river. Having discovered almost my entire country by then, I was ready for the next big step. I was living in Texas for 6 months and assisted in opening a unique, green, sustainable and organic detox destination spa. This was the beginning of where I am right now – having an adorable husband who wants to discover the world with me and falling in love with the United States, we finally moved to Florida.

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© austrian national tourist office / Wiese


However, being a huge family person, I will miss my loved ones back home in Austria a lot!!! What is the most popular cuisine for austria? Austrian cuisine can be considered as very traditional but still diverse. I love the fact that we have all four seasons and therefore, we are spoiled by many different dishes depending on what is growing at different times of the year. During spring you can find various meals out of asparagus. Summer time is the season for mushrooms and berries. Fall is famous for roasted chestnuts and winter provides us with cabbage and game. What is your favorite spa or beauty treatment that only austria can deliver ?

© austrian national tourist office / Peter burgstaller

Being well-provided with numerous natural ingredients from our rich nature, Austria can deliver many unique spa treatments. One of them is the so called “Fango” therapy which consists out of healing mud sourced out of volcanic regions in Styria. People can enjoy it as a bath or wrap, hot or cold and are able to loosen tensions and healing rheumatism or sports injuries with it. Depending on each spa’s location, people are able to relax, rejuvenate and heal their bodies with treatments containing grapes, herbs, mineral waters or mud.

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Many austrian lakes and streams have drinking water quality

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Š austrian national tourist oďŹƒce / Peter burgstaller

you have worked in the spa – hospitality sector -what are the main differences in a wellness lifestyle from austria and then the u.S. ? Spa-going, like bathing in healing waters of mineral spring spas has already been practiced thousands of years ago within Europe. With that being said, Austrian spas put the main focus on natural healing including water treatments, pools, Jacuzzis as well as saunas, whereas many American spas offer treatments mainly for beauty and relaxation purposes. However, the American spa industry is catching up in creating healing places. 20 enj oy b eau t y int er n at ion a l .c om

What do you see as new and exciting for living in Miami area? Coming from a small country in the heart of historical Europe, moving to the US, especially to the area of Miami, is a very exciting and life altering journey. Compared to Austria, a life in the United States seems fast paced, cosmopolitan and trendy. I love it, that people here are so warm, welcoming and open to connect. My husband and I consider this new chapter of our life as a huge opportunity to further develop – personally and professionally.

Š austrian national tourist oďŹƒce / andreas Hofer

And the beach is going to be a part of that!

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A progressive new beauty innovat and a spa fashion company make a statement

22 enjoy beaut y in t er n a tion a l .c om



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Finally, A Real Solution to Cellulite

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An Interview with Leslie Laxer Founder and Chief Inspiration Officer of Firm Me Up Anti-Cellulite Creme

26 e nj oy be auty i nter n a t ion a l .c o m

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With so many technology changes over the last 10 years, do you feel we can now have cellulite treatments that actually work without invasive treatments? Science and technology are evolving at an exhilaratingly rapid pace. On top of that, today’s consumers are smart, savvy and sophisticated and don’t always have time for treatments that necessitate “down time.” It is absolutely possible to achieve results that do not involve lasers and the risk/reward they represent. Our product supports this approach. We wanted to create something effective for every woman to feel great and look even better. Why were you interested in developing a Cellulite Crème? Despite the general good health and fitness levels I’ve tried to maintain most of my life, my legs have had cellulite for as long as I can remember. Over the years I tried innumerable creams, lotions and gels that promised results or cures. And I wound up with two things: bathroom cabinets filled with products that didn’t work and I still had cellulite. About 5 years ago, my husband, a compounding pharmacist, asked me to accompany him to

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a continuing education seminar. It was there that I learned about the ingredients and technologies that were now proven and available. My ethereal dream became concrete that day: to utilize the highest scientific actives to develop an anti-cellulite crème that actually backed up its claims. The deepest motivation was to create a cellulite crème that would finally work for me. But in a very short time, I knew my crème could positively impact the lives of thousands of women facing the same problems concerning cellulite.

duced. The essential active ingredients, coupled with our unique delivery system acts like a lock and key. Another great aspect is that when women use the cream, they can feel it working immediately. Upon application, an energetic warming sensation radiates in and across the affected skin. What they are experiencing is micro-circulation stimulation and a regenerated metabolic energy. This signifies to the end user that our crème is being absorbed into the problematic skin efficiently, infusing the afflicted area with change.

The science behind Firm Me Up Anti-Cellulite Crème is special. Can you explain why your product makes a difference?

I understand you have performed many studies and testing, tell us how this was done?

During the process of developing our crème, I was supported by a brilliant group of pharmaceutical formulators. Upon originally approaching them about making an effective cellulite crème that works in a reasonable amount of time, I was ecstatic to learn that they saw it as possible! So I submitted my wish list to them: 1) to smooth the appearance of cellulite, 2) to keep afflicted areas well moisturized and tight and, 3) with continued use, help prevent the future build-up of cellulite. After 5 years of research and development, Firm Me up anti-Cellulite Crème was intro-

The first thing we did was to conduct consumer perception studies. To be honest, some of my friends and family were involved. However, everyone we tested loved the crème and saw results. At this point a real clinical trial was necessary. We executed an 8-week study where participants were not asked to change anything including diet, exercise or water intake. The participants comprised a multi-cultural mix and the 8-week outcome was as impressive as I had hoped for. As the results were tallied, I knew that I didn’t have another “hype only” product. I was ready to launch! upbeautyonline.com e njoyb e aut yinte rnat io nal .com


I Named the Company Wrap Up 30 e nj oy be auty i nter n a t ion a l .c o m


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The Inspiration? THE BEACHES OF THAILAND By Valerie Perez, Designer

Born in beautiful Casablanca, Morocco, I have always had an eye for colors, patterns and exotic beauty. My family moved to Los Angeles when I was just a teenager. Shortly after my arrival, I started to work in a clothing store and it became clear that I wanted to study Fashion Design. After working many years in the industry for some of the biggest brands, I decided it was time to own my own store. My ďŹ rst venture as a business owner was a franchise for an amazing French brand. After partnering with my uncle and sisters, we created an empire of more than seventeen stores from California to Switzerland. I spent years traveling, opening new stores, and merchandising. One day I woke up and all of it was over! I realized that my life had been on autopilot for so long, I felt like I was suocating.I needed to go away so I could breathe again. One morning I went to see my parents. After getting their blessing, I bought a one way ticket to China and left. After a while, I ended

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up in Thailand looking for peace and inspiration. Seven months later, I realized how much I was missing my family and got scared that if I did not go back to the States, I was going to become a hippie and spend the rest of my life there. When I came back home, I started going to the gym every day. Day after day I got so frustrated with my towel always falling down while I was doing my hair and makeup. I remembered my times in Thailand wearing sarongs, soft fabrics, beautiful and colorful prints. Something you would walk around all day and wouldn’t fall. I thought, why couldn’t towels be like that? At that point it became clear to me that I could do something with this. I had to create a towel that would absorb water, be light weight and fit the body well. And, it had to look beautiful! I wanted to feel comfortable and sexy, not look like a potato sack scared of moving around or having my towel fall off.

This is how it all began; I named the company Wrap Up It was a very humble beginning. I couldn’t afford a warehouse at the time, so of course I

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The robe material is made o You feel like you are wrappe

38 e nj oy be auty in ter n a t ion a l .c o m

of the softest microfiber. ed in a pillow of cotton.

bought the biggest camping tent I could find, set it up in my back yard and hustled out there every day from 6 am until midnight. Little did I know back then in 2004, that I would make it where I am today. Today, Wrap Up by VP is a unique and exclusive line of bathrobes, wraps, towels, and blankets made of the highest quality microfiber. My intention for the line has always been for people to feel comfortable, beautiful, and fashionable while relaxing. Quality was always very important to me. This is why our products have this exquisite buttery feeling to the naked skin, and are made to last for years. Although we have a wide range of solid colors, we are mostly known for our original prints that cater to everyone’s personal style, from young to younger, from conservative to daring. I’m happy to say that our collection is sold today at the most exclusive Hotels, Resorts, Spas and Boutiques around the world. Try one of these robes and you’ll be addicted! wrapupbyvp.com

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enjoy beauty i n t e r n at i o n a l

Receive your Free copy of Enjoy Beauty International when becoming a VIP LIFESTYLE MEMBER

Dedicated to promoting a beautiful, luxurious and healthy lifestyle, our expert team at enjoy beauty international will report on the best we ďŹ nd from around the globe. every month, you will be treated to an advanced peek at the world’s best beauty and lifestyle products, as well as be taken on a tour of the most special destination spa resorts on the planet.

Becoming a Lifestyle Member is easy. Sign up here

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vIP sPecIal


Haute SPF Sun Protection with benefits Don't be afraid of the sun! Cruise tested in the sunny Gulf-Coast waters of South Florida, our AwardWinning SunProtect SPF30+ contains micronized (non-nano) FullSpectrum Earth Minerals (Zinc & Iron Oxides) at a concentration of 20% by weight for the ultimate in easily applied natural barrier protection. Heavenly scent and never any ghostly white sheen! Based in a 100% organic and Ayurvedic botanical formula of shea butter and healing herbal infusions, this sun protection is long-lasting, child safe and leaves your skin in great condition. Fortified with our exclusive Deva Bright anti-hyperpigmentation organic actives, including essential carrot and citronella oils, this Sun Block helps prevent and reverse dark spots and freckling, and naturally repels pesky flying insects. Water resistant up to 2 hours. See for yourself why this product was a Summer Skincare Editor's Pick in Organic Spa Magazine!

42 en joy beaut y int er n at ion a l .c om


SPF addict SPF while looking Fabulous SPF ADDICT was conceived out of a simple desire to help protect skin from the sun’s harmful rays, without compromising personal style. Founder Marina Arnold, R.N. has dedicated the majority of her 30year career to the cosmetic dermatology ďŹ eld. After treating a countless number of patients, young and old, with sun-damaged skin, she realized the importance of pro-active sun protection beyond the scope of just lotions. Because of our mission to deliver the highest quality line of fashionable sun protective wear, we work with manufacturers throughout the U.S.A. to ensure an optimal level of craftsmanship goes into each of our pieces. Our fabrics are tested for a UPF rating of 50+, blocking 98% of rays that can cause skin cancer and premature aging.


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a sonoran desert oasis revered for it

44 en joy beauty int er n a t ion al .c om


ts healing and restorative powers

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MoRe sPa ResoRTs THan any oTHeR c

an International destination for hea

s PeR caPITa cITy In THe U.s.

alth, relaxation and restoration . . . . . boulders – Waldorf astoria resort. Photo courtesy of Scottsdale Convention & Visitors bureau

a sHoPPIng oasIs

a place where shopping is an art f 48 enj oy b eau t y in t er n a t io n a l .c om


form e njoyb e aut y-Mark Skalny / Shutterstock.com

a foodIe’s PaRadI

#2 in the U.s. for best restaurants ( new yoRk TIMes)

50 enj oy be auty in tern a t ion a l .c o m


Pinnacle Peak Patio. Photo courtesy of Scottsdale Convention & Visitors e njoyb e auty int er national .com bureau 51

IT’s scoTTsdale, a

...an we a

52 enj oy be au ty in tern a t ion a l .c o m


nd our home base for enjoy beauty International. e love sharing this special place with our friends around the world, so in each issue, we will give you the inside scoop on what we call “The scottsdale experience� by Maria camille e njoyb e auty int er na ti onal .co m


Photo courtesy of Scottsdale Convention & Visitors bureau

native american Dances. Photo courtesy of Scottsdale Convention & Visitors bureau 54 en joy be auty in ter n a ti on a l .c o m

A rich Native American Influence - - It’s about honoring the land . . The Native American’s were the first to develop a harmonious relationship with the Sonoran Desert. Through their special connection, they were able to discover how to thrive in a land “where rain seldom falls and there is no cold.” Masters at gently harnessing the earth’s gifts and resources, they skillfully utilized the curative climate and medicinal plants. It’s no wonder that Scottsdale, Arizona is an internationally recognized region for health, relaxation and restoration, claiming more Destination Resort Spas per capita than any other city in the United States.

Attracted to the beauty and healing aspects, health-seekers and stressed out souls are recharged and refreshed by the Sonoran Desert’s timeless landscape, spirit-stirring sunsets and crisp desert air.

Scottsdale’s Sonoran Desert is a surprisingly lush landscape fed by snowmelt from Arizona’s mountainous north and thunderous summertime rainstorms during the monsoon. The spas and resorts here savor the desert’s verdant bounty with exotic treatments that draw upon the desert’s native plants, herbs and minerals.

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foR THe desTInaTIo wellness ReIgns A Tour of Three Magnificent Resorts

on sPa eXPeRIence,

boulders – Waldorf astoria resort. Photo courtesy of Scottsdale Convention & Visitors bureau

Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort & Spa In the heart of Scottsdale, the exclusive Gainey Ranch hosts the impressive Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort & Spa. My first experience visiting the resort was about six years ago when the luxurious Spa Avania first opened. Developed on 27 beautiful acres, the lush grounds bring an oasis to the desert with towering palms trees and breathtaking pools. This scenic and natural outdoor theater comes alive with a serene beauty as you walk past mesquite wood-burning fireplaces, bright pink bougainvillea’s, lotus ponds, water walls and views of the majestic Camelback Mountain.

My Day at Spa Avania Impressive is the word that comes to mind when reviewing my day at Spa Avania. Appropriately named after the Greek word meaning tranquil, Spa Avania was one of the first world class spas to take an unconventional approach to offering advanced spa-wellness treatments.

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Hyatt regency, gainey ranch. Photo courtesy of Scottsdale Convention & Visitors bureau

Spa avania, Hyatt regency. Photo courtesy of Scottsdale Convention & Visitors bureau

When entering the substantial 21,000 square foot spa, I decompressed within the harmony of its serene space with sun-filled rooms. The spa pool is awesome! How often are you able to experience an all-natural mineral pool infused with French Celtic minerals imported from the Brittany coast? To top it off, its mood enhancing fiber-optic lighting and underwater music is choreographed to the time of day. In fact, it’s timing combined with the rhythm of the day, which provides the whole concept of Spa Avania. As you enter the spa, all details bring the science of time and the body’s internal 60 enj oy b eau t y i nt e rn a t i on a l .c o m

Spa avania, Hyatt regency. Photo courtesy of Scottsdale Convention & Visitors bureau

clock together for the body’s changing rhythms. In the morning, time is choreographed to awakening and revitalization; midday it’s restoration and balance; and in the evening it’s relaxation and repair. e njoyb e auty int er nati onal .co m


During each segmented time, you can select from three offerings referred to as “Experiences,” “Passages” or “Journeys.” Within each selection there is “styling” where time is synchronized and customized to the elements of music, natural light, diet, teas and mineral water therapies.

Offerings Morning offerings seek to awaken and rejuvenate the body with vigorous pressure-intensive treatments infused with essential oils of Frankincense, Sandalwood and Siberian Fir.

Midday offerings encourage nourishment, digestion and peak metabolic activity with treatments steeped in balancing essential oils of Linden Blossom, Cucumber and Helio trope.

evening offerings

Spa avania, Hyatt regency Photo courtesy of Scottsdale Convention & Visitors bureau

feature stress-reducing and rest-inducing therapies using Vanilla, Blood Orange, Grapefruit, Amber and other calming essential oils. I visited the spa for a mid-morning Thai Massage where the therapist focused on pressure points along the meridians and then slow stretches. This was the perfect mid-morning treatment. I really liked the Thai mat on the floor, which was very comfortable and the music and therapist were just perfect. I loved this spa six years ago, and even more so now as the concepts just continue to mature and get better with time. scottsdale.hyatt.com 62 en joy be auty i nt er n a t io n a l .c om

Spa avania, Hyatt regency. Photo courtesy of Scottsdale Convention & Visitors bureau

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boulders – Waldorf astoria resort. Phot

to courtesy of Scottsdale Convention & Visitors bureau

The Waldorf Astoria Boulders Resort The Boulders is one of the world's most celebrated hideaways. It’s certainly a favorite in my book! The Boulders is named after the 12-million-yearold granite boulders that dot the landscape providing sort of spiritual seclusion to the resort. The magical landscape speaks differently to each person who visits. On this visit, I stayed in one of the resort’s beautiful villas set naturally within the terrain and bordering the two 18-hole championship golf courses. The Boulder’s is a hideaway, but it’s also sizable as it encompasses four swimming pools, six onsite restaurants and eight tennis courts. The highlight for me is the 33,000-square-foot Waldorf Astoria Spa. Aligning with wellness, the Spa and surrounding grounds offer a labyrinth, a tipi offering shamanic healing, a wonderful organic spa café, tearoom, fitness and yoga center and wellness classroom. On property, the spa café has a large organic garden where they grow their own herbs and greens, along with an outdoor kitchen providing organic cooking classes with an unforgettable al fresco dining experience. e njoyb e auty int er na ti onal .co m


boulders – Waldorf astoria Sp

pa. Photo courtesy of Scottsdale Convention & Visitors bureau

There are also many outdoor adventure activities, such as rock climbing clinics, horseback rides, mountain biking, moonlight bicycle tours, desert hikes, fly fishing and even a private helipad and helicopter tours..

My Spa Day at The Boulders I’ve always loved the entrance as you walk through these two big wooden doors, which lead you on a path over water features and into the spa. With a new focus for the spa, the resort is staying true to the natural environment and Native American influences of the region. It is truly a Zen-like experience. The recently transformed menu is delightfully customizable. First, you are able to pick from self-guided experiences with a choice of three journeys: Desert Zen, Global Shaman and Radiant Oasis. Each of these experiential intentions incorporates ingredients and aromas from the resort’s organic garden and the surrounding desert landscape. I chose the Desert Zen Journey with the Lotus Blossom Chakra Massage. This well-developed treatment incorporates seven different oil blends for the seven chakras or core energy centers of the body. During this special massage, I focused on each chakra as the welltrained therapist integrated energy and balancing.

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The next treatment on the Journey was the Desert Rose Radiance; a head-to-toe luscious scrub that uses rose and pomegranate seed ex-

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tracts. Desert jojoba and rose is then combined for exfoliation followed by a soothing aloe mask, which is particularly beneďŹ cial for sun-damaged

boulders – Waldorf astoria Spa garden. Photo courtesy of Scottsdale Convention & Visitors bureau

skin. During the treatment I was wrapped in a soft cocoon while I received a naturally lifting facial massage with prickly pear and pomegranate.

The treatment is finished with a hydrating massage using of The Boulders signature Desert Rose body lotion. Speechless! – gasp, - Loved it! theboulders.com

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The Talking Stick Resort and Spa The Talking Stick Resort and Spa has become a wonderful addition to the Scottsdale repertoire of destinations. Opened and operated by the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Native American Community, Talking Stick is contributing to a cultural expansion for the Valley of the Sun. Breathtaking views of the McDowell Mountains are the first thing you’ll notice when arriving at Talking Stick. The views are matched with luxury accommodations and the Spa at Talking Stick, a 13,000-squarefoot full-service facility on the property’s 14th floor. The big pull here is their 240,000 squarefoot casino, convention space and huge pool area. The resort is known for their major headlining concerts and fun nightlife along with five restaurants. I had a fabulous dinner at Orange Sky, which is fine dining with excellent service. Located on the 15th level, Orange Sky says it all, as the view during sunset provides a spectacular light show as the sky turns from orange to deep lavender.

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talking Stick resort and Spa. Photo courtesy of Scottsdale Convention & Visitors bureau

Also known as a cultural center, Talking Stick displays an extensive Native American art collection throughout the property. Keeping the tribal culture pure has been a significant focus for Talking Stick - including the name, which refers to the “calendar stick” once maintained by Pima and Maricopa tribe leaders to mark significant events such as a flood or eclipse.such as a flood or eclipse.

My Spa Day at Talking Stick The Spa at Talking Stick is located in an expansive open-air layout located on the 14th floor of the resort. All the elements of the spa menu combine traditional Native American ingredients harvested from the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community gardens. This is really special as you can feel, smell and get a sense of these healing ingredients when having a treatment. To begin my healing ritual, I was given a traditional Peaceful Healing Massage, which was used to heal farmers, hunters and weary travelers. Raw pima cotton poultices were filled

with steaming desert herbs to provide healing properties, which are then applied to the energy meridians as the massage is given. This special treatment ended with a warm mix of reviving oils massaged into the skin. Next, I was given a Sweet Mesquite & Honey Wrap. The treatment began with a gentle polish of sweet mesquite, salts and grains designed to open the pores and allow the body to absorb the beneficial components. To protect and purify, a mask of jojoba butter and mesquite honey is applied to the body, then you are wrapped in soft muslin to allow the botanicals to be absorbed into your skin. The relaxation continues with a desert dew toning and lifting facial massage. It ends with a luxurious massage using a signature sweet mesquite body lotion that leaves your skin vibrant and bright. Both of these treatments were truly unique, reflecting the Native American influence of healing rituals and native plants. I thought the products were really wonderful and I even purchased the lotions afterward to continue the journey. talkingstickarizona.com

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SCenterPriSeS launches tHe SCentariuM

SCENTERPRISES launches THE SCENTARIUM - a deluxe perfume-making kit with 12 exquisite blends crafted to be combined to create your very own custom fragrance. Includes a lifestyle questionnaire, instruction guide, two designer refillable perfume sprays (for day or night, or one for you and a friend), 12 matching blotter strips for evaluating the perfume blends, and your own formula card to register in our data-base for ordering refills. Why wear what everyone else wears when you can reflect your individuality and personality with your own custom perfume?

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brighten – by Synthesis the Heart of organics

We found Synthesis over a year ago and have never stopped loving it! This product is what we would refer to as a product that is “energy imbued.” Starting with the ingredients to the manufacturer, the products are always kept within a perfect vibrational setting to nurture beauty and spirit. So, let your light shine! The Synthesis Brighten Vitamin C Serum provides the natural energy found in antioxidants, minerals, enzymes and vital nutrients to illuminate timeless beauty and natural flowering. Reveal a more even, clear and toned complexion, a lightness of being, an inner glow, a pure radiance.


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findING your Inner Warrior By Maria Camille Excerpts from the book (and Retreat Program): Dragon’s – Tigers & Lipstick

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All cultures have their warrior women, they are usually the old wise ones handing down the mastery through stories, myths and legends. They are the custodians of the spirit life, the true keepers of real mastery. In this metaphor, the term warrior comes from the type of discipline and focus used to cultivate a self-mastery and a way of being in the world that was beyond ordinary. The key point was how one prepared and how one lived. These are the women who carried their own style and were not afraid to embrace who they were. Their self-mastery became like their personal Brand. Their legends were built from this. In ancient times, there were women who refined their mastery to such deep expression that men often could not compete with them in swordsmanship, horsemanship and other martial skills. All societies love to watch the old martial arts masters, which are usually portrayed in movies. It’s the way they honed their powers, skills and wisdom and how they seemed to challenge the laws of normalcy.

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The masters seemed to live out-of-the-box, in a world that appeared to be specially tailored for them. They were always exploring newer horizons and achieving higher levels of energy and awareness. They appeared to be enlightened and empowered with true knowledge about themselves, their potential and limitations, which made them almost superhuman. They are like our heroes who are never afraid of pursuing what they believe in. They seemed to see things that the average person could not. Their immense skills emanated from cultivating their inner spirit until it was thoroughly ingrained in their personalities. They expressed power through their art, which mimicked the graceful movements of animals. When these masters performed, there was an undeniable beauty – the unmistakable dance of the predator. They did not merely imitate the movement of animals – they became the animal.

“They had valor, never mind how scared they may have been or how hopeless their situation was” These women knew how to cultivate and tap into their inner power. The intelligence, perse-

verance, and courage they had where in sync with their discipline. As true warriors, their spirit had no intention or the least liking for violence. The true masters knew the futility of it. This is why they worked for years to attain such refinement in their art, so much so, that fighting was seldom required. They were always meticulously prepared and never left anything to chance. Their minds were always prepared, no matter what they were doing.

The Legend of the Dragons and Tigers

The dragon energy represented the moment when the warrior's mind moved toward enlightened wisdom. When this transcendence occurred, the woman warrior was at her highest refinement. She flowed in perfect union with heaven and earth.

Where women found their power In legend and metaphor, it’s the spirit and energy of the Dragons and Tigers that were the original source of power related to the warrior woman. The energy of the Dragon (yin) balanced the energy of the Tiger (yang). The Dragon was a symbol of maturity and the Tiger was a symbol of action, courage and dignity.

For the modern woman, the dragon represents the phase in which she develops a unique level of insight that allows her to connect with her deep inner self, her wishes and aspirations, and then manifest them. The dragon energy provides the ability to always find ways to utilize what is right in front of her. This is the most essential quality of the dragon, being able to clearly see life's endless possibilities. e njoyb e aut yinte rnat io nal .com


With the tiger, on the other hand, there is the energy of dignity, ferocity, sternness and courage. The traits of tigers are power, royalty, protection, generosity, illumination, and unpredictability. The tiger’s amazing trait is their ability for abstract thinking. A tiger can assimilate new information, ascribe it to a source and even a motive, and then react accordingly with an unimaginable swiftness. This is the lesson the tiger brings to the warrior woman. There is quality and hypnosis when the tiger moves. Tigers tread so softly, there is no sound, one won’t know they are there at all. If they are challenged, they'll stop and hold your gaze. There’s kind of a psychological ballet of who will make the first move. The tigers motive discernment is very sophisticated. Their ability is uncanny for distinguishing friend from foe when only fragmentary information is available. When women bring their warrior skills together, they call upon the tiger's energy to help

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them facilitate this strength. As tigers have a commanding presence, women know that they, too, have to cultivate that power into their own mind, body and spirit. Women who have brought their mind, body and spirit together as one, will exude this power and strength. Such women are found to have more charisma and an air of exclusivity and dignity. This is a clear depiction of their tiger traits. There is much to learn from the innate sense of balance, discipline and direction of the lives of these warrior women. Their legends make them perfect archetypes for modern women to be inspired in new ways towards their own quest for success, power and beauty. It’s the inspiration for women to build themselves into their own Brand. For women to retrieve this power and substance - this is the journey.

The book Dragons – Tigers and Lipstick delves into the secret worlds of the ancient masters, sharing lessons that women have seldom been offered before. Each lesson has the potential to awaken you to your own inherent superpower. reserve your copy of Dragons tigers and lipstick and receive a special gift. this insightful book series will hit the stands early 2015. mariacamille.com

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The Beauty

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of Thailand

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if you thought that thailand’s appeal was limited to rich history and breath taking landscapes, you’d be mistaken. What was once mostly a back-packers paradise where you enjoyed an easy-going lifestyle accompanied by good food, the country is now flourishing as a cultural hot spot. Specifically bangkok, the capital city of thailand, brings together both ancient and

modern displays of architecture along with a ubiquitous energy. i personally enjoy bangkok for its melting pot of cultures and international influences. the energy brings together a special connectivity between people, which is matched with a sense of simplicity that fosters a mosaic lifestyle e njoyb e auty int er na ti onal .co m


My home base while in Bangkok is always the JW Marriott. Here, I am part of a big family. When I arrive, I go right to the spa and see Nathalie Paque, the spa director. She is so warm and inviting and there is always the pleasure of having some time to talk and share. I then enjoy several hours of spa treatments back-to-back. I completely immerse myself into the renewal process – and the JW Marriott spa is the perfect place to do just this. You are never rushed here.

The therapists, who are excellent, seem to have a special way of showing loving attention and never create an unpleasant feeling about “being on the clock� with the pressure to end your treatment at an exact time. This same accommodating grace is evident with everyone on property and makes one feel like being among friends and family.

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JW Marriott, m By Maria Camille

my home base in Bangkok

While at the spa on this la I noticed a new produc beautifully presented o shelf. Its name was La and the package was s and elegant. The display my attention, so I inquire Nathalie who shared th product was what Thai w used to achieve beautifu The foundation of the pr was Lactobacillus DNA, is the natural ingredient yoghurt, which gene healthy cells for the ski course, that’s all I need hear, so I requested a me with the developer to fin more.

Following, you can read terview with Natpak Songpholratchanon ( Kevin) who helps expla beauty of the women’s s Thailand. Needless to sa now a big fan of Lamone

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ast trip, ct line on the amone simple y drew ed with hat the women ul skin. roduct which t from erates in. Of ded to eeting nd out

my inkkawat (called ain the skin in ay, I am e!

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Meet Kevin Songpholratchanon, the progressive new developer of Thailand’s skin care industry

Kevin (Natpakkawat) Songpholratchanon

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The secret of Asian womens beautiful skin is the special herbs that are introduced at a young age via the local diets and sometimes even drinking water.

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Kevin, I love seeing the beautiful skin women in Thailand have. I thought it was simply genetics, but, apparently there are other regimes within their lifestyle and products? asian women love to look and feel beautiful. i believe they even have some advantages with our abundance of plant life, humid climate and the herbal formulas that are introduced at a young age. also, women here in asia understand the importance of cultivating beauty from the inside out.

What are the most favored trends then for lifestyle and beauty? today, the anti-aging approach is a major trend in asian countries. of course, not only women but also men like to look younger than their actual age. Consequently, there is a surge in demand for exploring new foods, yoga, meditation, as well as de-stressing spa therapies to achieve optimal health and beauty.

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After discovering your Lamone skincare product, I’m becoming a big fan. How did you and your wife Nien get started with developing this product? We started with the Magic Root Herbal Hair Tonic product, which has been in my family’s business for more than 40 years. However, we also wanted to create a product that is able to nourish and rejuvenate the skin. Eventually, we initiated an extensive research around the benefits of Lactobacillus DNA towards our immune system for generating healthy cells for skin. This science became the basis of our skincare line we are proud of today. Not many products base their foundation on the cleanser. But, with Lamone, this is the main step – besides the DNA Night Serum. Can you explain why these two steps are the core foundation of beautiful skin? Our products focus is to use the natural ingredients and ancient wisdom we know about in a combination with new technology. The Lamone cleanser is an important exfoliator as well as whitener, all in one step. We use non-irritating amino acids, which has a DNA structure similar to our skin. For this exfoliation, we discovered a gentle naturally derived ingredient called Lactate, which removes old cells without irritating the skin structure. Our Lactate also reduces hyper pigmentation. After the removal of dead skin cells using the cleanser, our DNA Serum is applied in order to

stimulate stem cells. The newly stimulated stem cells will ultimately replenish old cells producing radiant and visibly younger skin. In which countries is Lamone available? What do you want to achieve in the future with Lamone? Lamone is currently available in Thailand as well as Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong. The responses are very positive with a higher demand every year. Furthermore, we are planning on distributing Lamone in the U.S. and Canada by the end of this year. Our vision is to share the beauty that comes from Thailand through our products, which we hope becomes a “must-have” foundation for all anti-aging skincare treatments that women use worldwide. I am aware that it sounds like a big vision, but we need a statement like this to push us further in achieving our dreams.

After meeting Kevin I went on to visit Wat Arun and Wat Pho, two places of spiritual significance. magicrootthailand.com

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Wat Arun The Temple of Dawn 98 enj oy b eaut y i nt ern at ion a l .c o m

n n

unbelievably, there are over 31,200 buddhist temples spread around thailand. in thai these are called Wat. one of these, the Wat arun or the temple of Dawn, is named after aruna, the indian god of Dawn. the legendary Wat arun is one of the most striking landmarks in thailand. this Wat or buddhist temple is an architectural representation of Mount Meru, the center of the world in buddhist cosmology. in the mythology of tibetan buddhism, Mount Meru is a place that simultaneously represents the center of the universe and the single-pointedness of mind sought by adepts. e njoyb e auty int er na tional .com


The Temple o This is one of the largest temples in Bangkok and also one of the oldest constructions that date back over 2000 years. When you view the reclining Buddha statue, which is gold-plated and estimated to be 46 meters long and 15 meters high, it’s just breathtaking. The Buddha's feet are 5 meters long and exquisitely decorated in mother-of-pearl illustrations of auspicious 'laksanas' (characteristics) of the Buddha.

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Wat Pho of The Reclining Buddha Wat Pho became the ďŹ rst public university in Thailand, specializing in religion, science and literature. Now, the center provides traditional Thai massage and medicine, so after you walk around the temple be sure to stay for a relaxing treatment.

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YUM SOUP a H e a lt H y liFeStyle reCiPe

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tom yum Koong soup is the most popular in thailand an this soup is so good, because this ancient recipe contains ing lemongrass is an anti-bacterial and antioxidant, Kaffir lime l it’s the strategy in thailand to keep ancien

INGREDIENTS 3 Thai chilies 2 tablespoons fish sauce 3 kaffir lime leaves 1 lemongrass, cut in pieces - 4-5 inches long each and pound to release the flavor 2 limes 5 sprigs cilantro 5 mushrooms, clean and cut in half 5 medium-large shrimp, vein and remove shells 4 cups water

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nd also very well-known in europe, japan, and the uSa. gredients that help with blood circulation and prevent illness. leaf is good for the blood, and red Chili is rich in vitamin C. nt wisdom integrated within the lifestyle.

PREPARATION 1. Place water in a medium pot over high heat. Add the lemongrass and leftover lemongrass stalks. Bring to a boil for 5 minutes. 2. Add fish sauce, the juice of 1 lime, and crushed Thai Chilies into the bowls. 3. When soup reaches a bubbling boil, reduce heat to medium. Remove the stem from the kaffir lime leaves then add the leafy part to the pot. 4. Add the shrimp then turn the heat off. Leave until shrimp are pink and plump. Ladle shrimp and soup into bowls immediately. Top with cilantro. 5. Now taste-test the soup, checking for flavor. TIPS: 1. Don't leave shrimp sitting in the warm broth too long, they will get overcooked 2. Too salty - add more lime. Too sour - add sugar. Too spicy - add coconut milk.

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Your day will go the way the corners of your mouth turn


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