Enjoy Beauty International

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enjoy beauty i n t e r n at i o n a l Ideas for living a beautiful lifestyle

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Living in the Trees by Beatrice Hochegger Tree houses and the inspiration behind their unique architectural designs

10 The Future and Evolution of Lifestyle Mia A. Mackman, Founder and President of Arizona Spa & Wellness Association shares lifestyle trends

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Passionate Living by Casie Orion

Sharon Krahn of K6 Wellness and Developer of K6 Skincare shares her personal journey to health and her professional insights on maintaining wellness and healthy skin

82 Spiritual Nomad

Shaman John Paul Fishbach travels for the spiritual insights

78 Family Travel How a family traveled the world to ďŹ nd their new home e njoyb e auty int er national .com


HEALING RETREATS OF THE WORLD Asclepios Wellness Retreat and Spa An Advanced Healing Retreat in Costa Rica

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Samasati Retreat and Rainforest Sanctuary: The building of the ďŹ rst Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica

MEET THE TEAM Casie Orion Production Manager and Writer shares her inspiration

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GUEST ARTISTS The Art of Life: Connie Baxter Marlow & Andrew Cameron Bailey. Two creative visionaries bringing an evolutionary leap in consciousness



96 Burma, Bicycles, and Buddhist Temples by Casie Orion Andronikki Canelake, a travel enthusiast discovers Burma on a bicycle

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From planning lifestyle businesses at an incubator hub in Bali, to filming documentaries while traveling the world, to building the first yoga retreat in Costa Rica, people are finding the Art of combining living and working into a lifestyle. Currently, while on assignment in Puerto Viejo, on the Caribbean side of Costa Rica, I’m discovering a new type of world of traveler from both Europe and U.S. who are becoming new residents incubating the art of their work and life in the most interesting ways. And, this last fall, while in Bali, I met people with the same types of vision on the other side of the world. As I’ve been an enthusiastic traveler and seer of the world through business, sports and projects

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for over 30 years, I continue to be inspired with the many ways people are taking their ideas to new levels. People are living their ideas. It takes a certain type of courage and mind set to change course from normal standards and listen to your heart when following your dreams in a foreign country. Gasp . . . . . think about all that can go wrong! Hurrah, for the people who go do it anyway. As the song in Dark Side of the Moon so truthfully points out: “All you do, and all you see, is all you’ll ever be.” What this verse has meant to me when life has opened a new path - is that no matter what challenges there are, look to see the art of life in the change. This is where you find your depth and grow your spirit. Maria Camille in Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

Maria Camille

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FounDer anD PubliSHer Maria Camille

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liFeStyle CorreSPonDent Mia A. Mackman

ProDuCtion – eDiting ManagerS Casie Orion and Beatrice Hochegger

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Living in th Tree Houses: The Future of Eco Retreats? By Beatrice Hochegger

Were you a child who loved to play outside in nature, climb trees and dream of your own tree house? thanks to some very inspiring architects from around the world, the wish of living close to nature is coming true for many. the focus is becoming mainstream for developing sustainable homes, hotels and eco resorts within trees and parks that help escape the stressful and concrete driven city life.

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e Trees

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APPR OACH ON E One with the Birds

A wonderful approach of building sustainable tree houses serving as temporary hotels is the project “One With the Birds” which was developed by Penda, a design collective with its roots in Vienna, Austria and Beijing, China. One With the Birds was developed as part of the AIM Legend of the Tent competition taking place in China. The goal was to create a tentthemed, low-impact hotel that connects with nature. The unique concept, inspired by Native American tipis, is built from a bamboo structural foundation, which is very flexible and can be expanded vertically and horizontally. Being in one of these “Bamboo Tree Houses” not only creates the feeling of floating, but also provides the experience of a child climbing a tree along with amazing views and being one with the birds. This is exactly the feeling many of us are seeking. 12 enj oy be auty i nt ern at ion a l .c om

The biggest advantage of One with the Birds tree houses is that the innovative design is built in a responsible and eco-friendly way with materials which are not fixed with nails, but instead tied together with rope so the bamboo is not damaged and can be reused to rebuild the tree house in other locations.

How an architect thinks

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APPR OACH T WO Tree Snake Houses

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This is the creation of the Portugal based design studio of LuĂ­s Rebelo de Andrade and Tiago Rebelo de Andrade. They have been working together with the architect Diogo Aguiar to create a wonderful and innovative eco-resort within the famous spa town of Parque de Pedras Salgadas in Portugal.

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The project consists of seven “tree snake houses,” which have been built in harmony with the beautiful nature surrounding it. Because of the flat level the cabins are built on and the colors of the wood and slate tiles used, the structures take on the look of a snake that is gliding between the trees.

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All of the structures consist of an entrance, bathroom, living room and sleeping area that offer a peaceful getaway for visitors of the park. Using a prototype tested new technology that allows for easy-carrying and weightless construction, the architects were able to protect the sacred spaces of nature. Furthermore, building the tree houses out of native raw materials like slate and wood, solar panels, a water reuse system and LED lighting strengthened the characteristics of being an eco retreat. Finally, I was asking myself the question: Are tree houses the future of eco resorts? In my opinion, it is definitely a possibility. Driven by the trend of being green and sustainable as well as going back to the roots, the offer of retreats that are aware of the nature and mother earth is growing. The change of thinking and the desire to escape a busy lifestyle create a new demand and fortunately, the tourism and wellness industry is responding to it. A great variety of eco resorts in the form of tree houses gives people with different needs and income levels the chance to reconnect with nature and hopefully, this movement will grow in the future.

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Teva Skin Science has combined modern peptide research w honored Ayurvedic anti-aging botanicals. And, it’s 100% org


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ith time ganic!

Teva Skin Science, LLC

42 Senator Reynolds Rd, # 205

Asheville, NC 28804• 828-545-0842

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Meet the Enjoy Beauty Team WELCOMING CASIE ORION


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Photo © ron Chilston

We love that you are a free-spirit but you are also incredibly focused and driven. How did these qualities come together to prepare you for your position at enjoy beauty international (ebi) magazine? I would say the free-spirit part of me fueled the fire to pursue my dreams in the first place. It has given me the courage to take the time to really discover what it is I want to create in my life; I didn’t force myself to take a certain path because it was expected of me. I love to travel so I took trips around the country every chance I got and all those experiences have been so valuable in gaining fresh perspectives. After spending some time on the road and feeling a little aimless, I looked further into what my focus was and how that drive came into play. It kind of reminds me of the horse and chariot analogy- the driver of the chariot has to take the reins and focus the energy to guide the horses or else they would run wild. The horses or passion also need to be strong in order to keep the chariot going. It’s a game of balance and I think the achievements come once you believe in the power of your will and are able to master your spirit.

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Jerome is home

you’ve been writing since you were a young child. Have you always known you wanted to be a writer? Storytelling in written form has always been my main channel to express my emotions and creative side. It was a way for me to make sense of the world around me and the emotions I was feeling. However, it wasn’t until after a huge life change a few years ago that I realized that I wanted to become a professional writer. That’s definitely when the free-spirit part of me became useful because I needed to break free of the mental barriers that were holding me back from going after my dreams.

as an assignment editor, you get to write and travel- two of your greatest passions! How has this changed your lifestyle? I get to spend much more time doing what I love and it has been an amazing shift in my life. I definitely have had to keep myself grounded in the process to maintain focus, so when I’m home I really value routine and simple rituals to keep me centered. I appreciate when I’m home but I’m always looking forward to that next adventure!

Photo © ron Chilston

Casie and her friends

Where do you call home? That’s a complicated question to answer, but mostly my home is in Jerome, Arizona because it’s where I feel the most peace. Years ago I had wandered through the crooked but charming

little mountain town and fell in love with it. I always knew I would live there someday and sure enough ended up there after a series of synchronicities. There was an immediate kinship among the free-spirited locals and a sense of belonging that I had never experienced. I e njoyb e aut yinte rnatio nal .co m


have since moved to Prescott (20 miles on the other side of Mingus Mountain) where my son attends school, but jerome will always be my home. i’ve made lifelong friends there and it’s always nice to know that you have community to come to when you need a hug or just a good laugh. What’s your vision for your professional future? Well, i’m very excited to be part of ebi magazine’s growth. it’s a beautiful publication with some very special people involved in its creation. aside from continuing to develop my skills, i’m also looking forward to doing more international travel for ebi and exploring more of the world. these rich experiences i gain from travel are tools for my writing- i hope to share these stories and spark inspiration in others to follow their dreams and reach their full potential in life.

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Photo Š ron Chilston


Arizona Spa & Wellness Association The Arizona Spa & Wellness Association is proud to announce general public memberships. Previously an Association dedicated to industry professionals, this new initiative is designed to enhance consumer awareness and share insight and information about the vibrant spa and wellness offerings in Arizona through a powerful network of local resources and rewarding partnerships. We focus on prevention, personal health and celebrate the unique spa and wellness facilities throughout Arizona and worldwide. This Membership is free and includes: • Monthly Spa/Wellness Newsletter • Local and Global Spa and Wellness Resources • Invitations to our 2015-2016 events in Arizona • Wellness Networking, Relationships and Lifestyle Support Please visit our website at: azspawell.com

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n Krahn


AND HOW SHE MAKES THE MOST OF NATURE’S MEDICINE CABINET. e njoyb e aut yinte rnatio nal .com



THE KEY 6 components to health:

My health began a slow and steady downturn in my early twenties aecting my active life. Constant fatigue, inability to lose weight, and several other disturbing symptoms presented themselves. By the time I had my third miscarriage, the realization came that it was time to investigate and run some tests. Finding out it was an autoimmune disease causing my health issues, forced a change in perspective regarding my health and life. I maintain that being diagnosed with Lupus was the best thing that ever happened to me health-wise!

A LIFESTYLE TRANSFORMATION Fear turned to action and I sought help from a Naturopath. SigniďŹ cant changes were made to my diet and lifestyle which began addressing

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Rest Fresh Water Exercise Fresh Air Real Food Inner Peace

and eliminating the underlying factors creating my illness. Once I began listening to my body, it was evident how much diet and lifestyle mattered and this began an incredible journey to discovering the healing power of nature.

Sharon gets a bike ride in while shopping at the Dallas Farmers Market

MOMENT OF CLARITY AND CALLING The journey opened my eyes to a new way of living and offered great new possibilities.

As I began to reap the rewards of my new lifestyle, namely – I went from spending days confined to my bed due to headaches and overwhelming fatigue to being able to go for long walks several days each week. I just knew it was time to pursue the study of Naturopathy

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– it was my calling… my passion! In 2005, I graduated and began my practice. Over the next several years, opportunities to speak, teach, and serve an international clientele became available. I studied under Dr. Ellen Cutler and trained doctors in her protocols as well as being called on as a speaker on various radio shows and in wellness events. It’s been an amazing journey!

MAKING THE MOST OF NATURE’S MEDICINE CABINET Through my practice, I saw many issues with personal and lifestyle products clients brought in because they were having reactions. Being a self-proclaimed Do-It-Your-selfer, I encouraged my clients to use simple ingredient combinations to create products that worked for their needs. It became difficult to monitor the successes and failures of these end products so I decided to produce my own line of skincare products centered on serving consumers with very sensitive skin yet that would be effective for all skin types. As I carefully developed my products, it was clear that the process of how the ingredients were combined was very important; it was so much bigger than just having a list of good ingredients.

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Aloe and other fresh ingredients are carefully combined to create K6 Skincare

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MOTIVATION TO LIVING WELL When I’m not working with clients at the office, I do my best to practice what I teach. I spend a lot time outside in the fresh air- beginning my day with a bike ride or a run, then hitting the farmer’s market for fresh produce signs of healthy skin: and herbs for the home and office. Spending time with my daughters and playing in the kitchen with fresh ingredients developing skin care products brings me great joy and satisfaction. I continue to cultivate inner peace by taking time alone daily to practice my spiritual beliefs.

THE KEY 6 Smoothness Even Tone Even Texture Unnoticeable Pores Luminous Color Proper Hydration

PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER It’s all about how you put everything together that makes a world of difference in your health. You can consume great food, but how you prepare it matters greatly. If you cook it in the microwave, you negate so much of the nutrients!

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My staff and I give very careful consideration to each client’s needs, their background, and their lifestyle before making any recommendations. It is this level of careful observation and combined decades of experience that have allowed thousands of clients to be successfully served over the years.

Good health doesn't stop in the office; the K6 staff enjoys a nice walk to get some fresh air

A FORCE OF NATURE My vision for both the K6 Wellness Center and K6 Skin Care line continues to lead me down exciting paths. A passion for learning about exciting developments in technology and a deep respect for nature continue to influence all as-

pects of the work I do. Expanding my reach and developing more seminars/retreats in the very near future promise to keep me moving as an active force in the growing field of Natural Health. k6wellness.com k6skin.com

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The Building of the First Yoga Retreat in Costa Rica by Maria Camille

in 1994, Samasati existed only as a thought. at the time, the concept of a yoga center being developed as a yoga resort was a new concept. the inspiration came as four friends; billy gonzales, originally from argentina, Silvia and Chira Zani and Max Monti all from italy were studying at an ashram in india. the dream became reality when they purchased 270 acres of dense rainforest jungle situated on a steep mountainside overlooking the Caribbean ocean in an area known as Puerto Viejo in Costa rica - about 100 miles from the Panama border.

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The following story, told by Billy Gonzales, shares how the four friends accomplished the almost impossible project I was born in Argentina and came from a rather poor family. When I was young, I had no toys, so I mostly read books. I was a voracious reader and wanted to know about far o places such as India and Asia. By the time I was 16, I was gone from home with the focus to travel the world. I went to Goa, India to study with a spiritual master. At this time, I took part in building many very large projects that were pretty impossible to conceive or even make happen. I was a creator and a visionary. While in India, I met Chiara, Silvia and Max who were also studying with the Master. They became my best friends and partners with a close relationship that has lasted for over 30 years.

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While in India, I had a position of privilege and was going through many life changes. I lived in monasteries and ashrams starting at 18. I had a huge energy for life to do and see all I could. After our teacher passed, we eventually went to Costa Rica. When we arrived, we only had one phone number, which was of a woman who was a lawyer and singer. She was quite interesting. She was also very connected and became a good friend. Here we started visualizing what a perfect yoga retreat could be if we were to build one. What would it look like? What would be the perfect Eco retreat that was also a resort. How would it help the community? How would we design it and run it? We stayed up late every night to visualize this. For fun, we started looking at properties, but never planned to buy. We just wanted to look. We had no funds to make a purchase anyway.

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We started putting our visualization of the project on paper. It was quite a package by the time we ďŹ nished. In fact, it was very impressive. We ended up sharing the project with our lady friend, the lawyer. She was quite impressed and said that the project was very viable. She really loved it!! Now, the idea was no joke. People were taking us seriously. But, we still had no funds. 46 en j oy be au ty in ter n a t ion a l .c o m

We never really planned on building the retreat – it was more of a “what if” idea. It was all fantasy – a blank canvas.

Like most starting out, we went to our friends and families first and asked for their thoughts. We raised $30,000, then another $20,000. Meantime, we focused on a piece of property we felt could be perfect. It was jungle land in the Puerto Viejo area on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. We put a deal together, however, the night before we closed, the family decided not to sell and if we wanted the land, we e njoyb e auty int er na ti onal .co m


would now have to pay about three times as much as the original deal. So we let this property go.

A Magical Turn of Events At this time, our lawyer friend told us about another property that was for sale. It turned out 48 enj oy b eau t y in t er n a t io n a l .c om

to be right next to the property we just turned down!! Both properties actually touched. The man who owned the land was wonderful. He was like the towns sheri. Every one went to him when there were problems. He was older and had such a beautiful charming spirit and was also quite humorous.

So, with the funds of $30,000 we had enough to make the first payment. The man soon became our mentor showing us how the best way to build out the property along with best people and companies to use within the local area. He was an extraordinary person. When he passed on seven years into the project, we felt we had lost a true friend.

Thus, began the lineage of Samasati Mountain Now, we had a mountain and made a payment, but did not have much left of our first funds. But, we had enough to start building a road up the mountain. This project alone was almost enough to make us think – “what have we taken on??” During the building of the road, it rained more than any other time in over 100 years. We were stuck in mud up to our knees and equipment would break down constantly.

This man took us to see his property on horseback. It turned out to be much better than the former property next to it. It also had no encumbrances and was ready to sell. We bought the property!! The man gave us a very fair deal of making one payment per year for 5 years – with no interest.

Finding New Funding Soon, we started getting people interested in our project. I believe it came from our energetic enthusiasm for our project. People could feel our hearts. We started receiving funds through selling shares in the project. e njoyb e auty int er na tional .co m


We put it all into the buildings. We lived on the property with no shelter starting out – when we finished the first building, we were so happy just to have a roof and be able to get in out of the rain! Then we hit a big impasse. All funding seemed to dry up. Nothing happened! 50 enj oy be auty in tern a t ion a l .c o m

Timing is Everything The situation of no funding was looking dim, but then a friend introduced us to a spiritual man from India and he became intrigued with our project. Within 3 days, he decided to provide us with funds and wrote a check out for $500,000. There were no lawyers involved

and no red tape. He just funded us! But, we had interest to pay, and so had to make the funds work and pay off quickly. As we were dedicated to be an Eco Resort, we stayed true to our plans and used no electricity or tractors during the building of the retreat. During construction, we had over 52 people working. We set up crews and paid each crew by the work they accomplished. We cooked for everyone.

We had an enormous amount of divine support About the same time, we booked our first guests - a scientific group from Switzerland. They gave us a deposit and would be arriving in 6 months. We still had no resort at this time – so six months became our deadline!!

We built 15 beautiful bungalows that were situated within the trees of the rainforest jungle. We designed them so they all had individual views of the ocean below and keen positions within the tops of trees. When the Swiss group arrived, we were still working on the large opened air restaurant. In fact, only one hour before they arrived did we hammer the last nail. Now, we switched gears and got ready to cook dinners and host our guests. We learned from trial and error. We did not know how run operations or anything, but we learned from the bottom up. It was all a test. Many things went wrong, but it worked! At this time an actor came to Samasati. His name was John and he visited nine times in one year. He soon started referring Samasati to others. Then, our true break came. He had an editor from American Airlines interview us. The feature was put in American Airlines magazine. After that, Samasati was booked for 1 years.

Fast forward 20 years later... e njoyb e auty int er national .com


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Welcome to Samasati A Transformative Travel Experience

Your Adventure Begins Here 10% OFF IN APRIL 2015 If you stay 5 nights or more Mention code: Nature Air

Welcome to Samasati Your Adventure Begins Here • Casitas in a Rainforest Sanctuary • Caribbean Beach House • Private Beach Club • Retreat – Spa - Activities Located on the beautiful Caribbean Ocean of Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica

www.samasati.com reservations@samasati.com Toll free: 800 563 9643 CR: (506) 8833-2302 Skype: samasati.retreat CostaRicaSamasatiNatureRetreat e njoyb e aut yinte rna t io nal .com


A custom homes at Samarcanda

Would you like to move to the Caribbean? And . . . . . have it be affordable? Here’s a beautiful choice: 30 lots for sale Located adjacent to the Samasati Retreat and Rainforest Sanctuary sits the Samarcanda Gated Community, which is nestled on 250 acres of primary rainforest famous for its beauty and purity. With spectacular views overlooking the Costa Rica’s beautiful Caribbean coast Samarcanda Gated Community is only 4 miles from the worlds best pristine beaches, reefs and scuba diving.

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Samarcanda Gated Community sits on a majestic mountain, which is just minutes away from Puerto Viejo, Cocles and Punta Uva where you’ll find great music, rich culture and fabulous food. is area of Costa Rica is within an hours drive of Panama, Roatan and other exotic destinations of the south Caribbean. Samarcanda Gated Community is the only project in the heart of the South Caribbean rainforest that is based on a vision of sustainable real estate development. e community has 30 exclusive independent living home sites for sale, ranging from 0.5 to 2 acres. e community has its

own water from natural springs and is a prime location for sustainable living. Lots with expansive ocean and forest canopy views start at $ 50,000, with financing opportunities. Home plans are available and can be built by our craftsman in 5 months. Homes in the community are ideal for vacation getaways, permanent living or income property! Regulated by the Costa Rican condominium law, this Gated Community allows each owner exclusive ownership of their property along with a clear title guarantee. î “ere is joint ownership of the common areas consisting of the Biological Reserve and of the Private national Park all with gated community security and protection.

RePReSentation: samarcandacr@gmail.com Contact U.S.: Silvia Zani: 719-445-8952 Contacts Costa Rica: Billy Gonzalez (506) 8371 5380 Kimberly Lindo (506) 8844 2895

Samarcanda Gated Community is located 10 kilometers South of Cahuita national Park. GPS map coordinates are latitude 9.65361, longitude -82.81671

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A World-Class Retreat based on the Sacred Sciences of Greece Alajuela, Costa Rica

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Medicine in greece has always been a part of the sacred sciences. it was a science that integrated philosophy, magic, religion and art. the myth of asclepius (which the asclepios resort was named after) is that he was the son of the god apollo and the mortal Coronis. asclepius learned the art of healing from both apollo and the centaur Chiron. the name and fame of asclepius was well known as he was such a wonderful healer returning lost health to the sick, and life to the dead.

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today, throughout the Hellenic archipelago, there are over 410 preserved ruins of these ancient healing centers, which were called "asklepeions." a healing center with this ancient greek description is what i found at asclepios. My stay was absolutely wonderful with options such as an original Hamman, a salt water oat room (that was my high-point) along with outdoor plunge pools and every type of treatment room imaginable.

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The Asclepios Mission the mission at asclepios is for everyone who visits to actively participate in their wellbeing. Pure air, pure water, pure food, pure thoughts are essential to good health and happiness. asclepios delivers these components for your stay. i was impressed during my visit to asclepios as no cost seemed to stop the building out of all that was necessary to deliver the traditional health techniques of greece, and, not only with regard to the physical body, but the psyche also.

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The Inspiration behind Asclepios – Marisia Jiménez

studied homeopathy at regent’s College in london.

Marisia jiménez, owner and developer of asclepios is from San jose, Costa rica and a professional naturopath who graduated from Daniel Kieffer’s european College of traditional Holistic naturopathy in Paris, France.

Marisia has also studied the Flower essence systems, such as Dr. bach’s original method, along with andreas Korte and the local Costa rican essences. Marisia uses flower essences as a complementary therapy for all mental and emotional healing processes, which she believes are almost always at the root of disharmony and disease in the human being. before becoming involved in the healing field, Marisia worked as a lawyer for 17 years, and holds an honors degree in law from the autonomous university of Central america, in Costa rica.

During her stay in Paris, Marisia studied at the Michel larroche School, learning about energy medicine and the analysis and recoding of cells. then the Patrick Drouot Method taught her the techniques and applications of the Science of Consciousness, while she also

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A Sample of a Week-Long Healing Program: Programs at asclepios run from Monday through Sunday, every week of the year. (the recommended stay for programs are one week, but three weeks are even better for the entire program.)

A typical week’s program includes: organic and biodynamic meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner Participation in daily fitness activities Complimentary use of fitness center and water therapy suites, which include an ionized natural pool, cold plunge, and jacuzzi.

Plus 3 acupuncture sessions 1 Podoreflexology 1 lymphatic massage with aromatherapy 2 Scottish showers 1 Hammam +body scrub + wrap 1 Healing stone massage 1 nutrition consultation 2 Sauna and rest sessions 1 Cooking class 68 en joy beau t y in t er n a tio n a l .c om

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Haute SPF Sun Protection with benefits

Don't be afraid of the sun! Cruise tested in the sunny Gulf-Coast waters of South Florida, our AwardWinning SunProtect SPF30+ contains micronized (non-nano) FullSpectrum Earth Minerals (Zinc & Iron Oxides) at a concentration of 20% by weight for the ultimate in easily applied natural barrier protection. Heavenly scent and never any ghostly white sheen! Based in a 100% organic and Ayurvedic botanical formula of shea butter and healing herbal infusions, this sun protection is long-lasting, child safe and leaves your skin in great condition. Fortified with our exclusive Deva Bright anti-hyperpigmentation organic actives, including essential carrot and citronella oils, this Sun Block helps prevent and reverse dark spots and freckling, and naturally repels pesky flying insects. Water resistant up to 2 hours. See for yourself why this product was a Summer Skincare Editor's Pick in Organic Spa Magazine!

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SPF addict SPF while looking Fabulous

SPF ADDICT was conceived out of a simple desire to help protect skin from the sun’s harmful rays, without compromising personal style. Founder Marina Arnold, R.N. has dedicated the majority of her 30year career to the cosmetic dermatology ďŹ eld. After treating a countless number of patients, young and old, with sun-damaged skin, she realized the importance of pro-active sun protection beyond the scope of just lotions. Because of our mission to deliver the highest quality line of fashionable sun protective wear, we work with manufacturers throughout the U.S.A. to ensure an optimal level of craftsmanship goes into each of our pieces. Our fabrics are tested for a UPF rating of 50+, blocking 98% of rays that can cause skin cancer and premature aging.


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The Future and Evo


ver the last ten years, our lives have dramatically changed as a result of new technologies. For many of us, the ways we live and do business have changed forever. The tipping point of these new technologies has spawned a new division of the global workforce, allowing people to work from the comforts of home or while traveling and exploring the globe. This has also rapidly amplified our ability to share information and multiply our social and professional networks. These newfound freedoms and flexibilities have transformed the way we look at our lifestyles. Today, heading to the office may 72 enjoy beauty int er n a t ion al .c om




olution of Lifestyle By Mia A. Mackman

Founder and President of arizona Spa & Wellness association

mean remaining at home, sitting in a favorite coffee shop, a hotel lobby or on a lounge chair by the beach. The ability for many people to work is virtually at our fingertips.



5 AND 2012

According to an American Community Survey, “telecommuting has risen 79 percent between 2005 and 2012.” This estimate includes 2.6 percent or 3.3 million full-time U. S. teleworkers in 2012. GlobalWorkplaceAnalytics.com sites the statistical growth of telecommuting in the U.S. throughout a myriad of different industries, with all data pointing the continuous growth of this dynamic remote workforce. e njoyb e auty int er na tional .com


What does this mean for the future of our lifestyles? It means the lines will continue to cross between life, work and social experiences. The task of balancing our freedom and flexibility will become essential. New tools will endure to help people cope, manage busy routines, and assist in performance, metrics and business management. Some of these new technologies already include 3-D printing, holographic imaging and an expansive line of virtual reality and wellness devices. Wearable devices are only the beginning of technology merging with our biology and lifestyle. This increase in technology will create an enhanced need for person-to-person connectivity, with a rise in new social activities to substitute the experiences of meeting people “at work” and having regular face-to-face engagement. Finding a healthy, social equilibrium will be key to enjoying the freedom and flexibility of working on a version of Cloud 9.



WIDE In addition to the growing number of people in the remote workforce, educational programs and home schooling platforms are seeing similar growth. Together these two elements are redefining the conventional family. When living nearby work or school are no longer household factors, the doors to the world are open wide. These are major shifts in our lifestyle definitions and they will directly impact how we exist and interact in the world in our future lifestyles.

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Welcome to


new Work Space Hubud in Ubud, Bali is an exquisite example of how a natural paradise can be abundant with creativity, productivity and wonderful benefits. The innovative-minded entrepreneurs who started Hubud [Hub-in-Ubud] wanted to design a collaborative working space for a diverse community of locals and visiting tourists. This space hosts people from around the world including travelers, programmers, designers, entrepreneurs and remote workers. Hubud continues to gain attention and popularity as new ideas are being launched worldwide from this inspirational co-working space.

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Other components we are seeing on the rise are business travel and teleconferences. Meetings no longer require the traditional environment of a boardroom. Many executives and business professionals around the world are combining business meetings with retreat experiences, as a way to add more depth and discovery to the meeting process. This approach is rich with inspiration and balances the intensity of work with a healthy combination of relaxation and rejuvenation. Companies are beginning to recognize the importance of company-wide wellness and employee health is becoming a high priority. Ultimately, our lifestyles are rapidly evolving. The future holds exciting opportunities and incredible technologies that guarantee more freedom and flexibility for all of us. How we choose to use that freedom and enjoy that flexibility is up to each of us. One thing is certain in order to live well in any lifestyle; it’s important to follow your heart. Do what you love. Believe in yourself and make your routine one that supports your happiness, growth and personal measures of success. Whatever your path, embrace your lifestyle. Be grateful for your freedom and stretch your legs to remind yourself; you always have the flexibility to choose. Choosing a path that empowers you to live a beautiful, satisfying life is the essence and beauty of a life well lived. Follow on Twitter: @MiaMackman

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Sell Everything!! Then travel the world to find your new home THE LESSONS I LEARNED i had been living in brooklyn with my husband noah and then-2-year-old daughter lila. “let’s sell everything we own and travel,” said noah one afternoon.“that’s insane,” i thought, and then before it came out of my mouth, i said “Why not?” and, that is exactly what we did. We weren’t happy anymore in brooklyn. the life felt too confining with children. We wanted space. We wanted to explore the world. We knew we wanted something different, but we had no idea what to expect. So, we slowly sorted through our things, got rid of what we didn’t need and packed a few small bags to take along on our journey. e njoyb e aut yinte rnat io nal .com


It’s been seven years since we locked the door of our Brooklyn apartment for the last time, and in that time, we’ve traveled through four continents, 25 countries, and I-don’t-know how many cities. Each place showed us something new, something unique, something beautiful. I loved the yoga, the artist community and the farmers’ market in Buffalo. France offered gorgeous scenery and amazing food. In Panama, we lived on a tiny island with no roads or even a path to ride a bicycle. The rhythmic sound of waves sloshing under our house woke us each morning. We made friends all over the planet, and each time we left, we had to say another goodbye. You get good at goodbyes. You leave space in your life for people who live far away yet you learn to keep them close anyway. Most of all, I understood how the act of travel shows you how to be happy when not connected to a place. In truth, there is no one place in the world that will serve all your needs. Nowhere and nothing is perfect. The best thing you can do is focus on that which makes you most happy and balance everything else. How does one pick up everything to move? Ask yourself, “Am I happy?” Are you truly content where you are living and with what you’re doing? If not, what would you rather do. The key to leaving everything you know, I believe, is that when you leave, you must move toward something you want, not running from some80 enj oy b eau t y i nt e rn a t i on a l .c o m

thing you want to escape. Once you make the decision, commit to it by purchasing a ticket to somewhere you’ve always wanted to go. Between then and the time you leave, you slowly start sorting through everything you own. Sell or donate what you don’t want, keep only what you must have. You’ll find you need far less than you think, and the longer you travel, the less you need. In fact, experiences become your comfort instead of things. How do you decide when you want to stay?

One day, you’ll feel tired of the constant movement. You’ll have seen enough places and slept in enough beds, so that when you arrive in a place that’s for you, you’ll know. You’ll find a place to live, choose your favorite places to buy groceries and you don’t want to leave, not yet, just one more day.

Future Is Red. (thefutureisred.com) I also cofounded a Creative Revolution Retreats (creative-revolution.com) with the fabulous Jeannie Mark of Nomadic Chick (nomadicchick.com). We run Writing, Yoga and Renewal retreats for women. Together, we work to help you let your own metamorphosis begin.

I wandered in such a way for three years before settling in NW Argentina. Now, I live in the mountains and I write for a living. You can see my writing plus get advice and prompts to spark your own writing career on my blog The

The biggest lesson of all? You must leave yourself open to not-knowing exactly what will happen. Let yourself be guided by serendipity as you enjoy each moment, place and experience.

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Spiritual Nomad INTERVIEW WITH A TRAVELING SHAMAN By Maria Camille The sacred temple of Pura Pasar Agung 82 enj oy be au tyi nt e r n a tio n a l .c om


While on assignment in Costa Rica, I caught up with world traveling shaman named John Paul Fischbach. We discussed the phenomenon I’ve been noticing of increasing numbers of spiritual travelers. John Paul shared his thoughts: “We have the exciting chance and rare opportunity to create a better world, and many of us are being called to re-member and reconnect with sacred sites around the planet” Beauty, community, love, peace, abundance, harmony …. These are the values that are leading many of us to pull up roots and journey to other places. Over the past four years I’ve met many fellow travelers who repeat the same phrase, “I don’t know, I just felt a call to be here.” I now refer to us as spiritual nomads; travelers exploring this amazing planet, honoring the magnetic pull, and letting our souls guide us to places of deep spiritual significance. So many of us are in motion. We no longer look for the perfect place to spend our lives… we look for the next place. When we give up trying to control our destiny allow the river to carry us, amazing things start to happen. We

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find kindred spirits among our fellow travelers. These aren’t the coincidental relationships that used to happen on holiday, these are opportunities for deep conversations. We meet each other with a shared feeling of re-connecting at a deep level about the amazing multidimensional world. We have conversations that are affirmations and re-affirmations of our journey. We exchange lists of must see and must do. We exchange exciting stories of discovery imbued with the energy of explorers. If you hear the call or feel that unsettling feeling, I suggest you heed the “little voice” and set out. The earth has power spots. These spots communicate directly with your soul. It feels like coming home. It feels like a calling to do and see and be.

Traveling to Scared Sites John Paul’s unique gift is being a “site whisperer” He travels to sacred sites and asks the spirits of the place to share wisdom, stories and answer questions about the history, creation, use and power of the site. When I asked him how this works he explained, “I think that the time is right for the sharing of information. When I go to these places with an attitude of honor, humility, love and respect, the spirits of the place appear and are eager and happy to show me around, share knowledge and answer questions. Sometimes it is channelling a spirit guide and some times it is seeing a parallel dimension.

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Caption Here Machu Pichu

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After chatting with the spirits from the Stone Age I emerge from a burial crypt Taversoe Tuick on the Barren Orkney Islands of far Northern Scotland.

John shared that he will be producing a documentary series, which will offer 4 bridges of understanding into the mystery of these sacred sites. What does archaeology tell us about a site? What does legend and oral tradition tell us? What can we learn from the physics and magnetic energy of the site? And finally, what do the spirits have to share?

“I often tell people to use the Medicine Wheel as your compass. If you are currently living North of the Equator…

If you are ready to explore and undertake a Spiritual nomadic quest John Paul offers this suggestion.

Your first destination is just the starting place. There is so much to learn and discover that the journey never ends.”

• • • •

If it is wisdom you seek head north If it is emotional clarity head west If it mental clarity head east If it is trust head south


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the Heart of organics

We found Synthesis over a year ago and have never stopped loving it! This product is what we would refer to as a product that is “energy imbued.” Starting with the ingredients to the manufacturer, the products are always kept within a perfect vibrational setting to nurture beauty and spirit. So, let your light shine! The Synthesis Brighten Vitamin C Serum provides the natural energy found in anti-oxidants, minerals, enzymes and vital nutrients to illuminate timeless beauty and natural flowering. Reveal a more even, clear and toned complexion, a lightness of being, an inner glow, a pure radiance.



brighten – by Synthesis

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The Art of Life

TWO CREAT LEAP traditional Zuni Clifford Mahooty is featured in the film: The First Fifty Years: Freedom and Friendship at Plymouth Plantation

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VISIONARIES COME TOGETHER, COMBINING THEIR ATIVE TALENTS TO HELP BRING AN EVOLUTIONARY IN CONSCIOUSNESS TO HUMANITY It was a match made in Heaven, but it wasn’t until Connie Baxter Marlow and Andrew Cameron Bailey met here on Earth at a 2003 gathering of wisdom keepers that they discovered their shared mission and vision: the search for humanity’s path to a higher way of being.

“It’s pretty amazing that we came together in our mid-fifties, after having lived such divergent lives. Andrew and I have different backgrounds, but such complementary talents in writing, photography and filmmaking. We've spiraled each other up to much higher levels

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of productivity and effectiveness than we could have achieved separately,” says Connie. "Our common interests took us on a journey of discovery, as visionary indigenous elders, consciousness explorers and futurists came into our lives to reveal what we call 'the missing pieces of the paradigm.' ” Being filmmakers and photographers, well aware of the transformative power of image and film, they decided to ask their visionary friends, indigenous and Western, in Africa, the United States and Mexico, two key questions about the origin and future of humanity: Where did we come from? Where are we going? The result was their first collaboration, the 2007 film IN SEARCH OF THE FUTURE: What Do The Wise Ones Know?

Mythical, mystical Monument Valley, Utah, home to the Navajo pe

in talking to wise elders from so many cultures, was there a trending message? “Definitely! First, it's all about love, and second, humanity comes from the stars,” Andrew informs us. "The film presents a number of paradigm-shifting ideas that we expand upon in our second project, the 2013 book THE TRUST FREQUENCY: Ten Assumptions For A New Paradigm. The central message in both the book and the film is that humanity is loved unconditionally by a conscious, loving, interconnected, and abundant Universe, in which each of us has the freedom to create our own reality by the power of our consciousness."

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In the heart, dress, and way of life of the Indigenous people are clu

eople of the American Southwest

ues to a life in balance with all of Creation

What's next? The duo has recently embarked on a challenging new project, THE FIRST FIFTY YEARS: Freedom And Friendship At Plymouth Plantation, a documentary film and feature screenplay/novel investigating America’s inspiring but forgotten origin story - the half-century of peace and friendship between the Mayflower Pilgrims and the Pokanoket Wampanoag Indians at Plymouth Colony between 1621 and 1675. “One reason the two cultures were able to maintain a peaceful relationship for so long was that their visionary leaders shared a Providence-based, Creator-based cosmology of trust in a benevolent higher power," asserts Connie. "It's actually a practical example of the principles we talk about in our earlier film and book.” What does the new project entail? “THE FIRST FIFTY YEARS film reveals the higher purpose of the coming together of the Mayflower Pilgrims, who were seeking self-determination, consent of the governed and separation of church and state, with the Native Americans, who embodied these principles in their traditional way of life," the filmmakers explain. "The story provides inspiration to move forward today from the grounding of America’s origins almost 400 years ago.”

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What other projects are on the horizon for the Dream team? Andrew fills us in. “I recently received an invitation that came directly out of The Trust Frequency book. It's in an embryonic stage at the moment, but it has to do with the next generation of the Internet, artificial intelligence and a future society based on trust. Out of the blue, I got a call from a university professor who had read the book, took it very seriously, and offered me an advisory position as Chairman of the Board of a visionary technology start-up. So, you just never know what's next, when you live in the Trust Frequency.”

Life in the TrustMobile. Nomadic filmmakers confer by the riverside

Filmmakers, photographers, teachers and writers, Connie and Andrew live inspired, spiritguided lives. They travel most of the year in the TrustMobile – a Mercedes Benz Sprinter van that Andrew outfitted as their traveling production vehicle, home and office. Their work synthesizes indigenous cosmology, quantum science, Eastern and Western mysticism and plain common sense into a practical strategy for accessing a higher, happier and more abundant reality. Read all about it in their book: THE TRUST FREQUENCY: Ten Assumptions For A New Paradigm. thetrustFrequency.net inSearchoftheFutureMovie.com www.First50years.us Watch the film in SearCH oF tHe Future online: http://www.Cultureunplugged.com/documentary/watch-online/play/50182/in- SearCH-oF-tHe-Future-What-do-theWise-ones-Know? 92 enjoy beaut yi nte r n a t ion a l .c om

Joyful collaborators

Kokopelli, fertili Southwest meet Science, symbol perspective on t Universe.

7 A’s Create Our Reality

e, with an international peace pole inspiring lofty thoughts

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Andrew in Africa with one of his Kalahari Bushman friends, working on the film IN SEARCH OF THE FUTURE

With expanded AWARENESS and accurate ASSUMPTIONS we choose our ATTITUDE and consciously direct our ATTENTION, ALIGN with our highest inner knowing, take committed ACTION, and ALLOW the loving Universe to manifest beyond our wildest dreams.

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enjoy beauty i n t e r n at i o n a l

Receive your Free copy of Enjoy Beauty International when becoming a VIP LIFESTYLE MEMBER

Dedicated to promoting a beautiful, luxurious and healthy lifestyle, our expert team at enjoy beauty international will report on the best we ďŹ nd from around the globe. every month, you will be treated to an advanced peek at the world’s best beauty and lifestyle products, as well as be taken on a tour of the most special destination spa resorts on the planet.

Becoming a Lifestyle Member is easy. Sign up here

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BURMA, BICYCLES, AND BUDDHIST TEMPLES A Biking Vacation in Burma By Casie Orion

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Andronikki Canelake

ransitioning out of an regime and making sm wards democracy, bu mar), has recently welcome tourists again years of isolation. although, burm becoming a popular travel des country is still untouched by Wes which most feel is a good thing. b on a deep spiritual foundation, wh thousands of awe-inspiring temple

recently, enjoy beauty internation with a travel enthusiast, andronik who cruised through burma on SHe was not disappointed.

What inspired you to take the bicy ture in burma?

I love cycling and it’s a great way to country, minimize environmental stay active at the same time. The d for me to make the trip to Burma that the country is mostly untouche and I knew that would most likely the coming years.

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n oppressive mall steps tourma (Myanbegun to n after several ma is quickly stination, the stern culture, burma is built hich includes es and stupas.

nal caught up kki Canelake, two wheels.

ycling adven-

o explore the l impact and driving factor was the fact ed by tourism change over

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Women in Burma apply a creamy tree bark paste called thanaka to the face as a beauty aid and sun protection

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We are excited to hear about the details! How long was the tour and what were some of the highlights for you? We chose an established Asian bike tour company to be on the safe side. We started in Mandalay and rode roughly 129 miles (225 km) to Bagan. We biked 15-30 miles (24-48 km) a day depending on our agenda. The tour was a total of five days and was absolutely beautiful! The highlights for me were the ancient spiritual sites and the beautiful structures. I was also impressed by the hotels, which were all unique, clean and very eclectic. My favorite part of the trip was visiting one of the country's main attractions, which is the ancient city of Bagan. Bagan is home to the infamous stretch of over 2,000 ancient temples or pagodas. It was truly one of the most amazing and touching experiences I’ve had in my life. Where the burmese people open to visitors? The Burmese people are incredibly friendly. It was apparent that they are not used to encountering a lot of Westerners and we definitely got a lot of stares. Many Burmese people know how to say "hello”, so we heard the English greeting often. As we biked through various villages, the children always seemed eager to say “hi” as we rode past- it was very sweet.

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Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not. Ralph Waldo Emerson


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