Enjoy More - September 2012

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your guide to enjoying more health, wellness and beauty

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table of

contents your guide to enjoying more HEALTH, WELNESS AND BEAUTY

8 6 Come on Get Healthy 8 Destress Yourself


10 Eye Spy 12 Ahhhh Natural… 14 Ears to You 17 The Right Fit 22 Super Foods 26 Farmer’s Market 28 Your Best Boost 30 Let’s Get Physical 33 You Are What You Eat

© 2012 by Enjoy Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproductions without permission are strictly prohibited. Articles and advertisements in Enjoy Magazine do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the management, employees, or freelance writers. Every effort is made to avoid errors, misspellings and omissions. If an error is found, please accept our sincere apologies and notify us of the mistake. The businesses, locations and people mentioned in our articles are solely determined by the editorial staff and are not influenced by advertising.


34 Saving Face 36 Hair Apparent 37 Hail to the Nail 39 Something to Smile About

Cover photo by Betsey Walton. bwaltonphotography.com


inside what’s

your guide to enjoying more HEALTH, WELLNESS AND BEAUTY

If your New Year’s resolution didn’t survive the summer, never fear – we’ll help you get back on track with the third installment in our “Enjoy More” series. It’s packed with tips to help you nourish your body, mind and soul, so you look and feel your very best. Learn some new tricks for reducing stress, caring for your skin, healing yourself naturally, finding the perfect exercise plan, polishing up your smile, and much more. Learn how sleep, laughter and even chocolate benefit your body. So dive right in - you’re on your way to becoming a healthier, happier you!



Come on Get Healthy

You don’t have to spend hours at the gym or ban ice cream from your household to live a long and healthy life. Following these easy tips can dramatically increase your odds of avoiding heart disease, stroke, diabetes and even some kinds of cancers.


Feed your hungry heart. Heart-healthy foods include strawberries, rye bread, avocado, salmon, nuts and yes, it’s true - dark chocolate. Limit your intake of saturated and trans fats, salt and sugar, those empty calories that sap your energy.

Listen to your elders. If your family has a history of heart disease or diabetes, it increases your risk, as well. Share your family history with your doctor.

Hit the sack. When you don’t sleep enough, your body produces more stress hormones and less serotonin (the feel-good hormone). Aim for six to eight hours per night, and boost your odds of a restful night by setting the mood. Make sure the room is cool and dark, and keep your computer and television in the living room - it helps send your body the message that your bed is for sleeping. A standard wakeup time (even on the weekends) helps your circadian rhythm stay on track.

Water, water, water. Energy drinks, soda and coffee beverages contain extra calories that provide little nutrition and can lead to unwanted weight gain, which increases the risk of chronic disease. Rethink your drink by flavoring your water with a slice of lemon, strawberries or cucumbers.


Be happy! Anger can raise your blood pressure, and emotional stress has a powerful connection with physical stress. Close your eyes for a few minutes, breathe deeply and clear your mind. Exercise can reduce your emotional stress level, too!

Take your vitamins. In a perfect world, all of your nutrition will come from healthy foods. Until we live in that perfect world, however, a daily supplement provides “insurance” against any gaps that might exist in your diet.

Kick the habit. Tobacco use is the number one preventable cause of death in Shasta County. It’s never too late to stop smoking - find local help at tobaccofreeshasta.org.

Know your numbers. Your cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar provide great insight into your body’s inner workings, including whether you’re at risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and more. Your doctor can tell you what your optimum numbers are, and help you formulate a plan to get there if you need one.

Get moving. Cardiovascular exercise gets your body moving and your heart rate climbing. Working up a sweat can be fun, especially here in the North State. Walk, skate or bike the Sacramento River Trail, swim some laps at the lake or get your dance on. Aim to get that heart pumping three times a week, for at least 20 minutes. ENJOY MORE ` HEALTH, WELLNESS & BEAUTY GUIDE 7

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destress yourself! The list of modern day stressors can sometimes seem endless. Fortunately, remedies don’t need to be complicated. Simple activities like these that change your focus can turn you from “I can’t take anymore” to “I’ve totally got a handle on it.” Start with a belly laugh. Whether it comes from a movie or a good friend, a deep laugh that has you doubled over with watery eyes will do wonders. Then get out in nature. Your perspective can’t help but change when away from modern living. There’s nothing like Mother Nature to remind you that the world is pretty amazing and your place in it remarkable. Whereever you live in the North State, you’re never too far from beautiful scenery. The key is to seek it. Sometimes our stresses dig deep into the body. When that happens, professional help may be needed. Massage and acupuncture are two investments in wellness that can relax the mind while focusing on stress-induced pains in the body. Make sure to find a practitioner compatible with your style. If you prefer silence during A good laugh and a a massage, spend time up front describing long sleep are the best trouble areas and goals for the session. Do you cures in the doctor’s seek relaxation or do you need more intense book. ~Irish Proverb deep-tissue therapy? Make it clear so you can peacefully slip into the silence of your treatment. With acupuncture, the body’s life energy, called chi, is directed through blockages and opened up where stagnant. Treatment needles may be placed far from the part of the body that suffers. Acupuncture may be sought for overall wellness or for specific ailments. Regardless, many who experience it find a deeper sense of relaxation. Quality of life enhancers don’t have to be big or complicated. From a comedy to a back rub to a walk across the Sundial Bridge, there are many simple ways to cut stress. You’ve totally got this!


eye spy Whether blue, brown, hazel or a Liz Taylor violet, the eyes are not only windows to the soul, but indicators of overall health. Protecting them with regular exams and protective eye wear can keep the sparkle in them that people enjoy. Suggested intervals for exams depend greatly on health and age. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends a baseline exam at age 40 to track eye health through the aging process. Most eye diseases start to surface between 40 and 60. Those with health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure should be on a regular schedule with their eye doctors at all ages. An ophthalmologist or optometrist can often see signs of diabetes, melanoma, high blood pressure, Central Serous Retinopathy and allergies and may even discover them before the patient herself is aware. The sun can also do damage to eyes and so it is recommended that sunglasses be worn whether or not one has a prescription for visioncorrecting lenses. Look for lenses that offer 100% UV protection and make sure to wear them when outdoors for extended periods of time, particularly in the summer, when UV rays can be up to 3 times greater than winter.

The Academy estimates that up to


of eye injuries could be prevented through use of appropriate protective eyewear. Sports are common sources of eye injuries, but so too are home activities. The American Society of Ocular Trauma recommends that every household have at least one pair of ANSI-approved protective eyewear on hand for activities where flying particles or chemicals can make their way to the eyes and damage them on contact. Approved lenses will be etched with “ANSI-Z87.1”

With a little attention to eye health, you won’t miss out on the great things to see and enjoy in the beautiful North State! 10 ENJOY MORE ` HEALTH, WELLNESS & BEAUTY GUIDE

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AHHHH Natural.... Walk through a drug store and you’ll find shelves crammed with medications that relieve everything from athlete’s foot to acid reflux. But before you pop another pill, you might consider a more natural remedy. • Aloe vera: Known to many moms as a go-to sunburn soother, aloe vera is also used in skin creams, shampoos and conditioners because of its benefits to the skin and hair.

Herbal and holistic remedies have been used for thousands of years, and people still swear by many of these 100-percent-natural products, which come in numerous forms, including tablets, powders, teas, extracts and plants. They’re also less likely to cause side effects associated with modern medications. To use an herbal product safely, consult your doctor first, follow the label instructions, report any side effects to your doctor and be especially careful if you are pregnant or nursing.

• Ginkgo Biloba: Remember? If not, try this herb to improve your memory and mental clarity. It increases blood flow to your brain, which can also alleviate depression and boost your energy. • Green tea: Drink two or three cups between meals to boost your weight loss efforts. It’s also high in antioxidants. • Spearmint: Tummy troubles? Spearmint can help with digestive problems.

• Garlic: It’s not just a vampire repellent - garlic can lower cholesterol, regulate blood sugar, lower blood pressure and boost your immune system.

• Licorice: Not just a movie theater snack, licorice is said to stimulate the adrenal gland, which increases energy, eases stress and combats fatigue.

• Echinacea: This herb boosts your immune system and staves off illness. • Comfrey: This herbal remedy can help relieve bruises, sprains and arthritis. • Gotu Kola: This is purported to reduce cellulite. Need we say more?

• Ginseng: This all-purpose Asian herb has been used to decrease stress and delay the effects of aging. It may also help with low libido.

• Chamomile: Known as “the sleepytime tea,” chamomile can relax the mind, so it’s a widely available sleep aid. 12 ENJOY MORE ` HEALTH, WELLNESS & BEAUTY GUIDE



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ears to you From the rush of a creek to the songs of birds in the trees, the North State offers experiences as beautiful to the ears as the eyes. Unfortunately, hearing loss is on the rise, with the Centers for Disease Control reporting dramatic increases in recent years. Consider a hearing evaluation if you either repeatedly ask for clarification when others talk or tend to bluff your way through a conversation out of fear of asking for clarification. If you feel fatigue at the end of the day from straining to hear or have a tendency to stare in order to make it easier to understand what someone is saying you should also consider an evaluation. Avoidance of social situations because of difficulty following conversations in a noisy environment is another indicator. To care for your ears, protect them from prolonged loud noises and take great care in cleaning them. Your doctor can advise on the best method. Cotton swabs are a no-no!

The National Institute on Deafness and Communication Disorders reports that only

1 in 5

people who could benefit from use of a hearing aid actually uses one. When hearing loss is a result of prolonged exposure to loud noises, such as rock concerts or stereos, power tools or lawn mowers or extensive city noises such as traffic, it can often be remedied by the remarkable advances in hearing aid technology.

From the rush of a rainstorm to the sound of a baby laughing, there are so many reasons to take care of your ears and evaluate your hearing level. If corrections need to be made, new technology makes hearing aids more discreet and powerful than ever before. That hits just the right note! 14 ENJOY MORE ` HEALTH, WELLNESS & BEAUTY GUIDE

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the right fit

Pilates. This workout method works well for a wide range of people, from athletes to post-partum women. Its primary focus is building flexibility and strength in one’s core - the internal muscles of the abdomen and back. Its six principles are “centering, control, flow, breath, precision and concentration.” Pilates courses are taught on an exercise mat and are offered at many North State gyms.

Weight training. Gyms all over the North State offer free-standing weights and weight machines that build muscle mass and strengthen bones. Some gyms offer a free session with a personal trainer so you can learn how to use the equipment correctly. This option is also handy for those folks who don’t want to (or can’t) commit to working out at a particular time each day - some gyms offer key fobs so you can access the facilities at any time of day or night. Can’t sleep? Go pump some iron.

You’ve decided that today is the day that you commit to a healthier way of life. But where to start? You’re far more likely to stick with a program if you find one that fits your lifestyle well. It’s hard to commit to a regular workout class or a personal trainer when your work schedule is unpredictable, and if you have young children, it’s easier to hit the gym if it offers childcare. Fortunately, the North State is full of options for people of all abilities and lifestyles who are looking to get their sweat on.

Personal trainer. Working one-on-one with a fitness professional can help you set goals and create more accountability - your secret is safe if you skip a workout in your home gym, but it’s tougher to ditch if your trainer is expecting you. Personal trainers often share health and nutrition tips, as well. Even working with a trainer for a short period of time can pay long-term dividends, as they ensure that you are doing the exercises safely and correctly, and they provide enthusiastic encouragement along the way.


Au natural. With

Breathe deeply.

one of the sunniest climates in America, why not let the outdoors be your gym? Bike the Sacramento River Trail, walk to Whiskeytown Falls, kayak the lake options are only limited by your imagination. And it’s a great way to set a healthy example for the rest of the family!

Yoga creates balance in the body by developing strength and flexibility. Each pose and posture has a specific health benefit. Some use it for intense relaxation, others enjoy the low-impact workout - either way, you’re sure to find a local class that suits your style.

Home gym. We won’t make you raise

Zumba and friends. Its founders describe Zumba as a “Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness party,” and you’re invited. Classes are offered at numerous North State gyms, and they’re ideal for people who hate exercise but love to dance. Group classes also include spinning, step aerobics and many more, and many gyms offer low-impact classes for those looking for a less intense workout.

your hand if you’ve ever owned a treadmill that quickly became a convenient place to hang your laundry. But equipping a space in your house with exercise equipment makes it handy to work out whenever the mood strikes. Sporting goods stores carry all kinds of workout gear, and you can build in some accountability by enlisting a spouse or neighbor to be your workout buddy.

Circuit training. These strength and conditioning programs feature intense, short workouts using equipment like dumbbells, kettle bells, medicine balls and large ropes, as well as body weight exercises. One such option is CrossFit, a fitness company where participants can do the prescribed “workouts of the day” either in an affiliated gym or on their own, using workouts posted daily on the company’s website.



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super foods

Olive Oil. A staple of the Mediterranean diet, olive oil is receiving a lot of attention for its health properties. The monounsaturated fatty acids found in it are believed to help lower risk of heart disease by improving total cholesterol levels, ability of the blood to clot and insulin levels.

Almonds. A mere Âź cup of almonds provides 45% of the recommended daily value of Vitamin E and 25% of magnesium. Also high in potassium, these super nuts are thought to help lower cholesterol and reduce the glycemic index of a meal.

Some of our most important agricultural offerings of the North State also offer tremendous health benefits. Some, such as beef and eggs, are widely accepted as good sources of high-quality protein and other nutrients. With all foods, sourcing fresh and local provides the greatest health benefits in terms of nutrition and the economy. There’s nothing like a local peach, apple or strawberry in season or the juicy tang of a freshly picked heirloom tomato in summer. Whenever possible, eat what is fresh and in season. Here are some of the North State crops and commodities that are available year round. Many are exported around the world and contribute significantly to the economic base of the communities in which they are produced. Tehama County is becoming famous for its wide variety of award winning olive oils. Local honey and eggs are far superior to supermarket varieties. Studies range on the health benefits of all foods, so this list simply offers what current researching is suggesting is true.


Lavender. A visit to a local lavender farm can be a calming experience in and of itself. The rows of purple flowers provide a visual feast that can overwhelm with beauty. Its scent is renowned for its ability to help relax, while its oil can be used to calm inflammation from bug bites and control dandruff. Dried culinary lavender sprinkled on Greek yogurt can help reduce bloating. It also makes for a wonderfully relaxing cup of tea.

Wine. Resveratrol is the reason many have chosen to raise their wine glasses to good health. This polyphenolic compound found in grape skins is believed to increase the levels of “good� cholesterol, prevent blood clots and damage to blood vessels. While over-consumption of any alcoholic beverage can deteriorate health, studies are suggesting that a glass or two of wine a day may actually improve it.


Beef. Beef is a high-quality protein filled with iron, zinc and B-vitamins. There are several ranches in the area where you can purchase directly from the producer, and many offer grassfed and/or organic options. Choose lean cuts and serve them up with fresh, local vegetables.

Eggs. Just one egg provides 6 grams of high

Walnuts. Walnuts are getting a lot of attention lately as one of the mightiest of the super foods. Packed with many unique antioxidants, they are believed to be beneficial at increasing satiety and controlling appetite as well as improving overall blood vessel health. They may even prevent cancer progression and reduce inflammation.

quality protein and all nine essential amino acids. It’s also a source of naturally occurring Vitamin D. The carotenoid content of eggs may prevent macular degeneration and cataracts. Locally produced eggs are not only fresher, but far superior in taste and quality to mass produced eggs. Make sure to get to know your local chicken farmer!

Honey. The flavors of this natural sweetener vary widely when purchased locally, depending upon the flowers on which the bees feasted. While some swear that local honey can help inoculate against allergies, studies are suggesting that the folk remedy of honey, lemon and hot water can be just as effective as cough medicine for sore throats accompanied by cough. Honey can also be mixed for skin and hair conditioners.


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farmers’ markets BUTTE Tuesday 2 pm-6 pm (June - Sept) Enloe Hospital, Chico Wednesday 7:30 am-1 pm (June - Oct) N. Valley Plaza, Chico Thursday 6 pm-9 pm (Apr - Sept) Broadway & 3rd St., Chico Saturday 7:30 am-1 pm (Year Round) 2nd & Wall St., Chico Saturday & Sunday 9 am-2 pm (Apr - Dec) Butte College Chico Center Campus, Chico Tuesday 5 pm-8 pm (May - Sept) Hwy 99 & Sycamore St., Gridley Wednesday 2 pm-6 pm (June - Sept) Oroville Hospital, Oroville Thursday 11 am-3:30 pm (Year Round) 3515 Myers St. , Oroville Friday 4 pm-6 pm (Year Round) 479 Plumas Ave., Oroville Saturday 7:30am-noon (May - Nov) Myers & Montgomery, Oroville Tuesday 7:30am-noon (June - Oct) Alliance Church, Paradise Wednesday 6 pm-9 pm (June - Aug) Fir St. & Skyway, Paradise Saturday 5 pm-Dusk (June - Aug) Paradise Community Park, Paradise SHASTA Thursday, 7:30 am - 1 pm (Open year-round, Rain or Shine) Shasta Outlets Parking Lot, 1699 Hwy 273, Anderson Saturday and Sunday, 8 am - 3 pm (May 5 - Oct 28) Jolly Giant Flea Market, 6719 Eastside Road, Anderson Wednesday, 3 - 6 pm (July 11 - Oct 10) Angelina’s Restaurant Parking Lot, 37143 Main Street, Burney Wednesday, 3:30 - 6:30 pm (June 6 - Oct 31) Farm Bureau Parking Lot (next to post office), 9444 Deschutes Road, Palo Cedro

Tuesday, 7:30 am - noon (June 5 - Oct 16) Shasta Center Parking Lot, 1700 Churn Creek Road, Redding Saturday, 7:30 am - noon (Apr 7 - Dec 22) Civic Center West Parking Lot, 777 Cypress Avenue, Redding Sunday, 8 am – noon, (June 3 - Oct 14) Sundial Bridge Parking Lot, opposite 844 Sundial Bridge Drive, Redding Friday, 5:30 - 8:30 pm (June 8 - Aug 10) Clair Engle Park, 1525 Median Avenue, City of Shasta Lake Tuesday, 4 - 6 pm (June 5 - Oct 30) Shingletown Medical Center, 31292 Alpine Meadows Road, Shingletown TEHAMA Friday, 6 – 8 pm (May 18-August 24) Corning Public Library, Corning Wednesday, 5 - 8 pm (June 20 - Sept 12) Washington Street and Pine Street, Red Bluff Wednesday, 7:30 am – noon (June 2 – Sept 29) Red Bluff City River Park, Red Bluff SISKIYOU Saturday, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm (July – Sept) Dunsmuir Avenue & Spruce, Dunsmuir Monday, 3:30 pm - 6 pm (June – Oct also open Thursdays, July - Sept) west side of N. Mount Shasta Blvd., between Alma St & Castle St, Mt. Shasta Wednesday, 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm (July – Oct) Highway 3 at Marble View Avenue, Fort Jones Wednesday, 11 am - 2 pm (June – Oct) 1409 South Main St Parking Lot, Yreka LASSEN Saturday, 8 am - 1 pm (June – Sept) Historic Susanville Train Depot Richmond RD. & Railroad Ave, Susanville TRINITY Friday, 4 pm - 7 pm (June – Oct) Main Street and Highway 299, Hayfork Wednesday, 4 pm - 7 pm (May – Oct) Highway 299, Highland Art Meadow, Weaverville


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YOUR BEST BOOST Hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats — symptoms that accompany menopause are uncomfortable and frustrating. Though drug therapies are effective in many women, others have found relief through natural hormone replacement. And whether you’re looking to rebalance your hormones, bump up your energy, or both, try these tips:

Diet and supplements can provide safe, effective hormone balancing remedies, including flaxseed, evening primrose oil and multivitamins (make sure they have the vitamin B complex, vitamin E and zinc). Magnesium can help you go back to sleep if you wake up repeatedly. Natural progesterone cream can increase sex drive, help with thyroid problems and stave off fatigue. Looking to boost your energy without the assistance of a quadruple espresso? Raw fruits and vegetables, cayenne and ginseng (a stimulant without the stress of caffeine) are said to be natural energy boosters. Some swear by the 24-hour fast (water and fresh organic juices only) or the colon cleanse to remove toxins in the body.



Go green. Start your morning with a nutrient-packed smoothie. Here’s one we like: blend kale, romaine lettuce, ginger root, half a lemon, an apple and a clove of garlic (vampires beware) in a juicer. Add dark green veggies, carrots, celery or beets for variation.

Just 10 minutes of activity can reinvigorate you, so go ahead - step outside and skip down the sidewalk for a bit.

Eat smart. Pack protein and nonRelease some stress. Listen to music, call someone you love (it boosts oxytocin - a mood-lifting hormone), or light an orangeor peppermint-scented candle.

“I’ll have what they’re having.” Hang around with energetic people it rubs off!

starchy veggies in your lunch, and have a small mid-morning and midafternoon snack that includes some protein. It will help you avoid those nasty blood sugar crashes that leave you craving a nap.

Breathe. Do some gentle stretching as you take 10 deep breaths - count to four while inhaling through your nose, hold it for a second, and count to four while exhaling through your mouth. Your best bet? Do this outside - sunlight energizes people.


F WELL D Lavender Honey

Honey is said to aid sleeping and Lavender is known to calm nerves.

Olive Oil

Healthy dietary fats and phytonutrients may help lower your risk of heart disease.

Gluten Free

Lavender Honey Cupcakes

Health benefits of a gluten free diet include improving cardiovascular health, and maintaining a healthy weight.

Roasted Almonds

Almonds contain the most nutrients in comparison to all other nuts.

Berkeley Farms, Olive Oil

Gluten Free Devotee, Cupcakes recipe: www.glutenfreedevotee.com

Mary Lake Thompson, Lavender Honey Maisie Jane’s, Roasted Almonds

Charlie Clinkenbeard,Wood Bowls


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let’s get physical Think of your body as a well-oiled engine, with your muscles, bones and nerves working together to keep everything running smoothly. But when something misfires, your performance may suffer. Whether you need a tune-up or a major overhaul, physical therapy can help get you back on the road.

Physical therapists are licensed healthcare professionals who are trained to relieve pain, improve the body’s movement and function, and promote healing when a patient has an injury or disease. The legions of ailments that can benefit from physical therapy include: • Headache, neck, and back pain • Joint pain (shoulder, knee, hip, foot, ankle) • Injury (including sports injuries) • Stroke • Jaw pain/TMJ • Pre- and post-pregnancy issues • Rheumatoid and osteoarthritis • Osteoporosis • Premature aging and decreased muscle tone • Decreased ability to walk/general decreased mobility • Poor balance • Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia • Pain/decreased mobility/decreased strength • Fatigue


The purpose of physical therapy is to improve patients’ quality of life. When someone has suffered a stroke, physical therapy can help them regain some independence. When an athlete suffers an injury, they learn how to properly exercise the affected area to help promote a full recovery, reducing the likelihood that the injury will recur and cause more damage. Physical therapy services are available by prescription and are covered under most insurance plans. Therapy is provided in hospitals, rehabilitation clinics, private practices and more. Upon referral, the therapist performs an evaluation on the patient, then develops and explains the treatment plan and goals. Techniques used by physical therapists include exercises, stretching, hands-on

therapy and equipment. Physical therapists educate patients about what to expect during recovery, and equip them with knowledge about how their bodies function so patients can confidently continue their treatment plans on their own after the physical therapy sessions have been completed. If you believe that you or a loved one could benefit from physical therapy, consult your regular doctor.

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you are what you eat The basis of good health is good nutrition. There’s no way around it. What we put into our body determines the quality and amount of nutrients our body receives. While eating can be one of life’s grand pleasures, care must be taken to ensure that our diets are rich in the proper forms of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. Sourcing our food from local producers not only ensures a fresher meal, but contributes to the health of the local economy as well. Visiting a family farm or farmers’ market with children not only shows them where their food comes from, but promotes healthier nutrition. Growing your own veggies and fruits also encourages kids to try different foods. It’s a myth that hard exercise or a naturally thin frame are free passes to eat whatever is desired, especially if that desire is low quality junk food. An indulgence here and there is ok, but the bulk of your diet should be high quality foods from natural sources. And water is just as important as food. Not only does it help the body transport nutrients, but it helps maintain the balance of body fluids that ensure proper digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva and appropriate body temperature. Water also helps energize muscles after exercise and keeps skin looking good. That ruddy and dry look skin can take on is often due to lack of hydration. For a healthy system, outtake can be just as important as intake. Water helps the kidneys do their job of flushing toxins from the body while supporting the bowels to function properly. Those reusable water bottles that are seemingly everywhere aren’t just symbols of environmental responsibility, but of good health as well. So make sure you keep one filled to use throughout the day. And eat that apple a day—but make it local!


saving face an ounce of prevention Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and skin cancer is the most common form of cancer. The good news? It’s almost always curable if caught early. See your dermatologist at least once a year for a full body examination, and if you find an unusual mole or lump, get it checked.

Protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays with hats, sunglasses and sun protective clothing (UPF of 30+). The best sunscreens are broad spectrum and have an SPF of 30 or higher. Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before being exposed to the sun, and reapply every two hours while exposed. Apply your anti-wrinkle/sun protection cream daily. These creams are designed to guard your skin against damage from the sun’s damaging rays. They help prevent premature aging and can help your skin look supple, healthy and youthfulfor decades to come. Wash your face with a facial cleanser (not a body wash) that’s formulated for your skin type and sensitivity. Use warm water to avoid drying out your skin, and use cool water for a final rinse to close your pores. The best approach? Wash your hands thoroughly, apply your facial cleanser with your fingers using a light touch, and rinse. Gently pat dry, and wait a few minutes before applying any medications.


a little something extra Botox® is injected into your muscles to temporarily reduce the appearance of lines between the eyebrows. It’s available by prescription, and visible results can last up to four months. Latisse® is a prescription that makes your eyelashes longer, thicker and darker. You apply it to your upper eyelid using sterile applicators that come with the product.

Laser resurfacing reduces facial wrinkles and blemishes, including acne scars. It removes skin, layer by layer, using pulsating beams of light. It’s also called lasabrasion, laser peel or laser vaporization.

Yes, you can wake up with perfectly applied makeup every day. Permanent makeup uses tattoos to create eyeliner, eyebrows, lipliner or beauty marks. Love the way a tan looks, but worried about overexposure to the sun? Get bronzed almost instantly with a spray tan. Application is quick and easy, and results last 5 to 10 days. Warning: A spray tan will not protect you from sunburn, so always wear your sunscreen.

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HAIR APPARENT an ounce of prevention If you have dry hair, shampoo every two or three days using an acidic shampoo, as washing your hair daily can strip away its natural oils. Lather gently with your fingertips (not your nails), and follow up with an alcohol-free conditioner. Try a hot-oil treatment occasionally, and brush your hair gently after it is dry, using a boar-bristle or vent brush. Avoid heating products as much as possible. Tip: Add a tablespoon of vinegar to your hair when you rinse it. If you have oily hair, shampoo daily with a mild or clarifying shampoo. Scrub your scalp, rinse well, and condition just once or twice a week (ends only). Don’t brush your hair more than you need to, and don’t overdo it on the styling products - oil clings to them. Need to re-style in the middle of the day? Brush some baby powder through your hair to absorb excess oil. Forget the old wives’ tale about brushing your hair with 100 strokes per night. Brushing damages the outer layer of your locks, creating frizz. Instead, after showering, use a wide-toothed comb to navigate through the tangles. After it air-dries (better for your hair than blowdrying), separate your hair into three sections, start at the roots and work the brush through to the tips, one section at a time. Consider a brush with plastic, balltipped bristles to minimize friction.


a little something extra Whether you entrust your hair color to a stylist or are brave enough to do it yourself, hair color is an easy way to add some spice to your locks. Always do a strand test (follow the instructions on your product). You’ll probably need to touch up your roots every four to six weeks - more frequently if you have a lot of gray.

Channel your inner Cleopatra. Hair extensions add length to your own hair, and when done correctly, they look quite natural. Clip-in extensions are great for a special occasion, while bonding extensions and sewin weaves last longer. It’s wise to let a pro tackle this task for you.

Blond today, redhead tomorrow - wigs are an easy way to shake up your look. Wigs and falls reflect the newest fashion trends, and if you’ve always dreamed of having a thick head of hair, here’s your chance. Visit a local beauty store to find a perfect fit. The word “perm” may bring back terrifying memories of giant ‘80s frizz, but perms are coming back as more women want waves without spending their entire morning fighting with a curling iron. If you want permanent texture and body, ask your stylist to try out one of today’s kinder, gentler perms.

hail to the nail an ounce of prevention The cuticles of your fingernails probably don’t earn a whole lot of attention in your daily primping, but they play a big role in the health of your nails. Taking good care of them can lead to stronger, healthier nails. Don’t cut your cuticles - push them back with a soft washcloth after showering, to avoid tearing the skin. If you develop a hangnail, cut it with clippers or cuticle scissors. Use lotion to keep them moisturized, and don’t bite or pick at them.

a little something extra Need a pick-me-up? Pamper your feet and hands with a mani/pedi. It’s amazing how a soak, foot massage and fresh coat of polish can put a spring right back in your step. Planning a girls’ night? Grab some fun colors and a foot soaking tub and treat each other to pretty nails. ENJOY MORE ` HEALTH, WELLNESS & BEAUTY GUIDE 37


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something to smile about an ounce of prevention Keep your pearly whites healthy and clean by brushing them at least twice a day - and ideally, every time you eat. This removes the plaque that causes cavities and gum disease. For even better dental hygiene, use a mouth rinse and floss daily. See your dentist twice a year for a professional cleaning and check-up. Go easy on the sweet stuff - eating nutritious, low-sugar foods and drinking lots of water can reduce production of the acid that attacks your tooth enamel.

a little something extra Dental bleaching is an easy way to whiten and brighten teeth that have become stained by things like food, coffee, tobacco and even some antibiotic medications. There are treatments to fit every budget, from home-use kits bought at the drugstore to bleaching sessions at your dentist’s office. Reclaim your pearly whites.

Tired of living with crooked teeth or a misaligned bite? Braces aren’t just for teens anymore - they’re growing in popularity among adults, too. Brackets are bonded to the teeth and a wire (tightened every month or so) slowly shifts your teeth right into place. Most people wear them for one to three years.

Veneers are the thin, custom-made shells that are bonded to the front of your teeth to change their color, shape or size. They’re used to fix teeth that have become discolored, worn down or chipped, and they can also improve your smile when your teeth are uneven or have gaps between them.

An alternative to braces is Invisalign, a c ustom-made series of aligner trays that shift your teeth into place. They are smooth and virtually invisible, and you simply slip them over your teeth. Benefits over braces? Eat whatever foods you wish, remove the device when you want, brush and floss normally, and avoid the cheek and lip discomfort that sometimes accompanies braces. ENJOY MORE ` HEALTH, WELLNESS & BEAUTY GUIDE 39

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