Presskit | Codice Rosso Theatre

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|C o n t e m p o r a r y d a n c e c o m p a n y

Directors & Choreographers: Gessica Paperini & Valentina Priolo Performers: Licia Calcagno, Rebekah J Kennedy, Maiko Matsui, Gessica Paperini, Valentina Priolo, Motoko Tadano Music mixed: Valentina Priolo Visual Director Rebekah J Kennedy Production Manager: Ben Martin Costumes: Gessica Paperini Photographer: Andrew Bisdale Graphic designer: MArch. Ennio Puglisi

The Company Codice Rosso Theatre is an international dance theater Company based in New York City as a not-for profit organization. Code Red work is built from multidisciplinary approaches combining dance, theater, music, costume, and video. The company is a group of dancers with a strong disposition towards artistic research and commitment. Following a common path the group tries to find new possible solutions of movement in dance as a reflection of a reality in motion. Our vision is derived from human behavior and everyday life in current culture. Constantly developing a unique voice that challenges the traditional norms of theater and dance. We believe that movement has no boundaries and that is an amazing medium to transmit emotions from the stage to the spectator. Code Red comes from a state of emergency, the need to convey deep sense of unease. The desire for inner exploration and the urgency to communicate with others are the foundation. Connections, society, physicality, irrationality, critical sense of movement.

Gessica Paperini (Artistic Director) Gessica is from Tuscany, Italy. She presented her work and danced in Spain, Italy, Germany and United States. She studied with Opus Ballett Dance Company from Florence and performed with Yameli Rivas Dance Company. She studied at the Superior Conservatory of Dance in Madrid. While in Madrid, she has the great opportunity to work with illustrious companies like Chevi Muraday’s Losdedae and Carmen Werner and Provisional. Chevi Muraday impacted her artistic vision, since he incorporated his multicultural background to his choreographic work and made her rediscover the power of contact improvisation. She recently came to New York to study to the Martha Graham School and Limon Institute and upon graduating the Institute she has utilized the amassed knowledge to create her original release-based and impulseridden “action -reaction” style. She is currently member of Overground Physical Theatre and Urban Wash Dance Company while honing her unique choreographic idiom. Her new choreographic work uses contemporary dance roots intermingled with the European theatre dance to create her trans-personal universe.

Valentina Priolo (Artistic Director) Valentina is from Sicily, Italy. She is a choreographer, dancer and musician. She began a Degree Certification in Choreography and Interpretation Techniques at the ” Escola Superior Institut del Teatre”, Barcelona. Is an international artist and has worked and collaborated with different known companies in Spain and Italy like Maria Teresa de Sanctis, Gruppo Teatro Totem, Paola Cassara’, Lollo Franco and Mizar Martinez Dance Company. She is actually studying at Limon Institute and focusing to create in her choreographies a new language of movement using her theatrical dance background from Europe and Limon technique approach. She has a new fresh vision of modern dance and her work reflects the intimate relationships of family, friends and society. She is currently a member of Urban Wash Dance Company.



ReFT Looking at this life and world as an accidental voyeur, imagine as a frame we can recognize the sameness in others that is inherent. Human behavior is forced by innumerable rules unknowingly fighting to assert uniqueness. Part of a greater whole and subjected to a higher law, we try to find a small space to recreate in any possible way our idiosyncrasies devoid of external judgments. Can you express your most inner- self without fears and limitations? Potentially and possibly rejecting a so-called normality or \common law? ReFT represents the bound and boundless (bound-less?) that drags human beings from one side to other, subjected by two opposing forces, and almost led into schizophrenic dispositions. The truth is unique and equal for everyone. The human being is invisibly linked to this apparent difference that subtly shows and that is deeply shared with others. But, with this struggle can one be an individual and true to self while attached to all of humanity? Can we be part of a whole, yet isolated simultaneously? The stage is created much like a holding cell with no exits. It becomes a symbol of what where we are, what we have, and what we share in life. It drives us into an opposing sense of isolation; forcing us to spend time with ourselves, yet coexist with others at the same time. Development of ReFT is based on this empty and pure space reflecting our internal fight. The movement demonstrates equality, inequality, and the “strings� that tie together union and isolation.

Running time 27 minutes Premiere 2012, Secret Theater Choreography Gessica Paperini, Valentina Priolo Music mixed: Valentina Priolo Performance Licia Calcagno, Rebekah J Kennedy, Motoko Tadano, Valentina Priolo, Gessica Paperini Photos Gisella Sorrentino



Unbearable A birth, a relationship, an evolution. Do you remember the beginning of the journey? From a state unconsciousness and pre-self-awareness, we begin to communicate. What is this innate stimulus to connect with each other? As natural social beings, are we conditioned or programmed from birth with the way we connect to others? Unbearable reflects many types of relationships. Making contact is developed through actions, sometimes extremely violent and other times Efforts cumulate in an approach the can be vague and fleeting, but always ever changing. Unbearable is the interplay of energies that grow like a never-ending spiral, by pure chance, and small coincidences. It is not clear-cut. Is this a game? Are we all just pawns? What is the next step? It is an amazing unbearable madness!

Running time 12 minutes Premiere 2011 Choreography and Dancers Gessica Paperini, Valentina Priolo Music remix & Sounds Valentina Priolo Costumes Gessica Paperini, Valentina Priolo Photos Wen Wen Lin, Hyunsuk Kim, Kalin Ivanov, Ana Atanasova


I Am What I Am Not

I Am What I Am Not I Am What I Am Not began in 2010. The completed five section project premiered at the 2011 second season of ReVision by Forward Motion Theater in New York City. I Am What I Am Not is born from a vision of a reality in which we reflect and explore internal and external definitions of who we are and who we are not. It is a mirror image of how we perceive the truth about ourselves and how others see it too. The focus is to create and play on a possible union/disunion between opposing sides, between contradictories forces in which the result effects external reality and/or the internal reality of each person. What are we? What do I believe and what do I feel I am? What do others think I am? These were the spring board questions through analyzing the outside world and everyday life. Are we a shape or are we deformed? Or simply, are we a shape that is deforming in front of our eyes? In front of others’ eyes? There are always parts of us that are flawed, imperfect, and ill. These same parts ultimately define our inability to communicate, often leading to isolation and loneliness. Human relationships are intertwined with oppositions: love and hate, dependence and independence, and instincts versus rationality. We yearn to be helped. Crying out loud to heal our discomfort or numbness. Frequently we do not know how to accept comfort, thus we reject elements of hope. Blinded by emotion and bound by internal conflict we alienate ourselves in this reality. I am even I am not is the reply to our inner puzzle. We are and we exist in all interpretations of reality. This cannot be ignored.

Running time 20 minutes Premiere 2011 Choreography Gessica Paperini Music remix & Sounds Active Phaze, Valentina Priolo Video Through the Looking Glass Costumes Gessica Paperini Dancers Licia Calcagno, Maiko Matsui, Rebekah J Kennedy, Valentina Priolo, Gessica Paperini Photos Wen Wen Lin, Hyunsuk Kim, Kalin Ivanov, Ana Atanasova

Reviews (excerpts) “Valentina Priolo – the hybrid dancer of the information age”… …as a choreographer of “ Codice Rosso” Ms Priolo creates a new trans-personal style of visceral expression that marks a new era in dance theatre…amalgamating styles and highly associative modes of communication that integrate dance, installation, and futuristic imaginary… Valentina Priolo revolutionalizes the dance theatre genre by releasing it from the bondage of codified form and giving it freedom to swing boldly between the absurd and the real… Keva Apostolova – Editor in Chief, “Theatre Magazine”, March 2012, Sofia Codice Rosso Theater - translated as “code red” or emergency lives up to this name - ... ...conceived by international choreographer Gessica Paperini...I Am What I Am Not is a vision of reality exploring internal and external definitions of who we are and who we are not. Combining dance, spoken word in Italian and in English, character development and video projections, Ms. Paperini takes the audience on a journey of self-reflection and self-belief......successfully illustrates the inner psyche...her vision displays a rich movement vocabulary with intensity and meaning...accomplishes a challenging feat of highlighting each dancer individually... I Am What I Am Not takes us on an emotional roller-coaster of human interaction.... ...the audience is peaking in through the window of an intimate relationship, we experience something tender, gripping, and truthful... ...Ms Paperini’s choreography is intelligent ...she encompasses a strong voice saturated with remarkable talent... - L. Barry, July 2011 ReVision By Forward Motion Theater, as part of LIC Arts Open May 19, 2011 ... ...Two artists, Gessica Paperini and Valentina Priolo ...were especially memorable taking the stage for two pieces. ...Even with subtle movements, They command the stage. Their movements and expressions are not only of technical excellence, but extraordinary passion and experience...with endless abandonment and superior commitment ... I watched in complete awereness... I could have watched all night... Paperini and Priolo have a completely unique and individual talent for exploring theme, content, movement, and presenting a clear vision. Dance writes - R.Luketich, Dance Educator, MFA, July 13, 2011

Fringe Festival, June 2010: I Am What I Am Not ...a pulsing membrane of syncopated movements that sculpt her kinesthetically rich and diverse dance idiom... ...fluid mode of dance alchemy, abounding with kinesthetic metaphors and psychological gestures...a smooth and suspension-ridden post-modern style... ... a very Freudian approach to contemporary choreography...the gap between the intrapsychic and interpersonal realms is closed...masterfully authenticates the experience of the individual traveling to the subterranean consciousness of his true self...she reminds us to look at the mirror and say * And I am you, and what i see is me* or not. Theatre Magazine - Keva Apostolova, Editor In Chief, June, 2011, Sofia

Contact Codice Rosso Theatre MAILING ADDRESS Codice Rosso Theatre 30-37 14 st Apt 1 Long Island City, NY 11102 +1 (347) 759 - 7091 | +1 (631) 703 - 8362 ADMINISTRATION Artistic Directors: Gessica Paperini & Valentina Priolo Corporate identity & Graphic Design: MArch. Ennio Puglisi, Italy

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