Best Living Lab Projects 2016

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Best Living Lab Projects 2016

About the author: The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) is an international non-profit association serving as a legal entity representation of European and global living labs. ENoLL was founded in 2006 and has historically recognised more than 400 living labs all over the world. It acts as a platform for best practice exchange, learning and support and living lab international project development. This work is a product of the staff and members of the European Network of Living Labs. It was written by the ENoLL Office and ENoLL members featured in this publication Main editors: Paolo Aversano Zsuzsanna Bodi Katariina Malmberg Ines Vaittinen Spela Zalokar Design: Nazish Haider

Foreword Being inspired by the projects and amazing living lab and network activities we encounter on a daily basis, the ENoLL Office decided to give more visibility to some exceptional cases from 2016. By collecting these living lab studies we aim to highlight hands on case studies that can be inspiring source for all who are following the ten+ year old community’s past, present and want to be part of a shared future. When reading the cases and the engaging stories on the next pages, you will realise how diverse and overarching the ENoLL Community is. The projects reflect perfectly the message of the current ENoLL President - Tuija Hirvikoski “With scaling-up practice from local to trans-regional and trans-national communities, ENoLL and its members are creating bridges between different stakeholders and give access to simultaneous pilots and co-creation Europe wide and globally.” and Vice President Artur Serra: “Since 2006 the movement of “labs” has grown enormously generating a great variety of forms and domains like Fablabs, edulabs, policy labs, xlabs, and of course more open living labs.”

In this publication, the 22 living lab projects that applied for the Best Living Lab awards 2016 are presented. These submissions have been divided into 10 categories: 1. Agriculture, 2. Culture, Technology & Science, 3. Education, 4. Gaming, 5. Health, 6. Internet of Things, 7. Data & Privacy, 8. Public sector Innovation, 9. Smart cities regions and 10. Tourism. Each of the submissions showcase a project they have worked on in 2016 and a unique approach to innovation involving all parties of the quadruple helix: Private sector, Public sector, Academia and Citizens. This is the first edition of the Living Lab award, where ENoLL members were encouraged to showcase their living lab activities, and a public voting poll was arranged. A total of 830 votes were received within a seven week period. Congratulations Taiwan Living Lab: “Integration of Wearable Devices and Exercise Management” for the first place prize of “The Best Living Lab project 2016”! With an overwhelming response rate, Taiwan Living Lab achieved 44% of the total votes. Congratulations also to Precision Agriculture Living Lab: “Fractals” for second place and Thess-AHALL: “webFitForAll” coming up at third place. In the future, the second edition of Best Living Lab award will yet again compile a collection of living lab projects for public voting. The projects from this year’s edition are hereby published in this book, and continue to gain attention across communication channels and events throughout the year. So get ready, for round two of Best Living Lab awards 2017! The ENoLL Office

Contents Agriculture: FRATCALS


Culture, Technology & Science: Library Living Lab


Education: Tips & Tricks


Gaming: Word Challenge Game webFitForAll

07 08

Health: Rallye Decouverte DUYUM Mobile Health Check Station E-Triage Smart Kalasatama Ilona Robot Brings Joy in Elderly Care Integration of Wearable Devices and Exercise Management

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Internet of Things: Livingtagram Cloud Digital Signage SmartLive

19 20 21

Data & Privacy: USEMP: DataBait


Public Sector Innovation: Gov-Lab


Smart Cities/Regions: Agrimatics for Biodiversity SmartLab UnCrowdTPG Toward a Network of Smart Cities Living Labs

27 28 29 30

Tourism: Living Lab for Co-Creation in Tourism





Living Lab: Precision Agriculture Living Lab – PA4AL Country: Serbia

Project Description: Studies show that although 23 million people in Europe are employed in the agri-food chain, (10% of total EU employment), only up to 24% of European farmers use ICTs in their work routine (compared to 80% in the USA). The root for this disproportion can be found in market concept which favorizes technology push, rather than a user-driven approach. PA4ALL living lab and its host organization BioSense Institute were key partners in the FP7 FRACTALS project, aimed at supporting the community of innovative ICT SMEs to develop FIWARE-based applications with high market potential, addressing the needs of the agrifood sector. PA4ALL was focused at connecting ICT community with end-users (farmers) and breaking the stereotypes that both sides have. Inspired by the speed-dating methodology, PA4ALL introduced an innovative approach in collaboration framework establishment – the speed dating sessions and facilitated numerous B2B meetings where people from both ICT and agri-food industry presented their problems, ideas, and discussed the same topics from different perspectives. Some broken myths are: Farmers don’t know how to use ICTs (reality: ICT companies are developing technologies first and then searching for problems to solve); Farmers don’t want to invest money in ICT (reality: Farmers are reluctant to share information). Main Outcomes: 1) Established Open Innovation environment between ICT and agricultural industries 2) Broken stereotypes between technology developers and agricultural end-users 3) Co-creation and validation of ICT solutions for agriculture between programmers and farmers in real-life setting




Library Living Lab

Living Lab: Library Living Lab Country: Spain Project Description: The Library Living Lab (L3) is an open, participatory experimentative space, fully integrated with a public library in Barcelona Area, Spain. The aim of the project is to create a physical space, build the ecosystem around it and implement the necessary methodologies that allow all stakeholders to jointly explore how technology transforms the cultural experience of people. This is done through an authentic implementation of the Quadruple Helix model. Library Living Lab are questioning the traditional function of a public library and propose a model for evolving public libraries in Europe into open innovation hubs, promoting the cocreation of new knowledge. L3 was born out of a bottom-up initiative of the local neighbours’ association, jointly developed with a number of private and public entities. The Library Living Lab’s activities are designed and managed in a transparent way together with the library users, and in line with the priority areas defined by the consortium. The Association of Neighbours was nominated for the City Awards in 2016 for promoting the Library Living Lab project. Main Outcomes: 1) People: New profiles of users, atypical of public library visitors are being attracted to the library for the first time on the basis of the living lab activity. 2) Social Impact: More than 130 hours of public activities with the participation of >1,200 visitors, included in 10 scientific research proposals, the ecosystem grew to include more than 50 public and private entities, etc. 3) Policy Making: The Barcelona Provincial Network of Public Libraries is now implementing its “5-Year Strategic Plan” to include thematic Living Labs as innovation arenas within its network




Tips & Tricks

Living Lab: Bristol Living Lab Country: United Kingdom Project Description: Knowle West Media Centre’s Tips & Tricks are a series of recommendations for successful collaboration between activists, academics, citizens and living labs. The 60 recommendations were inspired by KWMC’s conversations with a group of academics, a network of women activists from the Knowle West neighbourhood in Bristol, UK, and workshops with other Living Labs at ENoLL summer schools. Three sets of resources are available: ’20 Tips & Tricks from community activists’, ’20 Tips & Tricks for academics working with communities’ and ’20 Tips & Tricks for Living Labs working with citizens’. Advice ranges from the practical - ‘co-present with your activist partner’ – to the reflective – ‘A Living Lab that’s not living is not a Living Lab Bristol Living Lab is based at KWMC. KWMC runs regular workshops for professionals across the UK and the ENoLL network, supporting them to use the resources to reflect on how they could develop more positive relationships with communities, create an environment of trust and openness, and successfully demonstrate the impact of their work. Main Outcomes: 1) 20 Tips & Tricks for Living Labs working with citizens was developed in collaboration with ENoLL and features contributions from Innovage Living Lab, 1125@Carleton Living Lab, Library Living Lab, Llio, Basaksehir Living Lab, mQoL Living Lab, Care Living Labs and Evolaris Living Lab. 25 ‘tips’ were submitted by Living Labs for inclusion in the resource. 2) KWMC has shared the resources with professionals on four continents: Europe, Asia, North America and Australia. 3) All three sets of resources are available in poster format and as a pack of cards.




Word Challenge Game

Living Lab: Başakşehir Living Lab Country: Turkey Project Description: The “Word Challenge” game has been developed for people who want to improve their vocabulary (English or Turkish version available) while also having fun and competing with other players through a point collection system. Anyone from the age of 5 years upwards can play the game, due to its straightforward and simple design. The game has to be downloaded to an Android or iOS mobile device and a person has to register online free of charge. Afterwards you can start playing either against yourself or another person who has registered in the app from anywhere in the world. In order to score you need to have words with at least 3 characters. The longer the word the more points you score. The game is a perfect combination of learning and fun and can be adapted to any language. It was developed by a start-up company Eflatun Yazılım that focuses on developing mobile games.

Main Outcomes: 1) Improving Vocabulary 2) Learning while competing and having fun 3) Revenue income from ads




Living Lab: Thess-AHALL Country: Greece Project Description: webFitForAll introduces a collaborative serious gaming platform as a service through a comprehensive software toolkit enabling third parties to build and commercialize serious games (SG) in an agile, stable and standardized way based on common serious games functionalities. Its main objective is to develop and bring to the market a platform, which handles all the common hardware and software processes used by SGs (score, difficulty, controllers and devices, etc.), so as to streamline the work of developers and researchers which have to focus only on the game logic and start making profit as long as their games are being played (marketplace with registered seniors). From a business model standpoint, the beta releases of each SG will be advertised to any registered senior free of charge as well as seniors engaged to this by other living labs providing their feedback to get gaming points and prizes. The trans-national feedback is collected and forwarded back to the researchers’ community. Such a flourishing game library will provide HealthCare professionals with a plethora of available games so as to work on more effective protocols. webFitForAll promotes co-creation of serious games by involving remotely all stakeholders early enough. Other living labs can get in or out at any time with more than one role. The business plan takes into account all stakeholders to ensure sustainability. Main Outcomes: 1) Co-creation of serious games by involving remotely all stakeholders early enough. 2) Other living labs can get in or out at anytime with more than one roles 3) Business Plan taking into account all stakeholders




Rallye Decouverte

Living Lab: Autonom’lab Country: France Project Description: The overall objective of the project is to improve the quality of the home services delivered to elderly people or people with a disability. Autonom’lab identified and made an “analysis” of a home worker’s professional life who plays a major role in keeping older people independent at home. We met 90 professionals working in the field in order to investigate their perception of the difficulties during the different steps of the professional career of home workers. Particularly, 10 homeworkers were interviewed and 2 were observed during a workday. In order to make this job more attractive they established a “state of the art” of the actual conditions of a home care worker (identifying 10 steps of their professional career concerning training, employment conditions, opportunity to advance in his career, job conditions, recognition from other health professionals) and then we identified the bottlenecks on the pathway for which a solution should be find. It has been a collaborative experience realized with and by stakeholders from the whole regional ecosystem: 56 people were brought together during workshops (social care workers, health professionals, training schools, employment organizations, home care organizations) to find innovations in order to make this job more recognizable, and improve their professionalization. Main Outcomes: 1) Good practices were identified particularly in HR management. 2) The most important outcome was that four projects were selected by the steering group to be set up after this study: a rally to discover home workers job, sharing and spreading of good practices among actors of the New French region “Nouvelle-Aquitaine”, an innovative training course for homeworkers, development of ICT innovation to improve working conditions of homeworkers. 3) The first project, a rally to discover the home workers job was realized during one month in 2016 and was a success including 40 partners, 220 people participating, 44 workshops etc.




Living Lab: Başakşehir Living Lab Country: Turkey Project Description: The “DUYUM” Project which was developed in Başakşehir Living Lab developed a product that improves the lives of deaf people. The kit consists of noise sensors software and of a smart wristband or a smart wristwatch which alerts a person wearing it. The software alerts deaf people wearing the wristband or the wristwatch through vibration that a baby is crying, a door bell is ringing or an alarm went off in their home. Because of recent advances in technology, people who are deaf or have a hearing problem can improve their quality of life with the use of smart devices. Main Outcomes: 1) The device enables deaf parents can be alerted about their babies crying even if they are in a separate room. 2) It ensures that deaf people can be alerted to a door bell ringing or an alarm 3) It improves the life quality of people with a disabling hearing loss and helps them with their daily life



Mobile Health Check Station

Living Lab: Başakşehir Living Lab Country: Turkey Project Description: “Mobile Health Check Station” is a briefcase weighing around 5 kg that is used to check on health indicators of people living in remote areas who do not have regular access to healthcare centres or hospitals. The briefcase contains the hardware which takes health measurements, a Tanita weighting stand and all necessary equipment to measure the parameters specified by the application. The critical part of the product is the interface program between the backend server and the input data on the frontend (the station). The software provides a web platform for citizens to be able to easily keep track of their measurement history. The health station can measure 30 different parameters and send the results to a person’s mobile device within minutes. The purpose of the station is to be able to quickly measure health parameters anywhere and anytime as long as there is mobile communication coverage. The station raises awareness of citizens about their health problems and solutions. The product has been tested in a housing complex of 4.000 citizens of Başakşehir in 2014 during a course of 2 weeks. The product was also tested on citizens in a public mall for 4 weeks. After obtaining feedback from its users, the station became fully functional as of mid-2015 and has continuously been used since then. Başakşehir Living Lab is using two Mobile Health Stations in their User Experience Centres. During the course of 20 months, more than 30.000 people have been measured by the health station and more than 1.000.000 parameters have been successful. Main Outcomes: 1) It enables people tracking their health parameters in 5 minutes even by themselves 2) Citizens are able keep a record of all their measurements and see the trend any time 3) Most importantly the products can be used in remote villages where their is no hospital or health institution. However there must be mobile coverage.




Living Lab: CforCare Living Lab Country: Canada Project Description: CforCare’s vision is to bring digital healthcare and mobile technologies together, providing patients with easier access to medical information and more control over their health needs, focused on empowering high-risk patients with mobile health technologies to enable foreskin screening and the early detection of skin cancer. The project has been initiated and coordinated by “CforCare Living LAB”, its C4Care affiliated clinics, general practitioners in public health care, MetaOptima, La Roche Posay (L’Oreal) and the foundation saveyourskin. com Melanoma is one of the most common cancers in Canadian women but fortunately 90% of skin cancer can be cured if detected early. An impact study on teledermatology and the future of early skin cancer detection has been conducted in 2016 with a Canadian Dermatologist Dr. Joël Claveau. “The impact of e-Triage of skin cancer patients in primary care clinic and pharmacies using teledermoscopy”, involved more than 1000 patients from Quebec. The patients were evaluated out of which 4% were diagnosed with melanoma. All patients with suspicious lesions were given access to a dermatologist and those diagnosed with melanoma underwent surgery within less than a month. In comparison, patients could wait anywhere from three months to two years to visit a dermatologist, with an estimated additional month wait-time required to undergo surgery. Main Outcomes: 1) The project enables early detection of skin cancer 2) The product can be used in primary care clinic as well as in pharmacies 3) Using mobile teledermatology - telemedicine innovative technologies



Smart Kalasatama

Living Lab: Forum Virium Helsinki Country: Finland Project Description: The Kalasatama Wellbeing and Healthcare centre that is opening in 2018 will serve as a platform for co-creation of new services, for which agile pilots provided a good start. Two pilots were run with several partners where through active citizen participation, feedback was gathered. KuntoKaverit (“FitFriends”) pilot experimented with a new model of neighbourhood exercise group, working on a peer-to-peer approach. The pilot tested a new digital service, to support a more active lifestyle and enhance wellbeing among seniors. It required intensive participation in the form of peer-to peer coaching - and participation at weekly classes from the test group. The second pilot, called “Auntie Solutions” aims to prevent serious mental problems by providing easy access to tools helping tackle most common life crises. The pilot experimented with different service packages for gaining understanding about user experience in different digital channels. The project is part of the Programme for Agile Piloting (2016-2017) which accelerates Smart City innovation by procuring prototypes to real city environment to be co-created with citizens. The second round of the program was targeting innovative local services to support the social, health and wellbeing services of the city and ran in collaboration with the City of Helsinki. Main Outcomes: 1) Smart Kalasatama’s Agile piloting program conducted in collaboration with the City of Helsinki Social and Healthcare department gave insights and introduced concrete tools of cocreation and experimentation to the development activities of the future health and wellbeing centre. 2) Strong citizen participation in the pilots provided direct feedback and learnings for the pilot teams. 3) The agile pilots brought novel experiences from digital tools and communication channels in wellbeing context.



“Ilona” Robot Brings Joy in Elderly Care

Living Lab: Lahti Living Lab Country: Finland Project Description: Interest in using service robots is increasing in elderly care. Within Lahti Living Lab, a case study was conducted in 2016 to identify the impacts and acceptance of care robot implementation among users in elderly care services – care personnel and elderly customers – with the help of the Human Impact Assessment approach. The data was collected in elderly care services in the city of Lahti (in two round-the-clock serviced care homes and a geriatric hospital) between December 2015 – April 2016, when the service robot ‘Zora’ was introduced to these organizations. It was mainly used for activity and recreation purposes, but also for support in rehabilitation. The data was collected during 27 sessions through ethnographic observation and focus group interviews of the care personnel (34 people) and customers (5 people). According to the findings, the implementation of the robot has many kinds of impacts on the elderly customers, care personnel and care work. The attitudes towards robotics in care are twofold: both enthusiasm and fears exist. The ‘place’ of robotics in care is still in many ways undefined. Implementation of robots in elderly care requires rethinking of services, careful consideration of ethical questions and good orientation. Main Outcomes: 1) After the first steps of robot use, there is potential for true rehabilitative work and activities with the help of the robot, if its use is well planned. 2) Implementation of robots in elderly care requires rethinking of the services, work practices and ethics; it is an issue of the whole (work) community. 3) Reactions differ, and care personnel should know the customers well to be able to anticipate how they react; orientation for both care personnel and customers is of vital importance to highlight essential issues and co-create practices together.



Integration of Wearable Devices and Exercise Management ComCare

Number of people









Average Workout Time Per Week


Week 1

12 40

The difference

Week 8


9 3






30 minutes or less

30 minutes -1 hour

1-2 hours


2-3 hours

3 hours or more

Living Lab: Living Labs Taiwan Country: Taiwan, R.O.C. Project Description: Aiming to promote health and well-being of all citizens and extend Healthy Life Expectancy (HALE), Living Labs Taiwan has launched a health promotion empirical research project in 2016. The purpose was to assess and verify the feasibility and effectiveness of exercise management using a wearable device supported by health management IoT cloud service. The experiment involved 118 volunteers (35 males and 83 females aged 20-60) with a time span of 8 weeks conducted in 8 private companies / community fitness centres in Taipei, Taiwan. Heart rate monitor armband wearable devices equipped with ©VitExercise App powered by health management IoT cloud were used to record users’ physical fitness (cardiorespiratory capacity, muscular endurance, body flexibility), body compositions (weight, BMI, body fat percentage), and body measurements (waist-to-hip ratio, waistline, hips, upper-arm / thigh circumferences). Research findings showed that the “wearable device plus exercise management App (©VitExercise)” has been verified and proven effective in both encouraging users’ workout habit and improving physical fitness. There has been a 63% increase in cardiorespiratory capacity, 71% increase in muscular endurance, and 80% increase in body flexibility. The favorable results promise a gateway to public health promotion with focus on the importance of physical activity in promoting health and preventing obesity. The implication of this study also best exemplifies hardware-software ICT integration with an innovative service model which enables the users to gain control over their bodies and health.



Living Labs Taiwan

Main Outcomes: 1) Presumption of promoting regular exercise using a wearable device with App supported by health management IoT cloud proved to be effective. The “Wearable Device (heart rate monitor armband) + Exercise Management (©VitExercise App) + Health Management IoT Cloud” approach has proved to be effective with positive results. It changed the participants’ behavior toward exercise and improved physical fitness as well. 2) Fitness incentive made easy and exercise routine established. Motivation is something we all struggle with when it comes to exercise. The ©VitExercise App is geared toward motivating exercise routine and maintaining physical fitness. The explicit change of participants’ behavior from inspirational workout to exercise routine has been observed. The experiment results showed that in general, participants have increased their weekly workout time. Roughly 40% of the participants exercised over 2 hours per week (among the participants, 18% increased 2-3 hours of workout time and 19% increased 3 hours and more). 3) Visibly improves the user’s physical fitness and body shape. When properly planned, exercise guarantees health and fitness pay-off. The research indicated major fitness improvements of the participants. The health indexes, including weight, BMI, body fat percentage, waist-to-hip ratio, waistline, hips, and upper-arm / thigh circumferences, have shown satisfying results. More information: Our entire body and mind benefit from exercise. We advocate lifestyle improvement rather than medicine and cure. In order to reach the objective of Whole Health, it is essential to choose a smart gear with a smart system. This study has set up a good example of software-hardware IOT integration and explored an innovative B2B2C health service model. The fitness wearable device (heart rate monitor armband) monitors heart rate with accuracy and allows the users to keep track of their exercise records and maximize workout effects. The technologies offer insights such as physical fitness, body compositions, and body measurements. ©VitExercise App provides self-training and tailored exercise prescription based on individual user’s sex, age, height, weight, and body measurements targeting at user’s desired health/fitness goals. The App allows the users to read and record their physiological data and receive quantitative exercise prescription, including: type of exercise, intensity, duration, frequency and precaution reminders. The app receives data from the wearable device and transmits to health management IoT cloud for analytics. With further expansion of the project, we expect to see a more aggressive attitude and awareness toward physical activity, a more comprehensive participation in health promotion, and an emphasis on preventative healthcare rather than curative care.





Living Lab: Başakşehir Living Lab Country: Turkey Project Description: The “Livingtagram” product developed in Başakşehir Living Lab is an autonomous photographic system that enables printing of pictures during events and other occasions. It is a kiosk that can be used by (i) people who wish to have a printed photo from the event with a special frame or (ii) for companies who wish to promote their brands or products by using their brand material as a frame of the photos printed. People who join events and take photos with their mobile devices can have a specially framed printout of their pictures from “Livingtagram” by uploading the photos to instagram with the #hashtag of the event and then typing the received code in the machine and selecting the picture that they want to print. The process takes only 10 seconds. Main Outcomes: 1) An effective and interesting way to advertise brands and products using the social media instagram 2) An easy to use interface that enables people to choose from more than one frame for their printed photos. 3) 24/7 Remote desk support can be provided to the machine



Cloud Digital Signage

Living Lab: Başakşehir Living Lab Country: Turkey Project Description: Smartlabs; is an innovative company aiming to provide turnkey services including software, hardware, content management, content production, cloud and local system solutions and design services for media technology needs in Europe and Middle East. It was founded in 2016, with the aim of bringing a new breath to the closed-circuit TV broadcasting in Turkey with low investment costs. Instead of the high cost alternatives that exist in the industry, Smartlabs produces solutions that will provide customers with optimum cost and flexible ease of use. “Cloud Digital Signage” solution brings low cost display management and monitoring for everyone. Users can reach their displays 24/7 wherever they are. They can change their campaigns and schedule them at venue displays in minutes. Main Outcomes: 1) Low integration and maintenance costs 2)

Easy Turkish Editor


24/7 Monitor and Control Ability




Living Lab: PRAXLABS Country: Germany Project Description: The SmartLive project aims to develop new concepts and strategies for smart home systems, focusing specifically on usability and user experience. To address this, the design of smart devices and services for the domestic area requires a profound understanding of the structure of households: their daily routines, individual needs and even their fears. PRAXLABS therefore set up a local living lab sample with 12 households in the west of Germany and involved them from the beginning of the project. Throughout the project’s progression the living lab conducted initial context studies and investigated how users appropriate those smart home systems which are currently available on the market. Based on these insights, they acquired the first design requirements which were then concretized within workshops to design various prototypes. The investigation of long-term appropriation and iterative design processes are currently running in the field. Additionally, the aim is to create specific living lab services for the heterogeneous players in the smart home market. The intention is to qualify and empower small and medium enterprises to use living lab methods and infrastructures. PRAXLABS hope that the integration into their daily business will highlight the benefits of sustainable and consequent development of IoT artefacts in practice. Main Outcomes: 1) A provider-independent information platform 2) The Shop & Play approach combines the ordering and configuration process of a smart home system 3) open.DASH: To overcome the issue of the visualization of individual and evolving information demands of the smart home, open.DASH is designed as a flexible dashboard tool that provides a hybrid interface




USEMP: DataBait

Living Lab: Botnia Living Lab & imec.livinglabs Country: Sweden Project Description: USEMP aimed at developing a framework that will empower users by enhancing their control over the data they distribute or interact with. The outcome of the project was a tool called DataBait which reduces the existing asymmetry between data processing and control means available to OSNs and those afforded by citizens. USEMP used a multidisciplinary approach that relied on four core domains: (a) empirical user research that combines lab and living lab studies, (b) legal studies that deal with the complex legal framework related to personal data, (c) multimedia information extraction adapted to user empowerment in OSNs and (d) tools for semiautomatic user assistance in personal data sharing management. In USEMP many experiments were related to user research, notably using a living lab approach following the FormIT methodology. The FormIT methodology guided the living lab approach from early design of the concepts till the evaluation of final artefact. Botnia and iMinds/imec living labs employed different living lab approaches to make end users active and engaged throughout USEMP project. Botnia living lab was specifically interested in the phenomena of the user drop out within living labs. In total, around 400 users were engaged at various stages of the project and numerous methodologies such as workshops, interviews, focus groups and surveys were conducted within 3 phases of innovation concept evaluation, prototype and final innovation. Main Outcomes: 1) The contribution of the project is converged into the DataBait tool. 2) Focusing on end users’ contributions towards research and development of the DataBait tool. 3) Innovation through a multidisciplinary development approach that combined partners of legal, sociological, media and computer science empowered by a living lab approach.





Living Lab: imec.livinglabs Country: Belgium Project Description: The “GovLab”-project is a collaboration between the Flemish government, imec.livinglabs and Little Miss Robot (a digital product design agency). The goal is to empower innovative civil servants from different departments within the Flemish government to ideate, co-create and test new services for citizens, adhering to the four main ‘GovLab-principles’: Digital First, Ecosystem Thinking, Value for the Citizen, and Data-Driven. The process of GovLab consisted of the following phases: A call for innovative ideas, launched by the leading civil servants from different departments. This led to 76 idea submissions, from which 18 ideas were selected and a total of around 30 civil servants started in a one-week innovation bootcamp, organized by imec.livinglabs. During this week in April 2016, team formation was stimulated and the ideas were challenged, coached and co-created with citizen panels, which resulted in 10 ideas and teams pitching to the jury of leading civil servants. From May 2016 onwards, four teams were selected and given the opportunity to develop their ideas into prototypes. This incubation process was supported by imec.livinglabs and Little Miss Robot. In Spring of 2017, the second edition of Govlab is taking concrete shape. Main Outcomes: 1) The Parkadvisor application: helping disabled people find a parking spot suited to their specific needs, based on open data from the government on parking spots for disabled people --> working prototype of the API demonstrated in a clickable mock-up 2) The Hi App: helping refugees to prepare for the job market by connecting them to the right people and instances --> working app in beta version 3) Deel Mijn Data (share my data) and Digitale Vaccinatiekaart (digital vaccination pass): two projects in concept-stage




Agrimatics for Biodiversity

Living Lab: BIRD Living Lab Country: Spain Project Description: The project consisted of a study of the exotic invasive plant Cortaderia selloana in the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve in Basque Country, Spain. The study explored the origin and the biology of the plant as well as reasons that cause the expansion of this invasive plant. Cortaderia selloana, due to its rapid growth and capacity to disperse quickly, has been displacing the native flora, degrading natural habitats and causing the loss of biodiversity. In order to solve this problem, this study aimed to investigate different uses of Cortaderia selloana by examining the different possible eliminations that exist to choose the appropriate disposal while avoid damaging the native plants present in Urdaibai. After the plant has been eliminated, it was investigated how it can be used in different ways in order to finalize or minimize the impacts / evasions generated by Cortaderia selloana in Urdaibai. It was also further investigated how it could be included in the circular economy and aligned with the objectives of the European Commission’s 2020 strategy to achieve smart, sustainable and integrated growth. This will improve and sustain efficiency in the use of resources by providing significant benefits. Main Outcomes: 1) Sustainable circular business model for smart rural specialization 2) Solution for invasive plant eradication 3) Improvement and sustainable use of resources




Living Lab: Guadalinfo Country: Spain Project Description: The current development of policies and activities related to smart cities technology is reaching a high degree of maturity. On the other hand, the development in the cities is not accompanied by a similar development in rural areas. This gap emerges as an opportunity for Guadalinfo Living Lab network, and for living labs in general, because of their capillarity and the ability to influence regional policy makers. Guadalinfo is the perfect instrument to fill the gap by linking high-tech Smart cities productions to rural and citizen needs. Currently, the Guadalinfo Living Lab network is composed of more than 800 centres throughout Andalusia located in all municipalities under 20.000 inhabitants. All the centres have workstations, broadband access to the Internet and, most importantly, a Local Innovation Agent that manages the centre and stimulates people. The following steps of actions and iterations have been designed to overcome the new digital gap: Detecting the gap, Definition & awareness, Strategic definition, Living Labs as Smart Agents, Activities design – Stakeholder engagement. Based on the definition, the proposed scalability, the fluent bottom-up-bottom iterative model, and quadruple helix concept, the resulting inclusive meta-laboratory spins around openness: Open Science, Open innovation and Open to the world. Main Outcomes: 1) Forming and training in Smart Cities. 2) Empowering citizens: Encourage citizen cooperation, collaboration and participation to stimulate ideation process and boosting Smart Cities projects and initiatives 3) Lab: Experimentation by citizens and local administration of the Smart Cities proposals, technologies and projects for a later implementation.




Living Lab: Mobile Communications and Computing for Quality of Life (MQoL) Country: Switzerland Project Description: Cities like Geneva, with many businesses and institutions, need to provide appropriate public transportation services to its population. In Geneva, the commute can be done using TPG services with its network of trams, buses, and trolley buses, or by car, motorbike, bicycle, or on foot. Commuters choose between these options according to not only their function, but also to the potential experience and comfort. A significant portion of Geneva’s commuters uses the TPG services which often are faster compared to driving a car. However, during the rush hours in the morning and the afternoon, commuters can be greatly discouraged from using the TPG services due to overcrowded vehicles. MQoL Living Lab designed and prototyped a mobile application, UnCrowdTPG, to help commuters plan a more comfortable trip by informing them about the crowd in the vehicles and at TPG stops. By having this information, commuters can better prepare for what to expect and can choose to wait for the next bus or take a different line if it will be more comfortable. They may naturally spread and distribute over several services and automatically increase their own comfort of commuting, as well those of others. Additionally, UnCrowdTPG enables the commuters to provide their own crowd assessments and form a community to help each other with the common goal to have a pleasant ride to their destination. People with disabilities and those with child strollers will also benefit since they have a greater need for understanding space available for them aboard of the vehicles. Such a service can help un crowd the TPG. Main Outcomes: 1) Computational model of travellers’ journey in public transportation of Geneva (i.e., TPG) 2) Computational model of occupancy of all the TPGs vehicles along different days of the week/hours 3) Mobile service being provided to citizens living in Geneva, with a support from the TPG itself and being now embraced by newly setup start-up MobileThinking SARL.



Toward a Network of Smart Cities Living Labs

Living Lab: Sfax Smart City Living Lab Country: Tunisia Project Description: Sfax Smart City Living Lab’s project aims to create a living environment for users and different sectors of society in order to reveal their innovative ideas by collaboration of public and private sectors. In this context, the project aims to represent an open platform for public/ private sector and users with mutually accepted goal to increase life standards of society by taking into account the needs of users and research and technological development sectors in Sfax city. The solutions produced in the living lab can be a model for other cities. The method of revealing innovative ideas is based on co-creation by multiple actors such as universities, citizens, companies, research institutions, SME’s, NGOs, Media, experts, public institutions, etc. The main objectives of the project are: -Transforming public services by empowering “smart citizens” who are able to use and coproduce innovative Internet-enabled services within emerging “smart cities” -Demonstrating positive impacts of an open living lab in cities and regions, with real-life Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures -Making City’s transport sector more productive, efficient, greener and safer by developing a user-centric research methodology for sensing, prototyping, validating and refining services provided in Transport Sector.t Main Outcomes: 1) Smart Bus Project 2) Co-Organization of the Second Edition of “Pitch yourself for a Career” 3) Innovative Projects for Citizens

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LLiving Lab for Co-Creation in Tourism

Living Lab: Living Lab en Innovation Ouverte Country: Canada Project Description: The fragmented nature of the tourism industry limits destinations’ capacities and motivations to innovate. To counter this fragmentation, destinations rely on destination management organisations (DMOs). However, DMOs have had very little or no success in stimulating innovation, hence the importance of exploring other models, such as living labs (LLs), to boost the innovation capability of tourism stakeholders. Action research in a living lab context of Living Lab en Innovation Ouverte involves three stakeholder groups: the local higher education institution, the DMO, and a local web developer. This project included two groups of users in the co-creation workshops: tourism providers and tourists. Main Outcomes: 1) Creation of a research and development unit, as part of the web developer training program, that works on developing a bank of techno-concepts (AR, VR, Connected objects, geolocalisation, etc.) that can be use in tourism contexts. 2) Launch of two technology-enhanced experiences in a museum : Free Alice! and The haunted room of Alice. Next to that, joint geocaching/treasure hunting project was launched by the town and county departments of cultural development 3) New action research project aimed at turning an island in the St. Lawrence into a tourist destination using living lab inspired collective intelligence processes



References Precision Agriculture Living Lab - PA4ALL: FRACTALS Host: BioSense Institute Link to Project:

Autonom’lab: Rallye Decouverte Host: Pôle régional d’innovation en Santé et Autonomie des personnes Link to Project:


Library Living Lab Link to Project:

Bristol Living Lab: Tips & Tricks Host: KWMC Link to Project: tipsandtricks

Başakşehir Living Lab: Word Challenge Game Host: Başakşehir Municipality Link to Project: watch?v=XW_eAE8H_l8

Thess-AHALL: webFitForAll Host: Lab of Medical Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Link to Project: watch?v=Vqx93KxDdaE

Başakşehir Living Lab: DUYUM Host: Başakşehir Municipality Link to Project:

Başakşehir Living Lab: Mobile Health Check Station Host: Başakşehir Municipality Link to Project:

CforCare Living Lab: E-Triage Host: Centre medical urbain / Espace santé innovation Montreal and www. Link to Project:

Forum Virium Helsinki: Smart Kalasatama Host: Forum Virium Helsinki / Helsinki Living Lab Link to Project:

Lahti Living Lab: “Ilona” robot brings joy in elderly care Host: Lappeenranta University of Technology Link to Project: category/blog/?lang=en

PRAXLABS: SmartLive Host: University of Siegen Information Systems and New Media Link to Project:

Botnia Living Lab /imec.livinglabs: USEMP: DATA Bait Botnia Living Lab Host: 台灣我愛我心健康促進協會 Luleå University of Technology Living Labs Taiwan: Integration of Wearable Devices and Exercise Management imec.livinglabs host: imec Host: Innovative DigiTech-Enabled Applications & Services Institute (IDEAS) Link to Project: watch?v=dJinztt5PrA Link to Project: main/bobiTagTopicPlayer.php?type=4&topic_ id=8875 imec.livinglabs: Gov-Lab Host: imec Links to Projects: Başakşehir Living Lab: Livingtagram ParkAdvisor Project: Host: Başakşehir Municipality nieuws/vlot-parkeren-doe-je-met-een-app HiApp Project: Link to Project: I Love My Heart Association of Taiwan

BIRD Living Labs: Agrimatics for Biodiversity Başakşehir Living Lab: Cloud Digital Signage Host: GAIA Host: Başakşehir Municipality Link to Project: Link to Project: eventos/evento/semana-de-la-ciencia-laenoll tecnologia -y-la-innovacion-2016/

Living Lab en Innovation Ouverte: Living Lab Guadalinfo: SmartLab for co-creation in Tourism Host: Consorcio Fernando de los Rios Host: Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup Foundation Link to Project: Link to Project: portfolio-item/projet-dans-recherche watch?v=vHT29gV9_cE

Mobile Communications and Computing for Quality of Life (MQoL) Living Lab: UnCrowdTPG Host: University of Geneva, Institute of Services Science Link to Project: uncrowdtpg.php

Sfax Smart City Living Lab (SSCLL): Toward a Network of Smart Cities Living Labs Host: REGIM-Lab Links to projects: 1) Smart Bus Project: http://smart-sfax. org/?page_id=86 Participating to the National Business Lounge’2016: page_id=32 2) Co-Organization of the Second Edition of “Pitch your self for a Career”: http://smart-sfax. org/?page_id=32 3) Innovative Projects for Citizens: https://play. id=enis.regim. smartcityzen&hl=fr

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