Activity Report 2018

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ENoLL Activity Report 2018 A review of the activities of the European Network of Living Labs for the year 2018


ENoLL Activity Report 2018


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

Contents Foreword ...................................................................................................................................4 Toward Horizon Europe.........................................................................................................7 What we do................................................................................................................................8 Milestones 2006-2018............................................................................................................9 Highlights of 2018................................................................................................................13 Highlighted achievements.............................................................................................15 Highlighted events............................................................................................................18 ENoLL Publications............................................................................................................23 Projects...................................................................................................................................24 OpenLivingLab Days.........................................................................................................34 ENoLL outreach......................................................................................................................37 ENoLL Team.............................................................................................................................40 ENoLL Council......................................................................................................................41 ENoLL Office.........................................................................................................................44 ENoLL Members.....................................................................................................................45 12th wave Members.........................................................................................................49 Contact.....................................................................................................................................53


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

Foreword by ENoLL Chairperson

The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) celebrated its 12th birthday in 2018. ENoLL was established in 2006 during the Finnish Presidency of European Union, promoting multistakeholder and citizen driven innovation. Twelve years later, this vision was integrated in a key document: The Manifesto for Innovation in Europe -manifestoforinnovationineurope. org-, published after an editing process which included 51 people and different types of organisations. In the context of the Digital Transformation, The Manifesto provides an updated vision and highlights a list of specific lines for actions in a scenario of profound economic and societal transformations; a scenario in which innovation-led growth generated by SMEs and societal changes occur hand in hand. The EU citizen is now empowered thanks to the universal open access to knowledge, and new EU infrastructures are needed to facilitate an efficient integration of citizens in the EU knowledge society. But beyond this, The Manifesto represents a live, Open co-creation process, Open to all the Citizens, Open to the World, in order to guarantee that no one is left behind in this profound transformative process. We had the chance to deepen this “THE MANIFESTO REPRESENTS A approach during the summer of 2018 in our Open Living Lab Days Conference in LIVE, OPEN CO-CREATION PROCESS, Geneva, Switzerland. I had the honour to OPEN TO ALL CITIZENS, OPEN TO THE be elected as ENoLL Chairperson in an WORLD, IN ORDER TO GUARANTEE event in which Michael Møller, UnderSecretary-General of the United Nations THAT NO ONE IS LEFT BEHIND IN and the Director General of the United THIS PROFOUND TRANSFORMATIVE Nations Office at Geneva, shared with PROCESS” us a vision in which the Challenges that we are facing as Humankind cannot be tackled by one organisation alone anymore. The Sustainable Development Goals have become a universal framework, a global roadmap that applies to all facets of society, to all people and institutions, to all regions of the world and to every single individual. More than ever, the multi-stakeholder and citizen-centric perspective (a human-centric perspective) is known and accepted. Now, the implementation aspects, the development of the “how”, including the consolidation of sustainability and business models for living labs, appears as one of the most relevant challenges to tackle. We contributed to this with 23 projects collected in the report of the Living Lab Project Award Competition, with the 35 submitted scientific contributions, which explored the Network’s methodological multiplicity, and with 29 Open Workshops which constitute one of the most valuable assets of our Community: its potential of development through knowledge sharing. In this sense, the ENoLL Learning Lab Program was consolidated as a reference point for capacity building in living lab methodologies and tools, and this approach will be strengthened in the future in order to help the living lab Community building stronger foundations.


ENoLL Activity Report 2018


It is an actual priority to orchestrate the new EU innovation ecosystems based on complementary interaction of science, citizens, society and business. In the years to come new areas of expertise and jobs will emerge and disappear, the interdisciplinary boundaries will blur, stakeholders borders will fade, and this will ultimately trigger the mentioned profound transformations in the ways that citizens live their lives. Living Labs have played the role of connectors and enablers in their interaction with universities, research centres, public administration and companies, and have provided evidences for their transformative power. At European Institutional level, relevant actions have been taken in Collaboration with the European Commission, such as the contribution of ENoLL to the Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP) through Prof. Tuija Hirvikoski for the development of the Open Science and Open Innovation paradigms. ENoLL also played a fundamental role in the European Social Innovation Competition, in which 739 applicants from 39 European countries in 2018 proposed the urgent systemic changes for scaling up the impact of innovative socio-economic initiatives. With the objective of strengthening this collaboration at European Institutional level, the ENoLL Chairperson appointed Wim De Kinderen (City of Eindhoven) as ENoLL vice-Chairperson for the development of actions in the context of transition to the new Horizon Europe Framework Programme. I invited Win to share his reflections about this in the following pages. ENoLL has consolidated its ecosystem at a global scale, as well. Beyond a market for products and services, there is latent global market of values in which the citizen-centric approach, the empowerment of everyone to innovate, is a key element. The Network has strengthened its links in Asia with countries such as Korea, contributing not only to different joint events, but establishing new partnership and welcoming new membership applications. The same occurred for Africa and America. We also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Australian Living Labs Innovation Network, an achievement paving the way to the development of exciting scenarios for collaboration during 2019. Nowadays, we are facing a present of opportunities, also tensions and uncertainties, but indeed exciting changes. Classical fields of action for living labs such as Smart Cities and IoT, Health and Wellbeing, Green Economy and Energy, are now being complemented with promising emerging initiatives in Rural Living Labs, City Living Labs, Social and Policy Labs. The Living Lab Community, with its strong action-oriented nature, is placed in a privileged position to tackle this exciting moment that we are living and contribute to shape a better future for all. Fernando VilariĂąo Chairperson of the Executive Board, elected council member representing Library Living Lab


ENoLL Activity Report 2018


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

Towards Horizon Europe

ENoLL’s OpenLivingLab Days 2018 – excellently organised in the beautiful city of Geneva and with the participation of high level representatives of the United Nations – were an excellent illustration of our network’s growing, global expansion. Nevertheless, with the publication by the European Commission, last May 2018, of the “Multi-Annual Financial Framework 2021-2027” most of ENoLL members’ eyes were focused on the European level. Indeed, this marked the official start of the legislative process that will ultimately lead to the new context in which many of our Living Labs and their activities hope to find the financial resources so much needed for our common, cross-border activities. From a content point of view the proposed texts of Horizon Europe (the successor of the world’s largest Research and Innovation support programme Horizon 2020), Digital Europe (the newly proposed programme to support digital innovations), as well as Cohesion Policy programmes do not fall short in including crucial terminology close to ENoLL’s heart : cocreation, user engagement, open innovation, citizen science, innovation ecosystems, etc. In 2018 our network – the Office as well as the Chair, vice-Chair and Member representatives – has actively participated in meetings and reached out to EU officials to deepen the understanding and anchor the place of these approaches in EU policy and support programmes. And we will continue to do so in 2019. The unknown part in this, the budgets attached to these programmes, will only be discussed after the crucial elections for the European Parliament in May 2019. Crucial indeed, as different visions on the way how (and if ) the European Union must proceed have never before been so clearly on the table. Choose well, ENoLL colleagues and friends, and speak out loud to promote our unique way of collaboration. In the meantime, we will keep on defending the network’s interest to the maximum.

Wim De Kinderen ENoLL vice-Chairperson, elected council member representing Brainport Eindhoven


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

What we do


What we do The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) is a global network of open innovation ecosystems (Living Labs) that places people at the centre of product and service development and innovation. The network and its members provide innovation services for small and medium-sized international companies, the public sector, organisations and citizens.



ENoLL promotes the development of business and industry and the creation of tax revenue and jobs.

Through the years ENoLL has labelled 440+ Living Labs from around the world maintained by municipalities, universities, regions and companies acting also as the development and piloting partners. Of these, 135 make up the core for piloting European industry and innovation policy. The ENoLL network aims to create pan-European experiments and prototypes for new markets, based on the Digital Single Market.



It is an open engagement platform where new business models can be experimented with and developed all based on a quadruple helix approach, creating safety nets for experiments and prototypes with new roles of the public sector as enabler and catalyser. ENoLL can combine European vertical specialisation domains (health, smart cities, creativity, education etc.) with horizontal and territorial specialisation.




ENoLL Activity Report 2018


Milestones 2006-2018

Milestones 2006-2018


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

Milestones 2006-2018

ENoLL is founded in November 2006 under the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the European Union

As a proposed measure to boost European competitiveness ENoLL “establishes a European platform for collaborative and co-creative innovation, where the users are involved in and contribute to the innovation process”

The first phase of ENoLL consists of 20 Living Labs in 15 EU member states

2nd wave has been launched at the Portuguese EU Presidency event in Brussels, Belgium, bringing the total number of ENoLL members to 51

April 2008 Slovenian EU Presidency; ENoLL 3rd Wave call for membership application is launched Under the French EU Presidency, ENoLL 3rd wave launch event at ICT2008 event 4th wave of ENoLL members under the Swedish EU Presidency

ENoLL in 2010: • 188 Living Labs based in EU • 24 Living Labs outside the EU • Strategic cooperation with China and Brazil (formed Brazilian Network of Living Labs) ENoLL first Summer School in Paris, France

5th wave under the Belgian EU Presidency ENoLL becomes a legal entity headquartered in Brussels Highlights: • ENoLL globalization and cooperation with FAO, INSME, UNITED, CAISEC • ENoLL Project involvement (PERIPHERIA, SMARTIR EPIC, OPENCITIES) • launch of the 5th membership wave in Ghent


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

Milestones 2006-2018

6th wave of ENoLL Members welcoming 46 Living Labs from 15 different countries • •

ENoLL Office Headquartered in Brussels with one full time staff member ENoLL PPP policy initiative

Chinese Network of Living Labs (CNoLL) • Workshops held in China in 2010 and 2011

Other cases of globalisation • Korea (workshop held in February) • Australia (Action plan initiated)

• •

ENoLL supports the European Commission initiative on active and healthy aging Summer School in Helsinki / Espoo, Finland

8th wave of ENoLL members • 25 new accepted members • 340+ accredited ENOLL Living Labs • ENoLL Summer School - the OpenLivingLab Days hosted in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Brazilian Network of Living Labs (BNoLL) • EU-Brazil cooperation • Information dissemination and awareness taking place as well as workshops in several Brazilian cities

African Network of Living Labs (ANoLL) • 8 African Living Labs in 2011 • Agreement on a task force in charge of an action plan and ensuring a close link between ENoLL and ANoLL • Summer School in Barcelona, Spain

7th wave ENoLL members • 25 additional members with an increasing numbers of nonEuropean members • 345 labelled ENoLL Living Labs ENoLL together with Manchester City Council organized the 4th ENoLL Summer School in August 2013


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

Milestones 2006-2018

9th wave of ENoLL Members • 25 new accepted members • OpenLivingLab Days hosted in Istanbul 10th wave of ENoLL members • OpenLivingLab Days hosted in Montreal • 7 new approved EU Projects / 7 successfully concluded EU projects

11th wave of ENoLL Members • OpenLivingLab Days hosted in Krakow, Poland • MoU signed with Future Centre Alliance Japan • •

10 new 12th wave ENoLL Members OpenLivingLab Days hosted in Geneva, Switzerland

MoU signed with Australian Living Lab Innovation Network

5 members updgrade their membership and join the group of Core Members (Effective members and Innovation Partners)


ENoLL Activity Report 2018


Highlights of 2018

Highlights of 2018


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

Highlights of 2018

Looking back at 2018, it is difficult to 2018, a year during which the core members summarise such an active year in a few lines. group expanded to include five new members which are closely working with the network. The year began by publishing the Manifesto for Innovation in Europe, written by ENoLL Council members and like-minded organisations. The vision of the manifesto is of a European Union in which citizens are not only beneficiaries of growth, but are also co-creators and co-owners of the resulting societal changes, actors shaping the progress towards a Europe of citizens. ENoLL has once again expanded its collaboration beyond Europe and signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Australian Living Labs Innovation Network with the aim to collaborate with Australian counterparts on strategically relevant topics. Next to that, core members of the network have welcomed an Innovation Partner from Australia. This was not the only expansion in

At the annual gathering of the community – the OpenLivingLab Days hosted in Geneva, Switzerland 12 new adherent members received ENoLL Living Lab certification. The new members joined the community in the same year as the online presence of ENoLL was refreshed and the members area – a collaboration platform was refurbished. And finally, to promote the Open Innovation principles and the Living Lab methodology in which users are in the centre of innovation, ENoLL representatives have been busy speaking at key European and global events.


ENoLL Activity Report 2018



Highlighted Achievements Manifesto for Innovation in Europe The Manifesto was initiated by a The editing process included 51 people from number of organisations and the different organisations. The organisations enthusiasm of a group of individuals. presented a vision of an open co-creation process that is open to all citizens and to the world. The organisations which contributed To achieve this vision, set of directions was to the creation of the manifesto are: proposed: • Enabling Societal Engagement to tap into • European Network of Living Labs new innovation potential • Coventry University • Cultivating Open Innovation and Open • Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Urban Science to inspire innovation Europe • Bringing together innovation and • Vandejong excellent research to expand and intensify • Educore complementary research and innovation •

AltArt Foundation

Wuppertal Institute

All Digital


Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)

European Commission (RTD & DGCONNECT)

FabLab BCN

Future Center Alliance (FCA)

Aalto University

Fostering Policy development to achieve agile and inclusive policy response frameworks

Furthering Results to assert Europe’s unique position in the global scene

You can read and contribute to the manifesto via https://manifestoforinnovationineurope. org/


ENoLL Activity Report 2018


Memorandum of Understanding signed with Australian Living Labs Innovation Network During the OpenLivingLab Days 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland ENoLL signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Australian Living Labs Innovation Network (ALLIN). The MoU was signed by representatives of two partners – Tuija Hirvikoski on behalf of ENoLL and Phil Donaldson on behalf of ALLIN. With the MoU we aim to strengthen our engagement with Australian Living Labs Network. The two networks have come together with the common intention to collaborate and develop the global Living Lab community. With the MoU the two parties seek to foster a close relationship which will occur through: •

Meeting standards and values of ENoLL

Co-organisation of a Regional Summer School

ENoLL Council Chairman Fernando Vilariño has commented on the MoU stating that “ENoLL is supporting a vision of Europe as a Lab open to the world, a place for exploring how the living lab multi-stakeholder citizen-centric approach -a human centric approach- can contribute to innovation-led growth and positive societal transformation”. He added that his “personal commitment is to work hand in hand with the Australian Living Labs in this vision for the democratization of the access to knowledge Relationship building activities by and innovation to everyone, empowering our exchange of information on opportunities living labs and their communities as effective and joint projects, attendance of instruments for socioeconomic impact and key events and conversations with change: together we will definitely bestronger”. other potential partners in the region

Pictured: ENoLL and ALiN representatives signing the Memorandum of Understanding in August 2018


ENoLL Activity Report 2018


Second successful year of Learning Lab programme The Learning Lab programme has grown tremendously in two years since it was established. The second ever Learning Lab Day was conducted in Geneva, Switzerland, one day before the OpenLivingLab Days event. 12 experts from the network were engaged as trainers and there were more than 60 participants. In 2018, 15 Learning Lab mentee organisations joined the year-long programme. The Learning Lab repository has grown to include 19 e-courses and other Learning materials.

Sciences) •

EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne)

LPH (University of Tübingen)

Blue society LL (Nausicaá, Centre National de la Mer)

JSP (Johanneberg Science Park AB)

Porto digital (Municipality of Porto)

JRC EC (Joint Research Centre of the European Commission)

Warm welcome to the 15 Learning Lab mentee • organisations who joined us this year:

AHC CEUD (Centre for Excellence in Universal Design at the National Disability Authority)

ToBeVerona Living Lab (ASS.IM.P.)

CNR-IMAA (National Council of Research of Italy)

FCiências.ID (PROSEU)

TENOR lab (Norwegian University of Life

Pictured: Learning Lab class of 2018

NetwellCASALA Technology)



Synergie Competences





ENoLL Activity Report 2018


Highlighted Events

Highlighted Events To promote the Open Innovation principles the future was the focal point of the conference. and the Living Lab methodology in which users are at the centre of innovation, ENoLL representatives have been busy speaking at Moscow Urban Forum (July) key European and global events. In this section, In July 2018 Tuija Hirvikoski (Laurea Living Labs) you can find a few highlighted events of 2018. was invited to speak at the Moscow Urban Forum under the title “Megacity of the Future. Networking event: Mediterranean New Space for Living”. She presented leading Innovation comes to Brussels: Finnish examples as well as good practice examples from ENoLL at the session “City as a bringing creative minds together living lab. Testing technologies for the future (May) cities”. Next to that, she spoke about urban development and the importance of Living ENoLL (as a partner in TALIA) with the support Labs in front of an audience that combined of Creative Ring, held a networking event representatives of Russian and foreign city in Brussels aimed at triggering cross-border administrations, architects, urban developers, project collaboration and knowledge exchange heads of finance companies and investors. between two creative communities of practice: the Med Creative Community and the Belgian Creative ecosystem. Inspired by Kristel Van Ael’s iSCAPE Summer School: Air Quality System Design methodology, participants co- Sensing and Approaches for created a set of preliminary project proposals Mitigation (September) as a first step towards future collaboration. Between 17th-18th September, European Smart Cities Global Summit Algeria research and innovation project – iSCAPE (June) (Improving the Smart Control of Air Pollution Tuija Hirvikoski (then ENoLL Chairman), joined in Europe) of which ENoLL is a partner, has Mayors, Government Leaders and thought organised a Summer School under the title Air leaders to speak at the Smart Cities Global Quality Sensing and Approaches for Mitigation Summit in Algeria. Creating the smart cities of using Smart Solutions and Citizen


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

engagement. Aim of the Summer School was to broaden awareness of air pollution and ways to control it. During the event, current and future air pollution mitigation activities were presented, providing an opportunity to participants to interact with the work of iScape.

CoCo Toolkit workshop at the Nordic Edge (September) ENoLL team was at the Nordic Edge conference & expo, running a workshop within the scope of UNaLab project titled Co-creating smart naturebased liveable spaces – necessary solutions for real life challenges. The workshop which was held on 26th September was co-organised with ERRIN, Eindhoven, Stavanger Region EU Office and Northern Cities Netherlands. We used the CoCo toolkit methodology which was developed by ENoLL Member Laurea University and allowed an interactive session for all participants.

European Week of Regions and Cities (October) The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional level for good European governance. The 2018 edition of the event was held in Brussels between 8-11 October. ENoLL was actively engaged in several sessions. We co-organised a session on “Crossborder co-creation Living Laboratories for Local development” with the Metropolitan City of Turin, joined “Investing in the economical and digital transition of cities

Highlighted Events

and communities” as SynchroniCity partners and participated in sessions we identified as relevant for the Living Lab community; such as “How to Support the Participation of Mobile EU Citizens in Local Communities”. During the session co-organised with the Metropolitan City of Turin the panelists (including ENoLL Chairman Fernando Vilariño and ENoLL Director Zsuzsanna Bodi) discussed how co-creation can improve the definition and implementation of local and cross-border development policies. Living Labs were presented as a methodology which can be used for participative territorial development on multiple levels and the audience was invited to weight in on the challenges they found most important with regards to cross-border cooperation.

TALIA International Palermo (October)



The Interreg MED Programme’s Social & Creative Community gathered in Palermo on 19 October to participate in a relevant International Seminar at the CreZi.Plus cultural centre, organised by the European Network of Living Labs within the TALIA (Territorial Appropriation of Leading-edge Innovation Actions) horizontal project. The main objective of the TALIA International Seminar was to increase transnational activities of innovative clusters and networks in the MED area. During the event, Modular Projects shared best practices and joined a co-creation session where they contributed to improve the TALIA Innovation Model for all the Social & Creative Community.


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

Cluj Innovation Camp

Highlighted Events


ENoLL Director Zsuzsanna Bodi and Chairman Fernando Vilariño joined the co-creation camp for the city of Cluj in Romania. By using the Innovation Camp methodology, promoted by Hank Kune, Bror Salmelin and others in a two days long sprint three challenges presented by the city of Cluj were tackled: Education for the Future of Work; Impact Romania and Innovation Cluj–Napoca Manifesto. After the two days sprint the groups presented their prototypes calls for action to the Mayor of ClujNapoca Mr Emil Boc. Having a member of ours – Transilvania Living Lab – in the heart of this eager ecosystem, we are keen on supporting by matchmaking and sharing knowledge on a pan-European and transnational level.

cities can continue to play in fostering innovation ecosystems and the opportunities it presents for connecting as a region.

Lego Serious Play workshop at European Space Agency event (November) ENoLL teamed up with Transilvania Living Lab at the Phi week event in Rome, organized by the European space agency. The event ran from 12th to 16th November. In this collaborative workshop we explored the potentials of Earth Observation data and other space technologies in better planning the future of our cities.Through Lego serious play, 3D models were built of dystopian cities – which were then transformed to future utopian cities, tapping in to the great amount knowledge of the participants.

Regional Living Lab Summit (October) “Bridging Innovation Between East & West” was the appropriately chosen theme for the first Regional Living Lab Summit celebrated in Istanbul on the 25th and 26th of October 2018. Hosted in cooperation by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, the Başakşehir Municipality and the Başakşehir Living Lab, the summit provided opportunities to strengthen the innovation ecosystem for the MENA and Balkan region. During the two days, panel discussions on the role of innovation ecosystems in regional development where combined with presentations from successful regional SMEs which benefited or began within a Living Lab environment. The ENoLL network was present officially through the opening conference remarks by its Chairman, Fernando Vilariño. He highlighted the important role that municipalities and

Global Sustainable Technology & Innovation conference (November) For the second consecutive time, ENoLL joined the Global Sustainable Technology & Innovation conference (G-STIC). With the aim to facilitate the world-wide implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), G-STIC helps accelerate technological transitions towards SDGs by promoting collaboration among technology stakeholders and bridging the gap between technology and policy making. As ENoLL is an organisation that is committed to SDGs, ENoLL Director Zsuzsanna Bodi was invited to speak at the closing session of the conference, under the topic “Looking forward to G-STIC 2019”.


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

Fair of European (November)

Highlighted Events

Innovators Living Labs and Smart Cities workshop in Seoul Korea (November)

We joined the Fair of European innovators in cultural heritage on 15 and 16 November 2018, in Brussels. The two-day event was organized by the European Commission DG RTD with EAC and DG CONNECT which which we have closely collaborated on several occasions. Aim of the event was to promote the connection between Community of Innovators and to discuss the next steps of the EU Action Plan on Cultural Heritage. Some of the challenges that were highlighted at the event, are the importance to understand the barriers of using tools for municipalities and governments. It is also vital to forge trust between creative organisations and governments, which can be done with new governance models.

Place-making for Innovation at La Marina Living Lab (November) On 15 and 16 November, ENoLL was invited to La Marina de Valencia, Spain for the Place-making for Innovation event, a three-day international co-creation workshop were urban practitioners and innovators from all across Europe and beyond came together to explore the role of that Living Labs and place-making can have in the historic harbour of the city of Valencia. The event was part of the broader La Marina Living Lab (LMLL) initiative, an urban Living Lab that seeks to engage citizens in the transformation of the public space. LMLL was born in collaboration with our fellow Australian colleagues from ALLIN. ENoLL Chair Fernando VilariĂąo opened the three-day session by introducing the ENoLL Community and its vision to La Marina to support LMLL on its Living Lab journey.

ENoLL Chairman Fernando VilariĂąo was invited by the Fredrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF), and the Korea Local Information, Research and Innovation Development Institute (KLID) to speak at the Living Labs and Smart Cities workshop held in Seoul, Korea between 28-30 November. The visit strengthened collaboration with Korean Living Lab practitioners and affirmed that the technology driven approach contributing to create test-beds for innovative solutions appear as one of the consolidated mechanisms in Smart Cities all over the globe.


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

Highlighted Events

Activities and events organised with the European Commission Open Science Policy Platform (OSPP) European Social Innovation meetings Competition events OSPP is a group that advises the Commission on how to develop open science policy. ENoLL Chairman from 2015-2018, Tuija Hirvikoski, has been representing ENoLL in the group whose mandate is to support European Commissioner Carlos Moedas how to further develop and practically implement open science policy, support policy formulation and implementation as well as provide advice and recommendations on any cross-cutting issue affecting Open Science. In 2018 the group discussed a paper on Citizen science, presented and adopted recommendations for the embedding of open science and prepared an integrated advice on 8 prioritised Open Science ambitions.

(EUSIC) is a challenge prize run by the European Commission and supported by a consortium of partners including ENoLL. The 2018 edition of the Competition was titled RE:THINK LOCAL. The aim was to find the most innovative projects, products, services, business models and collaborations that empower young people to participate fully in a changing economy. ENoLL involved several local mentors from Living Labs across Europe to support the semifinalists through their development process and provide them with specialized assistance. Next to that, ENoLL brought on board judges and assessors from the ENoLL community. The final event of the competition was organised in Brussels in November.

Pictured: EUSIC academy participants exploring the KWMC developed workshop methodology


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

ENoLL Publications


ENoLL Publications In 2018, ENoLL Secretariat produced • or compiled the following publications showcasing the work of ENoLL members and • activities of the network. All publications are available for viewing under the “publications” section of the ENoLL website. • •

ENoLL Project’s portfolio

U4IoT methodology handbook

OLLD18 Lego Serious Play Workshop report

Pictured: Cover of the Living Lab Project Award Publication

OpenLivingLab Days 2018 Conference report OpenLivingLab Days 2018 conference proceedings (a compilation of all research and innovation papers presented at the conference) Living Lab Project Award 2017 (a compilation of projects ENoLL members have worked on in 2017)


ENoLL Activity Report 2018


3.4 Projects ENoLL as an international non-profit association selectively participates in EUfunded projects that are strategically important and bring benefits to its members. ENoLL acts as an orchestrator with the aim of creating transnational experimentation pilot frameworks. ENoLL’s role in these projects ranges from dissemination to the wider community of Living Lab members, to enduser engagement.

Through the projects ENoLL also facilitates Living Lab trainings with the experts from the network. Through participation in EU projects, ENoLL contibutes to policy recommendations, development of Living Lab handbooks and tools as well as uptake of the Living Lab paradigm in different European cities.

Pictured: UNaLab project workshop at the Nordic Edge event in September 2018


ENoLL Activity Report 2018




Territorial Appropriation of Leading-edge Innovation Actions, is a horizontal project promoting the development of social and creative clusters in the Mediterranean region to improve its policy impact in the innovation domain. TALIA will thus capture the insights coming from the most interesting experiences taking place in our territories, to support policy-makers who aim to effectively deploy a Mediterranean Model of creativity and social innovation.

U4IoT (User engagement for Large Scale Pilots on the Internet of Things) combines complementary expertise encompassing social and economic sciences, communication, crowdsourcing, living labs, co-creative workshops, meetups and personal data protection to actively engage end-users and citizens in the large scale pilots.

ENoLL Members in the Project: Consorcio Fernando de Los Rios, France Living Labs (INRIA) Overall budget: 1,5 million EU contribution to ENoLL: € 288,950.00

ENoLL Members in the Project: imec.livinglabs, Botnia Living Lab Overall budget: € 1 878 625 EU contribution to ENoLL: € 161 250


ENoLL Activity Report 2018




iSCAPE aims to develop and evaluate an integrated strategy for air pollution control in European cities grounded on evidence-based analysis. The project will develop the tools required to obtain an air pollution free/low carob society by addressing air quality and climate change concerns together through the application of new smart and sustainable technologies for integration into urban design and guidelines. The project also aims to set up Living Labs working in the field of air pollution.

EU-MACS (European Market for Climate Services) – project analyses the market structures and drivers, obstacles and opportunities from scientific, technical, legal, ethical, governance and socioeconomic vantage points. The analysis is grounded in economic and political science theories on how service markets with public and private features can develop, and how innovations may succeed. Overall budget: € 1 499 621,25

Cities in which Living Labs are developed: EU contribution to ENoLL: € 70 625 Bologna (italy), Bottrop, (Norway), Guildford (UK), Hasselt (Belgium), Dublin (Ireland), Vantaa (Finland) Overall budget: € 5 850 830 EU contribution to ENoLL: € 136 250


ENoLL Activity Report 2018




SISCODE aims to understand co-creation as a bottom-up and design-driven phenomenon that is flourishing in Europe (in fab labs, Living Labs, social innovations, smart cities, communities and regions); to analyse favourable conditions that support its effective introduction, scalability and replication; and to use this knowledge to cross-fertilise RRI practices and policies.

The European Social Innovation Competition (EUSIC) is a challenge prize run by the European Commission across all Horizon 2020 associated countries. Organised in memory of Diogo Vasconcelos, the Competition calls all Europeans to come up with solutions to the problems affecting our society. ENoLL role

• Assessment of entries and recommendation of judges from different countries for the ENoLL’s role in SISCODE is to collaborate with selection of the semi-finalists. the other networks in the project (international • Selection of Local Mentors from Living Labs network of fab labs & European network of across Europe to support the semi-finalists science centers and museums) in building a through their development process and transnational system of co-creation laboratories provide them with specialized assistance. to experiment with a design- driven approach to co-creation, drawing knowledge from real- • Contribution to the communications strategy life experimentations to foster cross-fertilisation and tested messaging documents to make sure of know-how, co-creation approaches, RRI they were culturally appropriate. practices and policies. Overall budget: € 2 027 937 ENoLL members in the project: Krakow EU contribution to ENoLL: € 150 030 Technology Park, Thess-AHALL, Precision Agriculture for All Overall budget: € 3 999 268,75 EU contribution to ENoLL: € 133 531,25


ENoLL Activity Report 2018




Synchronicity opens up a global IoT market where cities and businesses develop shared digital services to improve the lives of citizens and grow local economies. The SynchroniCity consortium brings together 39 partners with worldwide outreach. The project represents the first attempt to deliver a digital single market for IoT-enabled urban services in Europe and beyond – in 8 European cities and more worldwide – connecting 39 partners from 13 countries over 3 continents.

The Urban Nature Labs project will demonstrate innovation nature-based solutions in cities that are facing challenges of climate change and urbanisation. Through the project locallyattuned innovative water management systems will be co-create and demonstrated in the context of an integrated urban ecological approach: the Urban Nature Lab (UNaLab). Smart Santander Living Lab, Brainport Eindhoven, imec.livinglabs.

ENoLL Members in the Project: Forum Virium Helsinki, Manchester Digital Innovation Living Lab, imec.livinglabs

ENoLL Members in the Project: Botnia Living Lab, Basaksehir Living Lab, Espaitec, Brainport Eindhoven Cities in the project:

Cities in the project:

Basaksehir (Turkey), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Antwerp (Belgium), Carouge (Switzerland), Cannes (France), Castellon (Spain), Eindhoven Eindhoven (The Netherlands), Leon (Spain), (The Netherlands), Genova (Italy), Hong Kong Manchester (UK), Milan (Italy), Helsinki (China) Stavanger (Norway), Prague (Czech (Finland), Porto (Portugal) Republic), Tampere (Finland) Overall budget: € 20 182 898,38

Overall budget: € 14 278 699,25

EU contribution to ENoLL: € 300 000

EU contribution to ENoLL: € 465 000


ENoLL Activity Report 2018



SynchroniCity: The Paradigm Shift of Living Labs in Service Co-creation for Smart Cities

SynchroniCity was at Connected Smart Cities Conference 2018 InterregMED Social & Creative: 5 new Modular Projects joined the programmed through the 2nd Call launched by the MED programme UNaLab: Lego workshop conducted with WP2 partners to align goals, ambitions & expectations for the work package

EUSIC: Launch of the Competition and its theme for 2018: RE:THINK LOCAL in Paris UNaLab: Urban Living Lab trainings in Einhoven (The Netherlands), Genova (Italy) and Tampere (Finland) conducted by ENoLL office & ENoLL experts

U4IoT: Living Lab Methodology Handbook by ENoLL office & ENoLL experts available as printed version

InterregMED Social & Creative: the Modular Project CoworkMED has its final conference in Zagreb to bring its project activities to a closure

EU-MACS deliverable guidelines for Living Labs in Climate services published on the EU-MACS website with contribution from ENoLL effective member as expert InterregMED Social & Creative: the InterregMED Programme organised its mid-term event in Rome where the results of the activities carried out over the first 18 months of the MED Programme were presented and discussed


ENoLL Activity Report 2018


UNALAB: consortium meeting hosted by the Eindhoven Municipality. ENoLL reveals the internal version of the co-creation toolkit (publically available in 2019) U4IoT: ENoLL in collaboration with member Botnia Living Lab published an e-course on Living Lab support on project website

U4IoT & SynchroniCity training and workshops in Carouge - ENoLL presented Living Lab methods & tools and end-user engagement toolkit, supported facilitation of other workshops

U4IoT end-user engagement toolkit updated with new tools iSCAPE midterm event in Bologna, Italy iSCAPE consortium meeting in Bologna, Italy

SISCODE kick-off meeting in Milan, Italy with three Living Labs as project partners: Thess-Ahall, KTP & PA4ALL EUSIC: 729 entries from 39 different countries were pre-assessed by a group of international experts.

iSCAPE: ENoLL held a Lego workshop on Living Labs exploitation: challenges and lessons learnt

InterregMED Social & Creative: the Mediterranean and Belgian Creative Community met in Brussels to discover new sources of creativity and expand the possibilities for transnational project collaboration. SynchroniCity - Open Call launch and first webinar

U4IoT workshop at the IoT week in Bilbao on U4IoT tools & services (including Living Lab support) EUSIC 1ST Jury Meeting: 12 highlevel judges selected 30 SemiFinalists amongst applicants.


ENoLL Activity Report 2018


SynchroniCity second open call webinar EUSIC Academy in Cluj: Semifinalists received training and support to develop their ideas into viable ventures UNaLab: Urban Living Lab training organised for cities at the Day 0 training at OLLD18: Field tests in ULL presentation by ENoLL expert and coco-toolkit workshop by ENoLL expert

U4IoT held a booth at OLLD18 and a workshop about implementing U4IoT tools & support services in large-scale technical pilots by ENoLL, Botnia Living Lab and other project partners, in collaboration with SynchroniCity

iSCAPE project contributed to the agenda of Day 0 - The Learning Lab Day at OLLD18: Business Models & Value created by Living Labs presentations & canvas by ENoLL Business Model task force experts and Different project scales in Living Labs presentation by ENoLL expert

EU-MACS guidelines for Living Labs in Climate Services presented at the ENoLL booth at OLLD18

Joint iSCAPE & SISCODE project workshop at the OLLD18: Lego Labs, why Living Labbing & how to Living Lab? Together with ENoLL office and project partners including ENoLL experts SynchroniCity third open call webinar


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

September iSCAPE: summer school on the topic of Air Quality Sensing and Approaches for Mitigation organised in Hasselt, Belgium with ENoLL presentation on Living Labs as an innovation instrument for sustainable air quality improvement


UNaLab: cities challenges workshop at the Nordic Edge Expo, exploring the challenges and potential Nature Based Solutions for cities in Stavanger, Norway, co-organised with ENoLL expert as workshop lead

SynchroniCity fourth open call webinar EU-MACS final event - unlocking the potential for Climate Services in Berlin, Germany with ENoLL contributions to the co-creation workshop

EUSIC 2nd Jury Meeting: evaluation of the Semi-Finalists Development Plans and selected 10 Finalists


EUSIC finalists publicly announced

U4IoT review in Brussels: ENoLL facilitated the organisation of the review and presented the results of the first half of the project, main focus on U4IoT end-user engagement toolkit and Living Lab support material & activities

SISCODE consortium meeting in Barcelona, liaising with the three Living Labs in the project: ThessAhall, PA4ALL & KTP on the future co-creation actions at the labs InterregMED Social & Creative: the MED creatives met in Palermo in the context of the Vestino Festival and the creative textile industry to dcocreate a Mediterranean Vision for Innovation together


ENoLL Activity Report 2018


UNALAB consortium meeting hosted by Basaksehir Living Lab. ENoLL revealed a game on Living Labs and co-creative tools & methodologies Representing SISCODE & U4IoT projects at the NewHoRRIzon social lab in Munich, Germany, on the topic of RRI and Living Labs in the field of RRI

U4IoT Living Lab Support eCourse completed with a lesson by Botnia Living Lab on Living Lab Field Tests (supported by ENoLL)

SynchroniCity at Smart City Expo World Congress EUSIC Funder’s Fair and Award’s Ceremony in Brussels: Finalists were paired with funding experts in order to develop their strategic thinking to relevant funding sources. Finalists pitched their ideas to the audience and the 3 winners were announced SISCODE co-creation lab visit at Thess-Ahall: creating a co-creation journey for the Living Lab & pilot activities

SynchroniCity at ICT 2018 to present the large-scale pilots that shape the next generation Internet of Things with respect to the privacy of our citizens

SynchroniCity announcement of the open call winning applicants


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

OpenLivingLab Days 2018

3.5 OpenLivingLab Days 2018 More than 300 participants from 32 countries attended the 9th international gathering of the Living Lab community – the OpenLivingLab Days. The conference took place between 22-24 August in Geneva, Switzerland. It was co-organised by ENoLL, Genève Lab (hosted by Republique et Canton de Geneve), Energy Living Lab of Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale (HES-SO) and Université de Genève – Mobile Communications and Computing for Quality of Life Living Lab.

Under the theme “Living Labs and Sustainable Development Goals: From Theory to Practice” the event demonstrated the importance of Living Labs with regards to the role of citizens, open innovation and in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Keynote speech was given by Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Director General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, Michael Møller

IdeaSquare, Pangloss lab, SDG Solution Space, Impact Hub, Addict Lab, Hospital of Geneva and the Red Cross Museum. High level speakers from the United Nations, the European Institutions as well as local and regional governments discussed policy developments. The conference also had a strong academic backbone as 35 research and innovation papers on the topic of Living Labs were presented to the participants.

Taking advantage of the location of the conference, participants had a chance to visit local innovation communities such as CERN –

Pictured: LEGO Serious Play workshop participants (left);

plenary session (right)


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

OpenLivingLab Days 2018

OpenLivingLab Days highlights Best Research and Innovation Paper Award

SDG cities challenge

29 workshops

Veli-Pekka Niitamo awards were given to two papers out of 35 that were presented. Award for best research paper went to Dimitri Schuurman, Aron-Levi Herregodts, Annabel Georges and Olivier Rits for their paper on “Innovation Management in Living Lab projects: the Innovatrix Framework”.

The SDGs – Cities Challenge was a special opportunity, particularly tailored for cities and urban actors, to share, discover, debate and create their responses to the Sustainable Development Goals. The workshop aimed at transferring knowledge across different programmes that cities are working on, looking for solutions to their individual and common challenges. Municipalities and City-oriented projects and programmes part of the “SDGs – Cities Challenge” were given the opportunity to connect their ongoing work, challenges, and future vision with the expert base that forms the ENoLL network.

Goal of workshops for OLLD18 was to see how Living Labs and could contribute to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the United Nation, partner of the event.

The Award for best Innovation Paper went to Tuija Hirvikoski, Kaisla Saastamoinen and and Mikael Uitto for their paper titled “International Innovation Sprint Bridging the Sustainability Gap between Metropolitan Core and Peripheries”.

Pictured: SDG cities challenge


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

“It is absolutely critical to recognize that the SDGs are not just and agenda for the United Nations or the governments. They are much more than that. They have become, and are, a universal framework, a global roadmap that applies to all facets of society, to all people and institutions, to all regions of the world and to every single individual”

OpenLivingLab Days 2018

“Living Labs are a growing phenomenon. The movement is expanding across Europe and the World. For Universities, major challenge is to reach the society and Living Labs have become important instruments involving users at every stage of research, development and innovation process. Their success can also be attributed to ENoLL”

“I am delighted to welcome you in Geneva on behalf of the Geneva government and its president Pierre Maudet. Geneva is acting as an international campus for innovation. It is strongly investing in innovation, sustainability and entrepreneurship for the canton’s future but as well for the world prosperity” Nicholas Niggli

Michael Møller

Dr Luciana Vaccaro

Republic and State of Under-Secretary-General of Rector - HES-SO University Geneva’s Director General the United Nations and the of Applied Sciences and Arts for Economic Development, Director General of the United Western Switzerland Research and Innovation Nations Office at Geneva

Pictured: Michael Møller giving a keynote speech at the OpenLivingLab Days


ENoLL Activity Report 2018


ENoLL outreach

ENoLL outreach


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

ENoLL outreach

Social Media:

By the end of 2018, ENoLL had:

More than


More than



More than

2760 newsletter subsribers


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

ENoLL outreach

A growing Community:

10 2018


New Adherent Members

Learning Lab mentees


New Core Members

Reaching out: ENoLL Members are in regular contact with

Brokering Services for members


28+ open calls & tenders


for experimentation and testing purposes


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

ENoLL team


ENoLL team Governance structure of ENoLL is composed of the General Assembly and the ENoLL Executive Board (the Council) while ENoLL Secretariat is responsible for daily management of operations and execution of tasks.

The Council

ENoLL Secretariat

ENoLL Executive Board (the Council) is a management body of the network. Each member of the board approved by the General Assembly for the duration of 3 years, which can be renewed. Any member of the network can be part of the Council.

ENoLL Secretariat is responsible for daily management of operations.

General Assembly

The ENoLL Council provides strategic guidance to the network. It monitors and directs the activities of the Brussels ENoLL office and the activities of the ENoLL Work Groups, Special Interest Groups and Task forces.

General Assembly (GA) is General Steering Body approving decisions by simple majority before they are implemented. It is composed of all Effective Members who have voting power, while Adherent Members and Innovation Partners can attend the GA meetings but do not have voting rights.

Main role of the Secretariat is the implementation of the strategy defined by the ENoLL Council and running daily network operations. Main functions and services run by the Office are internal and external brokerage, information relay and community management, policy influencing, visibility and awareness raising, engagement with other networks and alliances, facilitation of partnerships, identification of new funding opportunities and commitment in projects.


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

ENoLL Council


ENoLL Council In August 2018, Fernando Vilariño (Library Living Lab) was elected as Chairperson of the Executive Board (ENoLL Council) – a position which was held from 2015-August 2018 by Tuija Hirvikoski (Laurea Living Labs).

There were four new applications for Council membership by Belinda Chen (Taiwan Living Lab), Alun Jones (Coventry University), Jesse Marsh (Atelier Studio) and Evdokimos Konstantinidis (ThessAHALL). The new applicants were approved and welcomed as Council members.

At the General Assembly meeting in Geneva in August 2018, five following Council Members renewed their position: Joelle Joan Battle (Barcelona Laboratory) Mastelic (Energy Living Lab), Jokin Garatea and Paul Faiburn (Coventry University) (GAIA), Juan Antonio Bertolin (espaitec) and resigned as Council members. Brigitte Trousse (France Living Labs – INRIA).

Pictured: ENoLL Council in August 2018


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

ENoLL Council

ENoLL Council Members Until August 2018 Tuija Hirvikoski (Laurea UAS) ENoLL President from August 2015-August 2018 Artur Serra (i2CAT Foundation) Vice President Anna Ståhlbröst (Lulea University of Technology) Vice President Wim de Kinderen (Brainport Eindhoven) Vice President Pieter Ballon (imec.livinglab - previously iMinds) ENoLL Secretary Adam Olszewski (PSNC Poznan) ENoLL Treasurer Juan Bertolin (Espaitec/eLivingLab) Yilmaz Cakir (Başakşehir Living Lab)

Joan Battle (ICUB Barcelona) Paul Fairburn (Coventry University) Jokin Garatea (Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi Gaia) Leena Makela (Tampere University of Applied Sciences) Joelle Mastelic (Energy Living Labs) Ismael Perea (Consorcio Fernando de los Rios) Brigitte Trousse (INRIA/ France Living Labs) Wojciech Przyblski (Krakow Technology Park) Fernando Vilariño (Library Living Lab)


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

ENoLL Council

ENoLL Council Members After August 2018 Fernando Vilariño (Library Living Lab) Chairperson of the Executive Board from August 2018 Wim de Kinderen (Brainport Eindhoven) Vice-Chairperson Pieter Ballon (imec.livinglab - previously iMinds) ENoLL Secretary Adam Olszewski (PSNC Poznan) ENoLL Treasurer Wojciech Przyblski (Krakow Technology Park) Brigitte Trousse (INRIA/ France Living Labs) Joelle Mastelic (Energy Living Labs) Leena Makela (Tampere University of Applied Sciences) Jokin Garatea (Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi Gaia) Alun Jones (Coventry University) Tuija Hirvikoski (Laurea UAS)

Artur Serra (i2CAT Foundation) Anna Ståhlbröst (Lulea University of Technology) Juan Bertolin (Espaitec/eLivingLab) Yilmaz Cakir (Başakşehir Living Lab) Belinda Chen (Taiwan Living Lab) Jesse Marsh (Atelier Studio) Evdokimos Konstantinidis (Thess-AHALL)


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

ENoLL Office


ENoLL Office The ENoLL Office team is led by Association In September 2018 Miguel Galdiz has taken the Director Zsuzsanna Bodi. role of a Network Manager. He is responsible for relations with members and network operations. He has joined the team in May to support the Team members include: organisation of the OpenLivingLab Days. Galia • Spela Zalokar, Communications Officer and Mancheva has stopped working at ENoLL as International Project Manager Project Manager in February. • Ines Vaittinen, International Project Manager & Developer External experts: • Leidy Vanessa Enriquez Florez, Executive • Katariina Malmberg, External Project and International Project Assistant Consultant • Clara Mafe, Junior Project Manager • Dr Francesca Spagnoli, Senior Expert (Head of Projects)

Pictured: ENoLL Secretariat in August 2018


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

ENoLL Members






ADHERENT In 2018 there were 20 Effective Members , 4 Innovation Partners and 111 Adherent Members registered. In total, 135 Members were actively engaged and contributed to activities of the network in 2018.


Since its formation, ENoLL has labelled more than 440 Living Labs. To be labelled an ENoLL Living Lab, the applicants underwent a strict quality review.



During the past six years, the number ENoLL members fulfilling the membership criteria of the association bylaws has been between 102 and 135.




ENoLL Activity Report 2018

ENoLL Members

ENoLL Effective Members: Barcelona Laboratory (Barcelona, Spain)

imec.LivingLabs (Flanders, Belgium)

Başakşehir Living Lab (Başakşehir, Turkey)

i2CAT Living Labs (Catalonia, Spain)

Bird Living Lab (Basque Country, Spain)

Krakow Living Lab (Krakow Poland)

Botnia Living Lab (Lulea, Sweden)

Laurea Living Labs (Espoo, Finland)

Bristol Living Lab (Bristol, UK)

Library Living Lab (Barcelona, Spain)

Coventry Living Lab (Coventry, UK)

Living Labs Taiwan (Taiwan)

Eindhoven Living Lab (Eindhoven, The Netherlands)

Poznan Living Lab (Poznan, Poland) TAMK Living Lab (Tampere, Finland)

Energy Living Lab (Western Switzerland) Thess-AHALL (Thessaloniki, Greece) espaitec LivingLab (Castellon, Spain) Forum Virium Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland) Guadalinfo Living Lab Network (Andalusia, Spain)


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

ENoLL Members



ENoLL Activity Report 2018

ENoLL Innovation Partners •

Atelier Studio (Palermo, Italy)

Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (Helsinki, Finland)

Living Labs in Wallonia (Wallonia, Belgium)

Vandejong Creative Agency (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

ENoLL Members


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

Living Labs

6.1 Living Labs

12th wave members A warm welcome to the new 12th wave ENoLL members •

Kiraki Living Lab (Armenia)

MediaLab UGR – Research laboratory in Culture and Digital Society (Spain)

Université du Domicile (France)

Agir Pour la Télémédecine (France)

MDH Living Lab@IPR (Sweden)

Living lab_Aktan (France)

K8 Institut für strategische Ästhetik gGmbH(Germany)

Ecopol Living Lab for quality of life (Switzerland)

Torino City Lab (Italy)

Transilvania Living Lab (Romania)

Pictured: 12th wave ENoLL Members


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

Living Labs

Kiraki Living Lab (Armenia)

provide leadership and encourage community “Kiraki” is a club of professionals with a portfolio development. of social innovation projects, startups and Living Lab_Aktan (France) development initiatives. The team has set up and Aktan Living Lab focuses on creating mobile run the first Social Innovation Lab in Armenia tools. The Living Lab strives to be an in situ – Kolba Lab – in the heart of UNDP Armenia. user research tool for exploration, co-designing Kolba Lab professionals are passionate about and testing. To enable the possibility of in experimentation, testing new approaches and situ workshops through which a wide range building networks of creative people with new of people is integrated, the Living Lab takes ideas. advantage of mobile infrastructures. It has Université du Domicile (France) Hosted by IPERIA l’Institut (an association which has been contributing to the professionalisation of domestic work) UDD explores the invisible practices, activities, skills, that are developed at home and that people do unconsciously. Usually, these practices are invisible, not because they do not exist, but because they are not considered important. Main goal of the Living Lab is to highlight them, to give them value, and to co-create trainings, products, services and good practices, to give people solutions to benefit from all of them. This will also enable the professionalisation of domestic abilities. The UDD has the capabilities to create user-centred solutions to help people to live better at home. Agir Pour la Télémédecine (France) The French Living Lab collects data on the deployment of telemedicine in France and around the world. It does so through a Telemedicine Observatory and analyses it to produce information. The Living Labs strives to improve the quality of eHealth / Telemedicine solutions in member institutions by creating a collaborative platform to build knowledge, share resources and case studies,

collaborated with numerous companies and event expanded its activities to Poland. K8 Institut für strategische Ästhetik gGmbH (Germany) K8 is developing projects with the aim of actively participating in this design process, structuring it, developing the dependencies created by digitisation, developing opportunities for participation, and making them tangible in such a way that they become the subject of joint reflection and decision can. K8 is particularly interested in the role of collaborative design methodologies in processes of organisational development and has already co-develop a Collaboration Design Toolkit in cooperation with OuiShare. Torino City Lab (Italy) Torino City Lab emerged from “Living Lab pilots” in the field of “civic technologies” applied to urban environment at a district scale and has scaled-up to a new administrative policy framework initiated by the Torino municipality – “Torino City Lab”. The Living Lab aims to provide real-life testing environments for “frontier innovation” in smart cities.


ENoLL Activity Report 2018

Living Labs

Transilvania Living Lab (Romania)

MDH Living Lab@IPR (Sweden)

Host organisation, ARIES Transilvania, is an industry driven IT association that has developed a Living Lab with the aim of highlighting the potential of existing innovation ecosystem in the Cluj-Napoca region of Romania.

MDH Living Lab@IPR is founded on a unique network of collaboration and co-creation with industry and municipalities in the region, which has been established over more than ten years. It is hosted by Malardalen University which employ co-creation strategy across research and education. The Living Lab employs cocreation techniques when working with SMEs and municipalities.

MediaLab UGR – Research laboratory in Culture and Digital Society (Spain) MediaLab UGR, born in the University environment, acts as a meeting point for research, analysis, and the dissemination of opportunities generated by digital technologies in the areas of culture and society. The Lab places special emphasis on prototyping and open knowledge.

Ecopol Living Lab for quality of life (Switzerland) Ecopol Living Lab for Quality of Life also known as Ecopol Ecovillage (or Labo Vivant Ecopol in French) is a unique Living Lab with three ecocenters in Switzerland established in 1993. The Living Lab is designing living socio economical pilots and has tackled the challenge of living in a Living Lab among other projects.


ENoLL Activity Report 2018




Address: Pleinlaan 9, 1050 Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium Phone number: +32 2 629 16 13 Email: Website: Facebook: ENoLL- European Network of Living Labs Twitter: @openlivinglabs Flickr: LinkedIn: Scribd: SlideShare:


ENoLL Activity Report 2018


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