Activity Report 2013
Content 2 Word from the President 3 2013 Year in review 4 Highlights 2013 6 Living Labs & Research 6
7 Projects 8 Concluded projects 9 Policy 10 Publications 11 Key events in 2013 14 Highlights from ENoLL members 16 2014: What’s up?
Time to Look Back at the ENoLL Activities throughout the year 2013
Word from the President ! Fellow!ENoLL!members,!friends!and! supporters,!! As! you! may! know! 2013! has! represented! for!us!all!a!crucial!year.! With!over! 330!Living!Labs!today! our! network!is!increasingly!recognized!as! a! worldwide! community! with! members! coming! from! the! 6! continents.! One! third!of!the!25! new! members! accepted! during! the! 7th! wave! come! from! nonIEuropean! countries.! Notwithstanding!this,!an!8th!wave!has!been!already!launched!and!new!members!will!be!introduced!during! the!2014!ENoLL!Summer!School.!Our!organization!is!showing!a!worldwide!capacity!to!adapt!to!different! localities!and!cultures!while!providing!strategic!support!to!its!members.!! Apart!from!increasing!his!presence!in!key!countries!all!over!the!world!ENoLL!made!important!agreements! that!position!us!well!for!future!growth.!The!strategic!alliance!with!the!World!Bank!for!instance!is!running! on! and! the! preparation! of! the! ENoLLIWorld! Bank! toolkit! for! cities! was! successfully! announced! during! several! international! events! (CitiSense,! World! Summit! for! Innovation! and! Entrepreneurship,! Smart! City! Expo)!and!it!will!be!published!during!2014.!!New!opportunities!will!also!be!guaranteed!by!Horizon!2020:! the! European! Framework! Programme! covers! thoroughly! the! user! and! citizen! driven! approach! and! different! H2020! areas! will! offer! funding! for! projects! coping! with! open! innovation! and! userIcentered! innovation.!! Looking!back! at! this!busy! and!productive!year! we! can! confidently! say!that! we! have! been!moving!in!the! right! direction:! building! a! stronger,! more! open! and! worldwide! network! of! Living! Labs.! The! challenges! ahead!are!many!and!the!ENoLL!Executive!board!is!working!to!define!the!right!steps!to!build!a!sustainable! community!able!to!embrace,!cooperate!and!coIexist!with!other!Living!Lab!and!similar!innovation!initiatives! at!regional,!national,!European!and!International!scale.!The!activation!of!the!strongest!and!most!advanced! Living!Labs!in!Europe!in!joining!these!conversations!is!crucial!now.! I! would! like! to! sincerely! thank! all! our! members! as! well! as! the! ENoLL! Secretariat! and! Office! for! their! support! and! generous! contribution.! It’s! now! time! to! peruse! the! ENoLL! Activity! Report,! which! offers! an! overview!of!last!year’s!network!activities!and!achievements.!I!also!encourage!you!to!browse!through!our! website!to!learn!more!about!further!news!and!initiatives.!! ! Jarmo!Elukka!Eskelinen! Chair!of!the!European!Network!of!Living!Labs!
ENoLL Activity Report 2013
1 2
2013 Year in Review on! Living! Labs,! the! 4th! ENoLL! Living! Lab! Summer! School.! The! fourIdayI long! event! gathered! more! than! 150! international! experts! and! enthusiasts! to!share!and!gain!expertise!on!a!wide! set! of! initiatives! related! to! Living! Labs,!Future!Internet!and!smart!cities.! The! European! Network! of! Living! Labs! (ENoLL)! is! the! international,! nonIprofit! association! of! benchmarked! Living! Labs! in! Europe! and! beyond,! founded! in! November!2006!by!19!Living!Labs,!today! grown! to! an! extensive! network! of! 330! ‘accredited’!Living!Lab!members.!! 2013! was! a! special! year! for! ENoLL! for! many! reasons.! The! network! has! grown! both! in! terms! of! new! members! and! global! reach.! During! the! 4th! Living! Lab! Summer! School! in! Manchester! (August! 2013)!ENoLL!welcomed!25!new!network! members! in! its! 7th! Wave.! This! growth! shows! a! continuing! reinforcement! of! ENoLL! both! in! Europe! and! throughout! the! world.! ENoLL! also! elected! its! new! leadership! board! at! the! annual! General! Assembly!on!August!27th,!2013.!
How to Join Us
During!the!year!ENoLL!has!taken!part!in! a!number!of!EUIfunded!initiatives,!all!of! strategic! importance! to! its! members! in! fields! such! as! smart! cities,! Future! Internet,! open! innovation,! crossIborder! collaboration,! design! and! creativity.! ENoLL! and! its! active! members! have! hosted! events! and! workshops! across! Europe,! and! participated! in! firstIrate! digital! technology! events! such! as! ICT! 2013! in! Vilnius,! FIA! Dublin,! Smart! City! Expo,! Eurocities! the! Conference! and! many!others.!! Once!again!the!ENoLL!community!came! together! to! hold! the! yearly! main! event!
The! enhanced! collaboration! on! Open! Innovation! with! the! World! Bank! has! also!to!be!spotlighted.!The!agreement! aims! at! bringing! unprecedented! global! expertise! in! the! area! of! ICT! to! help! the! World! Bank! and! its! clients! increase! civic! participation,! advance! public! administrative! capacity! and! drive!green!growth.!!
Elections! for! the! new! ENoLL! Council! took! place! at! the! annual! General! Assembly! of! the!association!held!in!Manchester!(UK)!on! August!27th,!2013.! % ENoLL%Council%2013% Chair! ! ! ! Treasurer!
The! Secretariat! based! in! Brussels! dealt! with! multiple! projects! and! activities!while!guaranteeing!efficient! and! continuous! support! to! the! members.! During! the! last! year! the! staff! has! also! welcomed! two! new! employees,! Song! Song! from! China! and!Paolo!Aversano!from!Italy.! All! this! work! would! not! have! been! possible! without! the! enthusiastic! support!of!our!members.!The!concept! of!Living!Lab!was!well!promoted!on!a! local,! regional! and! national! level! thanks! to! the! community! members! who! helped! disseminating! tools,! methodologies!and!best!practices.!!
Jarmo!Eskelinen! (Forum!Virium)! Lauri!Tuomias!! (Finnish!Network!Living! Labs)! Pieter!Ballon! (iMinds)!
Secretary! ! ! ! Council%members! ! ! Alvaro!Oliveira!(Lightning!Living!Lab)! Artur!Serra!(i2Cat!Foundation)! Dave!Carter!(MDDA)! Esteve!Almirall!(ESADE)! Piotr!Krawczyk!(JAMK)! Joanne!Dobson!(Coventry!City!Lab)! Juan!A.!Bertolín!(eLiving!Lab)! HannaIGreata!Puurtinen!(TAMK)! Juan!F.!Delgado!(CFR!Living!Lab)!! Jokin!Garatea!(BIRD!Living!Lab)! Mark!De!Colvenaer!(Flemish!LL)! Tuija!Hirvikoski!(Laurea!Living!Labs)! Roberto!Santoro!(EsoCeINet)! Ger!Baron!(Amsterdam!Living!Lab)!*! Marco!Combetto!(Trentino!as!Lab)!*! Adam!Olszewski!(Poznan!LL)!*! Annika!Sällström!(Botnia!LL)!**!
The!results!of!the!ENoLL!survey!were! announced! by! Piotr! Krawczyk! during! the! Research! Day! of! 2013! Summer! School.!The!outcomes!gave!an!insight! into! Living! Lab! practices! and! new! tendencies! with! regard! to! possible! future! crossIborder! R&D! matchmaking! initiatives! across! the! network.!
The$ European$ Network$ of$ Living$ Labs$ (ENoLL)! is! a! community! of! Living! Labs! with!a!sustainable!strategy!for!enhancing!innovation!on!a!systematic!basis.!The! overall! objective! is! to! contribute! to! the! creation! of! a! dynamic! European! innovation! system,! with! a! global! reach.! ENoLL! aims! to! support! co>creative,! human>centric!and!user>driven!research,!development!and!innovation!in!order!to! better!cater!for!people’s!needs.!
! New%Council%members% ! *!!!Ger!Baron,!Marco!Combetto!and!Adam! Olszewski!were!elected!to!the!Council!at! the!General!Assembly!in!August,!2012.! **!Annika!Sällström!replaced!Mikael! Börjeson!as!Council!Member.! ! The%ENoLL%Office,%Brussels% ! Ana!Garcia! Paolo!Aversano! Song!Song! ! !
ENoLL Activity Report 2013
4th%ENoLL%Summer%School% ENoLL,! together! with! the! Manchester! City! Council! (MDDA),! organized! the! 4th! European! ENoLL! Living! Lab! Summer! School! in! August! 2013,! hosted! by! the! Manchester!Metropolitan!University.!The!Summer!School! was! a! big! success! with! a! diverse! mix! of! more! than! 150! international! participants! coming! from! universities,! the! private!and!the!public!sector!to!share!and!gain!expertise! on!a!wide!set!of!initiatives!related!to!living!labs!and!smart! &!creative!cities.!
The! pitching! and! networking! session! was! opened! to! all! participants! of! the! Summer! School! with! the! opportunity! to!pitch!during!the!networking!session.!! During! the! ENoLL! Summer! School,! 13! Workshops! were! organised! to! explore! the! initiatives! in! relation! to! smart! cities,! creativity,! open! data! and! reinforcing! already! established! linkages! to! areas! such! as! eIhealth,! eI! education,! social! innovation! and! future! internet.! In! combination! with! the! workshops,! the! ENoLL! community! organised!6!strategic!meetings!covering!different!themes! and!focused!on!further!exploring!the!links!between!living! labs! and! the! academic! community,! SMEs,! Regional! Innovation! Strategies! and! Smart! Specialisation.! The! unique!onIsite!visits!organized!on!the!3rd!and!4th!day!of! this! year’s! summer! school! gave! participants! a! wider! insight! about! models,! theories! and! technologies! related! to! living! labs.! The! participants! also! gained! handsIon! experience! from! leading! experts! on! the! subject! and! got! to!network!with!other!living!lab!enthusiasts.! All! the! reports! and! materials! for! the! research! day! are! available! on! the! Summer! School! Website.! A! selection! of! videos! showing! keynote! speeches! and! deepening! Living! Labs!methodologies/best!practices!is!available!here!
! The!first!day!of!the!ENoLL!Summer!School!combined!the! Living! Lab! Research! Day! with! the! Horizon! 2020! Matchmaking! and! Pitching! session.! During! the! Research! Day,! various! topics! were! covered! and! grouped! in! three! themes:! Living! Lab! methodologies,! concepts! and! tools;! Urban!and!territorial!innovation!with!Living!Lab;!and!Case! studies!in!Living!Lab!application!domains.!! 4
#ENoLLSS13$$ has!reached!more!than!77,600!accounts!with!around! 700,000!impressions!on!Twitter.!! 111!contributors!have!been!posting!more!than!420! tweets!within!7!days!short!period.!
ENoLL Activity Report 2013
As! of! August! 30th,! the! 7th!Wave! of! ENoLL! brought! twentyIfive! additional! network! members.! Most! of! the! new! 7th! wave! ENoLL! members! come! from! European! countries!with!representation!from!Cyprus,!France,!Italy,! Luxembourg,! Poland,! Portugal,! Serbia,! Spain! and! Switzerland.! Over! a! quarter! of! the! new! members! are! from! nonIEuropean! countries! with! a! strong! representation! from! Canadian! Living! Labs.! Asia,! Africa! and! the!Caribbean! countries! were! also! represented.!The! result!show!a!continuing!reinforcement!of!ENoLL!both!in! Europe!and!throughout!the!world,!setting!the!stage!for!a! stronger! role! of! the! Living!Lab!movement! in!the!context! of! EU! 2020! Innovation! Union! and! other! relevant! European!Union! policies.!The!Wave! process,! dating! back! to! 2006,! has! up! to! today! result! in! over! 340! accredited! ENoLL!Living!Labs.!
ENoLL! elected! its! new! leadership! board! at! the! annual! General! Assembly! of! the! association! held! in! Manchester! (UK)! on! August! 27th,! 2013.! Mr.! Jarmo! Eskelinen! was! reIelected! at! his! second! term! as! President! and! Chair! of! the! Council.! Prof.! Dr.! Pieter! Ballon,!Director!of!iMinds!Living!Labs!was!reIelected!as! the! International! Secretary! of! the! Association! and! Dr.Lauri! Tuomias! as! Treasurer.! Three! new! council! members! have! been! elected:! Mr.! Ger! Baron! (Amsterdam! Living! Lab),! Mr.! Marco! Combetto! (“Trentino! as! Lab”! living! lab)! and! Mr.!Adam!Olszewski! (Poznan! Living! Lab).! Finally,! BSc.! Annika! Sällström! replaces! Mikael! Börjeson! as! council! member! (Botnia! Living!Lab).!More!info!maybe!found!here % The%Creative%Ring%at%FIA%Dublin%and%ICT%2013%
Why$Living$Lab?$$ Living$ Labbing$ is$ fun!! Living! Labs! provide! communities! and! enterprises!with!tools!to!engage!people!in!the!creative!design! of!solutions!to!the!problems!that!they!face.! Living$ Labs$ and$ Smart$ Cities.! The! work! of! Living! Labs! and! emerging! smart! cities! are! recognized! as! having! the! potential! for! “disruptive! societal! innovation”! as! larger! scale! developments! are! supported! and! new! value! creation! models! are!enabled.!! Living$ Labs$ and$ Ambient$ Assisted$ Living.! Living! labs! are! becoming! more! prominent! innovation! instruments! for! addressing!societal!challenges!and!improving!the!quality!of!life! of!elderly!people.!
2013!has! been!an! intense! year! for!the!SPECIFI!project! and! the! Creative! Ring.! SPECIFI! first! participated! in! the! Future! Internet! Assembly! 2013! held! in! Dublin! (7I10th! May! 2013)! organizing! two! different! activities:! The! 1st! Creative!Ring!open!session!and!the!Creative!Ring!demo! (Watch! the! video).! The! Creative! Ring! then! joined! ICT! 2013! in! Vilnius! (October! 6I8,! 2013)! showcasing! three! different! applications:! a! paper! prototype! of! the! forthcoming! Belgian! CreaCity! App,! an! interactive,! annotated!video!for!tourism!made!in!Trento!(Italy)!and! an! InternetIassisted! music! performance! (watch! the! video).! ✓ ENoLL! concretely! supported! SPECIFI! during! both! events! dealing! with! proposals,! communication! activities!and!exploitation!of!results.
ENoLL Activity Report 2013
Living Labs & Research Living%lab%on%TIM%Review% The! Technology! Innovation! Management! Review! published! two! issues! (November! and! December! 2013)!about! Living! Labs.! The! guest! editors! of! these! two! issues! are! both! from! the! ENoLL! community:! Seppo! Leminen! from! the!Laurea! University!of! Applied! Sciences! (Effective!Member),!and!Mika!Westerlund!from!Carleton! University!(Adherent! Member).! Most! of! the! selected! articles! are! contributed! by! ENoLL! Members:! Laurea! University! of! Applied! Sciences,! iMinds,!LuleĂĽ! University! of!Technology,!Carleton!University.!Read!more.!% Collaborative% Research% in% the% Real% World% G% Review% of% Living%Laboratories%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This!review!was!undertaken!by!Dr!Robert!Salter!of!Curtin! University!(Australia)!with!Dr!Stephen!White!of!CSIRO!on! behalf! of! the! CRC! for! Low! Carbon! Living,! as! part! of! the! Living! Laboratories! Framework! Project! (March! 2013).! This! review! included! descriptions! of! a! number! of! Living! Labs! (particularly! European! ones)! and! of! the! European! Network! of! Living! Labs! (ENoLL).! Information! was! collected!from!European!Living!Labs!and!ENoLL!as!well!as! from!academic!and!webIbased!literature.!Read!more.! A% Collection% of% Proceedings% from% the% Research% Day% Published!
Collaboration Enhanced%cooperation%between%ENoLL%and%France% Living%Labs%(F2L)% On! February! 19,! 2013! the! European! Network! of! Living! Labs! (ENoLL)! and! the! France! Living! Labs! (F2L)! signed! a! partnership! agreement! (MoU).! Find! here! the! presentations! by! Ms.! Brigitte! Trousse,! President! of! France!Living!Labs!and!Mr.!Jarmo!Eskelinen,!President!of! ENoLL!so!as!to!discover!the!agreed!joint!initiatives.! % Announcement%of%the%Living%Lab%Toolkit%at%CitiSense! ! On! November! 17! and! 18,! 2013!Barcelona! hosted! the! CitiSense!conference,!organized!by!the!World!Bank,!with! the! aim! to! enable! cities! from! all! over! the! world! to! exchange!knowledge!and!information!about!smart!cities,! open! innovation,! efficient! mobility! and! energy! saving.! During! the! CitiSense! event! the! World! Bank! and! ENoLL! publically!announced!the!common!production!of!a!Living! Lab! toolkit,! which! is! planned! to! be! published! during! Summer!2014.! Partnership%with%European%Youth%Award%(EYA)% ENoLL! is! a! network! partner! of! the! European! Youth! Award!!EYA!aims!to!select!and!promote!best!practices!in! eIContent! for! young! people! and! students! under! 30.! It! demonstrates! young! Europeans´! potential! to! create! outstanding! digital! and! social! projects! and! serves! as! a! platform! for! promising! talents! to! stimulate! and! start!
ENoLL! published! a! collection! of! Proceedings! from! the! Summer!School!Research!Day!on!August!27th,!2013.!The! Living! Lab! Research! Day! was! structured! in! a! plenary! session! &! two! breakout! sessions! in! the! morning! and! Horizon! 2020! matchmaking! and! pitching! session! in! the! afternoon.!! ! In!total!33!abstracts!were!received!and!19!approved!with! 6! full! papers! delivered.! Various! topics! were! covered! in! the!accepted!papers!grouped!in!three!themes:!Living!Lab! methodologies,!concepts!and!tools;!Urban!and!territorial! innovation! with! Living! Lab;! Case! studies! in! Living! Lab! application! domains.! Find! the! whole! proceedings! here! on!Scribd.! Mr. Jarmo Eskelinen during the 2013 ENoLL Summer School
ENoLL Activity Report 2013
Projects The! European! Network! of! Living! Labs! (ENoLL)'s! participations! as! an! association! in! several! EUIfunded! projects! are! strategically!important!for!the!whole!network.!
CitySDK! is! creating! a! toolkit! to! enable! a! more! efficient!utilization!of!the!expertise!and!knowI how!of!developer!communities!to!be!applied!in! city! development.! The! toolkit! comprises! of! open! and! interoperable! digital! service! interfaces! as! well! as! processes! and! usability! standards.! To! collect! more! info! about! the! project,!its!news!and!achievements!please!visit! the! official! website.! You! also! find! CitySDK! on! Twitter! via! @CitySDK!
CONCORD! is! a! Coordination! Action! for! facilitating! and! supporting! the! Future! Internet! PublicIPrivate! Partnership! programme! (FIIPPP).! The! 5Iyear! project! provides! structures! and! processes! for! collaboration! between! all! FIIPPP! projects.!Access!the!website!and!follow!us!on!Twitter:!@FI_PPP! ! The! FIspace! project,! which! is! one! of! the! secondIphase! FII PPP! projects,! aims! at! developing! and! validating! novel!FutureIInternetIenabled!solutions!to!address!the!pressing! challenges! arising! in! collaborative! business! networks,! focusing! on! use! cases! from! the! AgriIFood! and! Transport! &! Logistics! industries.! Check! out! the! official! website! or! follow! the! discussion!on!Twitter:!@FIspace_eu!!
The! SPECIFI% project! aims! at! demonstrating! the! positive! impacts! of! a! European! Creative! Ring! of! Smart! Cities! and! Regions,! with! realIlife! Future! Internet!(FiberItoItheIHome!and!wireless)!infrastructures,!with! realIlife! users! and! producers,! and! in! 5! real! (certified)! Living! Labs! active! in! 3! smart! cities! and! their! surrounding! regions.! Follow!the!SPECIFI!project!on!Twitter:!@SPECIFI_project!
The! overall! aim! of! the! ACE! project! !is! to! deliver! targeted! cross! border! services! to! highly! innovative! entrepreneurs,! startIups! and! SMEs! in! the! ICT! sector! in! order! to! accelerate! their! growth.! The! ACE! programme! is! supported! by! cross! border! finance! experts! and! European! innovation! support! networks! EBN! and! ENOLL.! Follow! us!on!Twitter:!@EU_ACE!
MyNeighbourhood! aims!at! creating! a! new! and! ‘smarter’! conception! of! the! ‘Smart!City’! that! focuses! on! people! and! their! wellIbeing! rather! than! just! ICT! infrastructures! and! dashboards.! In! so! doing,! MyNeighbourhood! uses! new! technologies! and! user! data! to! help! recreate! a! lost! sense! of! neighborhood! that! is! rooted! in! local! place,! common! ties! and! personal! interaction.! More! information! can! be! found! on! the! project’s! website.! Follow! MyNeighbourhood!on!Twitter:!@MyN_EU!
InnoMatNet!is!a!project!funded!under! the! NMP! (Nanosciences,! nanotechnologies,! materials! and! new! production! technologies)! theme! of! the! EU! 7th! Framework! Programme,! with! the! overall! goal! of! promoting! collaboration,! knowledge! transfer,! and! the! creation! of! new! alliances! between! materials! researchers,! designers! in! industry,! and! others! involved! in! innovation.! Check! out! the! website! and! follow! the! Twitter! account!@Innomatnet!
! Fusepool! crosses! borders! to! provide! data! for! better! product/! service! development! and!research.!Fusepool!enriches!data!using!common!standards! and! tools! for! analyzing! and! visualizing! data! to! get! timely,! contextIaware!and!relevant!information.!Learn!more!here!
The! Integrating! Design! for! All! in! Living! Labs,! or! IDeALL,! project,! which! is! financed! by! the! Directorate! General! of! Enterprise!and!Industry!of!the!European! Commission,! aims! to! bring! together! the! Living! Lab! community! with! the! design! community! through! Design! for! All.! Follow! the! discussion! on! Twitter:! @User_Centred!
ENoLL Activity Report 2013
Concluded projects
The! ECIFunded! ‘European! Platform! for! Intelligent! Cities’! (EPIC)! Project! is! a! recently! ended! project! combining! innovation! ecosystem! processes,! fully! researched! and! tested! eI! Government! service! applications! and! new! cloud! computing! technologies! to! create! the! first! truly! scalable! and! flexible! panIEuropean! platform! for! innovative,! userIdriven! public! service! delivery,!along!with!a!user!Road!Map.!! In! order! to! conclude! the! project,! over! 2! years! of! research! and! experimentation! was! shared! during!the!2013!ENoLL!Summer!School!providing!attendees!with!a!crash!course!in!how!using! the! EPIC! platform’s! ‘Smart! City! in! a! Box’! can! revolutionize! the! way! to! create,! procure! and! operate!smart!city!services!locally.!The!EPIC!project!results!had!a!relevant!impact!during!the! Summer!School!and!two!white!papers!were!shared!with!all!Summer!School!attendees:!The!roadmap!for!Smart!Cites!(EPIC)!and!the! Smart! City! Service! Creation! and! the! Living! Lab! Approach:Benefits! &! Challenges.! EPIC! also! announced! the! launch! of! the! postIEPIC! community.!To!get!an!insight!into!the!project!and!its!results!check!also!the!following!video:!! To!confirm!the!quality!of!these!results!it!was!said!that:!"Tirgu!Mures!has!consistently!found!EPIC!services!easy>to>use,!intuitive!and! highly!practical.!Tirgu!Mures!also!found!EPIC!services!very!easy!to!adapt!to!our!city’s!unique!needs,!offering!us!a!simple,!ready>to>use! Smart!City!solution.!In!summary,!Tirgu!Mures!would!gladly!recommend!the!EPIC!solution!to!any!city!wishing!to!take!the!next!step!to! achieve!their!Smart!city!Goals”.!Dorin!Florea!(Mayor!of!Tirgu!Mures).! !The! idea! of! the! SMARTiP!project!was!to! take! the! experience! developed! by! a! wide! range!of!existing!userIdriven!initiatives!in!Europe,!particularly! those! developed! through! Living! Labs,! and! to! apply! this! experience! to! the! challenge! of! transforming! public! services! by!empowering!‘smart!citizens’! who! are!able! to!use!and!coI produce! innovative! InternetIenabled! services! within! emerging!‘smart’!cities.!The!aim!was!concretely!to!enable!to! adoption!of!open!platforms!for!the!coIproduction!of!citizenI centric! InternetIenabled! services! in! five! testIbed! sites,! Manchester,!Gent,!Cologne,!Bologna!and!Oulu.!The!objective! is!to!enhance!the!ability!of!the!cities!to!sustain!a!‘smart!city’! ecosystem!that!can!support!new!opportunities!emerging!for! a! dynamic! coIproduction! process! resulting! in! more! inclusive! and! efficient! public! services,! which! can! then! be! made! replicable! for! crossIborder!deployment! on! a! larger! scale.! As! such,!a!series!of!pilot!projects!covering!three!thematic!areas:! Smart!engagement,!Smart!environments!and!Smart!mobility.!
!The! objective! of! PERIPHÈRIA! was! to! deploy! convergent! Future! Internet! (FI)! platforms!and!services!for!the!promotion! of! sustainable! lifestyles! in! and! across! emergent!networks!of!“smart”!peripheral! cities! in! Europe.! The! developed! Open! Service! Convergence! Platform,! an! “Internet!by!and!for!the!People”,!extends! and! enhances! the! Save! Energy! project’s! Social! Information! Architecture,! integrating! key! new! components! –! sensor! networks,! real! time! 3D! and! mobile! locationIbased! services! –! with! the! FI! paradigms! of! Internet! of! Things! (IoT),! Internet! of! Services! (IoS)! and! Internet! of! People! (IoP).! Pilot! projects! in! the! five! PERIPHÈRIA! Partner! Cities! –! Malmӧ! (SE),! Bremen! (DE),! Athens! (GR),! Genoa! (IT)! and! Palmela! (PT)! –! used! Serious! Games! to! stimulate! social! interaction! of! “people! in! places”,! crossIcity! linking! of! Arenas! and! discoveryIdriven! platform! convergence.!Discover!the!project!results!on!the!website!and! watching!the!video.!!
ENoLL Activity Report 2013
Policy It!is!argued!that!the!Living!Labs!concept!conventionally! based!on!the!user!driven!and!open!innovation!principles! has! the! capacity! to! boost! the! current! set! of! tools! and! methods!for!innovation!policies.!During!2013!a!number! of! policy>oriented! publications,! conferences! and! Action! Plans! focused! on! open! innovation! and! user>centered! design! were! debated! and! the! relevance! of! Living! Lab! methods! was! frequently! highlighted.! We! propose! you! an! outline! of! the! most! captivating! policy>focused! initiatives!of!the!year.!!! Innovation%Union%Conference% The! Committee! of! the! Regions! discussed! the! regional! and! local! impact! of! the! Innovation! Union! Flagship! Initiative! on! a! conference! on! 27! November! 2013.! The! event!was!the!seventh!in!the!series!covering!the!Europe! 2020! Strategy! and! focused! on! four! core! areas:! Smart! specialization! strategies;! Innovation,! enterprises! and! jobs;! Networking! across! borders! and! Open! Innovation! 2.0.!More!information!available!here!! The%Digital%Agenda%for%Europe%as%a%platform% The! Digital! Agenda! Assembly! (DAA13)! offered! the! opportunity!to!discuss!the!themes!of!the!Digital!Agenda! for! Europe! review! and! brought! together! all! the! key! stakeholders!to!go!through!the!progress!so!far!and!the! challenges! ahead.! Several! online! actions! have! been! launched:!(1)!a!new!community!platform!to!prepare!the! discussion!of!each!DAA13!workshop,!also!making!use!of! third! party! platforms! such! as! Quora,! Twitter,! LinkedIn! and! more.! Then! (2)! a! large! scale! gathering! exercise! of! inspiring! highIimpact! initiatives! that! help!achieving! the! goals!of!the!DAE.!Check!more!information!here!!
EC:% Implementing% an% Action% Plan% for% DesignGDriven% Innovation% The! European! Commission! published! a! Staff! Working! Document! "Implementing! an! Action! Plan! for! DesignI Driven! Innovation"! on! 23! September! 2013.! This! document! describes! current! and! upcoming! actions! endorsed! by! the! Commission! and! relating! to! promoting!designIdriven!innovation!in!different!policy! fields.!! European%Commission%seeks%"Capital%of%Innovation"% The! European! Commission! is! in! the! process! of! searching!for!the!first!European!Capital!of!Innovation,! or! iCapital.! The! prize! will! reward! the! city! that! is! building!the!best!“innovation!ecosystem”,!connecting! citizens,!public!organisations,!academia,!and!business.! An! independent! panel! of! experts! will! select! the! winner!in!spring!2014,!with!the!city!chosen!receiving!€! 500.000! towards! scaling! up! its! efforts.! More! information!may!be!found!here!! (Source:!EU!Press!Release)!! The%Entrepreneurship%2020%Action%Plan% The! Entrepreneurship! Action! Plan! is! a! blueprint! for! decisive! action! to! unleash! Europe's! entrepreneurial! potential,! to! remove! existing! obstacles! and! to! revolutionize! the! culture! of! entrepreneurship! in! Europe.! Investments! in! changing! the! public! perception! of! entrepreneurs,! in! entrepreneurship! education! and! to! support! groups! that! are! underrepresented! among! entrepreneurs! are! indispensable! if! we! want! to! create! enduring! change.! Read! the! draft! report! by! the! European! Commission! here!
! Plan%I(nnovation)%for%Europe% The!Plan!I(nnovation)!for!Europe:!Delivering!InnovationI Led,! DigitallyIPowered! Growth! sets! out! a! sevenIpoint! plan!for!making!Europe!one!of!the!leading!places!in!the! world! to! innovate,! a! region! where! entrepreneurs,! visionaries! and! optimists! could! more! easily! tackle! the! challenges!of! the! future.! It!was!launched! in!Brussels! in! the! presence! of! European! Council! President! Herman! Van!Rompuy.!The!Plan!is!available!online!
ENoLL Activity Report 2013
Below!you!can!find!relevant!publications!from!ENoLL!members!and!our!Living!Lab!community.!This!includes!original! research!and!project!white!papers,!as!well!as!other!relevant!and!interesting!publications!of!Living!Labs:!! Handbook!of!the!Living!Lab!Methodology!by!Nordic!crossIborder!Living!Lab!project!SmartIES.! Collaborative!Research!in!the!Real!WorldI!Review!of!Living!Laboratories!by!the!CRC!for!Low!Carbon!Living,!as!part!of!the!Living! Laboratories!Framework!Project!involving!two!ENoLL!members!Botnia!and!Wireless!Trondheim.! How!to!set!up!crossIborder!Living!Labs!by!Alcotra!Innovation!strategic!project.! Living! Lab! Manual! for! Universities! of! Applied! Sciences!by! Network! of! Living! Labs! of! Finnish! Universities! of! Applied! Sciences! (Neloskierre).! Living!Labs!in!regional!Smart!Specialization!strategies!!by!GAIA!(Bird!Living!Lab).! CoCo!toolkit!for!adapting!coIcreation!activities!by!Laurea!Living!Labs!(SID!Unit!I!Service!Innovation!&!Design).! Living!Lab!Handbook:!Race!to!Scale!&!People's!Voice!by!CDTICentre!for!DistanceIspanning!Technology!and!Soacial!informatics!at! Lulea!University,!Sweden.! Let's!talk!about!Smart!Citizens!by!FutureEverything.!! Proceedings!4th!ENoLL!Summer!School!I!Research!day%by!ENoLL.! ! Why$Living$Labs?$ Living$Labs!empower!citizens,!as!end>users,!to!influence!the!development!of!innovative!services!&!products!that!eventually!will! benefit!the!whole!society.! Living$Labs!allow!industry!to!develop,!validate!and!integrate!new!ideas,!to!partner!with!other!companies!and!to!increase!their! chances!of!success!during!product!and/or!service!launches.! Living$Labs!facilitate!the!integration!of!technological!innovation!in!society!and!increase!return!on!investments!in!ICT.!
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Key events in 2013
ICT! 2013,! the! ICT! event! organized! by! the! European! Commission,!took!place!in!Vilnius!(Lithuania)!from!the! 6th!to!the!8th!of!November!and!gathered!more!than! 4.000! participants.! During! the! four! days! ENoLL! supported! the! Creative! Ring! in! showcasing! three! different! applications! (see! highlights! section).! We! then!participated!in!the!following!project!networking! sessions:!
The! first! FIRE! Forum,! organized! with! an! open! workshop!and!networking!event,!was!held!at!iMinds! in! Ghent! on! October! 24,! 2013.! The! Living! Lab! community!was!presented!by!Jarmo!Eskelinen,!Chair! of! ENoLL,! and! Dave! Carter! from! Manchester! Digital! Development! Agency.! Presentation! and! media! files! can!be!found!here!
• • •
CitySDK:! Shaping! Open! Innovation! for! Smart! Cities!(Nov!6th)! Connected! Smart! Cities! and! Future! Internet! (Nov!7th)! FiIPPP:! SMEs! and! webIentrepreneurs! as! drivers! for! Future! Internet! Ecosystem! (Nov! 7th)! FIspace:! How! Future! Internet! enables! agile! Business!Collaboration!(Nov!8th).!
FIA%Dublin%2013% ENoLL! and! the! SPECIFI! projects! participated! in! the! Future!Internet!Assembly!2013!event,!which!was!held! in! Dublin! (7I10th! May! 2013).! In! order! to! make! the! Future! Internet! community! aware! of! the! Creative! Ring! initiative! and! invite! them! to! participate,! two! different! activities! were! organized:! The! 1st! Creative! Ring! open! session! and! the! Creative! Ring! demo.! Especially! the! demo! demonstrated! the! potential! of! the! Creative! Ring! in! the! field! of! performing! arts.! Watch!the!video!and!discover!more.!! !!
! InnoMatNet% Workshop% on% Materials% and% DesignG driven%innovations%% % The!workshop!was!held!on!the!31st!October!2013!in! Guimarães! (Portugal!)! during! the! PORTUGAL! SB13! Conference.! The! fifth! workshop! of! InnoMatNet! provided! the! necessary! ecosystem! for! networking! and! promoting! new! alliances! and! collaborations! between! materials! researchers! and! industrial! entrepreneurs.!! ! ENoLL%at%the%Smart%Grids,%Smart%Cities%Conference%% ! The! 3rd! Annual! Smart!Grid! Smart!Cities! Forum! 2013! was! held! on! March! 20I21st! in! Nice,! France,! and! brought! together! experts! from! both! public! and! private! sectors! to! discuss! the! future! outlook! of! Smart! Cities.! Ana! Garcia! from! the! ENoLL! office! was! invited! to! give! a! presentation! on! the! vision! for! the! future!of!Smart!Cities!while!introducing!some!of!the! European!initiatives!in!which!her!network! has!been! working! on:! Future! Internet! PPP,! CitySDK,! and! SPECIFI!European!Creative!Ring.!
ENoLL Activity Report 2013
Key events in 2013
The%Participatory%Innovation%Conference% ! The! Participatory! Innovation! conference! was! held! in! Lahti! in! Finland! on! 18I20! June,! 2013.! This! conference! brought! together! researchers,! artists,! designers! and! practitioners.! The! innovative! 3Iday! programme! included! presentations! by! leading! keynote! speakers,! research! paper! sessions,! applied! theatre,! a! handsIon! innovation! session! with! industry! cases,! and! artistic! interpretations! of! research.! More! info! maybe! found! here!(blog!of!Tim!Tompson,!one!of!the!participants).!!
PERIPHÈRIA%Final%Conference!! ! PERIPHÈRIA! organized! the! project! final! conference! in! Rome!from!the!29I30!May!and!saw!the!participation!of! the!ENoLL!office.!This!conference!was!organized!during! the! ForumPA! 2013! event! and! was! mainly! focused! in! enriching! the!impact! of!the!project!and! leveraging! the! Human!Smart!City!vision!to!global!scale!involving!in!this! movement! a! selection! of! the! main! thinkers! of! Smart! Cities! and! representatives! of! cities! like! Lisbon,! Barcelona,!Milan!and!Rio!de!Janeiro.!!
The! ICE! &! IEEEIITMC! Annual! Conference! was! held! in! the! Hague! (Netherlands)! on! 24I26! June! 2013.! The! motto! of! the! conference! was! “Responsible! Innovation! and! Entrepreneurship”.! Several! scientific,! experts! and! practitioner! networks! met! to! discuss! technology! and! innovation! management! topics! while! presenting! papers!and!participating!in!workshops.!!
The! conference! entitled! Innovating! in! Global! Markets:! Challenges! for! Sustainable! Growth! –! took! place! in! Helsinki,! Finland! on! 16I19! June! 2013.! This! conference! brought! together! 480! innovation! experts! from! 41! countries.! In! addition! to! the! invited! speakers,! the! conference! included! 250! academic! and! practitioner! presentations,!46!'hot!topic'!roundtable!sessions,!a!PhD! student! lab! and! visits! to! innovative! Finnish! companies! such!as!Rovio!Entertainment.!(Source:!!
The%26th%annual%Bled%eConference% The!26th!annual!Bled!eConference!was!organized!from! the! 9I13! June!and! featured! the! theme!of! eInnovation.! It! attracted! speakers! and! delegates! from! business,! government! and! universities.! This! year! four! different! sessions! related! to! Living! Labs! were! organized! giving! the! possibility! to! deepen! themes! such! as! Living! Labs! governance!and!userIdriven!innovation.!!
During! the! 4th! ENoLL! Living! Lab! Summer! School! the! EPIC! final! workshop! took! place! (August! 28).! The! discussions! focused! on! EPIC’s! roadmap! and! practical! advice!on!using!the!platform’s!offering!“Smart!City!in!a! Box”! to! create! and! run! smart! city! services.! !The! main! attraction! of! the! workshop! was! the! interactive! presentation,! which! used! Manchester! itself! as! an! example!of!EPIC’s!Smart!Environment!Service.!
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Key events in 2013
Skills% and% PostGSecondary% Summit% 2013:! Developing! the! Talent! We! Need! for! a! Competitive! Nation! (6I 7.11.2013).! Presentations:! “Global! Best! in! PostI Secondary! Education:! How! the! World’s! TopIRanked! Countries! are! Making! PostISecondary! Education! a! Priority! and! Succeeding! as! a! Result;! !“Concurrent! Dialogue! Sessions:! Series! A—Exploring! International! Best!Practices,”!Toronto,!Canada! ! Open% Info% Day% G% Horizon% 2020! 'Health,! demographic! change! and! wellbeing'! –! first! funding! round,! Brussels,! Belgium,!22.11.2013! ! Setting%the%Scene%for%Learning%Regional%Living%Labs% presentations%and%consultation%for%Puglia%Region! DHITECH,!Italy,!18.6.2013! ! Sustainability% of% Living% Labs%presentation! and! consultation! for! RivièreIduILoup! in! Quebec,! Canada,! 6.6.2013! ! From! Digital! Literacy! to! Innovation! Literacy,! at! Spark% 2013% conference! I! 4th! Global! Forum! on! Telecenters,! 28.5.2013,!Granada,!Spain! ! Social!Innovation!and!Impact!Assessment,!at!European% Union%JRCGIPTS%MIREIA%Experts'%Workshop:!Measuring! the! impact! of! eIInclusion! intermediary! actors! at! Spark13! Conference! I! 4th! Global! Forum! on! Telecentres,!29.5.2013! ! Sustainable! development! –! the! road! to! prosperity! at! DON’T! MISS! THE! TRAIN! I! Manager’s! role! in! the! first!
half!of!the!21st!century,!Czech%Management%Association% (CMA),% 25.4.2013,! Prague,! Czech! Republic! ! Consultation%with%Korean%national%innovation%agencies% and%companies,!18>20.03.2013,!Seoul,!Korea! ! Living! lab! approach!and!recent! developments! of! innovative! services! for! older! persons! living! alone,! in! particular,! focusing! on! applying! living! lab! methodology! at!Innovations!of!Social!Services!for!Older!Persons!Living! Alone:! Living% Lab% Approach% Conference,! Hallym! Aging! Research!Institute!(HARI)!of!Hallym!University,!21.3.2013!! Chuncheon,! Korea!! ! Living! lab! as! the! engine! to! animate! smart! communities! at!European!opportunities!looking!at!our!territory:!Lecce% Smart% Community% International% Workshop,! the! Living! Lab!of!Puglia@service,!Dhitech,!14.4.2013,!Lecce,!Italy!! ! Source:!Laurea!University!of!Applied!Sciences,!Finland!
The%Living%Labs%model%benefits%citizens,%industry%and% research% I! Living! Labs! empower! citizens! as! endIusers! to! influence! the! development! of! innovative! services! &! products!that!will!benefit!the!whole!society.! I! Living! Labs! allow! industry! to! develop! and! validate! new! ideas! and! to! increase! their! chances! of! success! during!product!and!service!launches.! !
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Highlights from ENoLL Members
City%Lab%Coventry%on%Le%Monde%% A! recently! Le! Monde! article! was! dedicated! to! the! City! Lab! Coventry! describing! its! latest! development! and! achievements.! (READ! the! article! here).! The! Coventry! City! Lab! uses! ICT! such! as! cloud! computing,! the! Coventry! City! Urban! Traffic! Management! Control! System! and! others! to! support! users! to! develop! and! test! innovations! in! Low! Carbon! Vehicles! (Transport)! and! Sustainable!Buildings.!
% On! Sunday! October! 13th,! a! living! lab! methodology! developed! by! iMinds! Living! Lab(iLab.o)! went! live! during! the! Ghent! Film! Festival.! The! Living! Lab! methodology! was! used! for! iCinema! project! to! develop! an! interactive! application! satisfying! the! customers’! needs.!(Source!from!iMinds)! ENoLL%Living%Labs%on%TIM%issues% The! Technology! Innovation! Management! Review! has! recently! published!the!November% issue! with! the! theme! on! Living! Labs! (more! info! here).! The!guest!editors!of!this!issue!were!both! from!ENoLL!community:!Seppo!Leminen! from! the! Laurea! University! of! Applied!
Sciences! and! Mika! Westerlund,! from! Carleton! University.! Among! the! five! selected! articles,! four! have! been! written! by! ENoLL! Effective! Members.! Then! in! the! December% issue% about! Living! Labs! and! Crowdsourcing! again! 4! articles! out! of! 5! were! written! by! ENoLL! members:! iMinds! (ENoLL! Effective! Member)! and! Laurea! University! of! Applied! Sciences! (ENoLL! Effective! Member),! Aalto! University! and! Carleton!University.!Discover!more!!! Living% Lab% tools% presented% at% the% Hannover%Messe%2013% ENoLL! was! invited! to! attend! the! InnoMatNet!workshop!took!place!on!April! 11th! in! conjunction! with! the! Hannover! Messe! 2013.! Our! community! showcased! some! tools! and! best! practice! examples! coming! from! the! ENoLL! Living! Lab! network:! ENoLL! Living! Lab! Knowledge! Center,!Living!Lab!Methodology!Handbook! (Botnia! Living! Lab)! and! the! CoCo! Toolkit! (Service! Design! Unit,! Laurea! Living! Labs,! Laurea!University!of!Applied!Sciences).! Living% Labs% in% regional% Specialization%strategies%
ENoLL! member! GAIA!(Bird!Living! Lab)!has! published! a! working! paper! on! Living! Labs! in! the! framework! of! Smart! Specialization! policies!for!regions,!also!spotlighted!in!the! Publications! section.! The! paper! examines! the!Urdaibai!Bird!Center!as!an!example!of! the! potential! of! entrepreneurial! discoveries! as! opportunities! within! the! framework! of! smart! specialization! for! all! territories.! !
How%to%Join%Us?% ENoLL!is!an!open!community!I! anyone!can!join!! 1.%Become%a%ENoLL%Living%Lab% If!your!organization!wants!to! become!a!member!of!ENoLL!and! become!a!certified!Living!Lab,! contact!us!in!order!to!discuss!how! th to!join!through!the!‘8 !Wave’!Call! for!Membership!(FebIMay!2014).! 2.%Become%an%Associated% Member% Are!you!a!university,!company,! research!institution,!regional!or! local!authority!or!other! government!organisation!and!you! support!the!philosophy!of!userI driven!open!innovation?!Contact! us!on!how!to!become!an! associated!member!of!ENoLL.! 3.%Become%an%Effective%Member% If!you!are!an!adherent!member! please!remember!that!you!can! upgrade!to!ENoLL!effective! membership!so!as!to!contribute! to!the!definition!of!its!strategy.! Contact!the!ENoLL!office!for! further!information.! 4.%Join%the%ENoLL%friends%open% community% ENoLL!is!on!facebook!and!on! twitter!@openlivinglabs!and! publishes!a!monthly!newsletter! on!all!things!relevant!to!living!labs! and!userIdriven!open!innovation.!!
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Highlights from ENoLL Members
Announcement%of%the% Living%Lab%Toolkit%at% CitiSense%2013!
On! November! 17th! and! 18th,! Barcelona! hosted! the! CitiSense! conference,! organized! by! the! World! Bank,! with! the! aim! to! enable! cities! from! all! over! the! world! to! exchange! knowledge! and! information! about! smart! cities,! open! innovation,! efficient! mobility! and! energy! saving.! CitiSense! attracted! more! than! 250! mayors! and! representatives! from! the! cities! and! innovators! from!around!a!hundred!countries! to! not! only! share! experience!and! knowledge! with! 69! experts,! but! also! suggest! good! practice! measures! tailored! to! each! city.! The! ENoLL! Living! Lab! community! was! very! well! represented! in!this! event! with! input! and! speeches! from! the! ENoLL! President! Mr.! Jarmo! Eskelinen! and! other! ENoLL! Council! members! who! acted! as! experts! and! supported! the! networking/knowledge! exchange! activities!(see!picture).!During!the! CitiSense! event! the! World! Bank! and! ENoLL! publically! announced! the! common! production! of! a! Living!Lab!toolkit!for!Cities!that!is! planned! to! be! published! in! June! 2014.! ! !
Enhanced% cooperation% between% ENoLL% and%F2L% On! February! 19,! 2013! European! Network! of! Living! Labs! (ENoLL)! and! the! France! Living! Labs! (F2L)! signed! a! partnership! agreement! (MoU).! In! this! video,! you! will! see! the! presentation! by! Ms.!Brigitte!Trousse,!President!of!France! Living! Labs! and! presentation! by! Mr.! Jarmo!Eskelinen,!President!of!ENoLL!and! find! out! more! about! the! agreed! joint! initiatives.!! An%introduction%to%smart%cities% In! this! short! video! made! during! the! Creative! Media! Days! held! in! November! 2012! in! Ghent,! MIT! Media! Lab's! Professor! Kent! Larson! gives! a! short! introduction! on! how! cities! are! being! designed! as! a! Living! Lab! for! businesses! to! showcase! new! technologies! and! to! test! out! emerging! smart! innovations.! Introduction! by! ENoLL! Chair! Jarmo! Eskelinen.! TEFIS% portal% for% easy% testbed% and% LL% access% and% management% of% FI% Experiments% !
ENoLL! member!Botnia! Living!Lab!is!proud! to! launch! the! TEFISIplatform,! which! is! a! new! eIservice! that! gives! experimenters! easy! access! to! forefront! testbed! infrastructures.! The! portal! includes! features! to! plan! for! and! run! Future! Internet! experiments! by! using! services! provided!by!the!TEFIS!connected!testbeds! including! Living!Lab!support!I!all!available! via! one! single! accessIpoint! individually! or! in! a! combination.! The! services! are! used! today! in! different! experiments! in! the! fields!of!Mobile!media,!eIHealth,!Network! performance! measurements,! eIlearning,! Collaborative! content! distribution! in! mobile! networks! and! SDN.! More! information!maybe!found!here! Living% Lab% Manual% for% Universities% of% Applied%Sciences%by%Neloskierre% Network! of! Living! Labs! of! Finnish! Universities! of! Applied! Sciences! (Neloskierre)! has! come! out! with! a! publication! which! looks! into! how! Living! Labs!can!operate!as!an!model!for!bringing! together! RDIIactivities! and! teaching.! This! document!is!only!available!in!Finnish.!See! here!for!more!information.!
The! announcement! of!the!Living!Lab! toolkit!featuring! Jarmo!Eskelinen! (President!of! ENoLL),!Edward! Anderson!(World! Bank),!Ilari!Lindi! (World!Bank),! Jesse!March! (ENoLL)!
ENoLL Activity Report 2013
Join%us%next%Summer%G% 5TH%ENoLL%Summer%School%2014% !
2014: What’s up? Events% • Innovation! Convention! 2014.! March! 10I11,! Brussels.! Living! Lab! session! (March! 10,! 14:00! –! 15:15).! • Human!Smart!Cities!conference,! March!13,!Lisbon!(Portugal)! • FIA! Athens,! March! 18I20,! Athens! • EDF,!March!19I20,!Athens! • European!Conference!on!Future! Internet! (OCFII1),! April! 2I3,! Brussels!(FIIPPP)! • ACE! Project! Summit,! April! 29I 30,!Brussels! • 7th! InnoMatNet! Workshop,! May!7,!Barcelona! • The! XXV! ISPIM! Innovation! Conference! held! in! Dublin,! Ireland!on!June!8I11,!2014! • IoT!week,!June!16I20,!London! • Smart!AgriMatics!2014,!June!18I 19,!Paris! • OKFestival! 2014,! July! 15I18,! Berlin! • ENoLL! 5th! Summer! School! 2014,! September! 2I5,! 2014! in! Amsterdam!! • Smart! City! Expo! 2014,! November! 11I13,! 2014! Barcelona! • The! 9th! Biennale! Internationale! Design! SaintIEtienne,! March! 12! to!April!12,!2015!!!
Ready! to! join! us! at! the! 2014! ENoLL! Summer! School?! The! 5th! edition! will!be!held!in!Amsterdam!from!the!2nd!to!the!5th!of!September!2014.! This! Summer! School! will! examine! Living! LabsIinspired! methods,! technologies! and! policy! implications! through! workshops! and! lively! discussion! panels! organized! by! both! European! and! nonIEuropean! experts.!Come!and!add!your!talents,!skills!and!energies!to!ours:!this!is! the! place! to! be! if! you! want! to! set! up! a! Living! Lab,! know! the! most! experienced!organizations!or!just!learn!more!about!this!research!field.! Registrations!are!open!on!the!official!website.!For!more!info!shoot!us!a! mail!at!!or!follow!us!on!Twitter!! !
The%8th%wave%is%officially%open!! Public! and! private! organisations! from! all! countries! in! the! world! are! invited! to! apply! for! membership! of! the! European! Network! of! Living! Labs!as!of!February!3rd!2014.!Completed!applications!must!be!sent!by! May!14th,!2014!at!12:00!CET.!Approved!new!members!will!be!officially! welcomed! at! the! 8th! Wave! Launch! Ceremony! during! the! 5th! ENoLL! Summer!School!in!Amsterdam,!first!week!of!September!2014.!!! The! application! form! can! only! be! obtained! through! preIregistration! with! the! ENoLL! Office! (please! contact!! Note:! All! applicants! will! be! informed! of! the! outcome! of! the! evaluation! 30! days! before! the! publication! of! results! at! the! 5th! ENoLL! Summer! School! in! Amsterdam.! More! information! about! evaluation! criteria,! terms! and! conditions!can!be!found!on!the!ENoLL’s!website.!! !
Find%out%more%about%ENoLL!% ENoLL! uses! different! social! media! tools! to! engage! and! connect! with! its! members! and! the! wider! community.!Follow!us!on!Twitter!(@openlivinglabs)! and! Facebook.! We! also! regularly! use! other! social! media!tools!such!as!Vimeo,!Slideshare,!Flickr,!Scribd! and! Youtube.! In! addition! ENoLL! publishes! a! monthly! newsletter,! which! has! around! 2500! subscribers.! Find! out! more! about! how! to! join! the! Living!Labs!discussion!on!!or! shoot!us!a!mail!at!!
ENoLL Activity Report 2013