Digital Living Lab Days 2020 report

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DIGITAL LIVING LAB DAYS 2020 EVENT REPORT Connecting people & technology towards a citizen centred digital future




Living Lab Projects pitches



Welcoming Wave 2020


Key messages of opening panelists


Capacity Building


Key messages of high level panelists


Virtual Visit


Research papers



Action Oriented Task Forces sessions


Scaling-up challenges


Opening message







This report includes information presented during the Digital Living Lab Days 2020. It compiles contributions by session organisers and excerpts of speeches which have been edited for the report.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit

Design: Spela Zalokar

ATTRIBUTION ©ENoLL (European Network of Living Labs)

Editors: Spela Zalokar Ines Vaittinen Koen Vervoort Zsuzsanna Bodi Leidy Enriquez

NON COMMERCIAL You may not use this work for commercial purposes. All queries on rights and licenses should be addressed to: European Network of Living Labs Pleinlaan 9, 1050 Ixelles, Brussels, Belgium E:

ENOLL CHAIRPERSON FERNANDO VILARIÑO OPENING MESSAGE ENoLL is putting together all its efforts in order to gather the Community of people supporting the Living Lab movement, in Europe and in the World, around this digital event. Our aim is to provide our community with the state of the art in multi-stakeholder citizen-centric innovation methods, tools, projects and best practices. This year, due to the tragic events of the Sars-COV-2 pandemic, and also due to the impossibility of gathering physically around a common place, the ENoLL Office made a fantastic job in setting up the digital version of our Conference and Summer School -as a matter of fact, building up the foundations for a permanent legacy of our digital future. This is one of the challenges that these terrible times have brought to us: the dynamic adaptation to a digital future


for human interactions without losing the core of the ENoLL’s spirit: “Empowering Everyone to Innovate, not Leaving Anyone Behind”. This accelerated digital adaptation can represent a leap forward for our Community and the World in many ways. One the one hand, we are embedded into a process of deployment of scalable Capacity Building Programs, accessible to everyone though the Internet platforms, which will potentially allow to increase the learning curves for the development of impactful open innovation at a pace not witnessed before. On the other hand, and in parallel, agile responses from the institutions are requested more and more, day after day, and the evidence of the need for a multi-stakeholder approach to challenge solution is now under no discussion. We

have strong evidences of the role that Living Labs can play in fields such as: the development of actual Collaboratory approaches for Social Innovation, the unveiling of the Social Impact of AI, the new roles of Living Labs in Rural Areas, the new paradigms of Health and Well-being going from patient to protagonist, and, of course, the specific implementation of the Green Agenda and Energy Transition. From water management to mobility design in the smart cities, from new frameworks for food production and consumption to novel approaches for digital social technologies, ENoLL Living Labs are contributing with facts and actions to the construction of a better future in which, together, we are stronger. The speakers with whom we have shared our panels during DLLD 2020 represent

a sample of what can be done with the right ambition for a positive transformative effect of impactful innovation. The organisers of the workshops provided us with pointers and tools to “how” this positive impact can be achieved in our specific fields of work. The submitted research papers have provided us with the state-of-the-art of the current -and also future- visions, and the Virtual Learning Lab allowed the novel members of our community to develop actual capacities for their professional activity. I also invite you to explore our sessions around the ENoLL Action-Oriented Task Forces, were we gathered our communities of interest around specific topics. I am proud to share this event with you as a platform for human interaction, connecting people devoted to innovation-led

growth and positive social transformation, the objectives shared in the Manifesto for Innovation in Europe.

Fernando Vilariño Chairperson of ENoLL, Associate Director at Computer Vision Centre and Associate Professor at UAB. Co-Founder of the Library Living Lab

#DLLD HIGHLIGHTS & PARTICIPANT FEEDBACK The Digital Living Lab Days held between 2-4 September 2020 was the first digitally-held event held in place of the annual gathering of the European Network of Living Labs.









More than 330+ participants attended three days and contibuted to insightful discussions, workshops and presentations centered around the theme of the conference “Connecting people & techonology towards a citizen centred digital future”.



WHAT THE PARTICIPANTS SAY TESTIMONIALS It was such a pleasure attending this year’s Digital Living Lab Days. It was definitely a groundbreaking event, unquestionably extraordinary. Amazing people, great sessions, meaningful discussions, unforgettable atmosphere! Thank you so much ENoLL Team! You have done incredible work! ENoLL is a very strong community of highly passionate and supportive people. DLLD provided excellent opportunities for networking with representatives of different living labs worldwide. I look forward to the 2021 Open Living Lab Days! I can’t wait to meet all these wonderful people in person! Joanna Karaś, PhD student, SGH Warsaw School of Economics

‘I was skeptical that DLLD could offer the same level of collegial atmosphere or spirited engagement as the face-to-face OLLD experience. I was pleasantly surprised. The quality and professionalism of ENoLL and the wide range of presenters and facilitators from around the world was just as evident during DLLD. I was fully engaged, inspired, and stimulated by three days of seamless online presentations and workshops during which the collaborative spirit of the ENoLL community was evident. Thanks for a great conference!’ Suzanne Smith, NetwellCASALA Research Centre & Living Lab Manager, Dundalk, Ireland.

“The current situation in the world has changed the way we conduct our daily lives and business.We all face great obstacles, especially in the event sector. The Digital Living Lab Days event was a success! Technology combined with talented organisation skills brought together global great minds to share their valuable knowledge and expertise with us all. I am already looking forward to DLLD 2021. “ Annika Salmi - Ideator I loved the improving quality of Living Lab research, the increasing interest of related methodologies and tools, and the open-minded, co-creative mindset of the participants to the sessions that increased learning and sharing. Dr. Dimitri Schuurman - imec - Chair of the research track


First of all, it was an EPIC experience. I wish to thank you, the committee, for the feedbacks of my Doctoral consortium. I appreciated it; my feeling about DLLD overcome my expectations!!! The logistic and environment of DLLD was amazing, starting for you pal, and your friends. Due to the fact that the conference was digital, financially speaking for me was perfect, but lost the opportunities to get to know other researchers, and to expend sometime any around some Belgium beers in Ghent. The usability of the platform was easy to understand and use, Diego Hernando Florez Ayala - Doctoral Consortium Student

“I was impressed with the quality with which the conference was organized--especially considering it all had to be online. I loved the diversity of the topics and the meaningful engagement of the audience with the topics.”

OLLD and DLLD have a difference in the first letter, but not in quality, networking opportunities, speakers, workshops or even the cocktail party. It was so well organized that all of us enjoyed it to the maximum.

Suhaib Aslam - Researcher

Evdokimos Konstantinidis - ThessAHALL, Action Oriented task Force leader

KEY MESSAGES OF THE OPENING PANELISTS ENoLL Chairperson Fernando Vilariño and ENoLL Director Zsuzsanna Bodi welcomed the participants and those tuning in to the publicly broadcasted opening panel. The audience then tuned in to key messages by session moderator Daria Tataj, Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship at University of Exeter - John Bessant, Chair of the UNESCO Information For All Programme and Board member of the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education - Dorothy Gordon and Chief Evangelist and Founder of Funzi - Aape Pohjavirta.

Key messages of the Opening Panelists On digitalisation: Learn not only to use digital tools and how people are challenged by digital tools, but also be aware of people who feel they are not being able to contribute and don’t feel connected (Daria Tataj) On creating your own future: It is now up to us to use Living Labs around the world...which have become more critical for survival of become more meaningful, responsible for the future. Otherwise, we live in somebody else’s future! (Aape Pohjavirta) 10

On surveillance capitalism : Actively engage as customers of those companies who are not using data in optimal ways! (Dorothy Gordon) On users : There is a hidden army of user innovators. How we find active users? How we help them articulate? (John Bessant) [listen to the song “User, User” to find the answers] Why bother with User Innovation song:

L-R Fernando Vilariño, Zsuzsanna Bodi, Daria Tataj, John Bessant, Dorothy Goron and Aape Pohjavirta

KEY MESSAGES OF THE HIGH LEVEL PANELISTS The high level debate was centered around the theme of the conference “Connecting people and technologies towards a citizen-centered digital future”. The panel was moderated by Daria Tataj, a founder of Tataj Innovation and included speakers from public and private sectors. The panelists were Head of Unit DG Connect Smart Mobility and Living in DG Communication Networks, Content and Technology - Eddy Hartog, Policy Advisor for Digital Government, Governance & Innovation at the OECD - Ethel Hui Yan Tan, Project Adviser at Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), European Commission - Ugo Guarnacci and GFI Corporate Vice President Belux, former CEO Ericsson Belux and Digital champion of Belgium - Saskia van Uffelen.

Key messages of the Panelists On leadership: To work as a team you need different types of competences as a leader. You need to be flexible and take roles from each other (Daria Tataj)


On funding programs of the European Commission: We need to keep the ownership and control of our own future – this is also pervasive in the programs (Eddy Hartog) On involvement of stakeholders outside of government: Countries will benefit by establishing more inclusive processes. Improving stakeholder engagement in crucial in creating shared ownership; in building and maintaining trust (Ethel Hui Yan Tan) On Horizon 2020 programme: Horizon emphasizes that not only a product but also a processes needs to be scaled-up (Ugo Guarnacci) On succeeding in today’s world: Need to have a longer term financial model (financial models of yesterday don’t work anymore); need to stimulate investment in digital skills; overregulation kills innovation; over controlling kills innovation (Saskia van Uffelen)

L-R Eddy Hartog, Ethel Hui Yan Tan, Ugo Guarnacci, Saskia van Uffelen, Daria Tataj and Fernando Vilariño

RESEARCH PAPERS The research track of the first ever Digital Living Lab Days was really strong with 50+ submissions and a total of 40 accepted submissions in 5 tracks: • Health & Environment • Public Sector Innovation • Urban & Societal Challenges • Theoretical & Methodological Challenges • Tools & technologies For each track authors could submit full research papers, research in progress papers and practitioners presentations. Beside these tracks there was a dedicated track for PhD students. In the top contribution session, we gathered the submissions that were scored significantly higher by the reviewers than the rest. Research-in-progress papers were not considered for this session. 14

This resulted in three full papers and four practitioner presentations selected for this session that provided a rich overview with interesting insights into the current Living Lab theory and practice.

Best full research paper: Mind the gap: Understanding & communicating the business value of co-creation by Suvi Seikkula, julia Nevmerzhitskaya & Aletta Purola

This session provided a snapshot of what is currently taking place in the Living Labs research and practitioner community and the session itself managed to bring together a lot of listener and stimulated interesting discussions and debates that undoubtedly inspired a lot of people and that will result in new collaborations and approaches starting up in the coming months and years.

Best practitioners presentation: Collaborative methods: developing a digital innovation for older people self-managing multimorbidity by Suzanne Smith, John Dinsmore, Emma Murphy, Patricia Sheridan, Mary Galvin, An Jacobs, Myriam Sillevis Smitt, Cora Van Leeuwen and Julie Doyle

Veli-Pekka Niitamo awards The research committee granted two Veli-Pekka Niitamo awards:

Public Voting for Best paper The award for best paper according to the public vote, went to “Bristol Living Lab: diversity & inclusion” by Lorraine Hudson.

Presenters of the “Top Contribution” session

PRESENTED PAPERS Top 7 papers selected by the Evaluation Committee Collaborative methods: developing a digital innovation for older people self managing multimorbidity by Suzanne Smith, Emma Murphy, Patricia Sheridan, Mary Galvin, An Jacobs, Myriam Sillevis Smitt, Cora Van Leeuwen & Julie Doyle The Italian case of Lecco innovation living lab: Stakeholders’ needs and activities to contribute to the technology innovation process in healthcare by Laura Marone, Rosella Onofrio & Cristina Masella Bristol Living lab: diversity & inclusion by Lorraine Hudson Engaging the wider ecosystem: co-creating future food and restaurant services by Kaisa Spilling & Annemaria Rossi Mind The Gap: Understanding and communicating the business value of co-


creation by Suvi Seikkula, Julia Nevmerzhitskaya & Aletta Purola Living CoLab: A conceptual framework to set up and facilitate transdisciplinary collaborations to tackle societal challenges in a living lab setting by Indre Kalinauskaite, Rens Brankaert, Lu Yuan, Tilde Bekker, Aarnout Brombacher & Steven Vos Fast Track Living labs: the problem solution sprint by Dimitri Schuurman

Health & Environment Designing a ubiquitous artifact for Digital Wellbeing in everyday life by Suhaib Aslam Social prescribing in Australia: How the bottom-up model of citizen science can facilitate stakeholder engagement in health service design by Sonja Pedell, Ann Borda & Alen Keirnan

Rainfall and flood monitoring through citizen science in urban living labs by Carina Veeckman & Laura Temmerman Evaluation and Design guidelines for behavior change in renewable energy communities by Olivia De Ruyck, Peter Conradie, Lieven De Marez & Jelle Saldien

Public Sector Innovation European Green Deal: the Living Lab for Codeveloping Digital Energy Solutions by Joelle Mastelic, Francesco Cimmino & Stefano Tarantola Design Sprint as a Tool to Support Collaborative Planning of Green Infrastructure by Maija Bergström & Annamaria Rossi The role of living labs in arts-led urban regeneration by Yana Voynova Blending artistic and living lab approach-

es to engage with foreign citizens by Isis Gouedard, Damien Gauthier, Nicholas Croquet & Sonia Miny Living labs as an ecosystem for innovation procurement - and vice versa: The FABULOS Pre-Commercial Procurement case by Renske Martijnse-Hartikka

Urban & Societal Challenges A systematic literature review on living labs in the context of higher education by Hacer Tercanli Urban Living Labs, Circular Economy and Nature-based solutions. ‘New Soil’ as common ground by Grazia Sveva Ascione, Federico Cuomo & Nicole Mariotti Living labs for the urban commons: Developing collaborative governance arrangements through experimental learning environments by Joachim Meerkerk, Julie Ferguson & John Grin Piloting an autonomous shuttle in the Brussels Capital Region: living lab insights and user reactions and acceptance by Wim Vanobberghen, Evy Rombaut, Manon Feys, Cedric De Cauwer, Lieselot Vanhaverbeke, Federico Gobbato, Geoffrey Grulois, Laura Temmerman

& Alice de Séjournet Urban Living Labs: Problematizing the Lab-City-Interface by Birk Diener Urban consumption spaces as living labs: A novel hospitality experience measure toward a futureproof equilibrium by Julie Ferguson, Karoline Wiegerink & Stan Majoor

Theoretical & Methodological challenges “The more you are willing to give, the more you get” How multifaced, multistakeholder innovation ecosystems are governed and orchestrated, and how to research them? by Tuija Hirvikoski & Kaisla Saastamoinen Open Innovation Business Models: the example of living labs in France by Ingrid Fasshauer

Observational study on cross-cultural differences in living lab research: protocol & pilot by Nele De Witte, Ingrid Adriaensen, Leen Broeckx, Vicky Van Der Auwera, Sacha Vermeulen, T. Vieira & T. Van Daele Methodology for Establishing a Living Lab from Experiences in Japan by Keiichi Kitazume, Mari Takaku, Mio Nishiyama & Yusuke Okamura Facilitation and facilitator roles in lab-driven innovation process in experience based tourism by Yati Analysis of a program solving local issues in collaboration with technology companies: a case study of the SUNABA as a living lab in Shiojiri by Masataka Mori & Takashi Yamada

Tools & Technologies for user-centric innovation Developing open technology solutions in simulated living lab environment: research in progress amidst the Covid-19 pandemic by Molitor, T., Clark, C., Wood, E., Wagner, U., Bausch, N. & Holliday, N. Examining people’s implicit smartphone use attitudes via an adapted IAT procedure by Floor Denecker, Lieven De Marez & Koen Ponnet Exploring co-agency in human-machine assemblages: Toward a methodology for collective intelligence design by David Crombie & Soenke Zehle Finding citizen insights: a digital deep dive into everyday life in Smart Kalasatama by Mette Hiltunen & Michel Nader Sayùn Neural Rope #1: an urban collaborative project between art and scientific research by Elena Marchiori & Luca Maria Gambardella


Doctoral Consortium Exploring lab-driven innovation processes in experience-based tourism by Yati Urban living labs – ULL: Sustainability transitions in the innovation of city systems from the perspective of the circular economy by Diego Hernando The development journey of open service innovation in the public and private sector by Ruusa Ligthart & Tim Minshall

Conference Proceedings available at:

SESSIONS WITH ENOLL’S ACTION ORIENTED TASK FORCES ENoLL has built tremendous expertise in the area of co-creation and action-research methods for multi-stake holder user centric innovation, and thus is placed in an excellent position to explore emerging approaches in Special Interest Groups. The ENoLL Action-oriented Task Forces (AOTF) Program selects 5 topics with evidence of critical mass within the ENoLL Community, and provides support during a 2 year-tem to the interest groups. The Action-oriented Task Forces are coordinated by ENoLL members, and their workgroups are open to externals, providing a powerful tool for visibility and attraction of paramount actors.


Currently, there are five working AOTFs: • Social Innovation and Digital Rights • Social Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) • Rural Living Labs • Health and Wellbeing • Energy and Environment

During the conference, the AOTFs organised two sessions: • A topic debate focused on the area in which topic debate is active • Presentation session to present the plans of the task force and gather interested organisations to work together

Coordinators of AOTFs, from L-R: Fernando Vilariño, Luis Navarro Lopez, Evdokimos Konstantinidis, Joëlle Mastelic, Carolyn Hassan and Artur Serra

AOTF Social Innovation & Digital Rights Topic Debate

The role of Living Labs in supporting the development of universal access to social innovation ecosystems Moderated by Dr. Carolyn Hassan, Knowle West Media Centre/Bristol Living Lab. The questions that our six contributors were asked to address were: • •


What does social innovation look like from others perspectives? What does a Collaboratory model look like taking into consideration these different perspectives, and how could such a model be taken forward - including what fundingmechanisms might be available in future? How will ENoLL support and act as an enabling agent working with EC and other policy makers?

EnoLL’s former president Tuijia Hirvikovski set the context for this session explaining how Living Labs have connected with each other and other stakeholders, to develop the idea of establishing universal access to social innovation ecosystems. Dr Hirvikoski proposed that we need more radical collaboration between academia, public and private sector AND citizens. ENoLL has been actively putting forward this message of powerful radical collaboration. Artur Serra picked up this theme sharing the example of the Catalan Collaboratory, bringing together stakeholders to create a new universal access social innovation system. Universities, SMEs, public and private sectors, are coming together with civic society collaborating to create a shared model of understanding of social innovation and how to make this accessible. Prof. Aawatif Hayar presented what was happening in Casablanca and recent challenges and opportunities. Due to closed borders and the Covid 19 pandemic the University has strengthened its links with society in a way it hasn’t

before – setting up co creation labs, addressing societal needs, including more women’s groups and SME’s. Prof. Susan Halford presented the new Bristol Digital Futures Institute (University of Bristol) and explained that digital and the social are co-evolving and described a ‘socio- digital’ world where the scale and pace of change is only set to continue. Prof. Halford proposed that we need to create new knowledge and understanding of socio-digital technical innovation. Professor Antonia Caro presented a position paper: “Social Innovation ecosystems from linear pairwise forms of interaction to common purpose driven networks for shared prosperity.” Pirita Lindholm completed the presentations providing information about collaboration between the regions, focusing on social innovation ecosystems and shared thoughts about how this approach to universal access to social innovation be scaled up. The key points arising from the presentations and subsequent lively Q&A were: 1. Living labs should focus on solving

societal challenges at the global and at the local level. 2. Living labs have an important role to play in the co-creation and co-building of social innovation ecosystems with partners and organisations around the world like ESSI and others. 3. Collaboratories, or labs of labs, can be a good pathway to bring into being new social/innovation ecosystems. Territory, place and context matters. 4. We should not forget our Living Lab vision and mission to: Empower everyone to innovate and build new innovation ecosystems.

AOTF Social Impact of Artificial Intelligence The Action-oriented Task Force on Social Impact of Artificial Intelligence aims at unveiling the social impact of AI. Contrary to other technologies, the impact that AI is -and will be- having in our societies is still to be unveiled, and completely in our hands to define. Our hypothesis is that we can provide living labs as exploration arenas to analyze multiple dimensions of such present and

future impacts (labor, business models, mobility, education, governance, arts, ethics, etc.). Topic Debate

Unveiling the Social Impact of Artificial Intelligence During our dedicated session, Andrea Halmos showed us the framework from the European Commission, the AI Alliance approach to trustworthy AI, and pointed out the opportunity for European Digital Innovation Hubs on AI to develop using living lab approaches. Mayte Hidalgo from Everis highlighted the path from Plato to Python, clearly stating that a trustworthy approach to AI implies a change not only in culture but also in the processes associated to AI-based services design and implantation is SMEs and large companies. Amir Banifatemi shared with as the AI Commons approach, embracing the spirit of a Wikipedia of AI solutions to advance in the democratization of the access to AI creation and enjoyment.

These approaches were developed during our breakfast session, where we analyzed the role of public observatories on AI. We also identified the perspective of AI in our homes, and how different business models can be created in the field of restauration and interiors. We identified arts as an excellent driver for the awareness of the impact of AI, and a direct tool for citizen engagement in such processes. Finally, we identified capacity building as an essential “element, an in this sense, the AOTF committed to organize a series of webinars in the topic, starting in Q4 2020.

AOTF Energy & Environment Presentation of the AOTF The Energy & Environment Action orientated Task Force was presented by Joëlle Mastelic from the Energy Living Lab on the 4 th of September. She spoke about the creation of this task force during the 2019’s edition of OLLD in Thessaloniki. Then, 4 projects coordinators presented their research and activities related to energy and environment. First, the Joint Research Centre from European Commission presented their Living Lab Experiment in Ispra on the electric mobility and energy efficiency. Then, Laurent Dupont presented the Fab Living Lab from Nancy, with projects on Hydrogen and Smart grid’s adoption. Inès Aria presented the IMPAQT project, about aquaculture. Finally, Simon Cool presented the young Agrifood Living Lab in Belgium, the ILVO, working with farmers, to create challenges with them. With the use of Mentimeter, the needs of the participants regarding the taskforce was studied. The needs expressed were

(1) The exchange of best practices, (2) Consortium building for projects (3) Networking. Living Labs and other innovation partners were then invited to join the taskforce and decide together on an implementation plan to develop activities from the expressed needs. Topic Debate

Living Labs in the Water Sector: political, social and technical aspects The Topic Debate of the AoTF Energy & Environment was focused on the thematic of Water. The introduction was made by Andrea Rubini, Director of Operations at Water Europe. He explained the challenges in the water sector. They promote water-related R&D, and innovation in Europe. Water Europe Water oriented Living Labs (WoLLs) contribute in achieving the European Green Deal in the sector. Then, Patrizia Busolini from DG Mare presented the policy related to the Blue Economy. Finally, 4 project coordinators presented their different research activities. Water Mining, ReWaise and B-WaterSmart are 3

projects financed by Horizon 2020. They met for the first time online during DLLD. Blueark, developed in the Verbier region in Switzerland was presented, focusing on optimizing irrigation, co-designing programs with farmers in Switzerland. This Topic Debate allowed stakeholders to meet, understand the objectives and strategies of the European Commission and Water Europe. We talked about Big Data in Water, their financing, and the digital tools related to it.

AOTF Health & Wellbeing Presentation of the AOTF The Health and Wellbeing Action orientated Task Force was presented by Evdokimos Konstantinidis from Thessaloniki Active and Healthy Ageing Living Lab. He presented the key objectives of the AOTF as they were discussed during the Open Living Lab Days 2019, which can be summarized in the following: 1) Harmonization of the processes and services provided by Health and Wellbeing Living Labs, 2) Creating synergies and collaboration opportunities among Living Labs, 3) Create a sustainable future for Health and Wellbeing Living Labs beyond projects and 4) Assist Living Labs up-scaling. A discussion followed regarding the key actions and practical steps that can take place in order to meet the presented needs. An important issue regarding the sustainability of Living Labs was the opportunity to find new costumers and be in contact with the market. Also, the participants pointed out the importance of creating new opportunities for smaller

Living Labs that do not have the same experience or revenue streams. Furthermore, ideas about how several Living Labs could collaborate in order to respond to a company’s demand for co-creating its product have arisen. Specific focus was given in the local cultural context that every Living Lab could address and how this can be communicated in order to boost all Living Labs and their synergies. Topic Debate

Can Living labs operate as open research infrastructures? The Topic Debate of AoTF of the Health and Wellbeing was moderated by Evdokimos Konstantinidis from Thessaloniki Active and Healthy Ageing Living Lab and was focused on how Living Labs can operate as open research infrastructures for researchers from both Academia and Industry. An introduction was made by Tuija Hirvikoski, Director of Laurea University of Applied Sciences who set the scene and present the need to conduct impact for research

and innovation in more complex real life environments. Then, Geert Christiaansen, Philips Design Innovation Programme presented the example of Philips design and commented on the services that a company needs in order to create meaningful innovation. The future of innovation lies in ecosystems and the collaborations as no single organization can solve major challenges alone. Vicky Van der Auwera, Operational Manager in Licalab, took over the session and presented how Living Labs can tackle major research challenges and be established as open research infrastructures. She also presented the Licalab example. Finally, Johannes Klumpers, EC Head of Unit “Research and Industrial infrastructures” presented the view of EC regarding research infrastructures and what opportunities can arise with EC support. Although Living Labs were not considered in the narrow definition of research infrastructures in the past, Johannes Klumpers has concluded that Living Labs can provide facilities and services as research infrastructures, as well as access to them, to European researchers towards innovation.

AOTF Rural Living Labs Topic Debate

Co-creating from farm to fork: the Stems and the seeds of Agro ecosystem living labs After opening statements from Muriel MAMBRINI-DOUDET, Research Director at Inrae, French national research institute for agriculture, food and environment, the AOTF Rural Living Labs was briefly presented by Milica Trajkovic (PA4AALL, BioSense Institute). The first topic was questioning the placebased LLs and their main characteristics. Chris McPhee (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) presented the work done on identifying the defining characteristics of agroecosystem LLs and the main concept of place-based LLs that was presented during the G20 meeting 2018. This presentation was followed by the example from an ICT LL that has focused its expertise on agriculture. PA4ALL is based in Serbia with the main aim to rein26

force the agricultural sector with the ICT knowledge. The 2 main pillars of this LL are testing & validation of ICTs in AgriFood value chain by the end-users and the encouragement of average farmers to adopt technologies and new routines that have positive implications (economic, environmental & operational). The last presentation by Alexia Rouby (DG AGRI), focused on the timeline in developing the vision of agroecology Living Labs. The central place in the presentation was given to the partnership on agroecology LLs. The main goal is this partnership start in 2024 (call in Horizon EU WP 2023). The second part of the workshop was dedicated to a panel discussion on topics inspired by the three speeches. Rural Action oriented taskforce session The session dedicated to the Rural Action Oriented Taskforce was divided in two different parts: an explanatory part and a more interactive part. In the theoretical part a preliminary definition of the basic features of what a Rural Living Lab is was introduced together with a location within the context of the Digital Transformation during and

after the Covid-19 crisis: the Digital transformation will lead to a more balanced way of living between rural and urban. And here we defined the main strategic objective of the group, the co-creation of a new definition of Rural Areas where they are seen as an attractive place to live with a huge room for innovation. To finalize this explanatory part, the preliminary strategic lines where introduced: 1) Capacity building activities, based on EU standards, aiming to enable end users at the rural LLs to develop their digital and entrepreneurial skills. 2) Applied innovation. The capacity building action will enable innovations led by citizens, being the Living Labs the perfect environment to scale up & out within the quadruple helix. Following this the audience was motivated to reflect on the theoretical approach, to interact by pointing out those pillars of their interest and by sharing with the rest the ongoing initiatives and projects within the context of the rural areas. The topics with the most votes to focus in the next strategic iteration of the group

are: Agriculture, Climate change, circular economy, competences & education, water and new economies and social innovation. Five different interactive blocks including interests, experiences, ongoing initiatives and intentions in relation with the taskforce were discussed, and relevant information was gathered for the upcoming strategic iteration: “Co-creating a new definition for rural”.

FAST PROTOTYPING SESSION SCALING-UP CHALLENGES Scaling-up challenge is a fast prototyping session aimed to reflect on starting, on-going strategic documents, projects and initiatives. In the 2020 edition, 3 main initiatives were given the opportunity to connect their ongoing work, challenges, and future vision with the expert base that forms the ENoLL network and audience of Digital Living Lab Days. Sessions reflected on the main theme of the conference Connecting people and technology towards a citizen centered digital future.

Citizen Card

Hosted by: EuroCities, ENoLL

Aim of the session Eurocities’ KSF LAB is working on a Citizen Card White Label MVP. Eight cities have joined forces to share knowledge,


experience and resources to create a validated White Label for a secure, certified citizen card that is widely implementable in cities throughout Europe. Besides producing a deliverable that contains guidelines and principles for the technical architecture, interoperability standards, legal and security compliance for a citizen cards, the deliverable should provide a starting point for implementing, further developing and scaling the citizen card in different contexts. Convinced by the necessity of human-centric development of technology to produce solutions that work for people, co-creating future (local) iterations of the MVP with citizens is critical. The Scaling up challenge provides an expert audience to discuss citizen co-creation, which will help articulate basic principles, approaches, processes and/or actions for the work package in the White Label deliverable.

Insights gained during the session Co-creating with citizens is not only about working together to create a product or service that is functional for the user. Including citizens and stimulating engagement is very important to ensure uptake and adoption of solution such as the citizen card. An inclusive, citizen centric development process means engaging with end-users to validate ideas and test solutions, but also to propagate the added value and potential of a product or service.

Impact made for your organisation/initiative’s work The citizen card work process is divided in several work packages that correspond to the content of the final deliverable: a White Label MVP. One of the

work packages relates to successfully developing and implementing the citizen card solution in cities specific localities. The Scaling up challenge has given us valuable insights on co-creation with citizens. Besides answering a number of straightforward questions through a survey, exploring possible ways to include citizens to co-create a citizen card turned out to be very valuable. In addition to the audience sharing experiences, approaches and methods for ongoing inclusion were discussed and a central mural provided the opportunity for participants to indicate possible first steps for a sound, inclusive testing process.

Green Deal and Living Labs

Hosted by: Water Europe, JRC Mobility, Energy LL, ENoLL Living Labs and Office

Aim of the session:

The aim of the session was to learn about the strategy of the Water Europe Water-Oriented Living Labs (WOLL) Network that aims at supporting and enhancing the development of WOLLs in EU and beyond, the role of Water Europe WoLLs Network in enabling the twin effort for a European Green Deal and the Europe Fit for the Digital Age and importantly to identify a model which can be applied to similar initiatives for scale up ambition and replication. The following challenges were tackleded: • Lack of enabling environment and ambitions • Missing of an enabling structure

• •

that encourages stakeholders from various sectors and industries to come together, commit and engage in the WoLLs Lack of a systemic view and approach that limits the capacity of different kind of WoLLs – urban, Industrial, rural – to come together Inadequacy of marketing and tools to establishing a harmonised and systemic market outreach framework Low visibility and dissemination of knowledge and finding of the WoLLs that are necessary to promote the adoption of innovating solutions and secure investments Lacking scalability and continuity. Life of the WoLLs are limited due to either to low technology readiness to commercialization, lack of engagement of the stakeholders, or limitation in funding to grow LL and implement innovation Policy constrains


Hosted by: ENoLL, DG Connect, and Living-in.EU ambassadors

Aim of the session ENoLL being one of the core promoters of the Living-in.EU declaration, is working towards supporting the commitment points on Education and Capacity Building in a co-creative and citizen-driven manner. At this scaling up session we worked together on addressing needs, challenges and co-deciding on first action points. The workshop converged on three points in the declaration: 1/ Develop citizen-centric design approaches as a new competence for policy-making; 2/ Identify new skills needed by the public authorities and businesses, and take action to ensure that people acquire these skills; 3/ Develop a culture of having a co-creative, participative and cross-sector approach to designing and implementing smart and sustainable local solutions.


Insights gained during the session

Impact made for your organisation/initiative’s work

The workshop focused on 4 core questions, explored individually for each of the above three points in the declaration:

The Scaling-up challenge helped to identify 1/ the importance of building solid ground for capacity building, in order to teach the right skills and knowledge from early on, 2/ the need to understand the diversity between ecosystems’ digital maturity, 3/ the pitfalls to creating a culture for co-creation and cross sectorial domains collaboration.

Q1/ What are your needs for the implementation? Q2/ What are the challenges for the implementation? Q3/ What can you bring concretely to this initiative with your city/organisation? Q4/ What could/should be the first action points for the implementation? Needs and challenges discussed included the capacity to collaborate, with diverse priorities, roles and responsibilities, inclusion beyond the usual suspects (including technical sectors), working together towards a holistic vision and shared value. Participants shared their own local initiatives and proposed some contributions from their cities. Have a look at the collected feedback gathered with the use of a collaborative tool: wp-content/uploads/2020/09/DEBRIEF_ ScalingUp_LivinginEU.pdf

The work with continues in parallel on the different strands and commitment points of the declaration. ENoLL focuses on building the first pilots with the signatory cities, in order to respond to the declaration’s capacity building commitment points. In addition, making use of its community within the signatory cities and the extended network, ENoLL is currently organising validation sprints before the Living.in_EU platform is published. At a later stage, the platform aims at helping cities understanding where they are standing with their digital maturity,

what should be their next steps and what could be worked on? The idea is to guide them to a number of solutions, so that they can speed up the uptake of new digital solutions in their cities and communities.

INTERACTIVE WORKSHOPS The move from a physical environment to a virtual setting was especially challenging - and at the same time exciting - when it came to hosting interactive workshops online. Still, a steady number of workshop applications received allowed us to select 19 high-quality, hands-on workshops to engage participants in co-creating solutions together. In this section, you will find main outtakes of the workshops.

What are critical success factors in orchestrating cross-border, cross-sectoral, cross-disciplinary innovation ecosystems? Workshop exploring orchestration models through theory and expert experiences Until a multi-stakeholder innovation ecosystem has been established, continuous careful planning of the formal issues i.e. structures, agreements, business models, budgets etc. is vital in order to succeed. However, in the end, it is the informal aspects that greatly affect the successful reaching of the ecosystem’s goals: e.g. co-creating long-term trust capital from day 1 as well as creating conditions for serendipity and for all ecosystem stakeholders to value each other’s perspectives and goals instead of concentrating solely on their own objectives. This requires skills, capabilities and attitudes. In this workshop, we


explored and discussed both formal and informal factors that can facilitate or hinder the successful reaching of ecosystem’s goals by sharing best practices and experiences as well as reflecting on literature on the topic.

Data literacy 101: how to use data for bigger social impact Data is everywhere. Data is messy. Data is daunting. But it can also have a huge impact in solving challenges if used and communicated effectively. Data literacy is as important as financial literacy or the ability to read and interpret a text. Even non-technological organizations deal with data all the time, whether it is the number of initiatives in which they are involved, the demographics of the users helped, or the money spent in human resources. Data is also the source for research on how to solve the issues of the city/country in which an open lab is

located, for example. However, sometimes, data is disregarded because it is seen as complex and people from non-technical fields do not know how to turn that into meaningful information which can be used and communicated. As digital is a huge part of our daily lives, data and communication are gaining importance. Being data literate is an important leverage to support the activities of social open labs. This workshop provided the basics of data literacy combining theory and a practical approach, giving participants an opportunity to develop their own action plan on how to actually utilize data literacy know-how and acquired knowledge on best practices.

Living Lab Business Model: Towards a Sustainable Innovation Ecosystem Public living labs can deliver public value, only if their longterm viability is ensured. The long-term viability of such living labs is extremely dependent on a continuous flow of (public) funding: any interruption in receiving public funding stops living labs from creating value. The challenge is making living labs financially self-supportive, but proposed business models for living labs lack a holistic and multi-perspective umbrella view over all business functions and stakeholder interrelations of a living lab. We believe such holistic perspective is needed to develop a viable business model.

For this reason, we developed a holistic view of the public living lab innovation ecosystem as an “activity system” which includes all business functions. The final model visualises the required activities-sets, who performs each activity-set (actors) and how the actors/activities are interrelated and structured. The workshop presented a holistic business model for sustainable living lab innovation ecosystems and hosted an interactive session with the participants to reflect on the model and capture their feedback from the perspective of the living labs they are involved in.

Conflict management dominos : co-create and learn through play For a team of middle managers, team leaders, or facilitators, the opportunities to discuss and learn from each other around conflict management are rare. Those positions often feel lonely and fear of judgment is a strong limiter for sharing personal experiences amongst colleagues or even peers. We have developed a tool in the form of a game that gives a framework for leading this kind of discussion in a playful manner, ensure by design a non-judgmental environment focusing on solutions and alternatives instead of proving a point or negative comments. In this co-creation workshop based on experience sharing, participants used custom-made dominos to share the chain of actions and reactions of a specific past conflictual situation they want to improve. In the second part of the workshop, the domino mechanism was used to propose alternative actions and collectively craft a better outcome to the situation, tapping on their own knowledge as well as some theoretical pointer given by the facilitators. OUTCOMES We got very interesting results. In one room the game led to a viable alternate scenario that the client chose to implement whereas in the other room the game led to a situation where the client realized he was mistaken on his goal. Therefore, even though the alternate co-created path would have been a good option to reach it, he opted for a totally different road to a new goal. In both cases, participants were amazed by the power of the tool to discover alternative scenarios, be conscious about the diversity of possible interpretations of the same action and 34

effectively derive an action plan for a given situation. The game was fluid and the dominos provided a good frontier-object that eased communication and gave each an equal space despite the diversity of attendees’ temperaments.

The shades of my world: Inside out!

Anticipatory Technology Assessment

Current studies (Brooks et al., 2020, Grabbe et. al., 2020) have shared concerns on the urgency to focus on children’s well-being and mental health that may be influenced by the social isolation during lockdown. Based on the result of rapid peer reviewed study, it shows that the separation periods of children with their friends (and deprived of play sessions) could lead to loneliness. The study shows the association of the duration of loneliness with the potency of future mental health of children or young people that could last for at least 9 years (University of Bath, 2020). There is also a high possibility for children or young adults to grow a post-traumatic disorder after the lockdown. Reports of mental health issues mention that the fact of hiding emotions, the lack of listening and interaction can increase the mental health problems of children. Expressing deep emotions, anxiety and scare in different ‘languages’ and sharing as well as empathising with others’ feelings and thoughts are the aim, also the main challenge of the workshop. Arts and play are used as the healing tool for possible trauma that may appear during and after the lockdown periods.

As Europe embraces a new generation of smart technologies whose design and operation defy traditional approaches to technology assessment, the role of anticipation is likely to increase. As technology design defines corridors for learning systems but no longer the final features of the actual systems as they operate in a wide variety of data-driven contexts, designers, users, citizens, and policy makers need to shift toward a different paradigm for technology assessment capable of anticipating different scenarios of use and abuse. The ATA-Kit facilitates such anticipatory scenario development and supports actors involved in innovation governance in adjusting to a new paradigm in which prediction, anticipation, and futures literacies play a decisive role. The ATA-Playbook structures engagement with emerging technologies based on the “5S” approach (spaces, stacks, stages, systems, sustainabilities) developed by the anticipate network.

Reframe the Digital Future of Living Labs: from challenge to opportunity

Scaling up experimentation - Case of agile piloting in urban labs

If I had an hour to solve a problem and my life depended on the solution, I would spend the first fifty-five minutes determining the proper question to ask, for once I know the proper question, I could solve the problem in less than five minutes” Albert Einstein. We often find ourselves blocked and paralysed from taking decisive action against our biggest challenges, simply because we are intimidated by the complexity of these ‘wicked’ problems and don’t know where to begin or what we are solving. At the same time the Covid-19 pandemic abruptly poses immense and confounding issues adding unprecedented pressure to all organizations. Processes supported by physical interaction need to move into the digital space rapidly and efficiently. So do our Living Labs! But how can we be sure that we’re not jumping to quick, unsustainable fixes to symptoms while missing the hidden root causes? What if we could focus on the ‘best’ problem(s), so we don’t rush into action misguided and searching for answers to the wrong questions? How might we develop strategic, cross-cutting, and scalable solutions to de-risk change and amplify impact? During this workshop participants learned how to harness collective wisdom and ask propulsive questions to effectively define and collaboratively reframe problem spaces.

The culture of experimentation is breaking to the mainstream. Numerous pilots and experiments of different size and scope are being conducted in diverse domains of smart city development. However, the full potential of experimentation is not harvested in many of the initiatives. The challenge of scaling up is often seen in a narrow way, merely from the point of view of scaling up individual services, technologies or solutions. All in all, scaling up should be addressed in the very beginning of the piloting process, not only in the end of it. Agile piloting is a model for quick experimentation of new services in a real-world environment. Agile pilots are short, early phase low-cost experiments, with the main goal of learning together. More than 50 agile pilots have been run in different urban labs in Helsinki by Forum Virium Helsinki. In this session, Smart Kalasatama and Jätkäsaari Mobility Lab in Helsinki share their experiences on running several agile piloting programmes for accelerating innovation and co-creation and experimentation with startups and wider urban community, with special emphasis on scaling up the impact of collaborative experimentation. This workshop discussed how to set the table for scaling up the impact of experimentation and invited the participants to share their best practices, insights and experiences on co-creation and experimentation within urban lab context.


OUTCOMES: The workshop presented the newly published Pocket Book for Agile Piloting (download here*) and discussed scaling up of experimentation from three perspectives: stakeholder engagement, fostering co-creation, and learning and reflection. In order to scale up results, it is crucial to create a process that provides added value to everyone involved. The key question is “What’s in it for them?” The services – and related learnings, collaboration models, and partnerships – scale up through committed individuals and organizations. Ensuring the programme meets different stakeholders’ goals and priorities enhances commitment and promotes wider impact.


Dump or take-away? The Reinvent Tourism Festival as a living lab to co-create sustainable and inclusive business models How can we develop future-proof urban consumption spaces, inclusive of diverse stakeholder interests? This co-creation session draws on participants’ experiences gained in their past and current practices in and with the city as a space where habitation, work, recreation, all go hand in hand. In such ‘urban consumption spaces’, diverse users draw on shared resources their own purposes and interests. We draw on the example of the Reinvent Tourism Festival, enacted wholly online. The festival is an appropriate example of a living lab to foster engagement and inclusion, aimed at repositioning Amsterdam as an attractive space for all stakeholders, wrapping serious debate and co-creation in fun, creativity and originality. We evoke participants’ experiences in co-creation through living labs, where virtual means have become an essential means to realize our varied professional aims. Which experiences from the past do we choose to dump, which do we take away? We focus primarily on urban consumption spaces but also invite experiences from other contexts, to understand the dynamics and possibilities to co-create future-proof business models based on our experiences with living labs.

Integrating communities of practice from URBiNAT cities We represent the European Nature-based solutions (NBS) project URBiNAT. URBiNAT focuses on the regeneration and integration of deprived social housing urban developments 38

through an innovative and inclusive catalogue of NBS, ensuring sustainability and mobilising forces for social cohesion. Interventions focus on the public space to co-create with citizens new urban, social and nature-based relations within and between different districts. Taking the full physical, mental and social well-being of citizens as its main goal, URBiNAT aims to co-diagnose, co-plan, co-design, co-implement and co-evaluate healthy corridor as an innovative and flexible NBS, which itself integrates a large number of micro NBS emerging from community-driven design processes. The project co-creates healthy corridor living labs in Nantes, Porto, Sofia, Siena, Nova Gorica, Brussels and Høje-Taastrup as well as working with cities in other countries. URBiNAT is already coping with limitations due to the pandemic crisis, and will demonstrate the combination of both in-person and virtual interaction which we believe is line with the theme “Connecting people & technology towards a citizen centred digital future”.

OUTCOMES: URBiNAT shared the development of tools co-created to devise a framework with different key issues being taken into account for the development of urban community gardens, such as culture, leadership, ownership, governance, and to ideate the design of this NBS according to a strength-based approach, identifying existing assets and possible resources. The interaction with DLLD participants contributed to further develop and validate these canvases, which took the form of mindmaps.

Smart Kalasatama - What can we learn about evaluation methods? Measurable quantitative metrics are most often utilised to evaluate the success of smart cities, but they can be blind to many impacts of smart interventions on social networks. Simultaneously, it is possible that smart interventions are designed to perform under certain metrics, which paints an unreal picture of their impact. For this reason, in the final stages of Smart Kalasatama, we have evaluated its social impact through qualitative research methods. Gathering qualitative data on opinions and attitudes of the residents towards the city services has given valuable insights on how to improve Smart Kalasatama and future projects. Even if this is a common practice in projects with citizen involvement, the information gathered through qualitative research does not often strongly influence on decision-making processes compared to measurable quantitative data. How do we increase the impact of qualitative research on the decision-making process and how do we apply the learnings in practice? The challenge of this workshop is to reflect on the validity and importance of qualitative data to evaluate living

labs and ideate on the methods to utilise it during the decision-making.

Building a distributed living lab: online environments for leveraging collective intelligence to create new worlds Living labs provide collaborative frameworks to define common objectives, develop new knowledge, and explore options for collaborative action. They are ecosystems to catalyze social, technological, business and policy innovation, and citizen engagement. Often, they operate within geographic and cultural arenas, harnessing collective intelligence in one city, region or country. But most societal challenges are not limited by these borders. Can we also work together effectively across borders? This is what distributed living labs could do. This workshop asks: How could a Distributed Living Lab add value – working in different countries on shared issues at the same time? How would it work? The workshop looks at a number of initial steps that the Global Lab for Climate Resilience is taking to discover how to do this. Post-Corona, the specific context is working online, and enriching, effective online environments are needed. Can online environments be as effective as physical ones?

Many questions arise: one environment for everyone? The same one for all cultures? Are their gender differences? Generational differences? In this workshop, initial experiments with several interactive tools for creating shared contexts for collaborative innovation were described and experienced by the participants.

Model of how digital technologies can support health & well-being of people living in restricted circumstances The reason for selecting the topic has been the experience of living in restricted circumstances and how these restrictions can effect the physical and mental well-being of people. This has especially effected people in ages 70 and above. Therefore there is a need for finding solutions for the well-being of people living in restricted circumstances. This workshop defined «Health & Wellbeing Adaptive Digital Toolkits» for people at different ages with different physical and mental conditions. Adaptive Toolkits means that the content of the Toolbox can be changed depending on the needs of the person, by selecting from a pool/library of digital tools & services.

Co-creating motivational goal models with key stakeholders online Utility of innovation should be measured by the value it creates to people’s lives. The OECD suggests that 80% of the value of innovation is from adoption (Dublin, 2013) and as Michael Schrage (2008), MIT notes “Innovation is not innova40

tors innovating but customers adopting.” (p.91). How users feel and what they think about a product will strongly influence the adoption of this product. Hence the aim of this workshop was to create a shared and holistic understanding of emotional, functional and quality goals of key stakeholders for future technology. In technology development there are often implicit assumptions that need to be externalised. The workshop demonstrated the importance of exploring functional, emotional and quality goals with users in an online co-design activity using software that facilitates the creation of a shared visual representation and explains how to revisit the model during design and evaluation phases of a project. Together these three categories of goals can give an overview of a complex technology system, its relations and also enable the highlighting of conflicts.

OUTCOMES: The workshop demonstrated how to conduct do/be/feel elicitation sessions for projects, products and/or services over Zoom. The elicitation results in four lists containing the stakeholders, functional goals of the project, aspirational qualities of how the project should be, and emotional goals desired for stakeholders as they interact with the system, along with an optional list of project concerns. Workshop participants had the opportunity to practice for themselves with guidance from the workshop presenters. A process was explained for converting the list into a single page hierarchical diagram and on request a login for later use provided. A tool was demonstrated to help with the process of developing the one page diagram.

Can Living Labs benefit (im)migrants? Exploring a service co-design approach In many European countries, the integration of ‘old’ migrants across generations as well as ‘newcomers’, such as refugees and asylum seekers, constitutes a serious challenge for society as a whole. Inequalities related to ethnic and migration backgrounds are evident: labour and socioeconomic segregation, little use of welfare resources compared to autochthonous populations, modest upward mobility processes, deficient recognition of (im)migrants skills and competences in the hosting society, discrimination in access to opportunities, concealed racism, etc. It can be very confusing and difficult for (im)migrants to understand how to integrate into a host country.

This workshop will use role play and design thinking techniques to explore and understand if involving (im)migrants in the co-design of solutions to ease the access to services within a Living Labs environment will help them better access their rights and accelerate integration.

The challenge of learning experiences in Living Labs Although living labs are commonly described as learning environments, their success is usually defined in terms of innovative solutions, products, services or interventions. Not of learning goals and pathways. The challenge that will be addressed in this workshop is how to better value learning outcomes in living labs.

How to diversify your panel: what can we learn from each other? Involving end users is key in living lab research. But what if this end user is not able or not interested in participating? Most living lab communities in Western Europe exist of white, more highly educated participants. It is a challenge to address the severely disabled patients or people with another ethnic or cultural background. How can we involve them into our activities? And why is that so important in the first place? How do we find them and how can we persuade them to participate. And would they like to be involved on the long term? What are their expectations? And what do living labs need to accommodate this. How do other continents experience this challenge? Are panels more diverse? And do living labs focus on a specific at risk group? This workshop facilitated knowledge exchange between the participants on diversity.

An Avatar Only a Mother Could Love! As much of the research surrounding avatar design is preoccupied with younger users, older adults can often be left underrepresented and disadvantaged (Carrasco et al., 2017). This research also demonstrates the types of avatars older adults will create for themselves including actual, healthier, younger and companion representations. In a recent study, (Pandita, 2020), it was demonstrated that the greater the physical resemblance to a user, the more likely it will be that a user will accept/relate to the avatar in a virtual environment. This is important as research from Ugail et al., (2019) suggests that an individualized avatar can motivate someone to self-reflect 42

which may result or facilitate behaviour change. As research and interventions with at-risk populations are moving into more virtual realms it is important to consider the how and why avatars should be designed a certain way for each population. This workshop considered the challenges of avatar design and discussed the benefits/drawbacks to hyper-realistic vs. cartoon avatars, along with human vs. non-human representation. These areas will be examined for older adults and people with disabilities.

Living Lab Tools for the Co-Creation of Service Innovation Modelling The Living Lab approach introduced here is explicitly designed to support the ongoing challenges of scaling and sharing innovations in service and social innovation by foregrounding of the challenge of the innovation of relationships. Our starting point is that Living Lab work is conducted in a spirit of mutual sense-making and engagement through the creation of boundary objects from places to products or services. The Newcastle Living Lab has been designed to support stakeholders to reflect on a range of actors in the design and deployment of innovations and to orientate their assets, roles and responsibilities – and of others – within the complex environment upon which they operate. The core concept of the Newcastle Living Lab – and its associated approach – is built upon an understanding of co-production, social learning and management theories to support the creation and curation of evolving visual models.

Discover detailed descriptions:

LIVING LAB PROJECTS PITCHES For the fourth consecutive year, we asked our members to share projects they have worked on with the aim of showcasing a wide array of topics Living Labs tackle in their daily operations. As in previous years, we have received remarkable and above all inspirational projects working on a wide range of topics. To spread the word about these incredible achievements, we launched a social media campaign and asked our followers as well as followers of our members to vote for their favourite project. These three projects were selected by the public and presented at the Digital Living Lab Days: • “Partners of Experience”, Collaboration & Research Community for Independent Living by Thessaloniki Active and Healthy Ageing Living Lab • JamToday Andalucia by Guadalinfo 44

– Consorcio Fernando de los Rios Torino City Love by Torino City Lab

“Partners of Experience”, Collaboration & Research Community for Independent Living Thessaloniki Active and Healthy Ageing Living Lab

The “Partners of Experience” is a coherent lifelong learning programme for older adults, powered by Thess-AHALL’s people that are 60+ y.o. “Collaboration & Research Community for Independent Living”. The idea is an alternative “older adult” citizens’ science team, applying research & co-creation methodology to address societal challenges and promote policies & innovation to the city. This

approach helps older adults to fight the ageism risk and enhance active citizenship & social inclusion.

JamToday Andalucia

Guadalinfo – Consorcio Fernando de los Rios JamToday Andalucía is a project providing training to people of all ages in digital and professional skills, stimulating the creation of social projects based on video game development. The initiative includes three lines of work: events, new training models and synergies with developer communities, local networks, public and private entities, building participants, promoters and mentors of a large network.

Torino City Love Torino City Lab

Torino City Love (TCL) is an initiative of solidarity and open innovation launched in March 2019 aimed at mobilizing TCL partners and other businesses from Italy and beyond to deploy innovative solutions to support citizens and businesses based in Turin-Piedmont during the COVID-19 emergency. The following goals are among the main priorities addressed: to promote innovative learning solutions, to combat social isolation, to promote a culture of open innovation and social inclusion for all.

Read more about these as well as other projects in the Living Lab Projects’2019 publication: living_lab_projects_2019

NEW ENOLL ADHERENT MEMBERS WAVE 2020 Living Lab Animal Husbandry (Belgium) Agrotopia (Belgium) Senior lab (Switzerland) LABSAUDE (Spain)

Mobility Lab (Switzerland)

Omki on-farm living lab (Hungary) MEPAPREDIS (Italy) Smart Safety Living Lab (South Korea)


At the final day of the Digital Living Lab Days on 4 September 2020, we have officially welcomed new adherent members to the ENoLL family, which have joined through the 2020 wave. The members were approved by the ENoLL General Assembly which was held during the first week of September.

We are proud to present the following new members Living Lab Animal Husbandry (Belgium) Main goal of the LLAH is promoting practice-oriented innovation in the pig, cattle and poultry industry by co-creation, knowledge exchange and controlled experiments in research facilities and on commercial farms. Ömki on-farm living lab (Hugary) ÖMKi’s On-farm Living Lab is an agroecology-focused nationwide participatory experimentation network which includes a variety of field trials and technology tests co-designed and co-implemented with farmers in Hungary, with the aim to promote agro-ecological transition.

Agrotopia (Belgium) Inagro is currently realizing the infrastructure to support the living lab: the 9000 m2 Agrotopia rooftop research greenhouse on top of the agricultural market in Roeselare, Belgium. LABSAUDE (Spain) The Galician Network of Health Living Labs - LABSAUDE, is an initiative promoted by the Public Health Authority of Galicia (Regional Government of Galicia) that turns the Galician hospitals and health centres into real environments for testing innovative solutions as a previous step to access the market. MEPAPREDIS (Italy) MEPAPREDIS is a collaborative working environment for partners of different nature: industrial, academic, healthcare organization, public and individual society.

Senior Lab (Switzerland) The senior-lab is an innovation and research platform dedicated to the quality of life of the elderly. Interdisciplinary approach is in its DNA as it was created by three schools of applied sciences, each one specialised in very different, but yet complimentary, subjects (management, engineering, health, art and design). Smart Safety Living Lab (South Korea) Smart Safety Living Lab (SSLL) focuses on supporting SMEs in the industrial and manufacturing fields. For this, we provide various services, such as business model (BM) development, User Experience (UX) evaluation, and certification for market launching. Mobility Lab (Switzerland) The Canton of Valais, the city of Sion, the EPFL, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO) Valais-Wallis and Swiss Post Ltd are pooling their expertise in order to create, develop and test innovative mobility solutions.

CAPACITY BUILDING The Learning Lab program brings together a community of participants and experts in exchanging knowledge on the key elements of Living Labs. The program consists of weekly scheduled sessions to attend as well as assignments in between the weekly sessions to apply the learnings in the various cases brought in by a diverse group of participants and experts.

The Virtual Learning Lab kick-started one day before the Digital Living Lab Days with the planned courses on different aspects of Living Labbing, taking place over a course of 8 weeks. More information on the Virtual Learning Lab at:

VIRTUAL VISIT TAIWAN LIVING LAB Taiwan Living Lab is an experimental platform that has worked in the areas of smart hopping, education, Digital Intelligent living and e-health. The virtual visits allows participants to explore and experience how this Living Lab operates.

Visit Taiwan Living Lab page:

TOAST TO THE CONFERENCE CLOSING SESSION Thank you for your participation in the conference, which has seen more than 330+ participants. We have had three very rewarding days, filled with interesting discussions, workshops and presentations. We hope you have had many discussions with your peers, learned something new or formed new partnerships.

While we couldn’t meet in person this year, we hope you enjoyed the digital experience. The two photos taken during the closing session, show only a handful of participants who joined the closing session – but we would like to thank everyone for joining us! @openlivinglabs

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