Patty Sue Finds A Friend

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PattySue, a brown and white dog with a very curly tail, found herself in quite a predicament. She lived in a wonderful home, with a pretty brunette lady and a handsome man. They made sure she had plenty to eat and drink, and most importantly that she had plenty of love. Every day they said, “PattySue, whatever you do, we will always love you.”

They took her in the car whenever they could, and when she had to stay home, she slept in a pretty, plaid bed; not too different from her first bed. PattySue loved her family, but something was missing.

“I really love my new family,” she thought, but I miss Hugo and Oscar. I don’t have anyone to play with. The pretty brunette lady and the handsome man take good care of me and throw my toys for me. But I need a friend...someone more my size that I can share my thoughts and dreams with.


When PattySue went outside to play, she saw a beautiful pheasant. He was strutting around the yard looking for something to eat. The colorful ring around his neck looked like her collar. She thought it was a good sign so PattySue walked up to him and said, “How do you do? My name’s PattySue. Can I play with you?” The pheasant looked at her with his beady yellow eyes. “Sure,” he said. “Come on to the next field. You can help me find some grain to eat.” And he flew away.

PattySue tried to chase after him, but he flew too fast and soon was out of sight. PattySue realized that the pheasant was indeed beautiful and rather nice, but he was probably not the best friend for the little dog who could only fly in her dreams.

Since it was such a pretty day, PattySue went for a walk. As she passed by the pond close to her house, she encountered a muskrat busy building his house at the edge of the pond. PattySue ran down to him and said, “How do you do? My name’s PattySue. Can I play with you?”

The muskrat didn’t even look up at her. “Play? I don’t play. Work is what I do. Work, work, work. I don’t have time to play, but you can help me build my house. Come on, get busy. Otherwise, get lost. You are only distracting me.”

As PattySue watched the muskrat she realized that he knew how to swim and dig. She did, too, but not like the muskrat did. He was more grumpy than Oscar, too. The pretty lady and the handsome man were never grumpy with her. Maybe the muskrat wasn’t the right friend for her. “Good luck,” she said, as she left the pond and walked home. “Tomorrow is another day,” she muttered.

The next morning PattySue rose bright and early. “Let’s go, PattySue. I think you need a friend. Someone close to your size. I know two cute dogs I would like you to meet. Let’s go for a car ride.” PattySue jumped in the car, very excited to meet her new friends and playmates.

When they arrived, PattySue bounded out of the car and said, “How do you do? My name is Patty Sue. Can I play with you?” “Sure,” said Babs and Sepia, the two new dogs, “but we are quite a bit older than you and sometimes we get tired.”


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PattySue jumped and barked, but after a few minutes, Babs and Sepia went to lie down. She tried to get them to play some more, but Babs and Sepia were not interested. “Leave them alone, PattySue,” the pretty lady said. “They need their rest.”


As they were leaving the house, PattySue saw a rabbit hopping around the garden, chewing on the pansies. She ran out to talk to the rabbit. “How do you do? My name’s PattySue. Can I play with you?” The rabbit looked up with startled eyes. “You silly dog,” she said. “Rabbits don’t play with dogs; rabbits run away from dogs.”

Suddenly, she hopped away so fast, zigging and zagging, that PattySue didn’t know which way she went. She tried to follow, but the rabbit disappeared. So PattySue got into the pretty lady’s car, and they drove away. She peeked out the car window, but she never saw the rabbit again.

As they turned into their own driveway, PattySue saw a turtle meandering his way across the yard. “Oh boy,” PattySue thought, “a friend right here in my own front yard!” She ran up to the turtle and said, “How do you do? My name is PattySue. Can I play with you?”



This was too much commotion for the turtle as she poked her head and body back into the shell.“Helllooooo,” said PattySue, “helllllloooooo….is anyone there?” The turtle replied in a very timid voice, I am in here, but I am very shy. You will have to come inside my shell if you want to play with me.” “Hmmmmm,” thought PattySue, “I don’t think that is possible.” Heaving a big sigh, she ran into the house.

The next morning, PattySue was awakened with an unfamiliar bark coming from next door. She asked the handsome man to let her outside so she could investigate. When she arrived next door, she saw an unfamiliar dog there. “How do you do? May name is PattySue. Can I play with you?”


“Sure,” said the new dog. “My name is Bella, and I love to play.” PattySue and Bella ran and jumped and played with toys until they were tuckered out. They lay down to rest. PattySue peeked one eye open and said, “Bella, no matter what you do, I’ll always be friends with you.” Bella answered, “That’s good to hear, PattySue, because I really like you. I like how you wag your tail to let me know you like me, and I like the way you share your toys, and I like the way you smile. You’re my best friend, PattySue, and no matter what you do I will always like you.”

“Wow,” thought PattySue, “I am the luckiest dog in the world. I have a loving home and now I have a best friend, too.” With that, a happy PattySue laid her head down to rest.

I am glad that’s true, because I really like you. When you wag and share, I know that you care.

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