School Finance PACTS

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SCHOOL FINANCE Progressive Action Commitments Progressive Action Commitments ‐ A Global, Sectoral Approach to Transforming Lives

Indian School Finance Co. Progressive Action Commitments Progressive Action Commitments ‐ A Global, Sectoral Approach to Transforming Lives

Current Issue that affects Affordable Private Schools (APS) (APS)

Access to Finance – a fundamental requirement f d l Below the radar for most finance companies Growth and improvement plans of schools get hampered Growth and improvement plans of schools get hampered Quality improvement initiatives and upgrades come with a lag School Solution Providers – focused on upper end schools only Teacher training – T h i i need of the hour d f h h

Opportunity for imPACT according to ISFC Opportunity for imPACT according to ISFC ISFC exists to Democratize Quality Education ISFC i t t D ti Q lit Ed ti Help schools bring a revolution in their schools through Access to finance on easy terms from a dependable company Expose the School Solution Providers to the APS opportunity to get customized products delivered FForge alliances with the best in class companies to bring higher lli ith th b t i l i t b i hi h standards within the APS community

ISFC’ss PACT: Winning Partnerships ISFC PACT: Winning Partnerships PACT Description Activity: Country Impacted: Target :

Finance to schools India $5 mn portfolio by March 2011; 300 schools impacted; at least 4 alliances that help improve quality at schools

PACT Details PACT Goal PACT Goal:

Seed ne gro th Seed new growth

Focus Area: Duration:

Finance to schools Less than 6 months

Priyadarshini School I Impact t

Loan Amount: Rs 1,200,000 (USD 24,000) Before

After ISFC Loan


% Increment

No. of Students





No. of Teachers





Rs. 285 ($ 5.7)

Rs.358 ($ 7.16)

Rs.100($ 2)






Average Monthly Fee No. of Classrooms


Satya Sai Vidya Niketan High school Impact

Loan Amount: Rs 1,000,000 (USD 20,000) Before

After ISFC Loan


% Increment

No. of Students





No. of Teachers





Rs. 430 ($ 8.6)

Rs.530( $ 10.6)

Rs.100($ 2)






Average Monthly Fee No. of Classrooms


Thank You Thank You

Sinapi p Aba Trust Progressive Action Commitments Progressive Action Commitments ‐ A Global, Sectoral Approach to Transforming Lives

Current Issue that affects APS – Cash Flow Challenges • Low‐income private schools have very limited ( g ) cash flows (in addition to small budgets) • Profitability vs. Liquidity Profitability vs Liquidity

Opportunity for imPACT • Train school proprietors in financial p p management, including cash flow, budgeting / /forecasting, etc. g, • Develop improved methods of collecting school revenues (fees) school revenues (fees) • Provide schools loans to address their cash flows (IDPRS working capital loans) flows (IDPRS working capital loans)

OUR PACT: Improved Cash Flow PACT Description Activity:

IDPRS Proprietor Training and Loans

Country(s) Impacted: Ghana Target :

120 proprietors trained and receive loans (average loan size $2,000)

PACT Details PACT Goal PACT Goal:

Impro ed Cash Flo Improved Cash Flow

Focus Area:

Improved School Finance, and school development

Duration: Duration:

2 years 2 years

Additional Information

Hold proprietor trainings in 3 Regions of Ghana for 120 school proprietors in 2 years. Hold proprietor trainings in 3 Regions of Ghana for 120 school proprietors in 2 years Afterwards, scale up throughout the country to reach more than 1,500 schools in all 10 Regions in 4 years.

Proprietor Training and Loan Photos

Trident Microfinance Progressive Action Commitments Progressive Action Commitments ‐ A Global, Sectoral Approach to Transforming Lives

Key Sectoral y Issues • Schools Schools lack physical infrastructure lack physical infrastructure – room, roof, room, roof, toilets, computers, furniture… • Schools would like to improve infrastructure, but… p , • Ignored by banks and other formal financial institutions due to perceptions of poor p p p creditworthiness. • Lack of effective ways to signal quality – rating is not popular yet.

Trident’s Objective: j – To provide affordable finance to affordable schools! p – Easily accessible – simple terms, doorstep service so that schools can concentrate on their job: teaching students! – Low interest rates and easy collateral requirements – Based on a study of the school’s educational outcomes and management and management

Our PACT: Reaching the Unreached h h h d Activity: Providing y g credit to budget schools g Country: India Target: 80 schools and Rs 20 million outstanding by March 2011 Goal: To provide affordable finance to affordable private schools Focus Area: Enabling growth of APS in rural and urban areas. Duration: 5 months

Achievement So Far: Achievement So Far: Schools: 14 Schools: 14 Students: 10,400 Disbursed: Rs 3,400,000 ib d 3 00 000

Interested? Contact us: Interested? Contact us: For loans: 09963554744 For loans: 09963554744 For other details: kishorepuli@tridentmicrofin com

Thank you!!! Thank you!!!

FAULU Kenya y Progressive Action Commitments Progressive Action Commitments ‐A Global, Sectoral Approach to Transforming Lives

Faulu Kenya DTM Vision Giving Kenyans hope and a future Mission: To listen and empower Kenyans by providing relevant financial solutions Profile: • Second largest MFI in Kenya with 20 years service to the poor in Kenya • 1st MFI to be regulated to take deposits (June 2009) • 300,000 clients across Kenya; 3.5 Billion outstanding loans • 91 marketing offices 91 k ti ffi • 24 banking branches • 900 staff • Products Products – Savings and Loan Savings and Loan Business Model: yg p Grameen Loans to Solidarity groups – Loans to Salaried individuals ‐ check‐off loans Savings ‐ Personal and business banking

Current Issue that affects APS in Kenya y 1. Access to finance to support operations and development 2. Financial products tailored to meet their specific needs • Loan appraisal Loan appraisal • Cost • Repayment terms

3. Access to affordable advisory services • Capacity building to improve operations • Modeling to enhance impact (teaching, learning and impact on the community) • Infrustructure and learning improvements • Expansion business planning and project management

Opportunity for imPACT 1. Research to quantify and qualify gaps and challenges the APS schools are facing 2. Work with financial institution to exploit the opportunity 2 W k ith fi i l i tit ti t l it th t it for tailoring specific products for APS • Savings products • Loan products • Savings & Loan

3. Advisory services provision to improve their operations

OUR PACT: New seed growth PACT Description Activity : Country(s) Impacted : Target :

Research Kenya 4 top MFIs

PACT Details PACT Goal :

•Establish how many APS are their client portfolios •Establish what products and services they are providing Establish appetite for structuring specific products for the target group appetite for structuring specific products for the target group •Establish •Establish challenges in providing financing facilities to target group Focus Area: Focus Area: Opportunities for increased outreach of MFIs to APS Opportunities for increased outreach of MFIs to APS Duration: : 6 – 9 months

OUR PACT: Product Development PACT Description Activity : Country(s) Impacted : Target :

Product Development Kenya 4 products – Savings and Loan

PACT Details PACT Goal PACT Goal

: : Increase access to financial services to APS Increase access to financial services to APS

Focus Area:

: Capacity building loans and working capital facilities


: 3 – 6 months

INDUSTRY PACTS • Develop and Publish Sector Benchmarks Develop and Publish Sector Benchmarks • Create a network of stakeholders to assist schools to access capital and ensure quality d l • Develop & promote forums at every stakeholder level so that all stakeholders can support one another • A commitment by school lenders towards increasing school quality

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