New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault
N YC AG A I N S T R A P E . O R G • A N E W S L E T T E R F O R T H E A N T I - S E X UA L V I O L E N C E C O M M U N I T Y • S U M M E R 2 0 0 8
Partners and Peers: Sexual and Dating Violence Among NYC Youth New York Teens Victimized at Rate Nearly Twice National Average
The New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault and Columbia University Center for Youth Violence Prevention just released results from a threeyear survey on sexual and dating violence among New York City high school students. Information for the study was based on anonymous surveys of students who were asked about their personal experience with sexual and dating violence. Results from the ground breaking survey were shocking: • The percentage of New York teens reporting sexual violence is almost twice the national average • One in six (16.2%) report having experienced sexual violence in their lifetime • 89% of those who experienced sexual violence knew the perpetrator • 28% of those who perpetrated sexual violence against a dating partner also reported having carried a weapon in the past month • Among those who experienced dating violence, more than one quarter (27.4%) reported having been pushed or shoved by a dating partner, and 17% reported having been slapped or hit • Almost 10% of student who reported having a dating partner in the last year said that their partner touched them sexually when they didn’t want to be touched and 6.7% said they were forced to have sex against their will • Only 24.4% of youth experiencing sexual or physical dating violence sought help from a health professional, teacher or guidance counselor
Deborah Fry, Alliance Research Director and Harriet Lessel, Executive Director respond to reporters questions.
The Alliance formed a Youth Action Council (YAC) to discuss the results, make recommendations and take action against sexual assault among their peers. The YAC, comprised of eleven students from schools throughout the city, are involved in ensuring that young people know about services available to them by giving out the NYC Teen Health Map. The map is a foldable pocket subway map on one side and comprehensive adolescent-friendly services resource guide on the back. The New York City Department of Education has already ordered 10,000 of these maps. For more information on the survey and map, please visit: