2 minute read
To engage with our audience, a visual identity has been created to position our brand as the world's authority on work, using data and insights to guide our clients to value.
The logo
The logo consists of three elementsthe brandmark, the wordmark and the ManpowerGroup endorser. These three parts always appear together in a fixed size and position relationship.
2.1 Suite of Logos
Our logo is a valuable asset. Used consistently and correctly it will become the symbol that represents what we stand for.
2.2 Logo Variations
Logo Variations Black and White Monotone
There are two logo variations to cover a range of applications. These include monotone black and white versions.
Our logo is in fact a series of logos that can be used across a range of applications. The flexible application of our logo suite reflects the diversity of our offering. There are a stacked and horizontal configuration. The stacked configuration is preferred, but when space prohibits the use of this configuration, the horizontal configuration presented can be substituted.
The following pages provide the necessary tools you will need to use our logo correctly across all applications.
Please use only officially approved, original artwork files.
Print and Online
All logos within the logo suite are designed to be used for both print and online applications.
01. Primary Stacked logo
02. Secondary Horizontal logo
01. Primary Stacked Monotone Black
02. Primary Stacked Monotone White
03. Secondary Horizontal Monotone Black
04. Secondary Horizontal Monotone White
These variations should be used when the full color versions of the logo are not suitable to the medium, or are not appropriate as a preferred design option.
2.2 Logo Variations
Logo Variation BrandMark
The brandmark is available is:
01. Full Color
02. Monotone Black
03. Monotone White
The brandmark is primarily used as a favicon for our website, as the social media profile picture or as a design element as shown in the section 'graphic element' in this manual.
2.3 Logo Clearance
Logo Isolation Area
Our Logo is the symbol for our brand. Care must be taken to ensure consistent usage and accurate reproduction of our Logo wherever it appears. To maintain the legibility of the Logo it must always be surrounded by clear space.
The isolation area denotes the space around the logo in which no other type or graphic elements encroach.
At a minimum, this clear space must equal the width/height of the capital ‘T’ in the Logo you are using, as shown.
When Talent Solutions Consulting partners with other companies, the partner's logo must be placed to the right of our logo and a clear space equivalent to the width of the brand mark in the logo being used must be kept between both logos as shown opposite.
01. Standard Stacked Logo Clearance
02. Standard Horizontal Logo Clearance
03. Logo partnership Clearance
2.4 Minimum Size
Minimum Size
To protect the integrity, legibility, and impact of the ManpowerGroup logo, the symbol in both the stacked and horizontal versions of the main logo must never be smaller than 0.5" (12.7 mm / 30px).
Size is determined by the width of the logo symbol.
01. Minimum Size Stacked Logo 02. Minimum Size Horizontal Logo
* Digital logos sized under 20px in width, as determined by the width of logo symbol, are permitted when used in mobile apps and platforms.
2.5 Logo Use – Do’s and Don’ts
Use of logo
The application of the logo should be mindful of its legibility and ensuring the logo is used in its original form. Following are examples of what NOT to do with the Logo:
01. Don't rotate the logo
02. Don't distort the logo
03. Don't add drop shadows or other effects
04. Don't apply transparency 05. Don’t re-typeset wordmark 06. Don’t place the logo on backgrounds that affects legibility
07. Don't add elements to the logo 08. Don't add gradients 09. Don't alter the colors