6 minute read
Workforce Analytics
Circular Bold, 26-32pt
Have the right talent today, and for the future
Circular Medium, 18-22pt
Reimagining Workforce and Workplace Mechanics
Pull Quote
Circular Book, Style Set 2, Optical Kerning, -10 Tracking 10/14
We help organizations transform the way they source, manage, and develop their workforces to ensure they have the right talent today, and for the future.
Circular Bold/Italic, 9pt
Ost, sit qui cus et amenem am ex et eosam aut fuga. Et fugit optaquibus dolum es voluptae laccuptus etur audio tet pa sita volorrum nam fugiae cum, apiet, sit eseque sa que quisci recatiis aut assit quamuscil im esed que peditatempe ma vendebit pos aspereri qui con re pariost dolo doloressi voluptibus reicia volupti storem voluptia corehent a ipiende et offici quuntiis natiate verum ex el expeditassim cus, is et estrum fugitae pratur a ventore molesti orepudanisci assequiati doloresequi sinullate volorae santo
Jonas Prising Chairman and CEO
Pull Quote
Circular Light, 15-18pt
Top employers of high-volume, low skill labor increased time to fill through process simplification, reduced requirements, and reduced screenings to 3-5 days.
3.3 Typography Application
How we use Typography for Designs
Headlines, Subheads, standfirsts and other types of introductions are set in Circular Black, Bold and Medium or a combination of these - sometimes they can make use of italics.
The preferred combination of colors is white and orange, with the orange being used to emphasise the most important text in the message or words to capture the essence of the message being communicated.
Body text makes use of Circular regular. To create contrast or to help emphasize certain words, quotes or important paragraphs, additional weights and styles can be used: Light, Book, Extra Black and their Italic forms.
Captions, body text in sidebars, financial information, headers & footnotes and other types of secondarylevel text can be set in Circular thin or light.
3.3 Typography Application (Continued)
Other uses
We use Circular Extrablack to present headlines, titles or key messages when we want to create an impactul visual statement.
To achieve this, we use text with images embedded as shown in the example adjacent.
Engine For Growth
These can be set in a smaller or (at most) equal type size with the body text.
We can help you solve your most complex talent and workforce challenges.
Need help with your contact us
This text must be used either on a white background (refer to the brand application landing page for more examples of this) or over an images, with an overlay transparency applied to the text.
The same effect can be used with the brand mark as shown opposite.
Just like the logo and the typography, color is an important part of the Talent Solutions Consulting assets.
The main colors, dark blue, light blue and orange, express the brand's positioning: trust, market leadership, innovation and data-driven, energy, agility, flexibility and optimism.
3.4 Color System
Primary Color Palette
Our colours reflect the personality of our brand: Whilst we want to be perceived as market leaders, dependable and trustworthy, our color palette supports our visual identity as being bold, energetic, challengers, vibrant, and disruptive.
Primary Colours
Both the dark and light blue help us set the tone for being market leaders, dependable and trustworthy. The orange color and its tints are used to visually emphasise our brand and our messages. The color breakdowns for the primary palette is shown opposite.
Light Blue
CMYK C91 M69 Y28 K56
R0 G51 B35
CMYK C75 M48 Y3 K2 RGB R68 G110 B163
HEX 436DA2
CMYK C0 M60 Y82 K0
RGB R255 G115 B35 HEX FF7323
3.4 Color System (Continued)
Secondary Color Palette
Our secondary colors include a set of greys that accompany the main color palette.
We mostly use these three colors for text and as background colors (e.g. website backgrounds.)
CMYK C10 M4 Y0 K59
RGB R78 G93 B104
HEX 4E5D68
Dark Grey
CMYK C37 M27 Y26 K0
RGB R156 G163 B164
Light Grey
CMYK C16 M10 Y9 K0
RGB R208 G211 B212
Sub-Brand COLORS
Cool Grey yellow red green
3.4 Color System (Continued)
Sub-brands Color Palette
Sub-Brands Colours
Talent Solutions Consultings has three service lines or pillars - Transformation, Strategy, and Sustainability - each of them with their own color identifier.
Yellow is used for Strategy and it helps us communicate the creative and optimistic aspects that are attributes to any transformation process.
Red is used for Transformation and it helps us communicate aspects such as action, goal setting and attention to detail, assosiacted with any strategy process.
Green is used for Sustainability and it helps us communicate growth, prosperity and clarity, aspects associated with sustainability.
3.5 Brand Architecture - Color
CMYK C2 M26 Y91 K3
RGB R236 G178 B46
Talent Solutions Consulting offers three main services to our clients. Each one of these offeres has its own visual identity, connected to the main Talent Solutions Consulting Brand, by the use of the brand mark and its primary brand color, orange.
These services or pillars are:
Build a strong, talent-based foundation for strategic workforce initiatives to enable long term growth.
Build a strong, talent-based foundation for strategic workforce initiatives to enable long term growth.
CMYK C1 M94 Y49 K1
RGB R214 G48 B86 learn more learn more
Talent Strategy: Securing talent with optimal configuration of skills, location, cost and productivity factors.
Talent Transformation: Evolving your talent structures and processes to meet the needs of the post-pandemic work era: digital, agile, personal.
CMYK C69 M1 Y62 K0
RGB R46 G182 B125
Talent Sustainability: Achieving net zero workforce impact of digitisation, disruption and business change.
Build a strong, talent-based foundation for strategic workforce initiatives to enable long term growth.
learn more
From conceptual to literal, our image style represents the way we see and do things - we push boundaries, we bring innovation to our clietns and their processes, we challenge the way in which recruitment and talent services are provided. Our images enable us to demonstrate who we are, the values that we live and breathe, how we think and to connect with our audiences.
3.6 Photography
To appeal to our main target audience (C-level management), images should be warm and engaging, yet subtly showing the dynamic, energetic and competitive nature of our brand.
Our photography style is impactful, memorable, connects with the viewer and makes them relate with the message that it conveys - portraying new working environments, driving change, innovation, collaboration.
Our images should contain a mix of conceptual images (e.g. technology design background) and literal images (e.g. people in various environments).
Images containing people should show diversity, and include a range of real life, business settings, as well as images with a futuristic style to support our messages of growth and transformation.
Conceptual Images
3.6 Photography (Continued)
3.6 Photography - Color Overlays (Continued)
Colour overlays are an effective way to integrate photography and text and to carry the Talent Solutions Consulting brand into the photographic style.
The approved overlays are Blue/Green Gradient set up with a 'Multiply' transparency at 50% and Dark Blue with a 'Multiply' transparency at 85%.
Ensure that the color text is all white (01) or white and orange (02) when using these overlays and no dark or light blue is used for the text.
Some examples of how to and how to and how not to apply overlays are shown on this page.
In all cases, images should be carefully selected according to what is most suitable for the design, ensuring that the legibility of type is not compromised.
Graphic Elements
The Talent Solutions Consulting brand is supported by a number of carefully considered graphic elements. These shapes are designed to support the logo and typography, to provide visual queues, and to express the dynamic energy of our brand.
3.7 Graphic Elements
The rounded triangle has been created as an extension from the arrows in the brand's symbol.
1. We use the rounded combined with portraits to position our people and to motivate action and support calls to action, for example on our website.
2. We use the rounded triangle and the arrows on their own or as part of a design (e.g. overlay blending mode on background) to entice viewers to take action/follow up.
3. We use the gradient or pattern background to create visuals or for the design of banners on our website or social media outlets.
Refer to the brand application samples to see how these elements can be used.
3.7 Graphic Elements (Continued)
Other design elements
We use other graphic elements, such as bars, buttons, circles or calls to action buttons to visually present data and informations aligned to our brand identity.
To ensure graphic elements used for infographics follow our brand's look and feel, always use our brand color Orange at a 100% or any of the approved tints or the brant's approved gradient, as shown in this page.
Use these elements and others created following these guidelines, when data needs to be presented to support a message or communication design.