7 minute read
Back to Normal
from CSN-1122
by ensembleiq
IT WAS THE SECOND NACS Show (post-COVID). While that exasperating viral bug refuses to disappear completely, the important business that drives the convenience store industry was back to normal on the trade show floor last month in Las Vegas.
This was my 17th NACS Show, which sounds like a lot, but I know execs who have been to the show many more years than that. It was wonderful seeing the energy on the expo floor as retailers and suppliers were able to discuss new products, programs and strategies to overcome the many difficult business challenges facing the industry. There was plenty to talk about with continued supply chain shortages, rising inflation and impending recession.
NACS put on a strong educational program that touched on important topics, such as how retailers can lobby their congressional lawmakers to pass the bipartisan Credit Card Competition Act of 2022. At the Oct. 2 general session, outgoing NACS Chairman Jared Scheeler said credit card interchange fees are the second-largest line item expense on his P&L statement. The latest Convenience Store News Industry Report found credit card expenses totaled almost $113,000 per store last year, second only to wages as an expense item.
The association encouraged audience members to text “NACS” to 50457 or go to convenience.org/fixswipe to make their voices heard to their local representatives. There’s probably no single thing a c-store retailer can do to boost their bottom line more than to get this legislation passed into law. Banks and credit card companies shouldn’t be the most profitable companies in the convenience store industry.
Later, Toyota’s chief scientist Dr. Gill Pratt and Parkland USA President Doug
Haugh took the stage to discuss the future of electric vehicles and other energy sources. I was most impressed with the degree to which Parkland in Canada has strategically rolled out chargers at its sites. Both speakers, though, agreed that electric chargers won’t soon replace gas dispensers.
A highlight of the show for many people was the annual CSNews Top Women in Convenience (TWIC) Awards Gala (see page 58). It was my ninth year emceeing this wonderful event that recognizes established and emerging female leaders making their mark on the convenience store industry. Congratulations to all 91 women recognized as Senior-Level Leaders, Rising Stars and Mentors, as well as the five Women of the Year: Holly Angell of 7-Eleven Inc., Allison Cornish of Pilot Co., Danielle Holloway of Altria Group Distribution Co., Julie Jackson of G&M Oil Co., and Colette Matthews of Alimentation Couche-Tard Inc./Circle K.
Kudos also to Casey’s General Stores Inc., recipient of the first-ever Top Women in Convenience Corporate Empowerment Award for its commitment to gender equality and promoting female leadership and advancement. CEO Darren Rebelez, caught by surprise, accepted the award on behalf of the company and thanked his “remarkable team.”
Launching and serving as master of ceremonies for TWIC has been one of the most satisfying accomplishments of my career. This year’s gala attracted a record 437 attendees. A big thank you to everyone who made this year’s event such a success, including our keynote speaker 7-Eleven Inc. President and CEO Joe DePinto, our TWIC Advisory Board members, and our loyal sponsors.
I’m already looking forward to next year’s 10th anniversary TWIC celebration.
For comments, please contact Don Longo, Editorial Director Emeritus, at dlongo@ensembleiq.com.

32 Off & Running Retailer Executive of the Year Doug Haugh has assembled a powerhouse team to grow Parkland USA’s retail business.
40 Making Their Mark This year’s Future Leaders in Convenience honorees are leading the way in making the convenience channel better and bolder than ever.
58 Celebrating the 2022 Top Women in Convenience This year’s event featured a record number of honorees and drew record industry attendance.
3 Leading by Letting Others Shine Doug Haugh offers a master class in the art of empowering others. 24 New Products
28 The Future Is in the Details Visiting the NACS Show is a bit like reading the tea leaves to see what the future holds.
4 Back to Normal NACS Show 2022 highlighted advocacy, accomplishments and challenges.
98 The Mobile Customer Providing a compelling mobile experience has never been more important.
10 CSNews Online


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12 GPM Investments Set to Enter Massachusetts
16 Eye on Growth 18 Fast Facts
20 Retailer Tidbits
22 Supplier Tidbits
78 Playing the Loyalty Game Points-based rewards programs are giving way to fostering emotional connections. CATEGORY MANAGEMENT
74 A Promising Alternative The modern oral nicotine category is gaining traction amid regulatory anticipation.
76 Tapping Opportunities in Today’s Tough Retail Climate Economic challenges are driving many consumers to socialize and celebrate at home.
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64 Setting the Cruise Control to Success
68 Finding Success in Prepared Food
70 Finding Success in Dispensed Beverages
72 Finding Success in Fresh Bakery
73 Finding Success in Intersecting Foodservice & Technology
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Convenience Store News (ISSN 0194-8733; USPS 515-950) is published 12 times per year, monthly, by EnsembleIQ, 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Ste. 200, Chicago, IL 60631. Subscription rates: Subscription rate in the United States: $125 one year; $230 two year; $14 single issue copy; Canada and Mexico: $150 one year; $270 two year; $16 single issue copy; Foreign: $170 one year; $325 two year; $16 single issue copy; Digital One year, digital $87; two year, $161. Periodical postage paid at Chicago, IL 60631, and additional mailing addresses. Copyright 2022 by EnsembleIQ. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Convenience Store News, 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave. Ste. 200, Chicago, IL 60631.