SEPTEMBER 2022 Volume 48 No. 8 TopTheProDealers200 forcomingallhavetheseuncertainty;tariffs,consolidation,Inflation,dealersseenitandarebackmore.

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4 September 2022 HARDWARE + BUILDING SUPPLY DEALER Hardware + Building Supply Dealer (ISSN 2376-5852) is published monthly, except for July/August and November/December, which are double issues, by EnsembleIQ, 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 200, Chicago, IL 60631. Subscription rate in the United States: $110 one year; $200 two year; $14 single issue copy; Canada and Mexico: $130 one year; $235 two year; $16 single issue copy; Foreign: $150 one year; $285 two year; $16 single issue copy; in all other countries (air mail only). Digital Subscription: $75 one year; $140 two year. Periodical postage paid at Chicago, IL., and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to HBSD, Circulation Fulfillment Director, 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 200, Chicago, IL 60631. Copyright © 2022 by EnsembleIQ. All rights reserved. 09.22 COVER STORY: 18 The Top 200 ProDealer Industry Scoreboard Ranking the leading lumber and building material dealers. FROM THE EDITOR 8 The Golden Hammer, with a golden heart NEWS & ANALYSIS 10 Orgill supply chain news 10 Poll results: These positions are hard to fill 12 Inflation Act vs. LBM Industry 12 HD vs. LOW, the rivalry watch IN EVERY ISSUE 12 Product Knowledge 14 News Map 40 People in the news 42 Quikrete DashboardIndustry INDEPENDENT PROFILE 16 Got SWAG-bag fatigue? Store owner rejuvenates in-store events. PRODUCTS 22 Decking: Suppliers react to demand as big as the great outdoors. 30 The stain category: DIYers step up their coating game. MARKET INSIGHTS 32 Top Women profile: Amy Bass Messersmith, chief people officer, Builders FirstSource 34 McGuckin Hardware retools its e-commerce business.18 22

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6 September 2022 HARDWARE + BUILDING SUPPLY DEALER Connect with us @HBSDealer See more and share more when you follow us on Linkedin. Here's What's Online Go inside Ken’s New Jersey Garage Made in USA: The Awards&WomenHBSDealer’sE-BookTopinHardwareBuildingSupply event is coming to downtown Chicago Nov. 8-9. Find out more at comHBSDTopWomen. . And connect with the Top Women in Hardware & Building Supply page on LinkedinHBSDealer ’s itinnovativeavideoproduct-demonstrationhomespunserieshasamassedrespectablelibraryofproducts.Checkoutat, or visit our HBSDealer YouTube page. Domestic manufacturing is in the news. Read all about it in the latest digital, interactive, educational HBSDealer E-Book Join movementtheReadallaboutitintheE-Bookseries.ThenewHBSDealer E-Book series delivers meaningful digital and actionable content. Coming in October: The 2022 Decking E-Book. Visit

Unlike our fruit-shaped competitors, RESCUE!® Fruit Fly Trap is reusable, won’t tip over and contains a highly concentrated lure that starts taking care of fruit flies in just one day. With that strength and efficacy, try as they may, but no other trap compares. THIS STILL ISN’T AN APPLES-TO-APPLES COMPARISON. Visit for distributor and co-op order information.

Timed to coincide in Las Vegas with the trio of major shows—the Interna tional Builders’ Show, KBIS and the National Hardware Show—The Golden Hammer Products and Purpose Awards welcomes retailers, suppliers, distributors and anyone with a stake in the home improvement industry and the communities it serves.
HBSDealer wants to know. Send us a note at .
AnCorrectionarticlein the July August Issue of HBSDealer incorrectly included UFP Industries on the list of hardware and building supply dealers. HBSDealer regrets the error.
In the “Purpose” category, large and small dealers are encour aged to share their stories of giving back or mak ing a difference in the community. Whether it’s an effort to aid a single child or family in a time of need, or a multi-million-dol lar fundraising effort, HBSDealer welcomes stories from the front lines of purpose-driven retailing.
HBSDealer will lift its icon ic Golden Hammer Awards to new, community-fo cused and service-ori ented heights in 2023. The Golden Hammer Products and Purpose Awards will continue the tradition of recognizing best new products of the year, and for the first time will shine a golden spotlight on hardware and building supply dealers that give back to their communities and to society. In addition to seeking nominations for best products introduced in 2022, HBSDealer is soliciting stories from hardware stores, home centers and prodealers of charitable giving, commu nity-involvement and support for others in their time of need. Striving to be innovative, and striving to make a difference are interconnect ed missions. And we intend to make those connections at the Golden Ham mer Products and Purpose Awards.
8 September 2022 HARDWARE + BUILDING SUPPLY DEALER Hardware + Building Supply Dealer An EnsembleIQ Publication 8550 W. Bryn Mawr Ave., Suite 200, Chicago, IL 60631 HBSDealer On The Web • HBSDealer Info Services SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT (HBSDealer, Drug Store News, Chain Store Age) John Kenlon,, 212-756-5238 EDITOR IN CHIEF Ken Clark, 212-756-5139 LBM EDITOR Andy Carlo, 845-891-5108 HARDWARE EDITOR Tim Burke, 773-216-7880 ADVERTISING SALES Midwest & Southeastern States ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Amy Platter Grant, 773-294-8598 Northeast and Great Lakes States REGIONAL MANAGER Greg Cole, 317-775-2206 AUDIENCE LIST RENTAL MeritDirect Marie Briganti 914-309-3378 SUBSCRIBER SERVICES/CUSTOMER CARE TOLL-FREE: 1-877-687-7321 FAX: contact@hbsdealer.com1-888-520-3608PRODUCTION/ART DIRECTOR OF PRODUCTION Michael Kimpton, 647-557-5075 CREATIVE DIRECTOR Colette cmagliaro@ensembleiq.comMagliaro ART DIRECTOR Bill bantkowiak@ensembleiq.comAntkowiak TOP WOMEN IN HARDWARE & BUILDING SUPPLY NOV. 8-9 2022, CHICAGO, CONTACT:WWW.HBSDTOPWOMEN.COMILL. AMY PLATTER agrant@ensembleiq.comGRANT , ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD Levi Smith, CEO, Franklin Building Supply Cally Fromme, VP of communication and culture, Kodiak Building Partners Steve Sallah, CEO, LBM Advantage Wendy Whiteash, EVP of culture, US LBM Holdings Tom Cost, owner, Killingworth True Value Brad McDaniel, owner, McDaniel’s Do it Center Joe Kallen, CEO, Busy Beaver Building Centers Permissions: No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. For reprints, per missions and licensing, please contact Wright’s Media at or (877) 652-5295. CORPORATE OFFICERS CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Jennifer Litterick CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Jane Volland CHIEF HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICER Ann Jadown EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, CONTENT Joe Territo EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, OPERATIONS Derek Estey connect with us From the Editor Ken Clark Editor in Chief Hammers with Golden Hearts W e’re always impressed by this industry’s enthusiasmabove-and-beyondforsupporting causes — big and small —that mean so much to people. And we are honored to offer a stage to promote these good deeds from around the retail business.
Golden Hammer judging for the “Product” category will be based on innovation, value and shelf appeal of products introduced in 2022. (Find out more at
HBSDealer editors will select and cele brate the best-of-the-best of these efforts during the live event. All Golden Hammer honorees will also be highlighted in the January issue of HBSDealer. Everyone knows the Golden Hammer is an emblem of innovative products. This year, we want to bring together the best of the best along with the golden hearts of the industry. Tell us about your “Golden” deeds Has your home center, hardware store or lumberyard contributed to the community in a big or small way?

Every day should feel like an adventure. MoistureShield® is the only high-performance composite decking engineered to deliver 360-degree protection, 365 days a year. So you can be one with nature, no matter what the day brings.

10 September 2022 HARDWARE + BUILDING SUPPLY DEALER News + Analysis
Orgill takes stock of supply chain (with good news)
12%18%24%30% 1%4%5%5% Entry-levelDriverstaff
Source:Upper-managementBuyer/merchantstoreLocation/personmanagerOtherexecInformationtechnology HBSDealer reader
Which positionhardware-and-building-supplyismostdifficulttofill?
Here’s what a recent HBSDealer poll found about the areas of most resistance:
A second piece of good news came in the form of an update on price changes. After managing through a period with an unprecedented level of price changes from vendors, the distributor feels that corner has been turned. “Weare now seeing much lower num bers of price
An improved supply chain, fewer price change requests, and an additional live market in 2023: these were the basic bullet points of the State of Orgill webinar delivered by the Tennessee-based distrib utor’s CEO Boyden Moore. Coinciding with Orgill’s online Fall Buy ing Event, Moore led off the update with good news on the supply chain front.
percent.2022,prices,”nowofrequests—andchangesomethesechangesareevendecreasingMooresaid. Yeartodateinsalesareup10Thatgrowth surpasses the Census Bureaus’ growth figure for NAICS 444 retailers, which are up 6.2 percent from January through July. Also, Orgill will add a live event to its market schedule, creating a calendar that includes four online buying events and two live events in 2023. For more, visit
FOLLOWING UP Golden Hammer to strike in Las Vegas Innovation. Value. Shelf appeal. Those are the judging criteria for the 2022 Golden Hammer awards. The nomination deadline has been set at Sept. 29, 2022. Winners will be highlighted in the print and digital pages of HBSDealer, as well as a event in Las Vegas during The Big Show (IBS, KBIS and NHS, details coming soon). Find out more at
As demand moderated and vendors improved their performance, “We are beginning to see sustained improvement in our supply chain recovery,” he said. Moore presented a chart showing an ticipating an end-of-the-year service level above 85 percent, up from the July level of 79.3 percent. “This has been our number one focus and will remain so until we are fully recovered to our traditional standards of service level above 96 percent.”
The labor shortage is often cited as one of the major challenges facing the hardware and building supply industry. And with unemployment holding steady midway between 3 and 4 percent over the past several months, human resources departments are scrambling for prospects. It’s happening across a variety of positions. And it’s happening across industries. Orgill CEO Boyden Moore. Sales survey,

Nail it with Evolve Stone. Become a dealer today! future of stone veneer by stocking or selling the first mortarless, color-throughout stone veneer that installs up to 10X faster than natural stone or traditional stone veneer! Awarded Best in Show and Most Innovative Building Material Product of IBS, Evolve Stone answers the need for a more efficient installation process as a highly workable, lightweight stone veneer product. Become an Evolve StoneTM Dealer EVOLVESTONE.COM

The Home Depot finished the quarter with 2,316 stores, unchanged from the first quarter. Lowe’s finished the quarter with 1,969, down from 1,971 in the previous quarter. Home Lowe’sDepot
Product Knowledge Product: Star Wars-themed Playmate classic 14-quart cooler Manufacturer: Igloo Products Corp. of Katy, Texas. Knowledge: The 14-quart cooler can fit 26 cans underneath the trademarked tent-top design. The side push button opens the cooler in two directions. Behind the duel ing Obi Wan and Darth Vader, the cooler features Thermecool foam, a clean, eco-friendly insulation.
20Q2 20Q3 20Q4 21Q1 21Q2 21Q3 21Q4 22Q1 22Q25.2%0.2%
See more at
Lowe’s CEO Marvin Ellison described sales as disappointing. But Lowe’s came very close to achieving its own record-smashing quarter, but had to settle for a performance that achieved runner-up status, trailing only the second quarter of 2021 in terms of sales and earnings.
Both the NLBMDA and the NAHB opposed the act.
The NAHB’s Chairman Jerry Konter railed: “Not only does this legislation fail to ease any inflationary pressures on hous ing, arguably the nation’s No. 1 economic concern, it also contains several onerous provisions that will exacerbate the nation’s housing affordability crisis.”
Inflation Act vs. LBM Industry
The three months of May, June and July were a period of intense corporate and financial angst. Bears were walking over the stock market, inflation was buzzing, and nobody really knew if America’s new national pastime of spending on home projects would last deep into the post pandemic. At the top of the list of takeaways is the continuation of home improvement demand, especially for the pro market. Also observed was the trend of fewer transactions with higher tickets per transaction.
Powered by its mix of pro customers, Home Depot scored its sixth consecutive quarter of domestic comp-store-sales bragging rights over its blue rival. Home Depot also posted its single most successful quarter in the company’s history, with sales of $43.8 billion, and net earnings of $5.173 billion.
While the legislation is aimed largely at climate change and corporate tax initiatives, the IRA includes multiple housing-related
More numbers: At Lowe’s, comparable average ticket increased 6.1. percent, driven by pro sales and product inflation. Comp transactions declined 6.4 percent. During the second quarter, Home Depot’s comp average ticket increased 9%, as comp transactions decreased 3.1%.
It passed. But the Inflation Reduction Act and its $430 billion in spending on healthcare, climate and energy failed to pass muster with the National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association or the National Association of Home Builders.
HD vs. LOW U.S. comps -
Source: Company reports. Rivalry Watch: Home Depot vs. Lowe’s
MSRP: $59.99 Fun fact: Star Wars is the number one licensed franchises of all time. provisions to boost affordable green energy investments for communities. These range from: $2.15 billion to acquire and install low-embodied carbon materials and products for use in the construction or alteration of buildings under the jurisdiction of the General Services Administration; to a $2,000 per unit tax credit for consumer purchases and instal lation of wood and pellet stoves.
12 September 2022 HARDWARE + BUILDING SUPPLY DEALER News + Analysis

One True Measure To learn more call 800.725.2346 and press 1 to speak with a sales rep Customer satisfaction is one of the many ways we measure success. Paladin Point of Sale and our unsurpassed support provide retail stores the tools to succeed. Check out what customers have to say about how Paladin makes their businesses run better at

celebratedNick’sOsageMISSOURIBeachTrueValueHardwareitsgrandopening here on Aug. 11. Serving the Lake of the Ozarks recreation area, the store offers core home improvement brands, boating and water sports products as well as a respectable grocery is retiring after 16 years of operating Ace Hardware in the Baker neighborhood of Denver. Carlson told the Denver Post that rising crime factored in the decision to leave the business.
SOUTH DixieEasleyCAROLINALumberCompany, a 79-yearold business near Greenville, S.C., was acquired by The Building Center, which has multiple operations throughout the Carolinas, including two truss plants and sixCurt’sBristolVIRGINIAlumberyards.AceHardware opened here in the Euclid Village Shopping Center. The store is a new venture from grocery operator Food City. Four more stores are in the works in the Western Virginia-Eastern Tennessee area.
LewterHuntsvilleALABAMAHardware plans to close its doors on Oct. 8. The move comes shortly after the unexpected death of owner Donnie Lewter. The store has served the Huntsville area since 1928, over four generations of familyCommerceMICHIGANownership. Township 84 Lumber returned to the state of Michigan for the first time in years with the opening of a brand new facility about 40 miles north of Detroit. The 42,000 square foot facility includes an extensive warehouse with a large showroom. of and For more retail news, visit
OPENING CLOSING ACQUISITION News Map: Openings, Closings & Acquisitions Illustration of retailers and dealers in various stages

Decide on event themes, dates and times early. Get them on a shared calendar — even creating Facebook event pages for each with just basic information is a great start. Bonus points awarded for doing this a full year in advance.
Independent Profile
A fewLivesuggestions:musicisanattention getter and pleasur able shock to most folks. It could be a local high school jazz trio, live DJ or keyboardist—they all can bring enjoyment and elongate any visit. Does anyone on staff DJ or play an instrument? Is the local high school band willing to make a field trip? You might be surprised at what you learn. If the gig is a paid one, offer gift cards. Regarding food, spice it up. Roll out your beloved popcorn cart, pop dozens of delicious bags and sprinkle them with selected BBQ spices you stock plenty of. Product synergy at work. Kids are bored while adults browse. Moving beyond popcorn or lollipops, offer them an easy-to-pull-off activity. Coloring papers and having them sign their name is typically a hit. Creating flowers out of paint color chips and stir sticks is another popular offering.
Patrick O'Neil (left) and Marty Rivera prepare smoked cream cheese at Fairfax Ace Hardware.
I have a confession to make. My guilty pandemic pleasure wasn’t just watching sales grow, but avoiding in-store special events. Forget about food and entertainment for Ladies Night. Away with the maddening process of begging vendors for Customer Appreciation Day goodies. Heck, we didn’t even set up plastic blow mold tables for the annual Garage Sale. These events had become repetitive to execute and tedious to plan. We carefully measured them with KPIs like customer counts, sales and profit dollars, expenditures, year-over-year comparisons, etc. It was all business and no pleasure. After considerable reflection, it was time for a change. Events don’t have to be a chore or a bore. There’s never been a more important time for an experiential retailer like you to differentiate through special events. Perhaps most importantly, they’ve proven to bring your customers back.
Lauren Pearson, a marketing manager with Ace Hardware explains, “Customers who attend an in-store event are more likely to return within the next 90 days and make a purchase, compared to those who do not.”
Time to Marinate Meet early and often to shape your events. Involve your staff heavily — empower them to design, execute and feel invested. Designate an event captain to run it in person. While events are for our customers, your team will benefit greatly from the excitement and positive energy they create. The Nose Always Knows Roll out the demo BBQ grill. Traeger, Big Green Egg, Weber or whatever you prefer. Nothing attracts folks to your doors like tickled senses at the promise of something delectable. If you wisely include a BBQ component, be careful about overspend ing. Can you grill something creative and inexpensive like cookies, bread or a pretzel mix? Also, be aware of any local health de partment regulations that could prematurely extinguish your cookout. Give it Away, Give it Away Now Involving a local charity will bolster your event and bring feel-good energy. It engages the community and helps those in need. Proven options include a register Round Up, raffle ticket sales for free ven dor products, chocolate bar promos, and bag/bucket sales. Looking for free goods to raffle off? Speak to your vendor rep, explain your fundraising plan and you’ll likely be happy with what they supply. Ad ditionally, an on-site charity representative makes a tremendous impact.
Dare to be different
By Craig Smith
How can you surprise and delight without whipping out your store credit card?
Got SWAG-bag fatigue?
Aside from old standbys like demos and discounts, here are tips to make your next event one to remember.
Mark Your Calendars
Craig Smith is the owner of Fairfax Ace Hardware in Fairfax, Virginia. He is a member of the Ace Hardware national marketing Retailer Input Team and Retailer Group Leader for the Washington, D.C. region.

THE FENCE PRO’S CHOICE For Fence and Railing Hardware Nationwide Industries ™ has the largest, in-stock selection of fence and gate hardware for fence professionals. Our products are guaranteed to last, easy to install, and select products come with our Million Cycle Warranty.

100018001600140012008006004002000 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 430.6 617.6 647.9 714.5 781.5 848.9 875.8 887.7 990.5 1127.2 535.3 178.2 307.3 355.4 397.3 392.3 354.1 374.1 402.3 389.1 473.8 245.3 Annual housing Starts (Thousands) Source: U.S. Census Bureau 18 September 2022 HARDWARE + BUILDING SUPPLY DEALER COVER FEATURE Single-familyMulti-family
Another industry titan, 84 Lumber, reached another new com pany milestone in 2021 with sales reaching nearly $9 billion.
Although the Producer Price Index for softwood lumber increased 2.3% in July, lumber prices have fallen more than 28% on a year-to-date basis. On a year-over-year basis, the cost of trucking and transporting materials has risen by as much as 25% in 2022. At the same time inflation and rising mortgage rates have led to a slowdown in new home sales and housing starts in 2022. Sales of new single-family houses in July 2022 fell 12.6% to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 511,000. This is nearly 30% below the July 2021 estimate of 726,000. Affordability issues are pushing po tential home buyers out of the mar ket, especially first-time buyers. The average new home price shot up nearly 20% in July to $546,800 compared to the same period last year.
ales were strong for prodealers in 2021 as they continued to ride a surge in the housing and remodeling markets.
The 2022 Top 200 Pro Dealer Industry Scoreboard tracks companies that sell lumber and building materials to homebuilders and contractors. To be included, the majority of a company’s sales must be to the pro customer, as opposed to the homeowner or DIY customer. Information is gathered from several sources: corporate statements, published reports and interviews. HBSDealer also relies heavily on estimates, which are noted in the listings by an asterisk. For the full list of 200, visit
In 2021, total housing starts jumped ahead 15.6% to 1.6 million total. Single-family starts climbed by 13.4% to a total of 1.12 million last year. At the same time, 2021 multifamily starts finished 22.1% above the prior year. Despite supply chain issues and higher material costs, the housing market continued to move ahead of last year.
Builders FirstSource, the national’s largest prodealer, reported second quarter 2022 net sales increased 24.2% to $6.9 billion compared to sales of $5.6 billion in the second quarter for 2021. The increase included core organic sales growth of 12.2%.
And remodeling might see signs of a slowdown, the forecast is for a sales increase over the next two years.
The Remodeling Futures Program at the Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) of Harvard University, projects year-over-year gains in remodeling expenditures will rise 17.4% in 2022 and by 10.1% next year. But on a year-over-year basis, inflation and housing affordability are likely to have a very big influence on sales gains for prodealers in 2022.
“The sharp drop in new home sales
It’s a numbers game for leading LBM dealers By HBSDealer Staff

Home builder sentiment also continues to decline as buyer traffic has slowed. Builder confidence, as measured by the NAHB, has fallen for eight straight months as of August of this year. Affordability is the key issue, according to home builders. And as of July of this year, the new home supply had swelled to nearly an 11-month supply meaning many new homes have been built but remain empty and unsold. HARDWARE + BUILDING SUPPLY DEALER September 2022 19 1 Builders FirstSource Dallas, Texas 19,893,856,000 565 2 ABC Supply Beloit, Wisc. 14,800,000,000 839 3 Ferguson (1) Newport News, Va. 10,028,480,000 1,470 4 US LBM Holdings Buffalo Grove, Ill. 9,220,000,000 441 5 84 Lumber Eighty Four, Pa. 7,900,000,000 272 6 Beacon Building Products Herndon, Va. 6,642,000,000 446 7 Fastenal Winnona, Minn. 6,010,900,000 3,209 8 SRS Distribution McKinney, Texas 5,400,000,000 595 9 GMS Tucker, Ga. 4,634,900,000 337 10 Floor & Decor Holdings Atlanta, Ga. 3,433,533,000 160 11 Foundation Building Materials* Tustin, Calif. 2,650,000,000 221 12 Carter Lumber Kent, Ohio 2,600,000,000 168 13 Kodiak Building Partners Denver, Colo. 2,500,000,000 95 14 Sutherland Lumber* Kansas City, Mo. 1,430,000,000 50 15 McCoy's Building Supply* San Marcos, Texas 1,425,000,000 92 16 Lansing Building Products* Richmond, Va. 1,325,000,000 114 17 Service Partners (TopBuild)* Daytona Beach, Fla. 1,270,000,000 155 18 LL Flooring Toano, Va. 1,152,344,000 424 19 Parr Lumber Hillsboro, Ore. 990,900,000 43 20 Foxworth-Galbraith Lumber Dallas, Texas 927,000,000 35 21 Contractor's Warehouse Rosevillle, Calif. 845,000,000 14 22 Matheus Lumber Woodinville, Wash. 750,000,000 10 23 Professional Builders Supply Morrisville, N.C. 700,000,000 12 24 Ganahl Lumber Co. Anaheim, Calif. 666,700,000 10 25 Riverhead Building Supply* Calverton, N.Y. 555,000,000 19 26 CNRG Collierville, Tenn. 530,000,000 144 27 Mead Lumber Columbus, Neb. 462,500,000 48 28 Sunpro Corp. Saint George, Utah 453,000,000 16 29 Shelter Products Portland, Ore. 437,000,000 5 30 Trussway Manufacturing Houston, Texas 400,100,000 7 31 R.P. Lumber Edwardsville, Ill. 390,000,000 107 32 Alpine Lumber* Westminster, Colo. 380,000,000 20 33 Franklin Building Supply Boise, Idaho 371,200,000 14 34 The Tile Shop Plymouth, Minn. 370,700,000 143 35 Hammond Lumber Belgrade, Maine 363,000,000 21 36 Mill Creek Lumber & Supply Tulsa, Okla. 362,000,000 26 37 Idaho Pacific Lumber Boise, Idaho 343,000,000 13 38 Drexel Building Supply Campellsport, Wis. 336,200,000 9 39 Stine Sulphur, La. 320,000,000 11 40 Reliable Wholesale Lumber Huntington Beach, Calif. 310,000,000 2 Rank LocationCompanyof Headquarters 2021 $ Sales UnitsRank LocationCompanyof Headquarters 2021 $ Sales Units * Indicates data estimates
is another clear indicator that housing is in a recession,” said Danushka Nanayakkara-Skillington, assistant vice president for forecasting and analysis at the National Association of Home Builders. “The combination of higher prices and increased interest rates are generating a notable slowing of the housing market.”
Housing starts for July 2022 decreased nearly 10% and were down more than 8% on a year-over-year basis. Single-fami ly starts decreased 10.1% for the month and have retreated 18.5% from the July 2021 rate.
THERE’S MORE! See the entire TOP 200 PRODEALER SCOREBOARD at * Indicates data estimates COVER FEATURE 41 E.C. Barton* Jonesboro, Ark. 296,000,000 112 42 Hancock Lumber Co. Casco, Maine 294,500,000 13 43 Curtis Lumber Ballston Spa, N.Y. 290,700,000 23 44 Stark Truss Canton, Ohio 279,900,000 14 45 Erie Materials Syracuse, N.Y. 268,900,000 10 46 Guy C. Lee Building Materials Smithfield, N.C. 254,000,000 8 47 Tibbetts Lumber St. Petersburg, Fla. 243,000,000 7 48 Ring's End* Darien, Conn. 240,000,000 20 49 Scherer Brothers Brooklyn Park, Minn. 230,000,000 5 50 Great Floors Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 227,000,000 21 51 LaValley/Middleton Building Supply Newport, N.H. 225,500,000 14 52 The Building Center Pineville, N.C. 221,700,000 7 53 Koopman Lumber Whitinsville, Mass. 216,000,000 10 54 Lezzer Lumber Curwensville, Pa. 214,200,000 15 55 HPM Building Supply Keaau, Hawaii 211,000,000 16 56 Friedman's Home Improvement Santa Rosa, Calif. 205,000,000 7 57 Western Building Center Kalispell, Mont. 205,000,000 15 58 Keim Lumber Charm, Ohio 204,700,000 2 59 Bliffert Lumber & Fuel Milwaukee, Wis. 201,100,000 8 60 M.G. Building Materials* San Antonio, Texas 200,000,000 12 61 Star Lumber Wichita, Kan. 191,900,000 7 62 Spahn & Rose Dubuque, Iowa 190,000,000 25 63 Burton Lumber* Salt Lake City, Utah 189,000,000 10 64 Bloedorn Lumber Torrington, Wyo. 185,000,000 25 65 McCray Lumber & Millwork Overland Park, Kan. 183,600,000 7 66 Kuiken Brothers* Fair Lawn, N.J. 180,000,000 9 67 Big C Lumber Granger, Ind. 176,800,000 18 68 Hayward Lumber Monteray, Calif. 175,000,000 13 69 Honsador Lumber Kapolei, Hawaii 169,200,000 17 70 Timberland Lumber Brazil, Ind. 167,200,000 3 71 Jerry's Home Improvement* Eugene, Ore. 164,000,000 2 72 Buccheit* Perryville, Mo. 160,000,000 10 73 Central Valley Builders Supply Napa, Calif. 159,000,000 8 74 Belletetes Jaffrey, N.H. 155,500,000 9 75 TAL Holdings* Vancouver, Wash. 153,000,000 16 76 Harbin Lumber* Lavonia, Georgia 150,000,000 7 77 Erickson Companies* Chandler, Ariz. 149,000,000 4 78 Builders Warehouse Kearney, Neb. 146,800,000 7 79 T.H. Rogers Lumber Edmond, Okla. 141,000,000 39 80 Valu Home Centers Buffalo, N.Y. 140,000,000 36 81 Builder's Discount Centers Rocky Mount, N.C. 140,000,000 11 82 Mans Lumber & Millwork Trenton, Mich. 137,700,000 5 83 Jackson Lumber & Millwork Lawrence, Mass. 136,500,000 5 84 Russell Do it Centers Alexander City, Ala. 136,000,000 9 85 Avalon Carpet Tile & Flooring Cherry Hill, N.J. 132,500,000 17 86 Beisser Lumber Grimes, Iowa 132,000,000 3 87 Cassity Jones Lumber Longview, Texas 129,300,000 9 88 Your Building Centers Altoona, Pa. 129,100,000 17 89 Wheelwright Lumber Company Ogden, Utah 124,000,000 1 90 O.C. Cluss Lumber Uniontown, Pa. 120,000,000 4 91 Wilson Lumber Huntsville, Ala. 119,000,000 6 92 Yoder's Building Supply Fair Play, S.C. 118,300,000 1 93 Zuern Building Products Allenton, Wis. 118,000,000 7 94 Gleckler & Sons Building Supplies Jacksonville, Fla. 117,000,000 5 95 Truckee Tahoe Lumber Reno, Nev. 115,400,000 6 96 Builders Supply Co.* Omaha, Neb. 115,000,000 1 97 Talbert Building Supply Roxboro, N.C. 112,900,000 5 98 Florence Building Materials * Huntington, N.Y. 110,000,000 2 99 Viking Lumber* Belfast, Maine 110,000,000 9 100 Jaeger Lumber Union, N.J. 109,000,000 8 Rank LocationCompanyof Headquarters 2021 $ Sales UnitsRank LocationCompanyof Headquarters 2021 $ Sales Units 20 September 2022 HARDWARE + BUILDING SUPPLY DEALER

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“Trex executed effectively on our wood-to-composite market share conversion strategy during the second quarter as consumers continued to invest in enhancing their outdoor living experience,” said Brian Fairbanks, Trex president and CEO.
At Trex, sales for its second quarter of 2022 jumped 24% to $386 million as residential sales saw a 25% increase for the period. And Trex sales for the first six months of the year shot up 30% to $725 million.
Booz also noted that while decking design features used to be reserved for luxury upgrades, creative flair is increasingly main stream. Some options for incorporating greater depth and style into a deck design include mixing and matching boards to create patterns, inlays, and focal points. Here’s a roundup of what’s new from decking and railing product manufacturers as the significance of outdoor living continues to heat up.
The new plant will manufacture polyethylene (PE) decking and composite cladding using the same sustainability mea sures utilized in Fiberon’s existing plants. There will also be an on-site recycling facility that will convert baled plas tic waste into pellets used in Fiberon products. This new facility will also increase the availability of Fiberon products for its channel partners, helping them meet increased demand for outdoor living products.
Decking demand: Big as the great outdoors
Decking Products
Trex has expanded its premium Transcend decking line with the introduction of Trex Transcend Lineage. This new generation product heralds what’s next in outdoor living with refined aesthetics, trend-forward colors, and enhanced performance features, according to Trex. Transcend Lineage boards feature an elevated aesthetic with subtle, elegant graining that delivers an unmatched natural appearance.
By Andy Carlo I n May, Fiberon broke ground on what is expected to be a 500,000-square-foot manufacturing facility situated on 130 acres in Columbia, Tenn.
Fairbanks noted that the strong sales were fueled by consumer demand and distributors building up inventory in response to the needs of pros.
—Steve Booz, vice president, Marketing & Product Management, Westlake Royal Building Products
“Homeowners are designing decks with multiple seasons in mind,” Steve Booz, vice president, Marketing & Product Manage ment, Westlake Royal Building Products, told HBSDealer. “Decks are being built with clean, simple lines that can offer a connection to nature and convenience for homeowners transitioning from indoor to outdoor spaces.”
Available in two new color options — Rainier, an airy mountain grey, and Biscayne, a light coastal brown — these new offerings expand the Transcend collection with nature-inspired tones and texturing that today’s homeowners are seeking. Adding to their appeal, Lineage boards are engineered with heat-mitigating technology in the shell to reflect the sun and keep boards cooler than other composite decking offerings of a similar color. Like all Trex decking, Lineage boards are made from recycled and reclaimed content and engineered with a proprietary, high-traffic formulation and ultra-durable integrated shell that resists stains, scratches and mold. They won’t rot, warp, crack or splinter like wood — and upkeep is hassle-free. No sanding, staining, or painting is ever needed, and spills wash off easily with just soap and water. Lineage boards are available in square and grooved profiles, measuring 1”x 6”. Squareedge boards come in 16’ and 20’ lengths. Grooved boards come in 12’, 16’ and 20’ lengths and accommodate the Trex Hideaway Hidden Fastening System, which allows for a smooth, unfettered finish free of nails and other visible fasteners.
Decking has been thriving, especially after outdoor living areas gained more im portance as an essential aspect of a home during the pandemic. Decks have become a greater space for entertaining or getting away from it all in your own backyard.
“Decks are being built with clean, simple lines that can offer a connection to nature spaces.”indoortransitioninghomeownersconvenienceandforfromtooutdoor
Fiberon’s move is just one in a series of steps taken by lead ing decking manufacturers to keep up with the pace and de mand for an expanded and improved outdoor living experience.


Ridge Premium decking from Envision Outdoor Living Products is crafted using proprietary Compress Technology, in which a high-density cap and EverGrain Core are physically bonded together with tremendous heat and pressure to squeeze out air pockets and create the deep grain Envision decking is known for. Ridge Premium is available in three softly blended colors — Black Walnut, Gun stock (shown here), and Vintage Oak — in 12-, 16-, and 20-foot square-edge boards and 16and 20-foot grooved-edge boards. Envision’s A210 aluminum railing offers an elegant design, with a slim profile to preserve views and a two-piece top rail that’s ideal for in-rail LED lighting. It includes the superior protec tion of a low-maintenance powder coat finish and is engineered for design customization, increased durability, and easy installation. Six infill options, including the horizontal balusters shown here, allow pros and homeowners to create a truly custom style for the outdoor space.
Feeney Inc. has released the next generation of its DesignRail LED Rail Lighting Kit. The updated lighting solution simplifies installation and delivers added versatility, while also offering a longer product warranty. Developed to install easily into DesignRail top or bottom rails without special tools, Feeney’s new DesignRail LED Rail Lighting Kit now accommodates a single, continuous 55-foot run and is field trimmable for optimal flexibility, with four-inch cut lines for convenient reference. The lighting system is certified by UL and maintains its cer tification, even when cut in the field. The durable 24V wet location strip lights at tach to the railing surface using integrated high-performance, double-sided foam (VHB) tape for carefree installation. Waterproof crimp fittings provide protection from the elements while plug and play connectors facilitate quick linking of lights and components. Feeney’s energy-efficient LED rail lighting is rated for 50,000 hours, providing long-lasting, high-output lighting for both indoor and outdoor applications. The linear strip’s high lumen output creates distinctive railing lighting, and also provides efficient ambient light when installed with a compatible dimmer switch. A flexible, weatherproof housing resists moisture and dust, providing an extra layer of durability and safety in outdoor environments. In addition, Feeney has increased the product warranty for its LED Rail Lighting Kit to seven years for Light Strips and five years for Power Supplies.
FastenMaster has expanded its Cortex hidden fasten ing line with seven new colors of pre-aligned, collated Cortex Plugs for the Trex Enhance decking system Packaged with FastenMaster’s exclusive Spotter Lid, the plugs are specifically designed for proper Trex Enhance board installation on joists and rim supports. The new offering rounds out FastenMaster’s line of Cortex Plugs for all Trex decking options. Time studies have demonstrated savings of up to 50% with pre-aligned and collated Cortex Plugs when compared with loose plug installation, helping installers save valuable time on the jobsite, FastenMaster said. Cortex Plugs are made from the same composite material as the deck to create a 100% perfect color and texture match and comes with a warranty for the life of the project. The new line of collated Cortex Plugs for the Trex Enhance system includes the most popular system colors including, Foggy Wharf, Toasted Sand, Coastal Bluff, Rocky Harbor, Beach Dune, Clamshell, and Saddle. Each package includes enough fasteners and plugs to install 100 LF of Trex Enhance — as suming two fasteners installed 16-inches on center – along with two setting tools. Weather-resistant plastic tubs are sealed with the Spotter Lid and provide easy job site material handling and storage.
Decking Products

Collated Cortex: Now available for Trex® Enhance! Collated Cortex®, already available for the most popular composite decking boards, is now available for all Trex Enhance® board colors. This offers a beautiful finished look while speeding up installation and saving time. FastenMaster's exclusive Spotter Installation Guide is specifically designed for fastener placement in the Trex® Enhance board, ensuring a proper connection into the legs of the board profile. For more information visit NEW Spotter Installation Guide Designed for installation of Trex® Enhance board Compatible with all other Cortex offerings FastenMaster® and Cortex® are trademarks of OMG Inc. Copyright © 2022 OMG, Inc. All rights reserved. Trex ®, Enhance® , Select ®and Transcend ® are either federally registered trademarks or trademarks of Trex Company, Inc., Winchester, VA. 800·518·3569

MoistureShield Joist Tape is a protective adhesive designed to increase deck lifespans by protecting their substructures from the elements. The patented acrylic adhesive and woven cloth substrate forms a tight seal over joists and deck screws to prevent moisture infiltration, enhancing the longevity of any deck frame and adding up to 10 years to the life of wood and metal-framed decks, MoistureShield said. This new joist protection pairs with MoistureShield’s Solid Core man ufacturing process for all of its composite deck boards, which fully encapsulate wood fibers for superior moisture resistance. MoistureShield Joist Tape tears off the roll without tools, does not stick to itself, and can be repositioned without leaving any residue behind — proving its ease of use on any substrate. Ideal for installation in any climate, the tape can be applied be tween -20ºF to 200ºF (-29ºC and 93ºC). It is available in 2” x 65’, 4” x 65’, and 6” x 65’ sizes. MoistureShield Composite Decking includes styles and textures at accessible price points for any home, including Vision with DiamondDefense coating; new Me ridian, with natural-look TruTexture surface; Elevate as an accessible upgrade from wood, and Vantage with the workability of wood. Additionally, Vision and Meridian have the option of unique CoolDeck Technology, which offers a more comfortable deck experience by reducing heat absorption up to 35% over other composites in similar colors.
Decking Products HARDWARE + BUILDING SUPPLY DEALER September 2022 27
CALI has introduced new 12-foot composite decking planks from the TruOrganics collection . Planks are made using recycled materials, with the core comprised of 60% reclaimed wood fiber and 40% high-density plastics. This formula yields a stronger, more eco-friendly material that is uniquely protect ed against moisture, insects, rot, and chemicals. In addition to the fortified composition, the TruOrganics collection is guarded by a four-sided wrap shield for better protection from stains, scratches, and the el ements. This makes planks easier to clean and keep looking like new. A 3G core ensures higher tensile strength and resiliency while making planks more lightweight and easier to work with. TruOrganics decking is backed by a 25-year residential warranty. It’s especially easy to enjoy a new deck when planks feature a modern, matte finish, hardwood grain texture, and natural color options made to comple ment any home exterior. Customers can order free samples to feel and test out at home. Each color has matching rail and post kits to complete the project, as well as fascia and solid square edge planks for trim and stairs.
Decking Products
Westlake Royal Building Products has de buted a new color of Zuri Premium Decking — Hickory. A true mid-tone brown, Hickory is the sixth color offering in the decking line, which already includes Chestnut, Walnut, Pecan, Brazilia, and Weathered Gray and avail able in both square and grooved boards along with fascia.
Tropical ProductsForest has launched the pre mium Black Label brand of curated, certified sustain able collection of tropical hardwoods graded to the highest quality. The brand’s lumber portfolio consists of a selection of what it describes as the finest Ipe, Cumaru, Jatoba, Garapa, Angelim, Pedra, Kebony, ThermoWood, and Tigerwood in the world. Black Label lumber is carefully and 100% legally sourced from South America. The company maintains that the Black Label brand rep resents the pinnacle of hardwood for architectural millwork and decking. All Black Label products are certified sustainable by either the Forest Steward ship Council and Legal Lumber, which is Tropical Forest Products’ internal Due Care Chain of Custody environmental compliance program. Created to set stringent criteria for sustainability standards, Legal Lumber is designed to support global forest initiatives and promote environmental benefits. The lumber is ideal for a variety of applications including decking, cladding, deck tiles, soffits, and architectural millwork.

Both Fiberon PVC decking lines — Paramount and Promenade — have been tested for use around fresh water, salt water, and chlo rinated water environments without compromising the structural integrity or appear ance of the boards. The PVC deck boards are suitable for use in installations that may be temporarily submerged in water, like dock and pool stairs. Plus, the boards won’t warp or swell when submerged in water, even after being cut. Fiberon Paramount PVC decking is now available in two color collections — the Hearth Collection features unique, multi-tonal hues, and the Mantel Collection includes traditional, solid color options. The Hearth and Mantel color collections feature options designed to blend in with natural surroundings and provide a serene, subtle aesthetic in any setting. New this year to the Paramount Mantel Collection is Clay, an on-trend shade of brown that provides a warm, versatile look. HARDWARE + BUILDING SUPPLY DEALER September 2022 29
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The type of stain products that have gained traction including those with the finish built-into the formula, he said. “You can buy it with a satin finish or a high-gloss finish, and it goes on so easy,” Shaner said.
Minwax Wood Finish Water-Based Solid Color Stain
Cabinets and shelves are always popular projects. Beyond the norm, Shaner said his team at Westlake has seen a trend among customers to embrace projects that re-invent old furniture.
The close cousin of paint, and a category that might fit into both of the leading type of products — stain — is seeing popularity, as homeown ers, who tested out their DIY skills during the pandemic, are advancing to more sophisticated brush-and-coating-related projects. And more sophisticated doesn’t necessarily mean more difficult.
30 September 2022 HARDWARE + BUILDING SUPPLY DEALER Stain Products
Another type that helps DIYers is the gel stains. The thick pudding-like consistency of this type of stain works will with the spindly legs of chairs and other surfaces – “just put it on a cloth and wipe it in,” he said.
Promoted with the message: “More color. Less grain,” this solid color stain provides a penetrating water-based coverage that is ideal for small projects, unfinished furniture, cabinets, doors and trim. The product is five-times thicker than previous versions for easier application. The stain tints to more than 200 colors from gentle yellow to dark walnut. Old Masters Gel Stain
The product is especially recom mended for woods such as pine, birch, maple, poplar, and cherry. Great for vertical surfaces, Gel Stain comes in 24 factory-mixed colors and can also be intermixed or tinted to achieve custom colors.
Here are some of the products and brands in the stain category that bring something to the table, or cabinet, or deck: NOVA USA Wood Products NOVA USA has enhanced the color retention of its ExoShield Wood Stains by 30% as well as the formulations of its Wal nut and Mahogany ExoShield colors based on the input of the company’s many business partners and customers.
This highly pigmented, oil-based stain – shown here being applied in a demonstration video — is designed to achieve intense colors on interior and exterior wood, fiberglass, primed metal, and composition surfaces. Its thick formula allows easy application and superior color control, necessary to achieve a rich and uniform color on most surfaces in a single application.
DIYers step up to stain
“The stain category has done really well for us,” said Leigh Shaner, of Westlake Ace Hardware, the 150-plus-location hardware chain based in Lenexa, Kansas. “And here, you have endless possibilities.”
arlier this year, the home improvement web site Angi listed the most popular projects planned around the house by homeowners. Number one: Painting or wallpaper (34 per cent) followed by updated décor (33 percent).
These changes included reducing the red pigments in the Walnut stain to produce a richer medium-brown with some red undertones and the creation of a more natural-looking, subtler Mahogany color designed to increase the warmth of exterior hardwood and softwood decking, siding, and furniture applications.

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Amy Bass Messersmith will share more of her thoughts on the people side of business success during the upcoming Top Women in Hardware & Building Supply Awards event in Chicago Nov. 8-9. She will participate on the Allies and Advancement panel, a role for which she is well versed, given her background as a member of the Dallas Executive Women’s Roundtable and the Southern Methodist University Cox School of Business Graduate Program Mentorship Board.
It didn’t take long for LBM to rise to the top of her favorite-in dustries list.
“Anytime you’ve got 50% of the population that is somehow not being fully invited to the party; well, that’s everybody’s problem,” she said. “I see Build ers FirstSource as a premier leader in this industry. And so we should bear some responsibility to help make a positive impact in the industry.”
SAVE THE DATE: HBSDealer’s Top Women in Hardware & Building Supply gala is slated for Nov. 8-9 in Chicago. Top ProfileWomenSeries
“It’s more important than simply mentoring, it’s a matter of sponsoring, especially if we want to bring more women into the circle,” she said. “It’s sponsoring in ways that they actively endorse you for growth. It’s a powerful way to help advance careers and build leaders.”
A voice for Allies and Advancement
H er career path led through Pizza Hut, PepsiCo, the consulting business and health care, (among others).
—Amy Bass Messersmith, Chief People Officer, Builders FirstSource
"Wood and water are resources. Coal and natural gas are resources. But people are people.”
Now, Amy Bass Messersmith finds herself in the build ing material distribution business, after joining Builders FirstSource in March of this year as Chief People Officer.
“Wood and water are resources,” she said. “Coal and natural gas are resources. But people are people. I think the words matter. And how I choose to do the job and serve the company will always be with a people-first perspective.
“What I’ve been seeing as I tour our sites are women working in our plants and our yards. We have many women who are running our precision saws and machinery. I think this is a great business for women,” she said. “And I’m discovering that many of the myths or stereotypes [about women in construc tion roles] really can be overcome.”
A high-priority myth to dispel is the one that suggests building material operations is all muscle and brawn. “That’s just not true,” she said. “We have high-tech auto mation, robotics, programmable machin ery. Both men and women can enjoy great success and careers in this business.”
“And I really believe that he or she who keeps their people, wins all the marbles,” she added. In the competition for high quality people, Messersmith joins the ranks of industry leaders who are looking at an historical ly neglected segment of the population as a source of LBM industry talent: women. And while it didn’t take long for her to recognize the imbalance in the LBM workforce, she was also quick to identify positive signs from the field.
Laying out the career path for people to progress into leadership roles is an important part of winning the recruitment and retention battle, she said. And Builders FirstSource is “proactively leaning in” to that mission. One example is the August launch of the Women of Builders FirstSource National Employee Resource and Leadership Development Group. The purpose of the new venture is to provide a fo rum for women in the company to make connections, as well as to invest in their development and nurture their corporate ambitions.
Mentorship has been a popular buzzword, but Messersmith advocates turning up the volume to develop strong leaders.
“I’m authentically blown away by how much heart, how much work ethic and commitment our people demonstrate every day in our plants and facilities and stores,” she told HBSDealer through a Zoom interview from her home in Dallas. “It’s really heartwarming. And it’s been a humbling experience.”
Charged with delivering best-in-class human resources capabil ities for the company’s more than 28,000 team members, Messer smith was purposeful in choosing the word “people,” over “human resources” in her title.

Introducing YellaWood Protector® Semi-Transparent Stain and Clear Water Repellent. It takes a whole lot to earn the right to wear the Yella Tag. Backed by fifty years of proven knowledge and quality, YellaWood Protector® products are specifically formulated by the makers of YellaWood® brand pressure treated pine. YellaWood Protector® products provide long-lasting, rich color and the superior protection savvy homeowners demand. All with a limited warranty against chipping, peeling, water damage, mold, mildew and color fade.
YellaWood® brand pressure treated products are treated with preservatives (the “Preservatives”) and preservative methods, and technologies of unrelated third parties. For details regarding the Preservatives, methods, and technologies used by Great Southern Wood Preserving, Incorporated, see or write us at P.O. Box 610, Abbeville, AL 36310. Ask dealer for warranty details. For warranty or for important handling and other information concerning our products including the appropriate Safety Data Sheet (SDS), please visit us at warranties or write us at P.O. Box 610, Abbeville, AL 36310. YellaWood and the yellow tag are federally registered trademarks of Great Southern Wood Preserving, Incorporated. All other marks are trademarks of their respective owners and are used with their permission.
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The Orgill database program that houses product information – which includes photos, pricing, all con tent – and goes by the buzzword PIM, has grown sig nificantly over the years, said Stephanie Lee, product data manager at Orgill “the industry PIM had about 99,000 and now has more than one million items.”
McGuckin leaders realized the business needed outside help and turned to Orgill and its partners.
“McGuckin was one of those key accounts that really pushed us to scale,” said Lee, “their initial SKU sub mission had more items than were in the industry PIM.”
The Orgill data team had to learn pretty quickly what features to master, she said, to service the independent hardware retailer. The team made strides in data discov ery, she called it, where McGuckin prod uct items were matched to the enriched item in the industry PIM. Also, the team sought to, as Lee said, “nail down an efficient file submission process and track items through the process and report on the status of any item at any given time.” Orgill grew along with McGuckin in this process. Now it’s an ongoing job of contin get a seamless, omnichannel experience at McGuckin Hardware. And that was a key to the project.“Thedeeper we got into the e-com merce retool,” said Musselwhite, “the more we were cognizant that our messages must all line up.”
By Tim Burke
They also discussed with the hardware store best practices for data, and how customers use the site.
McGuckin Hardware now has a seamless look across all of its channels including its e-commerce platform.
F amily-owned McGuckin Hardware, in Boulder, Colorado, realized its business needed to hit the reset button on its e-commerce platform.
“The other part of it was to have McGuckin onboard with our FanBuilder rewards program,” said Morrow. “We wanted to get the rewards program out of the lab and integrated in the hardware’s website.”
And that retail effort was discussed in a recent Orgill Dis tance Learning deep-dive webcast, which featured some of the major actors who rebuilt the McGuckin Hardware brand on e-commerce and across channels.
Tyler Musselwhite, marketing and design manager at McGuckin, talked about why they needed the retool: “We’ve had an e-com merce presence for about 20 years, but it wasn’t easy to maintain, it had limited features, and we had limitations getting our inventory represented on our e-commerce site.”
“In a hangout chat, Grant told me he had a new client for us,” laughed Mary Richardson, creative director at Tyndale Advisors.
When first working with the McGuckin team, she no ticed they didn’t have a style guide. “Before the website design, we looked at getting a style guide put together and also bringing their circular into that style.”
“Tyler and their team had a strong understanding of who they were and their brand in the community.”
HardwareretoolE-commerceatMcGuckin COLORADO HARDWARE BRAND
The well-known hardware brand needed an e-commerce product enhancement solution. They needed a maintenance solution. They needed to migrate their customer loyalty program and tie it to e-commerce. And they needed a more consistent image across all their channels.
“We were excited to work with the McGuckin team. They had a great reputation in our circles,” she said. “They were the ‘everything’ store.”
The “lab” he refers to is the pilot program for FanBuild er launched through select CNRG stores.
Recently, he said, they found that Orgill and Unilog, a B2B e-commerce software company, were partnering on some digital tools that addressed their issues.
“The first thing we needed, was to have Tyndale do the design,” said Grant Morrow, program director of retail technology and e-commerce solutions at Orgill.

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Market Insights
The Tractor Supply app also offers “My Pet” personalization, providing a digital shopping experience for pet cus tomers like VetInsight, connecting pet parents with a veterinarian for guidance and recommendations, and Tractor Supply Rx, a feature that gives custom ers the ability to order pet medications through Tractor Supply.
Tractor Supply builds pet loyalty as premium dog and cat food. Neigh bor’s Club, has more than 26 million members, and Tractor Supply is adding new ways to earn services such as free pet washes and grooming.
“Finding new ways to provide additional value through the expansion of Neigh bor’s Club to pet parents at Petsense by Tractor Supply is a natural fit given the complementary nature of the brands," said Hal Lawton, president and CEO of Tractor Supply.
The first Petsense by Tractor Supply, in Murfreesboro, Tenn.
ractor Supply Company is combining a rebrand and a refresh of its Petsense brand with an expansion of its Neighbor’s Club loyalty program.
The Petsense retail brand, which operat ed 178 locations in 23 states this summer, is becoming Petsense by Tractor Supply. According to the giant farm and ranch retailer, the rebranding is designed to attract new pet owner customers to both Petsense and Tractor Supply stores. Un der its namesake banner, the Brentwood, Tenn.-based retailer operates 2,016 stores in 49 states.
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Additionally, Petsense by Tractor Sup ply will receive new external signage and internal makeovers.
The retailer said the expansion of Neighbor’s Club benefits to Petsense by Tractor Supply, beginning on August 22, also allows customers access to a wider selection of brands and supplies such

The mid-August event benefit ed the Blair F. Collings Scholarship Program named in honor of the son of MBSA Charter President Joseph R. Collings. Blair was a senior in college when he died in 1998. According to MBSA Executive VP and CEO Tim Murphy, the Sycamore Scramble is “a focal point of what we do in the summertime. It brings the dealers together, the wholesalers and manufacturers together, and brings everyone together to have a great time, and a little competition.”
The Sycamore Scramble raised funds for the Blair F. Collings Scholarship Program. Equally important, he said, was the effort to support the scholarship program. Somewhere between $8,000 and $10,000 was raised during the day’s“Thisactivities.outinghas really grown and become a great hallmark for the MBSA,” said Murphy, who thanked sponsors as well as a sizeable contingent from Grand Rapids, Mich.-based Lumber men’s Inc. for their contributions.
Among the more recent services are additions to the MBSA Learning Man agement System, including estimating skills for foundations and framing; and a 401(K) solution, offered through Captrust.
Market Insights
MBSA meets with a purpose
“It was a marriage made in heaven,” Murphy said, resulting in bigger and better programs and services.
ANDERSON, INDIANA — The Mid west Building Suppliers Association’s 27th annual Sycamore Scramble brought together a respectable segment of the Indiana and Michigan LBM industry for a day of networking, friendship and golf.
The MBSA was created in 2015 through the combination of the Indiana Lumber and Builders’ Supply Associa tion (founded in 1884) and the Michigan Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association, (founded in 1888).

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She added: “Customers come into the hardware store today and thank him all the time. It was our life. He was on call for 54 years.”
“My goal was to retire at age 70,” said Jim Dulcich recently in a phone call.
Jim Dulcich, retired fireman after 54 years, is the owner of Coast Hardware.
H e’s been putting out fires for 54 years as a Mariposa, California, town volunteer fireman. And now he’s retired. So, he’ll just go back to handling his other job – owner of Coast Hardware, a Do it Best dealer, located in this town of 2,000, first settled in 1849 in the Gold Rush era, with Yosemite National Park in its backyard.
Today people come into the store and recognize Jim for his dedication through the years. His daughter Heidi said he’s not the type of person who seeks the recogni tion. “They had to make him come to his retirement party.”
The retired fireman must pause to help a hardware customer for a moment. Coast Hardware started in 1984, he said. “I took over from my parents who owned the building and had run it as a grocery store.”
Hardware customers and emergency services “customers” he’s helped over the decades, are often one in the same. “There was a rescue we made down in a canyon, and we had to cut a lady out of a car,” he said. “It was near Briceburg toward Yosemite. She was coptered out. The pilot just happened to be flying there on another mission and lifted her out to safety.”
“More than once I dropped everything and went out on calls and left the store to my staff to run.”
“Then I said I’d retire at age 80 – and finally did it. It was not hard to retire.”
The woman is a regular customer at his hardware store and was at his recent retirement party. That’s just one example of how close the Mariposa community is.
So how did he juggle both jobs?
Industry Profile
Answering the bell for 54 years

The Home Depot Board of Directors has elected CEO and President Edward “Ted” Decker, a 22-year company veteran, as chair of the board, effective Oct. 1. He will suc ceed Craig Menear, who will retire as chair effective Sept. 30. Channellock Decker RitterMontmarquet
The (LAT)AssociationLumbermen’sofTexas announced that Peyton Ritter has been elected as Presi dent of the LAT Board of Directors. In addi tion, Chris Rivers, President at Parker’s Building Supply and Cason Shrode, CEO at Cassity Jones Building Materials, have joined LAT’s Executive Committee as Sec ond Vice President and Sergeant at Arms. Kevin Lilly was appointed interim CEO at HoldingJeld-Wen , after the resignation of Gary Michel, who had been CEO since 2018. Lilly most recently served as the window and door manufacturer’s executive vice presi dent and chief information officer.
HARDWARE + BUILDING SUPPLY DEALER September 2022 41 Westminster, Mass.based CompanyAubuchon added to its senior leadership by promoting MontmarquetJillian to chief people officer and executive vice president; a newly cre ated role. Montmarquet joins the Aubuchon Company from WMK, Inc., owners of Mobil ityWorks and Driverge Vehicle Innovations.
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42 September 2022 HARDWARE + BUILDING SUPPLY DEALER 10203040500 3.54 3.44 3.84 the percent-change performance of stocks based on Aug. 24 prices Consumer confidence indexed to a value of 100 in 1985 Unemployment rate for the entire United States SOURCES: LABOR DEPARTMENT, THE CONFERENCE BOARD, AAA Gas prices average price per gallon (regular) CurrentPriormonthPrioryear Total starts (in thousands, SAAR) July: 1,446,000 60140 80 100 120 July $5.00 $2.00 $3.00 $4.00 Aug. 24 Residential Construction/Sales Consumer Watch Monthly Retail Sales, not adjusted HBSDealer Stock Roundup 13 months of housing starts and existing-home sales home centers and pro dealers (NAICS 444) and hardware stores (NAICS 44413) NAICS 444 (sales in $ billions) NAICS 44413 (sales in $ billions) Single-family starts (in thousands, SAAR) July: 916,000 BECN (BEACON); BLDR (BUILDERS FIRSTSOURCE); BMCH (BMC STOCK HOLDINGS); DE (DEERE & CO.); HD (HOME DEPOT); LOW (LOWE’S); SHW (SHERWIN-WILLIAMS); SWK (STANLEY); TSCO (TRACTOR SUPPLY); WY (WEYERHAEUSER); DJIA (DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGE) SOURCE: MONTHLY RETAIL TRADE REPORT FROM THE U.S. CENSUS BUREAU 0.020.0 2.0 10.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 July MAY JUNE JULY APRIL MAY JUNE 01234 2021 2022 2021 2022SOURCE: COMMERCE DEPARTMENT J A S O N D J F M A M J J 100011001200130014001500160017001800900 Existing-home sales (in millions, SAAR) July: 4,810,000 SOURCE: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS J A S O N D J F M A M J J MONTHLY CHANGE CHANGEANNUAL -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 -60-50-40-30-20-101020300SOURCE: COMMERCE DEPARTMENT J A S O N D J F M A M J J 10001100120013001400900800700600 $3.8895.73.5% 43.7 50.1 46.3 41.2 3.48 47.9 44.9 3.58 3.90 WY BECNBLDR DE HD LOW SHW SWK DJITSCO

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